HMVI \ JL'HJfi ' OJOAHA DAJLtilf BJS.E , S&l'UKDAY , NOVEMBER 15 , 1890. FOUND DYING IN THE STREET fcalph Higgard Is Fatally Injured While Horseback Biding. ANOTHER VICTIM OF FAITH DOCTORS , A Snfi ; Illowcr la Interrupted-A. Mlsn- ingOlrl Is Ifourul-John Uauor'a Haply to J > Ir . DIolir Other Jj'ncolu ' Notes. if , Neb. , Nov. 14. [ Special to Tnu BBE.I A gentleman passing by the corner of Seventeenth nnd Q streets about 7 o'clock last evening was horrified todlscovor lylnjr a few Toot from the curl ) , and In tlio roadway , the apparently lifeless body of a boy. The face nnd nead of the youth were covered with blood , but Hfo was not cxllrict , and hurriedly Retting assistance tie hod the boy taVca to his liuino. The lad was recognized as K.ilpb , Bon of Dr. J. R Hazard , living at 1320 O street , and medical assistance was close at liand , The boy was unconscious when found nnd It still In that state. From what could bo learned It appears that Ralph hud been out riding In the ovcnlngand , when coming homo was cither thrown or foil from Ills horao. Ho alighted on hh head and nboulJoi-3 , and was badly brulsod. One- oar was torn almost oil the head , and thcro are other Injuries which render his recovery very doubtful. Ralph Is a bright llttlo follow , a favoilto with all who knew him , nnd Ills af flicted parents have the sympathy of all. Ho Is accustomed to riding a great deal , and his horse must have bccomo frightened at some object , and shying quickly thrown him to the ground. Several doctors have been In n't- tendance nil dny nt the boy's bedside , but they say that ns Us skull Is fractured they cannot give any hopes of his recovery. A VICTIM OP FAITH DOOTOUS. 1'wp gentlemen , ono elderly and the other a cornp.ifntlvoly young man , wcro callers nt the court house this inornlng. They had come to swear out an Insanity warrant , for Hanniih C. Lounsbury , thu wlfo of ono and the mother of the other. The story they told was u sad one. Tliclr home Is In Aurora , Hamilton county , whither they wcrojournoy- Jng , but they were compelled to stop oil in Lincoln hist evening , owing to the serious turn to the woman's nmlndy. They were evidently well-to-do people. They alleged that about three months ago Mrs. .Lounsbury , who has been on invalid for the pait seven years , went to Now Haven , Conn. , on a visit and to consult with physicians regarding a tumor with which she was aflllctcd. While there she bccamo acquainted with seine women who wcro enthusiastic advocates of the cnicacy of the faith cure , nnd she wus In duced to put herself In the care of one of the noted doctors , a Miss .lackson. 'J'ho treatment - „ ment wnt given for a month without appreci able benclit , nnd during the second month her mind became unbalnncod first on the sub ject of fulth ns a curative power , and later in other channels. Sha was soon turned over to the authori ties , who sent her as far at Now York. From that point a telegram was sout to her hus band , wlio immediately started for his wlfo. They arrived In Lincoln last night , but the woman became raving and liad to bo taken to a sul'o phtco of rcfugo. This morning she accouipunled the men to the court bouse , but While waiting for the Insanity commission to convene she bccamo very violent , and it was necessary to take her in a hack to the asylum. The commissioners went out thU afternoon to hour the caso. Mrs. Lounsbury Is about sixty years of ago , but her malady Is deep-seated. She Imagines at times that she is married to God , and nt others to Jesus Christ. She almost constantly Imrps on the subject of faith euro , nnd also appears to bo Impressed with the virtues of the water euro. It is her husband's opinion that she has been made the victim of unscrupulous nud designing women , and ho and his sou nrfl both grief-stricken over the poor woman's condition. ATTIIJIPTED BAH : HLOWINO. Two men who gave their names as Burchom und I'URsloy "rushed Into the police station about 7 : 'M lust evening and told a rather exciting - citing story. They nro employes of the Lin coln paint and color company , 811 0 street , and they said that they had gone back to bank the tire under the boilers , but had no Booni'f gotten inside than they discovered a man luah from the oflleo towards the rear. Tticy started after the follow , but ho drew n revolver , warning thorn to keep back or he would kill them. Burchem nnd 1'ugiloy were both unarmed and could do nothing but watch the follow step backwards to the rear door us ho covered them with the revolver. A number of officers went down nnd made R search of the promises. It was at llrst thought that the man hud secreted himself in tno building before the store was closed for the night , but this theory was disposed ol when IJotectlvo Alnlono found a skeleton key Bucking In the front door. A few minutes later the ofllcor found that the man Improved his time while Inside by drilling a hole in tbo door of the big safe , a few inches from the combination knob. Lying'on thu floor was a big sledge with a long handle , which proved that the man was n thoroughbred cracksman , A half hour longer , and the contents of the eafo would have been nt his mercy. Mr , Waugh , the manager , was notified , and came down , but the fellow had succeeded m break ing the combination , nnd It was impossible tc open It. Thcro were several hundred dollars in the safe. Detective Malouo arrested twi : men on suspicion of being concerned In itbul although they are known as sneak thieve : Bun-hum nnd Pugsley were unable to idon tlfy them , nnd they were released. TUB CIUIUTY UAtU Governor Tbayor , Mr. Xlemor nnd thoothoi tontlcinen who are managing the charity hal to bo hold on Thanksgiving eve In the sttau house desire the citizens of Omaha and othoi cities In the stnto should understand that IK printed Invitations to the ball are to bo Issued livery respectable person Is Invited withoul further noilco. Five dollars admits a trontlo man and lady and $1 each for every nddl onnl lady. NEixiK , Kclilo Hall , the thirteen-year-old dnughtoi of Henry Hall , who ran away from her hem < t Seventeenth and X streets "Wednesday night , was found this morning by Oflico : Crick in the house of Llzzio Green , neai " "Seventh und N streets. She gave no reasor for her stnmgo conduct , cut said she came U no harm. She had gone to the place las' night , she said , and had been treated kindly She told the olllcor that the Campbell family living a block from lier homo , had coaxed hoi awny from home , but this Is deemed linprob able , Mrs , Dullng , the mother of Mrs Campbell , says that the clrl came there , bu1 Mio told her ano must go homo , as that was IK place for hor. She hesitated , and Mrs. D gently put her out , Insisting that she must go IIAUEU'8 IIF.PLY. John Bauer , the saloon keeper who has boot sued by Mrs. Mohr for $ .1,000 damnges'foi Belling liquor to Mohr nnd thereby causing the murderous assault of August 2T , has lilei A roplv iu the district coint. Ho denies tha ho sold any liquor to Mohr on the two day : preceding the murderous assault. Ho fur ther declares that Mrs. Mohr was in th < habit of keeping Intoxicating liquors in hoi homo and thereby encouraged her husband t < drink. , not HIS ( UMBMXCl OBTVIT HACK. Alexander Jettos , whoso gambling outfl Was contlscatol by the polloo several month ; ago , has bccomo emboldened by the succcs : of George lirudccn In securing the return o his paraphernalia nnd took the same tictloi today , Constable Kaufman took posscssloi of the gambling devices and returned them ti Jottes , who gave bond for the same. IN TI1K SUl'ItCMK CODKT. On Juno 14 David Spolser , Jr. , nnd Johi Roach recovered judgment against O. A Cooper and J. J , Morris m KlcuanUon coun ty. The latter two appealed the case todaj to the supreme court. Today Samuel \Vessol filed an apnllcatlor In the supreme court for a writ of mandamm commanding the county commissioners o Sioux county at its next regular meeting It January to Include In Iu levy a suftlclentsuw to pay claims amounting to $1,075.7"vhlel , " alleges are duo him. ODDS ANI > KX119. The names of Mrs. Cherries and Mrs. Gor fans became transposed Inauows item iu tht column in the last usuo of Tun rice Mrs. Laura Gilbert his lllod several am davits in refutation of the charge of her hus band , David , In UU answer to her petition li the district court , that sha wa unf<hfut. The nnidnriti ara slitnoil by Her. O. B. Bnkor , A. D. Baker , if. D , Koot , O.V. . nnd E. A. Orny , James and Ll/zlo WcGulro. Ellinboth Ovorton nnd M. A. Thompson , nnd net forth that the clmrgo U false ; that Mrs. Gilbert Is n liarJworklncvomnn , but that her huiban J failed to bupi < ort her , allowing the family to bo turneil out of tUohousolu the dead of winter because ho wouldn't pay the rent. frank A. Boelimor , administrator of the tstnto of Charles J , Gustiifson , deceased , lllcJ his petition In the district court this morning njjulnst T. J. Thorp , Jcnnlo E. Ulytho ami about n dozen others , most of whom nre holrs of Gustafson. The potltloti sots forth that Qustafsou had contracted with tlio defendants Thorn and Blytho to sell lot S , block t , C. C. JJurr'j subdivision , nnd that thcso parties have performed their part of the contract nnd nro entitled to n deed of tlio promises. JutlRO Field Issued nn order directing that the heirs meat nt the court liouso December 27 to have determined In whoso favor the notej and monpagos Klvon for the purchase of said lot sbull bo inndo nnd executed nnd to empower tup ad ministrator to convey the premises. Mrs. 0. MulUay of Koncsaw called at the police station this afternoon sookliiR informa tion concerning her liusbnnd , who Is a com mercial traveler for n salt firm In Hutchison. Knn. MM. Mulkay says she has not ncard anything concemlnR the whereabouts of her hnsbnnd for nearly two weeks. Whllo in this city ho niiulo tils UoaJaimrtcrs at 102'J ' U street , but ho left there very mysteriously a few days aqo. Henry Mobr was arraigned this morning In tlio district couit to answer the charge of shooting his wlfo with Intent to wound her. Ho secured a continuance until the next term of court. John Hnfcr , who hns been on trial on the ohnrgoof getting money under false pre tenses. proved thut ho was near Shcnandoah when the crlmo was committed and consequently quently ho could not bo the criminal. Ho was acquitted. All graduated veterinary surg-eons practicing in Nebraska nro requested to moot lit the Opoltz hotel In Lincoln on Tuesday , November 18th , 1S90 , nt 2 p. m. , the object being to form at State Veterinary Medical association for our protection nnd advancement. THE MORSE DllY GOODS CO. Special Hnrgalim In Slices Saturday LmstDity of tlio llmiso l''ur- dialling Sale. Wo have sorno prroat bargains In chil dren's shoos and boys' ' clothing for Saturday. Infants' shoos , 20c , 33c , 4Sc , 57c. Uoya' sliocs , $1,20 , worth 31.75. Boys' shoos , $3.00 , worth 35. If you want a solid , good wearing shoo for solid service , this $ , 'J.90 shoo will prove a very cheap shoo in the end. * Ladies' kid button shoes S2.-15. Ladles' kid button shoes $3.93. Ladles' Land sowed shoes 34.00. Thcso aro50c to 81.50 a pair less than shoo stores oiler as good nn nrtiolo. Misses shoes , 81.20 , $1.78 , $1.88. Misses school shoes , 82.60. Thcso are all our leading bargains for oncning this new department. MOUSE'S ' NE\V DEPARTMENT. Kitchen nnd dining room furniture and dishes of all kinds. \Vo want every housekeeper in tlio city to inspect the goods we show in our now housofurnishing dqpartment ; wo have Homo great bargains in tinware , woodenware , etc. , on the CHEAP COUNTERS. Every housekeeper will save money hero ; * it is tlio most complete department in the whole west only ono in Now York equals it ; wo will eave you half your household expenses. Do you want tinware ? Wo have it. ] } Do you want stopladdcrs , wash tubs , ails , oto.V Wo have them hero. Do you want tea kettles , colteo pots , strainers , broilers , tin pans , otc.V "Wo have them hero. Do you want granite iron ware , stone ware , glasses , goblets , etc. V Wo bavo them horo. Do jou want tea urns , colTeo urns , knives , meat choppers , brushes , brooms , otc.V AVe have mom hero. Do you want dinner bets , Haviland china , jurdiniores , cracker jars , cups and saucers , anything made In dishes ? "Wo have thorn. In fact you will not have to leave our salesroom to furnish your kitchen or dining room and you may bo sure the prices nro BOYS' CLOTHING DEPAimiENT. A lot of boys' knee pants purchased at about half price recently in Now York. These panttt are made from the rem nants of cloth loft over from outline : line suits and are VERY , VERY CHEAP. Boys1 knee pants 50c , worth 75c. Hoys' knee pants C9o , worth 81. Boys' knee pants 89cs , worth $1.25. Boys' knee pants 31 , worth $1.50. Boys' overcoats $1.90 , worth S3.GO. Boys' overcoats 32.60 , worth $5. Boys' suits $1.90 , worth $3. Boys' suits $2.90 , worth $4.50 , This department is on the main floor , Farnam street wing. THE MOUSE DRY GOODS CO. , SOLE AGENCY Dll. JAEGER'S UN DERWEAR. Men's undershirts GOc men's , ; undershirts - shirts , 75c. Men's ' undershirts , $1 ; men's under shirts , 81.25. Men's undershirts , Sl.oO ; men's undershirts - shirts , $2. Mon's undershirts , $2. CO ; men's under shirts , $3. The largest assortment to cheese from in the city. Wo have also the DR. JAEGER SANITARY gray undershirts , BOX , Jaeger suspenders - dors , Jnogor bandages , Jaeger shoots , blankets hi the men's ' Jaeger , depart ment. Boys' tweed suits , $2.90 , worth $4. Boys' tweed suits , $3 , worth 84.50. Boys' tweed suits , $3.50 , worth $5. Boys' tweed suits , $1.50 , worth $0. Boys' twocd suits S5.50 , worth $0. Boys1 twocd suits $8 , worth $10. Boys' blouse wnlstSj-kilts , etc. Wo hnvo also a now lot of men's smok- injr and lounging jackets , made to our order in London. Imported collars and cuffs , special boys' clothing department , special men's glove department , main lloor , Farnam street front. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. The now ofllcas of the Great Rock Island route , ICOil Sixteenth and Fnrnam streets , Omaha , are the ilneotin the city ! Call and see them. Tickets to all points east at lowest rates. Tlio Carroll Case. Mrs. Mary O'Gormun , mother of the de fendant , was the first \vltnojs called by the dcfenso upon tbo ramming of the trial of the State vs Tom Carroll yesterday morning for burglary , She was useJ to testify that the do- fomlimt had boon drunk befora the commis sion of the burglary. Harry Coploy , a Jeweler , of 1501 North Nineteenth street , was called by the defqnso to testify as to the value of the silver. Ho said the markflt valuoof old silver was 03 cents an ounce. Tlio prosecution showed , howovpr , that , sllvor tableware such us that stolen by Carroll was of much greater value than simply olil silver which Is not In a con dition for uso. It was Inferred that the tlmo had possod long ago when a person couK steal h'ooj KOOds ot any kind , whether table ware , jewelry , clothing , or what not , nm then have it shown and counted when the case came to trial M poor , second-hand stui of a value such na a Junk dealer mljjht plnco upon it. The object of the counsel for defendant fondant U to depreciate the value of the goods stolen and thus reduce the gravity ol thoofTeuso , As you Ilko tt. Gray nnd faded whlslccrs may bo changed to their natural and oven color brown or black by using Bucking ham's Pyo. Try Iu With His Thumb , A toy Is said to tnvo saved the .NclhcrlamU from Inundation. Multitudes tmvo tern saved ( torn tlio Invasion of disease bjr a bottle ol A ycr's Sarsnpailllo. Thlsmcdlciiio Imparts tone to the system and strengthens every organ nnd fibre of tlio body ; " 1 Ii.ivo token a great ttcat of medicine , but nothing lias done mo so mucli Rood ns Aycr's Sars.iiurllla , I ciperlcnccil Its benc * ndal cITccts before I liad quite finished ono bottle , nnd I can ( tccly testify tliat It Is tlio best blood medicine I know of. " L. W. Ward , sr. , Woodland , Texas. "Coiinncd to an olilce , ns I nm , Iron one year's end to another , with little or no out door exercise , I find great help In .Ajer's Sarsapatllln , which I liavo used for several years , and mn at present usltif , with excel lent results. It enables me to keep always at my post , cnjojlng the best of health. " II , C. Uamcs , Maiden , Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla nr DR. J. 0. AYER & CO. , Lowell , Mars. tnU(5. ! THE IOCA.Li FEELING. Ofllolnln Hold Varylnc Opinions on Oould's rtirciuiHO of tlio V. V. So many conflicting reports have been ro- xiivod concerning the alleged deal by which ny Gould has secured coutrolllni ; Interest In tie Union Pacific road that tho. offlcluls * of tie company hero and others interested In ho management of the system cally Had difficulty In arriving it any conclusion. Some of the officials have bout decided that the reported deal hns jeou consummated whilootlicw urocqunll you nero positive that the rumors are without oundation in fnct. Among the holders of the latter belief is a iromlncnt Union 1'iiclflo oDIclnlvtiola ns icar as any man In the west to President Vilnius and would In all probability have any nformatlon on the subject that the president lossusscd. In speaking of the reports ho said ; M do not think that thcro is any real foun dation for the rumors. I cannot understand io\v such it change could bo brought about , You will remember that when Jay Gould lost control of the Union Pacific six years ago , ho loft tbo road like a suclcca or ange , Just as ho has loft every other road that has boon so unfortunate as to 'all Into his ImnJs. The Boston contingent that took bold of the coad at that time has done a power of work in putting the road In ; oed shape. The result is that today wo lave tlio finest transcontinental line n the world ; wo have made immense mrnwomcnts In almost every western state and territory und now have absolutely moro business than'\o can hnnalo as well as wo would wish. Each year the present manage- mout of the line has put from $1,000,000 to JO.OOO.OOO In improvement of the company's ' facilities and it don't staild to reason that hcso men now propose to sellout their Inter est just because the stock of the company has > ccn depressed by a panicky condition of the market. The stockholders who have refused .0 sell at TO and have held on at that figure 'or six years or moro will hardly sell now jecnuso by a sudden movement , ho stock lias been forced down , o 45 , especially as they must know the Increasing value of the stock nnd must know that thcio-wlll bo a reaction that will soon more than offset this temporary de pression. "When the bottom of thcso reports are reached I think you will find that the roads that have been boycotting the Union Pacific are at the bottom of this agitation slmtjly in the hope of forcing this road into moro favor able ( to them ) arrangements. " But thcro are othoc officials who are very positive that there Is a tangible basis for the reported change in the company's manage ment and thcso believers also had stfong ar guments to advance In support of their opinions. Reports from Now York indicate that Uould has formed an alliance with tno V'andcrbuilts for the control of the railroad business of tlio west and his purchase of a controllng Interest In the Union Pacific was a necessary part of this deal. Another view of the deal was that the Drexels and other big magnates back of the Milwaukee were in the deal for the purpose of securing better west ern-connections for tbo Milwaukee. Thcro is no longer any doubt'thcso gentle men bold that thcro is and has been for some time a feeling of dissatisfaction among the Union Pacific stockholders with the present management of the road. Krports to this effect have been given publicity und have been strenuously denied. Lately , ' however , the statements havo' come from undisputed authority. Genural Trnftlo Manager JMelleiiwas quoted in a 13ostou interview as saying that it was hardly plain sailing with the Union' Pacific ; that the western end of the management was at loggerheads with the eastern nnd that pet ty Inside squabbling seemed to bo the order ofthodny. When asked point blank If Ad- ntns' dnvs as president were not numbered. Mr. Mellon answered : "I don't know but what nil of us will bo V'oked ' out suddenly some fine morning. " There is a great deal of speculation among the local officials as to what will bccomo of the present management In case Mr. Gould assumes actlvb control of the road , with Mr. Dillon or any ono else as Mr. Adams' succes sor. Gould is a consolidation man , believes In placing the entire management of a road , however big , iu ono man's hands and atone ono headquarters. Adams' policy Is directly the opposite. Ho bollovos in a subdivision of the responsibility of operating a great sys tem , and has carried his policy into- effect on the Union Pacific by the establishment of five general divisions of the road , each under a general manager nnd a complete set of general ofllclols. This system would un doubtedly bo abandoned under an active Gould management and a complete reorganization of the management of the road would bo a certainty. Varying opinions are hold as to the effect such a change would have upon the commer cial Interests of the state and In the territory tributary to the Union Pacific. Notes and I'crsonala. Vice President Holcomb of the Union Pacific has gone west on im Inspection of the line and will bo absent tno weeks. George Ilargreavs , the now general pur chasing ngent of the Q. , C , M. HIgginson , auditor of disbursements nnd Sam Charles general store keeper are In tuo city. A round trip rate of $39.05 has been made by the railroads for delegates to the deep harbor convention to bo hold at Galveston , Tox. , November 18 and 10. The reported wreck of Union Pacific pas senger No. 8 west of Choycnno In which a number of lives wcro said to have been lost , was erroneous. A freight car loaded with coal broke down at Tapioca and delayed the passenger train ten houw , "Ettu Brute , " as the young lady who had just carried off the honors from a fashionable boarding school said when her mischievous beau swallowed the lost spoonful of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrjip. Thanks to the introduction of Salvation Oil , our lady bicyclers need not fear a fall. 23 cts. For tlio 1'oor. A Thanksgiving dinner will bo given nt SalntTitnothy mission bulldlne on Thursday , Novembers" , 8 to 0 p. m. , to which every body Is Invited. Donations of provisions , clothln g , sufllclont table ware to set table for 100 , books , magazines , furniture for physi cian's ofllce , moneys for running expenses , etc. , very much dcslrod. Address Itcv. J. J , II. lieedy , 423 Now York Life building or deliver Eleventh street , north of Nicholas. Mission building open from 4 to 0 p , m. dally , Omco hours in Now York Lifo building , 1 to "p. in. during November. SICK HEADACHE ' Positively- cured by thcso Little IMlls. CARTER'S They also rellove Dis tress from Dyspepsia , In- ITTLE aigcstlon and Too Hoirty IVER jip. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness , Nausea , PILLS. Drowsiness , Had Taste In the Itouth , Coated Tongue , Tain In the Side , TOlll'ID ElVEIt. They regulate Uio Dowels. Purely Vegetable. SHALL PILL SHALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. ERRORS MADE BY MAN ! To live up to alUhnt you make is an error , Not to carefully Consider where to buy and why you should buy is an error. To pay a hig price for clothing because the store advertises heavily and charges big rates in order to Maintain big expenses is worse than an error , To suppose that you can do better than you can at the Misfit Parlors is a n error. To pay $35.00 f6 a ready-made suit when the Misfit Parlors will sell you a $45 custom-made suit for & 2o.oo is an error. To pay $6 and $8 for poorer pants than the Misfit Parlors will sell you $3 and $4 is an error that costs. ALL ALTERATIONS DONE FREEOF CHARGETO INSURE A PERFECT FIT , SELEX WHAT ? YOU GAM SAVE , SUITS. FALL AMD WINTER OVERCOATS , PANTS. $70 custom miulo stilt tar $ (12.50 ( $05 custom nmdc overcoat fur . $ : i'J.O ( > $10 custom nmdo punts for $9.25 $00 custom for $30.00 $ (10 ( custom made overcoat Tor. . $28.50 $15 custom iimtlo pnuli for $7.50 $55 custom nimlo Kult for $27.50 $ ' > 0 custom mrulo oicrcont Tor $24.50 $ lt ) custom umdopniiU for $0.50 $50 custom inntlo suit for $25.00 $ 15 custom made ourcont for $20.00 $12 custom mmlopnnU for $0.00 $45 custom niiulo suit for. . . , $20.00 $10 custom in udo oiereont for $17.50 $10 ciistoiu.nmtlu punts for , $5.00 $10 custom iniulo suit for $18.50 $ ! )5 ) custom made o > crcont for $ 8 custom uimlopnnU . . . . . . . . $ . $35 custom made suit for $16.00 $28 custom made overcoat for $ 7 custom nimlo punts for $3.76 FULL DRESS SUITS FOR SALE OR HIRE. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PABLORS , Open evenings until 9 o'clock , Saturday evening's until 10 o'clock. 1309 Farnarn Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309 WOONSOCKET & RHODE ISLAND - RUBBER GOODS , BEST MADE , We carry the BIG STOCK of the west , quote Eastern prices and are 500 miles nearer you than any other market. Correspondence V solicited. American Hand Sewed Shoe Co. , . Vtl. NEXB. Try our Leather Soled Rubber Boots , THE STANDARD COCOA OP THE WORLD. * WWWWWM WWW MWVn DELICIOUS , STRENGTHENING TO THE NERVES. Tea and coffee cheer but do not nourish. They even leave an injurious effect upon the nervous system , Indeed there is no beverage like VAN HouTEN's COCOA , "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " It stimulates and nourishes as none other , leaves no bad effects and is a flesh-former of the most approved type. 5-VAN IIOUTEN"8 COCOA ( "oneo trled.MirRysosed" ) . The tronir mny tnko It with iilcniure nnd the wenU wltli Impunity. Thooxclltnct efTuoUof tea unil coflfeo nro obviated liy Ita iteiady use itnit nervoun ( UB rilcrBiir re * lltvcd nnd prevented. Ilellclouito the tn > to. " ll-Kent tale Intbo world. " ASK FOIt VA.N IIOUTK.VK AM > 1'A.ICKNO OTIIKIt , M THE GREAT LlVERand STOMACH REMEDY Cures all disorders of the Stomach , Liver , BoivoU , Kidneyfl , niaddor.Nerr- OUH DlHcnsos. Loss ol' Appetite , Hciulnchc , Constipation , Costivoncsa , liullnos- tlori , ItllloiiHtieHH , Fovcr , Piles , Etc. , mill renders tlio system less liable to con tract disease. _ _ _ DYSPBJPSIA. R/VD\VAY'9 / PILLS nro a euro for this complaint , They tone up the Internal secretions to noalthy action , restore .strength to tlio ntomiioli , and onublo'it to iicrform it * functions. 1'rlco 'J. ' > o a box. Sold by till drugjlsts , or mulled by HA.DWA.Y & CO.,33 Warruu Htreot , Mow V'ork , 011 rocolptot price. OUR METALLIC LATH ! HAVE YOU USED IT ? If not , you. will find it adapted to all kinds of Burfaeos , the bast form of FIRE PROOFING , most easily and cheaply applied. Loading Architects specify it. SAMPLE BY MAIL. THE CINCINNATI CORRUGATING CO. , PIQUA , OHIO. TRADE MARK TRADB MARK IDT. An unfail ing euro for SemInal - Inal Wonknom , Bpcrmsterrliocit. iDipotonoy ana nil Ulsoa ej , tliat follow as ft se- quoncfl uf fiulf- abugo ; nn lass ot ftlomorr , Unlver- BEFORE TAKING. i i.a cUiHioAFT R TAIINO. I'al n la tbo Duck , Dimness ot Vision. Premature Old ABO , anclraanj otliordlscasel Hint lead to Insanity or consumption nnd n preinnliiro iwve. IVFull particulars IriovltprHniililot , which we rto- iilro to onU t roe by mall to every ono , IBrTlio Spo- cine Medicine Is aoldnttllior packnso. or six paclc- ndc" for $5 , or will bo ont f roe by mall on receipt of tbo money , lif ndilrciilnj THE GOODMA.N' DRUG CO. , 1110 FAHKA3I STKKRC , OMAIU , NER. On account of counterfoil ! . wo litro adopted the .yollow wropjior , tlit only KOMilIno , DR. RICHARDS , Practice Limited to DISEASES iLUNGS ! AND NERVOUS SYSTEM , Rooms 316 to 320 Bee Bldg Omaha. WAIN IliU .Agent * to soil the Pitiless colics jjnoi tlio only line over Invented tlmt holds tlioolotlies with out plus ; a purfect succossi v toiiL recently Issinilj sola only by nKoiiu , to whom tlio ox- cluslvorlglit U Rlrun. Unrcaulvtof Mcontj wo will send a fample line b/ mull ! nlu > clrou- liirs ; prlco list uud terms to uRont. Koeiiro yoiirtorrlUiry nt onct > . AtldrcM THE 1'IN- LUS9 OLOTIIES MW : 00. , 17 Uermou Bt. , \Yoixester Mass. Corner Oth and liarney Streets , Oraahi. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic Diseases and Deformities. DE. A. T. MoIiA-UGHLIN , Prosldont Founded by Dr. J. W. JIoManamy. DEE. C. WEEs NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. Bpeelflo for Hyiterla. Dlittn.n.riti , K ora1gl , WnV . fulness. iUntni Ueprvsiion. Hoftenlntr of the liralniro * tulUng In Insuilty oa leacllnir to mli ry deoar ara tlwlh. Premature Old ARe.liarrenncsi. Lo.f ot 1'owir tnoliner x. Inroluntary l.oinr. , tnU Bprinilorrlact cauivtl br ov.rxertlon o ( the brain , n Jf.At > usa cr orerluduliranc * . k. th IX > T contain.onemonlh'i tr U mont. ( Inbox , or ilx for 5. lent bjrmtUIprepaid. With tocli ordtr lir tlz tioxri. will tend purcbuw rotrantca to rtftmd nonty 1C the treatment fall * to cur > . UuArantecjiiuuea BiiJcenulnmKjiaouljbr GOODMAN DRUG CO. , IllOFatnaraStroot , Om ha Neb , DR. GLUCK , Eye and Ear. . Darkorll lock , 15th and rornaui. TolODhonaJS ) 6.0. WATCHES. DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY Solo Agent In Omahn for Gorhatn Man ufacturing1 Go's Sterling Silverware MANTLE CLOCKS , RICH CUT GLASS and CHINA. Our Stock of Fine Goods is the Largest and Our Prices the Lowest. Cotno nnd sco us. Cor. Douglas & 15th St PRINCIPAL POITS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1303 Farnam 3tr331 : . HARRY P. DEUEL , Oity Paaaentfor. and Tlokot Agent THEDUEDLR. FACTORIES HAMPDEN LARGEST WATCHES IN THE THE BEST. WORLD. WATCHES DOTTIME THE TIME BEST KEEPER. SEND FOR THE DUEBER OUR BOOK , WATCH CASE "FRAUDS f MFQ. CO. , V/ATCHE8. / " CANTON , OHIO. W. S , ROBINSON , ANALYTICAL and CONSULTING s and. Oils a Specialty 1112 DODGE STREET , OMAHA , NEB. AMUSBMRNTS. cOPERA HOUSE. ' 3 Nights And Matinee , FOIST : BofitimltiK , ' Thursday , Nov. 13 DANIEL FROHMAN'S II ; tlioauttornf "Tho Wife , " "ton ! rtiumUiy , " eto. , Di\rM DeliKCo anil llunrj C. Da Mllle. THE THE SUCCESS LAST CHARITY I YEAR AT THE N. Y. LYCEUM THEATER , BALL. ProOiicort with ppcl l iioenery , ocojsorloi and detail of rnro in-rfwtlon. Hnlo opens tt box ottlio Wednesday morning. iWSunday , November 16 First Production in Omahn of AROHIBALD OLOVERINQ QUNTER'S ' Comedy-Drama. Great New York. Unilorlho management of MH. FHANKW. SANQKR , of the Broadway Tho.iter. N. Y. Box sheet opens Saturday moraine , at regular prices. TTM rt 'i THREE NIGHTS ONL J HC Vjrrana commencing SUNDAY , NOV. 1C. M ) . Slnlr'.i llcnll tlo rroilnrtlnn of Ilia American Character Comedy , by Herbert llnll Wnsltm , "ABARREL OF MOKEI" Interesting Exciting THE MOST COMEDY. Natural Pioaslng ETOT irrltton , Interpreted by tlio b U company of coim-illniH In ctl-lonco. A uiirloml of nconorr nna died * . The Kroiitpnt mid mo tthrllllnK of nil emn- tlannl iconic The Iron uillM nl itork. Htmtllnii surprised ! Unequalled rpoclAltlvnl Hrlplit niuslal KICKniiteostumt-tl 1'opulnr prices. lox nhoet , u | > on Sfltunliy mornliiLT , Dime fiden Will Lawlcr , M iinii KIT. Corner llth and Vt\r- imiiiStrootR , Omuliu. WRIIK Ol' NOV. 10th. ZAMABSA.CIilcfuf tlio/.uluia ; Now Sot of Wax igurust Sterooptltnu View * nnd I'nnnromlo Hennery Turner , tlio muslcnl frcnk ; Kojr llron. , Cnmoillans ; Koiitt nnd ilnnconrtl ti : CliermrAril > nunncrAmula ; C'ontortKinlit ; ( irci-nbnuui , Mnulclnni Aslorln , spnco Annltillutur : Sunnr Kern.i"ntP7. Mnmlolln Artlat. " ONE UIHU .ADMITS TO AM * DR.MCGREW THE SPECIALIST. Mnrottinn 15 ycnn' oxporloncoln the troalmontof PRIVATE DISEASES. A euro Eiinrnntucil In S to tire days without tlioloi * o\au \ liour'H tltno. STRICTURE rcrmnncntly cur oil nltliout pnln or Instrument' ! no rutting ; no illlntlnir. Tlio mcut rcinarkiiblu romodr known to modern nclcncaVrlto for clrcularj. SYPHILIS CURED IN 30 TO 80 DAYS. Dr. Mctiron's troAlinc-nt for tills tarrlbla blond dli. cn < o lins bcon pronounced tlio must powerfulnud Biiccesurnl remedy over dlncovcrod for the abiolula cuio of this dlatittao. Ilia BIICCCHS with this illsens * lias never been criunllccl , A complcto CUUK OlUn- : \Vrltorurrlrt-ulnrn. . LOST MANHOOD and nil weakness of Ilio nouml ori : ins , norfouineis , tlmldltr nnd flc pen < lciiry nb olutaljr cured. Tliora * Hot li liumedlnto nnd complcto. SKIN DISEASES , Cntnrrli , rliouinntUni , and nil disrates of the bloil liver , kidneys mid bladder porrannuntly cured. FEMALE DISEASES nnd ncnrnlgliCnorvonsno andill'c.i os uf the atom , noli cured. The Doctor's "Jlomo Treatment" for ludloi li pronounced by nil who IIIITO uxcd It , to tin thomoatcomputo uud convunlt-nt remedyovorof- fcrctl fur tlio ( n-ntnioijt uf fenmlo illnoiius. Ills truly n wonderful remedy. No Instruments ; a * palu. HOUII.H roil iMUits ruou 2 TO 1 ONLY. DR. McGREW'S imrTOloim succosii 1ms won for lilm n roputnllon whlcli li truly mttlonnl In clinruotor , nml liU' great nrmy of nntlenti ronclius from the Atlantic to Ilia 1'adtlc. Tlio Doctor Is n Krnduntii nt "UKOUI.AIt" mcdlolnoanilhiu li d loniuml carofill ozperlnncola hospital prncllcp , nnd la claused uluonif tbo lumllru n inoilurn sclonco. Treatment by corro- Kpondonco. Wrlto fur clrcnlnrt ubout each of tha nboro discuses , ri < KK. Office , 14th and Farnam Sts Entrance on ulthor str oot. nn. LITTLE VEGETABLE PILLS CURB ttlck Elomlaclio , Con tlpatlon , BILIOUSNESS , D ill. and Stomach , purt-lr i. _ blc , brlntc cumiKjuniI * . iouirtoc llf rnUr Try them. 46 11U la Is abnolut ly curtuuy /DrJobb'jLlltMegelaHePilli , 85 pent.a Till : B far 5 cciiU , , 'orb forl. KiirialobydmvicKU , orby mall. Aildrcti 1 HOBO'S MItlCINE TO. , riDP'S. SAB FRANCISCO ( U , rOUSAI.K IN OMAHA , NKII. . 11V Kuhn A Co. , Cor. ISIIi A DoiiftUs hlrccu. J. A. > ullcr ft Co. , Cor. llth > \ : Douclnj Streets. A. I ) . 1'ustcr & Co. . Council Ilium , Iowa. AND pniNCIPAL DRUCQIDTO CVtRYWHCRC. GRATEFUL CONIFOR PING EPPS'8 GOGDR BREAKFAST. "Ur a thorouuli knowleluo of the natural UHS which govern thu oporntluimof dlKuillon anil nutri tion , and hy a inruftil nppllcatlon of thu tlno iiroimr- ttciof wrlliielccmlUuoim , Mr , Kppi has pruvldcd our bronkfauttnliloi with uilallcatelrtlntoroillieTer- AKO which iniijr ave ui iiiaiiy Imavriloctnr'ibllln , It It by the Juilli IIIIIH mo of inrli nrtlulei uf illot tlmt n cnnitlttitlun may ho itrinlunlly built nn until otronif pnocchlo rosl t every tomtencj to dl ea o , llun- tlrt'ili ufnuhllouiulndlus nru II jntliiKaroundus ready tontUio'i wherever tlieru liu weak point. Wo I'luy ' utcnpo IDT ny n fntal ihift by kccpliiKimrnclvus w ll forlltlvilnlth iiuru blond , nnd a properly nourished fr mo. " Civil Morvlco tinii'tto Undo iliiijilr with bollliiK water or milk. Sold only InlmK pouujl tins , bjr uroiors , liloluil thui ! 1aMI * I'IMHl ATO Iluinuonpuhla ChoniUti < v / JflJlbO lil ! IU. 10 . , London , ICiinlund. G. A. Lindquest 18 AOA1N IN THE Merchant : - : Tailoring lila old friends nml pat rons , aiwull n tlio Kunurul pulilltn call and inspuut Ills now HtookofliuiiorUxl ud danicntla wooltuis. Kvorytliltia flMlclus-i.uu ESTABLISHED 1874. 316 S 15TH ST