THE OMAHA . . DAILY . . . BJtiJfi : MUDAY - " , NOVEMBER 14 , 1890. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Yields to Depression and Closes "With Heavy Losses for All Months. THE CROWD DOWNS HUTCHINSON IN CORN. OnlN Taken Its 'Tone from ttio Oilier I'ltH A Drop In Provisions nt the Close Another Crl.ln In Stocks. Nov. 13. 'Special Telegram to THE Hii : : . ] A hnlf hour before tlio elmo to day wheat will Just 2o ! { under the closing prices Inst night , nt Wi'ic for December unil t l.oi : for May. Th bust prices of the morning were Uo lo ' { c miller last nlglit nt 09o ! for December niul tl.DIU for Mny. Tlio ntiirkct held fairly steady the first hour on ( Inner Liverpool cabins , moderate roieltits and the recovery In stocks after the first depression. The low IT prices at the very nrst wcro largely duo to the brearf In stocks at Now Voric before the opening hour here , lint , the wlicat mar ket Hid nut follow stocks nson ycoterday. DurliiK tlio hour from 11 lo 12 o'clock rtio stock market was very buoyant and made a very general nilvniivc. At thosamo tlmo the prlco of wheat drugged down aliotit lo. Later In the day stocks broke back qiilto sharply and In this action wheat was roai'.y to go the same way , and on this decline went to the prices above ijmitcd. Tliero was no conspicuous buying , except , perhaps , by Mitchell and a few other novcr-glve-iip bulN. I'ardrldgo was a seller nil dnyi Now York sent soiling orders ; still inter Schwartz , Logan , StaufTor and Htitcliltison became leading sellers ; local IOIIRS gave ill ) the fight and wheat was sold out right nml left. The depression In wheat Ittstml to the close. Tlio Kansas crop report , Increasing tlio ylolu In that state 4,000,000 bushels was a bear Item ; the scarcity of mony at Huliith to carry wheat was an other. The report of olghtloads taken at Now York for export lind no effect. Last prices were : November , OI'Jo ; December , 03c ; May ll.lfiy oT S''jC break for the day. Wheat privileges for Hccctnlicron the curb sold at Ol c toiUc toD4 ? c for puts and 07c30rio ! for calls. The break In corn was even greater In pro portion than that of wheat. For days It has been IIutchliiMin against the tradu with thu big bull operators on toi | and holding the mar ket. Today It wns tlio crowd against the market and against Ilutchliison wttn the crowil on top and making It very heavy for the oiio-maii iiowor. November was quoted nt fi'Jo to50Jo ! at the close ; May , In which all the business wns done , 54ic ! and nIT to f > 2340 at the close. A llYol.TT In corn Hald at the close : "Tliosu who have been "bulling corn have lost night of the fact that at the present prices tlioic has been an advance of nearly 100 per cent. The market la heavy of Itself. Mr. Ilutchliison Is Ion ; ; a great line of. corn , nod iiibt , and ho 1ms held the market , but no ono man can hold HUCII a weight and ho will , I think , bo forced to liqui date. " Counsolman and Cudahy wore free sellers of corn , and when the market got Rtartcd thu crowd lut go of long corn. 1'rlvl- legus on May coin at : : )0 ) p. m. were 51'Jo nnd KMc. The oats market wont off just 'io for all months. There was llttlo Independent nutlon , the other markets giving It tone. November was quoted at t'\\e \ to JlllJo nml off to 4Ssio ; Deceinlicr exactly tlm same us November ; Blay. 40nc , ti)4l'5c ( to4.1.'ic. There wns no great stir In the provision triiili-until near the uliMo , whim prices went olT with the break In corn. There was llttlo or no outside business nnd very llttlo in the way of news. Harvey wan again a free seller of pork early , and Armour sold porlr and lard , Late In the day thuru was helling by scalpers , find on slop outers brought on hynilcullno .Iniiunry inodiiutiHolil down to $ . " > .T5 for rlhs , ( . : . ' ) ® . : ! for lard and J11.T3 for mow pork , with otluir months off In production. Tlio loss for the day wasSuln lard and ribs and iOo In pork , WHEAT. Open- High- LowYestcr - Month , ' "K : . . tst. _ Close. _ day. . - Dec- . . . . no Hay . . . , 1 Oli 1 M.'i 1 KJJf O'W 1 03i ! COItN. May 62.'i OATS. May IMMIK. .Tan II P2 11 IG 1172 H 75 11 M'/ ' May 1S.W IS TS K 52 IS DJ 12 7SH I.Aid ) . .Ian 0 W G42 0 37 B n ? 040 May 000 602 0 83 085 OIK ) inns. Jan .160 5 BO 5 77 577 5 SO May CM 6 HO 0 S3 625 023W I'UTK AND CAI.tS. Wheat-l'utB-M ffWM,5 , ' . Oalls-p7 07 > { . CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CmcAno , N'ov , 13. ISpoclal Tolcxram to Tnn HUE. ] OATTMJ llnslncss wns rather qulotall nloiiK tlio line , yet tliero was llttlo or no change In values on good and desirable steers , Imt thuro was a "worlil" of undesirable , me dium uml Inferior stock In tlio pens that had toliobold at any prlco salesmen could nut , as thcsul clussc.s hail to conipoto with a InrRo nuir.bcr of fair to Rood Tuxans that liavu liccn on this .narkot the past four ( Inyn. Native linteliurs * stock , especially old cows and can- jiors , remain nt thu lowest prices for tlio sea son. Texas steers were reported steady and cows a hi i ail o higher. The stocker nnd feeder trade remains Mow and prices on light stock are down to tlio lowest polntR this year. Top prlees for steers , &I.OOVJO : K 'o < l to cliolco , tl.0@4.75 ; common , JJ.OOI.25 ; Toxaus , I2.1J3 3.10 : rniiKcrs , lloos lluslness wns again active with values steady to stronj ? on prlino heavy , and only steady on mixed and Unlit mixed. As sorted llKlit sold u shadu higher and tlio best assorted pigs also hliownd a Rllght advance , Itough anil coinnion , ? ; i.7tvicn.HO ; prime pack ers and mixed , * .I.KVI.OO , largely at J.LOOStl.lo prime heavy nnd liutchor weights. H.OCftjJI.lS assorted Unlit. Sl.gJf&I.UOi light-light , il.75i pigs , ti Nr.w YORK. Nov. 13. [ Special Telegram tc TUB IlEE.l STOCKS Th\ already bndly de monilUod stocl : market nnd to undergo an < other crisis this morning , The temporary Eiisprnslon of tlio Itorth Klver bank sadly upset - sot the confidence which did so much to start -stoeks upward yesterday. On top of this came thu disclosures regurdliiK the North American company. The blow was hardest on Vlllard Interests , but for a time the wliolo list was under bearish Influence. The llrsi prices wort generally largo fractions lower than yostcr day's llnnl figures , \vhllo North American wni 2H lower at 10 , Atehlson and Ulg TourUi each Louisville A : Nashville 1 ! { , and sovcrul otlien 1 per cent. A llooil of North American win poured upon the market In the tlrst few mhv utes" tradlnif , and the price dropped suddenly from 10 to 7 , u loss of lla per cent from las nlKht. Somoof the others sympathized will this weakness and I.onlsvlllo & Nashville ful nwny l' < , Atehlson 1 ! , Northern Paolflol the preferred 2 , anil others smaller fractions The market outside of North American wui iiot specially aotlvo and with the absence o apeclal pressure to sell came a material reaction action , North American going back to Il * { am settling to about u level of 11 for tlio remain der of the hour , The confluent feeling , Mow over , wns soon restored , ami activity In cruascd toward the end of the hour , wbll < prices advanced more rapidly , gains over tin lowest prices of curly dealings extending ti 2(4 ( percent , Cleveland , Columbus , Chicago & 61. Louis , Head I up , Atehlson , Ilurllngton Northern 1'aclflo prcferrpd , Loulsvlllo ani Itock Island being most prominent in the up ward movement , which carried most of tin list behind the prices of last ovonlni ; III ; ; Tour rose to 63 , Atehlson' to 81U , Iliirllnston to PS' . ' , Northwusten to IMSi , Uuolc Inland to 70 U , St. Paul to W * Missouri 1'aelllo to COU. and Union I'aolflo ti 49 , wlillo lieadlng rose toft ) { . The list broki away from the Vlllimls during the hour to o'clock , anil nlthoiiKh North America ) dropped back from 12 to 0 , Northern 1'aolOi common from 31 ? to COJ ! unil jireferrcd fron C3U to 6UJ , the other aothe stooUs held flrm u about the best figures on moderate business The day ended with no special victory for tin other party In stocks. The good advance ol the morning proved only temporary niul roon traders sold everything on the bulge. Durluf thu last hour the declines were general bu not sharp , and ut the close itooka showing no1 losses far exceeded those showing any gain North American closed atlltf , or about 7 uoluti off I sugar broka si.arply . to M nnd closed on a 1 iwlnt rorovurr nt.1 ncrceiit loss for thodayj Northern I'aclflo prrfnrrod wnsolT 2 ! { < Illinois tVntrul l ! , St. I'aul I , other Urangers and t'oat Htookt 'i to ? { , limbless reached 90.VWO ftlinrcs. The following were the closing quotations ! " .lir i Northern 1'neinc. . . . . ! W < IT. HI'coupon' | tl dopreforrod MIM 1) . S. 4Hi regular. . .1VI C.AN.W 105' , IT H. ! < < scoupons . . .101 ilo preferrO'l ' . . . . . .I3'J l'nclHoi ; Dt 't'3 11,1 New Yorkfontrnl. . . W > t Central I'ncltlc U I' . , I ) . AH 16 < ; iilcao & Alton. . . .IJ.I Itoek I.lnnd > " .rt ( Uhlrnun , llurlln ton L'.M. AHt raul U A ( jiilncr 87H do'iM i . . i.v \v rw St. l'niilUinnha. . . . 2-1 IlllnoUContrnl KJ < do preferred . . , ill J. . . II. * W Union I'aclflr 7 ? < Knn'ii'.VTe.tns ll' ' { W. . St , U * I' IM { I.nke Khurc. lO.V < du iirofi'rri'J. . . . . . . 1 )1 MIchlKnn Conlral. . . . t'l Wustorn Union 7dJ ( MIsKiurl I'nclilc IV > MOSKV Close ; 2 to 12 per cent ; last loan 5 percent. I'IIIMK MiucANTiir. : I'APKII < VQ3 per cent. STtiti.tNi : ( I'.xciiAMiK quiet hut steady ; slxty day bills , tt.TUH ! demand. tl.tsV Thu CofTco . Inrknt. Nr.wlYoitK , Nov. 13. [ Special Telegram to Tin : IlliH-l-Coi-KKi : Options opened steady mid unchanged to. > points up ; clovd steady W3IS points up. Sales ! ! :7.V : ) bags. Includ- ln November , * I7.2 : > : December. * l .lKVifil7.1 | .lannary. tin.lX&tiU' ( ' > ; I'ubriinry. " Slnreh , Ji5.couns.40i May , 4is.ioitiri.K : ) : spot Ulo. i-ajtler and quiet ; fair cargoes , J1U.50 ; No 7. Shnrn.i. NKW YotiKi Nov. 13. [ tiiiex'lal ToloBrntn to Tin : Ilnt : . [ Thu following uro the mining stock quotations ! Ilodlc lei Can. Oil. * Va IV ) Kureka Cnn MO ( ioulil.t Currr 1AO lluloi Niirerois SUU llomeitake , 8oJ ( Horn Silver : wt Coin .Silver IUO N. 11. Isle II/J lOntarlo 37.VJ Ophlr . . ; Uo [ Huttcr Creek 100 VllO It IIVK 31 < l It ti KTS. CitlCAno , Nov. l)7 ! ) rjloia Wheat Easy : ca U , ! { o ; Dccumler ,'JOo ; ilay , $ l.U2.3iJ ( Corn Weak ; cnsli , uOo ? ; December. DO. c ; May , Klc. Oats Kasyi ensh , 4'io ; December , 42JJ ® 4Mo ; May , 45-awyo. - 1'ork .Moss , easy ; cash , lO.O'Jij ; January. ' hard Kasy : cash , M.13 ; January , W.7U ! ; May , $ d.fi7i. ! Ityo Firm at C7c. Hurley Kasy nt 70c. Klux Husyat 11.21) ) . rrimeTiniothy-Sti.'ady nt $1.29. Whlsky-Jl.H. l-'lour IJiii'lianscd ; winter patents , ? .ri.W ) ® .1.U ) ; spring patents. ! J.OOt5.M ; bakers' , W.riO 31.00. ' Unlit Moats-SlioiiIdpN , $ , 'i.)7J : ) ! short clear , $3.7i > tt : > .8J ; short rlhs , 4' > .lKa."i.'iO. ( HtiUer-Klrni ; creamery , 2J23c ; dairy , 10 ' . Uheoio Firm ; full cream Cheddars , S Hals , ? © ! ; Young Amerlons , 03ie. ! EuKs-KInn ; f res. 21 J22o. Hides ITiii'liiingi'd ; heavy and llghtgrccn , C' c ; green hides. 4ii ? ; Milted bull hides , 4lic ; green salted cul5T ; { ci dry Hint , 7QSc ; dry suited , 75i.'c ; dry i"ilf. rVJ9u ! ; duaciins , oach,2."ic , Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4iic. Itecclpts. Shlumeiiln. I'lour , bbls . 1 , ( KK ) inOOJ Wheat , bu . Hii.uoo US.OOO Corn , Uil . 78,000 110,000 Oats , bll . . 12OUO 258,000 NEW YOIIK , Nov. 13. Whcat-Ilecelpts. C8..TO bushels ; export M. 17.800 bushels. Spot lower ; No. 2 red , ll.02"i In iilovutor , * I.oiI ; afloat , ® 1.04JJ f. o. b. ; options feverish ; closed l ° i ® 2 ? e below yesterday. No. 2 red , November , closed at tl.O ! . Corn Receipt * . 123,330 bushels ; exports , 34.r > 00 bii.shuN. Spot lower anil weak ; No. 2 , r) ? ! ; III elnvator , r.9COo atloat ; un graded mlxod'.il > 3HOJ.ic ; options freely oll'orcd IWIHc lower ; November eloslns at SHJSc. Oats Kecelpts , B ! , .V)0 ) bushels ; exports. 200 bushels ; spot , weal ; : No. a white , KtfMIMUci mixed wchti'in. 47 ® . " ) ! ; wliltn western. 4Sc ; oitlons ) easier , November closing at 4S'ie. SiiRar It aw , steady ; muscovado. 89 test. 4 ' c ; rellnud niilel ; "I1,1 fi'ic ' ; rollow. 4 13-ICu ; oil "A. " riT-lCWtc ; Imniild ' 'A/'lia-lOc ' ; stunU- ard "A , " 0 1-lC.o ; cut loaf , 6U-lCo ; powdered , ( i ? e ; graiiulatiMl. ( i'8t' ' . Petroleum tilled closed at7UUcfor De cember. KBRS I-'aney. firmer ; western. 2. ' > ® 20o. Pork Stciuly ; mess , tll.'iSO. \ . liard Quiet and steady ; western steam , $0.i5 : bid. Iluttcr ririn : western dairy , HS20c ; cream ery , 2ox32SVie ; Klgln. ai'c. ' Chce&c-l-tL'iiily ; ll 'lil sklma , 4'/J7o. ST. I/outs , Nov. ly. Wlicat Lower ; cash , 9lo bid ; May. J1.02. Corn-t'nsh , Sloaskod ; May , Oats I.owur ; cash,40Hu ; May , t I'orU-rinn : Lard-Stenily ; * 0.0. > . Whisky- steady ; $1.14. Iluttcr llctter grades llrm and unchanged ; creamery. 23&WC ; dairy , IVB-'Ic. MINNKAVOMS , Nov. 13. Bulk of cash wheat slow , bringing unsatisfactory prices. Kccelnts , 370 cars ; shipments. 1-U cars. Closing ; No. 1 hard , November and on track , U4o ; No. 1 northern , November , OOo ; May , OS ? ; ; on track , OOo ; No. 2 northern , November , 8lc ; December , S3u ; on track , 80S85c. KANSAS OITV , Nov. 111. Wheat Easier ; No. Shnril , cash , b24C bid ; No. 2 red , cash , tj3Jo ! bid. Corn Higher ; No. 2 , cash. 5iyi352ii ; Novem ber , r ? Je. Oats Quiet ; No. 2 cash , 45o bid ; November. MILWAUKEE , Nov. 13. Wheat-Kasy ; No. 2 spring cash , ICiiU4c ; No. 1 northern , U3c. Corn Klrm ; Nn.II , 5lc. Oats-Steady ; No. 2 white , 47@)7ic. ) ! Provlslons Kaaler ; pork , January , $11.77 ! ! . CINCINNATI , Nov. 13. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 red , U7ic. ! Corn Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , now , 55c. Oiits-l'lrm ; No. 2 mixed , 4UlflHo. WhMcy-il.14. _ Liviiiti'Oor Nov. la. Wheat Steady ; holders oll'er sparingly. Corn Firm ; domuni ] poor. LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , Nov. 111. Cattle Receipts. 17,000 ; market easier ; steers , } 4.15y4.20 ; Texans , t2.1.VftUO : rangers , fc'.75i.40. : Hogs Hecelpts , 4i.XX : ( ) ; market steady with uctlve dciuund ; rough and common , packers and mixed , ! .H. > & 1.U3 ; prime hc.ivy and butcher wolghts$4.00 < auO ; llght$3.SoU.OO ; pies J2.HXS3.50. Sheep Hecelpts , 10,000 ; market slow nnO barely steady ; natives , $1.00(33.20 ( ; westerns H.l.yU.aJ : ; To\nns , prime fed , tl.13 ; lambs I3.0041J.TO. _ ST. Louis , Nov. 13. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 shipments , 800 ; niurkut htondy ; fair ti fanoy natives steers , Kl.liOQ3.OOj atockers and feeders , I.MO < ai.lO. : Hogs Keeelpts , (1,100 ( ; shipment ! ! , 2,000 market lower ; heavy. | U.SO'J.U3 ; mlxei ja.4o < B.ii.T3i light , ta.r > o@i.u5. : KANSAS OITV , Nov. 13. Cattle Receipts 0,000 ; Hhlpincnts. y.'JOO ; market lower ; steers J3.2.V3 > 4. ( > .icowhil.2.V32.GO : ; ttockers and teed. urn , JI.GOrtfl.M ) . llozs Uecelpts,0.400 ; shipments , 330 ; inarkc' steady to lower ; all grades , KJ.OO4.00. Sioux CITV , Nov. 13. [ Special Telegram U TllK Hir.l : Hogs Receipts , 8,20.1 ; marko steady ; aelllns at tt.WiKl.Wi bulk , Kl.75aa.83. .JIAICKKTfi. Cattle. 'Thursday. Nor. 13. Estimated receipt ? of cattle. uOO as com. pared with 3,21 ! ) yesterday nnd 2,1173 Thursdaj of last week. The market Is unchanged 01 beeves and butehers' stock. The jiooroi grades uro very dull , 1'eodors show no 1m provemeut. nstlmnten recoliits of hojs. 10,101. as com pared with to.ivil yesterday and 8.537 Thurs day of last week. The market was 5 to 15 < lower. The range of prices paid was * J.OOSt.87K : the ImlkKi'llIni : at M.7JS3.8J. Light , * J.oinsi.ryj ; heavy , SUMjJiumi mixed , J..40W.SO. ) ( } The av- crago of the | irli-es until was KI.II7 as comuarod with $ 'l.Vd yesterday and $3.7'JU Thursday ol last week. Slicep. Kstlmnted reculntsof slieeo 372 as comparoil with 100 Thursday of last week. The markel U unchun ed. Natives , } JU' > QI.13 ; westerns llHiisilli ) > u of Htook , Showing the numbnrot head of stock pur chased on till * market as reported by tlu wulghniustur of the Stockyards company foi November 13 : CATTf.B. Swift & Co 40 Ceurgo H. Haniiuouil ti Co ! I5 ! The Armoiir-Uudahy packing company. . Cli Omaha packing eompany 4 Hamilton .t Stephen C ! Demon Si Underwood 11 bhlpporsand feeders. , Mi 11008. The Armnur-Ciidahy packing company . 4,311 Oiniiha packing company , i'.Ml Hwlft&t'n 1,42 ; George H , Hammond packing company. . S.V J. I' . qulresJkCo. . . , . 0 Hrlttaln.Vl > o 25 Hhlppers and feeders , . 41 ' Swift i Co . 3T Jlcnresctitntlro Sales. 8TEB119.- 0 No. Av. IV. No. Av. I'r. No. Ar. Pr , 10. Jiw a a3 cowa. I1..700 70 15..1078 tl M IB , . 627 II KS 24. . b l 110 11. , 70 170 I..llft3 18S 1.,11100 11. % 10.,1022 170 0. . OIU IW ) 1. . tt 125 23.,1022 170 6 , , 1074 200 . ,1030 125 15. . 9. * 173 1..1050 200 1. . 860 liU 23. . KS 173 0.frW 200 . 878 1 2. % SI 1015 1 7. . 8 , F..S 203 000 1 40 25 8IH 1 7.1 1 COM 213 lira 1 50 III 105.1 1 W ) 21. , tllO 213 ,1000 1 tO 17 KH 1 M 11) . K)7 215 10. MX ) 1 fill 1..I020 1 83 3,1000 250 10. . 8J1 1 03 BTOCKKIIS ASP 1. . COO S 10 1. . 720 2 23 11..1027 545 1. . 70J 2 15 22. . tUrt 2 40 S. . WKI 253 ' MO 2 15 in. . 017 2 41) ) 20. . K8 SAO lo'.i 810 2 15 7. . WM 2 40 11..1031 250 2. 1:173 : 1 00 1..13M 1 50 1..ISOO 200 S..I8S3 1 M ) 1..l.1t | ) i 50 1..1400 200 1..18IO 1 W 1..WW 1 75 4..1555 ' . ' 50 1..1G10 1 uO U. . 1137 1 85 Mlt.Kr.lt9 ANII 1 milker 1,100 CAirr. . S. . 315 223 1. . 110 300 1. . 1GO 315 O.XE.X. 2..1C80 1 73 Itr.imiS. 2. . OSS 3 13 WESIKHN CATTLE. No. Av. I'r. 4Hstookors 812 { 2 00 F. Woltott k CD. SOcowH (112 ( 1 fiO 2f < 'eli'rs ( b33 223 W. II , Swan 2H cows 704 1 75 70eows fkSS 1 75 3ieows ( WO 1 75 llurriMi & S 1033 2 72H 13 feeder ! ) H2l : 2:10 : 31 steers IIW it 00 1 steer 1070 3 ( W B steers 1140 3 00 Morris CO 1014 2 00 McOlnley & S- lOOstcers 037 2 30 Tho.lohiiHunton eompany ineannurs lOftO 125 fi7 Ml 200 KiM. 101U 2 UO M. Vnlili- Icow 1070 1 80 4 cows 1112 1 SO tlcows 1I2II 1 M 4cow3 lOU'J 1 bO 7eows K > 7 1 8U IScows 10-5 1 80 nuns. No. Av. Ph. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. ttt . l.V ) 120J.-IOO ( XI 270 240 * : ( 7.H } 70 . 1H7 120 30' 70 2'ifl 200 . ' 175 BO 811 440 111.1 (15 ( 237 120 373 70 II 7 200 1125 70 273 200 375 55 180 1M ! 325 fit ) 2 80 373 82 188 M ) fifi 2.V1 200 373 fifiOS 311 IKS 40 : i35 OS 2:11 : ICO 375 01. .IV/J 240 : ii5 : 81 278 120 375 " 40fit aw 40 : i ; n 24 : i3n M 373 fit ) S48 320 335 STO 4) ) 375 85 . los so : in : GO 270 120 375 0(1 ( . 187 IHO 333 7 210 375 72 . 525 210 340 53 218 100 375 87 . 188 3 40 fill 272 i'OO 375 89 . VO',1 200 3 40 07 2.V. JfiO 3 73 ItO. . . . . . 240 120 340 G'l 271 SO 375 G'li2. 41 180 310 : i2. . .280 100 373 4'1 . lfi.1 3 40 54 310 120 375 74 . 214 200 345 08 375 ft'J 181 343 08 294 100 375 81 211 200 343 57 203 120 375 85 181 345 50 2115 2fO 375 48 ISO . ' 1 45 01 21KJ 60 3 77i ! 78 . 2-.M 200 3.10 50 291 203 3 77H 71 . 2211 280 350 78 1118 120 3 77R 785S 77 . 202 200 3M 5S 239 2 0 3 77K 90 . 210 240 3M 40 310 - 380 . 77 171) 80 3 GO 52 297 100 380 18 . ' . ' 07 3 iiO ISO 21 * 210 380 Cl . 210 190 3M H 28(1 ( 40 380 12 . 354 200 350 57 303 120 380 07. . . 13 fi'.f ) 335 (15 ( 2(19 ( 240 3 M C9 . 2.12 2SO : i , " > 81 182 100 3 tO 81Cl 61 . 2 7 200 355 ( Cl 312 120 380 08 . 239 240 3 63 70 20 3 80 37 . 205 100 355 ( il 283 100 380 Kl . Ml 3 ( )0 ) 01X 321 100 380 71 . KM SOD 3 GO ( X ) 317 120 380 . 237 2SO 300 57 art 80 380 57VI 68 . 255 210 300 ( VI 323 240 380 88 . . . . 223 305 57 291 SO 380 811 . 2110 0 3C5 314 400 38'J 70 . 242 83 305 55 310 300 380 . . 24 400 305 CO 2fl'J 40 380 07 . 210 240 305 58 278 8J 3 SO 71 . 238 80 3 (13 ( 53 ! KI 240 3 8J 72 . 281 3'M 3.G5 44 313 83 380 44 . 278 240 370 52 284 200 380 68 . 208 370 03 28 380 C7 2:7 : 370 (11 ( 3)7 ) fcO 380 48 237 370 1(1 ( 3B ! - 3 SO 03 232 40 370 70 . . 374 - 380 58 . . 244 100 370 (12 3111 1(10 ( 3 SO (12M 77 250 32J 370 M ' . ' 87 100 380 77Vt ( Vt 257 100 370 41ill 342 fcO 3 Wt 75 . 243 100 370 ( ill 310 3 b2'i ' 39 . 270 SO 370 59W 318 80 3 8'J'i ' . .210 100 370 W 307 40 3 85 210 80 370 53 318 200 385 2.18 120 370 42 370 80 383 21SI 240 370 50 371 3 S5 . 29(1 100 3 724 ! 61 287 60 385 75 . 270 120 37814 01 291 3S74 ! 59 . . .277 300 3 72V4 63 372 3K7i ! 13 . 208 80 372 ! * 1UOS AND 8 KITS 5 . 140 80 200 130 87 225 10 . 01 200 15 110 253 13 . 120 200 32 13'J 40 8 L'O 187 . 84 200 13 140 250 858 . ( U 220 13 128 - 250 103 . 125 225 45 139 40 283 SHEEP. No. Av. Pr. 183 western weathers 100 393 OMAHA AVHOIjESAJjE MAKKETS. Groceries. DATES Persian. C-lh hex , Oljc. KAISINS London layers , California , per box , $2.4xa2.70 ; loose muscatels , California , $2.0054 2.40 : seedless , California , fc.252.35 ! ; California seedless HUltans. In sucks , pur Ib , lie : Califor nia museatols , in sacks , 8'Jo ' ; now Valentlas , 8He ; ondura layers , now. OJic. MAVI.K HUOAK 1'or Ib 5o cakes , 30-lb boxes , 13c ; lOo eakcs , 30-lb boxes , lUJic ; 1-lb bricks , 30 Ibs In bov , pure , Ho. TwiNES-Cotlon twine , "Bibb. " very fine , U- Ib bales , 22u ; cotton twine , XX brand , > - . [ - > balC3,18e ; hemp twine , y-lb bales , IBoj sail twine , 20cj candle wick , 22o ; 40-foot eotton clothesline , J1.40 ; 00-foot cotton clothes line. ( I.i5 ; GO-foot sisal lines , $1.75 ; 03-foot jute , Jl.OO ; wool twines , 8Jc. ! CorvKK Koubtnd Ariosla , 235c ! ; Rnnola , 25I/ic : German , 25Uo ; Dllworth's , 25 ? < c : Uon , 2flo ; Mallpouuh , 2514e , Cordova , 25 ! 4ei Mocha , 20Hci O. U. .Iuva,50c. UliOOMS 5-tlc , parlor , J3.00 ; 4-tle , J2.75 ; 3-tle , t2.25j 3-tlo , plain , 81.81 ; warnhouso , W.OO ; toy J1.25 : whisk , 1.00 ai.85. Ou vi.s-y iiarts , per doz , 51.00 ; pints , per Ooz , $2.50 ; bulk , per gal , 03c. SOAP Custlle , mottled , per Ib , OQlOc ; do white , peril ) , lie. UinEit-1'er bbl , refined , J0.50 ; half Mil , $3.50 ; hard elder , pure , per bbl , fO.BO : oranKe older. half bbl , $ t.r ! > 0 ; pear elder , half bbl , M.W. NUTS Almonds , 19u : llrazils , 2lo ; fllborts , 14o ; pcoans. 15c ; walnuts , 15c ; peanut cocks , 8c ; rousted. lOu ; Tennessee peanuts , 80. ( JANNKK VEOKTAIILKS Tomatoes 3-lb extra , } 1.10l.l53-lbbtandnrd ; western brands , $1.10 ; gallons. Archer's standard , t3.03. Corn Finest Krown , JI.03 ; Onto City Hiiiar corn , very line , SI. 50 ; Ullmaii. 2-lb siiar curn , J1.20 ; 2-lb extra , llcemer. $ l,102-lb ; standard western brands , $1.10. Mushrooms l-lb Frunch , extra tine , 2i tt25c ; 1-lb French , fine , 18O22o ; 1-lb I'rench.or- dlnary , imaiBc. 1'oas Tres , line , porcan,23e ; duiul-flnc , per can , lOc ; 2-lb sifted , $1.75 ; 2-lb early Juno , $1.50 ; 2-lb marrow , htandaril brands , 11,25 : 2-lb soaked , 73o. Strin ? beans 2 < } bhlili grade , Kcfugco , $1.00 ; 2-lb Golden wux beans , OOo ; 2-lb string beans. 80c. Lima beans 2-lb soaked , 83o. lloston baked beans 2-11) Lewis , $1.03 ; Crown brands , tl.35. Swcot potatoes 3-lb Now Jersey , 11.00 , Pumpkins 3-lb , 41.00 , Okra and tomatoes S1.B3 ; okra. 11.00 ; succotash , 11.35. COIIDAOE Manilla rope All sizes from 7-10 to 1 In , 14c ; sisal rope , all sizes from 7-ui to 1 In , Olio ; "new urocossos"all sizes from 7-16 to 1 In. 8c. T fitAPi-iNa PAj'Eit-Straw , per Ib , lfilo ? ; rac , : i4c ! ; manllla , 11.4 < S5e ; No. 1,7c. MOI.ASSKS Itbls , N. U. fancy , per gnl. 62355C : choice. 4ttiit7c ; good , : KK3 : o ; Cuba , baking , 23 ffiiOc ; blackstrap , 20a22c. : SotiA I'kgs. CO Ibsto box. ! > Vo ; kegs , 4 < Jo. VINKOAH aogr. N. Y. npplo elder , lOc ; O. 9. older , 12o ; white , wine , lee ; fancy , fruit , ISe. OII.H I.VI prime white , Dtfo ; 15J water whlto , ll'ie ; headlight , itc : ; 74 gasoline , iio. : SALSODA llbls , Ifio ; grauulatod , 2o ; In bbls , 'STOVH POMBII JJ.OOUaoo per gross , HAOS Am. , per 100 , * 17.73 ; Lowlston , per 100 , 117.73 ; Union Siuare , 40 per cent off list. SALT Dairy.'WJ Ibs In bbl. bulk , * .MO ; best grade , (10 ( 6s , fc'iO : ; best crude 100 : is , $ , ' .40 ; best grade 2sJ 10s. $2.25 ; rock salt , crushed , Jl.bO ; common , bbl , J1.25. CiiiisK : : rremlum P. O. , twin flats , per Ib , lOJio ; premium K. R , Young America , HUe ; doiuostlo Swiss , H < ai7c ; Kdam , Infoll , each , 05o ; Llmberircr , 121io. TICKLES Mediumpcrbbl$8.50 ; small , J10.UO ; gherkins. $11.50. FAIIINACKOUS ROODS D.irloy,4'o ; farina. 5o ; peas , 2Uo : outmeal , bbls , 11.50&0.75 ; halt bbls , fc'J.vrti.rOi ( ; macaroni , llX&l.'Jo ; VDrmlcolll , 10'id lUo ; rice , choice , ? > 'i < &fc ; fancy , UU7o ; head , 7e , sago anil taplooa , r > & 7c ; Llinii beans , Goj bpllt peas , : io : upaihottl. lUc. DiilKD I'ltuiTS Turkish prunes , less than hhds , ISSil , 8o | original lihds , HO less ; Hosnln prune ! * , ( I-It ) boxes ) , 100 to 110 , Oo ; apples , evaporated - rated , now rln choice. 15o ; evaporateil , new ring prime , lie ; apricots , fancy. In sacks. 1'Jl'tc ; blarkbcrrles , uew.lOo : raspberries , 25 Iba to box , at ® ' 'K ) : currants , now. 5J3'4C , origi nal casks , Ho Icis ; Votlzza currants , oxtru , In boxes , U'c. SuoAit-l'orln Cut loaf , 7 o ; . cubes. CWo ; standard powdered , OS e ; XXXX. powdered , ! ? " ! granulated. Htandard , ti > > o ; confection ers' A. OUo ; white extra C , brilliant. CKo ; extra C , royal. 60 ; central U , 5 ioj golden O , 5iie ; dark U. ifiu. COTTON Horn } J Inch , 17c. 1'rovlNloiiB. BMOKED MnATS-Sugar Utircd-Hanu , 14 to 16 Ib avuraire , IDo ; hams , 20 to 22 Ib average. O' o ; jianm , 12 Hi average. lOUei skinned hams. 101o ; hams ( No. S ) , 8io ! ; shoulders. Ccj clear breakfast baoou , b. o ; boneless break fast bacon backs. 7o ; famous boned ham , 8i ! : California or nlcnlo hams , 6io ! ; boneless hani.uj ; ilrloil beef hams isots > , 7 > Ioi drlnil boot clods , 03) ) short aolool rJllsorlui m roulette , 7Uc : BinolioJ beef tomtnus , par do ? . JO-SI ; special brand hums. IS to 15 Ib average , lllio ; special brand boneless breakfast bucou , llHc ; solcctod dried Leaf bams , Ineldesaud knuckles , lOo ; aelocteJ wldo clear breakfast baron , uvic. SALT MKATB-Fancy llgbt weight thort clear * , 6'ot ' long clears , fVut short clean , Cot nhort ribs , fiiei.shoulders . , RUoi clear bellies. OVJc ; clear backs' . i 4o < HMOKF.I ) MKATS-Hry HnHCured-I'iineyllKht weight bacon , short clear * . to : Imeoni uliort rlb , fl'KI ' bacnii. fdi'oitolo.irt.n'ic : hacim.long clears , fl'ici bacon , clear "hArks. u'te ; bacon , clear bellies. 7c ; bncon. shoulders , ftjc. SWKM I'lCKt.KI ) > IHATS-llaill9 tllTCOS , PUc , shoulder * ( N.Y , cut ) , tierce's , foe : California until , tlerci-sfi i't licof liann , liiirroN , Jis.dO. 1'IGKr.ED llEKKTO.HtlUKST.Hnlf bills. , U ) IIS. , 110.50 ; quarter bbls. , 00 Ibs. , JG.OJ ; olRhth hbls. 251 ! ) > . , UM. SWIIKT I'icKi.F.riPi'Aiin HliK-Tlerccs , no ) Ibs , net weight , I13.50I barrels. MX ) Ibs. , nut weight , J8.00 ; half barrels , lee Ibs. . net weight , H.7.V LAUD Compound , per Ib. tlcrco basis , 5'c ! brand pure loaf lard , per ll > . , tlurco basis , Ojjo ; xiieclal brand kettlu tendered leaf lard , per Ib. tlorco basis , 7c. MAHIIKLKII I'OIIK AND .HERF-1'cr barrol- Moss pork ( now ) , Ill.nO ) family pork , fll.25 | short cut clear pork 112.50 ! short cut clear pork , JII.25 ; boiiplo < s pig pork ( fancy ) , lu.ooi extra mess beef , JJ.K ( ( ) ; pinto beef. jf.OO ; extra plate beef , 18,00 : extra family beef ( boneless ) , } n.00j rolled beef ( boneless ) , HW ; rump butts , IS.BO. I'm I'OIIK Ilarrels. 2HO Ibs each , JI4.00 ! half barrels , lee Ibs each. J7.50 ; qunrter barrels , M It * each , JI.UO ; eighth UarreU , 23 Ibs each , "UANNKD MKATS All prlcrs per Am. net- Corned beef , 1 Ib cans , 2 doz per case , ; 2 Ib square cane , 1 or 2 doz. PIT ease. tl.M ) 0 Ib square cani , ! J doz. per cuv < , } i > .2.'i ; 14 Ib sitiaro | cull1' , ( i doz , per rase , 113.00 ; lunch tongues , 1 Ib round cam. 2 doz. PIT cas c , f.50j 2 Ib round cans , 1 dor. per case , $1.50 ; brawn , 1 Ib piiuuro cnns. sdoII.SO : 2 IB square cans , 1 ori iloz , ncr case , $2.00 ; fl Ib squarecans , H do/.purcasc , J7.00 ; H Ib squarn cans , W doper case , (13.00 : o < tongues , Hj-lb ronml enns , i doz per case $ . " ) ,00 ; 2-lb round cans , 1 doz per case , Kt.OOj 2'J- Ib round cans , 1 doz per case , $7.00. Chipped beef , ! i-lb roundcan .2do/.percasp.Jl.OO ; 1-lb round cans. 2 doz per case , Jl.oo ; 2-lb round cans , 1 noz per case , 11.75. Itonst bocf , 1-lb round cans. 3 doz per case. ; 2-lb round cans , $1.75. I'otlcd ham , ; i-lb round cans , 4 doz ncrcaso , fiOc ; W-lb round cans. 2 doz per case , ft.00. Dovlk'd ham , U-lb round cans. 4 doz per case. ( Xte : Ji-lb round cans , 2 doper case , $1.00 ; potted ox tongue , ! S II ) round CIIIIK , 4 doz per rase , GOoi 1A Ib round cans , 2 doper case. { 1,00 ; compressed bam , 1-lb squaru cans , 2 doz per case , -f 1.05 ; 2-lb srjuaru cans , 1 doz per case , ; tripe , 2-lb round cans , 1 doz per case , tl.M ) ; minced cnllops , 2-lb round cans , 1 doper case. * ' . ' .20 ; boneless pigs' feet , 2-lb square cans , 1 doper case , } 2.5d ; roast beef , 1-lb , 2 doz per case , $1.00 ; 2-lb , 1 doz per case , tl.55. Oir.s-Prlino lard oil. ( winter strained ) , f 2o ; extra lard oil ( winter strained ) . 49o ; extra No. Hard oil , 4lc ; No. 1 Inrd oil. : t2o ; No. 2 lard oil , Il'lc ; extra noatsfoot oil , 45u ; tallow oil , 47c. Half barrels , 'lo over barrels ; it-gallon cuns (2 ( hi a case ) . 5c over barrels ; 1-gallon cans (10 ( In a case ) , lOo over barrels ; ij-gallou (2J ( In a case ) , l&o over barrels. Special prices on largo lots. j liclogna. long , 4c ; bolcgna. round , 4c ! bologna , large , 4ci bologna In cloth , 4c ; smoked sausage 7c ; .star bologna , long , 4c > ; blood sausage. 44c ! ; liver sausage , 4 ! ( ; head cheese , 4jCi ! fresh fork sausage ( links ) Gc ; fresh pork sausage ( bulk ) , 5' > e ; smoked porlc sausage , Sc ; Frankfurt sausage. 7c ; smoked head ehcese. Go ; Polish sausage , 7c ; knoblaucli sausage. 7c ; tongue sausage , EC ; summer sausage , lllc. The above prices are for lots of fifty pounds aud upwards ; u less quantity u half cent more. Country Produce. BUTTER The supply Is very light and prices are holding up well but at the same time dealers complain of a falling oil In the de mand. It would appear that high prices are tending to deereuse the consumption , Ocod ennntry rolls , 15O180 ; choice , ISa'-'Oo ' ; Inferior , 8 < QUOo ; good country solid packed , 18 < 320e ; choice solid packed , 20'Jlc ; good creamery , 2123c : fancy. 2.VU27C. POUI.THY Live poultry Is slow sale , the sea son of the year having arrived when the de mand calls for dressed poultry. Live chickens are quoted 1111.75142.25. with * J.5) about the top and dressed chickens 7SfcSc. Llvo tur keys 0 and dressed llftI2o. Live ( lucks , i > .50 O3.00 , with an occasional sale of extra large stock at $3.53 ; d reused ducks , lO'ttllc. Clcisso scarce ; diessed. lOIillc. Ktius The bulk of the 'eggs are selling at 20o. GAME Prairie chickens , per dozen. 83.50 ; _ . antelope casses. 8 < 29o ; saddles , llnc. Pinr.o.vs Occasionally i small lot of pigeons Is received , bur. they arc not wanted and are slow even at St.00 per dozen. Fresh I'Vults. OIIAXOES There Is some qulto desirable Florida stock on sale which Is quoted at $4.00. LK.MONS Cliolco stock. $8.5Q < S,9.00. Aw'i.KS Tlio market Is very llrm nnd stocks arc quoted at $3.25(34.23 ( , according to the quality and variety. CiiANiiKittuns Fancy Cane Cod , $9.00 ; bell and cherry , $ S.5) . CoNcoiii ) QiiAi'BS Per basket , 33c. Vegetables. POTATOES The market remains steady at 8.VS900. ONIONS Hed , $1.35 per bu. ; yellow Danvers , $1.351.50 : Spanish , $1.75 per box. HWKET POTATOES Homo grown stock , $1.00 nor bu. , and not very plenty ; Musuatlne and Jersey stock ; J4.Ooa4.SO per bbl. HKANS .Supply not largo aud the feeling strong at $ ; . ; ( .V3.i.75. CEI.EHY 30a50u per doz. Miscellaneous. Itr.ACK WALNUTS Per bushel , 75c < 3ll.OO. Hic.ouv NUTS Large , per bushel. (1.25 ; small. 1.75ffi'i.OO. Poi' COIIN Choice lust hcason's stock , 2'JJo ! per Ib. Fish. FHESII Per Ib Perch | 8ci buffalo , dressed , 7c ; pickerel,9c ; pike , Oc ; white , lOo ; eniple | , lie ; catfish. He ; eod steak , 12o ; lloumlors , lllc ; Oregon gen .salmon , I5c ; black bass , 18c ; lobsters , 16u ; blue Itsh , 15c. Salt and pickled Coddsh , extra Georges , new , ana grand bank , now , 4JJe ; silver , 2-lb blocks , fl4c ! ; snow white , 2-lb bricks , new , 7ie ! ; turkey cod. large middle brlcks,9csnow ; whites , crates. 12-3 Ib boxes , 7'ie : medium scaled her ring. 25c ; No. 1 scaled burring. 20e ; domestic Holland herring , 40o ; Hamburger spiced hor- rlng. COcHusslan ; sardines , spiced , HucKusslar. : sardines , plain , 50u ; Imported HollunU herring , Crown btand , MOc ; do fancv mllKers. $1.00 ; mackerel. No. 1 shore , half I ) $12.50 ; bloaters , half bbls , $18.00 ; white fish , half bble , $0.75 ; trout , half bbls , S3.50 ; family white fish. $3.00 : salmon. JS.50 per half bbl ; 2-lb broiled mackerel , $2.00 ; 3-lb In mustard. $2.00 ; 3-lb In tomato sauce , J'.GO ; 5-1 b .Mayo mess mackerel$9.00 ; 1-lb brook trout , $1.25 ; 3-lb brook trout , . ' . ' > ; 1-lb salmon , $1.25 ; 2-lb white fish , J2.25 ; 1-lb white llsh , tl.35 ; 2-lb lobsters , $3.30 ; 1-lb lob sters. $2.30 ; 2-lb oysters , 12 oz , $ . ' ,50 ; 2-lb oys ters , 10 oz , $2.25 ; 1-lb oysters , 5 oz , $1.25 ; 2-11) llaratarla , 10 oz , 82.10 ; 1-lb llaratarla , 5 oz , $1.10 ; Fairmont. 4 oz. $1.13 : 1'alrmont , 8 oz , t..05 ; 1-lb clams , little necks , $1.35 ; 2-lb clams , llttlo necks , $1,75 ; 3-lb clam cliowder , $2.UO ; 1-lb crabs. $ J.25 ; 2-lb crabs. $2.55. Dry GoodH. HEAVY HHOWN CorroNS-Atlantlo A , 7c ! } ; Atlantic II. 7c ; Atlantic-1) . 0 ? o ; Atlantic P. Co ; Aurora C , i'ic ; Iluek's head , 7o ; Cabot W , OV4e ; Darlington , fljjc ; ' ' 'armcrh' No. 1 , 4 ? < < < 6 44o ! ; llooslcr LL < . 5lie : Indian head , 7ic ! ; Lawrence - ronco LL , 5 c ; llcnrlraa LL , .Vic. OiNniiAMS Amoskuait. 7c ; Amoskcag dress , S'/iu ; Itatos , \VurwlekOress,8e ; ; Lancaiter , ( l4o ; Olcnalre , C 5e ; Whlttendon dress , 8c. FINE HHOWN COTTONS Atlantic LL , Oc ; Au rora IJ , fl'je ; Aurora It , O'ic ; Atlas O N II. 7io ! ; cheese cloth , 4c : Clinton I'T ' , 5 > ic ; Pepporcll K , OUc ; Langdon Oil , 8c. ili.KAuiici ) Corro.NB Berkeley Cambric No. 00 , OUc ; Host Yet , ! io ; llutterclotli XX , 4'ic ' ; Cabot. 7ic ? ; First callUViiij Fruit of the Loom , Do ; Hill iMimpcr Idem , So ; Housekeeper , 8ie ! ; King Phillip cambrlo , lOo ; Langdon OH , 0'4o : Lonsdalo , Oo ; Lonsdalo cambric , 10ic ! ; Now Vork Jlllls , lie : Oak Lawns , 7c. WtOANS-Net TlilstlccC.'io ' ; Jled Cross , 7c. Ciusii-Stovons' It , lO-liiiS'ic ; Htevcns' 1) ) , 18 In , O'ic ; Stevens' A. 107ln , 7ici ! Stevens' P , IB In , 80 ; Slovens' M , 18 In , le ) ; Stevens' N , 20 In , Oe ; Stevens' NN , 22 In , jOc : Stevens' STll , 20 In , 12e ; bleached , lo extra. PIIINTS Fancy I'Mdystonc , ( lSn ! ; Strcl 5io. ! Net-Pepuorell , 4.ln , 10 > Jo ; Popporell , 8-4,18c ; Pepperoll , 04,20e : Pepp'orctl , 10-4 , 22JJo ; Utlca , 48-ln , i5cJtliMi&H-ln. ; ( UWo ; lJtloa,2--ln,24c : Utloa , 64-ln,20c ; Utli'a.S0ln. | 281Jc. llloached Net Pepporcll , 43-ln. lOJio ; Pepperell. 4Hn ( , ll4e ! ; Pnpnorcll , 6-4. .JBcr Popperell , 8-4.20c ; Peoneroll. 0-4,22J4o ; Pcnpurell. 10-1 , 2Jc ; Utlca , 8-4. 2lo ; Utloa , 9-4 , 26a ; litlea , 10-4 , 28c , PIIINTS liullgo bluui-Net .Martha Wash ington , 55c ! ; American OUe ; Arnold. G c ; Ar nold II , long cloth , lOc ; Stlllo A , Illic ; Merrl- mac , 7-8. lOe ; Hold LcafJSlio ; Hamilton , ftJc ! ; Allen Pinks , 04o ! ; Alton Chainbray , Co ; Glou- Chester. 51Jo ; llurtel.OUc. OOUMIEU OAMuiiics-Crown , 4Jo ! ; Hod Star , 4V4o ; Kollcd Clover , 60 ; Slater , 5iej ? high col ors , lo extra. Denims Not Amoskeag , 0 oz , 15'c ' { ; York camlet. ISr ; Kverett. standard , 12Jo ( : llay- mukur'R7Vio ; Old York , XX , Wc { ; Lawrence , 220,12 o ; LawrenceOoz , ISJJc ; fanoy stripes and checks. 1 Hie- COTTONAiius York , nankin , lO'.Jo ; Everett , 8oz , 18o ; Lewiston , 10 oz , i Hoi Wurklugniuii , 14c. Conl , Onboard earn at Omaha Anthracite Ohoitnut , riiino and egg. $8.25 pur ton ; grate , IS.OO. Soft coat Walnut block. $4.03 ; Iowa lump , 13.75 ; Iowa nut , & 1.25. Qulnlne-Pcr oz , P , k W. , 44c ; Oorman. 31e | Indigo , prlb , 75o ; Insect powder , 2lc ; opium , 11.10 ; morphine , perez , t'\\ ; hops , per Ib.iWci gljceiln ? . 18o ; dextrine , ,10c ; cuttlnbono , 35ci orciun tartar , pure,32o ; onmnicrclal , ISo ; cam. jilKir. 50o ; am. earb. I4o : blue vltrol. 7'io. Carbollo add , 31 < a3Uc ! citric. 4JfM8o : tar- tarlc , 30S39o ; hiilphurlo. per Ib , 2o. Hporm oil , 11.10 ; turpentine , iso ; Tonka beaue , balsam lonlo , 41514VJ : cnlomcl , I0397C ! cnn tharldos , l.KV6i.n : ; : cassia buiin , 20tt22c | rliloroform , K&mei ergot , 47 : : gum arable , rvVSlfl.Mi lycopodlum , l > ifclk't : incronry , 02c | sulphur , 2'ic | altttii , 2e : t-opponn , l ic | ep. sow salt , liid glanbor salt , I'tc. Iitiinbcr. tlVhlto plno No. I , 4 and C In. , 12 and 11 ft. , Hn.f.0 ; No. , 4 and i ) In , , 12 and 14 ft. , $14,00 : No. 2 , 4 and 0 In. 10 ft , $10,50 ; No. i ) , 4 ami Oln , In all lengths , J18.00. SIIII.NO-A , 122.00 : ii. Ktuoi c. $ : n. $ ii.oft : I'l.ooins-n Whlto I'lno-A and n , { .El.OD ; 1) , $21.00 : O , J27.00 : K , 117.50. STOCK lloAiius No. 1 , common , 12 and II ft , $ ' ) ! 10 .00 ; No. 2 , common , 12 and 14 ft , $19.00 : id ft , M7.00. t'Kit.t.xn No. 1 whllo. U In , MI.Mi No. 1 hard nine. " In , $13.50 ; No. 1 linrd pine , ? i In , f.'l.CUi No. 1 hard pine. U In , $2I.TO. STOCK HoAllDS A and 11,13 In , $12.00 ; I ) , 13 III , $ . ' 7.00. Ouoovr.o Iloorisn No. 1 common whltn pine , 12,14 uiiAli ) ft , IHl.vOj No , 1 common Y pine , 12,14 anTlO ft , $ IS.UO. Kl.MEN8IO.N8 12ft lift 1(1 ( ft 18ft 20ft 22ft 24ft 2x1. $15 00 $13 00 $13 DO Jir , PC tltl W (17 M S18 00 2.1(1. ( . 1300 15 OJ 1300 18 TO 1000 18(0 18 W ) \8. . 1500 1500 1500 1(100 ( 10 tlO IS (10 ( 18 W XIO. 15 00 13 00 13 00 Ifi 00 111 00 18 (10 ( 18 K ) Xl' . > . 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 10 00 HI 00 X4to 8.\8 10 00 1(1 ( 00 10 00 17 00 18 00 lf 00 20 00 1IOAIIU3 No. 1 com , (1(1,00 ( ; No. 3 com , 417.00 ! s'o. U com , $15.00 ; No , 4 com , (12.30. SHU1 Lu1 No. 1 iilaln , 8 and 10 Inch , (18.00 ; > iu. 2 plain , 8 and 10 Inch. $ l.00 ( ' ; No. : i plain , H ml lo.lnch , $15.00 ; O. U. , 8 Inch , IMtHV. llATTKNK , WF.MiTUIII.Nn , I'ICKIJTS-O. 0 , lllltS , 'i'ln.--'o : ! ( xi : SIH , : r > i' : il-liiwi < li tubing. I ) . .V 1 , nnd llov. . J2XUO ; pickets , 1) ) . & II , Hat , J.X'.OOj D. k 11. si1.00. ] I'OPI.AH Clear , 1-ln all widths , $3'J.50 ; clear , { -In. all width ! ? . ( JAM ) . Y. I'iNK I < 'lxOlilMl Clear , 4 and n In , (2.1.50 ; tar , 4 and 0 In. > f2I.OO ! rift sawed , Jfl.oo extra. l-'iNifiiiiNa WIIITK I'l.NE 1st and 2d clear , 1 n. $50.00 ; l i , Hi and a In. $ .V.00 ) ; ad clear , 1 In , I3.HU ; lj | , l'i and 2 In , $4il.UO ; A Milect , 1 In , 12.00 ; lit. li ! and 2 In , 42.00 ; H select , 1 In , 11.00 ; 1,14 , li ! and 2 in , &W.03 ; U select , 1 In , 1 < : INI8HINO YKT-UIW I'INK Clear , t In , (20.00 ; ! ( . 1 < { nnd 2 In. $27.00 ; star , I In. $ . ' 4.00. HIIIMH.RK. LATH Kxtrn. XAX , J2.75 ; stand- rd , XAX , $2.1.0 . : n In. (2.20 ; 5 In. 2.0u ; No. 1. 1.20 ; Cedar. XAX , $2.75 ; lath. $ . ' 1.23. I'OSTS White cctlar-0 In , ! JS , 12HC1 0 In , qr , 12c ; fiS ! In. ( if , He ; 8 In , Do ; 4 to 5 in , ound , iilc ; ! ; oak , split , Do ; red cedar , I3o. Sash,55 percent ! doors , 45 per cent ; blind" , 3 per cent ; mouldings , 45 pur cents straw joard , ; tar board , II.W ; tar felt , $2.40. PnlntH nnd Oils. f ! IN Oir/--Cartor. In fiOO-lb lots. 7.50 : In 1,000-lblots. porewt7.20 ; Southern Co. , t. Louis , In 50J-lb lots , } 7.M ) : In 1,000-lb lots , per wt , $7.20 ; lied Seal , St. Louis In 50J-lb lots , 7.M ; In 1,000-lb tots , per owt. (1.20. WIIITK Uitv Glider's Whiting , per Ib , l'.ja ' : 'ommcrclal Whiting , per Ib , lc ; English U. S. 'arts White , per Hi.Uv. . luv--Aim'rleaii Voncllun lied , ll e ; 2hattniioogn.Sc ; Kngllsh Venetian , barrel U.U bs , 25c ! ; Indian , No. 1 , 12c ; Tuscan , English , Oc. Yir.T.ows-Chromo yellow , (1 ( to lOc ; Ochcr , lochclle , Sfio ; OchcrYasbed Dutch,4c ; Ochcr , Washed French , 2'Jc. I'UTTV 1'urc , In barrels , kegs nnd tubs. ! Uc ; lnbluddeis.2'ic ! ; In50-lb tins 2Uc. VKOKTAIILB On.s Linseed. ( lonirstlu raw , In larrols , per gallon , 0-c ; linseed , domcstlu lolled , In barrels , per gallon , ( J5c. ANI.MAI , AND 1'isit OILS Wliale , bleached winter , per gallon , 55e : whale , \tra bleached vlnter , iiOc ; sperm , bleached winter , $1.00. ENOINUOII.S Ulamond Crescent engine oil , icr gallon , 40c ; perfection engine nil. Mo ; stcr- ilnc engine oil. 45c ; Hercules engine oil , 50c. VAIINISHC8 Furniture. No. 1 , ufle : furniture , \xtru , (1.00 ; coacc , No. 1 , $1.10 ; coach , c.\tra , ! 1.2j ; hard oil Unlsli. llRht , $ .20. Ijltnc , Cement , Kto. On hoard cars at Omaha Per bbl Ash drove llmo , OOe : Champion lime , 85c ; Qulncy white , 80c ; Louisville cement , f I.W ) : Milwaukee cement , $1.45 : L'tlca ceinetit , $1.40 ; Kngilsh I'ortland cement. $ ; J.45 : New York plaster , 12.25 ; Michigan plaster , $2.00 ; Fort Dodgu plii- ! : er. JI.75 ; white sand , $2.00 ; I' . 1' . hair , per bale , $1.00. Hlfles , Tallow , Etc. HIDES. PELTS AND TAI.I.OW Green salted lildcs , No. 1 , SttQUUc ; No. S , 4'4C ! dry Mint lildcs , 7l,5 < 3fc : calf hides. ( ViJ8c ; damacccf hldos. IC ! less ; sheep polls , green , each. UJcittl. : . ' . " > ; slieep pelts , drv. per Ib , 1051 Ho. TAI.MIW A No. I , 4jc ! : No. S. M3'c ! ; grease , white , : i44c ! ; yellow , 24l55ic [ ; ; stcarlno , B'je. HONKS Ouotatlons afo for delivery hi Chi cago-Dry Ij u Halo , per ton , $10.00li.OO ! : dry country , bleached.$10.00ai3.00 ; country , damp and meaty , $8.00 ® 10.00 , Metals. PTEEI , Wtitr. NAILS-HUSO $2,03 ; stcol nails , base. $ . ' .15. TIN 1'i.ATE T. 0. . 10x24 , $750 ; I. X , , 10x14 J9.25 ; coke , 4x120,112 , $0.75. SHEET KIND He. I. O. , 14x20 , 112 , $0.03 ; I , X. , $7.53. .SHEET IIION No. 20.1,1.50 : No. 27 , KJ.IW. Hoi.iiEit Strictly half and half , KI'/jC. COPPER FlanlsliPd boiler sizes. ICIc porlb ; cold rolled , JWc per Ib ; sheeting , 8c per Ib ; pit and Hats , UJc pur Ib. WIIIK .lap , barb , $ .1.23 ; gal. , 83.83. 11 LOCK TIN Small pig , 30o per Ib ; bar , 30o per Ib. GALVANIZED SHEET IIION Discount 50-10 per cent ; put. plan. Iron , No ; . ; .21and 27 A , lOliu Ii. OHc. BONDS Total WANTED Issues of CITIES , COUNTIES , SCHOOL v VB BMW DISTRICTS. WATER COMPANIES , ST. R.R.COMPANIES.ctc. Correspondence aollcltcd. N.W.HARRIS &COMPANYBankers , 163-103 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. 10 Wall Street , NEW YORK. 70 State St. , BOSTON. Ijlteraturo in Wills. Ono n\Ight btipposo that will milking' vtis imytliing but a merry occupation , and j'ot the drollery of the wills that some eccentric oltl follows have 4oft behind them could hardly bo surpassed. Doan Swift could not have concocted ti inoro bitter joke thiin that of the testator tater who , after reciting the obligations ho wns under to a particular friend , ho- qucathcd to liim , at the bottom of the 11 rat page of his will , ton thousand dollars , of course , thought the delighted legatee ; but , on turning the leaf , the bequest was discovered to bo ton thou sand thanks. What a wet blanket for ' ! " 'groat expectations Just as odd wns the codicil of the ( loath stricken humorist who left to cer tain of his dear relatives "us many acres of land as shall bo found equal to the area inclosed by the track of the conlor of the oscillation of the earth in a revo lution round the sun , supposing the mean distance of the sun to bo Ul.GOO Eoinl-diameters of the earth from it. " This was n century ago ; and us the problem could not bo satisfactorily worked out , the legatees were kept nt tv moan distance from the property all their lives. A very neat reproach was convoyed in the will of an uncle who bequeathed cloven silver spoons to his nephew , with the remark : "If I have not loft him the dozen ho knows the reason ; " the young scapogrnco having stolen the twelfth spoon some time boforo. Tickets at lowest rates nnd su pcrior accommodations via the great Koclc Island route Ticket olllco , 1G02 Six teenth and Farmun streets Omaha. NEBRASKA National Bank V. & DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 18OO - 87OOO Offlcersand Dtroctors-IIenrr W , Tatos , President ! r wua. B d , Ylcc-Presldent ; Jamts W. B g , W , Y ; Morse , Jobn 8. Collins , H. O. Uushlof , J. M. B Patrick , W. U. B , llugliei , easbltr. THE IRON BANK. Corner 12tb and Tarnam Sta , _ A Oemral BanUIng Bualneti Trinmnotfifl. FOR MEN ONLY MAGIC CURE "oSSJMl1 0 : VOUS nEIULITV. Weakness of lloily anU Sllnil : KlTeotsof I'.rrors or oxeesseslu ( Jlil or Younc. Robust. Noble MANHOOD fully ro- itnrcil Wo Riiurantuo every euso or money rcfuiulcd , Hamplo course , II vo days' troat- niont , tl ! full course. 5. Securely scaled from liservutlon. Cook Uoineily Co. . Uniahu , Nub Et.Clulr Office. Hotel , Cor. llth unil JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. .THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. OMAHA ( DIRECTORY. BILLIARDS. | BOXES. The Brnnswick-Balko John L. Wilkie , Oollender Oo , nilll.ird mprelnmll o , Omnlm paper box factorr , Saloon fixture * . I3IM313 nonet.- ! * . < OT. 409 H. igthitrect , Oiniilia. Orders prompt ) ; flltcd. BOOK BINDER9 & STATIONERS. Omaha Republican Printing Oo. | I.nrr briefs , bank supplies nml ovor/thlnz In the printing lino. 10th nml Duuglni street' . Ackermnnn Bros. & Hcintzc , I'rlntcr.1 , binders , cloctrotrpors , blank book mnnu * fnclurcro , 1110 llownr.l street , Omnlm. BOOTS "AND SHOES ? Oharlcs A. Ooo & 0o. , KirkondnllJonos&Oo , , \Vholcsnlo Mnnuf.ictnr'9 , Miinufnctnrera nnd Job ber ; . Aconta for llintim Hub- bvrSlmnl'n. , IIW , 1104 , HOOIIownnl street. nml 111K ) llnrncv St. Williams , Van Aor- W. V. Morao & Oo , , n nam & Hartc , Mnnufncturoruft Jobbers. 1212 llnrnor street , 1101-1105 Douitlns st , Omnhn , Nob. Oiiiahn , Neb. BUTOHBBS' SUPPLIES. Louis Holler , Ilutcher * ' nncl I'nckerV Tools A ? iiiiillei. | tlcuf , llOU.V vllOt'l' nlnn , 111(1-1118 ( Jnckum Ht. CARRIAGES , BUGGIES , ETC. Columbus Bus ry Oo. , Carriages , cnrts sulklos , vie. 0.1) . KdwnnK Mnnnxcr. U13-315 South IKtli. CARPETS. | CLOTHING. Omaha Carpet Co. , Gilmore & Huhl , 'nrpcts , oil cloth * , mat- Mnnufncturcr.i k Whole tlnnseiirtnlnKOOilJetc. sale Clothier * , 1M1 Douglas street. HUHIaritejrKI. CIGARS. West & Tritsoher , Dean , Armstrong & itnmifncturcrs nnccUnrj Oo. , Jobbers of lent tobaccos. 403 X. li'.tli Street. 1011 Karnara streot. "Hcllol'MUU. COAL , COKE , El'O. Iraalm Ooal , Ooke and Ooutant & Squires , Limo Oo. U d and foil conl nhlp- Herd nnd soft conl. perff , S , K. Cor. Ititli unit Doug- 1303 Knrnani rcct , Ins itrocts. Hnlbort & Blum , Harmon & Weeth , Oliloliinip.ltock Hprliic. ' , I.Inn' , cement , Intli , liulr , Excchlor , Walnut block , nwt , unthrnclte , plaster , etc. . ODico HON. IClli street. - . . -.Mia. 15th st. American Fuel Oo. P , H. Mahoney & Oo , , Shippers nnd ilealfi-s ID llnrd-Conl-Soft. untlirnclto and bitu minous Onioos 813 .V. 16th nnd cor. ' . ' 13 S. 15th struct. 10th nnd Douglas sts. Nebraska Fuel Oo , , Howell & Oo. , Z13 S. 13th street , 217 S. 14th ttrect , Oinnlm , Neb. Omaha , Neb. J. J. Johnson & Oo , , Johnson Bros , , 218 3. 13th street , BU Fnrnnm street , Omaha , Neb. Oranhn , Xcb. Mount & Griffin , 0 , B. Havens & Co. , 213 B. llth street , 1&02 Knrnom street , Omaha , Neb , Omnlm. OOBNIOE3. Eagle Oornico Works , Manufacturers of Calvnn- lied Iron Cornice. Window caps , mctallcuky- llRht.1 etc. 1110 nnd 1112 Dodj-oSt. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Oo. , Kilpatrick-Koch Dry Dry goods , furnishing Goods Oo. , good * , notions. Drjr goods , notions , VentV , Cor. lltli nnd Howard sts. Corner llth nnd Humpy DRUGS. Blako. Bruce & Oo , , NXJ-'JOS I < caTonwortli st. Omaha , Nob. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. Illustrated Catalogue free. 1CH Cnplto Avenue. FARM MACHINERY , ETC. Parlin , Orendorff & T , G. Northwall , Martin Oa > , Ocnornl western agent Corner Jones nnd Oth st.1. Sknndlrt I'low Co. , Omaha , Neb. 1319-lSJl Bhcrmnn nvc. FLOUR. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. Dewey & Stone Fur Ohas. Shiveriok & Oo. niture Oo. , . furniture and Carpets. Furniture nnd cnrpcti , 1115-1119 Fumnm street , 1OW-1210 Karnnm St. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Schneider & Loomis , J. T. Bobinson Notion Oo , Jotbera nnd Importers of , Gciitx' furnishing pee < K notions and furnishing ra'f'B cclobr.iteil bmiul gauds , "liuukskln" u Torn IN , paiitt , shirts , conli , etc. 1111 Honnrd street. Cur. 12th nnd HowarU su. GLASS , PAINT , OIL , ETC. Kenuaid Glass and J. A. Fuller & Co. , Paint Oa , , 1102 Doimlas Htrcet , Il03-Hn Hartley street. Omaha , Neb. Omabn. William Oumraings , Oli and CIO South IGth St. , Omaha , Neb , GROOERIES. Paxton & Gallagher , Meyer & Eaapke , 705-711 S. 10th street , IIKJ-llOi Harncjr itrcet , Omaha , Neb. Omnlm , Neb. D , M. Steele & Oo , , Sloan , Jolmou & Oo , 1MI-1203 Jones street , Cth anil IxMirennortli alrects , Omaba , Nob. Omnlm , Neb , Allen Bros. , McOoid , Brady & Oo , , 1114 Harnejr itrcet , I3th and IxmTcnwortn , Omalm , Neb. Omahn , Nobruikn. GUN POWDER. Hugh 0. Olark. Dupnnt's ( Jiinpowder , Illaitlnx cups , fuse , etc. 121H llaroer sttuoU HARDWARE. Rector &WilholmyOo Loa-OlMk-Andrcosoa Cur. lOtli ami Jnckfon sts. Omaha. 1103-1110 Hntnor street , HIDES , W OOL TALLO W FUR , Qco , Oborne & Oo , , J. . 8. Smith & Go. , SU S. llth street , Omshn. Omnhn. IRON WORKS. Paxton & Viorling Omnhix Safe & Iron Iron Works , Works U'roiieht nnil cunt Iron , luilMlnunnrk , eiiKlnr * . MnmtCr * tire nml hurnliT tira s work , iri'nurnl proot snfo' , vnulti , jail fouiiilry , mnchliin nml work , Iron rhutlors unit Mncksinltli work. U. 1 * . flro r.ciit'i'i. il , And - lt-.anill7tliKt. d roonlltli A Jnckion ell Acuio Iron and \Viro Wilson & Drake , Works , M'f'B tubular lines , flr Iron , wlro nnd bra w'k § . tiux boiler.tnnkj , etc. , 612 S. Kill Mri'H , \V. llueht , 1'roprlctor. Pierre anil IHb directs. LITHOGRAPHING. Hoes Printing Oo. Mtlionrnnhlnir , I'rlnllnu nml lllsnli Hooks. 1 till nnilllownnl St < . LIQUORS. Her & Oo , , William Darat , Liquor Merchants , IIH Itnrnoy slreot. Wines nml I.lquura. Miiiiurnctiir'rB Ki'iinoitjr' * Knst Inilln Knrnnm St. , OmnliiV LUMBER. Q. W.Douglass & Oo.i John A , Wnkefiold , Imporleil , American. 1'orU Hardwood Lumber , lnmUemi'iit.MInniike ! ! llydraullo I'uinent nud 1310 North IGth Street. yiilncrVlilto l.lmo. Oharlos R , Leo , Wyatt-BullardLuui * Hnrdnood lumber , wood cur pels unit pnrquet bor Oo. lloorlnc , till nml Douplns. 20th and Itnrd Streets , Trod W. Gray , Louis Bradford , f.lme , Cement , Kto. , Kto. Lumber , llmr , cenipnt.otiX Cor. OthaniJ DouulM , street. MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. I. Oberfolder & Oo , , Importers and Jobbers In -Mllllncrr. 203,210nnd312 South llth street. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , ETO. Max Meyer & Bro. Oo. A , Hospo , Jr. , ITd Jewelers , denlers In I'lanos , Orxann , Artlits" musical Instruments , etc. , .Miitprlal.o , Kte. , Farnnni nnd IGth. 151,1 DuiiKliui i-trpot , OILS. Consolidated Tank Line Oo. pflneil nnd lubrlcnllnz oils , uxlo Krenso , eto , A. II. lllshop , Manager. OYSTERS. A. Booth Packing Oo. , Platt & Oo. , stcrs , ll'li nnd canned "TlKcr brnnd , " fres goods. tcrs , Omnlm hrnnfh , 130S I.eavenworth. 8l5aad8l7 Honirrl. PAPER. PLATING. Carpenter Paper Co. , Western Plating Wka 'nrrjr a full stock of Gold , nllver and nlckol and plnllnit on all metals , tablewniooto.replnteil. , card paper ' I'olUliliiithras * & oluin- per , etc. ilcllorwork. 1111 Doilgo , PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Eibbol & Smith , Scliroeder & Oo , , Dealers In country prod Cash bnrcrs bnttur nn < t uce , Irult.iCKiitablos , egcti , nnd Koncrnl coiu etc. mlsalon incrclmnti , etc.12UT Howard street. 4'-U Honth llth street. Phelps Bros. , E. B. Branch & Oo. , 'ouiitry produce , fruits , Produce , frutta of nil etc. klndtj , oystcrH , I3I. > Howard street. 1211 Hoirnrd street. 0. Rosso & Oo. , Eobart Purvis , 1217 Hownrd street. ' I'uiclno , California nnd tropical fruits , Write fur prices on but ter , vggf , poultry nail 121:1 : Howard street. Kamo. Porter Bros. Oo , , Olark & Oo. , California , Vlorlil.i nnd tronlrnl fraltH , [ Hitter , che/csc , f fOI-Hll Jones Btroet. poultry and mime , O.V. . lluttn , - Jlunnk'or. CO1. ) South 13th street Kirscbbraun & Sons , Williams & Oross , Butter , cgga nnd poultry. I'ruducoand fruits , 1WJ Howard street. 12U Unrnoy street. Bates & Oo , , Country produce , fruits , vegetable * , grucorH * fpuclaltloi. tcax , yplccs , etc. I1T-4IUS. lilliHt. RUBBER GOODS. ETC. Omaha EubberOo. , Manufnctnrlnn nnd Job- tern nil kinds rubber good' . 1003 I'arnuiu utrect. SAFES. SEEDS. A. L , Deano & Oo. , Emerson Seo'l Oo , , General ngonts for Hall's good growers , do ilera la Hafes. Kardon , Krna , Knilnaad 321 and 35.1 South 10th St , trooxeodi , Omaha. 4l-4SiSoulll IItil. SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , E I'd. M , A. Disbrow & Oo , , Bohn Sash & Door Co , lltmufncturcrs of sash , Manufacturers of monlu > doors , bllndn and Ingit , bllnda , doori , 'MouldlngD. llrnnrh of u to. fice , I''lti nnd Uivr.l ats. ICth nnd Clark strecti. SYRUPS. STOVES. Farrell & Oompiny , DafTyTrowbridga Wholosnlo maafacturors Steve Manufao'g Oo. syrups , molussoa and ' anl vlnogars , Manufactur'K "tovoi miiia plpo. 217-219 South 8th street. 1213-1211 U'avunworthst TEA , COFFEE , SPICES , OIGARS. Consolidated GofFoo Company , lIHnndHIC Ilarncr st Onialia , Nob. TOYS. TYPE. H. Hardy & Co. , The Omaha Typo Toys , dolls , nlbamsfancy , Foundry. I'rlntcrs' Supplies. house furnishing goods , Now ami neeurul-lmna goods , children's car machinery. riages. 1310 Karmmst. 1118 Howard street. STEAM AND WATER SUPPLIES U. S. Wind Engine & A.L. Btrang & Pump Oo. , 1002-1001 Karnam itrceh Hnllldajr wind mills. 019 - mid V2U Jones Kt ( i. I' , Omaha Nob. , , lloas , acting inutmiicr Orane Company , Ilnso belting , paeklnir , itcam puiiipn , plumbing Kouds. 923-21 Karnam street. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , - LIMITED , LIVE S10OK COMMISSION.