8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TEHTJESDAY , NOVEMBER 13 , 1890. Morse Dry Goods Co. INDIGO BLUE CALICO , 3e JOMORROW ONLY , 5000 YARDS INDIGO OLUE CALICO , WORTH 7C , AT 3JC A YARD. Comfort Calico , 5c 2 CASES GOOD COMFORT CALICO , OUR 81C QUALJTY , AT 5C A YARD. Cotton Batting , 7e 25 BALES GOOD , CLEAN. WHITE COTTON BATTING , WORTH I2C , FOR 7C A ROLL. THIS SALE LASTS ONLY ONE DAY. Shaker Flannel 10e 1000 YARDS OF SHAKER FLANNEL , A SPE CIALLY GOOD QUALITY , ONLY IOC A YARD. Eiderdown Flannels 65c THE BEST QUALITY MADE , WIDTH 38 IN. COLORS LIGHT , MEDIUM , AND DARK BLUE , LIGHT AND DARK PINK , CARDINAL , WINE GARNLT , STONE , SLATE , FAWN , NAVY AND BLACK. THE CITY. There was a false alarm of fire yes terday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Louis Rico , the negro who shot and slightly wounded n Ninth street woman Tuesday night , was arrested yesterday afternoon by Olllccr Savage. A largo consignment of crockery from Lun&tall , England , for M. n. Bliss , and fifty cases of chocbo from Germany for McCord , Brady & Co. , passed the cus toms house. The federal grand jury returned nn in dictment against A. A. Stewart of Grand Island , the "green goods" man. Ho is charged with using the mulls for the purpose of delrauding. Councilman Bcchol , who has boon confined to his room with a cold for sev eral days , is reported ns recovering from the effects of it and will ho able to re turn to business In a few days. The GroatBoucflt Which people in run down state of health de rive from Hood's Sarsnparllla. conclusively proves that this medicine "makes the wear strong. " It docs not act like a stimulant , Im parting fictitious strength , but Hood's Snrsa- parlllii builds up in a perfectly natural way nil the weakened par spuilfles the blood.and assists to healthy action those Important or. eaus , the kidneys and liver. A XSO IAS CEMKNT8. Miss Emllv Rlgl as Marina Paoll , In "Mr. Barnes of Now York , " has made the hit of her stage season. The same- sweet smile , darn complexion , hair and eyes , and her graceful carnage , as bewitching in her char acterization of Archie Quntor's hot-headed , wayward and Instinct-governed heroine as when , a row years ago , she captured Now York as a lovely premier dausoucso. She has just enough of accent to rnako of little wonder that Mr. Sanger sent to Paris for this charming actress , to create a role appar ently wrlttlng for her. The company Is nn usually good one throughout , and contains many names that are familiar to Omahn theater goes. The engagement of "Mr , Barnes of Now York , " commences at the Boyd on next Sunday evening. Seats will be put on sale Saturday evening. The best nnd most recent successful plnj of David Bolasco and Henry C. Do Millo'i will bo given Its llrst engagement hero ni Boyd's opera house , beginning this evening. The play was first produced at th < Lyceum theater , Now York , Monday night November 18 , 1880 , and bounded lnt < public favor , achieving a run o two hundred consecutive nights to crowdci houses , since which tlmo "Tho Charity Ball' bus been given in Chicago. St. Louis , Clncln natl and other largo cities with omphatlcsuc cess , being recorded as among the most per feet productions known to the stapo today The play Is brim full of all tha goes to make nu interesting story , and cacl character will be sustained by an able artls specially engaged for their respective role Special scenery will bo brought , and th < lovers of tbo better class of amusements am yesterday inorulng. Mr. James O'Coimoll.ln advance of Charlc II , Hall in "That Swede , " Is in town prepai ing for an engagement of two nights at th Grand on Wednesday ana Thursday ovcnln , of next week , at popular prices. Several hundred people will have a chnnc In "A Barrel of Money" nt the Grand o Kuiuloy , Monday and Tuesday evenings uex The engagement is at popular prices. Both air and water abound in microbes , c Kflrmsof < Jscoso , ready to infect thudobll fated system , To Impart that strength an Vigor necessary to resist the effect of the : pernicious atoms , no toulo blooa purilh equals Aycr1 Barsapavlllo , CHILDREN'S HOSIERY 60 dozen Children's Heavy French O. k O. IJoso , lit black only sizes 0 to 8 } , 35c ; worth double. Ladies' Past Black COTTON HOSE , 100 do/en extra value Ladles' Fast Black Cotton Hose , 8 pairs for 81.00 ; color guaranteed. HOSE .78G , To-morrow wo sell a special number of Ludicn' Black Cashmere Hose , high spliced ankle. To-morrow's price 76c ; reduced from $1.00. ii s VESTS Those nro Jersey Ribbed , white only , sizes 22 to,28 , and reduced from $1.00 to 60c each. VESTS 60 dozen Ladles' White Merino Vests ind Drawers , exceptional value , 2oo ach. Morse Dry Goods Co. A MILLION DOLLARS. They Are to Uo Put Into Knit's New Ilrcwory In Oinnlin. Frederick Krug , the pioneer brewer f Nebraska , closed the preliminaries yester day of a deal that will result in the establishment of one of the largest breweries in the west in Omaha and the investment In ; ho enterprise of nearly one million dollars. The first stop In the consummation of these plans was the purchase by Mr. Krug of eighteen acres of ground extend- 'ng from Twenty-fourth street west : o the Union Pacific nnd B. & M. tracks , south of Green street and north of Cleveland place. This tract of ground was purchased by the Ames real estate agency for Mr. Krug from J. C. Wilcox for $150,000 in cash. Mr. ICrug has telegraphed for his architect and work will bo commenced ut once ou plans for n brewery that will cost nearly a half million dollars. A malt house and elevator with a capacity of 200,000 bustiels , cold stor age houses , cooper shops. Ice houses , stables and other appliances will bring the cost of the Investment up to a round million dollars. Men's Underwear. Wo have received some fine under wear. Vienna wool , Scotch lamb's wool , Dr. Jaeger's gray , black wool that will not rub off , bflk striped , etc. , undershirts and drawers. This department is now fixed up In style and wo have a complete now stock. Men's sox , suspenders , tics , smoking and lounging coats , Mackintosh coats , QIC. , all on the main lloor in the Furnum street front. The largest and. handsomest men'e furnishing department in the west. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. , Men's furnishing doy't. S. A. Orchard. Carpet , furniture and drapery. The only railroad tram out of Omaha run expressly for the accommodation ol Omaha , Council Bluffs , Dos Molnos and Chicago business is the Rock Island ves- tlhulcd limited , leaving Oiimhu at 4:1C : p. m. daily. Ticket ofllco , 1002 Sixteenth uud Farnam sts. , Omaha , SMALLER LUTHERAN CATECHISM It is Opposed by tlio Clergy or the North I'lntto Synod. The seating capacity of St. Mark's Luth cran church was taxdl to its utmost capacity Tuesday night. Addresses wore nmd < by Ilev. Mr. Turkic nnd Uov. J. W. Kimmol Yesterday morning the conference re sumcd the regular order of business , and af tc : transacting the same Rev. Luther M. Kuhni delivered an interesting address upon tin subject of "Home Missions. " The committee reported against the use o the small catechism , declaring that It wa not adapted to the churches as they are nov conducted. I3y a unanimous vote It wus decided to boh the next conference at Wayne , the time to b llxed by the clergy of the synod. Mortuary. The funeral of Her. John H. Holmes tool place yesterday morning from tbo Qoi man Methodist church at Elovcuth and Center tor streets , of which ho was the late paatoi There was a very largo attendance , tto dc ceased having been greatly beloved by hi congregation , with whom ho had boon fo several years. The remains were interred 1 : Laurel Hill. Mrs. Aunahclla Drandcs , wife of Judg Brandos , died yesterday other homo , 1 ! South falxth sheet , aged fifty-one years The funeral will take place- Friday at S p. n Eastern papers plcaso copy. Morse Dry Goods Co. LADIES' GLOVES B HOOKS , Sl.OO. Colors : Black , browns , tans and slates , a specially good dressed glove , only Sl.OO a pair. Ladies'Bloues ' : : COO pairs 6-hook Dressed Gloves , Inns , slates , browns and bluclc. Out $1.60 quality to-morrow only $1.25. GLOVES CLEANED. For the convenience of our customots wo nro now prepared to clean gloves lit tliu shortest possible notice. SILK BUIKEIS , 2.981 Size 66x76 inches , Roman stripes : colors : blue , wine , garnet , scarlet'and cardinal , specially adapted forportioros or sofa blankets. Wo nave just opened a largo and varied assortment of now and stylish Ruchings in black and colors , also the latest novoltioH in Neckwear. See them at our Notion domirtmont llrst lloor. Army Notes. Corporal Boyd , Troop C , Ninth cavalry , on duty with Troop E at Fort Washable , hns been transferred to Troop F at Fort Rob inson. Private Frank Mattlco , Company O , Second end infantry , has been granted a furlough for two months with permission to go to Bed ford , la. Lieutenant Hubert , Eichth infantry , sta tioned at Fort Koblnson , is In the city visit ing friends. Ho Is on his way to St. Louis to spend a few days on private bastncss. During the post year desertions In the nrm } ' have decreased 480 , the Ninth cavalry having had but nlno desertions , the Third mid Fifth artillery forty-five each and the Twenty- fouitli infantry only.seven. Of the 0,390 recruits accepted last year for the army , 4,033 were native born ; 17,0(13 ap plicants wcro rejected ( over 73 per cent ol the whole number ) by recruiting olllcers , naii ou October 1 las , the army was 1,000 below its authorized strength. The adjutant general of the army , lu his annual report to General Schofleld , reports that there are now drawing increased pay foi continuous service of thirty years , thlx'teon , for thlrtv-livo years three , and forty years three enlisted men. Why not put these old veterans on the retired list ) Tickets at lowest rates and gu porlot accommodations via the great Eocli Island route Ticket olllco , 1602 Six teenth and Furiuvni streets Omaha , A Card. Prom this date Omaha's growth will bo unprecedented. Capital will soul * investment In roivl estate from all part ! of the country. Omaha is the only citj that wont through u real estate depres sion without a crash and property Which had a commercial value at the oni ? pi the boom three years ago has steadily enhanced. "Wo deem It advisable at this time tc caution the public against mushroom In vestments. Secure good property with in your inonno from reliable flnns and unquestionable- . Fooling satisfied that prohibition would ho defeated when voted upon , we purchased a largo amount of property al Albright and are now prepared to olToi a limited number of choice bargains it "Albright's Choico" addition on casj terms. AiamiGHT LAND AND LOT COMPANY , 621 , 522 , 623 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. Jolly Mnn-or-War MOD. Yesterday the officers and men des lined to man the now warship San Francisco just completed at the city after which she 1 named , passed through this city on rout west. The company included ten officers and 1C Bailors. They left Washington Monda ; morning and loft this city by a special trail on the Union PacUlo at 8:50 : p. im Baking Powder Home - 40 Scar * tbo Standard. 1,000 Volumes WEBSTER Unabridged Dictionary $1.25 HALF MOROCCO BINDING. Men's Furnishings. SCOTCH GRAY UNDERWEAR 7Sc. FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE WEEK WE SHALL OFFER A SPECIAL BARGAIN IN SCOTCH GRAY UNDERWEAR AT 75C A GAR MENT. Men's Tuxedo RibbedUnderwear 87e ON SALE TOMORROW , STRICTLY ALL WOOL , FORMERLY SOLD FOR $1.50. RE DUCED TO 87iC. Men's Camel's Hair HALF HOSE , 88c 100 DOZEN MEN'S CAMEL'S HAIR HALF HOSE , OUR 50C-QUALITY , DURING THE RE MAINDER OF-THE.WEEK , REDUCED TO 33iC A PAIR. , Morse Dry Goods Co. ' ' Itis better to always be ready than suffer once , For a winter outfit ting that will defy the Cold Wave that is bearing down up on uswe recommend early selections from our full assortment of Fine Overcoats and Heavy Under wear. DR. ! ELECTRIC BELT tn ovx * $ M $ > * rBlrUM > VviiIT. .TiuAlT ! , II. J , for aliiPteUeput' ' POM , C r tl o , tr llt * W ko M , | Uol ! rr l ; . Blld , B ol j IM , C tln M Urratl of KlMlHiU ; Ibromb all VARTB. reilorluf Ibtm to IIHALTII u4 tltOKOl 8DTRISOTU llxlrit lnrr l ftl ! lo > t ll ; . r w ( urttlt . 13,000 In tub. , HILT ti a iii * > urT C plfl . > . 4 ( \ nl KKI . fir u Mllrl rd la tnr noolbi. 8 ftl d ramphltl KrM. "UtDEMKLKOTRIOCO. . iMUiutuiu , tHICAnn.ll' . HE lID-aHE JDIDN I yt'tu'a DiaiAaia or MEM. | OUR NEW BOOKl tipUlniBll. Ill advice In Vital. Fr afor llmltet K. IlSSJtTrin vHb III e M | KHIK.Mf . - ! > . , Uuirulu , M. V. UoD't fall to HEED OUR WORDS ! Morse Dry Goods Co. 7Sc. 100 hemstitched Tray Cloths. In both dnnmslc and plain llnon ; worth $1.25 ; fltilo price 7Co ouch. LUHGH CLOTHS Hemstitched Lunch Cloths , beautiful goods , in assorted designs of drawn work ; actual vnluo $3.00 ; to-morrow'a price $2.00. H , S , Pillow Cases $ ! ,69 a pair , SO' pairs Hemstitched Linen Pillow Cases a wonderful bargain. Only $1.09 a pair. HEMMED Huck Towels , 100 dozen the best. hemmed Elude Towels over olTorod 'in the city of Omaha or elsewhere , at 2oo each. Collars and 4-PLY Solid Linen Collar 4-PLY 5G J , A Newest and most fashionable shapes , equal to the best quality umao , Lace Curtain Sale. NOTTINGHAM Our regular $2.90 Curtains Sale Price $2,50 a pair , Our regular $3,50 Curtains Sale price $2.75 a pair. Our regular $4.50 Curtains Sale price $3,75 a pair. Our regular $5.00 Curtains Sale price $4,00 a pair. Our regular $6,00 Curtains Sale price $4,50 a pair. Our regular $8.00 Curtains Sale price $6.00 a pair. Irish Point Our regular $5.50 Curtains , Reduced price $4.00. Our regular $7.50 Curtains , Reduced price $5.00. Our regular $8.50 Curtains , Reduced price $6.00. Our regular $10.50 Curtains , Reduced price $8.00. Our regular $13.50 Curtains , Reduced price $10.00. Our regular $18.00 Curtains , Reduced price $13150. We guarantee the prices of these curtains to be exactly as abovp. Send for our now catalogue. We mail it free of charge. Morse Dry Goods Co. Morse Dry Goods CHILDREN'S GLOfiKS : NEW STYLES. NEW CLOT PIS , Just received n line , of Ghllilron'f Cloaks , from 2 to 11 yours sizca. Entirely tiroly now drsiiriis mid iniulo of ohoviol cloth of latest wouvo. Children's Cloaks ; Made Grotchon style , of bronze nn bhio striped Moltou cloth. Warm , dm able and stylish. Choice 8 and 10 years. $4.OO. Choice 12 and 14 yeargj $ BOO ; ' Newmarket $10.00. Wo oiTcr a larpro variety of Lndlea' Cloth Nowraarkots , embracing dcsic * able shapes made of plain , chunked ana Rtriuod materials , rang ing in uiluofrota 815 to $20. Ohoioo of the lot $10. ' : - : Jersep $ 11 aai J1J. Lndlos' fine- Black Jersey Waists a | less than half usual price. One lot , all sizes , made of heavy cord ou joraoy cloth , never sold leas thad $2.60 each , choice Sl.OO. Another lot , miido of flno plain blacll cashmere Jersey cloth , several styles to select from , former price 53.50 to $4.00i choice 81.60. SOME SPECIALS 1 We offer today 300 Men's Sack Suits , made of an excellent quality I of silk mixed cassimere , lined with double warp Italian and well trim * fmcd. One look at them will convince you that they are offered far be J low their real value. / We offer today about 100 fine black Cheviot Cutaway Frock Suits , witfi > flat binding and lapped seams ; a handsome suit and well fitting , thesa J suits are selling ordinarly for $15. We offer a lot of extra fine Black Diagonal Cheviot Suits , double' breasted sack coats with double breasted vests , of nobbiest make and finish. This ii as stylish a suit as you can find and we do not exaggerate when we tell you that such a suit will cost you elsewhere $20 : 1 We place on sale in our Boys' Department 2503good substantial knee -pant suit * I made of honest cassimere. different patterns and neatly gotten up , some with cor Mled scams , sonic willi pleats. They are Just tlio tiling for boys that nro hard on clothes , anilc gunn nnlce tliciii to ghc the lie < ; t satisfaction. You Imro to pay in other houses fully $3.50 for just sue ! J suits , We offer a large assortment of Children's Cape Overcoats sizes < j. t < J 12 made of all wool cheviots , in handsome plaids. This is a neat httla garment and good for service. The price is ' extraordinarily low , you will not be able to duplicate it for less than $4.50 or $5. Besides the above we offer , this week , several other bargains in Boys' Overcoats. Ijfr will pay you to examine them. At no time were Boys' Overcoats sold at such prices. Mail orders filled promptly , . Nebraska Clothing Co. , Corner 14th and Douglas Streets. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1303 Farnam HARRY P. DEUEL , City Pas3oncror and Xlokot Agent TTV/T Morphine Habit O BJ Jl JLcnri < tiBloto304 > ii. R J.6TErilENSLbinon,0 , PERFECT HEALTH niclmrd H. Boek , Ixjc.port. N , V. , write * that after . many rouri1 tuttcilnic from Nervoui Debllltr. Hleop. lo no > , Twltchlnif of Mu clo lie wm restored \ > r rourboxciNKUVKilCANH. "lam 10 , " liomyi. "but IfclllkenTouninuan. " II per Bn * . poitpaM. I m iihlotfrco. NKKVK 1JEAN CO , UVXrAlM , N. V. BoW by Cicflainan Drug Co. , 1110 I'urnam St. , Oia&ba 6,1 WATCHES. DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY Solo Agent in Omaha ( orGorhnm Man ufacturing Go's Sterling Silverware MANTLE CLOCKS , RICH'CUTGLASSand * CHINA. Our Stock of Fine Goods is the Largest and Our Prices the Lowest t'oino and sco us. Cor. Douglas & 15th St FEMALE BEANS A California Herve Mallei Now FrcfiU lllooil and J'ro- Fleili. Cures Aniriiilit , Scrolulu , Hail ( 'Irrulatlon and nil Impurities of the Dlootl a well ai Id * folowtnz Nnrva Disease ii , mi Nnrvous an * I'lijrilnlul Ufblllly. * till Kxliiiiillnn , l'r nialura Decay , Trrmhllne , Jlrnlcilii , Vet * Tons IIiiucliu-lic , I.u * ol' I'mn-r In t > lllirr * eVi Nrrroinn ( ' H In imr fin in , Oilcl Ifunill or rvot , 1'nlii In tlio Hack unU ullit-r furini ! 7Iif. "lolib'ii N rvo Tonlo i'llU bring th rosy tint of heulth to the shnllow oheokj We"norvoui > wiplB Miomlil takH tlili nrrat Llf Renower , Trr tlifin , ami jouwlll Join Hie IhbuitAa M liiniTr mn < ! woim-n who dally tlt-M I > rl JnbblDrmi uri'Jt woilt In their Lctmlf fliej r euzar coated. M cents a Hal. ror eal t > Ougglitf Kuhn fc Co , Cor. IMIt & DoiiEliH bltceln J. A. Puller & l'u , Cur. I4lh & Duuului Mrceti. A. 1' , Knkler & Co. . Cuuucll DIuH * . lu' a. AND PRINCIPAL P UCaHTB DR. BAILEY GRADUATE DENTIST A 1'ull i-t eton on Iliilibui , ( or _ Kivu Dni.rAits. Aporfoot flt Kiiarnntocd. Tc'i'lh extracted without pain or dttnenr. nn < l ltl out nnaeic thetlos. dolcl and silver till ntfs ut loweaC niton , llrlugonnd Crown Woik. Teith with * outiilntnii. All work wiirrunttd. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TII AND FARNAt * Entrance. 101U street clovatoi Oj.cn UMJH * ng uutll b o'clock.