THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. THflfiSPAY. NOVEMBER 13 , 1890 , VL/ | , 8PBDIHL NOTICES. f * DVERTISEMEWTS for thnse colum * will Ixbo taken until 13:30 : p. m. , f or thaerenlnl edition and until 8a : p m. ! for the morning edition and BunoAr D c , rpERMB-Ca h In adnmcc I1' ' , T > ATE8 Ad vertlietnentaon thlipat will b .It charged for at the rain of ( M cent per word for the tint Insertion nnd 1 cant per word for each subsequent Insertion , and n JO per line per month. No ndtertlsunont tnkta for lesi than 21 conu for the lint Insertion , I TNITIAL8 , figures , symbol. * , etccount each Lin0110 word. rPHE E advortltfmentB mmt run consccur JL lively nnd tinder no clrciimitnncpi will they bo taken or discontinued by telephone. T3ARTIEB advertising In these columns nnd JL having their aninermldrcnscd to a "num- fcor d letter" In care of T.IK Hp.iwlll rccul-e numbered check to enable thm to get their letters. Answers will bo delivered only on presentation of IhU check. Enoloso answcri In onvolopot properly nddreised. ALIi fulverU'ernqnt * under tba brad ot "fcpcclal Notlf e1' urn published In both the morning and evening editions of TUB Hie. the circulation of which nuiriixatfi moro that 0,000 p.peri dally , nnd gives the nd-ortlso ; the benefit not only of the l r o elrculstlpn of Tn Ilr.r. In Omaha , but aim In Council muni , Lincoln and other eltl s and town * In the well BRANCH OFFICE-IT AavertUlnir for thcie column * will be tixken m the above conditions , attho followlni buil- SMS houici who are anthorlted totakospeclal no tints , lit the iamo rates at can bad at the tnaln office. . . . . SOUTH OMAHA I1RANOU OFFICE No. 20ii : N Btroct , Lister Block. _ JOHN W. BELL , Pharmacist , 830 Bouth Tenth street. _ HASH 4 EDDY , Btatloneri and Printer * . , 113 Bouth ICth street. S n'.VARNBWORTII , Pliarmaelit , 2HS Ou - Ing itreet. WJ. HUOIIE9 , rharmaclat , 624 North 16th street. /T1EO. V , PARR , rbarmaolat , 1718 Leaven- worth street. H UGIIES' PHARMAOV.SUh and Karnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. Icnatit. etc. , tee top of Jlrvt cntttmn on thtt POSITION by young lady. Clerking or light ollloo work. Good vrrltor. bpoaka Gorman. Addrc 4I. D. Wulkor , 70" . H. inth su ' * > M2M-10 * WANTF.n Dlshwaililtii : by two glrli. Ad- clrcst 413 8 17th St. 745 12 * " \S7 ' rullablo culler and fitter , wnnts day works also experienced nurse Klrl : alioflrst- olnsf ) housokccpor. Now Emp , liurrnti. 10th nncl DodKc. 7 < 0 12 * _ WANTED Position In a hardware store as dork ; 20 yoarH1 oxpcrloncos reference Rlycn. O. W. K. , liox ST , Mooroflold , Neb. f _ KiT-ia * WANTED By married wan of oxpcrlonce , position In cenural store. Speaks lleli nnd Ocrinnn. Itcst roforoncoi. Addiess . J. box TO , Oretin. Neb. C74-1G * ' _ ANTiD-SltiiatIon : as olork ( day or night ) In llrst olnHshotcliticstof references Rh en ns to experience , capability , oto. AddrossV gl nee. 61,1 12 * _ WANTEU MALE HEtil * . lot rates , tic. , rtt lop oftrut column on Uil page. " " TVItAUaUTSMEN - Wanted "TnnieiiliitViyi JL two ( Irst-nlum architectural draughtsmen. Apply I. Hodgson , Jr. , uruh't , Itrown Oinnhu. 7JO-13 * _ WANTED We want a travnlliiR man to represent us , capable of taking ntoak In our company , nnd of producing first-nlast ref erences. Kicluslvo territory plven. ICxcolslor Ourd k Adv. Co , 810 Ollvo St. , 9t. Louis , Mo. AL 711-14 * _ WANTED A boot and shoo salesman with nn e tabltihcd trade In northern and northwestern Nebraska. Address , with refer ences , Halary oxpcotcd , Ao. ( I ] , li. H , St. Jo- nupli , Mo. 718 10 _ WANTED A flrst-olnss ulioo n desman. Apply to J. L. llrandels & Sou , 602 to 510 B. 13th at. 717 _ " \X7ANTED A good body maker on sprlnz wauon bocllt'H. Address J , Q. Nelson , Btoynrfi loffq. _ 718-ja * W ANTED Fnurboys , ago 10 , to distribute bills. Call at Hotel Ilarkor , 7 a. in. _ _ MffiH Arn\V tracklayers and shovolor wanted. Apply ut the hoardlng oars near the new White lead works , East Omaha. Wood tt Ban croft H CXM3-3t ! _ A GENTS malting blp money oanvasslne our .iXnow boolc , "lloautlful Ueini. " for holiday delivery , bond 70 cents for outflt Iniincdlnto- ly and cot best torma. J. 11. French & Co. , X'axtoa block , Omaha. M lAVlO _ T\7ANTED 200 laborers fnrntono und irrnde \ TT work. Apply to I1. II , Johnson , Union passunsor depot , Omaha. 203 \\t ANTED Man to travel for our Cunndlan T T nurseries. StunoA.WulllugtouMaUlbon.Wls iXO _ MHN or women wnntinp work , or persous needing holpof any kind , olty or country , can always bo supplied at Keith's olllco , 31Si ! 6 , 15th st , Hatlsfaetlon guaranteed. guaranteed.M.J18NM Wantnd Correspondence so- Vyilcltod with conipctentcanvasaors to sell 1 paper clothln ? . Good wages can be earned. Wrlto Paper Clothing Co , Port Huron , Mich. Oi)0-ti23 ) WANTEP Men with good roforonca at Uotropolltau Mtg Co. , 1000 Howard nu 8U-n37 WANTED At once , several good city can- Tiisseri. 1510 Douglas st. 675n21 TT7ANTED Agents wanted throiiKliout Ne- TT braska. Send stamp for reply. Jos. P. MoReath , Omaha. 77J ANTED A11 v . cnorgetlo tarty In every place to Introduce our goods. > Vo have a new line that will neil at every house and agents can reap a harvest between now and the holldayR. Will pay a salary of 173 per pionth If preferred and. furnish a team free. Address at once , btandard Ullvnrwnrn Co. , Boston Mass. M IBM ) 15' WANTED FEMALE HKIl\ Farratft ctt , tee top of flrtl columnon _ tMt pain , ANTED A nurse to take euro of child six months old. Mrs. A , Jolmjon , 2110 Kni- mott flt.-Konntzo Place. M7VS-15' ANTED Cook and waitress for Scrlbner , coolc and dishwasher , Sioux City ; 2 waitresses for Columbus fares all paloi y lady clerks , a chamborrr.alda. second Klrlt. dlshwiiHhers , iinrso girls. JO girls for small families.GQmnlm Hmp. Iluruuu , 110 N. 10th. Established 10 years. 744 12 * W ANTED-Onod gUl for Riinnrnl house work. Apply 2018 at. Mary'i avonuo. 748 U * WANTHD-Oood girl for general houso- work , 2J18 I.eiivonH orth. 7U 'ANTED A girl for general bousonork at 24U Cass st. 7411" WANTr.D A flrst-olass girl for general houbouork : also a nurse girl about 15 yearn of age. 601 b. 2Uth. 7U3 ANTED Girl for general housework In a email family. 840 8. JillU Ht. 7,11-13 WANTED rirat-clas girl for -fcnerl housework , no washing or Ironing , Apply fouthwt'st corner 32nd und Dodge sts. , ono block north from rarimm st. 713-12 TSTANTED A first-clasn exporlenoud sales i- TT man InKonts' furnishing poods dept. J , L. Drandols & Eon. Wi to 61U b. iJth. 717 TANT a girl for uonoral housework at 'till I'arnuin ; must b a good uooU. 070-1J BKIOI1T young lady wanted to get sul- sorlbcra for the Omaha Excelsior ; M her centcomiulislon. Apply 113 8 liith BU Mlfcl W ANTED Olrl for kitchen and laundry work , 1130 8 20lb St. Wl WANTED Olrl for Renenil housowork. Mrs. U. W. LootJtli. 1011 U. Uith ave. ave.C84 ilOUhKS WTNTIOKKI ) . Fci tufra , tie , , ste top affrtt column onill jtaot ' bTlSisVrntered rWo have the best ac- couinioaatlons In the state for wintering ) ior t's. itox or single stalls , with paddock. AnplvtoYlndsnr. . Kemp Sc Co. . 203 New York Lira blilR , , or to Chris Novlns , at ( ho stablti , Irvlngton , Neb. MttUt HORDES wintered No butter place to win ter horses than thoStllltrnter Block farm , ft. Calhouu. I'rlcoo low. best euro. 11. na. : Kendall , propr.room3oc , llrowu bldc.OnmUa. 674 dO ' ANTEt-Hprncs to winter 17 with grain . nd without ; good . . care will be taken ef th n > utOorrinan Park farm. Leave norms wIlfaN. E. D111T8U-J.J , stables414 &IJlbit. Till- C h on t 804. H8J& TTORSES wintered at Omaha f lr sroundt JLJ-I can wmter'JOJ horses , each homo has a large warm box-lull , ( rod til the grata the owner wanU. larto yard * for exercTnoln Una weather. A , Thomson. M201 N-J F'Oll InllNT HOUSES. Far ratet , tt ( , , ttttopo ) ' fnttotumn6n t/iu 7j1OR IMCNT My C nno hrlok dwelling * . Rome JJ lliil ho iOlheMtoi.oniilnhtd ; ln ldoH days. Eiclihoui 7 rooms besides pantry , bath room , laundrv. furnace and all modern con Tcnlencrs. They are worth ( JO.OO each , but I want to runt tlirm and It In hto In the season. Thov will horontod for t''iOO , These elegant honors arcnlttinted on With and Irani , one block from the Walnut Hill motor , 20 mlnutol walk to P. U. Thoo. Olscn , 201 N. Y. Life. 75110 fi-ronm cottngo , for the winter , fur- Jnl < hc < I , 2UI2 Howard Ht. . (20 a mini th to de sirable party ; tl unfurnished. Call nt 207 Omaha National bank , or at residence.M7C214 M7C2-14 * "T71IRSI' floor , private residence. Newly p.i- X' tiered and painted , ( Jood location. 013 South C2C-10 * _ T71OR RENT Elczant8rooni house , all mod- -i- urn linpnnoinents , also laundry room , cor ner kl uncl Chicago. Apply at 1DJ ! ) rarnain st 7 ; 1G FOR REMT 4-room house , 2011 Contprst ; 3 rooms , COS N. Utli st. Wil' > * H QUSI2 forr < nt | ton rooms , modern con- \cnloncc , . ' ! fco. 19lh st. 4' ' 13 * F OU UHNT Nicely furnlshod cottapn of six rooms , with modern comenlencos. Iniiulro 2JOO Douglas st. 711) ) 17 TTIOR RENT 10-room homennd barn on 21th X nnd Ubnrlet street. Reasonable to right parties. Inqtriro.'HO Hoe bldg. TVO-l ! ) * FOR REN P One of those steam boated lints In thn P. E. Her block , cor. lUth and Jack son , has all conveniences. Call atllli ; Ilarney. 6iH FOR RENT 1 flat. 0 rooms. In Llnlon block , ou the corner of iith ; and .Mason fits. : stcnm heat ; In corn ! repair ; $ r per month. Inquire of John Itamlln , 1117 , In the block. MWHJ FLATS of nvo rooms to rent In now brick block , No. l.'il.l lluttst. Klmball , Champ i. Ryan , 1VX)3 rttrnnm st. JldOO-i.'O FOK HENT 2 11-room houses with modern Improvements , cornur Dodge and 201h Rtrcets. O. F.'lJaUs Co. 15051 < nrnam St. 67H-U Hrown liulldlnc , Oumlng and L'ltli st . rnmlllf" ! dt'slrlnk' now , vnrm homo for winter should not mitt these olezant n ) > art- incuts of clcht nnd nine rooms. Including bath room. Kitchen raimo and window shados. All rcaily for houco kccpliiH. Apply Citizens Mnlt. OS3.10 * IK YOU wish torentnhouso or store ROO H , U Cole , Continental block. 27J FOIl Uii : T To rcsponilhlo p rtlc3 only , tboso line now brick und stone houses on Georgia avenue : fifteen rooms und alcoves ; moro coincidences and better llnlshod than any hmiso for rent In the city , II. H. Header- son. 4001'axton block , city. - > 7 7-KOOM house with barn : nominal rent 0. K. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. 273 FOIl KENT 0 room house , all modern con veniences. Including a eooU stnolu. Onpltol avonuo. near the hl n bchool ; rent moderate. ] ) . J.U'Donahoc. 1001 Karnam nt. 270 TjlOIl HUNT Tim bountiful 7 room cottajjos. X Just flnlshod. Hath and modern Improve ments , Only 3 left. 0. 3. l.lguttor , 40i Klrst Nafluinlf. 459 OK RENT 3018 Webster street , now nine room house , sewer und water couucoted and ro.uly for furnace. Next corner \ obster and 30th streets. Now sotn room honso nnwcr and water. Kent low for good tenants. 11. W. Yates 4' 7-13 FOIl HENT A Rood ( J-rtiom house , elty water , south front lot , near Lake and Shur- nmn a\o. : at expiration of 3 years will give you warranty dfod.HtiDlectto mortsuBn Look this up. O. P. Shaw , U08 Hhcoley blk. J TTOUHEHT Sroom house , all modern Im- JL1 prn\omcnts. K20Clilcngo St. , 141.07. King- wait llros , , Darker block. 3Jl TT1OH RENT T-room cottage , convenient to jL' wholosalu district and business. Apnly 1112 S. 10th st. IIS FOIl KENT 8-rooin modern house with nlco barn , 1704 N 21st ; also 8-room house and nlco Inrn , 2209 Miami , by Orum & DIabop , H 51 , Hoard of Trade. ] i6 ! T71OU KENT Seven-room cottnjo. cor. 28th Ja > c. nnd. ( Jap. avo.Intiulre 21)18 ) Doilgo. M-GC3 Foil KENT 5-room houho. U2 S. 28th st. OOJ NI4 DF.SIUAI1LE dwellings nil parts of the olty , Hmcuton & Allen , 1(107 ( Fnnuira st. r&f-nlU FOIt RENT-FOKNI8liED HOOMB. For mlct. tte. , tee top of f rat column on tht _ _ NEU'IA furnished front rooms , steam boat , KM. bath , 711 a. Ifith. gd lloor. 4CJ-10 * ARM room , private family , fl3 ! S. 25th avo. M 751-10 * FOH HENT Comfottable south room , mod ern coinunlcncoa , prlvato family. SOU Douglas. 743 17 * rpWO nicely f urnUhcd rooms , with pas , bath J- and boat. 2512 OlilcaKO. M720-U * FRONT room , modern conveniences. 02US 8.10th. 4031 J * FOll RENT Nicely furnished front rooms , Htcam heat and all modern improvements. VrlvqtB family , EMI Fnrnam st. 721-13 * ROOMS light housekeeping. 12 N 20th. M523 NICELY furnished rooms with all conveni ences ; also first cliss table boatd ; terms reasonable. 200 N 16th 6t. 050-15' FOIl KENT Very pleisant furnished front room with all modern conveniences. 1015 Chicago st. MC83 furnished room with all modern J-i oon\onluncos , 201J Cass st. CUT ) 14 TJIUHNISIIKD or unfurnished rooms , steam i.1 beat , 2U15 Douglas. 691 H * VT10ELY furnished front pirlor with good J.1 board ; all modorii conveniences. 010 N 17th 5 to FOIl KENT Furnished rooms ; gas.bath and Bteam. 1510 llowurd. , 270 lOll KENT Furnished rooms , 1009 Douglas. 2SO TTANDSOMELY furnished room. 2200 Dodtro. JO. 128-13 * P LEAbANT south front room. 24U Dodgo. O18 HOR RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms. 2010Davenport at. 207 T\E3IKAI1LIC rooms for three or four gentle * U men , private sitting room included. 1701 Capitol ave. 434 FOltUKNT-ltOOMS UNl-'UltNlSHKD For rates , etc. , tet top of first column nn FOR RENT Suit of 4 unfurnished rooms to family without children. Price $10 20.1701 Webster Ht. M757 TT1OR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms for honio- X1 keeping to family without chlldion ; also 2 basement rooms , at 1122 N. 17th st. Jl 7V ) P Oil RENT Suufurnlshod rooms,210 N. 13th st. M 7M UNI'URNISUED rooms. 1013 rarnam st.a 7"JC-ft * FOR RENT O or 4 elegant unfurnished loomssteam heat and ait modern Improve- monlsfor housekeeping : references required , Mrs. 11. O. Moses. KM I' rnnin. 600 1J * rooms light housekeeping. \ 'A N , auiii. IN the Rrown build In * , Cumin ? nnd * Mth sin , olcgnnt apartments of seven and right rooms , with bath , Kitchen rmiKO for hot and cold water , shadps to windows. Ladles should see these ImmUoino modern homos. Apply Citizens bank. Oiimlng and 24th xts. bSO-lir I'UIINISIIUO 11OOJ1S AN1 > llOVlll ) . For tattf , ( tc , , tee top of flnt column on tlitr nro -L naco beat. Hoard It deslrud. S. E. oor. 25th u\c. nnd Harney. M7.'iQl'J ' * _ TT1URNISIIEU room nnd board fnrtwojoung X' men In prh ate family , 018 South 17th struct. Enquire 71'J bo. 17tll St. M 723-14 * _ ANDSbMELY furnished largo , warm room , with bat'sfuclory board und pleas ant home ; inoclora convenlcnee.4. l'iO Harney. _ HC05-U * OR RENT Nicely furnished rooms , steam , Run nnd bath , with or without board , ITU Uavunport. UM pOOMS with lloird Desirable rooms with XV mrlctly flrst-elass table board nt The Merrluni , SStli and Dodge sts. M-7Q-- * 4 :11 NOHTII IDlh-Doslrablg'rooms with board , : Can uccommudate u number of tnblu boarders. GS9-1& * s T. ; OliAIR European hotol.wlth dining room Ostoani boat lu all room" , 13th and Dodge Special r.xtcs by week or month. IWl FOR good board , nlco roommoilorn con- vonleucos , rates und location , the Pullman house , U1U Dodge tU , caunot bo excelled. M26SN2J * 3. parlor and alco\e for J-32or3 pentlemeri. buok parlor for 2. Heat. gli . bath , wltu board. 123 Harnoy. M 474-17 * NEWLY furnUUed rcoms , single or en snltp. with board , boat , gas and hath , 208 nnd Sti N. 17th. opposite new poitoOloa site tea N . " ITjiOR RENT Itoom , with board. 1723 Dodge FOIt KENT STOUE9 AND OFFICES. For ralet , etc. , tte fop ofjtrtt roliimn on fftt * S TORii ; to rentTin"MOW brickiblttTk. JS'o.lMl Hurt st. Klmball , Champ & Ryan. 1205 I'arnam.t. M090-20 TjlOR RENT-In Ilrown InitMinff. JO Onmlng and ! Htli wts. Double store 44 XGO foot. Hlnglu store 2 x ( > 4 feet. Ilasement 23x04 feet. Eight olcitnnt apartments for families ou second and third floor * , bee these before de ciding whurojou will locate In Omahn. Ap ply to Cltlrons bank , Uumlng nnd 21th its , K1I-1C * ATINE corner ba r > nientlii the Ilrown bulltl- linri suitable for plumber or barbershop. Room 2H5I foot. Citizens bank , cornr-r Uum- Ing and 24th sts. G27-10 * T7IOU 1U.NT The best located ground floor L1 olllco In the city. 203 H iith : st. WC 12 * " 1RNKH store nnd basement lu brick luilltl- nt ; 27th and N fits. , 'J block from ( ] i'l > nt , South Omaha. Mn , Ilrcga314j ! S. 15. 578-1. * IK Brown building , Oumtnc and 21th sts. To runt , double store 44xtx ) fort , slngln stdro 2.-.GI feet. Apply Citizen * bniik. KG-IO * T710R RENT-Tho 4-story brick biilldlnif.wlth Ju1 or without power , formerly occupied by the lleo Publishing Co ,1115 I'lirnamst. Tliu build ing has a 11 re proof content basomontcomplcto , steam hcntlng fixtures water on nil tliu llonrs gas , etc. Apply nt the olllco ot The lleo. B13 J TORES at 709 S 16th. 20xM each , lame show windows , steam heat furnished , Tims. It , Hall , 3111'axton blk. 2j.l TpIIE Hi own building , corner Cmnlng and "Ithsis , will bo rondy for ocoiipancy In foirdajs. 1'nrtlcn wlshlnsi toront stores or family apartments In thli now substantial building } Hhoitld npiily at once to Ultlrnn's bank , Oiuulii ? iitul"ltli xts. KIO-1D * I LOOK linilH AVIntor is coining , tlero are a Jfo\r good unices for rrmt In the Jl lingo bld'g , with 11 rat clnss lieatlnu and best olulc- vator services. Inquire t rank J. FOH JtliN r-\VAKIOilOUSKS. Forratrt , ett.icetnp nf jMenJwnn on tl\tipaye \ Tjoil KHNT-Ilrlok warehouse. t JL1 and basement , 27,000 tiitiarn feet , with 100 foctof double track on U. I' . Itnllway , bouth mill and I'lnrce streets. Address 0. usknmp , Uninha , Neb. b'lUKAUK. I'm rater , etc. , tit tup of fnt column onf/ita rpUAOICAaEHtorago at lowest rates W , M , X liushman , 1 111 Loivcnworth. 283 FORAGE' ana TraoUtigo David Colo. 813- S17 llowaidst. 711 CENTAL , AGKNUk. Far ntf/M , etc. , ne top of first cnlu m n enid -vi e. T IbT your IIOIIKOJ with the Rual Estate ln- JLJf01 inatlon bureau , 17 Hoard Trado. Trado.mn20 : mn20 HB.IREY & lire .rental agents.ZOJ N.Y.Llfo 2j7 ! TT E. Cole , rental agentContlnontal blk. 2TJ LISTjour bouio to sell orrontwlthO. IT. Harrison. Oil N. Y. Lite. 30.1 liOST. For rota , etc. , itr. top oJtnt column on Ihtunage. T OST -imall ledger wlUi the following In- JJ serlptlon , "Neb , Ool. . NowMoxIco , Minn. , AVIs. " oneoxor. J5 rewind to Under. Call at Bee olllco or 101,1 Karnam st. M7C1-1.1 * T OST-1'utf doc. PlcabO return to 'The JLJFreuzer , " 114 N.5tb stand rocche icwiirclj T OST Krom 30th and Spauldlng stricts , u JJwhlto cow a rod cow hornless. A louard will bo paid fur their return at JW-7 1'iiitt ht. John Helnzman. 085-12 * LOST lilver-colorod polntorhltch.vorvlhlu and bony. Kututn to U10 Douglas stioot. Hultublo reward. Ji'SH FOIt 8AI.I2 rint.WTUKH I3TO. Ferrates , ctf , , tee top of fnt column onlit ( pi7. I710R SALE rurnlturoof S rooms complete -U for housekeeping , ohoup ; 1704 Divcnnort street. M7J3-lllv TTIOR SALE A largo parlor Btovo and 2 J small stoves. J.v. . Harris , i9tb ! and Cuss. FOU HAL/U / liOltSKBVAGONSETC3. . Ferrates , etc. . KG top of flrst , ailumn on tlita page. TTIOR BALE , very cheap Ono ( six pnscon- JL' gcr ) rookaway carriage ( now ) ; and two- EC itod Russian sleigh. Geo. W. Holbroolf.rooiu 4 , lleo Illdg. SCO mYPEWRITERS for rent or sain. StciiOK- JL rapbors supplies. J.l'.ilcgoatblX)7 ( ) rarnam. WORK horse J453. two horse wafron0 , dou ble work harness $15. Or will trade for a good light side bar buggy. 11. E. Cole , Conti nental block. ' 273 TTORSES $50 and up. U. E. Colo. S73 " 1T1OR SALC-2 good work teams. Inquire at JJ 01H 1'axton blk. ai ) FOIt Ferrates , etc. , tee top nf Jlrtt column on tills pags "TjlOR SALK Two cash registers In Rood ro- J3 pair , at 111 S. 14th ht. M7W1-19 * "I710R SAL15-A National cash register at n JL' bargain , Used 1 year : good as now Ad dress V 5J , Bee olllce. M703-10 TjlOR SALE Olinap , EMiorso-powor onslno. JU Apply to Q. W. Gray , Oth and Doui-las. M-701-17 TRIOR SALT ! A flno new Stewart banlo and JJ cnso for gJO at Oil N. 17th. C7J lC q "VfKWcallgraph , prlco roasonublo , R G" , lleo J-l ofllco. 77a IVAN'A'hU ' 10 UUX. For rates , etc. . ice top of Jlrit column on thfn \VANTED To buy corn In car load lots doT - T V llverod on track nt Central Olty , Neb , old corn prefcried. Send lowest cash price , also would buy s-oiuo chop feed , shorts , bran , cto. Address box 0 , Central City , Neb. 7JOU VrtJANTED A pair of good solid road horses TT atIS.'Mbt , Mary's me. 7U7-13 , TjWRNlTURE. household goods , oto. II 1 Ighest JU cash price. Welle , 11111 amain. SECOND hand typewriters. J. 1' . MeRcath , 1007 rarnum St. , Omaha. 77J WANTED Horses , wagons , oto , to sell nt unction o\ory Tuesday and Friday , 10 a. in , Pioneer ftubles , Uth , between Hurnoy and Howard M)7-ll ) SECOND-HAND books bought for spot cash , at the Antiquarian bookstore , 1411 I'arnam. 615 1114- WANTED-Horso and buggy. W J.I'aul , 1009 rarnnm. HIS For rale * , etc. , tee tup of jrijrt column ont/ito T ON'T forget Jos. P. Megoath , 1007 Farnam JL/st. , when you want to buy , rent or sill a typowrltei. 77J HIO bo given away A. largo pile of brlok- -Lbats at city hull building , good for mak ing concrete , to any party who will take them iiwuy atonuo. John ! ' . Coots. 7IJ-1J' O iAHA Fencing Academy , busoment. N , Y. Life building , room " 0. " Ladles 1)-12 ) a. m. , ffontlemcn 3-0 and 7W ; ) to H p. m. Prof , llon- KO ) . Ulasbou now formliig ; prlvato lessons If desired ; 708-15 TTPnqi.STERINO and mattroibos ronoVntca E. I'ctorson. 712-dl SHOPPING of alt kinds attended to free of charge. Address Clara titrcot. Woman's Kxchange. M475 17 MASSAGE , Madam Uoliier , over BIO H nth. 403 il * SAVI ) fuel by covering your steam piposi with Kos.sll Meal Uomposltlon ; the hest oon.conductor , absolutely lira proof. Wes- torn agent. I > . O. SloEwun , toil Howard st. 62-1113 BIONl V IO liOAN. for fata , tic. , tee t ii nf juvi f ) li.nnjto ( > | ( \yge \ ONBV to loan on second mortgage.V. . S Wynn , Room sn Qniaha Nat. IlkdU'dg , M 7 1 i" to loan on any security for short tlmo at tow rates. Lowest rates on property. The ncndorson Mortgage Imosttnont Com pany , room 100 , L'axtonbi : . 2U7 MONEY 30COorMdnyion furniture , , s. horses , bouses , oto. J. J , Hklnson. 018 Pas ton blk. "VX7 ANTED First-class Inside loans. Lowest TT rate * . Call and. see us. Mutual InvcBt- tncnt Co. , 1S04 Varnam. aa _ TrEVSTONE Mortgaco Co.-Loans of 10 to JLVJl.OOOi cot our rates before borrowing and save money : loans on hones , furniture or any approved security .without publicity : uotou bought ; for n > w loani. renewal of old and low est li. WH , 6h el/blU.,15th * Howard. MONISY TO LOAN. T ttumn on tft ( XOWEST rotes on chdUw'clly ' loans ot 11.000 Jto50.000. Central Iioau & Trust Co. , 1205 rarnam st , I > C70 10 MONEY to loan by n/lVMa-iters on chattel and collateral sccurltrrt for any tlmo from ono to six months In at/ynmouut lo suit bor rower. I Loani made on hoiiMhom goods , pianos , or gans , horses mulon , houses , leases. wnrohou < > o rocolpts , etc. . at the wwost possible rates. without publicity or rotlibriilof property. Aly loans are fa tirrntiKMVllintyou can make n pnymont of any niuomit At any tlmo and ru- diicobotli principle nnd Interest , If you ewe nbnlintcafou your property or hnAoa lo.m you wl h changed. I will piy It off and carry It for you. IXfwi ( bid It moro con- % onlcnt , call tip ioleimuitd No. itt.'l nnd jour business will bo arranged ht home. Sloney alwnjpon hind. No dtlay , Nopub Hultv. "Lowostratos. Room 4Wlthnoll blk , IStli and Harney sis , OHEAPeastorn'inoiiov 1'hllndolphla MortKauo and Trust Co , always ready to loan and pay promptly ; Ilrst morlgaiteswniileil. uoorguv. \ . I1. Coatcs , rcp- lesentuthc , joom 7 , board of trmlo. ! KW " | jI'AL Kstnto Loans Cnsli on hand. Olobo JL lx > ! Ui A Trust UoW)7S. ) Kith st. Noduliy , no extra charges. Houses ( or rent , good list. aoo OE. A 0. M. ANTHONY , 1q | N. Y. Llfo build- .Inc. lend money on farms In choice coun ties of Nebraska and lowi ; nlio on coed Omaha rusldoiuo ptoporty ; lowest rates ; best terms : no del iy : money nnuly. Titles and vnltus pussud on huro. IWl BUILDING loans , < lto7iorcent | ! no ndril- llonnl cliiirpi'H foruoninil'isionor attorney's fees.V. . 11. Melklc , 1'lrst .National bank bide. M7 / lHATTErjbnnk , : illS. TStli st. , loans money V oiicbuttclsorcollatprnlat lensonablo rntus second innrtirnaos on vacant V Im- -V provedelty prop. County warrants bought. Money ou hand. P.M. HIcliardbon.BlBN.Y. Life. EAh I'EHN money to lo in on city properly ; mortgage paper bought. , 004 /1HATTKL loitns nt lowest rates. Removed \J lo 1124 N. V. Llfo bldtr. J. U. Emmlngor. _ .10- MONIJY loaned at low rules on furniture , homes , &c. , without publicity. Hawkeye IimsttncntCo , XI Douglas blk.lOth and Dodgo. 01 MONKY to loan on city und farm property. W. AI. Harris , H 20lfroii70r lllk , opp. I' . 0 333 MONEY lo loan. Correspondents of Lom bard Investment company. Shrlvcr Sc Hums. Frcnyer block. B'Jl ' _ T TANTED flpor cent rcil estate loins. 0. V V P. llarrNon , 012 N. Y. Life. UJ7 Loans Host rates nnd option lu the west. Interest annually. piy parlor nil of principle at end of any year , and stop Interest. R. K. Stowc. 810 N. Y. Llfo bldg. BOOnil * -IMBALL , Champ .t Ryan , > . ISOMTarnnmst , make loans on real c tato. nirsonal and collateral scourltr. Notes and bonds bought. Rulldlng loins at lowest ratet , C0" Nil FIRST mortgage loins on improved and un improved propouy. O. J. Oaswoll. 810 N. V. Llfo. M C87 N 11 1 HOKiirnam. Ron. F. iMilrtl , loani made on dlimonds , watches , Jowplry , etc. Ml N13 * I1USINKSS C Forratts , etc. , K lop nf fnl column onilj / / FOR SALE A good hotot lease with com ploto furniture , otc. , \ \ 111 soil cheap. Ad- dicsaOSJ. lice. , M7u-10 * FOR SALE , ' 15 barrel stenm roller mill. Thos. Crouch , ToltatnUh , Nobnultn. i. . " . dll * WANTED A business phnncc nn Interest In sonio Rood payhiB and legitimate busi ness without night work , by n young man of good business qualifications and the best ot roforcncooluno from S.l,000to (5,003 capital and good backing. Addiess In confidence , V CO lleo olllce , git ing full ipjrtlculars and In case your proposition sjilts will call. 700 12' W ANTED A partner wltlt' J3.000 or moro. An excellent opportunity ; iillnoof busi ness repioson.tod by ] no other/ linn linOnmha. Full particulars ou application , Address V 491100. , 70710C3 WANTED A partner Vlth from tM ) to f 1,000. A carpet man piofcrrod. I'loaso ln\cstlj-ate. Address V 51. lleo. 714-lit * "T710HSAL13 I'lrst-chiss bat and lostauiant ; J long lcn c. Address JI. ilornborccr. IQl Donghis stieot , Omaha. M WTJ-24 10R SALE Clgur , tobacco , confectionery , fruit stand ; must soil. 200 S , 12th st. 011-15 * MKAT MARKET for sale. Titled up first- class In ovury particular. Good business. Will bear the strictest ImestlKatlon. Addrrsi lock box 400.Council llluffa. In. ll)4-d ) 3 1710U SALE Ono of the most desirable hotel JL' properties In the stnto.sltm.tcd In Itancroft , QuinlnK county.Neb. 1 ho house Ins n Rood pay ing pitrontigo and has an oxcollunt lUnry fltocK and feed stable In connection. Iho ton Is the end ot a n is-iungcr dh Islon of the Chicago , Ht. Paul , Mlnncupolls fc Omaha rail way. It Is a centering point for hunters from all o\or the state , as fcho Is surrounded by lakes , rnarshos and \ast pr.ililcswhoro ducks. KOO C , pralro ohlckoiH nnd other ( jamo blirts abound In Broit nuiubcrs during tholr Roason. For further reforeiico apnlv to 11 , Uolisoy , Hancroft , Nob. JU80-N27 11 KbTAUKANf for rent or sale. T. Murray 077 WANTED A competent newspaper man with Iho 01 six thousand dollars In casher or security , to take charge of the Democrat , as I have important business that will requite my time east and south for the corning year. Wo will nay the right kind ot a man a nlco Balary. Ions required. Address - dross W. K. VuiiKlmn , Omaha. Nob. M J12 N W * FOIl EXCHANGE. Forratf * . etc. , teelop of flmt column on Wi/s / vans. G OUD , clear , Insldo csldcnco lots to ex- for encuinbcrtd doslrablo 1m- pro\ed business or rrsldenco property. Also stock farm to uxchuiiKo fordeslrablit rcsldtniro or business property. Address "W , " box 6G5 Omaha. M7C1-19 * _ DEblUAHlYIlS-iooin house on 2bth St. , near 1'opplcton , $7,000 ; propertv Iscloar.wlll ns- sumaNonioliiuumlitaiico In trading , O , IMIar- rlbon , tllU N. V. Llfo. " , g is _ TPOU EXOIIANGE-i/ ( iiinchc , with stock , for general insdo , groceries orhurd- wuro , Addieas V. 40 , lloo. 713- ' . ' rilO EXCHANGE Kino carriage , with team JL nnd hnincss , for clour. cll located lots. 1) . 0 , Patterson , 1510 Tarnum. Wl ia WANTFD To trade clear real estate and first inortgugu notes for Omaha Improved residence property orgoricral meiclmiullbo or blocks of hardware. Address OCG N 2Uh bt , Omaha , Neb. opo 17 a HlSAli Ki Fonalt * , etc. , see tu ) > ot 'Jtrtt column nn tM NOTICE to Heal KstuUj , Airenlft Lois 7 and 8 , block 1DIJ ! uro wltliurawu from inarKet , Ed&pclletberK. rfll M70.J-11' " \717K o n otter for u fiMrMays at a great linr- TT gain,87\l ftr. on Varnuta at , ni-ar IWtli. Also 10J > ixl42 ft. atcprr,2lth , and I'arnam. There Is no bolter nropoity In the oily tlnin this , ana there Is no bufltr tincstincnt than thlsjiroporty at the prlw. Hnrtniau & . Itob- blns , olu aguiits. 200 IS. y. lto building. 747 10 FOH BALE Very dcsh'ablo ' 7 room house , perfect order , city watorolstcrn. , noiv barn. Sownidnt . . , .iL'\ $ 450 Oti llurdetto St. . bctvrcftujCJ and SQ sis. , oholcu 8 mom house , gowU barn 4,000 On Parker st. , n neat i f.QUni house , good order , barn , etc SP. 3,100 On l > aiWA\o. North of I.oavcnnorth'oUoof ' theplcas- nntcst residence locutinhs In Uninha , a 2-story 8 room house In perfect oidur , Bower , water , gas , erTntioIeo 6,500 On 2U8t. , 7loom ho iRCOlty ( water , els- torn , shrubbery , ticei1 Jlfilco only * 7MO On CumliiKst. near : iltll7 ! room house , olty water , oNtern , only ; 0,000 Onoof thollncst icsldunuoi In Konntto I'lace , 10 room brick , modern , [ rood barn 11,600 On 27 st. half block from motor , Rood s utory frame with barn , . , 5,000 Ames. 15071 arnam st , 6 < 3 bo\u \ Agents. OM.OOO u > tl00 ! ! buys a 60 ft lot In Ames Place , Ptlio best for the monoy. 643 Amos , 1507 Ifnrnam. POHBAl/E fl foot on 2-Hh st , corners on Jones st. , faces oaqt , only a few feet from motor nnd one of the uiost allablo nnd best located lots In this part of towni price 86,000 a prlco made low. a * , owner wants his money In business. Amos , 1207 1'urnani , Bole Anouts. CM $8,000 for a hoiue and lot near S3nd , and Call- foru'.a. 0. K , Harrison. OU N. Y. Life. 733 13 POR 8 ALE Trade or rent , cheap , fine homo. 4-d and Cam it. Inquire ut bouse. H5M > Sr * TOOK SALE-Small house , IplT California Bt. BATjB-KEAlj E3TATD. . etc , tttloj ) of flrtl colu iit on tfita yaa * . BUY a TO f t lot In Ames Plnoo ami saro money Amos , 1507 1'artmrn. OH _ lll 1,000 for Rood plccoof buslnoM uronorty on M > Fnrnaii | , not far fmin the city hall. O 1\ Harrison. Cia N. V. I.lfo. tsl 13 _ TT1OK BALE On easy inontluy payments , ( l JL1 room house and south frontlet , near I.nko andShormnn nvo 5 Juit llko Mj-ln rent ! no ntorcaU 0. l-\ Shaw , J03 Sheolcy blk , : ti > > UITiUlNa site on I'opliloton n\'o hot.Bud - > nndiElrd , nocasb required from tiureliinor ho will build. 0. IMIarrlson.tllJ N. V. l.lfo. OMAHA will grow faster In the next 13 months than ever before , nnd real eotato vlllRrovr In vulno with tliocity , liny a M ft ot In Ames I'lnco now , Auius , 1M7 1 1'nrnnni. U1S g 50,500 Only J9.riOO llr. ClnuubcM' residence ft on ICth and Iliirclclto st. , oivnor Roln ? lo .avcclty. llcst bargain In Oinalia , I ) . V. SI holcj , solo agent , 21,11 Irst Nut. li ink. M OT ) FINE biilldliiR silo on 1'oppleton ave. In Ilnnscom Placo. forf" > 000i will loan t',000 or ( . ' .AOO to put up a house with. O.K. Ilirrlson , Dia N.Y. Ilf . 7J2 13 Olt BALK or ront- foct front with bulhl- InpofVO rooms. Apply at the proinlsi-s 18 8. lit liSt. Also'J'J fort on cor of Chicago anil inth , Ap- ily atUlS South l.'tb bt. -10-n27 VTOW Is tbo tlmo to hny before prices d- ! . > vnnco. Soon 50 ft lot InAmesI'lnco. OH Ames , 15J7 I'arnam , 50 1'EHT In Ames Place nt 11.000 to 11,500 Is better than money lu the bank , 019 AIIICM , 1W rnrnnm , SAUli ChoIce rosldi'itLO lot , fronts .1' eist , onlHthslrcot botwuou rarimni and " ) odcc , cornoi-M on tilloy $ , lODi.00 This In nn especially doslriblo locution and pi rlcowlllbo ud\uncul If not sold In todays , on acth street rontlns east , ono of the oliolcost aero lots In hatdeslritblo loo.itlon. To tbo rl ht party his oleKiuit residence site will bo sold on iinull cash payment and Ion : ; time. I'rlco , ; i2ooo.oo. Business I'roporty jn DodRost. between IHli and ICth sts. n full 01If GG\1 , . > . locution Rilt-ctlRcd , crouliiR In \ alne , with present linproieineiits will piy ,1.00010 , $4 000 peryoir. Prlco ( TO.OtwtS ) On I.oinenwoitli st , coiner , 3 brick'stores .iid flats lupotfcct order. L' 0 per cent , ai.00000. TrnckiiKo property , corner Oth and Jonci. o wncd by Consalluiitcd Tank Mno Covlll soil ( on easy torms. I'rlcQ (30,00000 Amos Real Estate Agnuoy , 1D07 J-'immin St. , 043 Hole AKOiits FOR SALE Amoa Plnuo-Tho host lots In Omaha nt the prlco. I'lrst-class In loca- Ion , perfect In tltlo and Insldo property. You mi buy a fifty-foot lot In Amos 1'laco for 11,000. $1,100. 81,209. And when you see this property you will ad mit our claims for It. lioinombor you can Und no property as well located at 81,030 or 11,200 'or a fifty-fool lot and romcmbcr to that Now \ \ the Tlmo o buy. Ilial estate In Omaha will advance rapidly nnd there Is tjlny no sator , surer In vestment. It Is hotter th-tn Money In II ink and will piy ton times the Interest. Prices" will sto Hilly n chance unit you make money by buying now. Motor Curse o and from Ames Place , 1'lf ty-foot lots at on , eleven and twol > o hundred dollars. Amen. C < 3 15(17 ( Tiirnam St , A SHALL payment down nnd fli par month -CX will buy iv 4-room house and lot ou Kith , 2 blocks from motor ; Ilrat cl iss chance lo o- nulroahoino on easy terms. Apuly to 11. U. Cole , Continental block. 27J QHOLES to the front. I have six clORant kJhouses on 4Uh ami I'ninamwith uvvry modern com enlenco , Including Ris and k'us llxtuies. now nearly roadv fur occupnncy. bee Ihemand make jour choice. I'rlco. W.750 to $1,2T > 0. $ : X ) to Jooa cash , balauuo to suit at 7 per cent Interest. Kvcry purchaser before Novembers gets a tloketto thodrnwhiKof u $ 'XX ) piano. OarrlttBO always roidy to snow customers. I'nrn.nn street motor within four blocks. liuynhoiiio quick , and takoahnnd In the hrund shnnio. This UstrulRlit goods D. Y. Sholcs. 213 I Irst bank. M 0.10 , $0nOObuysthoDr. Chambers retldcnco and vetarliiHry barn on luth and Uurdotto ets. ThUI.iKJ.tffllo s than .cost. D. V.Sholos. holu agont,2la First Nat. bank. M 030 WAUO U & We'tei flcld.rcal ostoto.S Om aha. ; w < ) TJIUOnS by spring will bo much higher than JL now. Buy In Ames I'lnco a 50 ft lot at pres ent prices. Aniey , 1507 Karnam. OIl BALE An oltgnnt now residence , 9 rooms , cherry and o.ik flnlHh , largo stublo and in cry convenience for comfort : location , the host In the clt-v ; prlco low. Terms cany. 1) . J.O'Uonahoc.lOOirarniimst. ' 312 TP YOU have anything to sol lor exchange , Icall at CIS Paxton block. J1J Un.OCO for homo on Ohlcngo st. near " > th. OX PUnrrlson , 012 N. Y. Llfo. 037 rpIlE host lot on Hamilton and Lowe avonuo. JL Enquire at 40u8 ll.uiillton st. CSO (10 * $ l.COOtoloannt7 ! percent , C years O. F. Harrison , 012 N. Y. Llfo. 7X3 12 "OliUUEN r men made their money In Omaha -L real Cbtato , and you cnn ninko inonoy In Imylnk' a good 50 ft lot In Ainns I'l ice at 81.000 to 91,200. Ames , 1W7 Karnam , 018 A MES I'LAOr M ft lots are the best value In -CXOnmha at present prices Uuy before the advunto. Ames , 1507 Kutimin. 018 HOMKS In a olty like Omnha grow In value. The first stop is to cot a good lot. See Ames I'l a co 60 ft lots at 11.000,81,100 nnd $1.201. 048 'Ames , 1507 Farnam. T71OR SALE Lot 28 , block 5 , Paddock Place. JD and lot l\ block HI , South Omaha. AVU1 sell cheap. Address I > . 1C , Bchoenli > ber.0'er jsco , Nob. WO 3 FOK SALE A farm adlolnlng 111 air , Nob. , could bo platted and eold for nurd on at onro. II. AV. MoUrldo. lllalr. 707 nia * "ClORBAIiK At a bargain , MxlM on Duven- JL ; port , nvur I7th , 0110 block from now po t- olllcepry cheap , tUJ.ODO ; Mxl.Ki coiner .nth and Farnam , &WXX > . Q. L. Green , room J9 , Darker block CS4 d7tX)0 ; ) for flno corner 6(1x70 ( , Kid and Oa'.ssts. PO. V. llanlbon , Ilia N , V. 1-Ifo. TJB 12 IT HOOM oottn e , full lot , Hunscorn Place , I east front and a great bargain for a few days. Small cash payment and Imlnnco on long tlmo , r. K. Darling , llnrkor block , VM nl.GOD for cottuBo and half lot , not far from phlgli Bohool. 0 , V. Hart lipn , 012 N. Y. Llfo. 7 1" "VTOUoancan got tnsldo property In Amis JL I'lace. A50ftlotforJlOCo tolf,200. CIS Ame < J. J507 Fnrnam , CIjAlIlVOVANT. For rates , tte , tee top ofIrst ralunm nn ( Jib txiflj. MKSSTnvniiIs Riving best sueeossof any fortune teller in the cltjfcho does not deal In any fraud , Her terms are the lowest 400 N. 10th , 3d lloor. 5S3 . * A ItltlVKD-OJalrvoyant. naturally gifted , xX tells past and future , love troubles , ab sent friends , cbaiiRoH , travelsbusiness , Hutls- fuotlou given. Mrs. A\ulluce \ , lUOd Kiiniuni st. M-7M-17 * MRS. NANNIE V. WARUCN. clairvoyant trance , speaking , writing and rullablo bus iness medium , 4 years In Omaha. 110 N , Hit h , 310 "A r ASS AC i ; Madam Dulzler , o\cr 010 S 11th. 1V1 40J UJ _ MAB8AGU lliVTMS K1O. Forrater tterettojiof.Jli-gttolumn untliin rxipt , MAbSAOK bath at Madam Smith's imrlnri. 007 . 13th Bt. next Ilnrkcr bolel. 175 lj ( * Tlf"A89AOKtroatmontolootlo-tlicrmiil baths. lU-sialp und hair treatment , nmnlcuru and ChitopouUt. lira. Post , B Sp.M. Wltbiicil blk. M > 1 _ _ _ _ TlfAfcaAOK , JIadatn Dolzlcr. over 0108 nth , ItJ. 4(12 ( < ! > BUOUTI1AN1) A.NU 'J.'Yi IJ\Vllll'i.\a tprintu. ete. , tee top of flrst enluinn on thi * vaut , . , ) ( . - JLchuiigod , rented. J , P. Jloxoatb , 1007 Kar- nam street. _ _ Dlft BO. WHEELKR , Kenoral etonogruplior and notary. Denosltloim nnd con it work a specialty. Tel. Wl , room 1002 , N , V. Life Illdg USI-niJO MUSIC AHT AN1 > LANGUAGE. For rotes , tte tee top otftrst tolmn on thtt jjaua TJBVORE buying a piano oxumlno the new Jt > 8caleKlmbuHpIuiio.A.r ; 15131 G EO.K. GGLLENIiEOK.toachor of the banjo wltU Ho p . 1113 DougLu. 241) ) PROP , Ohas. i'otcrsen. piano , organ , vlolla , xltber , vocal initruullons. 503 Sheuly blk , 170-n.V II AIIl CJOODSV1G3. . 1STC. Furrnlrfttte , , otfirsl column ontMi } xio BTST IJno balr Roods In wostj hut r dressing wlzs , svltchej , bangs , hair chains , ote. , u poclnlty. Davlos , halt goods and Milliner postonlce , HIS IHthst. Uniiihli. W 1'ATKXX SOLjICITUItS. ror rat'f , tte , ncolon offntl eoltimnon thlt 7x10' , PATENTlawynrs .V solicitors , 0. "W. Suesfc Co , Bio building , Omnhn. Itr.inoli ollluu nt iVashlnmon , P. U. OoiiHiiltatloit froo. Ills D11KS3.HAK1NG. For rateable. , nee toil of flrttcoln nn thin ) inge. S toiUiclresaiiiaklim fn fntnl- Jlisu Stiuily. 2Gl < > llarnoysU MG.LIN15 * 1'AWNHUOKIuIlS. for rater , etc , no ( op nfjrat column nn this i aye. MOIILE loans money on diamonds and - watohesjewolryotc.SEcor. ruriiuni&lltli , J10 1'KNSION AUKNOk. For rate * , tte. , rcctnf ) t > f flrnl coIiKinioii "PENSIONS The Cllngman I'unslon Agency , i 211'romcr blouk. Inform it Ion free ' 117 MILWflYTIMEGflRD TOJ I uuo.-u.o. uuiu.iMU'ON li y Arrlvo Omn \ ! | Depot 10th nnd Mniiin ntnieti. Uinilii. . . . , K'nn i Cltr Day Kxpr > i. . . . K C. Night Kxp v\nV. \ _ lTTMI' ! . Omnha 280"pm Overland Klycr I105 p n > 730 pm I'.icltloKipreii 12 45 p m I0.3J am Denver Kxprcis. . . . , 855 p m 000 am K nsa Cltj Kiprosi. , , 110"u m 1015 am tnlrilelil Kxo , ( oxci'it | riun ) . 4 J5 p m Umnlia. | U.I' , depot , JOth knit Mareyats.l Oiuoli- . < 10 p m NlKtitKxproii. 905 am , . .Atlantic Erpross. . 430 p m .Vestibule Limited. 1C. 1' . depot , 10th and Maror Bta | Omnh * 715 ami . . . .SInux Cltr 4 JO p ml . .St I'nul 110 10 A n "SlOUX tM A j ArrlTUI Omaha. | Depot 1HU nnd Web-tor 8li. | Omaha. 800 p m | . I'nul l-lmllcil. . . , .J 'I3 > n teavm lOllloAUll * KolFFJlW KS'lBllNrf Omaha | U 1' . depot , 10th anil Marcy att [ 815 ra Clilc.iKO Kxpruii 6Si p m ( SO p m Vcittbula Limited fl .V ) a ja 6.15 pm Iowa Accommodation ( Kxo. Sun ) 70S p ra 1)10 p m Eastern Kl/or 245 p m 115 p in Frul ia-.lorp Kipre- * . . . . . . BOi a m IUUICAUU , M1U , A. S ArrtToi Omnha. | U. 1' . depot. lUili nnit ilnrcr Hts Omaha. 00 pra . ChlcaKO Expreii . 945am 1J45 p m . . rblenyo Kx tires . M5.p m Leavti OMAUAaar. lAJUia Arrives Om ha. U. P. ilcpot. 10th and Mnrcr fits. Omitlio , v ml St. louls ( nnnon Hnll. . . . . . | ! iupia I envoi t. . H A MO I AirlToi Omnha Depot litn an I Weimar 3ti 900 am Jlllli Kipro s & 20 p m 900 a m Kip ( Ki. Hiinda- ) . . . 530 p m 610 pm \\nbooAl.lnooln t'ns (1.x ( Sunil'y ) 1030 a in M pm . . \urkANorfolK K r. Similar ) . . 10 J am , M so. I Arrival Omaha | | Depot lith nn.l Wcliuor Sti Oil ill 1. 700 am . . Hloni Utjr ACLOummiliitlon. . . OU3 p m 100 p in . .Sioux Cltr Kipreu ( Er. Sua ) . . I 10 p m 500 p ra Ht 1'nal l.linHod IIJJ a m 615 u in .llnneoft 1'inneniter ( Kr. .Bnn > . . _ ) 8 45 A m 1 CliVOS I Oiunba. I Dapot litli nnit Wobitor Hti | Umitlii 10.-10 nul , bt. Jxiuli ft K. O. Krpreil. M 59 p m JUS pm | .St. Louli AK. C. > .rpron. IPM a ra I.Q117CI , ' it. i. ' 'j Xfrlvoi Trnnsfor | lllugl. iTrnnifer 880 pm Kxproo , Ti m ra tno am AtlnntlsK/trrex. . ( U p m too pm Veitlbulo Limited. . N SO am Transfer ! Union llopot. Council llluff . I'mnnrer V4O am Chicago Kxpreu. 6(10 ( p m COO p u Ycttlbulo Lliultod 9 M a m 100 pm Kastern Flyer. . . 200 p m 1.30 pm . .Atlnniln Mr.ll 7-10 n m CIO p m Iowa Aonommnilatlon ( Hxc. Bun ) C 40 p in 'Leavei I I Arrlvoi Trunsfcrl Union Depot. Council iTramfcr i 3D p ml ClilcnKO Exiiroii. . . . .I a 15 am l.0 ! p m | . . . . ClilcnKQ Frpron. . . . .I COO p m ' ' 'lArrlveT Union lUpot. Council lllilll. | Transfer 1001 ami. . . Knnini Cltr Dnr I 6 43 p m TOZ5 p m.hanHitiJ'ltrNlKUkJj'pror''j | I JU n m Trrivol" Iranatcrl Union Depot Cuiinrll Illufft Transfer 6U ) p tn | .j . .St , IjpilM ( niuiri Hull t6BTerTOliiJA"Op7U ( trflPN' A ; . Arrlvu Transfer Union Depot , Coil ncll HIiilTi. I fr iinifor " 940 am . .Ctilcnlto Kxiireu 6SO p ra 10 UO p ni . .ClilcnKO KTnrcsi li VI n m tfO pra . . .Creaton II W ) n ra BIOUXClll'A 1'AUIHU I ArrlTOi Union Depot , Council Hluffi. Irnntfor . . .SlouxCltr Accommodation. . . ! u40 am 005 pra Bt I'AU ! Kxpreis 1000 u m I'AlllblC UUUUIIIIAK TIIAIN8. T > UOI'O9AI.S l"OU OATS AND CORN.- J. U , B. Indian Horvlcc , Rosebud Aconuy. Bouth Dakota , Oglobor 20 , 18W.-9oaltl ! ( proposalH Indorsed "Proposals for Outs aim Coin , und audroshou to the under ; Hlgncd nt Itosobiid Agency , Bouth Dukotu. will lie received ut tills olllce until ono o'clock p. in. of November 10th , ItfJO , for fur nishing and dullvorlng nt thin , 7UOi)0 ) poundaof Oatw , and 150,003 pouuux ut corn. Oats must bo bright anil clean , nndvoll Hacked , und weigh not lobs than , ti pounds to the bushel , Oorn must bo soiinit ana oluan t In wolRhnotlosa tlinn&O pounds to the Inishel. and to ho delivered InsauUsof nbuut two und ahulf hushuls capacity , inndo of Bounce Inn * lap , well howod. lllddors will bo required testate state spcolllt'lilly In tholr bids the proposed price of each arilolo to bo o ( to rod for dellvury under n contract. The rlK'Uls ' rvHurvod to ru * joot any or alt bid * or any part nf any bid If doomed for the test Inttiicst of the icrvlco , ( JortlAud Ubeoks , Knoh bid must be aocom * lanlod by a certified chock or draft upon loino United States Depository , randa piy- able to tbo order of the undersigned , for at least ave per cent of the amount ot thoprono * sal , vrhlcli cliook or draft will bo forfeltod to the United Btatei In ease any bidder or 1)1(1- ) ( derarooolvliit-uu award sbull full to promptly exoouto a contract vrlth itood and milHolont lurltlrg , othorwlsn to bo returned to the bid der. K. I ) . REYNOLDS , Hpooltil U. B. Indian Agent la charge , o-24-d-21-t-ia AMUSISMKNTS. HOUSE. Nov. 13 DANIEL FROHMAN'S llj Ibeautnorof "Tliolfo. . " "Uinl Clitiiiilor , " oto , Dnv III Dclnsco nnd llunrr C. Do Mlllo . , , THE SUCCESS LAST CHARITY I YEAR AT THE N. Y. BALL. I LYCEUM THEATER , Produced with upoclal scenery , nccessorlos ad dclnllotrnre porfcctlon Sulo opona nt IHJX ollku Wennosdnjr mornlnw , Wednesday and Thursday Nov. 12 and 13. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF THE NEW YORK LAUGHING SUCCESS , WILD lly CirAS.T. V1NCWST. iiutlior of "A. Grass widow , " "Tho Editor , " oto. Aa p'.ayud In all the luidlng oltlo ? of the United Status. PRETTIEST GIRLS ! BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES ! FINEST COMbDIANS ! NEW SPECIALTIES ! SPECIAL SCENERY1 Popular Prices. HOT Shoot opaus Tuosilnjr. Dime den Will Lawlor , MnimKcr. Corner Ilth and l\\r- iiainSt roots. Uiiialm. VfRKK OH' NOV. 10th. ZAllASSA.Clili'fof < lio/.uli ! ; n Now Pot of Wax IlKiirrs ; ht'.Ttni | > llcnri Vlown nnd I'linnrunila brunerr Turner , the muilenl frink ; Voy llrui , Corned Inns j fonKnml < lnnoonrtlHj LlicrcilTArnl > ( lunncriAiitaln L'ontorlHinM ; ( irconlinum , Mnulclnn ; AHlcrln , npuca Annlliilntor' Mmor I ornnnclrr , Mnmlolln Artist. ONI ! DIMI ! ADMl'JS 'IOAIA , . DR.MCGREW THE SPECIALIST. Morotlmn 15 roars' oxporlencoln the trmtmontof PRIVATE DISEASES. A euro Ruarnntccil In 3 to llvo dura without the tosi otun hour's tlmo. STRICTURE I'crmanontlr cured without pain or Instriiraontni nn cuttlnif , no dilating Tlio iiidxt roimirknlno roiuoJr known to modern aclunco. Wrlto for tlrculari. SYPHILIS CURED IN 30 TO BO DAYS. Ir. McQrew'i treatment for this torrllilo Mood ells. cane Inn been pronounced the niont pnwerf nl nnd eucouai ( til rumecly over discovered for the nunoluto euro of thin disonae Ula success wltli tills ( IHoand 1ms never b m oqualloil. A complete OUIIK QUAU- AKTKEOVrllo fur clraulnrx. LOST MANHOOD and nil voalmons of the lotunl critans , norrounnoii , tlmlilltr and deiponiloncr nbaolutoly cured. The ra * lief la Iramudlatu und complete SKIN DISEASES. Catarrh , rlionmntlsni , and all ilUoaiat of thoblool liver , kldnojs nnd blnilrtor pormununtlr cured. FEMALE DISEASES and nournlgla , norrousno's nnililHi'n < o of tliu atom. nch cured. Iho Doctor' * "Homo Iroutmont" ladlea IB | > rt > nouiiccd by nil wlio Inivo used It , to bo tliomunt comp oto and oonvenlcnt romodr erur of * fired for the trootmont nf fumaln illnunsui It Is trulr a irondurfiil remody. Nn Instriiinc'iits ; DO pain. Houiis con I.ADIEI f IIOM 3 TO I oNl.r. DR. McGREW'S marvclotiR sttocesi Imt iron for him n repntntlon slilch la truly nntlnnnl In clmraclur , nmt Ills Krone nrmr of pntlcnta roachuj from tlin Atlnnlla to the I'.icllic. Thn Doctor U n urndimto of 'liEHirr.Ali" uiodlctno uniUmn hud loniiniid uiruful oxpurlanouln liospltnlpnHtlco , nnd In claancd amoni * Iho luaillni * > CLlnll < ts In nclenLO. ' ' l ninrtern 'I'rontmunt b > corre- tponilcnce. ttrlto for circulars about each of tliu Office , 1 4th and Farnam Sts Kntranco on oltlior strait. Till : UI'lVIjTV ' M < VltlCUX. TNSTnU.MHNTa plaood ou ruoord Novom- I borli WAItltANTr DKBD3 Jarnci Alnicow to Joseph Htrnckc , lotST , hlU'J , W I/S'llij'H iHtiid.Honth Oniiiliu S COD II W Corliss ut al to Uhnrlos llopiior , nw nnd n / ' -'S-15-10 4,800 Isndorn I'rank and wlfo toS A. Sloiniui , piiitlut P. Unpllnl ad , 7,000 0 J HoldHwmtli to P O llortTHtloin , lot 15 , bllt 1,0 IJMayno'Hlstad InValluy HO S H Jlurtln and wlfn to W1. Mc'Ja uo , a truols Insw ] > art of nw nwB-n-H. . , . , , 5 W I. McOiiKuu too II Martin,2 iraota in HW nirt. o ( inv nw K-H-I. ) . , 5 0 K U'l/cary to buruh J Witlah , lot t > , bile L' . Crcston ad 8UOO I' M and ! > ' A I'lillloo In llaiy n Kupui , lot 5 , bile 10 , Walnut Hill , . 3Ca K II IttttoUln and wlfo to Y WThomp- 8on , lotyi , hlk3,1'riiyn iiailc 5)0 ) A J Itnburts and wlfo lo At U ItohirU , lot 80. Wuvorly ad COO couth Omaha land comiianr to Joseph Biilckit. lot 14 , blk 01 , bouth Omaha. . , . UO J W Shiink and wlfo to U H llurlln , lots 1 nii(13 , bll ( ! > . Fnriiuin llolRlits. ' 1,000 AH Vincent to OUO'I-eary , lotB , bIWS , Oroston ml S.COO Thoonhllo Vunrteiibojnonlo to V < J Was- nor , lot. ) , blk ; i , Sixteenth strret nd. , , . 400 M U VimUnrn toT I. Ynnlloni , o 15U fuut lotHlnnd , McOnndllMh 1'lucu 1 U1" AVIllmusor to Itosu Martin , lot D , blk 1H. lliuiscoin 1'lacn 2,700 OHVtilmter and wlfn to M Ollodgln.lot IT , bile 1. ) , Ullf ton 11111 3,000 QUIT OI.AIU Jlf KIS. T n and Illcliard IIowo und wives to Mary A Howe. U7.7U uorvi In w part of noM5U. . , . . , , S orrim. J K Iloyd , sheriff , to IMson Kolfi , loti 8 aud ( , blk 17 , Central park COT Total umountof transfers. . , , , t 2IM > TJi rough coaotios Pullman pulvca Blocpora , dtnlngcurB. free reclining chulfr aira to Clilougo and intorvonlng points via the great Koclc Isluiid routo. Tiolcot ufllco 1G02 , Sixtounth and Furnum.