THE OMAHA DAILY BEE NOVEMBER 13 , 1800. THE INDIAN RELIGIOUS CRAZE A Young Lady Teacher in South Dakota Writes a Graphic Account. THEY CAN THINK OF NOTHING ELSE , All Work Abandoned and the Holiool Attendance Licflficnrd Hitting Hull the Guiding Spirit in tbo Wliolo Affair. Dns MoiNP.a , In. , Nov. 13. [ Special to Tim BEK.J Miss Llzzlo Goodin , a Dos Moincs young lady who occupies a posi tion in an Indian school on the Chcytmnb river agency reservation located nt Fort Bennett , South Dakota , in a letter to a fnencl in this city glvoi a graphic nnd interesting account of the spread of the religious crozo which within the past twelve months has taken possession of the Indian tribes of the northwest and to which the Indians on the southwest reservations nro rapidly becoming ronvorls. Miss Qoodln says that the bcllof that an Almighty Messiah will soon appear and deliver the continent to the Indians , sending tbo whites back across the seas , and restoring the conditions which existed when the Mayflower. landed pervades nil the northern tribes. It Is the nil absorb ing theme. The Indians talk of nothing clso think of nothing cUo. The Ipulnns , almost without a single- exception , heliovo the story of the nppoaranco of the Messiah to Sitting Hull , the prophet and npostlo of the first vo- llglous revelation nn American Indian-has over professed. "Sitting Bull" is a great chief and "medicine man" nnd is all power ful among some of the tribes. They believe In his power nnd his inlluenco upon them is astonishing aud ho maintains it by n species of mesmerism casllr calculated to inspire them with nwo. Miss Uoodln says the Choycnno river Indians luivo all gone wild or crazy of late over this religious crazo. Ono of them recently claimed to have been in a trance and seen the Holy Ghost nnd con versed with Him nnd thnt it wns revealed to him ( the Indian ) that the MossUih was soon coining to wipe put all the white people from the face of the earth , und replenish the country with forests and wild gamo. The result of this fanaticism is thnt the Indian's don't wnnt to go to school , to work or do nnything but dnnco the new ' 'Spirit dance , " which they Imvo recently In stituted. Thuy have been dancing now for more than n month , day nnd night , notwith standing thcro are CoO soldiery and a largo police force on the reservation to stop them. Sitting Bull Is a shrewd and cunning In dian. A Carlisle boy , who denounced the fraud nnd wished to investigate it for him self , appeared before-him at ono of the dances . and asked him to exhibit his powers Firstly , ho has a number of songs entirely unknown to the Indians , which ho bays ho learned at the dance ho attcneied In the "spirit land. " These ho continuously chants. When the young man ' appeared before him ho began singing and Ineidently seized him by his left foot. Imme diately a sensation like an electric shock passed over him , nnd all the lights changed to n green or purple hue. Then Sitting Bull blow upon the crown of his naked head and ho became cold. Ho asked the subject to put his urnis nbout him , but on attempting to dose so his arms flow back and drooped helpless nt his side. All these experiments were made In the presence of the assembled Indians , nnd the effect upon their ignor ant minds can bo easily imagined. Un doubtedly Sitting Bull possesses mesmeric powers to some decree , and ilnds the Indians' minds a fertile Held to work upon. Ho sur rounds this power with tlio story of the Mes siah and appeals to the Indian hatred of the whlto man to moro easily inlluenco them. The whole story originated with Sitting Bull , nnd the prophets of the north are but his apostles. They have not the power ascribed to him , nnd only nrouso the Indians by thom < m excitement of the dance and the story of the future which nwnits then. Sitting Bull is a very ordinary looking mnn , a llttlo be low Hi" medium in heiighth nnd dresses In customary Icgglns and blankets. As a result of this excitement the Indians abandon their crops , nnd meet nnel discuss the subject the greater part of the time. The older In dians are fully convinced of the certainty of the prophecy , whllo the younger and more progressive accept it out of fear. As yet thcro has been no evidence of an outbreak among the Indians. In Inct Sitting Bull urges upon the Indians the necessity ol being noticeable , saying Christ does not wish the Indians to kill the whites , for ho will ro- raovo them across the ocean. A Fuel Famine. Ilimox , S. D. , Nov. 12. [ Special Tclcgratr to Tun BEH. | The local fuel dealers toda > have been uunblo to fill orders for wood and hard coal sent from smaller towns because , as they claim , the railroad companies have been giving moro attention to the shlpmenl of groin east than to bringing fuel west There is but a limited supply at any of tlu towns on west or north lines for fifty to f hundred miles. The bins hero do not contnlr enough to last three days , oven shculd present fine weather c ptinue , nnd in the event of cold weather many would bo with out fuel of nny klud. Konlped TlolcctF ) Are Good. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Nov. 13. The supreme court has handed down a decision whlcb'sct tics the question of the validity of railro.u ! tickets purchased of a ticket brokoi or scalper nnd the liability of the railroad company to accept such tickol when offered by and innocent purchaser , The supreme court reverses the decision oi the lower court thnt the holder of such ticket could not recover , and holds that a roturt trip ticket used by a purchaser In going to t station nnmod on it nud then sold and trans forrcd Is valid in the hands of the holder. Ex-Nnvnl Ofllocr Dead. Missotmt VAI.LRT , la. , Nov. 12 , [ Special to TUB BED. ] Captain G. W. Fenton , form , crly of the United States navy , died at his homo In this city Monday night after a con turned illness from heart disease. Fora num her of years ho made this city his homo ant was among its most highly respected citlzoni For several years hp hns boon in the omploj of tbo government on bridge construction and at tbo time of his death was superln tondont of construction of the government bridge being built across the Mississippi a Memphis , Tonn. o Notnblo Ilorso Sale. Si-nixoriiii.r ) , 111. , Nov. 12. Tha mosl prominent sale of trotting horses hold it central Illinois for some tlmo took place al the farm of Colonel J. V. Strykor near thli city today. Thb sale aggregated $15 , OiK ) Eleven head of horses brought $10,610 Anthony A , a threo-year-old bay , sired bj Antonio , sold to J. B. Barnes of Sprlngtleli for $3,125. , After tlio Oaiiill rs. CHICAGO , Nov. 12. In accordance with ttu suggestions of Judge Tuloy the grund Jurj todav took up the matter of gambling and ha : so far returned thlity Indictments ngnlus members ot the fraternity In the city , Ito-Elcotccl Despite the Prince. BEIIUN- ov. 12. [ Special Cablegram U THE Ben. ] Heir Von Boottlscher has beei re-elected chief burgomaster of Magdeburg ij spite ot the opposition of 1'rluco Hoaeuloho logcltlngcn. Tlio TnlBtnflloformB a Failure * . ST. PcTEKsnuno , Nov. 13. [ Special CnbW gram to Tun BBB.-Reports ] from the pro vlucos indicate that the Tolstoi covcnuiicn reforms have proved u failure. - M Twelve Persons Injured. EDixntwo , Nor. 13. lSpoclal Cablegram to TUB BEE. ] A collision took place yostcp day near Georgia station , on thoEdlnhurg si ) barban railway. Twelve persons were badlj Injured. _ Ingnlls will Fluht n > r Ro-olootlon. ATCIIISON , Kan. , Nov. 13. ( Special Tola gnun to 'nsUsE ] . It Is announced touighi that Senator Incnlis will make a fight for re election , notwithstanding the success of the farmers' alliance at the rcfcnt election. W , J. Buchan , the chairman of the rcpnbllcnr state central committee , who wns closctcil with tbo senator nt his residence all day yes terday , says positively that the senator wll bo re-clcotod. Ho reasons thnt ns eight oul of ten of the alliance- members wore formerly republicans they will vote for lognlls. Ju ) chan says Ingnlls will get 75 votes on the flrsl ballot , nnd the other 8 ncccssnry to elect nftei a few ballots. J'nchnn says ho will mnintntr the republican party organization and kcet the ofilco of the stnto ccn'.ral committee opci until after the senatorial election. ar.irir xntrs. A Golden "Wedding. DAVIII Cur , Neb , , Nov. 12. [ Special t TUB line. ] A pleasant social event in this city Inst night was the golden wedding o : Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Ayrcs , sr. Many friend.1 from abroad were in attendance. WUbe-i- Votes for a Dlsllllrry. Wiuiun , Neb. , Nov. 12. [ Special to Tin Unn. ] iTeatcrday Wllbcr precinct votei $0,000 bonds lo aid the Kentucky distiller ) company in erecting a sour mash distiller ] with n capacity of C < X ) bushels per day. The contract has been lot for rcbuildhif the brewery that was burned down hero sonio two months ago. Koiir Crooks nt KuAitscr , Neb. , Nov. 12. [ Special Tclo- grnm toTiin BEnl Today four crooks win hnd been safely housed in the city Jnll/oi several dn.vs gained freedom through nn over sight of Marshal Kctchum. They were rut in lust week for stealing nn overcoat nud vn rtous articles of mon'3 wear. Owing to n cto lay inilllng the charge they were helped ou on habeas corpus proceedings. Their name ; are James Henderson , Ed Slovens , Jiuno ; Foley nnd JohnMonnhon. They staitcdcast ward , The Alliance Workon/Vlloijefl Fr.imlt LINCOLN- , Neb , , Nov. 12. [ Special Tele- grnm to Tun I3EU. ] The secret committee of the nlllnnco la still at work getting nf- fldnvits of alleged frauds in the precincts and counties where Boyd polled heavy votes , Tonight the nlllnnco leaders delaro that there was not n legal vole in Norfollc and the returns of thnt city are to bo thrown out on- tlroly in the new count. It Is claimed thai thcro wns not n single voter registered then this fall in accordance with the Inw , and eon sequcntly the SOO votes cast nro illegal. Jr Dcntrlco nnd thrco neighboring precincts Ii is claimed thnt there were more nggreffntec votes for governor than any otherolllciul The leaders licre sny thnt they Imvo nlrcadj commenced notion to contest those returns Snlino county is to bo tnckled next , as then nro thirteen moro votes reported there foi governor tlmn there should bo. It Is nllegec that in Oinnhn fifteen Swedes in ono preclnd made onidavits to having voted for Powers anil yet only five votes appeared for Powers on the returns. The nlllanco people seem tx menu business. They consider last night'i Jubilee nt Omaha by the democaats ns do cldcdly premature. n < ] iinl Rights Convention nt Fremont , FHK.MOXT , Neb. , Nov. 12. [ Special Telegram gram to Tim Bnul At the Nebraska Emin ] Hlghts convention today the following ofllccri were elected : Mrs. Cln'ra B. Colby , stall president ; Mrs. Smith Hawprth , Chndron ' vice president ; Miss Mnry lii'ploy , Kearney recording secretary ; Mrs. E. W. Domoro Hoca , corroapondlug secretary ; Mrs. M. J Eldrldgo , Lincoln , treasurer ; Mrs. Jonnnli F. Holmes , Tecumsch , cbairraau oxccutlvi committee. District presidents were chosen as follows First district , Mrs. Lucinda Kusscll , Tecum seh : Second , Mrs. E. L.Vnrrcn , Iloca Tliird , Eleanor Dally , M. D , , Omaha ; Fourth Mrs. W. F. Roscman. Fremont ; Fifth , Mrs G. McDowell , Fntrbury ; Sixth. Mrs. M Todd , Mllford ; Seventh , Mrs. H. M. Abbott Pcndcr ; Eighth , Mrs. V. M. Golf. Mlnden Ninth , Mrs. F. M. Southard , St. Paul Tenth. Mrs. Richardson , Going ; Eleventh Mrs. A. F.Prultt , Arapahoe ; Twelfth , Mrs M. Carter , Klrkwood. There were also selected the followlnf superintendents of departments : Legisla tion , Jennie i < \ Holmes , Tccumseh ; reprcson tatlon before influential bodies , Esther L Warner , Uocca ; social science , Mary A. Hip ley , Kearney ; education , Mrs. Theron Nye Fremon ; domestic , Mrs. A. W. Graves , Pen der. der.Tne Tne afternoon was devoted to general busl ness discussion of plans of work , etc. To night Mr. Colby and Mrs. Isabel Bond o Dakota addressed a largo audience. TIIJB S1' E1 > Jtixa. Nnsfivlllo Races. NISHVIM.C , Tcnn. , Nor. 18 , Summary o today's ' races : Two-year-olds , nlne-slxteonths of a mile- Osllght won , Laura Doxoy second , Katuni third. Time :59 : > . Throe-year-olds and upward , flfteon-slx tccnths of a mlle Llttlo Crete won , St. Al bans second , Labrador third. Time lilOJ Three-year-olds nnd upward , flvo-oightU of a mlle Mark S won , Billy Parker second Burt third. Time 1 jO/ . Three-year-olds nnd upward , three-fourth ! tcenths of a mlle Event won , Haramboun second , Red Fox third. Timo-1:13 > jf. N'uurnsku , Inwn and U.ikota Pensions WASHINGTON , Nov. 13. [ Special Telegran to TUB BEE. ] Pensions were granted todaj as follows to Ncbraakans : QHslnal Thomai H. McCllntook , Litchflcld ; Jacob J. Kelsor Morse Bluffs ; William Anderson , Gram Island ; Abram N. Welroth , Edgar , Rolssu < Adam Wo'nzel , Dakota City , Inereaso- Willlam D.Ferris , Republican City ; Mitchel Fcssior , Button ; David M. Dennis , Bnttl Crook ; John II. Smith , Cedar Rapids ; Wlllii J. Peake , Middlobury ; James M. Nelson Trenton ; Ashbel S. lahnm , Chadron. Orlgi n nl widows , etc. Elizabeth , mother of Will lam C. Wagoner , Bcllwood ; Ira.B. , father o WilliamA. Blodgctt , Lltehfleld ; Francis G Slsson , St. Edward. Iowa : Original Laroy Hallowoll , Suraner Michael Lcsslck , Prole ; Arthur Patterson Ucd Oak ; Henry Bucher , Farlln ; Curti Knight , Ames ; A. J. Parltor , Corning ; Johi Conway , Marahalltown ; John MonV , LCIILX Jonathan Clark , Lludon ; &lmon Qifford , St Lucas ; John S. Barnard , Weldon ; Edgar E Buell , Elma ; George H. Cook , PrlngUar James Stuelcel , Stone City ; Martin L Lenard , DCS Molucs ; Alexander Junna , In dinnola. Increase Joshua Conard , Murray William Saliner. Hawkeye ; Robert Wait hall. Corning : William Bennett , Leon ; Johi II. Bcngnr , Khodos ; John Bennett , Leon Hnrvoy D. Tickers , Farmlngton : Andrcv Mucumbcr , Wlutoret- John Dutchcr , Hot uer ; Francis H. Thompson , lloclc Uaplda Uoissuo JamesP , Turkcr , Kcokuk. Origlnn widows , etc. Eliznbcth , widow of Constuu in Hlnkol , Masculine ; minor of Sebastian Schwoudlngor , Kookuk. North Dakota : Joseph Rcdoute. Ilamp ton. ton.South South Dakota : Original Franklin Wnlkci Clark. InclcasB , special actwWUliatn Elmer dorf , Rapid City. Hulssuo Elmer Strlck laud , Bonllla. Powdcrly Again. DENVCH , Col. . Nov. 12. lu the Knights o Labor general assembly today congratulator , telegrams were received from various otho bodies of organized labor and a dclcgatloi from the Woman's Christian Tomperanc Union nnd delivered nn address of wolcom from the temperance standpoint. Vnrlou reports were read nnd committees were ni pointed. There Is no tulle yet of candidates but It Is the universal f ocltug that Powdcrl will bo re-elected. The Mol'horsoii County Vote. McPnnitsoN' , Neb , Nov. 13. [ Special Tele gram to THE BER. ] Following Is the veto c McPherson county : Richards 29 , Boyd " Powers 18 ; Dorsoy SO , Thompson T , ICem If For prohibition 18. against 20 : for high 1 cense 2 J , against 13. Senator Thirtieth dis trlct Dougherty 82 , Stevens 17 , Represent atlvo Fifty-fourth district McCandless 81 Puruell la. lion. O. G. Campbell Killed. OUTIIE , Kan. , Nov. 12. Hon. D. G. Cnmj boll , aged seventy , a prominent tempcranc lecturer of this state , was run over and killo by a train yesterday. Jlono for Consumptives. Benux , Nov. 13. Prof , ICoch'a report o his consumption euro wilt appear at the end of tha weak In the Uoutscto McUlzlnischo Wochcnselirlft. The particulars were published today of n casoof lunus of thofaco treated by Dr. Lib- bcrU In Frankfort by Koch's method. The case is progressing satisfactorily. The first effect of the treatmcntwas to cause ! the lupus ulcers to swell nnd discharge a serous liquid , nfter which scabs formed ns in eruptive fcvenst. The doctor will renew the injection when the scabs full , Minister von Gorier 1ms given 200,000 marks for the erection ot n special hospital for the treatment of consumptives by the Koch method. _ _ J > K.l Tll-HEALim ; JlEVll.t X1ISX. General lionet Talks of tlio Necessity ol'13xCrliiioiitfl | ! On ns. WASIIINCITON' , Nor. 12. The minunl report of General Benot , chief of the bureau of or dinance , sjiows that the bureau expended during the last year $2,2S9U20 , leaving n credit in the treasury of $3,091,191. On the subject of smokeless powder General Bonot snys : "Though some astonishing results hnro been obtained In experiments nbroad , It cannot yet bo said with certainty thnt these new explosives will eventually suporcoilo the present powdcBs. The performances of Maxim ( American ) and Wctttsroa ( Belgian ) nro fairly comparable with these clalmi-d to be obtained abroad and it Is hoped ono of these ran bo developed into thoroughly satis factory small arms powder. " With rofercnco to the procurement ot mod ern small bored tllles for the army , General 13onot snys the lack of sufllclent quantity of suitable smokeless powder dclnys perfecting the .10-callbro bajrcl , but it will bo complete by the tlmo sultablo magazine mechanism is selected. It seems i > cculinrly necessary , now that tbo change In the calibro is contem plated , that the present Springfield sinulo loading system should bo replaced , if possi ble , by nu equally efficient magazine system. The board should bo convened to select a sultablo jnagnzino mechanism nftcr a full and free comnotltion among all the best existing systems. _ _ A Talk with Congressman Dorsoy. Hon. George W. E. Dorscy of Fremont and Jack McCnll of Coznrd .passed through Omaha yesterday afternoon , on their way to Chicago. "Wtmtdoyou thlnlcof the situation ! " THE BEK reporter asked Mr. Dorsoy. "I believe , " said the congressman from the Big Third , us an assumed expression of great satisfaction spread itself over his face , "that the nrlco of com is going to bo very high and wo farmers who have been lucky enough to raise n greed crop will strike it rich. With plenty of corn on hand nnd the price going up wo are all right. " "But how about the politics of the coun- tryl" "O , you want to talk politics. Well , J don't know anything nbout it. Slnco the fourth of this month I have been Interested in opening up u Inrgo ranch. I have hunted up n pair of high topped boots 1 used to wear and have become n farmer. " "Tho price of corn Is going to bo high , isn't ill Yes , of course it is , und that suits mo and all farmers like Jack McCall hero und myself. " Mr. Dorsey wns in excellent spirits and seemed to look upon the political cyclone as a monumental joke. Erlokson AVill Itocovcr. F. A. Erlckson , the motor conductor who fell from his train Tuesday morning , has recovered consciousness , but can throw no light on the strange accident. Ho snys ho was sick in the morning when ho went to work , nnd felt very badly when ho reached Ilnnscom park on his lost run , but that is the lost ho remembers. The attending physician is ot the opinion that Erickson had a fainting spell and fell from the car. Ho has a badly contused scalp wound , nnel whllo his condition is serious it is believed that ho will recover. His skull was not fractured as was feared nt flrst. Tlio wound was apparently caused by contact with the car step. Erickson was resting quite easy yesterday. Dispensing with Inspectors. i At a special meeting of the board of public work , attended by Chairman Blrkhnuscr and Mr. Furay n resolution offered by the latter and unanimously adopted reads : Uesolvcd , That in view of tlie near comple tion ot most o ( the public vrorlr requiring su pervision by Inspector.Uio chairman ot this board bo nnd hoicby Is authorized and lii- struotcd to suspend the services of nil in- spcctois Immediately upon tlio completion of their ability to further perform service for the city. A number of final estimates were approved. Ho Cbosu Dentil. KAXSAS Citr , Mo. , Nov. 12. The stock holders of the defunct .Hull-Wells hardware company hold a meeting yesterday and examined the books , finding a shortage of nearly $100,000. Shelby Jones , the treasurer of the concern wns charged with the respon sibility of tbo shortage. Ho denied it. Last night ho suicided leaving a uoto that ho could not stand the unjust accusations. The stockholders nil say ho was responsible. AVashed Overboard nnd Drowned. FATIIEU POIST , Quebec , Nov. 12. | Special Telegram to Tnn BER. ] Captain Ltndall , commander , and a quartermaster of the steamer Vancouver , which passed Inward this morning from Liverpool , were washed overboard nnd drowned on Friday last. The vessel's bridge , chart room and decks were completely swept of everything. Tre mendously jough weather was experienced during the voyage. llio Death Roll , FonT SMITH , Ark. , Nov. 12. Judge Sandcl , associate Justice of the supreme court ot Ar kansas , died today. Ho was United States attorney of the Western district of Arkansas under Cleveland's administration , Rio nis JAJJEIKO , Nor. 12. The bishop of Rio do Janeiro is dead. LONDOK , Nov. 12. Dr. Hurray , secretary of the Congregational union , Is dead. Blot n Twister. NEW Onuuxs , La. , Nov. 12. The steamer , Gusslo , from Nicaragua , fears for the safety of which have been entertained arrived today In n battered condition. Bho reports n terrlflo hurricane delayed her. The town ol Capo Uraclos is a complete wreck , every house having been shattered by the wind. * A Deserted Baby. At 11 o'clock last night some ono loft n fine baby boy about four days old at the doorway of Mrs. Horn's residence , Twenty-seventh nnd Caldwell streets , Whoever it wag rapped vigorously on the door nnd then dis appeared. In a uaskot with the baby was a quantity of clothing nud $10. Unlfonr Taiccsn Vacation. LONDOX. Nov. 12. [ Special Cablegram to Tun BEH , I Balfour has started for the west of England to take n short holiday , his doc tors having advised htm that n respite frotr business and a change of air would best aid "him to recover from the fatigue resulting from his Irish tour , Kxprossmon nnd the IjoUory. NEW YOIIK , Nov. 12. The board of mana gers of the Adams express company adopted n resolution making.tho nostofllco department regulation us to the application of the anti- lottery law applicable to its employes. Found Guilty. SAX ASTOXIA , Texas , Nor. 12. Lieutenant Turner , adjutant of tlio eighteenth infantry , who embezzled the band funds has been found guilty nnd sentenced to dishonorable dismissal from the army , .Tumped the Track. LEIUXON , Pa. , Nov. J2. An evening pas scnger train on the Heading road Jumped the track near Anvillo and went down nn cm bankmont. Seven persons were seriously but not fatally Injured. Tlio Ilepu lillcmi Wins. DuuuqtiE , lown , Nov. 12. Complete official returns of the Third congressional < Ustrlo1 gives Henderson ( rep ) a majority of 100 ovoi Couch ( doni ) . Dour Mllld Cloning. OPOKTO , Nor. 13. The flour mills hero are closing lu consequence of a decree prohlbHfnf thQ Importation ot foreign wheat. FROM TIiyiHYfflE STATE , A Movement , " Foot for the Establlshmonl of a-Dairy Echool , .Hi - . ITS LOCATIO , WILL BE AT AMES , " ' "i IT Oorcriinr Bales' Privnto Sccrotnrj Klaus tlio'llinnkfiRivlilK Procln- inntlun IiJ8tcntl of the Hoc- rctnjry of State. * DCS MOIXES , In. , Nor. li. [ Special Tele Cram to Tin : Una ] At the recent nnnua convention of Iowa dairymen nt Fort Dodgi the urgent need of a dairy school In Town \vtv discussed , nnd as a result a committee ww appointed to lay the mutter before tlio trui tecs of the college at Ames niu to insist upon the establishment of such i school nt the collide. The committee , con slating of Dtilry Commissioner A. C. Tuptxir J. w. Johnson , sucreliirv of the Datrfincn'i ' association , nnd O. T. Dcnlson of this city president , met the trustees nt the collcpi yesterday. The trustees nro ready nnd will ItiRtoUo nil In their power to nt once put i school in operation from the funds providei by the Into congressional appropriation known ns the "Morrlll bill , " which Klvca t , each agricultural col lego in the states am territories the sum of 315 , < H > 0 pur year nnd m additional $1,000 each year until the sun amounts to ? 7r > ,000 per year. An Old Custom Clmngrd. DCS Motsns , In. , Nor. 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : ni5K.l- < Governor Boles ha issued his Thanksgiving proclamation am the document is signed by Horace Boles a governor , nnd "C. D. Horn , private score tnry. " The usual custom has been for sucl proclamation1) to bb signed by the Roverno and attested by the secretary of stnto. Th present secretary of stnto Is n republican while the private secretary is a democrat hence the change. A Knintimlo Story. Ens MOI.VKS , In. , Nor. 11. [ Special to Tin BEE. ] A pretty story of romance in real Hfi Is told by a popular preacher of ono of thli city's churches. On Wodtiusdny afternoon o last weelt a young man called on the mlntstoi ana engaged him to go into the country U perform n tnarringo ceremony. They went and as they nenrcd the farm house when lived the prospective brldo the outward sigtu of the anticipated event were plainly visible and nil things were evidently in readiness The young man nnd minister were ndmlttci by the young lady nnd ushered into th cmlds ot crowded parlors Avhoro tlio guests were ns scmbled. But they wore greeted with illdis Kutsed astonishment and surprise , and ovl 0"ntly all wns not as It was expected to be The minister was called into a side room am the lady of the house informed Win that th young man who accompanied him wa not the expected future son-in-law Ho wag a former suitor of the daughter win had boon frowaod upon by the parents. An other preacher nnd the man they mid chosci for their daughter wore moinontnrialiy ox pecUsd to arrive. The avoidance o a seem was desirable. Then the daughter , drossei In all her bridal flnory , was called in , and do clnrcd nho had resolved not to marry thi man her parents had selected for her hus baud. She had accordingly sent for the mai of her choice nnd ho was on hand with i clergyman. There was no reason why thi ceremony should be delayed. Then the otho prospective bridegroom nnd nnother nilnlsto appeared on the scene. Matters wore brough to a crisis , nnd n gdaeral council wns hold t < arrive at n solution. The bride was deter rained and the parents \voto insistent. Fin nlly the ministers pot together. Thoyouui man who wns the , 'cholco of the'parcnts wa nsUod if ho really loved the girl , and at one protested his undying nfteotiou. "Then,1 said the clergyman who had accompanloi him. "if you really lov.o her you must wlsl for her linppluess. ยง ho wishes to marry thi man of her chalcojand it would seem to b your duty to allow her to do so. " With poor nut becoming gracu'xbi ; rejected young mai acquiesced , nnd the wcdaimr festivities wen gaily on , the vanquished lover sitting by am witnessing the union of his rival nnd th woman ho had hoped to call hlb own. An Anclcnt < Mormon Cemetery. DCS MOIXKS , la. , Nov. 18. | [ Special to TH : Bnn. ] About two miles from Talmngc Union county , Iowa , is nn old Mormon come tcry , which Is all that is left of the old Mor mon settlement in 1810. Several hundroi Mormons remained there during the Intte part of thnt year and nil of 1847. It wa called Mount Plsgah , but was finally aban doned nnd the survivors pushed on to Sal Lnlie. But their dead were loft nnd th graves remained unmarked until two year ago , when n plain monument about eight foe hlRli was erected. It hears this inscription "This monument erected in 1SSS In memor ; of those members of the church of Jesu Christ of Latter Day Saints who died in 181(1 ( 47-48 during their exodus to sock a homo be yond the Hocky mountains. " Burled hero i William Hurtington , flrst presiding older o the temporary settlement of Mount I'lsgab Then follow the names of sixty others , end i Is said three hundred nro burled thcro. Bu there is no surface sign of a single grave , nl .being grown over by hazel brush nnd grass The little burying ground Is on n hillsid sloping tn the west , overlooking the valley o : a small stream , where cattle graze and-llowcr bloom in their season. The ground is en closed by a wire fence and forms a portion o a farm. ' tlio Gorman Diet Opened. BERLIN' , Nov. 12. The emperor opened th diet of Prussia today In a speech , from th throno. Ills majesty said tn view of thi friendly relations of Prussia with all forelgi states which relations hnvo been furtho strengthened this year , the country ho sail could look forward with confidence to th further preservation of the peace. The speech deals almost exclusively will homo affairs and emphasizes the noccsslt for improving direct taxation. It says the the income tax bill will bo submitted to th diet , which is intended to effect nn cnultnbl distribution of taxation by compelling al persons to malto a declaration of too nmoun of their income. It is otlionviso Intended t organize n system of assessment taxation. I is calculated that by the extension of th legacy duty , combined with the repeal of th duty on small bequests , funded property ma ; bo brought moro within tho-rcach of taxa lion. The condition of the finances , the speed declares , does not demand any immedlat augmenting of Uio revenue , whllo 01 the other hand , H/wll / not pormlt any vednc tion in the recelptsjj momentary oducntlo : will bo wholly f rco.i The speech says tha the development of the regulations niTectln ; workingmen domajms attention and that a : lucrcaso in the nnmbor of suspensions nn reorganization of Ui&,8ystom , of trade inspoc tlonis necossary.1tlSuipor William road hi speech the in white hall. Ho was cheered o entering the hall'nnd ' the reading of th speech was frccfjicjitly interrupted by ni pmuso , the omporprls' pacific declarations regarding gar/ding Prussia's'foreign relations boln especially approved : ; I * ! " A I.incolif j\f \ nn in Trouble. CHICAGO , TJV 13. [ Special Telegram t THE Bun.l ( ! . Wf.Jrfhnson of'Llncoln , Neb who was arrested" last night by a Unite States deputy marshal nt Belvlclero , 111 charged with perJuVy in connection with ixjnslon claim , was- this morning brougl before Commissioner Iioyno and held in ba of $1.000. The prisoner will be given a rea1 enable time to procurq ball and l > a take back to Lincoln where ho is under in ale meat. The Director Ilesljjns. Sr. PETKiisntrno , Nor. 13. [ Special Cable gram to TUB BUB. ] M. " Jungo , director o the institute of husbandry , whoso brroi wore the main onuso of tha students' riot : has resigned his ofllco. Circular From'Gladstone. LOVDON , Nor. 13. [ Special cablegram t Tun BEE.J Mr. Gladstone , in a clroula urges his supporters to attend the opening c the coming session of parliament. 1'orwlKtont Incendiarism. WILMINOTOX , Del. , Nov. 13. [ Special Toll gram to TUB Dec. ] Another Dupout ban the fourth wltbln a year , was burned by In cendiaries this morning. By these four Jlroa the UuponU lost forty.two head of vnlunblc horse * nnd cattle and over $10,000 in othci tiroiKjrty. A reward of $ .1,000 for tho" dis covery of the inccndlarioi has been standing for months. Matches were found about Nome of the powder mills ono morning lust summer mor , presumably placed thcro by the snuu vindictive Imnds. TII13 VKXATlOUs IiAWS ULUnVY , How It I'rovcnts tlio HclfcMistoln Case from Comtnit to Trial * In the United States court the mornliu session wns taken up in consultation between forty or moro attorneys for tlio defense In tlu Helfensteln cases nnd the attorneys for th ( plaintiff , concerning the signing for n stlpu latlon allowing the hitter to introduce certv fled copies of documents in evidence instcat of the origlnnls. Pending the agreement thocourtndjournci until afternoon , when tlio attorneys agnlr appeared and decided to consolidate 109 o the cases. The case against Byron Uecd wll lie the flrst tried. This will bo a test case u ] to the point whore ho parted with his portloi of the land in dispute. The numerous attorneys noys for the numerous defendants hnvi agreed that John 1) . Howe , William Unird Judge U. B. Lake and K. H. Dulllu act n : counsel to conduct the case now on trial. In opening , Judge Duflln said : "Tin thousands of Oninha citizens who claim tltli to this land know thnt In ISTil n small settle ment was located where the nourishing pit ; of Omuhn now stands. At that time tin land was not surveyed , but an orgnnlzntloi wns formed nnd this land divided up , sonu 2,000 acres. Uobcrt Shields became the owne of ten of the lots or subdivisions , which hi afterwards sold to ono Bcasmnn. IJo thci went to Snrpy county , returning In 1857. Or September'Jl ho repurchased from Mr. Boas man and filed his pre-emption on the lam now in controversy. In November 18W hi proved up on this land , hut in May of tha year the city of Omaha claimed It andni entry was made for the benellt of the claim nuts who were residing thereon. The clti zcns illcd a protest against the issuing of i patent to Mr. Shields. In March , 1W 3 , the general land ofllci caused an investigation of the case , nnd 01 Mny 0 the contest was began nud contlnuoc for a month. The result was that the com mlssloner directed that Shields' pio-empttoi entry should bo cancelled. Parties win wore interested appealed to the secretary o the interior , Jacob Thompson. Ho raviuwin the case and decided on Juno 12 , 1S59 , tna Shields' entry was fraudulent nnd that tin IniTd should bo restored to the dubllo do main. The land was then offered for sail nnd the following year sold to E. B. Smltl and a Mr. Morrell , who in turn sold to othei parties , who for years occupied a quiet am undisturbed possession. This being the case after the sale to Smith and Morrell , the gov eminent had no title to the premises. "In 1801 Caleb Smith , a new secretary o : the Interior , took possession of the ofllco. nm1 looking over the musty records found thes < contest papers. Alone and without glviiif any notice , ho reviewed the case nnd dccidoc that all of the former decisions were wrong Ho entered an order that the sale to Smltl and Monell was wrong nnd thnt the patcnl should Issue to Hobert Shields on his pro omptlon entry. Ho had no more right to dt so than President Cleveland would have hai to set nsldo the emancipation proclamatlor issued by Abraham Lincoln. "So much for that part of the caso. Now let us look at the claims of Mr. Hclfonstcln , Three days after ShtcUs made his entry Holfenstcln , Gore & Co. of St. Louis com monccd suit against Hobort Shields. Thai suit went to judgment nud in April , 1853 , Hclfcnstcin , Gore & Co. , secured a Judgmcnl against Shields for the sum of $ . ,200. "Hclfcnstcin claims that nn execution was issued and the land attached and sold , but \v < have no record of this , ns nn entry in thi court Journal shows that the execution was returned , endorsed " ? 05 collected. " Thl ; might have been paid in cash. . "If the sheriff sale was made no sherlf deed was Hied until June , 180. } , nearly llv < years after the Judgment wns obtained. Tin sheriff who made the sale , If ono was made was out of office , but by a statute that war then In force the sheriff then In ofllco might nmko the deed. < "An affidavit was made by Helfcnstoin's lawyer , and without notice to Shields to con. test or offer other evidence , the court made the dped nnd It wns spread upon the record1 of this county. This is the deed upon whicl Hcltenstelu vests his title to the land und lots thnt ho Is now trying to wrest from the public. "Now after these lands have been subdi. vldcd and have beea held by lawful pnrchnS' crs for thirty-two years , this man comes hi with his trumped-up sheriff's deed und asks that all of the property , worth millions ol dollars , bo given to him , simply because Kob crt Shield owed him $ K > at one time. "There is nnothor dofcnso and that Is the statute of limitations. Shall wo ask you , gontlcmen of the Jury , to turn out these men who have invested their money , paved streets nnd built their homes , while this man has sat quietly by , awaiting for this property to ! & crease in value ! But this is not all. In nd. dition to wanting the land , this man Holfen- stein oven wants these homo owners to paj him thousands of dollars of rents und prollts. ' The hour for adjournment having arrived , Judge Dundy concluded not to hear nny tcs > tlinony until this morning , when the prosocU' tion will open by introducing a lot of docu' montary evidence ) The federal grand jurv has returned in dictments against the following parties who had been bound over to appear at thl ; term : Neal Walters of Sparta , tin postmaster who was charged with making false returns of stamps sold and cancelled George E. Fox of Champion , u clcrl in the postofllcc , who was chnrg cd with opening letters am appropriating a draft for $ ! K ) ; Gottfried Siegenthalor of Friend , for sending obsccno matter through the malls ; "Dr. " Hnrlowo Davls.tho spiritualist , who , with hi : wife , was arrested for sending obscene unc threatening letters through the malls. Going After the Slnvo Owitrr , A deputy marshal will go to the homo ol the Wllllfords In Flllmoro county nnd whoi ho returns ho will not only bring Till , the colored boy , but old man Willlford will alsi norno along. The writ of habeas corpus wa : returnable yesterday , but Williford seems te ignore the mandate of Judge Dundy's court as ho has written a latter in which tie statei that owing to a shortage of crops ho Is unnbli to visit Omaha this fall. Ho also adds tha if Till is wanted the court will have to soiu for him. It will bo remembered that Will ! ford is the roau who is charged with violatlni the fourteenth amendment to the constitutioi of the United States. "Wlmt an Independent Says. Ono of the leading independents , tn speak ing of the meeting held nt Gate City lial Tuesday night to consider the advisability o Powers instituting a contest , said : "Thi meeting was an informal affair and no porsoi was responsible for its being held.V simply met , n f ow of us. and talked the sltun tion over. We do not blnmo anyone for th light veto cast in Douglas county , only wi sa.v that a great many people lied to us abou how they Intended to vote. Wo know notli ing about any contest and will not until w hoar from the stuto executive committee. " Yardly Must Oo. > Word has been received thnt oxtradltloi papers for John W. Yordloy , the pro idbition worker and j > x-Moiitreal cmbeizlei are on the way hero from Washington. Th case has been put into tbo hands of U. S DUtrlct { Attorney Baker , who will illo Canadian complaint against Ynrdloj The defcndent will bo taken bofor the United States court today nnd thei removed to the county Jail to await the nrri vnl of the long expected papers. Yardley still maintains a bold front , nn Insists that ho cannot bo taken oack t Montreal to answer for his crime. Dotectlvo Bowman , of Chicago , who ra down tbo prisoner , Is still In the city , fncll tatlng the preparations for the extradition o Ynrdley , who is as yet confined in thu cit Jail. Tlio Supporting \Vlros IJroKo. The supporting wires on thoSouth Elevcnt street motor line broke last night at th Eleventh street viaduct nnd permitted th line wire to fall almost to the pnvcmen After two hours' hard work tlu ) wires wor repaired and tha trains moved off a-s usual. AilmloHloit of Foinalo The First Mothodlst church people vote last night upon the question of ndmltttni women as delegates to the general confer CHC03 of the church. The vote stood i : against nnd S3 for the admission 61 women. Cltrlfttolvfl JMoMnhon. E. Temple , who is hero prospecting in tin Interests of the Bostonlnn opera company o Boston , nnd P. I ) . Murphy ot the Drum , thl city , called nt Tin : Bn : oHIco last night am deposited with the sporting editor fcJM each binding a Gmcco-Komun wrestling bctwcoi T. J. McMnhon of Canada and IiUclen Man Christol of PnrU , France , McMnhon to throv Chrlstol five times In ono hour Or forfeit \\v \ stakes nnd entire gate receipts. Chrlstol 01 gaining the full hour shall bo declared tin winner. Chrlstol \ * In the city nnd has beer hero for several days , preparing for t match with Sar.ikichl , the Jnp , the two nth lutes having posted u forfeit some wi'oksslnc In Denver. Mr. Temple said ha would ban McMnhon here In roadincwt for business 01 the night of the match , which hiw been llxei for next Wednesday night , either In prlvnti or puhl.o , which is to bo non-after dccldci upon. The following nrtlclos of ngrccmen were drawn up and signed , Mr. Temple sign lug forMu.Mahon : Articles of incrcoment tlili 12th day of Nn vdttiber entered into by nnd between T. J McMahon , of thu first part , ami Mare Curls tel of the second pait , for n Graoco-Homni wrestling match for $ 'J. > 0 a side , to take plat- in Omaha within the next ten days , Me Mnhon agreeing to throw GUrhtol live times within ono hour , Chrlstol winning if ho gain n full In the hour. Ills further agreed thn the entire gnto icco-ipts shall ho awarded t the winner , the referee to bo mutually ugroo upon on the evening of the match , 5. ( J. "V ( Iriswold to bo the Until stakeholder. Wltncsseth : Jj. M. CIIIUSTOI. , S. O. V. GIMWOI.U , T. J. McM.vuox. U , L. OIIKUM : . A I/ost , Hoy. Charles Nichols , a boy fourteen years oil1 who lives nt Springfield , Neb. , came to Omah with hi.s father and a delegation of democrat last Tuesday night to assist in the domocratl Jubilee. The boy got separated from hi father nnd the friends who came with their nnci ho has not been seen slnco by any of th family or nnyono who know him In Sprinp Hold. The boy's ' father Is becoming vcr much nlnrmcd about Ills son's absence nnd h came to Omaha last night and had the pollc undertake to llnd the boy. The lad has dar hair aud eyes and wore u brown suit of clotl lug nud a soft hat. M'EllSOXAIj .f',1 JtA ( Slt.ll'JlS , O. L. Mead of Now York is at the Mlllarc J. O. Brewer of Albion Is at the Merchants James Kcnnard of Hico , Colo. , is at the Mui ray. ray.T. T. Farrcll of Portland , Ore. , is at the Pas ton. ton.W. W. F. Johnson ot Chicago is a Mlllan guest. T. McCarthy of San Francisco Is nt th Casey , II. G. Molin of Kansas City Is at th Barker. A. J. Snowdcn of ICoarnoy is registered n the Casey. A. J. Conlce of Beatrice is in the city , n the Casey. J. M. Scott ot Denuer was at the Paxoo last night. Robert Sharp of Scotia is registered at th Merchants. II. H. Day of Tckamah Is irt the city , nt th Merchants , T. J. McMahon- Syracuse , N. Y. , Is n the Barker. H. H. Jackson of Lincoln la In the city , n the Barker. A. L. Clorko of Hastings is In the city , n the Mlllard. ' John H. Durbln of Choyciino is in the clty at the Paxton. C. W. Hlggonson of Chicago is rcgistoroi nt the Paxton. U. D , Jordan ot Portland , Ore. , was at th Casey last night. R. 0. Smith of Aurora was at the Merchants chants last night. Dr , Leas of Chanron was hi the cltyycstci day on business. K. T. Ziegler of Cincinnati was at thi Barker last night. E. II. Way of Cleveland , 0. , was nt thi Millord lost night. C. E. Brown of Now York is in the city registered at the Murray. N. O. Urmtzko and August Klelno of Wes Point spent yesterday in Omaha seeing thi sights. C. M. Drake of Philadelphia was nt the Mur ray last night. F. C. Fallott of St. Louis is tn the city , at the Murray. J. E. Ilootz , n leading cnrltalist ot Lincoln accompanied by his wife and daughter nnd hi ! sister , Mrs. Laming , passed through Omubi yesterday on the way to Chicago. C. T. Boggs. president of the Lincoln nn tlonnl bank nf Lincoln , accompanied by hi : sister , Mrs. Unlnnd , passed through Omnhr yesterday going to Havana , 111. , whcro tholi father lies at the point of death. Nebraska People Abroad. TOPEKA , Kan. , Nov. 13. P. Barton of Lin coin is in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Me Llnls of Full-bury are nt Urn Chesterfield. ST. Louis , Nov. 12. Mts-j Ameli n Bochl o the South Sldo 1ms Just returned to her homo after n pleasant visit of two months to rein tires nnd friends in Omaha. CiticAOO , Novia. ; G. T.CrandallofOmnhi is at the Tromont. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hay Nye o : Fremont nnd Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hlloy o Omaha nro at the Palmer. F. G. OdellofLln coin is at the Sherman. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Nor , 12. L. D , Drake o : Omaha is at the Coatcs. Mrs , Jerome Culler ton of Nebraska Is visiting friends in ICausm City , Kan. Rev , Hurncs left last night foi Omaha to attenn the funeral of Ilov. C , Helms who died in that city Sunday. ST. , Mo. , Nov. 12. 1 { . B. Sutherland land , division superintendent of the Union Pa ciflo railway at Lincoln , and A. M. Berry agent of the Union Pacific railway at Fair bury , Neb. , were in the city yesterday. O. L Bantz of Humboldt Is spending n few days ii the city. XKEl'ITIES. Thoro' will bo an Important meeting of tin E. M. A. this evening at 8 p. m. and over : member is expected to bo present. Miss Jcssnnn , daughter of Peter T. Nisson died ut 1139 North Nineteenth street las qvcnlmr at 7 o'clock. Funorul notice wll appear this evening. Fred Krug has brought suit in the count' court to. recover JoOO from Note Davis , F. rf Tucker and W. O. Lester of Florence fo goods sold and delivered , Dan Shanty , n switchman in the Unloi Paclllo yards made a miscalculation yostei day afternoon whllo coupling some cnr.s anc had his right hand caught and badly inutlln ted between the bumpers. Ho was taken ti St. Joseph's hospital where the wound wa dressed. George Reed , who lives atCMPicrco street nnd is a freight conductor on the Union Pael lie , was stepping aboard thu caboose on hi : train yostord.iy at Benton und slipped. The wheels passed over his left foot mangling II In a horrlblo manner. Ho arrived in Omith : on No. 0 at1 o'clock and was taken to St Joseph's hoopltal. In all probability the too will Imvo to bo amputated. Absolutely Pure. A oroaid of tartar baking ponder. Hlghcs of leavonltig strength-U , B. Government Ko port Aug. 17,1(0 ( V With His Thumb , A boy Is said to Imvo avcd the Notlictlanili troin Inundation. Multitudes have been we'd from the Invasion of disease by a bottle of Aycr'o Snrsnp.irlltft. This nicdlclno linpntts tone to the sjMcm niut strcngtlicns every organ niul fibre of ttio body. ' " 1 have taken n gient deal of mctllclno , lint nothing lias done mo so much good ns Ayct's Knrs.ip.-ullla. I cxpciIcnccd Its t > cnc < flclat cUccts bcfoic I luulfwlte flulslicil ono bottleniul I cnn ficcly tclly It Is the best Wood medicine I know of. " UV. . Ward , sr. , Woodland , Texm. " Conflncil to nn ofllcc , as I nm , from ono year's end to another , \\ltlijlttlo or no out * door exercise , I find great licl | > In Aycr'a 8arsninrllliylilcli | I have used for several > can , ami nm ntpresent mine , with excel lent ictiilh. It cuMiles 1110 to keep ntw.'iji nt my post , rnjoyliiR the best of health. " II , 0. HAIIICS , Maiden , Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla niKi-AiiKn nv DTI. J. C. AVER & CO. , Lowell , M.VB. SolilbyDrugglnti. * 1.U $5. Worth Jinlottle. Drs.Betts&Betts Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists. ' 14OO DOUGLAS OMAHA , The rnott widely nna favorably known spoo- lallstaln the United Utatus. Thoip lone ox- porlnnce. remarkable nktll nnd vmlronial suc cess in the treatment and euro of Nervous. Chronic and SuriflerU ninoasoi , entltlo these eminent physicians lo thn full confidence of the atlllotcd everywhere. They Kiiarantoo : A OIUITAIN AND POSITIVE OtWE foi the awful oITocts of ourly vlco and the numer ous OTlls thKt follow In it train , 1'HIVATB , J.OOD AND H1UN DI8EASM spc-pftlly.con blcly nnd pormnnontly onrcd. NKUVOU8. Jlllf.ITY AND BBXUAI. UIS- OUUEUS ylolu readily to tliclr uklllful treat ment , PILES , FISTULA AND KEOTAL ULOEH3 Riiarantuod cured without pain or detention from business. IIVUHOUELE AND VAIUCOOKLK permn- nuntly nnd luccoasttillr ourud In uvery cuso. BY1M1ILI8. aONOIUlllBA , GLEET , Hpor- inatorrhn.i , Boir.limlVenknesa , Lost Mnnhoud , Right Emissions. Doc-nyi-d Kacultlos , Fomnlo Weakness nnd all dollcatn ciHorclcrs pooullnr to either BOX positively cured , ns well avi nil tunutlonal disorder * that result from youth ful folllns or the excess of intituro years. 'sTPirTIIWI ? Ounrnntood pormnnontly OlIVlUl UKL * ourud , removal compluto. without cutting , cnnstlo or dilatation. Ouro MToctcd , nt homo by imtlont without a mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MtN. A 9TIRF riTRP Tlie nwfltl effects nf /I OUIVIJ Ul\b Oftriy vlco which brings prznnlowonknoss , destroying both mind and body , with all Its dreaded ills , pormanenty cured. DRS RFTTS Andre-ss these who have Im- -UlVO. ULil 1O - paired themselves by Im- prpporlndulstnoo nnd solitary hnblti. whloti ruin both inliut and body , unfitting thorn for bminoM. stud v or mnrrliiKu. . MAUUIED MEN or these entering on that happy life , awuroof physical debility , qulokly assisted. OUR SUOOB3S IB bnsod upon facts. First fraction ! experi ence , ticcond Every case Is specially studied , thus starting right. Third Medicines art ) prepared In onr laboratory exactly to null each case , thus ntlectliigotirrs without Injury. Drs. Belts. & Betts , 1409 DOUGLA3 STREET. - OMAHA NFH. Children of pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- phoaphltoo of Lime and Soda IB almost no pnlntnblo oa milk. Children enjoy It rather than otherwise. A MARVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER It IB Indeed , and the little lads and Ineslea who toke cold easily , may be fortified ooolnat o cough that might prove eorloue , by taking Soott'o Emulsion nftor tholr meals during the winter eoaaon. He ware ofiubitltutlona and Imttttttons. IF YOU MARIA OR RICK nKADACur. nTJ.nn AOCI : . ros > TlVi : IIOU'KI.S , KOUK NTO.1IAC1I null HlI.C'lIINO ; tif your 1'ood ilocn nut us- V Imllato anil you liavo no uiipotito , will euro tlio o trouble * , try tliuini youlinveiiotlilni ; toloHOthtitivllltralu B vigorous body. Prii-e , U3 . per fcos. SOL.D . EV12KYAVHERE , EXCELSIOn'sPRlNGSi ' ; ! " . -"WATERS"Sf.h. : : i Nature's Tonic , Diuretic and Uric Solvent. SOU ) ONLY IN DOTTLES BT C D. MOORE & CO. , Agti. ISIS Dodge SI. Corner Oth and Harney Streoti , Omaha. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL ' Chronic Diseales and Deformities. DR. A. T. MoTjAUGHLIN , Froaldont Founded by Dr. J.V. . MoUonamy. FRENCH SPECIFIC ! " A POSITIVE all tmtnUiili , Full airtc bollle. Price , one dollar , So * signature ol E. U SIAHL. For Bale By All DrugnlaU.