Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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"What He Says About It In n Letter
to n Krlond.
The following letter from Lyof Tolstoi
to A. A. Phot , is published In the HUB-
Blnnltovlew : "Oct. 17,1800. * * * I
think jou nlrcndy know what Impponed.
On September 20 ho died , literally In
my nrins. * * * Nothing' In ray llfo
mudo such an imnicsion on mo. Uo
used to pay truly Unit thorols nothing
wot-so thun tloath. But when you con-
. .Bldcr seriously that death ifl the end of
everything , Ihon llfo becomes nn unlntti-
gntcd evil , \Vlmt profits it to utrivo
nnd cry wlion of what wns once 27ikolnl
Tolutol * * * nothing Is left. Ho
never suld lie felt the approach of death ;
tout It Bcclns to mo no watched ito
every stci ) nnd know for certain how
much tlmo win still loft. A few min
utes before his dcnth ho dosed , and
BUdilonly awakening , whispered with
horror , ' \Vhut Is itV It was that ho saw
death , this consuptlon of his boliifr In
nothingness , nnd if ho found nothing to
Riasp , what ahull I find y * * * Less
limn nothing. * * * And of course ,
neither I nor any one else will struggle
with death ns ho did. To the lust mo
ment ho did not give himself up to
death ; did everything for hlmsolf ; tried
to bo occupied , wrote , asked about my
wrlVingp , nnd advised me ; but nil this ,
It ddeineu to mo , ho was doing , not by an
inner tendency , but on principle. Only
ono thing , nature , was left to the end.
On the eve of his dcnth ho went into his
room , and , through weakness , foil on his
bed , near the window. When I came In
ho said , with tears'In his ojos , 'How
happy I was for a nholo houi1. ' From
earth hd camo. * * * To earth ho
will return ,
"Ono thing ; only Is left ; a dim hope
that , BOinowhoio in nature , a part of
which you will bccomo in the earth ,
there will bo something loft and found.
Every ono who saw his last moments aald
how wonderfully quietly nnd calmly ho
died. But I know with what frightful
tortures , because not n Hinglo feeling
escaped mo ; a thousand times I repeat to
myself , 'Lot the dead bury their dead , '
but I must spend the strength I still
have on something. It is impossible to
persuade the stone to tumble up , and not
down , whither It is attracted. You can
not laugh at a jest jou are weary of : you
cnunot oat when you are not hungry ; *
* * whr.tirt the use of everything ? To
morrow will begin all the tortures of
death , with the unclcanncsa of lies and
Eelf-decoivlng , nnd will end in nothingness
for mv&olf. * * * !
ness : nullity & Strange
* * * Bo useful : bo virtuous : bo happy
ns long as you live , ' * * * say
people to each other , nnd you say
'tho happiness , the virtue , and the use
fulness consist In truth. ' And the truth
"I have gathered in thiitp-two years 13 ,
that the situation wo are placed in is tor-
rlblo. 'Tnko llfo as it is ; you put your
self in that situation. ' Yes , of course ; I
do take it as it Is. As soon ns the man
reaches ucbrtnin point of development
ho will sec clearly that everything Is
folly , deceit ; and the truth , which ho
still loves more than anything , is fright
ful. When you BOO it distinctly , you
nwako in terror and sny , with my
brother , 'What is it ? ' But , of course ,
BO long as you possess the desire of know
ing and toiling truth , you will know and
tell It. This Is all that is loft to mo out
of my moial world above which * ! can
not ptmjsolf. This only will I do ; but
not in the form of your art. Art Is a lie ,
nnd I can no longer love oven a boautl-
fullio. " „ _
The declining powers of old ago may by
wonderfully recuperated nnd sustained be
the daily use of Hood's Snreapiullla.
i .
A riuclcy Editor in Ohio Gets the
i Drop on n nuflinii.
Dave Pitohnrd used to edit n weekly
newspaper in a llttlo town not 100 miles
from Cleveland , says the Toledo Blndo.
It did not require all Dave's time to
write the editorials , so ho hunted up the
local news , helped to stick typo and on
press days took his turn at the hnnd-
press , jubt for exorcise.
Ono day Dave was looking ever the
exchanges and over and anon cutting
out squares and parallelograms , when in
came a strapping big follow whoso
scowling1 countenance nnd careless manner -
nor of shutting the door would have con
vinced the uninitiated that ho was after
eatisfaction. Dave laid down his paper ,
stuck the scissors In his pocket and
smilingly said , "Good morning sir. "
"That ain't d d '
got a bit of bearln'
on the subject of my visit ; I'm hero to
clean out this office. "
"Good boyl You're just the man I'm '
looking for ; you'll find a broom and a
sprinkler behind the door. Don't ' muko
any more dust than you can help. "
"Old luny , you think I'm joking , do
jou ? It won't bo moro'n a small numer
ator with iv big denomination fraction of
a second till you'll know that I'm as serious -
ous ns a death sentence. The kind of
renovation that I'm about to do for you
is to shake out your form , stir up your
galleys nnd paint a nimbus cloud over
them lynx eyes of yours. That's what's
going to engage my attention for the
next half hour , " and the big follow
kicked the paper cutter over and dis
tributed a galley of dead "nds" over the
"You will find a broom behind the
door , my accommodating friend , " snld
Dave , raising a heavy six-shootor , "and
you may take said broom and clean out
this ofllco according to your first propo
sition , and the bettor you do your work
the lighter I'll ' pull on this trigger.
Bee ? "
"Drop that mortar , I was only jokin' , "
said the big follow , trying to avoid the
raugo of the gun.
"Freozo onto that broom. "
"I made a mistake ; this ain't the
dentist's ofllco , is ItV"
"Work that sweeping machine , "
"I've ' boon drinking. "
"Operations must begin in half a sec
ond. "
"My llttlo girl's sick , and she's cryln'
for her father. "
"In a quarter of n , second the devil
will have a form to caf-ry out. "
"Pity-my crippled wlio. "
"And this paper will gob the first
scoop of the accident. "
"Uold enl hold on ! I'll swcop her
up. "
And the follow seized the broom and
made the dirt fly like a streot-clennor.
When ho had finished , Dave cscortoc
him to the street , and nftor making him
promise to call again , bade him good
H. A. . Orolmril ,
Carpet , furniture nnd drapery.
Bnnkoa ana Wild Animals In Itulln.
People who sit at homo in the countrj
and are panio-strlekon by the occasional
nppoaranco of a mad dog can hardly realize
alizo that in India last year upward o
twenty thousand persons died from snmcc
bites alono. Tigers were the cause o
nearly a thousand deaths , and leopards
elephants , boars , wolves , hyenas , nnd
oven scorpions , lizards and alligators
have all played their part In this torri-
bio loss of human Itfo. Upward ol
sevonty-alx thousand head of cattle
were destroyed by wild animals during
the year , The Indian government pnyt
annually u large sum for the stamping
out of these posts , but without muol
apparent reduction of their numbers.
llalt a million enakcs tire dustroyet
yearly , 1,600 tigers , and about cloven
thousand leopards , wolves nnd bonra.
The Secret of the Powck or Boston' *
Great Pulpit Orator.
Rev , Dr. Brooks has Just completed
.wonty-ono yeurs of a world-renowned
instotatc , says the Boston Transcript.
. 'robnbly no minister In the country , eor-
nlnly no minister in Boston , commands
ho power Phillips Brooks does today.
"Why ? Are not others as profound ?
Store so. Are not others as logical ? Yes ,
nero logical. Are they not as orthodox ?
Yes , more so. Are they not aa eloquent ?
I'crhnps so. Jo ) they not got as near to
he hearts of their heiivcraV No ! It Is
in instructive spectacle on any Sunday
naming to sit In Trinity church and
Natch the great congregation. How they
{ pop surging In till every pow and aisle
md entry-way is filled. They crowd
the chancel. They sit upon the chancel
slops and oven get up against the road-
ng desk ;
Who are thcso people ? Are they
some ono dabs ? Do the aristocrats como
lore , while the poor stay awayV Or is
t the other way do the populace crowd
to hoar him , while the rich and cultured
no conspicuously absent ? For answer ,
oolc about you , Iloro are some of the
rich men of Uostou , and some of her
nest cultured citizens. Hero are bonuti-
'ul nnd elegantly dressed ladles. Ah ,
yes , this is the rich man's church , the
jabbath homo of wealth and cultuio !
Uut look again. These two swcot-fnced
women in simple gnrb are Quakers.
Yonder alts a coarse-featured negro , and
iheso .wo working people in neat but
simple attlro. All are hero. The rich
aid the poor meet together.
But what brings them hero ? Is it the
music ? No ; the music is flno , but that Is
not the chief attraction. Is ittho church ?
No. Trinity is the finest church build-
ng in Boston , but tlitit is not the chtof
ittraction. This quiet , reverent audi
ence la gathered for a more serious
[ mrposo. The great bulk of thcso pco-
| ilo are here because they wish to
tioar Phillips Brooks preach. Is it then
some special occasion , nnd will those
beats bo thinly filled In a week or a
month ? No ; this is no extraordinary oc
casion , and thcso seats will bo full for
months and years to como.
Is ho , thoii | a sensational preacher ?
Does ho rake the muck heaps of the
city ? Not at nil. Ho disdains all tricks
nnil tawdry display. Is his style cold
and classical in its purity ? No ; it Is
warm , simple , popular. His great heart
Is full of warm , human sympathy.- lie
Is fully in touch with the people. Ho
knows their needs. No man moro truty
enters into their joys and sorrows. To
dim creeds are but llttlo worth , but life
is nil worth. His gospel is full of
love nnd sympathy and friendship.
Truth takes on vast proportions under
his skillful touch. Now truths unfold
and grow and blnzo before us. Every
verse of the bible grows luminous. All
truth Is beheld as related and Christ is
at the centre. Ho the manliest of men ,
the chief among many brethren , the lov
ing savior.
Dr. Brooks'losos hlmsolf in his theme.
It possesses him. Ho is a swift messen
ger of life. To him the most noble and
sacred privilege is to bo a messenger of
life and light. Ho wants to do men
good and now. And so , as ho pours
Forth his message , his burden of soul , not
looking at thorn , they look intently at
him and strain to catch each word.
They come to him to bo fed , and they
are not disappointed. Ho opens nnd expounds -
pounds the scriptures. Ho leads them
to the living streams. Ho uplifts our
common humanity and enables llfo ; and
they who hoar go away refreshed and
are glnd to como nguin.
The public Is most cordially invited to
our first grand furniture opening
Tuesday afternoon and evening. Our
entire building and court will bo lighted
by electricity. Como everyone. S. A.
Orchard , carpeting and draperies , 1414-
1416 and 1418 Douglas.
Superiority of American Humor.
A contributor to ono of the leading
English maga/.ines describes American
humor as "tho result of shrewd and for
the most part half educated minds acting
upon matters of every day interest , " and
speaks of humorists generally in a some
what disparaging : vein , nnd of their pro
ductions as inferior to the "pure humor"
of English scholars.
Now , wo understand legitimate humor
to bo that which compels men to laugh
without causing women to blush ; and no
people on earth are so prolific of such
humor as Americans , says the St. Louis
Highly refined facctionsncss , which
the English too often mistake for humor ,
Is not side-shaking , It does not make
people roar or endanger the integrity of
their blood vessels. It is rather wit and
humor. A pun that satisfies the taste
may not tickle the fancy. An epigram
that is a model of completeness may nev
ertheless fail to provoke a smile.
The most irrosistablo jokes wo have
over heard have boon perpetrated by
Americans of ordinary education. There
is hardly a village in the union that has
not its genuine humorists , who can "sot
the table in a roar. " The truth of the
matter is American humor is seldom fin
ical and never stupid , but always humor
The combination of Ingredients found In
Aycr's Pills renders thorn tonlo and curative
as well ns cathartic. For this reason thov
are the best tneiHcltio for peoploof costive
habit , as they restore the natural action ol
the bowels , without debilitating.
The Dlvtuo Surah's Trunk.
Lady readers may bo intorostcd ir
knowing something of the trunks thai
accompany Sarah Bornhardt , which ro
conty ) , to the number of forty-oigli t. in >
torforcd with the trafllo at Angers sta1
tlon and paralysed nearly the whole oi
the railway staff there , says the Fall
Mall Budget Madame admits that she
had forty-eight trunks with her , oxclu
sivoof packages great nnd small. Twenty
of her trunks are made of wood , aboul
four foot high , each divided into throe
compartments nnd filled with her inosl
valuable dresses. Fourteen were made
of wicker work , also i1i three compart' '
mcnts , some of the heavier being subdi
vided into two , three or four bpaces ,
filled with petticoats , linen , boots and
robes of small value. Three speola' '
trunks are sot ap.irt for hats , arranged
on pegs In such a way to prevent then
from being shaken or crushed. Tht
tragedienne's "kit" in all weighed bo
twcen two und throe tons.
Mrs. Cummins' Iife Htory.
Mrs. Judlo Cummins of Long Branch
N. J. , has a wonderful story to toll
Firbtly , she was 111 years old Thursday
Secondly , she once waited on Genorn
George Washington and his wife a
Grindstone , near Now Brunswick , whet
they were guests of Major Waters. Mrs
Judio'b extraordinary memory furnishoi
those details of the occasion : The general
ral were a white ehirt witji frilled fron
and a loose silk tie raroicssly placed , t
navy blue suit with Knickerbockers but
toned at the side , and silk stocking !
buckled above the knee. Mrs. Wash
ingtoa was arrayed in a while silk gown
a silk neckerchief and a cup with a blncl
ribbon. At that time , of course , Mrs
Judlo was qulto a llttlo girl.
The celebrated Uochdalo eo-oporators , win
stmted only twoaly-slx years ago on th <
humblest sonlo imaginable , have a capita
stock , every share of which Is held by a wage
earner , o ! $3,855,000. Prottts distributed ti
members have reached $ .200,000,000 , whllo tU >
total sales for 1689 showed an increase eve
those of 1SS3 of 910,000,000 , ,
She Has I-"Ivo Mnstn nnd a Gross Tou-
IMRC of 11,750 ,
It Is stated In Ilnglneorlng that what
s said to bo the largest sailing ship in
ho world was launched from the yard of
Messrs. D. < fc W. Henderson & Co. at
'atrlck on the Clyde , on Tuesday , Sep
tember 2 , The voiaol is also romarUnblo
is bolng a five-master. This vetted ,
mmcd the Franco , Is for the fleet of
MM. Ant. Bordes ot Clo. of Eordcnux ,
vho have boon noted for their ontor-
irlso in ordering vessels of largo dimen
sions. The. Franco Is SCO feet long ,
18 foot 0 Inches broad , and 30 feet deep.
lor gross tonnngo will bo about 8,750 ,
md the dond-wolght carrying capacity ,
1,150 tons. The vessel la lilted with 'a
loublo bottom , with capacity for 1,000 ,
ons water ballast , while amidships there
vro several wator-tlghtconipartmonts for
,200 tons of water , The cubic capacity
) f these compnrtinr > ntBolght in number ,
s 42,0110 feet. They can carry 1,200 tons
if water ballnbt or cargo when the ship
s liulon , and olllciont pumping arrango-
nents are provided. The mizzcntnust is
i single piece , 140 feet In length. The
owcr and top masts in the other cases
uo also each in a single piece ,
md the lengths above deck
nry from 169 to 1G8 foot.
J'ho diameters vary from 17 to 30
nchos. that of the top gallant masts
rom 10 to 10 Inchos. The Icngh of the
ovvor yards is 82 fcot , of the upper yards
" 5 to 77 foot , the togallant yards GO to
H fcot , nnd of the royal yards 47 fcot.
The bowsprit is 50 foot long , and from 12
o 30 Inches in diameter. Wire rigging
ms boon adopted. The loading and dis
charging arrangements are very com-
ileto. Largo steam winches , by Sartre
) f Bordeaux have boon fitted at the
latches , which are six in number.
Those are supplemented by powerful
land winches , and a largo number of the
isunl gins , tubs , slings , chains , etc. The
3ecauvillo portable railway , with trucks
s also bolng supplied for loading nnd
The vcsseHvill bo principally engaged
n the nitrate trade. In order to preserve -
servo the nltrato solution , which is
formed In largo quantities nnd which is
iBunlly discharged overboard , tanks are
fitted in the hold , thus insuring the
shippers against loss resulting from the
waste. The steam for the winches ami
'or ' Napier's steam windlass , ( which is
Itted on maindeck forward , ) is supplied
by two stool tubular boilers 0 by 0 feet ,
which are fitted in a dockhou'so amid
ships. Besides six boats the vessel will
carry a steam launch. The poop is
Itted up as a hnndsomo saloon , contain-
.ng accommodation for cantain , otllcers
vnd a limited number of passongord.
The crow are boithcd in a largo deck
house abaft the foremast , and the potty
olllccrs' and apprentices' ' berths and
mess room are in the deckhouses aft of
ttye same. In the forecastle a largo airy
room is sot apart as a hospital.
A Prison Bill of Fare.
The ration for the earlier months at
Andorsonvillo consisted of about four
ounces of mcatand a section of cornbrcad
four inches square by three inches thick ,
says a writer in the November Century
The bread , of unbolted meal , was baked
very hard to the depth of one-half inch ,
whllo the center wns raw. The bread
would often bo as full of files as a plum
pudding is of fruit. As a largo portion
of our number drew rations after dark ,
the ingredients were not wasted. Duiing
the later months yams , rlco or pease
were issued In lieu of meat , and meal of
grits instead of broad. "Wo had no ves
sels to receive these , and the steaming
rice was shoveled from the wagon-box
into blankets ; or a man would take off
his trousers , knot ono of the legs , and
thus receive the portion for his nioss.
The same method wus used in the dis
tribution of the yams and pease , except
sometimes the receptacle was a piece of
PUAUDS. Bo sure you gettho
genuine Dr. Thomas' Eclcctno Oil. It cures
colds , croup , asthma , deafness and heuma-
The Prevailing Kiuicy In Doss.
The dog of the season scorns to bo the
great Dane , says the New York "Worlel.
The vogue of the pug is a thing of the
past , and the fancy which women of more
or less extreme tendencies showed for
bulldogs has died from its own extrava
gance. The Danes are about the size of
well developed tigers and reserablp those
creatures in general appearance. Their
huge muscles stand out on their shoul
ders and haunches , and their close
cropped hair , short oars , and massive
jaws give them a fierce , and , in some in
stances , an awe-Inspiring appearance.
People shrink from the dog in the streets
as u rule , but there is no necessity for
fear. The huge animals are as gentle
and inoffensive askittons , nnd their tem
per is so equable that nothing short of
the most serious kind of ; nn imposition
will drive them to resontmont.
The public is most cordially invited
to our first grand furniture opening
Tuesday afternoon and evening. Our
entire building nnd court will bo lighted
by electricity. Como everyone. S. A.
Orchard , carpeting and draperies , 1414-
1410 and 1418 Douglas.
The Demoralizing Clcnrotto.
Pipes are coming into fashion again ,
but only in offices and out of sight of the
public , says the Now York Sun. Possi
bly the tlmo will como when a man will
feel justified in producing a pipe in the
smoking compartment of a car or in
stalking along the street with ono , after
the fashion of the highest bidder. The
ineroaso in the price of cigars has al
ready had some startling results , nnd
possibly this will bo ono of them. If so ,
the smokers of Havana cigars will bo
heard in protest before long. It is a cu
rious nnd inexplicable thing that a ciga
rette or a pipe will destroy the llavor of
tho-best cigar that was over made. A
man with a cigarette can spoil the com
fort of fifty cigar smokers , and a pipe of
strong tobacco will ruin every cigar
within roach.
Five linen makers of Belfast were sen
tenced by court to pay a line for eniploylng
women and boya after legal hours. The defendants -
fondants put in as a plea that they were hur
rying their work In order to ship to the United
States before tuo McKlrloy tarifl went into
C 4 la Million * of Homes
, .0 Yeari the Standard.
Many Clergymen ,
actors , ail public speakers use
Aer's ) Cherry 1'eeUrnl. It Is the favorite
remedy for lioarswioss nnd nil affections of
the vocal orgnrs , atoat , and lungs. As an
nnodyno and c\p torant , the effects of
this preparation .ire-iiromptly realized.
"Ajcr's Cherry PMtornl haictono mo great
good. It Is a splendid remedy for nil dis
eases of the throat-niid lungs , and I Imvo
much pleasure In tonifjlng to Ha merits. "
( llcv. ) C. N. Nichols , . No. Tlsbury , Mass.
" In my profcsilan of an auctioneer , any
nncctlou of the voice or throat U a serious
rtnttcr , but , at each-attack , I have been re-
llcved l > y a few doses of Ajcr's Cherry
Pectoral. This remedy , with ordinary care ,
lias worked such a magical effect that I ha\o
suffered \eiy lluio Inconvenience. I have
also used It In my fanilly , with very excel-
Uut results , la coughs , colds , .c.-Wm. II.
Quart ! ; , Minlaton , So. Australia.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
rrtRpAnitn nr
DR. J. 0. AYEK & CO. , Lowell , TKnss.
Bold liy f. U DtugtfM . I'rlco $ lj elz lotllcs.tS.
NightscgVST.Acv':8Nov. ' : 9
Masterpiece and Crowning Effort
mis omaiNAi , UUIUT OAST.
Scots will bo put en ealo Saturday morning at
cgular prices.
i Crrand TONIGHT.
lUce J. UUcy's Ornnd Production of the Clilnoso nnd
Dnk'llsli Comlo Opera , entitled the
* Pearl of Pekin *
All the Original Soennryl
All the Original Costumes !
All the Original Music !
Anil In fact n magnificent production by n superb
Compa y.
I'rlcev II 00 , 75c. Kg ami rte.
Will Lawlor , Miintimtr. Corner lltli nnd Far-
iixm Streets , Omalin ,
ZAMA8SA , Chief ofllio 7uliiBn ! New Set o ! Wax
I IKUIVS ; ttereuptlcnn \ lows ami 1'unnroru'o Scenery
-'nrner , the musical fr n'.j toy Ilros , Cuincillnin ;
iomi nnd dance nrtlsts ; Chuior.Amb Uumicr'.AnroIa
Conlortltn'sf ( irci'nliaum , MnKlcInn ; Algeria npa < e
Annlhllator : Senor 1 rri-anili r , Mandolin Artist.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
The most wlcloly and favorably knows spec
ialists in the United States. Tholr IOBK ex-
perlonoe. remarknble skill nnd unlrenal BUO-
cen In the treatment and curaof Nervous ,
Olironloand Surgical Dlaoasei , entitle these
eminent physlolanr to the full coaQdouceot
the afflicted everywhere. They guarantee :
the awful effects ot early vlco and th numer
ous OTlls that follow In Its train ,
pqedll , completely nnd permanently cured.
ORDERS yield readily to their skillful treat
guaranteed cured without pain or detention
from builncst.
nently and successfully cured ID every case.
miuorrhoa , Bernlnal Weakness , Lost Manhood ,
Night Emissions , Decayed Faculties , Female
WuukntM and all dollcato disorder * peculiar
to either Bex positively . , us well ni all
functional disorders tuat result from youth
ful follies or the excess of mature yean.
\TPirTITPU Guaranteed ponnanently
01 J\1U 1 U l\Li cured , remoal oou pleto ,
without outtlnff , caustic or dllatitlon. Cures
* ft oo ted at homo by patient without a mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
PITPP The awful effects of
AQTIRR LUKK early vlco which brings
organic weakness , destroy Ini ? both mind and
body , with all 1U dreaded ills , permanent ?
cured.UTJTTS Address those who have 1m-
. I.Cl 13 paired themsoUos by Im
proper Indulgence and solitary hiblts , which
ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for
business , study or mnrrlaRO.
MA1UUED MEN or thee entering on thU
nappy life , aware of physical debility , quickly
" *
Is based mpon facts. First Practical expert *
ence. Heoond Every case Is specially studied ,
thus starting right. Third Medicines nro
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thus effecting cures without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
Bpfctfls for nTsterta'DixilneMrita ' , Ksuralgla , Wrjte.
lulnen , llental IMpi-uaion , Hoftenlneof tlio IJratn.ra *
nultlnz in IminltTiMJUcadlntr to mliery dwar arU
Ueitb , Premattiro Old Aee , llarrenncss. I.os * of I'oviet
Inolthor eez. Involuntary kosaei , end BpermMorrlKea
c&uied by over-exerticKx o ( the brain , eolftbuso or
orer-tndulircnce. i.ath box contain ! one month's treib
inent. II a box , on tz for 1 , tent by mrJliirriiald.
With cacrt order ftirielx bo > , will > end rurciiiuor
KuaracUe to refundinicner if the tre.Mmrat lolis W
rare. Uuaranteealuaedandcenulneeoldonljur
1110 Streufc - - Omaha Neb ,
A I'tiU Set ot TootU
on Hubbor , for
A perfect flt cnarnnteed. Tt-otti extracted
Tilthout pain or dangor. uml wltLout mines-
tlietlos. Gold nnd silver ( llllngs ut lowest
rates. Hrldgo nnd Crown Work. Tooth with-
oiitplutcs. All woilc warranted.
Entrance , IGth street elevator Opcti ovoa >
pgn until 8 u'oloclc.
lending r medy for nil the
uiinatuinl dl clmrjo8 and
private diseases nlm"n. A
certain cure for the C.eblll-
tatlntc neakuesa iiccullar
In rtcommeudlPB It to
Hold by nru
1'Ult'E 91.
"We offer today 300 Men's Sack Suits , made of an excellent quality j
of silk mixed cassiinere , lined with double warp Italian and well trimS
med. One look at them will convince you that they are offered far below /
low their real value.
I We offer today about 100 fine black Cheviot Cutaway Frock Suits , with
> flat binding and lapped seams ; a handsome suit and well fitting , thcso
I suits arc selling ordinarly for $15.
" \Vc \ offer a lot of extra fine Black Diagonal Cheviot Suits , double breasted
sack coats with double breasted vests , of nobbiest make aiul finish. ' This Is
as stylish a suit as you can find and \ve \ do not exaggerate when we tell yoii
that such a suit will cost you elsewhere $20 :
\Vcplacc \ on sale in our Hoys' Department 250-good substantial knee pant , suits -
ade of honest cassinierc , ditfereut patterns and neatly gotten up , some \vithcor
( led scnnis , sonic A > tth plcnts. They arc just the thing Torfooja ( lint arolmr.lon clotlici , ami e cnnr-
/ nntco tlionito gho the ocst satisfaction. You liato to pny in other homes fnlljr $ U.oO for just Mich
We offer a large assortment of Children's Cape Overcoats sizes 4 to
12 made of all wool cheviots , in handsome plaids. This is a neat little
garment and good for service. The 'price is extraordinarily low , you will
not be able to duplicate it for less than $4.50 or § 5.
Besides the above we offer , this week , several other bargains in Boys' Overcoats. It
will pay you to examine them. At no time were Boys' Overcoats sold at such prices , j
Mail orders filled promptly.
Nebraska Clothing Co
Corner 14th and Douglas Streets.
We carry the BIG STOCK of the west , quote Eastern prices and are
5OO miles nearer' you than apy other market. Correspondence
Try our Leather Soled Rubber Boots.
" Itis better to always
be ready than suffer
once ,
For a winter outfit
ting that -will defy
the Cold Wave that
is bearing down up
on us , we recommend ,
early selections from
our full assortment
of Fine Overcoats
and Heavy Under
Wonderful Spinlsl
Itcraedy , enrei al
Nervous DIseiics
such as Weak Mem
ory , LOBS of Ilrnli
Power , Headache
WakcfulneM , Los
Mauhond , Nenoua
net ) , J-aisltiide , al
druloa and Ion o
power of the Generative Organs , In either tcx
caused byover-eiertiOD , youthful lodlecrclloni.o
the CXCMelre me of tobacco .opium , or itlmnlutB
nblcri ultimately lead to Iiilrmltr , Concntnptloi
and Insanity. Put up lu convenient form to carr
lu the vcet pocket. Trice $1 a i ) ck pc ( or G for 83
Sent by mail toanyaddreei. Circular free. Men
tlon this rmner. Address
JUDKlDCUXBIUbCO. , 117 D ubonitt..CtlcagoUI ,
* Ult HALi : l.N OMAHA , tlkll , UV
Rutm ft Co , Cor , 15lli & I > oug1a fctrret *
J. A. Fuller & Co , Cor , nth & llguirlu Streets.
A. u. t'oHtr & Co. . Council IlluOc , Iowa.
Moro tlmn 13 year * ' oxporloncoln the trcatiumitof
A euro Rimrnnlccd In 3 to Ure days without the loai
of an hour tlmo.
Pcrmnncntlir ciiro < 1 without puln or Imttmuentv no
cuttlnx : no illlatliiif. 'I ho most rciiinrliubia rctucdjr
known to modern hdcricc. Wrlto for circulars.
Dr. Mcdrow's treatment for tlih terrible blooil illv
CH80 liai boon jironouncoil the nioit powerful unJ
successful remedy oterdlscoveriM for tlia nbsoluta
euro of thli dlse iso. lln ! nuiccss with tills dlsoaoo
1ms never bcnn cquiilleil. A coui lute tL'im auAll-
. \viltn for i '
nnrt nil wcnknoisof the foximl orsnni , nervoinne ,
timidity timl do'pomlency nbsolutoly cured , 'lliora-
lief U Immediate und complete.
Cntnrrli , rlicmrmllRm , nnd nil illicntosof tlicbloj ]
liver , kidncja nml bludlcr pprmnnontlT cured.
nndneuraliln , nervousness and dUonos of the stomach
ach cured. The Dortor'i 'Homo Treitinont" for
Indlca Is pronounced br nil who lu\o used U , to bo
thuniostcompcta nnl convenient remedy cer of
fered for tiiu treatment of female ilhcases. It If
truly a wonderful remedy. No InitruiiienUi no
pala Jlouiis ton IMIIIES rnoM3To * nsi.r ,
mnrYOlous miccesa lia won for him n reputation
Tvulcli In truly nntloml In clmrnctor , nnd hli great
nrmrof pitlunH ro.iclicM from the Atlantic 'o the
1'ucHic. 'iho Doctor li n iriulusto of uni.H
mcdlclno anil lias ) md lonfiunrt careful etiicrlcnco In
hoi | > IUil practice , nnd U classed niuoni ; tlio leading
ipiclnlUta In modern iclonce Trcutiuo it br corro-
upondonce Wrlto for circulars about each of the
uboTO diseases , rites.
Office , 1 4th and Farnam Sts
Entrance on either itrcoU
irai and surgical iiism
Corner Otb and Harno/ Streets , Omaha.
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DB. A. T. MCLAUGHLIN , President.
Founded by Dr. J. W. UoMenaniy.
b lthfollrr llor d TirUottlicnnl. Fkr ,
tri.f tbiiid. ttiw Iloma TttitUa nit fru and Halt * .
IVoEU. B.UUX1B , ITi rult a l.r. ' . V.
Solo Agont'in Omaha for Gorhim Man-
ufacturlug Go's
Our Stock of Fine Gooils is the
Largest and Our'Prices the
Conic niul sco no.
Cor. Douglas & 15th St
1302 Farnam 93-'i. ! ;
City Paeaoacrer and Tlokot Agent
It can bo ctven In n rup of cufTre or ten , or In nr *
lleUi of rued , without i&a knowludga ol ti.e patient ,
11 neomtrjr. It liibiolutely luruik-oi uua r/lll Cto
perm neu nd p dyoure , whethtr liirpjtltnliii
mio.ler lednnkororaa lcobolioMr ck. 1 1 NKYKU
KAIL * . II operates no qulolly nod with luch o r-
tatntytunt tha patient uudorKoe no lucouvonleDO * *
and ere ha la aware , hla complete reformation tm
eOasttrl. 48 paea book of particular ! fme Tobvbadol
KUIIN Ac O0..16lh& Douglaii.fc Hill ii fumlnj Bt ,
Cj' Trade auuplled by llLAKL' . UHUUJ2 ii CO , and
. . .
KJnilAHnnON I1RUO OO..Om'iH. _
of Debility , Impotency , \Viakncit , Driatl o (
Marriage , Hecret Hill" , lo l flIivl | lortbodlngl ,
li-suiilmoyhturitfiliruwlli ) ( , no
mailed trie lur Um'lnl
iii > Birin
. ! . . . Iliillnlo , N. V.
'iliouiMids of Uuarantecd TcatlmouluU that