H K9hi THE OMAHA DAILY BEE.ffOKDAY. . NOTJBMBER 10 , 1800 , 8PE01HL NOTICES. A iJVEKTIBEMIHTS for these eolumi will /Ibo taken until 13:30 p. m. , for the erenlni edition and until BDn : p.m. , for th * taornlui edition nd BUNUAT BKC. i In advance. I ' , "TIATES Adrertljcmontson thliptfn nlll be JLlclmnrcd for at Ilia rate ot IK cent per word for the flrnt IDortlon nmllccnt per word for esoli nubscqucnt Irnctllon. and tlM per lint par month. No advertisement taken for Itm than 31 cents for tlio lint Insertion. TN1TIALH , flgurci , ynitx3l , eto. , eount each J-fl ono word. rpllESE ndTertlacmonln must run contccn- JL lively and under no circumstances will they betaken or dlncontlnuod by telephono. PAUT1KS adrcrtUInf ? In UIMO columns and hiiTlng tholr nnswern nddrc sod U ) a "num- Ijcna Inttnr" In care ot TUB IIKH will rrcolr * ( i numbered check to enable thorn to get tholr letlnrn. Aruwcrnwill bo delivered only on jirciorilivtlonof thHchrelc. Enclose nnswen In ctn-elopos properly nddrcsicd. A 1,1 , ndverllsemrnts under the hp ft of "Bpcclnl Notlffuro pubuMirnln Iwth the rnornlnsf andovcnlnK editions of TUB IIKE. the circulation of which ngKrecatei Inqro thai. 0,000 pipcn dnllr , nnd Klves the n < vertlser the bcnent not only of tlio Inrun olrculnt pn of TriB lite In Omnhd , but nlio In Oounoll IllulT * , Lincoln nnd other cltlca anil townnlti the west BRANCH OFFICES Artvcrtlslng for these columns will be taVen en the above condition * , utthofollowlrn buil- ness houitiiiwhoaro authorized totakespcclal uotlnci at the same rates a * can bad at the main ofllco. BOUTH OMAHA HUANOII OFFICE No. 2023 N Btroet , Msterlllock. JOHN W. DELL , Phurmaolit. 820 South Tenth Btrcet. CHABK ft KDDV , Htatloners and PrlnUri , lUBouthlOth street. II. I'AHNSWOIITH , Pharmaolit , 2115 Oura- S , . Ing street. W J. IIDOHES , I'harmaclJt , 021 North 16th street. G EO. W. PARR , Pharmacist , 1718 leaven worth atreot. IT UOHES'PIIAIIMAOY. 2lth nnrt Furnnm. SlTUATIOXa I ( irrattt , tic. , rcf ( op of fnttimn an tltli iXTANTBI ) Nliilit " " "worlc nt bookkpopln , ' copying , writing or like. L , llox 4H Omaha. Cffl U * _ WANTED Position In a hardware store as clerk ; 20 years' experience : reference given. O. y. R. , Box S ! , Moorolleld , Nob.C3712 C37-12 * "V\7"ANTED Position by a youne imin with Homo vrholcsaln housoj best of reference plvcn. Address V 41 , lice. C1M1 * _ _ " " "iTUATION Wanted by sober man of 30 In city or cnuntrv , understands horses nnd can milk ; will malm himself useful nrniuid a place ; have city reference. Address V 40 , lice. WANTED Position as stationery flroman. undbrstandssteam heating. Addrnq < t 1 , . Kiintii.CI4anthst. r.8S 10' _ WANTED Ollleo woik In wholesale house by youmr man with experience and coed mldross. ViC , Hoc. _ ( XjO-10 * WANTED Position by a competent book- koupur ! 0 years practical oxpcrlonco. Best of references. Address V 28 , Hen. M 670-10 * _ " 117 ANTED Posit Ion by stationery rnclnecr. V > Address V 20 Hco. HI 41)7-11 ) * \VANTEr-SItl" ) tInn TT in ( IrstclaHsliotcliliostof rcfcroncos Riven ns to cxperloncp , capability , etc. Address V s iico. riM2 ; * WANTED MAM ! Torto/M / , etc. , rec top of frvt column on f/ito / page W ANTKD An active , honest man , salary $100 monthly If miltahlo , with opportuni ties for nil vanco. to represent locally arospon- Mblo Now York housn : roforoncos. Slanu- facturcr , lock box 15S5 , N. Y. AOENTS malting hlu money onnvasslne our , now hook , "llonutlfut Gems. " for holiday delivery , fc'oiul 70 cents for outfit Immediate ly nnd Ret host terms. J. BI. French & Co. I'nxton block , Omaha. M IG3-1G T UIIO Clerks wanted Two slnslcs mon for Hll , ) HCoiii olOKiint retail stores , best of Tpfofi' ; roulicd ( | from past employers , can- 'iiot ; use iinyono thut Uses stimulants of any kind. Btatn salary nnd apply at once to the Bt. Joseph Drug Co. , St. Josop , Mo. KU 8 AOENTS 1,000 flrtns wnnt men mid hoys everywhere. pormunenUy to hand out circulars utl per 1,000. Agents Hornlil , Case AMg. 1'lilla. . I'a. ' 060-8 * WANTED Two persons to receive Instruo- tlons and keep books. J. U. .Smith MO Kow York Life building. 6158 * W ANTKD Salesman on salary or commls- blon to handle the now patent chemical Ink OMSlnu pencil. The Rreatost solllnd \ -.novelty ovorproduood. Erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no nliruslon of paper. 00 lo COO per 'cent prpllt. One agent's sales amounted to M23 In six days ; another f.X' two hours , Wo want ono cnorgetlo pptior.il ncoiit , for each state and territory. Sample > hv mall lITirts. Tor tonns and full piirtlculars nddrrsa , The Monroe Krasor Mfg Co. . I.n Oi-osso. WIs. C.ll-11 * ATrANTKD A medical contlpman to travel VV Apply Western Medical & Surnleul el.n gtltiitc , Kansas City. ( UV10 ANTKD Man to sollllno of oisars. HOC per month nnd evponsos paid. Addres with stump Qlobo Uigur Co. , Bt. Louis , Mo. WANTED Ascnts to soil the latest novel- tlca In bntton-hnlo bouqueti. Two dU- -tliict nainplos and particulars 10 cts. M. Ul Cleveland. 0. _ M 588-11 l WANTED 200 laborers for stone und crude work. Apply to P. II. Johnson , Unlor passenger depot. Omnha. _ IMJ8 \\r ANTKD Men to travel for our Canadian T T nursorlos.Stoue&Wolllugton.Madlso i , Wli W 'ANTED A man of character , capacity nnd some financial ability to conduct western bii9.lnoai for us ; remuneration * 1,50 for the first thrno years. Address 1C 0 , oaro o Lord A Thomas. Chicago. III. M49MO * _ $100 per month at the start will bo paid oa niuimeor whociin.tlll the roqulrom'cntn. Ad dress 1C 8 , oaro ot Lord & Thomas , Chlcairo , 111. ' 4OT-10 I * _ _ 1JT'ANTED ' 1003 men for now railroad work t V In Oregon nnd WaihluKton Ty. Worl TilU last-two years. Good wnces guarnntood Albright's Labor Agency , 113) ) ITarnam st. M 430 D 3 EN or women wanting work , or person .nt'OillnK hulpof any kind , elty or country ran always bo Riippllwl at Kolth's ofllco , 318V B. 13th BU Satisfaction guarantcod. ' M.1U3-N30 _ GANVASSRHS Wunted Oorrespondonco so lloltod with coin potent canvasson to iOll paper clothln : ; . Oooil WIIRPS can lie earned Write Paper Clothing Co. , Port Huron. Mlet 090-niH G wanted in family of two. 1718 Doug Ian Ht , GOS 8 * WANTKD A good clrl for general house work. Apply nt 015 Park ave. Ml 8 WANTEI * Men with good reference o Metropolitan Mfg. Uo. , 1000 Howard st. | Sli-niiT _ _ WANTED At once , fioveral good city anNe TIIKSO.'B. 1510 Douglas St. 875n21 WANTED Agents wnntoil throughout Nc braska. Send stamp for reply , Jos. NoP. 1 Mepe.it h , Ouiahu. 773 WANTED A live , cnnrgotlo hart v In over jiluco to introduce our goods.So have now line that will neil at every house ind uRonta oan reap a harvest between now nnd the holidays , will pay a salary ot $73 w month If preferred and furnish a team frci Address ut onctv Standard Silverware. Co Boston Mass. M KIM ) 15 * WANTKll III3LP. For rnff * ete. , ten lop nf flrtt fnliimn ontth r * " > " di'SEKEEPr.n-Wantcd. a woman to a housework for family of two , no chlldrei would prefer a woman from 25 to 40 years oil vrork lsoii y , no company , small houso. Oa \TTANTED-A good coolt , washer nnd Irene T T In a sianll family. Apply in the forenot i ' 014-10 * A Competent second Klrl. Knforcnco r quired. Mrs. J.J. Ilrown , 1610 bhormi uve. M 681-10 19mt BRIOI1T youns lady wanted to get sui terlber * for the Omaha EicMslorj SO pi centcaminlsslen. Apply 1138 16th at. Mlai WANTED-Oood girl- for E noral hme- work. $319 Leavcnttorth. cos \\TANTED Qlrl for kitchen and laiindi work , 1130 a auth t. ait ANTED At once , good oootc and lau drcjs. Mr * . B. K. Ouylord , IMS U SOthi MISCKMM.VKOCSVANTS. . For rn > ( , etc , , net tovnf rotnmft on th\ \ HOnSHS wintered No better place to wln- tpr horse * tlmn thoHtlltwatcr Htock farm , Ft. Onllioun , 1'rleclow , best care. 1 . J. Kendall , propr. , room "WO , Drown bldR.Omaba. 071 dG ANTT i-Horscs to winter 17 with crnln nnd J"i without ; pixwl care will ho tnktn of IhiMi ) at Odrtnian L'nrk farm. Lcavo IIOMOI with N. K. Ulllranco , stablC(4U S. 17th t. Tel- cphoncKH. MB25 HOUSES wintered nt Onlnha fair . . I can winter W ) horses , each horio largo warm hoxstall , feed all the grain the owner wants , large yards for cxoreUeln line weather. A , Thomson , M201 MS FOH IlENT HOUSKS. For rattt , etc. , tttlojtof flrtl foJumn o i lAts jxwe. HOUSRntKdtina AVrbttcr , JOporino. O.V Harrison. 012 N. Y. Mfe. 001-8 171OK Hn.N'T Kino house. 20th and 1'arram , JU furnnco , Imth , water closet , etc , , line lurge roomi , only $ , V . Klcitant cottaso , 7 rooms , bath , etc. , will bo finished hy Doe. 10 , R'W. Ctorc , 'IStli and I.cuvmworth , 1x19 , { 13. ( Jottnce , 5 room * . 18. J. u.tivnii8 ; , : jos N. Y. rifo. KB B 1J1OII HUNT I.arRO list of houses from * 5 X'por month and upi now list. Oco. I'aul , ICO ! ) Kiirnam. ftM 10 'TOUHK for mnt ; ten rooms , modern con- H vonlcncc , IS1 So. 10th st. 4'J3 10 * 1J1OU IlKNT Ono of these stonm hoatnd flats J3 In the ! ' BI'or ' bliiok , cor. IClh anil Jack son , has all conveniences. CullatlUalliirncy. MM URST 8 It-room houses with modern Impriiveincnts. corner Dndgo nnd iWth ntrcots. O. P. Davm Co. 150 ! Kurnam St. fi'O-W lj\On \ UHNT Atthosoiitliwostcorncrof 10th JL1 niiiKiullforulast8.,4biiiutlfiilt-story ! ; brick nni ) HIOIIO lesldi-nccs , nil east fronU , ovtry nuidorn convenience , rooms fltiHIicdln hnril wood ! possessiononn on plvoa Novoiunor ! ! U. Tlioso nouses em : to had at very moderate rcnlH by llrst-clnss tcnitntt. Urunnnii & Co. , Nn. : > , Cfiiunbor of Commerce. KW 11 IflOH HUNT Ilou.so,8 rooms , flood laundry. 1 Inquire Uobt. 1'urvls. 2Hh & St.Mary's avo. IP YOU wish to rent n hoiiso or t > toro see II K. Cole , Continental block. Uji : " 1T1OU HUNT To responsible parties only. -U these line now brlok nnd slono houses on Georgia u\cnuu ; llftcon rooms and alcoves ; inoro conveniences and better finished than any house for rent In the city. II. 11. Hender son , 4001'nxton block , city. 274 r-UOOM house with barn : nomlnnl rent. O V. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. ST5 "TT1OII KENT 9 room house , all modern con- JU vonluncef , Including u coed staolo , Uiiplto nvoniio. near the high school : rout moderate 1) . JO'Uonahoe. 1001 Fnrnam st. 270 ELEGANT now 8 room brick house , all ooii' ' vcnlonccs , i3 per month. Choice location . II. E. Cole , Continental blk. 608-11 TT1OU 11KNT The beautiful 7 room cottaKos. . J3 Just finished. Hath and modern Improve ments. Only aloft. O. S. Elguttor,407 Kirs' Naflbank. 453 K IOIl RENT , ' 1018 Webster street , now nln room house , sewer and water connoctoi and ready for fiirance. Next corner Webster and 30th streets. - Now seven room house sewer and water , . Kent low for good tenants. II. W. Yalcs. S IvVEN-room bouse , 18th and Vlnton , 816. J , . I. Johnson , 51 ! ) Paxton block. CRO FOR RENT A Rood 0-room honsp , city wnt'or , south front lot , near Lake and Sher man avo. : at expiration of 'I years will Rive you warranty drcd.suDjcctto mortgage. Look this up. U. F.Hliaw. aoaSlicoloyblk. : t9 TfOUHENT 8 room house , all modern Im- X ! provoments. S3 SOGhlcugo St. , fll.07. Hlus- wait llros , , llnrkcr block. FOIt RENT 7-room oottiiKP , convenient to wholesale , district und business. poly ' 1112 8.10th st. - - FOR IlENT R-room modern house with nice barn , 1704 N 21st ; also 8-room house and nice barn. 2209 Miami , by Crum i IMshop , R 51 , ir Hoard ot Trade. 120 _ lilOR IlENT 2 8-room houses at 2C22 nnd 21 , JU Caldttell st. , nicely pnpored , havlm ; mod ern conveniences and barns ; to reliable par- tioH until snrhiL$25 per mouth. J. 11. Johnson , CIO Paxton block. - FOR KENT Seven-room pottaco , cor. 28th iy live , and ( Jap. avo.lnqulro 2913 Doil o. M-000 Fc UENT 5-room houso. 113 S. SOth st. CO , ) Nil DKSIUADLi : dwellings ull parts of the city. Smcaton fc Allen , 1C07 Viiriiain St. f/8-nia FOH HUNT A lareo front alcove room , east o- front , In best part of city , fmr doors from , Hotel Merrlum. Address V 42 , Dee olUce. GOU-U * Is171UONT room , modern convenience's. ( BIM ! JJ S. 19th. 40910 * "VTIOELY furnished room with all moilorn y- conveniences , 2013 Cass st. 603II OS FUHNISHKO or unfurnished rooms , steam Inal heat. 2115 Douglas. 5U114 * lo FUKNISHED rooms with modern conven iences , flno location. 119 Sputh 2.'ith street. . M.M7 11 * N IOELY furnished front parlor with good . board ; all modern conveniences. Oil ) N 17th n- 510 POU KENT Furnished rooms ; gas.bath and steam. 1519 Howard. 270 OU UENT Furnished rooms , 1003 Douglas. SbO - H ANDSOMELY furnished room. 2200 Dodso. - ! , PLEASANT south front room , 2412 Dodge. J3 8 do FOR KENT Two nicely furnished front on rooms. 2010 Davenport st. 207 F OK UENT Furnished rooms , 1008 Capitol avo. _ illOl iu DESIRABLE rooms for three or four pcntlo- mon , private sitting room Included. 1701 Capitol qvu. 4M i < FOnRKNT-ROOMS UNFUKNISHED of Forrateg , tic. , tee top of first column im ttttspag * t 3UOOAIH light housekeeping. 1223 N 20th. - M52U . NIOEI/V furnished rooms with all conveni ences ; also first class table board ; terms reasonable , 209JSJSthst. 050-15 * . 5 UNKUItNIBUED rooms , 001 S. SOth Bt. O C10-11 * FIHST floor , private rcsldonco. Newly pa- porcd and painted. Good location. a12 South 10th. 020-12 * , TT10R UENT 3 or 4 elegant unfurnished JL' rnoniHFteam heat nnd ail modern Improve ments for housekeeping : references required. Mrs. II. O. Moses , 22.J3 F roam. 000 12 * so- llrown bulldhiR , OitmliiKand 24th sts. . I'aiullles dealrlni ; new. wnrm , homo for eh. winter should not miss tlicso clogant apart ments of eight and nine rooms. Including bath room. Kitchen raugo and window shades. All - roudy for house keeping. Apply Citizens bank. 623-1H * nsN. - FnilllEE rooms light housekeeping. 12.V1 N. 130- J20th. . SI523 N.s. TN the llrown bulldlns , Cumlng and 24thsts. at J. elc nnt apartments of seven and eight rooms , with buth ; kitchen range for hot and cold winter , shades to windows. Ladles should BOO thcso handsome modem homos. Apply - UltUons bank. Cumin ; ; and 24th sts. 020-10' No- FUIIMSIIICD IIOOMS AND HOARD P. For mte , ere. , tte fop ofjtnt r < ilnm ii tlttn prtfl * FOR HKNT Neatly furnished front room 2IM Douglnsst. MCOO-r,1 * on FCH UENT Nicely furnished cottage of sla rooms , with modern conveniences , luiiulrc ppr 22001)oinrlna ) t , 4108 * . FOIl IlENT Very pleasant furnlslied room In private house , bust lountlon In the city HIP N.L-Utli. ' K1Q.8" ANUSOMEIiY furnUhPd largo , wanr room , with satisfactory board und ploav untliomoi modern conveniences , ' 'lay Ilnrnoy do y.ed , FOIl UENT Two apartments unturnUhci : for light housekeeping , 2X& OougliiH st. L'all _ _ _ 618-8 * ITIOII very comfortuWo winter homos sci Jc these 3-nxDi Hats , B. W. Cor. 21st und Nioh- , olus sts. Newly paperud , ulty water and ROW eon rmgo. First lloor , < J : second floor , M. Ilutt ; Iteming Agency. 220 ri. mil at. 8M N8 * ro- OOMS with ilrst-class board. 1814 Uodgi I RU t. SIO-S * OOMS und bourd. 'MIS. 23th uvo. mt- 423-8 * per ,411 NOUTII 10th Doilrablo rooms with coard t Can uccommodato a number of tab ! boanlcrs. C59-15 * - _ ST. OL AIK European hotol.with dining room stuum heat In all rooms , 13th und Dadgo Special ratea by week or month. _ 2S1 TTKHl peed bonrtl , nice rooms , modoro con L1 Tcnleiicos , rates and location , the Pullmai house , 1310 UoJgo st. cannot b exccllod. * uooaigyn no VHP. ForiaUt , ett , twtnpof firtlMitmi on thtr pags. TJIUIINISHED roomi and board , 1922Plilcngo. TIlUIlNISIlKn rooms , parlor nnd nli-ovo for JL'aorn gfntlenion. back nurlor for 2. llp.it. gas , bath , with board. 2l23llarney. M 474-17 * VTEWI/Y furnMicd rooms , single oren suite. -L > with board , heat , ga * nnd bath , aw und 212 N. 17th. opposite now postofllco slto " " - > v * FOIl UK.VT Hoonis , with board. ITS ! Dodge ' Ht. : H8 FOIl IIK.VT-STOUES AND OPKJCCS. For rnlr * . etc. , tee top offlrtl column on liligc. / . F IOlt UT'.XT In Urown building. nnd2ltliBtH. nouhlc store 41\ro Hot. Hlnxlo btnro I > IV ( feet. Hnftotnt'iitS.'ixGI foul. Eight oleirniit apartments for families on second rxnil third Hours. Hco th io bofororte- clillnf ! wlirro you will locate In Ornnliu. Ap ply toOltuciijbatil ! { , Uutnlng niiU 24tti sts. 0.11-lu * A FIN I ! comer bmcmont In tuo Hrown biillil- Inpr. pulttililo for plumber or bnrhcr Hliop. Iloom 'i > iH foot. Oltl/oin bunk , cornnr Cinii- ItiK and 24th at9. la'-lli * TT1011 RKNT Tlio best located ground floor H ofllco In tlio city. H Wthst. Mttls * /1OHNKH store nuil baBCmont In brlek tiu lu- Wine 27th mill N sU. . H block from depot , BoiitliOinnlm. Mra. HrosivSUSiS. 13. 578-U * IN Drown ImlliUnR , Oiitnlnn nnd "Uh Bts. To rent , double store J4xCO feet , slngln sloro 22.\0lfcot. Apply Citizens bank. 032-10 * FOH RENT The 4-story brick bulldiniMilth or without power , formerly occupied liv the Iloo Publishing Uo. , Ulfl Furnaiast. The build- Int ? IIIIH n lire pioof ceiuontbasement.comploto steam hentlnx flvtiircs. water on all the lloors gas , cto. Apply nt tbo ollleo of The lluo. 015 TOIJESatTOOSlOth. 20.XOO each , larco show windows , steam heat furnished , ihos. V , Hull , 3111'axtonlilk. -JaJ rpIIB lliown building , corner Cnmlim and -L 24th sis. will bo ready for occupuncy In a fowilays. L'artlos wlshln ? to rent stores or fnmlly npnrtinonts In tills now substantial bulldlnc ; should rvpnly at , once to OHIzon's bunk , Oumltn ; and L'4lh ats. LOOIC HKKn-Winter iscoinniR , there are a few eood olllcos for rent In the llamtjo bld'R , with first olnss heating nnd hestofolc- vutor services. Inquire Frank J. Itamgo. 2.I9-U23 FOIl KENT WAKISIIOUSISS. Fnrmtet , etc. , tee tap of first column on l/ifa paai FOR HUNT Ilrlolc warehouse , two stories nnd basoincnt. 27,000 sciun.ro foot , with 100 fcmtof cloiiblu track on U. P. Hallway , Kouth 20th and I'lorco stroots. Address O. Dskamp , Omaha , Nob. D284 STOIIAGK. Forratet. tie. , ree top of Jlnl column on tht page , riinAOKAGKBtorago at lowest rates. W. BI. JL-lluBhman , 13U Loavonworth. 23 , ' ) CTOItAQE Urauchi Co. , 1211 Howard , 2S TOUAOE ana Trackage David Cole , 815- ' 817 Howard st , 7H KENTAli AGKNOSt. For rate * , etc. , ne top of first column on tl\t \ * page , T I9T your houses with the Boal Estate In- Jformatloii bureau , 17 Board Trade. Xtl nD O D.IHEY & llro.rontal ugouts.203 N.Y.Llfo SST "O" E. Cole , rental agont.ContlnontaKblk. LIST your house0 to sell or rent with 0. F. Harrison. 1)11 ) N. Y. Llfo. 30ii 1'KHSONAli. Ferrate * , etc , tee top of first column onthti pane. myPEWUITERS for rent or sale. SlcnoR- J ruphera nuppllcs. J.P.Mogeiith.lCOT Fiirnum. LOST. Forratet , ttc , , ntctrninr fiitt column on STOLEN from 10th and Davenport , In front of CniiRroKatlonnl oliurcli , horsoand phuo- ton. Anyone bavins Information 'oE snnio please nctfy tclophono nuinl.or 1E9. Ml8 * T OST Ilotwoon 5 and 0 Saturday evening , JLJ ladles' gold huntlnjcaso watch and chain , gold ear of corn nnd gold pencil on chain , Finder icturii to Uoo ollleo andrcoelvo reward. 050-11 T OST 3 palrof whlto eurtiilns. Koturn to JLJlOlQ Cuuitolavonuo and get reward.G40JO G40-JO * I OST Hlucltspanlol jiuppy.answcrlnsnamo J"ICarl" Koturn to ilrs. H. 15. Mulford. 100 ! 8. 'iOth ave and receive reward. 00210 * T.OST Nov.8 on UodRost. bet. 20th and 18th -L/R blnuk fox muCf. icturiilnz to No. 1814 Dodge ut. the finder will be suitably rewarded. SS7 10 T" OST Mvor-eolorod nolnterjiltch , very thin JLJ and bony. Hcturu to LUG Douglas stroot. Suitable reward. MU74 FOIl SALE FUllXITUUE KTO. For rat ff. etc , , ree top of fnst column mi tlili "IT101' SALE A largo parlor stove and 2 JL ! small stoves. J. \ \ . Harris , IKHli and Uass. K -B ! FOH BAJjKHOUSESVAGONSETC. . Ferrates , eto. , stt topof flnl cnlumnon this page , fjlOIl 8AL/E Cheap , a younj : team , about Jt ? 2,200 pounds ; waRon and harness : 1710 South IOth bt. , hotwcou Coutor and Uorvas. 017-11 * Foil SALE , very cheap Ono ( six paeon- ROD rockawnv carrlaKo ( now ) : nnd two- seated liusslau sleigh , Oco. W , Holbrook.room 4 , Ilco Illdfr. GM > "VI7OIIK horse JCO , two her o wnsjon $ SO , dou- blo.work harness 815. Or will trade for a Rood lljiht side bar uusgy. H. E. Cole , Contl- nental block. "TU II. E. Cole. TJ10R SALE 2 Rood work teams. Inquire at JE 618 1'nxtt'i blk. 28U FOIl SAIjE-.SlISOEtiliANEOUS. Ferrates , etc. , tee top of fret column on tMspagt , NEW eallgraph , prleo reasonable , II 63 , llco - ollleo. ' 772 AVANTIilJ TO IJUX. For ratet , c tc . , tee top of frit coliim ri on th la . Sl'OT cash for parlor heating stove. Ad dress V 45 Hoc , OCO-10 * . tmNITUKE. household goods , otq. Highest JL1 cash price.Voll9 , 111 ! Knrnam. 102 SECOND hand typewriters. J. I1 , Monoatb , 1007 rariinni at. , Omaha. 77S WANTED-IIort.cs , waona , oto , to sell at . auction every Tuesday awl Friday , 10 n. ioy a Howard. UU7ioy , SECONDHAND books hought for spot cash ut the Antiquarian bookstore. Hill I'ariiain. 015 nil * aua tougy.V J.l'aul , Itioul-'arnain. 318 , . Ferrates , etc. , tee tup of frit column on thh page. , TrvON'Tforuct Jos. P. Mcseath , 1007 Farnam JL'st. , when you want to buy , rout or sell u typewriter. 772 i "pUOWnUS-Frosh o\H llowors UW lowest ' JL' prices , snecini Indueemcnts to churches , ; . Kartlcs , woudliiKs. oto. William llor/og , 11 or- it , lifts North lUth st. M.o2.'i is * ISS Amy Grand ull , proprietress ot the . Oniiiliu I'lircliiiSliiKngonoy , room 40 , DOIIK- . las block. Or dorn from all parts of country promptly filled. Holiday goods u specialty , SIIOI'I'INO of all kinds attended to f roe of > f charge. Address Olaru Street. Woman's Exchange. 1I47S 17 * - nrABSAOE , Madam Dolzier.'over UtO H lUth , - SAVE fuel by covering your steam pipes with Fossil Meal Composition ; the bust iion-romliictor. nlnolntoly tire proof. Wvh- tern ayenu 1) . O. UoEwun , Ullllonarilst , BU. WHEELER. Rouoral stenographer and notary. Depositions and court work a . specialty. Tel. 1001 , room KXM. N. Y. Life Uldg HAIIl GOO fr-WIOa. ETC. Fortti < f .tto. . te * top of Hut column ( in t/ilt I EST Line hair goods la vreit ; Imlr drrsslug JDwlirs , switches , bantii , b U ; chains , eto. , u specialty. Davles , hulr Roods and ullllner oppoaltu pontoOlce , IU B IStb st. Omaha. i.t > 0 MONK.Y TTT LOAN , Fvrratei , etc. , tee top af Jfi column un thti yagt ONIJV to loan Oh a H 4ocu rl ty " ' for liornil > iontlow rales. Loijcst rates on ppwonal'proimrty. ' The Henderson Mortujttn Investment Oem * imny , room 4M. 1'mtonTillt. MONKV 30COoriOday ( onfurnlturoplano9 , liorop/i. / houses , etc. J.J , Wilkinson. CIS I'nxtoiililk. . ; > TX7ANTED-KI t-cln4ih ido loans. lowcst YV rntcs. Onll and see us. Mutual Invest ment I'a , IMI rurnttin. ; xo Kir\rStINfi Morlgufq cbUmns of 10 to' ll.otwi set our Mtcllbforo borrowing and Havoinoney ! loans on lrf < rae % fiirnlturoor any approved security without tmbllclty ; noU-s bought ) for now loan * , rfiiownl of old nnd low est ratoi.call It. 209 , HhOfly blU ,15th & Howard , aoj _ _ MONFA' to loan by II. P. Matton on chattel ami collateral sconrlllcH for any tlmofrom ono to ulx months In nnr amount to suit bor- Ijoanirontloon hoiiiohold ttood , pianos , or- S. lioisos , mules , houses , leases , warehouse rocelpM , etc. , at the lowest possible ratoa. without publicity or rcmovulof property. My loans arc so arrangfd that yon cnnmaUo a payment of any amount ut any time and ro- cluco both prlnulploandlntorcst , If you ewe a haliinco on your property or n loitn you wish ehaiiKcd.l will pay It o IT and carry It for you. If you Uiul It more oon- viMtlcntiOnllup , tfllophono No. lOSl and your business will bo.arr.iiiBed at homo. Money always on lilind. Nodoltiy. Nopub- llclty. lowest rates. . I' . Masters , Itoom 4WUhuoll blk. , 15th and Ilurncy st.s. Ja _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > GIIHAI' enstprn jnonoy-i- I'lilladulphla MortRiiKo and Trust On. , iMulvt0 onn anil piy promptly ; first cH. wanted. Qvor u ft' . I' . Uoutes , rop- ro entatlve , rooni7 , board of trade. "iJlJALKstnto Loans Cash on Imnd. Olobo JLV LoatuV : Trust Co. . : W7H. l lh st , No delay , no extra charges. Houses for rent , BOO ; ! list. E. & O. M. ANT110NV , niS N. V. LIfolmll.U liiK , lend money on farms In cholco eoun- ties nf Nebraska and lowv also on coed Onmlin residence property ; lowest rutea ; best terms ; no del'iy : money ready. Titles and valiiea passed on hero. _ aoi BUTM > INO loans , Cto7 per cent ; no nddl- tloniil ehnrces for commlnsion or attorney's fees.Y. . U. Mclklo , First National bank blijg. : 7 _ /"IHATTELhank , . ' 110 S. 13th st. , loans money V-Am chattelsor collateral at rcusouublo rates _ 204 "ITIinSTifc second mortgiiKPs on vaoant&Im- J2 iirovcd city prop. County wiirr.ints bought. Money on hand. V , M. HIclumlson.SlSN.Y. . Llfo. 2X > _ EASTERN money to loan on oily properly ; mortgage paper bought. ll.U.Ircy.N.Y'.Lue. IO4 / IHATTKL loans at l&west ratPi. Ilcmovcd J to l 4 N. V. Llfo bid * . J. 1J. Emmlngor. TVTOKI1Y loaned nt low rates on furniture , oU-horscs , &o. , without publicity , Hawkeye InvcstmcntCo , 33 Douglas blk.lOth and Dodge. 019 MONEY tolopn on city and farm property. \V. M. Harris , U20rronzer Blk , opp. P. O JJ33 TlfONEY to loan. Correspondents of Txim- -i'-lbaril Investment company. Bhrlvcr & IluriiH. 1'roiucr block. 8)1 ! TTTANTED-0 per cent real estate io.ms. 0. VP. . ilurrlson , fl2 ! N. V. Llfo. 3J7 Loans Host r.iicsofid option In thoU -U west. Interest annually. Ikyroworscau pay part or all of principle. Rj. end of any year , und stop Interest. K. 1C. Stono. 810 N. y. Lifo bldg. 890o2l * make to ins on rnal cstaU1 , personal and collateral security. Notosand bofids bought. Building loans at lowest rates. CO ) N _ _ T7IIIIST iportgago loaiW on improved and uii- -l ? Improved proporty.yC , J. Oaswell , 810 N. Y. Llfo. it 5S7Jf 14 _ -IlIOFarnam. Hon. PJ llnrtl. loans made on -Idlaniouda , watches , Juwclry , etc. SOI N13 * / 1IIATTKLlouns , low rate , ISlO'Farnam st. \J _ U , 452-nllt BUSINESS , Forrattt , etc. , fie top of fliilt cdtumn on Hits Ting * . TiixTHAOKUINAliY busmcsa ciianco fora JJJllvo hotel man to step In the best located , well furnished -US-room hotel In Omuha , estab lished nnd paying triulo : rates 11.50 to 33 per day ; the entire 4-story build Ing used. 1'rlco $1,600 ; will take part pay In clear land : pres ent owner having other business. J. Li. Hlco , tej N. Y. "Life , sole agent. CM 8 * T71OU SALE Cigar , tobacco , confectionery , -C fruit stand ; must sell. 20G S. 12th fit , 011-15 * TpOR KENT Livery stalilo and barn very Jreasonable. . Enquire 1S 1 Sherman avo. 671 10 * _ _ _ TT1OR SALE $10.00.1 choice stool : of general JL ! merchandise In ono of the best towns 111 "Nebraska , 75mllPi from Omaha. Party doliiK nn excellent business , but has other business ( Icmuiidlng his attention. Address PG5 Deo. : to3 _ _ _ T\7 E have a customer for $3,000 stock of dry V ) poods and groceries. Ji cash and Omalin real estate. Larmon P. Pruyu Co , , ! M10 Onm- Ing street. 052-11 * _ IVfEAT MAKKKT for salo. Fitted up ( I r.t- JJJL class In every particular. Good business. "Will bear the strictest luvestlBatlon. Address lock box 40Q.Councll UlufTa. la. lUJ-d 3 _ TTIOK SALE CIlKAP-Ono of the best merry -L KO rounds on the road. For partleucars wrlto A , Kobortaon , box 110 , Cnoboygan , Mich. "DUEWEKb look at this. I have the host -Dpaylnir brewery In the state for sale at n. very low prlco. The product of this brewery Is known In every town within 100 inilos. Uplomlld trade established. oThls Is a very raru baririiln , and will hoar oloso investiga tion. 1'urtles desiring anv Information in ro- Kard to nbovo property will pluase address IT. Soiinensehcln , west I'olnt. Neb. 40i-ll T71OU SALE or liont Largo hotel , well lo- Jcutod In ono of thobo&t towns In Nebraska. Will well or rent to good hotel man at very roasonablu figures. Correspondence ( solicited. Address F. Bonnonscholn , west I'olnt , Neb. 402-11 _ _ "filOK SALK A rare chnnco for a butcher , u -L line location and no\r \ enjoying a splendid trado.o Itrluk bulldlm ; with basement all lilted up with the latest nppllnncc.s for the preparation of meats for market , IncliiflliiK power , machinery , oto. This Is 'an opportunity at a lifetime. For particulars address Lnok- hex 4.5 , West Point , Nob. 40-lt W ANTKD A competent newspaper man with flvo orslv thousand dollars In cash orsecurlty , to tnko charge of the Democrat , as I have Important business that wlllrequlro my tlmo uust and south for the comlnpr year. Wo will pay the right kind of n man u nice salary. Itneommondatlons rcnulred. Address - dress \Y. It. Vauglian. Omaha. Nob. HS13 N 30 * TTlOIt BALK Ono of the molt desirable hotel V prtjportluslnthostnto.sltuatodln Danoroft , Cumlngcounty.Nob. The house lias a good payIng - Ing patronage and 1ms un excellent livery Mock nnd fend stable In connection. Tlio town Is the end of a lus-tangor illvlslon of the Chicago. Kt. Paul , Mlmioatxills A Omaha rail way. It Isaoontorlnguauitfor hunters from nil over the state , ai.io is surrounded by lakes , marshes and vawTir.ilrles.whcro clncki * . gceso , pralrochickens aiixl other Kiimo birds abound in xrout numbers during tholr season , For further roNsronco apuly to 0 . Dohsoy , Hancrott. NeU'yt ' M1SD-NCT T > EBTAUHANT for r 'or tale. T. Murray FOIl EXOIIANGli Forrattt. e tcreetoplof'fiwfeultimii nn ( ftfn txige. PIKTEEN acres In Lincoln worth J5250 , for homo Infliualiavll ) . nssuino sinull iiiciiin- brincc , U , F. Ilnrrisou , JS. Y. J/lfe. ( HI-3 'I71INE plnco In Dn W-Clty worth } 4.M will J. I add frome cash for liauie m Omulia. 0. F. IlarrisQn."tiiS N7Y.'lttitf1'1 ! Gori GOQ1) house nnd lotfpr , clear vacant lots In the west purl of town worth t MO , will pay orassunioriSCOdlirorciWfc , 0. 1' , Harrison , ML1 N. Y. hlfo. < 104-8 _ _ _ 18 clear lots for other property. S cholco lots on paved street and cash for good modern residence if location MiltH. Illock brick houses , clour , and cash for busl- ncfls lot In location to suit. 1.1 acres 8 miles from city limits ! /i cash , lial' anco good trade ; prlec , 41,500. Hlngur k Urudley. 1510 Farnam. ttiii-10 * _ _ TEN-KOOM house , all conv. , In llanscoru Place , no Incumbrance , for good vacant lota , llutchluson tcSouU , 15:4 Douglas. A07-10 _ WANTED To trade by party living in I'eo- rla. 111. . Farnam st. lots for 1'oorla prop erty. Hutvulnaon JtWoad , IGtu and Douglas ts. , Omaha. Mff-io _ mo EXOHANQE Fine carriage , with team X and harness , for clear , well located lots. I ) . U. Patterson , 151U 1'qrnaiu , G01 13 _ WANTFD To trudo clour real estate and ftrit mortKaiio notes for Ouiahu Improved residence property or general merchandise or tooksof uardtrare. Address Will N 24th st. , Oiuuha , Neb. (00 17 FOIl KXCIIANGR. For rate * , ftettttoi > afflnrt cnlnm u on thlt r-oat W'K hitro city property to oxchnnito for land. Address Western Exchange Co. , Columbus , Nob. COS-IO * ITlOn nXOIIANOn-Stook clothing for real - Lostnln nii'l part cosh. Address or call 1419 Douglas M.I Omaha- 010-11 f"pb If It RXcTfANaK-Uonnral stock of mdsc. JL AVant real estate und money , Itox 3i3 , Vrankfort. 1ml. M 471-12 * 1'ATENT SOLICITOUS. for mtcf , tr ( , tee top offrsl folumuon Wil rnt/ / ; , . PATHNT lawyers solloltors. 0.\V. Pues A Co. , Uee building. Uniiiha , llranch ollleo at Washington , U. U. Consultation free. 313 FOUSALK-ltKAL ) KSTATK. Formic * , < te. , ttt topaf finl column on tliti page HAM' Very doslrahle 7 room liottvs , JL Dprfeftt order , city wnlcr.clntorn , now barn , 8 , will (1st . . , , . t 4.V30 On llurflctto st- between W nnd 29 sts. , choice s room house , ( tood. bum. , , . . . . . . . 4,000 On I'arkcrst. , it neat 4 room house , good order , burn , etc . ' . . 3,100 On VarU Ave , North of r.pavonworth , ono of the plons- iintost rcstdriico locations In Uinuha , a 2-alorv B loom house in uerfpct order , sewer , \\ntcr , gus , \ery choluo . 5,900 On SOst. , 7 room house , city water , cls- torn. Hlirubliery , tires , I'rlooonlv . 7,000 On CumlnRNt. near 31th , 7 ivaia IIOUHC , city \\ntcr. clslern , only . 0,000 Ono of thollncst rcslttuncrs In ICountzo Place , loroonihrluk , modern , good barn 11,500 On 27 st. half block fiom motor , good 2 story frame with barn . , . 0,500 A HIPS. 1.VT7 I'urimmRt. . C43 Solo Agents. $ . ) , Amos I'lnco , the best for thu monoy. ( US Ames , 15071 nrnain. SKVKUAL cholco pieces ucro property , K mtf rout. CeoiKlu live. , * 2,0 JO. "East front , ue.ir Lu.ivcnworth on Georgia avo. , l3..xUJ. for $11,000. Best bargnlu on 1'nrnam Bt , east of Lowe ave , ; too cheap lo ; ulvei INt. llutchlnsonVund , IK * Douglcs. 097-10 FOH SALE Utilise , * rooms , well , cittern , iioth and Uliarlus , f l.'JOO , fiJ cash , lutnnco monthly payments. George 1'nul , 1009 Fnrnnm. FOR SALE Trade or rent , cheap , flnn house. 4.'d and Onssst. Inijulio at house. MK > 2 20 * B UYaSO tt lot In Amc8 Vlnco and save money , Ames , 1507 Farnam. M8 pOU SALE Choice aero property. 50 acres on Ames avenue. 20 acres near the licit lluo. 15 acre fruit farm. Two 10 aero tracts In llenson addition. f > acres In Solomon's addition. a > acres near South Omaha. 0.51.1'owor , room 33 , Chamber of Commerce. M528-I2 * FOH SAliE-On easy monthly paymcntsr C- Tormi house and iouth front lot , near Lake anciaiiommn ftvn. ; just llico payln ; rent ; 110 lutornst. 0. lBhnw , UOS.Sheeloy blk. K'J ' REAL Kstnto men tukonotice Tlio 41 foot of lotll , In block IIS , Is withdrawn from the market. J. P. Shelling , M 580-10- OMAHA will grow faster In the next 18 months than o\cr before , and real tstato will BTOW In value with tlio city , lluy a 50 ft lot In Amii Place now. Amos , 1507 Farnam MS $ nriOO Only fl.fiOO Dr. Ohambors' residence on ICtli and Kurdotto st.f owner going to leave city. Host bargain In Omaha. I ) , v. Sholcs , solo agent , 21,1 First Nut. bunk. Jl 030 FOR SAtK or ront-n : feet front with build ing of ! ! 0 rooms. Apply at the premises J18S.12th8t. Also 2J feut on cor of Chicago and 13th. Ap ply at aiS South 12th St. 210-n27 NOW Isthotlmoto buy before prices ad- viiiicu. See a 50 ft lot In Ames Place. Ot3 Amos , 1397 Fnrnam. FOR SALE-Sraallhouse , 3017 California st 6SO KQ FEET In Ames Place at 11,000 to 11.200 Is Jbotter than money In thu hank. MS Ames , 1507 Farnam. FOU SAIjE-Oholeo residence lot , front' ' east , on Mth street between. Itanium am ! Dod-o ( , corners on alloy $1UOO.OC This Is an uspoulally drslr.iBlo location and price will bo advunpud If not sold la 30 days. on Itfith street fronting east , ono of the choicest aero lots In thntdc.slr.iblo location. To the right party this elegant icsldonco site will bo sold on fiinull cash payment and long time. Price , W2.00IJ.OO. Business Property on Pod cost , between IMli and ICth fits , a fill lot Cfixl.t' . location Bilt-edKcrt , Krowliig In value , with piesent Improvements will pay J.1,000 to $ ) .000 per yoar. Price $70,000.1)0 ) On Loatanworth st. coruor , U lrlckstores and flats In poifeet order. Pays 9 per cent fcSl.030.00. Tritirkngo proportr. corner Bth and Jones , owned by Consolklatvd Tank Line Co. , will selloneasy terms. Price WO.000.00 Ames Heal Estate Agoucy , 1507 Tarnaiii St. , W3 Sole Agents , FINE Mshtly lot In Tabor place , West Far nam , U.200. O. Harrison , 1)12 ) N. Y. Life. 004-8 f > EAST front lots on Lowe avcnuo , south of 'Fnrnnm ' , SI.OOO for the two , \ orchoup. . O , F. Harrison , 012 N.Y. Life. W4-8 GOOD homo. 83d and OumlnB. M.OOO , 81.COO ensli. House rdady to move Into O. F. Hnirlson , 012 N. Y. I < lfe. C04-8 FOK SALE-Amcs Place The best lots In Omulin. nt the prico. First-class In loca tion , perfect In title und Inside property. You can buy a fifty-foot lot lu Ames Place for Jl.ooo. 31,100. 11,20) . And when you see this property you will ad mit our olnlms for It. Homoinoor you can Und no property as well located at (1,000 or $1,200 for a fifty-foot lot und remember to that Now l.s tbo Tlmo to buy. Iteal cstato In Omnha will advance rapltlly and there Is t } d ay no safer , surer In vestment , It Is bettor tlmn Money lu Hunk and will pay ten times the Interest , Prices wlllstoadlly udvanua and you make money by inlying now , Jlotor Cars to and from Amen 1'laoe ' , I'lfty-foot lots at ten , cloven and tuolvo hundred , dollars , Amps , C43 1507 Farnam St. A SMALL payment down nnd JI5 per month ' will buy a 4-room house and lot on Kith , 2 blocks from motor : first class chance to uc- qulro u hotuoon ouiy torrns. Apply to II , E. Cole , Continental block. 273. ELECTION Is over , but wo still have 1 coed 00 foot Int , J.owo's addition , l&JO. Iclioicdlotln Orclianl Hill. (1,000. aiirt foot trackage lots , Paddock Place , fl.tXJO. 2 lots In Lincoln I'lacu.hoth.tl.GOO. 2 lots In 1 tunics & Selclon's , each , J..I.V ) . A 70 foot corner In Chciry Oardcn , J2,2iO. ? 3 llanscom I'lace , pa od streetenuh , ? , ' , OoO. GO foot on Loavennortli , oatst3Ctli , f.'I.IWO. HlngofLt llrudloy , 151U It'-inuun , AMKS I'LAOE 50 ft lots ar the best vuluo In Omuha ut present pi Icea. Huv Iioforo the advance , Ames , 1507 Farunni , S HOLES to the front , f have six elegant houses on 44th and Fnrnam , with every modern convenience. Including gas and IMS Uxtines. now nourly ruadv for osciipanoy. ceo them and mnko your choice. Price , U.7.V ) to $ ! ,2.'iU. < MuO to PJ cash , balance to suit at 7 per cent Into rest. livery purchaser before Novembers gets a ticket to the drawing of n WOO piano. Oarrlagonlwaysiusidy to show customers. Farnam struct motor within four blocks. lluy u house quick , and tnlcu a hand In the grand shiilllo. Thin is straight goods. 11. V. holes. 213 First National bank. _ M 1)30. PUUUENT men inado thc-Jr money In Omaha innl estate , and you cnti mnko money In buylne a good 50 Itlotlu Ames 1'Iaco nt $1,000 to 11,200. Ames , 1507 Farniim. CIS QJO.fpOO buys tlio Ur. Chambers roshlPtico nntl P veterinary barn oa ICth and llurdettosts. This U CI.02U loss than TOSU I ) . V. bholos. solo aKQiit , 213 First Nat , bunk. MOJO TTKU ) SALE 3-story brick , rent 1109 per 11 month ; 1)J fueton N , lUth , ! feet on N.iuth , 74 011 H. Kith , Won S. K.tli , 21 foot on 1'nrnum , 42 feet on I arnaml28 feet imZOtli. 100 fo .t pn SOtli , w ) fc t on 20th , bnisluoas bloou on Dotig- lag. Waloriunii.l'iixtoiiblk. S7flO' \/\7AUOU / & Wcslerlleld.rcul oslato.S.Oniaha. PltlOKS by spring will bo much higher than now , lluy ( n Ames 1'laco u 50 ft lot ut pres ent price * . Ames , 1597 Fatiiaw , "IjlOR SALK An eles nt now residence , ole JL. rooms , cherry and oalc finish , largo lo nnd every oonronlcnco for comfort : n , the best IN tlio cltr : price low. Terms easy . P. J.O'Uonuhoo. 1001 Karnamst. IV YOU have anything to tell or exchange , pull Ut6l8 fax ton bloolc. 3ia $ eOTX ) ( or homo on Chicago Bt. near tb. O.Ii I ? . llurrbou , m N , V. Ll ( . C37 FOIl BAIiB-RKATj ESTATK , Forratet. ttt , ret ( up ot Jr [ t column on this \tagt. \ HOM1C3 In n city like Omnhn grow In value , The Ilrst step In to pot B ftooil lot. See AIIIM I'lucoWftlot * at ll.dOO.11,100 and ( t.'JOO. ( H9 Atiii , 1AOT rnrnain , TflCm SAbH A farm udlolnlnz Illalr , Nob. , -L could bo platted nnd Bold for cntxlon at onne. II. W. Moilrldc , Illalr. 707 nU POKi ! < VI < B AtabnrRnln. BfltlM on liuven- port , ncur 17lh , ono block from notr ofllop , > ory olionp. l.,0 | fioxltj oornrr : mh nnd Farnam , $ .U.OOU , O. I * . ( Irocn , room 39 , llarkor block ? L " _ _ _ 7 UOOM "collate , full lot , llamcom 1'lace , east front nml a great barRaln for n few ilaytt. Small r.Tli unruiont and balnnco on long time. 11C. . Di'irllmr. Hnrkor blook. U64 " \7"ollonn enn cot ln ldo property In Amci J. I'laco. AcoaiotforJl.bofltofi.ax ) . ( IIS Amos. 1.VJ7 rnrimtn. I'AWNIUlOltl'JtS. ' . tie. , KM fop of fm column an fit > rnge , " 171HE1 > SlOllIiI'toaiisnionoyuncllaiuond' ) anil \vatolii'H.jowulryiHLl..y.l..cinr , Kurnain lltli. HI10UX11/VN1 > AN1 > TYIM-JAVRIIINO. I'or rate * , tie. , wetnpof fist column on mYrisviUTKUS.all " ) . " . JL changed , runted , J. 1' , Mrgoatli , 1607 l-'nr * nain street , .115 AHT AND fj/VNOUAOH. / For mf , f < c see t ( > p nt Hint cnlmn on Mi Blll'OHniniyliiK a piano oxuiuluo the now scale Klmhall plano.A.lIospo , ] > U UoiiKlas. G EO. R OELLENIlKOK.toachcr ot the biuijo with Hoipc. 1513 Douglas. SIU iltor. Chas. , Peterson , ptiino. nrzan , violin JL zlthor , vocal instruolloa * . M5 Shooly blk , 1'KNSIO.V AGKNOi. I'orrnlfJi.rtf. , reetopvf flnl cvlumtiontlitipiai. "IJKNHIONS Tim Ollnnman Pension Aucncy , JL SI Ffoiuor block. Information fntn. 'J17 DHUBHMAICING. I'or rnttfcl ( . , tre lo\tof flrtt coin i nil H\ti \ ) XK ; . In fuml- illos solicited. Mlta iiturdy , 2010 Harnuy t , M83.JNI3 * OLA.1IIVOVANT. For rat f A , etc , tfetopof first column m IMt WIQ& MADAME aoaVAV.clalrvoyantnniltrnnoo medium ; massage treatment a specialty , 1COO Duvoiiport st. 649-11 * A RIMVED-Clalrvoynnt nuturully Rifted , J- tells past and future , love troubles , alj- scntfrlends , cliunirc. ' , travels , biislneo , tnlls by Iptfor ! nlto Ruilsfuctlou Klvcti. Sirs. Wal lace , E-J North 16th st. 442-8 * MUS. NANNIK V. WAUltKN. cliilrvoyiint trauco , spwaltlnc. wrltliiR uncl rullnblo bus iness medium , 4 yeais lu Umaha. 110 N. 16th. 810 AS3AGE , Madam Dolzlerover 010Smth. 4(12 ( t2 * MA8SAGK IJATHS ETC. for rale * , etc. . ite top f fnt column on thti IVJB& M ASS AGE troatmunt.elootio-tliorm al baths , scalp and hair troutment , iminlciirn and chiropodist. Mrs. Post , U 20-21 , Wlthncll bile. 201 M ASriAGi ; , Madam Dolzler. ever 010 S I'lth. 4(1 ( ! 02 * PHOPOSALH FOH OAT.S AND CORN.- U. S. Indian Service , lloscbud Ageney. South Dakota , October 20 , IKlO.-Sonlwl proposals Indorsed "Proposals for Oats ana Corn" , and addressed to tlio under : signed at Hosobud Agency , South Dakota , will bo received at thin ollleo until ono o'clock p. in. of November 10th , ISiW , for fur nishing nnd delivering at this Agency , 70,000 pounds of Outs , ami 130,000 pounds of corn. Oats must bo bright and clean , and well sacked , nnd wel h not leis than iO pounds to the bushel. Corn must bo sound nnd clean ; to weigh not less than SG pounds to the bushel , and to bo delivered In sicks of about two nnd a-Ualf bushels capacity , made of Bounce hnr- lap , well sowed , lllddor.s will bn required to stiito specifically In thulr bids the proposed prloooreach article to bo offered for delivery under a contract. The right Is reserved to ro- joot any or all bids or any part of any bid If deemed for the bcxt liituro.st of the service. Certified Chocks , Eauh bill must bo acuom- hanlcd by a certified cheek or driift upon some United States Depository , inndo pay able to the order of the undorHlgnod , for at least live per coufeof the amount of the propo sal , whlcli check or draft will be forfeited to tbo United States In case any bidder or blil- dorsreoclvliiKiui award bhall fall to promptly execute a contract with good and milHclcut surltU"4 , otlmrwlsu to Uo returned to the bid- dor. E. 11. REYNOLDS , Special U. S. Indian Agent .In charge. o-4-d-3l-t-m TI1E SCOTTISH I1OUDT3U I INE. Etliiontlou Helps to Keep AIlvo a Spo- cli'H of AntiiKoiilsm. It hns tnlcon nearly two centuries to make tno truth very clear ; and oven now three is amonrr a few un nttcrapt to deny it , nnd to declare Hint the spirit of Scotch nationality would bo purer and better without bong ( tied to the clay _ of tlio British body , wrilos the Marquis of Lorno in the fforth American lloviow. Education ilsolf helps to keep this fool ing nlive. Just as every boy in the United States hates England when ho roads at school of the American war of Independence , nnd considers Bunlcor Hill as an undoubted victory , so every urchin in Scotland revels in visions of the horolc feats of Wallace nnd Bruce , and of the day when the deud Douffln. ' won the fight at Chevy Ghuso , and thinks how lie , too , would enjoy such days , nnd thinks how easy it would bo to "whip" 120,000 English with 80,000 Scots , as did the good King Robert on that morning under the hill of Stirling in 1314. And ho knows from these fur-away times onward to these of which ho may have heard his groat-grandfather Hpenlc that there were ilghts between Scotch armies nnd English urinics , in which the southron did not como off host without - out Scotch help , nnd ho very rightly thinks that ho could fight three English men at least. That old border line was inndo good against the wealthier nation for a thousand years , nnd it could again bo hold if necessary. So his pride swells , and ho , ut ull events , IH not among1 those against whom Sir Walter Scott wrote : Breathes there a man wltti son ! so dead , "Who never to blmsolf hath uuld , "This Is my own , my natlvo land ! " Is it necessary to hold that border llno ? Some people think nowadays that they will emulate Urttco and Wallace ; and because they can't got all they want In agrarian disputes and social onuality , and this and that in local wrangles , the work of the eighteenth century is to bo revised nnd the great union is to bo debased - based nnd annulled for the elevation of their llttlo solves. 1G03. Sixteenth and Famnm streets is the now Rock Island ticket ofllco. Tick ets to ull points cast at lowest rates. Disunion In Ireland , She Is an Irishwoman , bright , witty , entertaining , as nn educated Irishwoman cannot help being , says the Twentieth Century. Who was tolling mo of a gath ering in a cortaui hotel in the Grcon Isle soon after ono of the periodical up risings nmontr the Irish people against landlordism. In mentioning certain fncta regarding the porHonn present at this meeting she Bpouo of the imprisonment of this ono or that us u matter of courso. I remarked that it vau a Btrnngo condi tion of affairs that in which the prison had lost its taint. "Talntl" nho cried. "Not to have boon in jail IB u disgrace ! I.I" The now offices of the Great Rook Island route , 1602 Sixteenth and Farnam Btrcots , Omaha , are the llnost In the city. Cull and BOO thorn. Tickets to ull points oust at lowest rates. Itcggnr 1'rieau In Thibet. It is no uncommon bight to moot ono going about begging with four or live lurKo iron skewers run through hla fore arm und little ribbons hanging thoro- RHILWHYTIMEOHRD Uwei | CIIICAtlu. IHlltU.NUTUN A tj. I .ArrlYM _ 0m ! it. I 1pot IDlli ami .Mmon ilroen. , I Omaha. ISO p m . . . .t'tilciTiiriCiprau . . . , . " SIU n T . & ml ClilrAio Krpr - O.M p n HOp ml lliiearo Hxpresi 990 n u e.Wp ml , , Chlc rn I .peal , 8M n m IS * . fnlmTlNU't < OX A MO. HIVKIf. ! JTrrlrei Ounha. | IHixn IOth unit \laton tro ty _ | Wmahn. folia ml Denrvr l' r"KVfuou.riTr. < OSpn 10.15 a ni . . . . . . . Dcnrrr Kxuroi * . . . . MS p n . p m . . . .UonTrr.Mulit Kiprvii. t > H m 81 % a m | Lincoln I < nral. . . . . VOO p m TCWTH 1 U. iDr. 3 , AC. II. T ArrfVilT" Omaha. | Dtpol lOlli niut Mnum itroat * . I Oai\hn. "li ni' , . , Kiin I'llf 1) 7 KjiitiMi. TTi nlO p ra (14 p m' ' K. ( ' . Nlfht Kip. Vint' . I1. Tr n < I HO n m i Jlrrlrci Oranhii. | Dupot lOlli ftnd Mure ? lroijl . I Om hn. _ ITO p m . r.Urfrltnit Hf r . . ) Ofo p m 1.30 p Hi . . . .t'acino Kspraii , , , . . iM , \1II \ p ran 10.2U ft m ,14 . . .Dcnrcr KiproM , SMp ra COO I ni . . . . . . . \ \ n at 1015 a m | KSD , ( ciropt Jclll. ) . . . [ IU | t ra I'-ri ; T CliraXnCfTH. f.A tACIi > < ( & | . UmahK. I U.I' . tlupot , iOlU BUI ! Mnrcj Hti. M ) Sulin. 610 p m NlShl Ktprcsi , 905 * m . . . . . . . . .AtUntlo Kiprvif J.W p m V'e > tllUl l.lmU d. , . , , , ' ' ' ' _ l mnh . UT. P.'ditji'otJ8jiriui I Vafc'y' " . 7.15 R nil , . . .Slom Cltr l'i\nunitir".I , . , ISO p ml , vv.j.Ht. 1'nul Kxproii. . . 11010 n m - , _ . rrn irr r-nur-- FITT.T . IT. > " . i r r- KlfltiXTTITi" S I'AOTMTJ , An-ft Jmnhi ) D pot IMli unit WtbiUirjUi. HIK1 p T ] . .i.T.Sl. T'nul "Minll , , _ i 1. nt i"TinUAirt | S > . . . _ I Aim * Ciunlio. | U. I * , ilflpot , 10ti ! nnil Mnro Til it m Chlc.iito Kipre < li p ra < an L mm . Vfitlbuln I.lniUi il . aw ra IS p IU lena Accununoilntlon ( IUO. Sun ) 701 p m V.ll ) p IU . .Kaitrrn Kl/or. . its p u ' - m K * t Hjntorn Kxpr R.OJ tj Arriroi" Omnlio. lU.JSjtrppt. lUth nn.l . > tnrcr Hti. f OUpml , , . ( .hlcnuo KipruiiiT. . Kli n in " ' " ' " 2 _ _ P letiiBi i 0\TATi\ slT. uTtjis i \rrivo " " Onifihn. JJJJ * . _ 'i > j ; < 't , 10th anl Marcr Pj . I Oraahn. I8ut _ < inl..J-i. IAHIH Cnnniin iioll | I'J ! ) p in Oninlin. | Doput IStli an I U'olmuf Hti , llltck III1I.1 Kipreii. ; ( OJp ra ii. ( Hi. Suniln ; ) . . fcW p m (10 p ra WivlK.o.VI.Iiic'fllii I'm ( Ut fuiul'rt.tllJU i J 10 p _ m i York A Nnrfnlk IKr. HiHHtmrlO'JU ) | n iij ? --n. . . . . - l.onvl'i I Xttlrat llopot llthjincl W _ Oih \ . _ Tooli ml . . .Hloux CltrAccummiHliUlon , , ! PIXj p ra 100 p m . .BloillClty KiproiiCx.Hiin. ( ) , . l.no p ia WW P m 81. 1'nul I.lmltnl , , . VU H in _ t 15 D m 8 41 n lu Omnba. DupntlMtt anrt Wub tor Kit. iono m" .StTTxiuTi A lOT Kl | > ru3i l'J p ra . . - T nTori CIllbATiOI'lL * 1. * I Atrfroi Trnnifor | Union Dupot. Oninini HHiUJ. ITnutifcr &SO p m NlgLt Kipron D.V i ra 9 SO n ra Atlanlla Kipron K6J p m tOO p m l.lPillBd. . . . . . . . 11080 m iN.TAr Transfer I Union DiipoU Counoll lllnlTi. I Tram lor 8.4U ini . .t.t'htfngo KxpreiB. . . . . . , I BU ( p ra (00 p lu VoKillmlo Limited I 0.10 a ra 10.00 p m Kantcrn 1'ljor. 100 p m 1.80 p m Allantlo Mall I " 10 * . ra JUMp in _ , Arfoinmottatlon ( Kin , SunlJ O J ] TClin MIO , Allfk A 1' . WlTijTrAffiTni I Union Depot. Counoll HluiT . | Tmn fef I Chlcnko Kiproia , , I UlSara | \ . , .Chicago Kxpj"O . . . . . . . . . | CIU p in Trnntfor " ' ) _ JJnlun Dupot , Council llluff JTrtiufof 10W ii"m'n..Knniii Cltf llnr Kipmn..I Ml p m 10 25 p Dijj. . K arum _ C1 tj NjKlit _ Kijiroiji. . I ( I W n ill rISinToI 1 'OMAHA X ST. LOU19. t Arnvoi * T nnirorl Union I > oil 5r' ll1\L1lifflJ5lIllfoL ! ; \ ! ! IQUJI mTT. . . . .MTUmh fiinpri HnM.Aii.TlJIJ pin enTe.1 . TCllIiTAflt ) . lUIUl.'M A OlIINOr T ArHrb ? Tri nn t r | llnlnn IlnpoU j > ) imrlj lllulTa. | 'lriin fer ti w ft m . , . . . . i. ChlcaKO Kxprou. . 030 p ra 10 W ) p m .Uhlrnuo 1MO it ra 7.SO p m . . .Croton l/ocnl . iv m tanroi STtTux TUT i' * 'i ACl"KTu T Arrlvoi Union lopet. Council Uluffi. I Train for 7.45 a'm TTsioux CHr Accommodation. . . I 1UU nra O.or > p m gt. rani . . . . . . . . . | ) p m SUIUIllllAtl TKAIMS. Westirnra. t * . in a.m. itorSt . 5.UI . ,41 7.M ts H.W Cliatlmm . 1 & 7 t.03 5.67 S.4I 15.5T & M T.IU 8.04 0.00 8.41 1.00 nko Htroot f.51 8.07 u.w 8.49 1.01 Walnut 1IIII U.O1 T.U3 8.09 6.05 s.ta l.OJ Uundco 1'lnco. . ! . , , II.UJ 7.1M 9.11 C.Ui S.M l.OS We t Side II.OJ r.io 8. IS 6.10 H.M 1.10 lj wn " " 8.1S H.69 1.11 Jlu cot 8.2- ) 0.0) 1.17 dcymour I'ark ii.or , 1.21 1'ortnl S.HO l.no KnUwunt p. ill p.m. I'orUl , 8.115 rui ll.W 1.8S ijoyiiioiir I'nrK. , 8.4.1 4 W.W 1.41 Mas cut 8,411 .W 1.47 3.49 4.6'l U.J' > l.W West Slito H.M r..1 IU5 I ) . ID 1.15 Dundee I'lnft ) . . li.11 1H 11.57 ft.ur H.17 o.a J.17 Wnlnut Hill. . . . fl.K T.2I 11.00 5,1(1 ( C.'A ) U.41 2.00 Jjiko Street. . . . fl2 T.S' , I'.OI 5.1.1 C.2.1 .1.43 a.ui Druid 1I1II O.iH 7.SS D.Oi 5 ,1. % il.fO a.us OnkChatluim. . . C.S3 7.Ill 'J.OS ' 5.18 O.M 2.0J II. 401 .45 u.au 6.1K ) 0.40 10.01 2.20 from , suys iv writer in , the Century. Two I have mot hnvo Ions1 iron rods ruiniint , ' through their clioclcs , nnd they had made oath lo remove them only when they hud colloctecl a certain sum of money Bulllclcnt to repair their tomplcs. Ono had had tlio Iron rod through his face for ever four months , living tha while on BOUP nnd tea only. Another way of raisins money is for a. priest to ttilto his Boat la ulittlo brlok gantry-box and lot himself bo walled in.louvinp only a smnll window through which ho can BOO and pull n rope by which a. big boll is sounded and the attoiHlou of the pass- ors-bv nttractod. no.ro lie will Hit for months. I have known ono to rotnnln in his box for nearly a year wltlilng bolng nblo to lie down or Hlund up , but appur- tontly pcrfoctly happy und always roudy to have n bit of Georpo Campbell , lloplcinsvlllo , ICy. , saj-s : Burdoclc Dlood Bitters is thu host prepara tion fur the blood and stomach over manufac tured. _ _ Tlio hardest Coins in Circulation. The largest gold * coin now in circula tion is the # old ingot or l'loof"of Annin , a French colony in eastern Africa , Jt is a Hut round plcco , and on it is written in India-ink ita value , which Is about 05. The next sized , coin to thlH valuable , but extremely awkward one. Is the "obang" of Jc.pnn which is worth about JC10 , nnd next comes the "bondti" of Ashantoo , which roprcsonts u value of about XI ) . The California $50 gold picco is worth about the same as the ' 'bonda. " The heaviest silver coin in the world belongs to Anam whore the silvorlngot iH'worth about X3 ; thoii comes the Ohlneho "taol , " cfjual to about 7s , and thoa cqmea the Austrian don bio thulur. M. L. Dlatr , nldonann Fifth ward , Scranton - ton , I'a. , sUitcil Nov. 0 , ' : ) : He had used Dr. Thomas' KelectricOil for sprains , burns , 'outs. bruises and rhoumutlsm. - Cured every time , Our Annual Cotton Crop. The yield of cotton in the United Rtutci rose , In round numbers , gradually , but rni- | idly from 40,000,000 pounds In 1SOI to 60,000,000 , In 1811 , and from 170,003,000 pounds In 18 J I to 1,031,000 bales of which lUO.OO'J ' were exported - ported to Great Britain in the buawu of 18-11-2J thence -l.HIJl.OOJbules In 1869-00 , of which Great Britain received 2,00'J.O ' ; ) , ) . says Harper's weekly. ' No accurate record of cot ton movements .vas Icoptduriiig thoolvll war. Liverpool reported tha receipt of 73,000 bales from the United Stutas In 18W ( , KI1000 la 1803 , 11M.OCO In 1801 , 40,00l ) In 1805 , 1,11X1 , . 000 In IbCd , and the maximum of 4Sbu,000 hales in thu scu-son of 1B3JIn ) the sea son of 180-0 the crop wai 3,878.000 , buloa , of which 1,2(13,000 ( went lo Great Ilritnln ; la that of Ib8'-D0 , according to Sliepporson'H Cotton FactH , the crop in round number * vma 7 , 1,000 bales , with avcrano not weight ol 450 pounds per bale , or , yJ7,000,000 iiounds. Tlio Statistical Abstract ol the United StaU-i for tlio fiscal year ending Juuo UU , 18 0 , returns > turns the yield at 0OJ5OS3 bulea , uvera lnir 405 pounds per ; bale , or , ' 1,137.101) ) , 491) ) { loiuuU , with furia value ot 83'JJ.13UmW , of which lim,407,53 pounds wont to Ktmland , and ia,8Wfil5 pounds to Scotland , 4l.iJ.VJ balca were facnt to Mexico , and 1,8 ,741 to .tha continent ot Europe ; 1.0Ma70lllO , pounds , or ao.78 per cent , of tbo entire yield was re tained for homo manufacture and consump tion ; 7.0T3OiO pound * of cotton -woro Im ported i roia Ktrypt via Kngland , to bo manu factured Into thread , laces , and other fabrics re quiring loiiK'nUplo , by L'larlc & Co. , Au- cliiucloss & Co. and other ikms , A small quantity of cotton , mainly In tnuialtu , ar rived from tie West Indlca. Cotton , although no longer Imperial. Is Btlll ono of tbo most regal Rlomonta lu Iho foreign commerce of the country. While the crop of 18tt'J was thu largest on record , the indications tire thai It will ho exceeded by thut of IbOO , Aayoullko It. Gray and failed \vulsbcrs may bo changed to tholr natural and ovea color brown or black by uslnif IJucUliig. ham's Dvo. Try It.