THE OMAHA DAILY BEEr IONDAY , NOVEMBER 10 , 1890. THE OMAHA 1EE ? COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PEAUL ST. Delivered by Currier In uny part of the Cltjr- II , W. Tll.mV. - - - MANAGER Tr.lni'lIONK3l flustn ? i Office. No. U Night Edltut , > 'o. 23. nixint 3i N. Y. P. Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal. Get your lioolts ready for the now year at Morchouso ft Co. , Council muffs , la. Major Richmond la to sport an oWnntsIlk tile , wnleb rnuse ? a vacancy In Theodore Gmttar's wallet. Diphtheria cases have been reported nt SU2 South Uancraft , nnd corner of AviuoA and Seventeenth street. Governor Holes' TlmnksplvliiK proclama tion will bo icllshed by democrats and reformers this year. Mr. Smith of Alleplmnv City , Pa. , is in the city visiting his son. Hubert , of David Bradloy's ' , for a few days. John Stophunson was arrested last nlffht forgiving a shameful insult to a lady whom ho passed on the street. The regular monthly meeting of the Min isterial association occurs this morning at 100 : ! o'clock In thu study of Dr. 1'helps. The two boys , .loo Ollmoro nnd Fred Him sen , arrested for the larceny of some pot nib- bits , were sent to jail for a seven-day term cnch. cnch.Prof Prof , AlcJfntmhton returned yesterday , after several dnjs1 nbscncoou u business trip in northern Jovvn. Ilo will go to Sioux City tomorrow , The Hcrciui Paptlst Ladies Aid society will meet with Mrs. Tlilclotun tomorrow after noon. Let every member bo present. It Is the last meeting of the year , Mr. M. ICartcn of Omnlia , armed with let ters from Lieutenant ( jovcmor l ° letchcr of South Dakota , Is soliciting ntd for sufferers In Drown and Marshall counties of that stnto. Mrs. Prof. McNnughton has decided to spend the winter la southern California , nnd will leuvu for tbo coast as soon ns her fricnd.s decide upon the best place to afford her the gicatest bcucllt. It is reported that n very poor family with nn almost , blind and very old father , needs help. A boy fourteen years old , doing all ho can to help tilings along , nnotlior cloven nnd a girl nliif , nil poorly clad , stand In need of lii'lp. Anything left at 7S1 Willow avenue will be delivered ut this residence without delay. r-1 An Omaha youth came over to tlio Bluffs yesterday to celebrate his twenty-Unit birth day. Hu found nn open saloon somewhere on Main street and staid In it until he got n Jag on that was too big for him to carry. Ho was landed In the Central station , but nn hour Inter hit father came over nnd hunted up Judge MeGoopaId a line of 115.70 for the boy and took him tiomo. It is qulto certain that before another elec tion is held the voting precincts of the city will bo reduced In si/.o. Tlicro nro several that are too largo to permit the voters to c'ist their ballots without tedious waiting. When the votes nro cast , and there are many votes that are los.t on account of the Ions delay , the clerks of election have a ] ob on their hands in the counting of the ballots that requires from twelve to llf teen hours. No precinct should have more than 300 or 100 votes In It. Marshal Tcmploton was the means of uniting a mother and her daughter yesterday afternoon in a manner that was nt least sat isfactory to the mother. The daughter was Miss Mary Shintcfller , who loft , her homo In David City , Nob. , about two months ago , and lias succeeded in eluding -her fi lends until yesterday. The girl , who is a handsome yoii'ig lady of eighteen years , had placed too much contldunco In ono of her Nebraska ad mirers and had awakened to the fact that she was soon to hecomo a mother. To hldo her filmmo and prevent the disgrace being known. to her friends at homo she left , nnd for n long tlmo her parents could Ibid no trace of hor. A few days ago her mother received n letter from nor stating that she was employed in the Woman's Christian hospital in this city. The mother came t6 this city on Saturday , and her innulries nt the hospital revealed the fact that the girl had never been thcro. She procured police assistance , nnd the department had been lookIng Ing for the daughter. At noon yesterday Mai-stud Tcmpleton located the girl ntS'j'l South Sixth street , where she was employed 011 domestic ) In a private family. The mother was token to the residence nnd met her daughter. The girl fainted when she saw her mother , and was quite willing to accom pany her homo. _ MAKING THE KUIl FIjY. Henry IClHcniiui & Co. . Council III u ( TV * , Have made the biggest fur and cloak deal ever consummated in the west , and they , at their store in Council Bluffs , will do.U thorn out to the consumers of thonortliwest nt su''h prices that will give them the trade of the money-saving public. Furs are in favor this season. Capes and muffs are immense. Hero ore our boat sellers : Black nnd colored hare capos $3.)3 ! ) , Sl.'JS , 13.00 and * UO. ' Black Coney capos from $ t.'J. , to M 00. Silver hiiro rapes , roll collars , point fronts , poclnl bargain at W.OO for capo and muff. Astragnn fur capes and muffs at all prices. Wool seal capos from lli.OO upwards. Heal monkey capes very cheap. Natural oposuin capes. Nutria and bcavor capos and muffs. Blnclc astragali cloth ca-pos , Silk plush imitation and real. Seal muffs -collars and boas. Every kind of fur known In setts , single pieces or by the yard will bo offered during this week's sale at about one-half what other bouses ask for them. Uhlldrons' fur sets white Coney , gray Coney , white Coney with black spots , snow hare , white tlbblts , astragnn cloth , white micro ra , Imitation lynx , nutria , beaver and seal the greatest variety of chlldrens' furs ever shown , at surprisingly low prices. Fur trimmings by the yard. Swan's aown Jn all widths. Got our prices before pur chasing : CLOAKS PLUSH CLOAKS. WHAT Wl ! DO. Wo sill you n plush cloak for $13.00 that ro sold by other houses for S'M.OO. Our (10.5 ! ) are sold elsewhere for $25.00 our $ , ' 2.00 cloaKs would bo culled cheap by other dealers lor $33.00 , and our hotter grade In proportion. Wo plvo an elegant muff will tfVery plush cloak we sell during this week ealo. CLOTH JACKETS AND NEWMARKETS ot from $1,50 up to the llnost mado. Thou sands to select from. Hlclit , hero lot ns saj that our variety Is so complete that wo arc euro to suit everybody no matter how choa or how line a garment they wish. Wo have cloaks for the rich , wo have cloaks for the medium class and pooroi people. Como to us for a cloak for a dollai up to live hundred dollars and wo can sull you. ItS MISSES AND CHILDREN'S ' CLOAKS nd Jackets from $1 each up to the lines mado. A great variety to select from. NO\ novelties Just received. Mothers who wcr not nblo heretofore to got suited lu misses o children's garments nro especially Invited t call nnd see our now line Just received.V will surprise you in our elegant nssortincn and the low prices , Ucmonibcr wo plvo i nice doll free during this week's sale wit every child's cloak between the ages of 2 an 13 years. Also please notice that Hour Elseman tt Co. Is the only house in thl' western country that has ttioso bargain IS Call and sco us , Ilnxnv EISI-.M vv & Co. , , , Council JJlufTs , hi. Mailorders promptly filled. street.'O Motor faro refunded by Henry Elsoman J Co. , Council Bluffs , to all Omaha customer ! Are you Interested In Jlrst class heaters ! 1 YOU nro , then buy the famous Penlnsuln heaters. They are highly recommended b these wlo use them ; they nro the llnestflii Ishcd and tlio prluos are lower than nil imlt : tjons. Our stock of cook stoves from ? 7.50 t 140.00 gives you the greatest variety to sclec I from. Our line of furniture , carpets , bant ' ing lamps , window shades , parlor suit- lounges in largo variety. Como and sco ui Wo will treat you right.MAXIIII. MAXIIII. : ft KI.KI.V , _ 820 Broadway. J. O. nixby , steam Heating , sanitary or rmcer.Oia Ufa Imlldlntr , Oonhv 30 J Moi rlatn block , Council Dlufu. For stout men's clothing call at Modi Ciothlug Co , , L. II. Mossier , Mgr. , Lauii > i at Lund Brc . ' , 23 Main street. THE NEVfS IN THE BLUFFS , KCT. 0. W. OrofU Talks in nn Interesting Manner to Young Men. FUEL GAS AT KOUR CENTS A THOUSAND , Wtintnii I'Jtpert Snys It Cnu Ilo Muilo I'orln Council Ulnd'H Kino New JJIookw Minor and Por- fttlintl Mention. At the rirst Congregational church ycstor- dny , the pastor , Itcv. G. U * . Croft' ' , RHVO a sermon to nnd about ' Young men , " cliooslnij as hi ? text : "Lot no inim ilospUo thy but bo tliou nn cxiiuijilo of tlio believers , In ' word , In couvcMiitlon , in charity , In spirit , in faith , In purity , " thcso words being these uucil to Tlmotby , himself a young man. In those days when no was so much re spected , Timothy' * use \vns to hli Ulsadvuu- tngo as a public teacher , and It was very ncccssni'y that lie ulioulil so deport himself as to overcome prejudice and command respect. In tlili day ago Li not aufllclcnlty respected. It Is such an u e of boasted progress that ono Is apt to think the aged have not kept pace with the onward m.irch ot events. Anif 'K the ancient Jews a limn of thirty was still u boy. Now n man Is said to pass the dead line at forty or fifty. It Is not , however , a fact. Xo inun passe i the ilcad line so loup as ho ro- talns his powers , no matter how old his years. The greatest luminaries In church itiul state today are aged men. Still youth Is not to bo despised. The young man's character should bo so forcible as to obscure all otliur considerations. Character - actor has no limitations. Ho should even bean an example for other * to follow. Many think It Is enough to live above reproach. That Is good , but the other Is better. It Is one thing to bo u rock on which the vessel may wreck ; another tiling to be a lighthouse to guldo tlio vessel to safety. It Is ono thing not to do barm ; a far dUlorent thing to do good. Tim othy was exhorted to bo an example , not only to the world , but even to believers. Among tun characteristics ho was urged to display were to bo an cxainplo In word in speech anil conversation , In deportment , in manner of life. A llfo that dally illustrates the principles of the gospel Is better than any sermon better than the bible Itself , that is the bible In print. Hotter giro the bible to the world In the living example than In the printed page. In the ono case the bible Is silent. It Is Hko a well thut must bo drawn from. In the other it speaks. It is llko a fountain pouring forth refreshing streams. In ono ca c mnn learns what ought to bo done , in the other what can bo dono. Ho was to bo un example in charity. Truth is not always agreeable to men If It points out their evils. It must bo spoken In love to bo accepted. Sugar coat the bitter pill. The deeds of love live. How they llvo ! Mary with her box of ointment 1 The goop Samar itan 1 bovo Is life. In the old fablo'tho wind , at Its llorccst , could not tear the cloak away from the traveler. The sun quickly Induced him to 'ay ' II aside. So tbo Kim of Klght- cousaoss with Its warmth of love leads men to throw off the cloak of sin and sclllshncss. As Dr. Hamilton says "Tho religion that fancies it loves Hod when It never evinces love to Its brothers is not piety , but a poor , mildewed theology. " Timothy was to bo an example in spirit. Ho was to hnvo the mind that was in Christ. Ho was to bo an example in faith. With out fuitu it is Impossible to please God. Lastly ho was to bo the example of ploty. The purer ono Is the brighter will shine forth the helpful light of his life. Such sire the wanted younumcn every where today. The Young Men's Christian association ulono numbers ' . ' 00,000. It is not . a standing army but an active ono , over mov ing against the foi's of man. God put it into the heart of Gcorgo Williams. In 1844 , to bring totrcthcr a few young men connected with thn business where ho was engaged , for tin hour of prayer. And from that smnll beginning Uod ordained that this grand institution should grow until every Christian land in tuo world would share Its blessing. - Si with the Young1 People's Society of Christian Endeavor. Uod Is in the move ment. Ilo lias raised up these hands of young men and women to do a mighty work for Him. In then ) lira thousands of grand characters formed after the pattern Paul gave to Timothy , after the likeness of Christ. BALK ! NAliEt The Hoston Store. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Opens n great clearing sale to make room for holiday goods. Commences tomorrow , Monday morning mid continues for this week only. Don't fail to attend. Some of tlio greatest bargains in dry goods , furs , cloaks and shawls will bo offered , the like never seen before. Sale for this week only. Boston Store , Council Blults. FOTIIEUINGHAM , WIUTELAW & CO. There will bo a meeting tomorrow evening at democratic headquarters to complete ar- arrangements to attend the celebration at Oinuhu Tuesday evening. Fuel Gas at Four Cents. "Thero is no occasion for anybody to lose any sleep by worrying over the probable failure of the now gas company to meet all the conditions of its charter and mnko good the promises Its representatives have made to the people of Council Bluffs , " said a noted gat expert of Omaha yesterday. "I have had the pleasure of making some investiga tion of their discoveries and their methods of mailing water gas , and I am satisfied that they have como pretty near finding the ideal solution of the caloric problem. I know of no way of generating heat more cheaply than these men are nblo to do It unless It bo the vague possibility of realizing the electrician's dream and establish molecular motion In Iron plates by the application of a current of , electricity. If this could bo done it might bo the means of affording a cheaper method of ; heating our homes and generating power in our furnaces than by the use of water gas , but : I doubt it. It bos been thy dream of gasmak- ors for ages to discover some rapid and ccoaomio means 'of ' disintegrating water and separating the two gases of which It is com y posed. The water is the vast natural reser voir of all the hydrogen gas In the universe. IP ] Two-tblrds of its bulk Is pure hydrogen IPo with the exception of the small amount of mineral held in solution. Tlicro has never been and there never will bo n single cubic Inch of hydrogen gas obtained from any other source than from water. It is the small amount of water In the coal that produces the gas when the coal is shoveled st in the retort li ? the gas works , and the la stW tense heat Is what disintegrates it and ro seporatcs it. The oxygen remains behind , or escapes or Is destroyed mid the hydrogen to rises from the retort and is carried 'into the fa gas holder. If you can scperato the two nt gases by the combustion of less fuel n you cheapen the cost of the gas just nUi that much. If you can make a ton of coal id liberate 100,000 feet of gas from water instead of ubout tun thousand , which is about the ' best result to bo obtained by the old methods , , you have decreased the cost of the gas just ten times. That's what the new gas men propose to do for you , and it is what they have showo they can do oven under disad & vantages. They can mnko a good quahtyof fuel gas. that will bo about equal to the vapor of gusolluo , and furnish It to the nrlvato con If sumer through nn extensive and expensive ar sjstein of mains and supply pipes , at .5 cents byte nor 1,000 cublo feet and make money. From the Investigations I have made I am satlsilcd that they can maku the gas by their process to and deliver It In the mains for less thnn.4 set cents per thousand feet. This will leave 'B- them n not protit of 21 cents per thousand , which will nmko a very fair percentage on their Investment , especially when there Is u probability that there , will bo consumed several - oral millions of feet each year. So you BOO the citizens of Council illuffs need feel no uneasiness about the new company buluc nblo to 1111 its part of tbo big contract it has entered into with tlio city. " The propositions of the new company con tinue to attract greater interest the moro lei they are considered , and the people realize what is mount by these promises. It Is stated the company will fllo Its acceptance of the charter granted by tUo council this week , nnd by next week tlio work of erecting the now plant will bo commenced. One section of the charter calls for the par tial completion of the new works , to nn ex- tcjitsufllcicnt to enable the company to fur nish as from Its own mains ton limited num ber of prlvnto consumers , by January 1. There Is a savin ? clause In this section , however , which may lei tliem out without n forfeiture of their chnrtcr [ f they full toRotto making gas within two months. The elmiso reads : " 1'ro- vldcd , that full allowance .shall bo made for oil delays thnt umy occur In construction of vorks by order or Injunction from any court , mllclous Interference , unavoidable nrcl- i-nts , delays , strikes or stress of weather. " njunctlons tire easily obtained , necldcnts vill happen In the best regulated latulllcs , trlkcs can bo provoked , nnd there Is ( mini- cut probability of several "stresses of rcatbor" between tbo present tlmo nnd Jan- ai.v 1. However , the company Will receive every osslblo ciirourageinont , and there will bo no rent disappointment If a few people are do- jled the pleasure of burning > cunt gas this vintcr. HAM ; ; SVMI ; The Huston COUNCIL BLUFFS. Opens a great clearing sale to mnko room 'or ' holiday goods. Commences tomorrow , Holiday morning and continues for this week inly. Don't fall to attend. Homo of the greatest bargains In dry goods , fuw , cloaks ind sliawls will bo ottered , the llko never ecu before. Sulo for this week onlv. " Boston Store , Council Bluffs , FOTHEHINGHAM , WHITULAW & CO. Owing to my loss by lire on October 27 , I am compelled to nsk all parties Indebted to 1110 to pay up at once. J" . SUI.UVA x , J. G. Tlpton , real estate , ( Y27 Broadway. An [ elegant line of Mnlton overcoats at re duced ratcsat Model Clothing Co. * Dr. Soybcrt. KOJ. Ogdcn house , Tel. 140. One dollar buys n pound of tea and n beautl 'ul teapot. Lund Bros.'ji ; South. Main street Now Blocks. The rapid progress being made In the orcc- Ion of the now Baldwin block Is causing the publlo to lose sight of another line Improve ment that Is being mudo on Pearl street. The remodeling of the James block by Judge . 'ames nnd converting It from nn old-fash- onccl strucuro : into n modern building Is being accomplished as fast as men nnd en ergy can accomplish it. When it Is finished It will bo ono of the llnost buildings between Broadway and First avenue. The transformation will make the adjoining buildings look more dilapidated than over , and It Is to bo regretted thnt their owners did not join with Judge James nnd remodel Iho entlro block. When all the buildlnes under way are completed Pearl street will be the finest business street in the city In point of splendid buildings at least. Buy your and wood of 0. B. Fuel Co. , 539 Broadway. Telephone 180. Some of these teapots still left at Lund Bros. ' , ! > 3 South Main street. For boys' and children's suits durably nade and at lowest prices , call at the Model Slothing Co. The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413 Broadway. China dinner sots at Lund Bros. ' Clinnurs to Toncli. Prof. James McNauchton , who filled the position of suuorintcndont of the Coun cil Bluffs city schools for so many years nnd is now devoting his tlmo to other kinds of business , has no lack of opportunities to go into school work acaln. Since louvinK the schools hero ho has had several very line of fers from eastern cities , all belter than the ono resigned hero , but ho has steadfastly re fused them all , The tea in these "teapots is flue. Lund Bros. , 23 South Main street. A fresh Invoice of line Cheviot suits for young men , just received at Model ClothIng - Ing Co. Gents' underwear in great variety at prices to suit all at Model Clothing Co. , L. II Mossier , Mgr. L China tea sets at Lund Bros. ' Kov. Harslw's l/eoture. Three hundred and thirty-eight men , three- fourths of whom were young men , gathered in Concert hall , Young Men's Christian as sociation building , yesterday afternoon to hear the address by rev. AV. J. Hnrsha. A service of soug was hold from 11:30 : to 4 p. m. A solo , "Ono Sweetly Solemn Thought , " by Miss Alice Knode , was beautifully sung nud greatly appreciated. Miss Emma F. McClin- tock recited "How the Gospel Came to Jim Oakes. " Kov. Harsha's address was excel lent. The speaker gave as the three princi pal thlncs which kept young men from bo- coining Christians the following : Bashfulness - ness , boastfiilncss nnd badness , and Illus trated each by appropriate inci dents. At the close n selection was rendered by the Etorpenn quar tet. The general singing scrvico was rendered by a largo mnlo chorus under direc tion of Prof. Kratz , assisted by piano , organ , Mr. Fcrrlnger , cornet , John Brown , vloeri- cello , Mr. George Strang , violin. The follow ing pastors of the city were on the platform : Key. A. J. Turkic , ICountzo Memorial , Hov. Atklsson , S.V. . Presbyterian , Rev. A. U. Thaln. Plymouth Congregational and Kev. J. M. Wilson , Catellar Street Presbyterian , An after meeting was conducted by Dr. W. O. Henry , at which ninety young men were present. Ono young man expressed a dcslro to become a Christian. The remarkable increase in attendance upon these meetings from fifty to over three liundrod within two months Is duo largely to the faithful work done by the young men , especially the Invitation committee. The only railroad train out of Omaha run expressly for the accommodation of Omaha , Council Bluffs , Dos Moines nnd Oiltcugo business is the Rock Island vcs- tibulcd limited , leaving Omaha , at 4:15 : p. 111. dully. Ticket olllco , 1602 Sixteenth and Fnriium sts. , Omaha. The "Mnlasn Grape" Crop. "Tho grapes that are sold In Now York nnd other markets ns Malaga grapes , " said a fruit dealer to a reporter for the Now York Sun , "aro really not Malaga grapes at all , but uro a grape that grows in the ahrost inaccessible mountain regions of Spain , in the district of Almcrla. The true Malaga grapa Is so tender and delicate a fruit that It will not stand ship ment well , and even when it arrives here in good condition it In so perishable that unless quick sales are made the Importer will have his labor for his pains. Nearly all of the Malaga grape crop is made into raisins , The white and pInkish-whUo grapes sold bore as Malagas are a hardy fruit. The region In which they are grown Is wild and primitive , and tbo grapes are all transported from tlio vineyards to Almcriaon donkeys , a distance of Jitty miles , there being no roads to the bills. "Tho country between Almerla and the vineyards is Infested by wild hcuUs nnd out laws , and tourists have not yet ventured to , include thut part of Spain in their wander * I ings. As the average grape crop of the dls- trlct is 400,000 barrels of forty pounds each , | the task of carrying It all that distance on donkeys may bo imagined. The vineyards nro all small holdings , nnd yield about llvo r tons to tlio aero. The usual prlco for the grapes on tno wharf at Almcrla Is 9 cents. The packing in barrels is all done at the vineyards , tlio flno corkdust in which the fruit Is packed being backed In on tiio don keys tlio sumo as the grapes nro brought out. . I The harvesting of this unique grain crop is I done during August. The vessels in which | the grapes nro shipped from A Imeria cannot como Into the wharfs , hut lie at anchor some distance out. The grapes are taken to the vessels in rowboata of antique pattern and small capacity. The grapes begin to reach New York about October 1 , Tickets at lowest rnt03 nnd su .porlor accommodations via tlio grout Hock Island route Ticket olllco , 1002 Six- I teeiith and Furnam streets Omaha. 11113 "SOCICTY" CUMJMN. A SiiggcHtloii TLnt , tlio Demand Tor It IN Horn of fMiohblshuem. It might soojii''jtaorcdlblo , if the fact did not proro it , 'Hint there should bo nny public concern'in ' the circumstance thut rich Mr. mid' Mrs. A dined yester day with rich Mr. mid Mrs. B. , and thut more or loss rich Messrs , and Mcsiliimcs C. . 1) . , E. , P. , G. , II. , I. nnd , T. dined with them , nil dressed In their boat clothes , says George William Curtis in the Ilitrpof Mnirii/.lno. If thuso good folks were in nnyvny distinguished , if they hud done or said or written any thing , if they had ( minted line nlcturos , or carved otntucs of murk , or ucslg nod noble building * , or compojod bciiulitui music , If they nud olTcctod human re forms , had olTcotlvolv cheered of ennobled or enriched liumiin life , erin in nny wny nuule the world bettor nud men nnd woman hnppior , the curiosity to hour of thorn , unit to see them , and to rood of their dully course of life , would bo as Intalllgiblo us the pleasure of see ing1 the blrtliplaco of Burns , or walking In Anne Ilatliaway'H garden , of Booing Washington's bedstead and sitting in his chair. But to rotul diiy nftor day In the pnpor , this golden doomsday book , thu lists of rich people who ute terrapin totrothor. or danced together In Inco frills and white cravats afterward , and to road it with avidity , Is a. curious phenomenon , nn extraordinary performance. You might say that nobody does ft , but the column of the newspaper which Is devoted - voted to this narrative , contrasted with , the few paragraphs in which the im portant news from every country is dis cussed , conclusively establishes the fuot which you doubt. 'iMio ' nowspupur under stands itholf. It is u shrewd merchant who supplies the demand in the mar ket. ket.But But is there no other than a humilia ting explanation of the fuotr1 Is it only snobbishness , a admiration of moan things ? Are wo all essentially luc.koys who love to wear a livery ? Or is it not rather all this interest in the small performances of these who , if dis tinguished for nothing else , are the dis tinguished favorites of fortune the re sult of the ceaseless aspiration for a bet tor condition , and the instinct of the imagination to decorate our lives with the vision of a fairer circumstance than our own , nnd to tcvongo the tyranny of fnto by the hope of heaven ? If the line Titanui could sing to Bottom , "Aline ear is much enamored of thy note , * * * * * * Thou art as wlsoas thou art beautiful , " why should not our liberal fancy sing the same song to the Four Hundred ? They may bo deftly enchanted to am eves If to no others , and to our view our ijottom also bo translated. In a less degree , to our prosaic nnd plodding routine , wo invest the lifo the favorites of fortune with nn ideal charm. It is , to our fond fancy , till that it might bo. Those figures nro not what Circe's wand might show them to bo. They are gods and goddesses feasting , and in hap pier moments wo feign ourselves possi ble Ixlonti to bo admitted to the celestial banquet. In the streets of the Summer city their palaces lire closed , their bril liant equipages arij gone : they do not sputklo and murmer in their opera boxes , nor roll stately in slow lines along the trimmed avenues of the park. But btill the celestial lifo proceeds , n little out of sight , its lovely leisure brimmed with deeds becoming these who have no cure but to do good and to transfigure their own good fortune into a blessing for thp world. "Wo " read the gross details - tails of dress and dinner. But they re mind ts only moro keenly of the nmnlo resource , the boundless opportunity which our favorites of fortune enjoy. Both air and water abound In microbes , or germs of disease , ready to infeot the debili tated system. To impart that strength and vigor necessary to resist the effect of thcso pernicious atoms , no tonic blooa purifier equals Ayer' Sarsaparilla. A STKANGU IIKINO. He Mvcs in tlio Const Ilango antl is Supposed to 1)3 a Mimlercr. Twenty young men of Williams and vicinity went to the mountains recently for a few weeks' recreation , says tno Or- lundColusacounty ( , WashingtonNews. ) They pitched their camp on the east side of Snow mountain , wlioro Paradise crook plunges down the preon-walleil mountain side , while they lured the shy trout , innocent deer nud fierce bear from their haunts in the unbroken mountain fastness. The boys enjoyed the allure ments of the wilderness and the wild game furnished their table with an abundance of the most delicate viands. During the evening , when till were about the camp lire , they at various times paused in the telling of mirthful talcs , thinking they had hoard nu in truding footstep near the camp. At last , however , in the middle of the night , when all wus still about the place and wrapped in slumber , ouo of the young mon was awakened by nn umibual noise , and upon opening his eyes his vision rested for a ininuto on the fnco o ! a strange man , whoso board and hair were unkempt , Imtloss nnd in tattered clothing. As soon ns the btrango being found thut ho was observed , ho disappeared into the fast ness of the jungle. There was no moro sloop for the young man , although ho remained in his bed. In about two hours the strange figure returned , his long hair floating in the midnight breeze , his chin almost resting upon his sunken chest , his bony fingers bent Hko a cat's paw when about to spring , nnd from his eyes shown an unnatural light. Breathless did the 'young mnn , who hud the day before bravely faced an enraged boar , watch the approaching figure , whoso countenance looked ghost-like in the light of the moon. j < i The strange mtm approached the im- provided table of the camp , whore moat and bread from the. last meal remained , and nto ravenously , moro llko a wild beast thnn a huinaii being. Presently the young mnn saluted him with a friend ly greeting. Had an oloctrio shock passed through hlB-systom ho could not have acted morq nui < Mj'In an instant the wild man.for such he really appeared , sprang up the almost impassable mountain side as Hoot ns a door. Excited/ and linrdly knowing what ho did , the young donl/un of the plains , who had conquered many n fair heart and brokbfi scores of fractious mules , sent A riiloliall in tlio direction of the departing nlim. Hardly had the smoke of the gu'n ' , ' cleared away when great bowlders came rolling down the precipitous side of the mountain , evi dently loosened by the wild being which had passed up. The boys from that on lost their ap petite for juicy venison nnd delicate trout. They only remained a day or to nftor , but during that time the strange figure was often seen skulking near the camp like a wild nnlnml , but invariably upon being discovered ho would swiftly disappear into the almost impenetrable jungle. The description of this "wild man of the hills" tnllios exactly with that of Sim Welling , who murdered Satford near Willows throe years ago. It is presumed thnt It is the murderer who escaped and went into thu mountains , and thut his crime ever eating ut his mind , together with the loneliness nnd hardships of such a life , drove hfm in- satio , CHINA T1II3 CO.HINO NATION. front AVolioley Thinks that tlio MOM- Ko'.l inn Will Overrun the World. Lord Wolsoloy fully shares In General Gordon's bollof in the latent possibilities of the Chinese. "The Chinese , " ho snyn , "nro the coming nation. Tlio Chinese will , I think , overrun the world , siiya Wflllnm Stead In the Koviow of liio RovlewH. The batllo of Armageddon will take place between the Chinee nnd KngHsh-f > peiihlng wees. There will bo , I assilmc , another war between Franco nnd Gennnuy , and and it will bo about the bloodiest war , or sorlcs of wars , which wo hnvo soon in Europe. But , some day , n great general , or Inw-glvor , will arise In China , nnd the Chinese , who have been motionless for throe centuries , will begin to progress. They will take to the profession of ni'iiiH , and then they will hurl themselves upon the Russian empire. Before the Chinese armies ns they possess every military virtue , nro stolidly indifferent to death and capable of inexhaustible endurance the Uus- alnns will go down. Then the Ohlnoso armies will march westward , They will overrun India , swooping us Into the ton. Asia will belong to them , ami Ihon , at last , English , Americans. Australians , will have to rally for a last desperate conflict. "So certain do I regard this that I think ono ilxed point of our policy should bo to strain every nerve and make every sucritlco to keep on good terms with China. China is the coming power. Thodo people intelligent , ac tive , Ingenious ; so industrious that at 12 o'clock nt night you can hear the hummer - mor of the smith at the forgo have , for the last 800 years , boon ruled by the simple met Uod of having all the moro tictlvo , capable and progressive bonds shorn oil' by their Tartar rulers : that is a simple , literal fact. The gov- , eminent of China has boon carried on by the method of cutting olT every head of moro than average intelligence , activity : uid energy. You have no idea of the massacres thnt were carried on as part of the regular government of the coun try. When Commissioner Loh was asked whether it was true that ho had , in three years , beheaded 00,000 men , ho replied : "Oh , surely ninny more than thntl'5 ' So long ns this system pro wills. Chino. > o progress is impossible. But these undo Tartars will not always bo able to con trol the nation. Another Moses might change it , or a Mohammed , or a Nape leon. The whole system very nearly wont under thirty years ago , when Gor don saved the empire. "From the point of view of humanity , Gordon did right , but the ease \\as by no means so clear as some people imagine. The TaopiugB very nearly overthrow the Tartar dynasty. Their chief not only declared that ho was a Christian , but al ways btyles himself in his proclamation ns the uterine brother of Jesus Christ , and was a progressive ruler , lie abolished ished opitmi smoking , and showed him self in many respects in advance of the government. But there were no con structive capacities in the Taipmgc. They destroyed every place over which they passed'liko u crowd of locusts. I was sent to Nankin , and from there to Hankow , UOO miles up the Yang-tso- Khing , to obtain information concerning the rebellion , so that tlio British govern ment might bo hotter able to decide which side to support. " Dizziness , nausea , drowsiness , distress after eating , can bo cured and prevented by taking Dr. J. II. McLean's'Liver and Kidney Pillets ( little pills ) . . STEADFAST TO .XUIOIU FAITH. \ Cousin of the Duke of Norfolk Re duced to AVuiit. About throe months ago a young couple arrived hero from London , Eng land , and engaged board in a modest locality , says a Montreal correspondent to the Chicago Tribune. The gentle man's nnino was Fitzmnurico and the lady was n second cousin of the duke of Norfolk , the head of "one of tlio oldest and wealthiest ducal families in Great Britain and the foremost Roman Catho lic layman in. the kingdom. Her face was patrician , her nose nquilino , her carriage stately and her manners were rollned. She had a magnificent wardrobe - robe nnd costly jewelry. She told the Tribune correspondent that , the duke of Norfolk being a Roman Catholic and her mother a Protestant , the latter was offered by the duke 10,000 a year for herself and sisters if she would bring thorn up in the Catholic faith. Her mother refused , and the duke dlso\vncd them , cutting thorn off without a penny. Her fellow-board ers believed her story when she showed several letters which the duke had writ ten to her mother. The .husband . was a handsome young follow who thought work nil right for "clodhoppers , " but too degrading for a gentleman. Ho had a little money and with this ho made friends among the "bloods" of the city. Ho had a particu lar weakness for the "milingtary , ' ' nnd was soon hand and plovo with several volunteer olllcors. Ho gave wine sup pers at the Windsor , played poker , nnd was dubbed n "jolly good fellow. " But his money gave out , Jio began toborrow from his friends- und then wanted to pawn his wife's jowols. The latter pro tested against his reckless dissipation , and there were distressing scones be tween thorn nt the boarding liouso. Fitzmau rice's friends deserted him and then ho borrowed heavily from the boarders. Ho consented to become a "drummer , " wont to Quo- hoc , spent all his money in a spree , and was brought homo In the delirious stage of alcoholism. The landlady threatened them with eviction for non-payment of their board bill. Mrs. Fitzmauribo had written to England for help , but none camo. A dramatic scone occurred a few days ngo. A cab was brought to the door and Fitv.maurlco carried down stairs and placed In it. Then the landlady closed tlio door , placed her back against It , nnd confronted Mrs. Pitxinaurico. Tlio cousin of the Duke of Norfolk nnd the patrician Howards was in tears because the landlady wanted the pound of ilosh. "I wish I were dead ! " exclaimed the un fortunate woman as she emptied her purse into the woman's itching palm. They took qunrtord in a low part of the city , whore a child was born , and this week the trio embarked for England. IS YOUR WIFE WELL ? THE WOMEN OF AMERICA ARE THE LARGEST1 CONSUMERS OF S. S. 8. IT NEVER FAILS TO RESTORE BROKEN DOWN HEALTH WHEN CAUSED BY IMPOVERISHED BLOOD ORTHE CARES OF THE HOUSEHOLD. OVERTEN THOUSAND OF THE BEST WOMEN OFTHE COUNTRY TESTIFY TO THIS. Don't fall to send for our book on Vlood diseases. Mailed free. SWIJT SPECIFIC Co. , Atlanta , Ga. READ"THIS. . On or after January 1 , Iyill I \ make a change in business , con sequently my entire stock of Pictures , Hascls , Bamboo Novelties and my lioluhy ooils in general must be closed out at greatly reduced prices. A cash discount of 20 per cent will DP given on all frames made to order. A new and cheap line of fine screens just received. For $1.50 you can buy a Picture N'icely framed , former price $3.00 ; Bamboo ' Hascls , 75 cents. \V \ > W. Chapman , 16 Main st. . Council Bluffs la. 4 * ALL COAL UNDKR COVKR. DKY AND GLEAN AT ALL TIMlSS. CARBON GOAlA GO. Wholesale nncl Hoi all Dealers in HARD and SOFT COAL V ' The above cut shows our new self-clumping retail delivery 'wagon , by which three tons of coal can be unloaded in a minute and carried into the cellaior coal house if it Is 2O feet away. No coal left in the wogon. None scattered on the ground. Used ex clusively by us. OFFICE , 1O PEARL. ST. Ynrd , 16th Ave & Fourth St. J. 1-1 , 13. GL.A.RK. Manager , COUNCIL BLxUFFS. la. Telephones : Oillco. 300. Yard , WO. SPECIAL .NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. T O3T A camp olinrni , engraved IJ.J. H. ] { p- JL- turn to ; WJ linnulwiiy and iccolvo toward. BOYS Wanted from 15 to 17 years old. Inside work. Good wages. II. O. Gnucs & Sons 171S3KI st , _ _ \\7ANTKD-Nont Rlii for general bonso- ' T work , ticimnn prafurio.l. .Mis. Jacob Sim" , Ulli I' _ _ V\7ANTiD ; A pond clrl for spnonil houso- > V work. Mr. . I' . M. I'ryor. Itlnn" si. "VY \ ; T\NTii : > A KlH for liousuwoiU. Mrs J. Y > o.O'ri&on , 1101 Sl.Uh avo. _ T710U AMJ Two Rood work hoises. Will L' tnUo pay hi IlllliiB on o lot. Apply to l.euniird FOR 1IKNT ' 1'ho MoMuhnn three-story lirlnk lilotik , No. UJ S. Main st , wlth.ulov.itor J. W. i-qnlii' . _ _ FOIt IM3XT A cholcn ult-co of sardon lanil near L'omiull lllillls , wllli gijnd now build- in fC. Immediate possession If desired. J. W. SUlHS. ] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F OH WINT oed five-room House ; Slo.OJ ; other houses ilIITcrcnt prices ; ono slnxlo room over store near court liouso ; lioiisos mill lots for sale nn monthly payments ; one House mid lot Wl ; cjcslralilo linsfiipss lols on mui- dors stiocl. North Omuliu , for lease or t > ulo eheiip. J. H. D.ivldson , CC ! ' > Fifth avenue , . FOK HAIjK Complete sot of Illinois tools , anclbinnll stool ; nt tlinvino at u biug.iln. Inqiilio u l. room 'IIS Mi'iTlam block. _ 5u stoves at cost to close out. Headquarters for hard maple liouso moving rollers and Jnoks. It. U. Amy & Uo. OMMalnhtrcot. _ rpwoso-aoro farms for silo : near Iho city at JL a baiKuln. W. A. Wood & Uo. . MJ Muln nt. OU SAbB or Ill-lit Harden land , with housed , by J. U. Itloo. W ! Muln at. , Counoll Bluffs. NQrhnr ? Justice of the Peace. Odleo over . QU1UU Amerli'uii F.vpross , No. 431 Broadway , Council HlulTs. Iowa. Rime'innil ( AttornoJ'sllt l/lvr' ! \'innil ( > rQ / ' OlIIIS . OilUlmUS a. tlea m the state i.nd federal courts. Koorns 'JI and 3 Shugart llenu block , Council IIUilFs , Iowa. M. O. MAUL , ( Sufceseur ( o Droxcl & Mnul. ) Undertakers -AND- - = = ANDEmb aimer. At tliuld itntirt , 1(07 ( r rnum htrrct. Order * by tclo rupcb sullclU'il unit promptly utlondud , Telephone to Ho'ft. NEBRASKA National Bank U. B. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital. - - - - $40OOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 189OB7,0OO Offlccn and Dlrectori'-Henry W. Yatri , Vroildent ; Mwtta. K (1 , Vlce-Preildonli Jumti W. Hirnge , W. V. Mori * . John 8. Collloi , U. O. Cuihlnf , J. H. m PaUlok , W. U. S. Jluifbei , oaibler. THE IKON BANK. Corner Ktli and Tarnam Bt . A General Ilanklnn Dullness Trnns'xrt" ' ! . FOR MEN ONLY Tor LOST OP FA I UNO MAN. ( Icnerul unil NKU- VOUH DRUIMTY. Wonknoof llody and Mind ; ElluotHof Krror-4 or uxoi'sseidii Old 01 YOUIILHolmst. . Nol.lo MANHOOD fully restored - stored Wo Kuaiuntuu every cusu or money refumlfld , Huiuplo rourso , llvo tlaya' treat- iiiont. ill full coiiw , 15. bconruly healed from bser vutlon. Cook Itomoily Co. . Umatiu , Neb Offlco. bt.CUlr Uote ! , Cor. Kith und IT P.IVN TO ISrXHTHiATK. I'coiilo who have Investigated tlio lioatlnfc imililem tlrj most are thnso who eniuo the noiirost solving It. Tlilsls Iho nap of In van- tloniinil ilKeoM'iy. Appliances fur Runorut- InCiiml illstrlliulliiij liptit today vmisiiinu leas than liulf the fuel nscil hythnolrl o\tiivnrnnt : ) niolhoiK Munnfiiotuioirt of ehnraeter , llko the iiiulccrs of the AKT ( JAKI.AND stoves , who huve vast Minis Invcsloil In Ilielr mnn- tifai'tury , put nothing upon the inaiKut until tliopilnelplu Involved linsroaulieil tint highest stage of ( luvolopeinent. Then they miarantcu the coeds to hn lust whut Is clalmei ] for them. Till ! 1MN1 AllT QAUhANl ) HHATKKS the hlnhcst poifeollun In the ntovo .milker's arl , and eonertito nnd dlsliiliulo the BieuU'st of heat for ttn1 fuel con- .sinned of nny steve In the noilcl. This la obtained by the now system of hot nlr durta and ruvolvfivj llropot that prevents the urenni illation of ashes hetwecn the Uro and tluilieatlut ! Mirfuees. Dome and scit rue of them In operation nt my hai < l\uiro store , 504 IlroMilwiiy. 1nvetltittlon will eonvlnou yon thut It IH the host us well as the luimlsom- est stove over innilii. Tlio NiWUItANI : ) OIL IIRATBKS uro juit tlio thliiR for ho.ithiK hod chambers und iooin4 heldom used ; clean , iiuiek nnd or namental. P.O. UuYOU Ml Broadway , Couni'll Illnff * . V COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Hying and .Oleanluu done hi th * niKhosl Style ot tlio Art , Faded and Htalnod " " I'uLtlcH iniulo to look us KOOI | us wtvf. Woi H promptly done nnd delivered In all parts ot tbo country , t-oiulfor prleo list. 0. A. MAUMAN. 1'roi ) . , 1013 liroadwav , Nour North western U ( Jo UNO ! t , UI.UFFH. I A. ATTEND ' Strictly to buslntm" u a plomll > l motto. Tin h'tflii ' cat luccoM In orcrr line of ImmnncQcrxr li ro.ulioi bjtilrn who lioliU to tome adoptoj upeilult/ . WESTERN Po plo uro progressive , full of ( ul11 mono } muklnit Bchumor Tliejr neeJ ipojlnl trnlnn ; lot bu lnt' . IOWA J.cnili In popular education. Her pub'lc ' ns'uioli BIO cliilrifuruiiil work for licr iicrumlnmillions. . Wcitarn lonn. COLLEGE , . Commoncoi full term Hapt , lit. Him eU)3t ! vli ) n-nllr priicllenl for her Utmloili. Norm il Hull- neii.ShortlmnJanl I'aiiuniilil. ) courjoi. we I or. KnnUe.l and carefully couiliiolul. Btiilciti inaf outer nt nny time. Wrlto for further partlojU U ) W. 8. 1-uuUon. Council Bluffs , Iowa. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL $150,009 SURPLUS AND PROFITS. . . , 50,009 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 310,000 , DIHKOTOIIB-I. A. Miller , V. 0. Olc.ison , R It. X. Slinziirt , 10. K. Hart , J. U. Kclmnmlson , Clmrlei U , Iliinniin. Transact general Imnkliu IJUH | . nobs. lurKost capital and snrului of any Lmuk In .Southwestern Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main anil Hrnadwav. COUNCIL , BLUFFS , IOWA. Poulcrs In foreign anil Uotuotllo qxeluniMt Oolleetloua mad * and luteicit utilu ou tlu dcpotilu , < v