THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TWENTIETH YEAH. OMAHA , MONDAY gg , NOVEMBEE 10 , 1890 , NTJMBEU 145. \ HAS BENEFITTED FARMERS. What the Secretary of Agrioulturt Thinks of tlio Work of Congress. INCREASED EXPORT TRADE IN CATTLE. A Morn Comprehensive Klrotlon Tmw ItccjnminoiMlcd Aii Opinion on tlio Ueet Sugar Industry llio Outlook IHS WASIIIVOTOV , Nov. 9. The secretary of ngiiculturo has presented his annual report to the president. By conmartng prices at Cldcago for October 1(5 ( of 1800 and 1889 ho shows the marked Increase In the values of agricultural products , especially of cereals. A tabulated statement of agricultural ex ports the last fiscal year , including live ani mals , barley , hriy , potatoes , hops , cheese , flax , wool , tobacco , wines , etc. , under the old and now tarlH rales nto given nnd indicate a material Increase In import duties on these articles , and .show each to have been 1m- poitcd in considcrablo quantities , iho sec retary asserts that without Ignoring the of- fcrts of natural causes In enhancing values the economic legislation of the last session of congress has directly bcnellttcd the farm ers ; Improved the value of cereals. Our Increased export trade In cattle and anlimil products Is another cause of con gratulation ho traces to the ciiergctlo and effective measures adopted for the oradlcatibn of plcuto-pneumonla and to the growing ap- pi cclntlon at homo and abroad of the depart ment's ability to suppress or oHectunlly con- tiol contagious animal dsonscHe ( declares that not a single case of contagious plciuo- pncutnonla has been alleged to exist among American cattle shipped to British polls since March last. Similar energy has been directed to our pork Interests. The secretary stronglv recommends that the Inspection law- bo made moio comprchcnsh o th m the present ono , of all animals slaughtered for Interstate or foreign trndo. The outlook for the homo sugar Industry is considered favorable. The analysis by the department chemist of boots gio\\ In various states from seed distributed last sm-lng in dicates n high nercentago sf sugar mul affords uhat Is legordcd as conclusive proof that laigo sections of the country are adapted to the successful culture of the sugar beet. The practical results obtained In Nebraska and Kansas , ho says , domonstinto the feasibility of home grown su nr munufncturo. In the bureau ol animal Industry arrangements havobcon per fected for a dairy division , the establishment of which was delayed somewhat by the lacl ; of necessary legislation. Co-operation with experiment stations has been umlcitakcn on important lines , Including cxpctlmentsvltli grasses In arid regions and the trial of new economic plants for the collection of ngilcul' turnl statistics of the reports of frroxviiifi crops nnd of the probable supply of stapli pioducts in tlio markets of tbo world. Tlio production of taw sill : nsan iudigenou" Industry is refcricd to In not very cucour aping terms , though Its Importance la einphn sbcd by rcfoienco to the Impotts ot raw silks which have larcely Increased during the j cai and nra valued for the year at upwards o $24.000,000 , but tbo necessity for favorable legislation as well as for Improvements In ma chlnery Is insisted on. Encouraging words nr < spoken with reference to flax culture , Secrc tary Kunk believing thorcccnt changes In tin tariff on linens \ \ \ \ \ servo to encourage mnnu fncturcrs nnd provide a mnikct for liomi grown ( lax. Irrigation nnd the artesian sup ply of voter are mndosubjects of special refer cnce. Kofcrcnco Is mode to the forthcoming transfer of the weather bureau to the depart meat of agriculture , with the declaration o the sccrctarv'sdesi.10 to widen the prcsen scope of the bureau so as to Increase its benefits fits to agriculture. Ho also Insists strongl ; on the necessity fov moro frequent reprcscnto tlon of the department nt meetings of agri cultural nnd kindred societies. The possibil S Ity of serving corn growers throughout tin country by extending the market for Indlni corn lu foreign countries has engaged th secretary's attention , with the result that h < luis nppolntcd a special agent abroad , havlni special riualiilcatlons for his dutv. to Invest ! gate nnd report upon the possibility of pro moling the consumption of Indian corn ii European countries. In concluding his report ho says : "A care ful rev-low of the events of the past year ahi n general survey of the agricultural Held tc day betoken a maikcd improvement In th condition of our agriculturists and promts \\oll for their future well being. " Ho cud bv declaring that ho looks forward with cor fldenco to tbo time when in the high qualit of its woik , as well ns In the magnitude of it rntorpilso. the agriculture of the Unite States shall not only lead all other Industrie in this country , but shall bo the leader In thl great Industry of all other countries. A STIlAXUt ! CASE. Tlio Diirchcll Affair Has n Pnrnlh nt Youkors. Ni.w YoriK , Nov. 9. There Is strong suj . port for the theory that the famous Burche case has found .1 parallel In the alleged su cido of \venlthy Knglblnnnn nt Yonhers. Bonwcll , who has money , was lured to th country nnd robbed and murdered. Jam < II. Edgar , a wealthy London druggist , wi lured to this country , nnd has boon found dec mid penniless in a Yonltors hotel. Humorous circumstances sufroundlng h death suggest n question which the po'.lco i that town can not Ignore. Kvldunccs of su cido do not deter them in their seal eh for tl murderer. Captain Mongln of the Yonkcrs force n ; plied to the Now Voile police department fi ' assistance on the case , nnd Inspector Byrne detailed Uvo of his most competent men fi the task of tracking down the consplratoi who are responsible for a rcnt crlmo or < otherwise unraveling a mystery which grov daily moro tantalizing. Tno details of the supposed sulcldo n : already familiar. An expensively dressed el gentleman , who two weeks ngo gave n r eelpt for $5,000 In cash , was found dead In loom at the Getty house , Yonkcrs , with lei than 11 on his person , In.tho room was a bundle of rags sue us no man in his condition of life vvou think of wcatlng , nnd a note to the pr prictor , signed with his assumed name < ' 'Uoorgo Smith , " asking pardon for the ii convenience ho was causing , and saying thi the inhumanity of a few persons had drive him to death. Perry II. Sunnier , a brolter at 103 Brom way , Identlllcd the body as that of James I Edgar , and exhibited the abovo-iuciitloni receipt for J5.000. "Hoploss" Annapolis. ANN-AVOUS , Md. , Nov. 0. There will bo i hops at the United States Naval Acaden this winter. This discontinuance of t ! cadets' hops came nbout by the commamlnr Commander Glass , Insisting on the nppoir inent of a hop committee according to the mllltarv standing. The cadets objected this , claiming Hint those who stood hlghc In their respective classes did not take much interest in social affairs , as they spct most of their time lu study. They Favor Federal Inn. SEnu.u , Mo. , Nov. 0. Representatives the trainmen of the MUsouri , Kansas Texas system held a secret meeting hero 1 day to discuss the federation plan. It Icufnod no decision was reached , uut the in Jorlty of these present faored federation. A Tttuljnrtl Kipling Komnucr. PITTSBUIIO , Pn , , Nov. a Uudyard Kl llntr , the now famous writer , figures in little romance that has Just come to light , few 3 ears ngo a pretty uud bright Bcav county girl married n joung KnglUhinii Shortly before the marrmgo the husband c talued uii appointment lu the Indian cl' service n first rate position with good pay , nnd A nlcasant location at n hill country station. Thcro the couple met Kipling , nnd they becnmo such linn friends that two jciw ago , when the hus band got n long leave of absence and with his wife cnmo buck to Pennsylvania to visit her iclntlvcs , Kipling came with them , A few days after the party arrived the gos sips began to say that Kipling was deeply In love with his filcnd's wife. She did not seem to bo aware of It , nor did her husband. Her treatment of the guest was frank , friendly nnd Indvllke , without n particle of affectation or filrta'tlon. All the gossips agreed ou ttiii point , nnd they snld further that It was n pity the journalist could not have bestowed his af fections in u quiu-tcr wheio them could have been hope of retinn. Now word has como that the husband Is dead , and that the young wUow will soon return to her Heaver home. Tbo gossips expect Hudyard Kipling to fol low s"on after , and that another chapter will then be vvtltten. : CLKAIt.lM'K HECOtll ) . Financial Trimsnctioim of tlio Coun try During tlio tmst Week. HOSTOV , Nov. fl. [ Special Telegram to TUB BCK. ] Tlio following table , compiled from dlsp itches from the clearing houses of the cities named , shows the gross ex changes for last week , with rates per cent of Increiso or decrease , as against the several amounts for the corresponding week In 18S9J AfTCK Tit A MX W KECK BUS. RcllcfTliat Three Missouri Scoundrels Have Hocn Ijoontod. BnnMit , > Io , Nov. 9 It is confidently ho- lloved that the tlneo men who wrccltcd the Missouri passenger train near Otter vlllo on Friday niorninf ; have been definitely located , nnd the wreckers will probably he arrested at daylight tomorow morning. Dc tcctivcs Dickey , Tutt nnd Uelong have been working diligently on the case since shortly after the wreck took place , nnd it appears that their efforts are to ho well rewarded , After committing the deed tbo men took tc the woods for safety , and on Friday niitfil broke Into the Moudt JKtua school house , which is located two nnd one-half miles north of "UohheiV Cut. " They loft the building shortly after sunrise this morning , nnd were met by John Huffman , a fanner , who icsldes in that vicinity. Thov Inquired of Mr. Huff man the direction to Tipton. Ho pointed out the way and passed on. The wreckers started to walk to Tipton , hut went that way only far enough to got out of sight of the fanner , who half an hour later saw them going In n direction dlrectlj opposite from Tipton. Mr. Huffman at on notified the officers of bis suspicions , am gave \crypood description of the lodger ; in the school house. These wore probablj the paitics the detectives \\anted , , and n ho pursuit was commenced at onco. The rail road nuthoilties expect that tbo train-wreck crs will bo captured tomorrow morning It the vicinity of liunccton. The ofllcors thlnl the parties engaged In wiccldng the trail belong to the notorious Cass county gang o icbbcrs and cut-throats. To Wi-tl n Kentucky Girl. ST. Louis , Mo. , Nov. 0. It is rumored tha John AV. Notion , the well known manage who Is interested in theaters in Pittsburf : Chicago and St. Louts , Is soon to bo married The young lady is Mlsa Gcorglo Davids , beautiful Kentucky girl , who received a ! her dramntla instruction from him. Ho EC cured her a remunerative siltuatlon will Ulxoy's ' Seven Ago company In New Yorli uhcro she made a pronounced hit on nccoun of her personal beauty and flno stage pies cuco. This season , she lias been with Hico' World's Fair company , quitting them whei they icuched this city. \ * % Shot Himself. * ' * COUIMIIU , Mo , Nov. 0. William P. Boot of this place , shot himself through the bed this morning with suicidal intent , and ma die. Ho sought the publlo school yard to d the work , and nftor shooting himself wnllte back down town before ho became cxlmustcc Booth has boon In falling health for som time , and was nupaiuntly insane when h shot himself , lie Ls a single man about lift j cars old. _ A Scow Wrecked. MILWAUKEE , Wls. , Nov. 9 The sco\ \ Becker was wrecked off Ahnape this inon Ing , and Cook Bernard lost. The other men hc'rs of Iho crew remained In the rigging flv hours bofoio being rescued nnd are in a ser ous condition us the result of exposure. Declared n Draw. tMi'.MPins , Teiin. , Nov. 9. The fight hi tween Heady Bronnnn of Strcator , 111. , an Tommy Danforth of Now Orleans'was di dorcd a draw nt the end of the eighth x'oun ou account of darkness. JiiNtlllalile Homicide , MosraoMEuy , Ala. , Nov. O.-Chlef of Pi llco Gerald , who killed the notorious o : mayor of Cedar Keys , Fla , lias been acqul tca'ou tbo ground of Justifiable houilolde , Died Coining Home. KANSIS CITY , Mo , , Nov. 0. H. S. Miles , banker and prominent citlzou of this plac died today while en route homo from Xc York. ( at hello Kiluoiitloiml i\hlblt. NOTIIB DIME , Ind. , Oct. 0. The cxccuth subcommittee of the general committee ha ing in charge the Catuollo educational o : Mbit at the world's exposition of 1802 ai nounccitho pamphlet of Instructions to the various college * nnd religious orders Is now in pre s nnd will bo Issued December 1. Tlio executive commlttro U composed of Hkliop Sodding , Father Hlgglim , Dr. M. F. Kngnn , and lion , W. J. Onahnn. The different edu cational institutions and religious orders will bo permitted to use their own itlscrotlon In determining the matter and form of their pirtlcular display , whllo the committee will ejcerclso a general supervision of the exhibits. QvinEva ni'iry nvit i.v. Stan goring Under a Heavy Debt mul In S'opil of More Money Orrv\VA , Out. , Nov. 0. The finances of the province of Quebec are In what might bo termed n deplorable condition. The legisla ture of that provlnco has Just asicmbled , and , with a population of losi than 2,000,000 , the ptovinco is shown to possess n debt of something like $30,000,000. Thopiomlerof the provlnco is now looking around to see where ho can float a loan of $5,000,000 to meet press ing liabilities , but. In view of the fact that It is currently stated that the dominion govern ment will have to como to the rescue of Quebec , Mr. Mcrclrr 1-j not likely to find many eager speculators will ting to invest In the dohentutes ho may have to offer , lie- tween church nnd state the people of Qtictieo bear a heavier burden of taxation than these of any other provlnco in the dominion , nnd It Is not surprising that within tlio past few years thousands of thorn have emigrated to the United States. KILLED U1H STVl'D That Is AVhy Frank Gcrudo AVIll be HatiKvd nt I'lttHlMirs. PITTSCUUO , Pn , Nov. 0. In the criminal coin t today Frank Gcrailo was sentenced to death. Ho Is the Alleghany Geriinu who killed his Annlo three-year-old stepdaughter , Hoollor , last Match bycatchlnghcr up by the legs nnd beating out her brains against her ctadto. ' 'Huvo you anything to say , " Judge Mngco nskcd htm , "why the court should not pronounce - nounco the sentence of death 1" Gciado thought for a moment uud then replied In German ns follows ; "I don't want to sny anything ; I have noth ing to say. I don't hno\v anything about this affair. I don't romombcr what happened or what I did. All I know is what I learned nf- tonvatd what my brother told mo when I was arrested. That Is all I know about It , and fuithor than this I cannot say anj thing. " Judge Magco made no comment upon this statement. Judga AVhlto Imposed the sen tence. Geradu understood its nature without explanations , and was led away looking ox- ttcmly ucak and unsettled. 'J'HEY Celebration of the Anniversary of the HiingliiK ol' the AnaiclilstB. CmcHflo , Nov. 9. Arms full of flowers , sympathetic speeches nnd a parndo of 12,000 , people marked the celebration today of the third anniversary of the execution of the an archists. Decorum characterized all the ex ercises. The speeches in comparison with the old-timo fiery utterances were mild most of the tlmo. The weather was cold nnd checiless. The procession marched through several down stiects with banners furled and draped with crnpo. When the special train reached 'tho ceme tery the pioccsslon again formed and inarched past the graves , each society as it passed oy , deposited its floral offering until the graves were piled high with a mass of red and white flowers in various designs. The crowd then assembled In front of a small platform and listened to the speeches. George Sihernldlnger said that the purpose of assemblage was to commeraorato the mur der of their comrades by the machinery or the capital. L. S. Oliver said that the mem ory of the noble dead would stir the laboring man to do and dare , and when that time comes let somebody bowaro. "Though scaf folds and gibbets were built nt every cross road , let us have courage , comrades , to inarch forward. " H. B. Bartholomew , in his ad dress , said that the excitement over the assassination of Lincoln was as nothing as compared \\lth the Influence of the hanging of the anatchists , Ho eulogized the dead as new John Browns. Other speeches wore made and the ctowd quietly dispersed. MIEA W JCXl'Oll'lS OP COTTOX. \ million nud n Half Bales Sent tc Kuropo Last AVcok. NEW Om.EAxa , La. , Nov. 9. Secretary Bcstcr's weekly New Orleans cotton exchange - change statement issued today shows o fall ing off In the quantity of cotton brought intc sight compared with last week of 40,008 bales , hut nn Increase over this week last year ol 5,940. The leading features of the week nr < the heav.y export movement and largo taking ; of by American spinners. The former reachec 229,114 bales , against 175,000 for the corro spending sovcn days of last season ; whllo th < amount taken by American spinners was 115,722 , against 80,970. A result of thes < movements has been that stocks have in creased but 4tfM7 ! hales within the week whllo they ran up during this week last ycai 120,033. The amount of the crop brought Into sight dbring the weekending last night was 401,271 hales , against ! i9S,2J3 for the corrcspondiiu seven days of last yean making the total thu- far for the season to date 2,9 7,50f > , ngatns1 2,098,339 , nn Incieaso of 2S7.0JO. The move tuent since September I shows receipts nt nl United States ports 2.389,504 , against 2,170 , 444 last year ; o\crlnnd across the Mississippi Ohio nnd Potomac livers to northern mill : and Canada 215,74s , , against 1S2.810 ; intcilo : stocks In excess of these hold nt the close o the last commercial year 20t,7S. ( , against 223 , 855 ; southern mill takings 115,56'j , ngalns 110,324. Foreign exports thus fur for the scasoi have been 1,470,090 , against 1,332,022 Ins year , an inorc-aso of HIS.OSS bales- Tills Indl cnted a train dining the past seven days it that excess as shown at the close of last wccl of 511,514. The total takings of American mills , uortl and south thus far for the season have hcot C > 31,5J ! bales , aealnst 540foO last year. Those Include 501,125 by northern , spinners , ngalns 420,579. Stocks at the scaooard and Icadinj sou thorn Interior centers are now 15,150 bales larger than at this date last year. IncluUlni stocks loft over at ports and Inteilor town from the last crop , nnd the number of hale brought Into &lght thus far , from the pic-sen crop , the supply to date is 3,0VI,44J , ngalns 2,702,002 , for the same period last year. Desperate Jull Ilroulccrs. KIXSAS CITV , Nov. 9 , Seven desperat negroes escaped from the county jail thi morning by knocking down the Jailer who k thorn out In the corridor to empty slop an taking , away his keys. Ho was seriously In jured , but will recover , rive of the prisoner were recaptured during tno day , only one Peter Jackson , offering any serious resist anco. Ho had the Jailor's revolver and lire to kill two policemen , but was clubbed ncarl to death. Green Ueed , a murderer , on Klchard Pendlctcn , a highwayman , nro all at largo. _ Damages for n Negro. Nr.w OIIMUNS , La. , Nov. O.-WlllIai Latnpklns , a negro , has been awarded ( i,5C damages against the Vlcksburg , Shrovcpoi & Pacific railroad by the supreme court. Th jury's verdict In the district court grante him $7,000. Hove nil months ago Lampkic was forcibly ejected from n running trait whereby ho lost u leg ; hence the suit. Knight Conmtsr.itorH of thn Hath. LONDON , Nov. 0. [ Special Cablegram t Tin : BEE.I Colonel Smith , British const at Zanzibar , has been made a kiitgut con mandcr of the bath. Tlio OrloiinlHtH In London. LONDOX , Nov. 0. ( Special Cablegram I Tins ORE. ] The count of Paris and the dul of Orleans , accompanied by their suites , hav arrived lu London , MURDEROUS I0ft THIEVES , They Oornmit n Variety of Depredations and 'Succesifulljr Bnfflo , A WOUNDED DRIVER'S ' RESERVATION. Cnlvln V. Jones Made a Judge of Polk Coiiiiiy So HbjipoT Complete Ktoutloti Hctltrm He * fore AVcilncstlay. Drs Moixns , In. , Nov. 0. [ Special Tele- giTt.nto Tun Bin : . ) On Wednesday night last , thrco burglars jwont throu'gh several stores la the village of. Wyo , Jonet county , getting considerable nhiiitlcr. Next dny they were seen near Baldwin and a strong party was organlzqd to capture them. Word was else sent ( o Miuuiokotn , and n party of ' , ' 00 or moro wont out from thoro. Tlio next hoard was that the fugitives had reached the heavy timber ncir Manuokotaand that the search had been abandoned. Last oicnliig the fugitives arrived nt Key West , three miles from Dtibuquo. Thoyf caaio across a brewery wagon and nslted for n rldo. After getting on the wagon they llrod a bullet in the back of the driver , Jacob' Handenshlcld nnd de manded his money. Ho pave them $100 In silver and slipped $300 uiulurthc cushion un der the scat. They thfcn Jumped off the uagon. Ilandcnshleld drove rapidly to till * city nnd liiul the ball extracted from his b ic'c. lie h very seriously Injured. The sheriff organUcd a posse and went In pursuit of tlio robbers , but hud not succeeded In capturing them ot Ins t accounts , . _ _ _ Tlio Aiixloit ? Must \Vnlr. DES MOIXI : ? . In , Nov. 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tun DEB.J The past week has been enoof'anxloty to the republicans of Iowa nnd of hopefulness to the democrats. Thcio has been much figuring by the foimor to demon strate that their state ticket Is elected , and they have apparently succeeded In getting McFarland for secretary of state , by less than 3,000 , with several comities unhonid from. On tlio b.ilauco of the state ticitot all Is mere puess work until the returns lm\o boon officially counted. The probabilities are , however , that the "lemocmts Imvo elected Colonel Dey for rail wav commissioner and possibly W. L. AVhlto for the stnto treasurer. This much is conceded by icnubll- cans who have hud access to the most of tlio Igures. The board of supervisors will can vass the returns tomoccow but will hardlr gut through wllh all the counties , so It will bo Wednesday , or later , bo/oro the actual result Is known. A New .Judge. DES MOIXE , In. , Nov. 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tnc Ben.J Governor Holes yester day appointed Calvin P. Holmes judge of the district court of Polk county to succod Judge "vavanagk who i-csignc/i'aud has moved to Chicago to outer the prattlco of law. Jucigo Holmes la a republican and hud just been elected to the position Jm now occupies ro- coivlug the highest number of votes of the , lu-co republican candidates elected and for tkatieason was appointed. XltlO'llKlEX. Arrangements 1'or t c 'Jtoctiptton and Keinoiistrntlon'tfa Chicago. Cniotao , Nov. 0. . | Spoclal Telegram to cu. ] Even the coming visit of Dillon nnd O'Brien docs not soc-in to bo sufliclcut to unite the Irish factions of Chicago , and the visiting statesmen m.iy bo placed In the em- jurrassing position of being compelled to sub mit to receptions from rival Iiish factions 3o far as the general public Is conccinod , It ms boon dellnitely arranged that a commlt- tee consisting of Editors Melville B. Stouo , J. W. Scott. Joseph Mcdlll and Washington [ losing \\111 have charge of llio uiraugcincnts in connection with the demonstration at which the delegates will speak. The date bns not jet boon llxed , but it Is believed that Messrs. Dillon nndO'Brlenulll uirlvohoroon the 25th inst. Tim "triangle" cle ment have arranged for a demonstra tion in honor of Robert Emmet on the 23d inst In Central music hall. The antl- trianglers are ropiesentcd by the confedera tion of Irish societies , who met yesterday nnd decided to abandon their project of having a similar demonstration on the same date. The Cronlnitcs state that their course Is In spired by a dcslro to maVo moro successful the meeting to bo addressed by Dillon and O'Brien and that to hold a demonstration on the 3d Inst. would tend to weaken the dele gates' meeting. They now demand that the triangles * ) abandon their projected demon stration In honor of Emmett , the martyr. and devote their energies to welcoming the living statesmen a couple of days later. VA XQ VlSlt UD THE KtHlRKHS. Two Pennsylvania Men Have a Lively FlKlit with Thlovcs. Gnnnssnuna , Pa. , Nov. 9. Two strangers enter. , d the store of G. A. Blnlr , at Latrobe , lost night , whore Mr. Blair and Mr. Walters were talking , and with cocked revolvers , or dered them to hold up their hands. Blali nnd Walters Jumped to their feet , nnd before tha robbers know what they wore about tho.v were in the clutches of their Intended vic tims. Walters and Blair overpowered the robbers and throw them Into tno street. The men Heed several shots nt Blair and Walters nnd then ran away. They met a man named Rcedvwhom they intimidated and robbed ol his money nnd a gold wath. The men air supposed to bo the same wlushot Offices Mateer at Tarentum. ( . Historic ! Ijaiul for Halo. New YOHK , Nov. 5. For the past twc years the Archaeological Institute of Amerlru has been contemplating the purchase of the 850,000 acres of land In Greece upon whlcli thollttlo village of JCastil is built. The ruins ot Delphi are here/ / and to make oxtcn slvo explorations among them would bo the object of the purchase. U'ho Greek govern ment has given the institute the first oppor tunlty of securing the Jand , At thonnnuu meeting of the Now "York society of th ( Arclucologlcal institute' yesterday aftcrnooi : William it. Ware , professor of architecture of mines , announced that the Boston chnptoi had subscribed $34,000 , ChlcaKO chapter $10 , 000 and tuo Now York qhaptor $10,000. It is thoueht the remainder of the fc&O.OOO , th < prlco of the land , will i not bo hard to ratso The Institute has been ; given until the 18th o : this month to close the bargain. ' Confidence Man In Custody. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Nov.0. . . Shoilff Gab < Cox of Daviess county armed In St. Joscpl this morning with ono of the most noted con fldenco men In the country. Mr , Cox turnei his prisoner over to United States Marsha Craig , who placed him In Jail to await a pro limlnnry healing. The prisoner , James Bird alias Drown , is from New York , and was ar rested In company with John Wilson o Kansas City , and C corgo Henry of Nlagan Fulls , and charged with contldciclng an ol < farmer of Daviess county named Samuc Farr , out of J500. Koch's lleimedy a Suc'oess. BRIIMK , Nov. 0. Prof. Bergman inoculatci fifteen consumptive patients on Thursday b ; Prof. Koch'j process nnd on the followlni doy exhibited one of the patients before i number of physicians in order to show th change which had. been the result wltnli twenty-four hours. The Borscn Courlc sajs it has authoricy for the aUtcmcnt tha Prof. Koch's remedy has proved to bo a sue cess. _ _ Courtship by Correspondence. Hoi'KiX8ViLUKy.Nov. , 0. William Llnd ley , a wealthy young farmer residing nea : 'atrvlow , In thU county , nnd Miss .Cora Elder of Los Angeles , Out. , weio united In narriago nt the residence of 13. 1) . Long last evening , Hcv. II. A. McDonald oniclntlng. Hio couple had not met until jcstcrday , but lad been In correspondence for a > car. As Ur. Llmlloy could not leave business to go uest for hls.bildo , she caino on , and thcv dciitltlcd each other at tlio depot on her ai ri val last evening bv a white rosette worn by each. They loft after the ceremony for their 'uturo homo near Fail vlo\r , A Telegraph Operator's Hut Attacked by Hears nnd AMUIcati. WiLKGsiunitr , Pn. , Nov. 0. The telegraph operator at the tunnel , nbout eight miles above 1'enn Haven Junction , on the Lehlgh Valley railroad , had a remarkable nnd thrill- ug experience on Thursday night. The place 3 n very lonely one. Theio is not a dwelling within over two miles of It , the nearest ono jelngat Mud Hun , -where the awful railroad llsaster occurred two years ago. On cither side of the railroad the mountains stretch away for miles , coveted with dense forests. llio operator in tlio little cabin hardly ever sees a human face , except on the passing trains. For a long : lmo no ono could bo pot to stay thcro long , : mt six months ago IMwmd Smith , fiom New York city , took the place nnd held It up to 1'huR.dny night , llo has often seen many bears and wild c.Us around , nnd of late they Imvo grown very bold , On Thursday nightie : io was awakened by nnolso outside the cabin , and on looking out saw two Iniyo bears at tempting to get In. He shouted and beat the door to frighten them away , but they replied with fierce growls nnd icdoubled their ef forts to get in. llo bccamo greatly aiarmed , as he had no weapons nnd Knew not what to lo. Ills alarm was Increased when a third bear nnd several v ild cats joined the two bears outside , and they nil icncweel their efforts to get in. Smith tried to call uo the operator at Mud Hun .to ask for help , but could got no an swer. Meanwhile ono of the bears had got on the roof and n'as tearing off the shingles. Another ono broke the window glass unel thrust through his head. Smith , selling n lieavy bar , struck the bear with all his might. This seemed to daunt the assailants for a while , but they soon renewed the attack. At last Mud Hun answered and Smith told Iho operator to send help down on the first train or ho would bo a dead man. Ho did so , ind the train only Just reached tlio scene 4n time. The bents had tqrn nil the shingles off and \\ere farcing a way through the rafters when tlio approach of the train drove them off. Smith got on board the train and stinted for his homo In Now Yoik. VOMMSSAIi 7f.ilMIMl' I'llOJMWT. flights for n Great South American System Obtained. S \xFimcisco , Cal , Nov. 9. J. L. Cherry , a former San Franciscan , has just reached acre from Panama. Ho lias completed ar rangements for building the most Impoitant railroad jet projected on the west coast of South America Ho has a concession from tlio United States of Columbia for seventy years to build nnd operate a load ftom Buenaventura on the Pacific ! ocean cast ninety miles to Call , nnd then noith through the Cauca valley to tlio Gulf of D.uHcn , opening into the Atlantic. Further concessions ate made for a lino' from Call acsoss the Cordilleras Into Mugdalcaa ; from the t > aino starting point , along the Punumuyo river to the navigable Am.iron , nnd also south from Call acioss the border of Ecuador. The cntiio road will bo 100 miles In length and \ \ 111 cover every outlet from Columbia to the southern republics. Hcnco necessitating n pan-American railway company to crobs or travel over Its lines , In order to gain access to South America. The toriitory covered is 300,000 square miles , with ! 1,000,000 people. The Columbian government gives fifteen miles of existing railroad , a heavy coin payment per mile , > ,000 bonus per month outsldo of guaranteed Interest for running expenses , and n royal land grant twenty-four miles wide on each sldo of the road. The Cauca valley Is one of the richest in the \\oild , have produced over f300COn,000 worth of gold. raised the purest chocolate and colTeo , as well as sugar , India rubber and other valuable products. Cherry will engage engineers in New York nnd break gtound about Christ mas. Ho expects tohavo trains running to Call by the summer of 18'JJ. A capital of ยง IO.O,0,000 ( has been subscribed by London , Now York , Chicago and San Tranclsco bank ers. A. FKMKXMLV W'AltXJXG. O'Brien ami Dillon Advised to Keep Out or Canada. Qupiinc , Nov. 0. A sensation has been created today In Canadian Irish Catholic cir cles by the publication In the Telegraph , a foremost organ of Irish public opinion , of an earnest appeal to O'Drien ' and Dillon not to visit Canada. The Telegraph , being an organ of the liberal government of Quebec , addi tional force is lent to tlio warning contained In the following extract from lit leading atticlo : Wo would ndvlso O'Brien ' and Dillon not to como to Canada. Wo give this advice because there coming hero might be the means of In juring their best friends , or if they do come , then the chances are ten to ono Sir John Mac- clonnld will pull the wires with thehomogov- eminent and cause thorn to bo aircstrd , In order to throw the dlscicdit of their ntrest on ono of the liberal attorney generals of tlio provinces. Such amove woild bo in har mony with the old tiicUsler's career , If ef fected. Ho would bo able to laugh in .his sleeve while the liberal party , alone the party that Is a friend of Ireland to a man , would suffer , and that , too , on the mobablo eve of a general , election. For this reason wo would udvIso > O'Brlen ' and Dillon not to come , for by comlne they may injure the political parly that has pinned homo rule to Its banner , and they may serve the orange faction and thus keep the tory enemy in power. DEATH THE MIIGH\VA.VJIAX \ , \ Victim ofan Accident wltli $25 on HIT I'crson , ST. PAUL , Minn. , Nov. O.-fSpeclnl Tele gram to Tin : BEE. ! On Thursday evening an aged woman was run over by an electric cav nt the corner of Jatkson and Fifth streets. Nobody recognized her and she was taken to the city hospital in an unconscious condition. Her light leg was broken and she was so badly injured Internally that she died this afternoon. In preparing the body for burial , $2j,000 ; in greenbacks was found sowed Into her clothing in various places. The remains were Identlllcd by Richard T. O'Connor , clerk of Iho district court , as those of Mrs. Annie Kcolz of Payne avcnuo. Slio was ovei eighty years of ago and of German descent , A B she has no heirs in this country it Is not known what \\111 bo done with the snug llltk fortune found stitched In her clothing. Strangely M CoLUsinu" , Ind. , Nov. 8. Early Thursday morning William Jollff , a farm hand , whc worked for Thomas Sanders , seven miles southsastof this city- took a lantern and went to the barn to feed the stock , as was his habit. On his not returning to the residence at the usual time for his breakfast , search was made for him. In a shed near the bain the Untornwas found burning , as If It had been loft by him. Since that tune ho has not been heard from or seen , Ho was sober and of good habits. Sandora is in debt to him foi labor oyer $100 , and ho also owned a llm horse and buggy. There Is great oxcltonienl in the ncighbomood over his strange dlsap pearanco , _ _ The Chancellor Clicrrml. "MinN , Nov. 9. General Von Camp lofi for Berlin this morning after bidding farewell well to I'renio Minister Crlspl As the trail ino\ed oft the chancellor was checied. A. Terrible Outran ? . BmuixoiiiM , Ala , Nov. 9. A horrible out rage and murder was committed today nca : Hlllmnn. mining town eight from tlio city , and a Ijaching III follow. At 1 o'clodc a well dressed young negro went to the house of Mrs. .Mary Calhoun , n widow , IHty-llvo year * tild , who ll\M with her two sons nnd a daughter , near the town. Ho aslod for something to eat , midas given a good dinner - nor , Mrs. Calhoun wiw alone , her soni being away ut woik and her"daughter spending the dayltn a nlghbor. The negio went away nftor eatlmr his dinner , but returned In an hour , and Hud- IngMrs. Oallmtiu still alone , inndo n crimi nal assault on her. llo struck lu'r a SOVCM blow on the head and then cho'ced her iiiitll she was insensible before ho necninpllshed hlspurpoc. Soon after the negro hid fled Mrs. Calhoun's daughter canui homo and found her inothor in a dying condition. I'liy- su-lans wore summoned , but the woman will die from the shock and bcatlnir she received. A largo possoof white men wciti soon searchIng - Ing the necitt , and the trained dog * fiom llio com let prison nt. I'rnlt mines were seen ml. Lnlo thh afternoon tlio dogs struck the tiiill , and the negro will no doubt bo captured before fore morning , When ciuiglit ho \ \ 111 bo hung to the nearest limb without ceremony. Irish Hollcf CoininUtt-o Will Now Walt Tor Hn lam ! l < > Move , NBW YOIIK , Nov. 0. Tlio American com- nittco for the relief of the film I no fii Ireland ms Issued a public statement announcing hat It temporarily withdraws Its appeal to hoAnictlcan people. The statement says hat while nt the time the appeal was Issued hero was noieason for believing the dlsliess vould bo relieved otherwise than byAmcil- : an gcncros ty , the Uiilisu government since , ind been spurred to investigate the matter and to undertake n system of public works In ho dtstiesscd districts \\lilch , by affording cliof , will at least postpone a famine. The committee has good reason to bcllovo his sudden activity on the part of the British roxernment is larcely duo to the prompt sym pathy mid suppott spontaneously offered rom tliis country , and accordingly congratu- ntcs the American people on having secured for the sufferers In Ireland substantial hopj of lollef without the expenditure of a dollar , t has also been represented by visiting Iilsh lolegatos thnt'itouldproducenn mtei'feiing element in lush politics If nld in any shape should bo scut toll elnud by any chaiitablo igcnoy bofoio the piescnt resources of the mpcrilled pleas ants wore exhausted. The situation of the political p.utles In Iiclnndis > cculinrnnd tlio committee is strenuously inxious to a\old cicutlng new complications > y interference of any soit. Thcso repre sentations of the accredited envoys of the : dsh people are therefore entitled to consid eration so long as there is no Immediate dw- gor of actual snlTcilng by famine. When tint > olnt is icaclicd , if it Is , ttio committee will with the full approval of the Iilsh loaders enow Its appeal. The crisis will como about .ho clobo of the year and will then DO nppir- ent whether the"pledges of the British gov ernment nro to Uo kept nnd whether tlio 10- lof iiHMsures provided under Its auspices will bo adcquato. x ix . TjulfT aipnsnro That Can lie Ad justed to Suit. LONHOV , Nov. 9. The Fieneh , who of late invo shown great h citation against the Jnltcd States for Its now commercial policy , ate now elaborating a McKlnloy bill at home. .Tho new French tai iff bill will probibly bo modified in the coutso of the discussion bc- oio it passes , and it Is to bo hoped that it wilt. As It stands it provides for the forma tion of two tariffs , a minimum and n mixi- mum. The minimum Is to bo applied under stringent guarantees to the produce of these countries which accord Franco the most favored nation treatment. Moreover , the minimum will bo llxed. The ministry will invo no power to modlfy"clauses by ilccrco , but Franco is to retain the light to the ex clusion of all treaties and applying the maxi mum at will , so nhcnovoru foiclgn trader attempts to undersell a French trader ho is .iablo to bo brought to reason by a turn of -ho maximum set ow. Evidently it Is not In- xmdeil that foicicmors should do a largo sell ing business In Fiance. 8T.ITJU XJEIt'S. Nrhrnslcn Election Returns. Revised clectioa figures on governor fiom every county In the state except Hooitorand McPhcrson linvo been received by TUB BII : : . Most of thcso nto taken from the ofllclal count. The only changes made from the fig ures as printed are a gain for Iloyd of thir teen votes nnd losses for Powers of tlirco and Richards six. In making up the list of members elected to the legislature , by mistake the immcn of H. It Henry and J. P. Mullen , alliance , in the Fiftieth district , ami Joseph Shipley , demo crat , in the FK loaiith dlstilct , were omitted. The Storm nt I'nwnon CHy. PAWNBB CITT , Nob. , Nov. 0. [ Special Tele grain to Tim BUB. ] The worst storm of the season struck this place Friday night. A heavy rain and sleet storm continued all day Saturday and Siiiidny , doing much damage to fruit and ornamental trees , < tXIS T/t.l/t. A Klch Buffalo Man likely to Ho Charged -\\ltli lUnnmy. BUTFAI.O , N. Y , , Noy. 0. Thcro Is a woman In this town who promises to make existence for "William II. Ivlrkholdcr decidedly un pleasant. She was Mrs. ICnkholdor until last spriner , when she secured a divorce. Now she has her war paint on , anel with several lnw\ors Is seeking to innko out n cuso of bigamy against her former husband. The latter , n few wcclts after his wife secured a dlvoico , which would prevent him from marrying again , went to Canada and married Mrs. Klorluo Combs. They returned to Buf falo to Hvo and there has been nothing but war sinco.thon. MjICirkholder Is a promi nent businoas man with aUdo acquaint ance. Cnprlvi'H Visit to Italy. KOMP , Nov. 9. ( Special Cablegram to TUB BEI'.J Pilmo Minister Cilspl's organ , the Blforma , say * that the visit of the Ger man chancellor to Italy Is an event over which the two nations should rejoice , as it affords a fresh confirmation of thocxistcncg of filendly relations between the two countries. It Is a political event of the first otdcr , indicating a change of system and a Lollef lu high quarters In the existence of other forces better adapted to combat socie ties than the Chrlslhn conservative paity , ' which will bo loplui-cd by the Jewish midd'lo class liberals. But the turn of the conserva tives will como mound again. The July monatchy In Franco proven that the inlddlo class Is Incapable of governing. Hclglaii Workmen Aroufiod. BRUSSELS , Nov. 9. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BEU.I Meetings were held tlaougliou ! Belgium today In favor of an eight-hour working day , and universal suffrage. .Many speakers ndvointcd a Belgian republic. Monov was collected In anticipation of a per sonal strike. Bills were thown over the bur- nicks walla In Brussels , enjoining the boldlcrs to co-operate with the worklugmnn. An Ovation to Sagnt > ta , nAitcBMm , Nov. 0. Special Cablegram toTm : Ben. ] Ux-Promlcr Saga-ita , who is making a political tour of the country , re- cclved an ovation On his arrlvn ho was carried from the railway station tc his cairlagoon the shoulders of Iho ciowd Then ttio liorbcs were unharnessed nnd the carriage was dragged in triumph through the stic-ets , Steamship Ai-rltal * . At New York The Greece , from London , A MODERN TOWER OF BABEL It Will Farm Ono of the Attractions nt tli * Columbian Exposition , CIVILIZATION OF THE BABYLONIANS , .Novel Proposition nl' a Cdoln-ntc4 Somltlo Setiolnr 1'hnVrnltht - cntViuiiuii in llnllltiioro U'akos tlio Veil. r. ! - Ki\r' \ WSIIIOTOV , i ) . C. , Nov. P. | Prof. Cyrus Adlcr , the celebrated scinlliQ scholar who has gene to Syria for the expo sition , left with afiiendln Washington foe n escalation to the board of commissioners n dan for the reproduction of the lower o ( ! label ns an attraction for the Inko front ot Nicksoti pirk In such n form that It might ixv > nalnnsa ponirment oimmient of thop.irU system of Chicago , anil bo mol as a museum of antiquities. Tins suggestion is very vnrmly endorsed by Prof. Harper of Ynlo , vho has accepted the piesldcncy of the now Chicago university , nnd by other well mown Hebraic scholars .and untliiiuillans in it 1'iof. Houpt of Johns Hopkins university , vlth the assistance of a Washington arclll * cct , Is now preparing the plans and .speclll cations for the building. The Intention U to u-ovldo for an e\uct rem'odurttop so far as oxtctiml and Intcinnl appuaiunco unit art ungemcnts mo concctncd , but Instead of Uslnsadobo orsuii diii < d brick ofhich tlio original tower was elected. . Iron , steel nud tin ss iu'o recommended. 1'ho popular lm < iression nbout the tower of Ualiet Is very 'iiguo. It stood on u tertvco in the city of iubljou and was the architectural unmol of ho HRO , being ronslderal the- model fiom vhlcii the gloat pyramid ot Cheeps was built , Tliointeilor was utilised for the display of nit tieasuios for a publicllbtary nnd publla tsHcinblagcs , religious ami otllclnl ceremonies. t did not crumble and full , ns ono \\ould lifer from the bible account , \\hllo in courya of construction , but was completed and stood 'or ' n thous ind \ wns Certain portions being cpiirett and replaced during the reign of ting Nchuchnunoiiar. Tlio Habylonhins of fl,0)0 years ago , " said ? rof. Hnuptyesterday , "hadalready attilnOd i high dcxroo of chlU/.ulluu and Kid developed the arts and sclcnco .o n very sutmlHlng o\lont. They weioastrosonirrs of no mean oidernnd muc'ti of our own mathcinitlcs como originally from .heir study of the subject. Clay tablets had jeeii found inscribed by them with problems n scpinro and cuba root , llgurcd out. in istronomv they were ptolicicnt , though they utilised thn science for astrological puipoic * chli'lly. To them Is credited the Invention of .ho telescope. Uich dav the astronomer : -oyiil mnclo report to the king of hU ohiorvnv .Ions of tlio iMwedlng twontv four boms 10- ganllng the movements of the planets. Many ) f these lopoits written on clay invo been Uisrovcied. Ono fcatuio of this icpoit was the amount of lalnfall and thus bcco.nos knovMi to modems the cxlaluuco of the cailiust wenther bureau. The priests -were the us- ; ronoini'w of llabjlon , and they drew Minis md portents fiom the skies for the benefit ol thoiostilo. liabjlon had a great university , schools'nnd libiiirios. All the boohs In tha libraries were stoied away in jnis , becnnsa they were not prlrted on paper , but Inscribed withuttlus on moist clity tablets , which wore subsequently baked hard. The stylus used for writing had its slmrp end throa cornered , so ns to pivo the host point , whllo Its other end was blunt unit Hat to sono as an eraser. With this instrument also all documents ot Whatever kind were \uittcn and business agreements of nllsoits executed In Hiliylon 5K , ( ) ( ) yeirs ago. Homo aio extant now , In cluding bills of snlo , mairingo contracts , re ceipts for payment , and so forth. It is not known that the Uauylonlana used any money save gold and fiilvcr , weighed out. . TAHl'S Till ! VI 1U The latest social sensation in Washington nnd Baltlmoro is caused bv the admission of Miss Maiy Abell. the dauglitor ot the Into A. S. Aboil , founder and for forty yoiis ed itor of the Baltimore Hun , to the convent , of the Visitation nt ( ieorgctown , wllh the pur pose of becoming a nun .Miss Aboil was educated nt tills convent and has always been on tot ms. of intimacy with the sisters , but nUbouL'h of a devout disposition she has until recently cvprcssod no intention of entering ullfo of seclusion , She Inherited a largo share of her father's fortune and is rogaidcdas the wealthiest woman in Haiti- moievlth the exception of Miss Mnrv Gar- rott. Her Income is not less than $ l < x,0 ) < ) < ) a vcnrand is thought bv bomo to icach $ .K > u > 000. FK.litl'Vt * IEAV / ' / < 1.1 fK. dohn Murphy , to Avoid a Train , Drops n Hundred I'Vet and Ijlvr , Cuivrnxr , O. , Nov. 0. John Muiphy , a hnrncssmakerot this city , sat up with a sick friend at Itoeky Illvor , eight miles west of hcto last night and started to walk tiome this moinlngoi ; the Nickel Plate track. Whllo crossing the bridge over lioclcy liver , which is ninety-two fcot abovto the water , ho was overtaken by a passenger train. Ileshoutud to the engineer and started to run , Imt it was too late. The shilok of the whistle , the roar of the ttaln and tix'nibllng of the bridge caused Murphv tobo - como paulc-strlcken , so that Instead of lying down on the outer timbers , as ho might fiavo dona with nerfectsafety , bo Icajicd fiom the baldgo into the chasm below , The passengers on the train and thrco or four persons In the vicinity saw Murphy turn over several times in his awful fall and stilko the water , which is onlv six feet deep nt this point , and sup posed ho was killed. The keeper of tlio boat house , a shoitdistmco below , nulled rapidly to the hpot , found Muiiihy still struggling , and hauled him Into the boat. He vomited freely , but nulckly rocoveiod , and on the arrival of n physician it was found that al though badly shaken up and bruised ho had sustained no serious-injury. * ' Expelled lor lircuoh ul'Faith. Loxnov , Nov. 9. [ Special Cablegram to Tun Bnr. ] A rare incident In the history of the stock exchange occured during the past week. It was the action of the coinmUtco in expelling from the Institute I'crclvnl Prccston , u broker , for breach of f tilth with a client. It seems that the client had ordcicd Prceston to sell a largo pircel of Mexican securities , but that the broker , disregarding thoIntciests of his client , first sold for him self , thus spoiling his client's market. llio Kcturns Misquoted. LOVDOX , Nov. 9. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BPB. ] Thooxpotts to America for Octo ber , as given in the board of trade returns , have been.ml3tak.only quoted ns allowing that the decline In trnlo under the McKlnloy law is small. Those retusns imlndo nail of the heavy shipments of September. The Novem ber returns will bo the first icljablo datii showing the action of the now law. llio Duke of Cnnimiiglit at Berlin. BKIII.IV , Nov. 9 , [ Special Cablegram to TIIK BUB. ] Tlio duke of Commught re viewed Iho Kit-then hussar * , of whUh regi ment ho is honorary colonel , nt Hathcnow yosterdav. After the review the duke In spected ( lie barracks nud in the evening ho dined with tbo ofilcei of the regiment. Lockout ol' German Hlioc'innlcrrH , BMH.IV , Nov. 9. [ Special Cablegram to THU Ilnn.J The shoo manufacturer * at Kr- puit lm\o declined a lock-out in contcijucnco of n dlsrmto arising fiom the dismissal of a woiknian , Thrco thousand tncn aroluro\ya \ out of omploytncnt.