SUNDAY BEE PART TWO. THE OMAHA V TWENTIETH YEAR. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOENING , iNOYBMBER 9 , 1890-SIXTEEN PAGES , NTOEBEll K4. Morse Dry Goods Co. Special Sale Of FINE ! IU White "Santa Rosa" -BLANKETS- S6-5O These b'nnkots ' are inndo from a fine California wool , und are extra size nnd very cheap at $0.60 a pair. 11--I White "Santa Rita" BLHNKET8 $7 Our blnnkots are all sold from cedar bins , tlio best preventive against moths. This blanket wo olTer tomor row was made by tlio "Mission Mills" company to our order , during tlio sum mer , nnd if bought today could not bo sold under $9 a pair. WhiteCaliforriia Blankets ss.oo Wo inaugurate this grand sale of blankets to clear our sixth lloor of our surplus stoek preparatory to opening our Xinns poods. This Oi Iba California blanket wo otlor at $8vo bought to Boll at $10 a pair. Fine Colored ' Blankets $10.00 Thcso como in fawn , drab and olectrit blue , are an extra largo size , mud ; used for house wrappers as well ns blnn kola. Similar blankola are sold in tin city at $13.25 a pair. Kemember oui own nro $10 a pair. Horse - Blankets "We are making a special snlo of oui horse blankets , call nnd got our price before purchasing elsewhere , wo cai save you money. HONORED BY HIS FOLLOWERS , Devoted Lutherans Oomraemorato the Acts of the Great Reformer. A SKETCH OF THE GREAT MAN'S LIFE , An IiitorcHtlnij Hovlow of the llclig- Ions World with Spcolul KcTer ence to the Man Whoso Name la Hovered. This Is the anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther , ono of the greatest reformers the world has ever known. Ills rebellion against and open denunciation of the wicked customs of the cburch of Homo in the llt- tccnth century gave birth to a revolution In the Christian religion , which spread through all northory Oeriritiy nnd , afterward , the civilized world. Ho was born at Elsloben on November 9 , 1-IS3. Educated at the university of Erfurt , lie entered upon the life nnd work of a monk of the AiiRUstluian order. About the year 101SJ ho made a visit to Homo and became overwhelmingly convinced that the cburch of Homo was doing n great wrong In selling Indulgences , permitting ; people to commit crimes of nil kinds and go unpunished , by paying a certain sum of money to the church. Luther began to preach against , this practice when ho returned from Homo nnd the condemnation ot the pope fell upon him. Ho had , however , already made many warm and powerful friends among tbo princes of Germany , and the persecution of the cburchouly urged him on to fereator activity iu the work of spreading the rebellion. The books and sermons circulated by Luther re garding the sale of indulgences were ofllclally condemned by the pope and ordered burned. In reply to this treatment Luther took n copy of the pope's proclamation and burned t In the presence of a larco number of his Irlends at Wlttenburg , Jlo was summoned before the Diet of "Worms In 1621 , and there in the presence of Charles V. ho defended hh ideas of religious liberty , but was seized soon nltorward and cast Into prison , 'i'lils only increased the number of tils followers and throw the whole of northern Germany Intoro- bellton against the church. Lutnor ww release nftcr ton years of Imprisonment nnd spent the remainder of his life in publishing tils views of Christianity and religious liberty. The Lutheran church Is now represented In every civilized land , and nearly all denomina tions of Christian worshippers on the face ol the earth owe something to the llfo of Luthci for the character of the creed In which thoj believe. There are ten churches nnd two missions ol the Lutheran denomination In Qmalia. Thev are the Danish Lutheran , at Ui l Noru Twenty-tilth street ; the Danish Lutheran , al 810 South Twenty-second street ; the First German Lutheran , nt 1005 South Twentieth street ; the German Evangelical , at SiiOi Murcy street ; the Ucrnnm Lutheran , 1011 North Twenty-sixth j the ICountzo Memorial Evangelical at 315 South Sixteenth ; the Nor wegian and Danish Lutheran , nt 1019 Nortli Twenty-sixth : the Southwestern KvaiiRelliiil Lutheran , ma South Twenty-llfth street ; the St. Mark's Evangelical , at cornoi Twenty-ilrst and Burdotto streets ; tlio Swa dish anil Lutheran at 1S"J Cuss street ; the Hwcdlsh Evangelical mission at ii,1- ! Daven port street , and the St. Mathowa1 mission at 1M1 South Thirteenth street. In nearly al of these churches there will bo speclnVser vices today In commemoration of the birth ol tin great reformer. At the Kouutzo memorial Rev , T , J , Turk * Art Department. In this now department wo nro pre pared to show the llnost line ot art goods of any store In the west. Our Btoolc consists of . Scrim , canvas , bolton cloth , stamped and embroidered linen scarfs , tray cloths , splashers , tidies , doylies , etc. , etc. Embroidery Silks * and Linens Plush ami silk balls bangles , chenille and silk cordsglove , and handkerchief cases , hand painted blotters , letter holders and card cases. Special All kinds of embroidering and stamping done to order. Yarns Our .yarn stock Is complete in all col ors of zephyrs , Gcrmantown. Saxony and knUtuig yarns. Fancii Monday morning \vo place on snlo nn assortment of line baskets. Second lloor , nrt department , Head Rests S139 CO silk covered and embroidered head rests at the specially low price ol $1.39 ; actually worth $1.75. b School - Handkerchiefs 5c Monday morning wo offer 100 dozen children's school handkerchiefs nt 5c each. will deliver a sermon this morning upon "Luther and His Work. " Synod. Beginning this evening the North Plntto conference of the Evangelical Luthornn synod will hold a three days' session In this city. The flrst sermon will bo preached nt St. Maries' Evangelical church by llov. J. N. Lcnkcr of Grand Island. Ho will take for his subject "A Church Homo. " Monday evening Uov. M. L. Mellckvlll preach upon "Luther Day Services" and Uov. 0. lluher of Omaha will speak upon the childhood nnd early days of Luther. Hov. L. Y. L.IPQ of west point will touch upon Luther's student life , llev. A. J. Tur- kto of Oinuha will deliver a short address upon , "Luther , the Knight. Giving Civil and Kellplous Liberty to the World. " Uev. J. N. tanker ( jnd Hov. W. H. ( Culms will say some thing about the last days of Luther. The session will continue through Tuesday nnd Wednesday with a full programme for both days. The meetings will bo held at St. Shirk's Evangelical Lutheran church at Twenty-first and Uurdottc streets. Notes. Tomorrow evening the Catholic young men ot Onmliii will meet ut the rooms of the Cath olic union In Pnxton block and organize n branch of the voung men's Institute. This is Intended to bo an association of nil Catnolio young men of the city and every ono inter ested in the objects of the institute should not fall to attend. The Baptist college nt Grand Island seems to have been lK > rn to immediate nnd abundant prosperity. Week before lust J. D. Xedikei- of Grand Island gave the college $50,000 as n general endowment fund ami now another citizen of Grnnd Island comes to the front with n gift of fJ.r > .000 to endow the chair of languages. The college will open next fall with property worth * 100,000 free from debt and an endowment fund of nt least $75,000. Dr , A. W. Laniar of the First Baptist church will begin this evening a series of ser mons to young people upon character build- Ing. Ho believes iu following a subject from week to week until it has been thoroughly considered , nnd those who listen to his ser mons nro Invariably benefited. Work upon the new Universnlist church at the corner of Nineteenth and Lathrop streets Is Roinp rapidly forward. The - basement will bo ready for occupancy by about the middle of December , and the congregation will begin to worship there immediately after the building is rvady. The main audi torium will not Uo ready for three months yet , hut the basement will make a very com fortable and convenient place of worship. The building when completed will seat about -100 people. There will bo a great meeting nt the Young Mon's , Christiun Association this afternoon at 4 p. in. 'I'hu day is known throughout the world as UA dny of prayer for young men , " and will bo observed us such by the Young Men's Christian Association of this city. The meeting will commence nt II : 'M p. m. with a song service , led by n nialo chorus of IHty- volces under the direction of Prof. Kratz nnd orchestra led by Mr. H. Fcrnngcr. At 4 p.- in. there will lie an address by Uev. W. J. Ilarshn. the subject , ' 'Youinr wn as Factors In the 12vangcllzntlon of tlioVorlJ , " also special music' , consisting of a solo , "Ono Sweetly Solemn Thought , " by Miss Alice ICnodo ; two selections by the liutcrpean nuartettf , and a recitation entitled "How the Gospel Came to Jim Oaks , " by Miss Kmtua McCllntock. AH young men nro earnestly requested to attend , Coiuo early and secure a good .scat. Uev. Charles W. Savldgo of Kowraan JI.E. church will preach today a short sermon upon "A Tlmo of Peril , " touching upon the condition and surroundings of children be tween the ago of babyhood and that of re sponsibility. Ho has given the subject a good deal of thought and will doubtless present sotno very excellent thoughts. The Sunday school of St. Mary's Avcnuo Congregational church was Just elgh * . years old last Sunday. Eight years ago today the lirst sermon was preached in the church by llov , AVUlanl Scott , Morse Dry Goods Co. All kinds of Furs have been od- vtyiced from 2O to BO per cent during the past six weeks. A. fortunate early purclinso enables' us to sell our trimmings nt the old prices. Our stock , com prises BLACK AHD SILVER COHRY ' , BLACK RUSSIAN HARE , BLACK LLAMA , BLACK AND MTE AKGORA , RAUCOON , LYNX , FOX , NUTRIA , BEAR AHD BEAVER , Silk Beaver. Tlirce Ulis at Special Prices , 2 inches wicle , BOB a yard , 3 inches -wide , 75c a yard , .4 inches wide , 90c a yard. In our Lace Department we ore showing an elegant line of New Laces for evening wear , In Embroidered Mousellines de Sole , and velvet spots in white and colors. A specialty in our lace depart ment Is our assortment of fine Torchon and Medicis Laces in all widths with insertion to match. Ladies' v n Skirts , I Ub BO dozen heavy knitted Skirts , cream ground , blue , black , red and pink stripes. A splendid quality , worth $1.26 , marked for this sale at 78c each. Morse Dry Goods Co , nnd Air. , T. Nortlmin , director of the- choir , organized tha ilrat choir In the church Just eight yours ago toJay. Ho has been director of tlio music in the church constantly from tlio first. Bishop John P. Newman , of the Methodist church , is In Washington D. C , attending the fall meeting of bisiiopa. Ho boards at the lUgps house nnd last Sunday ho preached * at Wesleynn chunol. The citizens of Washing ton tendered the bishops 11 public reception nnd banquet last Tuesday night at which Bishop Newman made a short , utter dinner , tallc. tallc.Tho Congregational ministers of the city will meet With the missionary boards of all the churches ut 7SO ! Monday evening in the First Congregational church for the puriwso of talking over plans for nggresslvo missionary work in Onmlm. There ] are two Congregational churches in the city that are without pastors. These churches nro the Hillside and thoPurk Placo. They have but small congregations and need help from the stronger churches , which will undoubtedly ho given , The Hillside Congregational church has extended - tended a call to Hov. H. H. Morse of Hock- ford , la. , but he has not as vet announced his decision in the matter. U'ho Pnrlt Place cnurch has Uov. Torbet of Michigan in view , but there is no certainty as to his coming yet. The ladies of the St. Mary's Avenue Con- greRatlonal church will give an oyster supper In the basement of the church next Friday night for the bcnoHt of the organ fund. Trinity cathedral , corner Capitol nvonuo and Eighteenth street , Very Hov. C. II , Gardner , denn. Holy communion , 8:00 : a. m , ; Sunday school , 10 u , m. ; morning prayer , litany and sermon , 11 a. in. , ; evening prayer and sermon , 7:45 : p. in. Soutli Tenth street M. E. church. Corner of Tenth and Pierce streets. Hov. Alfred Hodgetls , pastor. Class meeting , 10 n. in. ; prcuchlntr , 10UO : : Sunday school , 12 in. ; Ep- worth league , (1:15 ( : p. m. ; preaching , 7:45. Subject : "Tho Admission of'Women to the General Conference of the M. E. Church. " The stranger \\\ll \ bo welcome to these ser vices. VIIVKVH XttTICKS. Southwest Lutheran church , Twenty-Sixth street between 1'opplcton nnd woolworth avenues. Hov. Luther M. Kuhns , pastor. Services ut 11 a. m. , "Tho Way to Zloti , " and at . 7:20 : p. m. , "God to bo Hcvorcnced. " ICountzo Memorial English Lutheran church , Sixteenth and Hurncy. Hcgular church services 10UOn. : m. ami 7:30 : p. m. , Sabbath school nt 1C in. St. Matthias mis sion Sabbuth school at 3:30 : p , 'in. , corner Fourteenth nnd Center streets. Young pee ple's prayer tncctliiK t 0W : ! p. in. The pas tor , the Hev. A. J. Turkic , will preach both morning and evening. First i'resbyterlnn Church , corner Dodge nnd Soveteenth streets-Services at 10 ; 80 a.m. nnd 7:45 : p. m. Preaching by the pastor , Hov. W. J. Ilarshn , D.D. Young people's meeting ntO:45p. : m. Plwt Unlversalist church , Hev. Q. 11. Shinn , pastor. Service at Goodrich hall , North Twenty-fourth and 1'nul streets. Ser vices at 10MS a. m. Sunday school nt 12 m. Evening service will bo omitted until after the now church Is ready for use. Mr. Shlnn's subject tomorrows "The Straight nnd Narrow Way. " All Saints church , Twenty-sixth nnd How ard streets , llov. Louts Xahnor , S. TD. , rec tor. Holy communion TiiiO u. m. , Sunday school 1) ) : 'M a. in. , morning service 11 a. in. , choral evensong 4 p. m. The music at the U o'clock service * will ho "To Dcum and Juhl- late In O Smart ; anthem , "My Soul Truly Wnltctn Still Upon God , " Kea. At the 4 o'clock service , magnificat nnd nuno dimlt- tls In F , Tours ; antbcm , "Tho Right linnd of the Lord , " Klielmlorecr. All are cor dially welcome to theso. services. Free slt tings provided. "Westminster Presbyterian cburchTwo.ity- ninth and Mason streets. Preaching by the pastor , Hov , Jehu Gordon , D.D. , ut 10:30 : u , in. , subject "Whlttlcr , " und at 7:80 : p.m. , the eighth sermon In the scries on Jesus. Subject : "Jesus as a Philanthropist. " Second Prcsbvtcrlau church , Suunders and Morse Dry Qoods Co. Silk Department Black gBoloredVeh/Bte / In every conceivable shndo. an enormous - mous stock to chooB'o from. Note our prices und commico qunlltics. 86c , $1 , $1.28 , $1.6O , $1.78 , $2.00 , $2.BO and $3.5O. And an till silk yolvot , best quality at $ B.OO a Yard. Trimming - Silks "Wo have just opened a complete now assortment of ohockeil and striped triinming silks , very handsome Roods. Drossmalcors and milllnera will ( hid ittothoir advnntHRO to examine our stock , cortuiiily the largest and most varied in the city. Perfumery Crown crab npplo blossom COo an oz. The most popular odor on tlio mar ket. Slmndon Bolls perfume 35c an oz. Oriental potpquri 2oo , comprising roses and Oriental extracts , 25c a box. Crown lavender salts 60c a bottlo. Chatelaine - Bags Children's ooze calfhaps ! ! 9c each. 11 .Ladies' Bags 59.C..M Each. In pool nnd ooze calf leather. A Bargain. Nicholas streets. Kev. S. M. Wnro , pnstor. Preaching at 10 :80 : n. m. nnd 70 : ! ! p. m. Sun day school at noon. Young people's ' meeting nt 0:80 : p.m. WccklJ- prayer meeting Wcd- nosday evening at 780. ! Cordial invitation extended. Newman Methodist church , Twenty- seventh und St. Mary's ' uvcnuo. French- ing hy the pastor , Hev. Charles W. Savldge , ut 10 n. in. and 7:30 p < in. Subject in the morning : "What It is to bo u Christian.1 Subject In tlio evening : "Neglecting the Great Salvation. " Splendid music by Frank lin Smith and his choir. Seats freo. All are welcome. v Welsh Presbyterian church , Twenty-fourth nnd Cumin g streets. Services preaching at 10 a. in. Mr. W. D. Davis , "Cnrdotyn , " will deliver his popular lecture on "Christian Liberality. " Sunday school nt 11 n. in. At 7:30 : p. m. the pastor , Uev. J. It. Johns , will p'reach. Subject : i''Tho Humiliation of Christ ; its lessons aiiu realization- " St. John's church , corner Twenty-sixth street ana Fraulcllri avenue , Kov. J. O. Ferris rcntor. Holy cuchnrlst , 8 n. m. Snnday school , 9:45.Morning : prayer , litany nnd sermon , 11 a. m. Service nnd Instruction every Friday evening at 7:30. : All persons cordially invited to the services. Seats free. First Baptist church , corner Fifteenth and Davenport streets. Preaching nt 10$0 : ! n. in. and 7:30 : p. m. hy A.y. . Laniar , pastor. Morning thoino , "Haptlst work in Nebraska educational missionary , young people's movement. " Evening theme , "Foundation laying , " the flrst In the series to young people ple on character building. Snnday school at 12 m. Prayer meeting Wcdneaony evening nt750. : ! Y. P. S. C.-K. prayer meeting Frf- day evening at 7:20. : All are cordially Invit ed. Scats freo. Church of tlKj Good Shepherd , Nineteenth nnd Lake , Hev. J. P. Lloyd , rector. Holy communion nt 8 n. m. Dlvino sorvlco and ser mon by the rector nt )1 a. m. The second lecture of the course on ronresoiitntivo Chris tian men , at7$0 ; ! p. in , Subject , "Oordon.tho Christian Soldier. " Sunday school 10 a. m. Short service with u ten minute address ev ery Friday at 7 :30 p. in. You are cordially Invited and will bo hedrtlly welcomed to nil services at the GoodShepherd. : Seats freo. Trinity M , E. clmrct , corner Twenty-first ' and Blnnoy , W. 1C. B'uans. pastor. Preach ing 10 : 0 a m. nnd 730p. in. Morning sub ject , "Following Christ Afar Off. " Evening , "Tho Believer's Joy. " Sunday school 13 in , , J. T. Uoblnson , superintendent. Young pee ple's meeting 0aO : , Beats freo. The people made welcome. i St. Mary's Avenue ) Qongrcgatlonnl church , corner of Twenty-seventh street. Hov. WI1- lard Scott , pastor. Services at 10 : ! W n. m , and 7:30 : p. in. Sunday school ft t noon. Clmpols at8 o'clock. Young Pfbplo's Society of Chris tian Endeavor meeting ot 0:80 : p. m. The pastor will preach. The evening service will consist of no. organ Prelude , prniso service for thirty mlnutos nnd nn address upon "What is the Bible ! ' - -u reply to u pair oi recent criticisms , I The subject of the morning sermon at the Control United Presbyterian church , on Sev enteenth between Dodge street and Capitol avenue , is "Drawing Nlg'i to God. " At TUO : n. in. there will bo on open mooting ol the missionary society ! A varied and Inter esting programme has been prepared. At 0:110 : p. in. the usual young people's meeting will be held. Strangers wm LO , welcomed. in IGOfl any ono absent from church on Sun day was lined ona shilling. The Young Men's Christian associations o ! Yale , Harvard , Princeton anil Cornell havt Increased 'J5 per centKvlthln ajroar. Methodist Episcopal churches at Washing ton , D. C. , havu. voted on- the admission ol women delegates to the general conference , 432 against mid U75 for , At the National Llbrarv of Paris a manu script of the blblo lias been discovered. It was written In 125'J , in a suburb of Pornignan. and is richly Illustrated. Tno Illinois Sabbath association meeti In the Methodist church block , Chicago , Novcnv ber 15 and 19 , in connection with the distrld Morse Dry Goods Co. | Morse Dry Good Co. | Morse Dry Goods Co. HOUSE FURNISHING DEPARTS In adding this new department to our store , \vc have , firstly , endeavored to make it com plete ; secondly , to offer every article at a lower price than has ever been known in the west. Belo\V we give you a partial list of useful things we carry in this new department. We do not quote prices , but ask you to order what you want , as we positively assert our prices are lower than lias ever been known in the history of the trade. Further information regarding prices , goods , etc. , will be promptly answered the same clay us received. Anything you may purchasti of us , if not entirely satisfactory , can be returned and money will he at once refunded. China Glassware Tin Ware. Hollers. Jolly Cnlto Pans. ApjilororoN. .Tolly Sieves. Ann'rlcaii Ktbninors. - Jnmblo On tiers. AiiRcl Cake Tans. ICnlfe Iloxe ? . Ash Onus. If ere eno Cans. Alq Jlcnsurc1 ? , Ijlp Mcnsiiiuj. Hollers , HunroRnnKc. ( | Ladles' I'lnjror Pans. Hoiicrsj Ouil KIUKO. ; Ladles , I luicud. Hollers. Hound Copper Ladles , Plain. Kottom. Laundry Dippers. HollersTin Hnttom. Luiuli ; lloxes. Hollers , Oval Stove. ( Lanterns. Morse Dry Goods Co. associations , comprising tlio states of Illinois , Indiana , Michigan , Ohio nnd Wisconsin. ' A Jubilee of the Baptist mis'slon In Den mark was recently held in Copenhagen. It was there reported that 0,000 persons have been baptized since the founding ot the mis sion , the present membership being 2,700. Ono hundred thousand dollars was con tributed in England last year to sustain mis- sionarv operations on the North sen among Knglish deop-sea llshermen. Ton fully equipped , evangelizing vessels , three of which nro hospital ships , are employed in the work New Yonc Avenue M. E. church of Brook lyn has ] ust dedicated a new $ .200,000 edifice , occupying nil entire block , and ono of the most completely equipped church buildings in the city. Kov. George P. Mam , the pas tor , lias been largely instrumental In securing the building. The Methodists of England nro about to commemorate the centenary of John Wesley's death and the Wo doyan conference has np- pointed nn Influential committee to raise the sum of $ jO,000 to renovate the City Head chapel , the burial ground , etc. , and form a Wesley museum. At the Mount St. Bernard monastery the Cistercian rule , only a shade less severe than that of LnTrappo , is rigidly observed. From dp. m. untll5iOa. : : m. is the great silence , vviilch none may break snvo under grave no- cosslty. Ono meal in winter , nnd ono and a half , as it is called , in summer , is the daily allowance. A Boston section of the American Insti tute of Sacred Literature has been organized , which will conduct in the Young Men's ' Christian association building a course of scientific study of the bible in popular form. Among the leaders nro to bo 1'rof. W. 1 { . Harper of Yale , Prof. W. H. Uyderof Andover - dover and Prof. J. H. Thayer of Harvard. D. L. Moody will open a series of meetings in Chicago on November ' \ In connection with his bible institute work. His presence and instruction in the institute will afford students the best possible opportunity to avail themselves of bis counsel and teaching in the best methods of practical gospel work , no will bo followed by Dr. A. J , ( Jordan of Boston , who is to remain through January , and possibly longer. President Patton of Prlnacton , who lias been attending a meeting in Pittsbun ? of the csmmlttco appointed by the Presbyterian church to consider the revision of the confes sion of faith , repeats that harmony ruled the conference and characterized the conclusions reached. The committee next moots in Wash ington. February 4 , nnd lastly in Detroit. The committee has resolved to make nothing public until it reports to the general assembly. In the latter part of the month the first national Protestant congress of Lngland Is to bo bold In London. Tlio object of the con gress is "to unite In closer bonds of Christian fellowship and efforts the various sections of Christ's church in maintaining evangelical truth and practice , nnd in exposing nnd ro- sldtlng sacerdotal and other forms of error. ' ' Bishop Sugden , Dr. E. W. Hulllngcr , Uev. 0. nnd lev. { dean of Achonry , II. H. Wrigtit , Marcus Ualnsford are among these who nro expected to participate In the proceedings. the government of India By slow degrees , finds ItRclf able to take hold of the abomina ble customs of paganism , nnd restrict ami abolish them. First to fall was suttee , nnd widow burning has been extinct for a genera tion. Now It Is announced that the govern ment will introduce legislation to prevent the marriage ot little girls. There has been of late and unjiortant agitation of the subject , stimulated by the serious injury nnd death of a child wife , and furtheroa by the Popular movement against the 111-trcatmont of child widows. Even the barbers of Bombay agreed in council to refuse to shave the hair of widows. Archbishop Elder of Cincinnati , has issued anofllcH paper on tlio subject of street societies nnd of the duties of pastors In rela tion to them. Ho reminds these whoso duty His to hear confessions that the Masonic- society Is expressly condemned und under excommunication. It is then a mortal sin for any Cuthollo to enter It or continue In It. 1 no other S3crot societies , Odd fellows , Boilers. Philadelphia. iiiiillui ? Needles , Ilroml * . eiiiouiidc Shakers , lltmlno. .otter Hd\t" . Hutti'r falls. ' ' HllL'l-UlM. lill'lillOlltTM. llrmvii Hi-cad Moulds Milk Kettles. Itixl 1'oot Wtiriiii'i'S. Milk Striilnurs. llaths , .iiipiiniicd. Milk PulK Haths.Inc. . Milk DlinnT- " . llaths lllti. Mnllln Puns , lliitlm , Hat. Measures. llutlis , I'hmgo. Match Spfcs. llnths , 1'oot. Meat DMics. lIlKphi * . ColToo Milk Pans. Ills-cult CultuH. Milk KUIinmors. Honcl lloxci. Mnlllii Cups , IJowl StraliiL-rs. MilK . llrcail Mlxiys. Mount n In C.nko Pans. It rend Pans. Melon SIoiilils , Muslim ; Spoons , Meat Prc-si's. llhcnlt Vims. Mt'iit Saws. litoud Trnys. Mnllln lllngq. Coal Hod ? . Mouse Trups. Cake Moulds. Moulds. CnKi ! 1'niK. IneliiK K'nlvcs. CaltiiTtiriinrn. N'uiNOi-y HefrlKt'rators ) Slleks. Nursery laniis. | Nn pic In HIiiKs. Cbamber Palls. Silt Crnckers , Olmrlotto Husso Pali' . Sulinei ? ( I rat ITS. Children's Mtig . Night Lutehe" , Olilm-so Strainers. Oyst u- Stow Puns , Clioeolntol'ots. Omelet. Puny. Cocoaliiipo Il | . Oyster Clinfors. CoflVo Pols and Hollers O'vcter Dllhes , Plan- Cookv Puns. MllMl. OookltiK 1'ots , Oyster Patties , Cookers. Oval I lot Water Car Confoutloiiory Moulds. riers. Corncnko Pain. Ollci-s. Crumb Piiim j Colanders. Ov ter llrolors , Cuspldori'S. OlIHtovolCcttli's. dike Ho\cs. Potato Steamers. Oakn ( Moults. Pudding Moulds. Cash lloxps. Pep ) or lloxos. Chamber Puts. Picture Hooks. Olilldron'o Toys , Pnillooks. Oloth Sprinklers. PloPlutps. Cou'iou KonstlnK Pans Plate \Varmers. ColTeo Canisters. Plnklii'4 Irons. CoflVo Strainers. PlflC.rlinners. Colfi'O ITius. Plcturowlro. ColTou OaM's. Pokurs. Cooking Forks. Pollshtns Irons. Covers. Pot Chains. Croquet Moulds. Potato Mii'-ln'rs , Cup Strainers. Pii'sorvo Kettles. CurrliiRu Foot Warm Pnildlns Pans. ers. liiio ! : ! Ti'a Kettles. Copper Hollow. lilro .Moulds. Clii'Oso lloxes. Itoll Puns. Cracker lloxex. Hnlilier Tubbing. Chambermaids' Palls. Itat Traps. Dairy Puns. Sauce I'nns. ' Sauce Pots. lUli Covers. Scoops. Droilirois. Sieves. llnst Pan . Skewers , Dairy Palls. Skliuiners , DMi'ICi'tlles. Slnp Hnekots. Dinner Pulls. Soup DKlies. DKh Ilralnurs. Soup Itollori. Dish Pnni. Soup Lndles. DiHirlinut Kettles , Soup Tureens. 1'sts Honlurs. Spoons , Rw Sllect-H. Stramnr" . Kelt Poiicbers. Slow Pans. V.St : 1'ry Pans. Stialnnrs. Klnn'-oii Stand. Sinrar Slftors. KaR Whips. Syllainili Churns. 1'lonr Drcdccrs. SptlnUlors. ' Sugar HONOS. l-'lsli Kettles. Viitlt Cake Pans. Stoiniic'li Warmors. Masks. Sardine SolKsors. I'lirlnu Sauoo Pans. Soales. I'arlnu lliillors. Sciew Kyes. I'lltors. f-clf-Ha'tliis Urollcrs. Fiiniu'ls. Koap Pitvers. . J-'l > I'ulto. - - - . - I'lro 'I'ongs. Tea U'pltles. l-'lru Shovels. Tea Pots. 1'lioSols , Trays. Vlcsh Fork' ' . Toddy Kettles. ( iraduatrd Measures. Toilet How Is.V Pitchers fins Ifottles. Toilet Sots. Orators. Toilet Stands. Morse Dry Goods Co- of Pvthlai , etc. , lie declares as dangerous to Catholics , and pastors should zealously dis suade those under their care from Joining : them ; but absolutely must not bo refused , as the penitent is not in mortal sin ; Uiercforo the oft'enso. while ono should ho warned ngainst it , is like that of n man who may bo drlnkini ; nioro than ho ought but without 'driinlc , Ills confessor will tell him ho Is ( 'oing wrong and urge him to cease , but will not refuse absolution because ho is not in mortal sin. JIOXJEX FOIl IllK L\niKS. A woman In New York furnishes love-let ters at $1 apicco. A gastronomic novelty Is a pudding made of wedding cako. _ Wotnen travel up Mount Lebanon and through Palestine us guides. A polite term for spinsters In northern Germany is "standing nlono ladies. " * A new occupation for ludlw In London Is said to ho that of "conversation crammer , " whoso business It Is to couch up ladles for dinner parlies. A woman was made for something higher than a convenient figure for displaying dry goods and the possibilities of millinery and iiumtau mailing. Charlotte Hoblnson of London Is the only wpman in the worlu who is permitted to write "Art Dooorater to Her Majesty" on her card or shop door. Women nro longer lived than men ; a woman of twenty may expect forty-two years more of life , a man of the same ngo only thirty-nine years. Miss Oroser of Cincinnati li the only cus tom house broker In nettlcoiits in the world. She Is pretty , stylish , twenty-one , quick witted and business llko. It is every woman's duty to make herself pleasant und attractive by such raiment und ornament as shall host accord with the style of beauty with which she is endowed. Mrs. General IJclknnp Is still a very beau tiful woman , and so well has her youthful brilliancy of color been preserved that she looks wore like the sister than the mother of ber pretty daughter. Miss Whitney of Boston Is not the only woman authority on dogs. At a recent exhi bition of tlio Glasgow kennel- club Mrs. George Stratmoro Fergus awarded the prizes to the finest specimens of St , Bernard breed. A young womanln Kingston , Out. , sued an admirer recently because ho cut olTinorethan half of her luxuriant locks when she merely gave him permission to tnko ono curl. The court awarded the fair plaintiff ยง lfi damages. Miss. Xavier , the well-known Spanish stu dent , who was formerly a lecturer In that language In Wcllcsloy college. Is now see- rotary to the French and Spanish consulate and Is the only woman wtio tills such on olllco , Mrs. Panton , author of "Prom Kitchen to Gurrct. ' ' says in her manual of housekeep ing , " ( jot us much suimhino into your bouse as you can and the cheerful common scnso ol that bogliiulni ; will help you see your way clearly. " Ono of the costliest volumes in existence is the bridal gift of Frauloin Marie Ksslpofl from her father , a wealthy Viennese mer chant. The binding is of tlio richest tooled morocco , and each of the 10U leaves la a bond for 1,000 gulldens , A bocloty has been started by women ol high social position in New York , It is said , "for the advancement of propriety and fru. gallty in dress. " A black list , made out h > tbci pastor of the church iu which the soclotv originated , Includes as articles to bo avoided the clccollotto dress and sleeveless bodice , lorgnettes and useless trimmings. Long after the Invention of pins in the fourteenth century , the maker was nllowo-J to sell them In open shop only on January 1 ana 2 , It was then that the court ladles and dunics Hocked to the depots to buy them , hav ing been llrsi/ provided with pin money lij theirhiiHbandu. When these pins became cheap and common the ladles spent tnclr nl lowunccs on other fancies , hut the term pin money remained In vogue. Every .day Iu the week a couple of nuns Wooden Ware. may bo seen in tlio market districts , basket In hand , overturning the garbage barrels In search of good material for charity dinners. The bund that goes through the linrishnblo f ru its nnd spoiled greciis Is often verjr fnlr and shapely. The sincerity or tlio lives and the sweet sacrifices made by those black- robed women nro thoroughly understood and It Is not un uncommon thing to see a pro vision clerk como out und fill their baskets with f rcsli vegetables. It would bo hard to find nnlnclo pawnshop In this city winch docs not contain abundant ) evidence of the iloreaso of the' banjo erazei says the Now York Sun. At the shops of dealers in second-hand instruments , too , ImiiR mnte , glistening banjos , scarcely twnngod bj their owners before they found them obso lete. Banjos never were so cheap as now , and the aspiring performer can llml many places where ho can buy one for $ J. The guitar scorns to stay within the fashionable * circles with admirable persistency. Tutors say It keeps its hold year after year , and there arc always enough pupils to keep them busy. A South Stdo society woman in Chicago says : I have discarded my soup plates nnd given orders that In the future nouns are to be served in small teacups. 1 nm indebted tea a well known French caterer for thin , and when you stop and think how the best mean ing people cat soups you will sco the propri ety of dccrc-nsing the quantity. Ono doesn't consider how much soup 0110 Is eating. The result Is , where the soup is nerved in the usunl soup plates , ono gets a dinner before the time comes for serving tbo courses. The teacup of soup obviates this. How many good dinners I have lost on account of the cencrous hostess who filled the soup plate to the brim. Women who regard the hang as n modern style of hair-dressing will bo Interested to leuin that It is far from now , being. In fact , decidedly old. Bougliton , the artist , In his ' "Sketching Humbles In Hollaml , " In his de scription of tbo women of Macken , says : "In a print of n Dutch book published In 17M7 there Is the same fair hair cut In n frlngo straight across ths brow , level with tbo bright eyes ; some seem to oven look tlirougli the fringe with the bright , sharp twinkle of a beady-eyed Slcyo terrier. Others had the frlngo brought level with the ayes nnd then brushed up. This had a rather aggressive nlr , nnd'bolongod probably to the caste ol eligible maidens. " . Dr. Birnoy , , Hja bldj | Their Ideas of OltlzcnHlilp. I was ratlior amused a few dnyn npo , just on tlio eve of the dny of registra tion , to listen to Homo of the quaint nnsworri returned to the qtiCHtions tiHkoil of applicants in tlio court of com mon pleas before lulinlfaHion to citizen ship , Buys the Now York Stur. Iu many they were more amusing tlmn stupid , nnd unconsciously contained no Httlo truth , us when un Italian ( lo ll tied the business of nn assemblyman an limiting money in Albany , The mout uinusiiif ! case of all , however , was that' of an Irishman. Ho had nnsworoil every , question correctly , until the court anUedJ "Aro you attach oil to a roimbllctia form of government ? "Indeed , and I'm not. " "But you must iinilorstanil that ex cept you are attached to thia form of Kovernmont you cannot bo iiaturallzoih \Vliy are you not favorably ( Unpaged to tlio republican form of government. " "Uocauao , your honor , I'm u demo crat. " | When it waa explained to him that there was n wide uillorenco between al cHl/.on of a republic and a member of a republican party ho duly qualified. ' Dr. lUrncy cures ciitarrh , 13oo bldg. Soap makers are experimenting on thoclcc- trclybh of BCK salt solutions , with a view of obtaining cuustlo sodafrom which to prepare the soda used In the manufacture of soap ,