8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 9 , 1,890-SIXTEEN PAGES- MYDES BROS , Our Special Sale for Monday , November 10 , 1800. Wo Are Compelled to Mnlco Still fur ther Itodtictloiis In Order to Mnko Moro lloom for tlio Work men to 1'roccctl , Dress goods nro being forced down so low that they will BO lively. On Monday wo ollor you tycoon rep In dark shades ut ( Ho a yard. oO-lnch American serge , hnndsomo now designs only Oc a yard. 200 pieces wrapper dross goods OJe a yard , dthors advertise thain at a big bargain at 12 yards for $1. JJfl-lnch wide plaids re duced , to Oc n yard , others claim thov are cheap at , loc a yard. 150 pieces Sici lian cloth OJc a yard , others claim they nro worth 12ic. All colors in t wldo al paca reduced to 8Jc a yard. 5 Scotch twilled plaids reduced to 12c } , former prlco 2oc. 1)0 ) inch wldo all wool flannel suiting worth G0 > i , reduced to 2oo yard. ! ! 0 inch wldo English cashmeres In all colors , i0c ! yard. 4 1 inch wide all colors In henrlotta worth COc , reduced to close 250 yard. All on account of build ing ; this is the reason why wo are com pelled to make such deep cuts next wook. Wo will bo compelled to move all dry goods from rear wall nnd down go the prices. 2,000 pieces of fine all wool imported dress goods of every description and every color , and all the different styles and weaves to bo found in the market you will lind on our counter ? at 30c , 4oc , COc , 63o , 03c , COc , 75c , 7io , a'ie ' , SUe , etc. , fully one-third less than regular prices. It is impossible for us to try to give you ufull description of all , as there nro too many of them. Particular attention is also called to our largo stock of black dross goods , silk velvets , etc. Examine nnd compare our silk plushes , nil colors , at 44 c a yard. Our black silks are the best vnluo for the money ever shown In Omaha. Com pare them. See the bargains wo oITorat o'Jc , OSc , 75c , 8oc , Ooe and $1 a yard. A full line of colored silks , faille frnn- cuise , armurcs , surah silks. China silks , etc. , all at correspondingly low prices. SPECIAL BLANKKT SALE. Monday will bo blanket day at Hay- don's. don's.Wo Wo will plnco on sale Monday mornIng - Ing at 9 o'clock : 200 10-1 White blankets at , 2oc each. 85 pair silver gray o pound blankets , 81 pair. 150 pair gray mixed blankets , $1.40 pair. 100 pair blue ridge blankets , $1.85 pair. CO pair Oxford mixed blankets , all wool lilling. $1.85 pair. (10 ( pair 12-1 gray mixed blankets , $2.25 pair. CO pair all wool red blankets , $2.85 pair. 100 pair of flno blue mixed blankets , $2.08 , S3 and 83.40 pair. 60 pair all wool sanitary gray blank- cts , $3.50 a pair. CO pair Wyoming blankets $2.75 pair. 100 pair 10-4 white Albany blankets 81. 00 pair. 125 pair 10-4 all wool white blankets $2.50 pair. 12 pair 11-4 white wool blankets $2.75 pair CO pair DCS Moinca all wool gray blankets to close at S3. 50 a pair. 100 pair strictly all wool natural gray blankets at $4.00 a pair. 200 pair assorted all wool scarlet blankets made by Davenport woolen mills at $1.00 , $1.35 , $4.05 , $5.05 and $0.00 n pair. Ilaydcn Bros , are headquarters on blankots. IlaydonBros. nro agents for San Jose , California , and Muryvlllo , California , fine white blankets raiding in price from $5.00 a pair up to $15.00 a pair. \Vo have about COO pair of odd lots of blankets , say from ono to ton pair of a kind that wo wish to clear out at prices loss than they can bo bought at the mill. Have you scon our San Jacquard border , California blankets ? They como in pink , gold , red and blue border , < . ) \ inch wide border , 11-4 slzo and weigh ever 0 pounds , only JO.CO pair. You can not match them in Omaha. Now stock of white crib blankets $1.CO and $2. 50 a pair. On Monday wo place on sale all our fancy wrapper blankets In plain colors nnd fancy figures at $3GO and $5 each. Take advantage of this bargain. Ilayden's are headquarters on blankots. Our stock is the largest , our assortment the best , while our prices are the lowest In every case or money cheerfully re funded. Our blankets were all con tracted for last May and Juno , dlroct from the mills , which places us In a po sition to give you lower prices than others dnro give and continue to do busi ness. Below wo will quote you a few bar gains which will bo worthy of your con sideration. 20x40 size huck towels and 21x44 crepe towels , all linen Ifio each or $1.80 per dozen. Ulenched Turkish towels lOc each. Linen sots , cloth 8x10 , with KMncli doylies to match , holboln borders usual price $4. on Monday , $2.25 per sot. 0x4 chenille table covers at SI. 50 each. All colors in eiderdown 45c. Pink mixed Ilunnol lOo a yard. All wool rod twilled llanu'ol 17c. 0-1 heavy striped cloaking $1.00. Bleached cotton llannol Oio a yard. Best American indigo blue prints Gc. Choice of best standard calicos Gc a yard. Ruby cotton butts lOc a roll. Maglnnls E.K. shooting 60 a yard. 42-Inch bleached pillow cuso muslin lOo a yard. 00-Inch wldo cronm damask COcayurd. 60-inch turkey red damask 15o a yard. These prices are at the bottom , and wo claim you cannot match thorn in this city outside ofHARDEN HARDEN BROS. , Importers and Dealers in Dry Goods and Carpets. The fall exhibition of the Western Art association opens Monday evening , November 10 to 21 , in Now York Life building , first floor. All standard makes of Mandolins at S. Bank's , 007 N. 10th. N. M. Ruddy , practical optician , 21 1 B. 15th st. , can bo depended on to fit glasses correctly. Solid gold spoctaolc nnd oyo-glasses $5.00 and upwards. The four hole "Fashion" stool range will give you moro room in the oven thnn any other four hole run go in oxls' tonco ; It will take loss room in the kit chen and take loss fuel than u numbot lovcncook steve ; It will hont as much city water us a 8100.00 range : it is mudc of the best quullty of stool and inndo and finished us good us is possible to mukc It. Only sold In Omaha tw Stootzol , 1021 Howard. . Dr. Matthews makes a specialty ol fine gold fillings. Rooms 848 and 350 , Uco building. I'liiBlcrcn Are warned to hoop nwuy from Sail Lake city on account of strike. S > VVNCU , Sec. 08. TIIT ni in ni f i ITPMtT [ HE h\lR \ SELLING OUT , This Immense Institution Now Rapidly Hearing its End , The I'rlccs nt Which Gondn nro Now Hellif * Slaughtered nro Cnuslnc Intense Incitement Amongst tlio 1'coplc. THESE SPECIAL LINKS TO BE CLOSED OUT TOMORROW. All of our ladies' rubber snndnls to morrow nt 19c. All of our misses' .best quality rubber urctlea tomorrow nt 2oc. All of our ladles best quality rubber arctics tomorrow Hoc. Our entire stock of men's best quality rubber arctics tomorrow Ooe. All our ladies' and misses' shoes nro being cold at less than actual cot. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Wo have still on hand some of the choicest ntylea of dross goods , which wo will ntlompt to close out tomorrow , at less than our actual co t. The best qualities of English honriot- tns that cost 40c , tomorrow at 22c. All wool imported ( Vouch suitings In serges , plaids , stripes , foullo cloths , for street wear , also a line lot of camel's hair effects that cost us 75c , at 37ic. 5 1-inoh all wool English broadcloths , still having all desirable shades , ' cost us $1.2.j , go now for OSc. 5S-iiR'h imported French nmazon cloth , better than broad cloth and smoother finished. It will not wrinkle up. These goods sold at $1.50 , now 7Sc. Wo still have about 25 pieces of Priest- ly's silk warp honriotlas , 42 Inches wldo , in black and colors , and line drap d'al- ' iiius , damasso , satin stripes in blacks and colors. Another lot of 48-inch all wool , best quality silk linishcd honriotta , that actually cost us $1.75 and $2.00 , now 07o a yard. WOOLEN KNIT GOODS MUST GO. Over 500 ladies' line wool knit fascin ators , wool hoods , toboggans and wool mulTa reduced from COc and 75c to lOc. Finest zephyr fascinators , hand made hoods , that have been selling as high as $1 at 2oc. All our novelties in hand made hoods nnd fascinators , knit jackets and skirls reduced from $1.50 nntl $1.75 to 7oc. Largo ijillow shams , in lace work , and bureau tidies reduced from COc to loc each. Window curtain Holland reduced from 15c to Cc. 81.50 LADIES' WOOL JERSEYS FOR 50C. 500 all wool jerseys , braided , plain and embroidered , all go at 50c. Tlio latest style of small shape bustles reduced from 25o to Gc. MILLINERY MUST NOW GO. ROO elegant , newest style beaver Hats , In black and colors , reduced from $1.50 to 20c. Immense assortment of latest styles ladies' hats , made of velvet and plush , reduced from $2.50 to Ooe. All of our finest black felt hats , all now shapes , ever 50 styles , go at $1.50. TRIMMED HATS. Wo offer tomorrow a lot of felt hats , trimmed with tips , ribbons and orna ments , that wore trimmed to sell at $2.50 , go at $1. Largo assortment of our finest trimmed walking hats in all small styles and shapes , now go at $2.50 , $ ! ! and $4. Our finest silk plush black Nellie Ely caps , reduced from $1.50 to oOe. - All our silk and cashmere Nellie Ely cups reduced from75c to 25c. LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. The unseasonable weather has loft our cloak stock almost intact , but these prices will got a move on it. All ladies' ' jackets now reduced to $1.25 , $1.7o , $2.50 and $3. They are worth $ lto$10. All ladies' nowmnrkots reduced to $1.50 , $7.50 , $9 and $12.00 , worth from $10 to $25. All our low grade plush sacqucs nro sold out. To make the better grades go with a rush wo have reduced them to $11.50 , $14.50 , $19 and $22 , worth from $20 to $40. All children's cloaks will now bo sold at about one-fourth their original prico. BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS. Tomorrow wo close out nil our" odds and ends of soiled and slightly damaged heavy gray , brown and silver gray and white bed blankets that are worth up to $2.50 , at fioc a pair. Our linest nil wool medicated scarlet blankets , line wool blankets , 11-4 gray ilecco wool blankets , worth $5 and SO , at $2.98. Our extra slzo very heavy bed com forters , OSe. Our line Imported satino comforters now $1.50. OUR BEST QUALITY COTTON BAT TING , 70 A POUND. To clo = o out our best grade of 15c and ISc comforter cotton wo oiler it tomorrow at 7c. THE PAIR , .T. L. fiRANDEIS & SONS , 502 , 601 , 500 , 508 , 510 S. 13th St. * N. H. Falconer. Holland window shades mounted on spring rollers ready to hang , 25o each. Lace curtains $2 a pair , reduced from $3.75. Ghonillo curtains $4 a pair , fringed top and bottom , now goods. JOB LINE OF 20 pieces Wcst-of England tweeds , li yards wldo , Monday 62o } n yard. 12 pieces Scotch twcod suitings 05o u'yard. Note The above goods are wortli at cost at least 50 per cent moro than wo nsk for them. No samples of these goods given. Dlankots 10-4 , 87c. worth $1.10 ; 11-1 , $3.49 , worth $5.CO ; 10-4 all wool , $4 95 , worth $0.50 ; comforts 7Co to $5 , filled with whito- rose cotton and quilted full slzo und weight. Eider down comforts at $10 , reduced from $10.CO. Cloaks , special bargains in misses' cloaks , lot 1 , sizes 12 to 18 years , made of all wool cloaking , good ' winter garment , choice $2.50 , worth'up to $9. Children's cloaks , 4 to 12 years , made of fine Rurrltan beaver , all the newest plaids- , prices from $5 to $7 , these are the best bargains of the season. N. B. FALCONER. In Ituslnoss. From November 7 until further notice my entire stock of millinery at loss than cost on account of moving. Silk bcnvorfl , $2. French felts , $1 ; $4 and $5 huts , $1. CO nnd $2. Patterns und all trimmed goods loss than cost. The stock must bo reduced and will be sold nt less than cost. Great bargains. Cull anrly. Mrs. C. A. Ringer , J10 N. 16th Btroot. The fall exhibition of the Western Art nssociatlon opens Monday evening. November 10 to 24 , in Now York Life building , Hi-si floor. Culture $3 , ut S. Bank's , CO" N. IGth. Dr. Matthews makes a specialty of flno gold fillings. Rooms 848 and 350 , 3co building. Our imbortod pattern hat exhibition continues tomorrow. DAVIES , Milliner , Ho. Ill S. 15th st Dr. Matthews , dentist. 350 Bee bldp. The Great Gore & O.'a D.GjjJs Sale Continued Mo , d iy , Stonulilll Scours 10,000 Smiles' Hats , 20,000 Illi-Us nnd KenthcM , COOO ItiiuctiCB ol'Tlp ) at 10 Cents on tlio Dollar. YoHerday I began the sale of $20,000 worth of dry goods secured from the noted Chicago dry goods hoiHO of G. P. Gore cfc Co. But the storm so seriously interfered that I will continue it Mon day. It is by far the greatest purchase I over made , so much so , in fact , that all our former efforts will bo nowhere when compared with It. There tire thousands of ciioico bargains In this purchase but wo will not mention them. Como In and see for yourself. Tlio great millinery sale is also con tinued Monday. Before going farther I would state to my customers ever my nominal signa ture that this sale of millineryis all that it is advertised , It will take plnco in my wholesale dopartmenton second lloor , entirely separate from my regular de partment. . Respectfully , C. A. STONHIIILL. Wo place all these goods on the largo tables. Prices of each table will bo dis played on large signs. BIRDS AND FANCY WINGS. Table No. 1 Choice of 3,000 fancy birds and wings 2c each. Tnblo No. 2-Cholco of 5,000 birds and wings Oc each. Table No. 3 Choice of 50 boxes of birds and wintrs worth up to $2 for 25c. Table No. 4 Iloro is a bargain that counts. The finest imported birds and wings worth up to M at 50 cents. HATS. Choice ot 3,000 felt and plush hats at llo ) , in black and colors : no old shape. 6,000 felt hats , worth $2 each ; these comprise some line fur hats ; the choice for 6Sc. Lot 1 Trimmed hats 200 trimmed hats , worth $3 ; your choice for 40c ; the bare hat alone is worth $1. Lot 2 250 trimmed hats , worth $1 , at Ub'c. Lot 3 125 trimmed hats , worth $4.50 , at $1.77. Lot 4 175 trimmed bats , worth $5 to $8 , at $2.88. ' Lot 5 100 trimmed hats , extra choice , worth up as high as $10. for only $3.)2. ! ) Bear this one in vour mind. TIPS AND PLUMES. Tips , black ostrich lips , 15 in a bunch , for 2oc for the whole bunch. 1,800 bunches of colored and black ostrich tips at 49c a bunch , worth $2. 11.000 bunches ot black and colored ostrich tips at 07o for a bunch of 3 , worth up to $4. 5,000 HAT AND BONNET FRAMES AT 3C EACH. In this millinery stock wcro 5,000 in fants' and children's plush and silk cups and hoods ; they will bo slaughtered at 25e to OSo ; they are worth up to 84. Thrco thousand pair of genuine Alex andria Icid gloves ; they are live hooks , everybody knows what the price is , $2 , and wo are going to sell them tomorrow at77oa pair. We have thorn in blacks , tans , gray and mode. Do not place the great sales wo ad vertise for tomorrow on a par with sales commonly hold around town. Wo advertise - tiso very seldom , in fact this in about the lirst time in two months , and wo in tend to make this sale an event to bo remembered. Boar in mind this sale is on our second floor. Besides what wo have advertised for this great sale of millinery wo nave 3,000 novelties which wo haven t time to men tion. This is no Cheap John stock , but a great boimlido sale of the largeststoek of millinery ever brought to Omaha. Honestly the magnitude of this stock will astonish my customers. It is simply enormous. enormous.IMPORTANT. . Owing to the warm fall I am over stocked on Indies' and children's cloaks and jackets. I oll'er the choice of any cloak or jacket in my store tomorrow at actual cost. I do not say I urn going to lose a lot of money on them. I am not in busi ness for glory , but I am overstocked nnd will be hapny to unload nt cost. This jo a saving to any purchaser of at least 25 per cent. Wo think that's worth saving. Wo lay special stress on our plush cloaks , also plush jackets , mention of which you will lind in another column. All wo ask is a look. To all who are able wo say como early or you will have trouble to got waited on. Any customer being unable to got waited on please report to any of our lloor walkers and she will get immediate attention. STONEHILL'S. The only railroad train out of Omaha run expressly for the accommodation of Omaha , Council Blulls , Dos Molnes and Chicago business is the Rock Island ves- tibuled limited , leaving Omaha at 4:15 : p. in. daily. Ticket olllco , 1002 Six toonth und Farnam sts. , Omaha. The fall exhibition of the Western Art association opens Monday ovcninir , November 10 to 24 , in New York Life building , first lloor. A consignment of fine Musical boxes just received by S. Bank , 507 N 10th No rent to pay , no partner to divide profits with , I will not bo undersold and no firm can undersell mo. I soil the best of everything. Stootxcl,1021 Howard. Dr. Matthews makes a specialty of fine gold fillings. Rooms 848 and 350 , Uco building , The ladles of the Good Shepherd church will have a sale and oyster supper - per at the Coliseum annex on Twontigth street , Wednesday evening , Nov. 12. Supper from six to ton. Admission free , supper twcnty-fivo cents. Go to F. M. Sohudoll & Co. for hats and bonnets. 1522 Douglas. See the pretty * display of Miss Carthur's Japanese cream nt Sherman ft McConnoll's , two doors west of the post- olllco , nnd if you would preserve and beautify your skin with what is purest and best , got a bar. A Card. From this date Omaha's growth will bo unprecedented. Capital will Book investment in real estate from all parts of the country. Omaha is the only city that wont through a real estate depres sion without a crush and property which had n commercial vnluo ut tho.ond of the boom three years ago has steadily enhanced. Wo doom it advisable ut this time to caution the public against mushroom in vestments. Secure good property with in your moans from reliable firms and unquestionable title. Fooling satisfied that prohibition would bo defeated when voted upon , wo purchased a largo amount of property nt Albright and are now prepared to offer n limited number of choice bargains In " ' Choice" addition "Albright's on cusy torms. ALDniaiiT LAND AND LOT COMPANY , 521 , G22 , C23 N. Y. Life BUlg. Seaman's carriages best and cheapest. THE BOSTON STORE , Lo Enron , Holt & 0o. , Wholesale Fancy Dry Goods , , Chicago , Fails. Tlio iVlluro of This , the I-nrgcst Fancy Di-y.Oooil * House In Ohl- ( nun , Given us Many Illjt ' 1 ( argil Ins. Our buyer secures from Iho assignee ut less Unit oOo on the ilollui1. The entire linoof samples of domestics mid imported fancy dry goods. Lo Huron , Holt & Co.'s dross goods on sale Monday. Tlio samples wore nil in dress patterns and will bo sold.tho same way ut one-half what was asUcd for them ill wholesale. 10 yard patterns of brllllantiuo with 2 cl oxen buttons , $1.2-3 per pattern , worth ! m ow 8 yard patterns wool dress Iliuinol and 2 do/.on buttons for $1.08 ; thov wore put up to soil nt&.50. ! 10 yiird . patterns Kngllsh cashmere with 2 dozen buttons , $1.20. 8 yard patterns heiiriotta cloth wKh oriental side band and tJ dozen buttons for $2.08. These are bargains you never saw before In Unmhu. 7 yard patterns , 50-Inch French henri- ctta cloth , very stylish colors , 2 dozen buttons , * 2.4S. Those patterns sold wholesale for $5.00. 8 yard patterns Imported cccillan cloths with 2 ' dozen buttons for $2.88. 8 yard patterns imported henriotta inches wide , with 2 dozen buttons , $2.08. You will miss a bargain if you don't got one of those. 8-yard patterns' black mohnirbrilliant- ino , with 2 do/.on buttons , $2.08 ; these patterns will nil go Monday as the quan tity Is limited. 8-yard patterns black cashinoro , with 2do/.en buttons , $1.U8 suit ; Lo Byran Holt's price 81.00. ( i-yard pattern ? , 64-Inch ladies cloth , elegant now colors and 2 do/.on buttons , $2.0 ! ) suit. 10-yard patterns blnek brilllantlno , with 12 dozen buttons , Sl.OS ; Lo JJyran Holt's nrk'o'M.OOsuit. CORSHT SAMPLES. Lo Baron I Jolt A ; Co.'s corsets , the very llnc.st goods made , in blacks und colored , go Monday 50c , 75o , $1.23. Lo Baron , HoltiV Co.'s underwear for children , ago one and two years , in all wool bcarlot ] > o. All the natural wool and scarlet pants and vests for children two to four years , 25e. All the natural wool and medicated Foarlet pants and vests , ago four to six years , Me. Boy's and girl's merino shirts and drawers all sues , 25o. Le Barnn Holts all wool union suits for ladies in white and natural 81.25 , they sold them wholesale at $2.50. Lo Ruraii Holts Jersey ribbed vests " 25c , they cost moro than "iioo to make. Le Baran Holts cashinoro vests and pants for ladies at 7oe , their price at wholesale $1.25. Gents undonvenr at less thnn you can buy it by the case , colored shirts and drawers at lOu worth 50o. Gents' fancy striped wool shirts 39a , worth 7oc. Gents' funcy and natural shirts nnd IraworsoOr , wortli $1. All of Lo Baron , Holt & Co.'s line underwear for gents $1. 2-5. Each garment Iho very linest natural wool and fancy stripes and warranted fast black , Unit MIS made to sell nt from $2 to $ ieach. \ . Lo Baron Holt's hosiery must bo closed ) ut Monday , child's wool hose lOc , lee , 2 ) c. Ladies fine ca&lnnero hose ' 10c , 2oc , ! oc. oc.Gents' line cashinoro hose lOc to 25o. Loss than half the wholesale price. Lo Baron Holt & Go.'s handkerchiefs .mil mulllots on sale Monday. You may never IwvH another opportunity to buy handkerchiefs nnd silk mulllers at loss than half what they cost to nmke , 5o handkerchiefs go at le , lOc Imndkcr- .jhlufs go at 2Se , lee handkerchiefs go at 3e. 3e.25c 25c handkerchiefs go at lOc , Hoc hand- IcorehiefH goat 15o ; oOi ) and "oo hand kerchiefs go at 25e. Tlioy will bo sold Monday. All our silk and cashinoro mufflers go ut 25e , 50e , 75e and $1. They are beau- Lies and worth four times what wo ask tor them. Lo Baron Holt & Co.'s knit goods , such as all wool knit skirts , fascinators , hoods , tobognns , scarfs , leggins , wo have : llvided in four lots Hoc , 50e , 7f e , 81. Hero is whore you can save 100 pur cent. Ladies' , misses , and children's yarn mittens from Lo Baron & Holt's stock , lOc , 25c , 'toe. The silk mittens go Mon day at 50o , and numerous other Lo Baron & Holt bargains at THE BOSTON STORE , 114 S. 10th St. Our imported pattern hat exhibition continues tomorrow. DAVIKS , Milliner , No. HIS. loth st. Moats Clicanor Thau Kvor. At the Peoples cash meat market , 1714 Nicholas st. Beginning November 10th I will sell nil kinds of meats at prices which will defy competition. To prove it just com pare the following prices with those of liny other market in tlio city mid you will find that it is money in your pocket to buy your meats at tho. People * cash market. Best cuts of sirloin nnd porter house lOo per pound. Best cuts round stoalc So. Ohuck steak Oc. Best rib-roast 80. Soup moat from S to Oc. Pork steak and chops 8c. Shoulder roast , pork , 7c. Pork sausage 8c. Lard 8c. Salt pork 8c. Bacon lOc. Hams 12Jc. Mutton 5 to lOc. Sliced ham loc. Oysters , fish nnd poultry at equally low prices. Our mo < it supply is the host the market af fords. None better kept. All orders delivered free to any part of tlio city from the Peoples cash men tmnrkot , 1714 Nicholas st , opposite "Woodman linseed oil works. Give mo a trial. Goo. W. Kurz. Mnydoti Ilros. Extraordinary sale of ladies' , gents'.nnd children's wool un derwear on Monday. I can put thollound Oak in any house in Omaha where a base burner is used and drive the base burner out ; u ton of S4.00 soft coal will heat as much room for the same length of time in the Round Oak as n ton of 810.00 hard coal will in a basoburnor. 8tOotzol,1021 Howard. Mr. M. E. Free , the boss plumber on Capitol avenue , Is treating with Ur. Richards and says that ho has received mpro bonotlt from the doctor's electro thermal baths than all the medicine hoover ever took. Seaman's wagons best and cheapest. Mount A ; Griflln's Newcastle coal ; best soft coal in the market. Guaranteed equal to Rock Springs. Our Imported pattern hat exhibition continues tomorrow. tomorrow.DA VIES , Milliner , No. HIS. 15th &t. Eyeslpht is valuable. If falling , buy. spectacles only from un experienced op tician. N. M. Ruddy , practical optician , 2118.16th at. , fits lenses correctly. Solid Cold spectacles 25.00 nod up. J1AYIHCN lUlOS. firont Snlo arOroocrloi. The wall in the back pact of the store must coinn out in order to combine the new addition to our stora , and wo must lose , we will give the bonellt to our ono- oinersVo carry most everything you can wear nnd use in the house. .Granulated sugarHi' ( ; extra C.oji-.this is almost white ; now Vnllencia raisins , 81c , worth l" > c ; evaporated blackberries , lOc , would bo cheap for lie ; 1 ll > evapo rated raspberries , itoc , you pay 45o for the same thing ; evaporated peaches , 17 jc ; cranberries , 8Jc per quart ; Imported cur rants , 7je ; rice , oc ; oatmeal , oo ; King's ! ttolf-rislng buckwheat IlinuvUc : Hickory self-rising buckwheat Hour , 4 Je ; yon can not buy it less than loc. Striokly pure buckwheat' in bulk He , hominy tile. CAN GOODS. 3 pound can best build packed tomatoes Uc , 2 pound can bi > st sugar corn DC , best Columbia river salmon I''Jc , loc ; oil sardincd oe , II pound California green gngo plums loc , California Kgg plums loc , California D.iniRon plums lee , California pound \ apricots 17c | , best soda crackers oc , oyster crackers Co , i > ienic hums 7e , boneless ham lOc sugar hum lOc , head cheese oc , bologna watt- pauo o , llvorwoi-bt < c , winlworso 74c , all kinds of sausage fie ; this is the best sausage that Hammond & Co. or Armour & Co. can make , wo got it fresh twice a day ; very beat creamery butter 22i' , Min- no-ipolls Best Superlative Hour sj5 ) ! ! , good condencod milk lOc , 12J very best Elgin milk , condensed and preserved - served with the best granulated sugar , prepared to keep in any climate 17je , 7 bars best laundry soap 2oe , pure house hold amonin oc per bottle , consontrated lyooc , bottle blueing Oc. II.VYDKN BllOS. , Dry Goods and Groceries. HOUSE FUUNISIIIG GOODS. Down they come. Asli sifters , square box , lite and 22c ; the barrel asli sifters , with dust proof covered tops. 40c , rojru- lar price , $1.2-3. Ironing boards ooe , Mine. Streotcrs patent Hat irons , a irons , handles and stand , $1. ! ! " > , regular price , $ 2.20. Perforated chnlrsoats 8c ; 0 do/on clothes pins Gc , wash boards 1 lie , wash tubs ( lee , wash lines lOe , clothes wringers - ors 81.23 , xinc broom oc , wash baskets 5oc. towel racks os , hat racks lOo , coal hods 20c , coal shovels fie , nok- 3rs 3c , corn pojjpors lOc , iron kettles 25o , toilet paper Co per L-oll. Stand lamps from 115o up. Solid hrass piano lamp , silk fringed shade , Rochester burner , $0.15 , worth -Slo.OO ; the Rochester burner gives moro light than any other three burners made. Wash board and pitchers 29 Jo each , [ > l tiles Ho each , tumblers 2Jc each. All nlxo lamp chimneys , fie each , sugar uowls oc , spoon holders 5c , creamers Cc , Imttor dlslics Cc , salt and poppers 5c 3ach. Fancy cups anil saucers from lOc [ > er pair up. Sowing machine oil 5c , 5 packages of stove polish /5c / , 5 packages tacks , oo , ink oc , mucilage 6c , largo inilk pans oo , largo nuddlng nans " 5c , lish pans 18c , spoons oc per sot. Knives ind forks 35c per tot. Lurgo trnitors .r > c , 2 cups for oc , dust pans , best Japan , lOe : ill kinds of basting spoons Cc. The sur prise egg bcatoi' 5c , harness snaps le. Finest line of buggy , : arriago and riding whips in Dnv.iha , from 6c up. Tea and coffco pots lOc , tea kettles lee each , dlppors 3e , cuspidor cs from lOc up , porcelain [ ) io plates Cc each , tin plo plates 2o } juch , wlno glasses Uc each , children's jhinii mugs lOc , door scrapers Co , iron lianging soap dishes Cc , hanging lamps Irom SI. 75 up. Wo carry t o largest line of lamps in the city nnd prices the lowest. All colors of shelf paper Coper bundle , 4 milk crocks for ICc , a few norc llowor pots for le , Iljc , 44c and 5c inch , lampshades 5c , covered tin ptiilOu. IIAYDKN BUGS. , Dry Goods and ITouso Furnishing Goods. AVright's compound syrup of sarsaparilla - rilla with iodide of potassium , n great 'jlood ' purifier , C'Jc , regular jirieo $1. Simmons' liver regulator , 7Gc. Dr. Bane's rheumatic specific , 7Cc. Graircnbui'g's catholkon , $1.15 ; rogu- .ar price $1.50. Special sale in perfumery. All of our jest extracts for lOc and 2'Jc an ounce. II.YDUN BltOS. , Dry Goods and Drugs. lioforo HiiyniK A. piano examine the new scale Kimball piano. A. IIospo , lolo Douglas. ANOTHKIl GUK.V'JL' STOVE Ttist Closed Out Krnin tlio tureiH ' 1vo Cnr.s of Homing and CoolciiiK Stovos. Just arrived in Omaha yesterday two 3iU" loads of cooking and heating stoves. These goods mainly represent manu facturers' ' samples and broken lines which were bought at about 40o on the dollar. A few bargains are hero quoted : Nice heating stoves , regular price J8.CO , will bo Bold this week for $1.23. Oak heating stoves guaranteed to kcop flro twenty-four hours with soft coal , regular prlco $10 , sold this week for SO. 40. Hard coal heaters , regulars price $10 , sold this week for $8,75. Base burners , sumo as other storokcop- ors charge $87.00 for , sold this week for 123.75. A good cook stove , regular prlco $14 , sold this week for $7.75. For bargains in stoves bo sure and call this week. PEOPLE'S MAMMOTH INSALL.- MENT HOUSE , 013,515,017 , 010 North 10th , bot. Cull- fornia and Webster. Make no mistake , look for the Whlto Front , open evenings till 0 o'clock. Sinn Jack Is a now preparation , ready to raise , re quires no yeast , no baking powder , no eggs , no salt , nothing but a little cold water to mnko a batter. It tnakos the finest cakes In the world. Any grocer will sell you a two pound package of slap jack for ton cents. Clemens Os- kump , bolo manufacturer , Omaha , Nob. IlayUen ftros. Extraordinary sale of ladles' , gents' and children's wool underwear - dorwear on Monday. If You Wniitn I'luno Cheap , Cash or time , see the bargain at 107 N. 10th st Molnborir , ngont. Carpets , Chas. Shivorielc.tCo.,1200 , 1203 and 1210 Farnara st. _ Grand Hall under the auspices of Union Pacific K. of L. assemblies of Omaha nt Washing ton Hull on Thursday evening , Nov. I'J. Tickets 81.00. The now offices of the Great Rook Island route , 1002 Sixteenth nnd Farnam streets , 'Omaha , are tholinostln the city. Cull and BOO thorn. Tickets to ull points oust ut lowest rates. . - " " Dr. Matthews extracts tcoth without pain , Rooms 348 and 350 , Boo building. Hiiyaoa Jtroa. Extraordinary snlo of Indies' , gouts' and children's wool un derwear oa Monday , PARISIAN CLOAK AND SUIT CO , Has Now Become the Popular Resort for the Ladies. . Tomorrow Wo IMuoo on Sale Tlfty Tlioiimiiitl Dollai-H1 Worth of ttio latest Novelties in Cloak.- ) , Jackets anil Wraps. PRICES LESS THAN FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. The stock comprises all grades and styles of jackets , wraps and long gar inonts. Flno diagonal cloth tailor made jackets $5.00 each , worth $7.50. Flno beaver and Cheviot jackets $7.50 each , gond value for $12.00. Very styl ish jackets nt $8.50 ; these are sold else where from $12.00 to $14.00. A range.of jackets In roofers and vest fronts , including those jaunty blazers BO becoming to young misses. A choice of styles $10.00 each , any ono of these are sold elsewhere from $12.50 to-j15.00. PUJSHJACKKTS PLUSH JACKETS PLUSH SAQUKS PLU3II SAQUKS All our plushes wore contracted for before the great advance in price of plush and before the passugo of the Me- Kinloy bill. Our numerous friends and the public will got the benefit und wo will lese nothing. Fine plush tvnlklng jackets $8 each , considered cheap elsewhere at $12. Our $10 seal plush English walking jackets , Our seal plush sucques from $15 to { 27.50 , wo guarantee against < ruin or wearing oil at edges. Remember every ono Is guaranteed , and they are cheap at from $20 to S10. No such bargains \yoro over shown in Omaha. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. The largest line in children's and misses' cloaks in any ono house west of Now York ; nil sixes , and choice styles to moose from. TOMORROW MONDAY. Our second special gift day. With every purchase of a child's coat in ages from 2 years to 12 years , n beau- : lful French doll will bo given as a gift. This only applies to children between 2 years and 12 years. Wo will convince you , besides making i'our children huupy , our children's jloaks are fully 50 per cent cheaper than Lhoso sold elsewhere. Ready mndo dresses and tea gowns in endless variety. Thousands to cheese Tom. A perfect fit guaranteed OR NO SALE. Great bargain wcok at Parisian Cloak ind Suit company. Largest and only cloak and suit house in the west. PARISIAN CLOAK &SUIT CO. , 15lh and narnoy st.Ramgo ; bldg. , Charles McDonald , Manager. A. I > . MOUS13 , Reliable Ono Pi-ice Slioo Store. The best bright dongola button shoo in America for $3.00 nnd 5-2.50. Also a few high cut $5.00 button shoos for $3.50 to close the lot. Also a few very flno shoes of a manufacturer's samples In small si/.CH. Regular price , $8.00 and 810.00 ; our price , $5.00. Dr. Matthews extracts tooth without pain. Rooms 348 and 3oO , 15co building. Solid gold spectacles and oyo-glasses J5.00 , fitted with the linest lensoa by a regular optician. N. M. Ruddy , 211 S. loth st. , next Uoyd's opera houso. . Drs. Glasler& DodgoJO ? Paxtonblk. Seaman's phuotons , best and cheapest. . A , Max Ilolzliclinoi- . Fine watch repairing , 1413 Douglas st. S. A. Orcliuril. Carpet , furniture and drapory. Millinery at Cost. All French felt hats , formerly $2.50 , now $1.25 during removal salo. Mrs. C. A. Ringer , 110 N. 15th st. Fine curringos , Seaman's repository. Itros. Extraordinary sale of ladles' , gents' and children's wool un- dorwear'on Monday. _ GIU-A.T : I' During tlio Coming AVock AVe Shall Have Another Grand 1'arlor , X iiriiltui-n Salo. This coming sale will ccllpso that of lust wcok. Read n few prices us an index to what you can buy : Nlco parlor suits , regular prlco $40 , this wcok only $22.75. Crushed plush parlor suits , spring cdgo , regular price $70 , this wcok only $33.50. Plush rockers , regular prlco $15 , this wcok only $7.76. Plush divans , regular prlco $14 , this week only $7.50. Single lounges , regular price $8.60 , this wcok only $1.90. Bed lounges , regular price $13 , this week only $7.50. For real bargains in parlor furniture bo sure and call this wcok ut Puoi'us's MAMMOTH INSTALLMENT Ilousu , 013-015-017-010 North Tenth street , Between California unit Webster. Make no mistake , Como to the right place. Look for the white front. Open evenings till 9 p. in , The public is most cordially invited to our first grand furniture opening Tuesday afternoon and evening. Our entire building and court will bo lighted by electricity. Como ovoryono. S. A. OrcharTl , carpeting and draperies , 1414- 1410 and 1118 Douglas. Blggost stock of Mublcal boxes , nt lowcbt prices , at S. Bunk's , 507 N. 10th. Iluyiloa Bros. Extraordinary sale of ladles' , gonts' and children's wool un derwear on Monday , COOIC'S SII013 STOIUX Orcnt Cut Prloo on InullcB1 Pine Sliocg ' 1 ] un TUoiulny. 'I ' Thin is the tlmo to buy shoos nnd on * stock is very largo iiiul must ho reduced ) nnd on Monday wo will mnko a sw reduction of 10 per cent on our onllr& stock ) of ladles' ' shoos. Jt Our $0 French kid hand-turned Hh/o $1.50. These nro O ray's .Syracuse , New York , shoo and linnd-turnod ; a find nhoo und sold elsewhere In Omiilia nt $0. All goods marked In plain figures. Our $5 hund-nmdo welt HIOO. ! heavy solo , for Monday at $4.30. This shoo & sold bv others at $0. Our'I.OORoyuoldMUros. ' Utleu , NOTT York , hand turned shoo at .i.'l.lit ) . Our $3.0 Reynolds Bros. ' Imnti welt heavy solo shoo for fall wear at ? ! U . Our $ : t.OO Reynolds llro ? . ' line kid shoo with patent leather tip or plain toont2.70. ! Our $5.00 American French kid slioo with patent leather tip and patent leather heel , boxed , now style and very line shoo at $ l.f 0. In fact every ladies' uhoo In the store will bo handed out at the 10 pur cent cut prlco on Mundny. All goods marked In plain fiirtireti , and please remember tliut wo don't mlvortleo often , but always do as wo advertise. . COOK'S Largest store in the city ; largest stocf ) nnd nlwuya Iho lowest prices. 1312 Far * nam street. AniiiHcinoiitf ) . Manager Lawlor of Iho Eden Musca lias provided a line ontortuiumont for his many patrons thin week. For the curious no presents Xainnssa , Iho power ful chief of tlio Zulus , who wus captured in ono of the great battles in Zululund , A largo list of now wax figures includes nil the notablus of Europe , and a stcr * optican view of ninny continental cities complete the special attractions in this department. In the Bijou theater , Jus. Turner , the humorous musician , will recite cite his comic compositions , introducing' ' his curious instruments. Grocnbaum , * the famous magician , will amuse all by his powers of the hidden art nnd aston ish all by his clever tricks. Tror Bros. , the notable comedians , song and dance artists , will help ainiiso by tlioir comic hits and artistic dancing and singing , v 'liorolT , the famed Arabian military art i t , will give an exhibition of his adopt ness In army , zouave and fancy drills ami sjun movements. Anzoln , thobonoloss wonder , will mystify all bv his specialty. Astori , the air \valkor , is another mysterious ivrtist whoso illusion is very deceptive. Senor Fai-nandox , the talented mandolin artist , will conclude the ontcrtnimiiont by exhibition of his skill on that lustra * mont. Special Ustrluli Tip Salo. 610 bunches of black and 242 buuchos if ostrlcli tips bought from a innmifao- Lurer for 40con the dollar. Wo will soil them at ono half their regular Monday. Tiiohduy. Wednesday. At 2oc , at oOc , at 7oc , at ? 1 , nt $1.50 ind at $2.50 wo olTor the very best istrlch tip to bo found. They are . client bargains. DAVIS , milliner , V Opposite the P. O. , Ill S , 15th st. X Wo have the largest assortment of % l uilr goods in Omaha.DAVIS DAVIS , milliner , 111 S. 15th st. Just received the improved N'ow Pro * : oss gasoline stove. Stoctzel , 1021 Toward. Auction Horse Auction. Our regular Bale of stock will bo or ; Uuesday next nt 10 a. m. A large num * 3or of horses , wagons , etc. , will be JiTcrcd and sold. Any one wishing to miy a horse or wagon should attend our inlo every Tuesday and Friday n , vt tlio Pioneer barn , Kith st. , betwo [ Jarncy nnd Howard. Henry llomr Mgr. Robert Wells , Auctioneer. Special Notice. Owing to the inclamency of tha iVeathor on Saturday our opening wllj J jo continued Monday , Nov. 10th. C. L ) Krlekson , 200 N. 10th st. l ( The ladies of the First Baptist , church ivill servo n oyster supper on Thursday ivoning , Nov 1JI , from 0 to I ) o'clock. n tlio basement of the church. Cotna jvoryono and have a social time. Cornish < fcRobcrtsonuttornoyphavo rot novcd their olliccs to R 54 to 57 , Darker bli Curtains and Drnporj. Dewey & Stone Furniture Co. The great Dunlap hat is unrivaled U ; ho world. Dunlap took the premium ivor all American and Europe nt the Paris exposition. Frederick & Co. , 120 South 15th st. . solo agents in Omaha , Practical natters. Our Imported pattern hat exhibition continues tomorrow. DA VIES , ; M illinor , No. Ill S. 15th st. _ The fall exhibition of the Western Art association opens Monday ovonlnsfj. November 10 to 21 , in Now York Lif V building , first lloor. Dancing Join Morand's ' Saturday ovcnlng clnss und you will lonrn tli * " latest dances. Assembles Thursday and Saturday 8 p. in. i Our Imported pattern hat exhibition continues tomorrow. \ DAVIES , Milliner , No. Ill S. 15th bt. Boys Wanted Ton boys wanted nt A D. T. Co. , ISO I Douglas. Good On choice city property at lowest rates. Optional payments. Kimball , C'hanip ' < ty Ryan , 1205 Farnam st. | Seaman's buggies best nnd cheapest The nubile is most cordially invited to our first grand furniture opening Tuesday afternoon and evening. Ou9 " _ entire building and court will bo lighted" by electricity. Como everyone. S. A. Orchard , carpotlng and druporius , 111-W 1410 and 1418 Douglas. , You should try our ISowciibllo con ! un < f bo convinced ; It is equal to Roclc Springs Mount & Grlllln. AVns Count I.oo Tolutol Alnd ? To write a tulo BO extremely bad That ono , a innhor of clothes' ( Not from Cincinnati ! ) < . Should decree that through the P , OX You cannot got Kroutzor Sonata ; AH much so us Iho man who does not acknowledge that Robertson llros. sell only the finest cigars ut 21U b. 15th St , Our NowcoBtlo coal cornea from Ohio , Guarnntcod to bo cnualto Rook Sprlngatf Mount & Grlllln. \ > , Dr , Matthews extracts tcotli without pain. Rooms U48 and . ' 150 , lleo biiikllnf/ , ' 1C02. Sixteenth and Furnuin strcot the now Rock Inland ticket ofllco. Tic tits to all points cast at lowest rates ,