Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1890, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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A Modern Instance of Noble Bolf-Sacrifico
nnd Devotion ,
Doing * of the Bninrt World Diirlnc
tlio Week Just Kmlod Receptions
nnd CnrU I'nrtlcn Interspersed
with Buvcrnl Bud Tens.
Since thodnysof long ago soclctyhnsnovcr
tind such a lesson of sclf-dculal , of devotion ,
of heroism taught It as that shown by Miss
Mnry Hutlcrworth , daughter ot General Ben
lluttcrworth in her marriage to Mr. Hough-
wout Howe.
The circumstances attending the marriage
wcro of the saddest nature imaginable , yet
they dccluro to the world that thcro nro hero-
Jnos today in the vast cities of commerce , he
roines in the busy social throngs where the
dance , the jest , the feast nro considered all
potent , heroines as noble , ns great ns those
who lived In icons past In the elnys of old ,
when bonuly Inspired chivalry und when cio-
votion gave birth to heroism.
Miss Mnry Uuttorworth proved herself ni
Brent n hcrolno during the ten days Just past
OH did the women or old whom nations vor-
Billpncd nnd whoso praises were sung by the
inspired poets of centuries ago. In cliisslo
times.such devotion was sung nml glorified- ,
today , nlnsl it Is slnmly alluded to iw some
thing out of * the ordinary , then iulto lor-
ottuu In the press of social duties , social ob-
§ gallons.
Miss Buttcrworth's unselfish elovollon to
Mr. Howe , the added development of her
love during his illness , her marriage te > him
twenty-four hours heforo the- appointed day
of the wedding , her uninterrupted earn of
the dying man , whoso spirit left Its fragile
clay upon the aay llrat sanctifletl ns the np-
* jointed wedding day , were BO many
noble nets of devotion , a series of pictures of
chastened love , nets of heroism , pure nnd
Oi'uplo , that must bo applauded and which
tnnnot ho forgotten. Yet , cnrthllko , the love
duel ( levotlon und heroism of the woman wcro
not rewarded by the saving of the man's '
llfo. Truly , love has Its terrors as well as Its
Now that tbo elections are over nnd the
mon hnvo time to give some attention to the
fair sex , society will commence to assume its
brightest , appearance and from this on you
may expect the devotees of the smart world
to ho involved in engagements up to their
Already a number of big crushes are talked
of , one nictty young married woman having
engaged the parlors of the Millard for n
Kensington as late ns January , In the im
mediate future , howwor , there are a number
of receptions and card parties which will at
tract the lenders of tlio Four Hundred.
The settlement of the prohibition question ,
xvhlch was nt fiercely discussed at Kensing
tons ami afternoon card parties by the ladles
as the question was argued at campaign
meetings nnd ward clubs by their husbands ,
fathers , brothers nnd sweethearts , will permit
n number of people to entertain
who would hnvo figured very llttlo in society
this winter had prohibition carried. Theh
husb.uuls , In the most part owners of real
estate , have felt the tightening of the times
and until the question was finally settled re
fused to foot the hills that might bo incurroi
by their wives In entertaining. This Is id
different now , and a number of very charm
ing entertainments will ensue which wouli
not have been given under other circum
"Thnt which Is sinking in Amoricar
, girls , " snys Mmo. Julio Adam In tbo NTortl
American Review , "and which induce :
French , English and Italian noblemen t <
marry them , Is thnt they never look like
HUopkeopcrs1 danghtcrs ; they sometime :
have unbearable , shocking ways , but the ;
are never vulgar. They may bo chat gee
with what we call In Franco nirs do coco
( lotion , but not ono of them looks like i
trndcswoinari , thoiiRh they nro mostly tin
daughters of manufacturers. The America !
girl has the science of pleasing which cnptl
vales ovott the olti world Don Junns una
wares. She seems to us exceptionally Intelll
gout , putting forth nil her talents to attali
the llnal end. which Is trapping , often for bl
own gootl , a titled husband. What the Kuro
poan women denounce in the young /Vmerl
cans is tbo nbuso of flirtation in which som
of them Indulge. At this dangerous pustinv
they learn to over-oxcito the vanity of tu
men , and therefore disdain them. "
At the Altar's Klirlno.
At the Calvary liaptist church , at 7:3 :
Wednesday evening , Uov. A. W. Clark oft ]
dating , Mr. Thomas 0. Hall nnd Mrs. Mnttl
H. Corey worounltod in marriage , Miss Lcni
Doitrlch acting ns hrldcsinalu ntul Mr. Alvli
Koeufolt ns groomsman.
Air , Hull Is engaged with the Johnson Bros
transfer line of this city and is well knowi
In many of Omaha's social circles In whlcl
ho numbers many friends ,
Ills bride is n member of the Calvary Bar
tist church and Is possessed of many woman !
qualities. Although she has been a resided
of Oinnhn but a short time she has gnlno
many warm friends both socially and in ho
church solutions by her quiet and ladyllk
The newly wedded pair have gene to house
keeping nt 1603 North Twenty-seventh street
nnd enter their now llfo with bright hope
and the best wishes of their many frlcnels fc
a long life of usefulness unel happiness.
Mr. Collins Jordan and Miss May Iloffma
were married Thursday evening , Novombt
0. nt the residence of tbo bride's parent ;
Twenty-third and Howard streets , Th
bride and groom are both well known In thl
city , and a host of friends wish them
happy llfo. Uov. Charles W. Savldgo o
The marrlapo ol Mr. Oeorgo Rung nn
Miss Lilly Grimm , was pcrformoel by lo' { '
Charles \V. Snvidge , at his residence. . Lea1
cmvorth and Twonty-llfth avenue. Only
f ow Intimate friends were present.
A very pretty wedding ceremony occurre
nt the residence of tlio Into William Plomlni
Grand view cottngo , Twenty-eighth and Yale
Btrcots , Thursday avciiiut , ' . week , In whlc
"TTts daughter , Miss ICato Fleming , nnd Mi
George U. Stand wcro united In marrlugo I
the Kuv. W. J. Hnrslm. The bride was vei
as the brli'o. ' Air. A. Smart oniclated In tl
capacity o ( groomsman , the ceremony belli
uttonded by only the relatives of the tv
fatulllcH nnd a few Intimate frionels. Afti
November 10 , Air. emd Mrs. Stanel will bo :
homo with the bride's mother , Twenty-eight
nnd Yates.
At St Phllcmonn's cathedral , Omnh
Wednesday rooming was celebrated the ma
ringoof Air. 0. W. Miller of thli city m
Miss Alary E. AlciJoiiougti of Omaha , Uo
Father McCarthy oftlciutlnir.
The bride Is well known In Omaha nt
highly estoomoa by her acquaintances. M
Miller Is an old employe of the postolllcod
pnrtmunt nnd enjoys the confidence of a lari
- cln-lo of friends. They will reside <
U-'wcnty-llfth street , between O and P street
At S o'clock Wednesday morning Air. Fri
Dellono w.xs united In murriugotoMUs Fra
i-es Cooper. The ceremony took place ut S
Cecelia's church , and was performed by Re
leather Carroll. Mr. and Airs , Dollono lea-
this evening for Galroston , whcro they w
hpend the winter. The groom Is a ucphow
Mr. Dellono , the wholesale liquor dealer
this city.
A very pretty wedding was solemnized
Geneva , this state , on Wednesday , the co
trailing parties being Air. C. S. Potter , J ;
son ot the general agent of the Wells-Knri
nnrt American express companies In this cit
nnd Aliss IJallard , only daughter of Hon.
R , Dallard , who was state geologist for t\ \
yearn , Rov. Zcnncr of the First Congi
Rational church of Geneva oftlclatlnp , Aft
the murrliigo tlio bride and groom left on
wedding trip to Denver und Ogaen and w
Jio nt homo nftor November 20 at Pad
Junction , The groom Is employed as a UK
Bender on the Cheyenne and PadHo Junctl
routes. Mr. nnd Mrs. Potter were the i
clplcnta of mnuy valuable and useful prt
cuts , and their friends in Omaha Join
wishing them great Impplncss.
The marriage of Air. Uly scs C. AIoDan
nnd Miss Ltiln Bnllantlno , oiiughtor of Mr.
nnd Mrs , W , 0. Ballantlno , wa- celebrated
Wednesday nftornoon. After Novomoor 20
they will be nt home ntSI&t California street.
Miss Ilnllnntino , nn exceedingly pretty nnd
charming young woman , has been a favorlto
In society circles fur several years.
In Cnpld'B Power. .
A lady friend of Tin ; lien sends the follow
ing additional Information regarding tbomnr-
rlngcs in future :
The account of recent engagements In last
Sunday's Hue was Indeed highly interesting.
Some few , however , that have been gossiped
of for months nnd nro now reported upon good
authority , wcro evidently forgotten.
Among thcsoii most clover nnd well dressed
girl , who has had many seasons nnd number
less offers , Is soon to marry nn eastern man ,
who hnlls from Now York und is cnor.nou.sly
rich , 'tis said ,
Not less In Importance comes tbo fact that
the girl who carried off the honor.sof last sea
son , the hello of the ballroom , tall , hnndsomo
nnd most popular , has been won by an equally
popular man residing In Council IJluffs. That
they will mnko the finest looking pair nnd
have the swcllcst wedding Omaha has for
some time seen aomowhat alleviates the regret
thnt is naturally felt at the loss
Then a club man , who is adored by his fel
lows , has chosen for his future bride a former
resident of this city. They nro hoik dark nnd
very much in love , 'tis hinted.
Surprise will undoubtbdly bo expressed
when It Is known that a very sweet , pretty
girl belonging ton very prominent family Is
to wed n clergymen , nnd n missionary at thnt.
While ono of the older set ot girls will
mnrrv after Christmas a handsome young
A Jtirn ; Itml Ten.
Wednesday afternoon Airs , Churchill Par
ker nnd Airs. John Barker gave a beautiful
rose bud ICeusluglon at their residence , 4013
hard street. The house , which occupies a
commanding position Just west of Dr. Alcr-
ccr's residence , is charmingly suited for the
giving of largo entertainments. The rooms
nro largo and airy , the halls wide and roomy ,
and the view from tbo windows would 1111 the
soul of nn artist with delight.
Hut decorations ! They have not been ex
celled by uny private establishment in the
city. The drawing room was n mass ot
palms , while multi-colored chrysanthemums
gave n pay nnd festive appearance to the
rooms whlcti was very delightful , while roses
were placed in nooks nnil cornel's , on the
mantclpieces.oven ttio guests being showered
with them.
Until I o'clock the guests , and there .must
have been nearly one hundred present ,
either engaged in animated conversation ,
much of the talk being about the recent elec
tions and the AIcKinlcy bill , or clso
they played cards , just ns their sweet
fancy willed. Alra. T. J. Rogers , who is
always gracious nbout assisting her friends
in entertaining , sang several selections very
charmingly , as eild also Mrs. Alotcnlf and
Airs. Henry D. Kstabrook.
Later little tables were brought forward
and a very tempting lunch served to the
guests , the hostess being assisted by a quar
tette of pretty girls , AIIssos Alabol Pratt ,
Leola Carter , Manila Moore and Aliss Shep
A noticeable feature of tho. decorations was
the punch bowl In the dining room , which
was lllled with la Franco and bridal roses ,
garnlsho.l with Hinlliix ,
The guests who enjoyed the charm of the
afternoon were :
Airs , J. H. Buchanan , Airs. John U. Drookb ,
Airs. G. II. Boggs , Airs. S. D. Burkalow ,
Airs. Joseph Barker , Airs. W. N. Bnbcock ,
Airs. E. S. Dundy , Mrs. C. K Catllu , Airs. D.
H. Wheeler , Airs. P. U. L.OWO , Airs. Thomas
Swono , Airs. Lovl Carter. Mrs. W. V. Alorso ,
Airs. V. L. Ilaller , Mrs. G. W. Liuinger.Mrs.
G. W. Ames. Airs. Frank Colpctzer. Mrs ,
Dti BoisMrs. , Clement ChaseAtrs. V. II. Coft-
manAirs. J. N. Cornish , Mrs. J. Al. Aletcolf ,
Aleadames , Vf. P. Allen , C. W. Cleveland , A.
P. Honkins , Hopkins , J. Al. Thurston ,
Henry Alcday , Byron Ueed , William Hol
comb , Henry listnbrook , O. Al. Carter. R. C ,
Moore , Airs. Patrick , I , W. Miner , S. S. Cur
tls , C. II. Dewey , John A. Horbaeh , 13. S
IJunely , Jr. , P. H. Johnson , L. J. Brake , J. Al. .
, . . . ,
I ? \ja\\i\ \ .t ii v AJ .ut4Jt J-f 4.1 iUlUi < into
Hulst , Frank IVIuIr , C. S. Uaymond , 0. W.
Kelley , W. E. Claric , C. Hartmnn , Henrj
Dntiham , Frank' Whcaton , T. J. Uosers
Augustus 1'ratt , Mrs. Trultt , D. W. ISenham
Warren Itogers , J , B. Hawley , E. W. Na h
C. II. Gardner , Mrs. Sarson , Mrs. Porter
Georpo I. Gilbert , Olarlc Woodman , D. Baum
.I.E. Ban rn , Misses Buttorlield , U. C. Cush
intr , G. I'owoll , Krnest Uiall. S. P. Morse , D
H.Vlieclcr , Jr. , Henry Lockwooil , Mrs
Hall , Mrs , Hartsuft , James Pcabody , Mrs
Sloan , M. C. Nichols , A. J. Simpson , B. B
\V'ood , Robert Doherty , Mrs. Windsor , Mrs
Lowe , C. A. Wordeii , Mrs. Edwards of Call
Corn in , Fred Nyo.
An Omaha Artist in P/xrls.
Hon. Oeorgo AV. Llnlagcr , the patron of Jlr
J. O. Itorglutn , who is tultiiif ; a three years
course In nrt ninonfr the grtat artists on th
oilier sldo of the water , received this wcel
the following letter from his protege , whlcl
will be interesting especially to art lovers li
Omaha. The talent of the young man seem
to ho asserting Itself oven among the clove
Frenchmen , and some of these days th
Omaha artist will ho famous if ho only keep
las hcnd. The letter reads ns follows :
PAWS , Franco , October 20 , 1800 , Co Boulc
van ! Arago , Atelier 20. Dear Mr. Linlngcr
Wo have just completed n house settling job
nnd I can assure you that to furnish rooms ii
this intcrnul place if only ir n poor way I
not n deslruhlo undertaking nor an Inoxpcii
sivo ono. In llgurinR up our expenses w
counted on a stove ( -winter is now coming on
for ISfmncs Sfl.OO ; that was not had , for i
good little wood heater ; It was cheap , bu
when I had put it up in1
stove-plpo had cost mo nearl' '
as much as my stove. Hici
there was the shovel , the poker , the fuel , am
I found I had nn elephant on ray hands. Bu
It is gtltlntjcohl now , and as wo are from
warm country , with only light clothing , lb
"elephant" Is necessity.Vo nro doing ou
own housekeeping ; in fuct , everything V )
can do ourselves , wo do.
I have secured my rooms for a year , payin
quarterly in advance. Wo have three room
and a kitchen. One room I use fiuin
studio , one la our salon and ono our be
chamber. They nro on the second llooi
pleasantly located , convenient to markets
stores , etc. , and ucur to the tramways to th
center of Purls ,
Wo have had quite a number of visitors a !
ready , among them being the Hon. Thoma
Ochiltrco , ox-congressman from Texas , noi
Mackey's attorney. I made Mr , Ochiltrco'
acquaintance -while crossing the water ; H
bocnmo interested In mo from som
sketches I made for acoiicct
given on shipboard. After our urriro
hero ho culled nnd introduced us t
a good ninny people , among them Senate
LelundStanford ot California.
Wo had arranged for Mr. Ochiltreo an
Senator Stanford to call at my studio , hut n
unexpected Interruption prevented , so I wi ;
Invited to call at their hotel nnd bring sow
of inv sketches with mo. I called the follow
Ing day nnd found ono of Hosa Bonheur'a pli
tnres there. At sight of It my heart guv
two or three violent Jumps , as you migt
guess. When 1 got in front of it , nnd coul
SCR It , I found it was a picture of Cnllform
horses and my sketches were of the same m
ture. I must confess from IZosa's reput :
tlon I did not lontj for this comparison , bi
when I saw the picture I felt siitlsllod in in
own iiiltut , hut \vis ; doubtful as to thoopinlc
ot Senator Stanford , whos > o opinion on U
action of the hon > o thcro Is no better uutho
The senator osUod mo some quostiot
about horses and their actions. 11
did not lllto Kosa's picture , an
liked my sketch of the stage picture ( whlc
you have ) very much , though ho told mo I
did not think howould order any plctun
just wrw. However when I hart picked xi
my f ketches to leave and the hncUmau wi
taking them down , horamo intotho hallwn
and gave mo nn order for a small picture i
ho painted $0011such a subject ns I chose i
select , the picture to cost fMX ) . And be h
this order ho gave mo another fur two lai >
canvases of California suhjects , to bupniuu
In nbout n year. I oball have to return fi
tbo sketches of this work , if not to paint tl
tutli-o pictures.
An account of Mr. Stanford's order wi
telegraphed over the ocean and you may Inu
eOL-ji It In some of the homo papers , ns I luu
received New York und San Francisco pape
which mbtition It.
Tills is brief , but you see my hands are fill
I have junix | > d Into tbo arena und inv dul
now is to seize every opportunity and
spare nothing hut my health la the light.
I liuvo uiy salon iitcturo solucted , and
1 finer subject never catered a man's head.
I ran only tnaVo the flno thinR of H thnl it
deserves to bo , I will ho happy. I will do-
scrlho it later.
Wo cannot possibly got anything ready for
your exhibition , o you do as you suggested ,
nnd when % vc send our pictures you can ex
change them. Soon I will wrlto nnd say
tnnro about things in general nnd nrt in
Paris. J , O. Uonaiim
A Uoso IJml HlKli-Klvc Pnrty.
Wednesday evening Miss Catherlno
Barker , taking advantage of the hcautlful
floral decorations which had been a part of
her mother's Kensington during the after
noon , gave a very prett > ' card party , which
was essentially n rose party , nil the huds
being present nnd the bachelors. Partners
were selected by small cards which bore the
table number nnd ulso a number for each
player , and they were as dainty and pretty
ns rould well be. ,
The ladies' royal prize , which consisted of
an Immense cluster of la Franco roses , was
carried off by Miss Mary Moore , and the
gentlemen's prize , n , chamois bag full of poker
chips , was captured by Mr. Harry
The ladles'booby prize , a book of poetry
entitled < lOne Thousand nncl One Gems , '
fell into the hands of Mrs. Daniel Baum , nnd
Mr. Paul was the recipient of the gentle
men's booby prize , usauhctbng. The tally
cards were very beautifully gotten up , approaching
preaching almost works of nrt.
Itrcclving on Kloctlon Da/ .
One ol tbo most charming receptions over
given in Omnhn was that of Mrs. C : Hartman -
man nnd her daughter , Miss Hartman , Tues
day nfternoon nt their beautiful now homo on
Farnam street. It was nn exceedingly happy
thought ou Mrs , Ilortman's part to select
Tuesday on which to entertain her friends.
The day was perfect , nn ideal November
day , nnd her guests availed themselves ot
the opportunity to inspect the palatial homo
of ono of Omaha's leading business men.
The house is really ono of the most impos
ing in the city. It has been built with n
view to comfort , nnd the largo reception hall ,
; ho salon , the library , tno dining room ami
.ho music room nro each perfect in its way.
The hall covers as much space as a small
live-room cottngo nnd is the most delightful
[ ilaco for n cotillion Imaginable.
Although the guests numbered 250 during
ho afternoon , tbo hours of the reception bo
ng from U until 0 , thcro was llttlo
crushing , la fact the guests moved about
without the least dlfllculty , the talk of the
afternoon turning to the result of the eloc-
.lons over the country. It was really sur
prising what interest thcro wus in the result ,
and bright eyes nnd rosv cheeks told t'j0 '
itory of exciting arguments beingcarr'u.1 ' on.
In honor of the occasion the large , spacious
rooms were beautifully decorated with roses ,
smllnx and chrysanthemums. The gay colors
and ragged finery of this most fashionable of
Cosies gave a beautiful Direct to the furnish-
ngs of the room. For house decoration thcro
is nothing tnoro plcturesnuo than chrysan
themums. They nro tbo most wonderful
Jlowers in the world for n "show. " They are
so gay and brilliant. They fairly challenge
one's admiration and then they have the Joy
ous attribute of the Mikado's sister , they are
"tough as n bono with a will of their own. "
They are handsome , not beautiful. Everyone
ono admires them , but no ono loves them.
They nro Hko some showy beauties in this
But Mrs. Hartman's reception I The dining
room was a bower of beauty ; ropoa of
smilax wcro festooned from the four corn
ers of the room , fastened at tlio central chan
delier , and from there to the four corners of
the square table which stood directly under
neath , while yellow chrysanthemums pro
jected their yellow heads from every nook
and ingle. The soft , subdued light from
fairy lamps and candles blended harmonious
ly with the elegant draperies nnd dainty
hangings that ndorn the lurgo drawing rooms
of this model homo. .
Mrs. Hartmnn was assisted In receiving by-
Mrs. John P. Williams nnd Mrs. George I.
Gilbert , who stood nt the entrance to the
salon. At the drawing room door was sta
tioned Mrs. S. P. Morse , Mrs. Clmrlcs Dean
and Mrs. D. II. 'Wheeler. Mrs. FrankHnllor ,
Mrs. II. B. Coryell and Mrs. Thomas S.
Kelton saw to tno comfort of the guests uy
ushering them into the dining room" , where
Bnlduft's corps of waiters sorvcd delicious
refreshments. In the music room cbooolato
and sherbort were served by the Misses
Lynn Curtis , Lulu Johnson , Loola Carter
and I'carl Htirtman , a quartette of very pret
ty nnd attractive young women.
Among those present were Mesdnmcs
Wheeler Jr. , Colpotzer , Alexander , UcBois ,
Birkhausor , Flitch , Moore , Byron Kccd ,
Sloan , Hobble , Johnson , Mulr , PurkorKiggs' ,
Paxton , Frico , Gallagor , Curtis , Gushing ,
Whitney , Dr. Pnrkor , Kosewatcr , Marshall ,
Fell , Darrow , Tuttle , Itedick , Oiacomml ,
Wood , Nattingcr , Calm , Kooder , Kennun1 ,
Albert Cnlm , Pratt , M. Meyer , Silk worth ,
Kanco , Baum , Chambers , Strong , Kris
Kendoll , Falconer , Coo , Bronuson , Bnrbcr ,
Nash , Mount , Uustin , Uriivca , Billiard
Council .limits , Whltnoll , Duel , Benson ,
Yates. Kogers , Dufrcon , M. Cahn , Simp
son , A. Meyer , Taylor , Clarke ,
Mills , J. .T. Brown , Allen , Mulr ,
Williams , Sherwood , Millard , Barker ,
Carter , Raymond , Shobes. Hamilton ,
Squires , ICstabrook , Campbell , Thurston ,
Johnion , Hnrens , Turner , Remington , Hell ,
man , Burl , Peck , McMillan , Ohnso , Traynor ,
Uunvcll , Burns , Wakulcy , Williams , 'Lun
ger , Swobe , KHchon , Patrick , Kason , Mar
tin , Montgomery , Rogers , Williams , Thomas
Rogers , Brown , Cook , .Icnson , Akin , ives.
Gibson nnd others. Misses Alexander
Bnum , Hoaghvnd , Dullard Council Bluffs
Wakeloy. Emily Wnkcloy , Gincoinlm , Smith
Strong , Carter , Moore , Pratt , Cott , Parker
Ada 1'arkcr , Cook , Sherwood , Balbneh
Campbell , Whlrweli , Hnrnoy , Chambers
Nash , Smith , Leo , Arnold , Johnson , Hitt
Rooder , Mount , Burns , Turner , Kennedy
Hellman , Marshall , Klusbeo , Barker anc
A Wcddlnu Kecontlon.
In honor of the marriage of their son , Mr
Dayid Baum , which was solemnized but i
short time ngo in Now Jersey , Mr. nnd Mrs
Daniel Buum gave n lovely reception Tlitirs
day evening at their pretty homo , 2211 How
ard street.
The hotiso was vary prettily dccoratci
throughout with ( lowers , rosebuds nmlohrys
anthcmums entering largely into the floral nr
ranitcmenls. In the parlor the grate was concealed
coaled by a mass ot palms , while a number o
rose bowls lllled with rosebuds adorned tin
mantel nnd windows. The dining-room win
ulso very prettily arranged , a solid bed o
chrysanthemums having been built into th
windows. Smilax was fastooned about tin
chandeliers , the whole effect being ver
The receiving party consisted of Mr. am
Mrs. Daniel Uaum , Mr , nnd Mrs. Davli
Ihium , Mhs Baum nnd Miss Brownlo Ilnmn
sisters of the groom. MM. B.uim , sr. , np
iwarcd In a very pretty black lace gown , tin
bride wearing n gray silk trimmed with pinl
slllciict ; Miss Baum were black with a golt
leaf running through the gown , and her vcr
pretty i torMiss , Urowiiic , Dmun , nppearlni
to adrunt'isu ' in yellow silk trimmed will
rose plait fringe. Among the guests win
were very striking costumes the fol
lowing am noted : Miss Opal Tonga
lln , one of the season's debutantes
looked very lovahlo in a bright yellow coj
tumo trlmuiod with blaokelvet'tho whole
surmounted with a largo black hat trituiuei
with yellow nnd blade plumes ; Miss Lym
CurllR , another of ihu buds , were a fetchlm
costume of blue silk entr.xiue , the waist belli ;
covered with whlto passementerie : MM. A
II. Smith , a bride of n month , were a vcr
tirotty gray crepe ; Mrs. Clement Chase , wh
is always attractive was gowned very strik
itigly In bluck luco nnd yellow silk' ' , Mis
Dundy , tall , dark and distinguished looktnu
were a complete suit of black ; Miss Lcol
Carter , bluck nnd gold evening costume
Mrs. S. S , Curtis , n very dainty dress of dell
rate gray and silver imulo after ( hvclan moil
lis , a gray silk toque ornamented with birds
Mrs. 1 , W. Miner , ox-blooUcrepo ; Airs. 11.11
Lookwooil , a gown of delicate KIIIV matcria
much resembling crepe ; Mrs. D. II. Whtvle
jr. , a costume of palo gray Henrietta cloth
Mrs. Will Hamilton , were u superb blacl
velvet rostumv , entralne , with point lace an
diamond ! ) , the whole relieved by a single pin' '
rose , the largest that Ims been seen for a Vf r ,
louir time ; Mrs. 13. S. OuuJy Jr. , quit'
charmed her friends by wearing u prott
golden Drown gown with rod orcpa triir
mlnga ; Mrs. D , \Vhooler-sr. . , was drcsic
in black ; Mrs. Robert Pease graced n ro
tumo of dark wlro inorio with wine volvc
sleovus : Mr-i. Howard llaldrlgo was. eg :
tunmt in ( Mshmcrc and whlto silk ] AIH
Beull , an cntiro suit of black ; Mrs J. 1
Williams were n blm-U velvet gown trlinme
with black und whlto sutlu.
The invited list comprlsotl Mr , and Mr :
William I'oiipicton , Mr. und Mrs , C'llnto
Powell , Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Pratt , Mi
and Mrs. Itcdlck , Mr. and Jlrs. B. need , Mr.
nnd Mrs. H. L. ItoynoVlJ , Mr. and Mrs. J.
Rhedtn , Mr. nnd Mrn..iUmll , Mr. nnd Mrs.
T. J. Rogers , Mr. nnd Mrp , W. Uogors , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Edwin -RoVfMy , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Sharp , Mr. nnd Mrs. . A , , U. Smith , Mr. nnd
Mra. C. K. Squires , -M | ' . and Mrs. Thomas
Swobe , Mr. nnd Airs. Tnplum , Mr nnd Mrs.
J. M. Thurston , : HSlr. nnd Mrs.
Tlllson , Mr. nnd rV. A'alll , Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace , Mr. nnd ,7flw. Wossells , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Wheeler. Mr. , fltul Mrs. Wheeler ,
Jr. , Mr. nnd Mrs. Whltinire , Mr. and Mrs , J.
1' . Williams , Mr. and Mi ? , Woodman. Mr.
nnd Mrs. WooUvortli , M tntid , Mrs. Cntlln ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mulr , Mr ; iiud Mrs. Ilendrlx ,
Mr. and Mrs. Mcikle , M ( nnd Mrs. Fores-
man , Or. and Mrs. Denis ? . Senator and Mrs.
Mnnderson , Mr. and Mrs. Hnlnev , Mr. nnd
Mrs. Harris , Mr. nndSfrs. A. B. Smith , Mr.
and Mrs. Stunner. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Gntch , Mr. nnd Mr * . Snyner , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Siuies ( ; , Mr. nnd Mrs. Piirker. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Holcomb , Colonel nnd Mra. Slicddan , Air.
and Mrs. A. J. Love , Mr. ami Mrs. Stobblns ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lowe , Mr. and Mrs. Boggs , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Ilnller , Captain nnd Mrs. Simpson ,
Mr. flnd Mr , Carrier , Mr. and Mrs. Carter ,
Colonel Chase , Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Al. Chne ,
Mr. nnd Mra. H. T. Clark , Air. and Airs.
W. E. Clark , Mr. nnd Mrs. CofTmnn. Air.
nud Mrs. 1) . J. Collins , Mr. ntut Mrs. James
Column , Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. E. Cougdon , Mr. nnd
Airs. W. Connor , Mr. and Mrs , N. J. Cornish ,
Air. and Alra. O. W. Clayton , Mr. nnd Airs.
Woodworth , Mr. and Airs , Colburn , Air. nnd
Mrs. Collier , Mr. and Mra. Gushing , Mr. end
Mrs. Cummlngs , Air. nud Mrs. Curtlss ,
Air. nnd Airs. Diirrow , Lieutenant and Mrs.
Aborcromblo , Air. and Atrs. Alexander , Air.
nnd Mrs. Ames , Air. und Mrs. Allen , Air. nnd
Airs , Hartman , Air. and Airs. Harvey , Airs ,
Heath , Air. nnd Mrs. Hunt , Air. and Airs.
Irvine , Air. nnd Mrs. Johnson , Judge nnd
Airs. Kolloy. Air. nnd Airs. Kennedy ,
Air. nnd Airs. Alnllory , Captain nnd
Airs , Roy , Air. ami Airs. Nnsh , Mr. nnd Airs.
Alulford , Air. and Airs. Patterson , General
mid Airs. Brooke. Air. nud Alr.s , Alexander ,
Air. nnd Airs. John Barker , Air. nnd Mrs.
Joseph Barker. Air. nnd Airs. Barnard , Air.
nnd Mrs. Bnrrlnger. Air. nnd Mrs. Bradford.
Air. and Mrs. Burnham , Airs. Bcall , Air. nud
Airs. Uoscho , Dr.and Airs Brown Air. and Airs.
Bums. Air. and Airs. Aaron Calm , Air. nnd
Airs. Albert Calm , Air. and Airs. Burt , Air.
nnd Airs. Bcnham , Air. nnd Airs. Ilnnder , Air.
and Airs. Lango. Air. nnd Airs. Lockwood ,
Air. nnd Airs. McCllntock , Air. and Airs.
AlcCormick , Mr. nnd Mra. AlcCulloeh , Air.
nnd Alr.-i. AlcWortor , Air. nnd Airs. Mctcnlf ,
Dr. nnd Mrs. Moors , Air. nud Airs. Morse , Air.
and Alrj. Altnor , Air. nnd Airs. Mulr , Air. nnd
Airs. W. V. Alorse , Air. nnd Airs. Pease , Air.
nnd Airs. Lowe. Mr. nnd Airs. Deucl , Air. nnd
Airs. Dewey , Air. nnd Airs. Dictz. Air. nnd
Airs. Drake , Jiulgo and Alra. Dundy , Air. nnd
Airs. Dundy , Mr. nnd Airs. Gilbert , Air. nnd
Airs. Green. Air. nnd Airs. C. W. Hamilton ,
Air. nnd Mrs. C. Will Hamilton , jr. , the
Aliases Day. Sharp , Wilbur , Williams ,
Du'nd3Hiirtman , Pratt. Hhccm , Johnson ,
Shears , Tntutn , Touzalln , Wnllaco
AIcKcnnn , Carter , Chase , Clark ,
Jessie Clard , Collier , Curtis , Kinh ,
Alexander. Dawey , Alurrcv , Ballontlno ,
Barker , Barnard , Bishop , Burns , Buttor-
flold , Alulona Buttorlield , Messrs. J. Patrick ,
D. Morgan , Carton , Cooini , Smith , Fowler ,
Hull , Barlow , Horbaeh , Saunders , Wyman ,
Hr.rton. Berlin , Paxton. Bishop , Collins ,
Kimball , McMillan , A. Patrick , J. Clark ,
Crary , Allen , Heth , Baldridgo , Bosworth ,
AlcCimn , J , AlcCann , Pease , Fonda , Hamil
ton , Rhccm , W. Smith , Jopkins , Shears ,
Barnard , Squires , Drs.VIlcox and Wilkin
son , Lieutenant Crisman , Lieutenant Wilson ,
Lieutenant Bookmiller. ,
Flvo In Koiiut/.o PInot * .
Two very delightful high live parties were
given In Kountzo place { his week , the former
occurring Wednesday and the latter Thurs
day evening , Air. and Airs. O. II. Curtis ,
president of the Omaha rubber company ,
noting in the capacity of. host and hostess.
Owing to their largo number of friends nnd
ho snmllness of their house , Air. nnd Airs.
Curtis decided to gtvo 'two ' parties nnd in
that way entertain all their friends.
At Wednesday evening's gatno the first
prize for the ladles was , taken by Alr.s. J. J.
ijlbson. a picture , Air. Gibson winning the
first prize for the gentlemen , an ivory paper
cutter. Airs. E. A. Blum won the lady's
booby , u very cute colqred baby , Mr. Forest
Owen taking the go-xtlempn'R booby , a crow
ing rooster. The guests jirescht were ; Al v\ \
nnd Airs. E. V. Lewis , Mr. ntid Airs. J. II.
Collins , Air. and Airs. E , D. Hustls , Mr. nnd
Airs. J. P. Bay , Air. nnd Airs. J. W. Percl-
val , Mr. and Mrs. J..T. GJbaon. Mr. and Airs.
E. A. Blum , Mr. nnd Airs. W. E. Burlingim ,
Air. nnd Airs. E. D. Vancourt , Air. end Airs.
J. Deiss , Aliss AIoAustin , Air. Forest Owen ,
Republic , Mo.
Thursday evening tho- game was the same ,
Airs. B. F. Crummor taking the Urst price , c
pretty picture , Mr. II. C. Gahn , jr. , winning
the first prize for gentlemen , an ivory papci
cutter ; the booby prizes were canturcJ bj
Airs. II. C. Gnhn nnd Airs. A. O. Cole. The
guests present were : Air. and Airs. A. C
Powell , Dr. and Mrs. B , F , Crnmmer , Rev
and Airs. J. 1' . D. Llwyd , Air. nud Mrs. A. O
Cole , Air. and Airs. A. Koch , Air. and Airs
J. N. Campion. Mr. and Airs. C. C. KuoUly
Mr. and Airs. C. Schneider , Air. nnd Mrs. C
F. Weller. Air , nnd Airs. II. T. Lally , Mr. am
O. O. Uidell. Airs. F. II. Cole , Airs. II. C
Gahn , Warren , III. ; Air. H. O. Gahn. Jr.
Warren , 111. ; Air. Forest Owen , Republic
A Chrysanthemum Reception.
Wednesday evening Air. and Mrs. S. E
Barkalow gave a very beautiful reception ii
honor of Aliss Elizabeth G. Hall , from 8 untl
11 , ut her residence , Twenty-fifth nnd Capita
avenue. The bouse was ycry prettily dec
orated with chrysanthemums , autumn's prct
tiest llower , and throughout there was an nl
of cheeriuess aud comfort , which ono wouli
expect in tbo home of so charming a hostess
Miss Clara Brown , Aliss Besslo Yates , Alls
Leila Shears , Aliss Bishop and Aliss Yost as
sistcd All's , Bnrknlow at the codec and cnoc
elate tables.
The guests were Air. und Airs. C , W. Ham
llton , Air. and Airs. 11. R. Hingwult , Air. am
Mrs. Hitchcock , Mr. and Alra , Russell Hnrri
son , Mr. nnd Airs. George Paterson , Air. am
AIw. Ralph Quylord , Air. nnd MM. Josep
Lohnior , Air. and Airs. William Popnlotor ,
Mr. and Airs. Charles Squires , Air , and Alrt
Henry Estabrook , Dr. nnd Mrs , O. E. Smitl ;
Air. nnd Mrs. Arthur Wakoloy , Mr. and AIiv
Frank Ilaller , Air. and Airs. Johnson. Mr. an
Airs. T. J. Honors. Air. and Mrs. B. B. Wood
Air. and Airs. It. S. Hall , Air. nud Alre
Clement Chnso , Air. und Mrs. John Scott , All
and Airs. V-ilos , Air. nnd Airs. Vaile , Air. nn <
Airs , .loKonh Rnrton , Air. and All's , Cliarlo
Detiel , Mr"nnd Airs. D. II , Whcoler , Mr. an
Mra. Achcson , Air. and All's. John E. Wilbui
Mrs. Mathowsoii , Missus Yost , Yates , Shears
Bishop , AIcKcnna , Brown , McCllntock , Oi
chard , Dundy , Carter , Davenport , Wnkelo.v
Kmlly Wnkcloy , Hawley , Shears , Campbel
Balcombc , Jackson , Leo ; Alessrs. D. A'
Barkalow of Denver , Wymnn , Bnrlim
Henry Wyman , Hamilton , William Hocnip
Barton , Baldrldge , Drake , Voss , Iloburt 1'ai
rick , John Patrick , Garueau , Horb.ich , Fni
mini Smith , Arthur Smith , Charles Howe
AlcCan , Stockton Hmh , Kuthcrton Hall , Di
Summers , Dr. Bridges , William AlcC.iKiu
William Cnrtan , Full-field.
Om ilin
Oiinha 1ms thb year a ' larger roproscntn
tlon at the loading colleges of the count r ,
ilmn ever before. But tfoVonly is the nuin
her of its reprosonlutlvc argcr but till tin
Indivldiiiil members aro' rjiiiklng high In respect
spoct to honors bastowoi ) ftad the popular oa
teem of thiilr classmates , -
At Yale the Omaha ilioya have usurpo
moro than their fair hhut.s-tttf colloj3 ; honor
and uro Justly proud of InVnchUivemoat. C
tlu < graduating class , Mr. * . ) , Wallace P. i-oatc
has Leon best Ilttud to till the position of clus
poet. Musical circles hfivoiccelvcit no le *
contribution in tlm ncqu JMtlon of Air. Wnltc
I'raaton M a member of i tbo Banjo club. Atl
lotlcs Is u goal ns hlgblv-i prized as any and i
this department also the Omaha con linger
bus made Its way. Two positions oa til
'Varsity team which is to contest with Hui
vnrd for tbo championship In foot ball , liav
t'eon obtained ; the center rush by Hcrbci
Holcombo and hulf-bai-k by Fred Pivstni
Tlio latter Is ono of a number selected ft
that position' and has tints far had but to'
opportunities to display his ability. 'But 1
each game that ho lias participated ho In
done HxcocdliiRlv well t > o that h !
chaures of playing on tlui ro ;
ular team nro consldon-d very gooi
Holcombo has urovon n great acquisition an
1 $ receiving unstinted praise. This b win
Walter Camn suya of him In hia do.irrlptic
of the Yale club : "HolcombB , the preuci
cuntcr , is a product of unwearying pursove
iinro , For two years ho hus b cn tlio ami
back for the scrub side , ami it proj wlthoi
saying thnt his lot has been nt unonrliU' '
ono. But ho bus ko'it ilog o.lly .it U until I
U today umiun-itlomibly lh ( K-S t-u-iter niK
In the unlvordi.v f i ido I'ist im i of U
scusoa ho maJe a pour ohjiun.s ,
it by putting up nsnlnst the Crospcnts nn un-
oxr ptiounlly strong game , so much so thnt
the old Yale mon on the JJrooklyt' team un
hesitatingly pronounced him the best cantor
slnix ) Corbtn. Hois rather deceptive In ap
pearance , as ho looks kc.ivv In the body and
rather light in the legs , In spite of this np-
pcaranco ho scorns nblo to keep up to good
uniform work throughout the came.11
At Princeton the ability of Omaha's repre
sentatives tends rather'to music. By his
skill upon the violin , Mr. Herbert Al. Rogers
hni succeeded in attaining a position on the
string quartette , which ls to accompany tbo
glco club upon , its conceit Hour. Besides
this , ho has l > een selected to play the llrst
yiolln nnrts In tbo university orchestra , in
which his brother Will nlso Is turning to no-
Count his talent for playing upon the ( lute.
Hlgli Plvo lit Dumlro Place.
The Dundee high flvo club met last Friday
at the residence of Air. nnd Mrs. Alorphy in
Dundee place , where a most enjoyable even
ing was spent. There were six tables In play
and the gatno was progressive. Tlio llrst
prizes were taken by Air. Keith nnd Airs.
Theodore , and the boobies by Air. Patterson
and Airs. I pton. Refreshments were served
nt I0l0. : ! These present were Air. 'and Mra.
C. W. Keith , Air. nnd Airs. W. H. Hnncock ,
Mr. nnd Mrs , Al. A. Upton. Mr. nnd Airs. F.
A. Smith , Mr. and Alra. 10. A. Benson , Mr.
and Airs. G. E. Keller , Air. aud Alr.s. S. Theo
dore , Mr. ntul Miss Benson , Air. and Aliss
Hamilton. Aliss Perkins and Alossrs. Cnr-
mlcbaol , Alcngor , Patterson nud Hamilton.
The Limited Club.
Monday evening the Limited club , Instead
of meeting with Air. nnd Airs. W. Lyle
Dickey , ns previously announced , met at the
residence of Air. nnd Mrs. L. T. Wollo , 1103
South Twenty-ninth street , -where n very
pleasant series of games wcro played , tbo
puests participating being Air. and Airs.
Stmderland , Air. nnd Airs. Clinton Powell ,
Air. nnd Airs , F. II , Urown , Air. and Airs. W.
Lyle Dlckoy , Air. nnd Airs. AInpos , Aliss Sib-
crllng of Akron , O , , Air. nnd Airs. Allison ,
Mr. and Airs. Hicks. Prizes wcro won by
Mr. Sunderland , Airs , Alnpes , Mr. Wollo nnd
Mrs. Dlckoy. Mr. nud Alr.s. Dlekoy will en
tertain the club Monday ovcnlng a week.
A Birth Hay Party.
Upon Iho occasion of her birthday , Alon-
day , November i ) , Aliss Klttlo Ogbom ten
dered her friends a social party and recep
tion , entertaining them to a late hour with
games , muslo nnd refreshments. Among
these present were the following : Aliases
Kittle Ogborn , ( Jrnco Williams , lilancliu El-
llngwood , Mnggio Beck , Mora Mctimory ,
Miss Wligmnu und Aliss Hammond , Atcssrs.
George Wcstcrdahl , G. E. Kinney , W , R.
Moran , Chris Butler , Howard Bruncr nnd
Frank Underwood.
Tim Week's I-jii
The West End card club will meet nt Airs.
W. Y. Sloan's Aloi.duy evening.
Alra. Frank Johnson will entertain her lady
friends Tuesday afternoon. " A. Kensington.
All's. Chris Hartman has issued invitations
for two card parties , ono for Thursday nnd
the othnr for Saturday evening.
On Tnursdny evening , November 13 , the
Cosmopolitan club will give its first masquer
ade party nt Huacall's Cosmopolitan hall.
Air. and Airs. J. J. Dlckoy nnd Air. nnd
Mrs. W. Lyle Dlckoy have Issued Invitations
for a reception Tuesday evening1 from 8 until
11 , 2418 Dodge street.
Movement * * anil Whereabout * .
Mrs. Joseph Marks of Sioux City is visiting
Mrs. Alexander Polnek.
Air. and Mrs. George B. Shepherd have re
turned from their wedding-tour.
The Alctropolitan club pave their opening
party last evening at the club rooms.
The Allsscs Fnrnsworth gave n very pretty
dancing party at the Bluffs Friday evening.
Air. nnd Mrs. S. G. V. Griswoldaro charm
ingly located at 211 South Twenty-Ufth
Airs. \ \ . G Sloan gave a dinner to n num
ber of guests last week , c&vors being laid for
twelve. .
Air. and Airs. John AlcCormick returned
from a month's visit to Now Hampshire aud
Now York.
Mr. Ernest. Riall returned from Denver oa
Tuesday in time to swell the vote against
Air. J. II. Pnrrotto nnd family nave re
moved from 1004 North Twenty-seventh ave
nno to 210 Soutii Thirtieth street.
Aliss Lilllo Sago of N. B. Falconer's dry
goods store had nn enjoynblo entertainment
with her friends Wednesday evening last at
her homo , 1822 South Twelfth street.
Last evening the Mandolin club were en
tertained by Air. and Airs. Ernst HIall , sev
eral of the buds having been invited to as
sist in entertaining the young gentlemen.
Judge A. V. Larimer lias Issued Invitations
for a wedding reception for his niece , Aliss
Larimer , nnd Air. Joe W. Woodward , from "
until 10 Wednesday , November 19 , 8'JO South
Twenty-ninth street.
Aliss Alora Balcombo entertained a few lit
crary friends Friday evening nt her rosl
deuce , " 003 California street Several of the
male guests who were expected were com
pelled to stay away on account of Fny Torn-
plcton's presence at the Boyd.
Nelson Patrick of this city gave a box pnrtj
nt Daly's Now York theater ono evening Insl
week for Misses Alary Shonvood and Nclslt
Hughes of Vussar ana Gertlo Yntos nnc
Mary Popploton of Aliss Brown's finishing
school tor young women.
Tbo fetching girl Is she over whom mcr
rave. She must be bright witnout helm
bold ; quick at repartee ; a good judge ol
human nntura ; prompt to rouil and under
stand the dispositions of men , so as to be
nblo to cater to tholr peculiarities and ox
notions. She must bo well read , a good mu
sician. a good theatrical critic , ublo to discus ;
tbo races , tlio latest baseball game , the lasi
yacht race , etc. , nnd give her opinion as te
the nist now book nnd the latest picture h
tbo salon ,
She must bo able to dance , row , swing , plaj
tennis , drive , rielo and do tbo honors of nn
afternoon tea with the grace of a duchess
She must ho capable of discussing any sub
jcot at tiny tlino , from Stanley's trip to the
interior of Africa to the latest now fad it
dross reform nnd the Molvtnloy bill.
The fetching girl is always well and appro
prlutoly drosseel , She wouldn't ho fotchlnf
if she was not. She must wear her cot tot
gown in the early morning with ns mucl
grae-o us if It were from Ucdfcrn or Worth
Again , she must carry borsolf whoa woariiif.
her imported gown later in the day with as
much unconsciousness of her attractiveness
as when she were the simple cotton gown o :
the morning.
Now. to bo a fctchliif ; girl , she must bo r
favorite with the women as well ns with the
men. for , of course , all men have mothers am
sisters , to say nothing of cousins mid Hunts
She must mntto , liursolf a fnvorito with then
by always being ready to lend a ready nm
willing car to all they have to say , fron
mamma's complaint about the Incompetent ! }
of ntr maid , nnd the poodle's last sick term
to the sister's confidential talk of the swoc' '
things Jnok salel to her night on tut
piazza , after the dance. And when the
maiden mint of the family complains o
the Inattention of tbo male BOX , tlio fetchlni
girl must tell her with sweet frankness that
IfcU because the men nowadays euro only foi
the mannish girl who wears shirt f rontsUor
don sashes , und who smoke clgurettos , am
do not appreciate beauty , rollnomcut nnd In
tolligcnico in a woman. Then the imileloi
aunt is ready to full down and worship tin
fetching girl , nnd slug her prises every
Itpaystobo called fetching. Of course
all the men will want to see the girl whnsi
numo Is In everybody's mouth ; they thlnl
she must bo wortli Knowing. At the cm
of the season she can count moro conquest
than any other girl In her set , and he
triumph continues when she ntturns t- -
the city In the fall , nnd only censes \vhei
she nt last meets' her afnnfty nnd leave
tbo 'field open for some other girl to la ;
claim to the title of fetching and to 1111 he
The TuoosokTglfal society m3Cts Bunda ;
nftcrnexiu atI o'clock ia room ' -05 , Sheol ;
block. Wednesday nnd Saturday ovcnlng
tbo room U open for inquirer ) . All are in
vltcd. ,
Dr. Dlrnoy curou catarrh , Boo hldg
Tha duchcs * of Aluncbastcr is n very mud
disappointed woman by the terms of the ol
duke's will. The magnificent family Jewel !
Including the famous necklnco ot : 15 larg
poiirls nnd the tlur.i qf Go'comlu ' diamond :
must nil bo sold , according to the will , to su |
ply the deficiency of his personal osutij.
Dr. Dlrnoy , mwo und throat , Bco bhlj.
Tortoise shell hnrplas sot with diamonds
nnd turquoise , nro fashionable.
An nltrncttvo ornament for the coiffure Is n
dagger of nmher-hued tortoise shell with the
nllt encrusted with gems.
Jeweler's Circulars A Parisian novelty in
the way ot halrplna consists of pold balls
united by chains , an Idea taken from the
The butterfly spreads whips of rare lace
this season , on which scintillate small perns
to correspond or hnrmonlzo with these of
greater slzo that form the body of tlio insect.
When It comes to ornaments for the hair
no gem Is considered too rnro or workman
ship too Hnely wrought. Jewelers appreciat
ing this fuct , expend n Inrgo nniouttt of in
genuity In producing novelties In this lino.
The cnbochons , which show all the hues of
tbo rainbow , are mounted In n steel setting
Instead of being sown on by moans of holes
inside. This steel setting is not only n nov
elty but it Insures the durability of the Jewel-
set trimming.
A pretty conceit In the way of a Jen eled
pin. to bo worn cither as n brooch or orna
ment in the hair , consists of a small gold dag
ger sot with dtnnmnds nt the hilt eind point.
A chain of inlorllnked pearls and diamonds la
fastened at cither side.
Every lady who desires a fillet , however , to
set off her colfturo docs not of necessity have
to select one sparkling with gems. There nro
some exceedingly charming tiaras that depend -
pond on their artistic shapes and line work
manship for their attractiveness.
Something akin to the luxury of the Orient
is at the present day displayed in the fashionable -
able woman's tollotto for evening wear. Not
content with the blaze of countless Jewels ,
her very gown is dmpcd with diaphanous
fabrics encrusted with Imitation brilliants ,
pearls , turquoises , sapphires , amethysts , anil
the llko.
The dress trimmings this season nro tri
umphs in the nrt of combining needlework
with Jewels. These nro wonderful nnd dim-
cult to describe. On satin or velvet grounds
nro ( lowers or motifs worked in relief nnd
varied with whnt the French term cabochons.
these cubochons being Imitation gems und
seml-proclous stones , uncut.
The .reclnn fillets Introduced last season
nro nn instance nt hand whcro the .Indies ap
preciate the efforts made In their behalf.
Those illlcts or tinras of cold have proven
sufllciently popular with tno" exclusive "Four
Hundred" to warrant their offering this
autumn with regal effect anil with their In-
trinslo worth greatly enhanced by diamonds
and other precious goms.
Dr.Blrnoy curo3 catarrh. Bco
N , M. Ruddy , Practical Optician ,
Gil IBLh SlreoL.
Solid Gold Spec- (
taclcs. Solid\
Gold Eyeglasses (
Genuine Lemaire (
Opera Glasses. . \
A good steel framed
Spectacle correctly -
ly fitted
Artificial lluiiwu Eyes. Largest
stock in the west. Selections sonc to
customers outside the city.
Dr. F. C. Werner's
Are highly recommended after seven
yenra of successful experience by the
solo mnnufucturord ,
Kopp , Dreibus& Co. ,
1106 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Sold everywhere , oo per package.
Send for bum tiles.
Vnn Kttcti'd Keen.
Lawyer Van Etten has nt last deckled to
ask the courts to assist him In securing the
payment of his fees In the oneo cclobntoil
case of the state agnlnst himself. Ills hill ot
$18 was presented to the county commission
ers several weeks ngo. Yesterday nftor-
noon ho was given to uiuiorstnnd that
when it conies up it will bo rejected , An soon
as ho received this Information ho decided
upon asking for n mandamus to compel the
commissioners to show cause.
Dr. Dli'noy euros catarrh , HOP
Mogenlli's llojieirr.
T. A. Mogcath's report for the third qunr-
ter , ending October I , wus Hied with Clerk
Webb yesterday. It snows the following ;
Salary . T. . ( BS 00
I'ald out as per voiirhnM . aNM 40
1'atil itostngo for itiarUir | . . . . . . TO 45
Total pmlltiiri" | . t : iRtVI ftt
Tonsil amount rccohed . 5,0.11 15
Surplus or balance on band . $ 1.SI7 :
Dr. Blrnoy , nose nnil throat , Hoe bltlg.
Sunday anil Mondajptovcmbcr 9 and 10.
HU-0& DlxpjV firnnd I'rmtucllim nftlio Chinese and
KiiKllili Cumlo Opera , cnlUlol the
Pearl of
All the Original Pcenory !
All the Original Costumes'
All the Original Music !
Anil hi fart n mngnlllcctnt production \ > j n ani'crb
1'rlcov 11.00 , 76o , Woniulljc. Iloxuliect open Sat *
unlnr nt On. in.
Wednesday and Thursday Nov. 12 and 13
lly CIIAS. T. VINPKXT. niitlior of
"A Gram widow , " ' 'Tho EJdltor , " oto. As
played in all the Inruling cltto.j if the
United Status.
Popular I'rloos , llox ? lioct oi > om TiiqulnT.
i jz5oyci S HOUSE.
$3 Nights and Mat lace ,
FIltKT : . Beginning ' ,
.ay , Nov. 13
Daniel Prohman's
lly thonuthnrof'Tho Wllo , " "I-orilCliuinlor , " oto. ,
Davhl Ifb oo nnil llonry U , Iu Mlllo.
liy Sir. I'nlnnm , Sir. llcrmnn , Mr.
llunii , Mr. Thoinns , Sir. llitlo , Mr. ( irc'Ki'ry , Mr.
Mnrunn , Sir. Tlllunr , Mr. Ijimroncn , Slii'tor
VauKlinMmHO.iriciitnr | , Mlis CJnunt , Miss Unir-
biooko , Miss TyruLSilas liOKnn ,
ACT I Sllllnnroom nt tlio lleclorr , Cliletmas-ilftr ,
ACT II At tlio Malrnpnlltnti ( M'orii Iiuuso , crcnlnn
of "Tlio Durltj llall. "
ACT HI Tlio tluilr nt. HID Krctnr'In tin
WntcliMof tin NlKlit. "
ACT IV'-'Sttllnii-rooin , iiiornlni ; of Mcuorlal-dny ,
J'rmlnonl wltli ! > poolnl scenery , necessaries nnd
ilt-Uilldl' r.irn | ii > rfocllan.
Salt' upcus ut bur ulllcu Wvaacsdaf morning , Nov.
M. Al
THE HUM ) CJ1JIKK /UhUIjANI ) . Tills rciunrkakablo num. allboiisli Illiterate and im-
lojiriii'il , wn-i at QUO time chief over all tho/.iiln nation. Ho bus becomu olvlll/.cd by his tour
throuKhoiittha world.
A New Set of Wax Images
A Stereoptican Panorama.
Views of Ancient Cities , Ileallstlc Ilattlps. WrooUh ami Homburilmcnt , us Illustrated
by I'rof. Morleiy.
Arab Gun Drill ArtiHt , in Liirhttiing Zouavo utitl
Fancy Military MovomonU.
A man ooneu , as limber as a whip , and us ugilo aa
a moulcoj' .
T , Queeti , of the Ah ? ,
In her flights through space.
The Musical Oddity will pressnt n Beautiful Sketch.
In the Comic Sketch ,
"Th.e Roofceries. "
Three Variety Entertainments.
Friday , Ladies' Souvenir Day. Saturday , Chlldroa'a Day. Don't fall to BOO
this mammoth ontoruiitimont.