Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1890, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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, . by Cnrricr In liny patt of the City ,
NJKlil Kdltori .No. 3.
K. Y. P. Co.
Council ninfls Lumber Co. . coal.
Thcro will ho a meeting nf the V. W
nlllnnce at the Young Men's ' Christian nsso
elation rooms Monday evening at Ti : ) (
The Bercnn Hniitlst Ladles' ' Aldsoclctj
meets with Mrs. Thleksicln next Tucsdaj
afternoon. It Is the last meeting of the year
Kvery member is urged to bo nrescnl.
The grand jury Is Investigating the chnrt'f
ngidnst the colored man .Stone , who was nr
rested on Tuesday upon Iho charge of at
tempting to cast a fraudulent vote.
Mrs. Ida M. Ashley was yesterday granted
matrimonial freedom from 0. -Ashlcy , tc
whom she was wedded In l.Sb ? . They Inu
lived together until July , 18SD. She alleges
cruel nnd Inhuman treatment nnd shiftless
I'.CSS ,
Mine. Davis , who was sent to thonsyimr
for the Insnnoa year ago , was released ii
July last apparently recovered. O f Into hoi
incntnl mnlacly appeared again and yester
day she was recommitted for further treat
Thcro was n llttlo excitement that occas
Blonnd several loud calls for the pollco In r
prominent Bwiuixvnv dry goods store las
night. Two of tlio clerks gut into a light
but had it out and got away from the .stot <
before an ortlcer could bo summoned.
Dr T. .7. Cady , who was arrested upon tin
complaint of bis wife for threatening tokll
her and spent one night In jull. wns dls
charged bv Judge AIc(5eo ycsterdav. His
wife withdrew bur complaint. The doctor1 !
trouble was the result , of a temporary over
Indulgence In HtimuliintH.
The members of Kldnlilv council , Hoya
Arcanum , will attend divine service in Kt
Paul's church Ibis ovcnlng , when the rcetoi
will preach nn iippronrlnto sermon. Al
members of the order nnd visiting hrotluci
will assemble In the lioyni Arcanum ball a
7 o'clock , mid march thence to the church ,
Charles Francis Adams , a liaekiuan , wa
arrested lust night upnn complaint of a pas
sengeron the chargoof exacting an. excesslvi
nnd Illegal fee for ji short ride. llin cnso wil
bo enquired Into on Monday. In the mean
time lie will rcniiln in jail unless ho succeed
In intcrostinir some friend in iiU case wh' '
will put up Iho requisite ball.
William Blackburn , who was arrested
month or two ngo upon complaint of Andrei
Jackson Patterson , -whom he assaulted will
u knife , had tils case Hindly disposed of Ii
is .lustieo Burnett's court yesterday afternoon
\e \ It was dismissed on account of Ibo prosecut
If lug witness falling to show up. Jloth an
19 colored men. Jackson's excuse for notnp
It' Jienrlng and prosecuting his assailant is tlm
I , lie has brought the case before the gram
l | Jury.
It Council Illuffs has been wrapped in n vcr ;
If thick and slick coat of sleet the past twcnt'
r > hours that has caused almost nn entire s'us
l | pension of business , Rain and snow fel
lit continuously from midnight Friday nigh
jl until midnight last night nud froze as fast a
Ii ; H fell. Tbo motor linen were kept open with
out dllllciilty by the frequently rimiiim
I' trains and tlierowas no interruption o
I'- travel. Nearly nil the railway trains , bow
I ever , were delayed. Tbo accumulations o
l > ! Ice seriously Interfcrrcd with tbo city'
| v street lighting arrangements last night. Th <
t llKhts on tbo tower. ) were most serlousl ;
I affected. On tbo thrro Hroadway tower
ii nnd tbo ono on upper I'loreo street there win
IK only ono light to each , and there was not i
I 1 spark froiti the Oakland avenue tower durlni
* l the entlro night. The arc lights snspcndei
IV from masts at the street intersections wcr
ii not infected and furnished about all thu llgh
| | that was visible.
William Porter Is registered at at the cal
boose ns having obtained money under fnU
pretenses. Porter claims he is a detective
but thu authorities claim ho Is a crook , Pot
tcr called on a farmer In Mills county nntna
Owens to remain over night , Permissio ;
being granted , Porter proceeded to mak
himself agreeable. The next day h
canfo to the city with Owens , am
while the Inttcr nold cider , Porter too !
lu the cash. Finally ho stepped in a store
nnd failed to return. Tbo case was rcportci
to the police , who captured Porter. Owen
Is held us a witness. The case came up fo
hearlnc In the police court lust evening a
the 5 o'clock session. Judge McGco bean
the evidence' , but did not conclude the case
Owens claimed that. Porter bad obtained $10' '
from him , and Porter claimed the money wa
rlcht whore Owens had loft It , at homo. Th
case was continued , and Owens AMIS sen
down to Mills county to see If tho. cash wa
If n certain woman can obtain a warrau
from any of thojusticocourts tomorrow , tlier
will be a small sensation. She was endeavor
ing yesterday to got the necessary authorlt
to haven neighbor woman arrested upon i
charge of malicious mischief , llotli womci
live in the tenement , flat and use th
same coal house. Ono of tliom went nwa
from homo for n few days after the two hai
passed through a little quarrel. She had lef
her parlor stove lu the coal shed \vhcre i
had been stored all summer. Whll
she was gene the other woman tuggc
find strained until she got that steve outsld
nnd left It to Iho tender mercy of th
elements. The elements have not been vcr
tender for the past twenty-four hours , nn
When the woman returned yesterday her fin
stove bad grown an elegant coat of the red
dest of red rust. Hence tbo charge o
malicious mischief. She was not given
warrant from thopolico court , but says sh
will not move the steve until nho has tha
other "ugly , spiteful thing arrested. "
The tea In these teapots is fluo. Lum
Bros.S3 South Main street.
Tlio Itnstnit Store.
Opens a great clearing sale "to mnVe roor
for holiday goods. Commences tomorrow
Monday moraing and continues for this wcel
only. Don't ' fall to uttoml. Some of Hi
greatest bargains in dry ( roods , furs , cloak
and shawls will bo offered , the llko neve
Been before.
Sale for this week only.Ilostou
Ilostou Store ,
FOTiiEitiyaHAM , WIHTKLA\v"8'cc
I'EItiiUXAf , r.l/tAK It AMIS.
Mrs. H. C , Choynoy of Sioux City is in th
clly , the guest of Mrs , O. W. Hulls.
L. II. Mc.Mrlian , nronriotor of the Wooc
burn Independent , the largest conntr
weekly In Oregon , was In Iho city ycstorda\
Will Huntlnglon is lu tno city on a visit t
his father and his many Council Bluff
friends. Ho now occupies a lucrative- pos
tlou with Wells Fargo in Now York Clt\ \
Ills wile accompanies 1dm on his visit ,
Kov , Ur. Cooley. who has served so Ion
nnd acceptably ns pastor of the First Hapth
church of this city , will leave with nls fainil
on Wednesday for.Morpnn Park , III , , wher
they will make their homo. Many friend
licro regret their departure ,
Rev. A. L. Hall , who will doubtless I
called us the new pastor .of Ibo First Unptls
. . , . church , is a young man , hardly forty ycai
Ii ii of age , Is a graduate of IJcnlson unlvorslti
15 I Ohio , and of Nowtoa theological semlnari
r | near Dost on. His first puutorato. was I
Gloucester , Mass. , and for the past flvo c
six years has been at Mason ( JIty. IIo has
wife and two children ,
Thcro will bo a meeting tomorrow evenln
t democratic ] headquarters to complete a
arrangements to attend tbo celebration i
Omaha Tuesday evening.
Arc you Interested In llrst class heaters 1 :
TOU arc , then buy the famous Penlnsuh
beaters , Tlioy are highly recommended 1 ;
tlioso who use them ; they nro the llnest Hi
ished and tha prices uro lower than all linit
tlons. Our stock of cook stoves from $7.601
110.00 gives you the greatest variety to sclei
from. Our line of furniture , carpoU , uaii |
Ing lamps , window shades , parlor suit
lounges In large variety. Como uud seeu
we will treat you right ,
820 Droadway.
A fresh invoice of line cheviot suits fi
TQung men , Just looelved at Model Clotl
The Revolution the New Gas Ooinpanj
Will Work with Its Oheap Tnel Giw.
Mi * . Carpenter's t'liliaiipy Mnrrlccl
| jiro-/V Kino ! u tliu I'rlcjn of
Con I Culls to XVofnl i ill-
Minor Mention.
It Is safe to Miy that the city council ha :
lottnkciiollicUl ni'tlon upon nny subject , tlm
sofnioro general public Interest thnn tin
natter that \vai brought to their intention n
the special meeting held 1-Ylil.iy night. It I ;
equally safe ID say thnt no iictlon tlioy hiwt
ovcrtiiUen hni Riven tnoro gcutiiitl niitlifuc
tioiitliun their prompt compliance- with the
request of the now gas company foru chnrtci
to build and nulntnln works Intlioeity. Tin
application for the charter cain <
is a sui'iirlsu to oven some o
the members of the council , but tin
c'linrtcr wus so fair on Us faro , and It wiw In
troduccd nud p.u'ttully X'ouehod for by nici
wlio liuvo n Mtulnltis ) record anil huvo novei
been connected In the rcmotost manner Witt
any kind of Jobbery thut the iddorinciivh <
nu J not the opportunity of going beneath the
surfncc nnd iiiTusttftttlng the motives of tin
i'oin | > iiny who asked the privilege , felt no ro
[ uctanec In agreeing to suspend tlio rule :
uul pass the ordiiuuiue ut ono silling
i'licra not the toast reason te
nuc.-Ulon the assurance of Pin ley Ilurk <
Klvcn the couiu'll when lie Intro
duci'd the ordinance that , It was the falrcs
that bad aver been presented. Tholiiqiilr'c ' ;
niiil luvuHtljfiillons that , were made yesterday
fully Justify the prompt notion of the council
nnd lvo the assurance that n new era hi :
dawned for Comirll ItlufK
.As briefly stated In Tin : Bin : ycsterdny. tin
nuwromiuny has iwntned the nnniu of tin
Iowa fuel nn(1 power company , and agree b ;
thuternnof their charter to civet anil main
tain works for the manufacture and distvihn
tlon of water B'vs for domestic , heating nni
iiinimfiicturiiiKimi'iH > so.Himd flxus the billies
price to be paid by any private consumer , re
Kimlless of the quantity consumed , nt 25 c.'iit :
per 1,000 cubic feet.
Unless people have the means of compari
son and stop toron.sldnr they win not vc.ill/.t
what Is inciint when they nro told that fue
gas U to bo furnished at a co4 to the con
HUinnr of S.1 cents per 1,000 ciibli : foot. Prof
Lowe of I'ciiniylvniiUi , who is considered tin
best authority In Hiich inattei-s , saysthut tin
best results to bo obtained from tlio corn
bullion ofu ton o'f nntbnieite coal In the up
pi unices used for domestic homing Is tin
equivalent of 10,000 cubic feet of hvdrojtei
t'as. At the pivsont prlca of" huri
coal in Council HlulTs , 19 pe.
ton , this would ( jlvo us the equivalent o
1KH ( ) feet of pa i for $ ! > , or 'M cents a thou
sand. At the price of 4J"i cents n thoiwnic
for IMS vo would net : WKW ( feet for jl ! , O'ual |
Ing the cost of bard coal at S-.K ) u ton. It i ;
asserted Unit the water tfus has only nbou
oniMiuir the lieut-produc-hiK fluidities of coa
pa * , and It this Is admitted ( and It is uosi
lively denied by exports ) the now RIIS coin
pany will furnish us a much clearer , belle
unit In every wiy more ilc-sirablo fmlvhicl
will equal the cost of hard coal n
$ r n ton. Another fuel that will inuki
this point clearer is that the price fixed b ;
Ihls new company is only cents blghe
than tlio lowest price nalural pas has been
furnished to Lho people of Pittsburg at 11113
limo during the past live ycaw. Nalural & : u
ba-s cost the consumers in the bean of tin
gas regions ! . ! ! cents per thousand feet , nnd i :
this company can fulfill Us self-imposed con
ditions it will con torn creator blessing upoi
the iieoploof ( 'otuicil ' IJlulTs than if they hue
oncned an Inexhaustible natural gni well ii
Hnybs park. H will be inoro ilcsirublo tbai
natural uai for the reason thut the source o
supply is always undfir control , and the lla
bllity of explosions is reduced to a nilniiniin
by tlio fact that only u low pressure is main
taincd in the mains.
Upon tlm face of things tliis now companj
deserves the fair and open-handed trcatincii
accorded by the council. Every provistoi
of the charter is In favor of the citv
and If thcro is any failure to com
ply with its conditions It can bo speed ! ! '
forfeited and no mibllu interests put in Jrop
avdy , Another feature that will also b
pleasing to many citizens of the citv " is tin
fact that the new plant will not "in air
manner interfere- with the plans of the urea
cut gas company , as the water pas isimfi
and will not be used at all for illuimnatinj
purposes. Tno vnst amount of capital pu
itito tlio present gas plant will not bo mail
unproductive nnd tlio Council Bluffs citizen
who own It will not bo harmed ,
As stated in Tin : Hr.u yesterday the no\i
company h composed of Iloston and ( Jhicagi
capitalists , who own the new process for con
verting water into gas. They selected Conn
ell UlulTs for the initial point for their vest
crn enterprise on account of the network o
railways that center hero. Thelrphma
Ill's t was to put In a small plant hero for nd
vortWiid purposes. Just sulilcleut to run twi
enormous jots , which they would locale ii
some conspicuous point , but they finally con
eluded to put in an linincnso plant and lieu
the city and operate all its nmmifaeturmi
enterprises. They propose lo erect live
tall standpipcs near the transfer am
Unlit them each night. They wil
appear llko two natural gas wells and b'
lluhtliitf up the country with their Hume'
will attract the attention nf the thousands o
people wlio pass throjglt the city 011 the grea
transcontinental railways.
The company has not yet selected the losa
tlon for Us plant , hut a proposition has bcci
made by ox-Mayor Hobrer to locate tbonev
works on the vacant tract west of lln
Northwestern city depot , between Hroadwn'
and First nrcnuo.
By the terms of its charter the now com
pany must have its works partially complete )
within sixty days sufllcieut to supply nllni
Ited number of consumers , and huvo the worl
finally completed anil tbo network of main
laid over the city by November H ) , IS'Jl.
China tea sets at Lund Bros,1
Gents' underwear In great variety at price
to suit nil at Model Clothing ( jo , , L. H
Mossier , Mgr.
Frqo front n
About eight years ago there was quite
sensation furnished Council Bluffs byth
marriage of a young man named H , .T. Cai
pen tor to a little maiden of so tender years ate
to cause general comment. Following see
upon this cano a letter of Inquiry from
woman in Illinois claiming to bo Mrs. Cm
pentcr No. 1. The revelation that Carpciite
was a doubly married man caused much of
Hurry , as the deluded Council Bluffs brld
was well known hero , Carpenter was triei
for bigamy at the next term of the distric
court and ECU tcnced to eighteen months ii
the penitentiary.
Yesterday fresh attention was called loth
case by the petition of Mrs , Kuchel Carpcato
foradlvoiTO. Judge Uarson grunted tin
desired doeree and gave her the custody o
their llttlo girl , aged about seven years. '
Tlio whereabouts of Carpenter are mi
known , llo bus not been heard from her
slncohls career of bigamy was given sue
publicity. _ _ _ _ _
Owing to my loss hy tire on October 27 ,
am compelled to ask all parties indebted t
mo to pay up at once. J , SULUV.AX.
J. 0. Tlpton , real cslato , 527 Broadway.
s A LI lit alxLisi
Tlio Iloston Storft.
Opens a great clearing salO to make roor
for holiday goods. Commences tomorrow
Monday moraine and continues for this wee ]
only. Don't fall to attend. Some of th
greatest bargains in dry goods , furs , cloak
and shawls will bo ottered , the llko neve
seen before.
Sale for this week only ,
Boston Store.
Up GOCM Coal.
The Council Bluffs fuel dealers hold
mot Ing lust nlnht and unanimous ! y agree
to raise the prlco of hard coal 60 cents a toi
The ucw ratci go lute effect on Moiida
morning , and hcrcaftor contumcrs of hard
coal will bo obliged to pay 9.40 n ton for It.
This action has been contemplated by the
dealers for some tlmo. but nil of them could
not bo Induced to sign tbo nffrcoinent. In
Omaha and all otbor western dtie * tlio
prlco hni been * ! ) .W for u loiif ? time , and
Council Bluffs dealers tiavw licen simply un
derselling all other competitors.Vhllo the
people of Council Bluffs have been getting
thi ) bonellt of this ruto the dealer.-i have been
constantly selling on decreased margins until
their profits scarcely paid for the cost of
handling the coal ,
Soft coal was advanced more than a month
ago , but It Is selling for less than the dealers
in othoreltlcs me getting for It.
The advance- nil around has boon occa
sioned by the increase In wholesale prices in
tnocast , Tbo advance took elTeet In Hcptcin *
ber nnd October , but Council Bluffs dealer *
should have the credit of maintaining the
summer prim two months longer than other
dealers.Vhothcrornolthcro will no any
further advances will depend upon the east
ern wholesalers. The possibility Is that they
will screw up the prices another notch Iwforo
wo cat our Christmas turkey ,
M/VKINC1 TillrUIl ! | . 'ljY.
Ilonry IClRciniui .t On , . Council ItlnlT- ,
JIavo made the bkgest fur and cloak deal
over consummated In the west , and they , at
their store In Council UlulT.s , will deal thorn
out to the consumers of the northwest nt snob
pi-Ices that will lvo them the trade of tbo
money-saviiig public. Furs arc In favor this
season. ( Japes and muffs are immense. Hero
are our best sellers i
Blnclt and colored hare e.ipos $3.'J3 , $1.1 " , ,
S3.UO mid $0.00.
Jtlnclc Coney capos from * 1.25 to S5.00.
Silver liaro capes , roll collar j , point fronts ,
special bargain at y > .00 for capo and muff.
Astragan fur capes and mutts at all prices.
Wool seal cupas from tl'.OO upwards.
Heal monUoy capes very cheap.
Natural oposiun capes.
Nutria ami beaver enpes and muffs.
Dluolcaslragnn cloth capos ,
Kllk plush imitation and"real. .
Seat muffs -collars and boas.
Kvery kind of fur known In setts , single-
pieces or by Iho yard will bo otTcroil during
this woek's sale at about one-half what other
houses ask for them.
Children ? ' fur sets whlto Coney , gray
Coney , white Conny with black spots. HUOW
bare , white tlbblls , nilragau cloth , whlto
nncuru linitatlon lynx , nutria , be.ivci1 and
seal - the grodtest variety of eliUdrons' furs
ever shown , al surprisingly low prices.
Fur trimmings by the yard. Swan's aown
in all widths. CJot our prices before pur
Wes llyoun plush cloak for $13.00 that
are sold by other houses for $30.01) ) .
Our SH'uVJ are sold elsowhuro for $ i.OO ,
ourJ-J-J.OU cloaits would bo called cheap bv
other dealers for $ U.Oi ) , and our better prados
in proportion. Wo glv-uan elegant muff with
every plush cloak wn sell during Uns weoka
at from Jl. 50 up to the llnost ni'vlo. Thou
sands to sctcel from. Hlsht. here let in say
that our variety U so complete that wo are
sure to suit everybody no matter how cheaper
or how line n garment they wish.
\Vo have ctoalts for the rich , wo have
cloaks for the medium elms and iwror
people. Come to us for a cloak for a'dollar
up to live hundred dollars and wo can suit
you ,
and Jackets from ? l each up to the finest
made. A great variety to select from. Now
novelties Just received. Mothers who were
not able heretofore to get suited in miiwe.s 01
children's garments are especially invited tt
call and see our new line just received.Vc
will surprise you in our elegant assortment
and tlm low prices. Itcmembcr wo glvo ;
nice doll free daring this week's salowitli
every child's clonk between the ages of 2 ami
12 years. Also please notice that Henry
JCiscman it Co. is tlio only house in this
western country that hai these bargains ,
Call and see us. Ilnxuv Kisr.M < N , t Co. ,
Council UlufTs , fa.
lail onlci-s promptly filled.
Motor faro refunded by Henry Ktscman &
Co. , Council lllurfsjlo till Ouialiu. customers ,
For stout men's ' clothing rail at Model
Clothing Co. , L. U. Mossier , Mgr.
Lamps at Lund firos. ' , 2J : laln street.
Election returns are about all in , so is our
full stock of carpels , rugs , oil cloth , window
shades , lace and chenille curtains , china silk ,
upholstery goods , etc. Our democratic * , re
publican , prohibition and oilier friends are
Invited to call and take advantage Of our low
cash prices.
China dinner sots at Luii'd Bros.1
the ChticchcN.
Meeting of Spiritualists in the Grani
Army hall at 7:30 : p. in. Dr. Itolhmcl o ;
Brooklyn will be present.
Twenty-ninth Street Mission Sundaj
school , : i p. in. Preaching byVilliam Blooil
at T : ! ! 0 p. in. All in that vicinity cordially
The temperance mission society will meci
nt the corner of Xorth Tenth'itrcot nnt
avenue 0 at i ! o'clock p. in. Services con.
ducted by Kov , J. Fisk , chaplain.
UoreanHapllst church Dlvino services at
10Wn. : ! in. and 7iO ! i > . in. Subjects : "The
Model Young Woman. " and "Tbo lUso an <
Progress of UcIiRion in the Human Soul.1 :
Sunday school meets at 11:15 : a. m.
First llaptist Church Near postoHlcc. Itov.
Stephen I'bolps , 13. D. , will preach at 10:5iJ : :
a. in. , and llcv. Thomas Stephens of O malic
at 7iO : : j ) . m. Sunday school at 12 m. Chris
thin , lir'JOp. in. All cordially welcomed.
Klders H. M. Elwlu and II. C. Brnnsor
will preach at 10 : : i ( ) u. in , nnd 7JO : : p. in , ii
Iho Latter Day Saints churuh on i'lerct
street west of Glen avenue. A cordial invi
tation is extended to all seekers of the truth
Young Men's Christian association Mor
riiim block. Uf.v. D. H. Cooley will addres.
tbo young men's meeting today atI p. in. Al
men of ttio city invited to boar the doctor ii
his ! ast service before Icaviiigour city. Conic
and bring a friend ,
Congregational In the morning the pastoi
will prcacli a sermon to young men. In tin
ovcnlng there will be a praise service con
ducted by the young men ot tbo Young Men's
Christian Association. Young Peoples' So
doty of Christian Kndenvor at (5 : ! )0. ) Thcst
services nve free and all are cordially wel
First Presbyterian Corner \Vlllow avc
nua and Seventh street. I ov. Stephei
Phelps , pastor , Ruv. Dr. Cooley will preacl
at 10:30 : a. in. At 7:110 : p. m. the pastor will
by request , preaeti to young men. Sabbatl
school nt 1" :00 : m. Young peoples meeting a' '
( ' : ! ! ( ) p. in. Strangers and others cordlallvin
St , Paul's ChurchDlvino service today ai
10:45 a. in. and70 : p. m. Sunday school ,
12:15 : ; blulo class , liiao p. in. Sonnon tonics
Morning , "God in nnluro nnu in Life. '
Evening sermon : "Practical Christianity , "
an address to the members of Fidelity Coun
ell , Koyal Arcannni. Youns men ant
Ptrnngei-s always cordially welcomed to these
cervices T. J , Mackay , rector ,
J.C. Blxuy , steam neatlng , sanitary en
gineer , 9IU Llfa building , O.naba ; Oi aMor
riani block , Council HlulTs.
V. Si. O. A. Notes.
"VV111 you bo ouo of the 100 J Ask the gen
end sccictary about It.
At the last board meeting thirty -th ceo nev
member were elected twenty-eight as.soci .
ate , llvo active.
Hero's a pointer. The nucleus forallbrun
for the newly organized association nt Grea
Falls , Mont.tct formed by n Kontloinun o
thut city , makliifr a gift of fifty volumes
Our association ought to have a uood library
Who will start it ?
In August tbo move was ntarted for secur
ing ono hundred now members. Quito t
largo number has been added , anil bull thoi
ere coming. With a llttlo more work oi
the part of those already members tbo on <
hundred would soon IKJ reached ,
Mr. W. 1 * . Oftlccr has j-esignca the chair
maushlp of tbo lecture and ontcrtuiiimcn
committee , owing to his temporary romoya
from the city. lr. P. J , Alontgomory was
at pointed chairman to 1111 the vacancy. U Is
proivedlo have a scries of catertainiucnt !
during tbo winter.
The following Is the repart for October
Average dally attendance at rooms , 110 ; letters
tors written in rooms by young men , 11 ;
written hy general secretary , ID : omploymen1
found for 1 youtid man ; baths taken during
month , 4M ; new members , aaj uycrdgu a' '
men's 5' '
young meeting , ,
The trymnasluiu work Is progressing flnelj
I under tUo direction of the Instructors iroii
the Omaha aaswJnl-fon. Mom young moil
ont'ht to avail thcibi i\v \ ! * of this ran * oppor
tunity to secure pliJTAlwl training. Toomui-li
emphasis cannot ) M > | * lnrad o.i the value of
ineasun'inentand iimK'rlbcd exercises. ICx-
niulnatloiis made cwi-y Friday evening.
The week bopluiiKl'if todiy has been sot
np.irt by thoiutcrimtlpnnt convention nnd the
world's confcrcnei' week of praver or
young men. The .Ytncrlran association has
regularly observed Ihls annual appointment
slnco ISftl. This siVispn It will b3 observed
thronglnnit the wnrltlf Mectlnps will beheld
each evening , cimniJcncliig Monday , at S
o'clock , except ort AVednciday , when tno
ineotliig will not bf-vln until ! i o'clock. A
different leader wilt vonduct each meeting.
An elegant line of NUllon ovJiivjit * at re
duced rates at MoJcl Clothing Co.
Dr. Seybcrt. Itos. Ogdcn house. Tel. HO.
Ono dollar buvsn pound of tea and n beautl )
fill teapot. Lund llros. , ' South Main street
Buy your coal and wood of G. H. Fuel Co. ,
K'J Broadway. Tele-phono 130.
) * of ,
At n meeting of St. Albans Lo.lgo No. 17 ,
Knights of Pythias , the following action
taken regarding tlm death ot.fnhn Van V.illc-
eiiburg , past suproina chaucollor of the
world :
Whereas , It lias pleased Almighty Oml to
tnku from onrnitiUt our worthy and beloved
brother , .lolin Van Valki'iiburir , pint supreme
chancellor , Knights or I'vi.blas ' of the world ,
anil ,
Wherein , . This lodc-o desires to place on
record Its estimate ot his worth mill the o.x-
prcssloiiof Its sorrow under thu illspcnsatlon
v'hloh lias ulosml Ills i > urtldycuriMir as onn of
the woi-kors la tbo order , therefor j
lu It
Jtosolvcd. That It elves us ph-usuro to ro-
inciuhor ami record iilslldollly to his olllelal
rmponsllillltyim ntruoanil xo.ilous worker In
the order , and II Is with di-cp ro ret that wo
can 110 inoro rccelvo his pleasant croollngs
anil prollt b y Ills | > irut coiuiM'ls , nor join
\vllh him In dlHcliai-iso of oar duties as citizens
nor as knlhts ) inmu Caslli ; Hull.
Ilijsolvocl. Tlm I wo ovli'iiil lo the wife and
chlldi on of our dwcuscd brother nnr sluoo 10
.syinpiilliy In tlii > 1rKival boi-eavomeut.
Jlesolvril. That our rustle Hall ho draped
In nioiiinln : ; fue nliii'ly dnss.
liesolve < l. That : i copy of Iheso resolutions
bo sent to tlio family of our departed brnihor ,
that t Imy bo | mi > lM > U In tbodallypaueis and
Hpiead upon the lu-orusof the lodge.
Some of those teapots still left nt Lund
Uros. ' , ' , ' 3 South Main street.
1-or boys' and children's suits dur.ibly
made nud at lowest prices , call at the Model
Clothing Co.
Tbo Manhattan sporting headmiartcrs , 413
O.T/.J//.I x
Says Ho Was Uobbed.
Martin Kvcrhmt tcll.s the police tbat ho
got in with Edward Flammgan and two
chums nt KVcinont and came to this city In n
box car , nnd that when thov arrived in this
city tbo ga.ig robbed him of $ ; ) ! i.
Hacked ttio Tiger.
Thomas Priest is a wise nnd prosperous
man among his friends at Haymond , but
when ho comes in with a shipment , of stock
and with the proceeds .thereof in his pocket
and attempts to buck the tiger he is a dismal
failure , and Friday night wound up poorer
by $35 and an overcoat.
The Ituhoknh Social.
The lodge rooms of Alpha loilgo , No. ! ,
Daughters of UebeJcah , were filled with
friends at the social tViday night. Th o com-
mlees were more than successful in enter
taining the guests. After n splendid lunch
bad been served n Very pleasant dunce was
indulged in. A sicoro of friends \vcro pres
ent from Omaha.
At the residence of'thebrldo's - paron tsMr.
and Mrs. T. , J , AtcUonough , No. 119 heaven-
worth street , at 7 o'clock Wednesday even
ing , Itov. Father McCarthy ofllcialing , Miss
Mary K. McUonongh of Omaha nnd Mr. C.
"W. Miller of this city were united in mar
riage. Mr. and Jlrs. Miller have gone to
housekeeping on Twenty-flfth , between O
and J ? streets.
At the residence of the bride's parents ,
Twenty-ninth street , between Q and I ? .
streets , Mr. Jtsso W. Alack and Miss Lizzie
McGlinpsoy wen ; married Tuesday evening ,
Rev. Kobort L. Wheeler officiating. After
the ceremony the Magic City cornet band put
in an appearance nud enlivened the occasion
with some line music. After all had Indulged
in an excellent supncr n social dance was en
joyed. , Mr. nud Mrs , Mack commence their
married life under sunshine nnd with tht ,
hcaity good wishes of many friends ,
Drnvi ; Over a Hank.
G. T. Archer , Joseph Hoffman , Charles
Nicholas and a man whoso name could not be
learned met with a serious accident about 1
o'clock Saturday morning. The men started
to Omaha driving a team belonging lo Frank
Adair , and on their return , when below Al
bright , drove over u bank about sixteen feet.
Mr , Archer nad his log broken In two places
nnd received otbor slight injuries. Ho was
taken to his borne in IMiittsmouth last idgbf
The other men were scratched , Jammed and
bruised , but not seriously injured. One
horse was killed and the wagon wrecked ,
The injured men wore taken to the camp and
surgical aid summoned.
Notes About the City.
Chaunccy M. Wilson Is seriously 111.
K. Treuboft is in Chicago on business.
\ \ ' , Paruell , the grocer , Is down with n
Mrs. Arthur X. Shriver was taken ill yes
A son has been born unto Mr. and Mrs. Jj.
K. Plmioll.
The next hop y the Club will bo given
Friday evening , the 14th.
William Morgan has removed to his now
house , Twentieth and J streets.
Thomas Hock will build a line residence
near Twenty-sixth and B streets.
Isaac Kurly , formerly ( if this city , Is bacli
from Boulder , Colo. , visiting J. W. Silver.
Kll II , Doud left fnr Chicago vestordny ,
nnd on bis return will bring Mrs. Doud witli
Krncst Pariicll , who has been ill with fovei
for some time , is better and now is out of
Fred HowleyA. . L. Braidard and Lu ,
Blouchard have gone to O'Fcill for a ten
days' hunt.
Samuel Ilarrah , 'a carpenter , cut his right
leg with an adze at the ankle , almost severity
fhomomccr. . . ,
William L. Gregson of the packing house ?
of Swift it Co. , Is in Denver on a short busi
ness trip for the htfuso.
llostmaster Glasgow has appointed Captair
.lolin E. Hurt cleric In the postofllec , vice
John E. Dilgcr , resigned.
K. L. Hull yesterday received word tbat
his father was dangerously ill , and started at
once for Schojhtlcpkp , N. Y.
Miss Mary Host of Medicine Lodge. Kan. ,
on her way to vlsiti her home in Ungland , is
the guest of Miss Mabel L.SIlver.
J. H. Evans of Omaha will erect a laundry
building on tlm < riorth sldo of N street bo
twcen Twenty-third -Twenty-fourtl :
George F. Long and family of San Fran ,
clsco , on their way homo from the east , arc
visiting in tbo city , the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. U. A. Kltch. .
At n special meeting of the city council the
city treasurer was authorized to pay the two
bonds of the First sewer district of fiOO each ,
duo November 1.
Miss Mary O'Drlen , daughter of James
O'Hrlcn of the Third ward , who returned
from Denver last Saturday , where she spent
the summer for her health' , is worse again.
I ) . C. Qulun , a trimmer In tlio hide depart
ment at the Armoiir-Cudaby packing houses ,
jammed the blade nf bis butcher knife Into
his left hand , the point running up his wrist ,
A score of young people went to Omnun
last evening to attend a reception given by
Miss Elsie Ilurtinaii , Seventeenth and Cen
ter streets. They report an enjoyable- even
On account of the Inability of members to
pot away , the Ar/nour-Cudahy football team
cannot piny the Young Men's Christian As
soclatlon team of Omaha untill Thanksgiving
Eugciii * , nged Ibrco years , son of Mr. and
Mrs. iloscph Anderson , Twenty-seventh ami
L streets , died ut I o'clock yesterday morn
ing , and will bo burled nt' ' o'clock this after
noon lit Forest Laiwn cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. K1 , .1. Eggcr will bo nt homo ,
Twenty-eighth and Egger street. Suturdav
evenln , the inth , to celebrate the foitlcth
birthday of Mr. Kggor mid tbo fourteenth
birthday of their daugnter , Miss Emma ,
Fred Drexel of Omaha , who formerly
owned the * laud on which Ihls city Is now
built , nud J. Eggcrs of Grand Island , have
bought llvo business lots on Twenty-fourth
street , between M and N , from C. l \ t'abs
foriaXK ( ) . A row of threo-story bricks will
be erected on these lots.
271 KJinK.\X.l.\.I .lM-t > KTII I'Hilfl
The CladliKoi.s and Sports on tlio
Ground nnd Killer Tor the Kray.
Mnvi'iiit , Tenn. , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tni ! Hr.K.1 The time forthc flrcn-
nnn-Danfortli light has narrowed down to
twenty-four hours , but It Is more dim-
cult tlian ever to pick the win
ner , although betting men like Uanforth
on account of his great generalship. Ucddy
llrcnnnu arrived hi the city yesterday ,
weighing a fraction over 1UO pounds. Each
muscle In his entire body Is as compact and
hard as Iron , and there Is not an ounce of
flesh on him that ho cannot use. Daaforth's
condition is perfect. In nil his experience ) of
twenty-three battles ho says bo lias never
felt hotter nor was ever la better lighting
condition. Hugh McMiums and Hilly Mycr
arrived this nurnlng and will look for Hreu-
nun's wants , and Jimmy Car
roll , who bested Andy Bowen ,
and Fltzslmmona , whoso ninbitlon
is to whip .lack Oeniscy , also came in from
New Orleans on the morning train. They
will second Tommy Danfor'h. The ring will
bo pitched some w'hero within llfty miles of
A Dangerous Crook Jailed.
Ciiic-wo , Nov. 8. It developed today tint
the man giving his name ns Patrick Ford
and who with another man was locked up for
breaking Into the ofllco of a brewing com
pany Is ono of the most notorious crooks in
tbo country. Ho has been turned over to
Sheriff Xocl of 1'onliac county , who has been
wanting him badly for three years. Ills
right nnmo Is William Idom. IIo was ar
rested in Pcoria three years ago for safe
keeping , but managed to make his escape.
IIo was discovered a month later in St.
Louis , but again madoa during cscapo bv
jumping into the Mississippi river nnd swim
ming away. " lie came hero some llmongo
and entered Into the employ of tlio North
western road as switchman. Since then car
robberies in tbo yards have been frequent
and Idem was lln ally connected with an at
tempt to blow the browerv sjife. Detectives
say ho has organ bed and trained a pang of
thieves In every place they have found traces
of him. IIo was an all round crook in Lon
don before coining to this country.
County Court.
In the county court the Union National
bank has brought suit to recover $71U1 ! ! from
Story. & Her. The ban K alleges that during
the winter of 1MH ) the defendants became in
debted to Hie Omaha ice company in Iho
amount sued for , and that later the claim was
bought bv the plaintiff nud lias never been
John D. Murphy has sued Case & Kenedy ,
tbo contractors. He alleges that these de
fendants contracted to build for him a $ .V > 00
residence. The residence wns built , the
Helm sash and blind company illod a ? 700
Hen , which ho Itis been compelled to pay.
Tbo suit Is brought to recover this amount.
. *
American ! Show Closed.
CmoAfio , Nov. S. The American lior.-o
show closed tonight before a largo audience.
The feature of Iho ovcnim ; was tbo jumping
contest between the Canadian horse , IJosc-
berry nud the American horse , Filemnkcr.
The latter , In attempting to make a 0 foot
11 inch Jump , fell and seriously injured
his rider. Potter. The next attempt
was at 7 feet 19f incbo , half nn inch higher
than Filemnker's world beating record , at
Thursday evening's performanceUosoberry
was ridden by Tim lUonj ; in excellent form ,
ami at the very llrst trial cloarcd the poles ,
ttio horse barely grazing it with one of his
fore feel.
Chicago's Gni Trust Pined.
CmcAfio , Nov. 8. The gas trust was this
morning lined f 10 nnd costs in tbo suit of the
people against the trust , and Judge McConnell -
nell entered a sweeping order today debar
ring thu trust from holding any stock , even a
minority , in another gas company
or any electric light company.
This was in accordance- with
tils decision rendered some days ago. Coun
sel for the trust accepted to tbo entry of tbo
order anil the supro'iio court will settle as to
the legality of McDonnell's judgment of
Death Follows a Debauch.
Si' , 111. , Nov. 8. A. C. Evans , a
prominent and wealthy manufacturer of this
city nnd councilman from the Fifth ward ,
died today at the Lebanon sanitarium from
the effects of an over dose of opium. For
For the past month Evans lias been on a pro
tracted debauch at Cmclnnnttl and was or
dered from that city two weeks ago by Police
Judge ISnnston. He was taken to the sani
tarium hy his wife and daughter. Ho es
caped from Unit institution last evening , but
BOOH returned wild with opium ,
Minister luiiico'u's Son Uuriod.
Si'iuxiinii.i ) , 111. , Nov. 8. Kobort T. Lin
coln , minister to England , arrived in this
city this morning with the body of bis son.
who died abroad several mouths ago. Ho
was met at the station by members of tbo
Lincoln Monument association , wno es
corted Mr. Lincoln and tbo remains of
his son to Oak Kdgo | , where the body was
placed in tbo monument erected to tlio "mem
ory of the boy's illustrious grandfather. The
interment was without ceremony.
Olmruli Hoclab'o Postponed.
The church sociable that had been planned
and announced to take place at the Young
Men's Christian association rooms on Mon
day night , the proceeds of which were to bo
donated to the west Omaha Methodist mis
sion , has been postponed ono week.
A Mining Town Hnrnliig.
Kr.Anixo , Pn.Nov. 9. A dispatch received
early this ( Sunday ) morning states that the
milling town of Fremont , Scbuylkltl county ,
Is on nro and it Is feared that half of the
town will burn ,
1'iBiisoxA t'.t it.i < : n.i rns.
J. D. Prouty Is at the Merchants.
C. E. Fisher of Boston js nt the Casey.
D. L. Sterling of Denver is at tha Mlllunl.
Callen Hunter of Choyeimo Is at tbo Paxton -
ton ,
.T. T. Llttlellcld of Boston Is a guest at the
\ \ \ W. Adnms of Detroit was at the Cusny
last nlgtit.
lion , Eugene Ware of Fort Scott , Kan , , is
in the clly. -
A. J. Holhwcll of Uawllns is lu tbo city , at
thu I'nxton ,
J. A. AViiro of St. Louis is la the city , at
the Paxton ,
B. F. Hough of Doi Molnes Is in tbo city ,
nt the Casey.
S , L. Scott of Kansas City was at the Paxton -
ton lust night ,
G. E. Dennett of St , Louis was at the Mur
ray lost night.
George W. Fry of I'lttsburg , I'a. . is a guest
at the Murray ,
C. L. Klngsloy of Chicago was at tbo Millard -
lard lust night.
J. J. Hocbford of HupIdClty , S. n. , is at
tbo Merchants ,
John I * . Button of Lincoln Is In the city , at
the Merchants.
Uev. H. V. Atkinson , formerly of Quinoy.
III. , becomes the regular pastor of tlm South
West Presbyterian church today , The
church has been without u pastor for several
mouths and the congregation will appreciate
the efforts of n zealous and faithful pastor
most thoroughly.
Arrangements Nearly I'oiToijtrd for
the Hlg Event ,
At last night's ' meeting of the committee
appointed hy tbo Suiuosets to perfect ar
rangements for the null-prohibition celebra
tion Tuesday night , a great deal of picllm-
Innry work was performed. Louis Ilolijirod
was elected grand m.irslml of the evening
ami ho appointed the following nicies :
Omahn-.lohn V > . Hoyd , T. S. Clarkson , C.
V. Gallagher , .loo Tcuhoii , James C , Craw
ford , Charles Panning , A. E. Cogglcsball ,
Henry Vns * , W. R Hecbol , M. L. Kocder.
South Omaha Colonel E. I1. Savage , J times
Pluttsnuiutli-U' . II. Cusblng , Cnptaln H.
1C. Palmer.
Council Bluffs Thomas Bowman , 1) . A.
Lincoln-John P. Sutton , John Fit/gerald.
Nebraska City 1) . H. Knife , John C. Watson -
son , Frank 1' . Ireland.
Fremont Low May , John H. Shcrvln.
( Iniiul Islam ) John \Viilllehs , Sam Wai-
bach , Patrick Diiimhey. .
West Point-Judge , ! . C. Crawford ,
Norfolk Dr. Alex Hear , Dr. Peter
Schwonck ,
Tim marshals selected to lead the different
wards of Omaha are :
First -Thomas Lowry , William \\Vekor ,
John Butler.
Second C oorgo Anthcs , George Holine.s ,
Frank Kaspor.
Third Ed. Uothcry , Patrlo Ford , William
Fourth-W. F. Bechol , Andy Movnllmn.
Fifth -Henry OslhotV , Jolm'Menoimld.
Sixth -Ji-orgo ( Tlcrnoy , William Hiovcrs ,
William Miu-k.
Seventh T. A. Mngoath , Michael Loo.
Eighth Ueoixo StcrusdoriT , Albert Snun-
Ninth-Euclid Martin. Fred Ulumer.
The aides from outside towns nro re
quested to appoint marshals to lead their
respective dclegiitloiw.
The line of march will bo published as soon
ns arranged. All the bands In the city will
bo engaged for the occasion , and outside dele
gations uro requested to bring muslo with
them. Special excursion rato.s will bo given
by all railways ci'iilurlng In Omaha. Over
Si , ( MO worth of fireworks bus boon ordered ,
and will arrive from Chicago , accompanied
by two expert pyrotechnists , oa Tuesday
morning. At the conclusion of the llroworks
display tbo throng will bo addressed In tlio
( Jr.ind oper.i house and the Kxpislt.ioii build
ing by Governor-elect Boyd , Congressman-
elect Brvaii aim others.
i i\Tiit ritMEH
! Io Is Salisllc'd Ultli the Itcsnlt In Urn
CixvniASi ) , O. , Nov. S. Congressman
William Melvinloy , who was in tbo city this
evening , said tin reporter , referring to the
election : "I mil well satisfied with the re
sults In my own district. I gained UiOO ( votes
during the campaign , which lasted
but three weeks. It is very
ratifying . . 'Iho republican
victory on tbo stale ticket was splendid.
The unfairness of the gerrymnndo was mani
fested most clearly by the recent election.
The republicans carrieo the stnto bv a popu
lar majority of over l ! ! , < > 00 , while theclemo-
secured two-thirds of tlio representatives
in congress. Protection is stronger
today than it .ever was , nnd it
will continue to grow in favor. Tbo tariff
bill was misunderstood and was shamefully
misrepresented. The latter was done by the
importers , many of whom are not citi/.cns of
the United States and are free traders , I nm
suru it will win in the end. The same issue
will coma forth In Ib'J-1 ' , audit will then bo bet
tor understood. TUo republicans have little
to fear tbo future if they have a free ballot
and a fair count. " Major MclClnloy feels
confident that the senate will pass tbo Lodge
federal elections bill before the close of the
next session.
Wart ! Defend * Hiii-ttolnt.
LONDON' , Nov. 8. The Sunday Times
prints an interview with Herbert Ward ,
who declares that bo never saw Uurttciot
commit any acts reflecting on bis honor , or
that ho himself bud not committed. IIo was
shocked that such personalities had been
published nud sorry to think that Stanley
should seek to embroil him ( Ward ) In a quar
rel lacking every sentiment of chivalry for
Iho dead anil consideration for the living.
Speaking from his knowledge , Uarttclot
never used excess , ! vo cruelty. lie says that
Stanley , In Ills opinion , fails to
attribute the blame for tlio disaster to
the rear guard , where it should bo
laid , namely , upon Jameson , administrator of
the Congo state , who neglected to send a
steamer up to the camp. Hud this been done
everything would have been saved.
Know in the Northwest.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Nov. 8. A snowstorm
set In this afternoon In the southern part of
this state and bus kept up over since , from
threw to live inches having fallen in different
localities. The snow extends over Into Da
kota nnd will piobably bo quite heavy before
morning. A high wind accompanied the snow
at Rochester , Minn. , and it bids fair to last
YAXKTOX , S. D. , Nov. 8. Lnkcllcld , Albert
Lea , St. James nnd other places loport heavy
snow with prospects of its lasting some time.
Briu.iNiiTox In. , Nov. , 8. Tbo first regular
cold wave of the season struck this vicinity
this morning. A heavy sleet storm prevailed
almost all day.
LINCOLN' , Nob. , Nov. 8. Knports from Ibo
north we stern trait of tlio state tell of a heavy
storm thcro. It bin boon snowing continu
ously for fourteen bouts.
Tlio Census of Alaska.
WASHINGTON , Nov. S. A bulletin from tbo
census ofllco upon the cousin of Alaska Is
composed of an Introductory statement from
Supcrintcndnnt Porter nud a letter from
Special Agent Potroff , describing his ex
perience in organizing his force of enumer
ators nnd collecting statistics. Ho
began his work February 10 last.
IIo divided tbo territory Into oiirht
divisions and organized a force of assistants
and sK'cial | agents for Held woi'k from resi
dents fnmUmr with the language nud thu
country. The enumeration is nearly com-
Ulctcd , but the returns bavo been received
only in part and some cannot bo had until
next spring. Mr. Potroff' journey In Alaska
foots up about twelve ihousuml imlos , and the
distances traveled by his assistants will
probably foot up more.
Tbo Celebration Postponed ,
Tbo severe ueather of yesterday compelled
the friends of high license to postpone the
proposed celebration of prohibition's defeat.
Extensive preparations had been made for
the occasion , and the ratification v.'iis to have
been indulged in by nil , regardless of party
afllllutiotiH. Llocoln , Ulalr , Fremont , Plaits-
mouth and Nebraska City had arranged to
send delegations to take part In the general
By order of tbo chairmen of both republi
can and democratic central committees this
event was Indefinitely postponed , but will
certainly occur nt no distant date.
Vast Sprinting.
Nr.w YOUK , Nov. 8. Wendell linker , the
crack sprinter of Iho IJurucloy alholetlo club ,
broke the record for 200 yards this afternoon ,
doing it in 20 seconds , one-fifth of a second
better than the boat previous record.
O'Brien and Dillon In HoHton ,
BOSTON' , Mass. , Nov. S.-O'IJrlen , Dillon
and other Irish delegates arrived hero this
evening. They were greeted at tlio depot by
a tremendous throng , and afterwards held u
reception at the Parker house.
Killed liy a Holler I0\plosion.
MAGNOLIA , Miss , , Nov. 8 , Hy thooxplnsloa
of a paw mill boiler hem this morn Ing Sam
Pritchard , white , and Nelson Audrewu , col
ored , were killed , two other men fatally and
two seriously injured.
A Tame Affair.
Nuw YOIIK , Nov. 8. The anarchists' meet
ing tonight In Brooklyn proved to ho a tame
ufTfilr , only about fourhuudrcd being present ,
llerr Most was the principal speaker.
Thi ) Dcntli Holt.
NAMIVII.I.H , Tenn. , Nov. 8.--Hou , llarday
Martin , an old time member of congress , died
at Columbia today.
Statement of Tonnnno and llnvrniirji
of tlio innvront IjIni'H.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 8. - [ Special Tulopram to
TuiUci-Clinlnnaii : : ] Alilnec F. U'nlkcr of
the Interstate * Coininereo Hallway association
today sent out to the Hues In the houthwest-
ovn pool n complete Mntomcat of the toiiiniKO
and vovenuo of tbo cllfTeivnt lines slnco tlio
Inception of the pool. It Is nn Instructive
object Isnsoii as regards innlntenniico of rates ,
thcro liavlnp been almost no complaint In tills
direction ugulint any of the trnftlo jmoled.
The three clialriuonvlio have the hlliul pool
In charge liavo inuclo no reocnt order for the
division of trunic * . nnd It c'.in ho taken for
in-anted t lint the ncrcontage.i K\CII ! aw ex-
uc'tlvor ncarlv tlioso inrwil iil'on by the
cbafriucn. It bulni ? u bllnil pool , the roads
themselves do not know the WMYuntanes
agreed upon , Thu llgure-s nro us follows !
IVr Hc-v Per
Ton . cent , rinii'i , cent.
AtclilMin IS.1.7.V ) ai.H ar i
Alliin i 7.1.SM I'.S 10 U
lIlli'lliiKton IIS.ti.1l KM ) ins
M. I'niil . 'v.NJI H.II u I
Hook Island . . . . I' ' . JM.NII r.1 s
l'.SM' . * K. IV. . IIMCI 5.7 ril.iwi ,1 8
Wnljinh HI.Mil 7.8 7 1
MCI. I'lielflc- ' S7.I.VI I'M aivtiii in 4
Thcxo llg ires apply on tbo traffic between
August 1 and October 111.
Thr Clinnuclloi' at Homo.
KOMI : , Nov. S. ( Special Cablegram to Tun
HIM : . ] ( lOiieral Von Caprivl , the Cerninn
chancellor , today visited Iho cathedral at
Milan and siibsciuciitly ] inspected the works
of art in the Victor Kmmiuiuel uallery A f for
ward he returned to the HotelC uvour , whom
ho held a long conlercnco with Slgnor I'rtspl
Hie Italian prime minister. Tbo dulo and
duchess of ( icuoa nnd the court dignitaries
will be present at thu lmiiuet | to bo given to
Chancellor Von Cnprlvi nt Mon/tt ,
A Tongli Trio.
George Duncan , Itohcrt Hates and WdHam
Hates , three tough looking negroes , , arrested
upon u charge of breaking Into a box car and
stealing some Hour In the B. \ M. yards ,
were tried yesterday afternoon in policecumi
and discharged.
I. C. Knotts
FiiBl - Merchant
All kinds of the best nnd ole > iiie < * t
fuel in stock nnd under s
People who dcsiro cheap nnd
clenn fuel for cook lug will fnvl it
by orderinn n load ol'eobs , l have
n Inrflo supply tlmt nro clean and
whole not broken up.
Gaod hard wood cheap , eithot *
in cot'U wood lengths or st < > vo-
wood , delivered promptly.
All sizes of lint'cl con ! , cknn ,
bright nndwall screened ,
TUO bluclc peet'less lump ' 'onl
continues to be the favorite lor
domestic purposes.
- : - No. 29 Main Street.
Call Telephone 20v
"What shall fdonn fliiMinni dny.
If niv uray toi > - > o "ilionld ran aivny' "
Wo'lou'l e.spi'el miluray ( 'OD-II toiiin a ; iy ,
but wnsliiill iillo\v \ tlio following topciunuy
on c'lirlstiniisdiiv : \
1 liarn'l Ki'.nniliik'd siior.
Ml Ibs MIIC'II nnd Jiiva C'lilltM * .
U'lX ) I IN IS. ' 1. l n\IV Nn. 1U Hour.
1(1 ( liilvhi'lfof polutoos.
B Ibs. In-- , ! li'ii.
Tlio uliovo Koods will gut nwiiy. and IT you
can caplm-o imy o [ llii'in yon nut ui-li un.c to
them. If you \vniil to Know fiii'tlicr ; iirii ( > ii-
Iill's ask any of our sulusiiicn , lit tbu vimo
tltnu save yonrnolf T > prrccuit ,
Wu liny for vnsli anci sell for ensli. and ; ire
abln tohavo our iiistoniei Iti per L'i'iit.
f.Uli-s. liniii'iliito I Mt' nr fur $1 ( id
1(1 ( llx. nitra t'Hiitf'ir 100
ITlbs. C snzar t ( H )
7baI'M of Wlnlc ItiiiVlnn snap fur ' { 10
'Jlnr.snf BIHM ! laundry MIIJ : > . " > o
Iiriro : lioltlc billing < r > o
Oallfonilic Iriiiis p'tr pound Do
Hiiiifloi" * hums PIT pound IIo
i'riaiat'liiM i' IHT poll nil I.'u
I'otntoi'H ] ) oi'liu.ilii'l tun
( food Iliooin l. > o
.felly iicr pTiunil r > o
Nn\y beans per iiouiid r > o
Ci'iR'kc'iH per ( ionnil. . . . „ r > o
Tlirc'i * Ionyi < nf lircad for fOe
Mii'itinil Siirillnos , pur uun 7o
OH Kiinllni-i , pi'rciin. . . ' 7o
I'olti-d bam , per can r > o
Duvilcd bain , iicr ciin r.o
Two ( u , liottlu Ic'inon I'.xlraul r > o
Two o * . liDttlo vanlbi oxlraul lo
Vliin ur , pL'p Bid ion t.lo
t'onl ( ill , per nalion tun
I'lVU Ulllloils * > | | uollllC ) U")0
We nro ( ' : ( | ( ( in Klour.
ll.T. lUvl.s' Xii. in. per wick I 00
II. T. llnvls' , Hluo II. per Kick I M
fiolcl nii'diil. per xni'k I W )
Iliurii. Norton & Go's lliHYnln I'Mour. ' . . 1 40
A. Kattler , try It , p.'r suck 1 UO
All poods warranted us loproseiilei ] and 10
nuncofiln tlio iKiiind. Welsb vour unnils and
don't bnducclvod bv your hlnh iirlecd Ki-ui'iir-
ninii. Any Krncur wlslitnx to sull mil , e.ill on
C. O. D.
Fourth Street and Hroadway. C'uuneil
BlulTs. luwn.
Or Council Bluffs ,
< -I. A. Miller , K. 0. Gloasou. K. I *
Slni''iirt , I. . F . Hurt , . ! . I ) , KdniiindsDii , t btiilui V
C. llannan. bankln.iisl -
ncss. lurK st uaiilttil and hiiriilui of any
ban ) : In Uoiuhwuslem towa.
" "
D. H. McDaneld & "Co. ,
Butcliors' ' aid Packers' Supplies ,
Market Fixtures , Casing ,
Pplcps nnd Satisaso MalinrV Manliliicr MO-
fCiMaliiht. , Counoll HltllTs , In. Al-o < '
In Hides mill I'urs ,
T.OriT-A eniniicliiinn , ciiKi'iiMMl II. .1 II lt -
_ - turn to IWJ Iiniachvay : ind recc lvi t < urd.
BOVH Wanted from lr > to IT years old Insiclo
W ( > i'k. Oood WIIBUS. II. 0. ( inni.V -mm
\ \ > A > TKH-Noat Rid for ! toiii-i-al
? work. ( Joniian pi-ufun-u , ! , Mrs .Mirub
Hlms , : no I'liinlur MU
\\7ANTK1) -A Kooil Bid forecni'ril
> > work. Mra. I'.M. I'ryor , lllulVst
" \\r\NTi-A | : ) Kirl for lioiihowurk.
> O ( Irimoii , HUISlMli iivc.
Oll AMTwo : Kooil work hiii-.i. . . \MI1
- tnko liny In tilling un o lot. A | > | > ' 1 to
eonard nvi'rt'tt. _
T pK IIKNT - ' 1'ho .MoMahiui ( -.lory
J. ! lii-lok block , No. UJ H. Mulii st , vvltheloMitor
J.W. _ 8ji < | iilri ! . _ _ _
TfHm liN'T-A ( : clintco plcwi"of Jiihh * i buiit
J. norir Cniincll llluirM , with KiMic iiinil-
inir. Immediatepossossluu U du J \V ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ '
IUJNT-Oooil - - -
' otlior IIOIISOH clliroronl , prices ! nnr
room overstoio near tionrt IIOIHII ; lin.ihi-miiicl
lou for HIU : | mi iiiontlily paymeiitsj one' linusu
iinil lot JW ; i fHlriiblo ltisln viUls on Siiun-
( lurs Htii'ot. North Oiuulia. for IUIIMI or t > ulu
tli avc'iiui.
SAI.K-Compluto pel of tlniiiT > tools ,
mid iiiniill Htoou of tliiwinu iniibaiKuln.
Jiiiuli | at , room ! 118 Murrjam biouk. _
KO HtOVOH Ut CHt ( t'J UlO.SO Ollt. llolUlllilll rOM |
> for liiinl inatilu inovlnu rollof > and
Jocks.U , , O AinyJs i- < ) '
_ - J. _ _ . . ' .
rn\VOM.aurufiirnnfir \ ) milo near the 'ty ' itt
Ja Imwiln.V , A , Wood .t t.Vj. , KM .Mu''ty
IJ1OH H\1B nr lima Oanluii land , wit1
l > Ulug' m Malu il' ' CouaaU