Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1890, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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Kelley , Stiger & Co ,
Our Guaranteed Qunlitles ot Loss
* thnn Manufacturers Prices.
This Is n Copy of the Guarantee
that Goes with Eaoli Gni'inon * .
This coal is made of plush
Manufactured expressly for its.
Hc guarantee the plush of this
gaVnunl not to wear off on the
edges during the winter of
jSgb-yi. We also guarantee
tit cio ops lobe of tit c best seal
skin of the purest JSng/isk dye.
Jl'c will exchange this garment
fora new one ifitshorldnot wear
according' to this guarantee.
Kelley , Stiger & Co
Cor , Farnam & 1 5th St
A Big Opeuiu'g in Wheat Again Yields to
Wall Street Influences aud Closes Lower.
DimlniHhed Selling Pressure la Oats
IltMc .Support In Provisions Ljlvo
Stcclc Under the Weather
o , Nov. S. [ Snrclal Tclcjrram
Hi i : . ] Tliero was u big market In wheat early
In the session anu the show of Htrrncth the
flist hour wiib cncouraKliiR to the bulls. It also
dune a lot ot small shoits tn cover and
checked hoivvy Bollluj * . Thorn was sonic scat-
teilng bull nons , but It did not count for
iniu'li. I.lveri eel was firm for spot wheat and
> 4d on" on futures early , and closed steady and
unchanged. Klovator companies ropoitcd a
fr.llliiR ofTln receipts , The flames did not
bear tills out very well. Minneapolis and
Dnlnth had 701 ears and Chicago had 178 cats ,
or fifty over the estimate. The primary
mailots for the \\cek icc6tved l.t'.OOO bushels
Irst than hist week , and export clearances
wcio 50,000 bushels more , The eaily tlmato
011 tlio visible supply for an Increase of
1,300,000 for the wcelc. JllnncapolUiouorts an
Increase for the \\ccU of jao.OW buMiols. Hut
tlio &trcnKth cailyvas In , the temper uf
tlio tnulo rather ttiiui news , Hutchison ,
Mitchell , Loxan & Co. , Aldrleh fc Vance ,
Counsclimui A , Day , lliossciui , Cndahy nnd
others besides orders from St. Lou js and
New York wi'i-o allun tlio buying side. While
this lasted thcro was no great selling pressure ,
Bcnltiers letting o of loin wheat constituted
the principal offorlnjrs. lint there wan no ex-
poit clcaranoes.VuIlstrectwasagaln \ un-
ettlcd and stocks rattled down In prices.
CiniKdon and Hio seau began the selling with
mall shorts covering wheat. Offerings became -
came general , the support petered our , and
jiiarlietbooaino extremely weak and declined
to a point 10 under the bottom yesterday for
December , while May sold ngaln at bottom
figures aud tno premium widened to 0 . The
action was us follows ! December , OSSc , to
O9'te. to97uMayll.03) } ; ) < , toll.OSJi , to II.U4'j.
Tlioio was a\ory fulr recovciy Inhoit the
liiil half hour , \\Iien thelnlliicneoof the stock
inaruotwasoiit of tlio way. Karly sellers evi
dently did not want to bo short ou > r Sunday
nml on a uoiieril picking tip of wheat before )
thncloso December rallied about lo fiom the
bottom Ip OS'.e. closing only Uo under last
night. May kold us low ns il.04 nml closed at
I.OS ; November , Ui'ic. oir to li : > > 40 to IW'.o to
close. On the curb December whout privi
leges sold ut UTUo to t)7ic ? for puts and ( XJio ) to
OTHo foreall" .
Tliero was a peed , firm market In corn again
todny. The only weaU sixit dnrlnif the i.e > -
lon wa In ympitliy : with the break of neatly
"o In \ > hoat. Kocvlptssuro less thiiu tliu i-stl-
niato ut 257 cars. Tlio out\yiird inn\oincut was
Unlit with unt-lnspoetlon of 101,000 bushels
Itnd hhluiiionla of only 4oUOO bushels. I'.xport
ClouiaiH'OH for thn duy , practically noun ; for
tno week , from four Atlanllo ports , ffio.ooi
bushels. The nit wan vfltlioutiionsaml lur ely
without oiitsldu orders. Tliu cash deinaiul
keeps tlm iniuUut linn and .Muy sold ut M'goto
filSo toM , ' o to5lli ( > at 1 o'clock , No\ciulcr )
was quotcU at 2 ! o to 'J.'io undur May
Mil dny. The strength in corn In
creased Into In the day , and vrhon
wheat rallied thu lust ten nilnutvs prices
( or corn were advanced easily. November
wni quoted around Mo narly and cloved nt
6lie ; December hold atKo to51'4o nnd up tn
CJ o to closet Mny Hold up tn & 4H < C.M > o and
clobcd atM'iobld , or 3oovorlust nl nt. Muy
corn jirlvlu'KU' . sold utMiQJI' ! o fur puts and
M io furcalli ,
Thuro was less prcssuro to sell In outs and
the market dlu iintutnuy tlmo KOI below tlio
oimnliiK prli-o for Muy. Salt's for this
iiionth itartrd nt 3 > io , nnil the top point just
before the closu uas niOIHio ( , closing at
iOM' . or Jin hlchcr. Hecamber was quoted at
Oc , off to 42UP. and on a reaction late In tlio
day advanced to U , o. November was nonil-
nt December price The strength was
fal with wheat and corn the lust half
There \vnslittlo nupport to provisions early
In tlio day und priori wont to lower
points under the lead of porlc. which
liroUo SOo under list night op free
Idling , with the corn market firm It
fptbtronir. I.nrd and rlba told oft about 50
111 around durlot tlililooming , but recovered
Kelley , Stiger & Co.
A Bargain in
5 pieces black annure silk
per yard , * well worth $1.35.
3 special numbers in
. " 5 pieces black faille silk 750.
good value at $ i.
5 pieces black faille silk S c ,
worth $ i. 10.
5 pieces extra heavy black
faille silk $1.16 ; worth $1.45.
AVe are showing some very
desirable goods in Bangalincs ,
plain and brocaded , in dark
and evening shades. Also
choice novelties in brocaded
satin De Lyon , satin armure ,
alma royal with polka dot
cream ground , brocaded and
plain crepe de chene.
Special values in colored
velvelsat ; 5c , $ i , $1.25 & $ i.6o.
tO-tii Froiirli pln'ds ' fl&r , North 7oc.
41-ln novelty plaids eec , Mortlt75r ,
I'-Mii Frciiuh plaids , Milciulid as ort-
mont of color , S.'icetili ; \ $1.
10-in Fronrli plnids ! ) " > e , north $1/25.
ol-in clolli plaid * $1.25 , worth $1.G5.
Cor. Farnam &L I5th St
nnd ole cd about steady. Junnarv pork fold
attll.TTtVftll.W ) and closed at tll.WJ : May.
JI2.r > 5aiL'.t)0 ( , closing t 112.W.5. I'ncKcrs were
bcllpis as usual early. Cuduhy bought ribs
and Jtyan bought purlc.
win : AT.
\Vhent-rnts-07 ; . , 97i. ! Ciills-00 iflK)7 ) , ' .
Coin I'uts 5li ! < S54i' ? .
CiiiCAno , Nov. 8. LSpeclal Tolesram toTiin
HKF.I OATTr.K A cold nnd heavy rain storm
prcvallcl all morning , hence only these of the
liuyors who luid urgent orders went out to
look over stock und only such nntlvo steers
as suited the shipping anil dressed beef trades
were wanted. Common and medium stock
was entirely m < slcclo < l nnd lai-RO numbers
weie drhen underhheds , locked In and will bo
purrlcd over for Monthly's market.
Blithers' stoolc was aKo nexlected
mid a luigo number of common
cows , bulls mid roiiRh steers were carried
over. TOMUH were nearly closed out. und a
few ranccrs on sale we 10 also disposed of , No
prime stoorson sales iijmluiill.1M)3.V0 ) ! oth-
ui9tl.OOI.TA | coininon , { , ' ,75544.00. and u sale
of Tuxans No laiiKerssold. A largo
number of contmon were carried over.
lloos-.ltuslness nctlvo for fc'utiirduy , not-
\vulislamll nil Ilio dlsagieeublo ruin storm that
piuvullcd all foicnoon. Tlio great bulk ot
noKSwnio sold bcforo 13 o'clock , nnd prime
heavy sold a good So higher : good to medium
packers anil nilxod steady to strong , and Iljjlit
BOits 100 lower ; rough und coininon , St.rWW.73i
fair to good mixed. KUiOft&M ; pilmo heavy ,
W.OO4.W ; nssottPil llsht of 210 down to 120-
lb. average . H7.V23.SO ; ulgs of 100-lb. uvcraKos
and under. SI,7.TJ.7Ji averages of 120 Ibs. and
upwards , J3.OfriP.50 ,
JtT/.V < f At'J l/ . .
New YOIIK , Nov. 8. tSpoclnl Tclcsram to
TUB IJFE.I STOCKS-TIH first thing Wall htrect
did last nlKht after the stnuk inurkut closed
was to feel thankful that the trmlo hud met
with no disaster on the great liroak In prices.
The second move was to fond dispatches
broadcast predicting that tlio worst
was past und a iceovory at
onto certain , Thci action of tlin market
today threatened for a whllo tot- poll both cal
culations. The opening was qulto Irregular
with the worst punished stocks of yesterday
much Improved over night. Tlio market de
veloped renewed weakness from the Urst
Hnlusi and within tlio Ihst half hour
material losses weio sustained. Some
stocks on the drlvu rouolird oven lower
prlccH I him yesterday , and Illinois Central
H'tlroil 2 per cent to 8t < , Ht I'aul , l.ackuwanna
and C'hlcimnlliis ! " ' { per cent unch. Western
I'nlon I9 ! , tiugur Itcllncrlci and l.oulsvlllo &
Nuilivlllo c'uch 1'i , New Yoik ( Vntral lj ,
Northwestern. N'orlli American , Mls onil 1'u-
ellle , Norllioin 1'uclllo (01'furied , New Knitland
mid IturlliiKton & ( Julncy each 1. : md others
Kenorally largo fractions. At these figures ,
however , there wnsa halt In the presiiiro lo
soil , and thu market becoming comparatively
qulut , a partial recovery oiiMicd. mit U made
no material inoaress. and bcfoio 11 o'clock
lirlccs \ cro ai'ulu iloL-llhlns. Tlio bank state
ment contained nothing stnttllnir , with reserves -
servos decreased about tVW.OOO. . Thin added
extra weight to the market , nnd the last
prices were close to the bottom for the day ,
It belli ; Saturday , the trudu did not liavo to
resort to borrowing ut 23 per cent as on yes
terday. nnd UKI short bosslou closed with
sales of 2SooO shares.
The following cro the closing quotations :
Kelley , Stiger & , Co.
Wo offer a few cxtrn special BAIl-
flAINS in tlilsdopt.
Henrietta ,
Fiue all wool hcnricttiv YOrtll 75 ,
At 55c.
llciiriettasrclucel ( fromSSl to 85c
Henrietta ,
Out1 superfine lionrletto , $1.2D
quality , Is now
Fine English nil wool serge ,
50c 50c 50c
Importedserge , 44 inches wide ,
worth OSc.
64 inch oil wool flannel ,
50c 50c 50c
Novelties in mourn
ing goods in great va
Half mourning goods ,
numerous styles.
Our stock of inckets In reefers.
vest fronts , plain , tight fitttna- ,
half fitting , fur fronts nncl silk
faced , the latest in the market.
This \veek wo will sell ono lot of
reefer jackets for $7 , worth $ IO :
Also a line of vest fronts for $1O ,
worth $12.BO.
Cor. Farnam & 15th St
CiilCAflO , Nor. 8. Close Wlioiit I'lrni )
cash , 'JO io ; Dcccintor , M , c ; Muy. tt.OSo.
Corn I'lrni : cash , 02 o ; November , G'-JiC !
M : y , MJK\it.
Oats ITruij casli , 43'4e ; December. Wc ;
MnytO c.
Uyo Kiisjr at 60'iE.nTc.
Hurley-Steady ntfOc.
I'rlmoTlinolliv Nominal : it51.2J3l.28 ,
I'ltuY Dull at { I.XI.
AVlii liv ? l.ll.
Pork Steady ; cash. JD.T.'i ; Junuary , 111.70 ;
M.iy. * 12M ) .
Lurd-btoaily ; cash , ti.0 January \ , $0.33 ;
Klour-UncliniTTiSCil : winter putfiits. ? 4.lW
5.SO ; sprhiK patents. ? 5.uoa5.rai : bakuis' , I'J.iK ®
llullc MontiShoultlors , H.S3 ! &OUi : short
eloar , ? 5.70 < a5.7 , " > : short , rilis , M.40.
Ilitltcr-Stcaily : creamery , SOSSTc ; dairy.
Uhfose Quiet ; full crenrn cbcildars.
SVc ; llat . 8)i@SVc ) ; "Young Americas , OS'Jiic.
ftitts rinnj trcsli. "OS2ic.
llmes-UncliaiiKCd ; lioavyanil light croen ,
5&c ; KIOOII hides. 4'ic ; silted bull hides , 41ci {
Krccn saltiuU'til. ' % , 7J4T ( Se : dry Hint , 7 < 3Sc : dry
nulled , 741-Sc ! dry C'tlf. 89c ; ( loiicous. i'iicli)0.
Tallow UnchangedNo. ; ] , solldpnol < cd.4c. } (
Kecclpts. Shipments.
Klotir , libls ri.000 11,00. )
Wheat , bu 4I.UOO 17,000
Corn , lU A li\000 WCO )
O.its. 1)U 1M.030 SJOOtlO
Niw VOIIK , Xov , 8. Whcnt ItecolpK 7.COD
bushelsoxports. ! none. Sjiol , lower , heavy ;
No.2 rLMl.Jl.UHs$1.04i } ?
® I.OO f.o. li.i options ndvanecd early'ie , but
ran olT fully l4c ! on lunik btatomcnt und
closeil enk | No.2ruil , November , closing ut
Corn-llocolnts Kft'M liifslicls ; oxports. 110.
SjKit , veakuri No. 3 , SfKS'il'Jiolii ' nlovator , .r > OU ©
ci'ao ' alloiit ; inijirailcd inKuiliSrtffiUllic ; options ,
lilgliuri Nuveiiiuvri'losliiK nt3S6e ! ,
O.its-Uucflpt-t , 4' > .WO bushels ; exports. 30.
Spot , heavy ! No. - white , 5Mi.)2'Iu ; mixed
wstoin,47 ® . ' ) ! ; \vlilto wu < torii , r > CXit.17coptions ; ,
\vealcori No\cinleruluslnK
Cotloo Options clo-jfdstcaily , unuliaiiRcd to
10 polnlH up. Stiles , . ' , ( H)0 ) IIIIKS ; December ,
? lT.ll > aiTir > ; Junuary. JHJ.iViUJ.'Jo ; spot Jllo ,
llnu ; fair outgoes Ill'.SO. '
SiiKuf-Kaw. iioiiilnul ; fair rcflnlnc , 05-llic ;
ct'ntrlfiiBiili.lKl tcsl.r.'ie ; idltiod , lower ; " 0 , "
S'iu ; yellow , 51-19851. 16o ; cotluo"A , " 50-l&a
D'jc ; mould "A. "Oa-lfici standard " A. " Oll-lfic ;
cut loaf , 0 MOo : powdered , ( iJc } ; granulated ,
U l-r > o.
rotrolcuni-Unltcd closed ut 7Cio ? for Do-
cembur ,
KSBS-runcy. firm ; cistern , 23i@i3c. ! !
1'ork Stonuv.
ca n : : western stcnm , 8J.57'S.
lluttcr Finn : western dairy , lOitlUo ; cioam-
cry , ISftST e : Klffln. ' o.
Cheese I'lria ; light skims , Ui < Z7o.
ST. Louis , Xov. P. AVhpat r.ower ; cash , OJ >
( Z lc ; Deooinber.Wifici Miiy.ll.OPi.
Corn-lllghor ; casli , jljio ; Ucceiuhor , 49 ! ic ;
31 ay , 51 > 4'o.
; cash. 43c | May , IG.'io.
I.anl-Loucr. * 5.80.
Whisky JI.14.
, Nov. 8. Iluyprs of wheat
nsi' [ or iiiloullno equal to thu goncrul drop
In otliur pluccs and ID a decline In futures
here , and hi oiilor to still holdois lnul to ac
cept the bids. Hccnlpth , 55 curs ; bliipnivnts ,
ISO can. Cluslng : No , t hard , November. HOe ;
on truck. OTcj No. t northern , Ncn'CinlJcr , Ol\'o ;
3lay1 UO'ic ' ; on traulc , UiitO''iio ; u. - northurii ,
Novunilor , 9"c.
_ _ _
KAS3V9CITV. Nov. , \Vhoat-Qulrt ; No. 2
hard cash , no bids norotlerlngsi November ,
8Ja bills No. S red cash , fcUc bid.
Oorn-atrongeri No. , 49 ubld ; Xovem-
Ijcr , 4U'io. '
Uats iitrniRcrt ) No. 3 cash , 45o bid ) Novem
ber , 45io ? aslft'U. _
MiL-\UUKKE. Nov. \Vhoat-Eiisy ! No. 2
sprinjt casli , O.WjOlc ; Dcueuihcr , O SiCi No. 1
northern. UOo.
Uorn-Sloady ; N'o. 3 , casli.Mc.
Oats-Steady ; Ko.a liUc,47e.
Nov. 8. 'heat-Steady ; do-
nmncl t.illInB on ,
Ujrn-Qulet andflrmi mixed western , Jaltl
per cental. _
CINCINNAII , Nov. 8. Whcat-Stoadf ! No , 2
red , U7e ,
Corn Tn Rood demand ; No. 2 mixed , 07c.
Oats-Htoady ; .No. 2 mixed , 40 < 2(9ic. !
Oiuano. . Nor. B.-Oattle Hccolpts , 4,000 ;
steers , | ) no raiiRers on sale.
llojs-leecli > tsjOOuo ; market stronc and
higher for heavy , light lowt'ri rough and
coininon saso&Lft : inlved paokors , H > o37.a.i.- ( . ;
prlino heavy ami butcher weights , tJ '
IlBl.t , 3.7T ! l.SOl plKH Jl.7a317ak
Sheep Kccetpts i'.WO ; market nctlvo to
lemon HtockorHUiXtt.HU ; natives. 1101X 400 ;
fed westerns , H.iSiat.Mi Inmha t.CS ) < a5.73.
Hr. I.ouis , Nor , 8. Oattle KeoolpU , 3,000 ;
ihlpiuents , 3,000) ) market itroo eri fulr to
Kelley , Stigefi & Co ,
4-4 damask lunch cjpths , special
bargain at $ i. >
5-4damnslc lunch cloths at
$1,25 , worth $1.75 ,
6-4 hemstitched damask
lunch cloths at $1.50 , these
cloths arc well worth $2.25.
10-4 fringed damask lunch
sets $3.75 , worth $5. These
sets come in all the new shades
viz. , pink , blue , red , salmon ,
yellow , cream and white.
8-12 fringed damask lunch
'sets , in white only , $5 ; this is
a bargain and worth $7.
8-10 damask lunch sets ,
hemstitched with drawn work ,
handsome grade , at $6.25 ;
worth $8.
25 dozen damask tray cloths
25c each , worth 400.
Damask tray cloths with
drawn work 45c , worth 6oc.
Extra fine hemstitched tray
cloths 700 , worth $1.
200 dozen extra , fine dam
ask towels , also hemstitched ,
at 250 each ; they are worth
from 35c to 450 each.
Extra heavy hemstitched
huck towels with drawn work
460 ; cheap at 6oc.
Cor. Farnam& ISthSt
faneyimtlvo steers , J3. KS5.00j ) stoclccrl nnd
feeders , $ J.OJ300.
Hojs _ liccolpls , ? ,00 ! > ; shipments. 1,000) )
market slow nml wpultj heavy. M.M34.00j
mixed grades , U .VX3 1.00.light. . ta.ttj ® ' .80.
KANSAS CITV. Nov. 8.-Cnttlo liceelpti ,
3.2.10 : shipment * . 1,400 ; Btoiifly ! strrrs. { .V.Wi
} ) .7S ; cows , tl.GO&S.40 ! fctockcrs anil feeders ,
{ . ' .OO&'LOO.
Hoes Hccolpts , 13050 ; shipments , 720 ! host
fie lower ; others l3o lower ; all grilles , Ki.'JO
.Sioux CITY , Nov. 8. [ Special Tclosrnm to
Tiiu Hut. ] Uoits liecelpts , 4.BOO. 1'rlmo
licuvy to irooil jiaoliersSceuts loner selling
SJ.tOC3.feO. bulk 13.70 1.73.
The 13iisl sli Stiiok Mnrkc t.
LONDOX , Nov. 8. [ Special Cablegram to
TUB BRB. ] Atthoclosoof the stock market
today consols for money showed an advance
of 3-11 ! over yesterdays closing prices ; con
sols for account an advance or } ; Atlantic
& Great Western first mortgage trustees' '
cortillcates } . : ditto second mortgage no
change ; Canadian Pacific an advance of % \
Krio a decline of % , ditto , second consols , a
decllno of J ; Illinois Central a decline of 1 ;
St. 1'aul common a decllno of l f : Now Yorlt
Central n decllno of Jfi Pennsylvania , no
change , and Heading a decline o } f.
President Hoimrod'H Good Work.
L.IXCOLN , Nob. , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEE. ] The personal rlRhts league of
Nebraska held its flnal meeting hero this
mornitirr , and after settling nil bills anil clos-
liiK its business passed tlio following- resolu
tion :
Resolved , That tlio olllccrs of the IcaRiio
hereby return their sincerest thanks to theli1
prcslJent , Mr. Louis llolmrod of Omaba , for
the cnergotlo and cHectlvo manner with
which ho conducted the affairs of the league
during the campaign.
Attempted Tijnuliln/j In France.
PAUIH , Nov. 8. [ Special Cablegram to TUB
Bci : . ] A man and his wife named Ponsy ,
with the assistance of their son , recently
beat to death the lover of their daughter ,
who was found In her room at night , All
three were yesterday acquitted nt the Bcauto- *
Vienno asslzai. As they were leaving the
court house they were attacked ty an angrj'
crowd , which attempted to lynch them.
They were , however , rescued by the police.
after receiving considerable injury.
Collided with a Gunpowder Train. , Nov. 8. ( Special Cablegram to
THE BEE. ] A passenger train and a train
loaded with gunpowder came into collision
near Bochum yesterday , 'Iho collision tliat
followed was heard tof miles around. The
two engineers and Bovcral passenpcH were
Injured , but no ono Is rejiortol hilled.
A Positive Coturmllction.
B LTj\ioiin , Md , , Nnv , ' 8. Cardinal Gibbons
bens has received froi omo a positive con
tradiction of the statement recently published
that Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul had
been summoned homo mi account of views ex
pressed on public school education In this
country. _ it _
A Kidnapped Prisoner Set Free.
EIPASO , Tex. , Nov-jjj.p-Henry Henderson ,
a colored American ciUzou , who escaped
from the Juuroz , Moxlcp , jail , nnd was recap
tured in America and drucgcd back to Mexico
ice , has been released oa the request of the
American consul.
Dletl ol * Pneumonia.
"WASIIIXOTOV , Nov. 8. Don Fredorico
Vollo , charge d'ailulrs of the Costa Hicau
legation and noting minister for some months
past , died suddenly this morning of pneu
monia after uu illness of ilvo days.
I'ortuunl anil England.
LISBON , Nov. 8. [ Special Cablegram to
TiiEBfcE. ] Tuo Dia announces that Lord
Salisbury has accepted Portugal's proposed
modus Vivendi regarding the English and
Portuguese possessions in Africa ,
Austria anil tlio Czarcwltoli.
Nov. 8 , [ Special Cablegram to
The czar las sent a telegraplilo
message to Emperor Joseph thanking him for
tlio reception accorded to tlio czarcwitcU.
Kelley , Stiger & Co-
Choice Novelties in fine im
ported Fans.
Latest novelties in figured and
Striped mousselinu dc. soic ,
crepe chiffon , figured , ( lotted and
striped silk grenadines. Silvered
and giltcd grenadine ? , grenadine
flouncings , creme and black
chamilly flouncings , cremc and
black all silk draping nets .
J3BT At prices that de
fy the
Latest novelties in ruchings
Hue embroidered handker
at the closest
possible prices.
Misses' and children's clonks
this week atspecinl.low prices.
Plcilds ; stripes , plain and fig-
red materials , from $1,95 ,
Cor , Farnam & 15th St
The Omaha BrotlieihooJ of Telegraphers
will plvo a benefit ball ut Washington hall
Tuesday evening ,
Horn In Brooklyn , J\T. V. , November 4 ,
1S'Ji ' ) , Philip Avion , son of Ucorgiu and the
late Philip Ai-Ion Wurrack.
A literary eiitcrUilmncnt will bo idveattlio
Onmlia business college next \Vrdnc4dny
evening. Admission free.
TUotvpoor tlio dcfuiut licpulillcnn has
been sold to the Salt Lulto JCcws and. wus
yesterday shipped to that city.
The rirst Society of Progressive Spiritiwl-
ists of Oinaliawill moot every Similar alter-
nooti at 2 p. in. nt Knl hti of Pythias hall ,
cornerTwciity-llfth and Cumins streets.
A well known business man of the city sold
one of his numerous lots for $7r > 0 ( > vostenluy
afternoon. There ib nothing icinarlablo
about this f.iL't in itself , but the sumo lot was
offered for f . ,500 Ju&t ono wocMc ago.
A grand benefit ball will bo Riven nt Ex
position hall next Saturday evening. It will
bo under tlio atispSress of Hirne.-mnalcers'
union , No. III. Tlio proccpils will RO to help
the workmen who were locked out at Shirks
Urothers' shoo several weeks ago.
BcRliiuiiiK tomorrow morning , thn Omaha
postolilco will pouch on New Orleans. The through pouch will ICMVO Omaha at
3ir : p. in. , via the St. I-ouls & Council
Bluffs railroad. Kcturaiiig , it Hill leave New
Orleans ut 7 p. m. , coraiuir via the New
Orleans & Cairo road.
The Inquest over tlio remains ofLnmont
Addcn , the man who was run over anil
killed ia the Missouri P.ielllc switch yards ,
was held yesterday at Ilc.ify . & Hcafy's. The
Jury relumed a verdict that AiUIni came to
his death from his own carelessness while
trespassing on. r.Ulroail propeity.
AuRiistC. Uhtof , who was sent tojnil Fri
day for thirty days on the charge of selling
liquor unlawfully , yesterday filed a petition
prayinp fora writ of habeas corpu ? on the
general allegation that ho was imprisoned Il
legally , The matter was lit-aril before Judge
Clarkaon jestcrday and the writ giautod.
James O. Adams emphatically denies the
statement made in an Omaha paper to the
effect that ho was peddling prohibition
tickets in the First dUtiict of the Third ward
oa election duy and deserted his uoit at the
llrst sign of trouble. He declares that ho is
an old soldier and voted , the straight repub
lican ticket.
The entertainment and oyster supper given
by the young people of thu Castcllar street
1'rysbyterian church , consisting of shadow
pictures , tableaus and soncs hy the quartet
Mr , 11. MaUtrom , Miss S. Sender , Miss N.
Drown , Mr. "W. Ilelmorwasvcllrcndcrcd ;
also the solo by Mr. Ilclmcr. In nhort , it was
a grand success.
Juclc liaweklns , colored , who assaulted and
bit oil ono of Kobert Muhliug's lingers a few
d.iys ago. was In police court yesterday to
answer to the charge oCmalicm. Ho waived
examination , and was bound over to the dis
trict court , his bond being llxccl atJoOO.
Being unable to rulso the uniount he was i'o
niundcd to the county Jail.
Tliero were keveiity-Hvo l&boren nnd con
tractors who anxiouslj waited uruund tbe
commissioners' afternoon
county room yesterday
noon for the board to moot , that the appro
priation sheets might ho passed , but owing to
the absence of Messrs. llerlin , Corrignn and
O'KcelTono quorum wis present and the
meeting went over until next Saturday after
noon ,
Conductor Johnson of the Ilurnoy street
motor line met with u painful accident yester
day afternoon. Ho was leaning back over
the tail board of bis oar , when Ills feet
clipped from under htm anil ho wus thrown
to the stone pavement between the tracks.
Ho was carried into the power house at
Twentieth anil Ilnrney streets , whore the at
tending physician dressed a severe scalp
Mr , Honjr Sling , an Americanized China
man of Ogdcn , Utah , is In the city on his re
turn from a pleasure trip in the east , JIo
was employed for several years ut ICvunston ,
W.yo , on the Union Pacific us telegraph mes
senger and clerk. Ho Is now u prosperous
and entcprising business man , having two
curiosity stores , a restaurant nnd a laundry ,
all in Oftden. Iln speaks Knglish fluently ,
wears American clothes and has shod his
Dr. Charles Q. Kuhlmann of this city re
ceived word yesterday afternoon from Den
mark that bla youngest brother , Otto ICuhl-
mann , bad fallen overboard from the steamer
Kelley , Stiger & Co.
Camel's hair plaids very de
sirable and stylish , at 500 ,
would be cheap at 750.
Henriettas 550 50 pieces
fine all wool henricttas 550 ,
worth /oc.
French vScrge 550 50
pieces extra quality French
serge , full line of colors , 550 ;
worth ; oc.
20 pieces camel's hair serge ,
a great bargain , 500 ; worth
10-4 silver gray blankets
51.35 ; worth $2.
10-4 silver gray blankets ,
extra heavy , $2 ; worth $2.75.
10-4 white wool blankets
$2.50 ; would be cheap at $3.25
10-4 white Avool blankets ,
$3.50 ; regular price $4. 25.
10-4 all wool blankets , extra
heavy , full size , $4.75 ; worth
114 extra heavy white wool
blankets , $6.50. These blank
ets are worth $8.00.
Lap Robes
We show a very fine line of
mohair plush and astrachan
lined lap robes.
Gor. Farnam & 15th St
Acastcr while on a voyage from the East In
dies to England. Young ICuhlmnmi was
serving as mate ut the time of his death , : md
although but twenty-nine years of ape , had
been seventeen years nt sen , ten of which
were passed in the English mercantile marine
service. Dr. Kulilnmnn feels his loss very
keenly , as ho had madourranpemcnlHto goto
England nnd bring his brother to this coun
try , und the trip which ended bo fatally for
his brother was to have been his last in the
capacity ot si sailor.
ThoPntloral Cranil Jury.
The indications now are that there will ho
a great number of criminal cases to como be-
foio the United States grand jury , which
convenes next Tuesday. There arc a score
or tnoro violations of the revenue la\\s , four
or five cases of violating the pension laws
and an endless number of cnscs where parties
have sworn falsely in land fiisc . United
States Attorney linker is of the opinion that
the griuid jury will bo in session at least three
On Thursday last Miss Minnie O. Boguo
was married to George II. Green at the resi
dence of the bride's parents , the nuptial knot
being tied by Uov. II. C. House. The pres
ents were both numerous and appropriate ,
tlw cleiks of the United States National
bank , u hero Mr. Orecn Is employed , surmis
ing thu huppy couple with an elegant dinner
bet , Air , und Mrs. Urccn have gone on a
month's wedding tour In t'iD south , and on
their return will bo nt homo to their friends
nt 1''aS ' Park avenue.
Can vanning tlio Vote.
Tlio canvassing board , consisting of County
Clerk O'Mulley"William Coburn and Thomas
II , Dalloy , commenced the work of canvass
ing the vote of last Tuesday's ' election yester
day. At the time of adjournment last night
the vote as canvassed compared with the fig
ures In Tin : Bin. The ofllcliil count will bu
completed Tuesday.
Ilio Art Inhibit" .
The fall exhibition of the Western Art as
sociation will open in the Now York Llfo
building on Monday night. This promises to
be the most successful exhibition of the as
sociation yet held. Artists from Chicago ,
Mew York and other places have Joined with
the association and will have some of their
best works on exhibition. Four gold medals
will bo awarded ! The association medal for
the best painting , the Mnlngcr medal for the
Kelley , Stiger & Co.
In the latest shapes ,
red fern cloaks in Inn
and grey , very stylish
this season. Also the
half fitting cloak made
of cheviot with silk
frog fastenings , very
Russian Hair Capes $5.
Black French coney capes $7.50
Extra fine quality coney $10.
Wool Seal Capes $1.2.
Extra fine Nurtia capes $18.50.
Over 600 Muffs to select
from , in hair , coney , beaver ,
black martin , lynx , bear , mon
key , Persian , etc. At very
low prices.
Cor. Farnam & 15th St
best still life , the Emma Tlomnn Thnyor
medal for the best water color and the Knight
medal for the best china painting.
The Omaha Art Kxhlblt association is also
making great ptngross toward opening Its
stupendous collection for public Inspection.
Abo\t \ ) half of the pictures expected have
been dollvcivd at the D. M. Steele building ,
corner of Thirteenth and Hnrnoy , and sev
eral workmen are busy getting the galleries
In readiness for the paintings , The three
floors of the large building will DO completely
Illicit , and artilii'iiil light will bo used both
day nnd night. The exhibit opens ono wccl
from tomorrow ,
HiilUlinc Pcrmtti.
The following permits were Issued by thft
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
i'utor Ncl-on , Kstoiv frame cottage.
Twenty-ninth and Olonii streets. . . . $ POO
Tm > minor iioimltM - > 0
Total T K9
ATM'Hi Kit MIX'S HEM * / > '
A Horrible Death which llui Driven
DnUuiii Mother I'mzy.
Li\i : > Ci rv , S. D. , Nov. 8. Gustavo Cart-
right , wlfo and child lived in u cabin near
KockCord , wjicrc thohusband worked a placer
claim , Yesterday daring the absence of the
father nnd mother a largo Newfoundland dog
attacked the child and nto its head off. The
father came in soon after and killed the dog
with an axe. The mother has become a rav
ing maniac.
darn tlio llnby Cnrlioliucl I.
IIoi'Kixsvit.i.r , Ky. , Nov. S.-Kate Nolan , a
colored \\oman , gave her sick infant a dose of
carbolic acid by mistake lust evening and th
ctilld died in terrible agony.
Or. Suhrudcr Hoturim.
BKIIUX , Nov. 8. [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : Bnn.1 Chaplain Stoecker's cell cap uo ,
Dr. Schroder , has reslirncd.
It is stated that a bill will bo submitted to
the Prussian diet next ivoolt to siihsidlro a
charity hospital for tlio reception of the con
sumptive patients of Prof. Koch.
Keillor Moiiltoti Hold.
Lowr.i.i. , Mass. , Nov. 8. Henry J. Moul-
ton , formerly editor of the Lowtll Citizen
and owner of the. Sunday Critic of this elty ,
who was arrested at Boston last night ,
charged with the forgery of two notes of
$1 , < XM each , wa- arraigned in court this
morning and held In $5UOO ball.
Having just bought of a manufacturer 619 bunch s of
Blaclc and 242 bunches of Colored Ostrich Tips at 40 cents on
the dollar , we will place them on sale on Monday , Tuesday and
Wednesday next at below prices :
Ostrich Tips at 28c ; worth BOo
Ostrich Tips ; at 60c ; worth 76o
Ostrich Tips tit 75c ; worth $1.BO
Ostrich Tips at $1.0O ; worth $2.OO
Ostrich Tips at $1.8O ; worth $4.OO
The Very Best at $2.BO ; worth $6.OO
DRVIES , Milliner ,
Opposite the Postoffice , 111 South 15th Street.
We have some Fine Hair Goods that just arrived ,