THE OiUAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , NOV3JLMBEE 3 , 1890 , HA.IM'81 PAIUHII An Mtislcnl Hervlcfc Ar- rnncrd for the Occasion. The dull grny llpht of a typical November tiny entered through the richly stained glass window * of AH Saints' church yesterday mornlnif , nnd was diffused hi softness over the heads of n Inrgo congregation gathered to cclcbrnto thofoutth parish festival of All Saints' parlOi. It was n day of tlmntoRlvliig nnd praise , fcnd to lltly commemorate the occn lon Bishop Worthlngton was present to conduct the exercises nnd preach the sermon , while the choir of thirty voices was entrusted \vlth tlio rendering of music of the highest cedes- Instlcnlchiiractor. The Indies of the parish hnil decorated the pretty chnncel , whli'li Is the church homo of Boino of the leading legal , flmuidnl nnd business lights of the city in n , particularly attractive manner. The baptismal font , which stands In the main ontranro nislo , was embowered in varicolored chrysanthemum * , nt the foot of which fcrni wire effectively placed. The lltnny desk , the rending link nnd the pulpit wcro entwined with hunches of fern , whllo n chrysanthemum blossom or two RIIVO n blight look to the fuinlttiro. The nltar nnd the rercdiii wcro nlso prettily festooned with the llowrrs of autumn. Mr. Thomas 1'cjincd , the precentor , had Arranged very elaborate uiu lcnl service for the occasion , which wai rendered In n man ner worthy liio hlglmt praise. No Kpiscopul church In the city , not even the cathedral choir , endeavors 1o plvo the full cathedral Diuslo service us All Saints. It Inn hecn the cXoir master's aim to inaho the service na nearly thnt advocated by the highest ccclc- ulasticnl authorities nt possible , and In this Mr. 1'cnnc hin been succosnful. ' The programme yesterday included the Kyrio , Oloiln , Credo In ( } by ( talkln ; the Offeotorium by Calkin , In which Mr. 1'cn- roll sans the Introductory solo , "Tho Lord rcdccmcth the soul of Ills servants , nnd none of them that trust in Him will he dcsolnto , " followed by the full choir in the ending. 'J'ho Introit was written by Ontie , nnd nn exceedingly beautiful composition it Is. 'J'ho Jtcncdlctus and Gloria were ilsc compositions of Calkin's , who has liecn one of the most prolific writers of church music , HnrrltiRn slight hesitancy on the part o I the tenon In the Introlt , the work of the choir was extremely praiseworthy , and thoj reflected the thorough , conscientious iruitv Ing of n remarkably capable instructor. Bishop Wortlilngton was the celebrant ol the occasion , his sermon showing soholarlj research , snonkhiK upon the significance of All Saints' dav , nnd its relation to modern Christian life. Ho traced the careers of Ed' waixt the Confessor , of Louis of Trance , ol the siilnb of Lucia and found In all their hi ? lories wonls ol cheer for the nineteenth ecu tury believers , who oft' times are Jeered til anil scoffed as the sultits wcro long years a o Ho averted to the duties of parishioners ant what they owed to thulr parish church , and closed with a feeling reference to the Mas t"ry , who after life's lit ful fever -\vlll dry al the tears of anguish nnd of pain which Hi ! children sufToicd for Ilia spice. * The choral festival jestcrday aftcrnoot closed the services for the day , which Avon Interesting to a degree. After nil , the best wav to know the rca merit of Hood's Sarsiipnrilla , is to try It you tlf. Ho Mire to get Hood's. How in Vote Auniimt 1'rnlilliltion. It is not necessary to have both proposl lions "for" anil "against" prohibition 01 "for" nnd "against" license on any ticket Tl.o afilnnativo or negative proposition 01 cither of the amendments Is suflicictit. at Hie Mrrrlmn. Mr. nnd Mrs.Murshull planned a surpris' ' for their daughter. Miss Nina Marshall , Frl dny ovcnins nt the Atari-lam , which < iuii < realized all their fond expectations , Al though Hallowe'en Raines wcro not indulge' ' In , the young proplo being content will dancing and listening to several very charm ing selections on the mandoline , invhicl Miss Marshall , who is a clever player , am Prof , Sutorious appeared to advantage Prof. Dworyalf , a very capaWo pianist played danro music to the delight of tin cuests. Uofreshtrcnts wuro served duriii ) the evening , the wholes affair being n pleas ant termination of All Saints day. Tin cueats present were : Misses Curtis , Touza llu. Ada and Alice Parker , Gun lo House Leila Alexander , Helen Smith , Margarc Moore , .Marion Crutulall , Nettle Johnson Ulllo Dumoll , Messiu Fred JlcCormiclc Harry Uriscoll , Will Colfnx , Will Foyo , Kg bcrt Heller , Hurt Cooke , Harry Moores Gould Diet/ , London Chnrlton , .loo Uald rldgo , Harry Xott , Beit Downs , Kd "Ono touch of nature makes the whol world kin. " Diseases common to the me compel the search for a common remedy. 1 is found in Aycr's Sarsaparilla , the roputa tlon of which Is world-wide , having lar el superseded ovcy other blood inedlcino In use How to Vote Against IVohlb'tloii. It Is not necessary to have both proposl tions "for" and "anjainst" prohibition o "for" nnd "against" liccnso on any ticket The nfllrmatlvo or negative proposition 01 cither of the amendments la sunlclent. H. A. Orclinrd. Carpet , furnUuro nnd drapery. The Duff comic opera company will bcgl n season of Gilbert k Sullivan's operatl representations nt Boyd's opera house th ! evening , opening with the spectacular pn tluctlon of " 1'atlonro. " The Duff organizi tion has been specially reinforced an strengthened for these series of Gllbertla productions , and thov will bo given hero wit the sumo startling scenic and spectaeuli effects which characterized the famous pr ductlons recently at the Auditorium in Cli cngo. Among the principals of the com pan are Messrs. Ulghy Hell , the popular cor cdlan ; Cluules O. Hassctt , who has nw himself famous ns n tenor in grand opei roles ; William MeLaughlin , n magnified bnssoVnllaco Mncrory , Joseph Fny , Cloi cut Halnbrldgo , ,1. K. Stllle , Miss Lcno : Snyder , Miss Loulso Ilcaudet , Miss Lot Gllmun , Miss Edith Kdwards , Miss Minn Do Hue and Miss Cornelia Dassott. M Julian Kdwards Is the musical director of tl company , nnd Mr. .lohn 1C. Nash is the stai manager. Thcro is n chorus of sixty II' ' voices , and over seventy people arc employ on the stiigo. The repertoire for the thiv performances to bo lven hero Is as follow ovonlnp "Patlcnco " tl Alondny , ; Tuesday , 'Pirates of I'cnzancc ; " Wednesday , "loin tho. " A review of the musical points "lolantho" cannot fall to bo interesting this time. The flnnlc of the llrst net is a inltted by composers to bo tno [ oncost ni most Intricate of all the Gilbert & Bullm operas. The gem of the opcrn point of melody is the contralto soi 5'0. foolish fay. " When Sullivan started compose "lolantho" ho becaino drawn into 0 serious vain , and as n consequence the inns 0 of the opera , apart from Its comlo settin 1 would cntitlo it to n place m grand opei 1w Gilbert nlso got cnthuslnstlo and the result that there uro oxcccdlnely flno dramal w bltuntlons throughout the work. The part ill the lord chancellor is ono of G'lbcrl ' ' creations , and as an imposing operatic llgu 1 ns ono wishes to see. The plot of "lolnnth I lias n strong current of romance mingl II with the comedy , and touches upon grou i" , that Gilbert & Sullivan have not sluco vc a lured on. a Airy , fnlry Fay _ Tcmplcton , with the : nous Uussoll comedians , an organlzati > V | comprising twenty of the most talented a ch Ists that bavo ever been gathered togctl : for the presentation of farce comedy , will Been at iJoyd's next Friday and Saturday the very latest farcical conception , cutltl "Miss McGlnty. " opt Ilemarkcil by U. 0. Jolnor , of Allen P. < opta - , Illllsdalo Co. , Mich. : "Nothing pnvo i a rhcumatUm such nulelc relief as Dr. Tliom Kclccrrla Oil ticlfovo It Infallible for rhi optI niatlcs. " _ I How to Vote Against I'rohlhltlim It Is not necessary to have both propo tlons "for" and "against" prohibition "for" nnd "against" liccnso on any tick The afilrinatlvo or negative- proposition cither of the amendments is sufilclcut , Tickets at lowest rules nnd su perl accommodations via the grout Ro Islund route Tlclcot ollko , 1G02-S Icentb and Furnnm streets , Oiunha. 11ONIWT JOHN a Iroinnd'B Friend nnd Mr. Gladstone's Ablowt lilciitcnanl. John Morloy's vlHll to Irolnntl lins riv eted the attention of flail England upon him anew. Ho in always n noticeable figure In our lltcruturo nnd politics , but now ho bids fnlr to become the ablest of the grand old mnii'H ' lieutenants , writes u London correspondent of Uio iNIornlnjj Jouninl. Llbcnils all over the country uroprals- InylilscournKeous condemnation of the recent brutal behavior of the police and mngistralcsat Tlppcrury , uiiil tlio con servatives tire curbing him with a vigor which shows thnt they feel his power. They liavo not been so angry with him Blnco 18SO , wlion as chief jot-rotary for Ireland , lie declared himself n homo ruler and acted conslBtoutly with hia bo- lief. Onarcnsonliy his political opponents hnto him HO bitterly Is that they rocog- ni7o in him ii convincing opponont. Hy the power nnd brilliancy of his Innguago and the cogency of his arguments hois constantly creating opinion In favor of justice to Ireland. A famous conservative once said : "I disllko.Morlpy because I am afraid that ho will convince mo In splloof myself. " It was very finely said of him the other clay : Gladstone converted the liberals to home rule by the charm of his person ality ; mostly by the irrcblstubillly of his arguments , The same force which ho displayed when ho wits editor of the Fortnightly , from 1807 to IBM , nnd as a conductor of the nggroaslvo Pull Mall Gax.otto and of Mnomillun , characterizes his utterances as u political orator , ilo never writes or speaks without intense conviction which carries the greatest \voight with It. John Morley Is now fifty-two years old. Ills smooth shaven' face looks almost boyish when ho is at leisure nnd free from care ; and when ho Is in that social lifo of whicll hols so brilliant an orna ment. Uutwhcn he is preoccupied , or when ho feels deeply , ho looks his full ago. When hN enemies see him in the lobby of the house of commons and say : "Morloy is looking old this afternoon , " it Indicates that they arc afraid of him. They know that a storm is brewing. Harry Furnisa , the clover caricaturist of Punch , who has made como ! pictures of everybody else in parliament from Gladstone down , confesses that ho has never boon able to caricature John Mor ley. There is something in the intense carnettnuss of the man's face which de lies trivial treatment. Mr. Morley hus the oditorinl facultj not common with politicians ot seelnf. both sides of a question. This make ! him much In demand for the seUlemen of disputes. ' Many and many a time 'has ho sottlet the quarrels of the rough minors of tin north , and when there is a tie-up whicl no ono else can straighten out tin minoM bay : "Wo must send for 'Honest John. ' " That is the only name which the give him ; It is the name by which hi will bo known in political hibtory. While ho was an editor , ho stood , as i wore , behind the radical party , teaching a philosophy which sometimes had ai air of radicalism , sometimes tlio rclloc tlon of the teachings of John Stuar Mill. Through till his writings an < speeches there breathes a genuine dom ocratio spirit which comes straight fron the French philosophers of the eighteenth teenth century. This spirit is clearl ; perceptible in' all the historical studie which ho has published. Nothing arouses his indignation si quickens u souse of injustice , and it wa n lucky day for the Irish cause whoi John Morley went on his inspection ton to Tlppemry. Ilo saw just enough t < sot his spirit allamo , and he will no cease his vigorous attacks on the lain and ridiculous policy of Balfour until i has been ousted and buried underncatl the national contempt. John Morley is a most profitable socia companion. Ifo has a certain dignitlci gravity which nt llrst forbids fricndll nebs and keep- ? the conversation on i high level , but this wears oil uioro am more at every meeting. The reserve vanishes and there is jus enough of the formal olu-bchool pollto ness to give a pleasant savor to tin wholo. The Lancashire hid Is n power in th land and will see justice done to Irclani whether or not Jtlr. Gladstone's carthl ; career closes before the great table i accomplished. VOLiOASO A.S AN 1NCUBATOH. Belching Hogoslor Used by Gulls t Hutch Their VOIIIIK. The volcano of Bogoslor. on an islan ol the Aleutian group , which sudden 1 burst into activity Inst winter , and whos Hammer summit could bo seen for sixt miles , was visited this summer by so\ \ oral olllccrs of the revenue cutter Kusl The volcano is only 200 feet above tli sea level.Vhon the orator was opono by the submarine earthquake it I thought volumes of water lushed i which caused the dense clouds ( steam that had been arising eve Blnco , says a San Francisco spi cinl to the Chicago Herald. Proi a flssuro at tlio ba o of tli mountain rose a bolting sulphur font tain. The officers ascended to the enter tor and on looking over the edge tli steam could bo scon In endless quant tics rising from unknown depths. Run bllng noises , lilco thunder , wore bean and the air was impregnated with sn phur. Ono of the most curious facts dl covered was that ocean birds use the islnnd as n natural incubator ft their young. Thousands of gulls Ilo away at the approach of the Rush at : loft behind thoin , along the sides of tl volcano , eggs in all stages of dovolo mont. Tlio Hu h brought an immeni walrus hide , fifteen feet long , to 1 placed on exhibition at the world's fat It will bo first pent to the Sinithsonli institution to be prepared. How to Vote Against Prohibition. It Is not necessary to have both propo : tions "for" ami "against" prohibition "for" and "against" license on any tlck < Tbo afilnnativo or negative proposition , either of the amendments is suDlcient. Where Oarlleia Taught School. "Now that a log cabin identified wil the lifo ot ox-Presldont Lincoln will ono of the attractions of the worli fair , " said Edward W. Cox of the Dent son house , to a reporter for the OlncI natl Times-Star , " "I know of a simil structure in n-hicH Oarllold tang school , and It could bo rosily purohiusi and placed beside the humble btiildii that Lincoln know. The house I spc : oils situated in Brush Creek towiibhl Musklnguin county. I last saw it wh I \YIIS taking the census of that dlstrl In 1870 , Stopping for dinner at the re dence of Oi'in llallou , a cousin of Gt Hold , the mother of my host point through tlio window at a solid , Buhstn tial hut of logs , nnd told mo that In t squatty , badly lighted tenement , 6 uutod on a rough hillside , the then 1 turo president of the United States pi bldod over the classes of boys who i sided In that sr.hool distriet. Htillou the democratic sheriff of Musklngi county a fo\v years ago. " A New K.Kfitso' IVr Slocny Men. The well-known millionaire , ox-Cc gressman George West of Hallston , Y.v bnys he solves many el his most pi ploxlng business problems whllo In bed in the early morning hours , nays Prank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper , t'om- mentlngon the fact , ho remarked that Borne ono once told him that tlio lute Commodore Vandcrbllt had said ; "Young men talk about getting up early in tlio morning to go to work. While they nro puzzling themselves at theh dc.skes over business proim<lon ? , I He abed , think tluun over , utiil find tlio solu tion before I go to the ofilcc. " This con firms the conclusion of many others that ono'a thoughts nro clearer while he Is In a recumbent position than at any other time. This may arise in part from the fact Unit in the early morning the mind is rested , and ono is usually free at that time from intrusion- Thus concen trated elTort Is facilitated. ItOVAti RADIUS Will ) SMOK13. s niul Cigars ICnJojctl by Hoyalty ( n Kuropc. Tito l < tn press Ellnnbeth of Austria smokes from thirty to forty Turkish and Russian cigarettes n dav , and for many years it has been her inveterate custom to puff away after dinner at a strong Italian cigar , ono of Ihoso with u straw running through it , nnd which Is brought to her witb , her cup of Turkish colTco every evening on a gold salver , says London TId Hits. On her writing table arc always n largo silver box of repousse work filled with cigarettes , a matchbox of carved Chinese jade , and u capacious ash re ceiver. Afinost mechanically her maj esty lights cigarette after cigarette nt she sits in her great writing room at Godollo , which Is fitted up with carved oak panels and goboliii tapestries ; the somber hue of tlio walls being relieved hero and there by trophies of thochnse. The czarina of Russia , who Is likewise ono of the vassals of King Nicotine , smokes in a somewhat more Indolent and almost Oriental fashion. Stretcher on the silken cushions of abroad , low divan , at Gntbchlnn , she follows dream ily with her beautiful dark eyes tin rings of blue smoke thnt her crimson lips part to send upward into the per fumed air of her boudoir a bouuoii which she calls her "don , " and which Is- copied from ono of the loveliest room ; of the Alhnmbrn , with palms raisinj. their banners against the gorgeous col ors and diapered gold of the walls. Queen Marguerite of Italy Is aiiothot of the royal ladles who see no harm ii the use of tobacco , llor Hashing blucl eyes look laughingly through clouds of smoke and she is wont to do clnro that her cigarette is more essen tial to her comfort than anything crlso ii life. oChristlna , queen regent of Spain , is r great advocate of tobacco. Hhe con Biimcs a largo quantity of Kgyptiat cigarettes , nnd there is nothing that he little ' -Bubi , " his majesty , Kiii { Alphonso , XIII. , enjoys moro than whci his mother permits him to strike n matcl and apply the llnuio to the end of hoi cigarette. TJio smoking parapherhalla of tin beautiful ox-Queen Natalie of Servla i the most elaborate and magnificent dc scrijjtion , while the poct-queon of llou niiinta , so well known in the literal- ; ' world under the pseudonym of "Carmo' Sylvn , " is content with the gold cigar ette case suspended to her chatelaine The Comtosso do Paris , the quocn d < jure of France , is addicted to mil Ilavanns of delicious llavor , and he daughter , Qtieon Amelia of Portugal is a source of considerable fortune t the manufacturers of cigarettes at Dres den. _ CLEVELAND'S NAItllOW ' ESO/U'K A Imnntlo Tries to Inlliot a\omliiiit : Ine Hporcli nn Him. Twice recently has Grover Clevelan escaped arcnominationtotho prcbidonc by being absent from home. The gcnth man who desired to confer th honor upon him at present In the insan pavilllon at Bollovtio. Ho Is Felix Arn strong , and gives his address as at th Washington hotel , 2291 Third avenue Ho called at Mr. Cleveland's house , 81 Madison avenue , and grandiloquent ! asked if Mr. Cleveland was in , says Now York special to the Chicago Hoi aid. Mr. Cleveland was not in. D called the next evening by appointmoii and mot 1'olicoinan Collins in the hal Armstrong confided to Collins tin ho wanted Mr. Cleveland to g ( Daniel out of the lion's den. D thought ihat the Daniel has staid tc long among the lions. Armslron started with alacrity for the police st : tion when requested to "conic along. At the station he mistook Dotccth Martin for the ox-president. Itomovin his hat with a sweeping gesture an making a courtly bow , ho said : "AI Cleveland , our convention , which hi assembled 000,000 strong , the farmer alliance and anti-trust combination , hi unanimously placed you in nominatic with the positive assurance that yi will bo elected. " Mr. Armstrong is . the hands of the lunacy doctors. Outlaw. Ned Christie , the most dlstlngulslu outlaw within the Territory , unless it LJill Pigeon , is receiving close nttentic of Deputy Marshals A , B. Ward nnd ( L. Howdon , says a Muskogee , I. 1 special to the St. Louis Republican. Cltristlo was a member of the Cher keo council , and about two years ago a sasslntitcd Deputy United States Marsh Dan Maples , from ambush , for some re son unknown. Ho at once took to tl brush , where ho has slnco been in hi lag. About two weeks ago the abov named olllcers learned that Christie w located about fifteen miles northwc of Tiihlequah , and they proceeded his rondo/.vous with a posse or tw The outlaw , it was discovered , had wi him seven pals nnd brother dosporadoc built "fort" lious These men have two < arranged on an elevation commanding favorable view , and from which forts t inmates have a cross-lire on the on approach to their stronghold , The ol cors were warned , and after a consult r tlon quietly withdrew , it is believed make a subsequent attack when the od : i uro in tholr favor. C. W. Stevenson , manager of the Nebras Creamery association , was In the city yest day and paid a visit to Tuu UEI : building. is t- Bakin CfleilQ Ullllouot Homt iOXcuf tteatindorA Boils and Pimples Ate nntiirc'i cnorW to cIlinliialc fml on from tlic tilooil. ThK itnilt nny bo nccoinplHlicil niuclt tnoro dleotiully , m wdl nt .iRrcc.ilily , tlirotiKh the I'rntior ' excretory chaunt. ! ) , by the use of A jut's S.usnpai lll.i. "l'oricvciil ! > cnrs I was trouUcil with bolN niul carbuncle * . In ousting nbnttt for n remedy , It occiiu mi to me that Ajct'.i .irsii- ) > irllli ; been used In my fathci's family , \vllli excellent success , niul 1 thought lliU \ \ lntM Kuuil for thu father would also bo peed for the son. Tlircu or four liottlcs of this incillehie entirely cured me , and I liavo not since In more than two yean n boll , pimple , or any oilier crnptue trouble. I can conscientiously speak lit tlio highest terms of Acr's ) Harsapatllla , nml many years * c\i > orlencc In ll.o tliui ! liiultieii en. nblcs me tn spvtik Intelligently. " 0. M. Ilatflclil , Knrmliuiil , liul. er's rntrAitnt * nv TJR. J. C. AYEIl & CO. , Lowell , 1'flco } ! ; EI | bottln , ii , Wurlh $3 a bUtb. DPS , Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , DOUOLxAS STH.KKT OMAHA , NKR Th roost widely nnd favorably know spec ialists In the United Slates. Their lon 01- periouoo , reinarknblo .skill nnd iiiilronal suo- cesi In the treatment nnd cnrtot Nervous , Obronloand SurKlcat Diseases , entitle tbcio eminent physlcliins to the full conUdonoeof theaflllctml everywhere. They guarantee : A OKHTAIN AND 1'OSITIVK GUHB for the awful effects of uarly vlco nnd tb numer ous ovllii that follow In Its tialn , I'UIVATK , HL.OOD AND SKIN DISEASES ( pcedllr.coniplotcly nnd permanently cured. NERVOUS nniiif.iTV AND SEXUAIJ DIH- OUDKBB yield roadlly to thulr kllllul treat- mi'lLKS , FISTULA. AND REOTAL ULOEH9 guaranteed cured without pain or detention from business. HVDKOOKLE AND VARIOOCKLE perraa- nontly nnd auccessfully cured In every cuo. 8Y1MI1MS , OONOKUHEA , OLEE11. Sper- nintorrhoa , Bcminal Wcaknosi , Lo t Manhooil , NU'lit Emissions , Docnyed I'aoultles , Female .Ve.ikness and all dullcato disorders peculiar tn cither BOX positively curi'd , us well us all .funetlnnal disorders that result from youth' ( ul folllcu or the oxeossof nmturo yean. * \Tliir'l'Hrl < Uuarantocd jionnane ntly o llxiui vjivij cured , removal con pleto , without cutting , caustic or dllaiatlon. Ouroa affected at homo by patient without a mo. ruent's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MhN. PIIP17 The awful offoota ol AQTIPU OUtVli U Rli early vluo which urln ( organic wrnkncss , dostroylnj both mint ! uni ! body , with all It ) dro.idod Ills , ponnuuontj cuiud. Address these who hare 1m' paired tlioinsolvos by lni' proper IndulRence and solltsiry h'iblts , wlilot ruin both mind nnd body , unflttlnK them foi buslnesj , study or marrlaRO. MAHHIEDMKN or thee entorln ? on thai hiippy life , vr are of physical debility , quicklj a"1StCd' OtTR 8UCOBSS Is uased npcm fact * . First Pr otto l experi ence. S oond Krory case Especially studied thus starting right. Third-Modlcluea ari prepared tn our laboratory exactly to sul acb caie , thus effecting cures without Injury Drs. Belts & Betts , T409 DOUGLAS STREET. . OMAHA. NEB ' AMUSEMIH3MTS. jJ'Tj" , THREE NIGHTS"ONY | OyCL'p SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT Beginning Monday , November 3rd. J. G. IN A GILBERTS SULLIVAN REPERTOIRE : Monday Evenings "Patience. " Tuesday Evening ! "Piratesof Penzance. "Wednesday Evenings "lolanthe. " Grand Chorus of 05 Voices. Box shee open Saturday morning at regular prices. Dime den \\l\l \ Lawlcr , SlanaKcr. Corner lltli and I'tvi iiam Ht roots , Oiir.ilni. WKEIC OK NOV. Sr. ! . Hoyid Ve < lilo Jnoineio , our HO.dOJ Importntlon i llo iil.l ( IH\iio-o rtlslH. Mons. Munmilln , tlioKrcn eu Arlul Artist of tlio jnoclom tline . Coupled wl Uii'bosltrouioofM | > cnlltH. ( ' iiiellaii , nnil Jcsto an tlia American ytUKO.ONKDIMK ADMITS TO All RICHARDS PRACTICE LIMITED TO AND NERVOUS SYSTEM , ROOMS 316 TO BEE BUILDING , OMAHA , NEB. Medical and Surgical Insiit Corner Oth and Haraey Streets , Omaha. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic Diseases and Deformitie DB. A. T. MoTjATJQHLIN , Prosldon Founded by Dr. J. W. McMenarny. G. A. Lindquest IS AGAIN IN.TIIR Merchant : - : Tailorin I'll < 'l < friends nml pti rons , HH well ns tlio Konrral publlto call un lusptict lilsuowiitiiiikofliiipoitotl ed doinost wixilous. Kvi'iytlilii' Orst bSTABLISHEO 1874. - - 316S 15TH ! e crtiy , i-tvt U. a. uuns , iTi i'ullou ( . , A. STARTER. We will show you this season some bargains in overcoats that will make your eyes open in aston ishment , \Vc \ have given you many batgnms hefore-yoti know tluit-but those \ve \ offer you now wjh beat them all. "We have made a deal with a first class manufacturer , one who makes" nothing but overcoats , for his entire stock , about 5 000 garments. He was overloaded and had to sell. We are able to offer tllCSC goods atess than they cost to manufacture , As a starter we offer today the following three lots : No. 1 , All wool wide wale heavy cassiihcrc overcoats , blue and black color , lined with goo I scrgot ' well trimmed , at $6. Tin's price would not pay for the cloth alone in that garment. No. 2 , An excellent blue chinchilla oveacoat , corded edge , lined with fine plaidcassimcrc , only $7.50. The coat is worth $12. No. 3. A large lot of very fine kerseys , fashionable shades , hound with double warp Farmer's satin , lap seams and handsomely gotten up , ' These we offer at $8. The regular retail pi ice of such a garment is $15. There are more bargains than these , It would take a big space in the paper to mention them all , The fine grades arc as choice garments as were ever shown ready made and in fact many of the over * V coats are in point of material , make and fit equal to custom tailor work , BOYS' OVERGO ATS. Our stock includes a large line of Boys' and Chilclrons * Overcoats of s erviceablc material desirable patterns and tasty designs. Although the goods were made up for fine retail trade , \\Q are able to offer them at such figures that they arc within the reach of everyone. Not often do you get an opportunity to purchase such garments at the low figures we offer them this week. When you remember that these goods are offered by n reliable and substantial house , who guarantee the exact truthfulness of every word they advertise and whose dealings with the pub lic have gained for them the reputation of reliability , you can appreciate the value of the offer made. Open until 8 p. m. Saturday , 1O p. m. " " Corner 14th. and. Douglas Streets. We carry the Big Stock of the west. Quote lowest Extreme Prices and are 500 Miles nearer you than any other Market. Coresponclence Solicited. AMERICAN HAND SEWED SHOE CO. , ' < V OMAHA. NEIB. ' Try our Leather Solecl Rubber Boots. "The goods which please are already half sold. " -AND- Fine Oifercoats. Conie early and take your choice from the full assort ment now offered. DR. KENSINGTON , Eye and Ear Surgeon ISlODodge Street. Spectacles fitted. LADIES ONO yinin FEMALE REGULATOR , s f RtRUlU nJ Certain to a < fij 01 money re luvStA. By ru ll t ) . B'curnlv eil d from ot COOK UEVCUTCO. , Omtb.Mt > NO OUR.EX ! NO PAY. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Frvcntren jronra' experience. A ropular cradtintoln nicrtlclne , m diploma * Mioir. Is stllleiitrinj irlth tno crente t mccois nil .Nervoui , Clironlonnd Pilv.ito dlici oi. A permanent eire fuar.-intej 1 t , i t'i'irrit Sl'cnunturrhn'a , Lost .Miinliooil. SonilnaMVeakncsj. Mulit I.OKCK , Imixitonor , Srp'illli , rt tile til J mill il I icnats of tlio Hlooil , Skin nna Urinary OrKaiu. N. II. 1 ( junrnntco JWJ for ororr cue [ union Ui inirAl ° ' C " 'Ul'0n lt < d' Uouk lMl'orl" otMlo ) ientfrea. O.Uco liouri-3 a. m. lo a p. IOaUui 'l > C.8 . , WATCHES. DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY Solo Agent in Omaha lot * Goi-ham Man ufacturing Co's Sterling Silverware MANTLE CLOCKS , RICH CUT GLASS and CHINA. Our Stock of Fine Goods is the largest and Our Prices the Lowest. Come nml sco us. ' Cor. Douglas & 15th St MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATlVO"tbt Woiiitnrful UpanUli Kcmcdy , ctme all NenotiH Ulitasci , euch aa Weak Mem. ory , I.OBI of nraln I'ower , Hodacbe. Wakefulneep , Lot ! < * : > rvfif & * fs-iia Manhood , Ntrvotu- O.forc & After ( Jso. nctn , I.iiBltnde , all rTu > iusriihcil | from T.IIC , droluB and loia ol power of the Generative Orcann , In either icz , cjiiccd byovcr-ciortlon , youltiful ltilltcrctlonBor the ciccpMve incur tobacco .opium , or > , wblch ultimately lead to Inflrmlty , Consumption mil Insanity , rut up In convenient form to carry In tbe vcft pnckct. 1'fice 1 H picksRf , or 0 far Si Sent by mill to any nddrem , Circular free , Ale a tlonthlR pnpcr , Aildrcia lUDBlucuiaiuLCO. , in Ic tbornSt.Cblcagg.lll. 1-IIU bM.i' IN OMAHA. Nii ; ! . . IIV Knhn A. Co , Cor I5tli& Dounlrwhtrccti. J. A. Tullrr & Co. , Cur lltli.V DouulajStrctlJ. A. l ) . Fouler & Co. . Council lllu , Iowa. I-.IQUOH. I.N ALL THE WOHLU THEBE IS BUT ONE CURE DR , HAIHES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC , It MB he el c In tap ft roffte or tte * er hi r. lllr < of fool , without mo koowlcdfo ol llie uitlcnt , i ( n cttmT7 , It ti absolutely bariue ) a nd wll ) ncct permanent and ipeedjr cure , litlU r Ibe tiillant 11 moderatedrlnker oraualooholloMreok. II M'.VKU KAII.r * . It opertlej 10 quietly und ulth inch c r- lamtythat Iho ritlunt uorttreoci no moonT > nlenc , nil ere 1 l > w re , Ills complete relormttlcm le KU UN ft c8"KUlh ° UouBlui. i Ulh A Cuuiin ( Hie. 0 j'Tr tle luiiplltd by Ul-AKK. I1HUCK & CO , Bud lUCllAIdiaON llKUrt t'O Oinnln. Ost.V-nr Ixclito'i IVrlodlcJl I'llli Hie KrruchriiiiU'lr ) , octnn Ilia inenitrual tjilom and euro luptireiiloD Iroru wliuluvtr cutin. I'rowolQ uomtruullon , ' 1'lioiu ( "IIU ibonlilnot la tnkea dur * UK iirennancy Am , I'lll C % > . , lloj.illr 1'ropi , Hpcn- cer , Cliir Cur , lit. Uenuliiu t > r rlliuriuaa -McConiicll , Io < l e t .nuar I' . o.,0ailui U A. Melclier , SoutU . 1 * . lilln. Cguucll Uluai. U , or 3 for Ii. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 HARRY P. DEUEL , City Pasaoncror and Tiokot STJ NERVE AND BRAIN THEATMEHT- In either POX , Inrolunturjr hosiei. u < l tfiirm iti < ihcrn caused by oTcr-eiArtlo- Iho lirnln , ' " OYer-lndniKencfl. Vach to * cent aim ono iu > pout. 9l altox. or § ii for 11 , r nt liy rnr With feb urdar for U boii , will n-t\ \ < \ ( niaranteo to refund money II Iho troMn . turu. UuarantbojUsutU ntltcenulno4 ( . 1U uuiyby GOODMAN DRUG CO , , 11101'uriuui titreut. - Omulm Neb , _ s DK. GRADUATE DENTIST I A Full Sfl of TootU un UnUlier. fur KIVK Dui.niH. Apcrfoet lit Riiiirnntrcd. Trulli oxlnolfld without jialn or dnnziir. nnd will i-iit nnnos ; Ihotles. Hold Hiul hllvor III | n irate - < l rate < ) . lirlilpiii"1 Uiown Work. Teolli' ' out | iliit 4 , All work walianted. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAMi Kntracrr > , lllth street uluvutor. Ouunuvuiu BBS until Ho'oloolf. To euro nillouineu. flick Ileadarhe „ . , . . . Malaria. Liver Complalnu. takx tlm tate and certain remedy , H.MITH'S BILE BEAf 3S UiOtlioBMAU.BlZK(40 ( little IK-MIII to fhehot- lie ) . They nro the moil convenient null ull emc * 1'rlcoof either ilio , 'J5 coou | > r buttle. Kl&&IEHf * ' ' " ' "I I'licto-urarnrfll rvitjvj | | v iianoUUuotthUi bltluru for d c uuoin ( > ow or atampi ) . J , K. BMITII A CO. . Makenof "llllo litmus , " bt. Uiuls. Mo.