THE OMAHA DAILY HEE. aiOJSTBAY. NOVEMBER 3 , 1890. SPEG1HL NOTICES. A WVEUT1BEMENT1 for tliesn columi will /\bo taken until 12:30 p.m. , for tUeevcnlnt tdlllon and until 8:30 : p. tu. , for tbi tnorulof un and SUNDAY UEK. UHMS Ci h ID adranco. M' , * * , . , , . .iTortlsen-.cntiion thlipiin win t > > \ciargtid ! for nt IhnrMoof Hi cent per word < or the first In.viftlon und 1 cent per word for noli uubsequent Insertion. andtliOptr lint ' ior month. No advertisement taken for f si than 21 cenU for the first Insertion. f MTIALS , figures , ivmlwli , eto. , count each J an one word. rplIKSB advprtldomentn must run consocn- JL lively nnd unilor no circumstances will they ho taken or discontinued by telephone. 7JAKTIKS advertising In tlico columns and X ImvliiK their answers nildrrssod to a "nurn- fccr d lnttor"lncnro of Tlir. lies-will reculM n. numbered check to enable thotn to Ret their lettrts. Aniwurn will bn delivered only on trrsonlntlonof this check , Kneloso nnsweri In en velopai properly addressed. ndvortlFCiniMiti under Ihi heart of ALL Notices" are publlihcdln twth the mornlnif andrvcrilnttcdltlotisof THE HBE. the circulation of which URRroRatcs inoro thni Sil.OOO p.iperi dally , and Rives the ad vcrtlsof tliobi'iicfltnot only nf Miolarge circulation of Tiir. llrr. In Omnlin , Init also In Council IllulT * . Lincoln and other pities nnd town * In tin y * i > & " &B RANG I-TO F PRICES. Advertising for thosn columns will ho tnl * n on the above conditions , at thofollowlr ? bust- tinmen who are authorized totakespeclil iiolli'rs. at tbo latna ratoa ai can hud ut the main oflli'o. f-lOtlTII OMAHA HHANOIl OFFIUB No. ' Street , Water lllock _ _ " oi I NV. \ . HELL , I'lmrnmoUt , 830 South Tenth Ktrret. & EPDV , BtRtlonoM and 1'rlnUW , 113 South ICtliHtreet. sOIIARE r s H AllNS YOHTlt , I'harmttolit , 3115 Oun- Ing street. \\T J. IIUOIIKS , rharmaclst , CM North 1Mb W . atreot. ' iO. : W. I'A Hit , rimnnacUt , 1718 Learen- worth iilrott. irailES' IMIAHMAry Zltli and rnrnarn. SITUATIONS \VAN'Tni > . 1 ci nl < , etc. , tecliip of f itl r/ilumii DM thli " \UASTr.I ) Vnsltlon uscashli-r ' iKKikkeciK'r ; good references V ll. Hoe. 4 rj-i' \\f ANTKI ) Situation lu il rvssnukltii ? ostab- IT ll linn'iit by young lady , to lo.irn the tr.ule. Oall at Treniont house. B01 N. 1Mb st. 4IU-.V SITUATION wanted by a ( loriniiii lady ta .insist .Jn. the linusnhnlil ; low.wages. : . Ad- urcss L. 1C. , Huoonice , Oouncll HlulTs. _ i ! IlliljP. i , etc. , tttttninf fill rohiinn on tlila juge. IT. ! ) An urtlvt" , honest man , silnrv SUM monthly If suitable , with opportuni ties f ir advnnco. to represent locally nrospnn < hllild New York honso ; reforeiicoa. Manu- fneliiier , lock box l.W > , N V. "l\rANTrii A yonne man who IH a rustler ' and hnsKXttcanhiiy a nnn-tialf Intores in eooil pnyliiK buslnoss , Address S M. Uci \\7 AiNTr.D A man wllo is well acqiinlntPil ' ' In the city to solicit rinlcrs on oominls- Blnu Address S ft" . Hoe olllce. M 2. > : i-l * " 1 ) < > Y wanted to milk cow nnd attend olllce J _ > liiiinlio4'JI lleo building 'M i * "T > KST terms to nsonls on our new book J ' 'Hciiutlfiil flems. " Illi ; moncr In taldni orders for linlld.iy dollverv. J. M. Krench J Co. , nil ! I'uxtoii blook , Oniiilia. Nob. 1 J 1 WANT1 ! ! ) 20 salesmen to carry ( as a sldi lineoar ) "Cashon Delivery" cluur will cold Illlcd watch. Mg JHV. Dlstmico noob Joct. 0. O. I ) . Cigar Co. . Winston. N. U , tH5-l \\rANTKI ) Aionts to snll the latest novel ' lies In button-hole bouniiots. Two ills tlnut samples and particulars 10 cts. M Krnst / Oluveliind , U. 4CI 0 I/- V 7ANTIII ) Salesman on .salary or cominls i Mlon to linnillo the new patent chcmlca in i ; ei.tsliiK pencil. Thnnroairst sollln * ; nov oily ineiproducud. . Hr.isos Ink thoiouKbl ; In iiwoscconds ; no nhrashiii of p.ipur. 'JOOti r > 00 percent prollt. Ono aitent's salesiiinouiitei toW.'Oln six tlnys ; another WJ In two hour- AVe want ono onorKotlo ( ; eiioral iiRont for c'ael ntiito mid territory. Simple by mall ! Cicl 1'or teims nnd full piirtlculars , address Tin Monioq Kr.tser Mfit.t'o. . La C'ru se.Vls. . 400-4 \UANTr.O A pluiio plnyer ( nnn ) . Call 10 M .North Oth. JI IlfJ-'J' WANTr.D A man who imdrrstunds run nhiK u boiler , In a residence , "al 108 N. Oth. 31 : i73-'l * WANTED A Rood meat cutter nud al round man In shop nud out. One ( lint 1 ntrlctly solHir. Oallatfi)7 Main St. , Coiinol lllulTfl , la. Welder > l Strong. IWI-3 HKN or women wanting work , or poison necdlnit help of any kind , city or countrj < MII iilnnys 1)0 supplied at Keith1' , ofllce , 3181 ti , 15th bt. Satisfaction uttaTaiitoeil. M.tta-NQ : : ! " \\7 ANTIH ) Immodhitely. young man tore TV celvo Instruction mid loop books ; on lady wanted. J. H. Smith , DID New York 1,1 fc 17B-J1' WANTKO Men with good roforciico o Motropolit.ui Mf ( Jo. . 1000 Hownrd st ; -'ll-n'J ? \VANTIH ) First class stoiiiii IltUd-scanfln iiiiiploriucnt In ( . 'liinneo , Stonily worl Eight IIOUH. Apply at once. M.5 O"ANVASHKH9 Want M-Oorresinndeuco | | so llcltod with coinpotrnt canvaisors to < iol paper clothluir. ttood WIIKPS can bocarnm Wrlto I'apor Clothlutf Co. . 1'ort Huron. Mlel WANTED Men nnd wrtmon of nbllltv I ovcry city , towu nnd rlllano to act a nRonts for the Ladles' Homo W want the best obtainable olnss of agents , ante to such unusual toiins will bo olTorcd. Th Jon i mil IH the handsomest periodical for U < | | I > H nnd the finnlly ever Issued , mid neai ly half a million mitmrrlhorj. \rlllbniu vertKcd the eimiliiR autumn nnd winter enlarger larger sealo than oor hoforc , croatlnp nch in 11 nd that agents should be ready tofll OnrtU Publishing Co. . I'hllmlulplila. M1S.5I WANTED MO laborers forftono and Krai ! work. Atinly to 1 * . II. Johnson , Ilnlo pnRsciiKerdopol , Omahn. 87J ' ANTin-At : once , sovcral Rood city cai vnsscrs. l.Hft Douslns st. ST.'ni-l NTEU AKenls wanted throuRhoutN iiskii. Send Htanip for reply , Jos. . j aiusi1 , Uninba. TT'J * r "llTANTEn A live , onoiRetlo party In ovoi f V iilaeoto Introdiico our ROOUS.Yohavo nmv line that will soil iit every house nr iuetits ; can reap ti harvest between now in tlie holidays , will pay a silary of J73 p , _ month If preferred nnd furnish a team fre Addiess nt1 once. Standard Silverware C < lUwton Muss. M ftrj.Q 15 * "VV TANTHIl Mnn to travel for our Oniiadlr inn-serlc.s.Miiiit\YL'llliiitoiiMadNoii\V ; ( srj WAN'i Kl > FKMALia IIISM * . Forratt4tte.it6tapofjtitt column on thtt p < ii ANTIIIOlllcolady ( widow ) with know edge of book keep ing , Address Hfl , lie TO4-I * WANTED Inuiidlliitoly , competent cl for nurse and second work at 710 N ! M s \\7ANTI'D Wonmii coolr , dlnln room ni > > laundry ulrl , steady position to good cl Occidental hotel. Sat Ion , Neb. L"J3 I1 WANTEII.ndy to control sale of orn mental birds , butterflies , rte. , for 1m lioiinols ; also for deeoratlnu parlors , etc. , ni other noveltlt'S. International Millinery C Olovolaudi O. 4.U5 _ \\7 ANTr.U filrl to tin cenornl honsowor lliino or Cenimn preferred , SOU Oapli 414- ' \7"ANTii-A : cootl servant girl. Oo. . > vrnKOipuld. 2110 Kiuincttst. M.tSO-U , GI HI. for ecnoral hotuowurk , TJ3 S. 10th. X'IKl * t _ BHIOIIT yoiins lady wanted to get su sorlbers for thn Omaha Hxcelslor ; .V ) p cent commission. Apply HUB Itith at. Mlu' \\7ANTKD-Olrl for K-jimrul housowm > Mrs. ( .1 M' . Looiiik , ID14S.UOth live. U.V WANTS. For rntrf , etc. , tret ( mi nf colnm n uu I/IM jio \\7AN"TElT-ilnrscs ui whileV (7 with Kti\ \ iiiuiri vmhuiitt seed care will ho ink of them at CotTman I'ark farm. Leave hers wlthN , K. Dlllranco , stables Hi S , 17th nt. Ti 81 853 _ oilSKS wlntortid nt Omaha fnlr Broum l can winter WW horses , naoli hone lias liinjewarm lionstall , feed all the grata t owner wants. l w yards for eiorolso lu U Tioather. A. Thomson. Mail N2 * -f. t = I'AWMJUOKKU ? , fnr niir * . tte. , KI top ofrut eolumil o t tMt i in FKF.t ) MOllLK loanimouoy ontltninotmi wutoliei.Jonolry.eta , S.E.cor. ' FOlt For tatmttc.tKt.toivf } frtt ( olnmrt on thU N'KW liouso , 6 roonm. Inoiilra tuornlnor evening corner ' . th und Lake , K.O. ainnn , FOR ItKNT-fi-rootn cottajo with Ras , vntcr closet , bnlli. furnace , hot atul cold water , nt 1421 South .Cth st. LiKjulro ut 1611 Doiulns utret't. 110-1 * _ _ F Oil ItrNT-7 room house , IfW Callfotnln ft , f-'ipor inontb. Urenuan A : Co. , Chamber of Conitncrce. 131- _ 17IOK HllNT-Nowono-Htorv sh-rooni house , L1 warm collar , city water , near car line , cheap. lii < | ulru corner SSUi and Lako. K. O. Ulenn , il 31 . furnished cottapo of six - rooms , with modern convunkncos. Inijulro 7JUO Douulns st , 410 S1 FOII HHNT-Klecant 10-room brlok rosl. lenro.MK ) Oeoryla mo.j will rent untllMny IforU'i ; lent duo from Nov , 1. ThlsUivsnap. Ilonnlson 11 res. 42i : * I7UW IlI'.NT-At 2207 Tarnatii St. . a 0-rooin J. lionsc\TltlimodornlniprovoiiiciitJand am- pin yaril room. At 2JO.I rarnain St. , a fi-room i-ottiee , wllh city water and In good repair. IiKiuIro ofV. . 0. Doano , &liN. Y. Llfo Hldit. - FOlt IfttNT S-rnom hou o ; nil modern Int. provomiMils. W South 2. > th nvnnito Iiotwei'n rarnatu und | ) od n streuts ; $4. > 00 ; best local ity In city ; eonvonlontto business. MifM- * * , convenient cottase , nice yard , motor COSY blocks , ( i'll , cor , UHli uiulJnckson. an 4 "ITUIIl HKNT A .Vroom linnsi > . 51st and Char- Jt-Jcssts. InqulrH atVUll Charles st. ! i5J-3 * IrOTPH for rent ; ton rooms , inodorn con- ltciilcnct , ( Ul bo. Uith Hi , yl5-U FOII HI'.N I'A Rood O.roorn house , city water , Miuth fiont lot , near Luke und Sher man ave ; at expiration of II yonrs will glvo vonwuir.mtjr di'cd.suDlr-ctto inortiuge. Look thlsup. ( J. I'.bliaw , : iJ3 bluoloy bllt. IM ) IUNT : 8 mom \in\w. \ nil inodorn Iin- lirnvcinonts. S ! MC'lilcugo st , , $41.07. King- Wiilt Hroi. , Darker block. 3-'U rpWO Ji undo room housox , inolorti linmovo * JL imiiit1) . chonii , J20 mid $ .Vi ) ior tnont n , well located. M. M. Marshall , HooinWJT , N. Y Mfo. HOUSIJ for n-nt. at G'-'l 1'iorco ntrcot , cnn- vonlcnt lo depot. Nice cottimo. Imii of T. J. 1,0V. ry. ) - Itl'NT T-rnotn cottiiso. ronrunlrnt 1o FOH ' district atul business. Apnly 11128.1lHh HI. ! > . > HUNT R-rnnin modern IIOUMP with nlco Foil , 1701 N SNtl also 8-rooin lieu o and nice hum , Ltr Miami , by Cium& llUhop U 51 , Hoard of Trade. 1 0 " UHNT-2 8-room houses nt ? ,22 and 24 UalUwulIst , nlculy pjpi'red , liivlii : ! > nuxl- crncorivpnlcnct's nncf burns ; to ri'llable pur- tlei until Kinlni ; iri-iier month. J. 11. Johnson , 5101-axton blouk. 070 FOIt nnNT Sovcn-KKim cottnco , cor. ' 'Slh uv . and t'ap. ave.Inquire ' . " 'W ' PoilRo. M-OT 771011 UiNT-6-wo"nTlioUie. : ! 112 S. SSth t. Jb : U' _ _ cojj _ DKSIKAUU : dwelllnKs all purta of the city. Siiicaton& Allen , 1U)7 1'tirnuni st. rcS-nlJ : FOR 11KNT A118 room hou i with nil mod ern linpjovojnpnt < , hunted hy Lot water , ir > 'i)8261li st.4 blocks e.istof Ilunscoin I'urk. KnqilllD400 Hco hlllldlllt ; . Jll KKNT Houso.S . rooms , oed Iniinilry , " J710K llolit. I'urvls.'JItli &St. Mary's u\e. IV YOU wish to rent n house or store spo H. F. Cole , Continental block. fcSl FOII Ur.Nr To rcsponslblo partlos only , tboso line now brick and stone houses on Georgia avenue ; fifteen rooms and alcovej ; nioro coiivc-nlences and bettor ( lnlsbi < d than any house for rent In thn city. 11.11. Ilcndor- son , 400 I'uxloa block , city. eSt 7-ROOM housn wllh linrni nominal lent. 0. 1' . Harrison , Oil N. Y. Llfo. 870 IfHNT 9 room house , nil modern con veniences , Including a pond stable. Capitol avenue , near the lihch school ; rout moderate. t ) . J. O'Douiilioc , 1631 Farnnni st. till nVKN-room liouso , IStli nnd Vluton , HO. J. II. Johnson , 51 ! ) I'.ixtou block. ' CSO T71IATS. ste.iii be-ated. 709 S , 10th. Tlios. I' , JP Hull , ail 1'itxton blk. Ma "OOIl Itr.NT 7-rooni cottaKos Hnth nnd all JC modern con > enlencos , ready In few days. O. H. KlRiitlei. 4071'Irst Nnt'l Iink. Mi FOR H10NT KOOMS Fvrrttttf , etc , , tea top nf frd column mi tlitt pane. "VTH'ELY furnWied room with heat. 10 pei i > month. 41K3 Williams street , ucar uiiion depot. -t-'JQ heated front rooms , furnished ; usi STHAM ; 17H Nicholas nt. 4UD-4 * T AHOR trout room for rout. lOrjDodje. room ? , all conveniences : rein cheap. S320 Hurt. 4 < -i : * . nnd bed loom for two nentlemen steam , gas , bath. 017'i ' S. lith. EDO MS for pentlenipn ; Btcuiu heat , KIIS bath. 017S1 South lltli 401-C * _ ILK XT To one or two gentlemen , bed' FOII and silting room , itlcoly furnished which Vi\\l \ \ suit In all pattlculais. Ho.ird I desired. ajOflraranniat. 4 17 a * _ "OUUNISIini ) or unfurnished rooms , stoan JL ; heat , ir.115 Douglns. 1)00 3 * _ ERON'T rxioia , modern eonvenlencos , 0211 s. loth. _ aw : ' * "Tiloll RKNT 1'luas.intfnrnlshoil south room JD modern conveniences , .MIS DouglaH. 3084 * _ ClUUNI.SIir.l ) room and board In privati JL : fntnlly by younu lady. Address 1. . U. , can Hcpubllcan Printing Co. , 10th and UoimlaH. front room , 2412 EUUNISIIED rooms ; - slooplnc rooms ; liont Kusnnil bntli. 2513 OhlcaROSt. ! KI8-a * HANDSOMELY furnished room. 2WO Dodge 12K-5 * TjlOIl UHNT rurnlsbed rooms. Ras , bntl J-nnd fiirnncu heat , opposite the Merrluni HOB. JSthBt. 'J42 "VfltJKLY furnished room , 1024 Douplns. .i > M04' T71OII HUNT Two nicely furnUhod fron -L'rooms. 'JulO D.ircuinrtst. | 207 TTlUItNISlini ) rooms forrontwltli all modcr ; -Lr conveniences. 'JOJO Harnoy , 212.1 * " | 7\OH \ 11HNT L.irRO south room , newly fur JL1 iilsbcd , JIU9 Douglas , M IM- ! ! ' IIKNT I'uniUhcd rooms. l W0 ti le J ave , M1Q1 10 * _ T\nSIHAllLB roonii for three or four eentic JL/ men , prlvuto sitting room Included , lie Capitol avo. _ 4,1 1 11OU KENT rnrnl'hcd rooms ; jias.bathan Bteatn. 1J10 Howard. b74 nh-ely furnished rooms , sluglo or e J. .suite , Kas and bath ; terms roasonablt 1721 Koiitunvrortli. MutM-t * " 1710U KENT 1'urnlshed rooms IC jy S70 FUUXISHKI ) UOUMS AN'I > HOAH1 V rtitet , rrf. , set topofflttt rohirnnoii Utl iw < j ANDSOM'KLY furnislioii TnrBO , war ] room , with satisfactory bourdnnu plea ! nut homo ; modern conveniences. KIO llarno : M 251-4 * ) OOMS ami boird. 2018.25th u\o. "WUllSlSHEn rooms nnd board ; modcr JL' house ; best locution In city. U20 t-o. liltli I 4-t-l ( " 17lOUKiM > d board , nlun rooms , modern con * - vonii'iices rules and location , the 1'ullina house , UK ) Umlgo St. , cannot bo - ' MSMNJJ * TjllHST ola board and room S5 per woo JC 20U Ilarnoy. ; 'IO a "XrnWLY furnished looms , slnuloor ensulti -Ll with honrd. heat , RIIS und bath , 208 aml''l ' > ,17tli , opposite now potonit'ORlto ( C5 N' | 70lt ! HUNT lluuuiv with board. 17 1)odg JL'bt , t)18 ) ST. CIA III European hotcl.-wlth dlnlnir roon SH'iim In all rooniH , 13th and Dod i Special uitcs bv wontc or month , f > 75 11BNT--STOKKS ANI > OVl'lCKt for nilrs , etc. , ere lop ofjiisl rolumii on tttn Y. T OOK HEIIE Winter u coming , tl.oro are JJfow BiMiil olllces for rant In the Itatui bld'p. "llh first elasi hoatlnR and best ot eli vutor nervices. Inquire Frank J. Itamne. 10 10 STOKES nt 70-.f S 16tbJOxno tuoh , Urpo she wliulovi , nteaiii bout furnished. Tlios. 1 Mail , ail Taxton block. H.3 . TmolUIKNT Tn'o 4-story brick liulldlnir.wll JL' or without power , formerly occupied by tl lice 1'ubllHhlnit ( Jo. . Dili Farnam st. Thehulli Ing hu a tiro-proof romnntbu > omentconiplo stcum boating tlxturo * . water on oil tlioflooi Sis , etc. ApulY nt tlio ofllco of The Heo. Uli FOII nisxT-nooaiB FwroJf * . tic. , HI top of Jlnl column < m TTlOH very comforlabln winter homos se -L1 those a-rootn Hats. S. W. for. 21st and Nich olas nil. Mowly panoreJ , cltjr wnter and sow- rrnjro. First lloor , ill sot-ond floor , $1. Hutu Ilcntlng Agency.papa , nth st. Kil N8 * IflOlt KENT ? itlto of 4 ntifurntshod rooms J-1 for hotuekceplnx. to family without children. 1702 Webster sU 'M ui.NT-\v < vitinousr.s. : /'or rates , tic. , tte tnpiif flit colifmn on l7iMxi0 | IflOH nr.NT-lJrlck warehouse , two stories JL1 nnd basement,27,000 sqimro foot , with 10) feetol double track on II. I' , railway , south SMh nnd I'lerco streets. Address O Oskamp , Omaha , Neb , 890 " 1I1OII KHNT Hrlck warehouse , tvo-storloi JL hluli ; biiscinentshydratillcolcvator ; tr.ick- nge ; best location In the city. A. O. I'owell. 320 ii" AGUNUk. PIT ttitff , ttt , , nt fop of fwt tuluinn nn l/itt | XT/4 ( LIST your property. Wo have buyers , llutchlusoiut 'ead.lWlDouglas. . Tel. 1WJ. 1ST your IIOUBCI wllh the Ileal Kstato 1 - formation bureau , 17 Hoard Trade. UII n y ) I.T H.UinY & Hiurental agents.203N.Y.I.lfo WJt I.f r. . Culu. rental tiKcntContinental hlk. I L BKI 1 1ST your house * to soil or rout with 0. V. jUHarrlsoii. till N. V. l.lo. W " \VAX'iiil-TO : JtliNT. Tor ( < , rff. . trc < p nf tnt culnniii oa till * puji WAN -Iininedlntely , II rooms inifnr- nlHhcd , for Haht-Iiotisokeoplng. Adilrt"-i V. 8. llec. 4 IT- : ) * I'orratn , tte. , rte tnpnf tit ccdiinit nitllil.i S TOllAOB anu l aekago-Yiavld'coTe sfS' 817 Howard st. 7fl STOKAOnoo us before storing goods ol nay dcserlptlon. Oiu.'tlin Sto\o llepalr WorKH. 1217 DoiiKlna. Tul. . ' KAOIl .Htori ( MU Inncst rates.V. \ . JI Jllushinan. . 1.111 Lea > cnworth. 8JI CTOHAUn Branch A Co. , 1211 Howard. l-'Oll SAIJO KUKNITUKU UTO. For ratfx. etc , , > te toy ofitvt nnitmii on I/in pifi , "IT1OII SAIjK Knrnrliirn and business ot . * ! ? L roiiiii lintel In Lincoln , diitii't 3ood jnyln ? biiilnoxH. licit of rontontfor sellinz. Terini cnsy. M. W. 1'olsom. Lincoln. Noli. filO Foil HAiji ; iiuKKUH WAGONS i-rro. for rater , rte. , tee top nflist / column on thti jxias , SAL13 , very cheap -One ( four nnsrpii- Ker ) rockaway ciirria ; : ( new ) ; ono llcht brougham , ; v tno-seated KussLin .slolRli , one ( tingle harness , one pair olejant horse blauk- I'tH. ono farm wiiKon. and t\vci wts of double harms-i. The abo\o is propel ty of the Into 1' . 0. llln.ob'iiiKh and vrlll bo mild . .very ehoup. Oeo.V. . llolbiook , room 4 , Hue IlldKH T\70flK horse $00two borxo wnoii { 'O.ilniiblo > work , harness JI.T. Or will trndo for a Rood Ilirlit sldo bar buggy. H. U Cole , Contin ental block. S'JO ' T-roltSESfoOandup. H. K. Colo. FOII SALK-2 Rood work teams. Iiuiulrc nt (113 ( 1'axtonblk. 4.-J Fortatrs , ( tc. , tee tup of Jlrxi column on tliu ji'igt AriCNVtliinor'.s tools , lu good condition will bo sold cheap. AVilto to McNally llro-5 , lc.shh ) > r. Neb. ' . ' .V-at * BUTOlinil loola fors.ilo. Apply A. Grube. 1'ort Omaha. L'4l 4 * \Tt\V callgraph , price reasonable. 11 O , lleo 1 > olllee. 77-J DON'T torict Jos. I1. AlcOoath , 10)7 ) Ftirn am St. , Avhon you want to buy , rcntoi sell a typewriter. 77- FOU SALK-A11 kinds of thoroughbred do-53. lames l-'uniy. I4W a. Sflth at 278 AVAN'l'KIl TO Forratrt , etc. . tee tup of fimtciilumn nnthta jxifw. WANTEIJ-To buy a diamond. Will nay cash. Strictly conlldentlal. Address v u , Ucc. M4r.J 5 lA IIjIjIiay $1.500 to $ .1.000 cash fora house nnil lot within a miles of I' . O. this week II It's a bargain , or will buy equity and assume mortgage. Olvo size of lot and house. Address sou , HeoonU'c. : c7-i WANTED-IIorxos. wagons , etc . to sell al auction every Tuesiiiiv uiul Friday , 10 n m. 1'loncer stables , llltb. between Ilurner ami Howard. IDT-lll TjlUUNITUItn. household ooilsote. lllzhnsi Jeiish price.Volls.llIirarnam. . b77 QKCONI ) uand luts , 1312 Dodgo. 1M837 S IX'ONI ) hand typow liters. J.I' . JlcUeath , Ki07 Farnnm st. , Oinuliu. T7 iCONI-HAND : ) books bousbt for spot cnsl ut the Antiquarian bookstore , 141,1 Fiirntun 015 nil * WANTUn-IIorso ami bu gy.V J.l'aul ItiOOrtirniim. 313 j A NKO US. For rate * , etc. , tee top of flral rnfiimn on thti SAVR fuel by coverlns your steam piid with 1'oHsll Aleal Coinposlllon ; the lies non-eonilnutor. nbsolutoly Urn prosf. Western torn uyont , 1) . O. Me K wan , 1011 Howard st. Mi-ulli FOR KENT A good barn , at2U7 Davenpor sU luqulro of U. L , Krlckbon , UtM N. llitli st BG. WHKKLT3U. Kcnoral stenographer am notary. Depositions und court work i specialty. Tel. 1091 , room 100-J. N , Y. 1,1 fo Illdfi ass-njo T 10 Shoo Dealers Wion you patrout70 mi you know that I will not compete with yoi by rutalllnu rubber boots , shoes , 'iretlci , Han dais , etc , 1 urn not runnlni ; twelve or llfteei rotall shoo stores under vnilous namos. 1 m > l at wholiMilo only and have noluti'rest In unj rotnll HtQro. 1 am western a tnt for the Nov Jersey lubber shoo company lit Omaha , am ovcry shoe clealorknows tliero Is no better llin of Roods mado. My silr-s Ihl.s your RO far an moro than double any other season up to I hi time , Send for prlco lists and discounts , Jer soywill bo oxtcrsUoly advertised this sea son. / T. IJHilsey. 30J.aU MASSAOKtrontment. elect ro-thernial bat lis soulp und hilr ticatment , manlcuro am chiropodist. Mra. 1'ost , U .1)-1 ) : ! , Wltbnoll blk 204 Far mien , etc , tee loj ) ot first codimn ontltli | PnUSON AI , " 70" notliFni ; from you to dat ( fflth. fioto"UppcrM" ltli , Wlllholni. ' , A" 1st toSth , If yon want tospo'TN" "A "O M" care "H O1' "A A" " 1" "O" "S O" ' & V. V.MA. . Have discovered that which nmUc it Impossible to semi to that place. H.U.I 4')4 ) 0 NOTIOntostenm flttorss Kcop owuv froi Chicago ; strike , 8. IM'.A. of Olili'iiw MlBI-Il * CLiAlUVOYANT. Forratet , etc. , tte lop ut tlrat rodiuiu en thlt vayt MllS. bTKVnit Is KlvltiK bestBiicci'.ss of an fortune teller In tlio city. She does no' deul In any fraud. Her terms are the lowcsl 40(3 N. ICtn t. , I'd ' lloor , Al ail-4- A HIUVKD-Olnlrvoyaiit-natnrally Rlftci J-V. tolls past and futurt1 , love troubles , nil sent friends.chanecs , trarolx , biislne-s. toll by letter ; al o nntlsfnctlon Riven. Mrs. Will lace , : tr ' North ICIh bl. 412-b1 nsTli'ANNnr V. WAIIHE.V , olalrvoynn traijco , spoakliiR , writing and rollabl biialiieaaiiiodliini.tyoaru in Omaha. 119M , IQtb MUSIC AIIT AND 1 , < VNGUA.GI : . Foririf , etc tee top of ( ! f nt rnlmii PIANOS for rout , * J per mo. : organs l.50 pc mo. Will allow rood on a now plain Meyer A. llro. Co. 415 4 TJflQUEBT Krudu iiliinon. Unaporoacliabl .l.-llo\v prleCH , miltuble terms. Have aft ( rogieLs by calling on Max Mayor & llro. Co. 4154 PUUF.Uhai. Petorscn. puno. : organ , vlolli iltner , voeal initruutlous. WJ bl ely blk , . 170MM" EFOHK buylnz a piano examine the lie ' " - .A.IIospe. 13U.- ' r IJTIGIIKSTRradoplanosiit mostre.isoniibl .Uurleos and terms. Monpy saved andsatil faction realliod. Mas Meyer & llro. Co. Co.LL. . /7J.KO. V. GRIjliKNIlKUIC teacher of tha bu ] VJwlthlloiuo , 1513 DoiinUi. Sl'J ' MONI3V TO I.OAV For ratu , rte. , nt foji afflrtrt rdliimn nit thin jxiix " . A'Land collateral Hccurltlci for any tlmo from one to six months in any amount to salt bor- IxmJumiidooririoineliola ccxxls , pltnos. or- Runs , horses , nnilos , IIOUMN , leases , wnrehoiisa n-oBlilts , tc. , at the lowest innslblo rites , without publicity or removal of property. My loans nro inrrin od that yon can make n payment of any nmount nt any tlmo and reduce both prlncliilo and Interest , Ifyotiowo a balance on your property or have a lonn you wish ( banned , I will nay It off nnd entry It for yon. It y jii ( hid It moro convenient , call tip tolophonu No. ItHl aaa your business can lie urr.iinrixl nt homo. Money always on hand. Nodolay. No pub licity. Lowest ratei Iloom \Ylthnoll blk. , 15th and JIarnoy sis , tVB _ _ fill ATTrt , bunk. .119 S. 15th Pt. , loam tnonoy V/on chat tola or collateral ntreaionnbhi rutos UOI "TjlIltST .Vsoconil inortija os on vacant & Im- JL' proved city prop County warrants Ixiuttht Money 011 hand. I' . M. Hkhanlson.SlS NV. l.lfo. tHK 1\f"ONnV-iO ; , CO or 1C rtays on furniture , ill iilnuos , horses , liottses.otc. J. J. Wilkinson' Oil Putton block. ma TTNtlSt'AbLiV low rates Uof Interest oa Hn-t niorteiKcs of Improved fstatoforlhe next 9) dnys by the Kansas City Investment Co. Koom an. Hoard of Trade , J. 11. I'ease , manager. DJJ II F.AIcustom nmnoy-- 1'hlladolphla Moifjraso and Trust Co. , nhvays tendy to loan anil pav promptly ; first niortiMKos wanted. Ocoruo \ . I' ( . 'o.ites. rop- icsent.itlM ) , room 7 board of trade. 1HJ , .t C. M. ANTHONY ; : w N. V , Ufo biMl N CK . Inir , li'iid money on ( arms tneholi-o Coun ties of Nebraska and lowv nl n on Rood Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best terms ; no delay : inonoy i-ouly. Titles nnd Milncs p.istcd nn here. Oil Ivji.oih ; RI > I our rate ? In-foro borrowln ; ? and sivo n'.oncv ; lomssiii linrsos , furultim * or any npprmcd security without publicity ; notes lioiiKlit , for now loa" encwnl of old nnd low est rates , call K. 203 eely blk.,15th & Howard. T\7"ANTnD first class Inside loans. Lowest IT rat < > s Call and see us. Mutual Inuist- tncnt Co. , IJOI i'lirinm. till EASTEItN money to'o.ui on city property ; mortgage paper bought , , t7 | ' . loans at lowest rates , llomnvail OllATTI'.L Y , Life , bid ) ; . J. II. Kmmln or. MOXEY loaned at low rates on furniture , horses , A.O. , without publicity , llnwkoro InvestmentCoui : DOUKI H blk.lOtli und lol'4o. _ ill ! ) BUILDING loans 0 to" per cent ; no addi tional eliariri" ! for com mission or attorney's feus. W. II. Melnle , I'lrst National bank bldg , IP ) "U1AH.M Loans Star Lund & . Lo.m Co , MONEY to lo.ui on city nnd f.irm pioncrty , \ \ \ M. Harris , H'-'O.l.'reii/er Hlk. , opo. I1. O : MJ WANTHD C per eent rcnl estate lo'ins. C. 1' . UnrrKnii. 1UJN. Y. Lite. JPiT M UNITY to loan. Correspondents of Lorn- bard Investment company. Sbrlver & Hums , ricn/.er block. )1 ) IjlAUM Loans Best ratcsiuul option In the X1 west. Interest nnnnnlly. llorrowiTsenn pay P'irt or all of prlni-lplo nt cud of any voui. ami stop Interest. K. 1C. Stowe , 810 N. V. Life bldg. B'.iQn21 * KIMHALL. Champ * Ryan. J'ij ) Karnuiu st , miuio loans on real estate , personal nnd colluteral s-eeurltv. Notes nnd bonds bought. Iliilldlnaloam ut lowest rates. 005 NH THIRST mortgaso loans on improved and un- J.1 lmpro\ed property. C. J. Caswcll.SlON. Y , Life. MM7X11 _ 1 llOI'ariiam. Hen. P. Marti , loans made on J-dlnmotids. watches , Jowolry. etc. ' ' Ml N13 * rII \ ATTHL loans , low rate , 1319 Karnam st. V/ 4--nIlt _ ri Ilr , Commercial Security Loan and Trust JL Co. wants good short tlma paper ; also can Imiullo a few sccurod murtjages. llooiu 1107 , 1'uxtfln block. M 160-Na _ " \ on any security I'J- for short tlmo at ! o\r rat us. Lowest rates on personallproporty The Henderson Mortxa o Investment Com pany. room 4M , l'a\tou bll ; . _ 010 RKAL IMato Loins Onsh on hand. Olobo IMUU k Trust Co. . : W7 S. Uth s. . No delay , no extra charges. Houses for rent , good list. IIUSINKSS CHANGES. For ratef , tie. , fee top nf Jlnt column on ( hi * ) An InaustrlousyouiiK man with WANTHl from i-ViOO to U.003 to take stock In a li'iy- Ins comp'iuy nud position ou salary. Address h 01 , lice. IKiO-l LIVE hotel man , with 8lr 00 to $ .1,000 eash , can pnrohaso half Interest In ono of the host Il'i-room hotolj In Omaha ; line locution ; established and piylng biislnoia. J , I , . Hlee , Itti New York Lite , bole agent. SO 1 WANTHl ) To Invest about $500 In Rood paying business In Omaha or vicinity Address with particulars ii ? J , Heo oRlre. look at this. I hive the best payln ? brewery Iu Iho state for Mlo ut a H'ry low price The pioduct of this brewery Is known lu ovpry to n within 100 miles. Splendid trade established , tThls Is uory rare harKiiln , and will bear close InvestlKa tlim. Partiesdeslrtnif unv Information In ro- card to nbovopropeityvtlliiloaso address 1' . iSoniienschcln , West I'olnt. Nob. 4oXMI FOUHALRor Kent Largo hotel , well lo- cnted In ono of the best towns In Nebraska , Will sell or rent to good hotel nina at very reasonable figures , rorrcsnondnneosolicited , Address 1' , Sonuonschclu , M'cst I'olnt , Nob. 403-11 _ _ _ FOII SALE A rare clinnce for a butcher , n line location and now enjoying a splcndl'l ' trade a Hrlck building with baRcmont all lilted up with the latest appllnnccs for the preparation ot mc.its for market. Including power , tmchlniiry , otc. This Is an opportunity of a lifetime. Korparticulars address Lock- lint 43 , West I'olnt , Neb , 407-11 \\7ANTni > A competent newspaper man T with live or Hlv tliouKaiid dollars In casher or security , to take olmrKo of the Democrat , as 1 have Impoitant business that will lequlre my tlmo east and boiith for the coinhiK year , Wo will piy the right kind of a man a nice salary. Itpcomnicndntlons required. Address - dress \V , It. Vinmhan , Unialia. Neb. M HIS N ! ' IT1OH SALK-Onoof tlio most closlruble hotul proportlesln thestate.Hltuatcd lu Italicroft , UumliiKcountyNeb. 'I'hohnusohnHaKOodpay- \ns \ patiomiKu and bus an excellent llvory stock and feed stable In connection. The lownK the end of a passenger division of tlio Uhleapo , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Onmlm mil. way. IV Is a centcrlnj ; point for hunters from till ever the Htnto , 09 she K surioundeil by lakes , iiinrshcs and vast pralrleswhero ducks Koeso , pralro chlokons uiul other game birds abound In Croat numbers during thnli soatou. For further reference apjilv to II liohsoy. llancroft. Neb , AUno-NCT RESTAUHANT for rent or sale. T , Jlurrar 1)77 ) SHOK store for nao ! In u llvo town of fi.OtK Inhabitants. Splendid crops , lending biibl noss.onlyono other snoo store , Cause , pool lieullli. Address a IB. cary of Hee. M hM-0 FOUSALI2 MO.OOO choli-o atocic of Ronora : incruliandlsc nionooftho best towns Ii Nebraska , 7. > mlles from Omaha. I'nrty dolnp nn excellent business , but , has ether huslncj- domandlne his attention. Address I' f > > . M183 FOII KXOIIANGIO. For rafen. tte , , let top of frzt rofumn on thti ivnr A GOOD crocory stock ; one-halt ROOI ! trudc ouo-half spot onHh , j\ddress , giving slji of stock and location , V 2 , Ileo. 4,134 * I710K RXOIIANOE-Strinitcr Sc Penny , reft A. ' estntoast'iits. have riuuovod to rooms 4 and t.'ii llat-Ucr bluuk. 4il- : KXCIIANOU-400 feotO-foot fcnolnz and a new building , ISxUfl , Imiulro room 4SI Hue bulldhiK- 'Ml G * OLKAHcity property and cash to uxulinnji for Block of hooks stationery or wall pa per. Address II , lOtf r st. . Lincoln. Neb. SIJGM WANTKD-A small stock of groceries l < oxclinnxo forunlncuinboroil real ( Mali1 Inquire ut room Iiu7 , 1'uxton block. M-181-n WANTEO-A small itook of cigars and to bacco.s In exchange * for clear estate Inqulro at room 3)7 ) , I'nxton bloak. M Hl-NJ HOAUDING. _ For roffti , etc „ tee top of frit column on thli jvij ATlSl'AOTION Kuarantoed to tubin " "iiiiird ers. The Hillside , n.w. cor. 13th nnd Dodgx Maa-s * I IXSIO.N : AOBXOY. For ratrj , , etc , , tee top / fnt rotumu on fftUpaqt 211'rearurbloclc. lufurmatloa free. 1000 KSTATR. Farntltt , ttc. , M top of Jlrtt roliirna onthts CHOICE S-fuot busluesn lot on t'uruam , 111,100. - U. V. llarrlsou , Oil N. Y. Llfo. 3GC1 _ " \\T13lmo cash customer torn Kood build- M I ni ! dlto ; 2 lots oa Vest OiiKiha hill , Ihltcbliison A : Wcad , 1TC4 Donghs. Tel. 153) , JK8-1 _ _ _ STIllNOKIt k I'KNNV. . cstai * aBcnts , ha > o removed to rooms 42 and 4' Si Harker block , 4JJ-4 _ _ "T71OII PALI" or r"tit .1.1 feet front with bullil- -Llnjiof-.M rooms. Apply at the premises aws . r.'th st. Also- feet on cor of Chicago and 1.1th. Ap ply at Did Sillth I''th St. SlO-n' ? ( ] { RorO forhonioonClilc.'iKost. ue.iriHh. ( itf. ? Hnrrlsoii.OiaN. V. LUa. W _ 1/1OH SAIR On e.isy monthly payments , o- J- loom house iml south f tout lot , near Lake nnd Sherman live. ; just like ( KiyliiK rout ; no Intel cst. U. r MiitWt > M Sheeley blk ! K ) the front , f have sli elcitant on (1th and Kiiriinin , with every modern coincidence , Indiiillii.K ias nud cus ( K Hit I'M. now nearly tx'udv fnrtici'iipaiicy See them and make your iholce , Price , fCiV : ) to f 1'J.V ) . f.M'O to tM cash , bulaiico to suit at 7 per cent Intel est. livery iiiiicha or before November 5 gets a ticket to thudrawlneof a f.VJO nlnno. s luady to show oustotneM , riirnniu street motor within four blocks. Ituy a hou e quick , and taken hand In the cr.tnd Hhulllo. This IsstraUht tooils. ; I ) . V. Sholes. ' 'lliriivt National bank. Mtmo. _ $ nr > ( H Only f.WW ) Dr. Cliamliirs1 resldcneo on Kith und lluidcttn Ht. owner ioliu to lea vo city , Hest lrir aln la Oiuah.i. 1) ) . V , agt-iit. i'U Klrit Nat , bank , 'MlOO LINCOLN place , lot j50. ; Neat ,1-tuoin , cottage with aO-footlot , 19th and Ohlosl * . . I..OOO. 1'ull lot , filth und Duvoniwrt. JI.100 I'oppleuui p.irk lots for sale at botlow fls- tlres. Nn cash loqulrrd to purllcs who will build. llutchliibOii & M'oiul , 13-1 Douglas ,1 IOOtiO for very fine ri-rmin house not fiir Pfroni high hdiool , 0. V. Harrison , Ul'J N. Y. fe. liCfil LlOliSA"li : lnniT,49 lineshroke J. l.ODU tnrs and a peed well Wl feet deep , and : ooil corn raised , 4 miles from tbo new town of ajti' . Addii"-s postollleo box. ; il" > Nell h , i. Object uYclinlnR beallh , will sell cheap 'or eash , good clear title R\CII. | Ifil-lJ "IT Olt SALIC or Trudo-I.OOO acres good farm -L lands lu Ivnox countv , Neb. 2.000 acici good farm lands In 1'lerco county , u'b. 1,000 acies good farm lands In Stanton coun- .y. Nub. Most of above land Is In Im-in1 tracts , suit able for iiirno stock farms. Will null the nbovoon flirty terms or tiado for Improved Umah.ininpcrty. Jno. M. Daugliorty. 1102 Furiinm st , fCl 1 W AUG11 & \ \ cslcillt' entatc.S.Onmlia. IBi "V\7K have sonic of the best houses In Omaha nud some small oin's , at very low prices and tunnito Milt buyers. Ihno Rood loin , with traeliilKO , onoor two fine corners on I'ar- nani St. . acreao and vacant lots In all parts if city. Have a few lota that must lie sold to ildlK' t bidder. Come anil buy soniulhtiii ; iliat will Klvuyott a bis prtifltono month from now. t-trluscr & I'onuy , room -M , I > ouslas bliwli. Ifith and Oodgo. Sl-'JW THOU SALE-Lot : H. block 5 , ICIlby I'laco. V The 0. If. lUvIs Co. Mb'JT ' 0 _ IH'.riUO ' buya tlir < Dr. Chambers residence und P votprlimry barn on 16th and Hurdetloets , Is UVUIK ) less than cost. U. V. Sholos , solo Mil , a III Tirst Nut. bank. JID.W FOU SALE At u tiarpnln. 133 foot square 34IU and Jackson st. Tlio O. 1" . Davis Co. BlfttT 0 SALE-Lot nnd 2 houses , 151 h anil Dor- ens , on iiioutbly ii'iyniunts ; 20 minutes walk from postolllcc. The 0 , ! Mai Is Co. JI8KT 0 TjlOK SAhE-A farm adlolnlns Ill.ilr. Nob. . -L could bo platted nnd Bold for surilen at onee. U. W. Jlulirldo. llhxlr. 707 iiU POll SALE House and lot. Slat and Han- uioft. nt n barcaln on monthly payments. The 0. V. Davis Co , J1V.I7 U 0 NK of tha boat lots In Orchard Hill , only iSOO. Stringer & Penny , Uouglus block. 215 FOllSAIiE At abiirnaln , .v ( leslriiblo rosl- denuo.S5.530 ; 4" > W clown , buliuico on easy tornii. Oall at Nebraska steam laundry , Kith and llownrd st ? . TOO \OH \ SALK-N. W. cor U > th und DoclRo bt . The O. If. UaIs Co. MS07 0 FOKSAl'R At nlmrpiln , fiO\120 on O.xvcn- jiort , near ITtli , one bluck from now post- office , very clieap , J1SOJO ) ; WKt.B coriu-r ! Hth and rainiim , $ JOUO. ( G. L. Ureon. room US , llnrKor Meek Ml FOItPALK At nbaricatnui nixt store IIOIIHO lilted up with % hulvH und counters , Imso- montG iiHiiiiR for ( IwcllliiK , cooU clsturn anil well , will soil or tr.ido for a No. 1 stock of sro- corles. Adilresj llcol &Uucl , U. U. I ) , grot-ore , SBNMGllibt. tt)7 FOH SAIjR Splendid opiiortunity toK tu bountiful now ID-room lionso In ono of the finest loc.itlous In Omaha , liloolts west of Lowouvnnu Cuss St. , lilich and slRhtly and on Ri-adc , full lot , city water. clsturn , tower , buy window , porcnos. double floor , col lar , eto. . all llnlslioil In hard wonil nnd hanl oil and Inllrst-clrm style ; I'rlio J1.4IW. Torim easy. Usual 00111 mission tousonls. Iiujulro of owner , L' . O. Motrlll , U.iss unU list sU. 17 HOOM collvc. full lot , llunsenra I'luee ' , ' east front and a preat bargain for n few ( lays. Small cash payment and balnnco on longtime , F. K. Darling , llurltcr block. aC4 FOII SAIiC-l'lirco lots .Tith and Oallfornh sts. The 0. lIhivls 4'o. JIbirf 0 POll SALti Six cottiie8 : , ranlaK fronilI,40J toU.S'JO ' cnch : 1100 to WOO cash , balance monthly or to suit. If you want a housewo can nrnumo leims to suit , bnioatun it Allen , 1007 I'arnain. 2J3-N 4 FOII SALB-Look at this ; Now7-rootn house on lot 10 block 5. Hulior plucu , sploulld vlow , south front , well , cellar , bay window , etc. ; fciOO or more cash , li.ilanco of ( I.9OT , .115 porinoutli. hiUlra ) of. otrnur , E. 0. Merrill. Pass and 41st sta. 11)7 ) nU * AHMAI.L payment ( Unrn nun fl.iuitnDtitli ) will buy ill-room and lot on 13th , - hlooKs fn.iu motor ; llrst-chiss eliunco to ur- iiilron | honioon easy ( onus. Apply to H. E. Cole. Uoiltlnental bloclt. 683 FOII SAliH An elegant now residence , 0 rooms cherry and oalc finish , lar o stable and cvory convonltmec for comfort ; location , tlio best In the city , price low. Terms easy. 1) . J. O'nomihuo. 1001 I-'iu-num at , Ut ) PI' ' YOU luivo unythln * to sell or oxehanac J-callatOH 1'a.xtoa block. DM FOII SALE-Chcnp. oa easy terms , a nlco coltucn In t.owe's Add. , and aT-rootn brlo\ housi' , with all modern convoalenotn , on U3th and Jaulibon sts. lloouill , Chanibor Oomnuirue 013 BHOKTllANU AND Forrntet , etc , , fee tnp of flrft column un thn pays , H. all mule ! iloimht. sold. 01- JU chaiiRod , icatod , J , I1 , ilogeath , 1(107 ( Par- nam fitroet. S1K ) m Y \VKtTiilS : for rent or naln. Ktonotf. Jraphori supplies. JP.Meicatliiri07 Farimin. IjOST. For rate * , etc. . tee top o/ first column on thtt vaoe. LOST Uvor-oolorod polntorhltolivery tliln unit l ) ny , Kotnrn to 1110 Douglas Htn-et. . Sultiiblo reward. MU74 JO3T 1'ronch poodle dogi $3 reward for re turn to 000 Capitol avo. 20J11 * JIA1K GOODS-WKJS. 15TO. Far iatrttc , , tec IHII nffrHt column on f/id / page BEST line Imlr Roodiln wosti halrdrnsslsn. ls. snltchos b.inis , halr ochalns , etc. , : i spcelulty , Divley hair uoodsand mllllnor opuoslto poytolllco , lllS.l.'jtli ht , Omaii ) : * ON I'ATISNT SOMCl'IOUS. For tnf , rte , tec top o/frsl column on tli PATKNTlawvors.Vunllcltors , G. W Hues A Co. , Hco bululln ? Omaha. 4 years' nxporl- cncoas utamlncisln U.S. natnntolllco , llrunoh ofllee at Washington. I ) . C. C'onsultutlon fruo U78 l > HiSSMAIUN : ( ; . Forratt > , cte. , tee ( up oflitl coin i n f/if / paw. ENOAOK1IIINTS tododrcssnmkln ; In fatal' lies aollolteil. Mtbs Sturdy , 2uU ) llurnoy st. MKMNI5 * Tlio New Mattorliorn Iloa4l , The projected now way up the Mutter horn In Interesting1 engineers. The raili willcenso at the bnso of the "Sugarlon. ! ' und the uscont Is to ho accompliBlioil lj a succession of elevators from ono poln to another. It la Bupnosed that tin work of construction will oc cujy ahou four years. Burdock Blood Bitten talteti ntter catlni will relieve nay fooling of weight or over fill ucss of tbo stomach. Sold everywhere. A joint resolution w i ndopttd ij tboloattlatiir * of the itnte of Hobra ih nlr'fliti sHlon thereof , and approTwl March act h. A. I ) . 18,49 , rropoiliiR n m < < nJ- tuvnt to noctlon two [ 2 ] four [ 4 anil Ilvt [ A ] of Artloloilx 10) ) otthocouslltullon of said stnln nnd that altt flection ns auivudrtl ihall re id nnfolluwiuto-wllt Section t That srctlon twoil ) of artlolo ilx ( A ) of tlio cotiHtllutlonof the slatoof Mebraakft bo ( iiixiulrd so 119 to rend n * follows : "Sections : The Buprotno court nil nil eon sl t of Qvo | judges , n uinjorlty of whom ahnll benoccMarjr to forinnriuiiiiiiiinrtopronouncu itdt-uhlon. It Miallhavo orlslnal jurttilletlim la on < .cn rolatluit to rovenia * , civil cnsv < In Mlilobtlio jtatoMinllbo a ( tarty , maniluuint , iiio | arrnnlo , liabun < eorimt , nnd inchnppi't- Into JnrUdldlon as n < ay prorlclfd hy law , Section : . ' : Tint section four (4) ( ) of nrtlalu * lx ( Ci.of theconstltutlonof IhestateotNobraslu , be ntupiirtert so n to road MS follow * ! Section 4 ! Tlinjudue-niif the s'lproinp court iliull lie Ii < rtt > d by the ulcutotn of tun slnto at Inrfc. nnd their trrms nf ollleo , oACeptas hi'rtiliiafterprorlded , shall bo for n period of tlvi > ( Wyi'nM. " Soctlcin ; i : Tint section five (3) ( ) ot artlelo lx ( Oof Uio constitution nf tlioitntoof > 'ot.rm- ka , bnMiii'iidcilso ni to tr.vl as follows' fretlon ni "Atthollrst KiMioral vlocllon to tii hold In the joar WU. ami after Uio itdop- tluaofthl anicudiiii'iit to tlio constitution' . thurn shall bn fleeted thrco ( .11 Jiulm-s of the Kiirtiiio | ) court , onu of whom jhallbo tluetcd for the form of one ( I ) year , ono for the term of tlirre (3)yi ( ) < nr nnilunn for the term of lltu 'Myenr * . and nt each Kvncrnl eli > et Ion thorn- aflor Ilioroilmll bo eleelcd ono JmlKoof the nnpronip court for the term of tlvp ( M yoari. t'rnvhleil , that the Judge * nf tlie ntiprotno court who n ternm have not expired nt the tltnn of holding the ion"ril eloL'tlon of 1MII , shall eontlnuu to hold their office for the re- nmltuliTof tliiid'iin for which they were re- pcottvoly elected iiiuior the preiunt consti tution" Suction 41 Tlmt o > neh jicrson voting In f avur of this amendment shall have written or prlntml m ion bU ballot tin * following : "Fortlio proposed1 nmeiulturnt totlieronsll- tullon rulalliiR to the number ot snproino Therefore. T. .Tolin SI Thnyor , Qovornorof the RtntP of Nolirnslin , tin hereby clvenotlco In acoortlan"u Mltli stxulim ono ( lurtlelo ) llf- tcou 'IM of the constitution , the provisions of the act entitled. "An not to provide the man- nfr of proposing ! nil iiiimidiiicnts to tlmcnn- Ktltutlon und sulMiilltltiK tlio snmoto thooloj- torw of the stntu" Approved February Kith , A , I ) . H77 , that said propo'si'd iiiuondmont will tie presented to tlio ( | iiallled ( voters of the slate for aptirornl or injection at the itoni-ml I'li'Cllon to bo held ou the Uh day o ! .Sovoiu- bor. A 1) . 1S90. In witness wlipreof I have lierrunto not my hand nnd caused to bo HtllM'il the u ( the stnto of Nobrashu. l > ono ut Llnealn thls0th day of July , A. I ) . 1SIW , and thutwen- ty-fourth jearpf tlio state , nud of the Indti- prndcnrn of th. United Status thu oil' ) linn dred llftoonth. lly thu Oovornor , JOHN M. T1IAYE& Ub'A.IAMIN It. OOWUPIltV , ] faocrctury of Stats. Iil3m WiunEAS. A Joint resolution was adopted by the legislature of the state of Nebraska , nt the tvcnty-flrstbCRslou thereof , and approved February 13th , A. D. IR O.propObtnj an amend- input to the constitution of said state , and that said amendment tdmll road as follows , Bootl'on ll That nt the Konoral election to ho held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November , A. D.lf'io.tlioro ' elmll hy umltted to the oleciora of this state for ap proval or rejection nn umeniltnentto thn cou- tlttttlon of tills state In words as follows : The manufacture , sale nnd keeping for snlo of Intoxicating Hn.uois-n a aio for- eicr prohibited lu this stnte , nnd the loulsla- uro shall provide by law for the enforcement nt thli provision. " And tliero shall also ut said election bo Hopiratelv submitted to the Sectors of this state for their approval or ro- oatton an amonilincnt to the constitution of ho state In words m follows : "Tho innniifao- uro , sale and keeping forsuloof Intoxicating Inuors us a bevorugo shall be Hocused und cKUlntoel by law. " Sec. ' . ! : At such election , nn tbo ballot of jach doctor voting fur thn proposed aiiu-ud- nentsto tlio constitution shall bBwrlttenor irlntcd the words : "I'or proposed amond- uent to the constitution , prohibiting the manufacture , sain und kcepliiK for aulo of intoxicating liquors as a tiorfriigo , " or Against the proposed ivinoudment to the constitution prohibiting tbo uianufacturo , ; aiu nnd keeping for n.ilo ot IntoxIcalliiK tmiors as ht'vurnx * . " There shall also bo written or printed on the ballotof each oteotor votluK for the proposed imendment to the constitution , the words : For proposed nmeudmeiil to the constitution that thu nmiuf.iuturu. sale and kuopmic for ale of liitoxlc.itluR liquors us abover.iRoln ils state shnll be licensed and regulated jy law , " or "ARalust said proposed umond- ntint to the constltuttoii thut the manufuo- .nre , sale and I.euplnB forsuloof Intoxicating Iquoisns a bevorH e shall be lloonsod and roKUlatlnpby hw. " See. a : If either of the said proposed iimenihiients shall bo approved by a nnjorlty : if the elvetori votlnR at tbo said election , then It shall oousltuto section twenty-seven l'7 ] of urtlilo ono [ lof ] thu Constitution of this Therefore , I , John M. Thayer. Oovernorof the state of Nubraskn , do hereby give notion In accordance with seetlon ono [ 1 } article 115 } of the constitution nml tbo pro visions of tlio act entitled "an act to provide ) thu manner of " uniuniliiieiiti to the constitution nna hiibnilltlnKthoRanioto tlio ulectors of the slate. " Approved February iith : , A. 1 > . 1B7T , that said proposed suucnctniont will bo Hiib- mlttra totlio nuallOcd volonof tbl > state for approval or rejection at the general election to be held on tno 4th day of November , A. D. 1600. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand , and caiiBotobn allhod the treat seal of tbo Ma to of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 20th Ony of July , A.I ) . 16'M ' , ami tln)2Hi ) ! yuarof tbo state , and of the liulopendonoo of th United btntesthoono hundred tlfteiMitn. lly tbo Govornor. JOHN M.TUAYBa llEKJAMIN It. COW1IFIIT , tHc.Ai , . ] ijecrotary of State. August. liUiTi A Jolut resolution was adopted by the legislature of the state of Nebraska , at tbo t euiy-llr t session tlioreof , mid upproM-d March lioth , A. 1) . 1MU , proposing uii iiincnd- uionttoHeotlonTJilrtnenli ( : ) of Artlolg hlx(0l ( of the constitution of said state : that sdd section us amended shall as follows , to- wit : Boetlon. 1 : ThatseaUon thirteen (13) ) of nrtl- clo nix (0 ( of thflconstltutlonof. thostateof Ne braska be ftmoncleilso ni to read AS follows : Boollon U : The JudKOS of tliirsuprcnio court li receive asnlnry of thlrty-llvo liun- drod dollars ( H.500) ) pur iinnurn und the judges of thodlilrloteourt slinll ruculvn a Hilary of three thousand dollars XH.OOO ) par annum , inul the salary of each nbnllbo payable quarterly. Auction 2 : K.ioli porann voting In favor of tills amendment Hhall hiivo written orprlntcd upon Ills trillot thd following ] "For thn proposed amendment to thoconstl- tut Ion , rolatlni : to the .silnry ol Judges of tbo supreme nnd illatrlut court. Therefore , I , John M. Thayer , covcrnor of the state of Nebraska , do huroby elvo notlcn. In aocnrdancoffith section ono [ l | aTtluleflf- teeii [ 15 ] ot the constitution , and the provl- elotisot an aotontltlcd : "An act to provldu the manner of proposing all aniundtnents tc tlio cons'lMitlim and submitting the same to thnolocU-fsof the stato. " Approved February Uth. \ . U. 1B77 , that nald proposed amend ment will bo submitted to tliHiiunlllled voters ot thli Rtiite forniiproval or rejeotlon , nt the general nlcotlon to bo held on the 4th day of Novonvbor , A. 1) ) . 1SW. In wltiuss whereof I havn liornuntosot my liunCaiulnausoil to bo attlxed tint great Heal of flu svniQ of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln. thin ilfrh day of July , A I ) . 1(00. ( nnd tlio twcn ty-fih.rthyoarof tbo state , und of tbolndo- pondfncoof tbo United Htit * the ouo hun- ilrotl fiflcouth. lly the Governor. JOHN M. THA VEIL I1K.ST.MM1N | t. UOWDtltr. [ ijKAr. . ] Beorotary of Stato. Ancust PHOI'OSALS FOII OATS AND COIIN. i. II , S. Indlia i-orvlce , lEosobud Aueney. South Dakota , Ootobor is ) , IBUO.-Houlud proposals Indorsed " 1'roposals for < Uts nnd Corn" , nnd nddrcRsed to thu unilor : filKncd at Kosobiul Agenoy , Houth Dakota. will bo rcuelvod at this olllcu until ono o'clock p. in , of NovmnbiT 10th. IftO , for fur nishing and delivering nt this At'Piicy , 70iK ( ) ) pounilsof Uats , and l.VX)0 ( pounds of corn. U.its must bo bright nnd clean , and veil sacked , and weigh not less thnn 1C pounds to thtt hnshul. Corn must ho sound and eloani to uolgh not loss tliunW poanils to the liii.shul , nnd to boilollvcrr-d In sacks of about two and n-halt hitsbulH capnoll y , jniidii of B ouneii btir- liip , neil i-owud. ItlddoM will bo tiiqulred testate state ppocineally In their bids the proposed pili-oof each article to ho offered for delivery unilor a otmtruot. The rlnhtls rtjurvcd to re ject any or all bids or any part ot any bid It deemed for the best lnlert-st of thu service. ( Jortlllcil ( Jboeks. Cneh hid must tie aueom- b.inled by a eortlllod chock or draft upon some United Slates Depository , nindo | uy- nblolntho order of the iinilorMl ncd , for at leant II vo per cent of thn amount ( if the propo sal , widen chticliordra ft will bo forfeited to the Unltod .States Ineasu any bidder or hld- dotHiecolrlnxan award Hhall fall to iiromptly exi-eutd ncontraet with xood and Hiilllult'iit luritlns , othurivlsu to tin rutiirned to the Wil der. K. 11. KiVNOM : > , Hpcdul II. S , Indian , lu charge. o-2-d.'JI-t-m Hhlppcd GlrlH to Australia. Arrnnt'omonta are bolng ma Jo foi sending out to Australia , from London , toward the end of November , a protoctot party , principally of slncrlo k'U'lH , unQoi the euro of the Churoh 1'hnl rutlou So cloty'u matron , Tlio I.arycst sailliiK SIilp. The Inrgcet Hiillini , ' Bhlp In the vrorh Is salt ! to bo owned by Franco , nnd 01 oncount of this distinction in sl/o t named tlio rrnnco. The Franco U a rch Bol with II vo musts , on four of wlilol s unro enll h currlod , She Is ! 14 1 fee lon { | , with u bourn of10 foot , imd v.U carry no less than 01,000 , toni of cargo. RfllLWHYTIMEOSRD Tram , ritK'.UHi. lUJItUNUTON i q. I AnTriMi" l epol IUth mt MMOH trtwt . _ l Omihu. 4 SO p m . .Clilcigo r | > rpu . . . . SIM urn Am . ChlcAini Ktprtit. . . . . . . ' .JOpra t.lupm1 . ChlcifO Ktproii . ,9W m 6.&OD m' ' , , , , , .flUen o lx. > < ul . > J0 * n\ Inioi jIlttlltlXUTOS' \ MO ltlVKU..Arr [ o - _ Ot.inlia , | Pynct luth mid M on Mro [ . | Umaht. foif iul . . . IMnror Usy K | ires . . . . .i I ( tt t m IOIJ m . . Dentrr Ktitrrii . , . , 6-1A p in (40pm , . 1'iMiTirNltfM ' Vifrom. . . 9.35 > m 8.15am1 . . Lincoln l.oc l . . . . iHOOprn LuntM I If. ll.Sl1. } \ 0,11. , " * I p pot 10th i > ml Mn-uu troti. _ | ( ) in h . _ . .Kfinifti ( ttf Poy KiprtMl 6. ID pm 4S pro .K . ( ' . Mutit KIP. ti * U. I. 'Iran * . t < \ ] H.IU 'I UNION I'AlTHt1. | Arrln. . UiiiAlm. I DapotlOlliaiirt Marof ttrxoti. Umnli * . "jfO p nf | .OTMlnnd Hyf . . I llOS p ni 7.3O p m 1'nclHo Kiprim , . . . . . lit IS p ra 10'.11 n m I I Miner Kiprnis I 9L&S p m MU n ml . . .KnnnML'lt ; lCxir | ss IUUJ n lu lOI. . ini | Knltilplit ICTO. ( etoept Sun ) . | ? I.entM I CinCAOO H.I.A VAt'lt'lF Arrln > " Omnh.v III P. depot , 10th mt Oiimha. (10 p m NUht Ktprtm lOIUatn JUA m . . . . Allnnllc Lxprois . . . A'M p m < .JU p in ) \oitlbulo l.imtUMl . . . 11)45 m , lnti > s i HIOO.X I'l'l'V * IMlttlu . ArrlTdt Omiihs 111 , I * . iK'i'ot. Will Mnl Miroy Sts I Onnlm 71ft a ml . . .Sioux City I'mifnuor . . . 4MOpiul Ht. I'mil K ( irm 10 10 I m Uinii'f | ! lUi. ( > r I'l'l ' \ i I'Atll-'iri. iArrlYo ' Omnlia. I _ _ JK-ijdt IStli niul Wobitur MU. I Umnbu. " * * ( till ( i 111) ) . . . st f'iul UmllAl I W.Si imi. U'n c'i riiii. Autrs"sr > iii'n\ > iiH't'hit : Arnioi * Ouinhn . L 1 > Oopot. lUth nnil Mnror SU (15 tin' ' . . . . ( 'tilrnitn Ktprvis ( L2U p ra IJUptu , Vostlbuio l.liulluil i 9M i m 6 15 p m Iowa Accommodation ( lxo. Suni 705 p im 9 II ) pin I K.i'lrrn Klyur . . . J 15 p ut 1.15 | i m | . .Pa t Knslorn Ktiri | * I R.U5 111 . . Oni lin. I f I1 , . Will niul } lrcr ! > t ' Oninbiu ' t'lilcDiio Ktprun . i V li m U 4. ) p i" . . ( 'lilinuo KtpriM . M5.p m Arruui" OnmliA. I ll I' , .li'pot. lOtti nl MarcT ! < t . 'Oiunhn. ' IM f ni M l-oul Cnniioii Hull . . . ' \i \ V pin i.nC"5.MG'A.TfK"V. . lArrlKiT OtuntiA , l > BKit | Uthnnit W bilr ttti | Omahv 1 * OO a lu Ulam Itllli Kxpreii. . . . S'JO p m no n m . .llmtliikKrp. . ( Kr. Suniln ; ) . VA ) p m t , 10 | > m WnhooVl.lncoln ! ' > ( l.x.Suiul'r ) ID 'M 111 1UJi m Vni k.\ Norfolk ( Kx Miniln ) m.a ) u I ArrlTi ) ! " OmnliK | l Dupot t.'illi und \VulJiior 8ti 700 a HI , .Hloni Cltr AcfuniiniKlHtton. . . ( Ulj p im 1.00 p ml Slum City Kx | > ri i ( Er. Sun. ) . . 1WJ p m 5.UO p m' ' SU I'aul l.lnillixt 6 IS o ui i I'onoiiiipr < Kr. Sun ) . ] 8.15 i m Unmlin. I ICH | > t l.'itli un > \Vt-tntor l Mti ' Oimln. \r I0 : ) s ni . : Until A K ( J. K iir i. i 4 Wfp m kl.15 | i m' ' .St Ixiuti A K U. hii > roi . . .I B..IO ± m Lnnres | OltlOAdU , It. I A I'ACxViU Arrlioi" > 1'rnniliir | llnliiii Dinut Omni iilllulj _ ITrnnifer m ( UtO p m NULt Kxprvif. . I 9.3A a in 8-TO a in Atlrmllo Kturci Mi5 p in 6 00 p m . „ Voitlliiilo Limited. IjttnTei Cltn ufii NOIll'inVKH'i nilN i ArrUot" Transfer Union Dejiot , _ l\iuti < ll lllnfls , iTrntmor . < O a u C lilCH o Kxpruis Hlupm 04.IU p m Vu ilbulo Llmllvd H.ltO ft in 10.00 p ,11 Knitcrn Klyor lUUpiu ! . : p m Atliinllc Mnll. 7JK1 a tu C.SO f m lown AoiHMiint | * liitloii ( Krr. SUM ) ( i.40 p m L Tm I MIU A SP. Arrlii' Trntuferl LInlon DrDOl. Council Jill tts. _ I'rniufur , . ' . . ' .I.1& C'M p m i .CliltiiKo lUprvis > m l. ! ) m LeoTB * I K.0-ST. JOK AC. II. " lArrlrn Trnnifer | _ Council llluffa ItniniCor 11)01 a ml citr I'liy" ' t ! iTr S 4. p m 1025i | III' ' [ Itr MKbt riprvn . I ! 30 ft m I KYO > I tlMAlUATlT IJlUH. lArrtioi Triiiiiforl Union Dppot. Cunnrll Illulti JTrainfur MJU p ml . ' -t l.ouln < ' non HnTi" . " " . lilftjim IABT TCIIir\Uir > , llniT'N ( AQLIN'OrAririe ) | Trnnifurynl ! < mJ rpot , Ojunrll Illuffi. iTrnnifur si4'J ni | . . ClilroKO Kxpreis . f , 'JO pin lOUOpm . ChlCKKO Eipren . I ll 40 ft m J.30 p m [ . ctmUtn local . _ Ij SI ) > ra " IXJHTM BIOUXCITV 4 I'ACIKH ! . lArrlioi" Trnniforj Unluii Uc'in't. Cuuncll lllulTi. JTrainfur T.lilTiu ; . .Sioux Cltr Accommodation. . . ! ' .i.40 i m 8U' < p ml j - - . . tft.l' _ ; iljfipnn . _ . " 10 IM p m UlfcSOUlU ' off , ay mil. ] i ni. itcr Bt 'nil ' ) IS ( V7.M ! , 8.30 i. ' i : > Clintliam II 5TIS.OI ( . "S'lSt"i ruld Illll 8.01 " . "S'lSt" " 1WJ nko Street S.W J-B1 8.07 1.0.1 nlnut HIM A.tW 4 100.0K' ' 8.'O 1.05 iinileu ilnce TW ! H.ll ( .llll.H. : | ( K.M I t Yost Side. 8.15 4 IftO.lO' ' l.fA 1 IU .194.1rt S.W I ! ? II I ) J ( yiunur I'.irk. . . , 3I4 ; ortal ' 8.-I04 15 la.ui n | | n m. 'P.III. ' ortftl . . . . . 'S ' .Xil.r. . . .SO 1 . ( .I leyiuoiir I'nrk. . I. . . . 8 . , . . t ii ai I 14 [ ascot. . . , . . . . . ] . . . , ,8 , I 17 . . .tiH 4 | 4fi'.i ! | . ; ; nibs I..VI Veil Slile . ' 7.11 8 iuo 1.5.- . 'uudoo ' I'hro. , : 'W .ISlR .MlA.Ofn.lT1 . II 4 1.57 Vnlnnt Illll. . . , . 'fi'M ' SU . . . 10 ( i m II 4f > ' 1 IV ) Jilto Strpi-t. . . . . ( Ii22 .HVII . -i.l.ld.W 9.HI t 1)1 iriilil Hill . .OiA.I&li.STi . ii.&l ) , ! . ( ) ' . nlcChutliini. . . ' ' J. IS li.'JH 'J..V1 ' 2.US VolistorStruot. . \ < ilo.T'iilii/jJ'S'.iJoc'.rd ' w'oii 5 u Li WOMAN' . low Mrs. JCntc CiiiiuniiiKH of AVIncon- Hiii Tronletl a Miss KntoCiimmiiiKs , who lives \\lth i'iiaronts on a farm in WiMnchago , Wis. , can bent imy mini iu tlio coviiili'y nowin" hay , .sajs tlioNow York \\rorlrf. aho wears boots and u wuturpronf \ \ \ . felt hat and linsey-woolsey dross , iitul noimloil on the mo\\aij inuchino she In is handsome as a hobo. ICulu has had it jrcat nmjiyudnitrors , and tlio uiliuiror.s itive had n great many difllcullics to ovorcoiue. Ono of them hail the audacity to iwosir out u warrant for her arreHl on hochai'scof a stmlt with inixlii'iotiM In- ont. Hufus Sloan wns hired hv Mr. ! 'nmuiiiijs ( for Inmost work iiuifwhllo .timing the now-mown hay ho foil lit eve with Kntc. Every time Hho canio iround on her ohnrlot , imnhiiiff her aicldo ulittlo further into the Htandlnt ; Kfi\\n \ , Ilufus would tulco hlshatolT itnil hrow iilmiitlfnl of ki. tcs nt her. The oung ludy did notllko this iwrforlu- tnco and told him so , Then Uufus nskod her to null tip , us 10 had boinothlnpr to say to liar , She Irow the lior&oslu. nu lied liar red hair ) oliind her earand withfiroln horhluo- ; rav OVCH , ; iid : " \Voll ? " Thoii RtifuR planted hifi pitchfork in ilicsttthlilo for a reM.told her ho wanted i wife , and offered nor the position. Shu urled up her none , wrlnUlud lior brow with scorn , and anawored : Then Hufim planted his pitchfork In the fitubblcj for a rest , told her ho wanted i wife , and offered her the position. Shes curled up her nose , wrinkled her brow , with scorn , tind answered : "You ? Bah ! " This was too much for Rtifus , who jnhbed her la the aide with his pitch fork. Kuti ) MU'oaniod ; the her en Btartod. In his excitement the iruto ain got on the siddo side of the mower , Tim lady i > aw her ndvnntngf , oi'/ed the lines , and chased the llooiiitf lover nil o\or the field , BoreatninK1 that Hhe would mow him down and cut his ugly let's ofl. Through coaches Pullman oalaco Bloopers , dinlngcars , f rco rccllninjf cluil r RiuH to Chicago and inliu'vonlii ; ; points via the ( ; rout Roolc Island routu. TItikol otlk-o 1CU2 , Sixteenth nnU Fariiuni. Tlio ICophonc * . Frank Delia Terre of Dnltlnioro has invented "an in tmment which ho nillH the oophono , by which ho claims that all bOundH ran bo heard and located 4111 the darkest night and In tlio thickest weather. 1G02. Sixteenth and l-'urnam streets la the now Rock Island ticket olUce. 1'lek- ' otnto all points oabt at lowest i-utoa. A IU.VKO nuinbor of carrliiori ( ; In citloH uro now Biippllfd with rubhor tircn to ] > revont violent Jolting and dcafonlny clutter , rrlmarr , fSBtondnrjr or Trrtiifr Mnnniifnlly nired InHlo II ilnji. V.B llniln t 11 ( . ) ! ui ( nun Iliu yltni , totliatlli r . ' > u n % i-iiU > a iitlmiof III * dl iQ lu unjr f onn. 1'tilleicin bilicalnl nt 1. 11110 , ( for lo"ml"h thioT > ) iO | > iu V V Mlf | I I \ fcr to ( on , OVrllllJ I IlllLlU'1"1,1" " VI , , cms tin ni or * V rofttinl ll nioiior at , ' ) pay ontlro azt n of cuiuliiifi lallroadrti- * mi I hotel bun. cU lluito Ilia wotM for aiwo ritnolrnr * . MrnlltK tliliiiotxr , > J.lrn i. " ' CO , Oma/m / , Aror < ii > . . Oft'ce St.fluiIIoUl Crr Ittli anil