Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1890, Page 5, Image 6

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Bomb Valuable Pointora to Tfoaug Men
Starting Ont in Lifo.
trim Tlii'llllng 13.\trlemc | ; of a Couple
nl' VutcrniiH In nn Iowa Town
AVreoketl liy n Gay
Young Woman.
Kvory commercial man of ability recognizes
thu fact thnt nothing than can possibly ad-
vnncKUlft business is of a trilling character.
In fact , where cold business Is the question ,
nverythltigclsols secondary. A shrewd sales-
Juan appreciates the Importance of the active
bov In a country store. Whllo walling for
the "old man" to bo at leisure good pointers
may bo got by a desultory conversation
\vllh the small boy. You can often lind
out the condition of the stock on hand ; know
Irom him from whatdlrectlor you are going
to gut "Jumped on. " To bo forewarned is to
bo forearmed. You will always put in
lolsuro time profitably by freezing to the hey
in the store , who , if smart , as IH the case in
tilnc tinius out of ten , knows tlio gaps In the
Block better oven than his employer.
Doubtle are some young men "on
thu" young In experience ; and they
should never forget ttio old maxim : "Com-
inrisons nro odious , " when endeavoring to
null goods. It is ono of thu poorest ways in
the world to advertise this "bettor than so
ntul so , " principally , because the attention of
llic buyer Is liltely to bo drawn to the other
fellow's goods to the Injury of your own.
The "old lilrd'Ms , nnvor guilty of this break ,
nnd common ns it Is with many ha never
i lvcs hi * competitor a free "ad. "
A Ony Young "Woman.
It is very seldom that a commercial drum
mer la plclicd up on any deal , no matter what
is ni Ntaltc , It Is generally supposed thnt n
ir.un possessed of Iron-Clud gall uiul a slirowd-
nosn known only to drummers , would tiold
Ills own anywhere. liut a case , however , In
which n commercial tourist was worked to a
nlclly by a fascinating womuu , purporting
to bo a widow , came to light last week.
The woman lu the case was Mrs , Lorraine
of Ciallipolls , O. The male end of the team ,
who is no doubt by this tlmo cursing his utter
\veaicness , Is 3. P. MeGre , employed as a
tr.ivoling salesman for one of the St. Joseph ,
ftlo. , grocery houses.
Homo ten or twelve months ago , ns the story
KI'CS , Mrs. Lorraine went to St. Joseph from
her Ohio home , and took her residence with
IUr. imd Mrs. Hammer. Uoing nn accom
plished seamstress and a milliner of rare
tnslo , she secured employment in the dry
Kooihi establishment of 11. Apple. Shu was
paid good wages for her .services , and of
course , could Ilvo In elegant style and enjoy
the luxuries of life.
Mis. Lorraine was fascinating in the
extreme , and many days had not flown
1 > y on thu dial pinto of time until she
bad numerous admirers at her feet , singing
the old love song with which Adam won
Eve for a bride in the garden quite a spell
iigu. Among the long list of woulu-ba
benedicts who cast their love and fortunes
l her foot was J. F. McGeo. After a
courtship lasting two weeks. Mrs. Lor-
riiiuo consented to become Mrs. McCIco.
Jler suitor was happy In the love of his
choice , and ho accepted the statement that
she was a widow passing through tlio
world on the stFjnuth of her beauty. Just
two weeks i.fter Mrs. Lorraine cast her
Jlrot shy glnnco nt McCJec , the nalr were
jnurrlud nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. G.
P. Hummer. This was on the iid day ol
IV.H'imry ground hog day nnd later
developments show thnt It was n grounO
hog rase as far as thu alleged widow was
concerned , After the happy event Mr. and
! Mi'i. ! McOco remained with Mr. and Mrs.
Hammer several days. Later on ho was
transferred to a territory in soutncnstern
Knusos , nnd with his wlfo took up his resi
dence in Washington , Kan. , where they now
Tbo Uev. Mr. Grumblno spoke the words
which bound these loving souls together.
Imagine his surprise when ho received a
letter from the former husband of Mrs. Mc-
( jco , Inquiring of her whereabouts. The
letter went on to say that she hud desertei
humu nnd five children , anil , to top tlio mattet
on" , had never secured a divorce from him.
The letter was returned to the writer by IJov
( iruinhlno with the Information tluit tiie
woman whom'ho was seeking was married in
rcbrunry ,
A. Imuky Drummer.
B.lly Lewis will bo In Omaha , his homo
until after election. During his recent trif
ho "imido" the city of Joplln , nud while
there ho witnessed a fellow traveling man
rise suddenly to fortune. Thu lucky Invostoi
travels for the AValtlfatn watch company
und his homo Is In Iowa. Ho was showing
his u-rmd.H to a customer In Joplln the otlict
day when n man In blue overalls entered the
store and said to the Jeweler : " \Vo have ex
hausted our last dollar working the mine am
there Is not the least prospect of striking ore
AV'luit do you think about putting money into
It ) for my part I am heartily sick of "it and
inn in favor of throwing up. " The Jeweler
fluid that he could not raise any more money
< t present to prosecute the work of prospec
ting , but that ho llrmly believed the mine
contained a rich load or zinc. The drummer
then bccnmo interested , and when tbo jeweler
explained how hound the man In blue over
nils had expended f 110 lu search of the sui > -
jKMod hidden treasure ho nskod If ttiey wouh
sell tiim a third interest forliV > , the * inonov
to be applied to further prospecting. The
discouraged mine owners readily accepter
the drummer's proposition and tbo trade
was agreed upon on thu spot , and all thai
then remained to bo done was the paying
over the purchasu money to seal the bargain
The purchaser went to a bank nnd doposltoc
his samples to secure the payment of a drafi
which he made , pot the money and received a
doL'tl to one-third of the mine. Two hours
afterward the city of Joplin was thrown into
a stnto of wild excitement by the report that
. a rich lead of zinc hud been struck in the
niliiuln mtestion , and lu two hours more the
knight of the grip had disposed of his one-
third Interest In the mine for $13,000 , thus re
nllzlng within the spnco of four hours the
srincely * prolltof | H,8t5 on nn investment of
A Thrilling Experience.
dxirgo Henderson , who represents John
Dwtght & Co. of Now York , oiul J. J. Stork
of Stewart Hros. , Council Bluffs , had nn ex-
porii'neo nt Oakland , Iowa , tlio other dny
which they will not soon forgot , but which
tlioy nro u little loth to relate. They were
Just coming from tbo depot nnd had struck
tlio sldowallc In frout of tha inalu business
Iiortlon of the town when thoj- hoard a cry
for help. It Boomed to eoino from under the
sidewalk. "For Ood's tuiko help mo out.11
The urgent appeal was repeated. Grips
were dropped ami tbo two began t
hurried iuvcstlKution to see where in
tlio world the voice cntno from. It
scomed certain thut someone was under the
sliluwnlk , and In great distress. They began
trying to force up some of the planks in
order to jjct to the rnllof of the poor sufferer ,
when they saw number of fellows ul the
corner , evidently convulsed with laughter ,
The two lot KO of tiio plunk , nud caught ontc
the Joke. A piece of gas pl | > o Imd been run
aloim about Inilf the length of the block ,
supiwtod by posts , nnd used as n rail tc
Which to tie horses. Each end of the lone
stretch of pipe wus open. By shouting hi
ono end the voleo was carried to the other ir
cneh it peculiar manner as to entirely mhlem
the krarur. Stork would not leave the towt
until ho had got sweet roven o by shoutlns
through the i > lpo nt another Innocent victim ,
niul frightening him into n belief that sonu
ono wius about to shoot. When the fellow
hfuw the crj"ilon't shoot" ho put low
dlstiineo between himself nnd the 1 nmijluan
/ * V "o Took No lUnlin.
"Charles , dear , " snid a fond wife \vho wa :
s3litlng her husband for a short Journey
"what is this Husk ot whisky for I"
That,1' ' said her husband , suddenly look
ng up from his valise , "O , thnt ts to be used
exclusively la thncase of annko bites. "
"Hut , my dear , " remonstrated thollltls
vornnii , "there nro nosnnkw la trocars. "
" 0 , yei thcro ore , nt'tiines. Youscewkon
hey stop to wood up or take water at some
vay station out In the woods some
gloomy swamp or biyou , the snake boards
ho train and crawl around the passengers' '
egs. It's mighty annoying and dangcroui ,
too. And , then , I've ' so n men on the cars
with their boots full of snakes real serpents
none of your circus poster reptiles , but the
tenuino article. Yes , I shouldn't consider my
ifo worth 11) ) cents If I were to leave that
bottle of whisky behind. "
How to Vote Against 1'rotilbitioii.
It is not necessary to have both proposl-
: lens "for" and "against" prohibition or
"for" and "nenlnst" license on nny ticket.
The anirmatlvo or negative proposition ou
cither of the amendments Is sufllclcut.
A. List of tlio I'olllnc IMnccs for Next
The state election will bo held In this city
tomorrow , where will bo submitted to
the people the following questions i
An amendment to the state constitution
prohibiting the manufacture , sale , nud keep
ing for .tale of intoxicating liquors as n bov-
An amendment to the state constitution
providing fur the licensing nnd regulating of
tlio manufacture , snlo and keeping for sale of
Intoxicating liquors as n beverage ,
An amendment to the state constitution
providing for Increasing the number of judges
on the supreme bench from three to Ilvo.
An iimcmlmont to the stale constitution In
creasing the wages of tliu judges of Uio supreme -
promo court to $1,000.
There will also bo voted for the following
ofllcers : A congressman in each of
the three congressional districts of the state ,
ono governor , lieutenant governor , secretary
of state , auditor ot public accounts , stnto
treasurer , attorney general , commissioner of
public lands nnd buildings , superintendent
of publlu instruction , state senators in all the
senatorial districts , three being In Douglas
county ; nlno representatives from Tenth
representative district , county attorney , a
commissioner from Third commissioner dls-
talct , a cotnmlisoner from Fifth commis
sioner district , three judges of election In
each precinct , two clerks ot election in each
preolnct , ono assessor In each precinct , to
gether with the usual number of justices ot
the peace and constables.
The voting places shall bo as follows :
First District No. 703 South Sovcnth
Second District No. 1110 Jones street.
Third District-Eleventh and Pierce streets.
Fourth District Hauman's ' harbor shop ,
Sixth street between Paclllo and Pierce ,
i. Fifth Dlstiict Northeast corner of Ban
croft nnd South Thirteenth streets.
Sixth District No. 703 Bancroftstrcot.
First District No. 713 South Thirteenth
Second District Southeast corner of Twen
tieth nnd Leavcnworth streets.
Third Dirtrict No. 1010 South Twentieth
Fourth District Northwest corner of Fif
teenth nnd Williams streets.
C Fifth District At.Tohn T. Hnst'Sixteenth
between Cnstollar and Vlnton streets.
Sixth District No. 1033 Vlnton street.
First District-No. ! ! 03 North Tenth street.
Second District No. 113 North Thirteenth
street , Derby hotel.
Third District Joe "Wlthrow's Hvcry sta-
bio. Hartley street.
Fourth District No. 310 South Eleventh
First District No. 33" ) North Sixteenth
Second District No. 102 South Sixteenth
Third District-No. 313 SoutU Sixteenth
Fourth District No. 1822 St. Mary's ' ave-
uuo.Fifth District No. 1T07 St. Mary's ave
First District No. 3301 North Sixteenth
Second District No. 1810 Sherman avenue.
Third District No. 1138 Sherman avenno.
Fourth District No. S10 North Sixteenth
First District Lyceum Hall , North Twen
ty-fourth street and P. E. & M. V. railway
Second District Ames avenue and Thir
tieth street.
Third District No. 1810 Military avenuo.
Fourtli District No. 2-1U North Twenty-
fourth street.
Fifth District Twenty-sixth and Lake
Sixth District No. U14 North Twenty-
fourth street.
First District No. 1239 Park ( or Twenty ,
ninth ) avenue.
Second District No. 1212 South Twenty-
ninth avenuo.
Third District Drug store , Twenty-ninth
and Dupont streets ,
First District No. 915 North Twenty.
fourth street.
Second Distrust No. 2102 Cumlng 'street.
Third District No. 2503 Cuming street.
Fourth District No. 2203 Cuming street.
First District No. 3115 Cuming street.
Second District Corner Lowe and Morcet
Third District No. 2003 Farnntn street.
First Ward D. Anderson's ofllce , M street
between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth.
Second Ward No. U17 North Twenty-lift !
Third Ward-Killcarr's hotel.
Fourth Ward Uallroad olllco , opposlt <
Exchange hotel.
Chicago Van Alt's oftlce.
Clontavf A. P. Hanson's ' , South Thir
teenth street.
Douglas School house , district 55.
Klkhorn Town hall. Klkhorn City.
East Oniuha Boarding house ut Swift's
leu house.
Florence- Old school house at Florence ,
Jefferson P , Deldrlchson's ' office at Don
Milhrd School house at Mlllard Station
McArdlo McArdlo's school house.
Platte Valley School house ut Valley Sta
Union ( joorgo L. Rodman's house.
Waterloo Alasonlc hall building.
West Omaha School house , district No.
- o
Brighton up ; you don't have to plank dowi
n fortune ; you can get Salvation OU for 2
Gilded five cent pieces are going for Av
dollar gold pieces , hut Dr. Bull's Cough Syru1
needs no gliding to make it go. Price only 2
_ _
How to Vote AtraliiHt Prohibition.
It Is nut necessary to have both proposl
tlons "for" nnd "against" prohibition o
"for" and "against" license on any ticket
The anirmatlvo or negative proposition 01
cither of the amendments Is sufficient.
An .Advance JUuu'H 11 1 Deal.
Mr , Will Freoinan , the hustling1 advaac
agent of Frank Daniels' "Littlo Puck1
show , closed the largest deal with the Uuloi
Pacific Saturday over mode for the trans
portatlon of u theatrical troupo. Tha con
tract entered Into provided forthntransportn
tlon of the troupe from this city via Denver
Cheyenne and San Jose to San Franclscc
thence to Portland , Ore. , Helena , und bael
to Omaha. The consideration wa > $3,70C ,
spot rash ,
How tn Vote Against Prohibition.
It ts not necessary to have both proposl
tlons "for" and "against" prohibition o
"for" and "against" license on any ticket
The nnirmutlvu or negative proposition 01
either of the amendments IssuOlciout.
The now ofllces of tlio Great Hoc ]
Island route , 1002 Sixteenth and Furnaii
streotH , Omaha , tire thutlnestin thu city
Call and BOO thorn. Tickets to all point
ast at lowest rixto * .
The People of Lincoln Eicited Over the
Work of Incendiaries.
rnrcritsofn Firomim Stic the CltjTor
tlio has * of Tliclr Sun About
Haven Thousand Vote *
L.IXCOLS , Nob. , NOT. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to THE IJRK. ] The people of Lincoln
arc pelting pretty well worked up over the
worUofsomo dastard who during the past
few nights has been apulylng the incendiary's
match to burns aud other structures in vnr-
cms parts of the city. Lait night ngalu the
miscreant got la his destructive work. The
flrstcall on the flro department was sent In
shortly niter 7 o'clock. The flromen wore
Killed to Thirteenth near Q street uhororol *
umc ? of smoke were seen pouring out of
Judge Stewart's cellar. Only about twenty-
four hours heforo the department
md been called to the snmo
place to save the harn which
Imd been set on flro bv seine Inccndlnry ,
Fortunately the Humes had not gained much
headway last evening when the llremen ar
rived arid the house was saved after uu hotxr's
About 11:30 another nlarm was turned In ,
This tlmo It was discovered that the un
occupied bnrn at 1029 Q street was on fire.
In n few minutes the flame * wcro communi
cated to a barn across the allov , beloiifrlng to
C.V. . Keith. Mr. ICctth mid his son-in-law ,
U. M. Hadlcv , had barely tlmo to rush Into
the burning lurn , cut loose two horaos and
got them out when the roof full In. A horse
belonging to Mr. Hartley was hurned to
The flnmcs next spread to two other barns ,
ono belonging to Mr. Kerns. Hoth of those
barns wcro gutted , while the first two men
tioned above were burned to the ground. The
contents of all the barns wore consumed ,
Nona of the structures were insured.
roit tap. LOSS OP THKIH SOM.
Enoch \V. and Sarah C. Protsman , the
of Clarence H. Protsmau , the fireman
Karcnts to death la Dohanon's barn May 2r > ,
have sued tbo rlty to recover 15.000 damages
in the loss of thvlr son. la the petition the
parents clultn that on the date mentioned
their son , who xvas a regular llromiiu under
the command of Chief Nowbury , was care
lessly and negligently ordered to carry Into
Bohanan's harn on South Tonlh street , then
on flro , a line of hose for tlio purpose of ex
tinguishing said flro ; that he was pur ml tied
there to remain in the discharge of his duty
until the joists nnd rafters of the building be-
catno so burned that the floor mid root foil in
upon him , unreason of which howas crushed
and burned to an extent that death was im
mediate. Tno plaintiffs further allege thnt
the said Clnranco Protsmnn was their main
support , they being without , property or real
estate of any kind , or any effects other than
household gooUs , and that ho regularly con
tributed to their support , and as they arc
now respectively aged llfty-nlno and forty-
nine years , infirm and unable to properly pro-
vldo for themselves , by reason of his wrong
ful death , they have been caused great pain ,
anguish and expense , and are damaged to the
sum of $5,000 , which sum they aslc with in
terest from May 23 , 1830.
Yesterday was the last day of registration
and yet there was no greater rush of voters to
bo enrolled than there has been any other day.
At present there are only 0,953 names regis
tered , only allttlo more than tiro-thirds of the
actual number of voters in Lincoln. All that
the negligent voters can do now to save them
selves from hotngdlsfranchlsed Is to go to the
city olerk nnd secure certificates sloped bj
two free-holders of the ward la which thoj
The total number of voters registered la the
various wards is as follows :
First ward , Oil ; Second ward , 753 ; Third
ward , precinct A , 438 ; Tnlrd ward , precinct
B , 818 ; Fourth ward , 1,853 ; Fifth ward , 1,285 1
Sixth ward , 715 ; Seventh ward , WU ; total ,
During the parade yesterday two children
wcro seriously hurt. One , a daughter of K
B. Chapman , at Fourteenth and T streets ,
while riJhiK on horseback in the procession !
Rot her leet caiiRht in n buggy wheel nud was
thrown violently to the ground. She was
stunned and received internal injuries thai
mny prove serious. The other child hurl
was the seven-year-old son of II. Hurt at 23 ' ,
Q street. The little fellow , while marching
In the parade , was run over by a man 01
horseback and badly cut over the head ant
shoulder. Ills injuries are external only.
Walt Sceloy , secretary of the repuhllcar
state central cotntnittoe , says that too mucl
attention cannot bo paid to the matter of get
ting the names of the candidates correct or
the tickets. Every name printed wrong is t
vote less for the man for whom it was in
tended. The candidate at present who bid ;
fair to suffer seriously from this mistake U
Augustln Humphrey , republican nominee
for land commissioner. On some of thi
ticKets already printed his name wrongly ap
pears as George and on others as August
without the final "in. " As far as posslbh
these tickets will oo destroyed and correel
ones substituted ,
onus ASI > nnns.
The annual charity ball will bo hold In tin
state house Thanksgiving eve.
The Lincoln base ball club has signed Clcn
Bushman of Quincy , 111. , for the coming
year. Ho will play second base.
A movement is tm foot to got the vnriou :
merchants and other persons employing hel |
to close their places of business from 1 p. in
to ( i p. in. on election day so as to give all tin
employes an opportunity to vote.
T. A. Konnard & Son claim that for twi
years the Rapid Transit street railway com
pany has been unlawfully occupying a lot h
the original plat of Midway which is reall ;
the property of the Kennards. Suit hn
been brought to recover posscssioa or SoOl
How to Vote Against Prohibition.
It is not necessary to have both proposl
tlons "for" and "ngatnst" prohibition o
"for" nnd "against" Hcenso on any ticket
The nfllrmatlve or negative proposition 01
cither of the amendments is sufllcteat.
Final Meeting of tlio Campaign to n
Hold Tlila Evening.
The republican county central committee 1
arranging for tbo biggest rally of the cam
palgn to bo held at the Grand opera Uous
this evening.
The spoaltors who have boon doing heroli
work for the past two mouths will meet for
final love feast preceding the victory- Tuct
The meeting will bo addressed by Judg
Thurston , Senator Mnnderson , Congrcssmai
Council , the republican senatorial candidate
and others.
Hon. L. D. Richards has been requested t
attend and will bo present if his other cc
gaKomcnts will permit him to bo.
The county central committee is determine
to make this the biggest political meeting o
the campaign , and will make every effort t
properly welcome and care for the crowd
that may attend.
All of the ward clubs are expected to b
present in a body.
LadIcsure especially invited to attend thl
Improve the nutritive functions of th
scalp by using Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hal
Kenowcr. and thus keep the hair from fulliu
or becoming gray.
An Insatin Alnn.
J. S. Kurxlule , a largo man wlthaandy ha !
and moustache , was found yesterday wimdc'i
ing about the streets In n demented condltto
and wai taken to the jKlloo station. He cai
Rive no intelligent account of himself and wli
be given into the custody of the county coir
mlssloiiera today ,
Btiirnl and J'loiiilnu.
A very pretty wudillng ceremony occurre
at the residence of the late William Flemlnf
Gmndrlcw cottage , Twenty-eighth and Yatc
streets , Thursday evening , la which hli
daughter , Miss ICntO Fleming , ami Mr ,
OeorKO D. StanJ wow United In marriage by
the Uov.V. . .1. Harsha. T'jo ' brldo was very
prettily attired In whlto slllc. anil carried a
largo bouquet of tea nues. She was nttcnd *
cdbv Miss Meldnitn , who wrw similarly nt-
tired M the bride. Mr. A. Smnrtotllcliitcil
In the capacity of groomsman , the ceremony
being attended by only the relative * of the
two families and n few iullmiito friends ,
After November 10 , Mr. ana MM. Stiuul will
be nt homo with the brldo's mother , Twenty-
eighth an d Votes.
How to Vote Against 1'rolilbitloii.
It is not necessary to have both propost-
Ions "for'1 nnd "against" prohibition or
for" and "uRAlnst" license on any ticket.
The afllrmatlvo or negative proposition on
elthrsr of the amendments Is sufllcleut.
Ilio Hank * \VI1I Close.
All bnnVs In Oinnha will close nt li ! o'clock
tomorrow to enable their men to vote and
to work at the polls.
How nn African Chiefs Bravery Was
Kewnrdetl by Dr. 1'eters.
Among the many wrecks of dark con
tinent royalty now ( lifting about Ger
many Is the Sonmll cblof , Hussein r'arra.
Ho got a ttisto of Tcutonlo civilization
while aiding the Gorman Etiitn Pashn
expedition nnd could not bo kept
from hurrying ° f to the empire of
the lIohonzollci'iiH 0.9 goon ns ho
got tlio $150 allowed him for his sorvicoa.
Befoi'O sailing ho invested $200 in two
cabs , two cabmen , and n superintend
ent , whom ho loft in clmrgo of Ills livery
business In Adon. lie created a panic
the first day ho npnourod hi Unler don
Linden , nnd tlio police lind to lw sum-
inonod to prevent the crowd from steal
ing from him a buttered brass
Ion kettle that ho clutched tightly
with his right linnd. Every effort
win mndo to dlssutulo him from
disturbing the public peace by swinging
this kettle wherever ho wont , but In
vain. IIo refused to explain his afToction
for this ruthor curious adjunct of his
street costume , nnd not till Dr. rotor ? ,
tlio explorer , came to Berlin was nny
satisfactory reason for his behavior ob
tainable. Tlio rlvnl of Stanley , how
ever , unraveled the mystery. When
IhojKmin Pasha expedition was in tlio
Massai country , ho said , Ilussoin con
ducted himself with extraordinary
bravery. Peters wished to reward
him , but had nothing of value
at hand to give away. While
rumuging about iti camp for seine kind
of a present he civmo upon un old , leaky
brass kettle that was about to bo thrown
away. IIo hud it polished at once ,
called together tlio natives , , and in their
presence gave it to Hussein , with tlio
assurance that such tin article among
white men wsis the customary reward
for great deeds. Since then Hussein
1ms never let the kettle out of sight.
" \Vhon \ fighting' ho wore It tlod to Ills
waist ; on shipboard ho carried it In his
arms , and in Germany ho always takes
it to bed with him.
Mrs. M. Schaenbergcr , Beaver Dam , Wls. ,
writes : "We have used Dr. Thomas'Eclec-
trio Oil in our family for coughs , colds , croup
and rheumatism. It cures every time. "
Two Aped Sisters Living in a Hovel
Without Roof or Floor.
Sovorul members of the Mount Adams
Gun club just returned from the viciuityof
Now Trenton , Inil. , toll a strange story ,
says a Cincinnati correspondent of the
Chicago Times. They van across a dilapi
dated old log cabin thnt looked
ns if it had boon there for a
contury. It stands in the mid
dle of 105 acres ot ns pretty
farming land as there is in that part of
the country. The mon , thinking the
place uninhabited , went to the door and
pushed it open , when to their surprise
they found it occupied by two aged
women , gray-haired , weazen-faced and
decrepit. The floor , which was the bare
earth , was the parade ground of a lot of
fowls. In ono corner the roof was oft , and
under this vacant plnco was a pool otovater
in which a number of ducks were wad
dling and expressing their delight with
loud quacking. In another corner was
nn old-fashioned canopy bod. The posts
wcro seven foot high nnd supported the
roof. The women became enraged
at the intrusion of the hunters
and in husky voices ordered them
to leave. Inquiry among the neigh
bors revealed the fact the couple are sla
ters named Hayes. Mary Ann Is the
oldest , aged sixty , and Bridget is fifty-
eight. The oldest inhabitants remem
ber thorn as sisters only. No man wis
over scon about the nlaco. How they
exist is a mystery. They do not farm.
They have a cow , and it is supposed they
live on milk and fowl. Bridget is the
more eccentric. She goes to bed in Oc
tober and never gets up until April ,
the other sister adminiaterinar to her
every want as though She wcro nn
invalid. They will accept no charity
and become fearfully enraged when a
male person crosses their property. The
land is worth $50,000 , but they resent all
proposals for a sale. It is said that there
is tin agreement between the sisters that
when ono dies tlio other is to follow im
mediately by suicide , leaving the prop
erty to the Catholic church at Harri
son , O.
His Heroic Struggle to Roach the Sum.
mit ofSt , Ellas.
Mark Kerr returned from Alaska to
San Francisco recently. The Now York
World correspondent learned from htm
some of his more important discoveries.
Proceeding in a northwesterly line from
Yakutut Bay with Russell and six assis
tants , ho reached a point twenty-five
miles from the bay , and nt 1,500 foot ele
vation , where ho found an Island sur
rounded by a glacial stream nnd covered
with flowers and verdure. From there
the party struck across the St. Kilns
ranco , finding a natural pass over the
largest glacier in the world , ton mlles
wide to the interior. Approaching
Mount St. Ellas from behind , and on tlio
northwest spur , lifter fenrfully exciting
adventures they finally reached a slope
leading over hard snow to the crest ol
St. Ellas.
However they only got within 4,000 , fool
f the top , because torrlblo and continu
ous enow storms and lack of provision ?
drove them back. Acurato observations ;
were continually mndo nnd the results
are very interesting. It la certain that
the crest of St. Ellas is within the
boundryof the United States nnd nol
In Urltlsh territory. Ho also discovered
thnt St. Ellas is nearly flvo thousand
foot lower than its previously calculated
height. A hugo range of mountains
with half u dozen 12,000 foot peaks HOH
behind the St. Kliau range.
Little cryatullno rock was found but
the formation is mostly slate and Hint ,
The story o ( Russell and Korr's last
struggle without companions to reacli
the crest Is very thrilling. Kerr was
four days and nights without food , with
out blankets and alone In a torrllllc
snow storm before ho was rescued. Thoj
cached their Instruments at 0,000 foo'i
altitude and will return for them next
llinOnly Holy Shekel.
Jlr. * Gatschnllcof Nuw York owns the
only genuine and nerfoct holy Hhokol It
the world. Tlio Interesting folio h
about . ' 5,100 years old and was used li
King Solomon's temnlo.
Tate of Thirteen Officers who Participated
in an Awful Orgio.
llcw a Kcvolutlnnnry OfTleer'i Spirit ,
lluttntetl n House lit Toimc.ssce
A Well Unlnnccd Citna *
( Him Ghost.
A few days ago a man was found dead hero
in the RUtler , writes n Birmingham , Ala. ,
correspondent of the aiobe-Domocrat. Kvcn
In de ; th there was a mute look of terror in
the blood-aliot eyes , and the bloated face had
grown pale nnd haggard nt the comlnp of the
prim destroyer. "Drink I" said the core
ner's Jury , but an old man who came and
teokcd for n lone ? time on the pale , di'.id face ,
said , with n shudder , ns ho turned mvuy , "It
was thohnnd of God. " This man who died
la the gutter was the last of a fato.1 thirteen ,
and In the death of each and all uf them the
Christian will read the vengennnco ot nu in1-
suited Deity.
At the loadlnp hotel In a southern city , In
Iho summer of 1805 , thirteen men wearing
thoj uniform of ; confederate ofllcors , sat
down to n dinner. Every man In the party
belonged to a grand old southern family ,
and many oC the nauio * are Illustrious In the
history of the country , Every man wv ; a
caynllor. Thay were Hewers of the old
south , representatives of the chivalry of
the sunny hind , then enveloped In the gloom
of dofent nnd despair. Every man there
liad been a pallnnt soldier in tlio confederate
army. ' 1'tiey had roturuod from the Hold of
defeat to flim their homes destroyed , their
slaves free , their wealth gone and many of
their nearest and dearest relatives nnd
frienis dead. The meeting at this hotel was
a chance one , but talking over the situation
In which the found themselves , they resolved
to forget the horror of It for a while to drown
their sorrows in drink. They sat down to
dinner , and round after round of drinks wcro (
ordered. Soon the bloody scenes of war , the
visions of ruined homes , were all forgotten.
first they became merry , then rccldcss.
"Let us call this the last supper 'suddcnly
exclaimed one of the party , nnd the sugges
tion met with Instant approval. They might
never meet again , so "tho last supper" would
bo a lilting name fora feast where reason lind
Hod. More drinks were ordered , every man
filled his gloss , the lights were turned low
and the thirteen men declared themselves
Christ and his twelve apostles. A young man
who had commanded a regiment acted the
role of Christ , nnd for the occasion each man
assumed the name of ono of the apostles.
There was a wrangle ns to who should Impersonate
senate Judas , but more drinks were ordered ,
and then a young lieutenant agreed to act the
character of the betrayer of his Savior.
It was midnight , but the peals of drunken
laughter awoke the echoes In every nook and
corner of the old house. Again and again
the decanters were passed around nnd the
blasphemous mockery of the lastsuimor went
on. A blhlo was called for , mid the young
oOlccrwho was imwersonatlng the faavlor
turned to the New Testament and read aloud
the solemn words of Christ. The reading
was Interrupted now and then by some coarse
Jest or ribald laughter , while expressions like
"Judas , pass the bottle , " weald excite the
mirth of the drunken men to n point thnt com
pletely drowned the voice of the reader. At
the proper point In the reading bread was
passed around , and the wino was represented
by glasses tilled to the brim with brandy.
"IIo that drinUeth from the bottle with mo
shall betry mo 1" exclaimed the mock Christ
In a tragic manner , and placing a decanter to
his Hpa ho swallowed a quantity of brandy ,
then passed It to Judas across the table.
This was greeted wi'.h penis of laughter , ana
again the other mock npostlos yelled , "Judas ,
pass the hottlo I' '
All night IOIIK this mockery went on , and
whcu morning came the thirteen men were In
a drunken stupor. It wn several days be-
fora thev all recovered from the effects ot
thnt night's debauchery. Then they sep
arated. Thnt supper had Indeed been their
last ; they never met again.
Prom that night the vengeance of God fol
lowed those thirteen men. Evcrthlng ttioy
undertook failed. Apples of gold turned to
Dead sea fruit in their hands. Ono by ono
they went to the dogs , nnd every man of them
mot a horrible nnd disgraceful death. I4o-
ponted failure In business drove some of them
to desperation nnd crime. Ono of them was
lynched In Texas for murder. The young
man who baa impersonated Christ was
drowned in tao Brazes river while llcclng
from a vigilance committee on u stolen horse
and his body was never recovered. Another ,
whllo in a drunken stupor , was caught in a
burning building and perished In the flames.
Ono was stubbed to tlio heart by a woman ho
had betrayed , nnd still another was murdered
In u low brothel in a western city. So far ns
can bo learned , not one of them over received
Christian burial , and their graves are un
marked ana unknown. The man who died in
the gutter and was buried In the potter's
field was the last of the thirteen.
A strange story Is told of a haunted house
in Monroe county , Tennessee , near Madison-
ville. Tills section of tbo state was settled
during the revolutionary war and the older
people will remember a largo square house
built on the side of a house , writes a Chatta
nooga correspondent of the St , Louis Olobo-
Democrat. It was the homo of nn Ameilean
oflicor. Hero ho Imd taken Ills young wife
and little babe , in the hope of providing for
them a place of safety.
The house was built of logs , the largest
ono at thut time lu this section , It had two
stories , four rooms on the first floor and two
on the second floor. To the early pioneers It
was quite a mansion.
After remaining for a few weeks with his
family the young oflicor went to the front ,
where he was killed. Soon afterward his
little child sickened- and died , and the young
wife was loft alone. She returned to her
father's homo when the war closed and the
big house was tcnantless.
Several families tried to Ilvo In It , but
none , it appears , remained mnru than a few
days. They all told a similar story. A
steady tramp of foot across the floor , a form
wearing a Continental uniform and carrying
a babe in its arms , cooing to it and caressing
it , then the sound of horses hoofs' rapidly
leaving the place.
For years it stood tcnantless , and the
neighbors regarded It with superstitious
awe. Occasionally the form of the .soldier
could bo seen as on horseback he left the
One nliht about Ilvo years ago a bright
blaze shot out from the roof of the old house ,
and the neighbors gathered to sue it burn.
At QUO of the windows could Du seen the
form of the Continental soldier dressed in
his uniform , while in his arms he hold his
little babe.
It was so real that a cry of horror went uji
from those around , but the form did not
move , there was 110 sound and tbo flamea
soon euvcloMHl | the entire homo. It hurned
to the ground , and nothing In now loft to
mark tlio snot wliero It stood. How it could
have caught lire has always remained u
mvstery , and the neighbors could not ho in ,
duccd to believe than thut the
ghost of tbo Continental soldier sot it on lire ,
On a recent Sunday evening , a few mill ,
utcs before "o'clock , throe men were stand
Ing In front of Volsord's grocery store , ut Hi ,
Catherine * , Can , , In conversation. Sudden ! }
ono of thorn exclaimed i
Thnt man will fal ! and bo Wiled. "
lie directed the attention of Ills coin pan
Ions to a house Just acrois thu street , where ,
outlined against the sky , was plainly HOCII
thoilguroof a man walking along the cdgi
of the roof from the chimney to the edge ol
the cnvo trough , says nn Ottawa dispatch tc
the Globe-Democrat. The Jtguro appeared
to ho about oigiit foot la height , and bal
anced ntwvo his head ho held a lot.g polo ,
such as Is used bv tight-ropo walkcr.s. The
trio looked breathlessly at the prctaclo. cx >
pectmg every iiionant. toueo the man fall U
the groimu. Turning slowly around , the
figure usconded tlio roof again , walking on
the extreme edge , poised for a momimt 01 :
the point of the roof , then ttppeajod to dlmln
tsh lu size , finally disappearing altogether
Republican State Ticket. .Domocntio State Ticket. Inpcndcnt State Ticket ,
For UoTfrnor , VurRotornor , l'ir Oorcnor ,
I.l'Cll'S II. ltli'IIAlll > 3. .IA.MKS H. nori > . Jens ii.
For lilaatrniint Uorpriior , I'of l.tpiitrnnnl UouTiior , lor KlmiltMiniit ( lnvpriHM.
For Scvrolnry of Slnto. for Ht'crt'lnn f flute , ror Hftrrtiirr iiC."tnto.
For Auditor
> or Auditor ,
' For ,
THOMAS II. 11KNTON' . . . ' ,
ForTrrimircr , , 1'Or TreiiMitiT.
For Tromnror
JOHN K. Ill t.ti , \V. II. I'tHlUNd. .1. V WOI.VK ,
Tor Atlornpr rorAttortipjdi'iu'rnl. ror Atlorncy ( ! < > m > ml.
. .1. NV ' *
JOHN t ; iiiiidiNH. KIMIKIt'lON
For CcimnlMlotitr < > ( ror ( ' ( wmil'iloncr f I'ntiltO Kor rominl linpr ( if I'll fc lit
Kinds runt lliilliiinifv ' I.MuHnmt HiillilliiiiN , l-niulnniiil HiilMliiMn ,
AUOIISTIN It. UUMI'IIHKV J A CO 11 111(11 ( , Kit. \V. \\KIIIT. ! .
Tor Supi'rlntcmlent ol IMbllo Put Kui'LTliitenUpnt I'lilillc tn- lorBuiierlnti'nilrnt of I'utlle !
Innrnrtlon , itrnclliMi , Mrurllnii.
. auuitr. C. 1) ) . HAKUSTHAM' . A.D'AJJ.UMANU , M
ItciMihllctm v > unKi" > - > - , . , , , i . , ,
Pcmocrntlo Conijrc'ssInucpcitdem CnuiM'ci
, , *
lonnl J icKct. . . . . . . .
liiiinl 1 Icket. slonal Tlukct ,
1)5trlcl ) |
' ' ' ' ' '
. . . . , , District , t > l trlct ,
Hoiutbllunii County -
Tlokct. Democrat lo County IiiOojiotidont County
Tor Stale Senator District , Ticket. Ticket.
For'lYdfiuiioYitiillTO , * lr Stale Senator Olitrlct l-'or SUlc Hcnnlor , . . Dlttrlrt ,
KorCountj-'AttoVliojr' , i-Vr Itoptoneiiirttito , iW itopi-pVprUiil'lTO ,
' ' ' ' '
i'of'couiitVcomii'iiiMoliVr's , ' i-of'6oiiiiY.v : Attoriio'K Vvr'Oo'iirJtV'AVlorVnT ,
_ , ' 1 _ _ _ , ° rurt'ounty I'ouniihsUinpr * , KIT County IXmimlmilonpr ) ,
ltei > tiblinit ! I'rculnut 1LU11L' LLL11' _
U Icket. lleiiioorntlo I'ri'oliiut Intlrpoiitlmit. I'rculnct
! ! ° f. " ! r.9.l ! ; ' . Tltshnt. Tlukut.
Kor .lu.stleea of Hit * IVaPi' , l-\r ) Assessor , . lor Assessor.
r'llr'Co'njtfiijU'V , ' I-VrJuiVlr'cii'at tliii'L'pacc' l\ir.liistk'o ol tliu IVnro ,
Vofjmiiioa'ii'tiiii'ciii'nV. I'orCoiiitlilJl'oi' , l\ir Consin'blon ,
Fo'r'uU'rk's iif iVluil'liVn' , i.or'.iiidiiiis iit l'ilctVn'ii ( , ' v"r J"'f"-"llf ' ' Uli'ctIon ,
Kiir'oVrriiuarof'iUKhiiiiV8"tis- ) civt'kV of HleiiloiV , l r Ulet'kti vi liin-tions
. . . ! . " . . . ! ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' tvr'ovpiVo'cr 9f' IIlKl'iwi'iyi' i'liil 'jfuV j" ' " , . " * ' 1'l llwn > 's' " ' ' '
" " ' ' * * " '
"A nln t 8nM pnipo.tctt
Amomlnitml to thoComtltutlim , . _ _
Iirohlliltlni ; the niiimifncturo , "Acnlmt unlit prone M Anrnit- "AmlnM n.-ilil iinipiMOiI Ainonil- Jjs ,
Hiilo nml keppliiR for nlo of Inmont tntliu' iiiiMlltulliiii , niohlli. i"cnt to llm ( 'oM llliill"ii limlUl.- . tjj
MKlcutlnK llquorii bovor- tlio HIiiK llm miiinifiii-liiri1 , KII u niul m
us a bovorIllnis innnufnUiirc , Knlo niul
net- " krcpliiK for : ilo nf Intuxlrotlnx ioi | > lnK tor wild uf Intoxlcatlii *
llquo muk > . " lliiuurs > n buvvrnuo. '
" 1'orproiidfi > ( l Amcimlnipnt to " . . " . " " 7" . . . 1
' "l-"r prniio'od Ami'iiilnioiit to
UioConslUulliin. Mint the iiinnu - "I'or prniiiHcil Aiiionilinont to
rnctiire , ! iil.innilkojilinlrr | iilo tliitlVnitltiitlnn Hint llui iimnii- t'10 ' l"tllt ll n tlml tint lunnu- V tSB
of Intojlc.itlnit llquorii on u bevIniUirc , lalanml kcpplnic fur ( ilia i fturi < , nuln niul ki < piliiir | Mr \1 rf
criiKo In tlili Btiito , nlmll bo U- of liitiulcntliiK llqiMirM in n bov- : ilo ii InUnlimlluK 1'limu ' j l *
censeil unit rwilntoa by law. " ur.wo In tl.U utiln. lmllf \ it- ' "v.-rnuo In HiU tn . e. slmll . U
consuil anil roiiiilntwl by l.iw. " llwnsixl ami u-milnte.lby lu
"Kor tlin prnpoipil Anioml- _ _
inpnt tothni'onHtltntlon n-lntliiK "Korllip iirnpoiinl Ainciulmont "Kortlip. pnirH" < ' l Ainpniliucnt
to the uumbor of yuprcuiu tollu IViimtllulluiirt'latliiKtu the tiitliuOiiintltiittoii rolnllnnto the
JuOio3. " iiumbcrof Supicmu .liulKoj. " iiuinlit'r uriuprvmn JiHltfos. " a
_ _ _ _ _ I
"Kor tlio piop.wod Anionil"I'orllio propn el ( Ainpinlmont "l-'ortho pri i wp l Anipniliiiont
nicnt totliuConKlltutlonrcilatlni ; tollio Oi"ii' llliilloii rolntlnu to Iho lu tliuCoiintltutloii rein Ilium tlio
In HID jmmry of .hiilum of the Salnry of .liulvi'iaf tlio uirL-uio | Salnry cf JmlKvaof lliu supr 'niii
rcMiiuuinl Dliirlct Courts. " nn > l DUtrlctCunrli. " unil HI trlclUoiirt' . "
Those who desire to vote against the license proposition may
strike out the word "for" in the license proposition and write
the word "against" in its place. , j
Those who desire to vote 'against either of the proposed
amendments increasing the number and salaries of supreme
court judges must strike them out , as every vole that is not
cast for these amendments will be counted as against them.
The three men were almost terror stricken ,
nnd rushed across the street into the yard ,
expecting to lind that the man had fallen ,
but no trace of the man or polo could bo
The men who saw the weird sight are ro-
spectublo , reputable people , und they agree
in their recital of the story with the single
exception that one of them says the man
was In his shirt sleeves and had dark vest
and trousers , whllo the others say ho had a
full suit of dark clothes on. The heavy pole
was distinctly seen by all three bold out by
the figure. A sharp watch has been kept on
the spot since , but the spook has not reap
The family of -Alderman Olena at Day
Shore have been disturbed for some time
past by mysterious noises in their cottage ,
says the New York Sun. Miss Cora Oleua
says sno was awakened one night by some
one slapping heron the fact. The room wiis
dark. She could see no one neoV her hedside.
The next Instant there wus a terrific crash in
the hall outside the door , which aroused the
family. No cause for thu crash could bo dis
covered. They frequently bnar rapping and
noise , as if some one is walking about the
house ,
Thus tbo agent of the hoilso , John II.
Gelding , volunteered to spend the night in
the house and catch the ghost. Several
friends of the family agreed to stay with him.
"While they wcro stinted about u table down
stairs with the family the mysterious tread
xvas heard overhead. A crasli followed. All
rushed to where the sound came from , but
nothing could bo found. They searched from
the cellar to the garret , but found nothing.
The only railroad train out of Oinnha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council BlulTn , Das Jloinea and
Cliiungo business is the lioolc Island ves-
tihuleu limited , leaving1 Oinnha at 4:15 :
p. in. daily. Ticket olllco , 1002 Sixteenth
and Farmim sts. , Omaha.
Tlio Origin of Zero.
It is about this time of year that wo
all boj/iii to think of "zero. " It is the
part of every thermometer that is most
watched and dronded in this cluuigoahlu
climate of ours. The word IB from the
Spanish and moiuiH empty , lionce noth
ing , says tlio Now York world. It was
first used on a thermometer in 170 ! ) by n
Prussian merchant named I'lihronncit.
From a boy ho was a clotio observer of
nature , and when only nineteen ycai'.s
old , in the remnrktiwv cold winter of
1709 , ho oxperimonte.u ; by putting- snow
and suit together , and noticed that it
produced a degree of cold equal to the
coldest day ot the year.
lie called tlio degree nor o , ami con
structed n thcrinomoteror rnuo weather
glawa , with a scale graduating from zero
tip to tlio boiling- point , which ho num
bered 1212 , and. the frco/.inj * point . ' ! 2 , bu-
cauBo , as ho thought , morcurv contrnut-
od tlio thirty-second part of Us volume
on being coolc-d down from the tempera-
lure of freezing- water to zero , and ax-
panded 180 on being heated from the
freezing- tlio boiling point.
I don numora lit lurnrjc rAttAnknniln noli flrllut
inimamlo nuxlburKnru fflniktndo IS'nw Votk-tiilnln.
KOII "Ttui Voice" fnrrkoiu l tu vocmin i-lt lnin
improp till Bvpnu'inruct I Ni > l > ni ln , uiutmtocknailt
nt H. k. Icdnmlo landsman I Oninliu , cirri fnrlmilf.-
unionilnmuntat lofonhik's. VI viljn oj ifingnxtittn
( Ii's 'i hurra' B fArmftgu nit leda B.itaulmr hfuiii
ettiillmSntcrkancIt ntnrtlnllylnn < li ini-ii vl vllja
imxlTllK HKK'S vUlvilliKutlllAtcteo harmnl sA op-
Iietocli vldtuprldt , vl forma gflra dot , proti'slorn
nint nttili'tla iipprnjiBKiilIp vamt-tt nltrjck nf inc-
tilnuan lilnnit ( Jmulm'n HvenBkulH'rolkniiiic.
1 ili > naiiiti i > roUi.U'iii vl imam F&ilmi ukumhil !
Oinnha luir lit i > ruhll > ltlom-fiiiuillkcrmi incut
"Voico" iciM.thn blifvlt nicr Aa tillrftckliKt uc-U-
frfirtailt ooli ImljUKct 1 ullmAnlit't , inou i4 ! iillnlor-
ua hiOmiin ooni mod fftr H'IIHI fimlnxlnr iinvAnilit
8Tpnska nnmnut , ftr ( let Mi ; tid for ik-u dnl ntv&r
natioimliU't , HOIII ftnrm nil lor tftrdo pA luHtcrliet
imimi cx'li pa nnioemlct alt lillliflni nn ilriftiKnn-
tiou moil Opiiun lilick It-it iiiillilcns krnf , pa ( let
krnftli.'oi.teiirote'itcrar. VI vilju oiler nniim ol utt
fAllii nftifra hflrcl.'i oimlOmiTi oui < Jcn amlra , fjck.
HfftviiiOniahnfAtalUcu ilrlpn. coin liar motnattn
Aniuttr , mi'n ' oiinonom < * M > ft < l > 't Iw-IHinihmtiiinot
( loan ofrimyiitu tmtnu lilt aAkn purnettuni nom IT-
[ iriwiinlanlcr I fit Onmlui-aioiiiikarnFH Aaict "cli
ItMlniiiK , vnrn sljt i ilenna oiler n4 ou fr5naat all-
in.Mit lul ntsun.
VI liiifm Borcen Ixtvlttna titt nvenskt prohlhl-
tlonsorunn. Hv .lunrimlcn , BlitBlt flfver frftn en
foil , Kinxtid liMlniiiK till ( > tt niinKjlt , iihcli echo.
nniloaf The Yolcu'n eVriiniiKliclnr noli i JfxlBrjck-
wl' t > lx n < vlsnkiid tllluriia nkinrin tid.
i > iiiK triilMrIiitfj lialxivlltmitilct utan flppun
npjunltlon , pmnmm JnnrnulpiM ntnlfvnrn hlltilln
InnkrAnkt filtf till HVurmknnprfllcet.
NArilfKHiv 'lori inli'rflknnilt nre , rwlnktftrnr.
n < mteroch fttlaro - tillmnnnniM im-d nftuninn-
ilni "fini numo unknown" , frtr utt cj lAttn lidu- -
umullortiil I on , vIworliKcn "dUrctmtuMn" , men
inycket liotuhxl ooli Npriilil aini'rikniiHk Ililiilnn
lANA Him niunn for ntt mimkreilltrra symnkii na.
tlniHMi , < U ( 'fkr ilet fflr Iftnut
UiulurteckniulokalluriiKuj fflr "Iwlarc" , ni ii vl
trooMiitaiiRkrit vlilinoraiirit UllfMIc vlwil < n
exn i Mo vllja och fflrmftKH Kifrn fltK < > .lt rfuh'llor
I notions tldrflckuenlijohmim livul till ou I i-ni
dllur umlni fill lot tiftiinuiiiln liiudoinan. VI hu vUnt
ilvt orlitrniMH , utan utt ri kum Iwnkyllun HrOf.
yorord , skuls ftilimolllcBa , nAr ( A iiUonlrin. tOrrn
Mifnr vAra lundniiiAtiii vcrkllcu vSl ,
borOrdu Yolco-vAuli u "ludaro" u
hafrno'lcr ntt ddma af tiilons tockon - komitui
ntt vlwi.
VI tnni tlllMllot I akt , ly nil nm IiftKousiu b\ ( T.1-
m IniuiHiiiAnHlnlromiii PI\HIK > ) .
VI Aroeoiu rn ninn icsurr [ Arbuil iunniulpinniiti > tech
och vi uiipnimm ut ! ijurtnt hviirjit Inmleniim ( illuil-
] > a nllu IiwliKii iiinlxf nit for uvnulliyii tiilvr ! i\ liy-
drnn bunliBt i Noliruakn.
VI vilju oj injift I nAKon vldlfftiff frtrklnrlnz.
hvnrfnr vl Kifrn detln rid , ilA i A > ftl vl poiuotvif-
vnhhliKllanilmtiMuipn I ul I iiiltuhot for Iftiiffiwralna
nroilod.-lrolln | ihola ( ollliidct ; mon ri vilju aufOrii
r , Vi ftro niktorhetflTHnnor :
II. VI Are frin iiitn , mini o ) tftln ODEFOOAUT In-
trfuiK i vftru ; iiilililiimllcr prlviitiiufTUiiT.
in I'rnliiliitloniMi Arc ] fOronlii ; nidi iirlnclnou
i U H. konNllUtion.
IT. I'roliiliitliiiion fiknr Bknttorn.t pA miiniim
cAiiR don nmlfJlttcr rKoiidoiimvArdet ocli f Arhlmlnr
i Tltiitntlif ; mon Imluetriolla filrolUK och albnlta
v , 1'iohlblllonca fOinAmrar HmnhnllutH inoroli-
vi. I'nihihitloncn ntftlnr frftn nig ihifl ncli i-nor-
ii , ( linr till nli ; lojluit < K-I ! HJukllK Mini iinnlilot ,
VII. I'roliibltlonon liar , ilor dcu iilntil .
BiKAitnilkiiinnm inlnt xoilt. mon inyckct omit ,
vni. VI miBo orli tie , nttiilla iiiii'uiflcr 1 prolil.
Hsnn i till mifArilaKkAl moUntt liktniiijc
, fMryillailiUuicli - kO | < tll.
I'riiliihitioiu'ii vorudon Htontn iilickn , PHIII
kuniln ilrnlibn vAr lilnir.strnniln Mnt , Oinnha < x'h
stnilortin i ixllmAiilict moil film inAticii mliutarit ,
I urn Bint , ini'iicj iniiiKt , Nclmskns fiirinan < .
orvnnnfliiidii nkAl linfvucj "llnuit pAosn" ; dnjlni
ffiljiloii nf HiimvtitiKniiit ACtorvAsamln ocli OKIHI-
Hkcnlii ; ( Tfiirunhet , Vi liu haft ullmunt vAl uch eii-
Hkildt inlnwsefOr Ammi'ii.
llankon hArpA nppiniuia vi Amm nn cAUB Brlifa
lunil"innii kiibtn nin rent
' ' ' .
och I pntmnnnlmnKmcxI drlla rAdcj lAlnslKpA rna
nlltTiiiulm Kftllot invcrkii uf mot purl iot. Cm ini'i- )
llut tut ? "fftititn iiiipiKin'ii" mwl croeli fftst luliit nf-
bocnilo i rAil nllcr liolelrtcr in nrriwUiriui ; oln. . nil *
villa do cj koinina frAn uiiktnrlBornil viilinyndlKluX
'J'liscntalrt ddllnri ) Arnuf pniliiliitioiilKti-rnnnliin-
hidi ) till "tii'jilukiir'1 i nkt och in. > iilii utt hUllii till
orcdaocli lirflk vid llrnolim , fAslcn nroj vid ilnrim
ntxiiKO , hlOtuii ifMn cr ilun onml > mlilii , liotulndo
inlilandnitiKon och folj'en i all skOm ro or rftU-
kanslus , crt uumvetou rOst !
.IllllN WKSTIIKIta ,
H. 11. IHlll.KTHOli ,
11H.V AlKt.QriKT.
tllAniK8 ! I'liANK ,
( 'UAH. .1. .IdllNBllN ,
(1. A. IjlMigUKBT ,
( iUHT llA.Mlll , ,
( 'UAH. llAIIMON ,
VV t. NKI.SON- ,
n > ccutlro Cuiiinilttci ) , and Uluvvii Himlrcil
Alcmlicrs of tlio Hwnllsli Antl-l'nililhltlini
C'lul ) of Uiaulii : ,
Those who desire to engraft
the license principle coupled
with regulation upon the con
stitution and forever prevent
statutory prohibition as it now
exists in Iowa , should vote t * ;
against the prohibition amend
ment and for the license amend
Remember a vote for the li
cense amendment is not a vote
against prohibition. These
propositions are entirely sep
arate. If you want to defeat
prohibition you must vote
against prohibition.
The following- the form of
the anti-prohibition ticket :
"Against the Proposed
Amendment to the Constitu
tion , prohibiting- manufac
ture , sale , and keeping for sale
of intoxicating liquors as a bev
erage. rgfw
"Ior Proposed Amendment
to the constitution , that the
manufacture , sale , and keeping
for sale of intoxicating liquors
as a beverage in this state
shall be licensed and regu
lated by law , "