Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Bc.n.6 . Valuable Pointers to Young Men
Starting Oat in Life.
trim rtiilllliig Kxprrlencc ofa Couple
ul ViMnniiH In an Iowa Town
Wreukod lijr A Gay
1'v cry commercial man of ability recognises
the fnct that nothing than can possibly ad-
vammhift business Is of a trilling character.
In fact , whore cold business Is tbo question ,
nvcr\ tiling else Is secondary. A shrewd sales
man 'ippreclntcs the Importance of the active
bov In 11 country store.Vhllo waiting for
the "old nmn" to bo nt leisure good pointers
mu.v bu got by a desultory conversation
with the .small boy. You can often llnd
out tbo condition of the slock on hand ; know
Ire in him from what dlrcctloi1 you ate golug
to jrot , "jumped on " To bo forewarned is to
bo fnreiumed. You will always put in
leisure tlmo profitably by fp.wlng to the boy
In the store , who , if simrt , as Is the case In
nine times out of ten , knows tbo gaps In the
Btoi-lv butter oven than his employer.
Doubtless tire some young men "on
the road" young in experience ; and they
nhould never forget the old maxim1 "Com-
jiarlMous 1110 odious , " when endeavoring to
null goods It is ono of thu pooicstwnys In
1 how 01 Id to advertise this "bettor than so
nml so , " piittUpallv , because the attention of
the Imvir is llkuly to bo diawn to the other
fellow's goods to the Injury of jour own.
I'lio "old bird" Is never guilty of this break ,
nnd common ns It is with ininy he never
give-t hli competitor a flee "ad "
A Ony Yoiintj Woman ,
It Is very seldom that a commercial drum-
mil Is picked up on any dcil , no matter uliut
> s at stnlto , It Is gum rally supposed that n
inun possessed of iron Clud sail andn shtowd-
ness known only to drummers , would tiold
T his own nnywheio liut n case , however , in
vvhlcli ncommeiclal touiist was vvoiked to a
nldlj by a fascinating womuii , purpoitiug
to be a widow , came to light last week.
The woman iu the LJISO was Mrs , Loirainc
of ( Julllpolis , O The icialo end of the team ,
who is no doubt by this time cursing his utter
weakness , Is J P. Mclro , employed as n
tr.n ullng salesman foi ono of the tit Joseph ,
Mo , grocery houses.
boinu ten or twelve months ago , ns the story
pecs , iMra Lot rulnovuut to St. .Joseph from
hei Ohio home , nnd took her residence with
Mi and Mrs. llammor Being nn nccotn-
pllihod Mcntrstress mid n milliner of rare
tnste , she socuicd cmplovinent In the dry
gonil'i establish tncnt of II Apple. Shu was
paid good wages for her services , and ol
coiiise , Lould live in elegant style and enjoy
thultiNUilcsof life.
Mis Loiiaino was fascinating In the
o.Nlit'ino , nnd many ilu.vs hud not flown
by on thu dial plate of time until ho
hud ntunerous nihniici-s at her feet , singing
the old love song with which Adam won
Kvo for a bride in the garden quite a spell
ago Among the long list of vvoulu-ba
buiedlcta v\ho cast their love and fortunes
nt her feet was J. F McGeo. After a
eou its hip lasting two weeks. Mrs. Lor
raine consented to become Mrs McCJeo
Her suitor was happy lu the love of his
choke , and ho accepted the statement that
Hhc was n widow passing through the
world ou thostroiiKth of her beauty. Just
tvui weeks uftcr Mrs. Lorralna cast her
llrit iby glance at Mcdce , the alr wore
mini ltd fit the homo. of Mr. and Mrs. G.
3J Hiijnmcr. 'Ihis was on tlio ! ! d day ol
ITo'iruury ground hog dny and later
developments show that it was a ground
hoc case ns far as the alleged widow wus
coiiLoined. After the happy event Mi. and
Mu MtGco remained with Mr. and Mi's ,
Hammer several dnjs. Loiter on ho was
tiJithfuied to a tonltory in soutncastoiii
K msns , and with his wife toolc up his rosl
In Washington , ICim , Avhero thoj now
The Hov Mr. Gnimlilno spolco the words
which bound these loving souls together ,
Imagine his surprise when ho received t
letter fiom the fanner husband of Mrs. Me-
Goo , Inquiring of her whcieabouts. Th (
let tor went on to say that she had dcsertei
homo nnd live chiluicn , and , to top the niattti
oiT , bad never secured n dlvorco from him ,
Tlio letter was to tbo writer by Kov
< ! ruinblno with tbo information that UK
woman whom ho was seeking was man led it
I'c binary.
A Icicle ) Drummer.
Il.llv Lewis will bo in Omaha , his home
until after election. Dining his recent tri ]
ho "made" the city of Joplln , mm whlli
them ho witnessed a fellow traveling mai
rlso suddenly to fortune. The lucky im osto
tr.ivi-lsfor the Waltlrain watch company
nnd ills homo is In Iowa. Ho was shovvini
his goods to a customer in Joplln the othe :
diy when a man In blue overalls entered tin
stoio and said to the jeweler : " \Vo have ox
banslcd our last dollar working the mlno nm
tbcro Is not the least prospect of striking ore
" \Vliutdo you think about putting money hit
111 l-'or my part I nm heartily sitlc of 'it am
am in favor of throwing up. " The Jowelc
mid that ho could not laiso any inoio mono
.fi pii'scnt to prosecute the work of pmspic
ting , but that ho lliinly believed tbo inln
contiilite'd a rich loud of zinc. The diuninie
then licciiino interested , and v , hen the Jowelc
uxplulncd how bound tbo mnn in blue ovui
nils had expended $110 in fionnh of the HUI ;
po'-e-d hidilen treasure ho asked if tliov vvouli
Hell him a thhdlntciest foriv > , the mono
to bo applied to fiutbor prospecting. Th'
illscomitgod mlno owners readily ncrimte
the ih-ummoi's proposition and the trad
VMIS iin'ieed upon on the spot , and nil thn
" . .outlined to bo done was the pnyhi
ovin- the purchase money to seal the birgnlti
llio purchaser went to a bank and deposite
his samples to secure the paj uiout of a dral
\\hicli lie made , pot the money and received
de-nil to one-third of the inmo. Two hour
uflcrivniil the city of Joplln was thrown Int
a state of wild excitement by thu repot t tin
u rleh lead of zinc hud been shuck in th
mine In question , and In two boms more th
Imightof the grip had disposed of his one
thli il Interest In the mine for $15,000 , thus it
ullilng within the space of four hours th
uni.cly prolitof $14,813 , on an investment o
A Thrilling
CJoorgo Hondnrson , who loprcsonts Joh
D\\ i ht & Co. of Now York , nnd J. J , Stor
of Stewart Bros. , Council Bluffs , hnd an ox
peiionco at Oakland , Iowa , the other da
which they will not soon forgot , but vvblc
they nro u llttlo loth to relate. They vver
Just coming from the uepot nnd hnd struc :
the sldowalk In frout of the main buslnes
portion of the town when they heard a cr
forhi'lp. It BO'jineil to i omo from under th
eldowalk. "For God's sake help mo out.
The urc'int appeal wus repeated. Grip
were dropped anil the two began
hurried Investigation to see vvbcie I
the wet til the voice cnmo from. 1
seemed certain that someone was under th
fliduvuilk , nnd In great distress. They bcga
tr.v ing to force up some of the pinuks i
onlor to got to thn relief of the poor sufferoi
\\ number of fellows ut th
( .onuT , evidently couvulsod with lnuihtoi
'llio two let goof the plunk , and caught ont
Ibo Joke. A place of gas pipe had IKVII ru
along about half the length of the bloil
supported by postt , nnd used as a rail t
which to tlo horses , Each end of the. Ion
Htrotch of pipe was open. Ity shouting 1
0110 end thu voice wns cairiod to the other I
mich u peculiar manner as to entirely mlslca
the luurur. Stork would not lenvo the tow
until bo had got sweet revenge by shontln
tbiongh the jilpo at another Innocent vlctln
mid frightening him Into a bollof that som
ono VMIS about to shoou When thu felloi
hoard the cry "don't shoot" ho put Ion
dlbtimeo between himself and the I uuglnor
Ho Toolc Nu .
"Charles , dear , " said n fond wife who wt
Rsslitlng her husband for n short Journo ;
"what Is this Uwk of whisky furl"
1 > ahat , " ixld Uor husbauu , buddonly losl
ng up from hU valise , "O , thnt Is lo bo used
cxrluslvcly in the cose of snnVo bltw. "
"Hut , my dear , " remonstrated thollttla
vomnn , "thero nro no snakes In ttio can. "
" 0 , jcs thcio arc , ot'tltnos. Yoitscewhon
hey stop to wood up or take water at some
vny station out In the woods some
tlootny swamp or biiyou the snake boards
he tn\ln and crawl around the passonRers1
OR3. It's mighty annoying and dangcrout ,
100 And , then , I've seen men on the cars
with their boots full of snnkes-real serpents
none of jour circus poster reptiles , but the
genuine article. Yes , I shouldn't consider my
Ifo worth IU cents If I vveio to leave that
bottle of whisky behind. "
HOM to Vote Against 1'rolilbltion.
It Is not nocessuiy to have both proposi
tions "for" nnd "aRalnst" prohibition or
for" and "ncnlnst" on any ticket.
The nfllrmatlvo or negative proposition on
Ithcr of the amendments Is sunicleut.
Viiinii : TO volt : .
A. Iilat of the I'ollliiK Places Tor Next
The state election will bo held In this city
tomorrow , where will bo submitted to
the people the following questions !
An amendment to the state constitution
prohibiting the manufacture , sale , aud keep-
ingforsaloof Intoxicating ll'iuoi' as n bav-
An amendment to the state constitution
providing for llio licensing and regulating of
the manufacture , sale and keeping for sale of
Intoxiciting liquors ns n beverage.
An amendment to the state constitution
providing for increasing the number of judges
on the supreme bench from three to livo.
An amendment to the stale constitution In-
cruising the wages of thu Judges of Uio su-
pinmo court to $ .1,000.
There will nlso bo voted for the following
ofltcors A congressman In each of
the three congressional districts of the state ,
ono gov ernor , lieutenant governor , secretary
of state , auditor of public accounts , state
trensuier , attorney gcncnt , commissioner of
public lands nnd buildings , superintendent
of public instruction , stuto senators in nil the
senatorial districts , tlircs being la Douglas
county ; nlno representatives from Tenth
representative district , county attorney , a
commissioner from Third commissioner dls-
talct , a cominLssonci' fiom Fifth commis
sioner district , tbrea judges of election In
each precinct , two clerks of election in each
precinct , ono assessor In cich preclnet , to-
gothcr with the usual number of Justices of
the pcaco nnd constables
The voting places shall be as follows !
H11ST AVAlin
Tlrst District No. 703 South Seventh
Secoii'T. District No. 1110 Jones street.
Third Jlsti let Eleventh and Plercostrects.
rourth District llaumnu's barber shop ,
Sixth street between Piicitloaud I'ierce.
i Fifth Dlsti let Noithoast corner of Ban-
cioft and South Thlrtcentli stioots.
Sixth Dlstiict No. 70. ! Bancroft street.
rirstDIstiict No. 712 South Thirteenth
Second Distilct SouthcastcoinerofTvvcn-
tletli nnd Leaven worth streets.
Thlid District No. 1010 bouth Twentieth
Fouith District Xorthwcst corner of rif-
tconth and Williams sttects.
C Fifth District At. John T. HastSlxteenth
between Castollar nnd Tinton streets.
Sixth District No 10ij Vinton street.
First District No 303 North Tenth street.
Second District No. 113 North Thirteenth
street , Derby hotel.
Third District Joe Wthrow's livery sta-
blo. Ilarney street.
Fourth District-No. 319 South 'Elovcnth
I'OUKTIl V , V1U ) .
First District No. SJJ North Sixteenth
Second District- . 102 South Sixteenth
Third Dlsttlct No. 313 South Sixteenth
Fourth District No. 1S22 St. Mary's avo-
Fifth Dlstilet No. 1T07 St. Marv's ' avo-
i'lnii v > VUD.
First Dlsttict No. UsOl North Sixteenth
Seiond District No. 1S10 Sherman avenue.
Third District No. 11H3 Sherman oveiuio.
Fouith District No. 510 North Sixteenth
sixm VUD
First District Lvceum Hall. North Twcn-
tj-fourthstix'Ot uud P. E. & M. V. lallway
Second Distuct Ames avenue and Thir
tieth street.
Third District No. 1810 Militaiy avouuo.
Fourth District-No. 2 111 North Twenty-
fourth street.
Fifth Dlsti let Twenty-sixth and Lake
Sixth District No. 1114 North Twenty.
fourth stieet.
First District No. 1139 Park ( or Twenty
ninth ) avenue.
Second District No. 1313 South Twenty
ninth avenue.
Third District Drug store , Twenty-ninth
and Dupont streets.
First District No. 915 North Twenty
fouith street.
Second District No 2l03Curnlup : street.
Third District No. 2MM Camlng sticot.
Fourth District No 'J20.5 Cuming street.
NIMH VI Kill ) .
First District No. 3115 Cumlng street.
Second Distilct Corner Lowe and Morcoi
Third District No. 2903 Farnam street ,
First Ward D. Anderson's ofllco , M street
between Twenty-fourth undTvvcnty-llfth
Second \Vaid-No. yiT North Tvveiity-llftl
Thlid Ward-Kllkair's hotel.
Fourth Ward Itiillroad ofllco , opposlt
Kxchnngo hotel.
Chicago Van Alt's oftlee
Cloiitmf A. P. Hanson's , South Thli
teenth street.
Douglas School house , district 55.
Klkhorn Town hall. Klkhorn City.
Eust Onmln Boarding house at Svvlft'i
leu house
Florence Old school house nt Florence.
Jefferson P. DUdrlihson's ofllco at 13on
Alllliril School house at MUlard Station
McArdlo McAi'dlo's school liouso
Platte Valley School house at Valley Sta
Union -icorgo L Hodman's houso.
\Vatuiloo .Masonic hall building.
West Omaha School house , district No.
Brighton up ; you don't have to plank dovv
a foituuo ; you can get Salvation Oil for a
Glided five cent pieces nro going for flv
dollar gold pieces , butDr. Bull's Cough Syru
needs no eliding to make it go. Price only 2
How to Vote AcaliiHt Prohibition.
It is not necessary to hive both propos
tlons "for" nnd "upalnst" prohibition o
"for" and "against" license on any tlcltol
Tbo nfllnmUlvo or iiegathe proposition o
cither of thu amendments Is sufllclent.
An Advance * JMiui'n III it Deal.
Air. Will Freonmn , the bustllns advanc
agent of Frank Daniels' 'Little Puck' '
show , closed the largest deal with the Unio
1'uclllo Saturday over made for the trans
portation of a theatrical troupe. The cor
tract entered Into prov Idcd for the transport *
tion of the troupulrom tbiselty vin Uenvet
Che.venuo nnd San Jose to San Vranelse'e
thence to Portland , Ore. , Helena , iwd bao
to Umnha. The consideration was U,70 (
spot cash.
How In Veto Afjaliist Prohibition.
It Is not nooossary to have l > oth proixjsl
tlons "for" nnd "against" prohibition o
"for'1 nnd "against" license on any tltkel
The nnirmutho or negative proposition o
either of the amendments U sufilciont.
The now ofllcos of the Great Hoc'
Ishuid route , 1002 Sixteenth anil Faniui
HtreotH , Omaha , are the liaobt in the clt.y
Call and see thorn. Tickets to all point
tut ut luwost rutod.
The People of Lincoln Escited Over the
Work of Incendiaries ,
Parents or 11 Fireman Sue the City for
thu tjoHf ) of Their Bon-Aliottt
Seven atioitsniitl VotcB
Registered ,
LINCOLNNeb. , . , Nov. 2. [ Special Tele-
; rnm to THE OHK , ] The people of Lincoln
ire trotting pretty well worked up over the
, voi-l ( of seine dasLanlho during the past
taw nights has been npolyiiigtboinccntllarf's
matcU to barns aud other structures Inar -
ous parts of the city. Livat night ngahi the
miscreant ot In his destructive work , The
first call oil the flro department was sent In
ihortly nftor 7 o'clock. Tbo firemen wore
called to TUlitccntb. near Qstreet where vol
ume ? of smolco were seen pouring out oC
.Tudgo Stewatt's ccllur. Only about twenty-
'ouv hours before the department
! md been called to the snmo
pltico to s.ivo the birn which
Imd hcon set on flro by seine Incendiary.
Portuiintcly the Humes hud not gained much
liondwny lost evening when the 11 rcmcn ar
rived nnd the house was auved after uu boar's
About 11:30 : another olnrm was turned In.
This tlmo It was discovered that the un
occupied bnrn nt 1029 ( J sheet was on flrc.
"n n few minutes the fl mci wcro coinnmni-
: atcd to a bain across the nlloy , belonging to
C.V. \ . ICtith. Mr. Keith and his son-in-law ,
11 M. Iladlcv , had barely tlmo to rush Into
tlio burning barn , cut loose two homos and
got thcni out when the roof Ml In. A. borso
belonging to Mr. Iladloy was burned to
The flames next spread to two other bnrns ,
ono belonging to Mr. Kerns. Doth of those
bams wcro gutted , while the lint two men
tioned above wcro burned to the ground. The
contents of all the barns wcro consumed.
None of the structures \voro lusurod ,
ion TDK loss OF Tiiinn SON ,
Enoch W. and Sarnh C. frotsman , the
patents of Clarence U. Protsmnn , the fireman
burned to death In Bohanon's barn May 2r ,
lm\ sued tbo rlty to recover $3.000 damages
In the loss of theli' son. In ttio petition the
parents claim tint on the dnto mentioned
their son , who was a regular lireman under
the command of Chief Newbury , v , as care
lessly and negligently ordered to cirry Into
Uotianan's barn on South Tenth street , then
on Hie , a line of hose for the purpose of ex
tinguishing said flro ; that he was permitted
there to remain In the discharge of his duty
until the Joists uncl inftorsof the building be-
catno so burned that the floor nnd roof full In
upon him , by reason of which ho wns crushed
and burned to an extent that death was Im
mediate Tbo plaintiffs fuithcr nllogo that
the said Claranco Protsmnn wns their main
support , they being without property 01 ? real
estate of any kind , or any effects other than
household goods , and that ho rcgulaily con
tributed to their support , and as thoyaro
now TOspcclltcly aged ilfty-nino and forty-
nine years , i a firm and unable to properly pro
vide for themselves , by reason of bis wrong
ful death , they have been ciused great pain ,
anguish and oxpcuso , and are damaged to the
sum of JTi.OOO , which sum they ask with In
terest from May ! T , 1830.
Yesterday was the last day of registration
and yet tlicic wus no greater rush of voters to
bo enrolled than there has boon any other day.
At present there are only 0,953 names regis
tered , only a llttlo more than tire thirds of the
actual number of voters in Lincoln. All that
the necligent voters can donowtosavo them
selves from beingdisfranchlsedts logo to the
city cleric nnd secure certificates sigped by
two free-holders of the ward lawhich they
The total number of voters registered In the
vnrious wards Is as follows :
First ward , Oil ; Second ward , TBS ; Third
\vatd , precinct A , 438 ; Third ward , precinct
B , 818 ; fourth ward , l,8r ! i ; Fifth ward , 1,385 ;
Sixth ward , 710 ; So\cnttt ward , CW ; total ,
TWO ciin.niiEX iviuncn.
During the parndo jestcrduy two children
wcroscnously hurt. Ono , a daughter of E
B. Chapman , at IT'ouitecnth and T streets ,
while riding on horseback in the procession ,
got her tcctcauRht inn buggy wheel and was
tin own violently to the ground. She was
stunned and received Internal injuries thnl
mny prove serious. The other child hurl
was the seven-year-old son of II. Burtat233
Q street. The little ; fellow , while marching
In the parade , was run over by a man 011
hoisebnck nnd badly cut over the head and
shoulder. Ills Injuries are external only ,
Walt Seeloy , secretary of the republican
state central committee , sajs that too much
attention cannot bo paid to the matter of get
ting the names of the candidates correct on
the tickets. Cvcry naino printed wrong Is &
vote less for the man for whom It was In
tended. The candidate at present who bids
fulr to suffer seriously from this mistake-
Augustln Humphrey , republican nominee
for land commissioner. On some of the
tickets ahcady printed his name \vrongly ap
pears as Gcorgo and on others as August
without the final "In. " As far as possible
these tickets will DO destroyed nnd correct
ones substituted
ODDS A\n pnna
The annual charity ball will ho held lu the
state house Thanksgiving cvc.
The Lincoln base ball club has sicncdClcm
Bushman of Qinncy , III , for the coming
j ear. lie -will play second base.
A movement is On foot to got the vaiions
mcichants and other persons employing help
to cloc their plncos of business from 1 p. in
to (1 ( p. in. on election day so as to give all the
omplojes an opportunity to vote.
T. A IConnard & Son claim that for two
years the llaptd Transit street railway com
puny has been unlawfully occupying a lot in
tbo original plat of Midway which Is really
the propoity of the Kcnnards. Suit bus
been brought to recover possession or $500
How to Vote Against I'rolilbitlon.
It Is not necessary to have both proposl
tlons "for" nnd "against" prohibition 01
"for" and "against" license on any ticket
The nfllrmatlve or negative proposition on
either of the amendments Is sufllclcat.
Final Meeting of the Campaign to DC
Hold Tills Cvcnlnc.
The republican county central committee I
niranglng for the biggest rally of the cam
palgn to be held at the Grand opera house
tills evening.
The speakers who have been doing heroic
\\ork for the post two mouths will meet for r
final love feast preceding the victory of Toes
The meeting will bo ndJnwsed by Judge
Thurston , Senator Mniidcrson , Congressman
Council , the republican senatorial candidate
niul others.
Hou. Li. D. Richards has been requested tc
attend and will bo present if his other en
gagomcnts will permit him to bo.
The county central committee Is determine ,
to nmlto this the biggest political meeting o
tlio campaign , und will make every effort t
properly welcome and care for the crowd
that may attend.
All of the ward clubs are expected to bi
present In a body.
Ladles are especially invited to attend thl
meeting ,
Improve the nutritive functions of tin
scalp by using Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hall
Itonovter. and thus keep the hair from fulllui
or becoming gray.
An Insulin Man.
J. S. Kanhdc , a largo man with sandy halt
nnd moustache , wns found yesterday wander
ing about the streets In a demented conditioi
ami u a. ? taken to the police stitlon. Ho cai :
Klvo no intelligent account of himself nnd wll
bo ghcii Into the custody of the county com
mUsionora toJuy.
Ktand uiul J'luinliij ; ,
A very pretty wedding ceremony occurred
ut the residence of the late \Vllllam Fleming
Orandvlew cottageTwenty-eighth and Yute :
trcots , Thursday ovciilni ; , Invlilch hli
auditor , Miss ICtitci Klcmtn ; , and Mr.
loorgo U Stand wctvUnited In ninrrlugo by
ic Itox' . W. J. Ilursha Tlio bride was very
> rottlly attired in white silk , nud rarrlod n
nrco bouquet of ton ro es , She vvsii uttcm ! *
; 1 by Miss Mold nun , who was similarly at-
Iroil ns the bride. Mr. A. Smart ofllcliUod
n the cnnaelly of groomsman , the ceremony
icing attended by only the relative * of the
wo families and a few luUmiHo friends
After November 10 , Mr. nnil Mrs. Stand will
) u at homo vith the bride's mother , Twenty-
Ighth mid Vato ,
llow to Vote AnaltiBt Prohibit Ion.
It Is not necessary to have both proposl-
ions "for" and "ngalnst" prohibition or
"for" nnd "against'1 license on any ticket ,
The afllrmntlvo or negative proposition on
either of the amendments Is sunicleut.
Tim HiinlcH Will Close.
In Omaha will o'clock '
All banks close nt 1'- !
oinormw to onublo tholr mca to vote and
o work at the ixills.
\ 1'UNNV HVIGl ( ! ! 01' 1IANOII.
IIovv nn African Chlors Bravery Wnj
llewnnlcil ly I > r. I'cterd.
Among the many wrecks of dark con
tinent royalty now dlftlnjT nboutGoi-
, nany Is the Sonuili chief , liusseln D'nrra ,
Elopotn taste of Teutonic civilisation
wlillo aiding the German Eiiiln P.isln
expedition ind could not bo kept
'rota liurijitiR off to the empire of
the Hohcn/ollei'iH ta soon as ho
KOI the $ ICO allowed him for his services ,
LJcforo sailing ho Invested $200 in two
cubs , two cabmen , and a superintend
ent , whom ho loft In clinrgo of his livery
business in Acloa. Ho created n panic
the first dnv lie appeared in Tinier don
Linden , uiiu the police had to bo sum-
mouod to prevent the crowd from steal
ing from linn a battered buiss
ton kuttlo that ho clutched tightly
with his right hand. Evoiy effort
WIIH made to dtssuado him frpm
disturbing the public peace by svviiipitijf
thla kettle whorovcr ho went , but in
vain. Ilo icfused to explain his afTcction
for thla rather curious adjunct of his
street costume , and not till Dr. Peters ,
the oxploior , came to Berlin was any
satisfactory reason for his behavior ob-
talaablo. The riuil of Stanley , however -
over , unraveled the mystery , " \Vhon \
bhcJIEinin Pasha expedition was iu the
Masbal country , lie said , Hussein con
ducted himself with oxtraordlmuy
bravery. Peters wished to reward
aim , but had nothing of value
at hand to glvo uway. "While
ruinaglng1 about in camp for some kind
of a piosont he came upon nn old , leaky
brass kettle that \vns about to lie throvMi
avuiy. Ho had it polished at once ,
called toerothor the natives , , and in tholr
piobenco gave It to Hussein , with the
tijsuranoo that suuh .ia uriiclo aiuotif , '
white men the customary rowaiil
for gieat deeds. Since then Ilusujoin
has never lot the kettle out of sight.
\Vhon lighting ho wore It tied to hla
waist ; on shipboard ho carried It in his
arias , and la Germany ho always takes
it to bed with
Mrs. M. Schacnborgcr , Beaver Dam , WIs ,
writes ! "Wo'havo used Dr. Thomas' Uclec-
trio Oil In our tamily for coughs , colds , croup
aud rheumatism. It cures every time. "
Two Aped aldtcrs LlvlnR In a Hovel
Without Hoof or Floor.
Several members of the Mount Adams
Gun club just returned from the vicinity of
Now Trenton , Ind. , tell a Btriingo story ,
says a Cincinnati coriospondeiit of tlio
Chicago Times. They inn across a dilapi
dated old log- cabin that looked
as if it had boon there lor a
centurv. It stnnda in the mid-
die o'f 105 acres of as pretty
farming laud as tlioro is in that part of
the country. The men , thinking tlio
place uninhabited , went to the door and
pushed il open , \vliento their surprise
they found it occupied by two aged
women , gray-haired , v\eazon-faced and
decrepit. The floor , which was the bum
earth , was the paiado ground of a lot of
fowls. In one corner tlio roof v as off , and
undorthisvacant place was a pool ofovatcr
in which a number of ducks vroro wad
dling and expressing their delight with
loud quacking. In another corner was
an olu-fivahlonod canopy bod. The posts
were seven foot high nnd supported the
roof. The wonion became enraged
at the intrusion of the huntois
and in husky voices ordered thorn
to leave. Inquiry among the neigh
bors revealed the fact the couple are sis
ters named Hayes. Mary Ann Is the
oldest , aged sixty , and Bridget is flfty-
olght. The oldest inhabitants remem
ber thorn as sisters only. No man was
over scon about the nlaco. How they
exist Is a mystery. They do not farm.
They haTO a cow , and It is supposed they
live on milk and fowl. Bridget Is the
more eccentric. She goes to bed in Oo-
tobor and never gets up until April ,
the other sistou administering to her
every want as though She wcro nn
invalid. They will accept no charity
and become fcaifully enraged when a
male person crosses their property. The
land is worth $50,000 , but tlipy resent all
proposals for a sale. It is said that thcio
is nn agreement between the sistois that
when ono dies tlio other is to follow im
mediately by suicide , leaving the prop-
city to the Catholic church at Harri
son , 0.
Hla Heroic Struggle to Roach tlio Sum
mit of St. Ellas.
Mark Kerr returned from Alaska to
San Franclfaco recently. The Now York
World correspondent learned from him
homo of his more important discoveries.
Proceeding in n northwesterly line from
Yakutat Bay with Russell and six assis
tants , ho reached a point twonty-flvo
miles from the bay , and nt 1,500 feet olo-
vatl on , whore ho found an Island eur-
lounded by a glacial fctream and coveted
\uthllov\ers and verdure. From there
the party struck across the St. Ellnc
lange , finding a natural pass over the
largest glucior in the woild , ton miles
wide to the interior. Approaching
Mount St. Ellas behind , and on the
northwest spur , after fearfully exciting
advcntiues tlioy finally reached a slope
leading over hard fallow to the crest ol
St. lllhus.
Howo\or they only got within 4,000 fool
f the top , because terrible and continu
ous snow storms and lack of provisiom
drove them back. Acurato observations
ere continually made and the results !
are very Interesting. It la certain that
the crust of St. Kilns is within the
houiulryof the United fJ'ates and not
In British torritoiy. Ho nlbo discovered
that St. Cllas is nearly five tlioiibiuu :
foot lower than its previously calculated
height. A huge range of mouiit-.ilm
with half a doyen 12,000 foot peaks llos
behind the St. Ellas range.
Little cryBtiditio rock nan found but
the formation IH mostly slate and Hint ,
The story of Rtibsoll and Korr's last
struggle without companions to icacl :
the ciost is very thrilling. Kerr vuu
four days and nights without food , with
out blankets and alone in a torrlilU
snovvstoiia before ho was rescued. Tho.\
( ached their iiibtrumonta ut 0,000 feu
altitude and will return for them next
llio Only Holy Shekel.
Mr. Gatsclwlkof New York owns UK
only genuine and perfect holy shekel li
the wotld. The interesting lulie l !
about . ' 5,100 joars old and was Ufcod it
King Solomon's templo.
Tate of Thirteen Officers "ho Participated
in an Awful Orgio.
How a Itevolutlonnry OIHccr'n Spirit
ILntuituil .1 House la IOIIIIOMSCO
A Well Ualnnccd Cunn-
( Una Ghost ,
A few days ago n man wns found dead hero
in the gutter , writes n Btrmlnghitn , Ala. ,
correspondent of the Globe-Democrat. 12\cn
in death there WAS a mute look of toiror In
the blood-iltot eyes , and the bloated fuce had
rown pale and hiigifnrd at the omhiR of the
rim destroyer , "Diinkt" said tin ) core
ner's Jury , but an old man who came niul
bokoj for n long tlmo on the 1'ile , face ,
said , with a shudder , ns ho turned away , "It
rtas the hand of GoJ. " This inun who died
a the putter vvas the last of a fatel thirteen ,
and In the death of each and all of them tbo
Jlirislliui nlll tend the \cngcimucu of au In
sulted Deity.
At the leading hotel In n southern city. In
: liosummer of lbC5 , thirteen men \\eaiiiiR
: ho ; uniform of : confederate olUcorisat
ilovvn to n dinner. Eveir man In the party
belonged to n grand old southern fiunllv ,
and many of Urn nauios are illuatiloua lu the
lilstory of the country. Every man was a
: irn11or. They wcio llovvera of the old
south , reiirescntntlv cs of tlio chlvnlry of
tlio sunny land , then cm eloped In tha gloom
of defeat nnd despair. E\ory man there
liid been a gallant soUlor in the confodciato
army. They Ind returned from tlio field of
defeat to Him their homes destioyod , thtlr
ilavca free , their wealth gone and imuy of
.heir nearest and dcarost relatives mid
frienJs doid. The meotliiB at this hotel - ns
a chunco one , but talking over the situation
ia which the found themselves , they resolved
to foiget the hoirorof It for i while to drown
their sorrows in drink. They sat down to
dinner , and round after round of drinks wcro
ordeied. Soon the bloody scenes of vvir , the
visions of rtiiucd homos , weio nil forgotten ,
. 'irst they became merrj , then reckless.
"Let us call this the last supper"suddenly
exclaimed one of the party , and the suggas-
Ion met with Instant approval. They might
never meet ngain , so "tho last suppt-r" would
bo n fitting name fora feist wheio reason , bad
fled. More dunks vvcro ordered , oveiy uun
filled his glass , the lights voro turned low
and the thirteen men declared thc.nsclvc'j
Jurist nnd his tweh o niioitlos. A young man
ivho had commanded a regiment nctcd the
role of Christ , and for the occasion each man
assumed the name of ono of the apostles.
There was a wrangle as to who should impersonate
senate Judas , hut more drinks wcro ordeied ,
and then a young lieutenant agreed to act the
character of the betrayer of his Savior.
It v\as midnight , but the peals of drunlton
laughter awoke the echoes In every nook and
corner of the old house Again and again
the decanters wore passed around and the
blasphemous mockery of thclustsuppor went
on. A blblo was called for , and tbo young
ofUccrwbo was imuononnting ; the Savior
turned to the New Testament and read nloud
the solemn words of Chi 1st. The reading
wns Interrupted now and then by some coarse
Jest or ribald laughter , while expressions like
"Judis. pass the bottle , " weald excite the
mirth of the dtunkcn men to a nolnt that com
pletely drowned the voice of the render. At *
the proper point In the loaning bread was
passed around , nnd the v > ino was repiesonted
by glasses lillcd to the brim with brandy.
"Ho that drinketh from the bottle with me
shall botry mo I" exclaimed the mock Cbiist
In a tragic manner , and placing a dotintcr to
his lips he swallowed a quantity of brandy ,
then passed It to Judas across the tublo.
Thi-i greeted vvl h penis of laughter , ana
ngnln the other mock npostlos yelled , "Judas ,
pass the uottlol"
All night long this mockery went on , and
when morning came the thiiluon men vveio In
a diunlccn stupor It was several days be-
fora they nil iccovcred fiom the effects of
that night's dobauclmy. Then they sep
arated. That supper had Indeed been their
last ; thej no\cr met again.
From that night the vengeance of God fol
lowed those lull teen mou. ISvcrthlng ttioy
uudeitook failed. Apples of gold tuinod to
Dead sea fruit in their hands. Ono by ono
they went to the dogs , and every man of thorn
met a horrible nnd ulsKniceful death. Ho-
neatcd failure in business drove aomoof thum
to desperation and crime. Ono of tliun
lynched In Texas for murder. The young
man who haa iinporsonntcit Christ was
drowned in the Biazos river while Heelng
from a vigilance committee on a stolen borso
and his body < vas never recovered. Another ,
while in a drunken stupor , was caught in a
burning building nnd perished in the flames.
One was stubbed to tlio honrt by a woman bo
had betrayed , and still another vas murdered
In n low brothel in a westci n city. So far ns
can bo learned , not ono of them over received
Christian builal , aud their graves are un-
maiked ana unknown. The man who died in
the gutter nud was buried In the potter's
field was the last of the thirteen ,
A straiigo story is told of n haunted house
In JSIonroo county , Tennessee , near MndUon-
villo This section of. the state was settled
during the revolutionary war and the older
people will remember a Inigo vumro house
built on the side of n house , writes n Chatta
nooga correspondent of the bt Louis Globo-
Demociat. It wns the homo of an Aineilcan
ofllcor. Here ho hnd taken n Is young wife
and little babe , In the hope of providing for
them a place of safety.
The house wns built of logs , the Inigost
ono at that time In this section. It had two
stories , four looms on the first lloor and two
on the second floor. To the early pioneers It
vv as quite a mansion.
After remaining for a few weeks with his
family the joung oftkcr went to the front ,
where ho was killed. Soon afterward his
little child sickened and died , nnd the young
vvifo was loft alono. She returned to bur
father's homo when tlio var closed and the
blcr house was tcnantless
Several families tiled to live la It , but
none , it appears , remained more than a few
days. They all told a similar story. A
steadv tramp of foot across the lloor , a form
wearing a Continental uniform and carrying
n b ibo in its arms , cooing to it and carcsHing
it , then the sound of horses hoofs' rapidly
leaving the place.
l-'or jears it stood tenantless , and the
noighboib regarded it with superstitious
awe Occasionally the form of tbo boldiei
could bo seen us on horseback lie left the
Ono nlnht about five jears airoa blight
blaze shot out from the roof of the old house ,
and the neighbors gathered to sue it but n
At ono of the windows could Do seen the
form of the Continental soldier dicsscd in
his unlfotm , while in his arms he hold Ills
little babo.
It wns so toil that a crv of horror went up
from these around , but the form did not
iiiou1 , there was no sound and the Hume1
soon enveloped the ontlto houso. It burner
to the ground , aud nothing Is now left U
mark tlio spot wliero it stood. How it couh
have caught lire has always rein lined n
m > stf > ry , and the nclghnois could not bu in
duccd to bcllovo othnrwlsn than that the
ghost of tua Continental soldier sot it on lire
On n recent Sunday ovenlng , a few min
utes befoio 7oVlock , thioo men wcro stand
ing In front of Volsurd's grouory store , at St
Cntlmrinw , Can. , In conversation. Suddenlj
ono of thoin exchtlmcd :
That man will fnl ! and bo Wllod. "
Ilo directed the attention of hLscompan
ions to a house just neons tlio street , where
outlined against the sky , win plainly scoi
the-figure of a man walking along tuocdgo
of the roof from the chimney to the edge o
the envo trough , says an Ottawa dispatch t <
the Globe-Democrat , The llguru njtpearci
to bo about olglit feet in height , and bal
anced nhovo his head ho held a loig jiolo
Huchnsis used bv tight-ropo vtulkcrs. Thu
trio looked breathlessly at the spectacle ex
I > ocUng every mo.ncnt to nee the man fu to
the grpunci , Turning slowly around , tbo
figure nsiended the roof itgaln , vvullcini 01
tbeoxtmmo edge , policd fora mnmcn 01Ol
thu point of the roof , then iippeajod to dh dn
Uh lu bUc , finally disappearing altogit
KopnbUcan SUlo Ticket , .Democratic State Ticket. Inpcndcnt State Tlutet.
t'orllorrrnor , Vorfiovornor lot Gorrnor ,
' Il'ClLS t ItlOlt M103 JAMhS K JOII.-s II. IHMYFIIS.
t'or liivuirmnt OoTmmr , I'or lilpnlpimnl ( loirrnur , 1 or I.lpiitcnnnl ( lovprnor ,
loreorclnrjr of t > tMo , 1'or ' 'ocrt ' lnr of Stale , For Hocrptnri of "Inlp
for Aiulllor. For Viutllor , For Aulltor
lor rroniurrr ' I irTriasiiriT.
lor 'I r > Miiror ,
JOIIM : . HIM , . W. II Ct'iMUNO j. \ \ > oivi :
Kor Attornojlei.nml. ( . Kor.Mtoriii'jrdiiierM I * or Atlornnjr liiHii'rtl.
. .
( U'OIUir. II. HAM'IMiS.
t'or CV > minl loner of I'Hbllo lor ComnilMlonrr uf t'ntdlo Kor ( ViititiilMlonrr of I'liMU
l.tml' mul lliillillnt * ' J.nmU mid lliiiuilnuti , IdiulN ami llutlitliiK * ,
' AlKilSriSK UUMt'tlllKV ' JACOII 111(11.Ull ( W. \\HKlin. .
1'or tuirirlntriulent . of I'uUIC 1'or MiprrlnlcnUcnt 1'iilillc In * KorSilKrlnli-mlcnt tif Public In'
trncllcii , flrucllnii.
lonnl Ticket.
lunal'l Ickct. slotml TlukcU
. . OlMrlct
. . . District , Dlitrld ,
Tloket. DeiniKirntlo County Iiulcpmulcnt County
Tor Slnlo Monitor District , Ticket. Ticket.
Fur Kuii | pitRtlTOi | Toronto Sointor IU lrlct For atstc Scnnlor , Dlilrlrt ,
Kor Count ) Attorney , 1'or lloproct'iitulvu
1 or County Coninil ! Uinor , Kor County Attorncr , 1'or Coir.ty Alturiu * ) ,
1 or County Coamil l ( > iicr , Kor County CommlsMo
Ui'publlcnn 1'ieuinut
Tlukct. Doinnurjitlo I'rorlntt I'rct'lnct
I'or V'spssur , llckot. Tlukct.
lor luttlittsof tiiul'eic * , 1'or A p or ,
I'orCorutalikx , I'or JUBtlr i 'ut' the iVe'iuo' 1'or Jii.'tki-sol tlio IVnco ,
lor JmlKOs of Kloclluti' 1 orOinliilJlo' , 1'or Con tullon )
lorClurkjof J/luuloii , o ( l.lcitimi , inir Jiutiii" of KliUlon ,
i-'ororonuorot , Iis- | 1'urClurkn of KU'dlon , ' 's cif I'.ioilloin ,
for I'ur OtiTKiicr of lllL'liwnjs , 1)H-
Ovoricur of IllKhnnya , DlJ-
trla ll . . IrlUS'j
"Amlnit inM prnpoicd
AmemlMu'nt to Ilial'onMltutloii ,
proliltiltlni ; tlio manufacture , ! > .ill proio | o.l Ampnil- l nidi | r poiioil Amcnil *
ilonnit koiipltiR for vulo of In- inonttolhu ' iinitltiitlon piolilli- iticut to tlio CoKKlltiitlou prohllf
tovliutluK liquors us a buyer- Itiriktlio nmnuriuliiru , rnl niul ttlntc tlio uinmilniltiri' , lo nut
ngu " KtcjiliiK for iilu if IntuxlintliiK koiplMK for nalii of IntoxIcUlnj ' i
llquorans u bo\crijc |
ll < l urs ni n bcrer < si > "
"For propr K > cl Amendment to
thol'onvlltutlon timt the iiiiinii "lor iirojMi'dlincnlrnontto 'Ktir ' propixnil Anumlmriit to
fnutiiro , tn\f \ nnil ko'plnufnr unlo tliPl'oMttltiitUin Hint the niaiiu- tlio Con tltutliiii llmt tlio mnnii- s
or InUixIcitliiK 114110 inn lipv- In , lure. A ilo mid ku | liiii for milo fnct\iro , iinln niul kioplnu for i
rniko III thli state , nlinll bo II- of liUDvlcntliiit llqiiim M a liov- iloof Int'iiltwtliut llqiuirt KM
ciMia'd unit rciiiilntcd b > Ittr ' ur.ui ) In Dili Ft lie Mtnll tin II- tiovcrnio In this ntntis nliitll law " bo
Lcuioil nml rciiulntixl b } Inv " lla-naixlamiiiKiilntoilli )
"tor the .
prnpoicil Anion.t-
mont to tin' Conttltntlon relating "lor HIP propoBrl AiiiFiiilment "h'orllio prop i sl Amcmliuont
to tlio uuinbur of buprcmu to tli > t'onttltuilonri'luthiK to tlio Uitlin OiiiHllliitlon rolnllntilo tlit
Jlldj09. [ ' niimbci of biiueii | iiuiulitrof miprouin juilfi-n '
"Vor the riropMert Amend. 1 lor tlio iirnriticpl Awomtnicnt "I'orlhi * iroi > o c < l Ampiiiliiiont
tnpnt to tliuConmtiitlonrclutlnK to tliuCointttiilluiirolatlnK tolho tollioCoimtltiitlon rcbtliiDtotlia
to the snlnry at .luilfiii of | | lt ] Snlirv of Inilid'HOf tin ! ainiri'ino Snlir > cf Juiluo nf tlio siiiriYnu |
l IH trlit Courta. " nnil IllHtrlcl tourti ' ' nnil IlitrlclCinut .
Those who desire to vote against the license proposition may
stiilcc out the word "for" in the license proposition and write
the word ' 'against" in its place.
Those who desire to vote 'against either of the proposed
amendments increasing the number and salaries of supreme
court judges must strike them out , as every vote that is not
cast for these amendments will be counted as against them.
Thothrco men wei-o almost terror stricken ,
and lushed across the stieotlnto the jnnl ,
expecting to iind that thu man had fallen ,
but no trace of the mau or polo could bo
llio men who saw the weird sight aio 10-
spcctnblo , icputablo people , and they agree
In tholr recital of the story with the single
exception that one of them snvs the mini
wns in his shirt sleeves and had darlc vest
ami trousers , vvhllo the others say hu had a
full suit of dark clothes on. The heavy polo
wus distinctly seen by all three bold out by
the figure. A sharp watch his been Itcpt on
the spot since , but the spools has not icnp-
The family of ox-Aldeiman Olcna at Biy
Bhoro have been illstuibed for some time
past bv mysterious noises in their cottnco ,
s.ijs tbo New York bun. Miss Cora Olena
snjs sbo was awakened ono night by seine
ono slapping hoi on the fact. The room wns
dark. She could see no oneneav her bedside.
The next instant thciovvos a terrific ciasli In
tbo hall outside the door , which aroused the
family. No cause for tbo crash could bo dls
eoveiod. 'lliey frequently hoar rapping nud
noise , us if some ono is wnllilug about the
ThoH the agent of tbo house , John II.
Gelding , voluntceicd to spend the night In
the house and catch the ghost. Soveial
friends of the family agreed tostny with him.
While they wciostMtect about a table down
stairs tilth the frailly the mvstorions ticid
wns heard overhead. A crtsh followed. All
rushed to where tlio sound came ftoni , but
nothing could bo found. They searched fiom
the cellar to the ganot , but found nothing.
The only railroad tiain out of Omaha
run oxprobsly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council UlulTs , DCS Molnes and
Clilcago business Is the Koolc Island ves-
tibuleu limited , leaving Omaha nt1:1G :
p.m. daily. Ticketofllco , Ib02Sixteenth
and Farnum sis. , Omaha.
The Origin of Zero.
It is about this time of year that no
nil')0m ( ; to thhilc of 'Voro. " It is the
part of every thermometer Unit is incnt
watched and dtoaded in this changeable
ellmato of outs. The woul is from tlio
Spanish and means empty , lionce neitli-
ing , says the Now York World. It was
Hist used on n thermometer in 170' ' ) b.a .
Prussian merchant mimed 'Fahrenheit.
From a hey ho was a close observer of
nature , and when only nineteen jears
old , in tlio remaikaliiv told winter of
1709 , ho cxperimontoit ; by putting snow
and salt together , and noticed that It
pioduted a degree of i-olil equal to the
coldest day of tlio year.
lie callo'd the duyruooro. . ami con-
stinoted athermomotcror rtuio weather
glass , with a scale giidunUng from MIU
uj > to the boiliiifi : point , vvhiuli ho num
bered SJ1U , and.tho free/ing point , 'i2 , bo-
cniiBO , us ho thought , mercury eontrnut-
od the thiitj'-secoiid pirt of its volume
on being cooled down from the tompoin-
tuio of frcc/.inff viatci1 to yero , anil ot-
panded 180 on being heated from the
frcozingf to the boiling point.
I don nuinern nt fivirjo rntinnkHniln orli Arllgt
monutido mudborKirti fftraktmlo Nuu York-tlilnln-
B u"'lhii Viilro" fAnltfiin gixtn vocmm tit * ! IIIJH
timirniitill vonknruol Nibniskn. nndniliH.kii.iut
IU s. k. letlniulo Inndmnftti 1 Oinnliii. ilrn fnrhuilt.-
liniBmlmnonlHt lofonlailea. Vt vilju ej IfiAKaxAttn
dt MI licrraiB ffirmfiga alt Inln bituti Imr liftnn
oUnlliirmtrrKniiilt Htnrt inlljrlnnilc IIIIMI vl vlljti
niMlTiit. llfK'.t tAUilliKU tlllMiUu hnrmiil KA f > \ > -
I > ( ti > ci ) tlillHiuidt , vl fOrmft gflru dit , iiroti-slcm
Hint ntt delta ii iiproii ( kiillo Minctt nttrjck nfmc-
ulncoii I > 1 mu I ( Jinnha'iHrennkii iKfollcnini ;
1 U > n iiuiuii | irotu.liin vl unit cit Kdilaimknniliil !
( linnhi Imr ut iiioliibltlans-fiinillki'rnit nu l
"Yoico" i HjKtunibhfvIt mpr flo tillrackllct wd-
svirladt och l > nljm ; ( 1 1 iilliiiriiiln'l , nun i4 ! iilinli-r.
iia bt > liiiKi hiuii btoi ] fnr ina fniiinsinr tutvAnila
BTeimka nainnut , ftr ilet liitfftlil tfir di'ii dolntvir
naticiimllu-t , coin Annii tniicr vftnlo i > n Im
namn i h pi nnswiulct all UllliAm on ilrift
tion niul AIIUII | | lillck frtr nulldpiiu knif , pft del
i > rote tpnir. VI riljucllcr fliimu ol nit
oindaiuin om den nndm , Ijck-
tlrlon. fem bar motMttii
oi'I'oiiorn < * s | > ft il t
( ln M olfirrtiiitn tllluut ntt > Akn iiurnrlle'ni Horn rp-
prow.'iit inter ICir Omiiiiii-svdinkarnon Aslt't noh
IiMluuiK , varnulif i < lennacllcrnA ( iii frt unf all-
Vi Infru wirficn IxivlltDi oil nvnskt iirohlbl-
tlonwiritnn. tiv .louriinkn , nliRlt ftfvor frAn en
Kwl , mwul liftUnhif ? till itl Hlinixjlt , UMI ! xliu.
undo itfTtioVoiiu'w Hkiunlliliclir ! ocli i dflilBrjck-
niumuno Hcf NIK nftilMikud tilUjrlja nliiudii lld-
nliiK ftrlilifiirbu , vl ha Ixivlttiint ili-t uUu ftp | n
cil > p ( lllin , cmofm Journnlpiii utulfvure hlttlllM
inskrfiiikt nUr till HtunHknuprAktt.
N'Arilpi-ut ilerl inlirAkntiU | oaare , rolnklflrnr.
( Uiiiiternohi Attiiro tilltaminnrii nutt iiAKnum-
clm "flrbtnunmiiiikiinviii" , fArnttpJ Mwi hflu -
cmeiurtiil I on , vlwrllwn "dturriiiUililn" , nioa
injiktt bi-titlail neb xprMd nmi rikniiHlc lliliiini (
lAvt luu naiiiufOr ntt inlmkrpitltrrii sxniskiiuii-
tliinun , tKftr \ ilet fflr Ifinft
LnlirU'oliiiulokullartiKuj : fAr'Mnlare' , ni n vl
trioH ( iitnii krt vldincrAn olt Illlfdllo rl > uiti > H
Wi bAlii vllj i och fAnnAul KI ( 'I ' < > tt Uixlt rful lllor
i nniliiuH llil r cku IMI liji.h.siiiu liii'id till on I i > n.i
< illur iiiidnifallol IrflnKuiiil.i liiuilsinnn. M Im vUut
( l tAclitroniM , utnn utt rinkcrn lx > slcyllm Mr Of.
yoronl , nk jls AilwjalllsBa , nftr nft iiifonJrnii. eWrrn
InLroBwi for vrXrn lundninftiia vorkllnunl , An v Ant
inoru burOrdo Nolco-vaulUu "ludaru"
hntvn o'.lcr ntt dAiua nt tidous tnckon
nit visa
VltiuriilllirAllnt I tin om nABoosln stft vA-
ro InmlHinltiiH Introcmiu | > Ai < | > p | .
VI Are gain on nmn icsmr filrbinlAnmenilomniitot
uch TI niiiniiiuauf | liiortnt liviujo Inndsiuiiu llllKil-
tiuallu IiullKii nmlcl ntt for etAnlliBiitiilurfA liy-
urun liunliBt i Nubnwkn.
VI Uljn oj incft 1 nAxon vldlyftlK fflrklnrin ? .
hvnrfflrlRiffilotlnrfld , ilA cA > Al vl poinotTU-
AroilOilHtrOttn | < A lula ultntlut ; mon ri illjaaafOra
i. Vi ftro njktorhttavAnnor :
ii. VI Are frin mnn , fwim ol ( AluoimooADT in-
trAiiKi Am jnilililtnollcr prlviitiuiCrfUcr.
in 1'roliibltlnncn Rroj fflrt'ulig mod iirlncliHMi
IU B kimxtitation
IV. I'roliibitliiiion Oknr Bkattornn | > A numniA
pAiiBilon noclkOHterpKoudomHVfinletocli fnrhlnilnir
i vn i'i\tlii ; nion induetriolfa COrcUin ocli nlluinn
r. 1'iohlbltlonoii HninbtlllotH inonili *
ekii l.ilt.
1'iijlilbltloncnntntnr frAn HB ! ililft oclioucr-
( , ' 1 , dinr till Hik'loj'ict ' nch KJnkllK Kimtlmnlitct ,
Ml. I'rolnbllidiiMi bar , ilir clui miliiKilH , vlnit
BK Aitnitkiiiunin inlrt Koilt , IIIKII iiijc-ketimilt ,
VIII. M HUSO ocli tin , nit nil. i iiin Kltti r iprrild-
litlimaprtHminl till nnfOriliiHklll iiinlxatt ilktninir r
OKiiiktiKfi , fdrvillaudo ixli -ki" | ( a.
IX I'rolilbitiouin > ( > ri > ( l'n HtOrslu nljcku , Mini
iiuido ilrnbbu vAr liloirstrnnilo Mnt , Oinnliii < MI !
pindornii 1 iillmnnliol innl uliiu inAiiiiii nrliutoni ,
lion slut , men pj iniuHt , Ni bnikiw fiirumrn.
Ofvaniidindiihknl Inifva cj 'llnuit i > \ o < 8"i ilo nro
i uf Kiuinnltnvt\t ( orvmlU'imdn ocli OK < I-
Bonlt ; rrfurunlipt. Vi Im baft iillmtlut vftl och cn-
ukildt inlniHsefAr AKOIIUI.
I tmki'nbnrp\ | > pnium vl Anna onsangflrlli. *
liindsmnn kust i nln rfHt
orb I Bammnnlinnir. mcxl dottu rAd cj lAtn aa pA rnit
'llcriindra ailt t imirkn itf inntpirlid Om indj-
Unt IRK "fArnHiup | n n" inwl or och fftst inlet 111-
emiiido i rftd clUirliotclrtpr ( im nrnwtorlnc nln. , nV- !
viiludo i'j kdimna frAn unktiirlscrml vnlni > inll'hi i.
TiHi-ntalu ( InlliirH ( Ire nt pinliihitioiilMi'rnn uKin-
liulntill ' lu'jduknr ' l nkt ouli inrnliut uttbtJlllii titi
ori-di ocli lirflk \ Id urnornn , fAstpn oroj vldilnrox
ilwiKo , hlflton ifrAn or dun oomlioililii. bctalnila
inblanilnliiRon och foljon i all ekOni ro cr rUW
kjluslae , orl tiann clcB rOstlK.
K. M. HrKNnKtio ,
JOIIS Ul-hTlllillO ,
iV. : . Winn.u
tJLHT'A > h AN 1)111 EV ,
I' ( ! . lUlll.STUOU ,
Ul'V Itl.ljt ItT.
( > , A. l.lMHiUl'BT ,
( iUHT IIA1UI. ,
Oil AH. IlAllMON ,
_ Committee , and Dloxtm Him I ml
AlimlHTi uf tlio Hnullsh Aiitl-riolilhltlim
Club of Oiniibu , Nuliiiisku.
Those who desire to engraft
the license principle coupled
with regulation upon the con
stitution and forever prevent
statutory prohibition as it now
exists in Iowa , should vote
against the prohibition amend
ment and for the license amend
Remember a vote for the li
cense amendment is not a vote
against prohibition. These
propositions are entirely sep
arate. If you -want to defeat
prohibition you must vote
against prohibition.
The .following" is the form of
the anti-prohibition ticket :
"A ga i n s t the Proposed
Amendment to the Constitu
tion , prohibiting the manufac
ture , sale , and keeping for sale
of intoxicating liquors as a bcv-
"T5or Proposed Amendment
to the constitution , thai the
manufacture , sale , and keeping1
for sale of intoxicating liquors
as a beverage in this state t
shall be licensed and regui i
latcd by law , " \