THE ( XMAIIA DAILY BEI , MONDAY , NOVEMBER 3 , 1890. 4 A BOARD BILL FOR A CORPSE A Collection of Good Storiw About Men find Other Animal' . CHARGED THE GOAT WITH LARCENY , jnctr Ailvrnltirc of ft Clilcneo Hilly A > | IIM tt'r.o Mvcs nn Huts Jlils Mnnkry Went toClitircli , A phnstly story Is told o ( Ann Colcy , the woman for \vtlo o munlcr nt Xc\v \ I'ortland lirtt April , Michael \V. N'ortoti wn recently onvlctcd , MIJS u I5t i'cr ( , Mo. , dispatch to the GloboDc'tnocnit. 3t is relntci that a ycnr or uvoiigo she'wiw cr.giiKcJ by thoto\n to tiikocaruof nsiuli innti , n jiaupw , utu stlpu- suni perinotitli , at her own liouso. The pntlcnt lliiKtrcil through the full , 1m t illctl coM weather cntnc on. Then , ns the , itntcaJof notifylriK llio aiitliorl- ties nnd having Iho funural urrnnj.'Ctl , Mrs. C'olcyvlio llvutl In a leinote siot ] , fur from tliu village , packed the body inlco ami snow niul kept It thus preserved viiHll spritiR in C01vr to got so miiny months' extra pay for board niul altcniliiiico , U'lio truth of the story , vMch only c.iino out recently , is vouched for by many respectable people. Pallrvimm t'ronlii was on Ccttiigo Grove Rvciinc , Chicago , the other night when ho heard a noisons though someone \vas break ing Into a barborshop. Ho found n largo hilly goat worklngliitlustrlousiy to butt down ho door. The goat luil split one of the panels and the friulitfiu'd oirnptmt.1 ot the ImlltlliiK could ho iron [ iccrliiK' throiiKh thu curtains , ya.vs a dlsp.iti'hto . the HI. Kouls Itcpuhllo. A long rope was attached to the gout's neclt and Cronln Irioit to take the animal to the sta tion , but the beast resisted. lie mailo a rush nt the ofilccr and struck him in the leg's with his lioms. After a lively struggle Cronln Mirceudcd in tlniuKliiu' the neat to n patrol box and summoned help. The goat was then tali HI to thu station house la a wi onvhero JJo'k Scrifuant 1'rlin , on the ailvlcc of Officer Cronin , liookcil him for burglary nnd resist- hifjati ollicc1. ; An nour Intor.wlie.i Vogulor , thu owner of the gout , culled nt the station , ho found the animal trying to chew oft the bawof a cell door. On cnit Vdanii strcot , tuii city , resides John Qulncy Adams , n widower iiRcd sixty- llveycnra , who for a lonir tlino has been sur- vivlnp on noni'lilinicnt received from the meat of rats , which lie catches In traps dis- trilmtod throughout his neighborhood so thickly that Ills catches enable him to use none but young ones , which ore decapitated like a chicken , skinned , and prepared by the old fellow llkou housewife would n&iiilrrol. | f > ays a Munrlc , Intl. , dispatch - patch to the Globo-Deinocvat. The old ones not so line are boiled down for lard with \vlilchtoinixhisploand bread dough. When nucstloned , the old fellow stated that a IOHR tlr.c ago ho concluded , if Cliiniinien could eat rats he could do likewise ; hut his wife and children objected , and until their departure ten years iio , ho was deprived of the meat. Of the meat lie says : It Is as line as any wild Kiln | ° to bolmd. Ilo delights In showIng - Ing the nig/ ! ones when captured , to his col ored widow lonnnt , who occupies a part of the house. Adams , with his family of six children , moved hero twenty-seven years ajjo from near 1'hiun ' , O. , a wealthy man hut soon lost what ho had In the collapse of a machine * hop. Since then his \vifo tiled , Ills children arc iiinrrlol and ROIIC , some ho Untnvs not where. It Is thought by many , poverty has driven him to hk awful diet , hut ho boast- liigly relates how easy It Is to llvo on his rent , JI.'JO a week , nnd save inonoy. The old mini's prcMCitt sickness , which he calls la pvlppe , caused the ahovo dfscovery and ol that uf the awful lilthy uuurtcr.s , ho occu pies. _ A pet monkey attended the services at a thuivh la this city on a recent Sunday , Jocko looked around hi a comical way and leaped upon a window , says the Savannah Ne\\s. lie sut therefor a moment , attract- InK the attention of everybody around. Ho looked up at ttio choir and measured the distance between his porch and the pallory , nnd for an Instant seemed to have a mind to HO up among the singers. Hut it was too \ IOIIK a jump , and Jocko sprung down on the b'ldc ' of a pew. Then ho started up toward the altar , .skipping from pow to pow. The Indies hurriedly pot out of his way. Ono y oim K man ducked his head to lot the animal Koovcr him , but Jocko lit squarely on his nack and startled tbo wonhipner. Joclco was startled , too , but ho kept going on until ho reached tbo ehaiKcl. A fljliiK Icaptook him on the altar rail , nloiiK which ho skipped alt the way across the church , Tlio clergyman paused and the hcxton run up with a lonp pom and poked nt the intruder. Jocko started back across thu rail on the run. From n rail ho Jumped to a pew back nnd up Into n window and then i out , to tlio great relief of thecongregiillon. I read with much Interest in your last Issue , In Mr. Ite'd's ' conimunicatlon , Iho following - lowing passage , writes a correspondent of the London Spectator : "I observed a curious thinK OHO day lately. Some food liy some Rood Christian had been thrown out to tin f tarvlug birds , when u rook cuino down anil How hack to where ho had left another rooli sitting hi a very weak looking condition , ant fed her with what hu had picked up. This hi did twicula my sight bcforo taking anything to himself , " I had sonic thno previously received fron a correspondent In \ \ ales , a stranger to me , i precisely similar account of another of thesi birds. "Ono day , in the bitterest of tlu , weather , when I am sure our friend , tbo root I have spoken of. was indeed reduced to pfiv.v cxtremitiestho bird nevertheless perfonnei the following good deed ! It picked up a hi of bread , carried it to another rook , , whlcl tat oa the ternieo wall , too shy to conn nearer , and fed It tbere. Nor was this aftcj b < n ing Hntisilcd its owu huugcr , for It Imi only last alighted. " When 1 put this llttlo story down I had i misgiving that any one who might read I' ' would bcarcoly bo disposed to uollevo it , a ; bcvonil credibility. 1 was therefore mud grit tilled , at having so boon afterward sect " such an exactly similar fact recorded in cor roboration of It , us above. It was , indeed , : think , u very touching incident , and one t < make every one , 1 should hope , who reads It luivo much good feeling for all God's ' crca turos , " _ They hnvo snakes in Florida. They an 'not iticatlonedln tbo real e.ituto advertise moiits , but they go with the real estate Jusi the same , mul likewise with the water , say : tbo Now York Sun , A young man who ha : pone down there to escape any cool weathe : that may strike hero this winter was ou boatlm ; on the St. John's river with a friem on a recent oveninir , and. seeing a llttlo trill utary coming Into the main stroain beneath i pietmvsqwo aUlo oWcypresses , they decidet lo exploni it. They bait rowed but a shor distance when the creek narrowed so thai there was barely room to propnl the boat am none to turn it , and an undergrowth of bush cs lump so low as lo almost touch their frees A iH'culiar rust ling caused tbemlo ship thei oar.-i and listen. The nolso was overhead. 1 was made by snakes. Ttio.v had got Into i regular ues > t of serpents. The banks \vcr alive with thorn ; the undergrowth wn. festooned with them ; Ibcy wvrucruwlliiprimi squlrining on every hund ; they were ilui ; llngilojoto their licadsi they weiv wrlgglini throiiKh the witer long sntike3shortsnukw , harm.ois snakes , \wison \ snakes , fat snakes lean snakes , ugly siuilicn.liuysnulies.nn . uvbo of iniUorhtlizca deleriuia tromcni. The twi oarsmen glanced at each other lor a second then bcmtlng low and moving cautiously they rowed tlieir boat , stern foremost , bac ! lo the St , John's river. Until they rcaehe the more open water neither of thorn spok and they have no ivcollecllon of breathinj ; They do not row tbero any more. The king suako is the wonder of si ophidians. A diminutive ipccliuen scarce ! more thua thrco feet la length , yet the llttl fellow is to active , so wary , and' Iseudowe with such' rare imiclc that , as his naino lit plies , hols truly mul uiuimjtlouabiy the kin of tbi } family , I was out after pctvurlc ) , or muik hog ! and sut down \uijcr u brnch of cliapnrra near a btrcain of w.itcr , to rest and to cat. bit of lunch , writes a Port Davis , Tex. , coi respondent of Iho 1'ulluduipulu Tiuiei ' \Vlillo thus employe J Iwrvssomcwnut startle : lo ace u moccasin cotno daahlng through tl ; grata within a ccuplcof yards of me , nutlpo dn.iMiiK bead over heels , so to spi'ak , splash Into the water. After him , like n shot , was an elongated streak of bright green. In no went , too , and then I knew there was fun in store. The water was a sort of pool , without much of an inlet or outlet , and unless by going across sand and rocks or by coming back on shore again , ncltncr combatant could escape. Huro enough , after racing and tearing around In the pool like mad , both pursuer anil pursued emerged from the opposite side , and proved lo bo , as I thought , a cottcntnoutli moccasin and a rather small king snnkc. The latter was after the other , however , and be fore the Idg fellow gave up theraco orcr.uld throw himself into an attitude of defense the klngsnako upon him. The solo and en tire power of the latter reptllo lies In hit wonderful constilcting abilities. He 1m no fangs , r.o poison , nothing to attack or ilefond himself with save his cell , but these nro so tnarvelously powerful and so terrible- com pressing that nothing In tlio iiulmal or reptile world , accoidlng to stec , can begin to com pare with him for this special quality. No sooner had the moccasin stopped and turned to defend himself than like lightning his enemy Jumped upon him nnd proceeded to squeeze the life out of his ugly carcass , Tlchcr and Uglier grew the cells , always ar ranged so the big one could not strike , and pretty soon the king's ' body was nearly lost tovluwso slender had It grown from con- stilctiou , and so deep was ho In the fat ilesh of the moccasin , it looked llko a green cord wound tightly around the latter's body. At last the moccasin ceased resistance and allowed his body to hang loose nnd Inert. I "or ton minutes longer did the lilngsnalio hold his grip , then gradually loosened It , but always ready to resume his squeezing should his enemy exhibit any nigns of life. Finally ho uncoiled himself entirely , saw the moc- c'tisln was no more , turned his hack on the scene , and wcntglldliiK through the brush. In seine parts of TC.WJ IdiiK snakes arc quite numerous. In the lowlands nnd es pecially in the meadows and river bottoms , they nfo found In great numbers , Is'obo'ly harms them , neither whites or negroes , and even Mexicans seem to understand their good qualities , for they seldom If overkill one. when soldiers are in camp ami Hud a Kreat many hlng snakes In the vicinity. thov know It Is a good sign , for poisonous snakes will steer clear of that locality , ar/1 never visit It while there ia one of the royal brccil about. A DIkenHi ! Unaccountably I'revnlr-nt. Tbo prevalence of ailments attributable to ml.isnutic poison In the air that people breathe , and the water they drink , Is well nigh unaccountable. Not alone in pestilential swamps , badly drained suburban district , and marshes exposed to the sun's rays by the receding tide , Is the scourge of humanity found. I2von In great cltic' * , healthfully located , skillfully sewered , well looked after In every respect in a sanitary way , wo iltul innlarlii. Its presence Is often Inexplicable , but Its attacks nro always preventable. The protector Is Hosteller's Stomach Hitters , Tlio erndlcator hears the same name a name known to thousands throughout our broad land and elsewhere as a synonym of relief , prevention and euro of the Insidious disor ders In its abominable phases chills and fever , bilious remittent , dumb ague and ague cake , as well as others. Nor Is the uitters less effective for Indigestion , kidney com plaint , biliousness nnd rheumatism. A.PTKII THIS UUISh. An Kncnimler AVIiluh Jlrouglit Many Fatalities in IIH Train The suicide of Major Nortnnnii , of the Gorman army , which occurcd recently , was said to he duo to an unpleasant scandal involving his morals. JJut wis tlmt the real reason for the Hclf-iiiurder ? This Kiileido is the end of a Ion. ) , ' train of suicides and sudden dciiths , nil of. which seemingly litid their origin in a duel which took place at Nlcoln.January of 18S8. anil in which the two principals were Bnroii Von I'leseon and a well known Uolginn sportsman. Ono inorningwhilo ceorcisiiiff hlshorso on tlio Hippodrome of the Var , at Nice , the Italglun saw ono of his friends , Uorr Oulschlnger , a Berlin sportsman , walk ing along with abstracted air. Ho accordingly galloped up behind him. whisked oil' the Gorman's hat by way of a pleasantry nnd cried. "Woll Gurinnn. why don't you say good morningl" What He IT Oelschlngor thought of this pleasantry will never ho known , but Huron Von Plcssen , who was walkIng - Ing with Oolai'hlugor , supposed it was meant for an insult , and guvo the lel- ! ginn a tremendous blow in the faco. Seconds were appointed and u duel was ut once arranged. The Belgian In- Hlstod that the conditions ol the duel should ho as sovcro us possible. It was finally decided that the encounter - counter should 1)0 ) with pistols , nnd that the duel should ho fouglit in Herr Ool- Bchlngor's dining-room. In order that the seconds might not bo arrested or suspected , each of the adversaries wrote a loiter to his second saying that ho was about to kill himself , and this waste to bo used in enso ono or- the other fell. Tlioduel entnoolT , and Baron von Wesson was killed br a ball in his forehead at the very first lire. His adversary was unhurt , All the participants kept silent about the affair. But In 18S ! ) the fatality which lias pursued every ono connectcil with this singular duel began to wnrk. First ono of the second * , n lieutenant of Uhlans named Stoininatz , killed him self , vastly to the surprise of hie friends , who supposed him perfectly ' > y. This suicide- took place curly in IBM ) . Early In this year two othoi seconds , Kerr Oelsclilagur nnd the VI' conito do Juineilho died suddenly. Last November the llolghin who killed Von Plcssen in the duel announced that he was tired of life , and killed himself with a bullet in the breast. And now the suicide of Major Nor- inann , the fourth and hist of tlio seconds , closes the dread tragedy , which was begun in anger nnd for a trivial matter. fcyrit l > of riRS , Produced from the laxative and nutritious s juice of California HRS , combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to bo mosl benctlclal to the human system , acts gently on the kidneys , liver and bowels , effectually cleansing the system , dispelling colds nmJ headaches , and curing habitual constipation , Two Months In the "Sweat lox. " 0 Clmrloy McCarthy , fourteen years old , who wns confined in the "sweat box" at the state reformatory under Stiporin temlont Nicbeckor , was brought before the committee to investigate thochargcf of Inhuman cruelty toward him , A mon pitiful and slfocking bceno wnf never witnessed in this city , payi a Providence , 11. I. , dispatch to tlu Chicago Herald. McCarthy was liviii and weak , and death seemed imininout , Tlio committee wns horrified and a * sorted that it would not listen to a won ! uttered by a child in the helpless physl cal condition of young McCarthy , "Why , you must take that boy homo , ' 'Cliairman "Wilson ' 'for is said , no nol able to testify. " The parents ofthoboj insisted tlmt lie should ho allowed to toll thostoryof his confinement forslxty-twc days In the dnrlc cell known as the "sweat box. " The chairman of the committee administered the oath , Young McCarthy was too weak to hold out his hand. Tlio mother and fnthci hold up his arm for him. His hand , when liberated from tholr hold dropped helplessly to his side. "You must tala Unit child homo , " said the committee "for wo don't want to urnkn any examl nation of him now. " 11 The three outlets of dlscoso are the bowels the slnn , and the Uldneys. KcKulato their uc tiou with the best purifying tonic , UurJocl Blood Hitters. A Mustache Trainer.t" I saw the other day in n gentleman * furnishing store in Now York what t < mo wns a curiosity , writes u correspond out of the Olobo-Uomoornt , It was i 'S. pinto of thin moUxl , shaped like tin 'S.d upper line of a , mustneho , nnd under 10 ncath another plato fitted to ltor rathe closed on It , by means of hinges and a ela'p. It was a nuiHtnchc traiiior. \ on arranged your mutiu'hi in the most ap proved style ju t before you go to bed , cliisp Iho trainer down on It , mul It Is thus held In iilneoiill night and wHUtuy in proper shaiia most of the next diiy , if you don't disarrange it when washinp your face. How thu men who use the trainer inimngo to keep their fieesclemi without disarranging iholr musluchog I did nut luitrn , but one uf the clerks in the furnishing s-loro told me that ho thought they washed their faces with a wet towel. The invention Is from Purls , and thoy.sny a good many are already In use in I ew York. Vnn Houton'9 Coioa Largest sale In the world. DOG. lie Cleverly Outwits Custom liouso Ofllccrq by IlKllntr In n. Hod , Ono of the cleverest dogs is the hereof of a rcmarkiihro adventure , lie was moat highly prized by his master , who , having trained him with the utmost care , frequently intrusted him with val uable packs of luce. Thu custom hoii'-o odlcors linvinjf got Fcont of him on one occasion determined to bo at his iniiMlur's cottngo when ho came in with a valuable packet. Ac cordingly , when it grow dark two of their men presented themselves at the ; 'ottnjo ; and hinted their intention of ro- ( mining there to watch. All was quiet and peaceful , and the ; inugglor's wife lmdo thorn enter , and vith a perfectly unmoved mien oon- Inucil preparing the salad nnd colTeo or the evening meal In duo course if time the husband nppuired with the iaino innocent expreshlon of countenance , s that worn by his wife , but without his ; sunl attendant dog. This , however , was 10 surprise tp the excise men , and they vaitcd for the expected dog ; but when imo parsed and no dog appeared they bought they must be on a wrong scent , nd departed. \Vlth the closing of the cottage door behind their evening's guests a change : amo over the faces and talk of the hue- iiind ami wife. Anxious looks were blloweil by words of wonder tit the non- uppcaranco of their dear dog : but as the husband decided that it would bo folly Jor Loth to sit up through the night to bo ready for him , and the wife betook lorself upstairs to bed. As she entered the room a somewhat immuil appearance about tbo bed nt- .racled her notice , and raising the cov erlet she. found , to her Hiirpriso and de light , the smuggling dog stretched lint out , his puck of precious lace as safely strapped lo him us when fastened there by the hands of his muster's accomplice on tlio oilier side of the border. Ho must have arrived about two hours before , and , recognizing strange voices in the kitchen , crept stealthily past tlio door while tlio strangers were occupied ivith their pipes , mounted the stairs nnd Innlly hid himself and his packet under the coverlet of the bed. French I'lij-8lolaii8 Favor a Device for Dun 1'nctts. PAUIP , Nov. 2. Physicians look with favor upon the invention for relieving dealncss , which was recently Introduced hero by II. A. Wales of Bridgeport , Conn. , and say it is un doubtedly the highest development which science has reached towards aiding the deaf. How to Vote Atiaiiist Prohibition. It is not necessary to have both proposi tions "for" and "against" prohibition or 'for" ' and "against" license on any ticket. The nfllrmatlvo or negative proposition on either of the amendments Is snfllclcnt. KILLED Ills r.VTIENT. Brutality of a In a New York Hospital. II. U. Lawrence , a trained nurse in Bcllovue hospital , Now York , varied the monotony of his lifo the other day by killing a patient. The victim wns John Williams Sprnguo , thirty-six years old , a driver of u brewery wagon , says a dis patch to the Chicago Herald. Ilo was found in delirium tremens and taken to Bollovuo. Ho was put in charge of Dr. Stewart Paten and Trained Nurco Laworomie , Sprnguo was so violontthat he had to bo manacled , placed in a straight-jacket and tied to Ills cot. Ho wns connned in the prison ward. Dr. Paten proscribed a sedative for Sprnguo and retired , leaving instructions to the effect that the medicine should bo administered once every hour. About the middle of the forenoon Sprngne resisted the nurse's treatment so stub bornly that Dr. Paten wns cnlloi again. Lawrence raised Spragno's head and tried to force the incdiclno into his mouth. During the struggle Sprague called Iho nnrso vild mimes and spat in his faco. Thereupon Lawrence , who is big follow , lost his temper and struck Sprnguo thrco tremendous blows full in tbo fucc. The first two blows crushed in the patient's nose and blood spurted ever the poor man's clothing and ran down lo his shirt bosora. The third blow cut a deep gash ever Sprnguo's left oyo. "Stop , stop , " cried Dr. Palon , Lawrence stopped at the third blow. Another nurse wussontfor and Sprngno's wounds were bandaged. Ho sunk intc an insensible state , and two hours after ward ho died. Dr. Paten reported the occurrence to Warden Walton , who soul for a policeman. Lawrence wasnrresteil and taken to Yorkvillo court. The conselousncss of havlni ? a remedy a hand for croup , pneumonia , sere throat , and sudden colds , is very consoling to n parent AVIth n bottle of Ayor's Cherry Pectoral It the house , ono fcols , In such coses , a sense o security nothing else can give. Mnrr'cil on Ijand unit Hnu. Mary Elizabeth Ilyncs , a wealthy woman with an unusual history , died under the surgeon's knlfo late tlio othoi night In the Now York hospital. The contest over Mr. llynos' will was one o the most novel cases , pohaps , over before an American court. Mrs. Ilyncs was married , according to tlu testimony , to her husband IK loss than thrco times within ton days , and yet the relatives sought tc break the will on the ground that she was never legally his wife , nays a New York special to the Chicago Tribune. During Iho summer of 1671 Ilynes took passage on ono of the steamers for a trij : to Franco.Vhllo at son ho met for the llrst tlino Mary Ellztibeth Willis. They became acquainted , and it was not long before the wealthy gentleman asked hoi SANTA CL ADS SOAP. ou\si\ME vrftjy 'TIS SvlTA CL/\U& / ? , THE F /\SGOQD \ So IT'S jtjE .sro/il ? CHICAGO rUHKS AM ) IMtnVUN'TS Colds , Sore Throat , Bronchitis , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Inllnmnmtloii of tlio I.iuiKs , Kidneys ami < * clitcn ! , Chilblains Kruit lutes , Tootliacho. Headache , I'ulmln the llnck , Clicat iiml l.lmbunJ ulltiiu uiuul OF TAK18S GQLD. 1 application nf K.YDWAV3 UK MV linMIll' , lollio part * n.Teo o I will ItHtnntly rolloro unit roon lie sultt-rcr Intcrnalljr In clo-iM uf from tlility tuslTty ilrnp , In half 11 tiimbli'r uf tin tor. It. Kill rum In romiiont ! " . CriiiiiiH. Himmi , Simr Stmiian'i. Colic. Ktntiiloni ! . ' . llrtrtlmrn. Dlarrhuan. Sk'k Ili'mlnclie , n. VnmltliiK , Colil riillN , NVrvuinim i , Slcoak'1 iiu-s , anil nil inlmiil | > : ilns. M ccnli it buttle. Fur tl > rui ! l9tii. HAI\VAV A. Co. . it ! Wiirreu St. . N. V. to become his wife , and she consented , lie suggested that they bo married at oncebut us thoretvnsno minister- board the ship to perform the ceremony , the nmrtnr of the vessel read the marriage service that bound them together. In Paris the tccond marriage was cele brated. Thu tenth day after they were ( irst married they reached London , where to miilu1 sure that they were legally married a third wedding oc curred according to the rites of the church of Knglnnd. The marriage to Mrs. Ilyneson the high seas and in both Franco nnd England created quite a legal snarl , which it took yours to un tangle.Mrs. . Ilyncs finally won a vic tory. _ When the stomach lacks vigor and regular' ity there will bo Iluttilcncc , heartburn , nau sea , sick headache , nervonscncss , use Dr. J. II. McLean's ' UtrongthciiliiK1 Cordial ami Blood i'uriiicr , to give tone and regularity to the stomach. lim.\SIIICI > II10K IiUVKK. A. rciiiisylviima Glfl Taken Public He * vcnyo on a Tritlcr. While the worshippers at religious meeting were returning homo a lady heavily veiled approaelmd n young man who was engaged in conversation with a woman , says a Meclianicsvillo , Pa. , special to the Chicago Herald. She knocked him down with a heavy cane and began to boat him In an unmerciful manner with ncowhido , at the same lime exclaiming ; "I waited.nnd watched for this. " The principals in the ntlnir were Miss Kva Wise , a resident of Btirrys , four miles from hero , and Charles J. Noble , a former lover. The third party- was a Mrs. Wiiltar3a widow. Two years ago Noble came to Harrys. Ho made hosts of friends and soon obtained a clerical position in the store of Henry "Wise. Wiho was reputed to bo wealthy , and the fair Eva , accomplished and graceful , fell desperately in love with the clerk. After a courtship 'of about six months her parents approved of a union between them , nnd a date was sut for their wedding. Moan while the pros pective father-in-law mot with reverses in speculation , and to the surprise of everyone was finally sold out by his creditors. Nublo was keenly disappointed at this sudden turn of affairs , and on tlio eve of their wed ding ho sent word to her that ho had just received a telegram from Louisville , Ky. , announcing the sudden death of his mother , and that ho was already on his way to that place. Ilo promised to re turn immediately aflor his mother's intoi'inont and keep Ills promise. The abrupt notice of his absence was a crush ing blow to the girl. Kva became hys terical and openly assorted that it was not his mother's dotnibo , but her father's misfortune that drove him away. "If this proves lo bo true , " she exclaimed , "Iain capable of resenting Iho great wrong , and I will do it. " It was obvi ous to nil that Nolilo's sudden departure was to avoid marryingnnd that ho would never return to claim hor. Prior to tins Noble paid his attentions to Mrs. Wal ters , a wealthy young widow residing hero. It was also stated that a renewal of his intimacy had tnkon place and that a correspondence had already bognn be tween them and that ho had never gone to Louisville. Tlio young widow's house wns put under espionage and further de velopments were awaited. Tuesday morning Noble quietly came to town ana wont directly to Mrs. Wallers' residence. Miss Wise wns noli lied of Noblo's pres ence with the widow , and she at once determined to punish him. The assault was the result. IJMIsH Nitaln'H Magnolias. A recent Issue of the London Lady's Pic torial contains tbo following compliment to a Chicago girl : ' 'Forewarned is forearmed. The silk manufacturer. ) of JCnglnnd and Franco will have to look to their laurels. Throughout tlio United States silk goods are being produced which , in beauty ot fabric nnd originality of design , bid fair to rival tlio looms ot Europe. YOUIIK artists , too , in America are turning their attention with great success to designing and to combina tions of color in these silks for the purpose both of decoration and dress , and some of the effects brought out are very lovely. A young decorative artist , uMisaNealo from Chicago , is now in London , and t > ho showed mo a.fuw days ago one ot the most exquisite designs I ever saw of magnolia blossoms. " Pears' Soap Fair white hands. Brightclearcomplcxion Soft healthful skin. u PEABS'-The ' Great Entlish Cflniplexion SOAPr-Sold Everywhere. " DR.MCG-REW THE SPECIALIST. Mnrcthan 15 yenr1 * ' ciporlcncoln the trciitmcntof PRIVATE DISEASES. A curcKiiarnnteoU In 3 to live Unj-s without the loss of mi lioiir's thno. STRICTURE I'ornmncntJy ciiit'i ) irllliout pain or ln truinont t no cuttln i no dllatlnif. The most rctnnrknliiu roiuctly known to uiudcrn xcltMicc.Vrlto for circulars. SYPHILIS CURED IN 3O TO BO DAYS. Dr. Mdircw'a treatment for this terrible blouil ilh- cn90 hii been iirunounCLMl the must lumerftll mul uccei fiil remedy over illrcovprcd for Iho ali olulo euro of this dlst-ano. Ills buocuis wltli tills norcr been euuullt'il. A compluto CL'itK HU.AII- KEIi.Vrltn fur rlri'iilnri. LOST MANHOOD and all wcnlno.ia of the po.Timl oriinn , ncrTOimneo , tlinlillly niul desiumilcncr nbioliuuljcurcil , Thuio- lief IB Imnietllfitu unit roinplete. SKIN DISEASES , Catarrh , rlicuintitUin , and nil illtiua tMuf the bloo.l liver , kldnejs niul bliidder i > onnani'ntlj cured. FEMALE DISEASES and neuralnln , nervoit nc n nntl ill enfei of the tom- nch cured. , The Poctor'n "Iloiuo Treiitinent" for Isdloo It prunoiinceil liy all who liavo iincillt. to bo the most compluto and convenient remedy ever of fered for tlio treatment cif fumnlo ill eaioi. His truly a wonderful remedy. s'u Instruments ; no pain. Moults Foil l.Aiiir.s ritoM 2 TO 4 osi.r. DR. McGREW'S marvelous pneceM hni won for him n reputation which Is truly nntlonnl In chnruclor , unit Ills Kreivt nrmy of patients ruaebea from tlio Atlantic to Iho Tiieltle. The Doctor li n itrailunto of "iiuilUl.AU" inedlclnounillinslUKl lonvaiid careful e < perleneoln lioxpltnl prnctlee , unit U classeil unions the leaillait BIieclallRts In inoilerii uclcnce. Treatment br eorro- ppondenec. VVillo for circulars abunl each of Iliu above diseases , FHKK. Office , 1 4th and Farnam Sts Kntrnnroon cither trvct. C. L. Erlnson , Local Agt.200 N. 10th St NEBRASKA. National Bank V. 8. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital. - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O - 87.OOO Offleen anil Directors -Henry W. YMoi , freildent ; twll9. Heed , VlcProfilileiit ; Jaruai\V. Skragr , W. T. Morie , John 8. Collins , It. C. Cuialan , J. H. FkUtok , W. U8. . Uuihei , cisbler. THE IRON BANK. Corner 12th and Fnrnam fits. A General lltxnkluz llusluoss Transacted FOR MEN ONLY MAGIC CORE'fi VOUS nniHMTV. Wcuknms of llmly and Mtnil ; KlTi'clsof Ilrrors or excesses In Olil or YOUIIK. Itubiist , Xoblu MANIIOUU fully ro- BtoroilVo KUtiruntPO ovcr.v uaso ( ir immoy rofunilod. Hiimplc coiirsp , II vo duy ' trcat- moiit. Ill lull course. J5. Kfouroly scaled from b ervutlon. Cook UoniO'ly Co. . Uiiului. Noh Olllcc. St. Olulr Hotel , Cor. Utli unU lod'u ) St JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS , "LUCK IS PLUCK" It you hnvi * run a in licit acnlan lomo Ills- couraglns Ilse ) o which you don't mini your / Hindiilnclur lo know about , roinoilll'fr ' Hint I _ . - _ . . . . . _ _ . . Ieipluliuour Kiclmlve I OUR NEW BOOK | a-f.M-iKSf.-WAV : iiirni ; TcilliiKinlaU : Hook iiinlleil ( ni'nli'ili ( rMlorrm/r/Nmf.ERIE ! MEDICAL CO.Eiff.loH Y. inFiaiiTiNa nisEAHK , vov miLriKu niA-t "PLUCK WINS LUCK ! " , _ jncrty ( or nil llm - - „ - - _ Curt * In * V | unnolurul < lUcliartc ami nTU&DAJVR. vi PnvnteillwasMiif mm. A ru..r ; w.iVoii tertnln cnrx lor tin * iltlilll. ( tux suliiim. tttlliis wcaku'.n i > ccullnr 1 THiv > mCmumro ; "in" VJriiTiTnirDd'iPir U t6 . CmciNniTLOHBUM All > un riTii. k c. . A. 3 m 7j. 8TONER.M D.Dtc ll .llL Haiti ity Hlirkl OMAHA KlllUlu DIRECTORY , BILLIARDS. | BOXE3. The Brunsvick-Balke John L , Wilkie , Oolltudor Oo. I'iin.inl im-rilmiiitl < p. Omnliapr..ort | > r > \ fa.'torr. Sahmn tUhir' (0 ( : ( > S Mil Mri'et. Olltnlm. Orders promi'tlr ' Illlcd. BOOKJ3INDER3 & STATIONERS. Omaha Republican Printing Cb , , biloK tank MHIIC | | | . ntul fvi'f.illilnt In the 1'Mr.tlni ; line. lOtli nnil IKnixt.K street * . Ackornuiiin Bros. & Ucintze , I'llnlcr" , Winter ? , rlectiutypeis , blnnk book mnmi- fm Hirer" , HIS lluirnM street , Omi.lin. " " "BOOTS AND SHOES. Charles A. Ooo&O : , , KirkendnllJouiis&Oo , Minurnrturcrs ini.l Job \Vlinlo > .ilt > Miiiiiifnctiir's. ber" . AfOiiti for lloMim Hub- IHTMIIIK ( ' , Illtt. 1101 , HOT llcmiml > t'c-pt. . Illlll IIO"i ll tl M SI. Williams , Vnn Acr- r nnm & Hartc , Maniifncturcr' A Jubliri 1212 llni ne ) Mit't't , 1101-llU : . Di.iuiii ! ! it. On n'm. Nub. Oinnllli , Not' . BUTOIIEBS1 SUPPLIES. LcmU Holler , lnti her ' mul l'ncUcr ' Touli A Sill'l'llt' ' . Hoof. hoc \ Klu'i'ii ' i'ii lnui. Illil-lll ; ) Jark on t. OAR.BAGES : , BUGGIES , ETC. Columbus Buggy Co. , Caning ! * * , mil' , Millilcs , 1C. 0.1) . 1'ilannN. CARPETS. | CLOTHING. Omaha ( hrpet Oo , | Oilmoro & Ruhl , iirpeK ol ! i'lotli . tnnt- JlnntitaclurorR A Whole- tlllE'.CUl t.llll KUIIll" , CtC. n\a } ClothliTu , 1JI1 loiila | { street. I101) lliiinoj St. CIGARS. West dc Fritschor , Dean , Armstrong & iluuufia-tuicr.1 line clears Co. , JoblicrH of leaf ttibcccos. 403 N. Utli Street 1011 Kurnam street. 'Hello ! " ir,9. , COAL , COKE , ETC. Omaha Goal , Ooko and Ootitaut & Squires , Lime Oo , Hnrilitml ! > nft conl nlilp- Ilnul mul sjftonnl. i. i : . Cur. lull nnil DUIIC- 1303 FnniMin H lii.i ilrcvti. O.nalin. Hulbort & Blum , Hannon & Weoth , OliloliiniiiUnckSprliii ) : ! , I.line , cement ) lolli. bnlr , Kvcolilor.Viiliinl liln'k , tcrrtMieil nut , nntlinidto , lilaslcr , etc. tllllllllllfc' . KtClllll. . ' . . Onicoirj.N' 10th street. . Olllcu 2H S. IMli Kt. American Pud Oo. P. II. Mahouey & Oo. , ; hlpcr9 | nnil dc.'ilor.i In llnnlCoalSoft. . niitlirniillo mul t-ltn- mlnuiiw coul. Onircs 813 .V. ICth niul cjr. IIJH. IMIi street. 10th and Douglas ; t . Nebraska Fuel Co. , Howcll & Co. , 513 S. 13th hired , 217 S. Utli Ulevt , Omnlia , Nob. Omaha. Nob. J. J. Johnson & Co. , Jobuson Bro ? . , 51S H. l"tU street , fU Knrnnra Mrcit , Omaha , Nob. Omaha , N'eb. Mount & Qrifilii , O.B. Havens & Oo , , 213 S. Hth street , IM Fiirnnni tli-vct , Omaha , Neb. Oninha , CORNICE. Eagle Oornice Works , .Mniiiifiictiirersof ( ialrau- licil Iron Ciirnlrr , window mpo , inetii llcnky- IlKliti i'le. lilt ) UHUI112 DRY GOODS. M , E. Snath & Co. , Kilpatrick-Koch Drv J Dry Boodi , Viirnhliln Goods Co. , good ) , notion : ) . I'ry Koo < li. iidllont , centk' luriilililiiKKiiurii , Cor. Utli ana Howard Bts Corner Utli nnU llarncT , DRUGS. Blnke. Bruca&Oo. , TOO-lOa Lciivonnortli it. Oniiiha , Xcb. ELEOTRIOAL SUPPLIES. Wolf Electrical Oo. llliiftrutecl Cntiiloguu free , 1CH Cnpltul Avenue. FARM MACHINERY , ETC. Pailin , Oreutlorff & T , G. Northwall , Martin Oo. , ( iencml we.ilern nuvn Junes and I'tli ati. .Skiimlla 1'loiv Co , Oiimhn , Neb. inan avo. FLOUR. Broken Bow Boiler R. T. Davis Mill Co. , Milling Co. , Mill nt St. Joi > | ih. Olllee anil wurvlioiito , Omnhii lloiife , Wiy. lUth struct. Cor. 8th niul Jnc'iton st . S. I' ' . Gilmau , Olemens Oskamp , M'f'K of ronly to ralno 1014 N. 10th tti-cct. Hlnp Jnck Jlpnl. llnu t 0 kH III Illtt UOlll ] , 0. i : . Iliad . . ' . - : , - Manager. 1.'U71SI5S.JiJth Hlit-ei. FUBNITUBE AND CARPETS. Dewey & Stone Fur Ohas. Shiverick & Oo. niture Oo. , Kiirnltino anil Cnrpcli , rurulturo an 1 cctrpct , 1115-1119 rnrnmn trcot ITO'J-IZIO ' Knrnain St. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Schneider & Loomis , J. T. Eobimon Notion Oo , Jobborn anil linpoilcrs of , CenlH' fiirnlthlni ; i/ood . uollons and furnhhlnif ' ' lu't'K ci'lclir.ilnl hrinul Koodi , ' , puntH , Hlilrt * , . c'o.'itn , etc. Illl IlowiinUticet. Cor. r.'th niul llunnnl t3 , GLASS , PAINT , OIL , ETC. Kenuard Glass and Paint Co. , 1403-1411 HaiiiDy ttreot. Oma ! a Neb. GBOOEBIES. GUN POWDER. Hugh Q. Clark. Aucnt llupnnt'H ijiinpowdcr , Umliu c-npi , fine , etc. 1218 iliinicy Rtirot. HARDWARE. Eeotor& WilhelmyOo Lee-Clark-Andremet Cot , lOlh ami Jnckion t . Hardware Co. , Omaha. 1103-1110 llarni'j itruct , HIDES.JWOOL. . , TALLOW , PUR Qeo , Obcrne It Co. , J .S , Smith & Oo , , (1.1 J . Nth Mreet , HOS-H1J I Omnhn. IUON WORKS. Pftiton & Vierling Omaha Safe & Iron Iron Works' , Work ? , \Vroiitlit niul runt Iron SInntif'rs flro nnd bnrclnf tirn" work , oneral jireof snfe . tiiulK , Jnll foundry , innililiio nnd work. Iron hntt < 'ra nnil liliickfiiilth nork 1) ) . I * . IIr * i' 'npo U. An * Uy.iuiillltlijt. Uroon.lltli A J.ulvm nt > Acnio Iron nntl Wire V"ilsou & Drnko , Works , MTj lulnilar flue' , tlr Iron , irlronnil t > ra w'ki bo < bollem. InnVt. etc. , HiS lull 'triTt. \V. lloi-lil , > 1'iopil'tor. I'lo.-eo nn.l ll'lh ' lreot . LITIIOOBAPHINQ. * Eces Printing 0o. .UhocrmOiliiK. I'rlnlliiK nnd lllnnk lliiok < lllh LUMBER. 0 , W , Douglass if * Co , i John A. Wrtkefioltl , Iliipiirtivl.Aliirrlriui.lVitt- Hnru-AOml Lumber. IDdruulle ( Vinort niul 1".IO Noith li'lh Sttcot. VVhlto l.liuiv Olmrles 11 , Leo , WpttBullard Luui- Hanlnooil liiluhor. wood variet | < rml pnriiiet | bir Oo. llnorlnK Till mul DoutUi" . Si'lli nu.l . Irani Sticcls , Fretl W. Qrny , Louis Bnulforil , l.lnio. I'iMii'nt. Kin . l.iimbeir , llnuM'eini'nt rlo. Cor Ptlinnd D.'iiila' . I' ' . ' . ) loii ) lii street. MILLINERY AND NOTIONS. I. Oberfoldcr & Co. , ImiwrtrMnnd .loblois In .Millinery VOS , J10nud 212 liuutli 11th MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , ETO. Max M-jycr & Bro. Oo. A. Hospo , Jr. , M'f'i ! Jone1er , ilealcrt In I'lannn , Orxtmr Artlilt * innsleul Instriinieiit ! * . ctiv. Malerlnh , Ktc. , 1'arnniu aril liitli. 1513 HoiiKl.n street. OILS. Cousolitlrvtcd Tnuk Line Oo. ItnDnei ! nnil hilpilrutliiB nil * , axlii im'nv , it' . A. II. lllsluii' , .M a nil 1411 r. OYSTERS. "PAPER. | PLATING. Carpcutcr Paptr Co , , Western Plating W'ka ' Carry n full ftork of < ; ill. ulUor anil nlrkal - , " . nnil phitliu mi all meUiK pint. lirlntliiLwrni tabluA.uo ( ' ( i1 ri'l'l.itoil. ritlii ( ! paper , oaril pa- 1'olUlilni : lira i & elinii- licr , etc. ilellentoik Illl Doileo. PRODUCE , COMMISSION. Ribbcl & Smitii , Schroccler & Co , , l.ili'i-i In rountrjr proil- nOi Miyurs butler and lice , fruit" , veni'tablos , eirRK.i.ntl ceneral com- ote. minimi inrrcliniil.H , ote.U'U7 lliiwunl Bticct. fi3 ! joutlilltlislu-ut. Phelps Bros , , E. B. Branch & Co. , Country proJucc , fruits , 1'ioitiiee , fruits of nil etc. klnrtK , oysters , 1215 llownril ntioet. 1211 llonanl Direct. C. KOSSO& GJ. , Eobjrt Purvis , iclKn , Callfornln and 1217 Ilon.inl ftieet. triplcnl fruH. , \Vrlto for prlo. ' on biiU iii : llownril meet. tor , CKUH , pimllry nnd Porter Bro ? . Oo. , Clark & Oo. , Callfoinla , Klnrldi nnil tiuplfal fruits. lUitter , elieene , rgu' FOt-Ml .IIHILM street. poultry aiul Knnio , O , W. llutts , tlinnKor. : W.l South ir.thntioct. Firschbrnuu & Sons , William ? & Cross , Duller , CUBS ami iioultiy. I'roiluconml fruits , 120-.illow.inl street. 1214 llnrnojftiect. . Bites & Co. , Country pnnlnee , friilti. vi'Kotaliiot , urocors' ( puolnltliM , lea" , .plce.1 , etc. 4I7-4DS. litli tit. RUBBER GOODS , ETC. Omaha Eubber Oo. , Manufacturing unit job- Ijeriiill klnils lubber KlliiilH. 1008 rarn.iiii street. SAFES. SEEDS\ A. L , Denno & Co , , EniarBon Sce.l Co. , licncrnl n pnU for Hull's S fl vrowo.-i , ilo Ion In KardJii. Krais , Kiiilnaiia 3S1 niuliist Miutli lOili M. , , Ontnliii. J South 1'ith. SASH , DOOIIS , BLINDS , ETC. SYBUPS. I STOVES. Parrell & Company , DufTy-Trowbricl o \VIiolctialo manfiu turers Steve Mnimfao'g Co- , eyrnpM. niolasfic ! ! und Mnniifa-tiirV JI7-21 8ijnlli6tli street. 1213-1215 move IxMiv p fit. TEA , COFFEE , SPICES , CIGARS. Consolidated Coffee Company , lilt anil 111' ' ! Ilnrneytt. Oimihn. Neb. TOYS. I TYPE. H. Hardy & Co. , The Omaba Typo Toyi" , dulK albumsfancy Foundry. irooil * . liounnfiirulahlnif I'llnters' Biipplfei. Now mul piii'uml-han Kooils , children's far- marlilnery. rlnye . 1310 Km nnm ft. 1118 lion-arilmrccU STEAM AND WATER SUPPLIES. I il- ote SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , LIMITED. LIVE STOOIC COMMISSION. We Offer for Sale , Four tlioiisiiniJ tonn cholco Ililnil Ifny , V. fJ II. cars , iitranKo'i Slillns. I.utnn fir Mornlolf htulloiH , on C. M. .V Kt. 1' . U. 1C. , In loU to Hull , jiuri'liuhur ; prli.'u ru ulatel liy tlio nurlcol UullaiKlfion in. STRANGE BROS , , tiioux oixy , IOWA ,