THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NO\7EMBER 1 , ISOO.-TEST PAGES. THE CITY. C Work was boRtm ycstonlny morning on tlio brick HUiwrstruuturo of Iho now union dopot. Tlio Clurkson incmorlnl liospltnl re turns thanks to tlio Sutplien cdiTingc ro- poflllory for their kind donation of $2-3. ShorllT Hoyd yesterday took Ilurvoy Wheeler to tlio penitentiary to porvo iv nontcnco of eighteen months for grand larocny. A inentlnj , ' of First ward republican1 ! will bo he-Ill this evening ut Forest hull , Sixth and 1'lorco htreota. All republi cans nro Invited to bo present. Tlio Albright Land and Lot company yesterday brought suit In Iho county court tornpover from William V. HeiiBon nnd wife $ K)0 duo on n promissory note. Tlio colored republican club of tlio Ninth ward will meet at the club head quarters , ThlrtVHCPond and Cuining 6tr < ot , at 7 o'clock sharp on Monday evening. A consignment of clears from Havana , for Max Meyci1 & Co. , and dry good * from Germany for tlio Kllpatrick-Koch company , parsed tliiough the custom hoiihO ychterday. Chief Clerk- . E. Crarncr of the riil- ; wny postal sorvlco has gone to tno western part of the slate to look after the postal clerks In that hoetlon , boveral of whom will bo examined us to their proficiency. The Nebraska Tribune 1ms secured the UHO of Gcrmaiita hall for Tuesday night and will recolvo election returns nt that place. Gorman citizens in'.er- csted in the returns are expected to con gregate at that place. The co ! orcd voters of the Sixth ward have boon called to meet at the 1'ors.dnal Nights' League hall , Twenty-fourth and Clark streela , on Monday evening next. None but members of the Sixth ward colored republican club will bo admitted ut tlio meeting. Hon. W. II. Dcch , candidate for lieu tenant go\ernor on the indepeiidont ticket , and C. N. Mayborry , candidate on the same ticket for bccrolary of state , will address the people of Omaha and Douglas county on the political issues of the day at Exposition hall tonight. "Why , no\v 1 cannot Rot enough to oat- nays 0110 lady \\lio formerly luul no ai > i.itlte , but toolc Hood's Sursaparilln. \VI5STHIJN UAhUliYMj AIWA IKS. Tlio Aiiiiinil MretliiK to Ito Held In This City Timi'irrnw. The minimi meeting of thu Western base ball association , will convene ut the Alillaul hotel , this city , this afternoon , nnd the prospects uro Unit It will bo a highly Inter esting occasion. Without a doubt , notwith standing the distrusting national Icngnc- brothcrhooil imbroplio , tlio Western asso ciation has inoio putty differences to con- cillatc , anil more Important and momen tous business to transact than any unsubull association In the country , or all of them together for that matter. In consequence quence n regular halr-pulllnp , bacU-canping , catch-as-cutch-cnn llnisli lluht is not unlluely , The malls have brought assurances to Pres ident McCormlck that the attendance will bo largo , that Is , that etu h club representing tlio pixMoiit ciivuit will have ono or more icpre- scmiUlves present , and that each will bo alive to the interests of his particular cltyund as bellicose and pugnacious us a "wasp over bis individual vlinvs as to the equity and Justice of all mutters brought up or sub jects broached , goes without saying. And jilcaso don't forget It , somebody stands a chance of being killed , that is It the white winged drn-o of peace does not put In a prompt appearance at the outset. Tbeio Is no probability that the association piopcr will meet before Sunday mornIng - Ing , the business that will come befoio the board of dhcctors being \oluininous us to occupy all of the available time today. They will bo called upon to adjust all tlio ex isting differences between clubs and club managers , and that the task will prove any thing but u bcatlllo ono. the bitterness that lias already cropped out is anincontiovcrtiblo evidence. Duvo Kowo must bo placated , and that in Itself will prove a herculean Job. whereas it should not bo allowed to oc casion a single rllllo of unpleasantness. If Kowo Is disgruntled , let him go over tu the brotherhood where ho belongs. Uut tlio trouble between Omaha and Lincoln over a broken contract and withholding of guaran tees Is a burse of another color mid will ro- qnlro delicate handling. And so will the grievances milled by Minneapolis against Milwaukee and vlco versa , and .Minneapolis versus Sioux City relative to u division of guto receipts , and the matter of disposing of the Corn IhibHoiV franchise , the retulnment cf Denver and Lincoln wltliln the circuit , uml the selection of the eighth city. These mo nil matters of vital import nnd must bo ministered to with cool nnd Im partial Judgment , nnd the best inter ests of the whole association always in view. The association us a whole , however , will have the disposition of these matters in hand. Sunday afternoon the association proper will convene , and after n general discussion on Iho situation nnd the prospects , the elec tion of ofllcers will come up. This will re quire no very great amount of tlmo to bo dis posed of , for inasmuch us 1'rcsidcnt McCor mlck porcmptorilv declines to bo a candidate for re-election , Mr. L. C. KrantlinulT of Kansas City will bo unanimously chosen hi lilsstoiid. If tlio onico Is tendered him in this way , that is without opposition , ho will accept , if not , not. The representa tives uro therefore earnestly urged to settle upon Mr. Kruiithauff bolero - lore the election itself is reached , for a better man , a man with broader views or sounder baseball knowledge cannot bo found In tlio whole country. The election of secretary will probaoly oct-ision some wire pulling mid contention. Koclio , the present olllclal , Is nut In the race , but Harry Ilucli of Minneapolis and id A. Ur.mdt of this city nro after It. Ilach is a good enough man , but Hramlt a fur belter one. llo is entcrprislnir , Indiistilous and capable. Has n thorough knowledge of the game , and great familiarity with players , consequently is well quail lied to administer to the anair.s of the association with promptitude , cnieieney and Impartiality. The Idea of lolling tlio olllco of mo-ddent ami secretary into ono is not a good ono mm en- tlrely middled for. It is vesting too much power In a single individual. The guarantee and percentage plans will also call for n vast deal of discussion , upon which head Tim HKI : will have further to say In today'srissuo. Hut depend upon Itthomei'ting is going to bo us full of interest as a cocoanut is full of moat , and a good many surpiiscs arc sure to ho sprung. There will bo a mooting of the Oth ward democratic elub nt their head quarters , Hurtzmnn's hall , Saturday night , Nov. 1 , 181)0. ) The club will bo called upon to endorse candidates for constable ami as > cssor. Fovrntli Wiml Polish Cluli. A meeting of the 7th ward antl-prohl- bltlon Polish club will take place on lidth nnd Walnut this evening at 0 o'clock Vi'po T.psfcoiih In Gentian. nt Y. M. C. A. today , fully illustrating Gorman in tlvo weeks , at l30and ; S p. m. . i sxoiiXVbjiKx TS. The J. C. Duff opera company , numbering more than sixty people , appeals at Hovel's opera , house on the llrst three evenings tf next week In a grand revival of Gilbert .V Bulllvan1 * operas , presenting the following rcpprtahc : Monday evening , ' -1'atlonco ; " Tuesday evening , ' 'The Piratoi of 1'eti- laacoj" Wednesday evening , "lolantho.1 The fascinating Fay Temploton will post- lively bo scon nt Uoyd's the hitter halt of next wcok , as the bright particular star ol KusscllS comedians , an orgunhutlon which is spoken of us the most brilliant collection of comedians over gathered together for the presentation of farce comedy , The play will bo , "Miss McGinty , the Stat pf the Comedlo ! Y.uieuUo , " and glviw the dashing "Kay" gicnter opportunities to dls < play her versatility than anything bbo baa ever uppo.tml In. REGISTER"TODAY. . New Hhoo Dnimrtmoiit , Wo shall open tomorrow n largo portion tion of our now stock of ladles' , mlsccs , infants'and children's shocc. Every pair f shoes shown in this department Is CLEAN AND NEW , laving boon made within the lust GO ays especially for our opening. Out * loys1 school shoes have not yet arrived , iut It will pay you to wait another week s wo f > hnll open every line of goods WITH STARLING BARGAINS hat will entirely revolutionize the shoo rado and make your live dollar bill pur chase two (2) ( ) pairs of shoes where It has lorotoforo been only n little more than ulllclent for ono pair. Infants' shoes 20c a pair. Infants' shoes ! JSo a pair. Children's shoes C5o a pair. Children's shoes 72c a pair. Children's shoos 87c a pair. Misses' shoes il.20 a pair. % Misses' shoos Si.OS a pair. All from 2oo to COc a pair less than shoo store prices. Ladles' shoes 11.58 * , worth * 2. Ladles'shoes $2.43 , worth $3. Ladles' shoos $3. 15 , worth $ } . iO. Ladies' shoes $3.95 , worth $3. Ladies' shoes $1.90 , worth $0. Don't fail to visit this department. MORSE'S , 10TII AND FA UN AM. Men's furnishings nnd boys' clothing department ; wo have some special bar- alns. UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Men's natural gray undershirts , 76c. Men's heavy all wool undershirts , 95c. Men's natural gray all wool undei'- fahirts , $1.23. Men's fine seamless so.v , loc. Men's unlaundried shirts , oOc. Men's night shirts , 73c. Men's super British sox , 2oc. Men's heavy gloves , box , suspenders. Boys' clothing Is In the same wing and on the saino lloor as the men's furnish ngs , and wo offer : i sncciallot of BOYS' OVERCOATS AT 82.7,5 , worth fully $1 each ; wo have also a lot of BOYS' SUITS AT S2.90 , worth S3 ; wo have also i lot of SCOTCH CAPS 50c , for men or * boys. i MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO , , 10th and Farnam sts. LADIES' PLUSII SACQUE , $23.00. Special price for this week. Wo offer 100 plush sacqucs , made of superior gradeof "Walker's plush , " with which wo give n guarantee- that will not wear off during the pros' entfall and. winter seasons. The linings lire of extra quality , ornaments nro of best sealskin , and pockets lined with chamois fakin. Tills garment wo confi dently assort cannot bo bought today under 833.00. Before purchasing we invite you to ex amine our stock of cloaks , certainly the largest and most complete in the city of Omaha. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. Special prices for tomorrow. Four years , $3. Six years , $3.50. Eight years , SI. Tea years , Si.50. Twolvoyears , $3. Fourteen years , $3.50. This lot of children's cloaks are all made of good molten cloth with narrow btripo of navy and bronze. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. Tomorrow morning wo shall place on sale 100 children's cloaks , made of blue and whlto broken pluid cloaking. Ex ceptional values. 0 years , $3.00. 8 years , $5.50. 10 years , $0.00. 12 years , $0.50. 14 years , $7.00. 11-1 GRAY BLANKETS $3.07. 150 pairs oxtru size and weight a great bargain , worth $5.UO for toinor- ow only $3.07 a pair. BED COMFORTS. Three special numbers. 6 bales good slzo comforts , 40c each. 5 bales full &Izo comforts , 75c each. 5 bales extra size comforts , OSc each. EIDERDOWN COMFORTS. Tomorrow wo place on sale a largo shipment of now Eiderdown comforts , best French satlno covering and corded edges , on display at our now "cedar bin" blanket department on second 11. c. CARRIAGE ROBES , $0. 1 ciibo premium quality carriage- robes 51x72 inches , now designs , strictly all wool and silk bound edges. Price for this sale , 00 each. MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Fnmnla Prohibition A well known Omaha gentleman who has Just returned from an extensive visit to nearly all parts of the state told a Dm : re porter yesterday of the strong partisan work that will bo done in towns all over the state by the women. In the small towns they Imvo formed n system of organization called "hands of four. " Hand No. 1 will bo composed of all the good-looking girls m town who are In symuathy with prohibition. They have been Instructed to turn out in their best bib and tucker and use all the paint necessary to make themselves Irre sistible. Their special work will ha to look after the young men , baud them oalloU and see that they vote thorn under ban of their Q is pleasure. Hand No. 3 will consist of the wives of such of the wealthiest men as can bo Induced to get out and electioneer for the free-whisky cause. They will bo delegated to induce the business iren into voting for the amendment under penalty of a boycott should they re fuse to do it. Bund No. 3 will comprise the charitably In- dined women , who will look after the laborers and poor people generally who will bo cut oft fiom their supplies of charity food and old clothes If they refuse to vote as bidden. All the old maid * and women who have ceased to have physical attractions nro delegated - legated to inxldlu hot coffee and buns ns a ro- want to these who are truly obedient anil thus eeaso to bo five agents rather than lose their trudo , their frco grub or their girl. REGISTER TO-DAY. AN OMAHA IvNGINKMl IIONOKK1) . Mr , Andrew Ilosetvnter Ileoelvcs nil Appointment from the President. Mr. Andrew Uosowatcr , formerly city en gineer , lias been selected by 1'rcsldent Harrison risen as the one civil engines1 ! of known skill nnd experience In municipal engineering , to bo n member of the oluctrlcnl board In the District of Columbia. President Harrison's loiter , bearing date nt the executive mansion October 23 , la us follows j Andicw HostMvatpr , esq. , Omnlm , N"i > l > . Pour Sir : Von urn horuliy appointed it member of the electrical lioanf , provided fin by tin net of consrrsx. iipiinivi'il Auitntt 0 , KID. I'litltkd : "An act nmUliitf nppropiliitlons to pmvldu for the expenses of I In-KO\ eminent oMIie I list l let of Columblt for the fNi'al yeui- ending June ! ! l > , 1MM. nnd for other pmiiiwi" Very ru- hpei'tfully yours. UHVMMIN IAIIIII | O.V. Accompanying the Icttorof appointment is a letti'i-from 10. W. Ilulfonl , prlvnto secreta ry to thu president , In ivhlch lie stivs : "Tlio gentlemen selected for your associate * mwn the board nro Lieutenant Francis K. Shunk of the corps of engineers Itilted Stntes army ami I'rof. Henry A. Kewlnnd of tlio .lolms Hopkins unl\cr.slty , llultimorc , Mil. " The appointment of the electrical board was mithorl/eil by the act re re i red to In tlio president's letter which , among other minus provides that : "Tho provident of the United Stntos Is hereby authorised to appoint n board consist ing of throe persons , ono of whom shall bu nn army ofllcer , skilled in electrical m.ittcrs , ono a civil engineer of Icnown skill mid experi ence in municipal engineering mid uno tin electrician of high roputc. " Mr. Hojowater feels highly honored nt being selected from all the municipal engi neers of the nation to servo ns a member of this boaul. He feels specially compli mented , ns his appointment was en tirely unsolicited ami a complete surpr'ni' . llo hud Hied no application for n position with the departments nnd was entirely unaware of the act providing fur tlio appointment of the commission. Ono feature of the appointment was that It arrived on Mr. Hosewutcr's liirtlutay and formed n very acceptable present. The duties of the electrical board , ns pro vided by the art luittiori/lng Its appointment , nro "to consider the location , nrrangoment nnl operation of electric wires in thn Ulitrict of Columbia whether tised. or to bo used , for , lighting , transmission of pfiwor , telogriph.\ , ' telephony , or signaling , with a view to secur ing ns soon as practicable the construction of u safe nnd convenient sj stem of conduits or j subways , the placing therein of all necessary electric wires along the streets , avenues and other public spaces and the removal of nil un used overhead wires and their supports. " The Hoard is ro < iulr i ! to complete , us soon as practicable , and not Inter than December 1 , lb',11 , recommendations nnd plans for the proposed work ; also an opinion as to whether the conduits , etc. , should ho owned nnd oper ated b > { private corporations or individuals or constructed nnd maintained by public au thority. S. A. Urclmril. Carpet , furniture nnd drapery. "I'liat'M the Talk. " The following 'A a circular sent to their pat rons by Iho Howcll lumber company : OMUU , Nob. , Oct. Ill ) , IhUO. ( Jentlemen : A'o ImvoToftcn In the past solicited a share of our pationago and expect to do so In the iituro , but nt tub tlmo wo solicit a few nomcnts of your attention upon the most I ital question that has ever eome before the ' icople of Nebraska , in which you uro to give in expression at the polls on Tuesday next , i Wo trust that you arc in sympathy with ' is , and that yotu'temperance nature is suf- Iciontly strong to believe that our present aw ot lilk'li license and local option is superior to the prohibitory laws as enforced n Iowa and Kansas. Wo all know that our present law of local option will give to every city and town in our state strict prohibition , if the citi/cns of the several communities have ti majority in favor of local option. Wo belicvo that prohibition "ms novcr prohibited in u community where a imjoritv of the ci'i/ens nro not fully in ne- jord wiih prohibition , and the consequence .n . all such cases is that saloons , cither openly , or secretly , can bo found. Our idea is to gho every city , town and iirecinct the right to hat o saloons or local onion - ion ( which admits ot prohibition ) biich as tlio majority should elect. Wo believe that : bo majority of the people of this state aio in favor of temperance and will so express : hemsclves at the polls in favor of our present aw of high IhviibO nnd local option. A great many gift oil tempernnoo men have como out openly in favor of the present law of Nebraska , believing It to bo superior to the liroliibitory laws in other states mid that the actual workings of our law hi ing about the desired temperance result in every communi ty in tlio sttito. Our desire in writing this letter is to call the attention of our lumbar fiiemls , lor the purpose of having them give more thought to lho great question to bo voted upon Tuojdnv , and wo trust this letter will reach you In ample tlmo. IIo\uu : , LLMIHH Co. liy II. N..Ii\vi3Tr. : Toys' Clothing Dupiirtmoiit Of the Morao Dry"Goods Co/ will open tomorrow on the main floor , 1-amain st. front , ( i lot of hoys' knee pants pur- cha&cd at nbout half price recently In Now York. These pants are made from the remnants of cloth loft over from cut ting fine suits and are VERY , VKRY CHEAP. Boys' knco pants , COc , worth 7oc. Boys' knco pants , Gfle , worth $1. Boys' knco pants , SOc , worth SI.25. Boys' knee pants , $1 , worth $1.50. Boys' overcoats 31.90 , worth $ IJ.oO. Boys' overcoats $2.oO , worth $5. Boys' suits $1.1)0 ) , worth $1 ! . Boys' suits $2.00 , worth 81.50. This department is on the main lloor , Farnam street wing. THE M.OKSE DRY GOODS CO. Tickets nt lowest rates nnd su porlor accommodations via , the great Hock Island route. Ticket olllco , 1002 Six teenth and Farnam streets , Omaha. At V . 31 C. A. Today. Prof. Dudgo will explain German in live weeks at 1:30 : and 8 p. in. All in terested bhould witness a recitation. Tliov Are Frauds. There is a prohibition hypocrite canvassing every ward in the city paid to discover in stances of Illegal registration. Some of these sneaks represent that they nro doing the work for Tin : BKB to Insure the casting of the full vote of the city. Neither Tin : Hin : nor any other paper employe1) mon in this capacity. Those who represent themselves to the contrary nro frauds. They nro iishamcd of the work they tire engaged In and If caught , will bo arrested and made to suiter for their deceit. CeedJnUUllons of Homes to Vews the Standard * Boils and Pimples Arc nMiiro'1 onutt * to eliminate poison from the Mnml , Thl < remit may be accomplished much more cnei'tn.-illy , .1.1 well as agreeably , through the inojter excictoiy channels , by the use of AKr4 Snisnnailll.i. "rorse\cial years 1 was troubled ttlth bolls and carbuncles. In casting about for a remedy , It occurred to mo that AJCI'S S.irsa- ] > arlllii had been used In my fathers family , Kith excellent success , and I thought that \\hatuas good fur the father \\oiild also bo peed for the son. Throe or four bottles of thH medicine cntlicly cmed me , nnd I have not slnco In more than two ycais had a doll , pimple , or nny other crni'the ' tioublc. 1 can ronsoleiitloiiily speak hi the hlfiliest teniH of Ajcr's Saisnparllla , and many > cais' cxpeiii'iicc In the ding bttslness en. nblcs me to ) H'aU Intelligently. " C. JI. llatllt'ld , 1'arniland , Ind. Ayer's Sat'saparliSa 1'iii.rAiiKn nv DH. J. C. AYEU & CO. , Lowell , MASS. 1'flcofl ; tixLottlci.ti. Woitli $3 u LtUlJ. DP8BBtt8B6tt8 Physicians , Surgeons aud Specialists , WOO DOUGLxAS STRHiHT OMAHA , The most widely nnd favorably knonn spot- lallsts la the Uultott Hi lit os. Tliolr lotu ut- parlouoo , remarkable skill and unlrorial suc cess In thu triiatmciit anil cure of Nervoui , Ohronlo and Kurxlral Pineaius , entitle thoan emlm-nt iihyslcliuie to tlin full conQilonco of Iho aflllPtPil pvorv'Tliuro. Thov giinrintcn : A ( JKKTAIN AM ) 1'OSll'IVi ; OUUB for the awful Bltccts of cnily vlco and tbo oumor- oiu iivlls that follow In Its train. 1'KIVATK , 111.001) AM ) SKIN DISEASES ( piu'dllr , comiilolcly anil piirmaiiontly ouicil. NiitvouB : iiiiu ) : < iTV ANII UKXUAL nis- OIUiUB ) yluld ror.dliy to their skillful truat- a , FISTUf.A AND RKOTAL ULCEU9 Ritaruntocd cured without iiuln or detention from tmtilnesi , HVmtOOKLR AND VA1UCOCELK permanently - nently and successfully cnrod In every case. SYPHILIS , GONOKltllKA. ULUBf , Spor- nmtorrho.v , Sun.lmilVaUnoss , host Manhood , { Vlit | ] Emissions , Uccnyt'd 1'aeultlea , Kcinulu .Vo.iknesn and till dullcuto disorders peculiar tocltlmr BOX positively oiirvd. : m wull ns all functional disorders tint tosiilt from youth ful follies or thouveessof iiiiitnru yeara. TFJir'nitfK Guaranteed ntl ponnane y O I l\.iv > 1 U 1XL. cured , removal con pinto , without cutting , eaustlu or dlhttntlon. Curuj ncctod at homo by imtleut without a tno- inent's pain or iinnoyan-'o. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MhN. A < JIIWU niPU The tiwful offoats of /I OUKll UKli piriy ; vice whloh bring * ovanlo wenknepH , dnslroyliiR both mind and body , with itll Its drcadod ills , periminanty cm od. HKTTs7 Address those ho haTolm- . tiljl l j puired thoinseUos hy Im proper IndulROnce : uid Holltury Inblts. which ruin liotli mind nnd body , unflttliiK' thoin for business , BtmU-nr mnrIiKe. : MAKiaUU JIKN" OF tlioso ontorlns on that hnppy life , awnroof physical dobllity , quickly assisted. QicrR SUCOB33 [ s bnced npou faoU. Fln.t1'raotloal experi ence. tiecoad Kvory case H specially studied , tlun starting right. Third -Medlclnca nro prepared In our laboratory exactly to utt each cano , thus DtTectlng cures without Injury. Drs. Belts & Betts , M09 DOUGLAS STRFFT r.wuMTR oy d ' $ Xo Saturday Matinee. \'i < vhts iKv0 Octolier 3 ( Till ! DltOLL MONAIll'llot Kiirco-Comedy Frank , . Daniels MISS nr.-HIK S\N > ON and the 1110 COM- iiY : CO. , lii Aiflilbald 0 iltintfr's rani istle Mustcipioi o , The Inmost trnvnllni onnipinjr , prosonllnK fnroc- cnnioily nn tills contlniMit. HOY rhcut Wu < lnu tluv inurnliiK t iOKnlar prlc't" , Grand Qpcra Houe. Saturday and Sunday , Nov. 1st and 2nd. Special KnfmEeiiK'nt of thoKnmo.ii lll.tck MiiKiicti , LE\V JOHNSON'S Colored Minstrels. WAIT FOR US. WATCH OUR ELECTRIC STREET PARADE , l.i'il by Ilio Cliuinploii Drum Mnjoruf tliuVuiM , COL SAM WADi : . USU.\r , 1 > ] { ICI : < 9. IU c ulivct open I'rlilny nt 0 n. m THREE NIGHTS ONLY , B SPECIAL ENGAGLMLNT. Beginning Mouday , November J. G , DUFFE1 HA CO IN A GILBERTS SULLIVAN REPERTOIRE : Monday Evening : "Patience. " Tuesday Evening : "Piratesof Penzanco.1 Wednesday Evening : "lolanthe. " Grand Chorus of 05 Voices. Box sheet onan Saturday morning at regular prices. Grand iDpera MoiISB Three 1f' < : tl til-mi tin mill ' 1'liiii't.ilni/ , Xomnfn'1' , . , H , I.nillcs'MtttlncoVuilocsilay. . UtUlnul N.V I'roiluctloi Clcinciicoaii Caso. William ricron , Proprietor nnU Manauer. Sibyl Johnstone as Iza. I'rkvs for thN oMrnniillnary ongaKotnont HUN hi'iit-i * ! , > ) : oiuliostra tl mill 7.W ; hiilcnny trK ! mid Wl ; Riulvry > V ) . Halo i p MIS Monday n U n in. Huutlnn returns \ > 111 Lu itul fioiu the stujjo Tuesday Dime AYlll r.awlur. MUIIIISIT. Corner llth and Par ntim Mimts , Umiilm. \V1 bIC OK OCT. STth. Ylctorloui' , Jcronio'ii inaitiTplccnrniili nml l.nnlncr'B , Jaimnoa lliirliMauo I'um .in ) nf tlilr ly ArlUli , hi'rrli'rx IMuciluil lloilcht ) , Tim Kcnjui U'lllilrtnonii ' . ii n J lhinc'o . A trniiil | ) iti'iirtl | | i ) MUKninl Uui'hlor. A rotnpMto rntliuiil MiiHlorlll KTluriimnce. U.SK 1II.MK ADMITS TO AI.U "FEMALE BEANS Ahtolutclr rilUble , rrfcrtly nfe , most powerful fcnuls rviruUtor Icnow n i ncv r fair j At a Ixu , j.tpaul . cn tux iSftlclint. Adiln M I.ION nfll'd < o ' liuttalo. S , y. it DUC'U tu , i A STARTER : We will show you this season some bargains in overcoats that will make your eyes open in astoiv shmcnt , We have given yon many baigains before-yon know that-bnt those we offer yon now \\tfjl jeat them all. We have made a deal with a first class manufacturer , one who makes' nothing but overcoats , fur his entire stock , about 5 000 garments , lie was overloaded and had to sell. We are able 0 offer these i00ds , atess than they cost to manufacture. As a starter we offer today the following- three lots : No. 1 , All wool wide wal-e heavy cassifnere overcoats , blue and black color , lined with good crgo , well trimmed , at $6. This price would not pay for the cloth alone in that garment. No. 2 , An excellent blue chinchilla oveacoaf , corded edge , lined with fine plaid cassimcre , only $7.50. The coat is worth $12. Xo. 3. A large lot'of very fine kerseys , fashionable shades , bound with double warp Fanner's satin , ap seams and handsomely gotten up , These we offer at $8. The regular retail price of such a garment s $15. There are more bargains than thcsc , It would take a big space in the paper to mention them alj Hie fine grades arc us choice garments as were ever shown ready made and in fact many of the over * coats are"in point of material , make and fit equal to custom tailor work , BOYS' OVERCOATS. Our stock iiTchulcs a large line of Boys' and Childrcns * Overcoats of serviceable material desirable patterns and tasty designs. Although the goods were made up for fine retail trade , wO ire able to offer them at such figures that they are within the reach of everyone. Not often do you get an opportunity to purchase such garments at tli low figures we offer them this week , When you remember that these goods are offered by a reliable and substantial house , who guarantee the exact truthfulness of every word they advertise and whose dealings with the pubt ic have gained for them the reputation of reliability , you can appreciate the value of the offcU uadc. Open until S p. m. Saturday , 1O p. m. Oi Corner 14th and Douglas Streets. . We carry the Big Stock of the west. Quote lowest Extreme Prices and are 500 Miles nearer you lhaif * any other Market. Corespondence Solicited. AMERICAN HAND SEWED SHOE CO. , OMAHA - NEJ3. Try our Leather Soled Rubber Boots. "Manifestthi ng s require no proof. " Ouercoais for coming cold weather will soon become a necessity. We have prepared ourselves for the in evitable d e m a n d and beg to call at tention to the excel lence and * Tinish of the garments in this line of goods which we are now offering. Take ' 'Time by the forelock" and be ready for the cold wave. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. GOODMAN DRUG CO. , :110 | unmm strouU - Uiuulm Neb & & % ? * fa HE'NEascUNeDt r VirKr , OB * K& i * lirLKIUBUIAJ EAR eUlHIOM BK iRSiffi i tKsatottriIs . WATCHES. DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY Solo Agent in Omnba lor ( Jorhtim Man ufacturing Go's Sterling Silverware MANTLE CLOCKS , RICH CUTGLASSand CHINA. Our Slock of Fine Goods is the Largest and Our 1'rices the Lowest Conic anil see us. Cor. Douglas & 15th St fPHIO CU3-llS by thliNiw fCTHin BUT AMD SUSPIIISORr Ol KKH Ml - V.TKMOMII , . ! t fr.r M.ll prtlllo | ur rcir lurr ill Urnvrrllte eilnt , . . tillo trfrl ) , Mild , Knnlh , Ini , lunlliuoui lurrrnll r Klrrlrlcllr Ihrnurh .11 WRAK I'AIIT.S. ti it.ring them U llfll.TII tnd t II Illllll S SI IIHMI HI ll : flrle . . Inklinll , , & . cait r.ll or we tarTu ! t&.UXI In ) III.I.1 .ml tluiif9iirr | runi | > lrl. f u , * Di1 itii. U ont c.iti I'ff unnrHll * 1 uml In llir.r uiouthi Hrtlru I .tnpltlel r rce. RM DEMEI.E01'niOCO.lo liB.ll.ii.CHICAIOl' | "DRTKE N sTN G T o fTT Eye and Ear Surgeon 1310 Do J jo Street. accurately fitted. DOAILHYT GRADUATE DENTIST A 1'nll Sot of Tooth ( in Uiihliur , fur A perfect fit Rimrantpoil. Tenth oxlrat-loil without pain or danttur. ami will out anacs- thotl"i. Uold and hllvor filling at lo v > t latot. IlrldRo and Crown WoiU. Tuuih wlth- ontplatiH , A11olli wurranlud. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Eutrnrrp , inili struul uluvatur. Open uveu > nis until H u'olu"k. " HE DID-HE DIDN'T ! J'lvcsenrsnBiibothlonvhtour y % . - y adilei. Wo rnrp nil WEAK C/st * ' "pf HIB8E8Jt DISEASE * OF MEN BOOK i > i | > l linnll IMailvloo I * VUnl llmr lloii't'Irllli'ullli Illnfuini I1HIH JIii : . l ' . \l , ' < > . , llnlliilo. .N. V. liun't ( nil In HEED OtTR WORDS ! W. S. ROBINSON ANALVTIOAL and OONSULTINQ OHRMIS T. Waters and Oils a Bpoc lall y 1112 DODGE STREET , OMAHA , NEB. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302Paraavn HARRY P. DEUEL , City Pasaancror aacl Tlokot Agoat THCDUEDER. FACTOniEfl HAMPDEH LARGEST WATCHES INTHE THE DEST. WORLD. THE TIMO DEST KEEPER. SEND FOR THE DUEOER OUR UOOK , WATCH CASE "FRAUDS MFC CO. , I \ \ WATCHED CANTOH. OHIO. California's peat igemedy IIH vnkrtrciu y 6k. * PUTTIE VEGETABLE PILLS CURB 9 BILIOUSNESS , iB.ra .ilotu nn < i Livcr and ° Ih or Ul or < Stomach /7x > &y . / ? / , Complaints. AJ ? ' /M , ft.SX . . . . _ _ . tu lullfmnla. /fry Ilirtn. 40 | illl < m Sick 'HoodachO "frly curtd ' 'y Cr , Hokb's Llllle Vegetable Pilfj , K5 rf il4/l rial n for 0.1 ifi.U. ti u fur l. 1-or fcalo ty diuirifUui _ 'orljf niuli AUJifii 'KOBB'S ' MID1CIKE CO. , PKCt'S. SAH fHlSCISCXJ ( Alt KOItSAU ; IN OMAHA. NUI. 1 Y Kutia A ( o irir Ijili i. DoiiKlai hinds J. A. J-ulli-r Si In Cur inn .V llijlu ( ! blrtc'l. A. 1 > . I > > ft A. ( u Luuutil 111 ill ) , put Ann PPINCIP * ! nnnnninr r r u" FRENCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE nndpcirmnnert CURE for ' ' HUea .TorihoURINARY ORGANS , Curel whcroolliorlrcalmcnllalls.l-ullOircclicnf-rlllictcti bottle. Price , one dollar , face tlnnttureol E. U STAIIL. For Rola Dy All Dru lots.