Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Iho Second Chapter in the Shnneimn-
Strnblo Broach of Promise Oase.
Bonn * il' tlio L'olltlfiil Hiiiiiori'Tlint
Are riyiiiK Alwut Assaulted bjr
II19 Nel liter Other Ijln-
LINTOI.V , Nob. , Oct. 31. [ Special to
'Xiip , Hr.r. . ] Chapter second of the Shuao-
inan-StruMo breach of proinlso case Is now
ready for publication. It will bo remembered
that Hill Shunomnn made elaborate prcpar-
utlons to malio Carrlo Strublo his wlfo. Ac
cording to his story ho enhanced the ctmrms
of the prospective ) bride by loading her vrlth
9IR worth of jewelry , ami on the day set for
the wodillng bought tickets for Otnalm. where
ttionuplimlR wore to tiilco place. % Vhllo on
her way to the depot \vltb William , Ciurlo
experienced ft cliJingo of he.ut mid left him
on the pretext of Komg to her
slater' : ! to borrow more suitable headgear.
The jivospcctlvo groom waited In
vnin for the hrldo tooomo to the depot , and
niter t lie train pulled out bo stnrted in
Bonivh of ttioflclcloonc. Ho found her , but
mot with an Icy reception that chilled him
8ho then dcrlaroil she would never marry
him.VIIIIuin then demanded tlio return of
Ills pn'ituts , but Carne decliircd they wore
toonlco lo ulvo up nnd refused to return
them. Hi ; then repaired to the police Htatlou
to pot an olllcor to nrrcst her for RottltiR
pooih iindi'r fulso pntonie , hut neither
the jHiln'rinnn nor \Vllllum could Una the
chmiKmuln rnald.
Now comes Currio Struble , the fair lady
In thuoiiRc * , nnd denies cnrli and every allega
tion imulo by the forlorn \Vlllliiin. She has
Written a long letter to the chief of police
nnd Ill-amis her late lover us n ready romancer.
She drclaris that slio never promised to
mnrry him or oven dreamed of such a thing ,
nud thoionort that she had so doun nils her
lionrt with \vrath nud loathing. Sbo wants
( , " > 00 damages from Hill for spreading this
story , und If ho tloos not pay It she intiinntcs
thnthi- will deeply regret it. She \nna \ her-
eclfns "Carrie , the long-lookod-for girl , " unii
gives l\ev \ address us 5'JO North blxtccuth
From t tin tone of the loiter It might bo In
ferred that nil Miss Cnrrlo thought was nec
essary toscunrn tlio inonoyilcnjaiiduil was to
ask the police to go to Willmtn uud it would
bo forthcoming.
.Ainoiip the political iiimors afloat Is one to
tnoelTrct that Allan Hoot , the nllianco oandl-
duto for cuiifrross , will coino out in a day or
two with n letter of withdrawal nnd will
iirfio tinnlllnnco to vote for nrynn. In the
Third district it Is reported that 'Thompson
will ivrlprocato by drawing oft in favor of
Kcm , Others think it more likely that ICem
will withdraw in favor of Thompson. Iloth
domoi-rats nnd ullian re people of course hoot
nt thi'so reports whether they nro true or not.
Offi-rsof hots of from $11)1) ) ) to SI , ( KK in the
rotunda of the Capita ! hotel today that Hic-h-
urtls would ho elected or that Uoyd would bo
defeated found no takers.
The nollco nro looking for n farmer named
Mlko Mi'Munaman , who lives cloven miles
north of tv ) city , and who If found will l > o
tflvUii : i taste of jail life. It is reported that
day hoforo yesterday ho loft for town ; talcing
With him his oldest daughter , a child of only
Cloven years , Ho remained in town nil day
nnd over half the night visiting the various
saloons , wldlo the poor child waited in the
Url/.zlintf rain for him to got through drink-
In p. At half past 1 o'clock in the morning
nho was found sitting In the wnpon near tlio
pmtofllrc , still waiting for hoi1 father. The
officers hunted the dm n hen father up and
lind to carry him forcibly to the
Vehicle nnd start him homo. But
ha did not go homo. Ha stonpcd
Bomcwhcro north of town and loft lib horses
fitfliiillns in the harness nil night. Ho re
turned to town URaln yesterday morning nnd
repeated tlio programme of the day before ,
leaving not only his hor.tes hut 'his child
without I'ood.or care. Filially after midnight
the daughter" the father started homeward -
ward and managed somehow to got hold of
ilia bottle. This she hid. Near the fair
grounds ho demanded the bottle of whisky ,
but the child dcidcd that she had it. The
father then angrily jumped out of ' the
wagon nnd declared that ho was going back
to town to get some inoro liquor , and started
livrny despite thorotnonstraucesof the daugh
ter. .At 3 o'clock this morning the
poor c-hilil was found by Joseph nnd John
Wilder still waiting for ner father. She was
nluiobt fro/.ni nnd they took her to their
homo near by and gavu her food nnd lodging.
for the night. 'Jho famished team was also
A numhor of students of the state univor-
pity mot this morning nnd denounced as a lie
llio statement of Prof. Hodgmou published
in TUB 13nn that neither ho nor any
other of the professors had used
their Inllucnco to Induce the students tovoto
for the prohibition ticket. In the Unlit of the
ntnteiiivnls of some of them yesterday that
they dare not express themselves on the sub
jcct for fear of not passing Una ! oxuinlnu
lions , it is deemed n case of tardy courage.
Another warrant was issued today In I-'ox
worthy's court lor the arrest of Joseph Acken
of Duvoy. The papers wcro sworn out by
James 11. O'Uricn , who claims that Ackou
KOt $ ' .i 1. i" > from him on the strength of bei
half owner of twenty-two head of cattle , anil
also owned a half interest in all the hogs
\Villlain Hushes' farm. These representa
tions are suld to have been false and fraudu
lent and were made for the purpose of cheat
Ing and defrauding O'Urlcu. Ackvn was nr-
rested by Constable ICautlaian , but was released -
leased on bis oxvu recocnlzanco to appear for
trial Kovowber 10. When Aclccn wns nr-
ratfcneil before ho was discharged , uud bo
cannot umlcrstiuid how ho can bo rearcsted
for the same offense.
Klchnnt Fltzslmmons , father of tlio young
nwn who killed William Reed ntVaverly
IMureli IS. IbisO , was arrested today on n war-
I i-ant sworn out by Robert Fidegan charglnR
liiiu with nasault and battery. The two are
ncIghlKiriiK farinora In North Bluff product ,
nnd have boon unfriendly for a long time.
Tuesday Fltzslmmons assaulted l-'inegan on
Ids own premises , and this morning was
-flncd $ > and costs by Judge Brown. Fincgan
nlso swore out n pouro warrant , but the case
vas postponed thirty days.
imoicn ins I.KO.
As Pat Wynn , who manipulates n pllo
driver for Smith & .lilletto , was returning
from work last evening one of the front
ivheob of his wagon broke , two whig him to
the ground. I3oforo ho could met up or out of
the way the haclc wheel passed over his log ,
fracturing the thigh bono Just above the
The Commercial state bank of Crawford
lias lllcd articles of Incorporation. Tha cap
ital stock is $30,000 , Tlio iucorporatoM are
O. W. Wattles , Sumner Wullaoo and Lerov
TheOrulmrtl state bank also filed articles
pf Incorponitlon. The capital stock is SJiVOOO.
The laeorporutors are O. B. Uurrows , J. S.
t , it. A. fcitowart , F. M. Dorsoy , IX T.
und C. M. Swan.
Otto Covey has commenced milt against the
Centum insurance company for $ lbOO Insur-
jiuco on a hotel bulldluir belongluK to him ,
vhleh was. burned to the ground at Friend
January " 0 , Ho claims that the company re-
tuses to couo down with the money.
P. Johnston & Co. liavo coinnicnccd suit
against Thomas McShmio for the payment of
rotPH iiggregat'ng $7WI.
\\'onl was received by the police today that
the notorious Jack Brcnnnn wns under arrest -
rest nt Omaha. Urcnnun bus been missing
pliico Miiivli 1M , 1SS8 , whnn hcnndl'etcr
Cllne , who is now in the pen , robbed John
nnd' Fred Qiialman , roomers at the Washing
ton houbo , of f HO worth of ciolhliii ; .
Unless moro care is uivon to the hulr the
( coming man is liable to DO n hairless animal ;
lienoo , to prevent the hair from fulllnu use
Jlull'a Hair Huuuwcr.
DUtrlut Court.
Kuwml Harris has comtuenovd a suit in
ho district court nnd secies to recover $5 0
flamujcs from Coustablo Dorsoy U. Ilauch.
The plaintiff allege/ * that ho was In the quiet
nnd iKJiicnablo possession of a house at ! !
North Twentieth street ; that last Wcdncs-
day , without duo process of law , the con
stable seized the goods nail carried them
Charles \V. EJgerton boa sued W. It.
Vnugli. Kdgertou alleges ttat lust December
ho leased lot n , block lltf , of Vaugh and his
wlfcr that on the lot there was a dwelling
home that ho 1ms slnco occupied ; thnt the
other dny Vnugh attempted to put his homo-
hold possessions Into the street , notwith
standing the fact that the rent has always
Ixji'n pnld when duo. Edgerton asked Judge
Wakely for n restraining order nnd the same
was in-anted until the case can bo heard.
AVllllain Li. McCngtiohas brought suit to
foreclose a mortgage executed by John B.
Klnvall and wife.
The suit of JamcV. . KInkead against the
Chicago & Northwestern railroad company
wns commenced In Judge Doano's court yes
terday iifternoon. The plnlntlft H suing to
rccovur $ , ' ,000. In September , 1839 , ho went
over to Newton , la. , nnd worked up a horse
trndo wltli C. F. Aspergrcen , agreeing to
tiny some money and give two lots
In Monmouth 1'ark for n couple of Im
ported stnlllons. The deal wns made and the
horses .shipped to this city , but after Aspcr-
green hud seen the lots ho concluded not to
trade. Ho then took possession of his horses
and sold thorn to other parties. The plaintiff
claims that the railroad company had uo right
to deliver the horses to Aspergrcen.
liiihiKiiR | Overrun with Saloons , Brow-
orle.H null Wholesale Ijiiiioi' | llouso.i.
Di-iipqii : , In. , Oct. 31. [ To the Editor of
Tun Bii.J : : In vlow of the fact that your
struggle with a prohibition amendment In
Nebraska Is to bo determined by your elec
tion nest Tuesday I have thought you might
bo Interested In knowing the situation In this
city nt the present llnio and what it 1ms been
since our law wont Into effect. Wo In Iowa
are Greatly interested In your fight , for wo
bellovo the defeat of prohibition In Ne
braska will make It easier for us to knock It
out at the next session of our legislature , ali
though wo bellovo that our law will bo ro-
pcaled a hcnco oven If your fanatics
llriofly , then , I can say that there has boon
practically no effort made In tills
city to enforce our prohibitory law.
Our saloons have never been closed.
Many of thorn are fitted ur > expensively ,
an attempt to close them would have resulted
In the practical confiscation of property cost
ing many thousands of dollars.
In this city , about the size of Lincoln , wo
have 23) open saloons , which nro conducted
with as great a fecllnff of security by their
owners 119 yours In Omaha. A license is
Issued by the city authorities , called a "pop"
license , which costs $25 a quarter , or $100 a
year. Think of this in comparison with your
$1,000 licenses 1
Wo have three beer breweries In full
operation hero namely , Ilobb's , Schlrtzld fc
Sfhwlnd's and Glabb's and onoulobrowory ,
Pcabody's. You can perfectly understand
from thU statement how dead prohibition
Is with us. There has never been any
occasion for bootlegging or the original package -
ago devices hero although It la possible that
some little has been done ) because the "pop"
license dodge has given such complete Immu
nity from trouble at so low a cost that few , If
any , desiring to sell liquor considered It worth
while to evade It.
In Lho town of Dyoravlllo , about thirty
miles from hero , containing about seventeen
hundred Inhabitants , Esch Brothers Imvo
also a brewery in full blast nnd there nro
fourteen open saloons there , besides whole
sale liquor houses. I do not rccill nt this
moment how many wholesale liquor dealers
there are In , bub you caa judge for
yourself that they would bo In the usual pro
portion to the number of saloons.
It h hardly nccassary to ndd that
the public sentiment ot this city
is almoit unanimously in favor nf the repeal
of prohibition and the substitution for it of
a well considered and effective high license
aw , such as has proved so bonollclal to your
inslness Interests nnd to your public schools.
Our taxpayer * full } ' realize what a saving It
would bo to thorn could the liquor tralllo hero
jo made to contribute to our school fund or
to the publlo tro.isury , say $150,003 a ,
allowing a liberal margin for the reduction In
the number of saloons if al,00l ) lleetiso wore
charged. Instead of that wo got loss tnan
Republicans anil democrats ahko hero will
unite In the next election to send men to Dos
Mollies who will repeal our farcical prohibi
tion , which Is a standing advertisement of
liowsafo It U to laugh at law and treat It with
contempt. I trust you may llnd this of some
crvlco to you.
Ono Hundred Saloons
Openly in That Kansas Town.
WICHITA , Kan. , Oct. SI. [ Special to TUB
Bci : . ] The word prohibition is a mlsnomor
in this city. Ono hundred saloonkeepers pay
a line of $ > 0a month or SOW a year for tbo
privilege of retailing drinks , The money
paid in by the saloon men is used In the po-
lieo and Hrofund. The $50 per head Is very
promptly colluded by the police and the sys
tem is endorsed by the mayor nnd council.
The saloons are coiuiuctod in the same way
they uro in license towns with the exception
that they are situated in n remote place
either In n back room , up stalw or in u cellar.
The druggists sell boer und whisky by the
glass. The most of the Joints are run by irre
sponsible parties who nro' ready to leave the
state on short notice. Thole stock is small
and the bar llxtures are the cheapest that
can bo secured.
Before Kansas know prohibition Wichita
claimed a population of 40,000. The last ecu-
sus gives the city but 23,000.
AXOTIlXIt JfltKK n'HIfilCV 2'Oir.V.
Saloons Allowed to Hun Openly in
KniiHiiH City , ItuiiHiis.
KANSAS CITV , Ivan. , Oct. 31. [ SpecialTele
gram to TIIK HER. 1 Liquor la sold hero In
twenty-live or moro different places by the
drink , quart or gallon. In fact there Is no
prohibition , The usual number of drunks
show up at the police station every morning.
The city secures no revenue whatever and
the authorities do not Interfere with the
joints. Before these saloons or Joints wore
opened a great many people left the city , but
slnco things have been thrown practically
wide open business has Improved. The ma
jority of ttio best people tire in favor of resubmission -
mission and high license.
AVncthrlch'H Funeral.
The funeral of Airs. Christ Wuethrich took
pluco at 1 p. m. yesterday from the Hlkhoni
Valley house , Eleventh nnd Dodpe streets ,
The remains rested In u black cloth-covered
casket , near which wore arranged a Inrgo
number of Moral offerings contributed by
The services wcro conducted by Rev ,
The Schweitzjr gesang vereln nnd the
Schuctzonvercln wcro present ,
The pall bearers wore Herman Meyer , Will
iam Segollto , Fred Bluuier. Anton Cajorie ,
John Fuuliboubor and. Theo bcbipnach.
' Mexico Denies the Hcport.
NE - YOUR , Oct. 31. A. City of Mexico
dispatch says the report printed In the
United States that Mexico had passed a bill
levying duties on American live stock is un-
true. Some dealers expect that increased
duties will bo placed on honiud cattle , but
nonoj on hogs , nsMexlconccc'/i them and can
not produce them.
Mn. Wlnslow's soothing syrup for chil
dren teething cures wind colic , diarrhoea , etc.
S3 cents u bottle ,
An Unprecedented/ ! Volume of Busi
ness Transacted Dining the Month ,
Itcportflns to Collections Tliroiighniit
tlio Country A'cry SntlHf otory
With Scarcely Any Complaints
A I'lnttcrliij , ' Outlook ,
NEW YOIIK , Oct. 81. [ Special Telegram to
TiinBnr.J It. O. Dun & Co.'s weekly re
view of trndo says i
The approach of the election has caused
some slackening ot trndo at many points ,
which la obviously temporary. At n few
cities , notably SU Louis , there is observed a
reaction from the great activity which pre
vailed Just before the now tariff went into
effect , the demand for the time having been
satisfied by dealings In anticipation of that
measure , but at nearly all cities traJo con
tinues remarkably largo and the payments
through nil clearing houses outside of Now
York for the month ofOctobor will probably bo
the largest over recorded In any month , ex
ceeding those of last October by about 15 per
cent , and those of last May , which wcro
I'J.Oar.OOO.OOO , and the largest ever Icnowu by
about 10 per cent. Foreign trade for the
month will certainly prove the largest ever
known , and the great Industries are all un
usually active , iioston notes increasing ca
pacity by the largest woolen mills , Manu
facturers are paying- advanced prlcoa for
wool. Hides nro lower , but leather is very
linn. Philadelphia reports wool very firm
nnd the trade healthy nnd promising , a
greater trauo than ever before In
paper , stationery , printing nnd leather
products. At Chicago receipts of grain full
below last year's , nnd hides and wool n third ,
but cured meats nud dressed beef show an
Increase. The dry goods mid clothing truiloa
surpass last year's , and the shoo trade as
well , though lately less active. St. Louis
finds trade perceptibly weaker , with the
retail trade fairly active but feverish , Cleve
land notes good trade except In clothing , and
manufacturers busy. Detroit good tvadoaud
active manufacturing. Milwaukee Hteady
trade , Improving with cooler weather. St.
Tnul very good trade , and Minneapolis a flour
output of 17f > , UUO barrels , with wheat receipts
2,000,000 bushels. Kansas City satisfactory
trade , nnd Denver fair.
At the south business Is thriving. New
Orleans reports largo receipts of sugar and
rye and good prices , though the baling of
cotton is hindered by the weather , but at
Galvcstou trade Improves with better wcuthor
and orders uro free.
It may bo said , moreover , that reports as to
collections throughout the country nro inoro
satisfactory. There is scarcely u "men tion of
complaint or tardiness , The money markets
are about us lost reported , though firmer ,
w"h a sharp demand at Uoston , Ilrm
but easier at Philadelphia , still tight nt
Chicago , and scarce nt 7 to 8 per cent ut St.
Louis ; somewhat stringent with Inrgo de
mand at Cleveland nnd Detroit , strong at 7
per cent at Milwaukee , tight nt Savannah ,
and with good domain ) at Uenvor , but easy at
Kansas City nnd easier Inapltoof the demand
ut New Orleans. Tim rates at Now York
huvo varied widely. The demand for the In
terior does not cciiso.
The great Industries are doing inoro on tlio
whole than nt nay time In the past , while
iron production is at the maximum , and the
market at Philadelphia Is very ' 'mixed. "
Iron seems stronger nnd steel weaker.
Best foundry iron is unchanged hero ,
at Philadelphia and at Pittsburg , hut Besse
mer iron Is weak and nt Pittsburg lower , with
steel rails 50 cents lower. Disagreements in
the association nro reported , and the market
hero is demoralized , with sales reported nt ? U
at the mill. In bar and pinto iron larsto orders
are less frequent , but the mills uro liusv und
small orders are active. Copper in sold by
outside holders at 51(1.02 ( , tin is steady at
$ il..r)0 , and load strong at ? o.W ) .
October trndo In coal was below expecta
tions , but nn advance of 10 cents in the
price has been ordered and the out
put for November ilxcd at l',5"iiOO ( ) (
tons. Cotton is a < iunrter lower , with goods
unchanged nnd in active demand , and takings
by northern spinners fully up to Init yeir's.
The packing business is heavy and prices of
pork products steady , with hogs CO cents per
10J pounds lower. Speculation lias not been
remarkably active in breadstuffs , though
wheat U ' 3 cent higher on sales of 22,000,000
bushels , and corn has risen 14 cents on sales
of 9,000,000 bushels , oats being three-quarters
stronger nlso. Oil has declined about ! " < (
cents on small trading. Sugar , both
raw anil relincd , is a shade lower , but
the general average of prices , because of
the advance in breaUstulTs , potatoes and dairy
products , is a fraction higher than n week
ago and per cent higher than n year ago ,
This accounts In purt for the enormous \ ol-
umo of exchange throughout the country , but
there remains an apparent increase of over 0
per cent in the volnmq of business , exclusive
of the difference In price.
The exports from this port for four weeks
have been 10,000,000 larger In value than last
year , when October reports for the whole
country were nearly ? ! H,000,000 , which indi
cates for the month much the largest move
ment on record. Imports hero also show an
increase over last year of $15,000,000 , so that
the aggregate for the mouth may reach
SbO,000.0000 ,
The business failures during the last seven
days number -IS , as compared with 2-5 last
week. For the corresponding week of hist
year tlio figured wcro'til. .
Board of Public AVorkq.
Chairman Blrjthauser - ns absent from the
meeting of the board of public works yester
day afternoon. W. J. Kierstead occupied the
vacant position.
For grading Eleventh street , from Clark
north , the contract was awarded to Samuel
Kutz at 28 cents per cubic yard. Lamreaux
Brothers secured tuo contract for filling
Ginning street where it passes over Saddle
creek in the western "portion of the city.
Their bid was 15 cents per cubic yard.
The following estimates were allowed : C.
E. Squires , street sweeping for October ,
2VIO ( ; Hugh Murphy , curbing Franklin
street from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-ninth ,
Sa.WO.OJamos Flannery , repairing streets ,
$ . ' ! 55.5 ! ) ; The Barber asphalt company , paving
Webster street from Twenty-second to
Twenty-thin , $ J,72S.KJ.t
The sidewalk Inspector presented a list of
defective sidewalks within the Uro limits.
The hoard ordered them condemned
and Instructed the chairman to forward -
ward the list to the city council.
The walks are in the following localities :
North side of California , from Sixteenth to
Seventeenth street ; south side of Webster ,
from Sixteenth to Seventeenth : west side of
Sixteenth , from Cundng to Izard ; south side
oflzard , from Sixteenth to Seventeenth ;
west side of Sixteenth' from Nicholas to
Izard ; south side of Nicholas , from Fifteenth
to Seventeenth ; east side of Sixteenth , from
Nicholas to Cumlng ; south side of Webster ,
from Fifteenth to Sixteenth ; east side of
Twenty-third , from Cuming to Hurt ; north
side of Cass , from Sixteenth to Seventeenth ;
east side of Seventeenth , Irom NVebstor to
Burt ; west stdo or Twenty-second , from
Burt to Cuming ; east slao of Seventeenth ,
from Chicago to Cess ; e < .st side of Thir
teenth , from Jones to Leavemvortb , and
south side of Jackson , from Fifteenth to
Seventeenth. _
lloi-sford'H Auiil Phosphate.
Bcwuro ot imitations.
Ilulltllni ; i'ormit.i.
The following permits were Issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
Q II 1'iiyno , ono nnd omi-lmlf story
t rutno dwelling , Twenty-lift ! ] and llur-
dettobtrcots . t I..WI
saino . \ . ir < M
Same . i.iVK )
Same . , . . i.floo
llrnltn Starch , ono Hlory frame cottage ,
1'Orlyfourth unit l.euvuMworth Mreetn 800
Three minor permits . ya
When the lord chief Justice of England or
der ; . Cook's Extra Dry Champagne , it's u sad
commentary on our Angloinunlacs ,
Coino and Hi ) IiiHtriiotcd.
To Judge * and Clerks of Election : You
are hereby earnestly reaucstoa to meet at
the oflleo of lh county commissioners of
Douglas county on Mpaday , , November 3 , nt
10 o'clock , to receive Instructions from the
county and city nttofttoys In regard to the
conduct of the election aud the Interpretation
of the election law. PIVTEH O'M.u.t.KY ,
County Clerk Douglas County.
Keep So cents Snlv-n-
your eyes open ) buys -
tlon Oil , the greatest euro on earth lor pain.
Tourists to Ycllowatbno Park next season
might encounter n northwestern blizzard. If
they nro wLso men they will take niong aaup-
ply of the famous Dr. Ilull's Cough syrup.
Nebraska City Teachers l ny n Visit to
tlio Onmha .Schools.
A party of thirty teachers of the Nebraska
City public schools , chtiperonod by Mayor
Frank P. Ireland nnd I'rof. G. D' Ostrom ,
the principal , spent yesterday visiting the
Omaha public schools.
No brighter , breezier , or more clover A lot
of young lady Instructors over visited the
city , nnd each and every ono made hosts of
friends , who sincerely liopo that the visit will
have many n repetition ,
The enure party took exceedingly' close
notoof the methods nnd system ompioved in
the Omaha schools thus
, hnpplly mingling a
certain degree of business with their Inunt
for pleasure.
After regcstcring nt the Pnxton thev pro-
cocdod to the board of education rooms * under
the escort ot Superintendent .lames and Miss
Powell. From there the party went to the
high school , Lake , Furnam , Mason and
The hotfll register gives the names of tbo
guests .is follows s
Frank P. Ireland , superintendent ot
V , " Slrm' ,9O. . Elwaugor ,
Thompson , Harding , Williams , Taylor ,
Boyer , Hand , Uulnii , Uoscho and Mrs. "Uur-
gerU _
As a family medicine Ayer's phis excel all
others. Tney nro suited to every nee nnd ,
being sugar-coated , are easy to take. Though
searching und thorough In effect , they nro
mild nnd pleasant in action , nnd their use Is
attended with no Injurious results.
No r/ttnr ! ( | on Kloctlon Day.
Mayor Gushing has Issued the following
proclamation relative to the sale of liquor on
election day :
MAVOII'S OFFICE , OMAHA. Nob. , Oct. 31. IKK )
To the rhlef of I'olk'o , Llqnordenlors' and
Others ! M'xt Tups'iliiy , Novombor-l , Is elec
tion day. Tlio laws of thostato und ordinances
of tlio city make It unlawful for liny ono to
"si'llor u'lvo uway any mult , spirituous and
vinous liquors on tin ; duy ot any general or
special cluetlon. " and tliu law provides that
the mayor shall bo nctlvo and vigilant In on-
forolngnll laws nnil ordlnuiiccs of llio elly. "
Isow. therefore. In llio spirit ntul In pursu
ance of tlio law , 1,15. 0. Onslilnsr , nmyor. horo-
hy notify and onler nil balooiiKfopum and
othorH engniica In the llmiortralllu toclosa
thplr rcxncctlvo pianos of business and coasu
said trnllli'on Hiild day : and thoohlef of 110-
llco Is Instruetod to sen that the law nnilthU
onler mo compiled with and to teport all vie
lations thereof , If nny , to mo.
His hoped that all Inn-abiding elti/ons will
co-opi-r.-ito In malthiR tlio coming election day
memorable for Itssoljrli-ty anil good order.
H. C. Clisiu.NU , Mayor.
Deserving of Confidence. There is no
article which so richly deserves the entire
confidence of the community as Bitoft'N's
BiiONTiii.vt , Tiiocima. These "suffering from
Asthmatic anil Bronchial Diseases Coughs
and Colds should try thorn. Price 25 cents.
rNSTIlUMENTS plaooil oa record Oeto-
iVIndsor Place Ilnlldlnis association to
Ooneordla , Nelson , lot 25 , Windsor
I'Ince , wil * RM
Windsor I'laco llnlldlrw association to
fcoren Jonascn , lot 21 , Windsor Place.
w d g/v )
J 1' Itoyd , slicrllT. to Ili-ttry llolln , lot'sai
lilk 1. Pullman I'laco , H a no
l' Itoyd , sheriff , to Frederick Knur , lot
21 , bin'.1 , Yatosifc Hunipol'ii add , sd. . . . GJ , " >
J 1' Iloyd. Hhnrltr. to Frem-rlck Krug , lot
14. Ford's Sarntiimi ndd , s d Km
J V Uoyd , Froi orlck Krug , lot
: , lilkll. nnd part lot 4. blk U , It rook-
llnouild.scl 2050
K S llrailloy and wlfo to B A Ilenson , lot
° 4blkH. Urines l'lucui | o d j
J K Curtis and wlfii to Altliaroso KIco ,
lots 8. 0 , 10 and 11 , Andrews , Williams
, t TroMull's Mib , w d 8.800
W H Homiinnnil wife to N II Apulc , lot
s. blkH , Sbrh-orl'lacp , w d § 00
II Iliirtiminct ul to AU I'onull , lot rj ,
hlk 11 , Konnl'/ol'lui-c , wd , 7 QUO
B M KHchun nud liusliiind to K II Shur-
wood , lot 10 , blk 8 , ML-Cormlek's add ,
' ' ' ' '
II McSliano to'li o'i'l'uiikoVtViol'lV'blk
TS. Oinnhii 33,000
A H Unman and husband to N II Apnlu ,
part lots 17 und 18 , blk 1 , Orchard Hill ,
wd 2.COO
James Crolsditon. executor , to M K Fan
ning ut nl , o Vi lot U , blk r > 0 , Omaha ,
dcod 2 , < W
J ! ' Itakor and wlfo to Ii and O H Taylor ,
lot ! , Anchor 1'luce. v d 45
Fifteen transfer ! ) K > S > , G12
N B Apple and wlfo toV H Homer , lots 21
and ' . " , Vales v Kueu a sub In Hagan a
' ' ' ' °
Ss'uryantVoM ic'lieiiirokoVio't'llV blk
"S" Shimi's ' 'ml mill II.OOO
IT Ituuns and wlfo lol'uimlo A Walker ,
lot 1:1 : , blk" , llorbach's " 1111 ndd ( deed
of corruption ) ]
DT Heans ami wlfotoFnimln A Walker ,
i\i of lot 13. blk 2 , Uorbach'H L'nd add
( ( loud of correction )
Eihvard Itoiilsonand wife to A I' lllon-
( inlst , oM of bW b-15-10 ( ox I'/tU in so
cor ) ] , SOO
A II Oooley and wlfo to Albright land
and lot company , lots 4 to I ) , blk 12 , lot
24 , hlk It ) . lots 1 and 2 , Idle it ) , West Al-
hrlght mill 3,530
A Ci Ulinrltoiianil wlfo to Mrs K J Miller ,
lot II. blkiMnbtltntn I'laeo : o
O K Cain nnil wife to Tllllo V Lalne. lot
7. Cain 1'Iaro r.,510
O It Cain to A C Ic sard , lots 2 , 4 nnd M ,
Cixln I'luco 17,000
J A llorbucli and wlfo tx > O A Ogburn ,
n4 ! of lot ; i , blk "IV llorlmeh'b sub to
llorliauh's 1st add 1,750
.TS Holland and wlfo leI A Eekstrnm ,
nt nl , nix-.l foetn and H In HU cor lot 14 ,
I'Ince . '
IIluKnry V.'CO
L II U'cnt and wlfo V II Cotl'manii , n 40
fcutnf Iot2. , 1)1U2 ) , Alnmo I'la/a C.OJO
Allen ICoeli nnd wlfo lo W 11 Donald , sub
lot. 8 , In Koch's Bui ) of n'J nwU-11-12. . . . J,2jQ
OM Nnrtbrnp anil wlfu toCl N Uldtten-
ilnii , lots 22,151 ami ai , blk 117 , Dundee
I'laco 8,000
Omaha leal estate nnd trust comiiany
to L.r } Ulirboiigli. lot 4. blk 1. lot r > , lilk
2. and lot lltlk D , Suundcrs & It's Mt
UluuMiiil add 1,217
Tliomas O'Neill to Tlintniis 1'lynn , lot 15 ,
blk 1 , South Omaha Vlow 1,250
A 0 Powell and wlfo to Henry Hart man.
utnl , lot 'J ' , tilk4 , llinvtluiniu add , and
lotfl , blk 14 , West Knil add 5,000
M T Patrick and wlfo to 1) O Sntphcn ,
lot 14 , blk II. Patrick's 2d add 2,50)
M K Italnokon.nilhiistin.iKl to WT Smith ,
lot II. l > IU"S."i-ldnii' 2il add 4,000
AV T Smith nt al to M 1C Kotnei-ko. o 15 ft
lot 10 and Int II , 1)1ID. ! Shlnn's Iht ndd 15,000
Ilolraof J Si-hull to 0 C 1'olwin , lot 111 ,
blk 15 , Shull'd 2il add 030
Enst Omaha land voinimny to J I Re-
illcli. all hue 1 and : in ( Jtllnucom atsw
cor no sw sou 1 , w 0ix ft w to line lint
Kountzo Bros proucrty and Kust Oina-
lia ( ' ( Mnpany'H propertyux ( ptgovt lots
1 und lOidl In l.1-ii. :
N.KuliiitnJ II C'unkllhh' , lots 1,2 and
II. Georso Korlms aubj. ,
W N JleOjuKllsh and wlfo to V 1'Sliu-
mends , hits'JCiiind 27 , McOandlsh pie. . .
Alvln HauiKlorx and wlfo to Anton
( isantnor , 110 4..V : | BO' ft lot2 , blk ) ,
C'roillt I'oiieler ndd
AUK Koimt/.e et ul to Ltiilillo plat .sbow-
Inn Uedlcatlonof 45 ftstrlp for cxton-
nlon of 13th st from city limits to Mls-
bourl ave . - . < .
Total nmountof trajlifors t SlZi.
The now ofllcos ofiitho Great Rook
Islnnd route , 1002 Sixteenth nnd Fnrnair
wtreots , Omaha , nro the finest in thoulty.
Call and see thorn. Ttukots to all points
tiast at lowest rules.
Mnrrlngo Idoonscs.
The following marrlaga llcousoi wcro is.
sued by Judge Shields yesterday :
Name and address.
I Simon Oiiruda , Omaha .
I Antnnla SwabodnOmaha \
j I'hllllp I' . Kurtnr , Omaha 5
I Iksflu Lilbson , Uniiihii
Through vouclius I'ullmaii
bleopers , dhiinycnrs , free reollniiifjeluvli
curs to Chicago and intorvunlng iiolntH
vln the gnmt Hock Island routo. Tlcko
ofllco 100. , Slxtounth ana Fnrimm.
8 REASONS. 1309
1 B caVise we do s we advertise.
2' $0ca > use we S01 | goods at less thai the cost of material ,
o ecay Q Vantco a genuine taiioi'-Aiacle suit at ready-made pncos
4 ecaVise we m antee a perfect fit
B ! SecaVise we alter goods to fit the fc > uroiuiser n-oe of charge.
Q ' cca\ise we give tlle Pul'c".aer m > re mtm he anticipates for his money
7' ec X gg we iltVe ) the confidence c f tiie public.
8 5eG iVise we n0vr er allow a garme - , * to te ) misrepresented.
! . , . ? : i2.r.o
ir"l.m ! . mjj'lo ' gull for.
' ! ' . .
suit for . -$15.00
evenings mil'1 ' 9 o'clock. Saturday evenings until 10 o'clock.
1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309
- IIc"Cc , ll is
U * lth P
, . . . ,
mini . "I-CII < ICIHIII.---Q , | | , „ A kfo'VANHotrri-HBnnd < , ileh d S
\ -
MO Qt/REl ! NO PA.Y.
Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tli ° sc NVh0 arc opp ° Scd to
' ' ' and desire c present -
ent l ° Cal option and 'llgh ' H-
censfllaws' to remain ' ' force
V0t c aainst both of the
desire to engraft
thc | icense principie coupled
with ul tion upon 1C5 | | constitution -
stitution nd forever Prevent
' prohibition a5 Jt now
in Iowa , shoulJ vote
arra . prohibition
ment1111" f 'or the licen
a v6tc
nclmcnt is n"1 vote
prohibition. These
" § s arc entity scp.
you want t" Defeat
you must vote
again51 Prt hibition.
The following is thc nn of
the ' "l ohibition tic t :
ASi nst the IVOposcd
, : : to tlie Constitu
tion , Prohi. biting thcii nufac-
turcjalf' -and keeping for sale
of int ° ca tingliquorsi5 ! bcv-
. fur Pr
to.tlic co nstitution , ll' ' t the
manHfactu .re , sale , and eping
for s-lle of ' intoxicating Uquors
as a1)ev < ragc in thb state
shall lc licensed and rcgu-
. lust ilny onwMr * rlthoni
may ff * , * ofoiothc > olociioiii1 * ' < t Tuos-
ilny. 'J1' * 'U'MX"Ja ' ' of registry wlUrWaln o n
? ( ! ' viistnin . . . . .
iiia.lpfltov , foril. * ! ! .0 )
* ! nistoni nmdp ovVS , r.- -9S.r
r , . . . . $20.00
* ! ' custom inmlo wovjoj for.- * !
nmdo ov" | , . . . . * . ,
_ Too Fast
oocomo wlthoi" onor-
j'.y , thin and weak. an for-
tUy thorn and bull d by thoM
, M , >
They will take It veadlly , for It Is aU
won as palatable s inllk. And It
j , . that AJ A mi : .
\ ji.vnvi : on cun h 7misoitt'oi.iis , , ,
} * fm Inprlvafotirni'lk'o Avltil iii'i'fut nitiirorovrr
lilUt f mrftU by th"x 'opio. Ku-ry"Klo ( " ' HIHJ.
iTOEsSl ? - ' ? lfe
j iiillll lirilll v jt PIltTIHIlC I Ul" * * ' *
fej ltiSS51 - ; :3 :
iiliirrli , Jnllucii "tl"3,1jniioll , 'i't . .TO
I. nil
" ' " "
leiM-l.rall'lw"0" '
Kulil liy ) ) rui,7lflir ( , . . . . . tojtr Unr''rrIt , , |
f'lirlco. Da ] | unriiRav < i < JuVwu'1" ' I'nu" )
rU'lily IMIUIKI In rlnth nj gjjil , nil" ' " ! free.
"irouiHl UN ntlvvuimiu , HIP" IIcaU >
Ufliu , Coii tiiiulli > , , . . .id I'lli * . tliut
hmva txirnmn no arllnOiiii. Tlioy net
" niiii r * iy , in iici : : reKiivo
ill ( oiiauu'l ' vl | ( rtu
Olllce , Ut ) & 41 i url Tliico , N. Y ,
sl custom inmlo imnN for SS.25
$ l"i I'lisloiu iiiaili' pnnl.s for $7. " l >
! ? ll ! ciisliiiu inmlo l" " iil * for $0.50
$12 ciisloni ninili' ptnts for $ ( ! . ( ) (
$10 rii toni inmlo luinls for $5,00
$ S ciiMom mu'.lo imnU for $ l.r > 0
$ 7 custom niiiilo pants for $ ; i.75
Moiollmti | f > vcnr 'oipcrli'iicoln Din Irimtinontaf
A ruro uunrniilooil la 3 to llvo ilnjrs nlttiuiil IholOJi
of an liour'c ( lino.
IVrmiincnllr rnrcil wlilinul pnin or IntlriiniL-nH , no
rtitltMx : nn illlallni ; . Tin' in"I ii-iiiiirUnliio nimour
knonn lo mcHlern m-lnu'v. Wrilo for < Mri.Mil.irj.
Dr. Mrtircw'n trralnii'nt for thl lurrllilo tilooil ill .
oitKO him lu'tMi iiroiiiiiiurfMl llio mutt powerful anil
BiiwoHHlnl ii'ini'ily over < ll.i"H'r ( < Ml fur tlu > nliioliitii
Clllllllf lllll lIlHCIIKO HIS ( IIUMUMH Wllll tllll lIlHO.'ISO
IIIIK ni'vc-r licuii ( ' ( inalli'il. A ruinplvlo Cfllll UUAII-
AMKr.n.Vtllc forclrciilnr' .
nuil nil wi > iikni > < of HID Boiiinl orKuni , nprvoinnpii ,
tliiilillty iinil ilo'iioniloncy nlnxilutely ciirud. Tlioro *
lluf H Imnifillnlu nnd rmiipK-K * .
Cntnrrli. ilii'iiinalHin. iun1 "U ill'o.Ki" of itm lloo.l
liver , Mdiu'ys iiiul lilmMcr lu'riniiirntlj' unrt'il.
nnil noiirnlida , ni'rvoit ni.'siiinilll < i'ii ( Ho
iicli fiiruil. 'I'lio Diii'h'r'.i "Homo Tiuiiliiiont" for
Inilli'S la priiMiHiMriMl t > r nil wlio hnvo uioil It , to Ixj
llnMiioxt i'iinip'1'lu ' " "I coiiviMilimt iiMiioily nTurof-
fomd fur tlio trcnliiiMit of fi'inild : < ll i > usu < . It H
truly n wiunlnrful remedy. No ItiMuiim'iiU ; no
imlii. lldl'iis roil IMMiK-4 | llo I y rn I OM.V.
nmrvdoui mirron Im won for Mm n n > imtntlnn
\vlilch N truly niitloniil In oli.irnnli'r , nnil Ills Kroat
tinny of patlrnti ri'.irlii ) ' * from llio Atlantic to Ilin
I'liclllp. 'riio Dix'lorH a firiuliiiito of "ilillM.AH" :
ini'illcliio iiuillms lin < l Inns ami mri'iul otpcrlrurnln
lionpiial prncllco , ami H clnisuii aiimnu tlio louilInK
peclall i In niniicrii frloiipn. Tiontiiicnt l > y uorni-
' Will fur circulars about cuchut tlio
iibovii illsuunoj ,
Office , i th and Farnam Sts
Knlranro on oltlier xtroct
"lly a tlioruuuli kM < nvo ! , ! u of Urn naliirnl lawn
wh < MI tinvvrn the on | > riitl iiHifillKi" > iluD ami nutri
tion , ami hy n uircful npiillcntlini of the Hue pro | nr-
llun of niillauli'duiH' ' O'Ui. Mr. Kpp Inn provlilcil
our hroakfaHL tabli'irlth lulollcutvly Muioroil l > ovor-
IIKOvhlcli may Have 119 many huavy iloctor'H Itllh , ji
M hy tlio Juilli'louH "t micli nrlicics of illot Hint it
continuum nmy Imurailiinlly Inilll IIP iinlll ntroiix
cnnuuli tn roiltt every tuiiiliiiicy lu ilhravu Jlun-
ilri'ili of mibllo MiiilinlU'i nri' II jalluuiiroiiiul iiHromly
In nttnolc ulicrcTur tin rols it wt-nk pulnt. Wo luajr
nscnpc ni'iny tt Intnl Hh.ilt by kucpltiK oiimolvuH well
f'lrtlllcil ' wltb ptiro blouit , ami u piopcrly nourlHlietl
Iriimi' . " ( Ivll Si rviio linrotlu
IMaiUi sliui'ly wllli bullliij : wiititr nr milk. Sultl only
In half pound thiH , byxruiorn , labdiMl thuii
'X 1'IK ' fll IIoniuoiiilhlo OhoinlsU
' , v | ,
vO 1 1 0 IX l/U , , hondoii. Kindiinil.
Corner Oth and Harnoy Streets , Oiunhi.
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DR. A. T. MCLAUGHLIN , prosidont.
Founded hy Ir. J. W. MoMonamy.
Jloriililnn llnlilt
cureain llllo''im.r'
\ JT HD | TtlllCir > ii.Plt.J.8TEt > llCNBL l ona ,
Wcnk men , wllh krnln. norvoi nnd i > Tiinl
liiliiilrcil.oiiinllnlnii | nli-uliiKii'iliolli Nl.lll K l.
Tlioy ntnko old men round , ulvu tint ( mil viuor tu ox-
luilHlcil youth , iloulilnlirn'H Jor > l purlmi piiiitinil | | ,
I'uiniJlilrtfn-o NI'IIIVH IIKAN ro. lli'frAiu ' , N V
HuM I'y ( iooiliiuui DriiKto. , 1110 Kimiuni M. ,
Best Quality ,
Correct Stylo. Perfect Filling.
Best Linen.