Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    , juice man hero must show bis tlclcot before
lin put i It In the box , unil It trust bo straight ,
nllliit.rn or Ibo republican alUatuo tncn will
vote straight for Ulelmids Lvcrj body U
tinto the BoyJ Ririnc
Democrat I < J Iliillilo/liiK.
HISTIVI , Neb , Oct -Special [ Tele-
ftnmtoTiui Br.r.j Certain democrats in
this cltv have attempted to force Tiir Uri
correspondent Into making 11 denial of the
nxposuro of MilCclghnh's record hy the
Adams'county olllnncii committee who re
turned Monday from Uoil Cloud. At the
nnmo tlmu ttioy linvo inailo the llfo ndluli
livtA , one of tlio alliance Koiitloinon who \\ont
to Hod i'loud , n burden by bulldozing him
Into timid tit ; u denial. Ilolng n young ntul
mi ninbitiotit candidate for supervisor , bo
consented to iiuiliiiiL ' , a HCoond statement
ulilcli.ns published , does iiotilony tliosiivoiy
record of MdCc'Ighan , but limply atat ho
( Hubbird ) will not support either Mo-
) { cltrhuu or Hnrlan. The chnlal 01 statement
of Mr lluhbard was manufactured by the
Tonlpht V O. Dirllm ? , n prominent fanner ,
rot roborati'S the report as published in'I'm :
31i i last Tuesday moinini1 In an open let-
Ur to Hi" editor of the N'obrtsknn ho sijs :
1 disltotosay Unit Ii 1' llubbard of
Junlata township , wdovlth T M. Hntth icd'iitl ) Invest trilled the record ofV
MtKelKium nt Hod Cloud , told mo with
out iiMervo , in the prosciirn of .1 II Splcor ,
Hint hcluunil the charges against McKeinhan
lo bt % tnu < Ho declared fuilhormoro ho
would not veto for M < ICeijjImn nnil could not
vorlc for Ilarlnn Ho could not vote for
uih n in.ui as McKeli-linti , but would vote
fur tlio t.ilaii ( o of the tic-hot "
rim alliance man , Mr Uittrcal , stands by
Ins first statement mmlo Monday The
democrats aru unable to bulldo/olnm.
Ittllly Ut
Si vsui > , Neb , Oct. 31 [ Special to Tun
3ln A rousing republican rally toolt place
Jicru last nlRht. At 7 .10 the luigo opeia
liouso was tilled to ovoi flowing and many
wens compelled lo leave forvv.iat of seolinf ?
ripiiitv Iho spo.ikers vveio Hon
21 Hutlnn < , candidate for ntturnoy
mid Mr buimiMia of lleatricc.
Mr Summers discussed politics fiom n
mtlonil standpoint ntid advanced many
hhoiiK ami practical icasom why Ncbiaslca
nhould hesitate before sending n democrat ,
midot Hie ( julso of an Independent , to con-
Ifrcsn Ho viewed Imp.irtlullv the icront
.McKtig.m hud undo for himself and asked if
that was the chaiaetcr tbo people of the
becond distiict wished torcpioscnt them IIu
dwelt at length on the AlcICinloy bill and
contrasted It with the democratic inc.isuio ,
the Mills bill , nnil dcinonstutod tbo Justice
of the one niul the Injustice of thoothcr. llo
tulo l7od Hlthnids and condemned IJoyd for
lumleiitiLr to thomorst elements of society
nnd showed that Powers w a piaetlcally out
ol the i ice
Mr Hastings mailo n brilliant speech and
beyond a doubt rescued many wavering
votes back to their Hi st love Ho admitted
that tlio time was dmlng the c.iinptlgn when
doubt o\lstiit as to the outcome on next
luosdij , but claiini'd that- all tint doubt \\as
iiou dispelled and the ju-oplo only waited tun
ith of November to once inoro proclaim a
ii ; indrcpubllcati victory
The meetincr was an enthusiastic one and
npplanse was frujucnt and very pionounccd.
Lincoln ,
LtvcoiN , Neb , Oct. Ill [ Special Tele-
KMin to TUB Bin .J This evening \V. .1
] tiynn the democratic candidnto for congiess-
inun , attempted to innlio a icplv to thospcah
of John M Thnrston of List week , but ic.illy
ilolivered an apologetic addicss for his mis
takes during the campaign. An Introductory
speech was made uy M V. Oannon in Ids
usual happy and eloquent manner. Mr.
Ihyiitt opened his ndehess by snjliif ? , In Imi
tation of Thuiston , that ho never wag
nsliamed of the party ho represented. He
declared that 'riiurston bad slid that the
McICinlov bill does not Indent ) the prlco ol
the necessaries of life. and nt-
tempted to refute it by rcruHni ;
nn alleged clipping from Tin , BLI : and workIng -
Ing oil liis old story about the wlfo and the
lienr Mi Hrjan then made a very Inmt1
ilofenw of his fatal remark at Av'cepliiK
Water , about his beiiifj "tired of hearing
about la\\s made for the benefit of men \\lic
not kin shops. " Ilasiiltlthattho reason he
undo this xvns because ho na\ct
lu'ai ( t of a mechanic becoming a inilllonnuo
llo tefciied to Council as the tail end of the
ticket Ho thought that , tlio candidate-
ought not to shoulder all the woilc of tin
c.unpiign , but that tlio voters ought to beai
part of tin ) burden. The leimindcrof tin
address consisted of an myent nimeal to sup
port Mini for tonftressand f.dily bristled wiU
tbo pronouns " 1" and "mo. "
An ImpcuiinloiiN htumpor.
niniN\ui ) , Neb , Oct. -Special [ to Tin
Uu" The honest faimcra1 alllanco part ;
has boon sadly duped in this precinct by tb (
JlolHMiilan alliance speaker , frank Jnnos o
Atkinson Neb. llo came hero t\\o wecki
ago , and when be struck the town Infornict
prominent alllanco men that ho did not him
iMiounb money to pay his expenses In tovv n o
to buj ills supptr A collettlon was at onci
taken up and u purse of } ( i or J8 raised. A1
BOOH as bo received this ho slipped a\vav fron
tboin and forvvaideil $40 to Ida v\ifo. lie dls
played considerable money after the collec
lion. An appointment \ \ as imule for him t
bpcukhuru by his authcut ) and ho piomisc <
to come. The alliance men tlio watchini
every train , but so fai ho has failed to shov
Mr. Hllrlliig nt
Neb , Oct. : )1 ) [ Special Tele
to Tun Um.l The largest auillonc.
that ever assembled In this village turnei
out today to the anil prohibition rally. Th
meeting \\as nddiossed by Hon. John II
Stirling of Omaha Ills arguincnts wen
foiclblo and tonvlnclkfj and ho vas In
quontly Intctrnptod in the course of hi
hpotth hy outbursts of applause. It Is esti
nia'od that neaily one thousand people v\oi
In town for tbo puipoiu of attending tb
nicodng , but oulng to thoinadcquency of ill
hall but about halt of them were able to bo i
Mr Sibling's address. Ube audience \va
A Democrat lo Trlolc.
HEIIIION , Nou , Get. 31. ( Special Tell
gram toTiiL Bni ! . ] Gioat excitement prevail
In this eltj over the discovery of aplecoc
democratic chicanery In pi intlng tbo tndi
pendent and democratic tickets only ih
cltiuso against the proposed amendment t
tlio roiistltution prohibiting the mnnufactiir
dale and Keeping for saloof Intoxicating ll <
noraus 11 bevcngovas used. Uho Indepei
dent people nro grcitly Incensed over th
attempted outrage and citiiors were at oni
dlsp itched for the reeoveiy of the tickets ai
now ones aio being piintcd to avoid local ii
lury _
A Stiaimo I'rocoodlnjj.
Gi CPNTnn , Nob. , Oct. 31. [ Special Tc
pgraui to l'nu Hnu ] The onlcr sent out i
the alliance voters to assemble in their lodj
Momlaj and arnniRO tUclr tickets causes gc
eral discussion as to what It means. Kotm
llcan fanners think It means alllaiuo repn
llcuiis aroto bo voted for the sttaightallian
ticket , wlillo ucmocrats will scratch l'ov\e
nnd vote for Uojd. Uepublicaa alliance nn
arc on the alcit and will Insist o'n secii
every democratic nllhuuo tkket before
goes Into the box. _
Ittlly ut I'ntuler.
Pi SUCH , Nob. , Oct. ai. [ Special To
grunt to Tim HKP. . ] A rousing republic
rally Is In progress hero tonight. The cov
liouso hall Is ciowncd to hoar the ivpubllc
spcaUors , Hon , L.V. . Oslorno nud A
I.oiit' , discuss the llvo politlcall Issues Ki <
Interest Is manlfasted In the questions of t
ilny and politics Is running high. Tbo pri
poets nro that tbo republican ticket vv
cat ry by a good majority In this county a
thut Dorscy will without doubt run cons
orably ahead of the ticket. The Indcpendei
cut uo tlguro heic.
Reed nt Olenwooil.
QLKNWOOD , In. , Oct. ai.--Spcclal [ to T
The rcpublloaiiii of this place \M
a gcnulno tivat last nlgU In I
tpoocucs of Congressman Iteed nnd M ,
O'Counell. Judge Hood's effort was n m
t rl o iKsltloa of the silv or and tariff Icj ;
of the last.conu'i'ess. His record a
hi < poilllon im\p the fullcstiintlsfrtttlon to nil
bis rcpublUan bearers Ho enthused nil Ids
old friends and made muny now onus. Al
though the oviMilnir Wiia rainy , the court
house ivus flllcHl with n very attentive audl-
( rent I ) 'inoiiHti-atloii at PullM City ,
ru.MCirr , Neb , Oct. 81 iSpoclnt Tolc-
to Tun line | Tbo laigmt crowd seen
dm lag the campaign tutned out tonight to
\velcoroo Itirhnrdi nnd Lanilnp A line % \OT
formed at r o'clock , ho tiled by the Palls City
bind , competed of a torchlight brigade fol-
lo.vcd by llambenu and pun clubs. Tluro
was oiu' ' continual hlaro of llroworks for fully
half an hour The greitest enthusiasm pre
vailed Mr Illch irds viewed the xitocossloii
nnd pronounced It the most enthusiastic
demonstration ho has witnessed Hiebaids
made nn eloquent addico of half an hour , In
\vhlch ho reviewed the good \vorlt of the re
publican piuty In this sti'o for the past
tw en t.v three j cars The inimitable Lansing
lollowcd Kit bards , speiklnp for about two
hours and went after the democrats ou the
tariff qucttlon. He completely annllilliued
the democratic harangues previously mmlo
hcto on the McICInloy nlll , and wound up bv
Biyinga word for the stito and ( .ongivsslonal
tickets Republicans aio at this tlmo
holding hitfh carnival over the success of the
blggcat rallj of the campaign and the feeling
Is to vole the ticket straight.
Housing IMciMhii : at Fnlrbnry.
Fviiint in , Nob. , Oct. 31 [ Sncclal Telo-
ginm to Tin Bu.J Atousliiff old fashioned
republican meeting was held tonight at
Thompson , tbo stronghold of tno alllanco In
this county- . There was n largo attendance.
Tbo mcctitiR was addressed by , ) . C. Cr.xmb ,
candidate for llont icprcsentntivo , in a strong
upccchon the tniiffand urging upon the 10-
publicnns of the alllanco their duty to sup
port the entire republican ticket. Ho was
followed bj Colonel ( Icorgo 12 Jenkins in u
strong appcd for Ulchatds and the whole
state ticket Captain John Heasty mndo an
eloquent address in behalf of Ilatlanaud ar-
ruigniiig MclC > ! glmn In the strongest terms
'llio imotlng was a giuat success and made
many votes
Aii'i-liiiendiiUMit aiootlni ; nt Crete. '
Citiir , Nob. , Oct. ai [ Special Telegram
to Tun Dtr.l lion Trank J. Kelly ad-
dicsseil u laigo audience this evening against
tlio amendment. Hon. C. J Uowlby opened
tlio mcatlng , assuring the audience that , not
withstanding the statement of the prohibi
tionists , the amendment would bo defeated
Hon II M Wells followed in u short but
telling speech , placarding the Oreto Glebe
for mean attacks upon anti-amendment
speakers , and especially Mr Kelly The
latter Kontli man then followed in an cloiucnt ,
logical and coin Inclng- speech , showing the
inconsistency of prohibition doetiines. Alt'
Kelly's speech was greeted with great ap
nt Grand Island.
GIUNH ! * ( \ \ , Neb , Oct 31. [ Spoeiil
Telegram to TIIK Hbi 1 A lousing lopilb
llcan meeting was held tonight and the opoia
house was p icked to hear Senator Mandcr-
son. Owing to the lateness of the train ,
Congressman Dorsey and General O Connor
of Ketrnoj did not ariivc Mr Mniulciaon's
lefeitnco to the republican leadois was
greeted vIth nppbuiso , nnd his icinaikson
the McKlnley and silver billa wore listened
to with rapt attention Ho dedniod himself
opposed to the prohibition amendment , and
\ocifcrouslj applauded
Mr. On I dwell at Nelson.
NIILSON , Neb , Oct 31. [ Special Telcgnm
to TUB I3bilion | J. S C.ddvvoll spoke
here this nftci noon to a j oed si/cd houao on
the tariff question , nmUIng the plainest and
most logical speccli dellveied during the cim-
paign There \ \ as hearty enthusiasm and
votes for republicans \veio doubtless made.
8. A. Scnrloiutioduicd the speaker with n unmasking some of tlio most mis
leading statements of tno opposition.
PmmciH Keady to Itevolt.
Hoinucnr , Neb , Oct. 31 [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : IJi'E ] The alliance farmers
hero have It up their noses. They have be
gun to catch the outlines of the nigger in the
woodpile. They have lead tlio older for
thorn to meet on Monday. If the demociats
lefnso to open their tickets and show up
straight , their Powers will got no votes beic.
The whole conntiy Is nllvo to tbo situation.
lU-eaks Down.
UED Ci.otD , Neb , Oct. 31. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BKR. ] McICuigtmn's friends
hero pive it out on the quiet that ho Is done
for. Ho his lost his tetnpct latclv every day ,
and snc.usllkou piiatc. lie threatens to
shoot and olTois to "lick" every nnn who
crosses him Ho is drinking hard now and
is liable to break completely down any -laj.
Everj day adds to Ilurlan's following.
IVatoIiinjj lor Trlokrry.
AUIIOUA , Nob. , Oct. 31. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Bi'K Hepubllcan alliance men
hero nro org.inUIng 10 prevent any tilcltory
on election day. They will insist on o\cry
democratic independent voter showing an
ntlianco ticket and tboj will \vateh him till
ho chops it in the slot. II. million will show
up u big vote for Harlan and tli3vbole vo-
i pu oilcan ticket _
ImlnpondcntH at Oril.
Om > , Neb. , Oc t. Hi . [ Special toTiin HRK. ] -
W. II Dech , Independent nominee for lieu
tenant goornor , waa billed to speak at Ord
this afternoon , but failing to materialize ,
loeal speakois took up the time , and the rail
roads , the banks mid the government suffeiod
nt their hands. Earnest nppc ds to st md by
the independent nominees \\oio made by the
spcakuw. _
A Dream ofGloi'j OiHpelled ,
Cnv , Neb , Oct 81. ISpecia !
Tolcpronr to Tin : lire.The prohibitionists
of this city had made arrangements to have
the publlu school childi en carry pioblbltior
banners on election day , but the board ol
education todaj sat down on the si homo
AgniiiNt tlio Amemlment.
Onn , Neb , Oct. 31. [ Special to TUB BUB.
W. D. Oldham and Stanley Thompsoi
spokoagainst the piohlbltlon amendment ii
the court house tonight. They \\eiogrettei
by n good audience and made a favorable 1m
prcislou. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'aukiMl tlio Oper.i House.
NEIIIUSKV CITV , Nob. , Oct. -Special [
Telegram to TUB Bnr J Uenoral Colby am
O. 1' Mason preached good ropublieair doc
trine In this city tonight to an audlcnco Ilia
parked the opera bouse.
Neb , Oct. ai. [ Special Tolc
gmm to TUB IJui : ] A poll of the train o
the II. As M. from Omaha to Lincoln K
night show cd O ( against prohibition and 1
nonunion ! at NcbriiHkn City.
NFIIIIVKV CITY , Neb , Oct .11. | Spcer !
n- Telegram to Tin : Bi K. ] Ralph Beaumont t
nb the Knights of Labor delUoicd n lecture f
b- the court house hero
IS BUnlmslilp Arrivals.
'II At New Yovk The Aller fiom lliemen.
IK At Browhead The Ilothiiia , from No1
Yorlifor Liverpool.
At Holly Head Passed : The City of Uo
lln. from N'ow York for Liverpool.
om At Southampton Tno Trate , from No1
m Yoik for Ihvnien.
rt AtKlnsolo 1'assod : The Kngllsh Moi
in arch , from Now York for Liverpool.
niuhtli AVard Itepiilillcan * .
bo ' A well nttcndod meeting of the Eight
wmil republican club \vits held ntTwcnt ;
ill fourth and Cumlng streets last night , vvhlc
nil was prvsldod over by Judge Wllcox. Tl
id. mei-tinp was nddro-ssed by O. K. Yost , J V
Lytle , D T. Mount , Cnrlst S ) > ocht mid
number of others. The speeches were a
short nnd pithy , and tbo speakers were we
received ,
TO Slhcr Ijower nt Ainsterdani.
he AMSTEIIIKV , Oct. 81.-Special [ Cnblcgra
1) . to TIIK Ih'r.J The price of line silver hi
fallen to 83 guilders per Ulo.
Last Proceeding of the Baptist State Ooa-
ventiouat Trctnoat.
A Nc ro Assnultsn Sinn \Vitlin t'luk-
A\o-Cfiishpil to Dentil A
Unite nt Imrco Other
btuto News.
, Neb , Oct. -Special [ to Tnr.
HLI : ] The closing' session of the Baptist
state convention wni hold this forenoon. Hev.
T 13 Hudson of Tekaimh opened with nn
address upon churchcdlfkc ivork. Ho stated
that this line is being pushed vlcorouly nnci
that the now churches which have been built
aio rapidly lifting their debts.
Hov. A W. Lnmiu of Omiihi submitted the
report of tlio cduratlonal committee. Tills
report was to the effect that the plan of the
proposed new Hnpt Ut university , to bo built
at Grand Island , Is under vv ay. Tbo building
Is to bo elected and finished ready for use by
September 1 , WJI. ThogurtlfylnRiiews wus
Khun that J i1 Xcdiker and family of Grand
Island have donated to the university S.VtK)0 ) )
as an endow mint fund on condition that the
NntlonillJducitloml society add $10,000 to
tills sum , which provision Is most likely to bo
cnvrleilout A commit Ho consisting of A
W. Lnmar , Omaha , Ur. Willlaim , Lincoln ,
and Hev K K Curry , rromont , vvus ap
pointed to select n president for the univers
ity Another part of the report wa ? n recom
mendation that the vv oik of furnishing the
now new university dormitory bo taken up
by the j outig people's a oc'latlons connected
v\"lth the thuuhes of the state.
The committee on resolutions reported a
strong scries They declared In fuvorof
temperance in the strictest nnd fullest sense
and unqualifiedly endowed the pending pro-
hlbiloiy lunondmcnt anil m ged its adoption
OH non-partisan lines They also declined In
fnv or ot havhiR the Columbian exposition ul
Chicago in IS'JI closed on Sundays.
Di. Willlnim of Lincoln was elected dele
gate to the national cduutioiial meeting in
Now Yoik November 5. Hov 12. H. Curry
of Kremontwas chosen alternate.
The enrollment reached 'JOT.
Assaulted witliu IMck-Axc.
WVTVC , Neb , Ocl 0 [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bin : | D. W. Brittun , ex-county
treasurer , vvasatruch on the head this after
noon with a plck-a\o hj u negro section man
named William Tlbbets. Thoskull was fiac
lured and a teiriblo wound Inllictod. The
surgeon In nttendmco says there is small
hope of his rec&vcii . Tlio people of the
town nro greatly o\clted and there nro many
threats of liiihinp should Urlttandio. 'Ihere
nio a number of wltnossos.butitii not known
what as the exact tau so of the trouble.
to I'eatli liy n
Gi'vsi ) TsrM > , Neb , Oct. ; tl [ Special
Telegram to Tun BuiA ] twelve year-old
son of O L House , republican candidate foi
tljo legislature , was thrown from n horse to
day , and his foot catching in the stirrup , he
vv as dragged to death When the horse wni
taught tlio head nnd brcist of the boy wore
so horribly mangled as to bo unrecognizable
UrnkcMiian Killed While
NLMAIIA CITV , Nob. , Oct ! il [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bri'J Fred C. Cox , n
bralicmnn , was killed in the B. & M. yards
hero thb morning while switching1. lie
leaves a wlfo nnd child ut Nobrisku City.
He had been braking about n month.
The body \\as taken to Nebiasln City this
morning 'His jouug wlfo is prostiatcd bj
the shock.
Death of lion. A. It.
GLI'AWOOI > , la . Oct 31. [ Special io Tin
Br.t. ] Hon. A. II. Wright , twice a mombci
of tlio legislature fiom this county , nnd om
of its most worthy and InlliicntUl citizens
vv as buried hero today. His illness was \ erj
brief and his do ith n genuine boreiiv cmont t (
the v\ hole community.
A Unite at lynrgc.
NrmivsKV Cirv , Neb , Oct 111. [ Special
to Tin : BhE.A brute who has not jc
been apprehended attempted a criminal as
s.uilt on the eleven-year-old daughter of ex
Sheriff Cnniuly List night. Ilor cries foi
help caused the wretch to abandon his pur
pose. _
Crushed 10 Month.
Giii'EiF'i CPSTBH , Neb , Oct. ! tl [ Spcclu
Tolegrainto Tin : Bn : . ] Connor Mnrscb wn1
found dead this moining under a wagon loai
of stone six miles northeast of IOVMI. llo lef
hero lastnlKht to dtivo homo and the wagoi
upset , throwing the stone on him.
Hiiffocntod In n Sand Ilimlc. ,
COIISINO , la , Oct. 31 [ Special Telegran
to TIIK Bus.J Ycsteraiy afternoon , vvhil
\vorkingin a sand bunk near Qulncy , nson o
Mlclmrdlironncr was suffocated b > the cloi
in in of the band about him Ulfo was extinct
tinct when help rciched him.
A Coiiipiirlsoii Atutlo With tlio ln\s
Two loca < lcs.
"WVSIUNOTOV , Oct. 31 , The population c
the United St lies , n * shown by the consu
bulletin l sued today , is (13J ( : ! > 0ri40 The fig
urcs are cxclusivo of v bites iu the Inuia
territory nnd Indians on the reservation. Ii
ISsO the population was 50,15'i,753. ! The Ii
cieaso in thopist ten jears is 12,821,75" .
percentage of 4.57 In 1870 the populatlo
was stated astS,5o3i71. ; According to the'
illumes the increase between 1871) ) and 18s
\vas 11,197,4U and the percentage80.0 > < . Tl
birllotinsavs : lllt tlio lignres wcio deilve
from correct data such a reduction In the ral
of Incicaso in the face of enormous immigr :
lion the past ten 3 cars would nrRUo a gror
diminution in the fecundity of the populatic
or a coiresponding Increase In the death rut
These ilcurcs are , however , easily ovplalnc
when i is stvted that the oonsus of 1870 we
grossly deficient In the southern states , f
much so as not only to glvo an exaggerate
rate of increase of population bctvvaen 171
and 1SSO In these states , but affect very nn
torinlly the rate of increase in thocountiy i
huge. "
Iheso omissions , the bulletin says , woi
not within the control of the census oftlc
Tlio census of Ib70 was taken under a la
which Superintendent Walker charactoil/r
as "clumsy , antiquated and birbaious. " Tl
census oftlco had no power over its cnumer
tors In referring to those omissions tl
superintendent of the tenth census said In h
report in relation to South Cirollirv "It fc
lows , as the conclusion of the highest autho
Ity , cither tint the census of Ib70 vvagrossl
defective In login il to the uholo of the stu
or some cousldeniblo parts thereof , i
else tint tlio census of ISbO was fiau >
ulent" Those , therefore , who believe i
tlni accuracy and honesty of the tenth const
nnd that was thoroughly established nut
accept { ho other alternative , namely , thattl
ninth census vv as "grossly defective. " Wh
was truoof SoutbCa oilna vv as also true ,
n greater or less degree , of nil the southei
states. The omission in all prolnbllr
amounted tenet lass than lVXOOi ) . Omltth
from consideration those states in which tl
census of 1S70 Is known or presumed to ha'
been fnulty , riio rite of Increase between 18
and ISStl la the lemainlng states has bei
very o.uly maintained la the deeado t
tvvcon ISsO and IbW
ItcluriiH to ISi-l liim ,
Oct. 91. [ Special Cablegram
TIIK BFE. ] King Leopold loft 1'otsdan ted
on his return to Ilclglum. He was a ceo in r
nlt'd to the railroad station by liraporor WI
iam , who baito him a warm farewell.
Cliiolnnatl'H Ilul'iirm Hoard hvvorn I
CINCINNATI , O. , Oct , 31 The now board
city officers was snoni Into oftlco this aftc
noon upon receipt of nowa from Colmnli
about the action of the aupremo court.
'I he Cantonal Council of I lolno.
Oct. 31. [ Specld Cablegram
Ih.K. ! At ttio mooting of the gra
council of the canton of Tlclno toduy
Soluatl , I ho conscrvatlvo leader , iulroduc
a bill providing for tin rovhton of thiie'loc-
torallavvs Tho. trtll VV.H referred > o n com
mltteo t'onststlul * ( if ilvo conservatives and
four radicals 'p\v\ ' \ council will moot again
on November 0 , whin it will receive the in-
port of the election * for niomhars of the new
grand council , hi tthlun tlio inclriitnontanc *
hnvo ofTered the liberals two seats The
elections will bcjhqld ) next week.
Tin ; SOUTJI'OMAHA ijiUGirn.
It It ArttlresMctl by Hon. John Ii.
\\cMistor on I'rolilbltlon ,
The Dohcmiiin band par.ided the sheets
last night , followed by transpireticic's , before
the grand untl-prolilbitlon meeting in Hovv-
loj'shnll. Whan I'lcsidont Jnskolok of the
personal lights iiaguo called the meeting to
order the immense hull was a sea of eager
faces. Tlie audience was plainly In sympathy
with the movement.
Warren Swltvler was the flrat speaker In
troduced. Mr Swlbler gave a vigorous and
Interesting discussion of the question , fre
quently elte'tltig ' hearty approval
Cheer nftor ehojr graded Hon John It
Webster , the eloquent Omnhn lawyer , as ho
stepped to the fiont of the platform nnd said
"Prohibitionists toll us tint thny are tired
of Ifturlng that prohibition does not prohibit
Why aw they tired of III Decauso it Is nil
unanswerable argument The fact is tliat
prohibition , as it is enforced , actually in-
cieascs the trlmc of drunkenness I know
this fact from talking with men living In tlio
prohibition stntcs I know it from an exami
nation of the tiumbci ofmrests for diiinken-
ness from ye ir to year In cicli and all the
cities in the piohlbltlon states The piohtbl-
tionlst is the foe of true temperance.
"This full a fair was held at Wltchlta ,
Kan Thirtj-livethousand people weio in
attendance Within llvo hund-od feet of the
main ontinnco was a tent On the outside. It
looked llko a tent of a traveling , linnoitcd
prohibition campaigner. On the Inside of
the tent was a b.u Three men , with low-
cut vests ami white shirt fronts , and iltunond
studs , were soiling wino , boor , whisky and
"Under the same tent was a r-oulctto table
nnd a faro tible , and fifty men were engaged -
gaged In gambling. Is either the police
nor any of the M.OOO people attending the
fntr interfered with this whisky business.
This is a samples of piohihitiou in Kansas
No such dlsgiac'eful scene -would bo tolerated
in hlirh licomo Nebraska. [ Applause |
"When I have heretofore in my speeches
rcforicd to Iowa I have been asked why I did
not say something nuout Sioux. City. Well ,
I had no dellnlto ktiovvlediroaboutSlouxClty
Last Wednesday night I was in Sioux City
With a newspaper friend I w cat out to see
hovy piohlbltlon prohibited up there. When
I hid gone ono block fiom the hotel a bain
was pointed out. You outer the front door ,
pass to the rear. There was a 'hole in the
wall1vhero jou could got all kinds of hid
whisky. Next I was shown a livery stable.
In the rear of thai was n 'hole hi tlio wall'
like the oilier 'How many places like tills
are there In Sioux CitJ { ' 1 ashed 'About
two bundled , ' lopllod my companion. 'Havo
jou any open siloonsl" I inquired. 'Yea ,
about fifty of them I will show you
some , ' said mj companion. Wo then
walked into ono .siloon after anothei
until I had visited about a cloven , when I said
I was readj to taKe his word about the bal-
anco. 'Hold on , ' he said , 'I want to show
you a novelty. '
"We next went Into nnothor saloon , and
pissed through swinging doors into u larpo
Rambling room , where about fifty men and
bojs were engaged in gambling. I hud never
gambled in my life , but that I might bo able
lo teslify to what I saw I invested a Inlf dollar
lar In the game , i. lost , just as every other
nnn was doing.
"Next -vvastaWsn to another siloon with a
gambling attachment of the same kind , and
again inv ested some small money , which 1 of
coursoloft with the house.
"I said to my companion that If that was
the effect of prohibition In Iowa I shall bnj to
my people.o dou't want nnj' such piohibi-
tion in Nebraska [ Applause. ]
"Let mo explain to jou why some people
think no liquor is sold in the cities of Katibis
and of Iowa Wo wont into the bick door
of a saloon. 'JJio bartender was behind
the counter. Beer " glasses , wineglasses
glasses and whisky glasses wore spread out
In abundance. We tailed for beer , Ihobai-
lender looked us over tvyico. I was a stranger
'Have no boor , ' snld the bartender 'I am
willing to drink wWslty , ' I said 'Have no
whisky , " said tlio min. 'When did jou soil
outl'lsald Ho answered'About , ! two j'cars
ago. ' I said , 'You seem to have forgotten to
sell j'our bni nnd your boor , vv hie and whisky
glasses' Ho smiled and wo went out Mj
companion slid ho had bought liquor there
within a week past.
"Now , if Lurabec , or Sum Small , or Prof.
Dickie , or St John , or Hankiu inid visited
that place nnd had been refused thov would
h iv o proclaimed all over Nebraska that pro
hibition prohibited in Sioux City. [ Applause
plauso ]
"Let every true filend of tcmpeianco aban
don prohibition. Let oveiy man who lovea
tlus slate and Its prosperity vote against pio-
hibilion Let every nun who would nol stop
llio lido of our unparalleled growth vote
ngdnst prohibition. " [ Applause |
After the house hud subsided in its chccis
for Mr. Wcbstei's ' convincing nnil unanswer
able address , AlbeitS Hitehio of Om ilia was
introduced , who made a very interesting ad-
dicss , la which ho piosonted some foiclblo
f facts against prohibition and in favor of high
license. The meetingadjouuied with cheers
Nebraska and Iowa
WV.SIIINOTOV , Oct. 31 , [ Special Telegram
toTiipBhn. ] Pensions were granted today
to the following Nobraslcans : Original in-
\aUd-Wllder Ii Welds. Osco. Increase
John r. Gantz , Omaha ; Louis Ithuc , Brock ,
Albert Wuulio.lU.idrn ; Andiew S. Kiuns ,
Vlnttsmouth ; Charles L. Everett , Bellevue ;
Hobeit McCnnn , Clmdion ; .Tosmh Coombs ,
Doisoy : Orrln ( } . Ackloj , Valentino ; Will
lam D. Howies. Lap hi to. Hoissue KianciN
M. Jamison , Wllsonvillo. Original vv idow s ,
cto.Icabod , father of Washington Klch
mom * , Jessup
Iowa : Oiiglnnl Invalid Pater Holund ,
Lhiovillo ; A. Porter , Moulton , .1. II. White ,
Tiemont ; David Sanford Lane , Otlumwa ,
0 J ; Bennett , Kcokuk , K Gi.iv , liw.ut , r
1 Hlldebrand , Sioux City ; L. Chase , Mooio-
land ; M. Gauij-honbiiigh , Contrevillo ; J
Jones , Leon ; W. C. White , Chailton , W. C
Walker. Toil Madison , J. S Roberts , Aflon ,
A. J. StaatsVnpcllo , C. W. Connojor ,
Ashton. luoroaso--T H Houbs , Cleat
Lake ; W. S Tieeland. Wnpello , W. A
Williamson , Woodhlno ; James Mullen , Will
hinsjli Meriill , Grccno Uelssuo Hciuj
Ilouno , Ottumvva ; Ilonrj C. Gray , licldj
% Ille Helssuo and Incieaso ( Jeorgo Wad
dell. Mount Pleasant , A J Bass , Oskaloosa
N. N. MeKajAVapcllo Oiiginal widows
etcAlnuiK , widow of J N. Temploman ,
Iowa Citj1 ; Amanda , widow of Alex I'arher
Oiinnell , lllUahoth , vtldovv of Hcnay Sen
berger , Wnldo ; Cluriuda , widow of Zebulor
M. Huff , ( Jiven.
The Letteif ' Cojitrndiol Stanley-
BOSTON- , Mass , Oct. 31. [ Special Tclo
tjiam to TIIK IJi-fiJ Mr. Hose Tioup 1m
given to the press for publication the loiter :
which passed between Stanley and lilmsel
with relation to ( Hit juar uuard of the limii
relief expedition. ) ( I\ \ ese nro the letters Ii
infused to modifyA 'at ' btanlnv's lequost
Iliov aio in line vvithj his luteivlovv alro.ul'
published hi Tin : lfir :
Hetty host tlio Suit.
CHICAGO , Oct. 81. Ttio suit of Mrs llctt ;
Groonof Now YorK ' 9 sot astdo the sale t
the Grant locomotive woiks of Patterson
N. J , of n section'orl/md / In Clccio , just enl
sldo llio cltv llnilta , for which she i-ec'civu
f l,0.)0,00i > , was deeld'nl against her todaj I
thosuiiremec'ouitnirOttnwn , III. , towldch I
had bean taken THrf title of the Grml looc
motho woiks to the land confirmed.
Tbo Australian Cabinnt I
MEMiot' , Oct. 31. The membets of tli
to colonlol cabinet hnvo resigned In consequent
iy * of the passage jMterday of n vote of want c
' eoulldcnco by the Victorian parliament.
Mother nnil Diiti htor Killcil.
NHWHK , O , Oct. Ul. .Mrs. Logan and he
n. daughter , Mrs. Mejilo , vvoro struck bv
of train whllo crossing a railroad trad ? toiln
: f , and Instantly killed.
Let the Good Work fo ! On.
I HVVA.VA , Oct 81. A vigorous cuisac
nifiiinst brlcrnndaKO InCubi Is tillcaulodoi
to thieomorobandlU being executed today I '
, ul ' -
_ i
Ho Qiulififlj the Olmrgoi Against Illni nj
Too Silly to Deserve Denial.
Jtevlrcil Knmiiriorn Heal Tp.uiicontl *
iiontnl titnc 1 ho naliltiturc" X- Ohio
and Wisconsin Cent ml t'oiu-
Citicvoo , Oct T1.-Special [ Telegram to
Tnr. Din' . ] CiiirlaariMiicU Ailutm , against
whonichniRes of trying to wreck the Union
I'ncilli1 raihoad foi' speculitlvo purposes have
been made , arrived in Chlcigo this morning
on his way homo from a tour of Inspoitton of
that system , of which ho Is president. Speak
ing of the clmi-Res and the general condition
of the road , Mr Adams slid :
"Thestoiies about my tryincr to wreck the
Union 1'aclllo mo duo solely to the lumRlmi-
tkm of certain uv'OftlciuU of the load who
were dlsuhnrpod from Its service and vvhoaro
evincing more aptitude for tilling nevvspipers
thun tho.v cvcrsliovved forlunnlng a railroad
They are too silly to acsei vo n denial. The
Union 1'acillc , for the i > .nt six weeks , has
unquestionably been gicatly ovcicrovvded
with tinftlc , mid the local nm la oinent , iu Its
uesiro to tnUo care of nnvv business , Ii is un
der taken to do innio than tlio facilities at
command Justilled doing According ! } there
has been iiccitnln amount of distuilnino in
the movements of trains and n corresponding
incrcaso in accidents nnd dchiv.i . This IIIIH ,
however , all been remedied , and during the
last ten dajs the regular inov uinent has been
icstoied , necldcnts nnd distuibances bai
ceased and tlie whole mnihlnei.\ . the load
Is * with "
now moving regularity
"What of your relations \\Ith eastern
roads' " '
"Under the contiact between tbo Union
Pacific and Chicago & Northwestern , entered
Into a year upo. the division of lutes was to
bo reauniigcd in aiiy that would mntoilnll >
advnnco the inteiests of the Union Pacific
Those revised rates are to take effect No
vember 1. It is a matter slmplj between the
Union 1'acitlo anil the Chicago ft Noith-
westeui , Wo are , however , ready to servo
all other ro ids nnd oxchiniro business with
them , having1 no prefoicnco to the North
western Wo have mndo cv cry ariangeincnt
with our cistern connections to aiimly pie
tect our own trallo and the \vholo trafllc of
tbo baslnuis oommuinty Who linve no ap
prehension that other lines tn the long run
will decline to putieitmto In this
tiulllc on these terms. If the uvistlng iati > s
me sustained no line will ha\o un > caiibO ol
compldnt , but In anv ovcut , no inillei who
anepts 01 r ejects .tho now basis , wo have
madoainplo provision totakocuioof all tlio
tr.Ullc which offers to or fiom aiij point \vo
reach The diffeicnco about which so much
talk has been made is pmelv tempnai\ and ,
In our judgments , bj no moans sellout In
fat t , vvomo inclined to believe that the whole
thing was Intended 111010 for "Wall stieot than
for the fieight olllces of the roids or shippers
here Tim onU other mmit vhieh it sreins
to mo would interest the public is that the
Union Pacific , in common with all the other
loads of tlio country , bis sustained a verv
great loss of tntfilo this jear anil
a corresponding 1 O--S of inconie , from the fact
that all cistern michlno shops b.ue been
overciovvded with oideia I liavo just been
over the lines of the Union I'atilic The
gross earnings of the eommn > for tbo cur
rent month of October will b' puibibly ome
wheie between WOiJ.tXX ) and - > lMOU ( ) Had
wo hail the motive power and equipments
which was onloiod six months ago , nnd
which under oidinatj ciicuinstancos would
have been delivered in August and feenteni-
borvenilght Just as well have e u nod for
October rising of § T > 00OJO , irib'oad of rising
&IOOIK ( ) ) Tiio tiaftlchns been there and wo
havusimply been , fiom no fault of ouis ,
unable to move It. I do not think 1 cxaggciato
by saying that today the tiafllc. ready lor us
to handle and pressing upon us to bo handled
I * HO per cent in excess of our eapacltj. Tins
wo very Kiwitlj dcploie , andrn factvvo suffer
fiom it mot o than any ono else : but it is not
a fact which indicates either a lack of pios-
polity to the country or possibilities lo the
lallroid. "
A Kcal TniiiHuoiitiiHMital Mne.
Cuicvoo , Oct. : U. ISpoelal Telegiam to
TUB Bi.r.J The rumor is aErain ndoat that
the Baltimore & Ohio nail the. Northern Pa
cific Wisconsin Cential sjstem are to com
bine and form the llrat real transcontinental
lino. The story is an old one , but there are
now miiiy added reasons for balleying it
tiue. The Baltlmoto & Ohio formally had a
tiaekago contiact with the Illinois Central
A short time 115:0 this contract oxphed and
the Illinois Central ordered the IJnltimoio A ,
Otiio off Us tracks A tr new as patched UD ,
but the Illlnoh Central refused to extend
the contract , nnd the Baltimoio A ,
Ohio today occuploi its Chicago
teimhud by squ.ittcrs liKht alone
The who'.o Illinois Central toiminnl
is in litigation and It is by no means certain
that it will not bo ousted by the federal gov
ernment nnd the city of Chicago. Theio is
no question , consequent ! ) , that thoHaltimoro
A , Ohio must bceuro another Chicago tor initial
Unless it buys a now ono outright a pie
ccecling which cost the Atchlson $10,000,000
it can only como in at the Polk street or the
\ \ isoonsiu Contial depot Tlio foi mer Is now
ciowded ; the latter Is the largest and in ov ei j
way the best depot In the w 01 Id It is noai Iv
completed anil , so far n. known , will be used
alone by the Wisconsin Central in ( omiectlon
with tlt'o Northern Pacific. It is impossible
that thos.o roads should 1m o laid out millions
of dollars on their magnificent now depot for
thoii ownuso. It ii linger thin they will
need llfty jenis from now. Tlio Ualtimoio A
Ohio has all along been mentioned as a ten
ant of the now depot. This inipiestlnn is In
tensified by the fact that adjacent proper tj
suitable for stoi chouses has been bought bj
tlio Ilaltimoro it Ohio As fuithei pioof of
tbo consolidation story it may bo mentioned
that the high officials ot ' .ho Baltimore A
Ohio will finish tonight a tiipovor the Keith
cm Pacific with tbo declared intention ol
thoroughly Inspecting tint road The con
solidation would also bo consistent with tliu
often oxpieised wish of Heiuy Yillard nnd
the nggiesslvo policy of the present Haiti'
more & Ohio management A confluence bo >
tvvr-en the tiigb oftlclals of both louls will be
held iu Chicago tomoirowr
\Vithont lliii SllghleHL roiindalloii.
IJu.TiMoui. , Md , Oct ill The stoij
printed in Chicago today to tbo effect thai
negotiations wcio in piogiess lool.lng to m
ngieement between the Not them I'aeitit
nnd Baltimore As Ohio 10 ids which , if con
suinmatcd , would amount to a pricticjl con
solldatlon of the twu .sjstoms , thus formliif
u great tninscontinental route , which hn
long been Ilonry Villaid's hobby , Is doc laics
by llaltlmoio A , Ohio magnates to bovlthou
tno slightest foundation 'Ihcy say It nl
gi'JW out of the fact that I'lesMent Miyt :
and some of the dhcctors ot tlio Haltinuno i\
Olilouccepted nn Invitation of the Notttic'ii
I'.U'llle vv hilo they vv ere in Chicago to lake ai
oxciiision up toKt Pniilmu ) Duluth
Tlio l < ho Hoc Katr.
CHICAGO , Oct ill I.Spcclil Telo iam ti
TiiKHrr ] AlKolutcly notliing w nc.onip
llslml today in tlio settlement of the hvo her
and dressed pioduct i.itoi llio Alton
not compuimUo on accent i.itofoi bull
from Kansas Cltv. insisting on making bolt
rules 16 cents The question was them iv
f erred to the Western fiolyht asaocl itlon
which lii"0ts on November II. Itlstliough
a conipiomiso can bo effected by vvbiiii tin
Omaha rates will bo I cents liighc'i and th
Sioux Cltv ratnii or l ! cents higher tluu ti.
Ib cent Kansas Citj rate
I'auillu I'roniotloiiN.
ATCIIIMIN. Knn , Oct. ill.Speilnl [ to Tn
HIM 1 13 B. I.nno , traveling freight agon
, of the oentral branch division of the MUsoni
Puclllc , has been promoted to tlio position u
I contracting freight agent , to siuceed ,1 (
Toivster , commcteial niont , who has l ec'
trainferred to Kansas City Mr l.unowl
enter upon his dutlc.s toinon-ovv and his terr
" > i torj will Inrludu AU'hlson Keavonwoit
" ' unit St. Joseph , with his otUo ) ut Ateblion
Tlio ( Mfoii Hcl'iiscH to r < ) iii | > i'iinit )
, ( Jiiiciao , Oct. dl The Alton refused th
proposition of other roads In ttieVcslertr
L-'ielfht association to establish niiiinpivnil o
ruto on lu > { ts and pack I UK lion o produi'li
Tlio imittor went over until tomorrow It Is
chniKeiUhat the Alton Is uctliiK In the intci
c"l of Kansas Cltv packers The propcwevi
reduction in the IIOK nito would not effect
tint point much , but would result to the
si'ilous detriment of Iowa nnd other Jlls-
so ul river picking points.
Old ( lellnlilo CcMidiiuton * .
CiivTrvs.vxu , Tenii , Oct , .11.Tho "Old
Hcllablo" Hillvva ) Cfinditc'tors Insurinco IH-
sociatioti of the rnlted Stntod and Canada
hus concluded its tvvontv-thliil annual
convonllon heie The Held of opeiatlons
of the imnrlatlon v\as enlingcil so
us to Include men In ether position *
on lallwads ' 1 be no ; t iiiinunl convention , It
was decide. ! , would bo held atllnitfoid.Coiin.
\ \ O IJccklev ofSt l.oulsvvns elected pros-
dent for the ensuing , \
imJHH'lT.l f.sTv T M'MMUT.
Clik'ngu Ilout IIDIIH DIvoiMiiagcd nlth
'I ' lll'lr 1'lCINpl'UlN.
Cutrvoo , Oct. tilSpeclil [ Telogmin to
Tiir 13 ir. IThe I doiuocrats mo dlscourngoil
at the outlook In Oldcnn'o , and although Gen
eral I'nlmer Is spoikliiK nli lit and d y In this
cltv tills week , ho fails to anuscentlmslasin
A member of the iloinocratloo\.ecutlvo e'oni
mltteo aid :
Ourpait.v is In a bad plight and nn one
icnll/os that fnet Hotter thun the committee
Thcic la absolute ! ) no money iu tbo tie-usmy
and how to piy o\pi'iises t cinnot see \MV-
lei was assessed foi $ .1OJ ' , but has not even
I'ontiibuted the ? r , " > 00 that ho is siid to mve
Riven ICem , ttio canilldato for troisuicr.his
stopped contiibiiting nnd notified us that Ids
private ) campaign lieiilinnrttcvs is far mflio
\aluiiblotoblinthinoursls Cm I llaortlng
liiiin t | ulil Ins assessment and would lit )
taken oT ( the ticket ovcvpt for the bad elTcct
It would hn\o "
The dcnuKiaUnro denouncing the effoits
being mule bv tbe United hlates marshal to
sc'uno an honcit election la United State *
Marshal Hitchcock s oHlio today theio wcio
n hive number of mon beini ; cm oiled as spe-
< lal deputies , mul ns soon as commissioned.
wcioswoin In by Conimlssioiior Hoyno. 'llio
duties of these special deputies begin nil !
o'lloek ne\t 'iue-idav morning and continue
foilwodavs It is calculated Hint between
lour hundred and llvo bundled men will ho
commlsslutied and mom hi by Mondij even
HK11 1 IM 11,1'HK.
Hrolliem V Co. orciiicaio Co
( ci llln Wiill.
Ciitir mo , Oct 11 A sens itron was caused
in the clothing trade today i > y the falluio of
the 111 m of Leopold Uiotheis i < ; Co fniinufic-
tmcrs of and wliolesulo dealers In clothing ,
oneofth.o oldest In the r-it.v. 'lwcntysl < c
confessions of Jiulginont were cntcied up
nguinsttho Him hi the sunoiior louitfoi'
sums aggic'gitiiifr 'UflUOO Tlio failuio was
foicsecn oiil by the members ol the Him and
Ihocollupoo c.iMie llko a tliiiulcriioll to the
tride. None of the trcditmaro
Chicago people M.mj of tUo i icditors nic
conin u itivc'lv small ti ulesnu'ii in othei cities
nnd all these have lecn ) tiiovidcd for 'Ihe
ilrm s solicitor sivs i inonibi r of the linn
estimates tlio liabilities nt * .JrUCH ) , fully
loveivdbv nsbcts.
Henrv Leopold , the enloi member of tliu
flim , sujs tlin lalluio lulnotn the niountaiv
stiingcnev , dull tuidcmd tlio earning jl too
laiice u line ol open account * . The shcilir
bin I ilun possession of the' stuck , hut T.eo-
polel thinks hih riedltoM will cot.boi.t to nil
lor 111" roiumntlon of biui'rcss.
A Falling f > n' Jn Tj i.ils t > ) ( oiiil-
WksmsoTov , Oct Jl lull'sami ' ml lepnrt
upon llio opciations of tbo army in the de
pmttnent of the Pl.Uto Ihli adicrOeiivial
] 5iooUe , commanding , MJ"Tho practice
nniclies made dining the \ cu * vvcic IK
and the mingling of the iratlnmil jrwud mil
Ihe rognl ir iiinj accomplishc'd good lesrills
i'lieio has been a filling ofl In trills by com I-
nmtial , both mil 'iri'lMW , bulCien-
eial Brooke s.ivs It is iniiiossible to duei-
inlno nt thlbenilj dale whsliitn 01 not Hits is
owing to icecnt aetiv ity of uruhoiilits in bo
ll df of enlisted men 01 normal lluetu ition In
cident to soiv ice.
Sti'iuiui * I'roceecllnits at Tippei.irj.
Tli'i'invitr , Oct -Spsciul [ Cablegi nn
to TIIK Bn. ] Upon the resumption of the
conspiracy tiiid hero this mornhig muchc\-
citemcnt was caused by the action of tnci
police , who ejei ted Mr. Pallon , member
of llio house of commons , us ho
wis entering the ( 'illen itr the couit
room An appeal w as m.ulu to the bench and
tlio nuujlbtiates ciidercd tlio | ol'tq ' to allow
Mr D.ilton and Mi Kllbriilo , who Is also n
incirbci of pailiamcnt , to enter the gallon
The cdiut oulercd the ick'.i ct fiom Juil of
Allio badle , who , with Simon ( ilceson , wit-
npises summoned by the piotaition , vv.n
c'oiinnittcd for ionising to nnswei questions
put to her on Wednesd ij * fait
I'ifl'ec-t of Unr r.irilV in Cul.i.
Mvnuil ) , Oct. -C'lbiu advltes rcpoit
tint the Mi'Klnloy law hn ? alioidj had a
banotul cff tt inCiihn Toitj smillci tob.uio
factories nro closed and a l.ifgo nimibei of
opeiatflis aio Idle Pioiiilei * Jc > l Castillo an-
nounccil at a council of mlmstms that theio
was icnsoii to hope that Piesidcnt Huirlson
would agree to rnodlfj tlio t.ii'ifl In favor of
Cuba , nud in view of thehostUltj to lliot.ulir
that WHS bofriiinlni ; toctovv in Amcilea tlio
prouder thought that Spain would not Unit it
diftle'iilt to "negotl ito n now tic.Uv ,
Sad Donliln I \MIIIL | ; ,
* Br. Jims , N H , Oct . -liuiini ; tlio ter
rible storm hnre jcHonlny Fiod Murdei * ,
aKCcl t'lhtj-oni1 , was httod up fiom the
Avhaif In the wind in d blown into llio water
l-'ied Young , aged seventeen , sculnn'a life
buoj' , plunpe'l in and held Mii'-dco for sonic
lime , xvlien tlie life line paitecl and botli weic
tire vucd in ilghtof a lirgocitmcl , which was
uiiaoloto render mi } assist nu-a
The Ciiioiiinali Iroiiblis
Co i IMIII , O . Oct ! U Tn the ease of
I.ouls Kcmilin el id ntfiiiiibt Mnjoi' Mosbj of
Clnclnn ill the Bupicmo court ovRiiiilc'd the
motion for leavu to Ulo a | icLIllon in eiror to
the supeiior torn I of Cincinnati , bidding th it
tlio petition beljw does not make a cause fur
mi Injunction unless fuithu iiroccediiiga nro
instituted 'J bo ma > or will appoint a nuw
boirdof citv all Ur foi Cincinnati
I'llC t / II OVVltl'll'H .1ll VO llll ll tH.
Tmisrr , Oct. .11 ( Special ( Jublcyram to
TIIP llbi ITwo I Utisulan iiniiriiiih .110 ut this
jioil luvaiting thuaulval of the ivaiovv ileli ,
who will depiit on his eastern tour from this
olt > .
.1 Illl'l ICIIII Spcillll ( Jlllllll.
I'oinsMiii rn , O , Oa. Ill The morlcan
becullan iinlnn bc an tu > finntecnth annual
Aboolutoly Pure.
A cre m of tir'sriMni liuwder
I loaveulDB BtroiiKth li. S. ( loteiuucni Ho-
oort A an. 17.
Be Sure
If jou hive undo up your mind to btij
llood'ii SarMtnrlll i do u t ho Induced to take
an ) other A lioslou hdy , v\ho < o oxatnplo U
vvctthv imitation , tells her cxperknco lolov % >
" In one store where I went to buy Itood'j
Sarsii.ittill tlio cleik triedtoltiiliicoinobuy
thflr own lintoid cl Hood's ; ho Sold mo thill's "
\v ould last longer ; that I might it cu ten '
To Cet
ilajO trial , tint If I did tint llko It I need not
piy nu > tlilii | ' etc , Jlnt ho could not prevail
on mo to clnngo. 1 told him 1 hut taken
llooil'i 8tr < inillh | ( Knew v\ltat It was , wni
'atlsflul with It , mid did not want any other.
AMicn I hcRin til.lni ? Hood's SmipiiiU
I was ffclliiR leal inlsor.iblo vvlth djspppsi.i ,
ami CD weak nt time * 1 could luidly
stand , t looked like a person In constim * * .
tlon. Jlood's Sarsaparllli did mo so lunch
good that I vuunlcr nt iiiyH-U nmncllines ,
nivlni ) frinidsfiKiurntlyipi'ikofft " Mna.
ILI.v ( , oir , 01 Tori aio Slieet , llostoii.
= oUliynll < 1riin ( ! tl fl.ilxfor.'J
iyt' I HOon.tCUA | > otlicritlri Io UI Mm.
IOO Doses Ono Delias'
Interior iuul Scalwaril Mexican Oitics SulTei
Grcnt Damage from Stoims.
Ccilllns txiul Iliiiiiau lIoiuHVashecl On
nnd Swept by the FIcmclH Into
tlie Sti-eclH ol'
Nnv YOIIK , Oil HI. [ Special Tclepram
to Tin * Rir-Nevvs ] lias 11 ached tins citv
tiom the intcilor and tlio smlioud cities o
Mexico , of boveio danuiBO ilono liv st inns
that have been inking there for tluee wee li-
or inoio
In tsonoia hc'avv rains , nccoinpuiii d l > \
ldtli w iiuls unit hull , blow down whol < ' * ; i < M
of lives in the pu bile iiai ks. Hull cut cup
on pli illations to pieces and caused uiilimite i
diniige This will lesult In fiituio hnulship
amoni ? tticj owncis of siiiull plintiitions ana
mnoiifj the inboi hij , ' c-lnsses.
It is estimated it will taKc ypat s tu n
piirlbo clnmnt'O to tu'o andshi'iibben
Thoclt.vof Toroloup in faied oven worse
'Iheie the i.iin was so heav.v as to wash avva >
the stone pivi mints of stixeLs , and undei
mine the loundutlons Ono pciiilnu ie def
of the storm was that n number of ( ji ives
the old Spanish romoterj , on thc'outsldits n
the town , wi'io w islu-il pirtiullv opin en i
nftc'rtlii ; stoint a number of hum in bon s
\veiu found In neiuH ill the slioeH vvluu
the.v had been 10ft b } the floods A numbi
ot i olllns which wciu neu the un face won
.dsoesiiosed Aloni- the noithcin boulor ( if
Mexico the Klollruido nvciioseso rapidly
that the ) people of this utiosof 1'urllilo Unu
and Villa de h Fnentoliadto Hoc fiom thoU
homes without stopping forfooiloc i lotliiiu
.Main houses worn svM'pLinlo the river bi
fniotho oceupmtscouldescipo and bunts hail
to bo used in lesc-uincf some families
Ohtrcss m tlio storm i.ivactod distiict is
so Kieat that 1'riaident lialias nppiop' i
ted money for thoiollef of the Inlmnitai , ti
\\lulo suosc'iiptlon pupoi's foi' the i ellnf of
those iniuli * hoiAolcss by the storm Invo boeu
opened Ii. all liiigoi'liius
Tlie Aon ) Maikot.
TIcwTov , Mass , Oct : il fSpeclil lelegr-am
to Till' IJii : J Thoio has been a steady c'c- '
mand for wool , but the biles show "Oino fall-
lute off and the truiistirtions of tlio week havu
been J'U1,0KI ' ( pounds Tlu-io is no cliniin ( h
niiccs and ' 1m initUct lilies firm In Obl
and I'ciiiisvlvnnii llocous there Imo IIOMI
silos of X at . 'c ' , X mid ubovo nt.U ! , \ \ and
XX and above it He , XX ami X V an-l tin
at : | ( ( fie' , nud No 1 at : > s ' / ' i'ic ' M cliliraii
llc-eecs are fiiinatJIc , and silos at Hi it p >
.IK : imported ( , 'oniUini ; anil dililno Hi <
nru In i.-ood deiniuid anil Hi in , Ni 1 coinbn
sellniL ' , ut ( iiii I'ic , OU lo line dc lain at >
ITc * , ami Mb lupin line delulnu at il < II
in mi washed tombing wools tin u ha
bcr > ii sides of tluco eights blood at " > tn nil
and on ? cj.ii irlor blood at .Ti > c 1'uriliir
lii o.ale - , over 110,000 ptiiiicls In all > f
territoiy woo'slnuo ' be en m ulo with line > r
a Mc-oiiii il Inslsot H ! : ( < MirC. fine niPdl'itii ' at s
( KiMc ) and medium at % ( "isc I'am v ea-.t
cm Oicf nn wool solil lit .fie and othii Males
liavo been mndo at ? ( ( Cullfoinli wo I
N linn , c'holiuspilnir scllhuc at 'Jli-'JOc .in 1
tin1 ixer.ifjt * at iNnihlc * Texas -vvool Is null *
I'ulled vvciols aiulu fair dimand nud Him
( ; iKiiio snpeilhin Is soiling nt 10m I'M . fall * ' < >
( , ciod at . ( ic unduMia at ilii.Ut ( ! 1'oieiKu
aru full. _
A C anudlan Ijtittcrj ( ) telHliin
Oirv\v v. Out , Oct ill -Plicj customs dc
| i.irtineut lias mulu a uilinj , ' lh it Lonlsian i
lottciy lulvpitiwinuuts and ether inaltor mane
no iceeivod l > \ the vaiious posts , but tliu1
p 'rsniiH to whom tluiy aio stilt shall bo sut >
joct to prosocutlon b the lev d nutoi Itlea.
Killed His rn tlic > iF.-'ii-aw.
XVi'sii'iiitr , Pal , Oil 111 Mason
fihotand killed Cliailes and Matthew Vunn
his Inothers lii-law , tliin moialni ; and lied t >
the wood s Othci sbotrt vveio lu'iicl , li'idnn ;
to tint belief that tbcs intudi-ror ccininllti l
biilculo 1 lo is belli v c-d to bo ins me
s. s. s.
A -woman with acaiueroiis ula'i of
joars' stnmliiiK and lIvciintlieH In ill
amcter ha i hci n ontiicly rc-lleve-d by
hix bottles of hw Ill's bpc-c lllc I eon
hldor ilf > onifth womlciful , alnmst mi-
ru nlon.H ,
HKV .1. II. CAMIMIKI.I. , Coiiimlius ( ! x
Will Cure
A youn ( { innn nc u this ( own had an
oatinjj c.imti on his face , wlihh h.ul
dihlroyid Ills nose and w IH t idiij ; to
wards hlsovcs AB a l.wt ic oil I put
him on hwlft's Siuriilc ] , anil it ItaH
mud him intiioly hound ami we II
IJll M. I1. Cittui.i-t , OKlethoipt- ,
TientlHonn C.uic-ei milled free
bwlftSpeellio Co. , Atlinta , Oa.
" foil SIYIHU : : coucus OH coms
Di. F. G. Weinei1'- *
Aio highly rocuininunilod nftor 'v M
j ears of Buioosiful uxpiiricncu by tl
bole inaiiufaetuiors.
Kopp , Dreibus & , Co , ,
1 1 06 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Sold oven whore , he per iuUiio ,
Bund for
"I1 I ) . . * " ' I'NtOMiill llioIMiiiui *
- " - ' < , lcllicv. Muni tlin only
line en < i Invt'iitedtliiit i i Ids 11 "cluMiM with
nut | llli > , itpntfc'cl Hiie'l'I'SK ) intent , llxiliilll
IxHiuil. Mild cuilj liy iiKi'lilH , In wlinui Ilin ilk
i In Ike rUhl lnKlun Unrt .chit ( if MCI iitH wo
nil HI nd a sample lido liy until i ilso clrt.ii-
lui | irl < I Nl unil teimn li > anc'ui Sm iiro
OMI tenItnry nl iuifi > Addicsh I'lll , 1'IN-
I -s l J fd'llls MM * io , IT lloiinii" " 1
rl r 'itC'l "