8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEJBs FKTDAV , OCTOBER 31. 181)0. ) THE CITY , Lcopuld Pelilcnn Ima liocn jnlli-d for BtcnlliiK' 5- worth of old lion from the direct rnllway coinptitiy. Tlio ( 'InrlvHon memorial hospital re turns thiuiUs to tlio Sutiiheni'iirrinpo ro- posltory for tliolr kind donation of V2-'t. Dlphthuflu win reported joitciday nt IiKC ( ) ( lark street. l.JI.'l South Seven teenth wlieet , and .TH7 California street. The i-lty jnll wns cleiredof o\cry tirla- otifrfsterdny ufturnoon , bOinutlilnH tluit lias happened but twlco before h : twojeiirn. Tlio ti'iiipprnturo , nmopnrlod liy the loi-al Hlfiial Herxiro nl'leo ' , was a follows : At 7 n. in , , . ' 11 * , ut 10 n , m. , nnd ut 1 p. in. - \ ' . unt Oravpi has Illeil a complnlnl iiffiiimt Di-xtor U Thoni'is , uhU'lii ! ( { . him with i ovoi Ing up a wnler close ! witfiout tc'inovlti ( , ' the coiitontM , 'J'lii : llii : : 1mm ePclvndW from J. K \Vejer of Lincoln for tlio IUrs. i ; A OiiliH fund. The bonoliclaiy m.iy rocelvi this inuney upon tipplication at thii olllco. G. II. Pitch complains Unit Mm Oil in 010 unlawfully removed u diiihtliurii caid tlint luid lji i'ii posted at 211 ! ! Cnpito iLVcnuc , In < > oinpllnnuo wllli the require nienlH of the law , Supc'iinU'iident JiitncR has rci'plvoi notice that u paity otiihout tliiitv tcaeji era would nrrUo in tlio city thii inorinii from Ni-biasku Citj , to visil the Otnnlia Pi'lioiila. Judye Kolls wont to Lincoln jostPrtlu ] nnd on IIH ! ii.'lu rn last ni 'ht polled tin train nhortly after It left Lincoln. Tin veto wns us follows. For prohibition , 121 against pi exhibition , 05. IJenedict M. Teyton of riorencc , dici at tlio rubideni'o of liis brother , J'aj uiond O. 1'oi ton , at thai place , o tjphoid fo\er , njjeil IKty-four jeari Tlio funeral was held at II j ) , in. , froii the resldoneo. Articles of Incorporation liavo boot filed b ) the Omaha lijdraiille-mussbrlcl coiiiany. ) ) The cnpllal stock is ? 100,000 dhiilfd intohhiirei of S100. Tlio ineor pmatcirs aio Irxlng Alllbun , F , II. Davit and I'MvMUiH' . .Sterling. The incnibet's of tlio Cirpr-nters' ' am JoineiH1 unions of Onulxi and tlioli filcntlH to tin * niunhei' of 111010 than t\\ ( hiindrid enjoyed thcinsclvus at a bal mid biiiiiH-rjjivim under the nusiicos ) o tlio oiiler nt l < Xio ) * < itIon hall hibt night Clan Gordon No. G.'I of the eider o Scott ii-h elanaill hold Its lust social o the hciihoti at Motiopolilau hall thii oiLiiiiii , ' . An Inloiesling | " 0 1.111)1111 o ( horijjs and iceit.itions will bo pic ' Rented , iiiisrniented by selectionb on'tht baypipes hj 1'iper McDou al. o's Ne\v Icii'tinciit , \\ro opened a new DLA KP/r BLl COM FOI IT donartmeiitith now goods new shelving , new G' 12 HA II DIN'S , anc In future \vo shall &oll all kinds o Wnnlvcts1 in this doputinent. To introduce It wo shall offer semi epeeiitl harffains nil thib week , notaU ; eonio DOWN COMFORTS nt SC.oO , $ and 'jlO , nnd a lot of all-wool blankets a f . ) . ( ) a pair. Woaro inaldngory low prices nl o\or the t > lorc. Visit us wilk aiound look things over , ask questions , uoinpnn prices. IN'O ono will urge you to buy o voiiLloi * how much money jou liavo ti V epend. T5LTX.XARD BLAXKIITS fioni $2 to fS.oO a piir less Llnm they ar sold elsewhere ; in fact ivo nro n sme < that our pt'icos all over tlio store till loason are lower than others. 'Wo ha\o flHpeelnl bargains In nov Bilk \elvets , all the most deslrablo col ors ; the 83c vohot reduced from $1,2 ; unotlmr lot of bilk vchots , all colon that nro now nt SI , nro worth $1.23. But the choicest bargains in bilk \e vets nro those at 91.73 and $2.50 ; the 1m Is 21 inches uideand is us nice as a all bilk Ljonsolot nt fo u yard ; tli 81.75 is equal tounything bold lull : city for $2.Uo nnd $2.SO a j aid. Gentlemen and Indies who wish topu chnse Dr. Jucgcr's underwear mid w recommend it highly can only obtai thorn from us in luturc ; any goods bliow clsovihoro ARE LAST YEAR'S OOODS and altogether diiToront in shape ni quality tolhoio of 1SOO. Wo luuo over , thing nuulo hy the Jaeger Co. Shirts , sox , suspenders , baiulaces , co sots , shoots , pillows , bl.mkots , unit buitb fur Indies and children , bleopii go\\ns for children as well as the nigh droses for men and women can nil 1 found oh our shelves besides those \ offer tomorrow u special lot of 11101 : natural graj undershirts at 81.22 , i\or tl.7'r . They nro hard to inutuli. At our blanket counter wo offer a 1 of white California blunkotb forG.oO , i duccd fiom $10. Some natural gray blnukots , clea Boft and pretty , nt i3.30 a pair , are or looking nt. The same In larger size f 91 , and the finest at $ > . TIII3 MOU.Si : DKY GOODS CO. ? | OISI'H ) Jdtli nail Karnniu. Men's furntshinga and boys' clollii : department ; wo have bomo special hi g ulns UNnr.RsmnTS AND DRAWKRS. Men's imturnl gray undershirts , 75c. Men's heavy all wool undershirts , 9 , Men's natural gray all wool undi > liirls , $1.23. Men's flue seamless sox , loc. Men's uulaundrled shiits , COc. Men's night shirts , "oo , Men's super British tex , 25c. Men's hoavv glo\c" , sox , suspcnde Hoys' ulolhlng Is in thosuino wing a on the saiuo lloor ns the men's furnt , ings , ando olTaf a spoelnl lot of HO\ OVERCOATS AT $2.75 , worth fully eachve ; hnvo nlto n lot of HO"b SUITS AT S2.1K ) , woith $ o ; wo have n tt lot of SCOTCH CAPS oOo , for men toys. MEN'S AND BOYS' rrUNlSIIIXG DEPARTMENT. T1IU MOUSC DRY GOODS CO , , IClh and Furmiiu tit * The now ofllces ol the Great R < Ibhuid route , IbOU Sixteenth nnd 1'urn tt roots , Oinalin , tire the liuobt in the c ! Cull and bee thorn. Tlckota to all pol coat ut lo\\ust \ HOW TO VOTE AGAINST PBOHIB1TION. Those who are opposed to prohibition and desire our pros- cut local option and high li cense Ituvs to remain in force should vote against both of the amendments. Those who desire to engraft the license principle coupled with regulation upon the con stitution and forever prevent statutory prohibition as it now exists in Iowa , should vote against the prohibition amend ment and for the license amend ment. Remember a vote for the li cense amendment is not a vote against prohibition. These propositions are entirely sep' ' aratc. If you want to defeat prohibition you must vote against prohibition. The following- the form of the anti-prohibition ticket : "A ga i n s t the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution the manufacture tion , prohibiting ture , sale , and keeping for sale of iiitoxicatingliquorsas a bev " erage. "For Proposed Amendment to the constitution , that the manufacture , sale , and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage in this state shall he licensed and regu lated by law , " At Y. M. C. A. failny. Piof. locl ) < jo will explain German it llvo weeKs ut 1:80 : nml 8 ] ) in. A Item one of the Iron lucturei mid iiucstiyato Cttltenn of Omaha t hnme itmtalntail a/ioiili / t ( member that thsicinilniiniiliiy nf irt/fsliaffoi / die Iifituy , Uctolcr 31 , and Saluitliu , AVi tar I , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SATjMtlUS UXPAIO. Deadlock liillio ComnilsHlourrs' Rnur < Knocks Out ( lie .Appropriation. Thoto AMIS an adjournoil meeting of tin county bond jtsteiilay morning , Jlr. Oorri gnu leliiKtho only absentee. A import from the committee on court lions anil j ul recommending the payment of § 11)5 ) t NosjUrotUord midtl 5to thi > Omaha \val luper nntl p.lint cotnp-uiy for Irilsomlnhtg tun luititlnjr the Jnll residence ? nppiovoil. AmirojHiution sheet No. 50 , the hospltu fund , calling foi W.l'.U b"i w.ispiabwl. Tbo appropriation slieot for salaries fc county oflicers and emplojes M.IS rc.ul , iso < oiuliitul tlilrd tlinobut failed to pass on tu count of Anclc'ison and lierlni voting upiiu ; it just ns tlioy ha\o done for soin tltno past , llad Corilcaii been pioaci the sheet would luuo passed. \Yhon the chairman lunl minonnccil thti the ilieet laid no * passed Hill Tumor vubbc his e\osu.\d oxuluiinccl : " \\vhy \ dlclu'Ut pass I" "Cuuso it didn't liavo votes enough , " sal HtMlIn ihjly. "Wliuti thotofiwn vou didn't \otofor i IJorlin' " uontlmioil Turner. Uoforo Berlin could answer O'KceiTo spoil up with "A mnn doesn't have to give his reasons. Di'illu continues to vote uyalnst ttiobo sa iM-.v slice-la because , ns previously stated , \ \ holils that them ute snver.il Illegal items I tlioui , paillculury the nssUuint county alto nujs' sal u ies which , tlio altornoy gcncri has decided , constitute iin UlojMl cnarKe. Mhu bond of CaiilUM A Uyan for Join 20,000 yards , ot grudlnir on the new count hospital ptotulses w.i > appto\ed. \ .Adjournment was talten until 2 o'clock. 'llio meeting of the conimlsbionors in tl iiftenioon was short but spliited , Mr C'o riganvis absent. The meeting wns held f ( the purpose of imsiiiR npprupilation shci No Sli , amounting to $1,511555. The shei was the October salary sheet , providing fi thopajmontof tlio employee Jtr. O'Keefl moved thu shoot to ho road a second m ; third time nnd pins under tlio suspension i the rules , 'Jlils vas v an nly opposed by M Btilln and Chairman .Amleiaon. The lie wns p.issed suvui.il tlinoa and tl bill went to the thlul uadliifj. Mr. Turner dUoussed the slicet IIo f voted taking the clcath watch off Null , s.i ; ingIlls caio hai gone to the supreme coii nml ho Is not under death stiitoneo. " "I'ho 111:111 : 11 out f order , " said Borll "Tlio bill has n.med two leadings uucl cai not hu discussed. " The chair niled that Berlin's point of ord \vii3WilItaliunaml Mr. 'lutner was foi'u uito his so.ithiio the p.iiiagu of thobhc was defeateJ. S. A. Orotinrcl. Gurnet , furnlturoitncl drapery. At Y. M. C. A. Toiluy. Vivo lectures fully illustiatinj Go iiuiu in llvoeeks at'4UO : and S p. in. Army Notes. Sergeant Ilnines , Company BTwenty-fir , Infnntiy , stationed nt Fort Douglas , Uta Ins been Rnnteiln furlough for four mouth \\ithpcrmii3lori to go beyond the Hunts the Ol\lslon of the Missouil. 1'ihiito HiidKeons , Cmiipiny B , Second li fantrj , stationed nt 1'ott Omntia , hnibndli four inoiitlu' fuilouph nxtiinded two moiitli Chief .Muitciun Albert Weilcmoycr , ban Second infantry , has been granted a fo inontiis futlougli , with permission to go I joud the limits of the United States Hob Iilso uecn gmntcd permission to apily for extension of two months. C'oinmUsary borgoant Trtrloy has been i Herod from duty nt 1'ort lltldger nudordei to prot'cod to Foil 1 l.incoclc , U'oxas. The fi iner foil \\lll bo llniilly ubandoncci as a ml tarv post about the M of next month , i. ! Irst Seine.int John W Drown , Troop , i Is'lnth cavalry , now attached to Troop K 1'ort \ VusliikleVyo , has been transfoir ns a serne.int to Troop A , stationed at I'c Niobtiira , and I'l I vato William Mason , Troi 1 , has hcun transfcriod to Troop U , station I at l-'oit UtiChojiio , Utah. , , I'riuxtes Nclioti , Company F , Second ! > fantij. Cromptoa , Bl.xtcontti Infantry ; / 0 nold , Couinany C , Se\entecnth Infantt Iloward , Sixteenth Infantry ; Schllloim r and Moirl ? , Sixteenth infantry , liavu be asilsiiiod b/or.loi's from the lic.ulquai'tcn > tlio'ginioiul iwmitlutr sor\lco , nnd shortly Join their respective regiments. Captain Otiirotty , Scvoiitwnth Infanti Imviiiif ivportcd nt the bcudqunrtcrs ol t Kcncral roerulthiR errvlce , has been assign to duty utU.ivld'a Island , Now Voik hniln L'uptiiln Gnriolty Is accounted one of thobi ivcruitlnKoDlcers in the nnny. i. Applicants for Hint lieutenants of the o iinncxi corps from the line of the army , mu II hereafter , bo under thirty yuan o t ti o , hu served two years in n line officer , and mi pass a board of ordnance oulccrs before tl cau I TOII.VV , I/ntl Notice to 10.OOO Votot-H In Oinalin. The roKistrnn of this iltv vlll < lt nl llio places mentioned licluw today , ronniicnc- Inf ntSo'ilookln the morning and conliiiu- liiK until 'Jo'c-lock utnlKht. Thcro nro 10OJOotorsinthls , city who hnvonot reitlstciod.nnd those 10,0)0 ) people , If they full to record tlielr names , arc not doing their duty ns cltt/ons. Hi ( : lstor early and avoid the cro\\tl \ In the evening. riu T WAiiD. FtwtDlUttct-N' . 0. Nelson , T01 1-civon. worth street. Koiond Dlstilot J H I5a\ls , S07 South Tenth street. Third Distrlit O X.lininoiinan , niotentti nml I'iercp slt'tvts. Fouith Dlstilet H. O , Hauinorniin , Sixth ne.irl'aoifli1. rifth Dlslriil-ICuig's grocery , Ttilrtccntli and Vint on Sixth Dlstrlet M Clinton , TOJ llaiu-ioft. srcoso v\ni > . IMrstDntrlot-7U South Thhteciith stieot. Soond Dlstiiet ' . ' 00.1 I'leroc Htteet. Third nutria .T I' . M.illonder , I'JUJ ' South Tvcntli'th strict. l-'ointhDistilet John I.oniloy , 1WO South Sixttenth slrc-ct. Fifth Uistrlrt-.rolitt T. Il.ist , 'JIJJ South Six toenUi street. Sixth Ulstrict-Kiicclit t Oo , 1C1T Tlnton street. Tinni ) v Mtn , Flist District J.J. IJonovMti's , MS North Tenth stieet. Sdonil Dlstilet Derby hotel , 1W North Thirteenth stuet. Thlid District 11. Blcrbatigh , ) ! South Fourteenth sticot. Koiirtli District N'o. 319 South Eleventh street. locum \\w > . Fli-st "Histria fan-goant's store , 321 Nortb Sic-ond Distitct-LoMlo & I-e-ilIo'a Six- tec-nth and Loiio ! stteoH. Third Jllstrict Cigar store , KIO'i Faiimm street. Fou i tli Dlstilet Drug stove , IS St. Mary's ' avenue Fifth DUtria-FranlcCros , iorSt. Mary's avenue. rii rn i\ vim , Fli-st Dlstilet 1'rank D town .1 Co , 'i Ol Noith SKtoenth stiec-t. Sceonil DWrict-Mlllei's balcory. 1S10 Shii man n venue. Tlilul Olitiltt J. ICiine , 1 1)5 ! ) Sherman ave nue , FoiiithDKtrict-G. "NVeekciiboif , olOXoitli Sixleenth street. sirnnn \ First District TACUUIII hull. Second District Orocery , Tlilitlotli nnd Ames sueiuio 'Jhlrd Distiict-J .1 Uoil , 1S10 . .lllltaiy avenue. rouithDlsliIet-J. T. rotiehc , No , - Twenty-fourth sticet. 1'ifth Dls > tiiet Tiityslth nnd Lnko stivets. SKth Dlstnctf - , 1 111 Noith Twenty fourth stieot. rirst District 1.M9 1'uik avenuo. HeeondDistuct 1-OJ I'uik avenue. 'Ihird Dlstilet Drug btoie , Dupont and Twenty-ninth. riniiTii Aiii ) . rirsfc District -.ueClolland's onico 150 Nnrth Twoiity-loiiitli. Second Dlstrli't-DriKf store , 2102 Cuinliif ? . 'Jhircl Distiiet-O. L U.iiif , ' , S'XW Oiiinlng rourtuDiitriet-N. .lohnson , 2JO.J Cumliifc' . NINTH \\AIlll. first Dlstnct - , ! . T. Hope , : il 11 Ciimliiff Seeoiul Dlstilet Mather shoi ) , l o\\o \ nml .Men or avenues. I'hh-d District-Ninth wnrcl chili , SMh F.iiputn. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Keinmlted by It C. Joiner , of Allen P. 0 , HilUdulo Co , Jlieh. ' "IS'othniB. pi\o my iheuinatisiiiBuchiuilck lullef" as Ur. Thonus1 Kclectiio Oil bcllevoit infallible for rlwu niatlcs. " Gro. P. BeiiilsViie \Viiiin. . OMAIH , Oct. 2t . I'o the IMitoi of Tin : Bn : : It is hi h tlmoth.it every taxpayer ol Oinahii , of Doughs county and of the state ol Nebraska , idiot of tlio United States , should become "wild-eyed" ' ns Inn City M'leasuiei Hush , as supcested in Tin BIB under the headinu. "BlastliiK the City's Ciedit , " \ \ here \\o find out that John Dale or other peisoi : or pcisoiis nro lesoitliiff to such ontiapcou1 HicthoJs of carr hiK on their piohibitlon var 1'nro by attacking our ofllei il census ictuins If the o ncciisiitions are tine , ( as they inrsi bo in my opinion , when Mr Hutli stito-s thai John Dale lead to him n copy of a letter hi had sent iu\ay to prominent eastern ptohlbl tlonists asset ting that Omaha's census le tin ns had been exaggerated at least 5,000) ) J think Unit every Mich person or person- should be censuied by every citl/en of Oni ill. and Nobtaska , and fmUier , If wo have so culled minUteis ot tlio gospel la our mills' v , ho mo huitangliiK their audiences upon tin subject of piohildtlon or iwlitits and tukliu up collect ions for political purposes \\oulc siiBKWt that In thrscoiumunltyuheiOiiiictv iilno out of ovr > rj one handled of our law abiding citUens arc opposed to piohibitlon that the trustees of all chuivhos-in-psldei over by such pietcndiiig preacher : * ot Chus and Him crucHled meet nt once and giv < them nil the "grand bounce.VolniM ) n < use forsnth faimtic-aln our cities , oountleso states. Instead of .Mr. Dale und these othe nieachors loin ilniiiL ; longer In our midst pos liifj ns perfectionists , let ; is transphnt then all ( instead of simply KiviiiB thenva tie pas outside oui state boundaij ) into 'StanlW Wilds of Africa , " wheio they i.in utili/ tholr cnorRlcs in enueavotinp : to licatheni/ the cannibals ( oiMlcoersa ) instead of trj Ing to luMtheni/c us Christians , ruining on municipal nnd individual credits , doplotin , our population , cutting cur vilutM in uvc proventiiiB all proiaess nnd MU-.IIIK RIMSS weed * nnd IIIOM to grow hi all oui now bus , and Ihelj thorouth fines. Our city , count nnd state me in dm ( 'erl Uuun with sue traitors and fanatics \\liom\nu cannot icaso with or teach the dillereiico betwctn tempji aiicound pmhibltion , Omaha toilav , Inpronoitioi to Its populr tlon , is the best go\ci lied , the must moral the most temperate , the best pivinl , the bet sinvcred , has tlio best and l.ngestsj stem c street railway ot nny c-itv In Amoiica or th world Why iliould wo bo bloc-Ucil in on OH waul march thioiiKh the fanaticism . tlioso lm\inff nothliipr tolosonnd overjthln tOBaiul The days of blue hws und uitd craft I ttiontht had \ < MK since passed. Vonrs for tonipeianco , law and outer , ant prohibition and good citizenship Amorally , GhCIKUb 1 * . Hi MLS. CUIsentnf Omaha nl liomc < nnl til.ioal . ihnul Hinimbei that the rcinitinlnu daym/leylxliittli , ate I'liddy , Odubei Jl , flliJ iMlui Jciy , UKCD bcr I , Cluiioli Votieo. The Church of Saint aiattlilas , Sout Tenth and Worthlngton Place. 1'ndaj ovoi liiB at 7.I'O , evensoiifj nnd sermon by tl bishop of thodloccso. Saturday , All Silut day , 7 a in. , holy communion , hnndij se vices 7 n m , holy eonnnunlon ; 10 JO n in holy coiiununion and sermon , ,1 n m , Suiulr school ; 7 J ( ) p in .osenson and sermon SI tings In this tlnu-eli nroall fteo. JO Tl. The .7. r Duff opera coinpiny nuinborlni ; mnro tlriii 'Ktvi'piwplo. nnpoaH at Hoyd'1 * opira houip on < ire llvst IhreocvpnliiKs of next \M-ek In n pmiul iwlvalof Gilbert fc SnlllvniiS opcr.u , ! la-esentliiK the rollowliig MouOa.v uvenlnir , "I'atlcnee , " cnitiKi ' ' 'llio I'lrutd o ( 1'CII- 1 \ "lolnathc. " \Vediicsdayiu\onlii ; , The nltriii'tlon nt tlio Oruiul this eonlng will ho the Ho < o Hill KnjrlUh Folly company In the eomlo imeratlc Vinr- Ictiiue , " 1'iiilslaii Hcveli. or wrecked hi Mooiilnnd. ' ' The | ieclnlt'.cldch ' 1110 new ami oilfrliuil , are clone by sonioof the ulcv- eiest aitlstsin the \urlety business. The Jnpnncsc burlOTquo eoinnnny nt tlio 12ilen Mn ee Is ili.uvlug well , 'llio speclnlty niilstsnru ill it-class. The company ilnhh the week hcie. \V 1 ! Oooil nil tteiit to St T.ouh jestenluy iniilfo to mi iin cements foi thomodiictlonoi his now coineily. "An Absent-blinded Mn'i , " hn\liifjsliiicl n llvo > ears' contiiict with H. K Itlce The pliy will nrobahlj bo produced In tlio next llvo or six weeks unJer Mr. Kim's direction , . .tohnV. \ . Norton. the \etuiin SI l.o'ils tiiiinuipr ; , liecoiiiliis the llnniulnl bii-lcei of the rnteriui-e. It Is tlioiifilit "I'ho " \VorldsKnli" will ilostMlio seison at St. Lou Is to Rive \\iiy \ to .Mi. ( .Jo hill's ' pliy , vhli li Mr Ulce cnnslileri a vinnoi1. Tim lilenclsof .Mr. Clooilall will bo sjliutto lean ol tits sooil foi luuo In bcromiiii ? nisociiiteil \\ith the lending Uirli3Miio | mainger in AinorUn. ftlttmn nj Omnhn /lOMieiiiiilnftniid rtmrmlcr Hint tticiciii < ( lntiiil [ < i/i ! < > f die I'l M < IIOduhi 31 , ciiul JSuliinJ in , .Voum- td / . _ Senator P.idiloi'k caino In jcstonlnj fiom Washington and continued west on hi > - \uiy to his homo In Uc.itrUo lie win accoii.- paniod by \-CoinjrebMiiaii John A. McSlimc and scveialotticis. s of Oniiihii cil Iininc anil ntu anil ? lnnil < , ttmcinbci Hull tlit icinatnliijiltitiiuf i fi// / / ( nldni aic 1'ililnuUctfjljci Jl , an I tci I. Boils and Pimples A i Multure's rITorts to rllinlnate poison fiom lliolilnoil This lesult nn > lieac'eoiuptlslu'il inncli mmc ellictuall > , mwellas ayn'e.ilil } . tlnoiiKli llio iiupei e\c'ictoij chaimcU , hy the use of Am s banaiiarlll.t. Tot se\i'i.il jcais t was Iroubhtllh lioils aiulcii ; Ijiini'lcj. In east Ing aliout fur.t reiiiedy.lt ociiniiMlto me that A > CM s Sam- paillla Irnl IKCMI ihfd In my fathers family , willi excellent suciess , and 1 thought tint \\lntwas Knml for the fitliernonld alsolio good for the ion. llnee or fem liultles ot thii medioinec'iitlioly enied 1110 , and I hive not since I n more than t\\o j cars-had a boll , pimple , or an ) other cinptl\e tioulile. I can consi'icntioiisly s.n'ak | In the highest terms of Ajei s Saisniuillh , and imny joar1 , ' cipeilPiiee In the diui ; htisl.iess en. uUcs mo to speak Intelligently.- . Haillelil , rarmland , Incl , Ayer's Sarsaparlila runxnvn nv DR. T. 0. A 'EE & CO. , Xowoll , 1'rlccjl ; Elibutclti.tO.Vuilli .vO AMUSEMENTS. ' I\'o \ Saturday Miim. October 31 ' 1 111. mtOM.MuMltv II of Puree-Comedy Frank Daniels MI-1 ! Ill-Sir. t-\M > ON nnd the UK ! COM I.Do In Atolitlmlil OLiiiiU'i's I'lintabtleMustciileco | , mill" PlffK / lie InrKOit trntcllni rompiny , proacnltnii fiiroo coiDOily un ttiM continent Itox fhuut u | > e \ % i'ilne d.iv inornliiiat iwuhir pilce" , Thr : Rose : : Hill : : InislisliruHyC ! : : : : { The Greatest Specttu-ulnr C'onipany on the Sta e. Tsual I'opul.ir I'rlies. THREE NIGHTSONLY , SPECIAL ENGAGfcMENl Beginning Monday , ITovomkr 3rd. J. C , DUPP- " IN A GILBERT & SULLIVAN REPERTOIRE Monday Evening ! "Patience. " Tuesday Ivening : "Pirates of Peiizauce. Wecluesday Evening : "lolantlic. " Grind Chorus ol 05 Voices. Box sVue oi ) n Saturday momliig.it regular ) > : | LUS. Grand Qpcra Saturday and Sunday , Xov. 1st and 2 lid lixl 1 iiKMionionl of tlio Kiimo is llhikMa , 'I JOHNSON'S nMMMMMlHVM BBMMMMMBBIMMB HMH MHMBt vaBaMMaB Colored Minstrels WAIT FOR us. WATCH OUR ELECTRIC STREET PARAOI I.uil L ) the Clmini loii Drum Mijor of tbuVui2l \ , COI. SAM \VAI113. irKS Hnxilic-otoiwii trMnyiitO a r AMtl T.inlor , Munasor rornoplllh null l.u nainMroPls Dm ihu , WKIJIC 01 OOT a ; ih. Victorious I.DVO ICTI ma's nnitiriilcro Arne niul l.iiiiliu-r'i , , Iiiin < i > Iliirloiquo Coiupanj uf III ! trichli 1 irrliT iKdnciti-'a It.nloni. riiuKuiirc C'ullilrcnOlik'j utij Diuii o < A Knincl ] iotpuiiril i Miiiuitnl l.uitflitur A. tomplito tiMtn < > ( l iitulorll ixrtunimacu UN It lil.MI , AllMITi 1OU.I. . . To euro nilloiiBmCT Elck noartnrlo ConitlpBllor Alaiarla l.lvir Oorcplnlnu , tnkn tlio luifo un4 certain [ ouioilgr , .SOUTHS UaotlioSMAI.IjplZr.dO llttlo tcnn-tlofhohoi tlui Tliojnru llio mutt otinvenlerl bull ull fjo : i'rlccdf ultlivr slia UOcciiUpci' LxjUlu * 17 70. I'hoto IfBRQIIXSiT ' * 7 imxtun I.HUv Dl. l pnnolBtisortlils j.lcturo Jor cents ( copi era or ilaujpi ) . j r esiiTiij.co _ SlaVoreof "DllolUuis , Stimuli XIo. L.IQCJOH IN ALL HIE WORLD THERE Ib BUT ONE CURE DR.HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC UIIN & ( .0..1tlh Ioiicl i - IM.htl'an sf / rradoiuutllcd by Ul.AKF UUUCil ( c LO , JCll iVH' V nmfn " 1IMV llr l tu < 1 IVrvilli-a ! l'i tlio iTi'iiLlitcmcilr , niton HID uii'i itruiiliymusi n euro iui | > rei > l n ( rum nhnioror fau ! I'roiau montlruatlon Tliuto iilllinliouM nit lie Mkrn ilu n jircunnnrjr Am HllC'u. IturuUir t'op > . ( pa for , tlay Lo , la lieir-ilio by shuriiuii X McCcinnti . nuar I' , O .OjulKi ! U A .MnlchiT , Sou , IM-UJ , cuauutl UluU , urjrorli , In the country , carry the stock and variety of Men's Shirts and Drawer * -we do , Our storcnf rooms for surplus stock , are crowded with winter underwear andotlier furnishinrrs , purcliasccy in large quantities in anticipation of the increased duties which must now bu paid on imported woolen goods. Having saved this increased duty , \ve \ are ctublod , to mark ; ill our iminenso stock at exceptionally low prices , This low scale willcontinue as long as our present stock lasts The following1 lots which \ve piacc on special salcfortliis w ock , will be found c < ctriord i nary IjargaiiTJ. Men's fancy striped Camel's Hair sliirtsand drawers , rilk bound .1.1350 cnch. Plain Camel's ' Hair , silk bound and sillc stilched , with ribbed ends at 500 each. Fancy heavy Cashmere shirts and drawers , finished shoulders , ncnt stiipcsat 650. Superior natnial wool bliirts and drawers , of excellent finish u'illi ribbed ends at 750. All the above arc grand values. Our hosiery is sold at about one half the prices other stores charge. Otu * assortment immense. In this dcpaitmcnt we offer this week the followin" t\vo big bargains. Fine wool seamless socks at i5c a pair. Others arc selling those at 300. Very fine merino , full regular made , of handsome shades at 2oc. In gloves \vc carry a full assortment ; all the desirable styles for driving and street wear. Nothing but what is of reliable stock and of good malic is sold at our glove cuontcr , as we var rant every pair. Our prices arc positively below everybody else. \Vitbin the past few days we have received an entire nc\v stock : of hats. "SVc venture to say that during last week \vc opened more hats than a good size hat store would get in in a year , We bad an immense run in this department , and \verc obliged to stock up again , and no\v wo arc ready foi another run. Latest shapes and prices , lower than ever , Open until S p. rn. Saturday , 10 p. m. Corner 14th and Douglas Streets. Are tlie Exclusive \Vestern Agents for tlio The hircost inanutacturorsof rubber footwear in tlic world.Vo cany the only conploto stoulc ot fiwt-eli s nibbo > ROOtlsin tlio city. Prices ahvajs the lowest. Corrcspomlonco solieitcd v TRY OUR LERTHER SOLED RUBBER BOOTS , THE BEST MRDE ; ; AMERICAN HAND SEWED SHOE CO. , OMAHA "Manifesltlii ng s require no proof. " Owerasb for co ni ing cold \vcatlier > Arill soon "beeonac a necessity. We have prepared oui ° selves for the in- evitabl e cl e m a n cl and beg to call at tention to the excel lence and finish of the garments in this lineof goods which Aveare now offering. Ta k e "T i m e by the forelock" and "be ready for the cold 2 FOR MEN ONLY , luwli. ( l.iuril iinl M5II- Nor * IHHIMI'V Wi-alnuw "f lie Iy .mil M linl 1 Hi i tviit I'riui t or mi'tisiit in Util o | Vuuiu II"i'u t V'lilo ' M NMIOUD fullv re- ntnroil \ \ KU n .iuli-c > I'M ly i'.i-u or niDtu-y iC'fiimlt'd umiio cruise , II \ it cliys' Irr il- mciit il f'il i.umi1 V > hi'i-urc'ly tfalcil finiii Hki'M ul'uii ' C uuL He n > r > iy Co Uimilu N < u C lli e si i ii lion ; .lul lith aim "uUtt l 'Jlni.Tpiii < l ) * "nnl'l l iJlulmrnu uu-l pnMli < Oi H f wrii A tn 111 ; vraUctJS ] iuimi > ( ( | ren < ril > nltnil In k-cinniuii-iiclliit it to Hulil liv .00 , ( U WATCHES. DiAWIONDS and FINE JEWELRY Solo Agent in Omaha forfJoHinin Manufacturing ufacturingCo's Sterling Silverware MANTLE CLOCKS , RICH CUT GLASS and CHINA. Our Stock of Fine Goods is the Laigist and Our Prices the Lowest. Conic nml sec us. Cor. Douglas & 15th St DOlffliRDS" i m rtfTWirTiT Tirmmitvffiir fmumnrfm PRACTICE LIMITED TO TUP JVTSIJ NERVOUS SYSTEM. . ROOMS 316 TO 320 13EE BUILDING , OVAHA NEB DR. IIAIUiY , GRADUATE DENT 1ST A lull ' ot ot Tooth Ull KlllllMM , for llVh. Dlll.l tll . A porfoi 1 fit jrinniiit < 'C' < l 'iVctli iMtr n-loil \\lthiMilpUuor diuiifii. nmlllliiiitiiiiius - tl.i'tlcs. . OiiM ami t.Ihci Illllnts ut louist i.ilos. llrlilir mill KIKII 'Mnrli. i'oclli \ \ llli- DIIL plnlc- . All veil < OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK lot ! ) UNO Hut rar < 'f lOlli slroul clmator Ojj iijs until b u i'lo U NERVE AND BRUIN TREATHEHT. Bwclflo fnr llrff.-rli , DlJilnMn Kt . ! .mr tfl Wikcv tolnuBiMenu ) ln picitlcn Hollrnln rif tlmliraln to- lulling In In'inltji M li 'lln < to irAttry il v a t ( JtAth PrfmattrH Uhl A i * . li nonn I ufltof T'OHIT hell Mr rex | n olmlar/l.o M , IK | R | f rrnnoril.aa cniHrnl lir oter-cxrtlo t/f tlm In aln , rulli liu > ur orciMiululifenco > och Lot c-unialriH < jnoniunii'f tniu menu llalior , 11 rlie lor J ( runlly in iliir.iRl. [ Wllli e rU oi'or I'r i i > o * i tll t nd lurcluur IiaragUo to irfnnl ti i J illliu triutmrnt luiutu ( jiu uuartiit uil uf > i i'IuiuuiniuiJ ' | uiilyby COODMO UM U < O. , lllOlaruaiu oiftiU - Oiualia Neb MANHOODi HEKVOU1 ! UlUILUYi rBodyfiirlJHiiiil , Klfitta ctErroricrEueiisilnOlclorYovrr. ) frillr H * ti > rttJ. il'tVuir' ; * u i f T 1.0-ftt IUKAllfcHr-l * .llli U a < ; ! ft.M liitllr * IU 6UU * buJkr .lu t c.lrlt * . tlrll * thu * i * irr1tllf bk * * il * tl n ftd voof * tlld ( iulidlrt U.-IH CHIC mioic/iL ccn QvrrAiQi H.V. PEIflCPAL P0IKTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1 * A'l' 13O2 Pnrna-n St-i HARRY p. DEUEL ; City Pasioncjor aud Tlckot Agrontl Corner Otli anil Ilarnoy BtrcutOmuhi FOR THE TREMMiNT Or ALL ChronicDisfasuand Uetnrinitic3L DR. A. . T. MOLA.TJQHLIN , Fountlod lj\r \ Dr , J.V. . M' M MANHOOD RESTORED , "SANA ri\0"lh U niiilci rnlHpallh lliniirty , carr-8 nl ) NvrxoiiH lloc ) ic . rucli onVnk Mtm' iny , lafii it II riln I'ouir , IliailsiUe. \ \ ul.i fill Hi-en , l.o ( f W\xritZ3 ? Maul , „ , ( ! . N.-MOUM BQoro & After USO. ! > " " < . iJiHUuUe , til IMiDl > rjihril | ( nun 1 ill drill III flllll lull Ol povvirof ihti Uincratltl * Orcnnn , In either "iiiiiril l > y ( ivr riortlnn , junllifiil n ilii-cri Until,01 . ' ) ! e oi H | K > nccuf toiiiK , ) | , dtlmiiliJtv , 1 wli < cti ultinmti ly 1 < n < l to Iifinntt ) , C'iiifutnlloQ m > 1 Imtiinllr I'll ui > In convenient foim to < trri in Hie vcrtporlitt 1'tlcc gl umrkaioirO | ! ( lorji s. i.tliy mill to my ndlni-tf. C licular fac. iler > ti mtli1 * * nf"r A'tilro H UlDBlUtllHIULCU. . II ? DcJtMirnliU.CIllr-4tfOIH t ( Hi SMI IN DM All N M H H\ Kul n A ' 'i ' ( i.r 1111) t Ih.nlu M . tl- J rl-nllfiA-iN lorlltlit liuiit'i it Kli'tt * < i II I oslrr & . < u ( O'juiil ' Dlutln ji n DR. KENS1NGTOR. and Ear Sur ron ntt.a n"l t. Loll Vigor i it ) Varlfoceliture ) l' rlltnlaili , tr > f v HomiTri Ul I'll ll olna mil * , il a. 1H1 la , ill lultuikc.i/ , , .