THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. JPKIDAY. OOTOBEE 81 , 1800. 18PE01HL NOTICES. . . for those columa will , U > taken until 13:30 : p. m. , for the errant ttllton nnd until 8M : p.m. . for th * mornlna dltlnn and fiUKUAr Ilie ri EHMB Ottih In advance , i hj - - thlip n will b KATF-H-Adrertliomcntoon Hi cent per word tor tlio ilmt Inicrtlon anil 1 cent PT word for aoh subsequent linerlion. and 11.50 per ltn r month. No advertisement trtkon for r , rn than SI cent * for thu lint Insertion , INITIALS , figures , symbols , eto. , count ench A an nun \tord. fpHKSK advertisements mint run eonsecu- , A lively and under no clrcumiilanres will Uiey bo taken or discontinued by telephone. DAUTIKB advertising In thesecolumni and JL hnrlni ; tholr answer * Hiltlresscd to k "mini- t > cr d letlnr" In care of Tin : HES will rfcclre k numbered check to enable them to get their r. > rs. Answers will ho delivered only on presentation of this check. Kncloso answers Jn envelopes properly addressed. ailvertNcments tinder Iho IIPIM ! of ALL Notices" nre published In iMith Ilia morning and f venlne editions of TIIK HKK. the circulation of which mtgresaUs moro Iliac 50,009 papers dally , nnd gives thp advertiser th * benefit not only of t'ni ' large circulation ot 5 UK HKE In Omshn. but nlso In Council HlulTB , Lincoln and other cities und towns In the wnst BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will be taken Cn llin above condition * , allho follnitlri ; busl- CSH Jiouws who nro nuthorlted to take Hper-lnl ootli-en. nt Iho satno rales aa can had at the pialn nflli-e. _ . OMAHA HUANril OKl'IO&-No. SOUTH BtrctJt , Lister Illoi-k. ' OHN VvTnELL , rLiTrinnolst , 630 South Tenth street. ft KUDY , Htatloners and Printer * , OIIAPH 113 Hoiith 18th iilrcet. SH. FAHN8WOKTH , I'harmuolst , 3U50nm * | DK "trcet. yi\T , T. lfuolIES1l'harmaclstCI4 North Hth 'ST. ' street. t G 'KO W. 1'AHR , rharnineUt , 1718 Lonren- worth Htrt'Ct. 5T IIOHES1 I'lIAUMAUV. 21th and Kurnam. BITUATIOXSVANTHI ) . For rat , itc. . tte tap of Jlnt rnliunn on Hit * W oANTI'.D Situation by oxperleneed sten- ottruphur nnd bookkeeper , young lady. Hector icferences. Addrtss 1813 St. Marys nve. nai-aoj _ \\rANTr.D Position for genernl liouso- > work. Call or addiessOth and Locust st. , East Oniatm. M2G'J 31 * _ " \\rANTKD-Hltuatlon In dressmaking os- > tabllshmonl by yonnglady. to learn the trade. Call ut Tromont house , 801 N. llith Kt. M 2.V-il : ANTKH-Whlto sewing , chllilren's and Infants' clothes , nil S : il"t st , 24t : : il * W ANTKD-Sltnatloti by well cduR.Med young man In hardware store as clerk or mail. Address S r.l. llei * . 2.Ti ; il > f T A NTEil-Dressimiklns In famlllos , Hi , ; > SoullifitliHt. M 223-1' \\rANTI'D Position ns coachman by colT - T ored man , good Omaha references , ; rears experience In Omaha. Address S 51 , lleo M 2:10-2 : * \VANTrD-Ilomes for students who will work for tholr board. Address Standard lUislness college , N. Y. Life building. M or-a-ill Formtii , ttc , , let top of frut column onits ( / JKIQ * " \A7ANTK1) A man wlm Is well iicqunlntcd > In the city to solicit orders ou comnilS' Blot ) , Address S 57 , Ilee ollk-e. Miv't-31 * MI-.N or women wanting work , or person ! needing help of any kind , city or country ran nlway.s be supplied at Keith's ofllco , .llsij 8. l.'th st. Satisfaction guaranteed. ; _ _ _ ACOIjLETOItwiinteila ; serial nook do liverer and collector1 , must , furnish so ourlly. Apnly only from 10 to 12 o'clock I'rl day 12'reljiilon ( ; block. 2ii-il : : \ \ ! A NT ! : -Ton I ) llrst class bricklayers n ' Columbus , Neb. , aloni-e , wages 4 in ! ) cent < ; porhout. Inqnlieon the OOMPI'.TKNT , tempe rait ) tinner who under stands shop and rooting \vorkthoroiiEhly Stonily employment for good man. Addre.s with rcfeient'es. 1J. . Sharp & Hio. . Aurora Nob. _ : r.'i-il : \\fANTED-A gootl waironniakcr at Jlnl T T doon's hltop , 1(114 ( Cumlng st. ifl.1-2 * \VANTii : ) Immediately , young man to re ' eelvo Instriii-tloa and keep books ; on lady wanted , J. II. Smith , 940 Now York Life _ i7fi- : > * WANTED A good coat maker ; steady em ploymeul and good wages. Addiess ! Miiinby , Atlantic , Iowa. 210-31 * NT BD-A No. 1 collector. Must be we ] acquainted with city Address H KI lleo. _ Maci-at * /ANTED Men with peed reference a Metropolitan Mtg. Co. . 1009 Howard st. _ _ _ 211-1127 \\r ANTED- men J2 iier day.and 300 team i fl.ri1 ! porday. for work In Houth Dakotn Albright liiihor agotiey , IK'O Karnam st. 21 \\7 ANTED Klrsl elnss steam lltlcrs can lini ' eiiiplovnient In Chicago. Htoatlyvorli Eiglil hours , Apwly lit oni-e. M.2fi'j4 ' * H A l.KS.M AN Wiinted , man to sell line of ol earn ; $100 per month and expenses palt fUldrosq wllh btnnip Sumatra Cigar C'o. . Chi siiKi ill , _ _ _ ior-0 : ! _ * _ VVANTED-Mun to sell line of olnaix.JOOpe T > month nnd expenses paid. Address wit Itauip , ( Hobo Cigar Co. . SI , Louis. Mo , 107-30' BEST terms to aecnts on our now bool "llenullful fiems. " Itlg money In takln nrtleix for holiday delivery. J. M , l-'rench < Co. , 512 I'a.vlon lilook , Oniiilia , Nob. 122 1 J ) 20 salesmen tocarry ( as a sld t tine ) our "Cash on Delivery" olvsar wit cold IIIInd wutoli , Hlg pav. Ulstance no ol. feet. O. O. U Cigar C'o. . Winston. N. U. ' .Ki-l /1ANYASSRHS Wanted Correspondence ( = < V llelted with coinpeleiil ciinvassnrs to .so paper clothing. Hood wages oan boearnet \Vflto I'npor UlothhiB Co. , Port Union. Mid VyANl'I1 : ! ) Men and wonion of abllltvT Tt every city , town nnd village to act n nst'iils for Hie Ladles' Homo Join mil. W waul the best , obtainable class of agents , ante to Bitch unuiiuiil terms will be offered , Th Journal Is the handsomest periodical for h tiles and the family ever Issued , and bus iicn Iy half u million siilis-rlhcrs. It will beat veillsed thoeomlng autumn nnd winter on larger scale , than over before , creating a dt iiKinil that agents should bo ready In Ml ; I'llblMilliU Co. , I'hlliulelnlllii. M185I KD 200 laborers forslono nnd crai work. Apply to 1' . II , Johnson , ruin jiasscmrcr depot. Omiilia. .s l I\V ANTKH At once , several good city eai > vnssers , IMOJUwghisiit. 673n21 \\rANTKD A euts wanted throughout Ni r briisUa. Peni ) btaiup for reply. Jos. Rlt'geath. Omaha. 77J " "l A NTK.D A live , energello pan v In evoi jiluee to Introduce our goods. Wo have new line that will sell nt every house an agents ran ruaii a harvest , between now an the holidays , will nny n Milary of J7i ni nionlh If picfcrretl anil furnish a team fie i once. Staudiird Silverware o HoslonMitss. Mt > rj-I l5 \\rANTKn-Men to travel for our Canadlr T I nurseries. SloneXWelllnKtonMadisonW _ _ \rANTED-1.0liil inru for new railroad woi > la Oregon nnd Washington Tur. Win vrlll Inil two years ; good waces guarantee Albright Labor Agency. 1120 l-imium t t. M4 f-'umifr * rtf. _ , tte top orut fotiimn pntht ( JHJI " ' " \ \ T A N T EI-\Veti7urse'S4ij"s'u'.M"ary18'r\ ) ] ' \\rAXTin ) > A good cook : no witshlng ; goi 1' wages. Apply at ' 0i ) Doilgo at. Jl 3t'- ; ] A LADY wanted to Millelt orders from t trade for Williams' gnnmied letters in other specialties. Addicss , with rofereuet - to Tablet tt Ticket Co. , b' and b9 I'ranklln s M 2A.V2 * VrANTKnOermiiii mii-so girl , about ' years old , ut Mrs. Kupp , 010 S. 13th St. , i Blairs. tiU-IH GIHI. Hunted at 2X170nmlng stieetl " iicg : ii " \\rANTKD Woiiinncook , dining room ni t laiintlry girl , steady position lo good gl Occidental hotel. Sullen , Neb. 222 1 \\r ANTi:0-Aglrl : to do bousouork. App B2J S HlthM. 210 ; ai * Gllil. forcenural liuusouork , 72J S. 19th. 215-3 * " | J > lfIUT ( younif laUy wanted to gt-t"sil ' ' Cfnt ciiniinU lon. Apply 1IU S liilh ul , Ml'1 ; f , tie , , ret toy of int coliiiiui on tlitt TjlUI-D MOHLK lo.tim money ontltanionai > - ' wall lic < , jonelryeto , S-.K.i-or. I'm-AiiuVllt SSj MISOIitjIjANICOUB AVANTri. _ _ For ratfi , tte , , tee toonf column on thu | KJO " \\TANTKD-IIorsr8towlntcr 17 with grain ' f and t-'i without ; cotxl care will bo taken of tlif-m at ( 'oilman Park farm. Leave horse with N. I' . Dlllrancu , stnblcs 414 H. 17th st. Tel ephone Wl. wintered nt Omaha fair grounds. 1 can wlnler HM horses , has a. larye warm hoxstall , feetl all the grain the owner wants , largo yaiils for exercise In tine weather , A , Thomson. M''iil N''J KOlt / 'or into. ttc. . tee litjtof flitt column on tills IjlOIt Itl'.NT.IfXM Mason , n rooms , every eon- X' M-nlem-e , newly decorated , first-class nelulilMirhood , near cart. Low renl to desir able tenant. Inquire aon Mason. M-IH3-2 * ' \T11W hoiin' , 0 rooms. Inquire morning or -i- > evening corner 2Mb and Lake. K.O. ( llenii. U4M' 1fIl HKNT A good 0-room house , city J-1 water , outh front lot , nenr Lake and Sher man ave : al expiration of : i years will give you warranty dcciLsnblcct to moitgage. Look this up. l' . 1 . Shaw , Bus Sheoley blk. ! c..i FOU HKNT 8 room house , all modern Im- jirtnements. 2218 Chicago st. , 117.07. King- watt Urns. , llarkcr block. Sit lalOU ItKNT Klegant2-lloor house , all moil- 1 pm Iniprovements.etirnur Zltd anil ( Milcago. Apply at lif)1. ) ) I aimiin st. ll'i'.i 2 'IjlOlt KKNT 0-room cottage with gas , water X1 eloset. hath , furnace , hot and cold water , at 112 * South loth st. Kmiulio at 1011 Douglas street. 110-1" _ " TAOK "lIKNT-SIx Mnall brick dwelling L houses near llltli and Lcavenworth at tl.'i per month. Thomas Jt Itoche , li' " New Vork Life bltlp. M.'li.- * _ T-I OUK for rent ; ten rooms , modern con venience , 21 So. lth ! st. 24S-il ; * rJ HIKcottnito , No. 2..1 ; ! California Ht. , for rout and furniture for sale. 246-1 K HOOM house. IDtli and Ituni-roft , city water 'Janil cistern , near motor line. $10 per month. J 7lim HKNT House eor. Knrnain and SOth. . all rniivciilend's.&Yi ; T-rooio bouse'J. > th and Howardbath'iiT-rooni lioiiKe.will bo ready for Doe. 10. cor. ' "nil and Hickory. * l0 ! ; n-rootn house Hlh nr. Clraec , lid. J. II. Kvans. HUH N. Y. Life. ' "JO'JO rp\VO8 and 0 room houses , modern Imprnvo- 1 iiirnt" . cheap , i'JO and $ ! . * i per month , well located. M. M. Marshall , Kuoin tLT , N. Y. Ufe. ailfH ) a T.I'OrsK for rent , at G-'l I'lerco street , con- .11 venlent to depot. Nice cottaKO. Inqulio ofT. J. Lowry. -'oo- " 1I1OK HKNT 7-room cottage , convenient to J. ' wholesnlo district and business. Apnly 1112 S. 101H si. U- > HKNT S-room modem Viouso with nice barn , 1701 N "Istj also 8-rooin house and nice barn..IW .Miami , by Criini & lllshoii , U SI , Hoard of Tnule. I'M "ITIOIt ItKNT 'room house , 100' ) California -1 st. } 'i" > per inoiith. Hiennan < Sc Co. , Chamber of Commert'o. llll-l rpo ItKNT On Park avo. , twoO-room houses , Xall ImpiovemeiitH , newly papered and ic- palred throughout ; also in-room bouse on N. ' 'Ith .St. ; rents , S4i ) . Also one on ll'JIh and I'nr- nani Kt" . . rent J.W. 1'or fiirlbor parllculni-t call and heo 1) . V. Sholes Co. , 213 rirst Nat'l Hunk. _ _ _ tT2-u ) : _ 1J1OK iiNT-rurnlshed : houso.Wtt ; St. Mary's .1. ave. ic.0 'J * 171OH KKXT Low to Rood tenant , deslrablo J(1room ( cottace. No. Ull S. 'J4th st. Apply room li , 1203 Karnam st. "IjlOH IlKXT 3 S-room lioiisesat ai'-'J nnd ! M .L I'aldui'll St. , nluely papered , havlm ; mod ern conveniences and barns ; to reliable par ties until qiirlim $ - " > per month. J. II. Johnson , 519 I'axton block. 07 ! ) 1J1OK llUXT Sovin-rr.oni ) cottaire , cor. 'JSth Jave. . and Cai. ] ave.Imiulro 2018 Ioilte. M-WVi i Bt _ J NU * _ DK81UAIILE dwrllliics all parts ot the eltv , Smoatoiiifc Allen , KM * Kurnnni .si. f > 28-n 1'J TnOHKKNT AII S room nuiiso with all mod- -L ern liupiovement.s , heated by hoi water , 152.1 S llilh st. 4 blocks east of llanscom I'ark. . t Kmiulio 403 lleo building. 141 'I/1OH HKNT Houso.S rooms , pooil laundry. I1 1 nqulro Hobt. l'urvls,2lth Si St. Mary's ave , 880 P YOU lsh to renl a house or store see K. Cole , C'oiitlnontHl block. 883 POIt KRNT To responslblo parties only , tliosollno now brick and stone houses tin Oeorglii aveuuo ; fifteen rooms and alcoves ; morn conveniences and better finished thai : nny hou o for rent In the city. 11 , 11. Homier- son. 4UU I'a.Mon block , city. oS4 7HOOM house with barn : nominal rent. 0 P. Harrison , Oil N. V. l.lfo. feT ! ) ITIOIt ItFNT n room house , all modern eon- venlenci-s , Inclndlnst a Rood stable. Caplto ! avenue , near the hluh school ; rent moderate 1) , J. O'Doimhoo , 1Q31 I'arnain Ht. Old SnVKN-room house , 18th nnd Vlnton , tin. J H. Johnson. 5t Paxtou block. f.sfl 1JUATH. steam heated. 70 ! ) S. 16th. Thos. K J-1 Hull , : ill Paxton blk. ess _ "I71OH HENT 7-room cottages. Hath and al X' motlern eonvenlenees , ready In tow days 0. S. Elirutloi. 407 1'lrsl Nat'l bank. 51 J KOll JSIiJNT KOOMS FUKNISIIUI ) , For Kites , tte. , fee ( oji of flitt ccluut't on thir pane I- p LHASA NT south front room , 2112 Dodge. Fl'ItNISHHD rooms ; 2 sleeping rooms : heat gas and bath. 2512 Chicago st. : HG-I : * rrANDSOMKLY furnlshed room. 2200 Dodge Ll 12S-5 * ALAUni ; south front room cheap. 42iSoutl : 21st st. M.2I1I2' OH UK.N'T Three very pleasant fiirullhei rooms to the right party In a private housii with or without hoard , no other roomers , lo cation In thu ally , U1G N. 20th street. 2.-I4 Ul * FOK ItKNT Kiirnlshetl rooms , gas. bat ! unil furnace heat , opposite the Merrlam lI'JS.SMhsl. ' 2I.V2' T'lOH 11ENT Deslrablo furnished room II 2 10 Davonport. M22I-II1 * o 3 vriOlCLV furnished room , 1WJ Douglas. od Jl 220-4 * 10i 9 HOO.MS , furnished or unfurnished. KtIS I7t' ' ir - Javci , between Jackson and l.cavcmuirth. r- 201 111 * r1 - 1u 1i "I7IOH ItUNT Two nlcoly fuinlbhctl fron i * J. rooms. 2UIO Davenport st. 207 I. 1) ) ' "IjlL'UNISIlI'iD rooms for rent with all modor io JL' i-onvenlenees. 2020 Hartley. 212 a * in 171OH HKN'I' Kargo south room , newly fut i-.tils' , 2IOODtiii _ ljis M lptl-a * JjlOIt HUNT I'urulshed rooms. P.K1S Cupltt ) uvo. JI1H1 ID * pVTKWLV furnished rooms , steam heat , gai I'1 > bath. 711 S. llith at. . 2d lloor. 1PJ 2 * FIMINISHKO rooms , steam boat , gas an bath , 2315 Douglas. OtRiat * ul T\KjlHAHLK ! rooms for three or four gentit idJ men , private sitting room Included. 171 iir Capitol ave. 41)1 ) IjlOK KENT Furnished roomsj ifas.bathau -L1 HlL-am. 1510 Howard. bTt in rPWO nicely furnished rooms , single or e Is J Kiille , gas and bath ; terms reaspnabh 1T24 I.uavenworlh. .MWkS-4 * rk " 171OU HKNT I'urnlshed rooms ICO'J Douala : rk J- S7ll tl. 1.10 FUHMSIIKI ) UOOStS AND DUAltl J'or iiilf * , rrc. , tee tup offlift column OH ( fit * it SU1TK of front rooms on third lloor stilt abl ito , for four gentlemen , H ilh excellent boar < Terms reasonable , 1W S 20th st. U22-2J oil HA N I ) SOMKM' furnished inrge , wari room , with satisfactory board and ploai ant hoiuoj terniH rtiasonublo.I'M Harnoy. lie ml _ M 254- s , "ITtOH good bo.ird , nlco rooms , motlern ooi L vonlences and locution the ' t. , , rates , I'ullinu house , 1310 Dodge at , , cannot bo oxeelletl. Jl 2M N 29 * TJ _ FIRST class board and room U per wcti up 2Uii : llarncy. 2ic u ISHKD rooms anu board , 1S22 Ohlcai : * nd " JEWLY furnished rooms , single or on suit rl. J-i with board , heat , gas und bath,20S anil 2 N. 17th , opposite nuw postolllce situ 023 N2 171011 " HENT Uooins , with board. K22 Iou"i J-1 st. U13 ST , OLAIH European holol.wllh dining root steam heal In all rooms , 13th uud Dod * ll- tpcclul rates bv week or mouth , 875 ior MAKSAGi ; HAT1I8 KTO. Kor niter , tte. . tee top vf fret : coluinn.on tfitu tvrt MASSAtJK bath at Mailiun Smith' * parloi CU7 3 , loth St. , next Hurkor hotel 175- ' . " ul li TI'l Ar'/t VUMucum Doltlr , overUlO S. lIlto I'l M-iao-N-2' FOllItliNT-ItOOMH UNTl ItXl.SlIlOD for ratrt , etc. , tte ( ep uf flnt ciiiuriin t/d / 1/ils paoe. OH ItnNT : i unfurnished rooms anltablo for Until hnnettclng. ( ! | ) Modern ron en- Icnces. llimN. ISth. M.a.-i01 very comfortable winter liomi-s wo 1 those ; ) -nxim Main , S.V. . I'or. 21st und Nich olas sts. Newly papered , city water and sow- f-rnge. I'lrst lloor , { Ui sei-otul Hoar , is. _ Hulls Hentlng Agt'iiey,220 ' * . 1.MI 'Tnolt IIKNT-iilte ofl uiidiniKhed rooms JL' for liiiiipokeoplng to family without children. ITiO Webster nt. llli 'Olt KHNT-STOUKH AXI > OFKlCliS. / 'or ruffe , ttf , , fcf ( j nf fit ! nidiinii nn MiH ' . store anil basr-tnent of brick buildIng - CflHNI'.lt - ' N ninl ' . ' 7th Ml. , South Omaha , now occiiplrd by Drovers' Journal. Mrs. llrt-na , Ull'jS. ' ISlhOmaha. Jl'J | : * " ! ' OOK II111JK Winter Is coming , tKoie arc a J-Jfew good olllc-es fur rent In Iho Kaniico bid g. with llrst class heating and best ot ele vator services. Inquire L'rank J. Haimre. 'lilOU HKNT-Mi-tropolltiin hall. 14thmil JL ? Dodge , fur balls , parties and weddings wither or without supper room. Terms reasonable , George lleyn. : iI3 S J.Hh st. TOUIS nt TOO H . , SOxilO oaeb , iarire show S windows , steam heal fuinlshi'd , Thus , 1' . Hall , ail 1'auon block. MM TTloll Itr.NT The -1-story brick build Inir.wlth J. or without power , formerly occupied bv the Hee Publishing ( ' .a. . ( HI ! I'limam st. The build ing has a lire-proof cement basorm'nt.cnm pit-to Bleam heating llxtuies.ateron all the Hours , gas , etc. Apnly nt the olllce of.Tlie llec. 1115 fur Kites , dr. , fee loji of first rulimm on Hits imgc TlidTl KHNT-llrlck wnioliousu , two stories JL1 and basement,27,000 square feet , with 10) ) feetot double track on I' . I' , railway , south 20th and I'lerco streets Address O Oskniiip , Omaha , Nell , MM IjWH HUNT llrlok win chouse , two-stories -I hlRh ; biisemuiil ; hyilraiilloelovalor ; track- ugei best location In the city. A , O. I'owoll. "M n7 S'lOltAtJI For rates , clt. . fff tup of fiixt cittiinn on this To nnU Trackage-David Cole. 815- 817 llowiinl st. 7111 STOKAC1B Sco us before Btorlns ; Roods of any tli-scrlpllnn. Oniiihi ; Steve 1'onalr Works. 1207 Doilglas. Tel. "JO. . 8U.I _ rilHACKAOK storage at lowesl rates. W. M X Hiishmnn. lllll I.caveaworlh. S'JI ' _ S TOHAOli llranch .tt'o. , Bit Howard.MB \V A NTIO I ) TO 1 1 KN'l . For rates , etc. , n'e tt > i > nf trft niliiiuii on l/ij / ( pti/j MOHK houses to supjily demand ; brim ; In your list. Tbo Heal Kstato Informntlon bureau , 17 Hoard of Trade , t" ii)5 ) _ WAN'ITD Droonib fur a family of two , on Walnut or ( JIKlou Hill. Address 0. N.SMM CasslusSt. _ \\MNffD-Hy : Nov. 1st , furnished oruii- T T furnished rooms with first class boa id In tirlvato family wliero them are no otliei boarders , for two young married couple. I'riet ' no object for desirable iimirtors. Must In above 'ml sf. near ! armiin. llefcrenecs exchanged - changed , Address S 45 , llee. i'.i'-Jl' ' ' Fortntct , elf. , fit t i > of Hist column on f/if / < LIST your bouses with the Ut-al Kstate In formation huieau , 17 Hoard Trade. : i'll n 2i ) v & Ilro.rental us Wl H.I' . Cole , rental agentContinental blk. LIST your bouse' ' to sell or rout with C. P Harrison. Ull N. Y. Life. IS * Furtntrit , ( ( [ * . . t-fc fop nf lux ! wtlltnn nnthts ) w'/ ' ( SATISPACTION guaranteed to table board ers. The Hillside , n.w. cor. ISth anil Dodge M2 t-r. * Fnrniteo , etc , tec fop of frut column ontlilg jitic/c ] " > hKSONA L " 71V nothing from you to date 211th. Oo to "Upper M"ilth. : Wlllbe In 'V A" lit lo Bth. If you want to see "K N" "A" " " " O'r " " " " " " ' " . " " "O M" earn "II "A A" 1" "O" .S O" "ri.1 V , SI ! ! tf7-il ; * VTOTKT , to .steam litters : Keep awn v iron A Chicago ; strike , S. P. 1' . A. of t'lili-agu For rnf v , rlc. , < f top of first ruliiimi on ( hts vagc " OST At Nebraska t'lothlng Uo.'s stoic , l 1" JpacldtKo containing old omit and vt-sl au < new pants belonging to t' . II. Harbor of linn croft , Nell. 1'apors ' valuable only to nwiu- were 111 emit poeliet. Please rtttiirn tti Nt- brasl.ii Clothing C'o.'jil : : UTItAT'lTD-Prinii William's grading eiimi > Hoiilh Omiilia. niornlng ot Oft. 2 , IS' ' * ) , on light giny work hoisti wllh white inane ant tall , weighs alnnil 1.100 pounds. Hail a drt- scar on Inside of right hind foot , caused froi aeut. Any Information li-adlne lo thrills fovory of the iinoxe deserllied horw < will b liberally paid for. Address L. I. VnU. P. ( ; box 132 , South Omaha. M. 1H4-2 * 5sT Monday , Irish setter tlog. "Dnsh , " II J ( ' . Jlrriuie owner , names on collar. Ut ward for return to Kll Park avenue. J. A ( irlllllli. ! l33-il : LOST Trench poodle dosi J. > rowanl for re turn toPOCapitol ! ) live. 20. ) II * FOlTBAIiK KUUXITUlTK KTCJi s , tie , , tee lopnf flint coniinn on//if / / * pi/ ; jlOK SALE Ptirnlturo of U-room lions X1 cheap-f.r : > 00 , ftiX ( ) cash and niunthly pay men'.s , Can lent housu. Call 210U I''urn am s : HI FOKSALK-Puraltiire [ and K-asi of a Iln h hoardliiK housu , with all rooms oceuple and good blunders , $ lil u month elonr. ( ! oo . i. icasons fur sollliiB , Address S. 3J , Heo oflleo , 1I 1 * jlOH SALK Ktirnltuni and business of ffi F riMiiu hotel In Lincoln , doing -'oml payln business , Hestof reasons for wlllii : , ' . Term easy. M.W. I'olsom. Lincoln. Neb. SKi FOU KAia ; ii6TiHKH"\V"AtoNlTIrrc ; Farrnttt , ttr „ ret tup of first codiinii on thtu pagi SALK , very clienp-One ( four naffei gei ) inckiiway earring" ( new ) ; one llgli brougham , a two-seatctl Uiisshn slolgb , on single hariies > , one pair elegant horeo lilanl- els one ( arm wnuon , ami two sets of doubl liarncs- ! . The above is properly of the Into 1 < ' . llln.ebiiugh and will bo sold very elieii ] ( ieo. V llolbrook.j'iiojiii 4 , lleo Hldg. 244 _ )1 I710H SALK-C'jish or time-3 good heav JL' work teams ; t blacksmith shop and full si of tools ; 1 homo , biicey and harness ; 1 nil s , riding pony and saddle ; 1 horse , harness an express wiigon ; 1 new sewing maehlne , un some gmid honsuhold furniture. Inquire t d 0181'uxton blk. 778 \\7OKKhorso Jfll.two her o waiton f20doubl IT work , harnesa $ IS. Or will trade for Jt good light sldo bar buggy , H. K , Colt , Contli Jtd ental block , nw d I rOHSES WO uml up. H. E. Uole 1I10H SALE 2 good work tea uu , Iniiulrn i M lilS Pavtonbllc. 422 > -OU , ttc. , stt top "t ft < _ enlum n on tills pfiy A V'KW tinner's tools , In Rood condition , wl be Mild cheap , \\rtto \ to McNally llro- Heshlur. Xeb , 2 , ' > 0-il : _ _ UTC1IKK tools for sale , Apply A. Orub 1'ort Umalm. 211 1 * "M"L\V ciillgraph.prlco roasonablc , It < ? > , jnt l olllce , mB "TVON'T lorgot Jos. P. MoOoiith , HW7 I'umai iJt. , when you want to buy , lent or toll typewriter. _ 772 Trioirs ALU-AU kinds of thoroughbred dos J : Jameit I'anty , Hlil f. Mtli al. 2Ti ( ik Forntts , ttc , , * tc ( up of Jirot column on this jxic SAVB fuel by covering your btcaiii pip with fossil Meal Composition : tlio be niin-comlnctor. absolutely lire proof. Wo ! ttmi asoat. D , O. McKwun , 1011 Howard st. m Dealers When yon patrontzu JL you know that I will not compote with yi by lulalllug rubber boots , shoe * , 'irctlcs. sai daU. eto. I am not ruunliiK twelve or flflcf retail shoo stores ) under various names , l ht ut wholesale only and have no Interest in , in rutall Btore , I am western agent for the Nu Jersey rubber ttioo company at Omaha , ai every sboe dralcrknows tnoro Is no better lit of Roods made. My gales this year no fur u inorotlinn double any olher season up lo tb time , St'nd forprleo list * and dUoounls. Jo seys will bo ojctcnalvuly udvertUod tliHse gun. / . T. Lladscy. _ iittl-nU MABSAaRtrealnient.elcotro-lhormallialt : iculp uud hair treatment , munlcura ui chltopodlit. Mn. Post , U ' . ' 0-21 , Wltlinell bl wAXTin.-Tp nuv. Fortflte * , ttc , , * ft tup ofM ! ( fi' ' iu oil thti LIST your properV.Wo ! luivo buyers. HutcliIiHun Jc WeaiViUl Dotiglan. Tel. l.WJ. \\rANTKD-To lnvrsA ( | < iOO to WX ) In nuv 1 peed paying l > uslne.M Ju Oinahii orvlcln- Ity. AdilrossS.03 , llcoHlIlcu. -v' _ _ _ U'lLL pavJL.VX ) to JOOOU eash fora homo and lot wlililM'' p. o. this week If It's n bargain , or will buy . equity nnd assume mortgage , ( live size of lot and house. S 00 , Flee olllco. \\fASTli--To buy wrlHor whole toek of T T general morchandluft for cash ; give lowest price. Ailtlri'is SDO llco , oUleo. SUD : * C AST oir clothing I pnV the lilshest prli-e. To convince vou , send order. I will cull on you. Acldrcs ? II. Kreger , lixrj Capitol nve. . iMly. 107-in * \\rANTKD-To buy single ynnnis tlrlv us > i horse not over 1.050 pounds , HooinM4 New Vork Life building. Krt'M TjlL'KMTL'K. household coods.etc. cat J- cash prk-0. Wells , lilt I'arnam. Sn OKCOND Hand hats , 13U ! Hod o- QWONDliaml typewrltei T jrF. JU'Uenlli ' , CilOOT riiriuim st , , Omaha. 77J KCOXD-HAND books bought for snot emli at the Antliiuiirlaii bookstore , UK ! I'arnain. fill nil * rA > 'TKI-IIorhO ) and busgy. W J. I'aul , \ \ IWH rarnatn. JUS MONKY TO Forinfr * . ftf , . fte ( op o ? _ flja column mi llit < r > 'W MON'KV to loan. I'orte-ponilents of lyoin- bnrd Investment company. Hlirlvor k Hums , rren/.er block. b'JI IjlAKM Loans--Itest rates and option In llio JL1 west. Interest annually , llormwerteini pay part oriill of principle at end of any vi-ur. nnd htop Interest. K. K. Stowe. S10 N. Y. Llfo bid ; ; . KIMHALIi. Uhamp k Hyan , 120. > I'limum st.i make loans on real estate , tiersonal nnd collateral security. Notes and bonds bought , lliilldlng loans at lowest rates. TAI Nil FIHSTniortgagoloanson improved mid un improved property. 0. J. Caswell.SH ) N. V. Life. M M * N II 111(1 ( Knrnnm. Hen. V , Marll , loans inuilo on illaiiiondi , , walches. jewelry , etc. Ml Nli1 ClIATTMIj loans , low rate , 151 ! ) riirnum t. IM-nll * rpHK Commercial Security lionn nnd Trust -1 I'o. wauls good short lime paper : uNo IMII handle a few secured mortuaius. Honm W , I'avtonbloi'k. " MONEY to loan by H. V. Masters on ehiillol am ! collateral sccui'ltlos for any time fiom one to si\ months In any amount to suit bor rower. Loans madoonhousehold goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse receipts , t.-te. , at the lowest possible r ill's , without publicity tir removal of propnrty. My lo.tns are so arrangti.l that you IMII make a payment of any amount al any time air.l reiluceboth principle and Interest. If you OHO a balance on your property or have a loan you wish changed , 1 will pay It off anil carry It for yon. If y jii llnd It mure convenient , call up telephone No. IG''I unit your liuslncss can bo arranged al home. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates. , H. P. Mailers , Kootii4.\Yltlinoll blk. , 15th and llarnt-y M ? , IK ) . . i 17IA1OI ' Loans btur Lund & Loan C'o. .1' II4NI /111 ATTKL bunk. Ill" " ) , S , Jr > tb .St. , loans money VAjn c'haltelsor collateral atreusouahlo rates IK ) I FIHHT.t second mort"uaes on vnonnt % Im proved city prop , ( .ounty warratiti tiouu'ht .Money on band. V. M. Itluliard.soii.81S N. Y. I.lfo. . . 110. ) MONKY-U ) . Cfl or ' ! W ilays on furniture , pianos , horses , liousc.sctc. J. J , Wilkliiion' Ulii Pa.Moii block. , , 900 TTNUSHAi-LY low rates vJ of Interest on llrsl niortgagos of Improved real eslato for tbo noxtO ) days hy Iho Kansas City Investment C'o. lloomllG. Hoard ot Trade , , f. II. I'easo , manager. - UJU MOMKY to loan on any security for short tlhioat low rates. Lowest rates on pnrsoniUinroperly Tlio Henderson Mortgage Investment Com pany , rtinin KM. I'axton blk , UIO IJUII/DINO loans made at lowesl rites.V. . I-'M. Harris , room 21) ) , I'l-enzer blk , , opp. P. L ) . CHEAP eastern money Philadelphia Mortgage and Trusl Co. . always rendy to loan and pav pnmintly : llrst mortgages ) wanted , lieorgo W. V. C'oates. rep resentative , room 7. board of trade. 111 KKAI , K.slato Loans Cash on hand. Olobo Loan .t Trust Co. . 'M'S. 10th .St. . No delay , no extra charges. Houses for rout , good list. U13 U tc r. M. ANTHONY , HH N , Y. Life liillll- . lug , lend money on farms In cholc-o eoiin- tlcs of Nebraska and Iowa ; also on good Oinalm residence property ; lowest rates ; bust terms : no delay : money ready. Titles and Viiliiosjiiis ed on bore. 014 KKYSTONK Mortgage C'o. Loans of $10 to 41.000 ; get our raUM before borrowing and save money ; loans on horses , furniture' or any nppioved M-curity wlth'-ut publlc-lty ; mites bought , for now loa" enewal of old ami low est rates , cull H.2M eely blk. . 15th & Howard. DP WANT III ) Ku-st class Insliluloaiii. Lom-st rates Cull and fee us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , 1'iOJ Pariiati' . UW EASTKHN money to 'oan ' on city pronertvj mortKage paper bought , .l.lfe. 017 OIIATTKL loans at lowest rates. Homoved to a.4 , N. Y. Life , bids. J. II. Kmmliuer. UH TITO.N'KY loaned at low rates on furniture. -UJLhorses , &c. , without publicity , llnwlu-yo Invcbtmcnt Co , U ) Douglas blk.lOlli nnd Ol'J ' BI'lLDlNO loans , Oto7 per cent ; no addi tional charge.1) ) for commission or attorimv's fees. W. IIMelkle , I'lral National bank lildg. 1)20 ) 11USINKSS OlIANCKS. 3. For rate f , etc. , fee foji of Jlnl roliimn ontlit.i jitge , " \\7ANTKD-A competonl newspaper man I- ' with llvoorslx thousand ilollius In casher or security , lo take charge of HID Hemoeutt , n > I have in.poi taut business that will n-qulit ? my time cast and south for thu coming year. We will pay the right kind of a man a nice .salary , luvoninicmlatlons rrnulri'd. Ad dress W. It. Ymighan , Omaha. Neb. M ; i4t ! X 'M1 T IVK hotel man , with JI.500 to I'J.IHX ) oiish , IJraii ptirchaso half Interest In one of Ihc best : ; "i-room holels In Omaha ; linn locution ; established and paying business. J. L. Klce , IttJ New York Life , solo agent. ICI2 1" \\7ANTTD An Innusirlousynung man with I > from .MW to J5.W ) ) lo take stool ; In n li'iy- ing company anil position on balary. S IH , 1- ifion SALK Oneof rHo/niost desirable hutel -1. properties InthestrltaSltuati'il in llnurrnft , C'umlngeounty.Neb. 'llhuhonsohas asood pay ing patronage and hnfl an excelleul ittcry slock anil feed .slablu.ln conneellon. Tin town Is tln > end of a pimbngor dlvi.slon of thn Chicago , St. Paul , MlnYieapolls , t Oinalia rail way. It Is a centerlnji : pillnt for hunter * from nil over the state , IIM , nho Issnrrouuded by hikes , marshes and vwlnralrlcawla-re tlui'ks geese , prnlre chlckcns.ufnl othur Ramu lilrdf abound hi groul nntubera during theli soason. I'or fnrlher rrAiVcncu apnlv to ! ) , Haiicrofl. NoU'1" ' .Mh8-X37 _ STEAM laundry tin ] q ly steam laundry It u i-lty of h.soo Inhamlauts ; u good bu.slnes- alrondy estiibllshcd nriH can 1 > luereiised call on or address KiMiort Donnelly , I'latts L'O mouth. XeU. J1 ' 10-t- ; ! ! ' _ _ RICSTAUHANT for inm , or sale. T. Minruy ina ' P77 SIIOK store forsalo Jji.ti live town of 5,00 < Inliabllants. Splciwijd crops , leading Imsl ness , onlyouo other slinb htore. Cau .e. pee health. Address S IS , euro ot Heo , M 8M-U fJIOItSALK 110.000 cholco steen of genera nicrchaiidlse in one of the bosl towns li NebriiHka , 7S miles f mm Omaha. Party tlolni c-i nn excellent liusiness. but has ether liiiblnes st demundln : hl3 attention , Address I1 V > . M1W Sill bHOl'.TIIAM > AND ll 0 Fortwen , ttc. . tte top of frit column on fiuwjs / \ in a- rp\ l'h\\HlThHt' . all makesbought , sold , ex JL changed , routed , J. 1 > . Mexoath , IOJ7 1'ar liaia street. . KH ) iw rpVl'EW ' KITIJHs"forTe'uTor Mio. ' fi id JL raphnr. buppllea. J.l'.SlegoatbltH7 armtin nero KJI ro r- jiAiu coons -wins ; KTC. rti ti- Forrntette. , tee top of Ural folitinu oiit/iU jmoi tia a BEST line Imlr goods In we < t ; halrdrosulBn wlps , awltches , baiivs , hulr chaliH , etc , , i ipecliilty , Davlea h&lr gooJu ami mllllno postofUoe , 111 ri,15Ui st. Umahti' U > roit KXCIIIAXCJK. Fvr rotti , etc , , tee ( up of ftrnt roliimu nn thti | vi j.i , O aere10 nillos from county > soul , 12li umlpr fence , 100 under plow ) tilcnty timber , pine , oak find walnut ; KIKJI ! vi'll , stonetl up ; house frame. ICx'.M ; hont mill Kite In tlio county ; Plue Ulcn P. O. Is on the place ; eight months' school in the district per annum ; will trade for a hotel at a count vt-at unit her Rood propel ty. Address S. A. Snmlors 1'lne ' Uli'ti. Urown county. Neb. MitlO-at * C1LV AH city property anil cash to eichaligo > for. toclt of books stationery or wnll pa per. Address II , tOIITiK st. , Lincoln , Neb. JllSH-.V \\7AMTKn-To Iradea good timber claim tn i ' Nehraska fora team of horMis nntl liusiry. Addrtr. . W. Illlne , La Pintle. Neb , g.'d- : mo r.\C 1 1 A Nt ! K fUrn ( "latl WfurnWitnn L KooiK nil kinds. Will take two-thirds t-li-ar ii'.il estiite , one-thlrtl cash. Addri" liot l.'jsn , .It'tTer-on. Itiwa. _ M 2-T-2 _ $ ii,0ix ) stofl/if dry KooiNaml notions to < ' \ - cliaiiEt * for rti'li ninl good properly ; also clear Smith dm aha lots for one and tuo \ ear old cattlt' . Ills N'.lllli t ; , Omaha. Neb. JP _ fPO TiAIM.-I ! < romJOnilOtoi7.-.OOJc.ish with I iilniut S.OiW acres oliolce lands at right prices , for malui Inside orsnliurbaii prnpprty vaeaiit or Improved , farms or f aim land with in 20 miles tif P. C ) . No high-livers enter ! allic-d , will liiM-stliitu nny dual o lie red at leasniia- lilc prk't' uvartl | f 10,00) ) , but prefer one or t o 1'ii'ge tiatk-s. Atldiesi Win. Nelson , 141II 1'nr- limn st. KU-III \\TAM'KI-A horsoor two In trade for | ' oust front lot , Saieaton k Allen. UW7 rnriiam st. M IU7-N2 _ _ _ \\7AXTK1)-A small stock of urni'i-rlei lr i' vM'hniiite for uuhicunibered i eat estate. Inqulu'iit room : : u7 , I'axton block. Jl-181-iiil UTANTI'.H small stock ot cigars and 1n- IIHCCOS in oxi'hanso for clear real t-itato. Iiuiulu'at ' room ; t)7 ) , I'axtoa block. M l l-NJ FOll SAIjIJ-KKAIj KSTATI3. Fnrrt'.tti , etc. uf tup of first enliiinn nn BA1KIA INS In acio property-- OiiiMiei-f . . . .1. . . . . . J CM Thretiiilei . 1.7IHI I'lve nvti's . 2.'iOi ( ) 1'Mve iioivs . ' ' . * Ten acres . r > . ( H1 Ten acres . n.twi Tenut'ios . 7. . " * ) Twenty acre * . 10.000 I'orly ncres . ' . ' MOO 1'nrty lines . S4.0M I'or locatkui , terms , etc. , See llloks. N" . \ . Life bldg. _ 2W1J1 | _ _ " \\7 lOhavi- oiiMi eiKtomer for a good hulld- ' ' lm ( site ; 2 lots on West Omaha hill. lluteblnson.V Wend , 1521 Douglas. Tel. l.-.LU LIOI ! SA Li : or ri'iit-ii ; : feet front with Imlhl- 1 Ingot "U rotiins. Apply at thb piomls-i'-t 3HS. lilb St. AlsnfJ feet on cor ot Chicago and tilth. Ap- ClJLn liH ! s""h | u'th ' st. _ 2in-n'r7 _ LlNCOLNplaeo. lot * 7.V ) . Ni-at 5-iooin cottage \\Ith liO-foot lot , 1'Jlli and tliln ) sts. , K.iiDO. I'ulllol , Illlb and Daveupoil , $1,100. I'niipletiiii parK lots for sale at hot loin 1U- ill't-s. No i-mli ri-nulied to parties who will hullil. Ilulohliisoii A ; Wead , 1521 Douglas. _ _ _ _ IKS-l _ BA1KIA IN > - Konnt/e Place. H i-ooiii liouso , full lot on U irtst. , * rUt ) , $ l.fJiO cash , lial- aui-e tosult. Klegant home on Piukni'V st. ' ' IjlOHSALl' On easy monthly payments , fl- ronni boii-e und soutli front tot. near I. nice and Slid mini ave. : tusl llte | paying rent ; no liitiMiM. c ' .I- ' . Shaw , liox Sheeley Ink. irJii _ ( JIHH.KS lothp front. f have slv elegant kJhoiises on 4-lth and rarnam. with every modem convenience. Including gas and uis ; llvttirt" ) . now nearly readv for occupancy. Sue them and make your choice. Price , W.7" > il tn } l,2.'ij. ( Sl'jl ) to J.MU cash , balance to suit al 7 per cent Inleri'sl. Kvery piin-hnsur liefort' November 5 Jfta a tlckutto tlicdruwliiRof a i'mo iilano. Oariiage always rently to show customi-is. rariiiitn slii't-t motor within four blocks. Huy a liDiiso tiiilck , and take a hand hi tlio Brand shullle. This Is si ralgbt goods. I ) . V. Slii > U > s.2ii : I'lr-t National bank. MtKW. iriOHSALKIOO.0 acres of land. 4l ! acres Drolee J I.000 trees ami : i good -well * n feet deep , und ( loud nun raised-I miles f mm the new town of Savuge. Atldies < | ioslolllce bov , : i4."i Nt'lljfh. Neb. Objiu'l declining health , will sell clii-np for I'likh. good clear title given. ICM-1J $ lir > oo Only J"i0i ! ) ) Dr. Chambers' residence on llltli unil llurdotte St. , owner going to leave I'll v. lto t bargain In Omaha. H. V. s'holt ) , solo agent , 2iil'lr.-t : Nat. bank. .M'.VW TJy Al'Ul IA. Woilci-flold.real rstiitc.S.Onmlia. iriOllSAI.Diir Trade l.iwi ) neres good farm I hinds In Knov comity , Neb. S.unoucit ? good farm lands In IMeice county. Neb. acres good farm lands in Stantoii coun ty , rseb. Most of nhove land Is In large tracts , sult- able for Ini'go htock farms. Will sell the above mi e.isy . terms or tiatle for linpiovi-d Umiihn propurt v. .Ino. M. DiiiiKhcity. 1102 I'uriuiin st. ( r.'l 1 \ \ riliavisoiiie of the best bouses In Dnuilni IT anil smut-small ones , ui very low prlrcs and ti'rms to stilt buyi'1'.i. Have good lots. \vltli traeUntse , one or two line corners on Fur- mini st. . lu'ruagtand vaciuit lots In all pints of city , lime u few lots that miisl ho snlu to lilglie-t bidder. Conic and buy soiiii-llilng Unit will litre you a big prollt one month from now. Mi-luzcr k I'onuy , room 20 , Hoiiitlus lilock. liilli uud Dodge. Sl-Wtt irbl ! S\IK-l.ol Til. Tlock , : - , " Kllby I'lut'c. ' 1- The U. I' . I ) ivU Co. M.sli ; li l'llM ] ] buys tln > Dr. Chambers resldeni'innd 'P vetcrliiiirv bnru on Hitli and llnrdellu sts. This li ! . ! llless ) tliiin cosl. D. V. Sholcs , sole agent , "III 1'irsl Nat. hank. M tt POII SAW ! At a bargain. UK feet siiinre | Itli aiiilJaclt-ou st , Thu O. I' . Davis Co. MMI7I1 771OU SA LK-Lot and 2 houses , and Doi- 1. L'i : . on monthly payiiients ; 20 mliiiilei' walk from Jiostolllce. TliuO. ! ' . DavlsCo. MSH7 0 171OU SA IK-A farm adlolnlng Ilhilr , Neb. , L1 could bu platted and .sold for giiiileiiat once. II. W. Mcllrldo. Illalr. 707 n 13 * 171OK SAI.K UoiisPimd lot. 21st and Han- L iM-od. tit u biirgiiln on monthly pnyniiMits. The 0. P. D.ivls Uo. .MSilT G O NT of the liest lots In Orchard Illll , onlv $ S30. btrlnser & Penny , Douglas block , POltSAI.I' Al 11 bargain , a desirable resl- ilenee. ftViTti ; J.VIJ down , baliinco on easy terms , full at Nebraska steam laundry , Hlli and llowaid si- ; . * TW TT1OI ! 8A I.n N. W. cor : th and DoilRn his .r TheO , K. Diivl3l'o. M . )7 ) FOIiSALI' a bargain , W\120 on Davcn- poil , iionr 17th , one block from netv post. oIllL-e. very cbi > ap , * A,0Kj ) ) M\ cornel 2itl ) ninl I'ariinin , iiO.Ouu. < J. L. Green , room u"J llarkcr Idoi'k list _ POKSALK A I n liargam , a good store IIOIIM Illlcil up wit h shelves and eounteiH , bast- . nientl ) riKiiim foi- dwelling , good cistern iinii ( M1. will si'll or t rath ) for a No. 1 stuck nt Kru- t-erlei. Ailtbesi Itviil It Keel , U. O , D. grocer * US N. Kith st. iL'7 _ 171OK SA Ll' Silendld | opportunity to iet i J- beautiful new ID-room house In one of Hit lineal locations In Onmlia , 2 blocks west ol Lowe ave on t'nssst. , high and sightly andoi Kratlis full lot , city water , I'litern tower , bay window , porohes. double lloor , id lar , ttc. . all Mulshed In hard wood and linn oil and In llmtflasstyles Price fcUW. Ti-rni' ' easy. I'sual cotninlsslon to agents. Inquire o owner , K. U. Merrill , Uass and list sts , IT KDOM oottivc. full lot , llanscum J'laco I east front anil a ureat bargain for a fcv day- , Small cash nuvneiit and baliineo 01 loimtline. P. K. Darling. Ilarkor block. 'M SA 1,1. Three lot * 3.HU and ( Jallforali s , TIlnO. 1' . Davis Co. Mv.)7 ) li _ 171OU HA fil ; Six eottages , ranging from ? l,4fl , I. tol.Vi'n ) eat-li ! $10 ( ) to . 'iOO cash , biilniin monthly or to suit. If you want a house w can iirr-iagu terms to .suit. Smuuton X A Urn IB07 rariiaiu. aci-N I _ "IjlOH HAIiK Look at tlilsj Now7-rootnhoiis JL1 < m lot I'l ' block ft. lliikor place , Hpli-mlh 0 vlow.noutli front , well , cellar , bay window 0r etc. ; J200 or more cash , balance of r perinonlli. Inqulro of owner , R. O. Merrill I'axs and 41st sts. 1U7 n : > ASMALIjpaynieuldown and 115 JUT montl will buy u 1-ro.ini house and lot on I'itlrt ' blocks friiin motor : llrst-class chance to ai iiulr.oa homo on easy terms. Apply to II. I Cole , Continental block. b < l * FOll SAIiR Aa elegant now rcsldciii-p , rooms , cherry and oak llnlsh , largo stall and every ronveiiliuioo for comfort ; liicallim the lii-st In llin city , price lo\v. Turiiit ciuy D. J. U'Dunahoe . IdOl I'arnam st. UW TF VO1' hnvo anylliliii to bull or uxchntij 1-call ul CH PaMon block. 1O > OIl SAI.K Cheiip. on oniy terms , a iile - - ' collage In Lowe's Add , , and aT-mum lirlc house , with all modem cunvonlonces , un ,111 unU Jackson bis , Hof/iu II , Cliumbir CUIIIIIKTCM DIIKH MAKING. f , , ttf tnj > of first rolu i mi till * A 17 NO A f F.llVNTS lodortrossinukiiigiii fanil Jt liiSKiillclti'-l MUs Stunly."il'J ' llaraoy H ( M' ' CI < A111VOVA.VT. FvrtMtrt , rfr. , tee Inji uf .flint Minim on 1/iU / | -i'l fort line ti-lier In the rlty. Slio does not deal In nnv fraud. Her terms nro tlui linvcit , 4W1N. imii't. . M lloor. Mi4I-l' ; 3MASS * , Madam Dei/.ii'r , a\vr M-UJ-X-S ( lios. liih : * TXIIW. NAN.NIK V. WAHUHN , clnlnoynnt -'llnuu'C , Hpoiikln ? . wrltlnc mid rplfnlilu VUilnossiiioUliiiii,4yi'urs ) In Diuuliii. ll''N. ' ' tfilli. AUT AM ) t , tlf t < re tup ut tint dilinu on Did jinix. 1HUU" . I'luis. I'otrrst-n. ti.niio , ontaiii vlulin , illluTi > cal instl-iu-tluii ! ! . rH.Vi.-1101'ly lilk , _ _ _ _ _ ITlMi'M _ " 1 ) ii' : ( ) | ! l. linylntf u plum ) oMimliw llu IIIMV -l-'SfnlcKliuball pliinn. A.llinuu , l."ill : liuuyl . siir _ _ _ _ OKO. V ( IKU.KNUF.i'K tivu-lu-rot Iho i with llniu' | . I.M3 DdiK'Im. ' 'Hi for nifi < , rlr. tee loii of lift utinmnnn Ililf . Co. , Ili-p liiitldlnit Umaliii. 4 yi'nrs' c\ | > url- MK'o us etaiuliu-i-s In U.S. tiatt'iitnltlci' . llritnoli ofllco ut Wiialilngtoli. 1) ) . 0. CoiiMiUsillon fn-o S7S 1T.XSIOX AfiKNCl. * , etc. . fct ( nji t ( ! r. < f rnliiiiiii on IftNii tji 11IINf llN ) > The ( llncninn IVii'luu Aai-ni-y , 'Jl rn-n/i-i- liliK-k. Indirniuttnn ( tvi > . UJiii I'KOlMjAMA'IlO.N . WilKitKAR. A joint riMoliillun wns ruloptcil by th i IcKlsl.ilun- tinstiitu o ( Nobniskii. nt thotvvonty-liist session tlu'roof , mill upproviul li'pbruiiry lath , A. l > . l-v-.i. ' iiroiios.lnir annmunil- inont to thi ) cimstllutluu of s.ild sUlc , anil tlmtH.'ild uinonUuiont sLM ruuil an folio wn , lo-wlt : Section ll Thnt , at the gcnoral oleotlon to tin hold on tlio Tuosiliiy succfcilliiK Iho ilrit Motuliiy o ( NoviMiilii'r. A. D.lilXl.llioro § huUliy sumltti-dto thu oli'Clors of tills it ate for ap proval or rnjoctlon tin itut'mtini'iit to Iho con- Hllllitlon of this Htnto tn words us folloui : Tlii < iiintiiif notiire , Hiilo nnd koi-plng for sale of Intoxlon tilt ) ; lliinors ns n bt-M'i.iiiunui for- OUT prnliltiltvil In tills state , anil tin1 lenlslii- turo sliall provide by law forthouiiforcruiQiit of tlil.s pfirvlslon , " Anil thoru xliall also ill Hiilil election lie Huiarafi'lv ) .iibmlttt-d to llio t'lfCUiMut tills state for tliolr appruvul urn jci'tlon mi ainoiuliiiPiit to thu coiihlltullonof the1 stuti' In wonls as follow * : "Thu nmniifao * turu , snlu and ki-i < ] iliiK fur silo : of Intoxicating lliUiirs | m n IIOVITHKU nliull bo lloonsucl anil ri'Kiilateil ' by law. " Soc. - : At nipli oloi'tlon , on the ballot of r-iu-li oli'i'lor voting for thn proposeil nnuMiil- inonts totbo ooiiHtltutlon HliiiU \vilttcuor printed tlio words ! "For propiisocl aim-nil- iiii-nl to tlio constitution , prohibiting the niiuiiifai'lnre , Haln anil kui-phiK for s.ilo of liitoxlcallnx lliiiors | at a liorenu'o , " or ARnltist tluj prmiosril itnu-nilniont to the constitution piohllnttiiK thu inaiiufiiut nrr. * nlc ami I < I > OIIIK | | for Nitiu of lnto > luatlnK Honors us a lii'voniKt- . " Tlii-ro shall also bo written or printed on the ballot of uai'h oloi-tor viitlns ! for tliu piopOMMl nnu'iiit nn'iit to UK- constitution , ttio nerds : Tor itropo- < nil anii-iiilnu-nt to tliuc-oiistltntlon that tlu < iiiuiinfiiluru. : Halo mul ket-pinir ferule ulo of Intovk-atluB llinuiMiis a hoicniKP In uU stulo shall billciiit'd nnd rPKilUitvil b > law , " or "Against tiikl : proposed iimuml- incnl to tlio constitution Unit Iho nmnufau- tiur. sili : > and l > opltiK fors'ilo of liituxle.'itlnz liquors us n lii'ViTate shull 1)0 licensed uiiil rt'Kiilntlnc by lnw , " See , : i : If i-ltiic-r of the Slid prnnosod anu-nilini-nts shall I'o uppiovcil liy majority of the I'h'cMois votliiK at tlio s.ild I'lcctlon , tlion It shall oonsltiito st-cllon Iwi-nty-stn-i-n U" | of artlL-lo onu Ulof thoconstltulUin ot this stiitu. Tlu-rt-forc , I , .lohn M. Tluiycr , Governor of tinstall - of ISi-brnsIiti , do lu-rt-by KTU ! notlcu In iii-oorilnnre ivlth si-i-tlononu [ II urtlelo 1151 ot thu constitution and the provl.sloni of tliu act t-ntllli-U "an act to providotho iiiuniu-r of proposing alt aniiniiliiii-nts to thu constitution aim Hiilmilttlin : thi-sann- tinclou tors of the etiitc. " Appioved Kobrnary lllth , A , l > . 1877 , tliut sal. I iiioposi-d aiiiuiiHtiieiit will bo sub * inllli'cl to tlH'iinallllcd voters of thl ostat > for iipprovnl or ri'.H'ctloii at the i'nornl uloctkin to bo lii'ld on Iho4lh day of ISovemtjer , A.I ) . 18Kl. ( 18Kl.In witness whereof I lioroitnlosot my hnnil , anil cniiio to bo alllxcc' ' the seal of the stutuotNobriiskii. Donu at Lincoln this "lith tiny of July , A. I ) . IBM , and Iho 21th voarof the Btutu , and of the liulcprmlcnooof tin United States thn one hundred flfti-i-ntn. lly thnUovornor. JU1IN M.TIIAYEB. 1JKNJAMIN K. L'O\VlliHY : , [ SicAi , . ) Hccretary of Slate. A.UKUSI lil.'lm - . UOi.,4/AMATIU.\ , \VIIKIIBIK \ , A joint resolution was nrtopted iy tl : Ic litntnro ot.tho t-tnto of no twenty-llist HOIHIOII thureof , and approved ( larch 'IDtli. A. 1) . IhS'.i , proposing an anienil- iiii-iil tosocllon two IS ] foiir4 [ ] nnd live [ 5 ] of \rtlclosl\ [ lil of the const Itnt Ion of salil utato mil tliatsalil svullon as ainoiulcd ahall read is follows , to-wli : Si-otloiil That .sec-lion two Cl of aitloleslx 1)of ) t liu constitution of the s talc of Nobrunkn e ainendi-d M ) as to lead as follows : "Section ! } ; The supreme cinul wliall cau- ht of live ( . " ) JuduHS , u inalorltyofvhnmnhall to form aiuoruiu | 01 to pionouriut ) It shall ha\u orlKlnul .jurlsdlclliin n cubes reliitlng to revenue , civil oases In .vhlch the state shall bo a party , iiinndiiiniis pie warranto , habeas corpus , unil inch upicl- | ute .liiilsdlctlon as may be provided by liiiv. ijcet lon'J : That sei tioii four ( Iof ) nrllelcslx r.i.of tht-consUtntlonof thestateof Nnbraskj , In1 aiiiendotl so ate read as follows : Sec-lion 4 : The judges of llio supreme oourt thiill bo eli-eled by the electors of llin sin tu al , large , mul their terms of olllco , mccplns In-reliiiifler provided , shall bo for a period of flvi ( . " > ( years. " Seiitlniiil : That sect Ion flvrSi ( of artlcleslx ifiUif tlie constitution of the stnlo if Notjras- ka , lit ) ttiiieuded aoas to read nsfollows : Mec'tltuifl : "At the llrit Rimonil eluctionto liu heltl In tbo year IhUl. and nfler the iiilop- tloii of this anii'iidmeiit to Hitconstll iilloi < . HiL-ro shall bo elected thrco ( III JuiKoi of the supreme court , one of whom shall ho elcctud for tliotenn of one (1) ( ) year , ono for the tnrm of three ( 'D years and one for tlieloimof live i' ) ) yeors , und at oaoh gem-nil cleollon UHTO- after tlii'ro bliall bo uluctt'tl nno luiUo of Iho liiiprtMnttstiurl for the term of nvoi ( ) ycurs. t'rovldi'd , that the Judgis of the Mipit'inu courl terms have nol oxplrt'd ' at the Unit ) of holding the Konrral clootlnn of h'JI , shall cotitliiuo lo hold thi'lr ollloe fur tin ) re- inalndorof llio term for which Ihoy woiu ro- iu'etl rely elected under Iho present oiinstl- lutlon. " Section 4 : That each person votlnn In favor of this aincndment shall hurt ) vriltluii 01 lirlntnd upon his ballot thcfollowliiK : " 1'orlhe proposetl amendment to llioconstl- lullon rolatliiR to thu number ot . Tberoforo , J , .Inlin M Tlnyt-r , Governor of the Htntn of Nebraska , do hureliy Klve imtlec In iicfonliincu wltb ht-ntlon onu 'll ' nitlolullf- locn M. ' ) ) of the constitution , thu linivlHlonsoI Mm not cntlllfd : "An act to pruvldu the innn- ncrof propOHln ; all ii'iiemlnientH tothoeon- stltiitlnn and Hiibnilttlne thn same to llio nloi'- tors of the state. " Approved I'ebruury itli. : : . A , I > . 1 77. tliat Kuld proposed aiiien < liiieiit will L > presented to tile qnallflud voters of tin ilate fur appioval or it-Jeellon at HID conera I'lootlon tt > l > e held on thu Uh day of Nij\ein- bcr. A. I ) . 1MO. In witness whereof I linvo licrounto sot m\ hand nnd onuseil to bo alllxcil the eicntseu uf tlio state of Nobiaska. Doiin , il IJnrnli this ' . ' < ith day of July , A. II. HOO , anil the twon ty-fotirtb year ot the state , anil of the hide pt'tidfinco of tli. United States tbo ou > > liun drml llfteniitb. lly tlieOiiMMiior. J01INM. T1IAVEU. UB .IAMIN H , OUWUKHV. IHKAii.l bucrotary of Stato. &USUBI I i f WIIPHKAS , A Joint res'ilutlon ' was adopler hy t lie Icglslatuio of the slate of Neljrasku , a llio twi'uty-llrst session thereof , and upprovet Marchaitli , A. 1) . ls 'J ' , pinislnx | : an arnon nieiil toKuutloii Thirteen ( III of Artlolo Hx < il of llio constitution of said Ktato ; that u.ili section aa uniuniletl shull read aa follows , to wit : Section 1 ; Tlmlseotlon thirteen ( Miof artl clo six Hi ) of tbe constitution of | ho Hlatti of Nebraska braska bo uintinded ho as to read as follow * : hec'llou 111 : The judk'os of tlin iiri'inis ) coiir sliall nacli receive a salary of tldriy-llvtt IIIMI dretl iliillar.s ( tLWiii iierannuni nnd the lndie ; : if thudlitrlct court Hluill recplvo a Halitry o three thoiis.ind dolliira 'M.i/xn ' par iinnuni , an < the salary of each shall be pnyablo quarti'riy reotlon - : Knoll peiHini viillni ; In favor o this niiiendinent hluill have wrlttun ur prlntoi upon liii Ij'illot the following : "Forlhn pniposi-d anusndinent tn thoconstl tutlun , relntliiK to the i.ili'r ; ' 01 jndgOH of Ui tnnroino and dlsi rlet court/1 Therefore , I , John M , Tlniyor , uovornoro the Htato of NebraUa , do hrniliy tivu iiotlci In iiccotdnnco with Herllon one 11 ] i.tlcld Hf tec n [ ! ' ] of the conUUutlO'i. and the prm-l filotiitaf mi not entitled : ' "An act to provkl the rnannar of proposing all uiniMidniont'i t llio ( oii'i'JMitlon ' and NiihinlttliiK thn bit mit tlioolocu rsof the stale. " Approved I'obruar , llth. A. I ) , b" , that Bald prnpused aiui'iid ment will bo subiiilttor ! to the ipialllli'd voter of this state for approval or n-Jootlun , nt tb EiMiorol election to be held on the Uh clay u Novotnbor. A. I ) . 1 W. In Kltnsss wheieof [ havu liorounto not in lianC Rml caui-eil to be alllxed thoKrentsen of tlio svimi of Nutiru.ka. Done at I.lii'-oli ' this M\\ \ day of July , A l > . IS i , iind the tnnii ty-fu..rth year of tint ntaln , nod of thu Imlr pcndcm'o of the Unltoil States tboonohiiii died flflei'iith. lly tlioOnornnr. JOHN M. T1IAVEK , IlK.N.IAMIN K. CuWIIKIlY , Id Hocrctary of State. An 1:1131 LADIES ONLY IflAftlf1 FErOAUE REGULATOR , SiU mAUIv niiil ( Vrlolii to a thiy or iiiouay ri undeil. Tiy mall tl. fci'ciirMv feultxl ( roia ol > COOA 11KU1'A > \ ' CO. , RHILWHYTIMEHRD tc\te ! > Ollli-Aiiu" , lltml'.l ' ll I'ONl ) . ArrlTtw" pmnhA. IH > pol lOttiiMiit Mason 'IrooH. tliitnli * . t'.W | i in , . . . .Oilrititii K | irtm . MU n m P4j i m . flilcmio Ki | > roM . HIM | i m .li ) v in . I'hlriMto K < l > n1 . . ' ) n m t.SOptn' ' . CnlciiKO U > enl . SOinra l-\t i HtUl.lNt1'OS' ! \ MO HlVlill Arrltci -Oi i h _ _ ) > l lUth mill Minon Mri-on. Onmlix n m . . . .T.I > tiTcr In ; KIIN' . 4tV\rim li.IS ) tin . Denier Kt | > rt > . r.l.ipm S.IJ p ni . IVn cr Mk'lil > Cii > ri < iv. . . tuu n m S.l.i n ni . Lincoln l.oeil . ililUpra U'HTin | K. I' , , SV. J. . \ C. II. ArrlTtii Umalm. Dnpol lOtli mill \ln m ln > > it _ I Omuhv "S.IW iTiii . .KfinTiwt'lTFliVy Ktitt- | . . .7 MO p ta tUi t ) in K ' . Miilit K | i. Tin T. I' . Trull . n m L'MOX I'Ai'IKll' . Arrl t > Unmlin. _ _ ' ' " " " i.M pm ' . . 7. . 7.OtVrlnn.lKI > i'f. . . . . . . SUVS | i lii 7..TO p in . I'nolllo mpro . IJ 4.1 p m IO.VU in i . I ( enter K i'r ' * . ll.Wpm tluinin . Knn MCItJ Nsprim . IJO.V'n m 10 I.S n in . . .Knlrllt'M Kui. ( iit'l't ' Sun. I. I 'W p > CltK'Adil , It. I A I'Al'll-'ll' . Arrlvoi' Oiunlm. I' 1' . ilui'ot , lOth unit -MnrcjrHH Omilift. MO | iui' . Muht l ! < tiroii . HIM a m ( US ) n ni . AtlantloKxi | . M p m j 43U pun . \Vitlbul0 LlinlliM l.i.- ( ) > a ni U-iiuu I MtlU.K I'll'VA ( Al'lhlt. ArrltriM Oinnhi 11) ) . T. ilt-iMil , lOlh itnil Mnrn.Y St . f inilii 7 l. > n 111 . . . .Slim * ritjr 1'imt-nuor . . . . < . .iu pini St. I'mil Kxpri' " 10.10 m 'UM - l SIlH X I'l'M . I'.UIMU i Arrlrni Omnlia. I lleput ISIIi ami WeluturSH. I Unmlm. G.IM p m MI. I'nul l.lnilltiil Ii. ' . ' * urn l.t-im's ' il'llli At.UA Nlilll'llMICMTISHN Arrlroi Oiiintm. ' I' , tit-pot. lUth mullnrer Sin Onmlin VIA a in . " . . .dill-nun K prnt (1.31 p ra llMpni Vestibule LliultiHl VJO a m p in. luwit Ari-omiiiiHliilliiii ( Hto. Sun' ' . T.tti pra y.IO p m1 Kintern t'lyi'f Slip 1.1ft | i mi Kti t Kmtorn Htpros * S.a'i it m l.t < aviM t llli'AHIi , Mil. , . \ WTI'Aln. . Arn e Uumlift. I' ' 1 * . ill-pot , Illlh unit Mixroy ! < ts , i Omaha. ' ir..lAI p m CliltnKU Ktprm . . . . , II4J a m l.i 4 % p in rhlnu'o K\nrt' ' d 15 p m l.i > nT0i i OMAHA , \ 1' . I.UlilN. i Arrivui Oninlm. I U. I' , ilt-pot , 10th itml Murcv Sit. Onmli * . I.-0 pin . . . M I/milt Cnimim Hull IJ.iW p in lTri\Tcr | " lr7 K.'tMllT V.\fhK\r.I Arrival" ( inmliv I l ( iiiit | ISlli mul Web l r SU. I ( liintlii " VM n m" Illnck Illlli Kipr M P m li.HI a in . .MiiiUiik'1 Kip. ( Kx. "iimlnrl. . . ti.'i ) p m HU p m WnlinoAl.liiuolnl'iis Ui' .Siiiid' , n m 6.1U p in . Vork , * NiirfiilkiKn. Sniiilii ; ) . IU.VJ n in ) .t'itvi-j | ( c , , ST. P.M , All. " ' | Arrlr.if Oiunlm I Dnpot l.Mh ninlViilxlor Hl § . ! Omitii. 7.IM n in' ' Sioux Cllj An-oiiiiiimliitlun. . . I MV' p in I UJ p m . .Mom I'lly Kipri'm ( Ki. Sun. ) . . l.U ! p m 1.IU p m' ' Ml. I'niil I.lmuinl 'J.'J-j ii in 6 If ) li m i llnm-iift I'Minnnir ( Ki. Mum .1 H.I.1 , n m l.riiit-4 l .MISnoDlll I'Ai'IKIt. Arrivui Onuilin. I lii-piil IMIi ninl Wotiittir Sti. limthi W.M ii 111 . . .ht. Ixmli , V K. C. K | iroM. . . 4 W p m D.1S p ill . .SI. 1,01111 A K. C. Kipri > i . . . r , : > n m CHR'ACiO , II. 1. A I'Ai'lMU ArrlToi Triui < i > IJllltill Ill'potVilllHin ( llUllh. Trnmfor " " 8.iO : p m. ' . . . NUIi : Kiprot * . . . U.XS a m V.W n in i AlliinttoKxprt' ' p m 6.W ) p in I VaillbiilH Llmlti'ilW.'M \ n in I.enTt'x il'llli AI.OA N'l Arrlvot Trinnfer ! Union Di-pol. I'ouiifll Illnlli. iTrnnstur . < n in , . . .i'hlciiKi ) Htprini ti.KI p m MU | i in Ve ilbulu I'linllocl 1 > . : I n 111 10.KI p .11 j Ka lern Klyi-r 3.UD p m . Atlnntli ) Mull .IK ) in ( ! . . p in Iowa AifnuiiiHiiliMon (11 ( < ci i li.40 p in Lt-i\M' I'lllCAIitl , Mil , . \ Ml' . I'AUi. 'I'riinifer1 I'nlon lit-nnt. Coitnrll I'lulls. ' TrniKfer tl.M ) p in i I11ft n ni ! . : < ( ) p m ChlniKo Kxprr I lUU p m l { . 1-.ST. JOK .VI ! . II. | Arrlvtu Trnmler rnlon llt-piit , 1'iilinrll llluiTi 10 u ; u m i . . Kntimu I'llr Pay Kiproai. . . f . 4 I p 111 10.25 p III . .IvniiHat t'ltyi > NUIit Kxprtm . 1 li.'JU n m OMAHA.\ . 1.0IJIS. j Arrirm Transfer Union Dopiil , Oiunrll IUulT rrrnn.ifor Ml ) ii m .st. lulltit _ ntlnll llnjl r.M.S p in I > IIOI'OSAIS roil OATS AND COUN - I- I1. S Indian Service , Itosolmd Agt-niy , South Dakolii , OctnlieiL".i , IM ) . Sculed proposals Indorfi'd ' "I'ronosiils for Out ) ami ( 'urn" , nnd addii-ssi-il in the under : signed nt Itosoinnl Aseney , South Dakota , will Ijo rei-flved at this ollloe until 0110 o't-loi'k p. m. of Novomlier Illlli. | S'M ' , fur fur nishing ami ilellveilng lit I Ills Ageni-y , TIMIDO litiiindstif Oats , and IMUIO , ) poiinils of t'orn oats must bo blight and elenii , and well siu-Ki'il , und uclghnol less than X' pounds to tin * Inislirl. t'lii-n ninsl be Miiiind anil clean , lo weigh not less Ihiiu Wl poiinils to the busln-1. anil lo he ilellveied In . iihout tt\oantl a-lialf hiishi-ls capacity , innile of Hoiince hiir- lilli , well sewed. lllddiTS ulll lie rrqnlii'il testate state siieelllt'iilly In tlii'lr lilds the proposed prlc'eoT ench artlele tube olfereil for ilellvcry iiiulur ! i coiilract. Tin-right Is reserved to re ject an v or nil bhhor any part uf any bid If ilei-inetl fur the best Intort-sl of the .service Cei'lllletl Checks. Tacli bid must be iiccom Imnlrd by a ei-rtllled choi-k or tlriifl njion some I"nlted Stales lli'pii-'llor.v , made piy- : ahlettithe older of the undersigned , for al least live percent of I hi' amount of the propo sal , which check ordratl will bo forfeited In tbo I'nlted Slates In fii-e any bidder or bid- lei'sii-i-elvliigiin annul hluill fall to promptly i-M-i'iitt-a conlracl wllh gimil and siitllcleul surltlt" * . iitlii-rwlse lo he retiiriu-il to tlio btil- ili-r , K. H. UKY.NOMIS Sprclal U. S. Indian Ajent. In charge. o-21-d-2l-l-m Itir Min Hn.slini-ss. News Iris biicn recelvctl from the tinlver- sity of Notre Oanie , iiuar South Ht.'iul , Iiid. , thai about thirty boys In the iireparatni'v class were expelled the Hrst of tlio weulc for violating the rules of the college by stealing tiway to town at night \vlttiout iionnission. Oneof the lailsvas llio sonoC an Oinahii citl- zen unil when lie sent homo for money liowas int'onnud that if hucrmlil not get back into the university lie would liavo to make u llv- hiK In Iiiiliunn , U3 his room at liomo was 00 cupleil. 'I'liu ' oilier boys worofroiiidilVereiitsUitcM In tlio west. _ Mrs. M. HcliaenborRiT , lloavi'f Dam , \Vls , writes : " \Voliavotiscil Dr. TlinmnV lOclei-- trie Oil in our family for ciniKlis , colds , t'roui uud rhoumutUni. It cures every time. . " The Vlmlucl anil Depot , 'NVork on the now viaduct ii iiro satlsfacto-ily , nnd Dy the last of next wuuli it Uoxpi'vluil tolmvcthu inst of tlio l , : Ji ( tons of ii Jit In plueo. Tlio oak plunk llour- iiiK anil Uio ccdnr block pavinpwill welRh ns much more , making the totulveijht ( of thu st rticturo nearly ii.lMI IOIIH. 'i'ho heavy foundation for the now ilopot will bo completed hy the inldillo of w xt wt-elc. I'ri'pat'atlons are Ivlnt , ' innile to proceed - coed at once with Uiosupursti-cturo , wluc-h is to bo of iii-esscil brlfluinil brown htone. A lircat fiuiititlty of thu necessary uiaU'nal l'i ulrcutly on tlio , nervous pi'Dstratlon , iiorvnus dy.spi'inl.i , dullness , lilui's , cui'i'il ly Ur. Miles' Nfi'vino. S.iuiiilm free ut Kuhu & Co.'s ' , l.'ith uud DoiiL'l.H. The Suinosot bravcti hi'W u loiiK'liy ton ft'i-cni'd at tholr lieiuliciiirlura , l.'I'Jl Untiifl.ii street , lust night , llojwrU of the servi.-i ) bt'liifr tlono * by the moiubcis of the orgauiM tlon wuro reccivcil. ll was inado a s | > ehil liunluoss of tbo nifinlic'i's of the association to look afir ili'lliiKUi-uL VOICM todiiy uud touioiTuw and brut hut they are nil it'ifUtureil. Much ban been said about ICuropcun > h.un- lUigiioH. euro they hail tin ) iiiurkft but ( 'ook's uxtra dry liniiorlul bus luiorliril thom out. _ 'Marriage I.icciiHi-s. The following marrluKO llcjpnsu * vro u- sued liy Jtidgu Hhioldi yuHturilny ; N'niiio ami adilruKii. Afjc i Kiiimitl iloo e , Oiniiha . " > i linbi'll Too/i-r , tliiuilir . 14 i ( ieurge W. Martin , ( liuah.i . - ' > I .nil , a M. PillOmali.1 . ' 3 100 . Sixteenth ninl Kiirimin HtrooU n tlid n w Koi'U Island tlcUc-t nlllco. 'I'klf ols to all points oust ut lowust