Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Subject to Quick Changes With Buy
ing Better Than Selling ,
OaH Nnrrntv M'lllioiit Imlrpendfiit
i Little Slioxv ofStri'iitli
In I'riiviHloiiH I lvc Stock
ami riiianuial.
ClllCAf.o. Ocl Ifl.-C-nrolnl Tcleuram In TUB
llii ] Tin'\\licat iniirhiI win In Infill Inmili
todiiy niul inliji'tt In quli U cliaiiKoi Thetr.ulo
canio Into tlio pit liuirl-li , but at no Mine up
to I o'clock did prkes bre.ik as they ovpictoih
Tluro was no \ < < ry ImllMi new s , but buj Itr , '
vasbctUr thin selling alldnyiinil prletswoie
al'oiitcqinillydlvldoil on elodni ; Hen res yi-i-
tcrdiy DciMinbi-ronencd iiroiinil il.ffl. Hold
nt 31 WitollOI'i toil ( fJ' { to MOI'i ' to 11.01 'it
I o'tloelf Mny sold at il OS toil.OM't ' toll fM In
tl ( ) "U totl OMIJ at the s.iinotliiie. It Is notlcul
that tliosprc ul between December and Ma ) ,
wlilcb n II-IH d " > c jistonlay fur tlio flrsl lime ,
oMciulol to " ' 'i'1 ' this iiioitiln iiiid held at tb it
( llfTi'rrni" Sill < ln ) . If Iliitildnsim cut any
Krcit ll < ine In tlio mirlM't Itvis throiiifh
otlurbiiilsi-s. UOM.IH tioilltoil with stoppliM
thcilrclino xxbeii lh > cuinbi > r vent to f l.U ! ' ( the
he < end time. Huylnjj i-uly was by Mllclicll ,
Iall r. IUiinA Uo , MeCormlok \ Co , ICrn-
nell , llnpklm , Dniiliani k Co. , Smith and
lliilcliliiMin took whout fieely. 'lliuro as not
imii'li > hii I selling notli entile , i \i
' ' ' fltliu
tluro anv iniisiilciioin coio'In1'
w us lead by Ilixlir. llios ciu anil scalpi-r"
Tin l'rl''e Ciiricut simply si > s tint the pros-
licit has bein fulb m iliilalned In nlimit ,
1'ubllut illes ttcriillrm and sluadj ; a few ptl-
\atcoables n polled I.hiMpool lliiiilii nn i > t-
poilod lilwlitr letelpts Ten inlniiteslipfdrn
tlio close tlio imukot was tlio dullest ot Ihu
HM-IUII , u ) ; I'Miln > at Jl Ol and May il
II Ifi11.VbiMt \ licld sti'iily Iho last half bom
niul last pi lets WIMP : Noxomber , $ \ "I ; DPCCIII-
ber , II Ofll.OI'a1 ' Xliy. IO 'i-or 'IP ' lonpr fin
Nniuinbcr , file lily fur Dctomhor mill'C H |
forMaj 'l'liorino for November wnsfl ( W1 ,
niiiiTini'J ' On the curb theni is llxply hi-
Iciust in pi l\lh KISOII Poeuiubcr wlioat Puts
fcolil ut l < ' , ift.l 0. " , and calls at il OP)1 , ) ! ) ) , ,
'I lie cm u niniKot was the st longest on tin
lldoi ulldiv Tin1 denifiid for eisli Has Iln
kijv to Ihosltn itlun I'lils was shown pall >
by'so ' iiilvaneo in NOM- nilicr.vlillo Muy xxi >
iii | ' 40 fiom last nl 'lit It was shimn sill
inoro pi dnl ) Inter In tin * dny , nhin Noti'iube
xvis up I1 if fiom list nlKbt , with Ma ) up 'ii
1'beio upre utboi hull points for tlio tunic
New York was strong and liUln'i * ; Ll\ir
pool held steudy iift r thu iit-dowi
In pilu'S IIDIP bufoiu tlio close yestir
diiv ! tlio unexpfftul strfii lli In whci
alii ) In Ippd un n The ift Inn In May was 'I'j
toW-il'to.Vn1 to.Yi'Su to.Yi.'feilt I oVlock. 0
the onily liiiluo Noxeinbur wis qnoto I at iV ,
anil later In the du > lt fiilili | ID XI , e. Ill
beslstrpii lb of Iboday In aim was hist be
foio the cliwi wbon Nou'inber wis bid up t
tvi'if xvlth ! ) < finl i-i iitM'ui' , May r i'if. in
October noiuliriliit thes.nne prl o as N'oxrin
lii. < loilnn prheseio : letobi ) > iriijcnoir |
Inil ; Voxmibt r , M',1" Deiembii. file ; "Ma ;
61 > f. All the enilv iniiiitlis oiieiicd at'iJf. l'i
< ilx' attuuk of Iho In us on Mi : ) , putllir U t
fi4'iP , was spiMMllli' flncKpct by tbostim th I
IXiixenilit'i. l'i Isllo t si n M iy I'lini Mine , " > '
- " , ! for jiuts mid " > ' ' . " > le for i ills
I'lii'io wiisno IntlipLiidoiit in linn In nit
'Ibe iniikel uns iiunnu niul Ilietu w.isn
tiadlntfOMi'lit In Ma ) , OilohiT was iiinl | (
noiiiliul lit 4 IP al thf rloMNnoiulier 51V
Ilifeniber ll'fi' ' . May \vns it lll'ii'lit Ihu miei
In , ' , sdlil to ITui'and up tolTf. eliixhu'at Hi1 !
'Ibeie\Mis \ u suit of lN ( > , iuii ) bushels In uno bloc
nttiPje , ft inn I'm I.PI-to I'onlpr.
TheioMIS \en poor snpiiort In provlslni
rirlv mil prleesuio niiilnr the close li'
llU'llt. Tlicoiily slioH of stieiutli ilillliu til
diy \ > , is iiiia lltllo bu ) lii e iiisul by tlio ai
Milieu In eorn .1 iniiary pink sohl at { I'.n.n
tiill'JOeli ln lit JI.MIK3UM. , ! MaJu'
lind TI.'T'i , closlni ; nt jr..Bmftll.'M'j. Jaiinai
lird sold al td 50and HVi. nlosliiu ut iti'ti'
llllis for the sumo inoiitli , i" > IK ) and to8" > , do
In ) ; ill fr > h ? ' | .
> ,0et.31 fpocliil Tolusrnm to I'll
llKK.l O\TTM : Receipts , 17.UOJ. Oattlo toi
Ilium to pour In from all direct Inns , nn
fihonId tlio piopoi tlont Keep ill ) until .S.llu
day , leeeipts nro lliblo to ii'.U'li 10.000 , tl
Kioatist iiuiiihii oxer rc.ielied In ono Wiol
' 1 hero was little or no change In tlio Kent r ,
inarltCl unil prices ahoHpil no pirtlonl.
iliimjw asioinpiH'd with tlio titcllnoot 10
\ IV. " noted j 1'stcid.iyon nitlvu boif Htn-r
IliiteliciH * Mock , Tox.ins and i.iiiRprsnro IHMI
ilnv.ii lo alioiit tlio lowest priccsnn tiooiil.iu
llKlitIIUlHstoi KITH nro Roiiixat c\tri-ine
lo prices- . luio ( iiiniiltrsof ranjo foulo
urn stl'InK-it ' til'.Ti' " " . . Moots 1110 soiling
tiuo&l ? . " > ; Te\jns , iJ'inilOJ ; ruiKura , JJ U
lions Ht'polpN.n.'OOO The nmrkrt contl
lies f ililv uoll\n with prl no miss pink slop
in linn bu ti Innni'lKliiH and aiijthlnj ; nl i
( neil 'olllnicfioiii stioiijj tnhlKlii'r. while 001
Jiion Ilirlit iiilt-il steady , Itoiinh anil ponnoi
nilu nt f.1. iint-lnii ! fall to iid.fl'r.uo ) ! ' : prli
hoa\y and IniUlii'i-weights , M livjl. n , laico
nl fl.IWll.2l : iiHiortod and sele.-ted 11 , ; lit
' . ' 10 pniiiiilsdimii , ) ; sliuo suit. fu
good IlKllt llKhl , U.iOlC.plKl ! ) , , .5J.I.M
/ 'I.V.I.V t'/.if , .
NKW YDIIK. Out. .1) ) ( po-Iiil TolcRiam
TUB IlKK.I-SroiKR riio outlook for ana
union In sloeUs was no\oi pooiu thin nt t
ilosolast nlKbt Tin-losorts brought out
ono lie ovpiessid iniii-h fulth In the Iinni
illato future 'Ilium lias Icon lee innoh (1 (
bull t ilk und lo lltllo action by these u
fehoiild boleadt rs. It uus bold I j Intlnutetltli
lalliiiuleil man i on are still short on sloe
nnd no liopu coultl coino from their man i
iniMit Them w.isa bullut Hint I.oinlon von
bo it bu JIM this morning. K\on tnlsuasttlt
held , Tlio Ijomlon iniiikct was mattnlil
lower than our HKIUCS 1 lit ouiilnn'and tl
market opoiu-d In eloso sj nipathv vIlli
flxerythiiiK liolni ; fiom'a to 'i pufient low
lust nlKht , while honlsvlllo & NnMixlllcu
olT 7i poi K ut. Tliu decline wont no farlh
liowe\iT. mid ( , irly ileiillnus dovi-loped eu
ulilenibloiitreiutli , I.iiokiwaiina rl la , a
tlio rest of tlio list smaller fr.iotlons , 'Iln
wasihti usual diiHiioss In tlio Kcnoralll
wlilluM. Paul , Union I'liollU' ' , Loulsi Illo
NashUlIc , lliulliiKton and yiiirar Itollnirl
wmo ponsploiiously actliu , Tlio upwa
nioM-iiiont was Biut'ecdiil by dullness a
romp irutl\ st.i nallon , nnd although u III
tone win rotiilned there was seurooly a
iiioM'ineiit In prices In tlio latter portion
the hour H niiMiliiilug tliu hunt tolJo'ilo
t hat Miinn Kuniiliio hull foivo was full In t
nut lie Ilil. Clik-11:0 ( ins mined fit
; i7\ to 'M'4. ' MtKiir ri'poxtMpil I
Mi'ond Ilino lo 18 , wlillo loiils\lilt ) rn
Vfiom low prlte cuilv to 7i. .
I.aekawanna al > o up I't ' to 14 P4 , The a
MllllO lllHPsllln hllK'ksttllS III1 111 lluillll
ton , ulilih risoiiilt'My | lolip , , aiidiisi IK )
oponlnir. Other htoeUs moved up' , tui i
pent Atcblson I-OM. In .Cl'j , Soitlinostt-rn
lus'4 , Hot'k Islnail lo7Ul , st. Paul tn.WVM
mull Paelllti tn l/i. iiatl Union I'aoHlo to 41 ]
Tht-iti wus InitsllKlit ii'ictloii fnini tlinhi
in lies ot any nctlui stiu-Ks up to i ( iMot
Money wus icin.irUiibly t-usv ninonijbtook hi
lowurs iniwt ottlioilii > . This tlltl iiotpieMi
a t iiiiililtiln pnoes fiom points loaihed tar
HurlliiKton sold back tos'l'i ' , b iUiioll 't , a
olOM-d al IKIS rtcnrly all osti-rn sioo
olostil hleatli nftir loilint nil euly KII
SiiKir bioko buek to Wi anil closed wlin ' 4 i
lohsnt iiil'i ' tins nun cl up UHO anil wai
held at Iho en-.o | it l'i per cent ath.ui
bnlP-i leai-liod .SiOOslnires.
Thu following ere tluielosiiig nuntatloiis
I ) S In reuulnr . . ll . .Nurllii-rn 1 "iifliic 5
I' S laynuiKiii KI | _ ilo | irt'f rrt-a . 1
I ) S l' COIIIHIII ' "IlDI'il lid'iirefvrraii" 11
I'uplllo il of " 5 . . . .111 ' .Ncn Yi rk Conlral ID
IVnlrnl IVIda . . . . is'l > , ll A K . |
ClnoKO.VAllon . . . .l.'i .llurk lilaiul . . . ;
Uileiiiio. llurlluiitun C , M Aft I'mil .5
AOtilnror UU ( | ilo preform ! , K
! ! : .l'x\v U1' < - ' ' ' " "I * . Oiunha . s
lllliiiil < ( Viitrnl Vi ilo | ittT.-rri , | . . t
I * II iV I'lilon I'ucinu . 4
hiiium \ IUXIK . . . . I Hi \ \ , . M. k X I1 . . . . I
IjiUe Mmru li > , U ilo profem-l . . . -
.Mli-lilgiiiiieiilriil , . . . i \\c \ terii Uulua . . t
Ml iuurlji'acltloi. . . . te 5l
MONKV-OH call easy ; closet ! olTorod at
I'uiMB MmrtM'iiK IMi'Kit WM per oout
STnii.iMi i\iiMMir.-IHilli : fnlrhbtuui
The Cofl't H MnrkiM ,
NKW VoiiK-Oet.u-tripiclaITolorainloT :
IlKi ] Cin-ni : Options opened uiielnui.'oil
Wlioliiudow ii uud closed uteiuly , I5 J.5poli !
down. Bales 75,500 bam , Including Oolol
? . , J.'XlSlwNovl ' > "lbtr' ! IT40 I7AO | Doocmu
! 9-539Hfl ! A" "w > i.
l.lVi .InliP 1110 * . SpntUlo nofitlnal ; fn r car-
Bins W ) , No. , tl * W
Mining SlitilcH.
SixxVOIIK. . Oi-l m - ( ippi'htl TelPiruin to
TIIL Ilir 1 The following arc tlio hilnlni stok
qiiotntlotis :
Cniruio. Oet. : . -fio o Whom Pitini
' '
Lorn-I'lr in . ' ' , Deieinbcl , WiC
' "
- ) j cash , lie ; December. 41'ic ' ;
SliiV. 41' o.
Miss l'ork--tcai1yi emh , $10.2. " > ; Inuuary
Liu'il-Munly ; cash , IG.2J , Jnnlliit ) , JO/it'i
Slnv. t'W'S.
Itvi'-l'lrin nl Otc.
Ilirli-v CJnlet nt7c.
al JI.U
11 II.
1'loiirto uly md imchniiiti < dn ; Inter 1 oil
J5.SVtl ; sprliu nhuat , l.'W'i. 5) ) : rjc. JJW
'linlk Mi'iK-shiiulliTi. JV'yU.r.slioi ' !
clPin.r > H" WM : sluiltrllix J"i..WM 15
llnttirAutUu ; uiiniutry , KUaiui diliy
1 ' * WJ ( .
t lieiso Qiilel i full eio.uii i-bedilar' , "iC
flits , i > ' | T'SV ; fiiiii-y joiini Amiilciis'Ju.
n cs--l uly : fie li. I'Ul.'O. ' .
Illdis - ' ii'Kly mill iiiii'haiij.'edi heavy : IIK
ll ht uroen sill til. IKi i KMII hide.V ; silli' <
luilt Miles M'jf ' , Brion MilliMl ealf , v : ilr
Hint , t-'it'ii- : ill j saltuil , Te ; ill V t df , sa'Je ' ; ileu
inns , i-ai-li 'JV.
1'iiIluH Steady ! No 1 , solid , p icl.ed , 4'ii '
KiLclpls. | | | | llllpllt
I'loiir , bhls . ir > .ml ) -I.WI
Ulicnl , 1m . M.olO 7.MX1
( orn. bu . 'JIVWU 011.01 :
Oats , bn . n.VJ ) ) 1J7.WJ
NKW VOIIK. OctWin -liecelpls , Ifi RO
biisliiK oipiiif" . MOW liii-liels , : sjut clo-e
sli'iulurcdii trllln lilitliiM s No. . ' ni i , H.O' ' . 1
clt'valiii : JlO'l'iiilloal : flOcM. . l 'n ' f o 1) i ; > I
linnsi > i v ilull , No. J I rd , UulubL'i , closed u
Ciitn ! tccppl | 2:15" > 0 b'isliels : exports 1.M
basbils ) sjiol iiiilet nnd si-ui-e ; No. , ' , .Vl'ilMiH
ln'i li-uiloi , 0) ) ' . , Mil'ji-alloii i uiuuidid nil set
Vi'idjiil'it ' ' * ; options i Ncliod mi IIIIVP spot ulii
llxo bnjliu eloiliiK it an ndxuiioo of 'M a
mid linn. Oitobti eltwnu ut .VC. ) '
Oat < lld'olpls , 11.1,00) ) liimlicls , o\poits < si
biislitls , spot siiinuii , No - wblle , .l.'V-'i'ji ' '
inlNcJ wutli'tn , ir.'j'/ile ' ' , wlilti" WIMOIII , M
optloiHllriii , Uctiibor ilnslinral l > c.
HIUIII Iliwr t tslt-i , fair letliiin. , . " ' Ifit
lentrifii Jills. 91 lest. " > l.Vliic ; Miiiiin . .ulo.l
Icsl , 'ift-1dc penlilfiiKiils. 10 loiL-IV , o anil :
rellntil iiilpt anil stiiid > .
IVtruluuni United elo-cil foi Nojcn Ur ti
r'uxi I' HIP v. Ill in i w eslei n. ' . " -'U'.l'jO. '
I'ork * Me id \ , loos' ) , { II ' . ' . / & I , ' > ) .
I. u I Auliiinl limer ; westini ste un , t ) . . '
Hiillpr Plrnii weslPi n d ilry , ICKIM'c ; ercan
irr. liniiV ; l.l.'ln. " . :
Cliieso I'lrin , lUhl sltlnis , I'lftT'iP.
ST. I.ot'is , Oi't. : . ! > . \\hoat lil hei : ens
9SV , Ucicmbu , * IOU' < fll UJ'ii1 ' : M ix. U071
Cnrn IIUIici ; cash , Wlfc.'W'io ; Deeemhu
( "ill's ' . ' , r.oi May , 4l.e.
I'ork gnlt't ut til K )
l.nnl-ijulet U1I.IO.
Whisky blend } ul ? 1 II.
Itnltor 'le.uly. ' Hun and niRliancd.
Ml\M-M'ol.i , OiM in. Spot wheat olVerid J
doll\iri' as In l.itk't ) lemiest Knulpls .
eats nlilnnii-nls , Ul. Clnsliu : > o. I bar
I ) iiiliii , ' "o : on tinek. II 00 ; No. I noilhui
OPtob'ft ' ' , \oMinliei < i't\t ; M iy , 1101'
on Ir.H'K. ! i7'jt. No - noltht-in. October. Vil
I et-cniliei.Tr.i'i oiiti.iclc. IL'4" "
Mll.wriRi1 , Ocl .10. - U'hcalAiulvoi N <
spi liu , ci li 'irfc'Hi. ' , Ui.L-inbur , tH'jc ' ; No.
noitliei n il Ul
Com- I inn : No .1 e.isli "iIQtue.
o.ils | i > . .idND . ' w I iltt' . eisli. 4ii l. ' ) % .
l'iu\lslons yiilct , | oik. .luiiuari , JI-.15.
K \ \ \sOiriDot .J ) . \\lipat \ tronser ; >
2liiinl , i-.isli. so bill ; No S led. e.i-ili. IrAi 1)1
Coin steady ; Nu - ' , i.isli and Ontolicr. . '
Oats fclrong , No ' - ' . eisli and Oclobn.4 :
CIM iNn. . Out. ) Stum , ; : No
toil , Jl.oo.
Coin-ritin ; No SnilNod. fiVis.
Outs SlKiii , ' , No ' , ' inlxid. li- .
LiBin'ioi..Oot.heat ( : ) "Ioady : liold <
ollor tnoilfi.itoly ; Callfoinla.No l.s Jd i
Corn Quiet , mixed -\ostirn , ! > 7'id I
fcii/si cK.
_ _
, OH ISO ( Jallln Itn'cilpts. 17.01
t slotv unil iinuliaiKod :'i-i-.U.'H'il.
s , J.V.WO.IO ) ; iain.1-rs. * .UiKaiM ) .
llnjs liocolpts , ITi.OJO , ( rood Ki.nles stro
uiid hlclirr ; common and ll hl study ; ion
and common , J I.TO C-l.'fl ; pilihihea \ > a
hutiliurs'wi'Uhls , il 103f.V. ; lUbt.f l."iOi-lK'
t-heop Uecelpts 'i,00) ' ; 111,11 kot slow .md si
stantliilly lower ; nostuni" , ilixiai " > J ; le\a
ST. Louis. Oct. . -Cillle-Uei-plpta , 2S
sblpiiienls , , 'Kifl. inniket steady ; fair to fan
n.illve sttois.f 170'il 0"i , stookoisund ft.cdu
llns ) ; Itorelptfl 0,100. slilpinonts , S.'J
market easy ; ln-.i\v. II OOlil ii'ij uil\ul , t'
® ll , llslit , } l7r > aisa.
K\\b\9 CirV. Oct. IK-Cittlp ) Kei'di :
"i..VII ; shipments. .1700 ; inaiket stioiiK ; slot
} .l JXit4.7i , cows , $ l.i"iQi.OO ; stoi-tuis and foi
or-i WAViS I 10
lions Itocelpls. 1I.I.M ; shliiiiiiMil < S.401 , in
Uulhtion'forb'oo.l , oLIiLl , lonci , all ji.iil
Hlor'C CITV la. . Oi-t. -Lsppclil ) Tclosr.
to TUB Ilin 1 llo - ' ' ' . .l.iou , ir .
paikini ; jii'l' ' " > md pi line In ivy UVZ )
lil bpr ; bolllni ; al M.i > 0ii I'J"i , bulk , JJ.T/5)i
Cat tic.
Thnr-tliv. Ot-t. . "
I'-itlniatod rpoelpts of cattle , ' . ' /DO. us co
Hand x > lth S'l-'Ryisleiilay anrt-J. | > | | Tbilisi
of lust \\ink. riu'inai kel wiii slim aiiiiabi
btenly on liei'\es ' , bntobeis' sleek ill } :
anil fciduis llfcl"sH.
IIii s.
IMlimton rpcelnts of ln s. 7.-.03. as cc
Dared with117 ) osteiilaanil 7
Tlinrstl.iy of last ween. Hit" inukpt
stpidy on the'best ni.ulos , iml ashndotd
loupron Uulit and poor stuck. Ilioianm
pi lies was W.H 4 , , thu bulk si-llliu al M '
.I.IW ; nllRild ; llBld. f I IX" .l.'Kl ' ; heaxy. J.I. : ; mixed , J.1 r l. ! > 0 Tlio HMMIUP of
pi It os pild wus MTU't aicoinpai til with tl. '
y yettciili } und f-'Jl ! Thinsda ) of 1 ist wcoK.
s Slieop.
EsttimtPd reeelpts ! of slicpp. 4 G as e <
pmi'd wltb 400 icsteiiluy mil 211 Tbilisi
.S nf lust veek. 1'bo miiikel nas ste.i
.Sr Natives , } , ' . : i./ai.1.1 ; westerns - ,
id Disposition oT Stuck.
o hmvliiR tin ) number of In-ul ot sti
piireliiiM-il on this imukot as lupnitotl by i
, weUlinustersof Iho Slojky.uds ( .oinpiiiy I
1'S Tlntisdiiy , Oclober : W :
'S ' C TTI.B.
(1 Swllt A Co .
(1 Tliolieouo II llaininond eonipany ,
(1y (1n The Aniiour-l'udiiliv piekliu company. .
Oiinibu paokliiK ( iiiup my
y blilppers and feeders
ifk lioos.
k Arniour-Ciiihhy pacUins eoinpany 2
o OniiitiiipaeldiiK company ]
n Swift .S. Co 1
o ( itnri ell. llniiinioiiil' company. .
0 .1.1' . Hnilros&Co
IlpprcsPiitatlve Salos.
I <
1 l
e'OH - ! IOIT 20. "
LMiuiN . . ir.j i .a
bid I via ( . 'little ( o.
1.1 fPIMlf-M . ' l 2 M
' . ' ( vpilun . MID - ' IH
Sviui . 1K" > I - '
1 cow . , . l.'JO 17.1
Nnirtll X J.
4TMi > oiH . ur : ncv )
It tecM . IIs"I
u KtcpH . U > ? : i o )
r ti.-i'r < . in i ! Hi )
IHIIU . 1417 i : n
ui.ii : . I.TO oo
srtiui l.iinil nnilCiittlo Co.
SMi-i'is tiilllnns . lOVJ 1 w
I MI < < r , filling . 14-n l w
4 vtL-i'H . i. a - ' > .
.11 Mvur-i . lif-'l - " ' '
stows . IM'5 Mk' >
HSio\\s \ . IM 1 10
IICDl > s . MO 1 Hi
ill I'HIiiioH . . . . . . Ml 1 13
T. ,1. Mum
Klslti'i < lullliiKs . tlf200
1IS7 S 10
1)71 ) ! f-1
( Ufi.tili.-n . 15i t ' 'SIS
> JI.lll.i7lU--
I iniiv Mi-\lcit-o\vi \ . TIT 1 11
l.'i" Now \lo\lu ) fopdi'is . 4' ' l I 71
sNow Mo\loo fopilois . OaT 1 71
MOJ- * .
No Av h I'r. No. Av. Sli. I'r
TO . . ITS iu ) M ai i/t .as : isoti7i
< i . . .I'M ' . o ; i ai in . .vii uii : t 71
> " > . 101 'jiw 7 2.1 r. * . . av > 40 : i 71
tu . in MI , i a 11 . . . an a-o : i 7 >
i-'i aiU > } .12.1 TV . . .2u7 2S ) ! 1 71
TT . ! < ) am a ai T.I . . 2 i : ! 7 >
PCI i" a-o : i : n TO . . ati roj : i 71
2-1 . .K - . : t 41 i ) . . . .iv ) - a ; i
n /JIB ajo : i 41 Ti . . .ai' ' ' .in : i Ti
7i ; . .an ia-1 a ti TII . aiT : J : i 7T1
* i .i''i ' am : i 41 M . .tiii iiiO ; i f )
i . . .IT. ILII a 41 in a ID
74 .pi njj a n n ; . .an - a i
si . u'H ' 210 a v ) T-I . as i i-'J a > )
N'I . aoi Hi ) a : a 7s . . .an ' .w .IK )
M . . . aii 2HJ ( am < A . . . -.MI 40 a MI
t > < \ . . ' 'i'i ' ' 2J ) .15.1 r.'t ' . . .ifi't : IM
s . .an iiii ) a .11 r.i . . . , r. > > sou a\i
H ) . .MI ivo a v > KI . . . . 'AT ii ) as'i
71 . . . 'ju a.-o a , v , iii . IM ) u ) ai < i
f-7 .Ml t > 1 a ,17'i 54 . Ks 28) ) a S.1
w ) . . : rK na a w i.'i . . s : tw a i
M . . -M aw a b1) ) : > o , . .am IM a si
M . .2N 4) a M di . . . .art ) iw .IM
7 . .aii - - a tii KS . . . .iii i jo ad
or . .21. ! 20) ) a M r.- ? _ ji ; : r.i ) a >
si . .aw o > t it r.i , . . . 'it 40 ai-i
si .an a TO r.s . in am
71 . ' 'II ' 1JO a 70 51 . . .114 SO ail )
in . . .211 iiii aio MI . in w ) aw
: > i . . .SD iso a TO r.i . i > i 40 aim
.vij'i , , ' ijj ; i TO i t . . . .r.i iw ) a'u '
.7 . . . . .iit an ) a 70 sjjjj - aw
r > 7 . . 20 ttH a ; o w _ in o aw )
f. .ram id ) a 70 -in . .iu 20) ) a i'i
- . _ KI 4) ) a "j ( , r. _ 2rci 210 a in
72 . .ai'i ' a 70 ivj . . .I.T 40 nw
1.7 .211 IW a 70 TO . . ' "KI 4UO
( . - . .VU Ifi ) a 71 M ) . . . .117 40 401
74 . . .21s fcO a 71 ( > .1 . . .Ill - 401
1'II.S AMI * .KI1"4.
i . v o i 10 i _ sm s"i
4- , KS - 1 71 81 . . . .1-4 IM ) .IW )
12 HI a. 0) ) no . . . 17s iw a ( HI
111 - 2 II ) 01 . . . .IW ) IiiO .111
V" . .115 40 2 Utf
OMAHA , w uijisAia ( : ; .M A HIC IOTS
IXT' ) Persian , i.-lbl > o\ II , t .
ll\isi\s I.iiiiilon Injri- . I allfornla pt'i bo-
JJ.'il ; loose niiisi-ilels , Callfoi nla , JMMio ; <
liss Callfot nla , J'O ' ) ; t allfiiiiiii ! si-i dli ss sii
tun" . In sacks , pt l Ib'N' ; Call foi ill l inil-e.ik'l
Insaeki , h'e ' ; n-w Viiloni'lasc ' ; uiidiin
lux i'is new 'I'jO ' '
CXNM D \ mi IMII.ITomatoes : 3-lh e\ln
} l lOJfrl I" . . I Ib st xxc-.toiiilit.inds. fl.ll
K.dlons Aiihei ssiaiid ml , ti Ul loin I'lno-
Ktoxxn fl ( 0 , liiilcC'lt } sujriii coin. MMJ Im
? l V ) ; d linaii eom. il'J'lj ' MhoMi :
lleeinii. * 1 10 ; 2-11) ) sLindald wistoin binnd
till. . . Miislnoiini--1-lli I'tPiii'li , t'Mia line . ' 2
av. ; l-lb I'n noli , line. l"Ki.V , 1-Ih I'lincli o
( llnaty Ilirtilso. I'eas I ii"i , line , pel can 2"n
( It nil-line , pi l ( "in HJe.Ib s fled. JIOi'.1- ; !
only Inne. SI > 0 ; 'Jin inaiiow. M.milii
brands il.'i ; a-Ibsoakud 7'n1. snimf bean *
2-llbl'li Ri.itlo. I'efiiKce. flO ) , 2-11) ) ( loldt
xuibiin * . $1.00 , 2-lb stilus b ( ins. I-OP ; l.ln
In- ins . ' -Hi snaked. 8V Huston b ins
2-lh Lewis. { I Ikij I IOHII liianiK tl fi. M\n
potatoes ; Ib NP . .Ictx - , Jl to I'linipklns
. : -ll ) . Jl 10. Oli.i and loiualooJl ill ; nki
tl (0 ( ; succotashtl.20
Nl rsMinoiiiN , IM'I Mil/Us 17c , Illbnt
lie ; pte ins. li.t. ; walnuts , iv peanut co-k
10'"i' ' ! lo.isli'd. U"j ; 'IcniHHM-o pi'.iiints il ( .
Wiui'i'iMl l'i'iustraw , pei Ib. l ' 3P4
l nr. Il'i ' ! iniinllla II , 45 > c. No. lSc.
Mot.lssis-ltlils N O f iinex. 1)01 ) Ril "iViJ"i7
tholop , tvrlc : tooil. . ) t ! I.V | Oubi. biklnt' 'h
'Me ; bliekstiap.VJ " 'P.
' "ODl I'k s. WJlbs to box r.\c ; ki's' . 4'5e.
I ViNM\H ! > ) ir \ . V applu cldoi.lilc ; II
elder , 1'c ; white , w hie , l..t , fani'j , finlt , Ix.
r Un.s-1'iJ pi nmi whllp , lie ; I. VI w.itei uhlt
lie ; lio.ullUlit , H'i-7lK."iiIliip. ' I h- .
HAI.SODV llbls I' P , , 2c ; In bbl
M'OVI : I'oi iiii ? ; .uKii. : > KI DPT uro-s.
llAtHin. . pot 1 0 , H7.7.1 , Loivlstou , per ID
$ IT.7. > ; Union sqn ins 41 pt'l cunt off IM.
HAl/r ll.ilrv. Willis in hbl. ) . ! . ' . ; )
Si.uli'.tiU'is t..3l. bt'sl suilp , I'M ' lis. $ . ' 40lit' ;
R ratio , 18 IDs. f..M ; iooU salt , ci iishoil , 11.8
lOIIIIIIDII , 1)1)1. 1 JTl.
U\N\IO : lIiMT.-'iintMl ) bpuf. 1-lb. 11.2
ciirin-il bi-pf , J-lhs , fl'W ' : liinoli lon.'ui11
n 1.0 ; liint'li IOIIRIIOI.11) - , $ l 71 ; bmu n , 1-1
} . ' ! , ) ; bi.iun , 2-llp- . * 'lD ) ; ox lon.'iiih , 1'-H
MOJotniuiiL ; .a-llis , iNiOl ; plilppi'il lii't-f. 1 <
llm , loiintl cans t-W ! ; littsf. 2-11) 10111
i.nw , t.MU , pottt il li.iin , 'i-lh loiiud cans , ul
iiottcil liain , 't-lb roiuiil cuni , $1 2i ; tluvlli
liiiiii , 'i-lb ' loiinil PIIIH , li'.i'i ( lu\lleil II.IIH , 'j
loiinil i.ins il.20' potk'tl loniriio , 'j-lb nun
i-llis , } l 'Jt ) ; iiinli's-pil | ) lulu. J 111 squat o t in
} . ' .7.l ; 1 1 1pp. 2-lh roiuitl PIUS , , mini'i
inlop-i. 2-jl ) loiinil ( ill" . t.V.'O ; boneless pl
fi'Pt-ll ) squain PIIIH $ J 2J.
MAl'MiM'UMi I'orlli.0 onlit'-s. .TO-lb lio\c
lie ; Iip ( I'.iKps , : x-ll ) ) boxes , U sc , l-lli bi k-K- ,
Ills llllU\ ) , Jill If , HC.
T\\IMS : I'oltoii iHliic , 'Illlili"ory II IIP , '
Ib haliM. 2.V ; oolton UWIIP , \ \ liiiiinl "i-
liiilolno ; lipiun iHliii1 , 'i-lb ' baloi. IM" , sr
tw Im , 2iii" L'aiiillfili'l \ , , * 'i : 40-fniit L'olti
i lot IIPII in- , ? l. < 0 , wio ) ) ! iDlton rlolhi-s Iliu
$1 IV. . ; Mi-foot lints , i 1 71 ; GO-foot jute , tl t
WOOl ttt IlltS h'L' .
I'Miistioirs ( iooix lluloj. .To : farln
V ; ) ii'.is.J' ' c ; bills ? 1 T.ViH.2.1 , In
libls , tluiVU.121 ; iiiiUMinnti. lu'jllc ; M < iiuli'i-l
IO' < 1Uilii : > . ilioli-p. r. iliip ; f.ini'N , \ > \r t
liriul.Tc : SIKH niul liplo-i , rid'o ; limn litiu
li'ii' ; -pill IIP is , IispanlKiu. ; . He.
Dunn 1 iirirs 'I uil.l-li jnuiit's , | p.s Hi
lilitls- l 'l ' 7'si' , inlRliiul lilnls " , o ILSS ; UIHII
) ii bi\tM , 100 to 110 , 73ii ; appli
uvuiioi ilt'il , iiiiu i Ingi'liolt-p. | 1o ; ( napnritp
niu > ihu jirlini' , lie ; npi Ii-Dls , f in } , in MO ! .
20i' ; lilai'ltlipi ilit , now , lOije ; i isplipi 'It's.
His to bnHi" ; tiiiri nits. noI'liiflUjL1 ' ; oil
llllllllsU- . > 4C lUil ! \tHtl//.l Cllll. IlltS , t\ll
III llM"s ) , li'i" ,
I'Oltl.K liiaslPlllosl ! i , 21'aC ! lliinol
21'si-iMIH ! ( III. 'Si'ifi Dlluoitlfs a.1',1" ; I.c |
'iik < ! Mallpoiitili , BS'tCi CoiiliiMi , 2o'i ' ? ; .Muc'l
, la\n , .Vo
. r , twin n.its , pu i
; I'loiniiiiii r. r , Vomiinuiipii , ii'i
lirlclt , ltp ; iloniistlo Swiss * I4Ul7c ; Kihiin.
foil , p uli , JI.OD. l < linlor pi , U ) ! ! .
--tip , p.uloi , jinn : t-tlo.f. r.jii-t
.2. ) , ,1-tli1 , plain. Jl.hlj vaiulioiisc , f 100 ; t (
JI.21 , whisk. * 100I.'J3.
( ) I.IMS : ( Jnails pci no/fl.OO ; pints , pirdi
} . ' .M ; InilU per Kill. 'lip.
COIIIKOI Manilla lorit'-.Mlsl/ps from 7
tn 1 In . IV ; slsil ropp. all R/CM | from 7-lii td
In. , ll'jo ' ; "iit-u iiiOL'i'iiiis , " ! ! ! ! al/os fiom 71
In 1 In. , -c
SliiiAit I'or Hi-Put loaf , ' \P ; oiibps , 7' (
htaiiilaid pnwilcrptl , 7 c ; \\XK poudnu
71 ( > ; ii.inulatPil. st.niil.irl , I'I P : t'onfci'tld
PIS' \ii\ij'l' ( ( 'i wliltn , nMni 11 , brilllnnt " " > ,
nli.ilim . .il.b' ' U.r.Uu : golilcu
. ' . ' ( - . dm KC. I'.P.
lini1) ' 4 Inpli. l < p.
Smi" Castile , niottlctl per 11) ,
nbltp. peril ) , lie
I'll KI.KSMeillnni pnrMil. WOO ; sinall.flO.
KlnMklns.ill.00 ; Imp 1)111 ) , * 1.H ( ) , iii"i-n'.il cask
Vii'.iu-K'i ' . iilil , 11 lined , till , half bbl Jl
liaidt Idei. PIIIP , PPI bbl , iM.itl ; 01 inmi eld
, . , half bbl , * u V ) ; pear clilor , h-ilf bbl , { J.50.
* it
it I'l-oxl-i oim.
5s I'msu MI trPiiili Ilium. SJ Ibs axua
SLfitsb ; b mis , IDlh-iiixeia e , ( i'4c ' ; flesh hut
U' pniiiiili u\ t'l'iu'i' . S'lC ; fu-sli shoiildi'i i. 51.
IIDI k loin7'P > pork teiitlerlolns , lie ; It
laid , not ipndnu'd , 7'ic ; iiiaio ill- ) , ' .
I'oniv * M > Illl'lMussiioik now.ll2.CO ; oil
polk banks. IIPiy. . f 12.2) , eleir poilc ii.ii-
nietlliim , ill * " > ; short out cleir jioik. fin.
fainll > iioik. IIO.I ) ; pit ; poru. tll'i. ; now e\t
litef , fl.mi , new extia iilato beef , $700 ; n
Plate beif , iolo ; new lolled bonele > s he
fs no ; new boneless lumps , fs. ; , ] ; mw shuuli
pod | , ts..v )
' ' '
t-horl - . IH j I ellles. Id to 2o'lli IIX'K , II1
short ill- ) , lie i sboit oleus , tiie ; Ions I'Uiu
shonldi-i--1'ic. ; ' .
> > IOMII : MIMISIlnins , 12 tolllbaxK. spe
bland , Me , hicakfnst hai'nn , lie ; linns , t xi
llnlil , II to 10 Unix K , ( O'tOi bains , ll.'hl. I. ' to
Ib av , ; . lU'te ; hums inodliim. 11 to Hi Ib in
lOe ; hums he.ny , 20lo2Jlb : i\p. 0 < to ; liai
oMiu IIPUX.X. Jl : to 2 * > Ib a\K. li'ic ' : liai
hklnned.Ililiif , IS to2) III ax K , I0 > ; e ; Callfi
nln h mis , O'to ' , Now Voik shoiildt-u. O'ie ; II
ton shoulder-I. . lo n Ib ax , u ii' ! bonid
limn , Oc. hreakfilst bacon , oleiu , . ' > in 7 llislt I
M.lireakfasl ; baton , lib , T'to ' ; diled b
li.iinsots , So ; tilled beef h mis. rciular. 11' ' .
ilrittl iot-f h mis , clods , ) . ; fnticy Iu in line
7'jo ; broikfast bacon , eliai , 7 lo & Ib iilrl
Mi ITI Di-i salt iiirpilllac
shorl olfiu > , o .o ; n\ui short tlcars , 0' strips , To ; tliort illb.O' c ; sliu
tll'IN , U' P.
I'litK U\ M.iiiKoilloipmlprod ) Tion
( l\p ; b.ini'N , ! . ' ( ; half Inn itls , 7f
1'iui'K HiirnK Jiw IK flil ; quartir I )
roll , , 10 Ibs tl.lil ; Ulls , l.Mlm , VK. .
I'lDKlHI I'nls'I'H.T-lluni'ls.aOO Ibt , } 7 ,
iiluhlli linrrch , 2) ) Ib. . , tiTM'i ' kits , n Ibs , bit' .
llrr.v Tosdt'i.s su nf. . , , iiibMI. .
tl'.V ; half lbl , IDJ-lb , } ) uoj beef tnuui
biiinki-il , pt-r-lb. | 0'p.
I. MIIS' TOMII'I- > -I'ni-ixiUi'il , mllil ciun 1
bills , 11 MM D. jril ) ; limit irr bills , .V-lb , $1 ml.
M'll KI ) I'Hll' TOMIL'K. C00kti-lllllf | 1)
fO-llfcJUOOi qillirUT bbls , 40-11) , JVTSi kit ! . ,
fci'ii'eii I.AMIIS TONOUCS Cookcil hnlf W
SO-lb , Jll 5o ; Ulls , 15-lb , 1'40.
Xo.NOt'ts i'ork tuuk'Jts , uucookotl , n :
run il Half bbl 101 Ibs , jr y > \ > i UDI. oO Ib- " ,
sim llolngna pp-r' IT ) , le ; Ixiliuna.
In wc'isniids , per lo , -I'll1 ! I'ranUnrts.
per Ib. o't" ' lonenr. pi-i" iH " , ' , < , blond ,
DPI Ib. 4'je ; liter. | or lltjtf'tV ; lii > , id ihiosp ,
lior Ib.4liP I'nllsli. per II ) . 7il potknnsiiire. .
links , per Hi. w ; pi irk s.ui'sutu meat , Iu tin
palK per Ib. iSo t' '
< ) iil'iirc neat's fiiot oil ; per Kill , roc : A 1
tnllov.-Vt , stparlne , il'io
S'lvot I'l-mlnce.
llt'iTUt ( 'riMiniMY. choir11. * Jit&52i'i ) country
eliolie. ITfill'k' ' ; enuiilry , ? < ) od , lli'lCio ; eniiii-
ttv. fdr. lOitlV ; counlrx Inferior , 71 > llp
l.tios L'lmleo stoiU isRonornllellliin t
I'nri.TinThoicpelpts of ! ehlckens are not
toix heiix ) eoinp iti'd to nnat tlicv xveie a
neck in two 11 sound prloes ; are a Illlln llrmer.
riio bulk of the cbli kens tire scllliu' at I' 2Vtr >
S.V ) andaiiocc.isloiiiil fancy lot btlnss a llttlo
mote than the last mm oil figure.
( I \tn ; 'I IIP mil ket Is about steady. I'ralrio
thicken * , per doI ! 7.17J.IOO ; inalliiid dneks ,
t..VViHOO ; lealdiu k . * . ; ( { 1) ) ; mixed tlm-ks ,
. 'ii ; inial'l il.oow I'.jj. jack' rabbits , l 06 ; small
abblls."IDOUI il.
I'l P4 | | I'"l IllM ,
NnVOIIK. . tiHl'i ! : ' -onKIOObiskpt lot ,
ill'fC.lV ' ; CiiiiL-niils. 1-10 li'i kit lols. .11 K lie ;
I'litattlins IIH ) bisKpt liits 4Uo , out ivv lus , o-IO
basidi lots , r.t--nlenis. ; im ) msUit lots. 4IU' !
siii | > ui4. . * iIO li.isknt lots , tip ; Nla aia. "ilbs. IIO
biskil lots , av. Nl iirniii , r.lbs I llibisUtt lots
-Up ; llpliiwnrt',1 Ibs UH ) lnsKvt lots,2V | Dclii-
WIIIP , * . llx , "i-IO bas'iL't ' bits. : iV" xiliiius , n Ibs
10) ) ImUot lotx , SU"j i-aliins , ,1 Ibs 1-10 liusUit
lots , IV.
l' M.I i OHVI I'nfiT- * ( ! r i PCS ToUay. i'iatp ,
" limit'p-itU itfp.fl Si ) , Kriipi" < . inns HIM i-iaU's ,
-Injlp I'lali' " . fl Ul , pous. \\IUIPI \ Nplllts ,
IIIM ! iilhiTs , per box , JI.TO ; qiilnois , per box ,
. 1'anpy Mnlorl. ItoOs anil IWOs jicr
bii\UMWi M iliiKii. IIIM box $ .niK-.ii)0' ) .
IHsvstPuify Him lli'lils. iioi u > } lOrt per
bum Ir. tl "O tot..ipcr Ininoli.
( MUSdll.iinali i in uico * . 2iO-t , slnsjlo
l \i s , IIPI bol l IW ; " ' box lots f.l.7i.
Ai'i'l hs-l'ani-i wlutiM apple" , ptr bbl , $151
ffl.i ; <
HiMUimiM Titn'v il itlc C ipp Cotls JO 00 ;
fiint-v il.irU l upi" toils , " . liunl lots , s vt ;
fani-v Itfll , \ , Clipi ij. fuo > , f.iney Hell , \ Clur-
I ) . .Ibaiiil lots , $7.jl.
Vt'Ci'talilL" " * .
Swi I.T I'oTvroKS-lLMseyt , { )717l ) 0) .
l'or\rii- ( * In Kixxl ( loniand at sWp )
dull \'imr\uiM : Ciihluuc , MUh , jior
pinlp. ? . ' ri ; ipil. PIT blil , f.'jl , onions , per bbl ,
JIM , intiibiiK.ii. per bll i 71lilto turnip * ,
pur hhl. ) l 7 ii PII lots , pi r bbl. ! uirsnlps ,
IIPI bbl. l.2"i ; loDt' per bbl , fl 7i | lioiso iail-
ish iii.iii , pui bbl , ti.ttij per Ib , lOo ; et-ltry
mots ( lipr I , per bbl. Jl ixi ; pi-i doini > ; ehnlcu aliiJJoi Raillo , per duiiblo
I'lUsn-iVr Ib 1'pn'li 7o ; bnlT.ilo. iliosaul ,
To : pii'Upiol. lie ; plld' . IK , truiit.Di'ihltc. . I0f ;
Piopplf , II ! tatlMi. II" Kid stfiik. l.'i'i
lloiniilt'is l io ; Oio iiii siilnion , r.o , blaik bass ,
l"o , lob-lt-i-s llii" ! blili ) llsh. Hi" .
Illili's , Tnllow , itc. :
lllli : < . 1'Kl.TI AMI 'I M.l.OW ( llPUII illltCl ]
blik-s. .No I , lii > a\y. ( , iH4No ; I. Unlit.l i
ti'ii" ! No . ' . llKlit.4'r't4'Jt ' , dij Illnthlilrs. 7'ifi '
so ; i-alf hltlfs 7'i'le ; tl.unaiipl blilei. lip lis ;
slitep HI-IS. Hit'en eauli , .tloiiiM 2jshti'p ; ! pulls ,
ill \ , IIIM II ) , I0i'14c
ro.i.ow A No I lo ; Vo . ' , UTJI'io ' ; grpasp ,
\\bltc. .I'iWfo , jollinv , 2' ' " ? -Ii ! stpuhio ( i'jt1
IKiM'.s ouol itlons am foi ilt-ll\prv In clil-
i-a ii Div litilliilo per Ion til. Oliiils.llll ; ilrj
i-oiintii. blu.icticd flo.ooTM ) 00 ; iliy lonntry
( lamp and inuity , it ) OOQII ) 00.
1)1.V CiOOllH
I'lNK llllOWNC'OTTONS-MllllUpIjfj. f'f All-
i-oi.i K.ti'iourori ' It. ( , 'jp ; \tlas , O N H. 7'0 '
i-lut-si" ( lotb , < p ; Clinton IT o' o ; 1'oppeiull It
b'.i' , L-iiiiilon d II tic.
Ili.hAi 111:11 CoiTONrt llPil.pli-y Cninlirlp Vo
l.U ll'ii- ' : Ili-st Viii.l.'si' ; HutlPiolotli AV. 4'ii" ' |
t'abot. 7'4u ' ; lint Pill , li'jt" ' ! 1'inlt of tliu Loom.
Hi" ; Illll spinplcr Iili'in. HI' ! lloiisoki-npi'i Vie ;
Uliiu 1'hlllp pinibilc. lipf ( latudnn ( ! 11 , | ' , ;
I.on-il ill-'ic ' ; Lonsd.ilii p.iinliiio , 10'ic ; > uw
V.irk Mills , HP ; Oik Lmns.Te.
\\io\\- \ < Ni't 'I lilst IP , ii n' ; ISt'il fioss , 7i\
OiAmilovi'iis'II , Illlii , SHO f-luxen's D.I1
In , liUc" slot ins'A , Iii In. 7'4c ' ; Mitxdis' I1 1'
In.fci1 , Movtsns M , IS In ( > o ; Simons'N.JUnHo :
-li-vons NN , . " In , lOo ; stovons' &UP. 20 In , l.'e ;
lilpai-licil , Iu p\lr l.
I'itisr - l inicy KiMystono , fi c ; Stiol
IJIvci. IK. ' ! Ititniiipo. 4'it" ; st. Lptlnui. fi'Si ' ;
- lililliin' Mnttli \\ailitiiKton. . 44' ' ! Morn-
in.iek , 4Uo. Tmkity Id'ili Pounttilii , ( j'jo '
O.uiit't,7o ; < 'rtiillell. ( h1 ! ; HPI Iln , d'ip.
1IVAHIIIITVN COTTD.N-S Mlaiitlt ) A , 7C !
Allintlcll. 7o ; Atlantl. " D , t toi Atlintlc I1
1.0. \ut.n.iO 4Uo , Ilili'k'S lie id. 7o : I'.ibotV
r.tDirllnton ' ; 6'o ; l-'ainipn'No 1 , 4' ' , <
4'c ; lloosItT l-l/ , .VC ; Iiitllan , 7'iu '
hnu itin'iLI , . f.4'i' ; llnniletl.i Ll/.r-Ui- .
N'er 1'i'iipotcll 11-ln lo'icI'oppi-rn'.li-4. HP
I'i'ppi'n'll. n-i.2)ot ) I'opperolI.lo-l.K'ti" ! Utlcn
4s-lii , Ho ; rttcu , fiH-Iiiili'io ; Utk i , TMn , 24o
Ulloa , 8l-ln'ic ! : I lloa , tw-ln , 2s'o. Illt-uoliei
Net I'ppprrulMJ-ln , lO'/io : I'cppon II , 4lHn
ll'iu ' : I'npiRUill ' , IV-4 , ISu ; 1'uppitiull , 8-4. LOo
I'i'ppini'll. li-4 , 23lJ"i I'ciipirell. lu-l , 2.1o ; Utlon
8-1.2li"i ITt Iu i , 0-1,2i.O . ! I'l to 1.10-1 , 2sc
( ilvoilAMs-Ainoskoii : , ( I'St'iAnmskpiiK dicss
h'iP ! H lies , I)1Wurivluk ; ( truss , T io ; liiiiu'.is
ti-rC.'ie ; Olen ilto , O'jcViltt ; ) iiilon dit-ss c
I'lil.NTlnillKo blue-Net Mirlh i VV.isli
liuton , Vtui Aniprlcnii , ft'ti" ' Arnold. GUc ; Ar
noltl 11. lena i-lolli. 10c > ; btlfel A. ll'ic : Mtirl
iniio , 7-s lOo , Gold Loaf. h'cj Ilninllton , Vsp
Allen I'lnks.flSo ' ; Allt-a Uhiinibruy fo ; Olon
uostur. S'to ' ; llartt-1 , r.'ii- .
I'oi.oiimMimiCHCioun ( , 4i.c ; Itcil Him
l'ic ; Itolioil Clever , 5c ; blatci , r. uj hlsl
oolois , le oxtra.
DKMMI Nit AmoskoiK , 0 07 , rvje : Aor
cainlct , 1-oi r.MU'tt , stiinilanl , 12'te ; IIiy
in.ikt'i's 7'ii ! DM Vorlc , XlO'ii1 ! lauii'iii't
220 , l.l'jt' ! Liiwiciico , 0 or , 11'io ; fancj htilpo
anil olncks , ll'io.
COTTON MD s York , nniiKIn , 10'Jo. ' Everett
h oi , It-e , Lowlston , 10 ( u , aa'iu ' ; MoikliiKiiian' "
1 le.
ri : > riNd \\hlto IMiio No 1.4 anil 0 In 1
mil 14 ft. f 191)j ) .No. - , 1 and ( I In. la mil 14 f :
Jl ! 00 ; .No. a , 4 anil li In , 10 It , JK..M ; No. .1 , 4 nn
C.ln all ItMiBlbs , flKOO. ; II.J.U50 , C , 1ICOO ; 1) ) . SIIOi
I'l.ooniNd-NVIillii I'lnu-A anil U , J.UOO ; 1
JM.OO ; 0 , fJ7.HO ; i : , t7 ! V )
-rot K Ilo tunsNo. . 1 onmtnon , 12 anil II f
s.'ini ) ; In ft , tl'1.00 ' , No.2ooniiiioii , U'and 11 f
tl 00 ; Pi f 1,11700
I I.IMM1No I ttbllc , 3i 111. JII.IO ; No 1 liai
pine. Mn. ill.VI ; No I haril pirn , J In , i.'l ' 00
So 1 luitl pint' , 'i In. J.'l.oj.
hTi ) ( K llitui > s-A and II , 12 In , M200 ; I ) , J
In. W7.00.
( iiioiiM'.i ) HooHN'O-No. 1 eoiniiioiivlilt
plno , 1. ' , II anil II. fl , fill 00 ; No 1 ouninion '
plno , 1. ' . 14 njiit 10 fl , ij,00. )
lIMl\slNs )
li fl It ft Ifi ft IS ft 20 ft 22 ft 21 1
2\4 * | 1 00 JI1 ( K ) } rv ( M ) Jlli ( I ] $1(1 ( 00 $17 f * * IS (
2x0 11 00 II 00 11 ( XI Hi 00 1(1 ( 00 14 0(1 ( H . '
2x 11 liO 1100 1100 11,00 1000 H 00 H . '
'xio. r.oo r. o1100 iii o ) 111 oo isoo is ;
2x1. . 11,00 18 00 10 OJ 1703 1700 1900 19 (
4x4 toss
s\s 10 oo in oo us oo 17 oa is oo 10 oo ; o <
IIOAllliS-.No. l ( Oin.Jlll.OO ; No 2 oem , tl'.OI
No II ODIII. 1I10D ; No. 400IH , i la. K )
.suit' L\r No. 1 plain , H and 10
> -J plain , 8 a nil 10 Ineb. ( l,1.r > 0 ; No .I plain ,
anil lolnelitl.-i.OO ; O. C , H IniMi. l i'io. ! '
HTTKNSVii \ : I.TUHIMJ , I'ltkirs- n.lnt
2'ln,7.ViHIS ! : , IIV ; : i-la well tillillll ? . I ) . .
M andllox .WIWi pickets . .V H. II it. JJ20I
1)V 11i ] , J.'I.UO
1'oilAKClear. . I-ln , nil nltltli ? , JJ-150 : cloai
'S-ln. nil wlltln ( , .1).M. )
V. 1'INK riooinsd-Clear 4 aniln In. ? JI5 (
slur , 4 nnd n In , J.'l 01 ; i Ift siweil , W Oioxtia.
riMsniMiWiiiih I'INK 1st and 2il uleir.
In , VH ) ( ) , IU , I'J nnil 3In. J110) ) : yd 1 li
l1tK ) ; P4 , I' ' , an(12 ( In , HCilK ) ; A soli't-l , 1 li
tl.MN ) ; | > 4. I' , und 2 In. Jl..OO ; It si-Ieot , 1 n
tllOlj l'4 , | > | Hilda In , J1J.OJ ; 0 soIt'Ot , 1 li
1U 00.
l'i NMI i NO Vnt our I'INK-Clear , I In , t.'iiO :
l < . l' < iind2ln.J7.00siail tn { Jl 0)
SMIMII.KS , LATH I'xtr.i , .VAX , ; Mum
aid. AA.V. JI,0fi ln.f.20 ; ' . In , I..CO ; No.
} | 20 ; ( udarVAX. . J.71 | lath. Jlil.
I'OITSiiltoipilarU In , 'iS IVJp ; 0 In
sqr. . UP ; .ri't In , 'iS lie ; ft In . 'k.- ; I lo .1 In
ronnil , I I'ji1 ' ; oak , spill. ' . ) ; rod I'ctlar , I"H" ,
Misli 'K ) pur cent : ( loirs. 41 pur oent ; blind
4diii | tout ; mouldings , 40 pur t-enl ; lime. Wi )
. hall , - ! ' < - : otiiient , AiiH'iIcun , tl V ) ; nt In
" porteil , t-I \ ) ; pListor M 2.1 ; Hliaw boaid , IIi.
fur bo.ird. ! i GOsVar foit. 1MO.
TIM 1'i.un-T r.lO J , $ -.10 ; t X. . lOvl
n2" > ; i-oke , llN.M 112. H7.V
! < TI HIIIK .N'AIMIlui)0,73 ) ! ; slcol llttl !
b ise. ( . ' .2."i.
MIK.T.I NT Si- .
.UomiNcl-C'liurcoul.I.O . , 14\5) , 112 , JOOOj
' '
IHOV Xo SC , lasOi No 27 , flTO.
MILurn Mrlclly lulf und half. 17'C.
\VniK--.l m baru , tli'.j siil. , ) IK'I.
II 1.1 ILK TIN bmiill pis , 30o ptr Ib ; bar , : i
per It )
. . 1 lanlshedboiler sUes. X\u \ IIPI 1
eold rolled.lOo per Ibj shcctln'bo per Ib ; |
und flith , : ilo per Ib.
( i M.X'XM/KI ) sIKKTlltON"IsPonilt | | 50-10 I )
ii-nt ; pat. plan Iron , Nos . ' 1 and 27 , A , Id's '
II. tnjc.
Another KIIUNI | | | 'larlfl Oiilnlon.
UOMIOV , Oct. UO-SIr Hoper LcthurliU
M 1' . , in a speech at SittiiiB Ilourno jcst <
day , said ho bcllcxed mther than Inju
KiiL'listi agneullural IntPi-fst , the MeKlnl
bill XMiuld tend to reliovoltof the btialn
excessive Aincilcnu loinputltlon.
Rurilot-k niood Hitters taken nftor call
w 111 reliexo any feelluir of weight or over f
ness of the stomach Hold overyxxheio.
U'lllOo Iliumto Vote.
WISIIINOION , Oct. ! IO. Pivsldcnt Ilnrris
nnd Attoiney ( icneial Miller will leave 1
Indianapolis Sunday cvculntf or Mend
morning' for tliu puriio.soof volln .
s , Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for eli
dren teething eoftons the gums uud allays
palu , ' . ' 5 cttuU a bottle.
Au Ix-Oathollo Priest Badly Done HI
by a Mob.
A l"i cuoli Cilj All Torn Upon Auuotmi
ol'a hoandiil In lll li LIIV ' 1 lie
Western Iliisulmll
AMi iifni , Muss..Oct. SO A former pries
milled Thomu * 1 * . Ku.viler dolli civil u Icetun
liero l st nlnht on "KotmmlMii. " AlthoiiKl
icpentcdly Interrupted , lie went through ti
tlio end. In tlio afternoon lie spol <
privately to Indies , oxpliiltiliig tin
sins of priests com cot oillth nun
In convents In Auii'ilca. A Urge number o
the tint liulius of the c'lty wcio iiicsont inn
hlflily pniK-d the o\-prlo-t for His talk Tin ( Jalholii1 cltl/ent , however , wcro In
illpnant. Last evonli.jr , \ \ lionhoMIS to pus
from the hotel , thousand * of eitUcns of u !
nationalities and i elisions i rowdoil tlio side
\\ulVc kMiUiiK to the opor.v house , i
distance of . " > IM jiiuls. The entire polio
foroo was on duty. ( . 'lies of "I'nin
idiit , " "Liar. " mid other obnoxious II.UIK
\\oioiisod \ In front of tlio poslollk-o Llio\\i'i- ,
of roilf * niul otlioi- missies wi-o livulcd
him. Oiio Iniw stone hit him ovc
thu temple , ItnooUlni ? him Insensible
Ho uas then tuKeii to thu oner
lionso and was Kiiek'tl with 'liniin
upon round of applause us , covero
with blooil , lie muunteil the and dc
livt'ied a bittd addioss against : thu Itoina
Catholic thtirih. Mho cltis uroitly I'tiltn
oxi'i" tlio oivuii'oiuo anil beiious t-oublo 1
fcai oil.
A .v.isrv JMf/.v ' * / sr.i.\/ > .u , .
'I lie .Major of Ton I mi fJem Himself li
Hut Water.
P\ui , Oct ! ! 0. The scandal nt Toulo
grouhiK out of the nriest of Fouroux , tli
niaj or , on the ihaigo of bi'lnpu paity to
conspiracy to opi'inllo
upon his mistress , Jladamo , lonqiilcrc <
lias occasioned much comnuiit owln
to the lilRh standing of th
persons Involved Mndamo Joniniioi-o
a cn.ole , is the wife of Caiit iln .lomiulios c
the navy , sou ot Admiral .lon < | iii ( IPS. she I
also sistei in-lw of I'niiloiilioiiiii
commander of the Tomuiln iiinidron I'oi
loux is a iPliioil nnwil otllcei Miulamo Ai
lijMlinthe dhoivedifo of a Toulon sollcltoi
was the ( ; o-between 'Iho operation \MIS pel
formed on the eve of IMptiiln iloiiqulcii's' u
turn finniu lonp MIajo 'Jho intliii iu.\ * 1
twecn thu inaMir niul Aliulam .fonquicios 01
tuned i\\o months a o Tlie luttpr tame t
I'.ms l'i om this city she \\ioto .Mayor Foi
iondeiniiuliiifr ino'iej Upon his tofus ,
she lomtnuniiuted the facts to the proiurcu
at Toulon.
nvsrjj .v .
i Which tlio Coining "MeetIn
at Omiili.i May M.ik" .
s Cm , Mo , Oct. ! iO ISpot'l.
Tin 13i i : . ] Mr UC ICranthtiuf
vice president of the Kansas City ball clul
today divolKfd soinu very liitou'sUng fail
comui Mini ; tlioVcstcia association. Thei
is only ono change impending in the i-ircii ineseiit Of coinso it is iniDosslolet
sny positively what action the base ball nice
iiiK "ill talto. Only ono eitj liusiimdodirci
and ufllcUl application for admission to I )
association and that is Grand Hipids , Mill
Responsible people from that city ha\o 111.11'
formal applic.itioii for n Western asboeLitio
franchise. It is thoieforo moru than prob
bio that , .is bioux CiU is anxious to RO on
the Mulligan city \\111 take us pluco.
makes a inneli nwro desirable ciicuit , belli
coniparntlvelj near Mihvnukee. As it no
is , Milwaukee is about as far out of the \MI
ono sldo us Denvct is on the other , milking
rather iiicoiueiilent eiieiiit.
The rules of the association will be revise
and sometliliifT will suicly bo done about tl
present mles Kovciiilng tlio appointincnli
umpires Insist jear there \\.is a deplor.ih
lack of s\sto.m ami great harm uas done. 1
the Oinah.i inec'tini ; stringent rules povei
inq tlio .ippointniont of uinplu
anil assuring that they aio coi
potent , honi'st ana fair , will dotiu
less bo nilopteil The inoutiii ) , ' \\i
elect oftlicrs for nnotlicr j ear. Mr. Ivrnn
hault's is thoonlj iniino mentioned. lie \ \
probably bo elected without opposition , anil
theofllcois tendciod him inthutuu } tie \\l
doubtless uciept.
If the Westetn association does become
major IcaRue , itill bo when tlio InU'iests
the bitf leiiKiiea have been pooled ] t will I
wlicn thcio mo but two leagues in the eas
anil that will lead to u lodistrioiition and i
foi mat Ion of tircultH In tint event , the pic
cut Western assoilation , ortlio iliviiltlornu
next Satuidav , could not bo allowed to stan
bt Louis would lie bound to como west. TV
of the piesent major IIMKUO towns \\0iild 1
allotcd to the Western absolution , and fc
Louis \sould bo ono of thorn. The oth
mlKht bo Columbus , but just now any one
thieo clubs would bo as likely us the otho
to ho thiown Into the Western usboclition
e.ise of an all iiround icvisiuii.
Tlmt .tliuan Catll Dull.
"Wisiiismov , Oct IW , The department (
state \\ithout information re pecllny t :
nlleced impoittitlon by Mexico ofailisciii
inatiiiBiln y of fTiDO per carload on Americi
cattle , icpoitcd fiom the \\est. Acting Heei
taiy Aiko sajshcn tlio Me.xlcan ( ; ovcr
mtnt , b ) a decieo issued a jear IIRO , Incrcas
the duties on imported r.ittlo anil suit :
which by the waj , weio Keneral duties ai
not dhieted especially tigilnst the Uuiti
States , the depaitment of state was Infoim
of the action within twcntj-four hours , a ;
while bo cannot deny the last lepoited J
tion , huis comiicllod to doubt it.
Ncr\c and Liver Pills.
An important aheovery. They U'toutl
liver , stomach and bowels through tl
iiPives. A new principle. They speoili
euro biliousness , had taste , torpid llvor , pll
anil constitution. Splendid for men , woiiu
and children. Smallest , mildest , smost.
doses for 'Jr > cents , Samples frtoatlCuhn
Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
Dcnlli ol' an I0inlo//lfr , I , Oet ill ) - Dennis P. Sul
van , ti-easiuer o [ the r.ither Mathew tot
abstinence society , who was chared aft
da\s ago with a shorta o of 1OU ! In his i
counts with the society , died jcstonliiy.
autopsy has been ordcied. as It Is
that ho committed buicido to
A I.lKlH in Kvciy liort'i.
To tlio Cliicngo , Milw uikco &St. I'n
railway belongs tlio credit of holnt ; tl
tliht in the country to icdm'u the matt
of oluctrlcliglitin of trains to sciunti
norfcutlnn. Ono of tlio novel foiitin
Introdueoil in the bleeping cars ih
patent olurtrlu loading lump iti each H
tion. With tills luxurious ] ) iovisl (
ruadliif , ' ut nitflit huforo and a f tin * rot
injj becomes as coinfortublu as hy ill
and when rutirin the toilet inav
inudo in comfort and hucluslon. * ! '
burtli roniliii ( , ' lamp In the I'ullin
blL'Mlii ( ( , ' oars inn on the Ciiica'o ( , , M
vaiiuco A St. I'aul railway , Ixjtwi !
Omaha and ChiiMf'o , IH patented u
cannot bo used bv any othoi1 rnilw
company. It is the ( jrcatent Itnjiio'
jnont of the ayi > . Try it niul bo c <
Sleeping curs leuvo tlio L'nion Paci
depot , Omaha , at lilU : p. in , dully , nir
in } , ' ut Clilcngu ut ( ) ; . ! ( ) a. in. Scci
tli'lcolH and bleeping car IxMtlisiit I'nl
Tlekotolllco , loOl J'ariiuin utrouHHarl
block ) , Omahn.
J. i : , Piinvio.v , F. A. NASH ,
i'libs. Ai ( 'iit. Cicn'l Agent
Vitu Storini'ii ami llurneil.
LOMIOV , Oct 1)0. ) Advices from Momb
state that (00 ( seamen anil inurines and
Indian troop- , took wit In the storming of
town of Vitu , which was captmeil i
burned Tuesday by thu forces bout to pun
tlio unlives for inusincrltiL' Oernmin Mirny
initlv es won1 killed anil a few members of the
Hiltlsh fostesiio uoumled A ivwaiil Is
olTeix-d for-tho captuw of Uukiul , inltnn of
Vilu , of 10tVX ) rupees
TliPVllll \Vost liidliiiis ,
As r\\iui' \ : , Oct HO.-iSpecial Cablegram to
Tin : llrr. ] John M HurUu anil the luillans
conneitedlth \ Huffilo Hill's she - Billed
hencotodaj for I'liUaJelplilu on the lied Star
Him steimer Holgeuland. I'rom IMilladelphiu
the Inillans will L'O to New York 1'rlur to
their dcp.irtiiio tor the \\est the.rlUl . lt
M'lishlnjrton and call upon 1'rosliltfiit Har
jut p or l'in < ,
I'rodiuvd from the l.ixiitlvo and nutritious
Julco of Cullfuriilt ! ! ( ! , cvnblned with the
medicinal \liluc4of plant * know a to be most
lienetlilal to the hiunui nstou , iuM gently
on the kidneys , liver and lioweU , eilectiially
cleansing the s\steni , dupolllng eoldsand
headmhes , and luting habitualconstlimtlon.
Killed hy Iliiimai-liiM llrl , nulf
l'i stli , Oil I ! ) The residents of the vil-
lane of Uii/ihasii are ou-lteil overaiiimo
eommltt d , A rormloaler named Hleli' , his
\\lfe , two ihlldrea and iimuiil serantero \
ut thoiallwu.v stition iiwaltlnp the atrhal ol
atiatn when luiganils undo im attack upon
the puty , all the members ot uhlchero
killed and lobbul.
A sort of lethnrgy sometimes gels posses ,
ilon of the kldne\s and bladder ; they should
bo pronititlv stlnmhitcd to healthful action by
the u e of lr. .1 II. McLean's LivtratullvUl *
ney Uiiltn.
C'niift i u III n
The dNhlct I'ouit ] my inlJosu Lovey vs
M A Upton returnt'il \crdiit ot iMiOO for
Judpo Clarkson has taken up the case of J.
( J. Kennelys tlio city , it being an appeal
from an awatd of $101 for gratling damues
iludgo IMauois heirini ? llanlet Uogen vs
Omuha Aiietlon and Sulo compiny et al , a
cause brought to IOCOUT seine lioubihohl
Hattlo Ouitei has hroucht suit to dissolve
the \\rildlng ties iietwoen herielf ami her
husbnnd , Joseph. She alleges that Joseph is
adrunlmtil anil at snmlij times beat her
with Ids lists , tluieby causing her gieat
mental snlterlnrf ami bodily pun.
II 0 U'\ries , seiietaiy of the Llmvooil
pule lind lompiny , has hronuht suit against
I'linniis T Hong and Jcnnlo 10 Dennis to
foioeloso two moilunges setiiretl on lots in
an ailditioi to South Omiilia.
In .Indue [ topo\\ell's iinirt the easoofM
12 Mmphj against the "list Mctliiullst
rhurihas tommoiiceil Murplij .illeges
that he bill on the umsti action of the new
ihunli at Twentieth and DmeiuwitAstteets ,
and that notuithstamlini , ' the fiut that his
bid wai { 1'HKi the lowest , the contract was
lot to another p.uh. IIo now seeks to
recover the amount heimld havvnnulo hail
ho uun awirdeil the conti let.
Unless more caio is ( 'ivon to tlio hair tlio
coming in in is liable to bo u him li ss nnininl ,
hence , to mi-vent tlio hair fiomfulltiig use
Hall's Hair Kene\\er.
Mw Annie \Viiethuch , wife of Chris
Wuethricli , dieil at 5 oMoek Wodnesilay at
tlio a 'o of foitsijcais , alter nn illness of
about two wet ks A short tlmo befoio lur
iloithMisVuethneb appcjii'd nmchhettir
than at am tinio during her illness , but neart
tionhlu milled to thoconiplicntlonsof tllseaso
and thi ! onil came biulOenly.
The will bohelil Irom the resilience ,
the KiMiorn Valley house , lorner
I21oventn and Dodjro stioets , nt 1 o'clock
tins nftotnoun The lomaln will be interred
at Mount llopo cemeteiy
The Sihwel/er gesangcrein anil the
Schnotrcn veuln , ofliich Mr.Vin.thrich
Is a inomher. will attend the fiuioid.
Mis NViietliilch i.iiiio to this countrj from
Switzerland in l v1 , jolniiif ! hei husband ,
who hud precclcd her toOniiha. Sim was
well known In this cllv and was UUntilled
witlisevuul societies composed of prominent
( jcrinan ladles.
AV Dlsonso I'linccoiiiilalily ] 'ro\nl Mil.
The picvalcnce of ailments attiibutabli'to
mlasniatio poison In the air that iieoplo
bioathe , and the wattr they diink , Is will
nigh unmcouiitaldo Kot alone in pestilential
swamps , li idly drained siibmban ilistilctand
marshes exposed to the sun's lays hy the
icceding tide , Is the sronign of humanity
fomiil liven in treat elticlieulllifully
located , skillfully sewiied. well looked aftei
in every ic-pect In as.mitaiy way , we linil
mnlaiia. Its prescnco Is often lnes.iillcable ,
but Its attacks lire nlwajs pievontnble The
nrotictoi is Hostittei's htnmnih llltteis ,
Thooradlcatoi the sumo iniinoa name
hno\Mi to tlioiisiniils tluoiiKliont oui bio u ]
land and elsorthoio ns u synimvm of iclicf ,
pre\pntlon and into of the insidious disor
ders in its abominable phibes chills anil
fevir , billons lunntteiit , dumb agun anil ague
cake , as well as others Xor Is the bittei
less elTcctivo for Indigestion , kldnej eom
plaint , biliousness and iheuiuatiain.
TNbTItUMHM.'a puool on rtoi > rd Oolo-
bi-i : w
1'Jnderson ritid wlfo to Alex Momc.
lot 2.1. blk 5. AiiKsl'laio . . . t tV
'J NI I ( ink 11 tut t il lo Mai in Den n , lot 21 ,
blk 5 "Table hand" . . . . . ! " . (
\\UonklliiKel ailo NellleO lleame , Int
22.ind SI , blk'i. "I'.ililo Land" . . M
Mullldn I' D.ililiuer and hiisband lul'
M llrinelieil , w ' 0 ft lot , " nnd H , blk I ,
Jill PI Is 10 plat "ill "
r lll'iem-h and wife toll \\amei \ , lul
7 and H , blk II Cintrnl I'mk . IXX
,1 ! Mdvell , Iot4-blkl ,
iLimiiiond Place . CI
Clirlsllanu llinsen and lioshandto IIS
31 icloon lot 12. blk 2. n I.Ufl lol 'I , blk
: i Arinslion 's first ndil , lot 17 to'JO. blk
" 1" s-nnnders X ll's add nnd lot II ) , blk
I , Baku I'l.iic
Knilld Maitln and wife toll II I'eirc
unil < II ( .ntiss , lot.2 , blK 1 , ' , lsiiic.1
William I Mnxwellii ) llfciuke lo't'll ,
blk r > and w , l."t ft lot I , blk7 , Svuesy's
iiild . . . . 1100
I ) V Sliolcs and xvlfe to \i \ M and M A
TiliiiiiKf , o .tl fill lot 27 , blk U , " '
Pl K O .
Ii.i \iii'anii ( | and wlfo to 1'iank Mlas-
I ; 10 , lot - ' - ' , blK 4 , Van Camp's add . 1,50 ,
Helen \\MUei and hush mil to 1" 0 Caul-
ton , n'i lot II ) , bll. .1 , sub of J 1 Itvdlek's
add . . . C,00
J M Weslfi IU Id to D It Wiuik'li , u nil IJ lot
U.blk J , MUiouil Axtniio | iuk . 20
( JI'ITd.MM llll l ) .
ii anil linsbiiul to
I'lekutt ' , lolii , blk I. ( Jiniilia Vlu
Miuy Cairnoy unillinslinid to id1'lck : \ \ -
ett. lot' ' ) , blkll , Oiiiulin Vkw .
in. MIS.
W D Ili-ckott ( special muster ) to I , Ilrad-
foid , lot U > , IIU ) II , Ccntialpailt .
Total amoiintof tiansferi . I
poiclios I'ullinin
ii'lllnliiffciii-H , free roclliiliiif cliivl
d " cais'toC'hieat , ' ! ) anil iiitorvinint ; point
IS . Hoek [ rtlnnil rnulu. Ticko
olllcc 1002 , Sixteenth unil r'anmiu.
'Jho folloulug permits worn Issnnl by th
superintendent of ImililhiKs ve
rs II I'luee ' two stoiy briik rcsl-
dpiiet , L.Un stnot mid Itiniloxiiid t 2" > 0
SaniP. loitj-llilidnnilOlilohtKits . ! , ( K
( J Nelson , oni ) kloty fuiino liiltaijp ,
'I III in ll-- ! ! and Siniitd nheoln . t-l
TranW Vowi'iU.i , ono stoiy fimno oot-
t lire. I'lililiPlb and \\alinil \ \ htn-i ts . f-i
Throe minor penults . . . . 4 !
Tolid . W. i
I'rimmy .soeu.i.aiy r
lortlarj | nriiiiiinll
( niul In 0 lo 00 ila >
ui iiaLOUB V < i Iln Inati. nil IMIMI |
i lletyrlfin BO Hi it llu iu can nctti ritunii
ineill ia > i > in any fiilln I'n HICK i uu lie lit attil i
lioino m well i\n ) ITP fi.rlbn Rnme jilii" unit unli
llin e ine Kiiaranlit- lint vrllli tlin.tvlio i.ldir
iiitno litu . MO Mill * on trait lo niru tliun ( ir riftnM n
iiinnoy tiliy | i inliro ti | .mc of tuiiilnf , rallrui
( ill ) nil I hotel lillll.
iDCuiflthu nust ctxtlnato i ftrfi. AVu t haU IIKO tl
wurltlfnr a r i > we ran iut run * himo tin history
in A ( Inu u tnif ri > rclllc for H > | hllU linn Ucn fuu
for bltil ncvtr foumj until our ilaulo Itttniily von d
( ( tviMid None ottit-r Ktnutiit.rito fur ufiiinn
Dnialia Jobbers ,
N * Matct-laU.
A. llOSl'E , Jr. ,
Artists' Jlatcriiils , Pianos anil
I.'lSIMiiKlii Slrix-t Omitin N'ott
Conl , foki , Ktt .
Jobbers of Haul ami Soft Coil. ,
i : Cor U'lliitiiillKtitiH * Stri-pt * Oni iln Vt'ti.
Shippers of . and Coke ,
_ ' . 'H yontlil.lliMtpPt OmMm N't'l' _
" " " "
li , > ( iiiotls anil N'ollonu ,
" " " "
! . K SMITH li CO ,
Dry ( iooils , Furnislilns Hoods and Notion ?
CoriH'r till ) iiiillliininl XlreoU
" "
linpoitcrs and Jolilicrs in lr\ ) \ Coeds ,
Ut'lilt' liiriii lilntiiiiiil ( i urnor lltli nmi Itntnoy
Slritl1' Oinithi Noli
rural ! uto.
Wholesale Dcalcis In Fiirnitiire ,
Kninini " "Irt'ol Oiuiilm Nobr.MVi
Oiuiilmpbm k i
Wholesale Groccis ,
nthnnl 1 rnvpinuntliIri'iM ilinnliii Ni'nn'Vn
" " " ' ' " " " " " " " "
liiiiiilit-r , lo. )
G , \ \ ' . noun LAS tcco ,
Dcalcis in llaih\ood ( \ Lumber ,
\nrtl IHU S li tli M Oniihn
_ '
Wholesale Lumber , Ktc , ,
piirli-il nut Xini'i 1-nn I'lnlluiil I uwi > ut "Into
UKCiit foi MII iukt < ollr > lriiiiMilonuiit ami
yiilni- \\lilU-l.lino
Dealer in liaiihvooil Lumber.
Mooil t irpolMiiul piiiiu-t ) II torliiK "III un < i I )
Lumber Lime Cement Ktc Lie
, , , , , ,
Cnrnrri'lli ' unit llmiiliii > > trrrl < i Dunlin
.MIIlliHT. ) mill Nulloii' . .
Iraporlcis and Jobbers in Millinciy ,
2U1'ID niul .MJ-oiulli Illli.licit
" " " *
Wholesale Notions and Finnlslnnji deeds ,
ll'l II u ni'v * tiip | Omtliii
Oils ,
Wholesale Refilled and Liibiicalin.4 Oils ,
AxIviiriMiiiM'ti Oiiiilu \ II llhlii < | i Mm iktr
1'n | n-r.
PAPR : c o ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
'tirr > n nlc i1 ftot k nf i > tlntln < i wut | > | iliiKiiu > t ui tii
( til ] 01 t-ot | tul uttuittou xUi'ii to cunl | Mir |
, Ktc.
A. L. DEANK te CO. ,
( ti' i nit \cintn tor
Halls' Safes ,
321 niul Jlmull Will S ( nnnhi
' 1'njs , lite.
II. ]
Dolls Albums Goods
Toys , , , Fancy ,
IOUPO hnriiMilniM.'K'iN ' ( lillihuii 1 Ciurliini'.X < ]
I in n nn "tn.'ol Ilin ilia , Nub
Will PI .SlllllpH. | |
Steam and Water Supplies ,
lliillliluy nltul inlll I'R ' iiil'i-'O l.iic"t llu ih
Ii I Hni < \i linn MIIIIIIIIT ;
Iron \Vorlci.
" "
Wrought and Cast lion lluililing Wort ,
: riKliii" < , lira < - < ik kMiii-ini fiiiinilrv 111:1 : Iniu imi ]
bliicLNinitli \ \ Ml. ( Dili o un I t.nik I I *
IU mil 1 III Mi"it ( iniiiln
Omaha Manufacturers ,
Huols , iiid Slioi-H.
" "
Wholesale ) IiiuiiiLtiiicrso , ! ( Boots A Shots
Aiflitnfir llu l.ui . KIII.IMTliii ) ( o IK , ; lluiiiml llW
lltinii' } In-PI Oimiliu Ndi
Laicr { Bcci Brewers ,
IVII Ndtb l lb trout Oinaliu , Vt-l >
_ j
Manufacturers ol Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window rniH | nml IIIPI ilk"kyllKlits Julm
| > riirli | > tor lIMaiul IIUunulli Hub nt
Wholesale Cijiars ,
VK N H tliSlrpi't llillo'"llil
JIanl'rs of lire .mil Burglar I'root ' Safes ,
Vuiiltn , ] nll nnrk Iron litiUTj niul lliot"-int |
( I Andrpon pr | > r I < ir llthnnil Jm k < 11 "tr
hash , Itiiiu-N , rH ; .
M. A. DIbHHOW & CO. ,
XVbolp-iiik' iiiiinufni turiTi'if
Siisli , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Drum liotllt o ntliuml In ft I Mrcot * Ornnln Nth ,
Sou tin
Of Soulli Oimli.i . , Limited ,
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $ OO.OOO
Surplus Jnri , 1st , 180O - B7,8OQ
OnicoimnilDlrecloriIlenrj JV Titi-i I'li-tlden *
l .l.H Heed , Vlc I'remlent , J m XV F.Tinif , XXj
V Mur < JotmH Uiaitn K U CJlUlnj J. N. m
l' Ulot , W. U 8. lluKUe , c hl r
Corner nth and Vtrmirntiti.
A Ocni ral llunklnc llusliicssTrniitaPtcil.
" \Ve Oncr'forSalc.
1'our tlioiiH. mil tonrliotpn U ilml Hay I' . O
MiarH , hlr.inx'i'i HIilliiK Liiton nr llointiil
Htiilloin , onO , M X Si 1' It U .In lull to null
iiiifhasur ; prlfUi -xulutel by ti < in irUt l
L'ullunil MM > in.
falOUX CITV , 10\VAj