Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Therowcro fdur minor IjullcHnj ? per
mits issued jcstorday , ng roRating $300.
Ono thousand vanes of ton from Japnn
wcro i-cMlvcihvt the customs house for
David Colo.
The paving on Locust street , the
Btrcot leading to Cut-Olt Island , WH
completed lost night.
The temperature , ns reported by the
locnl Bignal ollico yesterday vn-ms - follows :
At 7 n. in. , 38s ; at lOa , m.,600 , und at 1
p. in. , 07 ° .
Jolln A. Horbach 1ms brought suit
nKiilnstUie city to restrain It from sell
ing some of hia lots at delinquent tax
Biilo Ho alleges that the properly vus
illegally assessed ,
The paid flroinen's Iwnovolent aisonla-
tion ) icld a brief business session Sim-
dny evening , at vhich Itva ? decided to
hold the fourth annual ball of the or
ganization on Now Year's eve.
Mrs. Katrlnn Dollackor died Sunday
nftornoon at her ic.sidcnco , 801) Howard
Btrcot , of ho'irl failure. 1'ho ileceafcd
was 77 } ears old. The funeral will occur
today from the residence. Inter-
moat will bout lAn'cstLtiwn.
John .Tolmson , a .young mnntivotily-
HX ! yeaiM of age , dlwl at the city hotel
Simimv of consumption. Ho had been
in Colorado with his parents and the
party1 wore on the way to their homo In
Mouth Dakota. The remains will bo
forwarded to Brooking * county ,
South Dakota.
The tnlUimou'fl association lias fixed
tiou | ) anew scale of prices whif.1i will go
into elToet NoveiTilxT J , as follows :
J'oiirtcen. quarts for $1. Tlioso using
from ono to fonrqunrtH. inclusive , will
1)0 bupplied lit the i-Jito of hlxtoen quarts
for SI , and these using over four quarts
will bo given eighteen quints forU.
Tim Great Itciirdt
AVhlch people In run itovn stale of lioalthilo-
rlvo f rom Ilood'a 8ursan.irUla. conclusively
liiovcslliut this ncdlcino "inakos the wear
strong. " Jtdocs not actlllce asllimil.uit , Im
parting fictitious slrens'li ' , butllood's Sarsa-
parHlu builds up In ti perfectly nn.tmal way
ull the weakened iiart-simtlllc3tho Mood , and
assists to lienlttiy action thoaolinporUmb or.
guns , the kidneys and liver.
Jlow ( he Street Car ISmploycs AVcre
Kimblodto llctrislur.
Theofllcinlsot the Omaha street railway
company have been actively engaged durlnp
the past week in urging their employes to
register. In order that the work would bo
thoroughly nccompllshed each division fore
man \v 3 instructed to scothat all under
Ills linmediato cliarpo should ho glvea nil op
portunity to get their names on the list.
"Every employ oof the company , I under
stand , had registered by 0 o'clock last Thurs
day overling , " remarked Superintendent
Smith yesteiday morning , " \Vo \ have ef
fected uriangcmcnts by which all
jnea In our service will 1)0 given
llrao to cast their ballots on e'ectlon ' day.
'Ibis vill bo nccompllshed by our relicC sys
tem without the loss oC llmo to the men.
"Wlillo tlio company is making1 no client to
influence thosufTrago of Its employes on the
iiinondmciit question , I think tuoj1 will vote
ton man iiqjlrist It , for the reason tint a
number of them have worked on the street
oars of Wichita and other Ivnnsas towns and
the difference in their pay Is sunluicntto
cause them to vote for high license.
"Tho city railway company of Wichita
pays its men } ! . . " > per day for twelve ami llf-
tcen hours' work , while tno Omaha street
railway coinpiny pays Its cinplorcs S'J for
ten hours' -work. If so great a difference is
to bo made In their salaries us a result oE
piohi billon , the men liavo ft very decided
piofercuco for the present government. "
French novelty dress -patterns , S10
An unprecedented InrjyiUn. Ono lnm-
dred French pattern suits , in beautiful
combination , actual value from $20 to
$25. For three days only wo shall soil
them at 830a pattern lii our dress goods.
department. The Mono Dry Goods Com
pany. _
- on lOleut.Ion Day ,
Ben reporters yesterday mndo a canvass of
the business district of the city witha view to
uscertnlnlug the feeling of business men re
garding the cleslugoC their stores on election
In tlio canvass tliero were found fewer than
half a dozen prohibitionists.
Tlio sentiment was decidedly in favor of
closinglf riotduriiif ; thowholo , at least dur-
Inp one-half the day , in order to give elcrlw
and other employes all the tlmo rcqulroj to
A number or merchants said they could
afford to lese the business of half a do/en
days , and even months , rather than that pro
hibition should piovail.
Others stated , they would not only close
their stores , but would allow their men to
remain at tlo polls and work against prohi
bition ,
Every firm , however , announced that its
employes would bo afforded every oppor
tunity to cast their votes ,
Take Notice.
All members of the merchants and
manufacturers union are requested to
moot nt llornboryor'a linll , JTuobday ,
the Sth tit 2 p. m. II v ANDEUSOX ,
_ Secretary.
Work on tlio Viiuluot Progressing.
Three immense Iron girders , spanning the
Union Paclllo's switching trades \voro nr-
I tinged on the Tenth street viaduct Sunday.
Tlio work would have been nccompllshed
with great danger If undertaken wbilo
Rwitchlng'wiis inprofjioss in the yards , there
fore , the men wcro compelled to boist the MR
Biippcits on Sunday.
The contractors and worltmcn are contln-
imlly annoyed by petty tuloves who steal
scrap Iron , tools und nnjthlng else they can
conveniently conceal about their clothes , The
thieving is usually done during the day
while the work ism progress and the thlovcs
eseupe detection in tliocmwdof Idlers who
( oiiKirgatuin thoviuinliy to wittiest thocon-
fitrucllon. An ciTort will 1)0 ) miulo to keep
sight-seers at , a distance and lu this manner
keep thieves away. _
Ctltwm n/Onifl/ia / at homean < l atmad thonlit
rnncmltr that Hicmiictfnlii0 day * ofitjtatratlon
are KiMury , October 3t. and Safurdiij/ ,
ler t.\ \
S..A. Orotmrd.
Cnrpot , furtilturo and ilruporr.
W. ( } . Doty , a musician \vlio lives on Forty-
fourth street , north of the licit line.waj held
up by two mnstal men on Saturday night at
the crossing of thoBcltHnoonCumhiir. street ,
Ono of the men held uguti on Mr. Doty while
the other ( .earohcd him.
The ill fill way men secured but a small
amount of change , less than.1 ) , which was all
Mr. Doty had on his jvison , Onoof ttiorob *
bora found a small paivel ofcandv In ono of
his victim's ' pockets and , a f ter eating a piece
of it , asked whom it v.n for. Mr. Doty re
plied that the candy was for his little girls ,
The robber returned tlto piclcuso and told
Mr. Doty to hurry on home , an injunction bo
was not slow iu acting upjn.
Asa family incdlcino Ayer's pills excel all
others. 'J'lioy aw suited to every a o ami ,
being sugar-coated , are easy to tnko. 'IhouKU
seurvlilriK and thorough in effect , tlu-y aw
mild and pleasant in notion , and their use is
attended with no Injurious results ,
Sentenced ,
Juiljo Chrhsou sentenced John llurrls , col
ored , convicted oC assaulting ono Lizzie
Hiley , to the county jail for three months
and untli the costs of prosecution are pilil.
\VIUhunShlp , convletod of shooting Dora
Bounian with Intent to 1(111 , was given tivo
years la the penitentiary.
John Carpenter , chained with horsoitcal *
lug , pleaded uot guilty and was remanded for
John Cherrctt , charjjed with burglary ,
MOTJC'H Ncxv Department.
Wo opened n no-wJL.ANKiyr ! UKD
COMFORT department with new poods ,
new shelving- , now CKDAtl BIN'S , ana
In future wo shall sell all kinds o
blanlccls inthisdopartmont.
To Introduce * It wo shall oficr some
tpocinl bargains all this weol < , notably
nnd S10 , nnil a lot of all-wool blankets at
$3.00 $ a pair.
Wo are making1 ry lo\v prices all
over the store. Visit us wnlkaround ,
look things over , ask questions , compare
prices. No ono will urge you to buy or
wonder how much money you lutvo to
Cttittns ofOmaliuat lime anl aliroml slwtl'l
nncmlitr that the rcnt.tdilnffttdiioregistration /
me Fil'lau ' , October 31 , oiiU Satiu-dju , ZVoi'cm-
Itr l. _
German In 1'lve W'enki.
Prco lectures fully explaining- the
natural method noxtlViday at1:30 : and
8 p. IB. at V. M , C. .A.
IIA.IMIO Vl > CO.VLi 311M3S.
t >
The Alton Cnusiiig pJrnitl > lc O. F1.
Train on the .Tuinp.
"Tho slttwtloti nt the Union Pacific mines
In joining nnd Colcr.ido Is not nearly so
oad as reports indicate , " said an ofHclal of
the coal department oflho road. "The state
ment that the minors nt itock Spring got
only two or three days' ' worl { a week is false.
Since the ol August tbo men have been
norktag full time , nnd whatever delay they
have experienced lian only been temporary.
Our coal tr.iflle bus simply been enormous ,
nnd wo liavo hcen pressed for cars to
handle the output , "
No olllulul report has boon received of the
flro which Is reported to bavo been -liscov--
cred ntthoentninco of one ol tbo mlnei on
Sunday morning ,
Train's ' Scviiiicl 1'rl p.
Arnoiiff the passengers on Sunday's cast
bound Union Pacillo-Nortliwostern sleeper
was George l-'MiicIs Train , the "globe-
girdlcr. " Ho stopped only afev\ * minutes in
this city and was very reticent , refusing to
talk to any ot his acquaintances who chanced
to meet him at tliodetwt. Air , Tr.iln . is on n
second trip around the world liomado hla
last trip itisixty-thru.istl.tys . and liu declared
his Intention of making the trip this time in
sixty iliiys. This intention Is announced In
red letters onaliugo blaclt gilp which the cit
izen carries with him.
Didn't Ai'uoinplisli Much.
General I'asscnffor Aponts Loraax of tlio
Union I'aclflo and Francis of the Darlington'
have icturned from Cliiea/o , where they
spent tout * days list welc at the meeting of
the passenger committee of the Transconti
nental association ,
Hut little of a nature interesting to the
public was done at the meeting- , the work of
the session being confined chletlyto tbodis-
position of routine business.
A proposition for the reformation of abuses
In tbol'ueillc coast tr.ifllc UMS olfercd , but no
action was t.iken und the matter was made
the object of a special nicetlng to bo held on
November 17.
Thn Troitblcnt Ilnultler.
"TiinBKE was nhcad ofus in furnUhing
news of trouble la our affairs at IJouldev ,
Colo. , " said a B. & M. olllcial. "Tho facts of
the case aiothat wo liavo onlv recently pot
into shupc , by the standard guaging of
the Denver , Utah & Padtle , to do any
hnsiness in the way or liaulinR coal and
stone In that part of Colorado. The Union
I'aciili ) hail a monopoly of the coal business
( hero and ofcoursu wanted to maintain it ,
When wo wanted to cross tlio Union l'icilio '
traclt that company objected , and I sco by
tlio report In U-'nr. BI.B the people bjc.imo
very much excited over the contest. Wo
will certainly insist upon our riirlit to "Ct u
shuroof tliotraflie from that region. "
\Vestpm Tasseiiscr Matters ,
There is a prospect of another row in the
Western Posscnjer association.
There has been no howl raised for several
weelisnnd local passenger people have been
at a loss to account for the mission. The cry
has been raised , hoivovcr , this time by the
Alton , wbleb hns nr.ulo the charge that tbo
Burlington lias filled the scalpers' ' ofllccs nt
Denver , Kansas City and Omaha , vltli re
turns oC tourists' tlcUcU at low rates
to eastern points nnd that the
passenger business isbcin ? accordingly de
moralized. The Alton also threatens to
withdraw from the association unless thcso
tickets are taken out of the market ,
"I'ho Alton and several other one-horse
roads have a spasm of this Uiuu every few
weeks , " said a Ilurliiigton passenger oftlcial
In spe.ikingoti the charges. "Tlicv want the
Burlington to divide Its hip business with
them nnd hovl when tliey.aro refused ,
Bvcr ) thing reasonable lias been done to keep
the Alton In the association. I f it withdraws
a demoralization of latcs will iirobably fol
low but the Alton ran stand less of that
business than any other road in tuo associa
tion. "
Free Ijculurcsat Y. M.O. A ,
Fully explaining how a practical
knowledge of Goriiun can bo acquired
In uvo wcol < 3 by tlio NATURAL
METHOD nox Friday at 4:30 : and 8p. in.
at liomc anil abroad ihoull
renumber Unit 7icrfiiiliif ( iodciy * ofrcglttmtton
arc Friday , Octvbtr 31 , and SatwdauKovem
ber I.
Stolen Property llpcovcred.
The bugsy , harness and blanltct stolen TTrl-
day night from Balthus Jettcr was found
Sunday on the Tennau'a farm , nbout a milo
south of 1'ipilllon. On learning that a rig ,
answering the description of the stolen one ,
was at that point. Mars hill Brennan went
do\\nnml brought back tlio property , The
horse stolen at the snmo tlmo has not been
found nor has any clue to the tnlcf been dis
.About 1'nrsniiR.
ISIrs. Ernhout , wife of Dr. 13. L. Ernhont ,
and daughter , have gone to Minneapolis ,
\VillIamMaxwell and 3Mlss Lou Charles of
Avoca are the guests of Mr. und Mrs. Charles
L. i'ortcr.
Wr , nnd Mrs , J. A. Hysham and Mr. and
Mrs. Vcrnon Hysham ot HcilOak , la. , uro
the guests of Mr. und Mrs , S. 1) . Kyncarson.
Charles II. llrodrlck , nscnt of tlio Chicago
it Northwestent , has jmt returned iroin
O lioyen no an d LarntnleVyo. . , v hero ho s pent
a foitnlKht.
Mr. and MM.V. . Summers of Syracuse ,
N. Y. , nit ) the guests of Councilnvm ami
Mrs , K. fowl. Mr. nnd Mrs. Summers are
on an extended trip through the Dominion of
Canada and tbo western states.
Note * About the City.
Mcrrell. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J" Tl
Dean , Is down witU diphtheria.
Democratic dUsatlsfnction exists to a con.
siderablo extent over the causus nominations
inado Saturday nisht , but it now looks 0.1
tliough no independent ticket will bo iu the
The mission In St. Acnea * church , bclntr
conducted by tuo Itcv. 1'athers Mauror und
Sliea , 0. S. S. U. , Kedempionlst fathew ,
frem St , Louis , Mo. , will close this oven-
UiK , Nearly ouo thousand netsons wcro un
able to gala admission Sunday night.
Bwift&Co.'a ' new cooling house Is about
completed aa fur as the brick woilt is con
cerned. The lUth story will bo llulshcd to
day , Carpenters vlll litilsh tlio lasldo worlc
as fast as possible. As soon us the worlds
eomiitetcd on the coollbt ; bullJlns the work
men wilt coniinonco on the bo ; ? hfmsos and
boiler and engine rooms west of the tracks.
CltfienioOmaionl Jiome and aliroul ; oulil
remmbtrthatlhe rtmntnlnmlaiiiof rtvlttrrAlcn
nuFrfiliOttalier ] / 31. and ScilurUnv , 4 > wtm- (
auiC3ia ;
A. 3Io\o to flftvo tlio lleK'strrtt-s ' Hene
In Qlicflct'itpficltlc * ,
ThoquMtiotiof judges and clerks lit tlo
ensuing election Is cngro. jlng the attention
of the citizens. It It Is also one which must
bo considered by thoofllcIaU of both the city
and county nnd must bo acted upon , nt best ,
within a day or Uvo.
Thus far , thcso ofllduls have given but lit
tle attention tothe matter , notwithstanding
that the papers ot tbo city have on several oc
casions referred to It
It Is conceded tbat tno election onicen
should , this year , boaa exception In Intelli
gence , accuracy and penmanship , to these
vvlioixs , nrule , net on such occasions. If they
ho not , the work of dppo'lUng tlio
ballots on election day will bo letnnledand
the announcement of the vote will bo delayed
beyond precedent. This is admitted despite
the fact that the number ot voting preclnoti
in pich ward has ten iilmost doubled , be
cause the rcnistiutioiiH much lartrevlhtm It
over w s bafow. So much so is this ttio case
that a number ot the preciticU lu o now
rejlstcroJ mo re voters thnn wcro refilsterccl
when thoprecincts licked W per cent of be-
in us numerous ns they nro at the present
time , This is evidence oC the fact thnt every
voter is interested In the comlnt'clcftloit and
intends to poll his ballot to knock out prohi
AVIthoutootTipetcnt people , thfrofow , to re
ceive nnd count the votes , It is admitted that
tli is Interest atiddeteiinitiatlon will not avail ,
especially If , because of Incompetents , tl.o .
vote should not bo recorded. Mho promised
attempts of prohibitionists to dlstr.mehiso .
citizens ulll eiiuso delay cnoURlnvitbout ex
perlcncltig any more within the polls.
Several otllcials straiten toby lir. ) : reporters
liavo.subscribedto the views of this piper * on
the subject and say that thcv will leave notli-
ln > . ' uiulono to secure the host men for the
woik , 'J'hoy liavo personnlly solicited n num-
dor of the cloiks In tha county and city
ofllres as well as in the railroad
hendQunitcrs tont-t at tbo pollsnnd have 10
Cfived a number of responses in thoafllnna-
Commissioner Berlin says that ho Is In
favor , whenever practicable , to appoint the
ivjjMr.iM ns judses nndclerlH of clcetion.
They nroalrenily fumlliur with the lists , as
also wl tli ninny of the voters , They know
wheio to Had the names , and can as a rule
record n vote In one-third lea ? time than a
board of strntigoofllclals could do.
1'ho ' other commissioners , lie thinlts , favor
this plan , and there Is little doubt but tliat
it will bo carried out. Ho says also that sev
eral of tbo brightest young men la tlio coun
try precincts and tlio city liavo mudo
upi'lluatious for positions on the
several election boards , nnd from
them will bo selected n suf-
llcicnt number to till wnatevcr position may
not bo tilled by the icgiatr.irs. .
In ncnily nil the country precincts how
ever , the judges and cleiks of election liavo
already beoa elected , luvvlng tccu voted for
at the election in November of last year.
These , ills picsumcd b.y some , nro now em
powered to net , but this \ IB w Is not held by
well in formed pee pic. If objectionable people
ple nre to bo found among tliein , they may
readllv bo removed , because only a few ot
these elected havoqunlilled. His held tliat
tlieyshould liavo qualilledon tholirst of the
year llko nil other county oftlccrs.
Three of them , however , qualified two
dnjsngoand there isno doubtbut that moro
of them will qualify today.
The commissioner ! ) will moct Wednesday
morninq to take action on thosnbject. Tlio
judims and clerks in the county precincts as
above referred to nuns follows !
MILLAIil ) .
Judges Dr. nbiier,13r.JaskeKou , and John
Clerks-William Poppcnhagcn , Henry Kcl-
M'Aitni.r ' ,
JiulRcs-F. A. McArdle , C. S. A very , .Tolin
Clerks . C. McArdle , Elijah Allen.
JudRes-.Tosenh 1'halen , H. C. Thomas , F.
Clurlts- . L. Crosby , Mulligan C. Clark.
JudRos-Ilonry AVilke , J. T. Pliant , Robert
DwUdaloiuul Henry Simoasen , the latter
two receiving soventy-thrcu votes each.
Olcrks-Moiris Cruneuieycr , C. J. Ivlou-
JnilRe < EJ , Bicssj * , Geoigo 1 , Drexcl ,
Frank Gclston ,
Clerks-James W. Moore , F d Moultou ,
Judjcs-V. II. Thomas , F. Whitmoro , P.
Harrier ,
Clerks-William. Mitc-licll , JD , E. ruffer.
WATI : n i oo.
Judgcs-W. II. MeCurJ , J , U.Vfttta \ , L.
ClorlM-J. It.ratts , Otto Vogt.
Judges Kick Weruen , Henry llelclc , it.
Clerks-Philip Mcrpon , II. Kloy.
The colored republicans of the Fifth ward
will meet at 719 North Sixteenth street this
oven ins ; to perfect their club organization.
Dr. 11 * , O. Hlckelts will address a meeting
of the colored republican club of the Sixth
ward utllio club headquarters , Twenty-sixth
nnd Lake streets , this evening ,
The republicans of tlio Fifth -\vard will
bold a rally nt Erf ling's liall , Sherman avcnuo
and Ohio street , tills ovcrlnR. Captain .Alex
ander , W. F.urlcy ( ! , B. S. Baker and other
prominent speakers will bo present.
Citizens nf Omatia at , home anl tiliroatl s7iouJI
rtmcmlitrtlidttlic r < maf iii/ ( [ < I
die FrUtu , October 31 , and
1'ior. Ij. S. IO | KO
Will deliver free lectures at Y. M. C.
A next Friday at 4:30and : 8 p. m. , fully
oxnlninlnprhoxv a practical knowledge
of German , can bo acquire din iivo weeks.
Produce tli o f lave.
Judge D u tidy received a very pathetic let
ter from \Villcrfordof \ Tobias , who bns
acquired consldeiablo unenviable notoriety
as u slave owner , and who was served with a
notice to produce tbo colored boy whom ho
claims to O\MI In the United States court at
the first of next term.
Willcrford states that ho is n poor man nnd
is unable to bear the oxpinso
of a trip to Oinalm , nnd asks that the case
may bo tried hi his own county. The letter
details at length the poverty of the Wi'.ler-
fords and their Inability to raise the neces
sary funds or to procure suitable clothes.
Judge Dundy directed that Willcrford bo
rotltledto produce the hey m court at the
tlmo spcelHedin th&wilt.
ProfilliltIon Spies.
The snoalibfj hirelings ot the jirohI billon
fanatics nro coming into town daily ,
They nro quartered in ones nnd twos nttho
different hotels nnd are studiously trying to
conceal the fact that they are in the employ
of the frce-whiskyitos , wltoso dirty work
they liopo to do on election day. Careful us
thov arc , however , they ttavo been spotted
and will bo watched moro carefully titan they
will bo able to wateh these they nre paid to
look uftor.
CltillnUmtcniof Jlomoe-
0 Yeoiitno Similar ! .
The rlWlajority
Of so-MltdlcoiiRli-cnresilo little moro thnn
Impair the dlguilltc function ! and crealo
bile. A vet's Cltctty 1'cctoral , on ( lie con
trary , while Ittucs tlic cough , does not In
terfere ulthllm ( unction ) of cither stomacher
or Ihcr. > 'o btli < r ineillclao Is so sate and
ctllcaclous In tllicases ot the thtoat and
afcvoreeoM , which
was follovcJbyia tettltilo cough. I was
t.crysckt ! amlioonHnedtoiny kil ahout four
inonlhs. 1 tai | > lic ) ) < l a physician most of
the time , \\\\n \ \ nnally said I wns In coimtm | > -
tlon , mitt tliat he coulil not helpinc. One of
my nclghtor.i mhlscd mo to try Ayei'i '
' - ilUlso ml before t hnd
Chetry 1'ectcn-al. II , a ,
nnlslieil tnkliiR the first bottle wasnble to
alt tip nil tint time , niul to go out. lly the
time Iliad Unlsticd the bottle ' .was veil , ami
have remained socverslnec.- ! * .
llartoiisvlllo , Vt ,
Ayer's Cherry Pedtiral ,
IMIll'AItEl' ' BV
DK.J. C.AYEIlfi : CO. , XowollMasS. ,
Bold by nil limuultti. 1'rlcj sfl , ilx bottles , $5.
C. L. Krif eon , I-jcul Agt,20tt K. 10th St
EUV. Anunrall-
liulVoikno4a ,
Hporuinto.rUiua ,
I m polo noa n it
all dlicanc ! that
rolloir in so-
qucnco o ! Solf-
iitniso ; ns Loss
R..nD.T VI
mtnlnll.o Back , DlinnP9 < cfVInlon. I'rcnmturcOla
/cc , nnd ninny other tllica'c * tliat lead to Insanity
or roiipuiu | > llon mitt niiroinnturo tirnvo.
IJT Kull jinrllcnlarjln ovriainplilctvMMi | woilo-
ilro to irnil fna by mnll to etcry one. sf'l'lio 9pp-
tlllo SloillolnnliPioId at tl Mr tmckiKO. cr lx imck-
nscs lor (5 ( , or lll boient free by mail on rucvl
Ilio moncjf , byxlilrcs'liiK
1110 FAii7M > r STUKKT , OJIAIIA ,
On nccount ( it counterfeits vro live adopted tlaa
Ttllowwrnyicr , the only tcnuluo.
A Noted Divine Says :
lht\vobceiinlticT"ttti | Llrer Pill *
for Dysrcpwin.Vcalt Hloiianrli oiul
CosUtoiitiiH.HlIU nbicli I
bccnnl'fllctotl ,
I iicicr aiatl unj t li liifr to do n eio iiiucl
irotnl. Eri't ' ! oiiiiiicinl them o till a
. "
otci c.
v.a1. K. ISJOOI ( > , New TTorU.
OJJlco , y & 'il Purli Place , N.TT ,
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
Th most wlrtoly and favorably JcnoTmipoc-
Ulistiln the Unltoa Mates. Their lon < ox-
perioneo , ronmrlciblo fldll uua unlToraalsuc
cess In the treatment and cure ot Nervous ,
3hronlo ntia Hiirgleal Dlscnici , cntltlo these
eminent pbvstclHni to the full condclcnco of
tlio nnilotcaBvoryivhcro , They iruarantre :
( ho awful elfoutMof uarly vlcoaudthe numcr-
OUH OTlls that follow In Its train ,
ipoedlly , oomplotfly nml permanently cured ,
OKUEItB yield readily to their nkllirul troat-
guaranteedoiirtd without palu or detention
from ImBliipss.
contly und lucceisfully curcJ I n every case ,
m.'itorrhonBoiclnil AYcakntM , IjOitlManhood ,
Night Emissions. Decayed 1'ai-ultlec , Fcnialu
iVuaknoHa and nil dollcato dUorderi pocullnr
to cither lex positively curi'd , as wall at nil
functional disorders that ic.nilt from joutli-
fill follies or thocxcossof iniituroyenri.
TPirTlIP Ifaunrantood potmnnently
J t IxH-i lUlvlj otiri'd , removal ootiploto ,
without cuttlnK , caustic or dilatation. Ouroa
tfTected nt homo ly ) patient Mlthout a mo *
lueiit's piilnor nnnoyanco.
A < CITT1 ? PI1PT7 The nwful ofTocts ol
oUKHLyUKll eai-ly vlco vhloli brings
orpnnlo wealcncis , dnstroyliu both mind anil
body , with all Iu Urcadod ills , periuanonty
cured ,
HP's ' RCTTQ Address these Mho linrelm.
L/l\a LliL 1.0 paired tliemnohca by lin.
projier IndulRonco nnd Kolllary InbltH , which
ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for
buslne is , stuc\y \ or ninrrlaRO. .
MAltHIEU MEN or these fintorlns ontlmt
hujipy llfe.twareof vhysloaldobllity. qajolilj
Is liajftd apoa facts. Klrst-l'raotloal iporl-
enct , rteuond Krury case Isspeclnlly ntuulod ,
thus itartlQK tight. Third-Mtdloliiei are
prepared In our Inlioratory exactly to suit
oachcuso.thuB effecting euros without Injury ,
Drs , Betts & Betts ,
" " - ' VWATERS'iSlfr
Niture'i Tonic , Diuretic and Uric Solvent.
C K. MOOHEA CO. , Agli.S5 \ \ Dodge St.
G. A. . Lindquest
Merchant ; - : Tailoring
Imltpi his old frlomls nml jiut-
rom , anu > ll ID tlio ponoral pulilllci c-ull ainl
liife | > i'ct liUno\v ! ooKjf ( hiMiuitod ( < d ( iomustic
woolens. nvoivtlilun'Urstclihsmi !
ESTABLISHED )87 ) 4. - 316S. 15TH ST
A I'll ) I M ofTootli
on Hiihlictrt for
nt niiiirautecO. . 'J' 'lli o.xtraotcil
wJtliout riln or clangor , iwl will out imucs ;
tlicilM. Qol l mid iilvor H ii < lit ; lowpit
rivtcs. Hrldpo mid C3ruviiurlv. \ \ . fcuihwUli-
oiitlut | ) < H All work wiirwntcu.
Entrance , 10tliBtroctoluv * tor , Opcnovun *
n the country , carry the stock and variety of Men's Shirts and Drawers \vc do , Our
ooins for surplus stock , arc crowded with winter underwear and other furnishings , purchased
n larg-c quantities in anticipation of the increased cTuticswhich must now be paid on imported
voolengoocls. Having saved this increased duty , we arc enabled to mark all our immense
stock at exceptionally low prices , This low scale willconlinuc as long as our present stock lasts
The following lots which \ve \ place on special saleforthis week , will be found c.Mraordi-
lary barg-ains ,
Men's fancy striped Camel's Hair shirts and drawers , silk bound at 350 each.
Plain Camel's Hair , silk bound and silk stitched , with ribbed ends at 500 each.
Fancy heavy Cashmere shirts and drawers , finished shoulders , neat stripes at 65c.
Superior natuialwool shirts and drawers , of excellent finish with ribbed ends at 750.
All the above are grand values.
Our hosiery is sold at about one half the prices other stores charge. Our assortmentJ . . .
mmense. In this department we offer this week the following t\vo big bargains.
Fine -wool seamless socks at i5c a pair. Others are selling these at 3oc.
Very fine merino , full regular nrade , of handsome shades at : oc.
In gloves we carry a full assortment ; all the desirable styles for driving and street wear ,
Nothing but vyliat is of reliable stock and of good make is sold at our glove cuontcr , as we war *
ant every pair , Our prices are positively below everybody else.
Within the past few clays we have received an entire new stock of hats. We venture to say
hat during last week we opened more hats than a good size hat store would get in in a year.
\Vehadaiiimnienscruninthisdcpartmeiit \ , and were obliged to stock up again , and now wo
are ready for another am. Latest shapes and prices , lower than ever.
Open , until S p. m. Saturday , 10 p. m.
Corner 1411T. and Douglas Streets.
American Sewed
: -
Are tlie Exclusive Western Agents for the
The largest man utacturors ot rubber footwear in ttio world. Wo carry the only complete stock of first-class rubboH
goods in the city. Prices ahvajs the lowest. Correspondence Bolluitoil
"Manifestthi ng s
require no proof/ '
for corning cold
weatliep will soon
become Q necessity.
"W"e have prepared
ourselves for the in-1
evitabl e demand
and "beg to call at
tention to the excel
lence and finishxpf
I the garments in this
'line ' of goods which
i we a re now offer ing.
Take "Time b y
the forelock"4and be
ready for the cold
Eye and Ear Surgeon
1310Dodso Street Spectacles nccuratsly
fitted. _
A POSITIVE inilpeim nortCUnE for all
dlieasHoTtheURINARYORGAlNs. Cures
uhcre olhsrtrtilmemiills.full diitctioniwllh each
toitle. Priceono dollar. See signatured E , U
51AHL. ForOaloByAII
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Fevcntepnjenrs'experience. A rccnhr icrndimtoln modlclnc , ni illplomii | IOIT. Fi "tlllcuilrliii "rift
the urcnlost succo' 8nll Norvoiis.Uiroiilcuml l'rlviU < Mllu.i' < ci , Vpormiiunt diroitnirnniml I'irC.itarrli
l-iflinnlorrhirn | , l/isl.Mnnhr ( ) ( l , SoiiilnunVoakiH'si , .Ik'lit Ii os , Impoli'iicSyplilllv dtnutii nn 1 nl
dlionxcior tlioIllooil.Hklniind ITrlnnry Orcniii. X , II. I ituarnntooFfiUJ I" ' every c.iio 1 un Int ikiHint fal
locore. Consiil'juloiifruo. UooUiMjulcrloj ufUfo ) out Iroo. Oillto liuura'iu. ' . iu. to M p. in , Sunday
M a in , to 13 m.
Nlclt Ilrailnrlin.
'anil uurilj ciirij.
. Mpjifiiiitiumiiuuiul-
cit or vtjitatlcs III-
, rVj 'iK.to4& * piiu m
.Wli Hal.
Sick , Headache
19 absolutely iiircU by
.Irtb'sllllleVephHePilli ,
' to pcni i vi ii n fur on nni ,
orb fur ft. Kurialotifdruviiilr.
ortiy mall. AiJJicps
t Co. , tor ISIIi & . lliiiiKlin Slri'Cti.
J. A. fuller 4. ( , Cor lllli : HouKliis 61
A. IJ. I'ubter A Co louncil lllulls , Icma.
1303 Fnraa/n
P , ,
City P .230n or and Tlolrot _
"Bjrn thoroiiKli Inowlwlifo < ) ( Ilio nntiirnl Inwii
Hlilcnviivurntliii OKratloni of illuiotlun iiuilnutrl-
llcn. mul liy nirofnliip | jllcatlonor tlio line iiroimr-
tics oritiill icloctol C iin , Mr Kp | > lmi pioddoil
uur broakf < i ltnllciivltiiacli'll''iilly ( tlaiori'illmiT-
tk'o which unr so vo us many hcovi iloilors till" It
U by Ilio jinllcloiiiuioof MIO'I iitllcli'H ol cllrlllini n
toiiHtllutlonnmy bosniJcaliy liulll ununtlt Mronu
I'liouiih to ri'ulit OTcrj tciuluncir to Jlioap. Him-
ctrodnof nuUluiimlr.OIOH iirclloallnn iiiininil in tciuly
tuntluik wliotovurtlKTO l < n wonk jiulnt \\uiiinjr \
( ouMHimnrafataiiliiifttr kr-cfjiin : oiirinMci Hi-ll
JortlUol l tli nn robloful , ami u iTojierly M'.iirljlieil
Jniiiio , C lilIBfrrlMlinn'lli1. . , , , .
Mud ilniilr | wltliliull nwnternr nillV , SoWonly
In liall | > ounailrinbr cr icrrt , Inteluil Iliui.
IAMF1 PP * ! A'ft ! ( Honi ijatlii'lli -m
1 JO X .
JAJlLj < w. , i.ouJou , iii-iaii'J : : ' ,
TIII : Kitnmi : . "
Tim figure O in our ilnlcs will make n long ifftf.
No mau or uoranii now llinglll cvrr ditto
document without UBlnjr tlio ftguro 0. It itandi
In Ilio third place In 1KO , whore It lll remain ten
yenra nml then move up to second placaln JWO ,
wlicra it " 111 rest for ono hundred jenrs.
ThcroIsauolhcr"9"tthlahluisnlsocoinotoBt y.
It Is unlike the figure Bin ourdutcsln the respect
that It lini already inovcil unto first plncr , when
It v.lll permanently rcranln. It Is calkil the " .No.
B" High Arm Wheeler A. U'il.-on Scnliisr Maalilno.
The "Jio. 9" wns cnjorhcd for first i-lncchy Ids
ex [ rts ol Kurcpc ut the Pails ix : [ iviiu. n of IW ,
where , tittcrn scvtroooiitL-stwitli tin : k-iidlm : iniv
chines o ( the norld , Itvns nworJul the onlj
Grand Vrlzcphcn to family scwlnt'in.ichlnrs , all
otlicri on exhibit lm\liiK reccln > il JOUIT nwnrdi
Dt gold medals , etc. The I'rriieh ( iuvrruraenl
also rccounUcd Its nil pcrlorilyl'j llic ill-corn ! Ion ol
Mr.Nathaniel Wlit-rK-r.rreilJintofIliu - cCiupanjf ,
with the Cro B of the Lcylon of Iluiior.
Tl/o "No. 0" Is not en olJ iimchlno Improved
upon , but is nn cnlirely ni'W innchuin. mid tl.a
Grand PrUoat 1'jns as. uarded lint IliOKrunJ.
estadvaiiciilii * c\vinKiiiuelitDo \ iiioclniiiitin of tl. _
URC , Tlioso who huylt cun rest M.iiru
foreof Imiui ; tliovvrylntcstund Lett.
WHEELiil : & WILSON JI'F'O ' CO. ,
180 nud 187V/ulmuh J'.vc. ' , Chicago.
R. I' . Pf.OODMAX ,
U20 North Sixteenth Stroot.
poit , fyri 1.1 llnirilli'i > k > . .i , ilrlui Irttli. III4 , Mlb
III , lunllnoui Urrr l < < r KI lilIIT ILim.k ill \fflld
I'lilTH , iMUrlnlHtmlolllllLTIIl.d tll/cilllll HtllKWllC
Kl.llrlt Imrtnl Irll Imllillj. ( I Illllll ttOuu Iu IllU ,
IlKLT and Rmp BiftrT Ct M ltlt I ) , tad p , V * 0111 <
nurllvlar d U ir > rt Diootbf