THE OMA&A. DAILY BEE. TUESDAY/ OCTOBER 28 , 1890. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. F2 DVEIlTl'sEJIENTS for Yhf s polumVtrllJ .l > tnk < n until 12:3) : p. in. , for the ercnni dlllon ami until fi : ! > l p. in. , for th norntuu dltlon and BumU-r Ilii. . nllBMS-Caiihlnndranco. i'/l , * ! : charzoil for t ihorntoof 1H cent per word foitho tint Iniertlon and Iccnt per word for " Mh ubsoquont Insertion. and 11.60 per Una it month. No ndrcrt'.sement taken lot tli than 21 cents for tliu flnt insertion. "NITI.AI.S , figures , symbols , etc. , count each AII ono word , JT1HESE naYertliiemisntfl must run consecu' JLtlrely and under no clreuuitnncct will Ihij bo taken or discontinued Itolnphone. ) . PARTIES advertising in those columns and It brivlnj their answer * nddrossed to a "nutu- bind Ictlnr" In earn of THE IlEiwlll rccclr * p , numbered check tornnblo them to get their letters. Answers will bo delivered only on dentation of thhcheck. Kncloso nnswcri K envelopes properly addressed , Vli ndvprll'emmts under irm hend ol A "Special Notices" nrn published In lioth the nornlngand evening editions of TllKllEi : . the Clroiilutlrm of which aggregate inora thai 90,000 pincri dally , nnil gives the adtcrtlser * h benefit not only of tlin lnro circulation nf ' . /fill IJKEln Omaha , but also lu Council HluffJ , .Lincoln and other cities and towni In the weit i , BRANCH OFFICES. AflTprtlilnf ! for thc o columni will he tnVen en tlio above conil Ulons , at the followlrt ; buil- mtts home * who are authorized to tnkcnpccUl uotlcod. at tlio skino ratci as can had ut the ynaln olTleo. SOUTH OMAHA HUANOII OB'FIOB No. 862J N Street , Muter lllock. _ _ * TOIIN W. DELL , Vharmaclst , 820 South Tenth t ) trcet. _ OHASn .t KDDY , Otatloneri and Frlnttti , 113 Bouth 10th street. _ * 6 "if. f ARNSWOIITII. VharmacUt , 211S Oum- Insitrcct. _ " J.HUOHESrharm clstC21 North th atreot. GKO. W. PARK , I'harmiolst ' , 1718 Le y n- worth Rtrcct , _ TTUGIIES' I'll AHMAOV.Slth and Farnam. rjr B rr UAT i oxsv A xfis li. J'wratti , ttc. , itt lopont c/iliimii on l/ita / WANT1.D 1'oslllnn hy peed llvo salrsman otid col lector , ( lood rofproiici" " . Address A 10. Hco i ) like. Coiinull blutTa. I\l \ 13t-3 : TX7ANTRn Poslllon asadvcrtlslns sollctor ' by a rustler ho cnn handln adxortlsers. Adaris9 li U , lluo olllco , Council IUnlT . Al 1S3-S3 _ _ AriACTICAI ( ( hook-Iicoiior wants position > vlth n. uholosalo liouso ushonk-licepnr cronBhlcr. Ton yrari experience , ( lood rof- cronccs. Address ? . 4" , lice. ,31197-UO * WANTED-Pltuallon by a sensible Kbntle- w ulna 11 notnfrald to worka-ihousnKecpei' orto earn forchlldn-ii. The New Kmp. Ae'cy , tunic bid if. ICth and Dotlgo. J1IW ) aj " _ ANTri-Hltuallonby : two InillM nlthnr Inundrv , ehaniher ork or housekeep ing. ( . ' .ill Tuesilny und \Vodacsnny at & ! FonthllthHt.oIty. 1110S 2S AIiAI > y who hastanpht In Washington and Ueoreetnnn , and had ch'irceof Industrial Bchool , wishes Homo lucratho oniploymrnt , oorctary or ofllco work , compiinloii or nurse lolnvnlfd ladv : no objection to leaving city. Address H4i ; , Huo. 1 J 'JS WATTrTT | 7Ity Lilly nC larce experleneo , jiosltlnn us matron of Institution or > cbool , travel with lady ur any placeof trust. Address S ! C , lice olllco. 12.1- ' AIMt/vrTIOArjpnpnrinnu / who has worked from helper tocTishl'r ' In utrnulxianl and wrapphiL' mill wnnls position In the north or Itott. Address IMS. Ohctioy , 1' . O. hov 133 , Wllmetle , llllnoU. frJO-ga' for students who will work for tholr board. Addioss Ktandurd Business collose , N. V. Mfo building. .M 0.-JJU11 _ WANTKJJ arA R ISM\ forrattt , ttc. , tee fop of frtt column , on Wif.i juge. WANTED A smart boy 17 or IS years old to learn cutting at Katz Kevins Co. . dH So. i 1th st. 31 im-30 _ .7W7 ANTED Itnmedlatclv , yoiiiin nnui toro- i eclvo InitrUPtlon nnd tenp hooka ; ono lady wanted , J. 11. Smith , ! MO New York Mfo. 170-a ) ' _ _ OOD dress eooda salesman wanted at onco. Allssloy It Co. , l.liiculn , yob. 152 Sa * OALES.MAN Wanted , man to soil line ot cl ip gars ; $100 per month and expenses paid. lAaaress with stamp Sumatra Uigur Co. , Chi cago. 111. IQtXlO * W1 ANTKD Man to sell line of clzars. JDOpor month and expenses paid. Address with Btaoip , Ulobo Cigar Co. . St. Louis , Jlo. 107-M * JEST terms to ncentH on our now book. J"lionntlfiri Ocms. " lllf * money In tnklnt ; Sjirdenfor holiday delivery. J. M. French & > . , OUPaaton bfook , OmahaNob. l i 1 W gold nile ' - feet. " ANVASSEKS Wanted Corrcspondonco sell - ll lted with compeloiit canvassers to Boll nrtper clotlilnfr. ( lood waies can bocnrncd. TYjrllo 1'auer Ulotldng Co. , 1'ort Huron. Mloh. s WAN TED Men nnd women of nlfllltv In every city , town and village to net us "Rents for the Ladles' Homo Journal.Vn ant the host obtainable nlns * of .ice n Is , nnd uuch uuuBiial tcrnis will bu ofTnred. The i 'ourtlal Is the handsomest poilodloal forla- lies and the family over Issued , nnd has noar- i ? 7 Vlfl1 ) 'nllHon RiibscrlboM. It will bo ad t SPJj' tliocomlnu aiitunin and winter on u j large.rsoalo than ever befoie , ureathiRa de- t in&nfl Hint agents shnuld hu ready to Ull. ' urtlil'ubllshhiKOo. , 1'hlladelDhln. WANTED Snlcsnien on salary or commls- blon to handle the now patent chemical Ink cr.-islnj penull. The greatest tclllns novelty overproduced. rrascHlnktliorouithly , In two seomulu : tin nbrnslon of paper. 'Juo to fOO per cent profit. Ono ; isront's Miles ainnuntod Jo 10.1) ) In sU days ; nnotlior ! U in two hours. We want onooncrKOtloKunoral ntont for each Btatonnrt terrltnry. Samploliy mall Ki cents. Kor terms nnd full particulars , uildicss The DIourao Eraser 11 fg Co. , La Crosse , Win. 103-M * W ANTKD First-class cornice makers ; peed waKes , steady work. Address J. ( I. Mo- Fnrland. I'll ) W. I.uko St. , Ohlciigo. 042 gr hand : must ho KOOI ! milker. Hoorn VXilOmnlin , National bank lildR. tco makers wanted. Highest OORNIOh paid and steady job. Dnlutli Uooflnc and pornlco works. Diilutli. Minn. WANTED SOU laborers forstonoand crado work. Apply to I1. 11. Johnson. Union passenger depot , Omaha. 873 ANTED At oueo , several good clly can- TIIBSCH. 1518 Douglas st. STflnil \\rANTii : ) Agouts nanted throughout Not - t t brnskn. Send stamp for reply. Jos. l > . plogcath , Omaha. 773 GALVANIZED Iron cornice workori , Job worker * and tin routers ; to a limited num ber of good won ntondy work all wlntor at cooa nnsii'1. Jnmos A. Miller i : llro. , 1 J South Clinton htrcot , Chicago. M ti'J4-.n \Jf fANTKI > A Hve.c'norRCtlo partv hi o very ? I place to Introducn our ( looiliYe have a pew line Unit nlll sell at every house and agents enn roan a hurvestbet ween now and the holiday H. Will pay a salary of t > 5 per rnontli If preferred and furnish a team free. Address nt once. Standard tillvnrwarfl Oa , Jloiton Mass. M KK-1) ) 15 * 7ANT1II ) Men to travel for our Onnadlan " uutsi men for now railroad work in OrcRon and Washington Ter. Work Will last two years ; peed wanes guaranteed. Albright Labor Agency. 11201'nrnam ht. M4'.X ) WANTKU I.'KMAliK JlKI l' . Yerrattf lie , , tee lop of firtt column pntMi AS'TEI ) OerinanBiri""for'small faVuliy , Twohousela'epoMiHit of clly. Girl on- ralwork out ol city. Cooks for prlvatofam- illei. NO\T \ Kuip. Ag'cy , bank bldp. 16th aud WAXTEI > Nursu nud second girl at 1231 boiitli stbtL iliyjJ1 VyAKTKU-Nurso girl. 1510 Webster. fANTEl ) Agoodlglrl. tmall family. 2IJ3 lUrney. ISl-a ) * ITANTEI > Competent girl for pen oral r houso. Email family. 012 8. IStli st. \v ANTKD ( llrl for Bfneral homework , lloforenccs required. 17U3 Dcnlco st. ' * illM-'JO JANTKD A salcilady nc < iu lnteil with .TT the crockery busin&ss. Address ilcrchaut , P. 0 , Omaha. ' - HS--a _ r _ _ _ _ . _ -i lit L wanted at : w Ouiulnc street. _ _ _ _ txaai * UD Oorman num > Klrl. nbout n yeanold.atMn.Kopp , 010 d. 13th vL. up Ules. yjl-ai I'TKD Olrl for general housework , N. 30th , out tide ot tre t US "WANTED rja tVr raf , tie. , tee top of flnt column on Vita } Hi/ " gentlemen to take ' llRliU plc.isant employment nt tliolr own homes ; ilLstrtiico no objection ; work si-nt by mall : FJtotSadnycan bo quietly made ! no panvassliif. ( Please address utoner. Ilellablo Mfg. Co. , rhlladclpliln , 1'a. , boat III ! : ostab- " \VAJJTEn-Ono dlntnttroom plrl and slrl IT forKenortil housework ; gooa wneestmd. SOONorth 18th. 870 g7 _ younc Indy wanted to Kct tll- scrlbcrs for the Omaha EtecJslot : rfl per cent commission. Apply ins 10th t. Mlr3 aut cii ; < ijAXifous ; WANTS. for ro/w. / cff. , w tou ot column on l/iw / r < tae ANTKD-To ndopt ft week-oldbabv hey . . In Irish Catholic family. Incjulro at 1470 8 ICth st. , np-stalM. IM-.M * KIA howe and wntrnn fnr his feed. Kood care , light work. Address S IWJk'o. rAM'KI-Hor M towlntor * > Uli ( train \v tuiil Sflimliuut : pooil oaro will lie uU-u of tliorn lit Colfinnn Park fin-in. I < 'im < oruura with II , Memory , VI9 Now Vork Mfo blilar. ' FOU 1U2XT IIOUSI-M. For mitt , etc. , FCC ( | io/ itt cofum > t im/iM / jxiy. rn\V08nndO room lion ( ! < ( . tnodorn luipmvo- J. mints , cheap , 19) inn ! STi pur month , nrll located. M. M. Jlarshall , Uoom ITJ7 , N. V. Mfe. KOWK forrt'tit , nt fl.'l Pierce struct , con- M-nluntto depot Mco cottucc. Inquire ofT. J. I.owry. SOU- TTIOlt KENT To BOOI ! party. 7-nmtn flnl tor i fJjpermoiilh. KnqulroroomO , 1001 IJUwarU. 171OU KP.NT10rootn lioiiip.lUl llodirp. Ka- X1 qulru in81'ariiaiii. : feum'l Hum * . i : 0-27 171OU KKNT 7-rootn cottngo , cnnrcnlrnt to .1. vlmlcsnlo district uiiU business. Apuly 1112 H. lOtli St. IU FOH KKNT R-rooin modern liouso wllhtiloo hnrn , 1TOI N I'lsttnlso s-n > oni house nml nlco birn. 2W9 Miami , by drum & IIUliup. It 54 , lloanlof Trndo. 1M OH KRNT7 room house , 1K ) Callforntn si. { i" > per month. Urcnnan & Co. , Uhnmhor of CommiMCc. 1IJ1-1 1T1OU 1JKST In Windsor I'liicc , ailh and J1'urk strrot * . two liinil ; oiiio wen room hoiist'S newly papnrud und palntod. Hvntlov * to BOOU tenants. Inqulro on tlio prcinNc * . 1 OIK'S ' * POU KENT llrlck houbo. lu rooms , best Io- rntlon In city , iiuar high school. Knqulre K SIKI st. iw-irr FOlt Itl-'ST n-room cottiiifo with pus , water rlosot. liath , fiitnnce. hot and fold water , lit l-CHSoutb ICtlist. Kiiquho at 1011 Douslas stroul. llO--V * fpO UKNT Onl'urk avo. . twoO-room J-all hnpiovi'tiit'iits , newly juipcred mid rp- paired throiiKhniit ; ulso Ill-room hoimo on N , L'tthst. ; rents. Mo , Al o one on IBIli anil rur- iiaiusts. . rent Kw. Tor furl her iiartlrnliiis fall and sco U. V. tholes Co. , 2U 1'irst Nat'I Hank , 072-il ; 1OU KENT Furnlsheil houseSOS St. Mary's live. 1W2 * T-llOOM house tor rent and partof fiirnlturo I for sale. 1C18 California ht. U75-J7 * KENT A D-room hou o at n7 1'arnnm FOU with modern Improvements and atnplu yard room. Inquire ofV. . 0. Doane , ni5 N. Y. ' LlfollldK. 07C-27 Foil KEN'T JVi.OO Deslrnblo 10-rooni house. Ji'iix ) Now 7-ioom cottage In dislrablo iiolithboi-hotHl. J.'iOOO ID-room modern house. IjinulroNethertcn Hall , 213 S. I5th st. , room 1 , L'nd lltHir. 0"l-27 S-HOOll house for rent , en- " , water , peed barn. KaParKuvoi Inquire MJpt'rlntcndcnt IlocibilllclliiR. . G-.V.- ? ) ' " 1710U IlKXT Low to Rood tcnnnt , ilcslrahlo J U-iuoin rottlice. No. 1U1Ifa. U4th sU AlUl.V ) rooniO. I'M rainiiin at. K UKXT 28-room houses at 2f.22 n(12t -I ? Caldwcll st. , nlcolr papcreil. havln : mod ern conveniences rinu barns ; to rolltililu par- tips until Hiring tperinunth. . J. 11. Johnuoii , 61UJ'ntou bloc k. U79 FOH KENT 9-rooin house , conveniently lo cated , furnished or unfiirnNlicd , runt lou ; rofcrences rciiulrcd. Incjnlro Nethcrtnn Hall , 1118 S , 15t li ft. , room 1. 5ad Ooor. ORI-27 1011 KKNT Seven-room cottairo , cor. 2M avo. and ( Jap , avo.lnqnlro lo < lgp. M-U F Oil KENT S-roorn hoiibe. 11SS. Wth it. COSNI4- DKSIUAIILK dwelllnes nil parts of the cJt ) . gineaton & Allen. 1W7 Karnam st. DJJ-nW FOR UKNT--2cottages , 0 und 7roomsnewly painted nnd papered ; rent reduced. Corner 18th and C'hleano. 4IS T710U KENT An 8 room IIOIHO with ull tnod- Jcrn Inipiovrmentsboated by hot water , irilTiS ifltli st. 4 blocks oustot Ilauhcotu I'ark. Knqnlro4m Heo building. 441 nU ) 15KNT llonse.8 rooms , peed laundry , Inciuiru Uoht. I'urvls.-Jlth & St. Mary's ai 8SO I ! < 'YOU visit to rent a house or store see II. tt Cole. Continental block. & 8.1 FOU liKNT To responsible parties only , those line new brick and stone houses on Georgia avenue ; fifteen rooms r.nd alcoves ; moro comenlences and better finished than any honso for rent In the city. 11. H. lloudor- eon , 400 I'.ixton block , city. 384 rr-HOOJI housn with barn ; nominal rent. 0. i F. Harrison , 1)11 ) N. Y. Llfo. b79 'I710II HKNT 9 room house , nil modern eon- JL ? vonlonoes , Inclndlnc a gooil Mablo , ( Jnpltol n venue , near the hlithschnol ; rent moderate. D. J , O'Donahoc , 1C01 Farnani st , IU1 S . - house , 18th nnd Vluton , JIB. J. II. Jolinson , 5IU Paxton block. C30 71LATS , htonri healed. 709 S. 10th. Titos. ! ' . J Hall , 311 I'aUon blk. 5SS _ j OK UKNT 7-room cottaecs. Iluth nnd nil J modern conveniences , ready In few days. . 3. Klguttor. 407 First Xat'l bank. 54i FOll l iXT foriates , ttcn nt tnp oflnt fohim1 ; on Hilr pagt. Ti\QR \ 11KNT Jiarun south room , nouly fur- JJ ulshed , 21l.l Don uln : , M IPf.-a * _ TTIOU KKNT-1'urnlshed rooms. lOOS Capitol J3a\o. - MI91 10 * , 1013 Dodso t lll-'S * OH HUNT Handsonioly furnished rooms wltheas , oath and heat , opposite tho"Mcr- rlnm. " 113 So. illth street. _ 137-S7 * " \TK\VLV furnished rooini. steam lieat. Ras , JL > bat h , 711 S ICth et. . gd Moor. Hi ) 2 * "VTRHY pleasant furnished rooms for houso- V kcoplng.MM _ Howard. _ 101-K' UKNlSIlKI ) rooms , steam beat , RUS nnd lmlliSll5 Doiiglas. _ CMilll * LRASANT furnished nxin for onOBiintle- man ; steam heat ; $12. UI S. 10th st. , flat U. ANUSOMI'.liY furnibhed room. eu Dodge. Q KUIINISHKI ) front rooms for gentlemen , 1513 LcavcnHortli. _ IM ) 'JU' _ Tr\iSIIlAHLKroomsforthreoor : four pentio. JLIIKMI , private bitting room Included. 1701 Cnpltol nve. _ -4P.I "TJIOll KENT KnrtiMiod rooms ; iasbath und JJ itcaui. l.ID llovviinl. b74 "II10K KENT Nicely iUinUhed heated rooms , JUjKM rarnam. _ WJ2a' T7initNIIIEl ) rooms to rent j geaclemen only. JO ! ! 4 DodKo. bTU 2a * GENTLHMr.N' can tlnd desirable rooms , _ _ stenjii boat , bath , 017HSiith : , 858 S7 iAWO nlet > ly furnished roomi , single or on J suite , pas nnd bath ; terms reasonable. ! ? . ' ! Leu > cnworth. MM'S * "i neil HE > T-Kurulshed rooms , 1000 Doualas. * 370 fir ratci , trc.ue t op offlnt cutiiiini on tfi ( i "MIOKLY furnished room * and board for scn- litlenien. I'.verythliiR modern nnd llrst- olass. Terms reasonable. a OSMUist. _ 101-23 * TTUJRNlSUED rooms and board , ISM ChIoiiSO JL1 _ 8 1. _ _ 111.31' fjlOlC HINT : Sultaot rooms with orwJthnut -L' hoard In a private family. No other boarders. Modern conveiileiiocj. Oontlomcn Iireforred. Address S. II lleo. _ US--J7 niAMlSOMKLY furnished lurse. warm J-i itMim , with satUfaotory board ana pleas ant homo fortuo gi'ntlenica ; teriui rouson- ablo. i.1-lOllariioy. _ 1AL' KMSH F.I ) rooms for rent with board ; rcf- JU ort'ncea nxiulred , 1611 llouglas at. Ps2 in * ' "VTliWLY furnished rooms , Hlnjlu or en biilte. -L > with bou nl , lieat , sas and bath , 2u8 and ' 'UJ opposite nowposUmico _ _ _ lto _ m. Na 710K UCNT-liooms , with board. ITS ! bt. U13 ST. OLAlHKuropi nholelwlthaliitnir room , jtrum lient In nil rooms , 13th and l > ruho. Special rat fJ by week oruiontli. ST5 rKXSlOX AGHNOic. I'orratn , tie. , ue ( upoj > ri < coJumii onl/il p itfx IrUNHlUNS TheOllnKiuaa I'cnslcm Agency , 11'reoior block , laformatloa free. 1WJ FOIl niNT : KOOMS UNTUUNISIIKD 1'orraUt , ttc * fretcp ot Jlrst todinm in ( AW p < W . TJIOH KENT I'or lltht houspljcepiiii. three J- rooms , with slenm bent and nil ronicnlen- oos ! rcfetcncesrcfinlred. ln < | iilrn Ixctherton Hall , room No , 1,2nd lloorSIS y. IMh st , OTO--T IJ OH Tory comfortable winter homes U those ; i-n > otii Hals , S.V. . I'or. ! Ist nnd Ni las sis. Newly papered , city water mid s rae. Plrtt lloor. ID ; second lloo.1 , ? s. Hu Aceucy--i ) s. i ; > t h st. ovi NH * OVKU stoto slorc , 1B1 Howard fill FOU RKNT 'ulto of 4 unfurnished room * for lioncekucplni ; . to family without children. KW Wcbstur st. OU FOH ltUNT-.STOUI S AND U1 < TJCUS. Fi > rratctc , , t'ttripiiffi-fltolinnn nn tltlr A OOt > I ) store room nnd bnacment with good brlek oven , on Nst . South Onmlra. Ad- dre J. J. iMcLaln. V2I ) ' > Spencer M. 171 iM * COUNKIl store a id basement of brick hulld- liiS , corner of N and 7lh St. . smtli Uninha , nowoceniilfd by Drovers'Journal. Mrs. Hrega , ; iu'js. i.-itii , oniftha. is. at * APK5IP.NT for rent at 1313 Uoaglnsst. Ap ply utility Bard llros" . 151 23 ri HO itorcs. IW.s nnd IClOCass t. . filOOoaeh ; J-nl'-o 8 loom' nliuvt * More ? * deslruble for rooming.KJ.OU.V. . I'.clnrk , 403 N. lOlli. lir.NT-Metropolltan hall. Ilth atul Dodge , for balls , p.irtlcs ntul vcdiilncs wither or without supper room. Terms reasonable , Ueowo lleyn. 'M H 15m st. C..r-O.ll STOKKSntTOl S ICth. OHGO each. Inrsio show windows. Moani heat furnished. Thos , r. JIall. ail 1'nxton block. blfJ TTIOK fjKNT-f icl stnry brlokhullillnr.wlth JU or without power , formerly occupied ty tlio Uoe Publishing Co. . 'JIG I'uruain si. Tlus build ing hns a flre-proof cementbaseiuent.comploto Rtvnin hc.illngllxturcH.saterou all ( ho lloors , pas. etc. Apuly at the olllco of The lleo. 813 I-'Oll J'or ratct , dr. , He top of flrtl rotiiiiiiii on Ihtevyt \ T710H linNT-llrlck wnrehouso. two stories -1 ? and basement-7.000 Mjnnro foet. with IU ) fnetof double trnek on IT. I' , rallw.iy. south JOth and I'lerco streets. Address 0 Oskamp , Omaha. Neb. 890 "IjlOU HUNT llrlck wnrehouse. two-storlos Jhlch : biisementjhydraiilleclovator ; track- ago ; best location hi the city. A. 0.1'owell. 'JO ) n" S'lOIlAUK. lfor ratci. etc. . tee top ofirnt coiimni on iN | tQg. iirt TruckageiJavld Cole. 815- Cj.tl7 lloivardst. _ 711 STOUAGE "TO us bcforo stnrlni ? Rood ? of any description. Omaha Steve Jtepalr \Vorks. 1307 loii ) las. Tol. > X . bfti riMtAOKAOK storaco nl lowest rates. AV. 11 J. lluslinian , 1311 I.cavennorth. Kl TOUAUU-llranch & Co. , 1211 Howard.89S S 89S AVAN'J'DIJ TO Forratft , etc. . Me tnof \ . ( int roltiniti on this piit \\rANTKn-Hy Nov. 1st , funilslicd orun- furnished rooms \ > llh fliirt class board in private family vrliero there are no other hoarders , for two you in ; married couple. 1'rlco no object for desirable quarters. .Must bo above 2'ud sf , neiir 1 amain , Kefcrenecs ex changed , Address S 41 , Hoe. 10J-31 * "A \7rTwant40 houses to rent this week. Lar- > > inon I' . I'ruyiiDo. , 'J41D Cumins. IW-.T * III : N T.u7 AGI2NU X. fur rrtfm , rfc. , fie fop ot flrtt coliiiiiu nnifa ( pafl . 1ST ) our houses to i cut with us.Vehavo I J 1 * . 1'ruvii tenants ready for them. Lar.non Co. . UHO fumliiK- 1 W-'J7 * IlintEY k ltro.reutal ttgcuts.SOJ N.V.LIfo . ' 101 HE , Cole , rental agentContinental bile. bSJ I.ISTyour house" to sell or lunt wltlrO. Jllairlson , till N. Y. Lifts. 143 UOAU1UXO. J'IIFrate , rte.FtKtip < > f tint culumn < m JIM * assured to table boarders. SATISKACTIOS InvestlKato at the Hillside , N.V. \ . eor. IStb nnd Dodge. 1 > I7'71' T [ IO U good board , nlco rooms , inodcriiqou-l venlenci's rates andlncat'on , the I'nlliiiUii hnusc , iHO : UudgCbt. , cuuiiot bo uxculled. Mrs. Horn , piop. 844-27J 1'KItSONAL. for ralct. etc , s'e fop of first column nn thii paqr < . " \T ° TIOE tostonm litters : Keep nwav from IN Chicago ; strike , S. 1' . I1 , A. of Chicago. M IS 1-3 * "PERSONAL Laura Hay. Vour mother X wants to know where you are. Answer nrcomo homo Immediately. H. F. Kelley , S. W. cor. Itith and Lake sts. Omaha. 1.K ) MISS l > ot Carloy Please send piesent ad- dross to old California friend. "Al. " IJco olllee. fefi-2S IjOST. For mfM , etc. , fee top of first column on llitt vage. JOST Northern part of city , ladles' open Jface silver watch and short gold chain. I'loassO return to Miss Nloklas Western I'nlon ToUofHci' . JKL-TL. LOST A pocKethcok contalaln ? Wl.W. IMI- twecn hay market oa CumhiRst. , and Holt line atl.'itli nnd Cass. Owner 1 * In very poor circumstances , i'lease return to Julia C. Dan- nulls. ' 1UMS * KOUND. Varrales , ett.sce tojxtf first coliiiunon f/ifs / page I OUND Hunch of Keys , owner can havn same by calling at ail 1'aclllc st. M 1U7-SS' FOUND Watch t-hnlii % vhleh owner may huu : by calllagat loom TL'huinbor of f'om- mercc. 1J-20" FOUND Cold thlmblo wltji nnmo inside. Owner can Ketsame. at lleo ofllco hy prov- Ins property and paying for this ment. KOll S.VIjl--KUUMTUilU : 13TC. rorrnlft . ete , , ftc lop of first toiiniin on i/ili j vi. TTIOlt SAL ! ' . A good smiaro heater ; cost S37 ; .C will .sell for iS. TOO , 10th , room 0. 174 0' and lease of a Onn Jboardlni ; house , \tlth all rooms occupied nnd Rood boarders. ? li > a month clear , deed reasons for selling. Address ri. UD , lleo nllico. j : i * " \7OSR ts. Sons i'lanoj Largo stock , blccnnt styles , they delight the purchaser and be wilder competition : low prices , easy terms , Max Meyer JLItro Co. fs.1 y ; "VTKW uprlRht piano S103 , fully warranted. IN May .Meyer & lira. Co. _ 1K1 .T T71OHPA M. Handsome wow fiirnlturo for 8 rooms complete , ut an ImmeiMJ bargain , for rent the liouso of 6 rooms , ull con * M'nlcnees , eentrally located. II. 1J. Ireji h o'JejlJ VLIfe. _ 407 GOOD Standard square pianos for rent nt J.1 per mouth , to apply on purchase price if deal red. Call at once. Jlax Slejer V llro. Co. TjlOU SALR Fnrnltuni and business of 'K- X ? room hotel In Lincoln , ( loin ? .rood paying biMncts. Kestof teasons for nellliig. Torini easy. M. W , Kolsnm. Lincoln. Nob. Mtt BAHGA.1N8 In pianos Your choice of n , large nuuiberof peed socond-lmnd square pianos well worth $80 each .for I123. Max Meyer .V Itro. Co. Oil 27 FOU MALM HOI'.Slas WAflOXH 13TO. J'onatt. ' , etc. . tee lop nt flntt column on ( fib jxifli rpOU SALK Cash or tlmo-3 good heavy i work teams ; 1 blacksmith shop and full * ct of tools ; 1 horse , bnsgy nnd hnrnesa ; 1 tilco rldins pony and saddle ; 1 horse , harness nnd c.\prt' a wagon ; 1 new sowlns machine , nud some good household furniture. Inqulro at ( il I'axton blk. 778 WOIIIC horse ffiO.two horse wajon J20doabl8 work , Imrnesa SI.V Or will trade for a Rood Unlit sldo bar buggy. II. K. Cole , Contin ent aUilock. BOO TTOHSEd W and up. H. 11 Cole. 633 "lilOUll teams , lljht mules ; ono heavy J.MO- Jiwund horse. Koont 13 , Hoard of Trade , tMI TT1OU SAI < K 3 good work teams Innulro at 13 tili I'aston blk. 4'J3 31U810 AUT AXU TiAXOIfAOK. Her lotw. ftc tee lop of fttnt totmn on thlt r > anr. . Chas. I'ctersen. piano , organ , vlollu , zltner , vocal instructions , fX)5bhoely ) hlk , _ _ _ nu-n-iti * BEroitKbiiylns a piano examine the nnw ocalu Muiball piano. A.llospo , 1513 Douglas _ _ _ GKOTrTTlKLLKNWX'K toacuorof the hajo vrllh Hospu.lil3 UoiiBlm. _ gj3 MA Oelilon Monltor Acw iand thurouitx JL Imnd'hook for pltno und orxnu : a inoit vauable helper and sutdei hlRhly endorsed ; coitibut adolUr ; uijy hi ) found at llotpo'i. Vbr rait * , etc. , KG top of Jlmt fcjfjmn Union safety liloycle In mo two months. Host repair. \ \ \ , A. Stone. HM Hnriioy st. i . , 118-I7 * OOLt'MlllAhloyelp.63 ftrfhV ball boiirlint , cooil oomlltloii , cheap. ' JulttiT , Campbell , 1'alrbury , Nch. IV.-VS ' > * MKAT , Cheap for CnsK-rybru date. 1 will sell ntcnt and hirdcbenpttthaii any other market In the city , rretl' ' Koos/ corner 23th and tiumlntM. ' 'i "id-1.1 ! ) * N'TIW callgraph , price reajjlindble , Illn , llco oflleo. " TTJ DON'T torsct Jos. 1' , JloOoath , 1G07 Viirn nm st. , when you want to bMy , rent or eell a typewriter. 77i IT OU SALK All kinds of thoroughbriHl dogs. JL1 James I'linry , 141,1 x ttitlxu ! TiS , tt ( . , rrttop of flnt tohiniii on tlili flilir. new emp airey. , hank hlihr , cor. ICtli 1. nnd Pndee. Ki-f. Women's Clirlstliiii n - wclntlon. OrdiMS taken ut onion's o\i < liitiKe. : HJl' ' farnaiu st. _ SAVE fuel by covcrlnjj your steam inpcs wllh 1'ossll Meal Comptisltlon : the best iibii'COiiductnr. absolutely Hie proof , Wcs- tcinayent. D. O. .Mcl.wun , Kll OM-nl3 T\OShoe \ DoaJers Yhell you pntronl/o ino JI vou know that I will not compete wllh jou by rcliilllnc rubber boots , shoes , irotlcs. sin- : dals oto. I am not ritnnliiK twelve or lit teen retail shooitoros under various names. 1 sell nt wholesale only nnd have no interest In nny retail Htore 1 am western VJPIII for ( ho Now Jersey rubber shoo company nt Omaha , and nverj shoedealcrknows there Is no better line of Roods iniide. My sales this year sotarnro moro than double anrothpi'Aoasoti up to this time. Send forprleo IWf. nnil illM'im nt-i. .ler- ncysvrlll ho extenslioly advertUed this rea son. / . T. Llnilioy. : eil-n'J MASS AGE treat ni cut , electro- thermal ha tin , Bciilpand hair treatment , nmnlcuru and chiropodist Mrs. 1'ost , K SIKH.Uthiiell \ blk. V01 AVANT13U TO 1JUV. r rrt < trxctf..Helnt > t fit lciilMnn on f/iM / .D for cash A Rood second hand llxht wolaht , iMtt under , double fender famllv enrrlairont once. bi > cheap and In good condition. Address b 40 , llec.M M itn-a * \ArANTKI ) 1.00J yards of dirt. Omaha Il \ > > factory , Kast Omiihn.lock lie STw. ] > > U-t CA Torr clothing 1 pay the highest prlre. To eotnlnpeon.end ( older. 1 wlllcallon you , Addlcss 11. KriRcr , 1IW ! Capitol : i\o. . i-lly. 1G7-IIO * " \\rANTKD To buy slnslo joun drlMiiR horse not mcrJ.foJ pounds , Uoom ( < 14 X w York Lifobulldlna. UMJO TilUItNlTUUK. household ? cM > ils.Hto. Illeln-st JO cush price. Wells. 111 ! I'm mini y77 "WAN'TIID to Imest JXW cash and W9 > T ( iotlienhnrt' real estate for half Interest In some kindofOiuaha businessrotnllKroicry hnslness pri-feried. Addicts lock box " 4 , Ootlicnbut' } ' . . > eb S IKCON1) ) Hand hats , 1512 Dod o. MS27 S KCOND hand typewriters. J.I' . JlcGoalh , 1007 I' , Omaha. ' ' S InCONlMIAND books bouslit for snot c.ish at the Autlnuuilun bookstore , 14iirarnam. : lilJnU' irANTED-IIorao and bwigy. AV J. 1'anl , lUOO 1'arnnm. IMS . etc. . ttc top ] \ TON EY to loan. Corrv-pondcnts nf Lom- 1'1-bard Investment company. shrlvcr & Itmiis , I'ren7crblock. fc'U ' "IjlAKM Loans Uest rat'cj liiid option In the J-1 west. Interest annually. lIprrowerM.- . ' ! ! ! pay purl or nil or prliu-lplii ateml of any \earnnd stop Interest , K. K , Sto c , S10 N. Y. 1,1 fo bldg. - SlWnSl * T7"1MUALL , Champ & Hvan. nin'hO loan''oil ' renl estate , person.d nndcollatorasev ( ultv. Kotos and bond' ) bought. Hulldlng laii ( < j ut . lowest i'rttetf.1 fifti Nil TJMRST mortsaffe loanon HJilpr'ovod und un- JL ; Improved property. U J. Caswoll.Slii N. Y. Life. MM7N14 Iliorarnam. Don. F. Marti , loans made on ilhitiipmls.vatehes. . J 3Holr.v. etc , ffll NB * C 1IATTEL loans , low rate , I'M Tarnatn st. Oominerclal Security Loan nnd Trust JL Co. wants peed short tlmo paper ; also can handle a few secured inottsa.'Oj. Kooin ! W7 , Paxton block. _ M ItO-Xil T\f ONKV to loan by H. I' . Masters on ch-ittel - " Mind collateral bocurltles foriinv tlmo trout ono to su mouths lu any amount to suit bor rower. l/o.'insmruloon household eoods / , pianos or- pnns. hor-cs , mules , housos. leases , warchouso rii'nlpts , ote. , nt the lowo-it possible rites , without publicity or removal ot property , My loans are so urranstil thnt you can nmko np.iymcnt of any nmount at iinytlmo and reduce Ixith prlnelplo nnd Interest. If you ouo & bruaiico oir vour property or have n loan you wish changed , I will pay It off and carry It for you. Tt ym ( Ind 1C moro convenient , call up tolephonn Kn. liai und your business uun bo nrriincisd at lioinu. Monov always on hand. No delay , No pub licity , Lowest rate * B. F. Masters , nooml.WlthticUblk. . 13th and Harney sts , W ! FAKM Ixjaiu Slur Land & Loan Co.1I4.NI 1I4.NI /CHATTELbank..110 K l.ltli s ( . , loans money Won cliattolsor collateral at reasonable late1 * UOI TTIIHSIWsecond morrw'o- vacant .11m- -1 jiicni'il ulty prop Comity warrants boiinht aionoy oa hand. r. M. lllchardsoti.Slj N. V. Mfo. mi "i\rONEV 31. GO or PO days oil furiiltuio. -I'Milanos , horsesliuuM9itu. ! i. J. Wilkinson1 013 Pa.xlo.t block. Jli TTNUSL' AiJiY low rates U of Interest on first tnnrtcazes oflmprovrd real estnto for the next UO dujsby Hie ICunsas Cltv I mostinent Co. KooniM , Iloard of Tr.ide , J. It. 1'ease , mnnagcr. UW k' to loan on any security - . " - for short time nt low rates. Lowest rate * on peisonaftiropcrty The Henderson A1ortiaii Imeitmont Cont- . .pitnj' . rooin4X ( ) . rattoii lilk. OH UIIiDINOlonnsmailnat lowest rates W. JM. llurris , rooniM , I'l-enzor bile , , opp. I' . O , IllEAl'eHstern nionoy - J riillndelphla Mortffajre and Trust Co. , nlwaya ready to lo'in und pav promptly ! first JnortKages wanted. Gcorso W.l' . Coatee rop- . room" hoard of trade. Oli EKALKstnto Iwiins Cish on Iriud. filobo Loan t Trust Co. . : ) T . IBth > t. . No delay , no extni chariiH. Uouso for runt , good lib t , f"K.&O. . SI. ANrHUNV.t SN.V."Ufo buTHH w. Inz.lend money on firms In chuleo coun ties of Nebr.isUn and Iowa ; also on ( rood Omaha resldenco property ; lowest ratosjbo- terms ; no delay money leady. Titles and values passed on here. - OU KEYSTONE MortgageMIxi.iiH of 110 to $1,003 ; get our rates Ixjfoio lx > rrowlnr nnd ( uvo money ; loans oa hoHu-s.furiiHiii-o-or any jipprovcd security without publicity ; notes liottuhl , for now loa" ciruWiU of old and low. fcstratoa , eallll.aOS c ly WU.,13thA : Howard , 1 lU.'i l\7"ANTrn-Flrst classltsldnloans. | Lowest IT rates Call nndit-o ust' ' Mutual Invest ment Co. . 1501 raruain. n ( ! ) IO EASTERN money to ! n n hn city property ! moitgngcpapcrbouzlit. ll.IroyN.\.Life , | { , 017 plllATTEI , loans at Jo 5eif-f.ites. Hcmoved V/to ICI. N. Y. Life. bids. J. it. ninmliiiier. 918 _ _ MOMY ! loaned nt joiv raJif on furniture , her > es. Ac. , without iniUi ] > lty. " "n'T0 ' InvectnieatC'o , SIDouslai DlV.lCth and Dodge. i , 'j yip _ _ Bttloiu lonns. C to7 pr cent ; no nddi- iiiilcharge.ifiircommtisionorattoriiiiv'i ) fees. W. U. Melulc , Tint National banl ; bids. IP ) bilOU'i'ti.VNO AND TYl'KWIUtlNO , ' I'orrnr ! , tie. ire or first nlnniif / , lop on I/iupna * . . . .w * . . . . . . 1,1 , . . . , . , . . . . .1.1. . I.I , . , fc , .1 , II. . . , * BO. WUKKLKIt. coneral fti-ijajrapher and notary. Depositions aacouit \ work Tel. , ICJI.UoonvliiWN. Y. Life bids. _ _ fpVJ'KWItlTKltS. all iii'ikovlxnislitrBoTd. ox- JUobMiseil , rented , J , I' . Wcjcuth , ltW7 Par. nam street. _ _ _ _ rpYl'K\\HlVKlta for n nt or sale. Stone ; ? . J-rapbor * supplies. J.l'.Mugeatb.lGOf I ariiaiu , WJ I'AWNBllOKhltS. 1'or rntt < etc. , tea tap oSfrttculurnn on Mill roof , FltlU ) M011LK loans money ondlainonand wBlchcsewelryotc. , ] , S.E.cor. rrnamMltU BtSINHSS OirAS'CFIS. fcrrattt , rt < * . , K ( up ofnt column oti tfiU | io * IpOIl 8ATjK One of the most tleslrnhjf hotel proiHTtlcd In thoslnti'.sltimtedla Haueroft , Cuml nif county , Neb. 'J ho house hn a Rood paint ) - int patroninto and bn an excellent llvory block nnd Iced stalilo In contipotlon. Tin1 town Islho end otn pns < ciiRprll\lsloii of the Chlcapii. St. 1'nnl , MInneatMilH .t Omnlm rail * way. It Is ncen let-lux point for litintt-n from nil over thp stale , as shnUsxirroundcd by lakes , inai-riho and vast iiralrlos.nlii'reducl.s. Reei-e.pi'al re chickens and other unino birds nboniid In numbers during their 'en on. for further rctcrenco apply In r , Dohscy , llancrofl , Neb , MJ86..VI7 _ ANi\VSlMI'r.l-Ono ; \ ! of the oldest estab lished vreokly paper's la Nebraska ; repub lican In largo luinibllctin county ) located In county scan onoof the best knoiui and hire- cst t-lrculatwl country paper's lu the state. For tnln che.ip nnd nit reasonable tcrnis , AU dress 4 1 , care lice. .HS-il * A I't'TIOS houso. l.lnpoln , Nel ) . . cor. lllh and M.MuKimle Temple tuilldlnCH ( looilJ on conslminiPlit : Inentv-IKe vearV of fxpcil- ence , I'nll nr uddrvisM. K. fe J. K. t'lnrke , Lincoln. r\ch. irr-iio * _ llSOOO-N"lco ; clean nicrchamllsp for sale 7 , " > els 'Pon dollar. Choice stock iroodsi. be t location In jrood town , low runt , u "iiiipforiiulpUMiyi'r. \\MUldtnkesood \ \ notvj for part. 1'arratto U STKAM laundry tlieonl3'stcam Inundrv In a clly off-VHlliihabltants ! a socxl lmslnrt alreadv esti > hllshed und can 1)0 ) Increased. e.dloiior adilic'.s Uoborb Donnouy , I'latts. mouth. Neb. 1C4 'IP IjlOHPAIjK A. croplery storcdolnpa poul A. ' business. htocliil.lKiO for sale or trade. Kn- l ESTAUHANX for rent or sale , T. Murray Jv m- _ SHOistore : for inlo In a live town of 5.000 Inhabitants. frptiMullil crnps. lendlni ; hti l- nt'ss. unlv one other BIIOQ alori1. Uau i' , pnor health. AildiussS IS , euro o ( Uoe. rnilKHiT ilulrj- and rnUlt route In tlio city. L Kmiiilro of 11. S. .If ter. ' . ' 535 ( 'iniilni st. , oi 1. ' W. Wright , I'-lorcncf. Nub. M CflKJO * TTlOHBM.K t 10.000 cliok-o slocic of inerchundlso in one at tlin best toivnt In XebrasUa , ' , ' < mile * from Omaha. 1'arly dolnn an ecccltonl buslnt s. but lias other basilica * deninnillnsliU ; ultoiitlou. Atldm ? 1 * K.M M 1R1 Fo > raff , ' , tit , , erelnp til flitt tolujmi nit l/id / D.II \\7"ihavcch'iirlotslti : Omaha to oxchanje > > fur residences or business Mocks. AMU assume. Alex Moore , UOl Sheely bloel. , ( | 3rti * ltADE-l'mm f.W.iiOOIoJT.'iOaj cah .wllh - nlxiut t-.OOii acres eholce l.iuds nt rt lit prices forOniahn Inside orsubiiibun iiropoity \aeant ot-linpro\cd. farmsorfaini land wltli- In.1 * ! inlli-s ( if I'.O. No hlsh-llvor-i entertained , \vlll hive .tlffito : IHIV ill-ill oltei-ufl at tca'-onii- lilo prlcu upward iflu.COi , but prefer onoor t o Address Win. Nclion. Ilia Fur- WANTKK .Miorscor twoln tradp for goml east ( rout lot. Sinontoii & A Urn. 10U7 riirnainst , JI 1U7-N2 "XX ANTKH Meii'hanill-ofor clour hud nnd r one-tlilid push , glvo puftlculur < . T ock Hoi i , SHiiart , > fh. S1CJ-2S' " WAN1T.D A small stok of groeerloi In cxeliaiivc ( or iiiiliicimbcreil real e.stale. Imiulio utrouiHuUT. I'uxton bloclf. M-lsl-ni : V\7A > TEn A miillstoflcot clitarsand to- > > IHICCOH In vtcliiniu : { Tor clear real estate. IiKinlru atrooniSi * . I'.ixtoiblo 'It. JI111 17IOI ! EXl'lIAXCl.-Kli.'Tit intiic > for Umaiiu - rcnlcMnto. H. nlloaiJ of Trade ) . + IK FOIt SAliK lllSAIj EST.VT12. 7"orraM. ( ttc. tttlaji ol Jii-s'.culittan ' onthd jm ; $ KWnoo wnillt ot tmpmvcln ml meant Ijnsl- iics iiropftty. vuiMiit residonei' lots nnd uetiiitliulcottiitu homes , ( orxaluat from fOto T."i piTi-ont on tin1 dtillnr , nn your O\MI te > iniH. Cotlase lioines ort li JI..VU to S4.VI . i. tar below their value : mall jnyiuonts timvn , halani-p niontlily or ti > Milt , we li'ivo a fi > w ciisioiners whoaiu fiiclitt'iied by the t-oinliiK election , aiKlliuvxautlinil - * toiell lit a Kivat g.ic- . rlllce. Now 1- the tlmo tulnvost ; noff Is the t line to buy : i liome. Ncior main inthohls- tot-y of Uiniiliiiriin you buy propeity atlho iirieci we oiler during tlie next nine tl.i- . Thli propel ly will udv aiiro nt least > per eent wItliliiHriu : > siiftortIiP oluctlon. rullovln ; Is a ( o\v otoiir Miu.'iut tuts : 1 lotlu Porthuiil I'liiuo ISOO 1 lot near Duiicli'ii K.'i r. lots. Orchimllllll. rurli IMM llotln Creljrlilnn llel lils ( 10 Hot In IirlsnV 1'lacc loon llolln 'icston 1" > 00 llotln llansconr place - , MO 1 lot In IMavnc riiif-c 17.V ) 1 lot in Kclby 1'lacc 1000 1 lot In Uiiiiscnni place l. > 00 1 lot In I'liilnvlew ' nl ! > . " ) less tbnn vnliio. Itunutifiilhoi2seiindlotiu > .ir Kill : ind Old- Avelliall iniKU-rn coiiM-iilinoe ; coat $ l)00 ( ) t n yenraco. $ .V-00 ; yourown teiins. t'all'lu nnd see full lltt : vvcluko a pluasmo In shoulnp : piopcrty , btur Land i Loan Co. , 1000'i 1'ar- 11:1111 : st. 1U3-J8 BAKGAINU Kountzo 1'lnoo. ft room IIOII-.D , full In ! onVIrt st. , yV)0 ) , ! l.r > oocash , bal ance to suit. I'.U'punt home nn 1'lnkney i-t. , S5W ) : ? > ( Xcii ) li ! b il.meu M ) per month. Other boautlfiilhotiu'sanio niltl , will Vike elty property In e.M'liunEC. ft room lum < sa S'4 ' I locks. we.stof 'llh onCuUlwell st. . Kt.r * ) , Wdith Sl.r.JU. $ T. > Jcasli. linhineo f B iiur month. J. J Ulhson , sole iigunt , ICountzt' I'luco. room 3 , Orelghton block. 1)0 ) J 110OM liouvunust ho sold at once. John JC'anoll , ISUiaiiil Liiku. 110-Si ) ' farm" and carrtculnp li\nd around Council Uliitr * for sale. Ten nnd t uity acre trncN forciirdonln . tcrniHuusy. .lohn- slon& Van I'lilten , Council Hinds , la. ! > 5'J7 S liners to the f tout. I haio Blr olcgnnt hou-ci on 41tb and 1'arnum , with every modern convenience , Includln ; KH3 and cas tlxlures. now npnrlyreudv foroviipancy , Sen them and make your eholeo. I'rlcn , J.1.7.V ) to t'.M to * VW cash , balance to suit at J per tout Interest. i\ery ; purt'liascr before No\emhcr5 Rets a tk-kct tothe < lnuviiisof ai. < UO iilano. 0'irrljiEe alw.iys leady to how custonii rs. l'irnuni slieetmolnr within four blocks. liny a hoiiM ) quick , aii < l take a bund In the -iiud slnillle. ThUUslnilRlit KOods. II , V. olcs. L'U I'ii-st Nullonul bank. M W. $9,300 Only I".M > 0Dr. . Chainbnrs1 rcsiUiu-r ! on luliuiul Itiinlctto ht. . owner Koliu to lenu' city. Hest linrzaln In Omaha. 1) ) . V. e- . . sole nsent , SM I'list Nat. bank. SHOO AU ; or Trade , ,000 ncrea good f.irm - lands In I'nocounty. . Nob. -.000 iicres sw > A farm lands In 1'Ierco county , Neb. l , M urrcgooil fjrm lands InStnnton coun ty , M > b. .Most o ( above Iiindlsln Inrjre tracts.suit able for lar o stock farms. Will sell llio abuvooli cu--y terms or trade for Impiovetl Omaha iirnpuitv. Jno. r.l. Dansherty. 1103Farnain st. fttl 1 FOU SA MvThree lots Kth nnd California sis. The 0.1' . Duvl-i Co. Wh-17 fl \VK have MIMIC ottho best houses In Omahn. > i andsninosinnlloiK't.nt very low prlees ami terms to Milt linyei Have pied lots , with trarKiiec. onoor fnoflnncoriiun on I'm- nuni st..ucrcaso and viicant lots In all parts of city , llavoa ft'iv lol tlmt must lie sold to lilKlieit bidder. Come * nnd buy ; imi'llilnj that will ulreyou n bis prolltont * month from now. Sliln cr A ; Penny , room -I ) , Douglas block. l h and Dodje. M-.ffiJ CUVino Imys the I r. Chambers resldenco and ' [ MoU-rlimry uarnoti JOth mid Uurdotto f tx. This U mno le s than eost. 1) . Y. hholt-s. hole asent , JUl'iratKat.baiilt. J1 ! J IKK [ FALK-At a hat ? .i In. 133 feet square IMtU and Jaekbon st. Thu U. 1' . I ) ITS'O. ( MSJ7 C TTJIOIl SAIiK-T > ot and 2housc ? . 1.1th and Dor- on monthly piiymtiiils ; M mliii walu fiwm iMjttolIlce. The O. r. Datls Co. 6 SAI.E-A farm ndlolnlns Ulalr. Neb. . Id ho platted nud sold for cardcn ut once. \V..Mcllrlde. . HUlr. 7 T nU SAM'I-Homo and lot. 2Kt and llau- -L1 croft , nt a tmrzaln on monthly nnrinuiits. The 0.1' . Davis Co. SISU7 0 ONE of the best lots In On-hard Hill , only f-330. blrlnscr& IViiny , Ilouglua blnul ; . SALH-At a bargain , n desirable resl- JL1 deuce. J. " > .5)il ) ; 8'iO ) down , haliinco on easy terms , fall atNubrablvUbtoaiu laundry , Kith and llowurdsts. 7M V\Oll \ BAI.K-N. \ \ . cor WJth and Dodge J Tlio O. 1' . Davis Co , MS'J7 0 T71OU9.VI K-At nbarialn , OOvliM on Daveii- J- port , nuar 17th , nuohlork from now post- olllceory cheap , tW.OX ) ; MxtlQ corner 20th mid ! , * WOOJ. U. L , . Urcen , room BO , Hark u r liloolc Kl "lj1Ol 8AIK-At nbarsafn , n sooU store house -L' lltttd up with shelvus und counters , base- inent O rooms for dwelling. Rood clstorn nnd well , will .ell or t ndo for u o. 1 stix-lj ot aro- ctirles. Addmj Hcol ii Keel , U U. D. srocerj , S ? ' N. 16th st. W7 _ SAIjK Splendid opportunity to pet a - bountiful nuwlu-rooni Uoiibo Inoneot tlio finc t locations In Omaha. 2 blocks vest ot IX > WQ uvo onCussu. , lilh tinj Rlshlly nnd on Krinle , full lot , clly watnr , clucrn , timer , bay window , porcuns. double floor , eel * lar , oto. ull UnUheu In hurd wood and hard oil und la Urn-claw style : 1 1'rlco JiOO. Ti-rim easy. Usual coinnilwlim to ajonts. Inqulro ot onucr , C. U , Merrill , Casi and 4 lit su. ron , sAijixniur BSTATB. Formttf , rfc. , tre top o.f fnt cchnnTion t/ilipiicpA f ? UOOM cottage , full lot , llnnsoom 1'lnrc , I east ( runtaud n Rront bnrsulu tor a fu\f days. Small rasti payment and bnlancn on loin ; tlmo , 1' ' . 1C. U.irflnj. lltirker block. ilCt . TnnilncfnMuJI , < 00 to } UWi ) rach : llX ( ) to KW ) cash , balance monthly or to suit , If you want n house wo cnn arnnse terms to suit. bnieiitou & Allen , 1607 rum am. ! KX 4 _ IiAOIt SA UK Iiook at thisXnwT.rooin house on lot J'J bkx'k ft , ll.ikor pluco. splendid rlow. sdittb front , well , cellar. b.iy window , tic. ; J.W ) or moro cash , bnlancoof ! ! . % . 1J per month. Iiuiulro ot owner , 1 0. Merrill , C'a > > ! ) ami 41.ststs. 107 n3 * ASMAljIipayiucut down nnit SP per- month will liny a4-r < wm lioiiso nnil lot on ICth. ! l llocUa truiu motor : tlrnt-elas-i L'bancn Io at1- nnlro n hottie on ri v lerius , Apiijy toll , li I'nle. t'onttiiCntrtlblooV. SSU _ inoit HA M'-An elojant now residence , 0 4 rooms , cherry nnd ciak llnlsh. hiMo stable anil oM > ry conviMileneofor comfoit : location , the. liptt In the city , jirleo low. 'lernnpasy. 1 > . J. O'Domlioo. IC01 Kama in t. U J _ \\7 At U I lit \ \ oslornvld.i-oalcstate.S.Oiiiahn. M Ita _ 1' YOU hive nnytliln ? to sell or exchange ' bhvk. H.M i fOHSAl.U Cheap , on cnsv terms , a nice catlapo In I/OUO'K Add. , niul n 7-room brlt > k bouse , wlthall inndern cou\i'nli > tires , on ; iMh and Jackhonsts. liooinll.Oh.iiiiborComnunx-o GI.-I for rattt. rtt. , ft top af ttitt niliimii on tlili tvt < ; t , It ? , STIiVKII Is Blvlns liMt 3111'ecs.sof nny fortune teller In the clly. Mm does not deal Inanvtraiid. Her terms are the lowest , 10i ( N. 16th .st. , lid lloor. M154OJ * M At3At3K , Mndjiu Dcizicr , over 010 S. tilth _ _ MRS. N NNir \VARlRNr \ ! clafriny.itit ti.mce , speaklujs. vrrltlns and tcliablo buslius3iiiciluinlyea ( , In Omaha. 110 N. luth. MAhSACK I/Y'L'IIS ! / I'ar i alff. ftf tee top of ti > * t < ul m n oii T\f A S.VCIK bathat MadainSmllh's llJLtM ? ! ? . 13lhht. , next llai-ker hotel 17.-'J * iTt AfSAUi ; Mu'.uin ielzler , overoW S. nlnu i'-L 3MJ6-N-S * Tor rn'c' ' . flf , ( tcrlop nffis1 column on f/ilj vnNTKnvvriidlefl J. Co. . Itoobnllilliii ; lnialia.4 ye.ira' ( "cperi- cnco as evainlneis In I'.t ' * . palcnt olllce. llrunch olllooutVashliistoli. . I ) . O. t'oiiililtatloa free s7S HA.IU CJOOO.S-XVICJS. KTC. Tor ratable , scctoi. o/Urs' co'tirunnnthu BESTllnohalrRoodsIn ; lialrdrosslgn , ivljw. snitches , bums , halijac-lialns , ntcu specialty. Davlrs hair Kiuds and lulllliior oiiiKisllo iMftofllcp. IllS.l.'itlist. OmahatWJ AKING. for nilfs , elf. , nc < ; tot > of first ealttmn im tlili ficioc. S "JU VM ; K Nls7oilooVrsMiVnTin"e : lies sollcltea. Miss Sturdy. COW llunipy st. * .rXMA I'HJ.N. ' \VnrnicA ! , A Joint icsolutlori was ailoptcil jy thole lMat tiiimf the. stiitu of Notiniska.ut h < - t'vcnij-ni- , sliii thpioof. and approved March T'Otli. A D ISfi'J ' , propr-slns an amendment - ment to tsertlniiUvo IS ] fonr(41 ( and H\e [ SI of \rtlclo Hl\lli | olthe const Itullonof Bnld HLHIO ami that swiil scctlou an umeiided clull r < > il aj folliuvsto-wlli Section 1 That socllon t\vo(2)of ( ) aitlolo six "iloltho const lull Ion of tliostutoot Nebraska Do umonded so us to read nsfollons : "Sfotloni : The mipremo court shall con sist of nvo(5)Juils ( ) s. aiiKiiorlty of wliOlimhall l/unc'-es to form / ary aqnuniiu orlopronounco iidcilslon , It shall line uilKlnnl jurltdlc-tlon in cases relntlni ; to revenue , civil cases In which thestatosliall bo u paity. miind.iiuiis , quowari-anto , habeas corpus , and suchnppcl- latajurlsdli'tfonua tray beprovldpd tiy law. ectlonS : That seciion four (1) ) of a-i tleio sit ( G.oftho ) const Hut Ion nft lie si a toot Nebraska , bo amaMdrd so ,15 to : "i follows : Section 4 : The judges of the supra mo court hUtxllbo elected by the electors rrilititlato at I a rat , und their terms of ofTIco , mccptas herclnarter provided , shall bo for a period of Qvc(5) ( ) years. " Section ; ! : Tint section flro CTof article six ( C ) ot the constitution of the state of Nebras ka. be aineudcdso us to re.ul as ( ullOMii Sectloni : "Atthuflrl emu-Mi ulectlonto be held lu the year 1W1. and after llio ariop- tlonof tills anicndinrnt tn the conslltntlo : > . therosbiillbu tlcctixl three < a > Judges of the Rupirmo court , one of whom nhall bo elected for the term of one ( I ) yoft'.onefor ' llio t irm of tlirue ( Slyonniindonu lor tlmtermof fl\u io ) yeil-s. aud nt each general election there after there shall ho elected one Jurtjio of the supreme court for the term of vo 0) ) yo.iis. Vrovlded , that the judges of the Biiprmn eourt wlioso terms have not expired ut the tlmo of election of 1KII , Kluill continue to hold their olllco for the re- mulndor of thetcrin for vhleli tbcy eiore- pecllvoly elccttd under the present consti tution. " Section ! : That each person votlndn fauir of this amendment shall hriyo written or printed upon lilt ballot thefollonlnR : "For tnc proposed auionilrooiit to t lie consti tution relating to thu nutuuor of supreme jiules. " Tlierof ore. T. John H Thiycr , Qoiernorof thostutonf Nebraska , do hereby K'O notice In accordance with section one (1) ( ) uitlclodr- toen'l.S ) . of thvcoiistltiition , the ( irovlslonsuf thoaot oiitllled "Anact to pruildo the nun- nerof proposln ? all umciidmonts totlio con stitution : uid MiibmlttlnR the same to the oloj- torsof the wttite. " Approved I'cbrnary 13th , A. D. 1H77 , that > ald proposed amend incut will be presented to the qualllled loters of the or lojuellun Hi thoceaeral election to bo lield oatho Uh day of Novem ber , A. D , 1W > . I n witness whereof I ha hereunto set my band and caused to ho Kill KIM ! the ftiont seal nf the state of Nebraska. Done : it Lincoln this'Mlh day of July , A. 1) . 16WJ , andthn twoii- ty-fourtliynnror t liostnle. and of the iinlc- pcndencnof tli. United btatcs tbo ono liun drodflftepiilh. JOHN .M. TliAYEB. IU- . Secrcta ry of State. J JO.\ . . A Joint resolution was adopted by tlio Injlslatiirc of the state ot Nebraska , ut thntwoiity-ilrit session Llicfvof , and approved 1'ebruary 13th , A. 1J. lvkP. priinosliiK ananiciul- niciit to the cniistltutlon or said Htate. und thatsald ameuduieut blull 03 follows , to-wlt : Spctlonl : That at the soncral oltotlon to bo held on the Tuvulay suee > ciiniK the llrst Monday of Noveinlwr , A. . Il.lMXilhci-o Bhallby suinlttedlo ttio uleetoii of ibis state for .ip- . protal orrojeictlnn an itiicnitineiit tothn coa- Rtltutlon of this slate In wurds ah follows : "Tho iniinuf aeture , s.ilo niiO Keeplnsfor sale of IntoKlca tinclhuior- a betuintuart fur- ever prolilblteilln this slate , nnd the leslsla- t urn shall pro vide by law for the onfnriM-iiieiit of lliU p/DVlalon. " Aud thci-o shitll alito at oalil election bo sup.iratolv submitted to tlio electors ot thlsttatvfnr tlielr uppro > al orre- { oetlon nn anicndniuit to the cnnstllutloiiot thustatvln woidu us fin Inns : "The manuf.ic- ture , sale uiicl Kcoplni : forsuloof liitiixli-atluc llqnora as u lKivurue shull bo llocmeil and i-esulatcdhy Uw. " f-oc. - : At matt election , on the ballot of each elector voting for the p rnpo- , oil amend ments totho ( ' ( institution shall bo wrlttoiinr printed llio wird"l"nt' ; propnd aiueiiil- UK.'iit to the constltiitlou. I'ruhlbltiriiC ' the manufai'tiire , Hiilo and UoeplnK for s.ilo of IntoxIcutluK liquors as u. beverage/ Against the proposed nme-ndmcnt to the coipilttiitlnu prolilbitlng thu inaiiuf act lire. sale and keeping for s.ilo ot Intoxluatln llnuoi-s as a bcterasc. " Ibeio shall also lie written nr printed onlhn ballot of each elector \otlni ; for arcundiiieat to the constitution , Llio uurds : 1'or proposertnrntjmliniMitlo thu const Itnllou that tlio mamifiie.turo. site and kef pine for die of Intoxicating llqnorn K u hoturaKe In hi ! etutt shall 1m lh.-iMi-.rd and rcKnlntod bylaw. " or "Attaint ald proposed aniend- inent to the roni-tltuttoii that the man nlao- tnru , sale and keeping furs-iloot iuto\loillnj ! llquort ni a lvenit ) | < > thtll bo licensed and reiulatlnji bylaw. " bcu. : i : If rltni-r of llio t.ild proposed amendments shall bn upproi cil liy iiiim.iorlty of the elrcton voting at the laid ulrt-tlon , then It ihall contltuto .section iwvnly-Miven I -7 | of atlleluoao llof | Lhecorutltutlon of this 'Ihercforp , I.Tohn M. Tliaycr , Govnrnor of Die st 11 to of Nebraska , do hcrfby ulro notion liiarcordanc-iiwlt ) i ttx-t Ion one [ 1 ] : irtlole(15) ( ) of thu constltulloiiund llio provisions of tlio liCtcut illcilnn act to linn ulotho manner of prnpofilnc all amn tiJmtnts to thu eonstltiitlOQ mm Milniilulns tlio.vuneto tlmolectnrs uttbn btiitc. " Appiuvod I'otmmiy 13th , A. It. bT7 , tint said pioposod anirnuiricnt will bo mib- inlltca to tliOuaullOed totersot thla&tatcfor ariirovilor rejection at tbu tcnoril cluutlon to bo btld on the 4th day ot > oveinbur , A. U. 18 * . In witness whereof I hereunto setmy hand. ana caiuo to bo affix eel the prcat teal ot the sttito of Ncbrnska. l > ont ut Lincoln thls'Jlth any of July , A. I ) . HW , uua tboZlth yearof thu stale , cud of tlio Indcpendciicaof the Doited btatti thooneliutitlred Illtenntn. lly Ihcaovernor , JOI1K M.TUA.YEB. Ctx.ixMtri H. Uovruinr. trtuAi.l becrotnry of State. Augmt In3m _ Cliaujo ot life , bickucny , uiontnly Iriojjn lnrlUosliot llaiUi ure cutx-d by Dr. Mllos' Xfcrvlno , Fveo samples ut ICuhu &Uo.t l&tU mid Douglas , _ _ 1G02. SIxtoontli mill Fiirtiaui struots is tlio now Rock Island llc-ket ofllce. Tlt-lc- cta to all points cast at lowest rntca , RHIuWRYTIMEGRRn I 1-IIICAI10 IIIMll.l.NOroN A VI Arrlriw l Mt un < JO p in i hlMito Kipro > ' . . . . . . . . 8U ) L SO a m . . . . .I'lilrnjo Kipro * s , . . . . . . , , Gap ) ra t * 10 p m . . . . . . , . tli lo ro KiprMi. . . . . . . ,1 0HI in . ( Op ni , j. , . .rti ! < Mi.-u lA'cnl. . . . . . . , , ,1 801 it m lit Ul.IS'crrii.V A Ml ) . ItlVKIL , Arrlio. IKMKII Mill unit aitum trts. I Unmtia. folio tnf Ptnrefiiny Ktt > rti.l 4.CUp m 10IJ n nil. . Donri'r Kinrvas . . . . . , . , 0.Dp in 6.1) ) p ml . . . .warrt.Miiht r > rc OsJin 8IJ n tnl Lincoln MOM I t .00 p n Jfurr. f * K. f , ST. .f. H 0 U | A rrl o i Omntm. Parol IDtli nnJ Miiou lre t . I Oimlix UlS n rutK.'i * . Mitht Fin. Till' . Trnm ' r.,41 ft rn 1JMON 1'Al'lHC ' lArrlie * " Depot loth unit Mun-y ttoet . I Omnhij. Ul I > in . . . . TTTorftlntulUjur . . . .I t'OSp m 7 0 p in Taclllo Kirp.i' | 13 Up tn 107J H ra Dpnrpr Kiprets , . . . . . . . ! .1..Mptn II W it ill , . . , .K n MCIly hxpruii , U. < Ua n ion n ml Knlrnclil K o. ( picept.sim. ) . I 4 SI p ni UITO * I OIlll'AllO. U. I.A t'Al'll > 'Il\ i . \rrlrn Omnlm IU. 1 * . dnixU , Will ami M rcy Sll ' Onittia. ' " C.1I ) p ra . . ? 'lKlit Kirre i . . . . . . . IC.tM n m SiOi n ni , Atlantic Ktir | - i ' ) p in p ni VcstlMiln IJtnlttil 10.4) n m MlODX I'll'Y A I'AllMu AtnvoiT Omnlm. 1 P ili p lWthiiil _ _ Mtror H 7 IS n in i . . . .Moux City r.i'tenk'cr 4JD p ml . .St. rui i : < I > rei . . . . 10.10 urn ' lfiei i ? lOl X l'1'l t , \ l * < \ iHti i A rrlrm jUinnlm I 1 fpot lullicml Hi'lit r8ti. I l nnh . ' ' " > ( M ji tn ! . . . , St. I'.ml M.nllol . . . . i I'.ll nm"s IHTO | ( -llliAlli ( Nllltlll\V K l'liliS . Arriro * . lf.l.ilopol lUtti Mirer O.nnlin _ _ , nnd M < Clin in Ctilcn i > Kil > ru < ! A.'JU p ni 4 U p n Vi.itlbn'.n l.iinltot. ti.'O in tp \ ni luwnAcoouitniiUntlnii < iii : ) . Sum 7.U1 ! > m VID n in . . . , , , . Knitcrn I'lrur J.I51) m l.liji n hut Lustern Kvprins . . . K.OJ n in Itntat V * i Arrito * * Ornihs. ICIXI p nil . ( 'liknk-o Itiprosi I l > . ( i lrn ISi' p n I'lilraeti Kjpro i tn l nvo < I OMAHA . \ SI. LlililM lni ) lirvtl. IVItnmt , IDtli nmt Mirer Sll . .H. Ixiuis rnnnonil ll. ! : . .1i li in Oumtm. _ , _ _ O-mlia. ' t i m Hluck Illlli Biir ii..M..j S.TJ p'ni JUI n in . . .llMllnuilUp. ( Kr. Hunili r ) . .I.5..WP " > f. IU p ! n\\alioi\Vl.liimln ; ! ' < M.50 n m til ) | i m.Vtirk ! A Norfolk iKr. Mmdny ) . . . . Omnhn. I _ IJepot I6h [ nn.l Ho I < nnli\ . " 1UJ it m ] 7 > iou * Oty Aoviumoilitlun f.UJ p tn 103 p nil..MuiiT Cltr KxiiroK ( I'.s Bun ) 1 'U p m 5 ( < J P in1 . St.r.iul l.lmlto.l . J.I5 I ) ml tlanrott I'M'Piiiciir ( ! < Muni I H.l'i n in Icnvtfj I MlsSoBlll I'ArlflC. " I Arrirn Oiunhn. I Bcpiit 15lh nn l \ \ ' tiitor St- . _ I Onulii. ID.JIn mi7r .M l.oulf A K I' . 1C | > ri' . . 4..VJ p ni Vl. > p nil . . .M. I o li , V K ( ' . Kiprov . . I1..U II 111 CHIL'AUO. It. I .X 1'Al'lt-iU /vrrtr s TranMorl Union PciiotCnuni'ii lllitrii. 'rrnni r r ' rni 6J4J p iu | . 77.7..NliiLt K pro s . I ni 9'HJ n in Atlnnl'.s Kipruj ) . f > i'l p tn (01 p ni VtMtlbulo MmlttHl . MOW n tn lonTt'S | ClllA.CItNOlll'IIWs'J ( | Arrlro * 1mn fiTi L'lilun Doi'ot. i'iniiu-ll Illnni fill nliiiTT. . " . < -ilcai { Kipru it ( U p iu KU p nil Vo.lHuilo l.liiilteil 11 111 ni JtMX ) p 01 ! Kaitern Kl > ( * r J U ) p in | . < J p m1 Atlantic Mnll 7 'II n tn n.O p iiulown Aeu nini ( > < ln.on ! ( Kic. Htm ) 11.10 | > in . --.U .V WT. rAlluiAtrlTMn 'Jtamfcr I'nlDii Drpot. iVuncll HliiiH. I't'ruufar "CJO lilnl. . . . . . . . ChlriTBu Kiito | ! ! 1'ISnin | S1 p ml .yiilcnpo fipross I 11(11 ( p ni Uare $ I K.f. . ST. Jfltf .V 0. II. " 1 Atrlro-i 'Jramltrl Union l ) pot , Council IjliiJIi jT n for 10inh * iiir..hTansiu | I'Ur IWX Kiprpss . .T5Tl p in MS | nil..h nsni Cltr MriitVijross _ .l IIW ni l avoi I HMAlIA .k M' . LOUIS' . j\mvo IrnniTor' ' Union li > | Kit , t'oiiiK-ll lllufti ] Ti inft r ) Ml > l Ixiul < anmi Hull. . | > ni OHMiCMIl'Al.O. . DITItl.'N . * QlllSOr . Airlv.ii ItiOHM U'niim IloMt | , ( ' jinirll IMuili. i'rrnn for 4U 11 mim ChliiiKU Kiproji lijj i > in 10UU ; 131 ClitcnKO E l > re .Ml n iu 7.A ) p nr i tetliin Ixical 11 3) ) a in Ixj.ire ) i MOUAt'lTV ti I'AIIHU. , rrlv V lrrii fi'f Union IWnot , Coimcll lllurti , Ttnntfiir 745 am . . .feliiux < 'ltr AcroTnmodntlon . . till ) 11 m Mip m clt r ul Kipri'ii IIIIU i > in MiaSOllltt rAl'tbMI' MJIIUIlllAfi TllAl.NS. Wcstw.trl. n inltt.nun .ttilp in' ' Ini ) II.Ill Ip.lll Web torRt A JI ) : , M I. J A.l't f Kill 12 li OnU { . Intliitiii iB ! n .V ttt I.IHjiJK S.IJ li fit llrulil Hill s. , ( ll.0 | > li 01 H.Cil I.II Ijiko t > tiH > t ii.M7.wls. , U7 4.011 li III S.HI I 01 Walnut Hilt 'ti.UI ' 7.Ui.8. .171 1.10 II IB ts.Mi llniKli'ii I'lnoo li.UI7.WS. .11 i.i3t in B M ! 1.01 \Vnit Side OUJ 7.1(1 ( 8 .15 1.15' ' 11.10 B.S5 ! l.ll .18 4.ISt. . . . B.W Mascot . I.IT 1'urlt lUlij l.ll'i.Kjj ' il I'll I.XI I him < .iiilp.m 11 ml I'ortnl , 34.4-.J . . U.M ? o > mour I'urk .iil.M . . . O.9 ! l.ll llHill'Ol , < 4M.Kl | . , . . VI.J. ' I.It . .491.5.1v ' . . . . ll.U I.M Wo t Mo ui 7.1V - - -v , IMS u.w I.M I HI i id co riaee U.I 7 7.1S : . . afi.oi 11.11 u.u 1.6T Wniiint Illll I 7,11 9 UJS.Hl li.'JI Sl.H 2.1(1 Ikn Mrect nisi 7 B ii.iup.n tl.H * . ( M llrnlrt IIIIU f.M 7.WIH.03IS.I5 - il.M nk Cinthivin , C.M'7il ' H.05,5.IS , 11.8s 0.11 slo ! ttrbstfrfltrpet li.1(117 ( IVUul.S : ilC.IU IO.W REPORT OF THE CONDITION -op nm Du At Klkhnrn , In the Stall' of Nolirnslcn. at thu iloio of bii'iliio-MOctober Jfili , Is'JJ. ' KKbOUKC'ES. I.onnsaii'l illst-oitnts ? ll.M't ft ) 0\or < liaft , sccuroil uml uiiso ureil r > l' . ill Itin ) front natlniial ha nits I..AS 7'l llenl "stiiti' . fiiriiltnro uml liMnvis lMl HI Cnirtut c'\iC'ii'i | ' 8aiul lu\usp.iltt 447 III Clii'C'liS null nt tier i'ihh ; It ulna IS'i KJ lllllhuf other hank * , IWU 10 I'mt-to'iiil paper enircney , nickels uiKliunti 1.1 13 i'P'-l-iO L'lf. 71 Legal lender Total * W.W.I 17 1JAIMLIT1KS. ( ' . stock paid In ? " . 'I' ) ) Vt rndltlclfdpinlils M ( n IndUldiiuldepoill'-.siiliJec't ' bu-bcuU. 7-W lleniiinil c-cillllualisof deposit k''S ? M Timecerllllcatosiif dciostt I.SIl H I'olloit'ou iicc-oiint K * VI To'al ' 5 21,070 17 t'oiiuu uf limit1 * : . * ! , f K' I , , ) , M. llniiini'f , iiiiMUlcnl of tin' 'ibavn naincil , nL. ilOS'ik-innlv sucar lliat I ha ilnvu .stati'iiicn t h true to the lu'Mnf inv I. luinlfiK-u anil lielk'f. J. M. llUl'Vim'/l'iv-l'li-nt / ' Sitli-erMit 1 anil su'uru to bcfoH1 uu * ( hi- ! . > th iluv of UitoboiI'W. . WJ1. S. CANOV. .Nol.iiv I'lililir * . \ViiLRE\s , A joint io8 < > lntloii was hv the lepisla nrc of the stnto of Nobraik.i. at Ihn IBCUI j-lirsl sfsRlniithori'of. : md upprovnd : > itfi , A. I ) . In 'J , propjHlnt ; un unininl. iiienl loSei'llonTliirtreii ( li ) of Article bi < ( Hi cf tlii forstltutlon nf orilil stnles that silij section as amended shall road us foliovs. to * wit : Section 1 : ThilTotlon thirteen fKli nf 'irtl- cle nlx < U ) uf thu crust tullonof tin'il.U nf No. br.'i'-kv b < : amnnilud soai tuiead afollniT * Si-itlon 11 : Tliojud m of tliosupr inni-ourt ubiill eue.h rctln a ualury of tlihiy-hvo IKMI- tired dollar ! l.5.'J ) noruiiiiiini tin ) llio luilti' < if tliPCllntrlotPaurt Bhall receive a h.iliry , of I hrco thousand dollnisMl ( > X par iinuiiiu. tud tinjilar.v of each Minll bo | i.iyuhle < | iui tt'rl/ , i-i'ctlou' ! ' I''ich puitnn Mitinn In f.i\or uf tli Is sum inline 1.1 sliil ! Imvo wrlum urpnti tc'l ' iipoahli Inl lot Hie follow In ; : "fur tliupropoicd ainciutiiiunt. Io lln"Mii-.ti- tut Ion , rolatiiMtit thofiltrr oi jud viior t ! | < ) suii.emn .mil ilKuIrt rmirl ' Tliorufon1. 1. Juhii 11. 'J'huyor , Bovcrnor of tlio iitulo of Nolirnnkn , do hereliv u-iv e notien , In nccoidaneo wltti section ono III urtlcln flf. loonl."i | ] of lliu I'oiibtltutlm , ami tlio pro"- ! hlumof unuct cniltleit : "An a > 't to pi'isiln llio iimniur of projicislns all amundnicnlnto Ihui'ons'l'iitUin und submitting the unit ) In lhnoliieviiif tlin stale. " Approved I'tljiuary Illb.A D 1K77 , Unit sild pronoted , uii n'l- incnt Hllllio HUljinIHol to thu i | lull ! I " 1 voter i of this stitu : forappioral nr rejriilli < n. ut tlin Ki tileetliinto lo : heldon the 4tlid4/of No cniber , A. l > IhOJ. In' ltnsn whercuf I base hoiciiatotot my liHiiCnn.lcrxil'ioI to bo uttlicd thu Kn-nt ncnl oftlu fcunin of Nebraska. loic ) at Lincoln , thls .tti day of July. A. l > . li > ' . und Liu ITV.HI. ty-fiH.ttliyear of 1 IIP state , n ail uf tliunnhi. | M'ii < lencojf [ the Dulled titato- . the oiiDliun. diodQftoGiith. Itythc Ouvernor. JOHN 31 THAl'Slt. IlKNJUII.N I : . UOiniRUV , Decrctary of State. " | > ( ) > ( lS.\Lk * I'OU OATS AMI ni 1 U. S. Inillii ) Kerih-r > . Kosi'Lud A Hoillli DiUot.i. Oclobdf ' 'J , IS'X--i ' proposils Imloised "I'mpoiuU f r und. Coin" , nnd addressed in the i. hliriiril ut Koumd Au < 'tny , Hii.ilh H.i will l.o KK-i'lu-d at tb'c ofllrn tinlil ( inn o'f-io'k p. in nf N'ovrmbc'i- . ivia. fur fur- nl-liln tiuil ilellveiln.- thlo AKCII < ' > . ,0i | lsdf Outs , and l.Vi.W ) ponuus of itiru iniiiil bn Inlxhl and C-UMH. und Hull Mii'lcd. and u'ulch iinVlosHthun&'J ( Miiiiuls Io t'iolmslnl. . Com in ii t bOK'iiindiiiKl di-aii , tn v.-flfh iiollos'4 lluui M ponniN tn the'l. and to ho iMUcix-d hiK.tclnof ntinnt two and ii-half bii lielr.eiipuelly. undo otHoiinro Imr- lap , well > o > O'I IIMdrr * will hi' ii-iinind | in Ntaui f./ecllpally | | In tlielr hid * | Jifiu of e.ichnil' Io Id l.uflirui I'll f ii delivi'iy nn'lcr u tontraei. 'J'ho rlplitU ii'ser'.ed i - je * t any ur all bids 01 any pui t nt : tny l > iil if deemed fur the bent luH'inst of tlin t.ri vn-n iVitHii'il t'li-'l ( > . ITuch bid iau > l be tu-ciini- hauled liv a oertlllod eboek nr draft IIK.II | Mime t'nlt d Half * Depimltoiy , luaih p'iy- ablulolho order ot the und iiittii ! < l , f < ir .it lunit tlvuior | cfut ofllic amount nf t mi pr ji | - xal.nhlrliclu-ck orilrufl v.lll bu l'oiicil ( | in thul'iilttd Slides Incuse iny MdtK-l 'n lili | > flvriiHcrlvniRAii award Hh'ill full t < promptly u\iTUto neontnu-t with fox\ \ null tutllniriit siirltlev. ritbfr'rlsp tnbi ) ri't.iriiul t.i llio Md- ilur. K. II , ltiV.NOIl.S : , .Special U 'i. luilla * A'jcnt ludiirjo , oSd2M < > ui