Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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E , R08BWATEE , Editor.
Dally nndBuiulny , Ono Vf-nr . 110 00
Fix months , . ' " )
Tlirro months . 2M
Htindti ) Hie , One i oir . W
\Scckly Hcc , Ono Vi-iir.
Omnlin. The Heo llulldlng.
ho u Hi Omnlin. Corner N nnrt Mill Street !
Council HlulTs. 1. ' Pearl Ktrcot.
C'hlcago Ofllce , HIT ( 'linnitM'rnf Commerce
New Vork.Kociiiii 1.1,14 nntl l'Trlliine Building
Washington , Dl.llourlcetith Street ,
All rotnmunli itlons relatlne to news nrid
rilltorlit mil tor Mioutd bo addressed to the
r.Ultorliil Hep irlincMi
All busliuhs li Hers nnd remit tances should
bo nil're < - < l to'llio Ilco I'ubllshlnjOoinp my ,
Otnnhu. llrnftM rhfrki nti'l ' Postoniroorders
to be tu.-ulo p.i.MiMe to the older ol the. com
The Bcc Publishing Company , Proprietors ,
Thollei ll'ld'it. liifiiain nnd i-evcntcetilli Hts
FvroiiN brATi.Mi.N"r : or'otitcinTAiToa
Ktntcof NebmsUa. I „ ,
Cotintrnf DiMiulns.1 _
Ornrce ll 'IVhClmeU sierelary of The Pco
rulillMilnl toninnnv , ( lees solemnly swear
tnat the nclual circulation of Tut , DAIIT lit e
for the vvcc * uiidlup Oct , 21,1KW. was as fol
Humlav Oct. IP Stan
Momlnv Oct i.1) -"Oai
Tnr lny Oit.SI a > IT
\\cilnisclnr. C d ! OT.II
Thiiridnv Uel i\ \ WJll
I'rldav Oil SI St'-'fl.l
eaturday.Oct , 23 W.VM
Avcrago 20.HM5
fiFninr H T/SCIIICK.
Firorn to hpfnrn mo nnd suDscribr-d In my
pictrneo tnis 'itliilnvof Octolior. A 13..ISO
II.FAI. | N. 1' . I'm. Motary I'ubllo.
Btutent Nrhrntldi , lc.
( onnly ( if llonclns I h1 >
flrorco II T/seliuok. linluit duly sworn , do-
ro rs mill sitys Hint tin Is urcrctar ) of The ISro
I'libllslilne'onip.itiv ( lint llm nctuiil siveriao
ilnlly elrnilntliin of Tur DAIIV Ittl for
tlui nuinlli of Oitoler. I1 * ' ! . 18,007 roplos ,
for Novcmbi-r , I'S't , 10.TIO copies ! ( or Uc-
rpinlicr , 1HP. ! oOIR coiilfss for J'lnnnrv ,
1 00 ] U..Vii , copies : for Tollman , I&LXI I'i-
Ifil ( enl s for Mnroli. IHfl , 10811 eoplesj
forAprll IPio , 20rM ( oples ; for SI ly , 1 RiO ! , Si ) . K <
eoples : fur.1 UUP IKIO , ' 'O..OI cop'pvfor _ July ,
' ' " ' " '
) , ! ' eoplns"
Crrjiini11 T/srinrciv.
"innrii to brforo me. nnd nnbscrlbeil In rny
proitnco , thlsOlli any of October A. T ) , IS'JJ
I1 I'nu
Notary Pub ] In.
Av tiniogistorod vote represents the
tmpotoncj of citi/enshii ) .
1tlio rovibod oplslloof St. Paul , tlio
cleat iiitfiof Mmnoipolla is acolloetlou
of stall oil prollls.
.Toimnus nnil iniinufaetuiors should
HOC to It tlicir ngonls arc cullcil
home in tlmo to rcgibtor and \otc.
TlfiK : \ \ \ \ Is publishing no editorial
loiidvrs In foreign ltln'llaJo ! { , bin the
AtnufUan lliiffstill Ilicsfiom Us flagstuQ ,
A von : for license is a vote to pto-
hibit the occupation of the hhod colonoU
and tnnjors in this suction of the country.
Is tlio in.ittor of bulk clearings
Denver and St. Paul uro striiKjjliiiff
hra\oly to stuko the pacosotby Oinuhti.
Tin : collapse of the iiulopcndont mo\o-
mont in South Dakota Borvts as a warning -
ing \Inloimiics that political parties
cannot \ vnfal on oxploilod thuorlos.
IP Mr Root insists on piovoUngf a
joint debate , Tar BICK suggobts u imn
of his flbo. How vould "Chtmco" Tolkcr
do to galvanize the itidepondont eorps-o ?
Tun joint dob.ito , which used to be c\-
oliHivolj \vestoi n and southern institu
tion , hns now como into fa\or in the
onst , where It iiossossos the lla\or of
nxtt ol t.y , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THIS democratic coiiKrcbsloual cora-
iiiltteo Is bald to hnvo fned a laigo
uiiountof "" out of tlio iniportcis
who roprcHont the foreign friends of
their p ii'ty.
Tin : oxcltomont in Kansas o\w the
orlginnl package decision has subsided.
The improved quality of liquor fuiniblicd
coin poniatos for the losses sutTerod hy
prohibition drug1 btorcs.
GovRHNon OAJii-niai- Rivonnll the
oiedit of having brought the Ohio dem-
ociiitlclojislaturo to time. The coho-
sl\o power of Mr. Brico'a btu'l ' is conven
iently kept in tlio sluulo.
Tin : lopuhlican press of the Fust ilis-
tilct isory impattiul. It la gingtho
\\lilcbt circulation to the bonfiiucnts of
Mr. llrj an concerning tlio "men who
work in shops" anil cluirgliig him noth
ing thuiofor.
Mu. HrAiNi'slsitto Chicago has no
political hifjniflc.mco. It is a domestic
affair. Thoio is n young Hl.ilno in the
family of his ton Lnunons , and the
youugbtor wanted to BOO his grandfath
er's % N hlto ulumo.
SlNCi : Governor Holes declared for
the shotgun in southern oluctlons lie h is
onjoycil a boom for the vice tn-csldoni'y.
It Is * a gtoat thing for an aspiring demo
crat to lot Ills party know just \\horo ho
fatands on the sholyun issue.
IT is to bo infoned , from the manner
in which his organ sneers at Mr. lUaino's
Canton speech , tnat young Mr. IJryan is
about to challenge the plumed knight to
joint debato. llo does not know vrhoro
nerve enda and pure gall begins.
Allen Hoot has explained sit-
isfaotoilly about that Holt county homestead -
stead and the ni.iiiiior In which 1m bought
to obtain it , Mr , llosownlor will endeavor -
doavor to find time to moot him la joint
dobatoto discuss tlia"monov" question.
THE comus count of all states and tor-
rltories , with the exception of Alary-
land , Virginia nml Mlssouii , has boon
completed and announced in tabulated
form. Nebraska's exhibit of growth ,
compared with ofticr states. Is ono to
which the people may well point \\Ith
prido. But four states surpass It in the
increase of population Now York ,
Pennsylvania , Texas and Illinois , It in
a matter of congratulation that in the
race for supremacy in the ivost , Ne
braska ranks second In growth. Minno-
. 8otu ranks third with an increase of
llvo hundred and nineteen thousand , to
Ke til-ask a H six hu nil red and four thou-
catid. lowu and Kunina , with oppoitu-
nltloH fully aw great to prow and ox-
patid , havofullun Hhatply to the rear.
What the present docudo will accom
plish do ponds on the people of the stntc.
If iwmltfi'ullnu lanotroollud | and walled
out by BUinptuury lugiHlatlon Nebraska
wilt ovortiiku lioth Inwu and Kansas hy
I Ui 4 a of tlio century. : st'iviKUB count \
In ono way or nnothor , with ono
oxcoptlon , every dopnitmcnt of the
Btnlo government hnB expanded to
mtot tlio giovvlli In population. This
exception Is the Btato buprenio couit.
Organized flltccn years JIRO to meet
the wonts ot a tiuurtor ol a million
people , It Is lodnj simply o\orv\helmed
with tlio bunlness of n population four
times ns crcit. While the mutters of
the present constitution granted the
legislature power over nil subordinate
courts , lo incionsotho intmlier of Judges
anil Judicial district * , uml toernnlo tioiv
pom IH , In the people alone was the power
vested lo incicaso the nicinboiship of
the supreme court
The necessity for an enlatjjement of
the couit Is ntji\rent to all. Kvcry clll-
/on Is into rested In prompt adjudication
of questions ii ] > peiled ! to the highest
couit. The punishment of cilminil , no
le'Stlum the settlement of civil contio-
version , demand nn iiinnetlliito increase
of the number of judges. Itliii phj steal
impossibility for the court , ns at present
constituted , lo handle within a loason-
aWe tlmo thu business crowding upon It
Nor cnn the work bo expedited Tlio
vmlout ) problonn suljmtttcd must bo
carofullj welched In nil their boilings ,
requiring tltno for invostliratioii mid
thought As it Is , the pic eiit docket
would occupy the court two yeuis ,
without considering nny new causes or
pawing upon the multitude of ques
tions icquiiinp early attention. Tlio
delay occasions rinnoynnco nnd expense
to litigants , and olTors a premium on ap-
peilB. This condition i.m ho materially
iinpro\cd and thoba&inuss o\podlted by
the adoption of the aiiiondinout
ing llio nunibor of judges from tluoo to
Another cfjuaHy important amend
ment to the constitution must ho piih cd
upon by tlio voters tit the coining elec
tion. It provides tint the B.ilnry of
the supreme couit shnll bo
thirty-lit o hundred dollars , and the dls-
tilct court judges thi-co thousand dollars
per year. The salary Is trilling compen
sation for the senices tendered. There
is not a prominent hivjor In the state
v\ho iloe notoatndouble the amount in
pilvtito practice , and It is a milter of
general notoiioty that several judges on
the supiemo and district benches hnvo
sttnding ofTcrs of greater compensation
for their services from public and pri-
\ato corporations The state must piy
better s.ilailcs if it hopes to command
the senices of the better class of h\v-
Tlio adoption of both amendments is
cssoiiti d to the elevation and o\p.inslon
of the couits , and they should receive
the active support of all citl/ens at the
All the people af Nebraska , iircspect-
i\o of partjhavo a common interest in
hiving a delegation nt Washington that
cm obtain what the state needs and
wants from this adtninislintion. The
mombets chosen at the appioacliing-
election will bcr\o dining the remainder
of President Hatrison's teiiu and will go
out of ollico with him.
Thisisamattct that should bo brought
homo to etoryoto' - ho holdH the good
of the state as superior to part } consid
Nebraska has largo interests to be
taken care of at Washington. It needs
now mail toutes , now public building *
and other liupiovcuicnts which depend
on tlio fa\or of congress and tlio ad
ministration. It has a vciy huge
list of union tetorans on the
pension lolls and othen who
deserve to bo on them. Ills interested
In tlio administration of the liome&toad
laws and in the thousand and ono matters
which bring" the people of a now state
Into close lulatlons with , the nationiil
The president and the senate are cor-
tainl } lopublicnn for tlie no.\tt o jcars
and the house will bo if the pirty does
Its duly throughoutthocountiy. But
la any event the bum interest ofKo-
biaskaliesln the choice of throe repub
lican members of congress Thiec demo
cratic uud independent members \\ould
bo absolutely useless to tlio btatu under
present ciicumblances. ' 1'hoy could vote
with the minority on general questions ,
but they could not hope to carry through
measures of especial interest to the
state , the delay of whiih will cause
serious Inconvenience and loss
to their constituents. It has always
boon the \\lbo policy of the newer htales
of the weit to elect congressmen with
ospe'clal icti'renco to their locil inter
ests. It is tbf > only way in which they
could luisten their do\olopmont and get
bucli favoia as they needed and de
manded fiom the national goiornmont.
The bestlntotoatt ! of Nebraska demand
the election oCtliro'jtopublictincongiesb-
men nox t Tuosd ly.
Tlioro isamplo evldonco that foiolgn
Interest in the result of the congres
sional elections In this countiy is\ory
great , and that in England ami Canada
especially the tumsfer of thecontiol of
the houboof roprosontathosof the 1'ifLy-
sccond eongrobs to the domociats would
bo regarded with unbounded gratifica
tion. The English and Cmadlan press
abound with expressions which clearly
denote this. Although It ought to bo
well known to the foreign editors and
political leaders th it the election of a
majoiityol democrats to the hoibo of
ropiosontutlvos would not ha\o anj such
otToct as they desire , because the sonata
is securely republican for probably at
least six } oars , yet they would welcome
such a result as a promlso of the ulti
mate attainment of their liopo for the
ovotthrowof the \\holo protoetivosya-
torn in the United States ,
This matilfodUtlon of anxiety abroad
for doraociatio success in the elections
ought not to bo regarded lightly by the
American people. It is not duo to con
cern for the wolfaio of this country.
Its motl\o is wholly selfish. The
lories in England and Canada who are
hurling nuledlctions at the tiritt' policy
of tlio United States are actuated by 110
friendly roguid for thoproiporitj and
progress of our people. They are moved
solely by the fear that the policy moans
a decline In the industries of their own
countries and n coiresponding increase
ot like industries in the United Stntea.
Engllshraau denounce It because they
Iwliovc it will reduce the demand upon , '
llnglish manufacturers from their larg
est and most profitable market , and miy
OH'ii induce many of them to tt.insplant
their enterprises to this country , as it is
already reported Homo of thorn contoin-
plnto doing , Canadians denounce it bo-
cntiso It protects American farmers
against the importation of the farm
ptoducls of Can tda amounting in value
to tens of millions of dollars annually.
For years Canada has had a protective
tariff undei which discriminating duties
nio lolled against goods coming fiom
the United States. Tea or colTec , for
example , imported Into Canada from
this country Ins to pay ten cents
a pound moio duty than when
Impelled from any other countiy. "Until
recently Canada has nmintalnul an expert -
port duty on lumber and its products nnd
In other respects has slunui a spirit of
commercial hostility to the United
States. Complaint from that source ,
therefore , togatdlnga policy which pro
poses to piotoct Amoilcan farmers from
the competition of the farm products of
Canadv , deserves no consideration from
our people.
The oxtiaordlnary doslro manifested
abroad for democratic success in the
congicssionnl elections supplies a most
cogent rci oii why tlio people of this
country should continue the tcpubllcan
part } In control of the national hoiibO of
loproMMitatlves It cannot bo wKo or
safe to adopt a umr-o counseled by those
whoso inteiests are distinct from and es
sentially hostile to the interests of our
own people.
riro A'/MS or
Tlioro ate two kinds of fotoign cit
rons In the United States today , both
actuo in politics. Ono is the mnn who
was born across the sea and cuno over
hero to marry his blood and his fortunes
to aland which could oiler him broider
chances for happiness and prosperity
than were open to him in the hind of his
birth. That class of "foicign citl/ens"
are useful and loyal. They ate always
lor Aniotlca against the world. In
touching upon this point in connection
with his discussion of the tariff , Speaker
Rood said in Chicago the other dti } i
Thonatlies of Gerimny m Gi > im my Itself ,
the lutUcsof Belgium In BcljiumiLsolf , can
got goods at a cheap late , but they prefer
these of them tlmt hiivoontcrpuso tocoino
hero and liny twite the prices they would
have to puj Uine , in Cicrimny or IJclKUiiii
[ npplnnscj , mid , having once coino how , ttic\
stay | Applause ] A democratic cdltoiial
may bo true 1 do not deny such a pissl-
bllit > . [ Applause and Unphtcr.1 ttutun ex
isting chiumstanco HUe that the Uoi mnn
and the HrlRmn coining hcie anil stjyliiL'
hero-fs absolutely a fact about which there
can bo no ilispute
The fact that the Gorman , the TlUgi'm
and nianj other men of foroiun biith aio
hero is \minbwerablo aigumtiit in
favor of the piotcctho policy. And the }
will bo found \otiiigfortho policy which
lias given them ashaiein our great
prosporit } . They aio now , asthey li-iv'o
always boon , in fa\or of maintaining1 the
indtiatrinl indepoiidouco of this count rv.
It is that policy which has made thib a
hotter country to ll\o and work in than
the countiiob of their biith.
The other ilass of "foreign cili/ons"
are of American birth , but foreign in
their & \ mpathleis and ideas. Tney fuor ,
notAineiiea for AmoricanH , but America
for I'uropcniiband the test of the world.
Thoj want no tariff for protection , but
thoopportiinUy to buy in the cheipost
maiKot , which in their minds is asso
ciated with the cheapest labor.
The clti/.cnof foreign buth is gen
erally foi protection against thu degrad
ing conditions \vhich m.ulo his own
country a good pltco to emigrate from.
The man who wants fioo ttado is fre
quently a native born enemy of his
country's prosperity , and ho is the re tl
"foreign citiren. * '
The time lus como when a m/in'b na
tionality Is tested not by tlio place of Ills
biith or the accent of hlb speech , but by
his loyalty to the great industrial and
commercial interests of the nation of
which ho is now a citizen. It is no longer
a quobtion of "Whore wore } oubornV"
but "How doou vote V"
A ciniiSRi
The cour&o of the present administra
tion roguiding cull soriico loforia lias
boon subjected to undeserved criticism
Noadmlnibtration since the civilsjrvico
law was enacted laid a moio dllllcult
ta&k ] ) iesontcl ( to it in the m ittor of
applying this law , and While changes in
the public olllccs have boon numerous ,
thoto isjot to bo afalnglo iribtauco noted
in which tlio law has boon dibtinctl }
violated or oided. . Under the pioviotw
administration there were scores of such
ca cs , smd they woio not confined to the
first year , when thuio might hn\o
existed bomo excuse for them , but wcio
stiuiig along tliioughout the ontiie
tidinlnibtiution almost to the last month
of Its e.xlstonco. Mr. Cleveland entered
tlio executive ofTico fall } committed tea
thoiougli enforcement of the law. It
was his piofessed devotion to civil
service re foi in tlmt diowr to lilm llio
mugwumi ) suppoit. Hut so munorous
and llagiant wore the violations of the
law dining his administration that they
wcio publicly denounced by the ehll
hoivice leagues of Mainland and Indiana.
The present admlnisttation has
ghon no ciiuso for similar coinplainta ,
and yet iC has not escaped cilticism.
The oxtiomo rofotinord , wlioso Utopian
notions of what the cl\ll service bhould
bo have not been satisfied , find fault bu-
cause the adiiiiniblratlon has not moved
moro rapidlv toward the ronlivationof
their idOits. President Harrison believes
in civil service reform , but ho does not
believe that It can make pingress faster
than public sentiment Is oclucatjd to ac
cept it , and it is to bo confessed that the
giowth of that sentiment fuvoiablo to
reform Is not rapid.
There is n standing committee of the
National Ci\ll Service llofoim league to
inquire into the condition of the ehll
sei vice and tno extent to which reform
piluclplcs are can loci into effect by tlio
national administration. This committee
too has Issued three ropoi Is , the latest
ono , recently sent out , relating to presi
dential poatolllccs. 'Ihis icpoit , thor
oughly Impartial In character , Is a com-
plcto vindication of the administra
tion. It shows that only abou
twenty-three per cent of the
changes in the presidential postolllces
have boon made by removals , and thu
in the largo majority of cases rosignu
Uonswoto volimlfirj. In thosp
where they worp not pressure was
brought to boar ntombors of congress ,
there being plenty of ovlilonoo that con-
grosjinonaro notjimwilllng to ovndo or
o\oirldotho leqnlionienl of civil sor-
ice reform in orUci1 to urovldo ofHces
or their hcnchmbif , but this fact cm not
itily bo hold to ipllect upon tlio ad-
ninlstration. It'cau , not justly be pro-
ontcd , for oxiunulo , thnt in < ascs whoio
lostmnstcrs were oflorodun Inducement
n the slmpo of a postponement ot the
line for llio change , or tin offer was
indoby the ptoposed stiu'ossor to pay n
peed price forllio fivtuics of the office
vhon the iipiiointinont "hould ho made ,
r where resignations were procured
> y threats of immediate removal , thnt
ho administration was cognlmntof sucli
acts. It would have no knowledge
vhttevor of thoin.
The tiuth is that the prison t adnilnis-
.ration lias done more to ndvance the
ntixo of civil fcorvico reform tlian any of
ts predecessors since the civil sorviio
aw was enacted , 'ind if it con-
iniies in the coui-o tlms far pursued ,
of which thoie is no ici'-on to doubt , it
vill leave the reform so btrongly in-
i-ciiPlicd that it will bo Bccuro against
invfutuio attacks. Picsldcnt Harrison
s fuinillng Ills plrdgo to make capacity
tnd fldolity the qualificat ionb proscribed
ty Joffcison for public ofllco tlioc-ondl-
ions of ollico holding under his adminis
Tin : grand rally of Omaha'.s repto-
sentativo citlrens , Saturda } night , ef-
fectlvoly refutes tlio slandowof the pro-
libttlonlbts tliat all men opposed to the
imcndmcnt aie the tools of tlio whibky
ring. Here wore gathered men consple-
lous in the various walks of life clerg- }
ncn , jurists , bankers , muicluuits and
vagc-c.nnois , all of whom exemplify In
.hoir . lives tutor temperance that their
lefimcis. To compare them with the
> ald pronotcra of outlawry would bo in
iibult to manhood Among them wcio
ncn who have done more intijearfor
genuine1 tomporanea reform by thiir of-
'oils and the example of their lives than
tlioontiic aimy of prohibition agitators
in a generation. And this is the class
of activa , onlorpiislng , reputable cltl-
xensvlio stand for law and ouler , 10-
btiiction and regulation , against out-
awry , persecution and disistor. Of
Hueli men aio cities and btatos billt and
m ido piosp sroits , and their voice go out
: o their business and profo bion d asso
ciates throughout Nebi iskti to it ind as
i hulwalk ngainst the crime Bought to
jo imposed upon the sttito by the im-
Doited colonels and foaulu lleutunauts
who tlnlve on tlio agitation.
Dnsnri : the efforts to bring about a
complete registration of the \oters , only
a trillo over one-half of tlio qualiliod
olcetois of llio city aio icgistcied. A
thorough canvass of every ward must bo
made , and the people routed ton sense
of tbch duty. There is gra\o dnngor
that thousands will neglect to legihtor ,
and rolj upon the old 8 } stem of sw earing
in their votes. Kvory qualified voter
failing to rcgistxji is piactically dibfian-
chised. The law governing the HWear
ing of volois nuts the applicants lo such
annoyance mid delay that these who do
notexott themselves to register will not
tioublo thembches with the other.
Every unregistered cili/en do-
feiting to vote is obliged to nviko affidavit
hefoio tlie city clerk , and hi& qualifica
tions must bo vouched for by two fice-
lioldoi'b of the ward in which hode&hcb
to\ote. Under this s.vstem of icd tape ,
hut few non-regibtorer1 citl/ens can be
accommodated ly the clcik and depu
ties. The sifost plan Is a linusc-to-houso
caiuasb and the registration of every
voter during Fuduy and Silurduy.
Tin : double-jointed itiaddler makes
itself in ulousas u&uil by its frantic
efforts to bcoro a point in fnvoi of fieo
tiado through the dealings renort.
"The Tariff Hogins to Toll , " it shouts.
So it doob. A glance at the report will
convince any intelligent man-- that the
biibincbs of the countiy , lib reflected in
the clearings of the banks , is in a most
favorable condition. Out of fifty-four
cities in the ns-wiation , onlj s-oven re
port a decrease , while the aggiegato
tiansnctions show tin Inc-ioa o of foo\on
ana ono-iiftli per cent over the coi responding
spending period of last year. Outside of
Now York the incio.iho amounts to
eighteen and tin co-tenths per cent , a
figure seldom i cached dining the jear.
Yes , the tariff is telling of btimulatod
industues , of an incicased volume of
business and a health } , vigorous activity
all along the lino.
A fliNr.n.u : < desiio ib manifested by
buHiness men and all omploveisof labor
to suspend business on olcction day. .
Conceited action should bo had , not only
to Mtipond hnsincfas , but to duvoto the
energies of both cinplox cr and employe
to tlio .vork of defending at the polls tlio
the naino and PI edit of Omaha , btops
should bo immediate ! } taken to orgnnl/.o
Tins vtibt and growing intorobts of
Douglas county demand men of practical
nlTaiis in tlio oounty board men of
foico , .ohmactoy anh ability. Messrs.
Sander and \Voltott possess these qual
ifications In an oinlnoiit degieo , and
their election totho-count } board iiibuios
loform , economy and decorum in the
conduct of public
fllr. Kfihoxvnlor'H Dntcs.
lion K. Uosovvutor , caltorof Tins REB , Is
announced to uulto * nnti-prohibltlon nd-
divsses tills wooUai follows1
At McCook , TuniTii.tot oiling , October 28
At Holdrcge , Ay dnesJuy evening , October
* I
At Hustings , Thursday ovcninu , October
30. „ , ,
At Kearney , Friday evening , October 31.
II , | IIH Wiiutoil.
.ulniuLa Citu 1'ita.
Ttiocdltori it in tlio Pi-ess u few dnjs ago
on tlio ConnoU-Divim debate , in which vvo
said that Mr. Coimoll was sockiiiK it to the
Lincoln vvliidinUljias stlrroil the domocratlo
editors in tholli-st district to more llio than
they Imvo exhibited since the days whoa they
chased futfltlvo slaves with the aid of blood
hounds. IJrymi's wind aud bravado has
grown monotonous to the furmora ot this dis
trict and they art ) weary of Ills constant talk ,
In the debates held thus far with Mr Cou
ncil tlio j oiith fill statesman and dUdplo of all
the Roman orators ( Hryan ) has faced an
audience and dcllvomd tils llltlo speech
la a grandiloquent manner uni'sr tUe" Itnprca-
slon Unit votes were lo bo secured by such
bonilnulty. Mr Council nns faceJ his iwiU-
ciiroa In n quiet tnnnncr nnd hns spolwn to
thorn In an evj nnd cotversatlonnl tnnnncr.
Jto imsmnclono attempt at oratory. A' the
1'rosn snld once bcfoic , the voters of the I'trtt
congressional district lull i-.ither hio n mnn
tncongiosi that U po'sesscJ ' of brulin In
stead of one who itcponih ujwa a imtunil gift
ot w Iiul , nnd that Is the ic.ison why the Hun.
"William .T Connell will bo elected.
Is Hotel UnlUlliiK KoTor-m I'ostlbtcV
flo.'loji Ju\iinal \
\Vhciover and whenever a hotel li do-
slrojotl by lire at night afilRlitful lo of
llfo Is icpoited almost in a inattot of course
Yet ItotiKht to bo posilblo It Is ixiislulo to
build those rrent. public houses. It not abso
lutely fireproof , nt least of a slow burning
onler ot construction When a hotel like1 tlio
Inland Is a. smoliinfr heap of ruins within
hnlf nn hour after the HUIIMM were first dis
covered It is proof positive soincthlurt
v\as vvront ; Ills hard to rogulatotheso
nuttew by statute or onltnanco liulomoiintio
Anieili.i It isn point In v\hlcb \ the inlo of
the people falls rliort ot the ctToctlvencss of
the rule of ae/ai.
Wiillccr initl tlio
/fojlou Me rtlttr. Walker , v\ho Is a dcmociit , ro
mnrlcslnridcntnllv tbnt although the ( Hsi ot
pipcts which hnvo been the inoro inonilnntit
In raining the howl ot fr.nul ( In the ronim )
clioosoto do it for political iciisniis Unit It
absolutolv nopr * < iiiiiiiptlon aKnlnil thnlntoK.
illy of thoionsiiii M'hfii niii.iiinf Gctinml
Walkci's pioiiiliuiun and coiu-oilc'd oxporl-
cnco tillcs In siichn fanhlon II mentis moio to
Urn people of tlio t'nltcil Ktnlos than any hy -
tciIcaljounnillHtlc llt of u nroro nf rnbldly
demoor.illcii.ipuii , iiiuin smlilon iincl wonder
ful hush has fallen HIMII the very nhcct *
vct o .ihnoU w Hihv 1 th lioi t in an > l Ind ignatlon
loss thin a wcolt afjo.
'Tani tiictliif'itlffnr tlie
licnr/il of men u7io unrt * in M)8. ) " H * . J
Iliuiin ,
Uncoln Jonrnnl The yonnjj Mr lirjnn Is
beginning to ruullzo thnt ho put his foot into
his inoutti la a most njfijravatlnt ; way during
his "VVc'epluBVater speech The men who
vvoildn shopi nic making him cxcceJInglj
Kcbr.islca City Press : Will men In the
Union Pnclllc shops , the smelting woiKs and
other fnetoiies of Omalm veto Toi n man who
Is tlrod of hvvs bcliiu mndo for thcml Will
the men in the i-illio nl shorn in Lincoln and
I'l.ittsmonth vote for Bryan ? Will the men
In tbc ] ) ickliiLr houses of Nebraska Oil ) vote
for the oneiiy of th < - libor clissosl
ICoinnev H o , " 'J'lie dr > tnoc > r itlc cantlidnto
for conprioss in the 1'lrst dlstilct has made thousand vote > tor Ills republican op
ponent by ablipht laicise of his silver tonpuo
Says Bryan , "lam tiled ot healing ot laws
mndo for the benefit of men who work In
shoiH" Ills evident that llrj-m isafool ,
but v\hat shall we saj of ICeni , v\ho iccentlv
shouted "I'l.ieo none but Amoi leans ou
( 'uaiil ! "
Gluttoiivantl itriinkonncss viro vices , but
Inws vv ill uot lepulato the appetites ot tncn
for food 01 di ink
Professional Informers find in Iowa a fci-
tile Held hi which to ply their nefarious nnd
fr vocation
Foi the word of the spnit the piohllution-
ist would substitute the o.iton ot tliose.u\h-
ing' constable.
In 1SG1 Khodo Island repo-iled theproblbl -
toi.vhwsot the state and her population iu-
cicnsed 2" per cant Ilia jonr follovvlni ; as
agiiin'jt 18 per cent iluiingtho previous de
The proliibltloi laws of lown closed up the
blffgcst ctlstillorj in tie woildnnJ tbobisRCst
oatcipriso In thocitv of Dea M nines , bat they
did not stop Llio lloof \ vvaiikv into the
state _
With a population ( he times Rrentcr than
Maine , Minnesota \\iis supporting hut one-
sixth the number of piupers in IbSO , and jet
Maine is a pi ohibiUon state anil Minnesota
license. _
Iowa republicans aio getting very tired of
prohibition. Nebraska voters , iirospcctlvo
of puty , are In sjmp.ithv vlth tint tired
feeling and will give It a cold slnke ono week
lioin toiliu. _
Uellablo statistics arc nil against the mora
sentiment pi cached by piohibitlonists Pro-
hibltorv hws do not clovatc morals , do not
diminish drunkenness or cnma , nor lessen
the number of cilminils in the pcnlttntiuiles.
Under the Slocnnib law la Nebraska every
man's cotti o Is his c.istle Under Iho pro
hibitory luvs oflov\a , the cottage' , the castle
nnd the cellars of tlio people arc invaded imd
sea * died by panirs of hooillinRconatibles ut
nil lioura ot tboday nnd night.
Under piolilbition Inws the responsible
nnd honest saloon man it driven fiom the
business and 1 ho trade left in the hinds of
hcoundich , vagabonds uiul avariciously dis
honest men vho do not hcsitato to poison
tncn customers vv ith v lie adultPintlons.
The population of Iowa in ISSO was l.CJI-
Olli , nnd tlio stitu vvis auppoitlnp ; lint 2,11,1
paupers. In IS'O the population ot Mnino
was ( ) blfln)0 , and tlio stale was supporting
: iVJIl paupers. Jovu vas ttien a llcenso
stuto ; Maine had had prohibition /or tbhty
ycau. _
.Between tlio jcais 1870 and ISSO Iota's
populntioa increased ,1(1 ( pei cent Uho stnto
census of ISS ! after prohibition showed an
Iiicieasu of only S pur tout. The increase
wasRinaller thin that duo to tlio nunibor of
hiiths , iinqucstloiuililv sliowliih'a Inrgo emi
gration from the state
Tor the ycir ending Apiil .10 , hSl , tlio
llqunr ( ItMlDrs of ICansns , ne'coidluu to tlio stainna issued by the internal tovunuu
nftlce , iiumbcicil 1.VJ1. Unit was the last under a state lieenso law. In 1SS7
under prohibition th y numbered .1,115 , and
the number has continued lo grow.
Danger , Me , onjojs the distinction of being
the banner town of the state for fieo rum.
No citizen of unv Nebraska town is am
bitious for such a reputation for the clt > in
which ho resides , aud jot nhould prohibition
entry in this stale there would bo a good
many "banner tovvTis" on free rum.
j\ll over the state of low n the people qulto
generallj admit that the attempts lo enforce
prohibition nro failures , nnd In 1SS the vptera
of I'olk county elected lion A n. Cummins
to the leulslutuie , hoping that his lullueiico
among republicans would socmt ) a repeal ol
tlio law. The next legislature will do It.
rrom 1827 to 1S.11 theio weio only 2WO
persons committed to the Maine penitentiary
< ui'o ofbl forrnulijcar , from ISM t (
185. ! , under prohibition , 4 , 157 were sent to
the sumo penitentiary , an avor.igc of 184
each year. During the last thirty .vcarstho
population of Malno has increased but ono
third of ono per cent per jcar.
Maryland Is not superior forngricultuioor
In natural advantages to Vermont or Now
Hampshire , ; its urea Is about two thirds of the
two combined In Ib50 Maryland had u pop-
illation of 5S.'latl , while the tro states hud
,0il. ( In ISsO Maryland had Incrcajied it
population 3.M.MO , while Now Kainpshlro
and Vermont eomblnocl had Increased bu
47,181 , , Vermont mid Now Hampshire were
prohibition states.
llumboldt is going to haven new f 10,000
Honrvllo tor Chrlc county foil from n
caffolillist vicck , snitnlnlriRserloiu liiinv- ] .
Ono of the ankle bonei win drite-n ncuilv
brouglitho flesh.
H lSMS of North Thitto. was recently
Hilled in inuirlu o to MM Mnrv C. ICastoti
of Johnstown , New Yoik , 'cbiuskaIUbo
ho couple's future honie
Mr. Clem lllbbnnl of KutlivlHc * . who ro-
cntly inado n biiKliicns tilp into Iowa , died nt
'iilrllelil , thnt state , on the Uth iiistuut Ills
liiicss vus of short duration.
A founcr resident of AloMuulrh , Mat tin
Clng , will lopresontlHiroi-o count } In Idaho's
opMiituro this winter He wis elected over
a ileinoeiiitlo opponent b ) a handsome ma-
KnUirdny last tlio worl : of putting In the
coicroto foundatlpn of thoritj halt at Noith
[ Jeiid vias begun , nnd Monday workintMi
began lavlnj , ' the briik If pool wcathr-r
piev nils the Lmlldlni ? will bo iiitlosedvllhln
tliPtiuxtthlitv dujs
Moio loom Is needed nt Iho Norfolk Imspl.
.til foi the * insulin toaci-oininoiloto the pu-
-icnts nlruadri'otiimlttril to It for care nnd
reatmrnt. ror soinn Unit ! jnst from two to
scu'n | ulietit < hnvo Ixrn tlropiiig nulRldo
the wards 'lln > ctowdnil condition of the in-
Mtltullon will dom mil HOIIIU liglsliitlvo utloii-
tloa thin wltitiM
Si JMarv'H Cntbollo pailnhnt TCorfolk hns
liMii ( ii\lli ( ; < l , and llio ii w pirlsh , Includliif , '
I In1 towiiK ofl'lf-nc , C'ldfthton nnd VcnllgM' ,
Inuo Ijifii plaicd in cliniL'n nt father VrnnV
as ( tiistnr I'ntlur A\nlsli \ , pastor of St
IMai > 'H hni he on ! v < n uti ftsii tnnt In the
liiinonof I-'nthnr HiiMlbcrf. ' , who will bo
thiro permnnentlv heieiftor
'Mi'MnlH ri lnrg r frn'frrat ' Inn to northern
T ibtaskn thlt full , ( inys n Slnux City , la ,
( ixilinnijo , th in there ln -cr Ixon fj'forc '
IluiulKili lire sctlllng on the ilrliltimh on
thoiiortl ilior nt joinillcM Ht.ndrods lire
inri nloiiK thol'ncific Short I < lno
'Ilii ( 'lileifH urn nf nn energetic dinractcr ,
ton Miny of ( hern bring xith tliorn Inrgo
] imse < mlriii < i of live stock and nn small capital
A Mn Clrlfllth , n Drnwn county woman ,
rrcritcil iKiislilcr ; ljl ( ) fsxcltf-ment in f oup the
other iliiy bv ftii | rarinnon Lll0 tr < lts with n
shotgnii on hcrsliouliltr u pilr of liuiide-iifti
In her pocket nnd a rovoh er In lior belt Kho
was looking for a rimnvrny liush ind , who she
will follow toDmihp , la , If not to the end ot
the earth , If she docs not lie-ail liimolTsoonor
Mr ( SiinithlH Iho July's hmbuid , .nnd she
thinks she knows by this timohow to Inndlo
sndi domestic append nges.
C n Uunk'cr , secrctiry of the Dodpro mill-
Inn' nml grain company , had a miraculous es
tape from a horrible duilh the other dau Ho
went tlovvn-tnto the' b-isoini-ntof the mill to
jmtonii tiL-ltuliiih runs tliodovator adjoin
IHC the mill In leining over to idjust the
licit his contrnuxlit on n set screw on the
shaft. Sc-oing hlstlntiger hoeauKht nnd held
nn lone uiiouith for his clothing to bcjfin to
phovav When his hold -wan broken ho w sis
vvhiilc'd txvlco nronnd the shaft. Jl ) this time
thu lust of his clotliinRV\.is torn : mnv nnd ho
wis thrown across the room entirely nikud
Luekil ) no hones tt ere bioken aud ho will
soon ha nil light fiom his teirlblo shaking up
and scure. _
lown ,
Kingsley Tree Methodists nro building1 i
now cliuich
Thiitv-iUcfiirins in rranliliii count } eon-
tnln over ono thousand ucics each
The students otCoo collns ; ? , CeJir Ripids ,
huvo oig.mize'd u br.i > sband
Tno stnto raihoad cotnmissionera ha'vo
changed cheese from second to third class
A golden crowned figlc , moaburini ; eight
feet fiom tin to tip , .is shot hear Little
bloujv the other day.
The twenty-eighth nnnunl exhibition of the
E is torn Iowa Poultry assochtion vv ill beheld
at Maiuiokcti Deeomber It ; to 20.
John llliieh , n tinner nonr ICinpslcj , this
vear hai vested L',4UJ bushels of potitoei fiom
llfteon acres of mound , for v\hieh ho rciclvnl
70 cents u biiahol or SIlhO for tUovvboIcciop ,
consiiler.iblj ovoi SiOUpor aero.
AVliilo thiesliini ; on the farm of Chester
dordon , near Maiion , Giaut McOrcory fell
fiom n stuck of giiln onto mi upturned pitch
ford , the tines onteinif ; Ins nbiloincn nnd mak
ing a wound whuh londoit , his iccovery ex-
tic'iHtH doubtful
About t\vo w erks ago.'vv hllo liolng a hoise ,
II I ) rcilleitou of C'liriou c.inio in lontael
vvlth abnrb wiiofonce , badly Uieoi iitlng Ills
light leg He neglected to have tlio wound
propcrlj attended to anil as n. lesult blood
jmuonlni ; ! > u in , from whiiliho died 1'ilday
utter snlTeilug intense agonj.
livery man who oeeupied the Rrubcrna
toiinlilmlr btnco 1M10 is alivo-Ktrkwood ,
btone , C'nipciitcr , Mculll. Novbold , Hhci-
iiinn , ( ioiraiid-I nr.ibce Giimcs ntidLowo
nro tliaonlj govcraois who have
died. Oi the dcirourntlo e > ( jovemoi-s all are
jrono , ( lovcinor Hoinjistend boitig the last to
I iss avvtiv. Of the Unitoil Stsites scnntoH
tlio stile l'is hnd , nil aie living exe-cpt Gov
ernor Gi lines and ( ioucrals I Jed go , Jo lies ,
Ilmlan , Wright and Khlc\\ood
Fiftion eai-s ago Ld 13uor of IVIcCook
sustained a fincluie ot Ins skull In nu ncci-
dent. A poitionof the bono -was then removed -
moved Afevv je.irs iitternard lie becnino
nlllictcd with cpllopsj , nnd thodiboiio lins
blnco been Incioasliii ; In U-rriblo soverltv An
oporatiou wus lUtoi mined upon , the ( lllllcult
and inftoquciit oporiition known as tiepan-
iilm ; , was pcrfonncei. A bin ill piece of hone ,
which was In contact with the hone , was i c-
moed fi otn the membrane surrounding the
bi.iin Tlio patient has not had .in attacl :
since and thopiospccts uro blight foi Ids 10-
Tlioiicino of nlvcrthlnglns been le.icheil
hi Dubunuo In ono of the wauls vvhcro
K'glsti.itlon for the tomliifj clef t ion w .is bolus
( oneluctcil the ether di < , tlio tickets used for
plvini ; voters tlieir ioilitritloit number cie-
.ited eOiiMila.ililoe.xcltumcnt niiiotig thn pie
hihition voteis On ono sldo of the tjekct
weiotheoids , "A ftcrj on cast vour voto"
with a phicofor the \oter-s number mil on
Hie levuiso side ran thu legend , "Call at
Ulmik's ' siiloon Jiud get n need drink. " 'J'hu
snloonkeeuer whoso Ingenuity devised this
novel method of ndvcitlsingis aeity olllcinl ,
la a piohibition state
A week ago Ilcinian Stiissel , n ( icnmn
lesidlng foui miles cast of C'llnton , chovoto
town and nttui hulling his rain iinbihid
quitu heel ) of the nnlcnt and kept It up until
a Into bom nt night , when lie started for
homo About n inihi fimii IOVMI the tongue
ot tliowngon fell fiom the noc'Jtvoko , vvliicli
mused the wagon to stop suddenly nnd pro-
dplt.ito SliHscl headlong to the Riotind
When found oailj no\l inonilriB ho was tiu
rouse ions , and in thuteotidltion ho remained
until ! o'doclc Wcilnesd iv inoinliij ; , w licit
lifo extinct llo leaves awifo anil
suv on ) small elnlih on Ith s.iil action will
bo Instituted t > \ the vviil on to recover dura-
ages fiom the saloon licepuis
Tim I'u-
At tlio Cithollefalr iccuntly closed at Lead
City the receipts wore ov ci f IKH , ( )
Dining two weeks Ihoguin hujcriof Al-
tesinn p lid out $ I.XM ( foi gi-ini
Thus fin this season tha ( ittlomon of
Rapid Cltj hu\o shlppeu 'J")0 ears of beef
t'ontei'villu liusii ( jJiCL'kei club which It will
liatlc against tlio club of any othoi town In
South Dakota
The United States court nl Sioux Fnllscost
the ( 'oveiiiinont upwaids of flfi.OJO. the
April term cot $ | | 0U ( , making- totul of
( .icl.WHu iar apint in Sioux Kails.
\VolfkillIng is a lucrative pastime and ono
Hint Is being taken mlv IHUIKO of hy a great
mnii ) persons thK fall 'llio bouatv of l
for euholf killed makes it in object for
those so disposed to tutu out mid kill as
nianj as possible'
Tvoihildion , a bnj nnd n ghl atrlvoci In
nisninrck Wedncsdii ) from Sweden They
tame the distnnco without osrort nothing
but i nils tlc-d to tliclr r lothitiL' with thu In-
sciiptlon , "HKiinire k , N I ) Oulng to Aunt
riiinUln " MM Krinklln , of the 1'rniinllu
houses , v\n nt the depot toineot them
An old gentleman , a forelcnci , led his llltlo
hey Into the H.uL i'ieieo school housuono ( h\
last week , Into ono of the priinmy rooms ,
where the llttlo feln'pnlntod ) out another
boy as the one who "did It ' and light then
and there the old man pounced upon him and
choked and cuffed the little fellow hur.l.
Judge McliiuiKhlln nnd Jack dray huvo secured -
cured u l > onan/a hi the way of it paint inJne
on Two Jlit , about tlneonillca fiom Deadwood -
wood The vein Is of a Hat formation , ahout
five feet thirk , which IH oxposel by n tunnel
! iST ftot in length , it Is known as u mineral
hcnntlto , ana thu Deidwonii pilntcrs pro
noiinco itmipeilor to tlioeluy paiiilthut is
shipicd | to thnt legion
f..uto Carey , n old Doaitvood bo , Is now
gaining fumu and glor.v inthoiaU Ho now
l > osuf as thu champion short distance runner
or the \\orUI I IN record Is O1 fo
100 } nnlihlch wns mntlo On October IS ;
broke the world's record Tor that distinct' .
Ontho MUMP day lioriin"00 umlsln Sv'soc-
onJs on net ) lit d truckequnllriK tlio ivooixl
on AM might true-it , iMiikint ; nllowii uofor
tlio track , ho broke the recant for t hut dis
Some < choolehlUiea noithof Dolt Kapldi
went tna bam to playwhere. , . tlu\v linulcd
cadi other ujito tlio topof tin ) hum vv ith the
hm forli apparatus When H mine liieluiii
or n lit Ho j-iii of A 11 ilnlo toi-o up , thonm-
rhlncrx boonmo l npncil in omo m minor ,
and-vhen she reached the top It foil with her ,
to the iron ml , a distance ) of nhout tventy
fpet She sustained o.tilto serious Injuries ,
bivililnR ono thigh , culling iB. . H in her
lietd ami icceh-lngsevcro bnilsr-n oMieuvNo.
A cat owned hy ClinrlM Hioli of Urltlou Is
n it ran go fionlt of nature tti color -white" ,
\villi mouse colored spou Hi fouii Is like u
cut In front , lint tlio hind imil is llko tint of
u nhhit It has IOIIR liliul lepi nml usually
liopi linen iiibhlt , but when It tries tc-Hiult
liku the length of Its Mini leps rnuso
tht m to swing nroiind. Ih-st to ono side then
to the ollmr. Its tull Is short anil Hi fin ilun
nnd soft , llko that of ix rub lilt It hhloi nnd
uleepu most of thodiiy , but town nit uljiht it
cocs nrouuil hoppiuf ; nnd pl.uln IIU ii.ib-
blt itrnti'lies inko uinl will piny with tlii'iu
us any othci- rat v\ill. Jt lives upon milk ami
othoi footl lilio u
\Vyiinlii ( | ; ntiil Onliirndn.
I'.van ton lias six churehcn mul live pieioli-
crinnelnints \ moro rcnlul houtos.
A tovui la lieliiBitnrted nt the hot < tnlnga
recentlj illsrovpix'il in itroni eountj.
It Is liellc\ed tint n snlt deposit pqinl to
tint of the famous mini's In Kansas i\ists
iicir I iranilo I , 1) .Sinltblias fir , iiileil a
l .irty to iiuiko n louipleto iirosped of this
rcplon. Ho Is na ixport In llio lnnlnpit nnd
bus atruiiK filtli In the cxislcnpo of n hiR
deposit Tlio vain is stiit > o < eil to be In tlui
vldnitj of ( Iroen mountain , anil Is sjkl to
extend actosstho I.uramlo plains.
A number of Itlaho Spilnus huilnnss 1110.11
are momiilng the loss ofevciul dollnts IIIH !
the failure of the sninrt jouup timn who
eliiC [ < l Ihoiii to retuui. The Itiilivldual In
question wont tbero a couple of inontlis ajro
and made" a thorough oanvusiof the town In
tliolauieist of n pijior lie vvai ioiiit ( to nub
Itili. llo soeincil cish In nilvani'o for mlvor
tisliifj nnd Rot boatl nt the hotel on the
strcnirthof tils stntcinonLs loginling tlie pa
per which ncvi'r innteiiiliKcd 'llio inter
prMtiRVOunKstrniiKor skipped thctownnftor
living in cluRaut sljlo for t\vo weeks ut the
IcidhiR hotel.
Tlmt Jlucliof tlie AXuiicy WIIH
NcvvVoiiK , Ocl 27 [ Specinl Teipfrrnm to
O'HI : Hrr 1 The Iler.ild pilnts ahist ref
the Johnstown flood relief fund. It rlnrptM
unvvisoautl iflirupt administration ntul inss
tlio sjmpithy of the civlll/cil vvi > rlti\vis
aroused bj this frightful Ciihtuitj , ami vMthiii
nfevv dajs neiilj JT > , ( JOO,0W , ( wns lontrllintod
in money Of this StyiOI UiVJr vas pi von
asn , fnnci to bo dUtillmtea mtlnmt
limitation oricbtilctionfor the Iinmod i ito 10
lief of the sufTe-rers Of this Mist sum the
alllictcd i > coplo neio peiinitted to rcei'ivc but
$ J,2J5/"i , in money , tlio remaining sum of
Sl.ns.'TO U7 was viuioiuly nllonntiil in imss.
niK from the donors to thu intc'iidid Ixui-ll
ciaiy. Noailj friO.OOOof ituns
lij the stnto Kovoiiuiunt ; , , u * ; , ( yxM\\m
appiODriatedwitliout authority tou'lleiedis
tiebs in otbei pails of tin' stnto ; ny ST'i ( KM )
ivns appropilatcel to build an c-lof-nnt i 'niui
ncnt biidL'o. , i \ ear anil n linlf .iltd * tlin ili > .
aster , to replace-thu tPinporaiy ones pit'I
ousl > piovidcd fi-oin tlii-charltv lurid , $1(11)00 ( )
went topurchasonew toiiti IhoeiiKinas foi
the mtiuii'lpilltyIMU , ( ) was expiudevl dur
ing thopiubeiit > ear incxhiimliiKbiiiieJ % lc
tlnisoftho Hood and gathering Ihein from
the bcvcinl burial places in the v alloy nml 10
burning them In ft grand comoterj , nndothui
thousiuuls nut to bo paid fora monument al
ready oidcicd. Tour thousand v % is setapurt
to O'.tahlibh a permanent hospital after all in-
lined bv thelliiodhad been dlsehargcd fiom
medical or eaie An iindeteiinlnod
or imnnuouiiied sum is appiopiiated to defray -
fray the eostof vrititip nnd publisliinga his-
torj oftho pieut rilntnltv upon whiehapio
lessor In the university ofI'enusjlMinin
Ni.w Voitk , Oct -7 ] Toicgrini to
Tin' Uir.J The Herdd's Washington cor
respondent si > b It Is understood tint Mi
Ml/nor , oui mlaistor toContral America , Inn
leccivcil from Scrictan lllnlno assumnccs of
npproval of the provident of his conduct In
the Biirrundhi case mid has bcceii full ) Justi
fied in the course ho pirsued This Infoiinn
tion comes fiorutho e-itv of Guatemala , vvhcio
il appeals the st.ito dcpiitiiicnt wns most
anxious that the Infonnalion should lie lli t'
officially prounilcatca. Tlio roison foi tliH
isthatns Llio president had noniUntlonof re
calling him , It wis dccniPil inipoitiint in vnv
ofthosteps taUon In coiipii'ss to obtain thi )
stnto dopailmont i-oiii'sponilenie , tlmt the
Ccnti.d American irovcniniiuts should know
as speeilllv 3 possible that Minister Mirncr
stilt retained thoionlldcnceof thoudinliiisti-i-
Ilia I'lnperoi-'s Spcpi'li to Von loltlco.
Bininv , Oe-t. 27 [ Special Ciblc'Ri nn to
Tin : lln' . ] 'rhoKciclisnii7erKcr lodaj s.iys
Empeior William , In nddiossliitf Ocnuul
I'lelel Mnrslnl Count Yon IVloltkoat thognth-
crniffof staff oflloorsyostcrilnv aiil.
'I tiiiinU you la the' name of these vvhofouLjlit
together ultli von forill yon liavo clone lor
niv lionso , iiiu tlio piiMtness of the fnthei-
hnd. iRrectyouns nliMidn wholuis neiitnl
in tho.u in J a spirit of ia-viiu'ltlene > ss Tlio
picsonco of llio lilnft of Savony on this ocr a
siini recalls the tlmo vliun he nnd vou foufilit
for Cicrnianj's Ricalno'iS All hoio foesl i
Kratitudu to thoddcf who has lot been eon-
tent to stand alone In his f'ii'.itiicss , Ijiitvlin
his been aetlvit in foimin uhclioo ! foi niiny
leaden of till tlmo to ( oino. "
Hal lour in Ireland ,
DiMiitv , Oct. ST. ( Special Ciblesrain to
'riiK Ilri'.J Ualfoiir , cliiof secrctiirv foi fio-
lurid , who is mailing u tour of tlio Moslem
comities , \\lll icmnm nt Belltnullot. County
JIa\o todav Tlie'iico ho will proceed to Now-
poit nndVestpnit 'J'ho JJxpress of this city ,
commenting on the trip of the seen tarv,8iiys :
"Hulfour unit his compinions will long xe-
muinher tluir Jounioj of Hntuidny In tlio
midst of the florin htonnvldcti hulpuil to 10-
vial the wild and mhciablo prospcLts. It
Knve thoin vivid expoiloiuo of the tcmMT"
conditions undcrvvhiih the scattered popuh
tloa of the west of Imland maintain their
fctiUKglo for exUtcaco Bilfoui's rceeption
has evcrj where been respectful and often
cordial ,
AIMIIary I'roJootH.
Sr. ] 'iriii nuno , Oct. 27 [ s'pechilCable-
RraiiitoTiii Bi K ] Thoxvnr oftlce Is con-
sldei Ing plans for changing existing Hiihsim
inilitsiry distrlets nnd forming Instead tlmo
annlcito lioUurnvn us the northctii , south-
crrr and
A. DockTaril UIfiis .
ljOM > ov , Oct. " 7. [ Spochl Cuhlcgium trt
Tun HiE.-Tho ) udmlraltj has decided to
oonstiuct u guverninoiit dock \aid at
Subscribed "nil Ouarautoud Oayltal. . f 0fl OOJ
i'Blii In Cnpltnl M < m
Iluji andiiolli itocki nnil bandit iinsutLit'i
cominrrolul pupor ; rocolvis nml uioonlos
trust ! ; notIIH tnumfcr amnt and trustun ot
ooiporKllons , lukoy oharKo ot proii rty > oul-
lecls taxes ,
Omaha Loan &Trust Co N.
S. E , Cor. IQtli and Douglas Sta.
I'nld In Oatiltal . 1 M.W
BubHCrlboiUnd rinirantoedOiipltal . 100.09)
Liability .Stockholders. 'JOO.OW
51'ert'tut Intortst 1'alil on D noslti.
1UA.MCJ. I\N 1I. . I utlilur ,
Ofllotra A r , 'yiniin , proiWunt J .1 ,
vico-pronldunl , W.T. Wjmun IruaHtiror.
DlroetorA. . . H.Wymiin. J U illllairt , J. J.
Urowu , Ouy O. llurloii. 1C. W Naily. fhuiuu
L * . UtuoalC Ocorio II , Lulc * .