til THE OMAHA DAILY BJDE , TUESDAY , OCTOBEK , 28 , 1890. t THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , A Session of Rapid and Unexpected Develop ments in Wheat. GOOD INTEREST WELL SUSTAINED IN CORN < ) atn Uloiovlth Uttlo Cliuti o A Tame Market In I'rnvNIons Iitvn Htoolc ntul riitaiielul , Cnirjino. Oct. 27. [ Puccini Tolo-ratn lo Tut tlKiJ.I-Tlmdi'Vclunmcnt'i In wheat were ciutto rapid niul unoxppctH during tlio FO IOC. Two or thriotlriiDnho market ncled bullish , trailing bc'canm broad anil BPticral , ami it looked as IMil lier prices would bo sustained. llcforo 1 o'ulock nil ImlleatloTn fulled , bull n vslpl \ It * force and Iho inarkrtwas flat at 3'tc ' drop fiom onrly prices and Ho lo Jicundcr closing Hs-uri" ! fnturilay. It wai a seal plus Market very miii'li ulth Iliitcliln'on. Miry full ol wlilms. and thofrowd trying lo follow Iho ( Irst niilurnt Inlliiotn-is and worn ! Hiilcliln * mm find nilatlii ? In both case * . Tlio noMVM \ roiilllcllng from Urn start. I'lrniand slightly Mlilicr II crpool calilos ivat tlio first bull Inlliicnro. 1'rlviito ' cables worn stron ? niul ( jnotcil mi upward trnilrnpy. At tlio sair.u llnio Iliitolilnson HtnrU-d In n ( mo buyer. After Iho liiitqo lie turned seller and sonlptrs sold on receipt i In Ilintiorlliwost-Mlnncaiio- lls. Otti-irsi DuluLli. 2)0. There was solllliRnn tliu Inrroasn In stoi-kiat MInncipolH 71'J.CO ) biislnli. anil at Cilcio ) ; over JKW.OOO btishcli. 'JliDhlliln ntipply ll uict at Hut Indlcatcil a hlg IncionsoniKlnt llo'uluelc iirlcra woioolT fiom llii ) openliiK , tiicii tlicrova ? a rally oil ImllUli cables ic'oluil liy OciMcs and by llntloy. liolli Ruln'4 to filiowa liberal ilecion'O In thr Until olllrlil csllinnlc of tlio 1'usslan crop. Tlio llstiros In tlio Ocililis cable liiillcateii n roiliiotlon ot 21)- ) coo.ooo bullion to a toini of j ; , oooooo liimlicN. At tlio s.uno tlino Ilia MllwauKeo rstlinatconllin Uslhle supply , usually ncnily corrt-cl , wasKlvcn at 1 , 100,000 bnsbols IIITOIISO , or Ios.s . than half llii > Ini-riiuio n year a o. On this sort of now 9 prices went ngnln to Iho top jiolnlsof tlio morning. riRuros on tlio visible supply were posted ill out noon lit * an Iii'i : c.iso of 1,111.000 bushels. It was ilioitly sifli'r tills th'itillsputclios roporlod Ilutvllliison solliiK out wliuatat N w York tiuil Iho Itusslan crop istlinato lott Itsfon-o. Tlio innrUnt dropped back lo In quick tlinolo tin ) hottont prices of tlio day up to tbat hour. Tlio inulon wns : Io- ) romber oiciu | > d at ! 1.0.1' ' ( , sld at $1.0 Pj to 8I.03JS lo JI.O'1'.i to Jl.'l'ii ' Mtiy , fl.07 i to H.07 to JI.CT'i to SI OU'S. There was but llttlo bull nnvs In wlicnt tlio list half hour. Indiana shipments for tliu week wnro hu KO at 720,000 bushels , of which 410,000 wont to tlio Unit IM | Kingdom , Slocks In country elevators In tlio northwest Increased 102,000 bushels to : i total ot Gor ,000 busliols. Tlio n.tlicmo low tirlL'Os for llio day were : Novcinlicr.tl.oo ; Dercmher , 1.01'4 ; May. tl.iifl'S. ' Thocloso wnsnta , slight rally to SI.OOVJ for Novcmlicr , 11.02 for December mid IKWyfor May. On llio cuilliont was ijullo K | ions. 1'u ts nn December sold at f l.Oi'i. ' to Jl.OP. ; to ri.Olfi at 3 o'clock ! culls solil nttl.023U lo $10Ji ? TIicio was rjood latore t In corn till tlio ne .sloif , but Iho market was nanow and tlio trade u scalping om'J'hcro was a show of strength oaily. May opened 'if up nt M'Je. ) > old at once tofiljic , went oil to Till * with tlio early break In wheat , nml recoviied almost as ipilekly to MHoaKuIn , Tlioru w.ts tineaslcr fecllns after 11 o'clock and at 1 o'clock the prleo was down to Mo again , but with apparently 111010 buyers tbunsollers at that lUuro. Tbcro was nothing Htartlln In tbonowsof the day. Ootobereorn hold at niitu and ofT to SI ! < c ; November , .il'io and oft" to fil'ic ; December , fil'ie niul olT to M'.ci Mny , MJic and off to 5lo bid at the close , or 'fe lower tli.in Saturday. I'rlUloKCSon May coin sold at Kl',0 ntul"Ilia at 2:30 : p. in. Theio was little change In oats at the close. October was nominal at K'ia and November atjlo. December Hold at JTc , closlnir. atll'to ; Mny , 4lliLx , oil' to 4 < i1)o to Wic , oriu under tlio Katiuday price at UinoloH ) . Tlio proslslon iiriilioLiis a tame ono all day. Tlio best pi luct woio made ouily. when imreals wciostroiiKiind lilnhorand dUpntcliei reported notlro bujliiK of IIORS nt , bettor prices. Janiiarv jioilc Hold nt 812.271and oloscd at $12.1714. or 2'i ' unilor Saturday : May. il'-V.eti and il'J.S.'VJ. I.nrd sold at ! ' ' > .i' " > for Jiuiiiniy niul tT.fM for May early anil lost 2)io ) , llllis sold at tVfor ) Jniiimry and JI5.37JS for May and closed at $5.Co and JO.HO , or " , ' la under ibooloso Iiint neolc , YORK , Oct. 87. ISpoolil Tolesram to TiiEltcn.1 STOCKS The action of tlio stock market w.is . very doubtful all morning. Thuro wits no ncllvo Interest shown , which wasen- oniirn lir , ' to commission liomus anil loom traders , but the liopoof tlio bull market was not very saiwilno. Tlio upward movomcntof Huturday'suloso continual tolhoopon- InK , mid Ihsl prices were goncr.illy . fiom 'j ' to f % per cent hlnhor tli n tlionaalflsures ofS.it- \iril.iy , while Chicago a as w'us up 7 uiid New Yorlc lVnlr.il was down ? a and Bugar Itellnoilcs 8. The market was feverish , lion over , In early trailing. Fractional drollnos wcro forced , whlel wcroKcneially loeoveied before the o\plra- tlon of Iho half hour. ChlcaRoCJas was espe cially \\eak , however , dropp'i'R ' ' from 4l'i ' to U7i ? , whileSiiKar Itellnorles , after Its opening loss rallied I'i toW' ( > . A full recnvory oc- ourroil In lhoKunci.il list , Union 1'aclllo.wlilcl had lost 'i , rnllylni ! with Iho rest. Tlioft\tcak- ne s ! ilii upioan"l | , however , and nititerlal ilecltnosocoiiiieil In homo stocks , llurlliu'toi JcQulncyictlrlnsj 1'i ' to miwhllo most of the list reached still lower prices than In early trading. At noon ( las was at J5'i. SiiRnrat 07 and Norlli American ut3l , New York Central after n drop to lUO'i ' , recovered to 101. Itecov- oryln urni > BPr > nndothers , niado atll o'clock was hold up to 1 o'clock , I'urt of thu early strength \Misaltrlbutod to London DuyuiK o Ht.l'aiil , Union 1'aclllo and Atehlson. There uro very bullish ineillotlons in I'aclllc Mall mid IMesldont O.ihlo of the Knck Isluiu tlilnKs shot ts will siilTcr for the depression o ( Ilvlilenil paying Moo Us. Tlio ilay ended n 111 bears aiiil nhnrlH In Btoeks uneasy. Thol.on- ilon attltndouas liopofulall day , If not bull ish , Tlio loc.il money situation continue ! e ny. SiiKiir nuinlpnlator' ; acted n If the outside wpalc onus were shaken out T anil luslileis udviiiiciMt the stock 7 points from tlio oponliiK to 72 or better , with thu olflso at 7lor 4 points ever Saturday , tlas reco\oroi to39. fclioits In lalhoad stock * bought tlio lint hour on Rlronc net Ion and prU-es ro- boundi'd. At llio eloso n , 1'aul anil llnloii I'a- olllo were Jo.ieh 'i ' poreent up for tlio dny Iloi-lc Isliind steady. Noitbwrstorn 'I ' liliihur , Atehlson steady mill Ilin Huston IS , oil' ti D0i } , after boliiKliaiiiinoreil tobO'i after mid day. C'oul Htocks wuro linn with Ituadinir 3i higher. Sales wuio'.MS.OOU shares. Tim following wcro the closing quotations : t.H , 4 n'k-nlur..IJil ( Norttiorn I'noltlc . . IT. U. < coupon l.'l > ( ilo profflrri'il. . . U. H. < ! < ironnlnr . . . , lill\ ( C.A.NS" \ II.H. iiii coupon I'll'i ' rti > pniforrtil. . . I'aciaoiuior ' 14 IM Now "Yurie CtMitrnl. Contrnl I'arlllc ' "JJi : ' . , ! ) . AK ChicnKO.V Alliin . . . .I''l Hock lilnuil Chlr-en , lliirlliiKton C. , M. A St. 1'mil. . iOulnror Wu ' ii. u x w inu SI. 1'aul .t Onmlm. llllnoNCcntrnl IIXI ilo I'rori'rri'il ' . . . KJ 1 11. A.V. . lUilon rnclllo KJU KtninM , V Toxai. . . . . . 12 V ) ' . . St. b..t I' , U ) l.tto Slioru W ! > 4 ito prefiTri'il. . . XlcnlKimCunlral. . . . Ul I'uatem Union. . . lituourl 1'nclHc , , . . , ivsis MONKV Ka y ; IWft percent , lust luati II. I'UIMK MKIKUNTII.K 1'ArKii ftits jior eent. SrKiit.iMi KxriUMiti-Qulct mil Htoady ; Isty-day bills , mi : i' " VHIC.4 ( Mil VK .S TWK. CiiiCAno , Oct. ST.-lSpoclul Tolear.uu BEE. ] ( IATTI.K Uiislnoss for tlio vcolt opoiw about Ilko the vloso of last week , niimoly ; Oooil tooliolco native ctccra wuranot plcntl- tul anil Hold fully us liUli us ut nny tlmo last week ! in ml lu in and fair teors , slow lut no loner ; riiinninu nnttvcs anil btttuliurs' block , or nnytliliiK tlmtlmil to compote with milder * and Tuxnnc. cither cointi.onur uthurulsu , jhl nsluulo lo Tcr , ui also d Id rangers aul Toxuii3 , Thoslookfr anil fot'dcrtradu moM'il along also nt last week's runRool prices. Top prlovs , ( I.OOB3.10 ; KOOI ! to choice , H.EW3I.S5 | mutlliini , M. 0031.25 ; com- won , S3.OOO3.75i Tcxus stcori" , li.43SJ.-1.00. Tlio top price for tlio Keystone In.iiul. UH ; otliors U2X63W. Native butchurs' stock , ttlilch 111- oluilckliolferi , coui , bulls uud rouU steers. M utll.l.ViiJ.OO. lionsHuslnosa actlvo and prices about llkotlioolosoofluit vrrck. Afoxvcarly saloi bowed a slljht adruurc , but at tlir close Die cciirrnl nvprnRn vrm n r that of Saturday. I'ackcM ( mid 3.7iicfrl.9) ) for roimh ntul com- non ntul W < KM64.1 > for pooil inlxril , whlln nlilppon palil tl.lvrM.'j'i torprlniolmnvy ami JiilU'lierwnlBlit * . Bi-lcclrd llftht sold ntM.IOj L-oiiiiiuin and iiilxctl llgliti nna iiu , Mining NEW VOHK , Oct. -Special Tolojr.itn to TiiulJr.K.1 TliofoUowItuarollioinltiliu stock quotatlotn : 'Jho CofTco Mnrki-t. NnwVottK.OftS" . [ 'pcclal Tclwrn into THE Ilr.i- : Corn R Option * opened steady , ! points up to 15 points down , closliiR flrtn 5 points ilown to r. points tip Pnli Wan IKIRS Itt- cliiillnir Ootolior nt ll''O'iU'Novuinlfcr. ' ! . r , J17..iiJ ? . ' ! : January , robruiiry. flillOitlll.'i ! March , r > .7.v.jn.M ) ! Maj , isixaivv ( > i June , * i.n. Mint llio < | iiluti fair uargocH , J.U53i > o. 7 , i : ft A it if irti. o. Oi't. 27. C'looWheat Steady : cash. lwuM.OOi Ucccnibcr , * I.017i' May , . . Corn Ka'Ti cash , 51o ; December , Mnv. 3lc. O.tti-htonay ; c.isli , 4QVC ! Uccciitbcr. < 1cs May. K\ < : Kyo-li : y at GdQOVJe. llarlpv btoiidy at7Ht' < lc > . Tiinolliy-i.isv : at Jl.T.'ai SI. l-'lux-tl.in. \\hlskv-JI.U. Mt ss I'ork Htcmly oasb , JIO. ; .Inniiary , * ' ' ' f'.uVii'Uudyi'casii , tO.tVilij January , W.22i ! ! i'lourX'liclmnurd ; winter wliflit. t3.S.Vit.V)5j ) < pi liu wlio.it , tlM < Ki.aryp. \ . S.i.tQOa.Tft' . Hulk Mrals-ShouMi-rs , f > .ra'iJVi.7Jl ' short cloar.tVUOA'iir , ; fcliort llbs.iJ.IO VfiX Mutteriulut ; cioainory , I'U'i'iU ! ualry. C'liceso Dull ; full cream ohoildnrs , flats , 8li ? -S'i'i JOUIIK AiniTlcasDo. Tallow t'liclniigedi ' No.'l , solid , 4 > 4ei No. 2 , 51,1 * ; rako. 4'jC. ' HliliI neniinscd ; henvy nnd lluht sreeu silled , C'lej Krei'ti hldi'S , 41ei sailed bull lildos , r > c ; Kri'on s.ilteil calf , Htcs'ic ' : dry Hint , 84'Ji'Mliy Halted , "u : dry calf , ( tiWo ; do aeons e.icli , Z'M. Uecelpti. Slilptnonts. riour.bbls J'i.iWJ 14oot ) Wlicnt. bu oxoio : none Corn , bit SM.UOO 2.10,000 Oats.bu . ' . ' 13,030 201,000 'Iho Visible .Supply. CHICAGO , Oct. 27. The visible supply for the week cncliiiR October 23 , as compiled by the secretary of the Chicago board of titulo la us follows : Itu 0iels. Wlip.it U > .7IVWI Corn T.-W.COfl Oats 4.121,000 Kyi ! Ifc'll.OOO llarlcy 4fcOJooo Ni-.w YOHIC , Oct. 27-Wbeat lleeolnts. 110,100 liusliels , cviiDit" , none ; spot weak ; ? vo. 2 toil , f. o. b : optionsfi'll 1U1'it , closed easy ul ? ttlB nndiM'Satuidayj No. Jioil , October , elos- Inir nt tl.Wi' . Corn Kecolpts , JIT.OOO bushels ; exports , I. .TOO bushels ; spot easier ; No. 2 , ( vSHVJ > so la olov.iloi ; r > S'l ' < ( V 1lo ulloatl uirjradiil niKcd , oj options lower , Uutubur closing aL . Dais IifceljiK 137.001 biishpH : oxpoi ts. USI linsliclsj spot stcuily ; No. ! i wliltc1 , . ,1'ic ' : tulxutl weslrrn , 4i > ® 4k ! < i wiillo western , COit5Cc ; op tions enslor , October closing at 4Se. 9uar ll.iw sli-adi ! iumoiiil sale of 1R01 Ions runlilfiiK.ils. IKi test , D 13-lCci roflnud , qntclhiit steauy. 1'etrolutini Unltoil elosccl for November at 70 'ft- . I-URS r.uicy firm ; WL-strrn , K'i ' XIc. I'orkSlcailj ; most , til ivau'.w. I. aril -Walv inul dull ; western btPtim. K.GO. Hutlpp I'lrtiit wcstorii dilry , lO'iSKo ' ; cic.un- cry. Itt&SJt" Kluln , " ( ic. Uhtuso ijtuady ; llKlit skims , l3.c. \ < . ST. Louis. Oct. 27. Wheat lower : cash. 9i ? < 8 03 | c ; Doccinber , Wl'ic ; May , $1.053. , ' . Corn Io\\eii casli , WJic ; Docoinbor , 4CUo ; Jlny.Wc. Oals-Klrin : caRh.O'/JcaiJo ' ; May , 45S5c. I'oikhliiitly nt Jtl.UO. I , aid ( Julotatffi.10. . \\lilsKy-btouly at Jl II. Hulter Stuudy. but ( ] iilct. KVSAS OtTV , Oct. 2Vlipnt \ Stcailyi No. 2 haul , rush : inU Octobor. fcso bid ; No. ivd , cash , 02 ho bill , Coin btiongcr ; No. S , cash and October , O.ilH Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , 41c ; October , _ CINCINNATI , Oct. \Ylioat-Dull ; No. S rod , lit ) ? . Corn ririn : No. 2mlxcil , S'ic. Uats btronscr ; No. 2 inlxuil , 4Gi ! < 347c. j , Oct. 27. AVhoat rirni ! dcmnnd fair ; holdursollcr sparingly ; ( Jallfoinla , No. 1 , 7iG'4tl per cental. Coin llnu ; dum.ind fair ; ml.\vd western , 4s Giid per cunUl. , SIll.WAUKi'.K , Oct. 27. Wheat Kasy ; No 2 spiliiB. cash , wyftusc ; Decuiuljor , Oijs'c ; No. J iioillicrn.fl.UO. Com I'll in at > 2 < avic. Oats 1'U in nt4 ( > 347c. S Our , Oct. 27. Cattlo-Itocclpts , 10.100 ; Hhlpinents. fi.wo ; natlvesstronit ; Toviins : iml natives louci ; stiiTH , } l.-.V//,4.'Jl ; cou.- , , tl.'Jtit..rK ) ; Htockersaii.l feeders W.40iSl 13. lions liocolpts. 4U. > 0 ; hliluim'iits. ; iiH ! ) ; uiar- Kut closed bio illy ; ull Kr.idus.S. ' oQI.l'i'.i , Siotrx CITV. la. . Out. 27. IPpPolal Telegram ID Tun Itiu : | lloss ICtwlpiH. l.2ii ) inaikvt falily ui'lh 01 Molllns atW.siKj.'i.'JT'ii bulk ut fJ.Wi4y.Cj. _ ST. Lot'is , Oct. 2 ; . ( . 'ittlo-Keeelpts , 2.1100 : slilpinontH , 1,000 ; niarUot steady ; fair to fancy natlvnslcurd.tJ.SJ33.03 ; btouKcis and feeders , . Itccclpts , .l.nOOj slilpincnts , 3MO ; niniUct easy ; lieuvy , JlOOSI.lj ; tuUud , ! W.7i. < aioo ; iiKiit o , Oat. S7. Unttln DnpolpK J,00aj ! mnrUot steady to asliailii IOIMT ; steuii , ' . llnss Ilppclpts , m,030xniiirkot ; notlvp , but sti'iuly ; iimuli and eoinnion , $1.71X3) ) . IK ) ; v-ooil iiihed , fMHUIfil l.'i ; prlinii heiivv aim butclior-i' \Millitsll.l.-ai.2. ( ' > ; ll'tht.JI.SJUiJ.lO. yiiooii lleeiilptID.oOOj nuiiliiit slrons ; na- ttM'S , $ IOoa4.SJ : wc-tornsllH > ai.50i Tetaiis. 81.CO ; luiiibs , Jlj7.Vtfij.7ri. OJl.tJl.l Jl.lltli ETH. Cattle. Slonday , Oct. 27. Kstlmalod receipts of cattle. 2.100 , as com puted vMtli 2,0-.it y.iturihy and L' , ' , " Mnnday oflastwonU. The leootpls foiislsfVd of nnu- tlilitl natlvo and tnn-tliluN wosturn oittlu. Tlioiooelits | Incltidod afow KOOI ! beoveq. Tlio market niiuncil actuo and tiiriii' iiu the host Krados othleiis and luiti'liors' sto.'k and blow and saKRliio on othern. I'eedors are moving ut Bteadjvprlues. _ rstlinated rocolpts of ho ? , 5,003 , as coin- Dared with K.4i ; Satniilav and 4.44S .Moaihxy of luit \ > uck. The in u lent opened uu- 1 1 vo : md stronger on thohest Krados of heavy ll lit. anil mixed , with the poor trr.ules lowor. TliniaiiBOof prloos was 91..M1AI.I.1I the bulk si-lllast at $ UV(6Ii ; llelit , jroiWin ; heaxy. W.OVa4.IJ ; niheil. JKKaiin. The UVUIMSU of the prices was * . : . ! ) iM. a < compared \\lth Katiu Jay and W.BiI'i Monday of last week. Slieop. KittmalPd roeelptt of shepp , l,7.'t as p jmicd HlthTi-Uhatuiday , Natlvus , $2.rj3 : uvbturiis , W. f Stock. Show In ; tlio iiunibur of ho.id of stock purchasnl on this market us reported by the wclghinaatorsof tlio tti kyanU company : \TTI.B. . Swltt & Co . r,87 Tliullourpu 11. llaiiiinnnit company . : M Tlifl Arinoiir-Uiiiliiliy packing company. . : l I liinilltnii .t Stophoii . 57 Ilenlon , UndurwiNMl . 70 Shippers and feeders . . . , , . . . . , . j.gsi lions. Annoiir-Oiidahy paokinx company . 1,231 Omaha p.icklns company . vr il J . . . . . . . eorpe 11. Itaiuinond packing company. . MS Nurtti packing conipuny . 7 10S The U. 11. Hammond company . Vf , Iteproscntallvo Bains. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. A v. Pr. 24. 1003 l. 00 72 .1 % ) ) M 40 20 1241 II 40 1..1U1) ) 360 CO..iy7'J 440 18..13Si 450 COWS. 4 . 067 1 00 1..1040 I 8.1 27. . 755 200 2 11 ( V > 1 00 S..1U75 1 00 1 . 8.V ) 200 a. 114:1 : 1 2Ti l.JKW 1 M 18. . h.5 200 II. fcbO 140 1..1220 150 1..1360 210 21. . b38 1 45 81. . 690 1 CO 4. . 600 2UO M1IKKU3 AM ) erillNQCItS. 1 cow and unlf . , . 12100 icow anil calf . 22 IX ) HULLS , IS , . 1210 MS S..12I5 273 1..15CO 173 OXEN' , 4 , ,1440 l&O 1..1410 1 M CALYtS. 41. . 70 M jisi > rrr.DKit * . 4. . 7M 3 2J 3 23.1 4 1014 SCO TTtSTKIlS CATTI.K. No. , „ Av , 1'r. ' ° C ° " "Icon's . . 019 1503 J. II. 1111111--- n rows pan s M & COWS 09J 220 H cows lese a M 105 steers 1170 il (0 ( ( llllelto Itros M oo9 S47 1 Si il5lielfci-i NW 1 41 I cow Ttt ) 1 5J M COKS IKM U On bulls 11 on i 75 4 bulls 1470 UW icicalvcs : i8 ! 171 14 vain fl 20 ? III" iNrvnilliin 60.1 SM blilc Dyer SI steers. . . . . 10M 3 Si llanner it Il ia steers 1101 290 11 steers 1173 'J 15 No. Av. Ph. 1'r. 'No. Av. Eh , 1'r. 77 101 100 3 W ) ft ! S74 40 'IfO 100. . . . IM 120 ; ir > o t'i 272 w nun ' . ! ! ! ! - " iico 71 ! ! * . ' . .5 > 6 M jiin 8i.i ; . " . "ii six ) iiiw is..201 ' ! ' ' ' DO fur ! to 204 100 am : no NI : io. > S till 3 OS C7 210 IM 391 P7 lir 12) 3(15 ( S3 201 l.M Iltrf'i w no 200 am u 27:1 : 100 400 OJ T.1S1 1TO 3 < li 01 . . .277 1110 400 . 205 Irt ) 3 70 C.1 . . . 27 M 4 UO . .211 10) a 75 t,9 Wi : 80 41 > 0 US 111 ? N ) : i7r'i M . . 217 40 400 W . . . . Ifl 100 3W ) H 1141 HO 401) ) . .221)200 'IW 70 2115 SO 400 71 . . . 211) ) W 3bQ IVI 8115 400 81 225 Ifil ) : i&5 71 2t' l 4H ( ) 01 2ill 1U ) 3fr * M 255 40 400 71 2:11MO : 385 ( H . . . .241 400 8J..22I ID a KI M S.1S SO 400 218 IM ) 385 57. . . 2VI fro 400 7J 2TH ) IIW 3H5 M 21)7 ) 100 4 4U7 3 ! K ) SJ 2iV ) 200 4 00 TO. . . . 2:11 : 10 aio n. . . ais 40.1 m 270 120 3 DO ffl. . . U31 40 405 02 2(11 ( 40 3110 ( VI . . . . 2tt > bO 40.1 co. . , . 215 120 a ix ) 1,0 : ioi 410 71 2:17 : M ) 31K ) 0.1 1107 410 : : . . . . a.13 lee an. ) > . . . . \H \ 41. 71 2.1.1 120 300 01 Ull 413 ; o 24:1 : 120 aw I'lOS AM ) MUl'S. 11 40 i r.o 10 12 < ? 300 7 155 175 101 1-iS SO 32.1 7 h7 200 71 15S 80 321 OJ 7I ! 200 111 12.1 32.1 . . ' ) ! 52.1 10.1. .10" . ll'fl 34' ' ) . .120 350 Iii llh bO 31.1 OMAHA WIlOljUSAM' .MAIUCin'S. nAT-s I'oislnn , tl-lh box. 0"c , Klsis London layers , California , ] icrbos- , fj.50 ; IOD-.O must'atels , Cnllfornla. ! . ' . ) ; seed- k' s California , J..O ) ; C'lillfm na ! s'ui'dle ssul- tanslu s.ii'Ks. per Ib.Oc ; Oallfornlii ninsoatcN , In sacl > s. i > 'je ; now VaU'iiuhi , b4e ! ) omliira , Itiypis , now. D'Si' . t' vvM'.n Vi ] | .T\IIMS Tninutoos 3-lb rxlru , ! l.lOl.l5i-ll ; : > 4t indild W.lorn ( br.inds. fl.10 ; Kullims. Arehei's standanl , tl.U ) . I'oni I'lnest nro ii flM ) ; lialo I'l'y sn-.ir corn , very Hi n > , ( l.r > 0illiiiiin. ; ( 2-Ib siunr coin. SI 20 ; S-lh pvtru , Heeiuer. Jl.lfl ; S-lb si.untaid western 1iiitul < ; , JI.OJ. Mii liioinm ) l-ll ) l''iiMicli ' , extra line , 22CS 2-.cl-lh ; 1'ri'iicli , Hue , l fJJ2i1lb ; Trench , or- dlnary , lIVBlbi. ' . real Ties , fine , iicr ean,2.V ; doinl-llnu , per van , 10-j 2-lb siftoil. JI.GC ; li-lb eatly June. JI..VI ; 2 It ) marrow , Htnndanl brnnils , JI.25 ; 2lb.oiUcd , 7.V. Stilus bonus 2-lblilKh Rraile , ItefilRoc , $1.01. 'J-lb Unldon wax bi'inis , il.OO ; 2-lli btiliic be.ini , bOe ; I.lmu bpuns U'-lb so iKeil , MB. Host on bnl > i < il.boiiis S'IIl.ev\K JI.Ki : L'nittii br.i nils , $1.15. bweot jiottitoos-3 ll > New Jnrspy , $ | .u > . Pumpkins- : i-lb , * I.10. Okra and toioatocs 11.115 ; olsiu. $1.1,0 , , sueeotash , 11.50. NUTS-Almonds , ho ; llrii ll , 17e ; filberts , llle : pecan" . ! < ! ( . : walnuts 15c ; peanut eocUs , 10l4i'i masted. 12'Se ; 'IVnni'ssoo iieanuts. DC. \ViMl'l'l\J IHl'Kll--Straw. per lb , IJaUPtCj i lit ; , 3'i ; nianlllii H,40. n. " , No. I , Si- . l\loi\Mis : llbls , N. O. faiii'v.tiei'KilrM'S.17i ' > ; choice. 4.'il7iiRood.iOiit'c : : ; Cnbu , luUlii,2sa Me ; blackstrap. .M.Vc. Soul | 'UK ' > , H ) Ibs to box. fi-'c : UORS , t'jp. YiMiiUlt : Wir. N. V. tipple elder. lOo ; I ) . S. cider , 12oj wliiti1. wlnn , 1.1 ; fiiney , fruit , ho. OILS I.V ) pi lint ) white , lie ; | 10v.itur wblte , 13c ; lii'iidliKbt , ll'ic ; 71 gasoline , I Ilo. SII.SUDV Hbls , l\o : KMuulatcd..V ; Inbbls , I'.e. I'.e.hrovr. I'oi.ijiii- $ ! .00 < ( ? . " fi.1 pprgrosi. llui-i Am. per L 0 , J17.'i ; I.ewKton. per 100 , $17.71 ; Union square , 4 I peretMit olVIKt. HALT -ll.itry.2si Ibs in bbl , bull. , t10 ; best Ki-aili' , 1,0 Is. t.Mi ) : list sia-le , 1)0 ) Us , 1MI ; best Kf.uli' , IS 10s , 52.21 ; rock suit , cru-hod , $1.80 ; common , bbl , Tl,2. > . OINMII : MI'.ATCorned beef. 1-lb. $ L20 ; 101 ned bi'Of , Mbsl.)0 ) ; luiieli tonsnos , 1-lb , JJ W ; htiii'li toiiKilos. 2 Ibs , SI.71 ; brawn , 1-lb , J2.fi ) ; brawn , S-lbs , JJ.O'J : OK lon ncs , PJ-lbs , HOO ; olonsnes. . 'J-lbs. WO I ; culppuil beef , 1'i- 11) < , loiinil cans , $2.35 : lo.ist beef , 2-ll > rouiid cans , $2.10 ; potted ham , 'i-lb round cum , ( Vic : potted bunH ! ) lound can1) ) , f I..M ; < lcvllod haul.4-lb lound cans , tc : ilovllul ham , iMb lound cans , 11.20 ; poltodox toneuo'J-lbiound OHIH , itl.'O : uoininoi'.ed ham , 1-lb snuarocans , * 2.7."i ; tiltio , 2-lb round c.m , JI.SO ; inliieod eulops , 2-lb round cans , 8.ai ) boneless piss' f < > ct , 2-llihniiino cans. $ ; .2.- > . JUi'r < i ; Sun ttiI'er ll > 5e cakes , 30-11) boviis , Tic ; lOui-tikfxj.uO-lliboxc'i , 12je ! ; 1-lb brleUs , 30 Ills In bopun1.14c. . TIVINIS iJollon tM'Ine , "Illbb. " very fine , ' 4- 11) Iriles , 2'u ; cotton tniiu * . XX brand.'i-lb bales , is ; hemp twine , ' 4-lb baleISe ; sail 1 \ \ lin2lV ; c.itidln wick , 2Jo ; 40-foot cotton elotbes line , $1.40 ; 60-foot cotton clothes llni > i , 81.0.1 . : MMoot steal lines , tl.7.1 ; ( I-foot Jute , il 00 ; wool twines,8'jc. ' I'Atii.NtrKot's Goons Hailey. .Tie : farina , dot peas , 21iL' ! oatmeal , bliN , 15 T-ltill l ; half bill- , VLOX&l.l'i ; inauaronlii , IDiClk' ; Mii-inleelll , 1001 lo : i Ice , vholic. ! i\ff ( iv ; f.inoy , O't'i&rv ' ' : lieail , 7csaitoand ; lapo-i ! , 67e ; Ifniu tu.ins , O' e ; sjillt pen , : ! oi spaaliottl , lie. Dliir.li Flit it.--Tin KUli ptunos les.s than hhU'i , 1SS ) . 7'se ; orlKlmil liluU > ( . less ; llonlii piiiiu"Sd-lb lo\u ) < , 100 lo 110.7J4c ; a | > pli4 , evaporated , now i Ing choice. He ; ernprnitod , mm rln'iiiiiiH' : . IPj apiloots , faiuy. in sacks , 20e ; lilai'Ubeirlos , now , ID' I-J r ispboi'les. 21 llisto loxk' ) ! ! currants , now , .I'lTjU'ie ; oils- Inul ciisK"luless ; Vostl/iii uiirrints , extra , In bocO'tc , cotTii : IJoastpd-Arloslu , 21'jc ; llunola , 2.ViCioriniin. : . 2.1'ics ' llllnoithX S.13uo ; Mon. Wit" .Malluoiicli. 21'ti1 ' ; CordoMi , 23'jc ; .Mocb.i , UO'iOj ' O. ( J. .luv.i. 30i- . C'iliisi ; : : I'leinluin r. C , twin flats , per lb , lOlic ; I'leiiiliini K I' , Youni ? Anu'rlfii , ll'io ; In Ink , lie ; doinostle S l-s , ll lTc ; Kd.iin , In foil , eneh , $1.0) ) ; I < linbi > r'cr. 12'c. IliiiioMs ,1-1 le , pinloi , $1.00j-l-tle , W.7.1 ; 3-tle , * 2.'r > ; : i-tlo , iilaiii.tl.hl ; wint'house , if.1.03 ; toy , tl.31 ; whljtk.JlOOiM.25. OMVM ( juait * percloz. flO ) ; pints , perdoz , $ : , VI ; Inillc. p > r KUI.H5U. Uiniiiicr.Minillli'iopo All Hl/es from 7-1(1 ( tel In. , l.lc ; slt.il tope , all sl/iM from 7-HI to 1 In. , IP ji'i "new piucees , " nil sl/es fiom 7-1(1 ( to 1 III..M' . Sins \u 1'i'rlb fat leif , 71je : enbcs , 7'lC ' ! stnnilaid powdered , 7 e ; XXXX powilorod. 7V ; Ki.iiiutiiU'd. stiui'Lird , ( i' c : coiifputlon- ciV A.li'aa'l'.elilte.otraL' ; . billlliint , 7J e ; extra C , loval. H'je ; contr.il 0 , .lltCi Koldon 0 , 5te. ? ilink i' , 4' c. L'OITOV Koi'i. ' 5 Incb , Isc. SoM'-UnitlU' . mottled , per lb , OaiOc ; do whlto. per lb , lie. I'll KI.LS Mi'dliimiii < rhhl.onsmiiil.110.00 ! ; RheiKlns. $11.110 : Imp bill , il.W , ( Hi-Kal o.isksli : r-Biil bbl. io.oo. Uiiuit1'ui : bbl , nlined , fn.11 ; half bbl , $ 'i..YJ ; haul older , iiuio , IIIT' lilil , $ ' ) ii ) ; oianuo elder , balf 1)1)1JD.M ; pu.irelder , half bbl , J'J.r.J. ' 1'l'OVisloiH. I'liKSitMiMTS rrcsbliains , 20 Ibs average , J5ei fi " , h bams , Kllbsau'nwhUc ; fresh hams , 12 pounds RMTIW , B'ii'i fiosh slionldi'rs , .r > ' 4i' : jiork loins , " 'Jo ; poili tonderlolm. lie ; leaf laid , not ri'iiduiod , 7lio ; snare rlb , .V. 1'oitKAND | liitMc : : > sporK. nox\JI2.CO ; clojr poik baoKs. heavy , * l..3 > ; clear poi k , bucks iiicdliiin , $11.7.1 : short cut clear pork , $ IO.V ) ; family poiUl0.5i ; plKporuii.5/i : now e\tr.i beof. fil.ou : new e.Mr.i uliitn beef , i7.0 ( ' ; new Plato beef , f.riO ! ; now rolled bonoU-s beef , if\i l ; new boneless lumps , W,5'J ; now bhoiildcr clods , | i.M. IHiv S\IT MKATS T.ean backs' , fi > ' , o ; ovlia slinit I'li-arJo ( ; lelllos. 18 lo 20llia\if , ( i'e ; short ribs , oe ; slioit eloais , G'ac ; Ions clears ( le ; Hbonldori , 5'-e. ' > \iii < Ki ) MhAisllnnn , 12 to 1.1 Hi avRspecial brand. Ilo : br < 'alfast bacon , lie ; hams , extra light , Ole 10 lb live , 10'c ; liains , | | ; ht. 1 } to 14 lliuvg. 10 > tcj hams , mcdluin , 15 to U ! lb a\c. , lOe ; bams , heavy , 20 to32 11) avR , 9'4 i hams , extra heavy , 2i ! lo > lb nv . OS Jo : bums , hliluned slicing , IS to20ibm , lO'ie ' ; Califor nia bums , fl'iCi ' Now Vork 8'ioulders ' , tl'it'i Hos- ton hlioiilders , 0 to 8 Ib n\f , ( ) 'i ' : bouoless ham , PC ; breaUfo t baton , clear , .1 to 71b trlps. N ; ; breakfast bacon , rib , 7'to ; dried leuf ) li.mii , sets , go ; ililcd beef hams , uvular , fit.o ; dried beef linnsclodsij ! ) fancy loin backs , 7 > , e ; bieakfast bacon , clear , 7 to U lb strips , 7',5c. ' . SMOKKO MUTS Dry-salt cured-Hacon , slioiL elenis , ( i c ; extra short clears , UV ; beUles , clear strips , 7c ; sbort rlLs,0ic ; shoul ders , Gl $ * . PUIIK IKAV I. * nn Kettle rendered Tierces , C'aO ; bnrroK 0ti'i half biirrols. * e. Tirii'K Ilairols.200 lun. W.2.1 ; quarter bar rels-10 Ibs. tl.CO : kltH , n His.We. I'IOKI.KII I'Kis' I'KKT llurrpli , 200 Ibs , $7..riO ; clKhtb barn H. 2J Hw , We ; Kits , 15 Ibs. 8Jc. HrKr To\ni'K3-Siigar-eured bbls , 200-lb , ! ! " . . ' - ) ; half bbls , 100-Tb , { 1)00 ; beef tongues , btiioki'd. | ) i > r-lb , 10 ! e. I.\.viis' TOMU'Ks Uncooked , mild euro half bbls , luo-li ) . jr.oj ; iiiisirlrr bhls. rw-lb , SI 00. SPICI.II 1'inV TO.NOUKS Cookel lulf bbls , SO-lb. fll.OOiquattor ILls , 40-11) , { 5.73 ; Iclts , 15- JIi .V > ) t MUMS ToxouKS-Cooked-lialf bbls , 80-lb. JI1..V ) ; kits , 1511).40 ) , Tojsm-Krt-l'ork tonitues. uncooked , mild onred-llalf bbl , 103 Ibs , J7.50 ; ) i bbl , GO Ibs , BAUStor.-noloKna. per Ib , o : bolosnn , In weasaiuls per lo , 4)io ) ; rrankfiirlH , per Ib , i.'ic ; IOIIRUO , pt r ib , 7iioi hlood , I ) crib , 4Joj ( ll > er , per Ib , 4 ' , clieul ; chfose , rorlb , 4ip ! ; I'olSb , jer Ib , 7o ; | iork BUIIHURO. links , per Ib , Oc ; pork auusagu moat , lu tin palls , per Hi , lie. . Oiiji-l'iiro iifat'ij foot oil , per gul.S'te : A 1 tallow , Dijci stearlnis , GV > * > . I'rodiiut : . UiniUK Creamery , fauiy , 2 < o ; creamery. cholcp. : w22nc ! iiinlry , cholec , KiilfV ? ; coiin- Irv , Kooil. HiBKV ! counirjrf.falr , loaiV ; conn- Irv , Inferior , 74lle. Koos ( . 'holeo stock Isgtnorally follliiK nt . . , I'OUf.Tiir The tnnrkpt on chickens Is very low and they are oxtrpniqly so | > f nalp , ovrlmt to tlio hc.ivy reeolil | . About ti'l ' that good chicken- cnn bcexpcotKl Id brltii IslJ.OOOj.'iS tt llh HID smaller iradc& M towns fl.JO Unlto n peed tiistiy llvu tnrUnysaru arriving. Wliloli unit lurei'ly ntlOo. DuvUs tire quoted at 12.W : i.OO. . . KAMI ! Tlio market Is ulw'ut steady. Pralrlo ehlckpim , per d ( . . tJ.75JWi malliird OncUs I2.5oau)0) : ) ) tcaliluclt * . Ji.'itti r. ) | mi\pd ducks. I.2..31.M ! pli er. ftiiBWurjaok snipe. Jl.ix l.V.- , : iniall , II..V..M.7J ) jHOl. labbltIJ.OU ; snitill rabbits , 11.00 ® I. M. v > Fro h " ' 'raits. t'oticorilfi10 bfi kot lot . ; iiqi.- : : natuwlius , 100 Imsl.el lots. Kkj ; cutuwlias , rIO basket lots. 45ci aleins. | ik ) nickel lots , 40e > ; Hnlem-.fl.lObnski't lots , IV ; Nlau.ira. ft Ibs. 100 basket lols , iiioi Nliiitutn. 31hs'i 10 biski-t lots 'C > c ; lela ) aio.rilbs , 100 bnsknt lots. ; 5jj Delti- WHIP , 5lb' , 5-lobasUi't lots. .i.V ; fcalems , ft Ibs , 100 Insl.ct lots , 25C ; tfaleias , . " > Ibs , 5-10 baskut lots , , f > c. CMi.itoiivt v I'lit'in Gripes , Tokay , cr.itcs , sln U1 pndviiKP.fl fx ) | Krapes , iniHeals. orntos , slnalo ci.itcs. $1. tti pi'iirs. Winter Nellies , and oilier- ' , tier box , $ .1.10 ; iiiilncc.s , per bo.\ , I.MION Now Malaira lemotn will bo In the mntket next week. I'niry Malorl , ; Xs ) nml inns jiui * box. Jlo.OO ; MuliiK.i , per box iJ.otuS [ | Ov ) , I v \ > M I'anpy lllnofli'Ms , } joe to $1.00 per bunch : Honduras , 1I.SO tot. Viper bunch , UllVNCils .lillllllll-A OMIIies. 'J. 1 , sltlRlo boxes , pur box , tl 00 ; 5bo\ lots , $1.7.1. Ari'l.KS-rtiney vlntoi upiiics , tier hbl , $1.23 © 1.7' ) . CiUNiirintirs 1'nnev dirk ( ' .iiie Cods , fO 00 ; fancy dark Capo Cods , f. barrel lots , KM ; fnney Hell .v. Clieny. IS.OO : fancy Hell A : Cher ry , 5 band lota. S7.5I. Hnnr.T I'OTATOKlersoys , 1175Jil03. 1'OTATOKS good deiininl ) - at s53)lc. OiiiKit ViinrMit.BS : c.ibiiiRMidi , jior crate , f2 " 5 ; rcil , per bbl , } . ' .J5 ; onions , per bbl , KI.SOl rut ibiiK.is , per bbl. * l 7i ; wblto turnips. pur bbl. fl.75 ; carrots , per bbl. JJ.'iv p.ir ilps , jicrbbl , JJ.2" ; loots. ] ) or bbl , f I 75 ; hotso rad ish roots , per bbl , 'KOJ ; per tb , lOe ; celery roots ( Uer. ) , i > ei hbl.tl.Oil ; per doVe ) ; cholco Kiil.unazoo'Jtt'We ; t'aillo , per double string , - . I'nisit-Vpr : Ib Verdi , 7c ; ImfTiilo , diessed , 7c ; pleUciel , PC ; pike. DC ; trout. ( ) ( . ; white , 10e ; eropple , lie ; eatlUh. lli'i eoil steiiU , 12e ; llonnduis. l.loi Ori'uon salmon , ir > c ; black b.ihs. ISci lobsters , ICc ; blue ilsli , IM , Midi's , Tulloxv , U t . lliui : . I'KI.TS AND TAI t.ow-Oieen altod hldis. Jio. 1 , licaty. Ii3l < ti > ; No. 1. llRlit. l > i ll'ie ! No ' . ' . llalil- 'i'iit' ' ' e , dry Hint hides , 7'Ji ( } be ; ealf hides , 7vBio ! iliiiiiiiirod hideI1 , "less ! shei'p ' DPits. i'i.en.eiiclia. ' > ci4l.25slieoppjlts ( ; , drv , pcrlb. i. TU.MW- No 1 , 4o ; No 2 , MTVl'iO ' ; srense , whllo , : j'iT(4uj ' ynllnw.a'j'iHi'j steailno. O'j < > . IliiNhJs Oiiolntloin am for di-llx cry In rlil- cn''o Diy buiralo. per ton. Jlii.OJiOlS.OO ; dry country , bleached , ilo.Ofifti.i.uoj dry country , damp and meaty , ] > ry Guoils. I'lNK lliio\vsroTTO\s-\tliiiitleIiIj. fir ; Au- lora 11. (1 ( 0 ; Auroi.i K , OV' : Atlas , O N It , 7'ic ! eheose cloth , 4nj ( 'Hilton Tr. J'ic ' ; I'uppcroll ' 11 , , t'OTTiiys llerkeley Cainhrle No. O'llti' ) ! : llest Vet. Cic ! ; lliitturuloth XX. 4'ie ; Cabot. 7ie ; I'lrst rail. O'Ji1 ' ; 1'ritlt lit the Loom , Hi- ! Hill ( "MiiiitL-r Idem , ; lloiisoKeeper , h'-Sci ' Kliijj I'hlllp iMiubilc , lOci l.nii''ilon ( ! II , 'J'ic ' ; l.onsdule. lie : Iionsilalo eumliric , 10'ie ; New Vnrk Mills , lie ; Oak I..IHIIS , 7e. \ \ lilA''SNet ' Thmtle , G'4 < ; Ited Cross , 7c. CiusiiSteens' It , lulu , . ' > ' 4e Steven's I ) . Is In , li tc : Stevens' A , 11 In , " ic : Sti-vens' I' . H lu.fu ; fcli'VenV .XI. H In. Uc ; Stevens'N.2lln.c ) ; Sti > \ ens' NN.IJ III , I0o ; htinens' &KI' . 20 In , J2c ; bli'i"hcd , le extra. 1'uixrs - I'.iney Kddvstono , r.'Je . : Pteel Hl\er , he : U.imapo. 4'tes hi. I.cdKcr. r.'Jc. Shlillni ! Mnrtlii U'lusliln toii. 4'i ' ; Meru- m.ick.4J4e. . Turkey Hedsfountain , G'sc ' ; Uainer,7e : ricnlleld. § > . > ; Hprlln.fi'ie. lli\vv : HIIOW.N COTTO.VSAtlantlu A. 7'c ; Atlnntli ) H , 7o : Atlantli ) I ) , b3c ( ; Atlantic I1 , Ocs Aur.ir.i C,4Jae ; llni'k's heaO. 7c : Cabot \V , r.'jc ; Dullin'toii. C'io ; f at me r , ' No I , 4 'B ® 4'tc : Hoosler lli , r > ' 4c : Indian head , 7lie : l iwroncui. . B1' t" ( IIi'iitlcLta l.L , 5'ie. ' MlhKllNOS * M > I'll. I.IIW ( ' ( SINdS llmwil Net 1'piipurell n-ln. I0' e ; IVppi'roll.ii-l.lsci 1'eppoiell , 0-1. 2)c ) ! l'epp"rell , ll-t ( , 2J'ic ' : Utlca , 4vlu , IK" ftlcu , M-ln , li'JP : IHIe.i , 72-ln , LNe ; I'tlea , 81-ln.Wc : UtUM. W-1n,2s'jf. ' Ule.ielicil Not I'oppcrull , 4'-lu , IU4e ; 1'epperoll , 10-in , ll'ic ; Vupiieroll. 0-1 , I. "MI ; 1'opperell , 8-4 , 20o ; I'eppisiell , ll-l , 2J'i" ! I'cijuercll. lu-l , 25 o ; Utle.i , -l , ilo ; UtliM. U-I.Siic ; Utlca. 10-1. iif. ( il.sxJiiAMS Aino ke.'iK , ( I'i'ejAmosKuasdri'ss , 8' "i lilies , ( i'j ' ; \Yar\t lt'lc < l less. ' < , ' > ; I. aliens- trr , O'-ii'l Ulenalre , O' c ; Whlttendon dre- , hj. I'lilMS ' IndlKO bluo-Net M irLlia W.ish- limtoii , " > ie ; Aiiiuilciiiiill'iP ; Arnold. ( i'iu : Ar nold It , lonir uloth. lOciStiful A. llSe.Menl- : iniic. 7-s , lOc ; ( .old r.eaf. i'jc ; lliiiiilltcii , 5'e ; Allen I'lnks ' , 1 , ' e- ; Allen Clininbriiy Gc ; Glou cester , , VjO ; llartel , ft'ie. Cni.our.D CAM nines Crown. I'/Sc : Hed Star , 4'e ; Itoliod Cloicr , .lu ! Sliitoi , : Ue ; lilk'li colors , Ii1 extra. DKMMS Net \inosUeas , 0 07 , l.TJe : York oaiulut , 12e ; Kvetett. st uiilnrd , 12'je ' ; Ilny- inaKiT's 7Si'i Old VoiU. XX , Iil'Ji1 ; Lawrence , 2.li , it'e : ; hawienec , t ) n , 1.1'jc ' ; fancy stripes and checks , ll'je. COTTUNAIM : ? Yor'f. ' nankin , in'e. ' } Kverett ; SoIsc ; Io'\lston , 10 o,2sc ; \Vorlliijiiiiii's ; : lie. _ Ijiiinbcr , rixcisi ( Whl to I'lno No. 1.4 andf In. 12 anil 14ft , flll.51 ; No. ,4 nml 0 In , 13 and 14ft , fHI.OO ; No. a , 4 and (1 ( In , ID ft , $1(1.50 ( ; No. . ) , 1 urn ! Gin , all k'lr.'thK > . Suu.xil A.f22.0) ) ; H. f.50 ; 0 , $1000 ; 1) . $ KI01. rr.ooniNfiWlilte rino- and II , * ( I.OO ; I ) , $ 'ltU ) ; C , ti7.00 ; K , f-l7.BJ. Mot K llottiiis Nn. Iconiiuon. 12 mid lift , SJ'.OO : lift , JID.UO ; No. i ! common , I'J and 14ft , $ lh.OO ; IS ft.M7.00. CKIMXO No 1 white. 9 liill.- > 0 ; No 1 Inrd pine.si In. $ f > 5T ; No. 1 Imrd pine , \ In , $ . ' 1.HO ; \n I lur I pine , 'i In. f . ' 4.11 1. STIM K IU > iii ) -V and II , U In , $4)0 ) ; D , 12 In. fJ..O ) . ( SnoovKt ) Uodti.vn No. 1 common white pine. 1. ' II and Hi ft , M'l.OJ ; No. 1 vonuiioii V pine , I. , il an I Plft , > HIW. i.'fi ii ft , ir , ft m n : u ft 22 fi 21 ft 2x4 111 uo in to } i.i ( MI sir , ID $ ir w $17 : > o MSOJ 2vl ( . 110' ) 1100 11 OJ If OJ 1G OJ In ( M IS 5) ) 2\s . iioo r > no 15 oa in oo in 01 IMUJ is.w 2x10. 1100 1.101 1.10) 1C , 0) ) 111 OJ IS ( K ) US ) 2x12. 15 CO 15 OJ 1(1 ( OJ 17 OJ 17 00 10 00 10 00 4x1 to K\S 10 oo m oo 10 no 17 01 is on to oo 20 oo IIOAllliS .No. I com , illl.OO ; No. 2 com , $17.00 ; Nn. : i eom. $1.1 ) ; No. 4 com , J12..V ) . SunIjU'No. . 1 plain , a and 10 Inr1i.il7.ni ; No. 2 plain , 8 and ID ineli , tll.50 ; No. 3 plain. 8 an I liJlneli.4l5.IMi O. ( i. . 8 ( null. lITOIDc. IUTTT.NH , Wir.i.Tiriu\M ; , I'lCKtirs U.O.bats , ! 'j-ln,75" ' : 'iVlSK ' aii ; ; : ilnMII Hilling. I > . . M. and ItoxIJI.WI ; pickets , 1) . A , 11. Hal. * - . ' 00 ; I ) , ft 11. sii , i.'I.M ' ) . I'oi'i.MtClear , t-ln. all widths , tn.51 ; clear , ! iln.allldtliM , J..r ) > 0. Y. I'm : 1'l.uoiiiKfl f Inar , I nniln In. $ J1.10 ; slur. 4 aud ii In , $ . ' 1.0) : rift siwed. f 1.0It'\tr.i. PINMIIINO\VniT8 l'iM-lst nn I 2d eleni. 1 In. iVI.OOj Ii4. 1 < J nnd M In. VO.OJ : 3d ele.ir. I In , fH.ll ) ; l'i. Pi and 2 In. 1JLU ( ( ; A soli'd , 1 In , (12.00 ; l > t. l > , and 2 In. tt..O ) ; II helrut , t m , fll.0)l ) ; > t , Ii , aml2 Iii , WJ.OJ ; O s.-loot , 1 In , 13) ) 00. KIMSIIINQ Ym.r.ow I'lNH-Olenr. I In , 12000 ; 1'i. ' 1'i and Sin. J.7.00 ; star , I In. { . ' 1.0) ) . .siiivni.i : . I. VTII Hxtr.i. XAX. ? j.75 ; staiid- iird , AAX. lWfiln. ( : $ J.2u : 1 In. > .oo ; No. I. II.VO ; I'edur.XAX. J..T.l : I.Uh. ! . , ' ; > . I'osTS-Whitoced.ir-B in , ' } < , l2'/c' ; 0 In. , sqr. , I'.V ; r 'i In. , 'IS lie : S In. , tic ; 4 to 5 hi. , loiincl , 11' ' jo ; oiilt spill , I ) ; led cednr , IV * . Sash , .1) pet cent ; dojrs , 4J per cent : blinds , 10 porecnti moiihllncs , 40 per cent : lline. 80c ; linir , 21n : oi'ineiil , American , $1.50 ; uuuioiit.hn- pulc-d , W.Mi tilastor. J.1.21 ; Htraw boatd , II.'JO ; tnr boaid , Jl.GO ; turfelt , UIl ) . Metals. TIN Pr.ATIJ I. C. , 10\2I , | 7.0 | I. X. . 10x14 , D.2.1 ; coko. I4V.11.112 , W.7. . . STKirViiiu NAir/j-llaso $2,75 ; steel nails , basn , } . ' .2.1. i Hiihtr Xisc fie. .KooM.Mi-uiinrco.il , IO. , 1K20 , 113 , JJ.OOi I. " siiihT'rnoN No 20.'w.r ' > o' : Xo.2" , nfio. Hoi.nnu fetrlclly halfand half , 17'ie. \Viiu--Jap. : barn , tl.'il ; c-ll. , fiSi. : Itt.nci ; TIN- Small pis , : )0o ) . per Ibj bar , 30o per lb. ( 'tiiTMi I'lanlslicilholler sizes. : t.lo pcrlb : colil rille < l , : > 0 ( ] per lb ) slicetln-,2so ; per Ib ; jilt , and Hats , llio pet II ) , ( JAI.VASI7KH t > iiKKrlHOj/"llseount 50-10 per oi'iit ; pat. plan. Iron , Nos.1 and ,7 , A , ! QkiC ; II. U5c. ! , Cnriiot to ViHlr St. I'oiornburK. ST. PKTEitsHUito , OcfT T. [ Sixclal Cahlo- Rrainto Tin : ICD : . ] ThoSt. , 1'oterdburK Go , zctto states that Ciirnot , president of l-Vanco , will visit this city in May , when ho will open an exhibition of French products to bo held hero , Ho will travel by Way of Moscow. Ho will afterward visit thc'Volga territory , the Caucasus and the Crimea : I > psorvluir of CimflilcnuR. There is no article which so richly deserves the entire contldcnco of the community us Huows's liitoxciiiAi , TitoniE1) , Those suffering from Astlimatio and HroncDlal Diseases Coughs and Colds should try the. m. Prlco 23ccnta. Cffena ( of Oimi/ui nt home nml aJirond hotil < remember that tht remafnJiij/ifciiyi / / itylttraUai arc Friday , October 3t , and Satnninv , Xottm ler 1. Through coaciics Pullman pulnco sloojHji'H.iUnintjcurfi. free rccllnlntr chuir pars to Chicago nml intervening nolntu via ttio { front Ilock Ifaland routo. Ticket olllco 1C02 , Sixteenth una Farnnm. THK JU'tntKIl * ' JlKHi 1UHK3 , A. Ohio to the I'rrpptrnlor Ilcllovcd to Haxf UPPII Dlsoovoi-cd. LONI > OV , Oct. S * -t I'Ji't' " Cablegram J to Pun HBE , ] It Is very probable Ihnt the iw- Ice will succeed In clearing away the mys ory surrontuliii- ( murder of Mrs , HOK ' , wlfo of the London iwtor whoso body was 'ound 1'rldny nlRht In the locality of South ilnmpstcnd. Airs. Nellie. Pocrcy , n frloiul of the mur dered wotnmi , whom Mrs. Hogg visited on Friday , and whoso house \vlicn subsequently searched by the police revealed trace * of ft despcrato struggle and who mis eonseoiioiitly [ ilnccd under nrrest , was nrrnlpnod In the > olleo court todiy on preliinlnnry hear- IIIR. tloup , the husband of the murdered woman was culled upon to tcstlfv mid his evidence disclosed the fuel that . liuson hud existed for some tlino botueeu himself ntul Iho prisoner. Ho had u Intcit-Ucy to her ' liotiso and fiequctttly visited her Ho'thotipht Ills wife did not know or his relations with Mrs Pecroy. A further examination of the itltchcii at the I'eeivy rosldenco reveals the fuel that n llerco struggle hud taken plaeo Lhcrc and that attempts Inul been nmdc to ro- tnovo bloodstains on the lloor utul about the room by the usu of pnrallno. ess. nervous prostration , nervous dulln , bluiM , euivd by Ur. Miles' Nervine. Sampled live at Kuhu CO.'B , Uthund " A I.nily KporiNinnn. Mrs. Coiirtnoy Konnolly , the innrrlcil tliuiRlitof ot the ox-\Vickcl Fred Glbbs , inliei'its her father's love for sport , anil hns n i'Uiititlon ] ) ! for sldll with tlio roil Hint any mnii inl ht well fool proud ' of , sujs tlio'Now Yorlc Sun. She spoilt a number of weeks this mimtnor sit L'ldc- uwaxcn with her htisbnnd , and the case and grace with which who landed lish stii'pt'isoil aud iloliyflitetl all the nitise.it- line tuifflora of the place. Her most notable - able font was Iho lindlti : | * , with n , com- ] ) ru'atvo ) llfjht roil , of u bui-s that showed flght and koiit her busy for iniiuy lulnutos. It wolf-hud three pounds eight ounces , and there was n hurst of applause from the crowd on the bsink when she dually landed the llsh. Mrs. Konnolly is a brunette , tall and of line figure1. She is still on her honeymoon vacation. IJenttty is said to bo only skin deep , but to possess uml preserve a beautiful skin , pure , vigorous blood is essential. This is bast secured cured by taking Ayor's ' Sarsapailllu lu sin ill but frequent doses. His the most reliable of blood-pu fillers. I'-io Sir ° nrlo.s Ciuneroii. in the Hrltish Medical Joui'iial , tolls of ton people who tile oysters nt a luncheon party in Dub lin last week , ami who hive : every ono hecti sutFeritif * from nausea , vomiting , ' diarrhd'a and abdominal pain , says the Hospital. Tlio oysters seemed to bo lu good condition. Sir < 'linrlos Cameron has frequently poinlcd out the fact that oysters growing anywhere near a place to which sewerage has access must very often contain beworago in their juico.s , and lie lias found this in the ease of oysters gathered near Dublin. It would ho well to inquire thu origin of these fatal delicacies. Oysters are nn ex pen sive luxury ; they may prove n very dan gerous ono. \\To ho.r much of the neces sity of meat inspection , and iinviug acliievcd Unit successfully , the next tiling ought tube fish inspection. DlphtliPiia Is puivd hy the use of Cook's Extra Ur.v Impeliul Champagne as a garb'l c. As your physician to try it. DoctorhifTrops. . Do not hunt for bores nt nil hut just doctor them a littlo. Make a mixture of about ono quart pi wood uwhcs to a pail of water and stir well. Next make a rid go of earth tiround Iho tree a few inches from it , and high enough so when you pour your mixture into the cirelo it will run into the holes and kill the worms. It is sure death to them and costs loss thnn a cent a tree. You may have to do it twicu the first year , but after that a very litllo care will keep jour trees free from thc'ii. If you have no wood ashes , n o a thin whitewash of lime in its place. If you iuivo a large , number of trees you can usu btrips of /.inuor bheet iron about four or live inches wide and long enough to put about tlio trees in plaeo of the circle of earth. Diphtheria. Fiom Million d'lolic , Oct. (7. ( ISS.9. Ilitrp it Co.'h grout discovery and manufac ture of their diphtheria euro In this city has beou ono of the iTontet blessings ever knovui. This remedy has proved to be nsuro euro and prcveativoiti thousands of instances. This city for .tears back has boon subject to diphthcri.i. Since this discovery ( two jears iifo ) there has never been n case dcvclopo 1. Kvory family with children In this ct y has n bottle in the bouse , and wherever tmv symp lotus appear this remedy is used. Not one sin lo ease tins over been los . unilcr thi" ? ticutmeut. Hlrs ( iV ; Co. b ivo thousands of tes timonials from ull over the United States toll- ill ! ; of the wonderful euros it has made. Any clticn of this city , Alma , IlkkmnnVilber , Neb. , Dccatur , 111 , Atlcin , Minn. , IVnvcrnnd Oeorutown ( , Col. , and Silver City. New Mox- Ico. will testify as toils merits. Tbls icincdy Is for .sale by lihute , IJruco .t Co. . Oaiabu. Tlio prlxo of .10,000 francs offered by the I'YoiiL'h nuadumv for homo eortalu tcbtof death , looki gt the prevention of hoing : buried ti ivo , was given to a physician , who announces that on hold ing the hand of the supposed dead per son to ti strong litilit , if living a pcarle- tinge is seen where the lingers toneh- bhowing that the hlood continues to cirt uulnte , tlioro being no bcarlet wlien the subjoet is really dead. The Kxuplniiir Springs , "In. , Worst < i As a tonic In upbuilding the worn nud dilapidated System , they have uo equal. ItHAI/rY y pl.ioo.1 on roojra Octo- i. ber 7. WAIIIIAXTV III n > 3. A T llensnn ami Ifo to Taiinle Hi andcls , loliV. bllit ) . llrlcni pliieo t S.OOJ 1' ( J llrooKner mil wlfo lo MiMe Jl I'lillllps , Iotl7 , bll < 0 , Patrick's ! Jd 20 O II llo i-'s utul wilti tel ! I'/i'ller , lot . ! and n ' 'i l l I , I'ailc l"orr-.t U07 U.I Caniinanil ulfoto W II WliltiM- fiTl lot ( land \vM ! fo t lot 5 , Idl , "U" , Slilnn'aild 0,300 Jacob Kendlsiind u Ifo to Dennis L'uii. nlnuhani , lot I , blk 4 , At bor pl.ieo . . 4,000 Kva Mason and husband to Li I. liiiidley , lots 1 uml'JO , An-liPrpKeo 11,000 H < J PatliT' , ! ) ! ! nml wlfo loV 1' Ni'cnon , lot 10. blk 8 , KdRuwood I'lirU . . C Jobn ItiHb and wlfii to I'utilek Keade , lot 10. blls 4iH ( , Oiaadvlew l.UOO Kato Hobmts to O I ; llralnuril , ot al. lot Jl , blk II , Kltuhcn . .VViujtli's ; sub . 500 J II ItoherU to baine , lot IS blk L'U , lien- son . . . . . . . . . &o ; Ira VanCanipand wlfo to Win Ilanl.oy , lot it : , blUH , VanC.inip's add 530 G W Woodiird and wlfu tn M i ; Ki-ller , w 40 fi'et of n l-3 foot lot 3 , blk "J , Hon. BOH yjO QUIT CLAIM nnrn , Qortrndo Cox and husband to r ; r llaiiiols , lots , bUT , lllllsldoadd Nol . 1 r llJobnson and wife In.lllu Mny IIP , lots A. S , in and IT , blk I , lots 1 to 0 and 13 to IH , blk U1. lots I to T , 10,11 and 14 to IK. bllCl , InH 1 , U' , t to 11. IT aud IH. blk 4lntK lit.o : ( ) . K Onnd IK. Ink f ; lots 1 to 1 * . blk ( I. lots' ' , U. I , 0 to 1.1. blk ' , , lulu II , 4C to 10 , blks , Jlayno's lot udd lo Va | . lo/ Hello .Myers and luisband to .1 U Ilium- ncr , lot 31 , blk 10 , Clifton Mill DKKHH. JT llojd , slierlff , to OO Carpenter , lot 17. Davenport's sub , to It I' f'oebnin ( spel niktr ) to Klmhall Clianip , InvCo , lot a , blk U' . Sniill's 'Jd add U' > 0 rOBhaferlbpel instr ) to M K llulicoi-k , lots 1 and b. blk "II , " I'rospcci plaeo . a/0 Total uinoiiutof transfers 1 ao,0 ! , Tickets at lowo&c rates nml Htipurloi accommodations via the great Hock Island route. Ticket oflleo , 1 02 Six toouth and Farniuu streets , Omaha. Both the method mid rcsiilts when Syrup of Figs is taken ; itia jlcnsmit mid refreshing to the tnsto , uml net. gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver niul Dowels , cleanses tlio syr tPin cflectunlly , dispels colds , head aches mid fevers nml cures habitual roiislipnlion. Syrup of Pigs is tlio i.uly remedy of its kind over pro diiccd , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tlio stomneh , prompt in itn action and truly beneficial in ita cflbcts , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , ite many excellent qualities comniutul it to all and have inndo it the mod popular remedy known. Syrup of Fips is for' wile in GOc and 81 bottles by nil lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist \vlio mny not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for nny ono who wishes to tiy Jt. Do not accept nuy substitute. CAUFORNf/l FIG SYRUP CO , S4.V FKAM/SCO , CAL. . KV , NEVI YORK. N.Y. AMUSEMENTS , oyd ' $ Xo Salnnljy Matinee. NiKhts i ra0 October 30 Till : llIrMO\Aic'lli.f ( ( : r.ircc-Come.ly . Frank "Daniels MISS HK Sir \NfcON and Hie llKi POM- KDVCO.In An-liMiiliI Oi.uiilcrs I iinlasllo Ma-ill iplece , In l.irini.it trntc-llna , rmnimny iirc onllni : fnrre- ii'iiuoily on til' * oontltUMit llov nlii-el oin-.i- \ \ 1'ilm'vhy inoinliiKnt ' ' rvuii'iir | > rli'0- , NOTICE. The orchestra of Boyd's Opera House , the Ino t organization of tht kind in the weit , MH bo engaged for parties , balls and recep tions on the following dates : Saturday , Monday , Tuesday and We luosday , October 35 , 127 , 128 and 20. Arrangements can bo made with Hoyd & Haynaa , Manager * . Grand Opera Hoiise TO-NIGI-IT , The Gna'cstof all Irish Plays. An Irishman s Love. A GREAT COMEDY liVIiXT , Dime M'lLTj LAWIrK , CORNER 1ITH AND FARNAM STS , OMAHA wiic : : OK oor. srtii. Vlclorlom Love , .loronio's uinslrr | > lcce. Arnolil ntul ( Janlncr's , .lapnnc'.o llurloxq 11011111111 115 of Ihlr- ly Aill ta. li-rner'B iniioitwl lludei.ti. 'lliu Ki-n > on Clilllrun.lotiKiiiml liancoi , A jjrn il potpourri < if miiiKiinil li.iuflitcr. A tomi > loto ictlncil viuulovlllo ! ) crfuiuianco OM : DIME ADMITS TO AM , . PRACTICE LIMITED TO HTiliGS JVND NERUDU8 SYSTEM. . ROOMS 316 TO 320 BEE BUILDING , OMAHA , NEB. To Express Shippers , Omrihii , Nob. , Oct. S7.1800. Oiiut a"t3 : Nov. 1,1800 , nicrclnndUo rates by expuss between Omaha , Nob. , and points name 1 below v.ll 1)3 ) ai follows : Now York $1.50 per cwt 33-ston 4.RO par cwt Philadelphia < \ . h po ; cwt Balttmoro < l.afi pur cwt Wiulr.nuon 4.UC per owl .Ii r .ey 0 ty nn I Now.irlc s imu as No w Yor r. To ta'co ' olloct on b.isiuusi forwarded on diito above namod. U. S. POPTEtt , Ajoat Amor.can and Wells Fargo If Go's. Express. S. A. HUNTOON , Ac nt U. S. and Paelfio . R. B REEVES , A ont Adims Express Co. FOR SEVERE COUGHS OH COLDS Dr. F. C. Werner's COUGH DROPS Are hifflil.V recommended uftor seven years of suur.cssful uxporiunuu by t'ao solo niiuiufacturor.4 , Kopp , Dreibus & Co. , STIiAM CONFECTIONEllS , iioGFarnamSt. , Omaha , Neb. Sold everywhere , oo per package. Send for samples. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. ctiiioii liv o'ver-cfcertlo.C of Iho' hraln * c'r ' i ) ii'o or OTer Inju'cenro. t ch box ronlilni onenionll' . Irt'tU mult , tl alias , or > lr for II , lent lijr maltprriiald. With ficb uriler lur Hx boira , will lend vunliaior iruarantr to rvfnnii nener ir lha Irvttnirntfalltf to Mr . uuivrajit ti tJsucU Ami Kenulno > oM enl > bjr GOODMAN OKl'G CO. , - Omiihu Neb , UE § Ui3E YOUR SIN Is knonii ! If you liavc I'.vll lircains. I.OHMH , re IiniiotPiit. full uf IVurn , t'lnlci elopul or htiinteil , Victim of Kxrcni or < ' ( inliiKloiii DM- ruse , ) ou ( on eitaiie nil I'oiiiriiurnen hy our litluilic ami fiiicfftifut Mit/ivtli for Home WJL' FIND YOU OUT ! FEIV8ALE BEARJS Absolutely rfliiljle , | * rff < llr mfr. mo t powerful fi milt rrifultturkouwii i utvrr ' ll 11 nlxii , imt | . .l < l una bai .JSldent. Mn \ > I.ION nftl-o ( H ) . ' liuirUv , . t. boM bjr UOOU14AN Ulll'u OO. Omaha Jobb6rs , .MntrrliiR " ' * " " A , IIOSPE , Jr. , Artists' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , 1513 Uoiiitiu Street , Omalin , Not' . _ Coal , Coke " , Ktc. OMAHA COAL , COKE "AND Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , S. K Cor llli ( ! i\nd lHUtlStreet | * , Onmbl , N'cb " NEHHASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Colic , 314 South 13th Street. Onmlin. N'eb. _ Dry ( "ooilM niul Notions , M. E. SMITH & CO. , Dry Cooils , Furnishing Goods and Notions Corner lllhniul Honnnl Streets. "KILPATHICIMCOCH BUY GOODS 'co. , Importers and Jobbers in Dry Roods , flniM * Corner lllli unil ilnrnc- Mtifi't * . Oninhn , Nub. 1 'urnlt itrc. DEWEY If STONK , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , rnrniuu Slrcot.Omnlii . , Nrlumkn CIIAHLE3 SHIVEKIC'K , Furniture , Onmlm Xe MCCOKD , 1WADY Js CO , Wholesale Gioccrs , l.ltlinml IxMivon-ortli Slrocln , Onmlm. NrbrnsVa Iiiimhcr , ICtc' . Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , Yard 1.110 N iMbM , Onmlm. " " JOHN ArWAKKKIKliD. Wholesale Lumber , Etc , , Etc. mportpil niulmorlrnn IVttluiil foment Htata iiKi'iit fur Mllnnukoi'IMilniullo IVmunt , anil ( , > nliH'jINhltu Mine OIIAS. H. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , iVooil carpel * ntul parqui't iluorlnir lull ntul Di'U Streets , Unnlm. .V'lir.Kk.i. VHED w. QUEY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Curlier .Mil niul IKmnliii Strpi-t * din ilin M illliuM-y mill XolioiiH. I. OBEUFELDKR tc CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Mijlincry , 203 , 210 niul ZIJ South lltlitlrret NlltlotIS , j. T. nomksoN NOTION' co. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , Il''ll1nrm > sirrot. Omilia. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO iVholcsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , j\xlo erp.i p , ctr , Out ilin. A. II lI ! ] u > p , Maiinn-r. I'apcr. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. 'nrr-n nlcp fctncknf iirlntliu : . vrrniiplncnml nrltliif impcr. bin-cut ntlpiitlon Kl > cn to niid nipcr Kiil'oi , IKo. A. L. DEANE , V CO. , ( .I'lierill A l'llt * * fllf Halls' Safes , 821 nml .12. ) Sinitli Will St. , Omnli- 'Joys , Kto. II. HARDY & CO. , JOlllllTS Of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , ruiul lilneConiln , Clillilron' * ( 'iirrliik'os , 120 ] rnrmim > treut , Uiiialiu , Xob. AVnli-1'Hnppllcn. U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , llulllilny ivliul mills. HIS nml ' .r.ljTOUCH nt , Uninlin. ( i. I1 Itun9 , Acting .MtiiaKer. Iron PAXTON & VIEULINQ IIIONWOHKS , Wrought and Cast Iron linilding WorK , Untlno < i , lirn innrk ccncrnl fouinlry , iniciiliio inul Llncksnillh work Ultlcu iiml nnrki , L 1' . Itr niul litli FliiH't. Oaialm. Omaha Manufacturers , KootH anil KIRKENJ1ALL , JONES & CO. , Wholesale Mamifacliucrs of Hoots & Shoes At'cntaor llii'lini Itiilihcr Khoi > m , 1102,1101 , nnclllot llninv ) Mreut , iliunlm , Null. Lager liccr llrcwcrs , 15.11 Keith 1Mb Street , Oinalin , Noli. Cornluf * . Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice \Vlmlow cnps nnd niotnllcokyUuliH .lolin Kprnctur , ( iroprlotor lUSmut till South lUtli btn-et DEAN , AHMSTUONQ & CO. , Wholesale Cigars , 403 .V HHIiMii'U "lli'llo'"llTO Sal'i-H. OMAHA SAFE A : IRON WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , VitultH , Jnll work. Iron Miiiltcra uml lira i' onpes. ( i. Amlri'i'ii , piop'r Cor NtliiiiiilJukmin HIM Hnsli , DIMII-H , llto. M. A. DIS11KOW JB CO. , \Vlioloiiilo mniiiifiictiirerii of Sash , Doors , Dlinds and Mouldings. Urnrith oflkp 12thiiinl Irnr < 1 strouts , Ouiiilm , Nob. Sou Lh. OIT.I eili UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of South Omaha , Limited. NEBRASKA National Bank U. B. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , Capital. - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O - 07OOO Otnctnand Dlroctnrc-Ilenrf Tatoi , Vreildenti KwliH ll ed , Vliw-I'reililanli J m iW HiTOir ? , W. V.Maria. Joha B. CnMIni , It. U. Cuibtarf , J , M , PAtrlok , W , 11. a. ItUKlitii , oualilur. OM-IE1 IRON BANK. Corner 12th and ICarnaio 8ts. A Of petal llanUliiit llutinuss Tranaactod. We OfferfbrSale. rourthou-itid tons cholen U ilod Ilav.K. O II. ours , Mr , mail's Hilling. I , item or llorntoll KtatloiH , on U. .M. & at. 1 > . U. K. , In loti to Hull iinreliuKcrs prlco-i ro ulutol by tlu in irkol Uall and MO IH. STRANGE BROS , , B1OUX CITV , IOWA ,