Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    Mf B JH HB H I
Dfllvond by Carrier In tiny pnrt n ( theClty.
TiiEi'HONi-si ;
HmlnrM Offlc < \ No. ill.
Night Editor , No. S3.
jnxtut MKx'
N. Y. I' . Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal.
Anyone wanting to buy cheap a line team
of largo mules , together with harness nnd
wagon , should cull at led Davis' stables on
Fourth street.
The boy's choir Is ono of the attractive
fcaturrs of the service In St. Paul's ' church ,
nnd is Improving Heudlly In iiuanlity and
quality of music.
Theru will he a mass meeting in the Tlrst
Congregational church ttiis evening , In the
interest of Sunday school work. Addresses
will Ho mndo bv Itev.V. \ . A. Duncan and
Hcv. C A. Towle.
Officer Wlatt arrested Patrlc Uarrett and
locked him up In the central station iastnlght
hut placed no charge against him. It Is wild
that Barrett Is n brother of the two brothers
hung In Minneapolis two years ago , nnd that
there Is a serious charge to bo made against
him today.
Anna Ilnnsen , daughter of Mr. and Mrn.
Hobi'rt Hitmen , died yesterday nftrrnoon at
4 o'clock after a lingering illness from eon-
sumption. The funeral wllloccurnt : t o'clock
this nftcriioon from the church corner of
1'lorco itreot midden avonuo. She was
hcvcnteen years anU elgnt months of age ,
BfJamcs West was arrested hist night upon
the complaint of the landlord of the St. .loo
house for beating a board bill I lo went into
the hostelry with four other fellows to get
Runpcr hiit evening but claims that his order
was not tilled and ho got nothing to eat , and
hence refused to pay the quarter demanded.
Ho will haven hearing this murnlng.
The young minister's wlfowho made nu ap
pointment to hold religious service at the city
jail yesterday kepi her appointment , anil at 10
o'clock yesterday morning held brief but im-
pie.sslvo services In the Jail ( orridor. It was
n novelty to the prisoners , and was the Jirst
religious service some of them had hoard for
jcars. it is probable that the services will beheld
held hereafter on each Sunday morning.
Judge Mcdco will today hear the evidence
In Hi , , ritwn nl * tVu * luii * ( IviHiimv * fSlllIfnvli *
who was surrendered' Saturday niglit by
his father for Inrornglliillty , and determine
whether or not it is best to send him to the
reform school. Tlio boy passed a very
wretched Sunday In the i-lty Jail yesterday ,
was earnestly bogging for mercy last ninht
nnd nrotniht'cl to do bettor in the future if al
lowed an opportunity.
When the county court house was built
certain rooms were set apart for the toilet
necessities of ladles who might Dave business
in theofllccsor bo attendance nt court. These
seem to bo so taken possession of by thu mas-
cullno majority and the original intention so
far disregarded that ladles are often Incon
venienced. The court house Is so fully
equipped that It seems more equitable ar
rangements could bo made In the occupancy
of the looms ,
The magnificent country roads and the
splendor of the forests were suftlelent induce
ment for hundreds of people to spend the day
yesterday in the country. The ladles say the
autumn leaves xvcre never so gorgeous as they
arc t his season. There has been no rain since
the frosts came and the loaves have assumed
the most billliantdyes that nattno can paint.
Decorations with autumn leaves and foil ago
will ho much moro popular this year than
ever , and many of the ladles are developing
wonderful genius in the arrangement of the
highly colored foliage.
An old oaken Imcltotsoonc attracted a great
deal of attention In ono of Kiseinan's show
windows yesterday. A well curb with full
tUo bucket 'tnd windlass was rigged up , and
hy its side stood a boy pomlng water from
the bucket into another vessel that stood be
neath a mossy spout. IJy the s-ido of the lat
ter stood a little girl with a dipper reaching
down for a drink of water. The continuous
stream of real water that poured from the
spout gave the old well and its surroundings
a very natural nppourance , and attracted a
great deal of attention.
There was a largo number of young men
present yesterday afternoon at the Young
Mons Christian Association rooms to hear
tlio address of Mr. ICdwiu L. ( Jobb of Phil
adelphia. The address was of a very
practical nature , and was well received by
the young people. Mr. Colib is a commercial
traveler , who .sells as many goods on the
road during the week as any other man , and
never falls to address n religous meet
ing on Sunday. Ho also never goes from
ono town to another on Sunday no matter
how important It may soein to make some
town by a hito Sunday nlj-ht train. Ho was
in Omaha yesterday morning , and hesitated
considerably to come over hero nnd address
the young men for the reason that ho would
have to ride on the motor , and thus partially
violate nn agreement he had mndo with him
self and his conscience. Ho came , however ,
and was well repaid for the sacrlilco.
The Manhattan sporting headquarters
1XK ) decorated tea pots packed with tea.
Just received from Yokohomn , Japan , at
LundDrothers , ' , ' : ! Main stieet.
Unprecedented bargains in boy's ' nnd
children's clothing at the Model Clothing Co.
rviisti * , t i , IM K.I < ; 11.11'iiN.
Miss Ncttlo Kelly of Dcntson , la , , is in the
city , the guestof Miss Lulu Khodes.
Miss Lou Gibson has Just returned from
Scotland , Dak , , where s.ho has taken a timber
claim. She is called homo by the wedding of
her sister , Miss Bella ,
Miss Lulu Uhodcs , who has for some tlino
past conducted the school for shorthand nnd
typewriter In the Brown building , has ac
cepted a position in the ofllcoof linrko &
Hewitt , where she will report for duty this
J. C. Blxtiy , storun heating , sanitary en
gineer , M3 Life buildtmr , O.niluJJJ ; Mer
riain block , Council UUirT.s.
Oieat bargains this week nt the Model
Clothing Co. _
Buy ono of these tea pots before they arc
all gone. Lund Brothers , i3 Main street.
Will Sun Tor
Dan Cavrlgg , who Is ono of the owners of
the gambling outfit pulled by the police on
Saturday afternoon , announces his intention
of prosecuting the officers who made the raid ,
nnd Chief of Police Carey who ordered it.
Be will base his action upon the fact that the
chairs , tabloi and other property found in
the upper rooms of .10.1 Broadway and con-
llscated have been stored there for the past
thrco yean , and that there can bo no
evidence adduced to show that there
was any Intention of opening a game there.
lie does not deny the oftlcers' right to enter
the building when they were armed with a
search warrant , nnd at the present time will
not dispute their right to sobo the goods , but
ho will base his actlc" chiefly upon the fact
that they entered private rooms in the Mint
nud tlio Kaloon on Lower Broadway known
us the Oimma , by breaking op < > n the doors
without thu formality of procuring a search
wnrrent. At the Mint nothing was found ,
but In a rcnr room of the Omaha a patrol
wagon load of tables and gambling
devices were found. For emlavoring
to prevent the ofllcers breaking Into the pri
vate room at the Mint Carrigg was placed
under arrest nnd taken to the station , whcro
ho gave bonds In the sum of 3.VX ) for his an-
pcimmco this morning. He will make this
arrest also the basis for u suit against the of
His expected that thorawillbo some devel
opments in the case today that will create
considerable interest. After Cnrrlgg's trial
upon thnchargo of resisting an officer Is con
cluded ho will , ho says , commence his suits
fordamago against the onicera and their
bondsmen ,
Money at roduool r.itai loins I 01 chatto
und real estate toourlty by G. JI , Sao tfo & ( Jo
\cning men's ' suits , nobby , btyllsh and
latest designs ut the Model Clothing Co.
China dinner and tea sets at Lund Bros.
A" Thieving Sleeping Our Porter Comes to
Grief In Attempting to Hob a Pasienger.
A Kitmor That llenvy Suits for Diini-
agrq Will He Instituted
Cert tin Missouri Vnlloy
I'eoplc Oilier Mown.
U'hcn the 1 o'clocK fl.vcr over llio North-
wcitorn completedIts trip from CUUmgo yes-
tc'i-iluy ntturnoon Conductor W > ostcr stopped
oil the train at tin1 local depot iind iiskcd
Oniror Doyle to take .1. L. Tlioinpoii , the
colored porter of tlio NViiKiier sleeper , Into
custody upon the I'hnrtfo of robbing a
unssuii'cr. | Ho stated Unit Jotin Mlnnlcr ,
coiuluutor of the \ \ ' iiier ( sleeper , would
accompany him anil lll tlio necessary charge
iiK.titi ! t the porter to cmihlo the olllcers to
hold him , ami would also "explain the
circutnsluncus of tlio case. Tlio olllcer com
piled , nnd the patrol wa-'on was called to
take the ilnrlioy to the station.
Conductor Mliinlcr's stiitotiiont of the rob
bery is u ulnclier. Antony tlio passengers
that , left Chic.iiio on the tnxln on Saturday
evening was it. A. llansb'en , chief clerk of
the ( Jhli'ittfo ' ft Iowa railroad , with lieadquitr-
crsut Miushnlltown. Ho occupied n lower
berth hi Mlnnlor'H ear , timl uiwo nnJ drosscd
wlieu tlio train readied MiiMhulltown and
KotolT. When tlio train reached Dow City ,
11)0 ) miles further on , Minuter received n
tclcgrum from Hrui Keii stating that he had
been robbed of : t > wiiile he slept nnd re
quested an Investigation. The fnut was
made known to the passenger * and ono of
them told the conductor ho had been the
colored porter take tlio money from the
bleeping man's \\nlliH. The porter vviis
cli.ii'Keil with the lobbory In the piflbenco of
the passenger , and after u llttlo hesitation
ndinittcil his guilt nml promised to return the
inonoy If ho was not reported to
The promise was given and the fellow went to
his grin unit fished out the roll of bills and
hamlcd them to the conductor.
Ho wiw badly Inokon up when arrested
and taken to the Jail. Ho Ins boon in the
service of the Waunur company for sonic time
but not on the Northwestern. His case
will conio up fur hearing on Wednesday
when this two conductors who have signed
the information , will return from their trips.
Tim KAIjl ? ( l'KNI.\G.
The Doston Sttiro I'l'cpiirinvj n I'lfan-
niitnnil I'riitltalilc Surprise for 1'eo-
plo of Council muffs.
The Boston store people have accomplished
something tliat they may well feel proud of ,
and which will bo of interest to the people
ple of Council UlufT.s.Vlth store rooms
lllled with people from the opening until the
elosn of business each day they have suc
ceeded in very nearly per/eoting their ar
rangements for a formal' autumn opening
without interrupting the steady How of trade.
Special ami skillful decorators have heeu at
work during the past wcuk arranging the
goods for the opening , which will take place
oa Thuisdny night , October III ) . The decora
tions already In place me handsome nnd elab
orate , and when completed the display will
be the finest ever mmto in Council Illuffs ,
The upper portions of the two largo rooms
have been completed and the decorators are
now at work on the lower portions. The de
signs are all now anil original and arc inittlo
of the Illicit goods , anil when thu veil is
drawn asiiloon Thursday night there will bo
some genuine surprises In storo.
On "Thursday evening the store will bo
closed from 5 to 7 o'clock , anil will bo re
opened nt the latter hour for the reception of
: he public. The reception will continue until
10iJ. : : ( During that evening no goods will bo
sold , hut the army of clerks will act us ush
ers nnd show the people through the storo.
The Bronco Case.
Mrs , Emma Broscc , one of the defendants
in the sensational lunacy case that has at
tracted a great deal of attention to a number
of very prominent citizens of . Val
ley and made them a great deal of trouble , is
at present a resilient of this city under the
especial care and uroteclion of her attorney ,
Judge Uoulton.
Mrs. Bresee's case is now in the supreme
court of the state , < ind the Imly is how itwait-
Ing a decision of the court upon a motion to
dismiss it altogether. The decision was to
have been rendeied last week , but was not
forthcoming. About three weeks ngo an
order was obtained from Judge Chambers re
leasing her from the custody of the sheriff of
Harrison county , and upon the advice ot her
attorney nnd friends she loft the Vnlloy at
once and came to tills city , where her attor
ney could look uftor her Interests peasonally.
Judjro Boulton feels very much encouraged
In the belief that the supreme court will sus
tain his motion for uUmissul , AVhen this is
done it is intimated that thcio will bo some
further developments that will make the ease
of still greater interest to the public. Just
what they will bo can only ho surmised , bat
from sundry remarks that have been made
the impression has boon created that suits for
heavy damages will bo instituted against the
people in Missouri Valley and elsewhere who
have made so many efforts to dcnrivo M rs ,
Urescuof her liberty by shutting her up in
an insane asylum.Vhen seen by Tut : BEE
reporter yesterday she appeared to bo in a
very pleasant frame of mind , but admitted
feeling a llttlo iinxloty over the result of the
pending motion m the supreme court.
Tlio MuKinlcy FUll
Hiu not affected the prices at the Peoples' '
Installment house. Everything goes at the
same old figures that have mudo our patrons
dad all summer , dotted competition aid made
It possible to furnish a house from top to bottom
tom at little expense. Our specialties this
week will t > o the Peninsular boating stoves ,
cheapest , neatest , most economical stove In
the world. Mnndcl & Klein , &M Broadway
TJ. II. Mossier is tlio manager of the Model
Clothing Co. Olvo him a call.
lhl His Hoii-ln-Imw Hold Him Up ?
Tno announcement In TUB BEB yesterday
morning of the arrest of William Lewis upon
the complaint of John Uoren upon the charge
of highway robbery has caused some of the
acquaintances of young Lewis to couio for
ward with contradictions of the charge.
They strongly support the explanation made
by Lewis that Dorcn gave tilm the money ,
and that there was no robbery connected
with the transaction. Uoren holds tenaciously
to his story and will prosecute Lewis for tuo
felonious assault.
Uoren Is an old crippled soldier who Is
drawing a monthly pension from the govern
ment. Howni to h.ivo dr.vwn the three
month's pension due him on Saturday after
noon , and went to the hank for that purpose ,
but after ho reached Ilia bank ho concluded
not to take it nil out. The pension amounted
to & 5 , and ho loll * . > ( ) of it on deposit
and got the f-- > in $1 hills. it made
quito a roll nnd he placed It la
his vest pockot. Lewis married Daren's step
daughter and is regarded by his father-In-
law its n pretty tough yount , ' man , who is not
at ull grateful for the tnvors that have been
shown him by his foster relative. Alter
drawing the money Dorcn did not so homo
atonco , but remained ui > town until nearly
11 o'clock. Ho lives near the diivlng park ,
nnd when ho had nearly reached his homo ho
was stopped by a man In the dark iind or-
dervd to throw up hU hands. Ho recognized
the fellow as his son-lu-law , hut thought It
best to comply with tlio order , us it was made
very emphatic by the iinmlo of a revolver ,
lie says ho asked the young man what ho
meant by such conduct nnd was coldly In
formed that ho meant to have the is'i Doivu
had drawn that day from the bank , Uoren
says ho told lilm he only hud f. > and ho might
take that ,
"Then glvo it to me , " said Lewis.
"No must take it " Dorcn
, you joursolf , re
Ho says Lewis then went through his pock
ets and took the money and bcrumo very
angry when ho fiiilol to iind the other $ W.
Ho says Lewis ronmrkod , "I would kill you ,
Jnok , for JW Dorcn says Lewis kept the
revolver rotated at him till the time ho was
engaged In making the search for the money.
"You don't mean totnico that money from
me , Hill I" said Dorcn , "and you will give it
back to mo tomorrow nnd It will bo nil rightl"
"Yes , 1 do mean tomb you , and if you glvo
mo nwny to the polhe I will kill you , "
Uorna says the fellow was not drinking ,
nnd ho foil conlldontfrom his notions Unit ho
meant Just what ho said. He , therefore , con
cluded it was host to have the fellow arrested
before ho hnd a elmnco to dispose ol the
monev. Dornn has been working for some
tlino for Sheriff O'Neill nnd the llrst otllcer
ho met when hocnmoup lowu at ll'JIO was
Deputy Sliorilt Klscnlierg , In 11 very few
moments after lOisenberg was acquainted
with the facts ho had Lewis under arrest ,
When ho was brought Into tlio station and
searched part of the money was still in his
pocket. Ho claims that ho met Uoren on Ids
wny homo nnd n kud him for tlio loan of some
money ntiil that Dorcn gave him ( lie ? . * > .
Lewis is still In the city Jail. Ho will hava
( i hearing probably today. His friends are
doing all they can to induce his stepfntlior-la-
law not to prosecute him , but the old soldier
Is determined to do so , ho suys , for self-pro-
motion , as ho is afraid of the fclloxv.
Get n school bag free with your school
shoes at Kvans' ' .
You can buy a tea pot worth from $1 to S3
and n pound of te.i worth Mc ) , for Just Slut
Lund Brothers , 12U Main street.
Ylsit the Model Clothing Co. , 52.3 Broad-
wny , Sapp's new building ,
School shoes , school bags. Kvans ,
Look nt the fine display of overcoats at th
Model Clothing Co.
J. G. Tlptoti , real estate , S'i Jiroadway.
itcEXSE m. I'/toiunrriox.
A Voloo from Prohibition Iowa In
Favor ol'tht : Former.
Couwmi , la. , Oct. 20. To the Editor of
THE Bin : : I have icad alt the speeches at
Grand Island , Nob. , for and against prohibi
tion , mid am fully convinced that yon are
right in advocating high license for your
state instead of the prohibition curse which
never has been and never will be enforced.
There are some tilings against prohibition
thot none of you have said much about , and
which makes piohibitlon worse than It ap
pears to be.
Tlio iirst is that no good , tioneat , law aimt-
ing citi/cn will assume the risk of selling
liquor secretly nnd against the law ,
so that the trafllc will fall Into
the hands of the lowest clement ,
and , to pay them for the risk they run of
getting caught , they will charge thrco prices
for their merchandise , besides adulterating
it with poison enough to kill anyone who
drinks their vile decoctions , so that those
who drink will be robbed of both health and
money , and to many the fact that It is for
bidden by lawwill constitute a temptation to
Nearly all foreigners are brought up to the
use of beer us a part of their daily food. It
comes hard to them when they get here to
iind drinking proh ibited by law , and all men
nre not drunkurds because they were brought
up to use It. I lived thrco years on n farm in
Knglandnnd never saw or tasted coffee or tea
during that time , and I never failed to Hnd
mv pint of homo crowed ale ocsulomy plate
for dinner. Beer is made from the last run
ning of the malt after the ale is run off. nnd
the beer wo could have as often as wp liked
BO long as it lasted. During that time 1 never
saw n man drunk on the premises , but hero
wo have prohibition that does not prohibit
and the law is enforced only in places whore
public sentiment is strongly against drink
ing , and even then all the topers make
out to pet it in some way and the tax
payers have to foot the bills-not out
of' the rovcuuo from the traflle , or
the manufacturing of It , for Uls all shipped
into Iowa from adjoining states. If all
the money that wo pay out In Iowa to prose
cute liquor cases were spent in teaching men
to bo men who would scorn the idea of mak
ing beasts of themselves or worse , there
would bo less drunkenness and a better state
of society.
We think you will do right in Nebraska to
let prohibition alone nnd pass laws that will
control the liquor business and let only men
Handle it who will sell it according to law ,
and make them responsible for any trouble
they may make by committincr an offense
apalnst the law by heavy line , impwso'nment
or loss of license. WIAIH.M Oxi.nv.
Gagged , Hound and Ilobhotl.
AUIUQUKKQUI : , N. M.0ct. ' 20. The boldest
robbery and gagging game ever perpetrated
in this city took place lust night.V. . J. Twny ,
a well known painter , retired , forgetting to
lock the front door. About midnight he was
aroused by n hand about his throat , and be
fore ho could make an outcry he 'was choked
insensible. There were two men and a
woman in the party , nnd they next put a gap
a piece of wood notched at each end so it
would lit his teeth In his mouth , prying it
wide open to admit the gag. A frunny-
siick , used as a foot mat , was tightly tied
over his head. They then tied his hands and
feet. They went through his clothing , secur
ing about $100 , and departed , leaving Mr.
Twuy tied. On recovering consciousness ho
began groaning nnd moaning and finally at
tracted n neighbor , who summoned several
moa and entered the house. They found Mr.
Twny nnd freed him. Tlio victim will bo a
sick man for several days. Ho is unable to
give a description of his assailants.
About ten daring robberies have been com
mitted during the past week and the robbers
are evidently professionals. Chief Martin
mid his police force nro puzzled.
Hold Itoy
MEMPHIS , Tenn. , Oct. 2(5. ( "Tako what you
wants Jim ; gwino ter shoot dat 'oinun cf she
moves. "
This was the bold remark made by n small
negro us ho leveled a pistol on Mrs. Mary
Cody , who keeps a grocery on SalTarans
stieet , in Chelsea. Ho had his partner with
him , and he ordered him to 1111 his pockets ,
while he held the female keeper at bav with
his gun. This occurred in broad daylight ,
only a short while before noon. Doth of the
boys had on knee breeches. After they had
loaded their pockets with such things as they
could conceal , and , after robbing the cash
drawer of iiliout $ . " > , they backed out of the
grocery and fled , Mrs. Cody witnessed the
entire proceeding , but was uimblo to do any
thing. The boys belong to n gang , and have
for some time been operating In Chelsea.
Murder From .lei lousy.
P.uiKKusiifiio , W. Va. , Oct. 20. Two
cousins , John and James Hlchards , who lived
in Calhouu county , fell in love with the same
woman and each was Jealous of the other.
Yesterday thov niet on the road to Grants-
villa nnd fought with knives. One of them
stabbed the other to the hoait , killing him
instantly , The murderer escaped to the
woods , hut was run down and captured last
night. Ho was taken to Urantsville nnd
confined in Jail. _
A Doitliln
VOIIK , Oct. 2(5. ( Kdward Emmons to
night shot and instantly killed Mrs , Kate
Owens in her apartments at Clifton , Stnten
Island. Kmmons then took his own life.
Mrs. Owens was about twontv.flvo years
old and had been living with Kmmons for
about six years. They quarrelled lately and
separated. Tonight Binmons culled on her ,
and after charging her with infidelity shot
Uonth of a Kninous Whaler.
SAX VHscisco , CnlOct , 2(1. Tim whal
ing schooner Alton , Captain Newth , arrived
here t.onight after on unsuccessful attempt to
penetrate the northwest Arctic passage ,
Captain Newth reported the death of John
Hi ! ! , of New Bedford , mate of the ship Mary
Thomas , nnd who is said to have been the
best known and most successful whaler in
the world.
Graml Diikn Constantine Dyinic.
ST. J'KTr.iisiifiio , Out. 'JO. Grand Duke
Constutlco Is dying.
For burns , scalds , bruises and nil pain and
soreness of the flesh , the grand household
remedy is Dr. Thomas' ' Electric oil. Do sure
you get the gcnuluo.
o ji
A Woman ItHil UitTor nSiiuill Aiiiiiiint
by n > t rn lifter.
William Klngcr , who dilves a tvib for
Stevenson , appeared at police hcadiiunrton
last night mid notified ! the oflleors of n bold
robbery. Ho snld tiuxtn woman named Uoso
King called a cab to the comer of Ninth and
Douglas streets about S o'clock last night.
Ho answered the l-nll nnd when she got in
the cab .sho told him she wanted to drive
to n saloon , where she'couldget .something to
drlnx , itlnger droVtt lo Goldsmith's saloon ,
corner of Cupltol avi-nuo and Ifinth streets.
Ho went in and got 'a glusH of liquor for tlio
woman. Ashocainuout ho snld ho heard
someone say to a stranger Who stood byi
" ( Jet In that cab nnd work that woman for
all she Is worth. She has money In her
clothes. "
The fellow thus addressed got into
the cab , piivinij the driver 'J * > cents for the
privilege. The woman directed the dri\cr to
go back to the house wheru she llrst got in
the cab. lie drove back to Ninth anil Doug
las , and Just ns ho stopped the cub out
bounced the young man and said hurriedly to
Klngcr : " 1 haven pocket buolc mid I wimt to
see you to divide up. " Kingcr nnulo for the
villain to catch him , but he ese.ipiKl in the
darkness. The police are looking fur him and
ho will doubtless bo arrested today. Ho got
a purse containing $ y,5 ( ) , the woman says.
Another llobbery.
A man named It. D. Wiugato complained to
the police last night that ho had boon robbed
on Tntuttlay night of $ iO , while riding In n
hack with a stranger.
A DKSKMlfEtt iro.Tl.IA' .
Tlio StrniiKO Story Told the Police of
Lead vl lie , Colo.
TjKtDviur , Colo. , Oct 20. An extremely
Interesting romance developed hero a day or
two ago. Karly lu the week Mrs. Kyau and
daughter of Chicago registered nt the Hotel
Kitchen. The same day she sent word to a
prominent cltUen to call on her , which ho
did. Ho promised to call again the next day ,
only to find thiituoth Mrs. Kyan and daugh
ter had left for the east. Previous to leaving
Mrs. Hynn visited a police ofllcial uud told
him this story :
" .A llttlo over fifteen years ngo I nnd that
man who came to see mo were married in
Chicago.Vo lived togcthcrfor about a year ,
when , without a word , ho disappeared sud
denly and no ono knew wluro ho had gone ,
aiy iiuniiy aim mybCli were suspcciea 01
being his murderers , and -were cruelly made
objects of scrutiny in connection wltli the
the murder lor jers , until the matter died
away , Shortly after ho disappeared I gave
birth to a girl baby , the child I have now
with me > . I used every effort to find my
husband , mid spent lots of money to
asccitain whether or not ho was alive.
About a year ago 1 discovered ho was living
In Colorado , and finally located him as being
engaged in the mining business near Lead-
vine. My daughter has grown to DO a young
woman , and has frequently asked mo about
her father. I have told her that ho was alive
and ono dav I would take her to see him.
"At last , Uncling that I could meet him in
Lcadville , I condoned his neglect and deser
tion and came here. I was accompanied by
two Chicago oftlcers , whom I brought hero to
hcln vindicate my name from the infamous
charges brought against me. The man re
fused to give any explanation for leaving inc.
Ho is reputed to have married another
woman , but of course 1 will not prosecute.1'
; ii'J ' fir THE
American Minister HlrseJi Det'onilH a
Subject oI'ThisCountry.
CONSTVNTIXOI-M : , Oct. 20. ' .trouble has
arisen between Hlrsch , American minister ,
and the porte over the arrest of an American
subject on suspicion of being implicated in
Armenian revolutionary plots. The accused
is a graduate of Dowdcrn college. Ho came
to Turkey during thoadministration of Presi
dent Hayes to found an American college ,
but , the project fell through and ho has since
remained hero. Hirsch secured his release
pending trial and spntau energetic protest to
the foreign minister against a violation of
of the ripht of domicile of nn American citl-
zen and demanded satisfaction and the pun
ishment of the ofllcial who ordered the or-
fcst. He further declared that he would re
fuse to produce the accused unless satisfac-
itlon was granted and until informed of the
nature of the charge against him. A state
ment was sent to Htrsch that tlio accused
hud en graved a seal for a secret Armenian
committee. Proof \vas produced that the
man had no knowledge or the art ol cngrav-
InR and had recently been acting as agent for
an American Him engaged In tlio inanufic-
turo of photograph apparatus. The govern
ment then ex pressed regrets. Hirsch , however -
over , still maintains his demand for satisfac
"An Irishman's ' Love , " was made known
at the Grand lust evening to nil audience that
filled every part of the house.
Outside of a few spocislties which are in
troduced la the second net , there is llttlo In
the play to commend. The story is very
faultily constructed , the dramatist displaying
a woeful lack of knowledge of detail and
action. The artistic bit of the whole per-
lormanco was the dainty dancing ot
little Dot Clarendon and her childish
efforts at recitation. But she should not bo
permitted to sing. This might also apply to
Patrick Mlles , who plays the leading role ,
ns Teddy Hrannington.
Frank Davis , as Dennis O'Day , was hap
pily cast , while Maurice Iloldcn , in the role
of Mrs. Magco , was a great favoiito with the
audience. Percy Klugsley was the mildest-
mannered landlord that over evicted a tenant
or schemed to got possession of valuable
papers. Of the other characters it were only
kindness to repeat in the slang of the street ,
"they were not in it , "
A Fatal Kuim\vny Accident.
Niw : YORK , Oct. 'JO. This afternoon a fatal
runaway occurred in Brooklyn , The veil
Known sugar refiner , J. Adolph Mollcnhaur ,
was with his wife driving when the horses
became frightened and ran away. Mollcn *
huuor was thrown out nnd had his leg frac
tured. Mrs. Mollcnhnucr remained In the
carriage and wa < > unhurt. Mrs. Maria L.
Robinson , aged sixty , standing on the side
walk , was struck by the polo of the wapon
nnd kilted. Her daughter Ida , twenty-live
years old , received a compound fracture of
the skull. Further on Mrs. Helen White
was knocked down and had several ribs
New York Germans Coleliralc.
NEW YOHK , Oct. Wj There was a brilliant
gathering of ( Jerrnans at Ambcrg's theater
tonight to attend tlio . exercises in honor of
Von Moltks1 nineteenth birthday. The
theater was crowded 'and many wore turned
away. A seiles qf tableaux , representing
scones in the great general's life , were pre
sented and there \ viuan elaborate musical
programme. ,
A NihlliHt Printing Outfit Srlxcd.
ODKSK * , Oct. 'M.Tlio police recently dis
covered a nihilist printing ofllco in this city
and today arrested four men connected with
it after it violent stniggH during which two
policemen wcie injured. The leader of the
men hail another ulmllur ofllco in Novo
Tcherpask. Two millions in forgrd rouble
notes were found on his iiremlses there.
Uiiphl i l yuln Hiding.
NBW OKI.IANS , La. , Oct. LHJ.-K. ( } , Betts
today made twenty-live and fifty mile records
on u safety wheel. The twenty- live miles
were covered in 1 hour , ! ) " mlnutoiiind 11
seconds and tlio fifty miles In tbrcohours , , 1-
inhmtes and ) seconds.
Two Hundred Unportod Killcc.
Lianas' , Oct , " ( I , Advices from Mozam
bique suy it is reported that tlio Matauclcs
attacked the llritish South African expedi
tion In Mushinoland and killed 'Ji)0 ) men. Tlio
report Is not confirmed.
HnriiracluiiH nnd I'olOH Ki lit.
HnitMox , I'.i. , Oct.Audi's ! l'edloa , ;
PoU > , had nn axe driven Into Ids skull In a
rare light between Hungarians mil Poles
this morning. Howilldle. Several others
\veio wounded.
The clergy , thomedical , faculty and the
people all endorse Burdock Hlood lllttors us
the best system renovating , blood purlfjlng
toalc in the world. Send for the testimonials.
Tlio Fight Occurred la California and
Nearly Cost Two lives
Graphic Account of a Thrilling : I'n-
couliter In "VVIduti Two lIimUrs
IChcnpcd Dentil by the
Merest Accident.
"F.uropcims , nud especially Kiifjllsh-
mcn , who have donu India and Africa In
seuroh ot h\g \ tfiimo , are inclined lo laugh
atom * panthers. They appear to think
that because the bulTalo is extinct , nnd
tlio RrlzKly has become a rarity , wo hnvo
nothing lofi in this country to alTord
them exciting , dangerous ) luiirting. "
wrltod W _ . 1' . I'oml in tlio Youths' Coiu-
piinlon , "Now , all I can pay is thnt if
they want rough-niid-tmnblo encounters ,
I win recommend tlio California panther
to thorn with strong testimonials , and
they will not lui\o to go fur to look for
him , either. "
The man who mudo this re mark wits
Mr. John Murray of Snti Francisco , n
hunting enthusiast. As ho lay back in
his clinlr , holding a citriU' in his left
hand , ho gnvo proof that ho hail Inul n
rough encounter of Home sort.
" \Vo did not begin hunting1 in earn
est , " Murray bewail , wlion ho WHS urged
to toll his story , "until wo got well Into
the district , nrd had left tlio log cabins
anil dugouts some distance behind us.
Clnirloy ITuUtoiid and I had with us my
man Tom , our three horses anil a pick
mule liulon with the tent , bedding , cook
ing utensils , ammunition and the neces
sary provisions. Wo killed n few dcor ,
a I'oyoto and some jnck-rahbits on our
march , just to carry us along , anil atlast
wo reached our destination and pitched
our camp in the loveliest spot you can
imafflno. There was plenty of shailo ,
good -water , nnd a prospect of game in
profusion. Wo hnd excellent snort , in
deed , nnd , hut for my accident , wo should
have been there htill.
Chtirloy and I had been out on a trail
ono day , and , meeting with our llrst
poor SUCCOSH , were returning * homo
an hour before sunset , Wo had to pass
tlnough a pretty thick belt of woods to
reach the camp nnd just as wo struck a
moderately thin patch in the inlddlu of
it Ihveo line dcor sprang up almost
under our feot. 111 red both barrels and
brought down the lender1 , while Charley
emptied his Winchester after the re
treating pilr without buccess , Wo
were anxious to prepare the dead
cleor for transportation to the camp as
quickly ns possible , in order that wo
might not bo caught by the darkness ,
and both throw down our rifles. Wo
were about half done preparing1 the
game , when I heard a rustling and
crashing behind me , anil turning my
head , I saw some animal in mid air
springing right nt me.
"The natural lustint of polf-proserva-
tiou led mo throw mj'bolf on the ground
as quickly as possible , and as I did eo I
felt the wind of the brute's passing body
literally raise my hair. It had missed
me , but it struck Churloy , who was just
by my side broadside on , rolled him over
for several paces , and da/.ed him so that
ho didn't ' know where he was or what ,
hud struck him. It was a panther , and
ns hungry nnd wicked as n panther can
bo. 3Io 'had evidently been tracking'
these dcor on his own account , and
when ho found himself forestalled had
worked himsoK up into a state of frenzy
and attacked us.
"Well , there lay Charley on his face ,
irlfVi 4lir l-it'iito Qtntifl imr r vm liim iiml T
could see the blood staining my compan
ion's brown hunting shirt it darker hue
whcro tno panther's paw rested. I
leaped to my foot , seized Charley's rillo
by the barrel , and , swinging the stock
around , aimed a heavy blow at the ani
mal's head. Ho saw it coming ,
and mot the attack with a quick turn
nnd a snarl. The barrel broke from the
stock with the force of the blow , which
btruck upon the animal'n shoulder ,
knocking him side .vise upon his back.
"Quiekor than a Hash ho rose and
came straight at mo , open-mouthed ; but
fortunately ho gripped my loosq buck-
bkin hunting shirt in his teeth , instead
of my shoulder , as ho intended. At at
same limo one of his hind paws struck
my thigh , and only the htimt buckskin
prevented him from rending the llosh
from the hip to the knee.
"Tho force of his spring knocked mo
down on my right side. There lie pinned
mo. I could not get at my knife and
poor Charley was only just recovering
his wits ) , and for : i few minutes or seconds
ends time goes slowly in n fix like that
did not know what was going on.
"I slipped my loft arm around the
head of the panther and tried to thrust
my linger nnd thumb into his eyes. I
succeeded hut partially , and as the beast
tei/.qdiny arm in his mouth it gave mo a
plmni'n i o vnll nvni" nn. . l.vv tn drL\v mv
knife. But the brute pulled nt 1110 so
that in sheer desperation I grasped his
windpipe and closed with him as ono
might witlui man. It must have been
an exciting scene. Charley said that at
lirst 1 was on top , then the panther , and
all the time ho was dancing around ,
looking for un opening to shoot , and in
Ills excitement trying to fit his Winchester -
tor cartridge into my rifle.
"I yelled with agony , and ray antag
onist * howled and struggled. My clothes
lasted about u miiiuto , then hUin nnd
llosh began to sulYer. Charley threw
the rlllo down , drew his sheath knife ,
and throw himholf upon the heast , htab-
hlng him wherever ho got a chnnce , ami
once , poor follow , putting the knlfo
point through my second linger. All
this Infuriated the panther a Uiouinnd-
fold , and , turning short round from mo ,
ho throw Charley on his back imdcoin-
nionced to worry him , This gave moa
clianco to draw my knife , hut I could
only use it In hand. My right
arm was swinging about like a pendu
lum and rapidly turning mo sick with
piiin ,
"E attacked the panther Justine same ,
and ns 1 gave him a thrust that sent the
knife through his shoulder and then
slipped oil the bonocutting iU way out ,
wo all three rolled down a. pretty duc |
hole or blido , wlioro a great tree hai
boon uprooted years before. As wo
reached the bottom the yelling ot the
brute Increased. As his grip relaxed
for an Instant Charley rolled out of his
embrace , and , steadying himself , Bpnuif ,
hack again and plunged his knife lnt <
llio panther's heart. Then C'lmrley lit
erally foil on top of us , and , rolling oil
with his head and uliouldors under the
animal's hindquarters , struck mouse-
verkblowuii tlio temple with ono of his
heels ,
"JIo\v long wo lay there I do no
know , but It was dark when I rucovoret
consciousness. My first reeollectioi
was hearing Tom's volco calling mj
name , 1 culled back to him , but 1113
\olcosoundod harsh and strange In my
cars , Tom heard it ; and speedily came
down the hole with a lantern to so <
what was the mutter , M soon as in ;
eyes bccamo accustomed to the light
aw Clm rloy , covered with blood , lying
nscnsiblo under the panther. Tho'anl-
nul was Htuno dead , his last living of-
orts having been to seize Charley's foot
vlth his tooth , Fortunnloly ho got the
leol crosswise among his tooth , which
verobluck fast In the s-olid leather of
ho heel.
"Wo pulled the carcass from on * Char-
oy , and after getting him back to con-
ciousiK'S' , found that mtwt of his wounds
voro stiperllclal , except the llrst ( loop
troko of the claw on the shoulder , and iv
emulsion on the sldo of the head ro-
oivcd when ho rolled down the slide.
"On examining the panther wo found
i sharp root projecting from the bank
Hid Impaled the brute through the loins
ind ho was actually skewered whcro he
vas lying a pretty fortunate thing foi
ls , as wo were both disabled , nnd but for
hat sharp root ho must have finished us
ioUi , I was nearly torn to pieces , and
lad my right arm broken in two places.
t turned out that Tom had heard the
"hots , anil as wo did not make our up-
loaranoo , had rightly inferred from the
tisilado Charley made emptying his
Winchester , that something had hap-
> oncd to us. Ho luckily remo tube red
lotidiig- the hole some days before , and
undo his way lo it as soon a * ho saw the
lead door and broken rillc. liut for that
10 vould not have found us until inoi-n-
"Charley and ho rigged up a litter for
no between the two horr-us as soon as I
vag strong enough to travel , and wo got
mck all right , though it took a long
imo to cover the distance. If you think
hat panther's skin does not hhow much
sign of punishmunt , just turn it over and
count the knife thrusts. Fifteen I Yes ,
\ndfiovoralstabs \ in thu head thnt can-
lot be counted in. Hig game may ho
ill very well , hut a panther Is quito exciting -
citing enough for me. "
Risks Death to Save
"California "Tom , " ono of the cowboys
of the \Vlld West combination , did si
iravo thing in the horse ring the other
ifternoon at Toronto. It was while the
tonics , horses m driving carts and - nations
ions of all clashes were being judged ,
ind the ring was a moving mass of ani-
mils and men , that tlio groom in charge
of Dr. Campbell's gno black driving
nare undertook to make > omo change
in the set of the bridle. At that mo
ment something frightened the animal
and , mailing u plunge forward , she was
away in a moment. The runaway horse
took the track and at a desperate pace
came tearing down toward tlio grand
stand ,
At that time California. Tom , taking
n the situation at a glance , said : "I'll
stop that horse ! " Running ever to the
.rack . , ho joined wilh a policeman in try-
ng to head oil the horse , but the fright-
oneduninmlveuld not bo headed. She
went Hying past.
Llut Tom sprang like a cat at the carl
is ilwhiilcd by , and in a moment ho
ladcliined in from the rear , Then ho
jrasped the lines , hut they only throw
, ho bridle oil the niaro's neck and
showed that It was usolobs to pull on
.hum , There was no time to bo lost , for
the runaway was dashing toward the
spot where. 500 schoolgirls and many
.adioa and gentlemen were standing.
Therefore , without waiting a moment ,
Tom clambered over the dashboard and
sprang on the mare's back- . Then , just
is she came opposite the grand stand ho
swung one foot out and , resting with the
other on the shaft , ho dealt the beast a
Lorrific blew with his heel justumler her
.eftforeleg. Tom explained afterward
that this was a favorite way of winding
ind throwing a vicious horse out west ,
ind this time it worked instantaneously ,
rho mare fell heavily on her side , and
Pom was on her neck in a twinkling.
She struggled desperately , but the ex
perienced cowboy know aho could not
i-iso while ho kept his knee on her neck.
Others crowded around and the capture
was completed. Such cheering as the
vast crowd then gave vent to wasnovor
before hoard on the grounds. A gentle
man stepped forward and handed Tom a
$5 hill. Mr. William Christie at the
same time started around with his hat ,
and in fifteen minutes Tom was called
upon the platform and presented with a
handful of bills and silver , malting in all
some $00.
Illfj Openings lor dim Doctor.
Astonishing success has attended the
efforts of Dr. Dannelonguo , an eminent
specialist of Paris , to give Intelligence
to a little Idiot girl. Though four years
old , the child could neither walk nor
stand , and never biniled or took notice
of anything. The doctor concluded that
the abnormal narrowness of the head
obstructed tlio growth of the brain , and
in May hut ho made an incision in the
center of the skull and cut a piece of
bono from the left side of it. The result
was marvellous , Within lo s than a
month the child could walk , and she is
now quito bright playing , smiling and
taking notice of every thing around hot1.
Heavy ( ialo nil I/alcc lOric ,
Ci.nvni.txn . , 0. , Oct. 20. \ lieavy north-
caster raged on Luke Erie all day , creating a
terrible sci. Tlio barge Wahnapota went un
the breakwater this evening , -lolm William
son and Out Smith were drowned. The otu-
ers were rescued by life-savers.
I'or Do IV ) nil I it u llln Rlnft-r.
Jcrruii'ojf Cirr , Mo. , Oct , CO. - Chief of
Police Sohlrnicr this afternoon took Into ois-
tody a .YOUUK mini Mined Uleluird Miiglo , and
lslioldlnf ( him until th chief of police ofBt ,
Txiuls can ho heard from , tie Was nrit'Sted
ut the requestor the St. Louis imthoilttaalov
an nsmiult on his bmtlitr-iti-liuv. XitRlels
only U years of uic. Ho wits born ami x-oiired
in ( Ids cltv , and belongs ton hlRlily-rcspoolcrt
family. Ills statement ofthoinsiiult is tkat
thni brotherItilitw Ii id mistreated lil sistoi.
itmlsholiad left bun Ho oall"d ut NUHO' |
house , nnd in Nude's IIIOHVIUO mmrroli'd
xvltli his ivlfo , anil dually struck her XiiKlo
interfered anil KUVP hi inn sound thnishliiir.
lie was umldnir nrniiiL'eiiienU to ivturu to
St. Louliwlicn thcofllei.T'l arieatedliitu.
Johann Holl1
Malt Kitriu't
Till ) britt Suttlllra
Tonic In nil i-n ri ot
IIITIIIN 111 tAAim. ( .
'Ilinint ' tumble.
_ .niM liynll IMijil-
rlmi'i ' tliroimlionttlip clvlllrc'Uoi-11 ' 'I'lirru In nulli-
Inn'jUNtn uoinl' ' wlirn } < in ( ' .in uMfilii tlio iciinlll
nrilclc hlfh lint tlinilKiinturu uf Joit-itss lloir'1
ontliL" itrrk < > r oTi-ry Ijolllo.
IClsiiipr iV.MeitduNoiiCii. , Soli1 Aitrnti ,
0 Barclay Street , No\v Vork.
Strictly tolmilnptj" tin iiitcmlkl inollo. lhn
oil sticc-o-t In crory llnoof tninmnpncrif hrtj
L'jhliu nliu liollito 111)1113 nOopliic ! jpc Mall/ .
I'c plo nro pmxr Hlvo full of ( cnotlT nmtnnntr \
iiinklni ; H'lioinet rticr nee I 't > ool\l : tniliiiiij lor
Uuslni'ss ,
I.oidj In popular uilnc.-Ulivi. HIT public c icoli
nroilotiiXk'miiil nork fur tier nuronltirf ml Illou * .
> \oslorn loivn.
Cvinitionrpt full torin "liipt Itt. xln oH'l > lh
rcnlljr jnnctlcnl for licr Mnli'itH. N'ormil tinil *
nc > > Sliorllinnilaiiil IVini i nlil toir o ( null or.
Kimlro.l niul i-arcfully i-uiulue'ii ' 1 Sludcit * innr
( ntor lit nny time.Vrllo for dirtliw pnrtlcitn ta
\V S I'nulHun.
Council Bluffs. Iowa.
OfCoxtacil Bluffs.
SURPLUS AND PROFITS . . . . 50,000 ,
Din tTon's I. A.MIlh-i P. 0.01oisiln. I ! 1 *
Slnr.'iirt , i : . 1C. Hurl , , I. 1) . I il in million , rimrlos
O. Hiimun. Transact li.tuWn liiht-
ni M. lin : * < "il cupllul nud siirplni of any
liiink liiHiiutliwrstcin I.iw.i.
Torncr Msiln mid Hro'iihvuy ,
DcitN'n In forulKii and ilnutcitlo cm-'nimn
Collections mndo and Inloruil piklil on lira *
And BulUUii ? Superintendent * .
HootniOO uii'l ' 4rMloo : ItiiiliUm.Oinali.i.Nol ) . ,
and Humus -II uncl ' 'IJ ! Mcirluiti ltloekl'ouucll
lllutl's , lit Coireauuiutuuuu lullrltud.
\T Qrhnr ? .TiMlt'euf tin ) IVnci' . Olllce < ner
iOtlllllA AiiioiliMii I\IIIHS. : No. l
liroad\\.iy , Council Klnil's , lovv.u .
tt.0 | in the Htiitu - and
ffili'ral I'ouiH Kiiiinis.l , t and ft b
licno block. Council III u IK Iowa.
OITIOD. 07. iir.srnr.KUR , i
W. C. E5TEP ,
ClIIIIC5ll ) Illlld'H , IlltVll.
II Xoilli TMnlii Nli-crl.
Fmipriil Director anil Cmlmliii IT.
TfiOU IirXTOooil 5 room lioiiso III ) . Also
ntltcrliotiscH ut ( IllU'ii'iit. prices. Onosiu-
plc room ovcm ! ore near rim rt house. Houses
nnil lots for wile on monthly piyiui'iits. Ono
lioiiso and lotun MM monthly payment , lle-
hlniblo bust ness lotion H.iiintlirs st.liiOinnlia ,
for U'UKior silo 'hiiii ; . Tor hurKiiliis htmJ.
It. Davidson , IL > . * > tliivt ! > .
PUR , - ( ' ' ot ol tlmieis tools ,
iindsiiKilllstod ; of Hawaii * lit it I
lii'iulroat ' room ; ib Ht-rilam li'ouk. '
Jtfl StO\03 IltClM tOl'IO-IMIIlt. .1
) for li.iril m.iplo lion-1 ! moNlm ; iollai itnU
J.icUs. H. 1) . Amy .U'o. W ) .M.iliistnot.
"AIUU'.S For sale < -lnui. | a Hpiin nf k'notl
-ill wiiltlngiiiuliMH-lllihiiriii'ss ) ' uinl w acun.
Apply to l''r 'il DavlV stnlilt-H on rotiitli stnoN
niMr'KHlli iiMMiiio. _
"l\7"AM'ni-i\ for . limisfvork.
Apply toMNsMnry tllt'it-ini. 1'-'riiurlM.
rpWOHI-acio farms f ir vtlf ui'itr I In- 'ltyu
JL alKiigaln.V.A. . \Vn il & t'o. Wl M.tlnst
T71OU SAMJ-Tltosloult anil llxtnrvsnf n noli
J.1 cstiilillslipil Kiiii-c-ry store , r will H
hloc-k anil itinthtoin anil ll\tuii's ' : iilsi ) thiiio
4-ynur-iild colts fur sail' Inqnlro ( if I I *
Mnllh AHon.TIS 10lliavi't' iuncll
TJIOH SXLE or Hunt Uarilcn laml. wltli
J-1 hotiiev. byJ. It Kleo , WJ Main at.Uuiinoll
or no
Our Prices on Carpets ami House Furnishing Goods are as Follows
for Thirty Days :
Lowell Ingrain Carpets faOo | > or yard , IUi 8-18-lu Atldo $1.50 , 28-ln x\llo (
worth HOc. $ i,60 , ! ii-it ( widotQ.oO , \\-orlh W./iO , f-5
Fremont Ingrain Cnrpots Toe per yard , and $8.
worth 5c. Chenlllo Curtiilns W , 1 > 7.r > 0 ftinl HO
All wool rngraln Carpets 70c per yanl , per pair , worth $ S , SlOiuulflli nor pair.
worth fide. Oil cloth 23o , " , M ! , -l-r > a and Me per
AVool Illlou cotton ulmln Carjicls OOo yard.
per yard , worth 7o. ( ) Oil cloth rugs 70 lo $ d , worth * 1 to
Union Inyratn Curpots 50o per yard , 4l,50. !
worth OOi : . Uoninantiof Ilrusscls C.u'pot1 H'to to
25u , 35 c 4oc , worth
Irifjrain Carpets , . ito
31 per yard for lings , Mtn-lh Jl.
3oc , 45c , 55c.
Tapestry Ilrussels S-io , Ooc , 76c , 8)0 ,
Window shades ! Ho to 7."io . , worth 60o
worth TOc , 8Uo , oo , HI. 111.
Noily llrussols tl , * l,15 , N.STj , $1.3-i , to$1.2-j.
' Jurtuin I'olosiind Triinmln jI0i j ! to
worth' , 10 , tl.Sifl , > I.J5 : , * l.M ) . (
Velvet Carpets $1 , $1.120 , M.4U , worth 7.jc . , worth Ulc to $1.
These are Mtriutl ' spotuawh or
prices }
81.20 , $1.40 , $1.00.
Moquetto Carpets $1.25 , Sl.SW , $1.45 , cash on delivery.
Oooils , l''Hnjoi ann Uphol-
worth $1.40. $1.50 , $1.00 , Drapery {
Nottingham Lnco Curtainsl.rjO , $2.60 , fctorliiK Goo In ut pi-lcos that defy con -
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