Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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Unity mid Cniicliy , One Vuir . I1JM
hlx uiontln , . . 55"
1lin c inotitliB . . 3 [
Hinulnjr H i-OmiV 'nr . . . . ttn
nvchljr ISui.OneVoup. . . . IS
Oninlin. TliolJoellullilltiK.
hmlliOninlin. OinvorN nnflWtli Stroelv
Cuiiiull ItlnlTH , Ul'onrl Hlioct.
riilfnto onicr , : il7Ohilint ) < irnf Oimmrrro.
New rurk.lnmniii.lliri'l ( : HTHIiime llulldlnj
\\iisliliiKtoii \ \ , fiialoiirUontliHtruU
All inrniniiiilralloin iHillii' tic * * and
fill Kir In I i.mltiirhhoiilil . l > c mldrissutl to the
hllt.urlut Ditmrtnmnl.
Alll > imtiiiM Mlcrsnml
lon l < lli'M4ultollio Iliu PiilillHliInu Hem imnjr.
Orniilia. Drifts oh utliii nwl i > it ( > ni < nor Ip (
to ti < maIuiiynllu | ) to tlio or Iut uf the ooiu
The Etc I'libHsiing Company , Proprietors ,
Tlio I'co ' HM'g. I'lirtiinn iiiul Jjinfrit-ouiHi tti _
Blntcof Nolira U. I _ ,
Count vof UcmzlnU " '
n < ' W II IVmliiick MJdilnry of The 1co !
I'liMMilnit ( ominuiv , OOM Roloinnljr wnr
Ihnl llm ncliml circulation of Tim mit.v HIT.
for tlio wo cnillnR ItoU 23 , ISO * vra > as firt-
Hmclnv. Oct. 1 ! )
Monihv Oil 20
\\c \ \ liiMliiy. ( C)4-l ) 2-J
Tim rwlii v. OH. SI . '
IrKlliV Oil L'l
tjtlirdlY. Oct , S3
Avcraco . 2 < MIHI
Fvnrii tobrforn tnnimrl iil crilod In my
HimSXitliilnvof OrUiher A. D.IS'O
N. 1' . I'KII. Notary i'ufollo.
Elulrnf Milirnsb , I .
( nnrit ) of Ikmirlia , f s *
ifo If T/scliUfk , liolnit rtuly Rvrnrn , dc-
iosi"Uin < l mys Hint. liolH wioroLiiry of 'Iho lloo
riililhiilitKloiiiiiiiivllmtllin | iictunl nvornno
dully ( ilrviilnllnn of Tur DAII.V Uri : ( or
the tnoiitli < > t Octolpr , 1 811 , I8.K/I riiplrt ;
for TdivuniliiT. 1W < 1 . lO.rJIO coplos ! for Ho-
rmitjtr. I'l'i. 91,048 coplos : for Juiuiiry ,
J'W. l' ' .r > .Vi inplci : for k'llininrjr , 1KO. H-
Vil roplpMi for Mnnli. IK > . M.HI5 coplpi :
for Airll | , In' ' " ) , JO.WI . copies ! for Nay. ISO , SO.IW
uirilii ! forJiimJMK ) , SO.HUl i-oii t 'or July ,
HO , 'Jaffa copies : frirAuuiut , IMHSP.TODeojilMS
for tfpto ruler. 18'JO. ' .WO ( opln
( IvoiKli : II Ts'SOiucK
worn tolnforc inn. anrl milthirllu'd In mv
lirustnco. IMstnli uayof Octolior. A. I ) . , 18B ,
N 1 * . IRII. .
rs'cilnry 1'ubllc. '
Kii\s"Cipromptlvfollows \ ; tlio cxainplo
of AmiH'iu in pro tooting homo inilustiy.
Tin : reported "wreck ol Governor
Hill' ' is , v trlflo [ irovious , siy ; twenty
Ixtlio foi-colul words of General "Wcb-
ftor , "tooto \ lor pioliiljltion Is a sin ; to
ndoptit , astato cvlmo. "
Mil C'ONXr.rl's supply of nails is suf
ficient lo clinch all the winiui.jn ( lies In-
vcntoil b the opposition.
Tin : bail toinpci" of tlio pL-ohibitlonists
IndtoitcH llisit llio.viilrcKly fcol the elcc-
tiluitj of the coining Htorm.
BK\"AM'S ' Jrlonds confess tliat
' thtil tit-cil " is1 -
fcolinjj" R-io\vins \ ;
him .Hid may become cluonir.
IIirL'a ' train as wtcclicil
In AVost A'lrg-inla , and nsimilar fate -will
orcrtnlce his prosidontinl boom.
Tin : rcbollious Colorado coul mincis
evidently forget that the Unlou Pacific
\vtukitij. . ' a few nilnosof its own.
nolofralloopliolo in the law ,
the Mibnouri river roids reluctantly
comply with the orders of the fedeul
EM.uoi.riCunited jictionduring-
next cf < rlit diijs xvlll cllssoho tlio darlc
clouds mcmicing' the growth and
jioritj of Nebraska
Tin : wild rush to OUl.ihomiv olghteon
months n go has its courturpartln the *
nppoals of the unfortunalos forassist'
mice to gxtoutof tlio toiritory.
TUB so-civllcd moral agents dispensing
the prohibition corruption fund in
Oumlui mo unconsciously negotiating
for a job on the ponltonllury rock pile.
MisiSTKits who drag-prolilbition poli
tics Into the pulpit aio generally the
loudest in denouncing- other donoinina-
tlonsfor "olTensivonothlty In the polit
ical jilTulwof the country. "
Ii" NnniusKA woulu bo frco fiom the
ilom inatlon of inlolcniiitouiid the pirnlj-
tUolstrife , and contention , oveiy lo al
citizen nitbt bond his energy to the IKI-
tilotlo work of routing- the hired shin-
Ooreiaof the sUto ,
TriR go\ernor o ( Ohio refuses to on-
tortaln Mr. Clovolnnd Ixcausd the latter
fnubliod him whtm piesiclcnt , Gov-
emoi C'ainpboll will , thcioforo , never bo
u incinbor of Iho cabinet , even If the
ttuircil prophet should again moot with
the accident of election.
SKCKHT.mYHr..AiNi's appoarnnco on
lho blnini ) in MoKlnloj's district is a
Hirpiiuo to tlio vcidant democrats of
Kobrnslctiwho wasted Cray matter and
good money In congratulating him by
telegraph. If Mr. Bhilao porslsts In
disappointing-tho democrats , the country
.let force lilin Into the piosidonoy.
Pitost'uers for the Iron business In
Bcotljiid arc reported dubious. Well ,
Jhero Is still n little nioro room loft In
"this country for iron and Btocl industries
us well aa tin plate mills. The Scotch-
mini should "remember that the eaino
cnusothat makes the business outlook
Hue on their sldo ofthosea makes times
good tuid urosioroii9 over ho re , I t
lliom ot lit out of the A\ot.
Tun action of Attorney General Leeso
In bringing the disputed boundary of
Jowriimd Nobiaska to the attention ol
tlio United States Hiipiomo couit. will
moot -approval of tlio people of both
Mutes Vthilo local und individual In-
torosU at Omaha nio innluly InvolvedIt
i ) of the utmost importance Unit
the ) > orjnancnt boundary Iwtwoen
th& states bo dotermlnod hy the
court of last report. Tlio shifting
cluirnitor of tlio Missouri river
Ian thrown hundreds of acrca from one
stutc to tlio other , rendering It practi
cally Impossible for the authorities to
* i\orojo | jurisdiction o\or \ propcity on
epposllo aides of the riior. A soriosol
coinplleatlous have followed , Loiioflclal
touono and annoying to all. Both states
tire l\torostctl \ In a dedalon of the ques
tion \\hotlipr \ the clianncl of the river ,
us at present located , la Iho Ixnuulary.or
the olmnncl as It existed when lowiv and
\\oreaduilttodlnto \ \ the union.
ixoir.i. .
Tlio cnnpalgn In town In loss -demon-
itratUo thnn the cnnvnostn no mo oilier
titca , but 11 very onniost contest Is be'
tig- mad u by both the old p.irtloo , On
lie part of the ropublloant thouHiinl
mniiulgnmotliodit ni-u being purnicd ,
mil to all apiHiiirancoa thu mniscflof tlio
inrtynro fully nil veto the duty thixt Is
wfoiothcm. SonnlorHlsoah ; s bet-n
lolng gooil service in arousing the ro-
HibllcaiiHmid , othci lenders are active.
fho ilemocrnls are conducting their
cnmiulgri oti Iho Hllll-huut plan ,
rhlch they found so atlviinta-
gcoiHlaHtjcarln lrlnglnr { out tlio full
iarty vote. Thlwt tlio favirlto catn-
lalfjiilny motliod of Samuel .T.Tildcn , and
indcrBonio ciicimiBtnnces there is none
norooITetllvo. It < noUlilHucm thnt tlio
inwailoiriocrtitlc mnniigcrs aio applying
I with contldcrublu adioltnoss. llvciy
owiishlj > nnd vard cuminlttccnuiiiln. tlio
Btatohas boon urged by letter from Uio
central committee touaelho utmostdill-
[ enco in ( jotting democratic voters to
.ho polls , The mandate of tlio
continl coinmlltuo is that no dem
ocrat must bo oxeuHOil from
noting thla jour. Subcoimaltteomcn
ire nppointod. hi c\ory \ school district
ho u duly it Is tosoo every democrat
n tliodlMliict and stir him up to work
'or ' the success ot the ticket. Dvcry
fltmh commltteonmii 1 ic uiicd to go to
iho housoof very democrat In Ills dis-
Irictoti the day before election and * got
i promise from him tooto In the fore
noon. In thlHwaj' the state has been
tovoicd by an nrmyof CIIIIKJMI andvigl- who will keep at work ( or tlio
democratic ticket until the polls cloio
on Novomlxjr 4.
Tlio knowledge of this ought tobliinu-
late the republicans ot Iowa to like xoal
during the closing di > s of the cainp.iign.
It provision has alieadybocniuado for
\\orlcshnllar \ \ to that prosecuted by tlio
doinocratfltlieiomaystillbo lliuo enough
in vhlcli to malvo it. At any rate ,
the icpublicjin managorri of Iov.i
should omit , no effort that maybe
bo necessary topet out the full loto of
the pirty. Kotwlthhtnndlng the apparent
liiteiost of the people intho lopublican
cause thoio is sotno complaint from tlio
rapublloun prcis that the pirty man-
agora have not done the beat , they miylit
have done forgetting the ituteosof the
p.irty Into line. Thuio uliouldbc no
excuses or esplaiiitions nccessafy on
this kcoro after the election. lowtiouglit
to elect tlio republican ticket this year ,
and it can do t o If adequate effort Is
made to "bilng out a full \oto.
The desperation of the prohibitionists
kiiova no bounds. Tor neeUs a gang of
chaiMctorlcsa trampsha\o been scouring
the city for no ether purpobo than to
earn tlioiisaliules and slander tlio pee
ple. Nb\v Yoik's Five Points in its
palmiest day could not have produced
their equal in the art of forgery , false
hood and dufunution.
The fact is now clear that their efforts
to disci'cdirtho election In advance was
part of R conspiracy hatched by tliein to
stuff the icgiatiy lists. While accusing
the people of all the crimes in tlio
dialogue , thcbo hired ruflhins weio
planning to nullify the decision of the
ballot box by purchasing fraud , 1'ho ' at
tempt to liilbo the registiara olthoThird
district ol the Fifth ward to place ono
thousand bogus names on fho rolls Ir , tlie
mot startling evidence of the dastardly
methods instituted by tlio gang.
The Incident should loiibotho people
of Omaha to the dangers that confront
them , The object of the scamps in
pounding the registrars was not so much
to secure the omollmontof bogus AOtors ,
but to manufacture evidence of possible
fraud. Possessing ample corruption
fundb , the ) will not hesitate to outrage
the ballot box. The scandalous
work alioady perpetrated sho\\s
that the hirelings will stoop to the
lowest depths of infamy to defeat the
will of tlio people of Douglas county.
Kvcry citixen should therefore bo on
the alert nnd ready to meet the enemies
otalio city at ovaiy turn. We cannot
hope to run down the horde of spies and
spotteiH reared by prohibition in Iowa
and KiuiBis and turned looic in No-
brasUaforcampiignpurposes ut wo can
make the temperature of Omaha so
warm for the bribers that tlioy will
gladly dlsippear between dajs.
While selfish oillco toekcrs in N"o
bruslui and ad joining states are charg
ing the republican toiijjiosa with totally
neglecting the farming interests ot the
west , the goveinmont is vlgoiously pros
ecuting experiments , Iho imcc-ess ol
which must bo of incalculable value to
the producers.
The investigation ordered ly eongi ess
to determine the availability of the
underflow and artesian -\vatqr for irriga
tion comprehends the arid and toral-
arid emplro Ixstweea the eastern foot
hills of the Rocky mountains and
a line drawn southwuul along
the eastern boundary of hort !
Dakota , pissing west of Lincoln am !
boutli to 1H 1'aso , Tex , The law requires
quires that the xvoilc bo completed bj
July next , 'i'lio cominratholy briel
period allowed for the investigation nnd
the vast torrltpry to bo covered , has
called out the energy and resources ol
the agricultural department , nud over.v
effort will bo jnado to domonsti-nto bj
practical tests the tiuth of the claims ol
nil geologists who have examined the
legion ,
The experiments conducted in the
lUkotns during the summer fully sustain
tljo assertion of the advocates of artesian
Irrigation , The How secured fromoacl
well Issutllclont to Irrigate four thou
sand acres of land. It is not the Intoii
lion of the government to bora well
promiscuously , but merely to demonstrate
strato the force aud quantity of the un
dorllow , to sxiporclso the u o t of tlio
\uitei obU\lnod \ and report results. The
feasibility of the echoino once deter
mined In the territory mapped out , th
goYoimiiont will leave private eutei
prise to do the rest.
Secretary Husk regards the woik a
the most Important yet undertaken bj
the government In the vest. The dat
In pu ertikm of the department con
firms what oloso observers huvo main
talned , that n largo propoitloa ol the
mountain ttronms is lost in the groa
( trutuni of grayol and bauldurs under
jlng the country from fifteen to one
liundicd foot. The tVonclimnn rhor in
WHtern Is'cbrnska It nnlnl suppUed
from this great underground res
ervoir , Jlroii iii the drjost B a-
m tlioi-o Is no porcopllblo dc-
in tbo volume of
r , thus proving its subterranean
source. Todoflno tlio boundaries ofthU
[ ; icat basin nnd demonstrate lio\v It will
best subduita the interests of the coun
try is a work of far reaching possibili
ties. The success of the undertaking
moans the disappciunnco of droughts
uiul ncorclilng Lot vlnds which almost
mutually bll litseutlonH of thoDakotas ,
western Nebraska , ami Kansas , A sup
ply of artificial moisture during July aud
August will render them sections in
productive fertility the poor of any in
the country.
A co 17' or M iff icolons. .
The AlUanoo In Giant township , Gus-
tcr counLy , has pns od resolutions ex
pressing1 its totil lack of sympathy for
the coiiprcasitmal aspirations of 0. M.
Ivein. The trouble \ilth Mr. Kom eeoma
to bu that hu wean a political coat l
too vurlognled a pattern , Hero is ono
of the resolutions :
\Vo \ liavo kuovv.1 him as n republican , a * a
union labor man , aa a prohibitionist , as an
mill-prohibitionist , m a farmers' alllauce
nun , nnd vo Icnow him to ho a political
iiioimtcb.'inlc ready at all times and under
all ciicunisUnccs to Iriiu witU any part )
that cim give him the rciiiotost promisoof an
It takes a very sinnrt man to look well
in uuch a tu this. Den llutior and
nfowolhorjhmo rmnageil to make a
fair appenianeo under blinllur cticuni-
btanecs , but Mr. Kom'd style of Ircauty
isdifTeient The fact iliat the Alliance
in ono of the towns of his own county
lias gone Ijtclc on him is loassuriug.
The farmers' ' movement commands
unlvcibiil lespect. Ithiis boon undorta-
Uun in good faith audits rank aud file
are earnest ami siurjcro men. No great
er misfortune could befall them , howev
er , thnn the pro-oueoof a man of Kuril's
fccanb Intellectual oqulmnont la "Wash
ington us their loprcbeiitatlvo.
Ho Is not a fit typo of the farmers of
Nebraska. Ho Is a. . sample of the shal
low demagogue who Fooklo ride on their
shoulders into eilarlcil olllces.
TIIK FliKKC'l ! HKl > UltIlC.
The republican idea appears at lait to
lw well grounded in Trance. In its pres
ent foiia ithas outlined b } livojearsboth
the liibt ouipiroand the restoiation , and
by tlueo years both Louis 1-Miillippo and
Louis Napoleon. While It is never well
to bo too suicof anythingconccrning the
mcrcuilal IVcnchrann , everything indi
cates that his piosenl republican mood
vlll omlurofor another tnonbj yenis.
President Cainot has none of the
showy cluuactcrifatics which the Fionuh
love so well. Ho makes fev speeches ,
appoais comparatively little In public ,
and docs not faeck to intrude his person
ality on politics But ho holds n firm
Innd on tlio holm. Ho keeps everything
running in a conservative course , and is
making himself ono of the most dig-
iiificd figures on tlio stage of Europe.
IIo has mot the limitations which have
confronted him with a calmness and repose -
pose unusual In 1'ronch statesmen.
\Vhilo the agitators , llko lioulangcr and
the royalists , have kept within constl-
tutiond bounds he Lab let them alone.
"When they ovoistepped those ho bent
thorn out of the country. And in these
and all similar cases the gale his blown
itself out und found thodnik-fuiodhelms-
linn still blinding- calmly at his post.
Under these sound conditioas Franco
has > enjoyed n. commercial prosperity
that rivals any period of lior history. For
the fiist time in many decades , her in
stllutions command the conlidenco of
lier ownc-iipltal. < It no longer seeks in
vestment fibroad , but goes eagerly into
tbo development of herowiirosourcco
and the upbuilding of her industries ,
In this fact the outside world will be
hold the sutost evidence of tlio perinn-
iicncoot the republic. It Is worth more
than all the enthusia&tlc assurances
that come from her piess and states
It istruo that Trance 1ms alwajs un
dcrgono sudden changes and that the
b.i ic character of her people is the
feamo now thai. Uhns over been , but the
present , conditions , both interim ! anil
external , sue such us to promise bltv
Mity. E\euts in Kuropo for the next
twenty years seem sure to tend toward
the destruction of the thionos that re
main lather than the restoration of any
that liavo already gone down.
Among the good icsults to bo liopcd
for from tlieeluUtonsof next week , few
vouldbo regarded with greater satlsfac
tlon by nil good citizens than the defeat
ofTainmaiiy , Tlio politic il dominition
oINew Yoik citjby that corrupt oigan
iv ition Is not only a most serious uiattei
totliLS local Inteiests of that metropolis ,
but is a donioi.illKlng and dangerous
power In nutioinl politics. This is not
biiupl because Tammanylsadoniociatie
oigatiUatlon , but for the reason that
it is essentially corrupt aud uiberu
pulous. The Tweed icgiinoMIS not tlio
beginning imr the "end of the villainous
political practices of Tammany. They
were common enough before that great
robber becsuno the clilef of thoorganl/.a
tlon , and they ha\o boon continued
since , though loss boldly and iceklossly
than by thanmn whoio infamy is insop
iviably bonneetod with the litstory ol
Tammany. No such high-handed phm *
dcr as that of Tweed has been porpo
tratudslnccbut still the political organ I
nation which gave lilm theopportuniti
tobccoino the most notable thief of the
ago has kept its tfi'ip upon tlio puuo o
Is'ow "York and wrung from the people
millions on millions to reward its spoils
men ami maintain its power. Thoio is
the authority of no less a democrat thar
Abrain S. Hewitt that Tammany has
always boon nnd ( still is a thoroughly
corrupt , unscrupulous , selfish aud un
patriotic organl/.atlon , whleh makes
politics a business of plunder. Arbi
tiary and despotic lo thu last degree
it tolerates no man who Is not ii
accord with lln traditional iwllei
ofeoiibldorlng1 and subiorvlng the public
interests only so far as mny bonecossari
topro\ldo \ for its demands and perpot
unto its rule , Sueh a political orgnntza
tion is inimical to the public welfare
anil a menace to free institutions , am
Its do\vnfnllov4 \ ( < fht to bo desired by nil
good cltl/.ei)8. ) . ,
The combination of all Iho anti-Tain-
many elomentH In IS'ow York In support
of a municipal ticket gives promise thai
what was 'Accomplished by a simi
lar movement so\entcon \ jears ago
may bo repeated this year , It
is a striking ) illustration of the great
cat-nestles : ) bf this movement thai a
thousand vrornbnof New York city haio
issued mi npiicnltootcrsto register lu
ordeilo cswl their ballots for Iho candi
dates of the people's inunlclpil league.
The appeal declares that the coming
election ituolvcs a contest not of party
ngalnst party , Imt of the people of Now
"York against the body of corrupt poli
ticians who now hold the city gov
ernment , nnd that its Issue dhectly con
cerns Iho comfort and liealthof every
household and the morals ol the cntiio
community , Iho Indications are that
Tammany Is alarmed at the fiu-nildablo
character of the opposition , and it may
Lo depended IHKHI to bo more desperate
jind vcckltw than usual In the use of nil
the coirupt and unscrupulous methods
familiar toll. Strongly Inticncluxl as
it IB , its otcrtluow will bo no easy mat
ter , but the promise of tills most dosir-
Jiblo result has not "before for a number
of years appeared so favorable.
SKCHIT.\UY \ Jlt'SU , in n circular letter
under ilatu of Ottobcr 0 , aiinouncos Uio
enforcement of strict populations for tlio
inspection of all cattle and shcop in
tended for ox-port , 'ho examination
will boverv tliotough and all stotlc go
ing out of the conn try will first bo tagged
by the veterinary inspectors of the gov-
eminent. Similar icgulations will lw
enforced with icgard to stock imported
into the country. Those wise measures
sue taken iniiccoidanco with laws enacted
by the present congicss. They ought to
result in giving foreign couiitriesentlio
confidence In American beef and pork.
Tin ; amiable Mr. Italfour is painfully
hurt , Ijccauso Dillon and O'Brien dhl not
consult him before their dopirturo for
Ji'iancc. ' Had they done so , Mr. Bilfour
would doubtless liavo lent oclat to their
departure by a battering ram procession
hc.uled with a bass band. Those Irish
nio always disappointing their tory
continues lopping off such
of Ills telegraph omplojes as display
Hymptoms of independence or orguiiza-
tion. Tlio autumn of the Wall street
cwr'ti life is mtido miserable by the ab
sence of an accOjaiblo Siberia.
CoiiHolntinn in
Tfitllamt Ifoin.
If you nro poor jtli probably Ijccauso God
cannottrustyou \ money.
Jill Lrldlly HiIpCitl. .
IJin I ! ilirfon Jfiic7ff/e. ( | /
In Uiclr desper.Ho effoits ta make political
capital by Injuring trade , thcdcmocratsrniote
t'jo tnugwuinps ahd the mugwumps quote
tlio dumocrats.
U.'o4Ilo Itocelveil Aviili Uaution.
KftMriK Citll GW > c.
The reported grold discoveries in Oklahoma
are tnkca ullhacood ninny grains ot salt.
Too inuny Itei hnvfe been told about Oklahoma
for its own podd. ' '
Kcoiiuinical Numiinulntiirc ,
CMeaun Tiiati , - .
Au Iowa oinaii has naineil her Uviaclrls
Kerosene nnd Gasolino. Sno iateuils that
tluro shall Iwno n Ji > to of pas or coalwhoii
\\latcrcoiirtlng- - tlays nrrlvo.
JHvld I > > n't 5eu It.
SI Lauli fllo'it-Dein > : rat
Governor Hill's visit to Ohio siguiiics very
clou-Iy limb ho does notslinio the hnpi-ession
tint Giovcr Clcvcluul Is goint ; to bo the next
democutlc candidate for president.
Tlio Taritr null tlio i'orclgucr.
St. Joxeiilt Herald.
Our ports are not closed ag-ainst foreign
mauafacturere. They \\clconio hero and
tticro is room enough for all of them along
the banks ot the swift running Missouri
Here is the place for them to muKo and sell
tlicir goods without Uialnteifcramo of tariff
A HiiiiBis I 'nd.
AVw 1'ort Sun
The latest form of social dUcrslou In bleed
ing Kansas is a "uoso social" Is Hindis-
croottoask what a nose social is | Do the
guests at one greet o'tio another by rubbing
noes , after the fashion followed by the ho-
ro'c ' Tartaritiof Tui.iscon with thoaboilgiaoj
of PortTixrascon )
\ I'ltialjlo Case.
Universal syinjutliy will bo felt for tlio
Biionoss Alpuonso liothschlld in her recent
loss of f I2IOO ( worth ot Jc\M \ lry by tlieft ,
which iiilnfiil clrx'umstmco liui been icportcil
bj tbo Indofatlgalilo cable coireboiuK"its ) ) in
ITiauco , The unfortunate \\oinan caniuulco
no possible use of the borca\omcnt asaa ad
NuMHty Ilorrlil
Mnnilii Journal ,
The "anvsty horrid men who woilc In
sliops" nro extremely dlstastetul to vouug
Mi , Brj.ui. IIo istiroilot them. Their hon
est toll In his oycs Ii not worthy of protection
It Is fortunate tliuthehas accidentally de
fined his position on tUo labor problem so far
in advance of the election. The shop toilcis
of the Tlrst district will roniciabei him
c Tlii'tfujili the
"The protection A-gans , " snys the St Louis
Post-Dispatch , liito fjloatlni ; o cr the evil
eftects of thonow tariff law on tbo industries
of Europe. " Wlir will tlio American cham
pions ot ICuropeii JiHlustrici ixinibt In the
ulisurd assertion Jhaf. the McICliilcy bill was
pilmnrily a blowjitj foreign in aim fu ( .tares 1
Its depressing olieut upon Iluropenu Indus-
tiles is < | uita socoiiilary to its cnli\ciiliig \
cilcct upon the Industries of this country.
Kale KMi' (
If thoprolilbitlduWtsnoro to direct their
united effort towrtM the extirpation of Mor
mon treason nith'i'Viin ' commensurate with
yours vnon jou dlfA'nttliut ' lilcleous monitor ,
\\oulillmvosoriio off Oct. livery year my
conviction is strotistlienoJ. that try-lug to
catch alcoholic enliven meat by prohibition in
Malno is about as successful an flshinc : foi
llcas whU a horse lake , or imprisoning : laiifrh-
ing K < U ) In a sluvo.
It will take a slty-high license to lioln thh
( IAIIHIVCK , Mo. , Octobci- ,
Kuto Vuninh iloej uotseeta to kno\v that
piohlbltlonlsts , asvouica suffrus'ists , toucl
MormonUm. gingerly and cuibi-aco fcnialo
polygiimlsts bocausa Urighain Young guvo
vvoinim the ballot to proiontOcatilo ascoatl-
ancy. \ tlio Edinuiitt-Tuclccr bill took away
this suffrage , the sympathy ot our rational
and fur-seeing wonun audragisw U not with
the doiMi-troJilen Mormon women , wlio
forged their own chains.
CousUtoucf Is ajowcll
Air. RnRovntcr'i Dntcn.
Hon. E. Kosonntor , caltor oCTitc lice , U
announced to tnnko nntl-prchlbitlou ad *
dressM this week as follows1
At McCoolc , 'J'uesilny ovcnlnK , October 29.
At llolilri'gc , Wednesday cvcalne , October
At Hnstlnffs , ThuuJay evening , October
At Kenrncy , Tilda ; evening , 0 ctobcr 31 ,
VN JFHEV II irifilt\ ' .
Nebraska , with her high Hccmo , has one
saloon for c\ery4ST \ people.
In Iowa there Is onesnlooa forevcr377 per
sons. How Is that for prohibition 5
Thccxi > cnso of Iowa counties for criminal
prosecutions lu 15S-\vas ! SIG7.0-JWI.
Kansas isrcasonablocaoiigh to only con
duct ono saloon for o\cry 877 people.
Court expenses for 18S > 9i Kcbrasla , $182-
330 ; Kansas , $ a 19,020 ; Iowa , 73,517. ,
According to the ) table tlioro is ono saloon
for every aifl people In New Ilampshho.
Thonumber of bank fiillurcs In Iowa nnd
ICntiaai In 1SS9 vas double that la Nebni-ska.
Thrco hnndred and cighlccn persons \\cro
sentenced to tlio penlteatlnry In Iowa last
Prohibition lonn consumed 3,433,000 more
gallons of bcor than high llcutiso Nebraska In
a single year.
It Ins been f rc < iiietitly proven that a peed
miuy public speakers preach prohibition be
tween drunks.
There nrotodny in the state of Knnsas 00.
convicts intlio penitentiary , la Iowa CS1 and
in Nebraska 33S.
In 1530 , under a prohibitory law , New
Ham pslilro consumed J.UOM barrels of beer ,
almost a buncl to the man ,
A f tern thorough toil aiissnchusctts has
repudiated prohibition and adopted a law
of local option and high license.
When high license uos Urst Introduced In
Nebraska the proposition heartily en
dorsed by the Woman's ' Christina union.
No first-class hotel on the face of the globe
exists without \viac3 and liquors. "Why
should they not bo compelled to pay a II-
In Boston eighty protestatit clergymen
signed a protest against prohibition nnd la
favor of high license Vihcn thu question -UBS
lu Polk county , Iowa , alone , the court
costs for last were $ ! IJG-II. , ( In Douglas
county , Nebraska , \\ltli double the popula
tion , the costs were S.1,000 ,
Ncaily every town of any size in South
Dakota has licensed original package houses.
'Jho state prohibitory law , however , ha very
stringent one. The local licenses aie Issued
by the city council.
There are flfty-onocounties In Nebraska
that have not a prisoner in Jail. In Iowa la
flfty-ono counties alonothev have moro pils-
onors la jail than there are In thoentira state
of Nebmska. And yetlowa has a prohibition
la\v. \
Rev Buss , formerly of Deadwood , South
Dakota , but now of Fremont , refused to join
theDcadwood "enforcement loaguo" bccauso
lie was eomlnced from personal observation
that the prohibitory law was a farce and
could not bo cufoiwd ,
At Topoln , Kns , . nfter the prohibitory law
ind gone into effect there were nine saloon
Iteopois put Into jail under a sentence of
ninety days. While these citizens ueroin-
carceiatcd , a tramp clement ODcnod twenty-
two "joints" on the second floors , in cellars ,
other places.
I'olIou-iusTlio Hr-n's Advice.
It is becoming evident tint people are not
milling to elect in" ! ! to ofllco even If they
pioiniso great reforms 1C their past rccoids
liiovc that they have been unfaithful in the
past. _
Ho i-rorccl It.
The Indoimidcnt folks ignitoda bombshell
\Uiea they Issued their manifesto aqainst
Genex-alVan WjcU. Ho came out with a
reply that shows up the true huurdness nnd
seltishncss of the whole independent move
ment. It was conceived and is being prose
cuted for selfish ends , nnd General Van
"WycU gives the facts and JlRures to prove It.
Trite Temperance ,
A'eJ/KiAii Ciljlltulvct ,
Theie is adiffcranco botwcon prohibition
aud temperance that isldstslshtof by many
advocates of the former. Coniparati\'dy few
aio not in favor of tcmporancs , but the
met bed of advancing It Is the cinso of tlio
difTcrcncu In opinions. Prohibition lias
failed to promote true temperance , but on the
contrary it has been proved , to increase
duiiikcnaess. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A Kanlc Confession.
n Jltali Ice Dimucmt.
The Chnmpiou of Progress , n prohibition
paper published at Sioux City , Ins the fol
lowing Item la it , while strong In its denun
ciation ol the saloon and the liquor tiafllc , ia
rank admission tlut oiohlbltioa docs notpio-
liiuit , but tint liquor hiloons nrurun In open
dcflauce of law. Hund the editorial paia-
The popular hell holoundcr Justices Folej'i '
oftlco Is becoming ( | iiltc a resort for many of
our thirsty citizens , oldandjouiiR , nndnijjlit
and dnj they can bo seen poui-inp into tlio
I > ftdoi , the place that leads to the depths ot
poulltioii. Tatlicrs and raotlicis are you
aw arc that these saloons uro alluring your
sons into the di ink habit ? i'cs , by watch
ing , imny of you can sec your sons entering
this den of vice and crinio as well ns many
more on tlio alleys and loss popular stieots.
London sandwich men have organised.
Now VorK has a Hebrew butchur- ' union
Dundee bo itbuihlers got 7 pence per hour.
ticrmuiy's bakers average $2 TO per week.
Mauy laborara in Italy amuiga 23 coats a
St. Paul's city SI < 0 for clglit
Newport , iud Moainouth , KnghncJ , boilermakers -
makers struck to suttio tno point whether
they 01 thu engineers shall do tlio angle iron
The 000 employes of the Woodburn-Sarvon
vhcel works , Indlaiiapolts , lad , have ie-
celvcd notice of a 10 per cent induction In
wane * .
The success oC tlio Co-Opemtho Tco com
pany /ormcd by the Clovoluid Imtclicrs lias
suggested n co-operative , soap , fertilizer and
tallow mill. * "
Cuba clgaunalters nuautiictuio a brand of
cigars worth ? - > UO a thousand \ \ holosnlo.
AVoith In the United btam $ > OJ u. boi OLJ | J
eath btiaig-lit.
Colonel K \ \ . lorrlion of the OroRon Tm-
piovoiiRut ( Oinpmy , said ntTaroiia that h-
boicrs wore scaixe , und that ho needed UW
men at $2,50 a day , '
Accoullng to Uio latest Nsuo of the ofllcl.ll
organ of the United llrolhcihoodof Car [ > cn-
Xicntonund Joiners the brothorliood lias now
Iwal unions , 5T .S07 member * lub.-nollt , and
9,000 , enrolled inotnburt. Chaitcr-i wcro
KiimtcJio ilftcunncwunioui during- the pio-
vlout month ,
ACImutauqua reading circle tins been or-
Canhed alScrlbiicr.
The grocery sloro of N. Vorheci of friend
has been attached unilor a mortgage.
The North Vlitlo roller mill Is forced to
run tivcnlj-four hours n day to supply Its
A Jehorncd row nltnclscd Vcrnon Plcolc of
Lyons nnd nearly killed Mm. Ho was uncon
scious Torn long time.
The clothing store of StonOitCo of Cen
tral Cllv was robbed of t-100 AWth of goods
by burglnw thoothcrnlBht.
Tlio Methodist Igpfocopal conference-meoU
nt liaiulolpli Dcecmucr B , II unit 4 , nnd an In-
torcitliifr progwinmo hiui been prep ired for
ttio occnslon. *
A trninp nnincil .lames Taylor fi-oni Pitts-
burgwns run over by the en n nt Scribncr
nnil o soierclj Injured that ono leg had to bo
amputated nt the ulp. '
A Hayes Center Minor sav * that Grandnip
ClmUloer , an old soldier who died tliiit
plucotlio other ilny , was tlio oldest ex-soldier
living bcfoni his demise.
A wnmnt ha < hcon Issued for the arrest of
J. 1 Cht'hou of Leigh for eniljozilliifr77 ,
the proceeds ofsaloaof uliullng twluo taken
on cointnlssloD rontract. Cistmly of Friend liiw solil n half
IntcRst lu hl trottliiK stallion , Uluuloy
Hurcli. to J.V. \ . Allsinan for $ , ' ,000. Tlio
horse has a record of 2 : a ! / .
The publication oftho Hed Wllow County
Tlmii nt Indlnnoln Is to lie ( llscontlnueti nnil
tlio iilntitMill bo removed to McCook und
coiibolldntcd with tlio Domocrat.
They had a colt show at Valley Iho other
day. Ono colt weighed only 100 pou.ids mid
another suckling ( VW pounds. A jourlliiK
weighed IV ( ) poundi , a twojcai'-old 1WO , !
ana a tlirco-ycai-oUl weighed 1f > " > ,
The farmers In the neighborhood of South
Sioux Ultj tmvoagreed tor.ilso2,000acrosor
sujrarliccts next so.won.and tbo inerchants
havopiiiirmtooil n bonus of 8150,000 in cash
and real cstnto If tl T. Oxnard will put In a
supar factory at that i > luco costing $ .VXI,000.
Cattle thlovci are worldnt ? quite exten
sively south of Salem , sajs the Vcrdon Vo-
dctte. They ai-obo bold tliat they kill tlio cat
tle in the posluiv , ditss them nnd haul them
BIT. 1'rcd N'ulk hva : lost eight or nine head In
this ttuy.Villlain llooioicpotta two ROIIO
In this war anil other farmers report from
ono to three-taken. The cltl/cni are becom
ing aroused andu hnngiiicor shootlnf ; sccno
will probably be tbu next Item of news fiom
TlioinasUennlson , the former section foie-
man on tlioB. & M. at Greenwood , Is having
a bushel of trouble. IILs chughtcr was
killed by the fljcr while Dennlson was work
ing for the cotnpiny at Greenwood , ho re
signed his position and sued the company ,
finally coroiiroinlshiR for $1,000 A few Uavs
ago ho was arrested \Veopliig Water for
obtaining money under fiilso pictonsos nnd
taken to Lincoln , where ho paid the bill , SiO.'i
and costs and .is allowed to RO. Hois now
suing the Missouri 1'aclflo for jS.OOO foe pur-
mtiiicnt injuries roccUcd nt the lianas of that
A noxv electric liKht plant Is behifj put in at
A jouth living ncarUrccne tips the
at TUO pounds.
An Atlantic linn iMll ship 7,000 bushels of
potatoes to the eastern maikot.
The managon of the Dos Molncs club talk
of erecting a club house to cost { 100,000.
A possum was captured whllo makinp n
raid on n chicken coop near Oskaloosa the
other day.
The criminal docket of the Clinton county
court was so luigo that thcjudgo had to hold
a Sunday mssion to dear It up.
Samuel McNutt of Muscatlne , recently ap
pointed consul to Maracailo , has tired or ms
post and vlll resign. He can't stand the cll-
niatc ,
Maquoltctu people nro at work securing a
fund sutHUcnt to inOuc-e Francis Murphy to
( jo there und gr\o \ them u few talks ou 'tern-
John Gibson , a resident of Red Oak for
twenty years , died Saturday of typhoid foxer
In his seventy-third jear. His estate isat -
ued nt § 30,001) ) .
ThoTumi Indians recenod their nnnulty
tbo other day The pay roll contained 40J
names and each Indian received flii.79. 'i'ho
tribe Is increasing.
Thq total utton Janco for the Uventy-threo
dayb that the Ottumwa coal palace vns open
was 4btho ! ) , ixvciago daily nUciiduma
beiiiK2,07'.l. On the day of tlio president's '
x isit ' 1\K , > tickets wcro sold.
A ncddlng took jilico near Waterloo the
ether evening , and lu the morning seventeen
beer kegs , piled In a plctuicsquo pyramid In
frontof the residence of the brido'i parents ,
ooro evidence tint tbo affair hud been u glit
tering social success.
A little child of Adolph Flo IT , living four
miles cast of liailj , mot death In u peculiar
manner the ether day The little one xxas
plnyiig uround a plow when lu some way the
Implement upset , the handle filling across
tlio child's throat and causing death by stran
Tlio semi amiuil statement of the llotnnii
Catholic ISIutusil Protective Society of lomi
slio\\8tho present membership to bo 2OiO.
U u.u nrpani cd in IBTXt and lias had 120
deaths since organization , costing each mem
ber ) . It has paid to beneflclailes the
sjm of179l' 0.
Thcio aio at present 11 vlnp Intlio Alaishall-
toxvtisoldius' liouio iioicssthan Jive robust
old voluruns , nil of x\ horn liavo rounded up
moio than four scoio yc.ii-s > . They ansxvor to
the loll cdl as folloxx's1 Keubeu Bunco ,
Comtnnv U Piist lena cavalry , eiflhtv-ilvo
jeard , Thomas Little , Company G , Tlilrty-
seventh Iowa iiifnntiy , olchtv-threo ycais ;
JohnI ICnapp , Company ( J , Thirty-seventh
Jowiiltif-uitry , elghtv-four years ; Anthony
Martin , Company G , Thlity-seventh loxxu
Inftmtiy , eighty-sevenycms ; lllrain Loomls ,
Coinmiiy 1) ) , Thiity-ioveutn Iowa infantry ,
cighty-niuo years.
The saying that inhfortunes nox-cr como
singly has a snd x'crlllc.xtioa In the list of
alllictlons xxhlcu have bof.illcn a Dubiiquu
familj within the pist xxec-k , The other
afternoon the two yiar-olil boy and thivt-- ( ? iil of Nicholas Br.inut overturned
a pan of hot water upon thcinselx'ci , both
dying from the scalds. The mother his
boon icndeied insane by this great grief
coming ou the heels of their troubles , for al
most immediately prupding the accident tlio
father was strucic by a timber intho saxx'-mlll
where \\oilojiiuu had p.irtofliis chin and
several teeth toui away , and lilsngutl mother ,
xxbo xtns vlsltingnt the unhappy homo on
the day of the scalding , tinned bur uiildo
hllo wiilldiigubout the room und broke ono
of tbo bones.
Tliotounof Ilrooklyn Is xx-orked up ox-er
the scandalous actions of : i prominent demo
cratic politician , xvlio has ovorstoppi-d the
bounds of pioprlotv and has brought liimsdf
and family into dlsgr-K-e. The in.m Is a IIKI-
ch.intlii tlio toXMi and for about a year has
icntod tbo rooms oxer hUstoro to adress-
liialtcr , who is connected \xlth n good family
und \xlio xas supposed to bo strictly rosncct-
nblc. The daughters of the merchant have
for nOino time suspected that all \\.is not
right , -ind the otror cxonlng , when they biuv
then- father iiiaking tracks for the upper
fclory In a mysterious , xvay , they surrounded
the building to prevent lib csc.ipo niiil col-
hi-ed him in u compromising position ,
brought him to the pix'omont and exposed
him to the passrrsby , Noarrcstt have been
made The scandal Is all ttio xvorso bccauso
the man it. a member of the school board , and
has been n moinbor of the democratic county
icnlriil commlttCH fora number of years.
Tlio Two l > ukotH.
" \Vork hnscoinmoaa'd on Rapid Cltj's gas
plimt ,
School t achcis nro in demand In the Hlnclt
The innihiiinry of the Yaimtou cement
ioiItsvlll lie tuiloit this uuk. :
A sliver tip lieiir , woighliig dressed Ifi0 (
pounds w.n killed in thu 1 illicit Hills thu
other day.
Sturgis his received 01 flr from the state
auditor as tlio peicentngo duo the lira ilomitt-
meiit from liisuuncc compiulca for buslnetis
done In Sturgia during 14VI
A. O. I'mislta , llxlng at Norway , In tbo
northern pirt of "Yankton county , htrnclc
gold xxhllo digging nix ell. The assay ottlco
ut ICniild C'lty sayrt it xvill yield onocamrtor
of un 0111116 of gold to tuo ton , or a tilllo
over { . " > .
It 1 < announced that a sjndloato has lately
boon fonntd In London , .England , for the pur-
iioso of liiMatiut In Illack Itilu property.
'Jho sjiidiato A > as f < iuuea for the purpo-ioor
buying up some seventy tin clulms and also
ether mining Interests In the Hills , Ail
ugout Is noxv ou the \\ay tooxumlno the
the proportion , niul xnouldlhov prove as rei > .
resenteU will close the deal nt 011:0.
Dr. C. A. Kastmim. tlio nowlv nppolnted
government phjslclnn for the I'liio llldgi' In-
dlan money , Is a full blooded Sioux Indian.
IIo H twenty-thico yeirs of ngc , a Rmdunto
of D.irlmouth college nnd Uo thoUo'toniinl *
vorsltv of niMllelno. It Is en
record wlioro an Indian lias been upiiotiitcd
as government physician.
13. M. Kinder * , n Mxtcen-yixwolil t > ovat j
blruu PnlU , opened the new safe of Mliino'J
hahn county the other day and won $10.'f \ \
method of operation \\M \ M follows : I'uttlrk
his cir to the lock ho liognn to turn the u heel.
HiHWisltUo ear eatiKht every full of thu
tumbler , lorward niut biukwiuil aud oroiiiid
ho turned the \\liec-l \ , the sr-ootators looklnc
onwith brcathle Interest. In n very few
minutes the lost turn was iimiio nnd thovouni *
man with a srnllo swung open the luipj door
which WIN the only safeguard to tbo count ) i
Eillc K lie f so n , a prosperous fiirmer living
In the Ixino Hock neighborhood , Moody
county , died Inst spring , llli widow was
appointed administratrix of thooHtnte. .At
the tlmo of hli douth ho hud OaKi-ilnotl for u
nlcooof land foi wlilih ho was to pay $1,000 ,
but has not paid for It. Mis. IHkhtont \
out of tins year's crop * pild for the land ,
having raised nearly enough llax on that
Idontlc.vl pleco to pay for It. .tmlgo 1'nitt -I
says she lias handled the buslnuss of tbo I
estate hi far better slmpo than the avoniRti Ju m
administrator nnd that the Instances nro veiy "v W
rarowhoro tbo accounts haui l > een kept lu in
Coodshapoas Mrs. ICIoltson hiisilono.
A snd accident happened ono afternoon
last week nt tlio farm ofV I , Horton ,
twenty miles northeast of llufCiilo tiiip Tmi
of hli children , ono nbout three UMI-S of ngu
and the other nbout two , vero pli.\ingln tbo
h.irn , and. It U supposed , by the use of
matches , thpy set tlio hay on fin ? , wntoh luul
gained consldcntblo headway when the
llames reached sonio dymniito cuitiidgos
and caused an explosion. Mr Morton was
In the Hold nt tlio tlmo when the o\ploil ii I
attracted bis attention. IIo nail his hired f
man made , nil speed to the barn , butbe.'oro '
they could got thcro the ontlrn building was '
\viiiiied | [ in flames , The elder of the l\\o
children bad esoapod from tbo bum and i
said Lillian was In tbo b.nn. Alter the ihii 1
had been subdued the rctmlns of Uio llttlo
ono \\ero found , burned beyond recognition.
All of Mr. Horlou's buildings , grain , etc. ,
\vci-ocoii3umcd , amountlii-j to about $100.
Tilt : T.I litter ix i-'jt.ixci : ,
CoiiiinoiilB ontholtlll nail Its LVmlldo
InvnlUlit ) .
ICopj/Hj/it / Itv bu James ( Ionian Hcnnttl\ \
PAIIIS , Oct. 20 pCcw York Herald Cabio
Special to Tiir n i : i ! ] Apropos of the de
fects la tbo McKlnlcy bill whldi imy pre
\cntlts having- the forte of a luw unless It H
passed by congress , IM Jnqucs yunt-C'ero , in
this morning's Figaro , siys that , while
franco Is of COUKO Interested In the milter ,
her Interests are not so great as most peuplo
suppose it to be. Fiencb expoita to tlw
United States uro for Iho most pirt ailiclcs
of luxury consumed by the rkb. xho will
eontlnuo to purchase them no nutter u hat
they may cost. On tbecontrirythobIlhMil , In
directly benefit 1'ranco by injruing Ocim.iuj ,
as the most of the American exports from
thatcountiy nroof a sort which Amcucnni
will hosltato to purchase should they bo aug
mentcd In prico. Blr. .Tiicquos S.ilnt Ore
hints that an easy ay to rotnlnto on the
United States for the McKlnloy bill mil bo
through the American innur.inco compmies ,
which , In ifr.incoiihmedoabuslncss , of 15,1X10 ,
000 francs nyear. These companies , ho asset Is ,
are not submitted to the sarao la\\s \ tint are
applied to I'Ycuch companies , and to npplj
these laws , ' notably those which icimiio
Prcncb Insurance companies to Invest In
French rentes and railway bonds , woulif'
force them to withdraw from thocountiy.
The great sensation of the woolc has been
the dispatch , published In the I'.irls edition
of the Llui-ald , announcing tlio possible In
validity of the McKinley bill. M , Lockro , ) ,
formerly minister of commerce , was tutor *
viewed by a Herald correspondent. JIo sill d :
"It Is the most oxtraordimirlly careless legis
lation I ever heanl of so stnnpo that I can
scaicely bcllovo it. " Being asked what
action ho thought Franco ought to tnlie , ho
said : "Woshould , abo\c all , refrain from do-
dating economic war ngnlnst the United
States. Ifo did bo , thereby following the
solllsbadvico iireforrixl our government by
England , \\o should bo merely pnllltig
the chestnuts out of the lira for the f
benefit of British and German commerce. fT
The fact is our commeico is less altcctcd W
the bill than that of our neighbors , nnd wo
should hold aloof oven If all the othci na
t'.ons ' of Kuropo unite in co.ilitlons iig.ilnht
the United States nnd invite us to loin them.
J'estlno quo nous no flovons pas nous Her
\ls-u-vls des miti-es intlons
\ - - Europcencs par
des concessions mutiicllcs. L'Ainorlcxuo ct la
Fmnco pou\cnt s'cnteiidro. _ /
US ? " Do not confuse THE
with any other Company
of apparently similar name ,
but less magnitude.
Bear in mind that thete
is no Life Insurance com
pany called " The New
York Mutual Life " and
that there is no Life Insur
ance Company chartered
by the State of New York , -
authorized to use the
word MUTUAL in its title
Subscribed and eiuarnntuod Capital..I'lW.OOO
1'ald InOupltal M000
Iliiyi mm soli * itooln and bonilsj iioRnll itoi
cnmrncralitl pupors recolvu ami oAicutos
trustsnetsa ; transfer nitcnt and truculent
corporations , talios uliarK ot property , ool-
Omaha Loan&TrustCo
S. E. COP. 10th encl Douglas Sta.
I'nlil In Capital . . - I M.roO
Buluorlbed a ml CJunrnntuea U.ipltal. , . . 100,001
Liability of btooklioliUM. IW.COO
51'erCcnt IntorcHl I'uhlmi Oopn tli.
1 HANK.I. J.ANOI.Uuslilor.
Offlo r ! AU. . Wjmnn , pri-Hti ent. J. J. llrown ,
vlco-prosliloiil , W. T , Wytnnn , Ireiisnrpr.
Dlructorii A. U. Wyinau , J. II. billiard , J. J.
Brown , Quy O. lliirlon , n. W Null , TLwuJ
U. KlmoalC Guorge It ,