r 8 THE OiAIAHA DAILY BEEI : SATURDAY , OOTOBEE 25 , 1890. THE CITY. Turkish lnth 75 cents tit the uatn- torlum. Ladles nnil gentlemen. Tlm rcjjuliir monthly meeting of tlio Milkmen H iiBsocintlon will bo held nt \VolfTn hull this owning. A number of new tin poll boxes will bo needed at the forthcoming election find County Clerk O'Mtilloy Is arranging to have them mntlo. Tha docket of the United Slates court for the November term has boon put in tlio hands of the printer nncl will bo ready for distribution early next week. .Tunic's Stcphcnwn Thursday din- charged ono of IIIH man who had refused to register mid olnlmoJho had no inter * cat In the election and did not euro to veto. Htophensonsiiys ho has no use for a mtm who won't excreta ) the privileges Of his c'ltl/C'DSllip. Prof. Hex ford cngrvjjcd in a quarrel with Mrc. Morroll , wife of Morroll , the tailor , In the old Planters' house ye.stcr- dnran lihiCl ) ] ) ] ) her in the face. Mor- roll en mo in teen iiftor and a Hacked Ilex- ford. They Avero both-arrested and taken to pollco court , whore the details of the trouble were icclted. I'olorF. , the three-year-old son of C. U. Tlwher , ono of the bent known pnssen- tfer ontflneois in the employ of the Union Pacific , died of pneumonia Thurs day afternoon at the family residence , coruor of Fourth and Uiineroft sheets. The funeral took plaoo yesterday after noon. Interment at Forest Lawn. The replevin suit brought by Jimmy Lindsay to recover the $1W sluko money l > ut up'with E/.ra P. Siivngo to guaran tee the light with John Wlikes , did not bring forth any gold. The papers wore nerved hut not a cent was found. Lind- Bay has now commenced u civil suit that will conio on for lii'Mring before Justice Morrison next Monday. Kd INcnl , the condemned murderer , continues to receive smmrb baskets .of fruit nnd sumptuous dinners from his demi-momlo love. A particularly bi feast lias been piomiscd him from the fiiuno source for today , the day upon which ho was to bo huiir. { But the fol low is growing thinner , paler and inoro liollow-cycd every day. lie doesn't feel BO buro of favorable news from the KU- prcmo cotirL as ho did , The ground for aia bcallold has been all staked oil. Hood's Sar-sap.irilla has a steadily Increas Inif popularity , which can only bo won by nn article of real merltUlve it a tri.d. IMIOIUIUT1ON IN KANSAS. It Is AVorklnj : Iiicnlonlnblc Injury to the State- . Mr. P. R Franco , ono of the oldest settlers of Lincoln county , Kansas , ariived In the city yesterday morning with his 'invalid daughter , who will bo treated here. Mr. 1'r.uico Is a fanner nnd nlso deals In stock nnd grain. Ills postofllco address Is Sylvan Grove. In order to secure facts from n temperate , Kentloinmi whoso whole interests tire in the state of Kansas , a ropoiter for TUB HUB interviewed Mr. Franco. "Whllo I care nothing for liquor In any form " said Mr , France "I , , am not a prohibi tionist , although 1 might linvo been onohml I not witnessed with my oun eyes tbo condtiot of tbo people \\lio are now preaching the doc trine. For instance , I will give you ono ex ample : A man has been employed hy tlio temperance association at a lareo sahtry and expenses. Ilo is a lawyer and lives in my town. 1 know him , nnd know him thoroughly , Ho is said to bo the man who preached the lirst sermon in Lincoln county , and nlso killed the ilrst wblto man. For years ho was a drunkard , abused his family , chasing them out Into the cold many a night. Ho has been accused of a number of crimes , and was cs- carted out of u court room by the sheriff on order of the court for heing a nuisance. Tin 0110 out of many. I simply class tlio Ilk thnt is wording in this locality as reformed toughs and granules. "In Sylvan Grove the saloons Imvo norcr been closed. In .Lincoln , the county scattho enloonkccpors Imvo been run out. It was caused by the druggists , who sold such awful rotgut that men would Ret insuno and stag- per about the streets. Tlio bliimo was always laid to the saloons , but since they have closed tboro la'as much drunkenness as there was before. "Wo have bootleggers and 'dead soldiers' nil over the county , [ Iho Mead soldier1 moans u jug of whisky.J Kuch train brings in a number of Mead soldiers' . The bllllnrd Sailors all soil very stronp 'teinpcnmco' ' rlnk.s. "Tho fact of tbo mutter is thnt the solid business men cf the state are now convinced that prohibition has Injured the Interests of us farmeis , and they tire leaving the state as rapidly as they can got out. Without the farming and stock industries of Kansas tbo etnto u ould amount to nothing. ' The brewers nnd distillers nro boycotting ICniHits Krwln. and that Is another severe blow to us. AVe must violate our manhood to secure liquor of n third rate grade and pay two prices for It at that. In fact , \vo are paying out our money to build up Kansas City. ' 'Hut the prohibitionists are making n des perate light. Tlio suffragists talk it nnd the preachers preach it from the pulpit. " "How about politics in your locality ! " aslicil tbo reporter. "Well , I am unite positive the alliance will elect ovcrj thing. " "How Is the alliance on prohibition I" "Perfectly silent. " Ctttteiuof Onm/ict < i ( Inline anil abroad tlunM reintmlicr that tlie remaining ii/8 { / / iruMmlfon are Vrtduu , October 31 , atulSatunhiu , Xuvcm- tier I , _ A Trj-at I'or Artists. Tlio varied beauty oftho scenery nlong tlio nwjcstie Iludbtm uiitl through tbu lovely valleys of the Mohawk and tlio Gonesseo , touched by thu soft nutmminl tints , i meats u journey by the Now York Central with 11 peculiar charm to per- eons of nrlisllu tumporument. Eight mngiilllucntly appointed pas- Boiijror trnin'b leave . -tulTnlo dully for New York and Boston , making direct con nection with tlio fast trains of the Lake Slioro , Michigan Central and "Big Four" ruuto. Cntcetis of Omaha , ut h < > mediilabronili > > ioiiM reinanticrthnt tlie rcriiantiiiliis ( ( / tcutitruttan are Friday , Octuber 31 , and Satuiilauorcm - Lert. DlHtrlot Court , Upon thocdnvcningof court this morning Judge \Vakely will hand down decisions in tlie following cases tried nt this term of the district court : Winch va Ilowinan , The liar- ret tminuractuilug company vs The Oinuha prnnlto rooting company , Wilson vs lllako , Kennedy vs The First Uiiptlst chureh , Thedo va X.loiucr , Guild va Donny , Keick vs Wood- bruise , Taylor vs llorton , McNamara vs Kdwurds , Disbi'ow va Case und ICalin vs Ilelliuan , The cnso of P. J. Creodon against Frank Murphy was commenced In Judge * Doane's court yesterday nftornoon. Oreodon issuing for the recovery of fc,000 ? which ho alleges was expended by him in preparing plans and apcclllcatlons and for material furnished for Murphy's residence , a ( Twenty-second street mnd St. JIary' , avenuo. The advance sale for ' 'An Irishman's Love'1 specialty conipiny , which opens a four nights1-engagement at tlioGraiul on Sunday evening next , will commcnco tins morning1. It will prove to bo ono of tha strongest and most plcturaiiuo Irish drumai over scon la Omitin. Not the lo.ust among the company Is Little Dot Clarendon , with her pleasing specialties. Wr. J. P. Murray , representing Frank Daniels1 ' 'LUtlol'uok" company , which Is at thollovd on the last thrco nights of next week and Sunday , November 1 , is In the city , Mr. Murruy styles hU star the "droll won. reh of faroo comedy , " and says ho has the brightest and prettiest comedy company now traveling In America , Turkish llnttiH 7 < Cents Atthonatatorluin. Ladies and gentle- men. JUSTICE. nrcatl ntul Water I3ntcr ImrRolr Into tin : Dosrs. Judge Helilcy's "dander rlz" yesterday when ho looked over the grist that was gath ered for his hHpectlon. There worn several faces that had hecu there frequently during the past few wcolcs and the complaints of the Jnllors to the effect that then ) was ft good sized gang of worthless characters who wow bent on making the city Jail their homo seemed to bo based on facts. The Jailors claimed thnt the faro nnd accommodations \veio altogether too good for these fellows , aud besought the court to clncn them harder. Ills honor was impiessed with the Justice ot the pica ? nnd did cinch the culprits , to the yrcat satisfaction of Jailor Hobout. There were no inoro city Jail sentences , as every ono sentenced went over the hill and r > adi mittimus bore the Inscription " 13. & Vft" which may rcadilr lo Interpreted to mean "bread and water. " "Keddy" Moron , the leader of a gang of young sneak thieves , was given thirty days , one-third of which will boon limited diet. I'rcO Sly , another of the gang , was given ten days on bread and water. John Doc , Iloitoii Urccn , Ilcnrv Smith and .f. W. Hall wcw each civon similar dose * . Hall Is nn ox-convict , wjio was sent to the penitentiary from thw city for highway roll- l > ery nnd was rolratcd about , i year ago. Shico that tltno 1m has served covernl Jail Hcntf-nccs for larceny. Smith Is hli partner and Is a notorious "strotig-arm" man , or sandhnggcr and thug , John Welso , a vag , was given twenty min utes ( o get out of ttio city under a suspended thhty days' Jail sentence. Cook's Kstra Dry Impulal Chimp ino li naturally fermented ; , there Is nothing in It but the Juice of tlio grapes. Try it. Clttzciunf Omaha , at home antl atn-cail sioiiJ ? ( renumber Unit the t cnuttiitng day * uf rruMratton tut I'rtiliTj , October , u.ul Saturday , Xovcm- bcr t. _ Hoard of Public AVorks. Ah interested crowd of spcctator.s attended the meeting of the board of public ! works yoj- tenlay afternoon. There was a gr.i/ling con tract and two sewer con tracts to bo lot. For grading Ijtghth street from Douglas to Dodijo , McICing & Hall got the contiact nt 11W ! cents per jnrd. The contract for constructing the sewer In district I'M was awarded to Prank Li. Ileevci &Co , , and In district 123 to.MoOavock & Dallcy. Tlio following estimates were allowed : Fanning At Slnvln , grading Seventh avenue from Williams to I'iao street , $ : i. .l3 : dls- trltt Ko. 1-1 , Chicago and Twenty-ninth streets. $ rC5.i'J : ; district 10 , Hamilton , Pleas ant and Thirty-sixth streets , I'D. ' ) : > : J ; district 111 , Oaldwcll and Seward streets , 81'Jl.oo ; Tv.'cltth street Irom Center to Bancroft , § , ' 110.50 ; Kd Phelan , grading Twenty-fourth street from Hurt to Cumlng. SC'.no ; I'icrco street from Twentieth to Twenty-seventh , S 'Jl.yO ' ; Pleasant street from l-arnam to Lcnvcnworth , ilDO.il.'i ; Samuel ICatz , grading St. Mary's avenue from Twenty-sixth to Twenty-seventh stieet , SIM.TO ; Ed Phelan , grading Ames avenue from U'hhtleth street to riorence avenue aa < l IMxton uvoniio from Twenty-fourth to Thirtieth street , Sl/JoJ.'JJ ; Hugh Murpliv , curbing Locust street from Thirteenth to Sherman avenue , fcl.-UJS.b.1 } ; the Barber asphalt company , paving Ilinuoy street from Sherman avcnuo to Twenty- fourth street , $15-17. > . -0 ! ; Twenty-ninth ave- nun from Lciivcnworth to Half Howard street , $ liiiiiU ! ! ; Wool worth avcnuo from Twenty-ninth street to Twenty-ninth avenue , { : it > 3i.i ; > 7i Hickory street from Twenty- ninth street to Twenty-ninth avenue , ] y,8I0.71 ; Twenty-third street from Capitol avenue to north line of the alloy south of Buit street , Sl'-VWO.SO ; Thirty-first street , from Ponplotoa avenue to Pucitlo street. § 1- 12J.TO ; Thirtieth avenue , from Popploton avenue to Mason street. SS.ri5.05 : 1'acillo street , from Twenty-ninth avunuo to Thirty- second btrcct , ff.urrt.JT ; Hugh Murphy , pav ing Locust sti'cct from Thirteenth to Shcr- nian avenue , fVJSO.-lO : J. B. Smith\fc Co. , paving Twenty-second street from California street to Cuniing.SD.SSO.y Lake street fx-om vaFshsowerli district . ; Ha" niann & McDonald , sewer on Tenth street f rom .Tuckson to Jones , $310.70 ; Charles K. Fanning & Co. , extension of North Omaha sewer from Twenty-fifth aad Eiskinio street to Cameron street , $7,541.29 , ; J. 0. Corfoy , re pairs on catch basins , $537.8. ! ; F. L. Keevcs & Co. , sewer on Thirtieth btrcet from Burtto Webster , $1,131.0' ] ; L. H. Tower & Co. , curb ing Thmy-iir.it street from I'oiipletou avenue to 1'aeillc street , § 7SB.5 ! ) . For repairing pavement on Leaven woith street east of Thirty-llftb , the work was per formed by the street coin miss loner , nnd the amount , $ IU. charged up against the reserve of McIIugh & McUnvock , the original con tractors , who refused to make the repairs. The sidowHllt estimate duo Kd Burns for the month ending September 13 was allowed , At a previous meeting this estimate was held out on Burns because bo bait not laid the walks according to contract , Since thoa ho has gone over tlio work , nmdo the changes and now gets hio money. Through coaches Pullman palace sleepers , dining-cars , free reclining chair curb to Chicago and intervening points via the great Rock Island route. Ticket cilice 1U02 , Sixteenth anil Furnain. Army Notes. Private Stoddard , acting hospital steward on duty at Fort Lincoln , has been transferred to Port D. A. Uusscll , In the department of the PUlto , and another acting hospital steward will shortly arrive at Fort Omaha for duty at that post. Sergeant Llnchan , Company I , Seventh in fantry , attached to Compmy A , Seventh In fantry , nt Camp Pilot Hutto , has boon or dered to proceed to Harrisburg , Pa. , for duty on recruiting service. ScrgoantChretien , Company I , Seventeenth Infantryattached , tlCompmy Cot the same regiment , at Port D. A. Ilussoll , Ins been ordered to proceed to Detroit , Mich. , for duty on recruiting service. The detailing of the extra non-commissioned ofllccrs of Companies I and 1C , who nro attached to other companies until vacancies occur , is considered a verv .Rood inovo on the part of the Avar dep.irtment and will bo appreciated by those detailed. During the month of September sixteen enlisted nion belonging to regiments serving in the Department of tbo I'lattc. npnlied for their discharges under1 recent order from the war department. Tea received furloughs from ono to three months duration. The other six were discharged without fur loughs. ( icnerafOrookc , accompanied by Lieuten ant Hoe , A. U , C. , loft yesterday to meet ( jcncrnl Allies at Arlington , Nob. , for con sultation on affairs pertaining to the military department commanded by General lirooko Ordnnnco Sergeant Martin , stationed nt Fort Du Chcstie , has been granted a furlough until April Ifl.lbOl. 1'irst Lieutenant Abcrcrombe , nt Foil Omaha , has been granted a sick leave for two months , with permission to apply for four mouths extension. Baking Daed In Million * ot norats 401'cirs the Standard. * K. A , Oruhnrili Ctirpot , fiirnittiro nnd tlrnpory , Str. AVclntor'B DntO" . Hon. John L. . Webster la nnnouncod to spcnlc on the prohibition question At Oiniitiu BiittuMay ovcnlntj. \VcitPolittncxt.Moiitlay ho" will raako n political address ; also At ninlr Tuesday evening. At South Sioux City Wednesday evening of next week , At Nebraska City Motulny , Kovotnber 3. 'llio Accounts nro Corroot , Dr. AV. O. HodKcrii ot this city , n promi nent member of the MoJorn Woodmen of .America , ngnlnst tlio bend oftlccr of 'wiilcb so tint ch has been tclcgrniihed from rbleago , clmixlni ; him with orookctlncs1 * in his ne t-omits , received u telegram yesterday morning M follows : ( liiorKofj. Mnrehaml. Illinois imbllonwtlllor nnd uucimiitntil. j-Mli'wlay HiiHii'il oxiuiilna- tlon of llctitlCoiiHitl Hooft Modern nodiiicn liinl < s vovt > rlnir tlm poilnl fimn tliuijntcnf iirRiuit/itiinii In I"J ( li > October , ! > * ' ) I. Ilo cur- titles tlii'iu t.olwoorit'ut. with iiishirtu ) onr ciiors. They nitipu with tliu lOcl ) > - * of thu scc- iTtary jintl'iiru u coiniili'to vliiiilcntluti nf limit. " Ilioy jirovn Unit tlio i-hursrs if ) Iho ro- tnovocl ollluor. P. Molvlniilo , liuvu boon fiilso uiulvllhoiit foiiiiiliitlon. This < 3 q nmttciof considerable interest to members of Iho onloi1 In this city , us tbo chiifKua of cornipttnn hnvo been freely nmdo by MeKiimlo und clrculuted through the I'ics.s ' iissocititlons. _ Clttztut of Omaha at htimc unit aliroml ftimilil itmctnlnr tliat the icmanlitliui \ < < f rryMitttlun ait J-V Way , Oilitlicr Jl , tiiul Siiturtlcii.Yorcm / , - bcr / . The TolOBi-niili War. There Is HO change In tbo situation in tele- grnihio | circles Tlie operators who wciu discliarjed by the V catcni Union on account of their brother hood proclivities have nil gone to work either for tbo postal or the railroad companies. The force at the Western Union bus been reduced by the discharge of brotherhood men to the loivcst point possible without doln prcat tluniago to the sorvleo and no ftu'thor Ulitniss.iH ave expected by tbo operators for the present at least. The griuvnnccs of tbo brotherhood arc bo- IIIR consldoi-ed by thouxcciitlvu council of tbo brotherhood and no fuither net Ion will betaken taken until that body reaches 11 decision. V inculliiK of the operators uf thu city will beheld at ( Soodrluli null Sund.iy to consider mutters pcrttiiiihij , ' to tbo trouble. Citizens nf Omn/utiit / home and iibroai ! s/niuM / rfitrinl/frf/iiil / Die mmilnfiiiifittjoreuMratton / / are VrldiiVt Odubcr Jl , and tSatttiitay , Aurcm- bcr 1. Denver Is to have a new union depot. EUROPE'IS ADVANCE OF AMERICA , g Is more marked Hunt tlio xicnt nil- v.'inco iif Kunipo of Ameilcu In the treatment o ( Thro.it , I.iini ? iincl Catarrhal diseases. Siaiiy iiavc liiiuncl ( ( Iho ren'-on , but llioec - 10 ! Is duo to the f not ) that In Europe thqy cin- ploy JVdtiirc's rctnedlt's and notiircpdriij picii nutloiis. It li this whluh lias iiimlo so many ottholr springs notorious. 1 laces llko Sodcn me tlirungo < \\ith visitors , but all cannot go totho-soilosftnblo placox , and lliosijho can not , but n ho are sulVurln fiuin Tlnnat and LUIIR clNcusus , can carry the spring around with them In tliulr vest pocket In llio i > lmpoof llttlo tioohos , The Soden Mlncinl Pastilles nio uiiliosltntlngly recommended by Sir Mor- iell Jlnekeiuie. Dr. Koch and other famous imperial physk'laiis. ThcbOUll euro \vhcn other rcMUftlci fall. Obtain only the pcnutno imported article , which must Imvo the sli/iintmc / and recom- niemlutlon of Sir .Morroll Mackenzie wlthoach bov. Is'mio oilier iinmoiinlno. Drs. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , WOO DOUOLx AB STH.E.ET OMAHA. NEB , The most widely nnd favorably knows gpoc- lallsti la the United States. Their lees * ei- petlonoe. renurkahlo skill nnd untrerial sue- oeii In the treatment nml cura of Nerroui , Ohronloand SurKle l Dlqoasei. entitle thesB eminent physlcliini to tlio full confidence of the adllotod every where. They cuarnntoe : A OKHTAIN AN ! ) I'OSITtVE CUBE for the awful effects of early vice und tb nutncr- oui orlls that ( ollovr In its train. PHIVATK. I1LOOI ) ANU HlilN DISEASES tpecdlljr , ooniplotfly and nornmnontly cured. NKllVfauB nEIJIMTV AND BI3XOXL Disl OIlDKItSyloldreudlly tothotr ikllltul treat ment. l'ILE9 , FISTULA AXI ) UEOTAL ULOEH9 Ruaruntoed cured without pala or detention from hujlnosi. HVDUOUELB AND VAIUOOOELK perma nently nnd aucofssfiilly cured In every case , 8V1MIILIS. UONOKIIIICA. QLEEl1 , Sper- mntorrhoa. Seminal Weakness , Lout Alanliood , Night Enilaalnas , Deonyi'd Faeultloa , Fenialo "tVeaUnesi and all dollcata disorder * pooullnr tOBlther BOX poxltlroly uur.ul , as well as nil functional disunions that result from youth ful follleu or the excess of inaturo yean. CfPIfTHRl ? Ouiiranteod ponnanantly ol IMVjl U1\L. cured , removal con iilcto. without cutting , cuiistlo or dilatation. Onre * affected ut homo by pntlunt without a mo- citiit's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MtN. A QIIDR niUIJTho awful offeota of n OUJIjjJ ( KU oaily vice which brings orfr.inlo weakness , dostroyln ? both mind and liody , with all Its dreaded ills , pornmuoiity cured. IM RFTT Addre jtho o who hare Im- 1 1\O. UL.11O paired thoinselvi's by Im proper Indulgencn nnd solitary habits , which ruin both mind and body , unfitting them far business , study or marriage * . MAKHIED MEN or tlui e cntorlnjon that happy life , aware of physical debility , quickly oislstod. Ii based npon faoU. Flrit Praotloal eiporl- enc * . titcond Brory case I specially ituultd , thus ( tartlni right. Third Medicine * are prepared In our laboratory exactly to ault ten case , thus effecting cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STRFF.T. - OMAHA. NEB. ELECTRIC BELT .wmuuwmnnY tWEAXMEN iIt r U , OXJXUa by tbli Niw gtlT ( | ) D JgjpJHJQiu _ . XlaJe for tbliipttlQepur. fat , C rt l Utxrttlid Vtttk ii , llrlmrrfrlr , KIIJ , h .lk. ( r. C alUuoB CirrvBU of Elertntllv IbrouKti ill WKiC riKTH. tlitorUi Ih.m to U > t LTII Mil t lltllll H KTKRilUTII KUelrl * ( urrviil r.lt In.liillj , or we forfeit f S.UO ) In CMb. HILT and Intt kurT C pl lo ti. ft 4 BD. H oril rilta f r * "iy DinKLIOTRriO CO. " . ' ' Ualllo lK"HltAli5l' ! | ' . Prlmirir , Soccniliii-y or Tcrtiurr permnncnlly cumj InlOloti ) dajn.Yucllmlruti ill iwlton fium tl.o ijilcin , 10 Hint theiu can nrxr l > o a return r ( tlie dl > - ore In any fomu rattle * con ko trtiKcl at ) cme , ( for - mfm Mil 4 > ( tmo euar.-ui II W at II II I ( I > tec , ( but vltli tlia > uvltoira X W fplll I V fer to tonio litre , > vo UlIl I i i 1 1 1 I II contract la tare tlifm or * Vr rofiiiul all nicney ami pay entire cipeiuw of coming1 , railroad ( alt aid hottl lull * . Wo rlitllciiffe Iho orM for a iao vo tin not lure. Mention Ihln Mrrr. 4dilm > , JJJC llEilKin' CO , Omti/m , JNilrua/-u. Offlce St. OlnlrllotM Cor , Htli anil DoilgySt ' ' 'FEMALFBEANS' The Majority Of so-callcil couKh-ctitcs ilo little more than linii.ilr the illRoslho ( inictlona ami create bile. Aycr's uiirrry rcctoral , on tlio con trary , wlillc It cotes the cough , Uocs not In- tcrlcrolth ttit ftiticllons of cither stomacher or liter. No ullur nu'illclnc Is so satu ami enicaclous In diseases ot the throat nml lungs. "Four years ac I took n severe cold , wlilch wai Jolloneil try n tciilblo coiiglt. I was vety sick , niulieaiiflncil to my bed about four tnuntlis. 1 cinploetl n iilijslclan most ot the time , lie tiicCly snlil IM In consiini | < - t Ion , ntul tliat hceoiiUl not help inc. One o ( my neighbors niUIscil mo to try Ayer's Clieny I'cctnrnl , 1 tllil so. nnil , before 1 hail finished lakltiR ( lie nut bottle was nblo to sit up nil tlio time , nml to KU out. Ily the time I had finished the bottle ' \\.is\\ell , and lia\c remained so e > cr since.- ! . . 1 > . lllxby , llattons > Ille , Vt. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral , DR.J. O. AYER. & CO. , Lowoll,2Ias8. , BoUby Advice to the Aged. AicclirliiicM Inririnltlcs.NMcliuH HliiR- EflNli lie iols.kcnk Kill no J ud blnil- dcrutiil turili ! llvcr IuncaHicriricorfcctoiilic 40Orfnin , Htlniuliitlii ) ; tbo bonds , Kvliir > iulili- ul illHcliarK-i ) ) without strululUK < > r BIPABTING VIGOS to tlio hltlnojs , blniltlcr nml Tlicy uduplcil to ul < l of BOLD GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TIIK OHE.AT KXUMSII HKM- Jtnr. AniinfiUI- Inscuroforrtum- Iriil WeiKnots , S porttm'urrliiiin , Imj'oU'ne ' ? nil it nil < U cri'ci tint follow m a we- qufiico ot Holf- ubuu ; in Loss PMnlntlm niik. Dlmnpsi titVlnion , PrcmnturoOIrt Apt' , nncl ninny otliir ill ca'o tliat It-ail to Insanity or comnmptloii nnd it proma'.uro travo. IWfiill t > Trtlrulsrj In O'lr pamphlet , wlildi wo ile- lr t tend frtu by mull t f very ono. | WTIio Spt > - clUc MrrlU'lnt' h old nt (1 per imcknut * . or BA pnck- n os fir f , or will bo sent fno by mall un roc lpt of the mor.py , Iif nddrcnilni ; THE GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 PAUXAM STHIIT : : , OMAHA , Nnn. On ncoount uf countorfultn no linro ailojiUnHbc Ttllon wmt'l'Cr , the only Kcnulno. AMUSEMENTS : AJ OTABLE tVENT. * & J SulttrUau Mulltice. . . nmeiiclr ' . nrTniu < iv' Thuibday.Eve. , VJL 1 U L1\ SURPRISE PARTY In the Klubur.ite Piodnutlon of Iho I I NATIONAL XOVKLTY , { cil. Htitui'il antl Ovitiinioil mnro ulalioniteSy ihnn nny Hltnllnr production known to tliontnta1. llox sluot open Wcdncsclajr morning ; rct'iilur iirlccs. WTfCE The orchestra of Hoyd's Opera House , the finest orcnnlzatlou of Jhe kind in the wet , can bo engaged for partiss , balls and recep tions on the following dates : Saturday , Mondiy , Tuesday and Wednesday , October oc , ov , OQ Mnd rae , ji wan cfmnpiftc nan be made with Boyd fc Hnyiie'ii Managers. Hranrl VJl UllLl And Saturday Mntlncu Commencing Friday , Oct. 24. RUSCO&SWI1TSIJ1G Undo Tom's Cabin COMPANY. Consolidated with Hmco A Swift's Jtlnstro's Special SconoryTliuonly lilcic Alligator on thoihlaKC , I ! Slbcihui Illooillioitiuls " .Irny" tlio educated donkey , Tcnncssoo .Inhllco f-limeis , OuoratH ! Orclii-stra , t-pcctacnlur Stieet I'arado llllailty commingled vith Tears. Uaunlirlrc9. Spoclol Sntiinlny nintlnco for Indies unit children , Oilldrrn , any part ot the lioiiao , 1 , ' ' . Orancl Opera Hoiise" 1MIGI-ITS 4. . couiiuvis-n SUNDAY OCTOBER -6tfi. Tliofirentc t of ill Irish I'l.iyi , ill Irisliw's ' Love A Greal. Gompontj , jMagniriconh * Scenery AGREATCOMHDYIiVIiXT , XJsiml prices , llox slioet oiicn Saturday. Dime den Mu ce. Wlt.Ti LAWLEI ! , MANARKIl. CORNER 11TH AND FARNAM STS , OMAHA WHKlv OK OCT. aith. The Mlnnturi ) Kluitrlu ll.illroi ; < l Now Pol lection of Wiu lIxuroHVen and 1'uwlcr imiipiirto.l tiy u it r oompanr , In tlm fane , "Fritz In Dublin" DAYTON' SIhTllltS Ilinjd Siingi anil Iinct i. Iliu- Frniin nml .MIHMmi , Huiiu Hole unit Kfyptlau I Xnllkn , tin ) 1'ciilan 1'urtuiut 1'vllur. ONR DIME AUM ITS TO ALL. DR. BAILIiY , GRADUATE DENTIST A Kull Hot of Tooth on Kublier , fur I'lVK IlnM.Mis , A perfect fit Rciivrantced. Tooth ex Iructed without pain or-kUnxer , and will nut. aiiucs- tliotles. Gold anil silver fillings at lo u > t rates. Drlilpa mill Urown Worlt. Tuuth with out plates. Allivnrlc wurnuited. OFFICE PAXTON.1BLOCK , 16TII AND FARNAM Entraroo , lOlluMreot cluvator. Opou uvon * nns until ' ROBINSON , I ! and CONSULTING- CHEMIST. Waters aiaot Oils a Specially 1112 DODGE .STREET , OMAHA , NEB , FOBt Old MOM. Woiilc Middle used mm , I'ronm- urelyuld VOIIIIK Men , brlni : liauk hprlnxy stop , blight eye , stroimtli , munition ami du- slro liy use of Ncivn HIMIIIS. Tlioy eoueut yon ill's errors , ouio all nui vo troulilcs , tl bov , hlv bnu-H f& Ner\o lloan Co. , Ilufralo , N. V * Soly hy Uoodniun Drug Co , 1119 I'arruiui St. ' Oiiiahuji ' ABcnts.toBoll tlio I'liilesa \ VViN L LLJ , oiieH , , | , UM , ; the imly line n\er In vented tlm tlmldH tlio chillies ultli- out pins ; u purfitct biiccess ; imtuni n-ccntly losiit'd ) hold duly by iicoiits. to whom tlm c.\- clu > \urlglit IK Klu'ii ; on iceolnt of .Vcont ) < o Mill howl u Miniplnllno by mull ; also oliou- lars ; ] irloo 1M and terms to uncut ; secure your territory at unco. Addrt'sx Til 13 I'lN- l.KSri t'l.OTIIKri JjlMJ CO. , IT Hmmm Worcester UWAItTUMOltB COIJ.KfiK. ij SW.MirilMOIlH. I'A , O | > n Wi month , gili , Id.u Thirty mlmitcM from llroiKl ft. biullun. 1'h 1 1 11. - \YM. 11. Al'l'"l.l TO.VI'll , 1) . , Acting I'rcnl'ldt. H EW STOR In the country , carry the stock and variety of Men's Shirts and Drawers \ve do , Ou r rooms for surplus stock , arc crowded with winter underwear and other furnishings , purchased in large quantities in anticipation of the increased duticswhich must now be paid on imported woolen goods. Having saved this increased duty , we arc enabled to mark all our immcrtso stock at exceptionally low prices , This low scale will continue as long as our present slock lasts The following lots which w e place on special salcforthis week , will be found extraordU na'ry bargains. Men's fancy striped Camel's Hair shirts and drawers , silk bound at 350 each , Plain Camel's Hair , silk bound and sillc stitched , with ribbed ends at 5oc each. Fancy heavy Cashmere shirts and drawers , finished shoulders , neat stripes at 650. Superior natuial wool shirts and drawers , of excellent finish with ribbed ends at 75c. - All the above arc grand values. Our hosiery is sold at about one half the prices other stores charge. Our assortment immense. In this department we ofTer this week the following two big bargains. Fine wool seamless socks at i5c a pair. Others are selling these at 300. Very fine merino , full regular made , of handsome shades at 2oc. In gloves we carry a full assortment ; all the desirable styles for driving and street wcaft Nothing but what is of reliable stock and of good make is sold at our glove cuontcr , as we wacx rant every pair. Our prices are positively below everybody else. Within the past few clays we have received an entire new stock of hats. We venture to say that during last week we opened more hats than a good size hat store would get in in a ycar We had an immense run in this department , and were obliged to stock up again , and now wq are ready for another run. Latest shapes and prices , lower than ever. Open until S p. m. Saturday , 1O p. m. Nebraska Clothing Corner 14th and Douglas Streets. 0. OMAHA Are the Exclusive Western Agents for the The largest manufacturers ot rnbbor footwear in the world. Wo carry the only complete stock of flrst-ulasa rubbo * goods in tlio city. Prices always the lowest. Correspondence solicited TRY OUR LEATHER SOLED RUBBER BOOTS , THE BEST MRDEi : AMERICAN HAND SEWED SHOE CO. , NEJ3. i i "A cheap bargain takes money from the purse , " and brings disappoint ment in the end. A good bargain is an honest exchange for value received , and gives lasting satisfac tion to both buyer and seller. Our fall and. winter selection of Men's Clothing and Furnishings ( to which we are constantly receiving additions of the lat est and the best ) warrants our an nouncement of GOOD BHRGRINS ! DR. KENSINGTON. Eye and Ear Surgeon 1310Dodge Street. Spectacles sccur.ito'y fitted. "FRENCH TPECIFICT A POSITIVE * ndpirm nint CURE lor all dliemtbltho URINARY ORGANS. Cures , directioninllh each where olliartreatmcnttalu Full bottle. Pflct , ono dollir. Sue flgnaturo ol E. U SIAIII. For 8ao | By All Drugglata. C.8 . , WATCHES. DIAMONDS and FINE JEWELRY Solo .Agontiti Onmhii for Gorhain Man- Go's Sterling MANTLE CLOCKS , RICH CUT GLASS and CHINA. Our Stock of Fine Goods is the Largest and Our Trices the Lowest. Conic nml SCP us. Cor. Douglas & 15th St GRATEFUL COMFORTING EPPS'S GDGOH BREAKFAST , "Ily n tlioionh'h knowledge of tlio itntnrn ! Hwa nliloh irnvorn tint operation * uf illirpHttonniul nutrl- tlcn , anil liy n ran-tiil np illentlon nf tin ) linn iiruiiur- tlcHiirwi'll elctml Cot'on. .Mr Kppi lint ptntlilcil onr brpnkfn t tnbloi wit ! ) ncli llcati'lf tla\ort > il hcvcr- HKO which may MM ) unnuinr lii'avy doctors1 ttllln. It la liy tliojiiilluluiit uaunr nncli nrtfcliM nf illct tlinln constitution ni.iy lie urnilmilly built up until utronu unouk'li toroilut everjr lunitcnor to illmnae. Iliin- (1 ro.ls of tulitlomalmllci iiri < llo tliiKnri > iintliiN ready In ntlnck wlii'rovor tlicru in n vtunk pulutVumny fudiiiu tinny iif.itnlnlmft ljrkroi > lnK uiinolvci i'll forlltloil nllli IHiro blooil , unit n ; > ruiurlr ] liuiirbliucl frnini' . " -t'lvll Service ( iiizolto. Mnilc limply with liulllnt : nntnr or milk. Holclonly Inlmlf pDiinit tins , by graven liibulnl tints i tX P1K * ffl lloiiini-Mt hlo Chemists jO 1 1 0 ( X l/U. / , J.onilon , Knijland. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1078. W. BAKEIl & CO.'S G Itiolnttlu tMire it i * aoltiulo. No are uird In III preparation. II hai * : or Kan Urn linn in UrtnjA ut Cucoa mini ] j ltli Sinn h , Arru root or Bugnr , and Ii therefore fir more tconomlcal , totting ! < tkatt imi tint a tup. It ! ilcllcluiii , nourl.liliitrtrjllimlns , l.'i- ! 8IL1 Dull bTru , and ailmlnlily a > liX | < l for InralUliii ll i prrioiii In ImlUi. I. .Sold bj ( Ircirm e > i'rj'iilifro. W. BAKER & CO. . Dorchester , Masa CORLISS BRAND Best Quality , Correct Style. Perfect Fitting. Best Linen. ASK FOR THEM. r-OLLAP.S CUFFS THE DUEBER. FACTORIES HAMPDEN LARQE8V' WATCHES INTHlT THE BEST. WORLD. 8CND FOR THE DUEBEH OUR BOOK , WATCH CASE "FRAUDS MFG. CO. , IN WATCHES.1' CANTON , OHIO California Nerve Food * Mnkci NOT 7re h Illuod nnil I'ro- fillers l 'IrKlu Ciiri-H Anirinl.i , roliiln , linil Circulation nmln I Impurltlea of the Blood an null a > tli ' . ' 'fw'nif ' .Horvf Dlneasoi , M * : NITM > II nnjt 1'liynli-lal llfhlllty , vital i : > liiiiilloii. TriT niitiir ! lliTiij , 'liciulilliiL- . ll-.ti > iln , N , i- < iii IliMiiliicln- nm , r 1'iiwur In . | | | irr ivr. Niirvinnnc In uny form , Cnlil llandii or ' el. ' 'il In llio lUrh anil oilier lurnil ol Vfnknvin. Dr. Ilohb'H Nrrvo Tonlo Ti'lIU brine th rosy tint of henlth to the ali llow cheekJ 'Writ ' , nervuus pemilu BlioulU takn tins' girnt Llf Renewor. Try UIKIII , ap < l you will Join tlio tliuimndj ot IIUJIDT ini-n and Mcniirn vtm dally lilnu l > r. -InCli f.ir Ms urelt wmlc In tlielr lithulf. llipyltB siigar-cualpj. 50 cents a rial. For lo t ; Uuedit * bi lirnull Artdress HBil'S MIDICINC CO. . fltfifS. . SAN HmiSCOi I1U 1011 BALK IN OMAHA. Nhlt , IIV Kunn A CD , Uor , 15lli A Doimhu Hiccln .1. A. Fuller & Co , Cor llth A Dnunl.ii . fctiects. A 1) . t'oiior & Cu. . Council Illunn. Icr.ui. AND PfllNCIPAl rlllGn'KT MrnviuMrnir Worlililiui 1 1 ii III I " ' l lln aod Ti. CTirUrNUlbinon,0. : = - M A. A- Medical and Siiriral liisiitiite Couor Oth anil Harnoy Struots , Omahi. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic Diseases anil Deformities. DR. A. T. MCLAUGHLIN , President. Founded by Dr. J. W. KcMunamy. "GET WELL-STAY WELf Itrii'ihnfone. It ynu.MA.Vyciun : or ohl.lmto nny WraknpK * , Mnlfonnullon , Drlillity.Our t'-i- clnilir .Vrf/ini' < il.l/ri > iojiul/ii/.Siirrfi zfliLlni4lB OUR NEW BOOK ttti ; ; . nt.mcAi. to , , , .v , i'anrti