r THE OMAHA DAILY BJflJBATLTRJAT : , OOTOBEIt 25 , 1800. 4 THE OMAHA 1VEE COUNCIL. BLUFFS , OI'FlCi : , NO. 12 PHAUL ST. Delivered by Carrier In uny partof tlioClty. U , W. TII.TON. . MA.NAOKU i Jlii'lntFsOnicr. No. 4J. : , NlRhlftlltui , No. S3. * JllMJIt JIKATIVS , i N. y p co. Council IJltiffs Lumber Co , real , Lrnvnto wed was granted jcstoiday to t UcoiKoMenkennd.Minnlo Oustdlclc , both of ' Ncolu. draco Coy 1ms asked the courU to grunt f hern Hcpanitlor. from Hamilton Coy , alleging ij , cruelty , * 'Iho ' jouiiKpeopla of the (5 olden league guv o * nn entertainment nt the Second I'rosuytorhm f chinch lust night. i\ \ ' 1 ho Knvnl Arcanum [ arty hist night was n ' ! Rand success anil one of the plcasnntest UYUIL.H of the season. At a late hour la-st night the till nt I' . Ken- ncll's sample room on South Main street was / ' tupped of 1' . ' . No clue. Anyone ) wanting to huy cheap n fine team of lar o mule's , together with harness anil wagon , should cull at Fred Davis' ' stables on f Fourth street. An oil hnmo nt the east end of the phtform / ntthe transfer ciiujrht llio nt 0 o'clock hist ( . ' niuht anil win entirely destroyed. The loss will not exceed f juo. The origin of llio lire Is t unknown. jr Kd A U'ieklinin returned last evening after n two months'ahsenco In Denver , wheio he * liaa heen looldiiLj after n couple of himdred men entingcd on the contracts that hu\e been ' uw.ndcil him for public work i Louis Uli'deiman rottirned yesteidnj fiom f Dei Molncsvhuio lionttciuled the iiiePting * of llio grand lodge of Oddfellows. He was ? elietcdand Installed grand master for the order In Iowa James Speuis and ( ! eoi e % T tjmlth of tins city wcro also honoied l y hi'lng Iiliiecd upon prominent eoiilinlttcui. A mec'tliiL ; In the intciust of the Sunday school work w 111 uo held in the L'ungregu. tlonal church Monduy c\ensng \ , the'Jrtli lust. Addresses will 1 3 made by Dr.V. . A. Dun- c.m and \ { KJ ( A Tamil. All Interested in Bundli , schools iiiespee'tlvouf denomiiritloa me cordially Invited tn tie | ) tu.ciit. Uxcr- clse-s will e-oininonec at 7 : ; 0. K. Molta/ , who runs a butcher shop on Ktist HinndvMiy , liad occasion to leave his 5 shop liu a tew minutes Wednesday evening f uhout ( So'cloek. Ajoung man \vhomhcdld .5 not linnw was standing In the shop and Mot- f tu ; i ( ( ( uosteii him to watch the shop dm- fi Ing the toimcr's nhsenco. He was nhsont i1 but a few minutes , but when ho ro- j turned ho found that thu watcher had gone , together with nil the money from the dnj's rt'ecipts , amounting to about * 15. No tnieo of the thief or the < inonoy has , \ot been ob tained , and it will ho nloiiKtlme bufoie Mr. Alotta/will tins ! his shop to an ) one whom he docs not hnow very vvcll indeed. J.C. HUny , swam ne.itlm ; , sanitary on- Kinecr , VII l.lfo hiil'lhu ' , O.iuh r , 'JJJ Mer riain hloek , Council niiilTs. Visit the .Model Clothing Co. , Ml IJioaU- way , Sapp's now building. Stolen "Mules Heciivcii'd. The team of inulo * stoluu from K. More- house , a market ( -arilener living thco inlks north of the eity , we're locatcel jcsteitliy at Hastings , la The mules \vcio stolen Uvo WUOKS airo , nnd Morehoiisc has sjiunt a great deal of mono ) traveling luouiul unil teaieb- ing for the stolen pioporty. I.ottfn and postal uinls pling n discriiitlon of the outlll nmi the youiiK nun \\liu stole it.veie sent all over the vouutiy , but tbo most diligent search fulled to bring foitti imy tidings , nnd young \Vhllo , the tblof , hail iiiipafuutly droiod ] out of sk'lit us L-ninplotely ns If tbo cailh b.iel opeMicd unil swallowed him up. On Thurshay morning Moro- liouso put u little paragnipli in TIIK III B giv ing a illicrluttoii of the stolen proncity und offurlng u reward for the recovery and tbo nrrestof the thief , Ycstciilav morning let ters and telegrams bognn to pour into tbo city manlial's ' onico froai Hastings , a 1111011110- Ing that the boy White ha'l traded the team to a farmer near there tbo da > after ho dlsaii- pcarcd from this city , alter selling his lo.iel of vegetable's. Maisluil Tcinpletou also rci elvert u tciopbono niessago from tbe town marshal ut HiiHtitiKs e'lnlmliig tbo reward. He. with scores of oilier citizens of the llttlo \ , IlliiKo , had seen the description of the stolen ani mals in Tnu BKI , and hastened to notify the o\vnur. White1 , the sevcntocn-year-olil thief , drove directly to JListlngstiovo ho leiimined but n short time until ho succeeded In finding n farmer with n span of borscs which he was wIllhiK to trade tor the mules. The trade wiw ( lulelily made and jounp White left. Ho claimed that ho was ort his way to Kansas , wheio bo had friends , and was anxious to Bet them nmi as the mules were lather slow travclcis he was willing to give somebody u good bargain in cxebango for a te.im w hoiscs. liinnodlutely after making the trade lie loft and it is supposed went south. Mr. Worehouso will go to Hastings this moinlng with witnesses to provo his prop erty. It will only bu inieulou of n shoit limo wlion tlio boy will bo cnptuivd. It Is evident that ho had no ilcsiio to go to Kan sas , and It is thought ho has sold or tiadeil the team of the Mills count } mini and It will befoiuul aiulreeo\cietlnot far from Hastings. The Manhattan .iportmg heajquartcis , 413 Broadway. Look ut the line display of ovoreonts at the Model Clothing Co. He Itobhcil the School Tronniiry. A stranger , leading u freckled-faced , shoclc-lieaded youngster about1 fourteen yeais old , nceosted Marshal Tcmpleton on tbo street last evening mid asked to ba.ve tbo boy locked up as a fugitive from Justice. In ex planation of bis request he said tb.it ho w is n resident of Cedar Haplds , 'Neb. , and tli.it tbo boy had robbed his father of a large sum of money and was running away from home. 'I'lio boy \\as taken to the sta tion , nnd when searched had J'il..r > 0 in his possession and a ticket for Kansas City. He confessed to Tnr. UKK reporter that tbo charge made bv the stranger was true , ami Mated that his father's nime was Lucius Braiucn , mid that ho Uent the money for tbo Hcbool district. Ho kept It in the house locked tip in an old trunk. Night before last tbo boy said % ho got Into trouble with Ills older brother and concluded to skip out. To got the money to go on ho broke open tbo old trunk where tlio school funds \\e-ro kept and took all there was In the pile , Just o\i'ii 10 , Yesterday morning ho bought a tlkea to Kansas City , where an undo ro ubles , and ho stinted to make n visit. He did not appear to feel very badly OUT his cap- tuio , and had about mnilo up his inlnil that lie had seen enough of the \\orld , IIo will beheld held until his father can como or send for him. Unprecedented bargains In bo-5 , nnd children's ' clothing at. the Model Clothing Co. Hotel Gordon OpeiiH Today , The force of men and \vonion cnguged the work of i-einodcliiitr the nechotlo house1 ; now the Hotel Gordon , have got along better than \\rus expected , nnd the newly lilted up lioitclry will bo opened for the ix'cojitlou of guests this cvonliiK' . It is u coinfintablo anj well furnished liotcl , und cannot fall , to spHni ; into Rivut ixtpulnritylth tlie tr.ivollni ; nubile from the * Hturt. Kvcr ) thln Is now , brijjlit , clenu uiul fresh , nud tlio dinlni ; room and Idtchcn scr- vleo as line as any hotel hi the ) countiv. Colonel Clatlt mid Uiy Cleric Whitney \vUl be ghul to meet their frlcinU ami house full of Kuc.sts today , unit Mill assure them as coin ? fortuble a temporary home us they could u Isiu A. Now Ciiiiiiiiiiiy. The Inwu fuel and power company fllcd i nitli-lcs of IncoriKinitlou yesterday , The doeument wiw vciy hrlef mul simply set foitli tlio statement that the | > laeru of business win to ho in Council lllufts , and the capital stock | JiV\000 , tuat the purixuo ol the ronutanyviis to nmmifncturo gns for fuel niul power nnr- ixises and to handle ) elcctrlu iiipllaiiee | ! ) and patents. The Incorporntors ai-o AVilllnm llenry Harris , Joshua O.Lee and K II , John- sou , ull Oiuuliu patties. yy THE NE\VS \ IN THE BLUFFS , TLo District Court Jurj Acquit Peter Han' sen of the Murder of Young Madison. A PRETTY WOMAN PRAYS FOR PRISONERS , ' .Slippery Snm" Davis on Trial Cur At- lotnptcd MiiMlcr Stolen Mules lleo rnrcil Tlio New Street Itnllwuy Minor Matters. Tlio linpiilcst man In the city yoslerdnv was Peter Hansen A strnngof could have picked him out oil the street by the smile , which seemed to bo all over him For over a j ear ho hits been tinder the charge of murder In the second decree , for having shot and \VidterMadnon at a dance In the southern pattof the city. Ills fnto was plaeedlu thu hands of twelve men yesterday foiunoon , unil ho was on a severe nervous stralti f r four urllvo hours , waiting for the \cidlct. It was onu of uaiulttal Thu susn'iihc | | beliiK so happily ended Hunscti's ' fnco hciiined , uifd us he stood at the door of tliu courtroom mid enisp the hands of the jiimncn as they passed out them was an earnestness in his thimUs which oespoko the sincerity of the giver. The \crdlct was ono whii'h rnmo as no surprise to those who had hcarU the testi mony. The fait M.IS undisputed thai pmv'lous to the Hi Inn of thu fatal shot ho hul been grievously uttiiekuly tbo crowds in which Madison seemed to tin prominent , ami that hnuas suffoilng from fresh blows when ho Ural. His acquittal will bo generally acquiesced In as a righteous ver < llot. Money at rodurU r.itcs hinoloa chatto unil icalustato souurltyby 13. II. Shuafu J : Co Gre.it hsirg iln s this week at the Model Clothing Co , _ "Is U against the rules of the Jail to let mo sco and talk to the prisoners ! " It was u pleasant faced young woman who piopounded the ijuestloii to Marshal Temple- ton In the ofilco of the city Jail yostci'dtiy afternoon. "Xot at till,1' replied the pollto aud kind hearted ofllcer , "but there arc no prisoners MCI out this hour. They .no all out on the .streets at wuik. " "Would you objcut to me coming In hero on Sunday morning and Holding o bilof relig ious st.-ivico for the henelit of the prisoners 1" "Not at nil. " "I desire only to read Iho blhlo to them and talk to them for a few moments.1 "You shall have the m'ivllego , and if I am notheiolllllcavo orders for the deputy maishal to show you o\ory courtesy possible , And I will also tell the piisoners of your com ing mid havcthum pioparctl for tbo services. " The l.idy was about to thank tbo inu-shul and rctlro when the patrol wagon drove up with a very drunlton man fora passenger. "If jou wait a moment I will show you what Jond of peoplu \\o leceho hero and how wo receho them , " remarked Jlarshal 'lemiilcton to tlioludr. Tlio invitation \\.is accepted and siio toolc a seat behind the wire screen In tbo niiiisliiil's pilvateofllco. The ilrunlcen man \\as brought in bolstered up between two stalWiiitoHliers. His at'tlculation w.is so thick that he could Hcarcely gl\o his inline , lie was limp as a raff , and hail to bo held up to tlio desk whllo ho was being bontuhcu. lie was jocularly asked by thoseigeant if ho was chunk. A ribald or profane answer sprang to his lips , but befoie he could utter it he was tuitiecl around until his bleary eyes fell upon the lady. Instantly thu in stinct of the gentleman predominated. His limp vertebra stittened up. The look of Ue- lianco ( jsivo place to uu expression of sbaino. Tins liuly was looking at him with au expres sion of Intense pity in which there was no Itaco of dlsKtist. The Intoxicated mua road tlio i > ltvliifglniiiiu mid was more tliuu half sobered in an Instant. A moment later ho turned toward her with an effort and asked with a voice ( .hat had half : i sob in It. "Lady. 1 do not know your nnino , bull sco that you do not look upon mo with disgust. Do you think I tun drunlH" "Yes , I do , " sadly. "Well , It will bo the last timojou or any body else will ever see mo in % ueh a con dition.11 The little incident showed the effect the picscnco of the lady who came there through sympathy and with n itesiro to do good hud upon oiio man , and the marshal was very inrch encouraged In the belief that If the lady \\ill keep her appointment and hold services for the benollt of tbo hotdo tlut will bo withered on the Saturday night rouiid up a incut amount of genuine good will bo accomplished. The piisoners will bo put upon their best behav ior , and the sorvUes on Sunday morning by the .s\\oot-fnccd and guntle-volcecl little uoiiHin will bu an event In the history of the old Jail that will bo at le.ist attended with pleasant consequences. If good rciults follow thu Horvlcos will doubtless bo continued regu larly every Sunday , and tlio wbUky-soukcd wieckswith aching beads who usually 1111 tlio Jail on Sunday morning will receive a lesson that Is new to them. The lady Is the JOUNJJ wife of a local minister. The MuKiulL-j Hill HIM not affected the piices at the Peoples' ' Installment liouio. Everything goes ut the same old iigurcs that have imidoour patrons tlad all HUimner , dolled competition nid miido it possillo ) to furnish a boiiio from top to bottom tom tit llttlo expense. Our specialties this week \\ill lie the Peninsular heating stoves , cheapest , neatest , most economical stove lu the woild. Mandel & Klein , 'WO Broaiway \j. \ II. Mossier Is the manager of the Model Clothing Co. Gho him a c.ill. Her Man 1)1(1 the Stilihin * ; . "Julia Smith. " A husky and very black womn waddled Into the witness box. 'I object to any evidence from thh woman against the defendant , " promptly declared Judge Aylcswoit'i ' , tbo attorney for Sam Davis , the colored rnun who is being tried for having savagely cstabbod a white man named Albert Smith at a Sunday dance nt Ilig lake last May. "I object on the ground that this woman who calls her- belt Julia Smith Is the wife of Davis , and cannot testify agalnsthlm. " Then Julia was nittxitloned , She admitted that .she had lived with Davis for two years , and they had been occupying the iclatlonship of luisbuut and \'ifo , but denied that she hail ever been married to him. She had been married once to another man , and a divorce u.is not granted until after she had gone to live with Davis. The nttoinoys each Insisted on n different view of her legal status , Judge AyleMvorth claiming that sbo was Davis' wife under the common law. c\cn If no ceicmony hud been luirformod. The prose cuting attorney claimed Unit it could not bo a common law nmi rlagc , tor she was not di vorced from her husband when she -\\cut to Uvo with Davis. Judge Mucy went into his little room and got some more law When liu returned ho decided that .Julia could proceed with her evidence against Sam , Then Judge Ajleswoith made a proffer to show by Snm and by other witnesses that they bad held themselves out to the puhho as husband and wife and she was ipcogaUed us .Mrs. Davis bv all who know them. The com t decided to let t ho defendant te.stlf v on this point , but bu rod out othorj , Sam'took tbo stand , mid wlien asked If ho and Julia had held themselves out as husband ami wife ho stupidly aiuwcied "No. " Then as a for lorn hope ho was asked if ho considered Julia his wife , anil ho ansucrcd la like manner , This knocked the tangles all out of the ques tion and Ju la went on with her testimony. She \v us at the diinco , Shu was executing ft Jig or clog dance by herself , with a knlfo hi one hand and a partly devoured cojoanut in the other , when the tlxht built o out and in terrupted her tcrn-ilchorom gracefulness , She uw lUvis chasing Smith , and after wards Davis told her that ho was the ono who did the cutting. On cross examination she admitted that she was n llttlo ml It oil ut her faaiu because ho wouldn't Rlvo her money for a dress , nnd even refused her a quarter to rush the growler. She wasn't mad at htm though , and didn't ' swear against him on Hint nccount. Smith's ' wound wasntorrlbto onr > , extend ing from the spine around the body to the front of the abdomen , a distance of seventeen inches. Itvas a wonder that ho ever lived to tell thu story of his slashing. HUSTON SlOHi ; , COUNCIL IthUrKS Head and I'rnllt Thereby Our IJONS Vour Oat 11. tlOSIBUY DKl'AIlTMiNT. Children's wool hose , all sizes , from TM to M ntllic. Ifii ) do/en children's all wool hose , sires from fl to Sl , ( subject to imperfections ) a regu- lar'J.- ) ho-to ; IWu , il forriOc. \Voaro showing ten different lines of child. ion's and misses'hose ' nt U.'o a pr. In all sl/csln Ixlund Ixl rib. Also fancy and plain In black and Oxford gray. Boys' blcyelo hose in heavy rib blacK and gray t'"Jo apnlr. Infant's wool hose at lOc , 20o , 2."c , ae ) and li'Jc. Hllk nt fflc and 7i"c. Ladles'llecoo-llned hose 12J c , In gray nnd sol la colors Ladles'fust black fleece lined hose Gordon dyes , 'Jlc. Thames' fast black , Gordon dyes , Mo. Ilcrmstdorf djos , il'ks ' a pair. . CllIMIItUN'S ' UNDKIlWlUtl. M'hlto merino vests and pants , sizes 10 to .1-1 , from lf > o to ICic. All wool gray vests and nants , ohcs 10 to 3-1 , from I7c to 7'Je. Scarlet vest-s and pants , sl/.es 10 to 31 , from ! ! "ic to 7fic. [ Ugh grade natural wool vest1 ; nnd pants , sizes 10 to IK ) , from liOo to SI. Ail the above pants co.no-with the now Im proved long cuffs Infants' ' vests ( shrunk wool ) flno cashmere and hand Unit , fiom 'JOo to "lu each. RADIUS' ' UNHBHWEAH. White ribbed vests , long sleeves , \i"a. \ CJiay ribbed vests , lonx sleuvcs , iioc. I'lain whltqcstsand pants II'Jc. ' ljlain and ribbed vests and pants In white and natural wool at BOc. Ladles' mi t unil wool vests and pants , war ranted nil v\ool , line gauge , at 7ie ! : Justus good as any $1 Fairmont i-i the market. Ulbbeil vests and p-xnts , extra heavy rib , ut SI. Union suits atSOcnsuit. IJoston stoso , FottierlnghamVhltelaiv . Co.101 , -10. ) and -105 Broadway , Council ! ) luff3. _ Tim New fctt-et't Ilnilwnj' . The attempt of tbo Twin city street rail vvnj company to .secure a charter In Council BluITs is uiousing considerable ! discussion. Theio Is a general disposition to favor any and alt enterprises whicti contain even a piomisoto finthurtho liitctcsts of the city. Council Bluffs has been gonetous to a fault. In Its eagerncsstoget u wagon bridge it sad dled a heavy tax upon itself , nnd when it became nwuio that a 5-ccnt stiect car iaio be tween the two cities was a needful help to populate the bottoms , it then ascertained that tbo only hope of securing it was by coaxing. The charter to the present motor company was iron clad. Tlio hope of securing compe tition to accomplish what coaxing nnd thic.it- cning does not bring about leads many to bo ciper to make a move in that direction , even if it bo ouly a charter on paper. There are sonic who arc waking up , however , to tbo danger of giving charters' lor the asking. Itlui" been piovedin several instances thnt tbo city has been too ready to give charters and rights of way They are easily got but not so easily got i-id ot . The city legislators aio being taught alittlo caution , and they are listening i.ithcr more patiently than for merly to protests and warnings. The charter now under discussion before the council is meeting with some opposition. Some of it uiises from corpoiatlons who have the sellish but natural desire to protect their own Interests , which would bo appiuently jcopardircd by the granting of such n sweep ing charter as Is now asked for. Other op position is inaclo on general principles. It is urged that tbo charter asks for too much. It covcrj , every street hi the city , nnd some far beyond where there Is any hettlenicnt in fact , mid little prospect of any for years. Still , if convinced that the company really means business , and that it will in fact build nnd operate the road to tbo advantage of the oily , tlio city will Lu Touiul tube willing and liberal. In view ot the history of some past charters and the suspicions which are diiectcdto this one , tlio city council should bo very cautious and should Investigate fully , It has been suggested that , in considering this nnd futuio charters those seeking to pro- cute them should bu culled upon to give to the city a reasonable bond guaranteeing that tbey will uoo the dinner for tbepuiposes avowed , nnd will proceed practically under it , thus giving the city some assurance of peed taith. To companies really meaning business it seems that such a requirement would provo no hnidship. and it would often prevent the Issuance of charters which sim ply tie up the city and bring none of the ad vantages promised , Young men's suits , nobby , stylish and latest designs at the Model Clothing Co. J. G. Tlpton , realestatJ , D'iT Broidway. ( V * oivcr Outlet Assured. The city council met List evening in special session for the pmposo of receiving the bids for the excavation of Indian cieok sewer ditch irom the point determined upon to the Missouri river. There were a largo number of bids , eight or ten of tliom , But the proposal of C. II , Huber was the most advantageous to the city and It was accepted. The bid is as follows for each of the 1 ,000 foot sections ! From station 0 to station 10 , 1,000 feet , 10 cents per cubic yard ; fioin station 10 to sta tlonSJi ) . 1,000 fecit , 10 cents ; fiom station 20 to station ! ! 0 , 1,000 feet , 11 cents ; from sta tion W ) to station 40 , 1,000 feet , 11 cento r from statloiHU toflnlsb , 71-lfcet , 11 cents. The bid was for cash , ana an advance o f 2 emits per cubic yard for bonds. A committee was appointed for the purpose of condemning the right-of-way. It consist ed of W. C. Stacy , W. A. Wood nnd J. L. Foreman. The jury was instructed to com mence condemnation prococdiucs this morn ing. As soon as the property can bo ap praised and the appraisement approved by th'j council the -work of excavating the new ditch will bo commenced , Surah Fields gave notice that she had com menced a null against the city for $1,000 for damages sustained by hoiv property on ac count of au overflow of water on Franklin sheet. The city auditor was Instructed to draw an order for the amount duo Davis mid other subcontractors of T. O'llearno provided they tiled a bond in sufficient amount to cover the city's liability in the matter. I'roiwrty owners on Lincoln avenue asked to have that street brought to grudo and the request was granted. Aldtimui Casper reported that the now team purchased , or taken on trial , for use at Is'o. II engine house was not satisfactory. The estimates of Contractors Moore , O'llearn , Sweeny , Mitchell and other * for grading , curbingetc. . , vvcroropoited by the engineer and for all vwik that had been fin ished and approved the estimates weio al lowed and ordered paid. A motion wus made to order the publication of the estimates of Contractor O'llearn for n singles block of gradhiK stitd to be llnlbbed on lion ton street , but before it could put ono of the rcsldciits gave notice that u protest would bo Hied ugalrst the allowance o ( ttiu estimate until tlio vvoik was llnlshed according to the specifications and contiact. A motion \\ivs made to pay Mrs , Norman $ M to "ntisfy her for damages sustained to her property on titutsman street by reason of a cut ordeixHt by luoeity. The motion was sustained by n majority of the aldermen present , but not n majoiily of the full board , which Is loqulred to appropriate any sum of money over < * ) . The motion was con sequently lost. Contractor Huber to whom was awarded tin1 work of excavating the outlet for Indian crook to the liver , was required to lllo n bond to commence tlio work within tbico duv.s fiom the approval of the report of the protest was ( lloil by Horace ICferett siguliist the allowance of estimates for sewer construction on Second avenue. The Chicago it Northwestern railway com pany pioteslnl ngalnst the spedil assess ment for grading on streets abutting Its prop- city by Contractor Callalian. ' 1 ho ordinance requiting the tilmmlng of shade tiees from sixteen to tweiity.tlvu foot from the ground , according to tticir age , was called up mid pissed to ItSBoeomt reading , There was a general objection to the or- dlnauce on account of the probability of ue- stro.xlng he trces.jAldcrmun Mikerell moved to iimcml section I br reducing the height the trees should Ufc trimmed from sixteen to ten feet on all tyeos six or eight Inches In diameter. The ami * Intent was curried. The ordinance then wei" over under the rule. An ordinance wns adopted requiring the property owners on Avenue 12 , from Oakland to bccond streets , mvd Lincoln avenue from Its juncture with Franklin avenue brought to grade within thlrtv da vs. The auditor wits Instructed to draw a war rant In favor of Contractor Moore forthopiy- mcnt of tholOpuruentof the estimate for parliif ; on Pranklui nnii Plainer stteets held back until the completion of the work , the paving has been completed and accepted. 'Iho mayor announced the appointment of John O'llrlen ' us policeman , and Ids bond was approved. The city attorney was Instructed to prepare - pare an orillmmco rcquhhiK 'ho ' Northwest ern and Ilurllngton railway companies to put in gates nt certain i rosslngs. Property owners on 1'arlc avenue near Po mona .street asked for the construction of a setter on that sticct. The request was K ranted .1. F. Norman , .1 P. Johnson and others asked to haven saloon , located in the alley between Ninth and Tenth avenues on Seven teenth street , condemned as n nuisance nnd removed. Tlio petition was granted anil the marshal Instructed to remove It within Ilvu dns. ' After the opening of n lot of bids for side walks nnd ourbliiL ? and the filing of a protest byi . C. DeVol against the use nf North Mala street as a stand for expressmen the council adjourned. oi > fttit TIIK Jii\iitNi Philadelphia I'tuldlliiK Furuncles to Ho Deprived ol'Natural OIIH. I'lTTsnuiio , Pn , Oct. 'Jl. A sensation was created in Iron and steel circles by the an nouncement that the Philadelphia gas com pany had decided to discontinue suppljIiiB natural gas to the puddling fuinaces for fuel. Theio am 1,000 puddling fur- nnccs In the city and over half of them will bo shut oft as n result of the order. ' 1 his will necessitate enormous expense In cbnngiiig their construction back for the use of coal. In addition there will bo a heavy lutded cost owing to the higher prlco of coal , as most of the companies b.ut con tracts with the gas people at a very low rate. The gus people claim that the move was not made on account of any scarcity of gas , but because it can bo used to much gieater advantage in tirivalo houses and at much higher rates. It is esti mated that the dullv consumption of gas in the city now is 5 ( 0iKXo)0 , ) ! ) cubic Icct a day , equal to 'jn,0M ( tons of roal. The shutting oil of gas fiom the furnaces will give an almost Incredible impetus to the coal mining In dustry. Bridal Tour in a llalloon. niiiMisdiuv , Ala , Oct. 24. At the state fair today Thomas .1. Mlns and Miss Ger trude I'ltinnn of Urevvton , Ala. , wcro mar ried In fiont of the grand stand , in the pres ence of 10,000 , people. The young couple then stepped into tlio car of u balloon and vUUi Aeronaut Baldwin sailed off on their bridal tour. The balloon when lust seen this ufteinoon vvns heading for the mountainous region of Shelby county. The young Couple secured a purse of $ 'JV ) and a large number of presents. The billoon with the bridal couple llnally landed on top of u mountain , seventeen miles from Birmingham. An Arltbtlu ( 'oiiHplrnuy. LONDON , Oct. 21.- George Johnson , an art ist , and , lohn Phillips , an art dealer , weic ar rnigned In court today on the charge of hclnir implicated in a conspiracy to forgo lotteis of credit upon the banking firm of Dicxol. Mor gan it Co. Tlio accused wcro lemandcd , The conspiracy was a gigantic one. Accomplices of tlio forgers have boon arrested at Liege , Madrid aild Marseilles. The tools used in making the letters of ciedit were found in Johnson's possession. CnHtlnoi.tn Hi ; F-xt Mill ( oil. LONDON , Oct. 2-1. [ Special Cablegram to Tim Bu.l : The hearing in the proceedings broughtby the Swiss government to sccuro the extradition of Castinol , the Swiss radical Who was arrested at London on the charge of having shot and killed Councillor Kossl nt Belhn oiia , Switzerland , dmlrig the recent revolt there , ended today , The magistrate held that the prisoner was guilty of the crime and ordered that ho bo extraJltcd un less he appeals. AMssinau'H llailvvay Project. Biiu.iN : , Oct. 24. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : Bcc. ] A number of capitalists nave promised to subscribe 15,000,000 , marks to aid Baion WIssnian's project to construct a rail way from Dares Salaam to Bapamoyo , in Africa. Thrco hundred oflkers have volun teered to join Baron Wissnun's force , but Chancellor von Caprivi discouraged the idea and only a few of the volunteers will bo per mitted to Join the cast African commission er's party. Killed a tVcwnpupcr Man. CHICAGO , Oct. 2-1 , About 10:30 : this morn ing Thomas McCaffery , a uartcnder , shot and killed Uobert O'Brien in a saloon. The shootIng - Ing was the outcome of nu old feud between the two men. The murdered man was for- mcily connected with tlio advertising depart ment of several newspaper. } on the Pacllle coist and the Globo-Domoeral , and I'ost-Dls- patch of St. Louis and had amassed consider able wealth. _ _ Another Suit Against Peters. CiliCMno Oct. 24. Attachment proceedings vvcio begun today by the Batavlan bank of La Crosse , AVls. , ngalnst Hichard ( ! . Peters to recover $ . > , ( Xi ) ) on a note executed Juno 111 , 1890 , duo in lour months after date , payable to the orJcr of James Knuland , made by the Koblnson salt and lumbar company nnd guaranteed by Ivnuland k Peters and Itlch- foul , Knox & Co. Gladstono'H AVcHt Calder Speeoh. LONDON , Oct. 2-1. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BIT. ] The Times and Stardnid concur In the opinion thatGlndstono'sspeccliat West Calder was a great improvement over his Edlnburg1 address. The Standard says : His words were the htrongost possible con demnation of the length to which strikes nio carried in England nnd intimidation in 1 1 claim , _ The Struggle r.\p-cteil Xo\t Week. LONDON , Oct. 24 , [ Special Cablegram to Tin : BEE.J Mr. "Wilson , secretary of the na tional seamcns1 union , bays ho expects that the struggle botwccn the ship owners and t ho union will coDimoucanoxt week. The keepers of bailors' boarding houses are assisting the ship owners by pioviiiling upon largo num- borsjaf tbe men to desert the union , To Norvoiu , J > eiillltatoV ron ; If you will senrl us your address wo will send you Dr. Dyojs Celebrated Voltaic Holt and Appliances on Trial. They will quickly restore you to vigdr , manhood and health. Pamphlet free. VOI/TAIO BELT Co. , Mai-shall , Mich. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Senator ninoklinrn Horiouxly Injured. Vr.nsAii.i.ns , Ky , , Oct. 21. Ills feared that Senator Blackball1' ! suffered dangerous in- tcurnl injuries la the runaway accident near heio ycsterdav. Ho was very 111 this morn ing and his friends fear the outcome. At least , ho will iiroUiiMy lose his left arm en- tiicly. . . , _ Cleanse the scalp from scurf and dandrun ; keep the hair sott and of a natural color by the use ot Hull's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Hon - n on or. Miners Will lloguino Work. SVIINKV , Oct. 24 , The miners at the Llth- trow collieries will resume work on Monday Their notion Is logurded as a death blow to the extensive strikes throughout Australl i. . A Wlfo Murderer IHiigfl Himself. LKIUNON , Toiin , Out. 24. W. II. Hjoi\s , wbo yesterday killed hli wife , hanged him self lu jail last night. When arrested ho ex- piesscd great fear of lynching. Tim Count of I'arlH. MOVTIIIUI. , Quebec. , Oct. 21. The Comto do I'ails and parly nnived bore , tonight. Tbey met with a cordial reception. 1002. Sixteenth it nil I-'iirniun streets in the now Hook Island tle-Uot olllee. Tide- utb to all points east at lowest rates. XKW IMU'HTltl' . How n. Now Yorker H H Ijlfu iMHiirnneo Compauim. Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 81. The Chronicle , an In surance Journal , In Its current issue gives tlio details of n conspiracy It 1ms boon working on for some time , the Intent being toilofnuul ilfo Insurance companies. A certain person In New York has boeu engaged In Insuring the lives of a number of men of dissolute habits for various amounts , Iho lollcles all being made payable to them , nnd to allow the conspirator to reap profits , his plan was to take tin-so iiwn , put them under a course of training until tbey were In good superficial condition , and then Insure them. Tbo men would IHI paid f. 0nr em , and the Chronicle says thai within Ho past vear some of them nave died and the policies have been paid by the companies. Declined to Ynuntr tlio Order. > 'rw YOIIK , Oct. 21 The Kotierul term of the supreme court refused to viiruto thoonler for the examination of Colonel William \V. \ Dudley before trial in his suit for lluol ngalnst the 1'iess publishing lompaMy ( the World ) for damages for pnbllshlnp the famous "IJlocks of l/lvo" letter. In writing thu opin ion Judge Daniels said : "It is evident Unit the plaintiff , when ho visited yew Yoik , had been actuated vvltti Intent to avoid theservlio of the orner , and practically declined to obey tlio mandate of thu court. " Disappoint CM ! Democrat * . "WAsnI.MITO.V , Oct. 21.-A great crowd waited patiently about the supreme court room all day to bear ox-1'resldeut Cleveland argue the case of I 'cake ngalnst the city of New Orleans. The case went over until Monday , however. nnd'Mr. Cleveland did not put In nn appearance , much to the disap pointment of the crowd. Kntal Duel With Crowbars. Kr.vv YOIIK , Oct. 21. Joseph Wood , aged thitty-flve , and Call Barg , aged foity-Mx , fought u duel today lu u blacksmith shop with crowbars. The battle , which was a llerio and long one , ended only v\hcn both men sunk to the ground v\ith fractuicd skulls. They wcioremoved to the hospital In an uncon scious condition , . IhnObdiini Itcpoitcd AHliore. Ki.w YOIIK , Oct. 21 A dlspitch from 1'nr Koclmway tonight says a largo ot-can steam ship is ashore beyond Long llranrh The steamer Is reported to be a four-masted ves sel , and It is thought that she may bo the Obdam fiom Kottoidani , which was expected Wednesday. Mure KiiHsltiii Ilrutnllty , WAHSUV , Oct. 2-1-A party of UOO Poles , whllo attempting to leach Prussian territoiy tod.iy with the intention of emigrating i > Hrazll , were llrod upon by the Husslan fron tier guard , whoso older to return had been disobeyed by the 1'oles. Six men , two women , and one child were killed. Intcr-Somiiiary MiHsloimry Alliance. I'll rMtimn , Pa , Oct. 24. At today's ses sion of tbo American inter-semlnarv mission ary alliance the rcpoits from different scirl- narles were very encouraging , showing a largo incicasc in the number of giadnatcs who go to foreign and home missionary 11 elds every year. Dillon and O'llrlon. 1'Aiii" , Oct. 2 . Dillon and O'Brien , ac companied by Mrs. O'Brien , will leave Pails tonight by a special steamer train for Havre , where tbey will embirk tomorrow morning on the stcamerLa Champagne for New York. I'ronilnentDenver ItrokcrMi'sinj ; . DENVO , Cole , Oct. 2J. George 1 Harris , a pioininent real estate and mlno broker , has been missing since October 14. His friends are suspicious that foul play is the cause of his disappearance. For Drnttchlnl. Ast'iniatlu and Pul- inonury ComplaintH , "Brown's lironclilul Troches" have remarkable curative proper ties. Sold only lu boxes. Central Now York Flooded. "UTicn , N. Y. , Oct. 24. A heavy storm pre vailed in central New York last night and todav. The Mohawk Mats between here and Oueida are Hooded. K.\-Ciovcrnor Noble's Condition. NEW YOIIK. Oct. 24. It U rojwrtcd that the condition of ex-Oovcinor Nobloof "Wisconsin is very critical. Bnlpho-Siilino Water Is a mild laxative and Sparkling morning dilnk bottled at .Excelsior Spilngs , Mo. A riAGCK OF It ATS. New Xcnlatid'H Stnmgo A'isitnlloii-A , Vury llumnrnblo Iji/ard , It is nfitmngb fuut in regard to Now Zealand that llio country is almost en tirely lacking , ' in indigenous unlmnls. The only mammals it possessed before the arrival of Captain Cook in 17i ( ( ) , ways the author of "Now Zealand After Fifty Years , " wcro the kioro a little , dark-brown rat and two voiy small bats. TRo kioio in now a rnro and very bhy animal , but thuro are times when It innkcB it nppeiini'ico in vast numbers , coming nobody knovvb vshunvo and going nobody knows whither. Thveo or four years ago nueh n visita tion of rntb oceuried on tlio west coast of ono of the islands ; n countless swarm of these little creatures travollcil nlou"1 the Bhpio for a distance of 150 miles , nil going ono way and nil moving us fast us they could. .Many of them died of hun ger by the vvuy , and they were nil ex- nosed to the terrible attaoks from a lat lurgor and stronger than themselves. After passing in n ceaseless procession along tlio shore for many months the nits vanished as sueldoiily us they luul appeared , and to this day no ono lins been able to olTorovon npliiuslblo theory in regard to their migration. Another Now Zealand animal \vhloh IB bomovvlint peculiar in its habits is the tnatara , n lizard which grows from six inches to a foot in length. This creature is the very embodiment of a negative oxlbtonco. It is usuallj found clliiginir inotUmlcDS to a rock , per- fojtlv legardless of driving spray 01 blinding sun. It wants neltlior food nor drinlc , but Is perfectly content to bo kept in a glafis ease for months or oven years , and is very slightly ailcetod by the wunl of air. It makes no noise and moves so Foldom and bo slowly that many porsous have watched these confined in a glass ctibo for n long period , and then left thorn under tlio impression that the urea-lures were only stulTod specimens aftur nil. Yet Iho solemn blinking of tlio golden eyes and the slow palpitation of thoh loatliory sides bear slight witness to their sluggish vitality. Colonial Hook I'irutc.i. The result o [ the inquiry made by tlio Society of Authors as to the extent It which pirated editions are Intiodnceil into thu colonial book mmlcot , to the detriment of Kngllah holders of coin- right , appeals to ho that In Australia and New Zealand present legislation is Riillleient , finil that in India the ovills but partial , sujd the L.ondon Atheiueum , But in Africa and other parti of 0111 dominions the 120 nor cent collected bj the custom houio on tlio published price of books registered at Stationers' hall , oven if carefully levied , appears , ncooicl ing to tlio current iminbor o ( the Author , not to bo a sulllclont deterrent. The fact that the lists supnliod to the custom house are often a jear old 01 more , and that regintration of hooks is frequently neglected too long , mny iiai'tiy account for the SUCCCHS of contia- band unturprlno. In any U-glslatlvo at- tuniits | thut may ho mauo to correct the evil , tlio society expresses Itself con lldonl of the co-operation of the colonln olllco. tit : nwi\ i.nn : n.ut.v. Jcnlonty ( Jctn Illnl Into i rouble , HALT r AUK , Ulan , Ort 21 ' .SwlalTelo- | rnin to Tilt : Ih.r J Hlshop .lurKomon of I'oontaln Cln-on was dropped on nl 11 . : the oilier nlKtit In his house by Dopity Mirshnl Jlawion ( ii JofKCiiion had run In fiom his ildliiK place In the barn to ntlind losomo midncss. Thlt pious man linn seven ulvcs , .uooftliuni his hlrt'il ( * Irls , anil so sccrotly turn the latter fnct been kept that an i-ldcr re- ( cntly asked ouoof them Uibu his hrUio Thu Md roostordropped on tnUioKiiino very iiulck and notlllcil the > holy tlilcr toijuit ttiom there Thus It leaked out. .loi'KCincii had a hiding [ ilucoln his barn to onimini.'ly arranged IIH to easily avoid dluoveij I leiwas jnJIeted three } enrs nt { for uiil.ivvlul ujlnibllatloii and has taken two or tlirea wKpHnlncotlii-n Deputy Clivvson has nrist > d two other Iiolyh'iiinlHtsnftir ( xcltini ; ( liu.ic < and llnds thu scntlmont thruu b ( ' ntial anil soiitlicrn IHiih as Blionyly iiKalnst the United S' itos for poll Biuny as Ix-foro Wil fred U'cxMlrulT'i manifesto. I'h < opinion Is KroVNlnt ! In Utah that the ivholo tiling Is n Mmm , a < liuililiiK' device to slave oil hostile lugiulutloti Oklithonin'H Capital l/ocallon , f2 ; illliir.O. . T , Oct'J'Iho ciiuncil todnj passed the bill locating tlio ciitol | and Km - llshor , but UH mlvocates aio fearful of its fate ut the'Civuinoi ) < 'sliand Instructed to Avoid n Conflict. UOMK , Oct. 'Jl The pope hu Instructed the Kicnrh bishops to avoid a conflict with tbe I'Veticli Koverinncnt. TIII3 IlllUM liVMMOSt ) MINI : . A Helena Ijin 'JVIIi llnw Tiini Cruse Made MlH Haul. "J vor hear how Tom Cruse made his first big haul In tlio Drum Luimnoiid mine1 asked II. M. "Willy of Helena Mont. , of n Chicago Time's roiwrter "No ? Well , I'll ' tell it toou. . . " Mr.Villy Hottlocl liin elf moro com fortably in the big uphoNtcred arm chair , pulled aKlenilur cloud of delicate blucHmoKc from Ills fragrant Ilimina , nnd lelati'd the following storj : "L-'ivo juars ago 1'om < 'ric-o vuisn't worth a icd uuppcr. Ho was ho puor that his grocer lu-tuallj refused him a Mick of flour on 'li < : k. ' Today Tom counts his dollars by the millions. Well , ( i man , jou know , can't exactly live on nir , bo vvhciiT > in was refused credit at the aiocer'sho pulled up stakes nnd wont Into the mountains prospect ing. Ho discovered the Dium l.tun- mend and raino back to town walked back , ho I'm told , tlio whole distance , forty miles. lie managed to get omo local capital ! ls interested In tlio dis covery. They went back with him to the Drum Lummond , amitiro enough Tom had nvidon wonderful discovery. Now , Tom is nn erratic * Bort.of cenius. He wants a big tiling when ho thinks ho can get it , or nothing. Ho .iw there v\iii > great ore In the Drum Lummond , but how deep the vein eMendrci , of course , ho couldn't toll. Anyway lie asked a fabulous price for a half interest so big , in fact , that it was impossible for the local Helena capitalists to grap ple with it. And tlmy wanted that half interest bad enough , too. IJow could it bo secured ? was the qui tion. i\t lat > t they f-ottlcd on -icheine. . Tlie mountain was drilled in t\o plac-Os , at right angles to one another. A su- norior quality of diver quartz was jammed and pounded tight into both holes aud then a prospective buyer was sought. The news of tlio icnfnrkablc paying qualities of the Drum Lummond was heralded far and near nl o the fact that it was a poor devil , unable to work the millions of silver in ! > ight. It was announced that hero vv as tlio snap of a lifetime to a far-sighted , capitalist , and nil that sort of stuff. The seed sown took root. Pretty soon an English byn- dicato was on the ground to investigate the marvellous Drum Lummond. The gentlemen of the svndicate vere taken to tbo mine , the drills vvero put into operation with the foregone conclusion that tlio richest paying mineral was pulled out. The Englishmen bought the half interest on the spot , paying therefor , I'm a-sured , a cool 2-50,000. " "At which there must have been great rejoicing1 , " remarked the reporter1. "Of course , " ' answered Willy.'Rut the strangest part of the htoi-y is yet to follow. The Englishmen at once began to develop the mine. They hadn't gone ton feet down when they struck a vein that knocked everything plumb out of sight. They kept it up. The deeper they wont the richer the ore insight. "Works were built , Muellers erected , and to this day $8,000,000 or $10,000,000 worth of sttitT lias como out of thnt niino , anil it shows apparently no signs of exhaus tion. Tom Oru'-o ' snj-j hci didn't know it , but lie's contented. That's the story the HclcnitesteU. " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing SyrupforChll- dien Tcotlilnpr relieves the child fiom pain. 25 cents a bottle. A Skillful Contractor . Regulaily every t-ix months , it is said , the treasury dop.irtmont iccelves a $20 or $ oO bill whieh , from all appearance , Instead of being made from a plato , is executed entirely vvllh a pen. The work is of a vrrj high order , and several tunes these huvo escaped detection and gone into circulation. The counterfeiter has not yet been nlbcnvcred. IIo seems ' to work 'for notoriety , us lie could not mukoa living in thibiuaimur. It Taken n. Itnt lo Catch a Itnt. A curious trap lias recently been ( lied at thu patent ollicp. His an imitation rat thnt has a piece of toasted cheese stuck on the end of a little spear that projects from his noao a short distance. When a real rut comes to nibble at the cheese the spear jumps out bis inches and impales the unfortunate. HAVE YOU SEEN IT ? We refei to the full anil compieliensho troatjse on the Blood and skip Wlictlieryouaie sick or well , every home should have a copy , / / you are we// , It tells jou how to keep su , on are sick , it tells you liow to regain your health. Tills valu.iblo p.inijililet will bo mall- eelfreo to applicants. TUK bwur Si'tcii'ir Co. , OA NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. orei-tndutrvnie > .af > ot conamoiHimon. iea- mnnt , iral'Oi. ' < . ; > ! . /or II. itnt ly inalliinnlil. YVIIU f rU order lur lx heir , lll fen I punbuor riaranita refund nnrr If ) ie Irrvlnirnt run to turn. Uuar < uil 4 luuul ua.lt < riiuinu olJijiiU lj GOODMAN' DUUO llioruruuiubuiiit , - Oimua Neb , Tliey Hlitrt n Disastrous Kite at Mnrfl Inland A'nvy Vnril , His PIUVI wo , Cat , Oct. lit. Tvvonilorj accidentally started nllro In ttio basoiiimt of tin1 cn IneriiiK storehouse at the Mart ) Island imvv yard thin nftornoon and In nn Instant a imm of combustible matter tlicro ivus lu Humes llio nitty ynnl tire depart incut , re in fo'ved by a company from Vallojo , suc ceeded In subduing the tire In about miliour. Hundreds of tells and lunisphouhl Rixvls be- 'iiBlii to naval ofllei'rsvcto badly di.magod. A11 llio mval II IRS were thrown out In the mud , ami valuable tlrmvlnin and maps which have been nccuinulaUiiLr for yoats v\tw en tirely mined. 'Hie pwuuiaiy io svvlll prob- abl - ' < - " ) amount I'iLs , spuiim , St. Vlttis' ilinco , nnd hystenn IIPJ soon ourod b , lrIllo Nfrvlno. 1'roc satuplM at ICillui X Co < , 15th I' ' hie Ai-n Sltinild lie Sopirutc. iw YI.HK , Oit 'J4- The Joint e'ommlttef onllnoattt , tnmlc , und tlio ili.itnu of tha woild's fair thU incriiliiK ndojitoil n resolution Unit It uas thdietiso of tlio eoinuilttdi that thnlJureMiuif line iirti should ho suui-atd ni.ildlstlurt from tneb'iro.m of miisl , nnd tlui diMinn , and suld ihu binvaiiof tineai-tsMiouU bo restrifteil to the sublc'e'tol llnoiirts SICK Hi&DAGME ' I'imllivol ) rurril br CARTER'S these Iidle 1'lllH. Tlioy also relieve Dis tress ( torn JJjfpopsn in- ITTLE illKcslloii anil Too llfirtj IVER Idling , A ixrfoel n-in- cdj forlllzzlncw Nausea , PILLS. DrovN sines * , Had Tnstf In tbo Mouth , ( oitcrt TongiuTain In tlicsiilc , TOItrii ) JiM.u llicy iegulat tlie Itowcls SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE. SPEUFAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. fT'lIt ' c\K- | Compute sot nf HIIIHMN looli , innd inillstoel : ; nt tlnuiiH' nt u birgalii , liuiilro | atiomii IIS Mm lain block "TO stov c nt oust t > e'liiM1 out. lli'.nlqinrlON - ' for liinl niaplo house HUH In ; tolleis and ' ' It I ) . Ainy t Co. nai.M.tlil'.tleol \l I'I F > I'or s.ihiheiip , a spin i > ( > ; oed -LM norklnc mules.llh liitiii-- und u.i on. Applv tol'rud Dav is'stables on roiirtlittrcet , nuar I'lftli\i\cnuo. IT10K KKNT llousp.fonr acres otuinilni and -Kw acres of lustiiii1 , nenrclty , snitaliln for dairy and ti.llk iiuu. Apply to J.ionanl i\e're.-tt. "VXfANTI'D A ulrl ( nr ronoral hiniscHork. V i Apply tn Miss Mary tili-.i-on , U IN-url st. ffWOiore ! ) firms fur sale m-ir tliedty lit -I- a bargain.V \ AVtnxl \ .v < 'of.JO Main st. GHN'TS clothln ? denied and rcii.ilrcd , oc mndo to order forlulf tli regular prices. Hatlsf.n-tlon puir.inticd. Aililu01 udl on F. .N. Peterson. Sill s-outli Utli su ? AIK The sto f si nil llMure , ula well establUbed grocery stoie > . or will sell stock nnd rent sioro inel llMiiresi aN'thrcii ' 4-ye'ar-old colts for -ilo. Iniiilrc | ot 1' . J. Smilh & San. 7MHtlic . C'niiiicll HluIN FOIt KENT -lloiitrs and rooms store ni'.ir rotirt IIOIIM * . mil rino _ . . nxinat J K i > a\i < lsou- , < > - > I'ifth ue. . FOIt SAI < E or Ilent Girdon luul , with house , uy J , 1C. Itlte. lO.'M.uii si. , Cmiuol ! BlulTi. ART TN THE HOME. The American home Is the iiuilen . of tlia hlcln"-t liitclll cne'o on tlie face iiflliL- i nth , Tt Is Hit ) most sicrtfd aitur lionc.itli llio stars , It Is the duty of the lie id of i' iMj riuully to make' tlie hoinu the most iniiifotl'ilJlu and beautiful Dime poltlf. ) . I'ho niij. to do this Is to make ailli-U1- ( uu e-Ity nNo artlilcs of lu.nry A steiN an aitldool aeocssltj-and when It c.iu also hen heniitlful \\orkof.-ui \ hv not clu > o-.c IL In iirc/ereni.1 tOMinietlilni : dull and iniattiaetIvor THE OAKLAND STOVES. Areas handsoinous n piece of stjtuaiy ami nt the siuno time tlio most economic il and satisfactory heater iiiiide , Como and ox- iinilnu tliuu and sue liiiiidrids of lest liniinlali from puiiplu you kiun * . idling of tliolt eco nomical diariietcr and great lira tlnit eaiaelty. | Hi\o yoiihcon the new U rand 1)11 ) lleiiters ? They are clean and liaiiiNoino , nnd .lust tin thlnifor heating small rooms and hedehutii * burs where yon only \\utit \ , allro ooea lnnallj and In cold weather. I Ime Iwea In iHiMncss 110 years In Council f Ululls , and when I Kimrantio inj gomlsyour eiindependiipon It. I'omo nnd MM'nit P. C. DEVOL , 501 BrouUvny , Council Bin tit , In. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of llvhif ? and Clf inliiitdiuielii tbe HlKhi'st Mylo ofllio Art , l'ude < l and t-liilned rabcles inulu to lookiis KOIII | as mn % . worlt proinptlvdoiu ) und delivtiud la all | > .nts ol thucuiuitiy. Send for pi Ice INI. O. A , Mj\'ll ( AN , I'uiii , OH llroi dway. Noai N'oilliwesicra Deiiot UOUNCII. llNUKH , I A. ATTEND Strictly to lnnlnoBi" is n plnmllliimtlo Tlnliielj- osunceesiln v rr line of human en "Mr I' rouli < i bjrhlm who III ) Ills lo some a lojitol cpo'lilly WESTERN rcplonroprojtroisUii full oC.enor.cT unil inoiioy ninkliu clicioos Tlioy noeipii'oclut ' iriliilnj ( ol business. IOWA . llor pH lo Ix-ndi In populnr eitiicillon. nrodolnitiininil work lor li r ncrenliii million * . Western lo . COLLEGE , romracnroi foil lorin Sept 1st. Him clo ill lli ri'iillr prHctlml for her MiutanM. Norm 1 1 Ilinl- noSliurtlianil nnl I'uniiHTilibroiirwi. > ill ) or. Kimliel nmi rarofullr cinJnclol H.ulanti mar r.iiiernliinrll < nu. Wrllo for furlhor iiirllu lU to W S rnuliun Council Bluffs , lowa.1 CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council DlUffd. PAID UP CAPITAL . . . . . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 53,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS . , 0,000 A Mllli'l. I' l > ( ill'tsull , I' . ! * . I ) . 12. Hurt. .1 D IMiiiiiiidson 1'luiln * f lliinniin Tr.msiii't KiMior.d titiiiktu 4 IHIHI- IH-S4 , : ; ' t , i'iilt.il | und i iirlus ) ) ol unjr biinkln Smlhwistorn IJW.L INTEREST ON JIM DEPOSITS. " OF VIC II R & PUS 1 Y , BANKERS. rnriioi'M.ilu ' .ml . Hroidniy , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Pcalcrs In foniUu mil donnntlo e > \ -liitii * rollui'tlotik made unil Intoruil pilil on tlm4 diijuisltH. F. M. ELLIS & "CO. , ARCHITECTS And Buildlns SuperintondoiH. Rooms J I ) inrlll \ lion lluildlnOKI iHn.Nob nnd Itiirni2ll ( and J10 Morrhiu ItliwU , I'ounol IllulTii. lu UorriHUoinluii OKI'KMC. VI , HI IDIINCE , 33 W. C. ESTFP , ( 'oniiull llhitl'H , loxvu , li .Virtd Main Hii'i-cU funeral Director aud Kinlui liner.