Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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. fws coutni
bo taken until .M p. uu.for the even ng
Mill > n and until ! : > p.m. , for ih * morning
Klltlan and Sl.tnAr UKI
' Adrertlsm * > ntcn this pne will b
charged for at Ibe rate of H cent per word
the first lnM > rtlon ami 1 cent per word for
'itch ub ofluent Insertion. and HM per line
tar month. No advertisement UVen foi
Itn than 21 rent * for the Urst Insertion.
MTIALS , figures , symbols , tto. , count each
Mono word.
rpHFE adrertlsrmenti must run eonsecn-
J-tlvrly and under no clrcum tanr > s will
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
JDAKTIEP advertising In these columns and
IL bavins ? their answers addressed to a "num-
ber d lett r"ln cure of THE Il will recelr
k numtcrcd check to nnable them to Ret their
letters. Atuwcri will l o delivered only on
iresctitatlonof this check. Enclose answer *
In envelopes properly add rented.
ALL advertisements under th head of
' " In l otli ths
t < peclal Notlec nro published >
iromlnir and evening editions of Tlir. HEE. the
circulation of which nggrogatrs more thai
JO.fXO pajx-n dailr , and gives th advertiser
| he benefit not only of the larsn circulation of
THE Hr.c In Omahi. but also in Council llluffn ,
Lincoln and other cities and towns In the west
A Advertising for the'sn column * will * > taken
L 4 > n the above conditions. t the followlr * bul-
es houses who are authorized totake special
notlcM. at the same rates ai can bad at the
main olflrp , _ _ _
2023 N Street. Lister Hlock
TOU.V W. IlEHVPharinaolst , 830 South Tenth
V street.
CHAPE A F.nnV , Stationers and PrlnUr * ,
113 South 16th utreeU
C H FAnXSWOHTU , Pharmacist , 2115Cua-
In ? street.
\\T J HUGHE3.Pharmacist , C24 North l th
' T Btrcet.
EO W. I'ARH , I'harmaclit , 1719 Leaven-
worth street.
* rrC DUES' PHAKMACV. 24th and Farnam.
Terrain , rtc. , tee top nf frtt c/liimii on tiili
U7ASTKD By flno laundresdav work In
families also jnnltoni , good swond
Jlrl. The Now Emp. Agcy , ICth and Dodce.
iSotj * l
IITAXTKI ) Hy younz ladv. a position as
T T brKjk-krcp T or R Htant bookVeoper and
N rn ) ilcr. Very IIM ! referi'nces given. .Moder
ate nalary. Address S 8. Hee. > ! > .
\\rAXTKD-Hy young man , situation as
I'lothlngor gents' furnlshlnu goods ales-
piati I'lve years' experience ; also speaks
Hcrniiin. Host of references given. Address
\VAXTKIJ MAi.ii : n J :
J'frrnlf. % rfc. , ree ( oj ) of frrt riAainn on Uilt jagt.
WANTKD-WidonwnVe man Inndvertlslng
department. Ite'iuMteKxpcrli'iiccone :
tenth ; snail , nine-tenths. Omana Kxrelslor ,
113 S ICth M674.52 *
A COMPETENT iKKiKkeepcr for a
IIOIIK * . Must furnish reference * . ? tatu
partIfiiliirs and salary wanted. Confidential.
Addn-.s tf 15 , Heo ofllce. SU71 a:1
17ANTED Oermiin compositors ; steady
t work. Also carriers at Sf.'l S. 13th st.
6.YM1 *
ArAXTKD Expcrlonied china and glass
' ' packer for our new department. The
SIor f Ilry Goods Co. KV
\\f AXTI'II Tin mediate ! v. younc man to re
cclvo Instruction nnd keep books : one
lady wanted. J. 11. Smith , 040 New Vork Life.
HSI-2J *
A 1'IIIST class cigar Kalosmaa to work city
trade. Address S 13 llee. S.-.S.2IJ
coed solicitor for special ad
vcrtlslng. AddressS 1 llee. M2
\ 'AXTHIV-Twogooil stone cutters at ISth
I and Emmett. 84sii
\\rAXTEli-Tlireo first-class cornlcemak1
' ers. IJ. Qrnhl Sc Sons Council Hluffs.
A GI-'XT wanted ( to purchase outrlcht and
X-VstoclO by leading I'ngllsh maker of s.heop
flip , ( fluid and powder ) , reliable article , used
extensively , low price * nnd liberal terms to a
house wltli suitable connection for a good
Ira do Hamilton & Co. , IVt'd. Wnnd.sworth ,
Ixnidon. England. 811 23
"iWAXTED-StOnogrnplior for whok sale
' hnu .e. None but first-class man wanted.
Apply "P. " 210 N. 17th st. 7H-21
\\rAXTni ) Agents wanted throughout Ne > -
bnska. Send btatnp for reply. Jos. V
Mcgeath. Omaha. 77i !
'T\7"ASTED A man to take nnofUco and
represent a manufacturer ; fiOperweek ;
small capital required. Address , with stamp ,
Manufacturer , box 70 , West Acton , Muss.
" \V7"AXTED Salnimfn on salary or commls-
i' slnn tohnndli * the new patent chrmlcal
Ink erasing pencil. The greatest selling
no > el ty ever produced. Enit-eslnkthoruuglily
In two seconds : no abrasion nf paper. 200 to
ttn per cent profit. Onougcnt'Asaltsamnuntcd
tnMCO In six days ; nnollier ! > t2 In two hours ,
\io want ono energetic general agent for each
Ftato nnd territory. Sample by mall : i5centN.
Vortirtns nnd full particulars , address The
Jlonioe Kruscr Mfg Co. , La Cro se , WIs.
73S-21 *
f. A OKXTi- wanted to rnnho farm loan-v Star
< I Ja. I.iinU k Loan Co. . IGUI'j ' Farnam .su 747-24
" \\7AXTEIl-Sixround and six square can
> m.ikeis. Armour-Cudahv I'acklng Co
Eouth Omgha. 740-21
\TAXTED Good sausage maker. German ,
' gwd wages. Apply VTcstplialcn Ilros. ,
-Atlantic. lown. 737-22'
\\rAXTnD-In Salt Lake City. Utah , two
i T gmid plumbers nndono steam fitter. f4 per
flay nun 8 hours , will allow half the fare. Ad
dress J.V. . Farrell & Co. , IJox 502 , Salt hake
City. 1'tnli. C74 2t
AGENTS wanted wno are not afraid to
rustle. Apply at room 18 , Wlthnoll block ,
cor. and llnrney sts. CW 21
AXTKI-InimedJnlely , S3 tinners : none
1 1 but Ilrst-classinechanlcs need apply : will
TJay giHx ] men SJ.75 IMT day ot D hours and
ctinr.intiH ) steady rmplnrineut until spring ,
Jlollcy , Mu&oii , 5larks & Co. , Spukuno Falls ,
\Vnsli. 1314 21
" \\TAXTEI ) A live , energetic partv In every
> place to Introdiieo our go < xls.Vohaveti
new line that will sell at every house and
agnntsi-an reap a harvest between now anc
the holidays.VI11 pay a salary of * 75 pei
month If preferred and furnish a team free.
Adlrt > > s at once. Standard Silverware Co. ,
ll < t < in Mass. 31 CC-l ) 15 *
rilRAVELlXO OKonts vUltlns general tner
J rhandNennd crockery stones can secure
peed little side article. Himetlilngnow and nc
oncuiiibrlng samples required. Apply llruu
liofl. Kliuller& Co. . Chicago. 111. S-K-glJ
irAXTEIl Mn to travel for our Canadian
I nurseries.btonei'NVelllnston.iladlson.Wi
A.NTE1200 lulKJn-rs forstono and grad ,
work. Apply tn 1' . U. Johnson , Union
onger depot , Omaha. &rj
ITAXTED-Actho men with reference ,
> Mutropolltan Mfg. Co. . 1 W Howard st.
O 24 *
" \\TAXTED-Agcnts--lly the Equltablo life
TV Insurnnco company of Iowa. Gcxxi tcr-
Itorr , favorable eontrncts nnd absolute se
curity to policy holder am induct > menu
offertMl , I. T Martin , superintendent of iicen-
tcles , Oe Molnes. la. M Ol o 24 *
\T7 AXTHH 1,000 men for new railroad work
In Oregon and ( Vashlngton Ter. Work
rlll last two years ; good wages guaranteed.
Albright Lalor Agency , 1120 Farnam st , M4'JO
fvrratr ttfitetni > tif jlmt column | < je
\\7AXTED-A good cook at 3510 Farnam.
- MtTS-SI *
* \\7"AXTEI-Houi > ekeerier. two dining room
i girls , cooks fur prhnte families , girls for
frrnornl work , lK th In and out of city The
yew Emp. Agcy , IClh and Hodge. taS il *
\\TAXTKI > -.V good naloslady at New Vork
> > .V and IQc btore , 212 X ICth. MO 51J
W.\XTKIV-A gtnd girl to rook and ono to
wa > .h dlsbi-s , 1'ullman 1310 Dodga
t , I'ullman liouso. B43-3J
G lit I s wanted lu label room at the Annour-
Cudahy 1'acklug Co. , houth Omaha.Wl23
rTV Girl for general housework
mutt bo good cook und laundress. Ml S 20
\\TANTED-A coed glrU 2KB llarnoy.
T bijl 23 *
BRIGHT young lady wanted to get sub
fccrlbetw fcr tun Omaha Kxcelalor ; AD per
cent cotumlMlon. Apply 113 slflth U Ml&
ett , tie tap of fnt column onfhu roue.
TJE11SONAL " 79' ' " "
nothing from "S O" to
4Uut * . isth. Will b IntC K. Y. " untilKlh.
TVhy don't "A" "E "
you M" Until I hear from
you tUU will be the last. "I."O.-S o. " V
for ratff , de. , tetltipof Jtrileoiumn onthtu pig * .
" \\7ANTF.D To buy horses. Apply to foreman -
> ' man at Co ft in an park farm , 4 milts be
yond Florence. M11
ECO ND hand huts , 1515 DoOg .
TVAXTKn-VK ) to WO acres Irnprovwl Neb.
farm within . OmllcM of Omaha. Will Day
cash. Address No. 2108 . 'poncer l , Omaha ,
Neb. Give Iwat Ion , full description and price
per acre. Address S 5 , Ilw. < *
SEPOXI ) hand typewriter * . J. P. McGcath.
KX > 7 1'arnain st , , Omaha. 772
\VANTED-Oood ocond-ljand e\fety ! for
> boy 15. another tor buy 10. AddroII K ,
necOfllcc. 714-SI
t > uy "lisle ynung driving
i horse notoverl.060 wjunds , Uc-oin " < 14 Xew
Yotk Life building
SECOND-HAND books bought f..rfp < jt cash
at the Antlutiarlan bvokitort ; , 1411 rarnaut.
_ _ CIS n 14J _
\\rANTED-IIorso and buggy. W. J. Paul.
KM riimatn.
Fur icttt , etc. , ue tupof finl roJiimu on thl * fruit.
| 7OU ! KENT 1 nnd 0 room homos , pavnU
-L ; street and cars , good neighborhood , each
7 room house. 17th and Locu t. f22.M.
7 roorn > , bath , etc. , 2. > t h nnd hen ard , IU7.U.
More , Sit h and I.o.iteiiKorth , nominal.
Evans. ma N. Y. Life.
TpOIl HENT-SI.x room cottage , furnace.
JL ga.s. bath and' water closet. Near Hans-
coin park , range for sale , address S 11 Hi-e Of-
Uvc -
HENT-Elegant brick house , all modern -
- ern con\enlencc < . llnncom place , JW per
month . Hicks. N. V. Life building. Kll-23
I1KNT-2 8-rootn houses at JSJ and 24
u Caluwvll t. nicely papered , havlnc mod
ern conveniences ai.d barns ; to reliable par-
tics until stirlns 125 per month. J. 11 , Johnson ,
510 I'axton block. C7J
FOR KENT fcevin-rooin cottacc. cor. 2 > th
ave. and Cap. ate.Inqulru Ms I > i lge. M-OOG
"IT'OH ' KENT House nnd barn. Grooms. In
J ? good repair : corner of IMIi st. and Leav-
enworthi lowrent. Inquire of John Ilumlln.
917 South l.'lth St. . tin ton block. M-C6S
EOH IIKNT A cottngoof S rixims a well ,
cistern and good barn. Xo. 1t ? . -7tli bt.
Apply at S37 S. foth 't. M COO-21'
O-UOOM house for rent , tCCl 1'ariC ave In-
Oqulresuperintendent lieu building. MCT22 *
TTIOR linNT-2J-rooiu house , suitable for a
- - ' farmers' hotel or Inrgo boirdlng Louse ;
large lot , city water , all new and modern. Kn-
qulrp of Mutnaugh t Fltchett. real c teto
uccnts. Cor. of Howard and 1Mb sts. ft'21
HENT-5-room house. 112 S. Mli t
mi XI4 *
EOH UENT-Second houe west S. W. Cor.
S.M and D.ivenport , S rooms , city water.
* tn Geo. II. llo gs , 14CS Farnam st. S's a )
DEi-IKAHLE dwelllii ! : all parts of theclty.
Smcalon A. Allen , 1G 7 Furnafn st. S2S-nl2
jlOn 1IENT--2 cottftge , 0 and 7 rooms , newly
L1 painted and papered ; rent reduced. Corner
Isth andt'hleairo. . 44s
"T71OH ItENT-An Srooninouse witn all mod-
Jern Improvements , heated by hot water.
l.Yr > S2 ; tli st. 4 blocks cast of Hanscom Turk.
Knqillrr40 > Hco bulldlm ; . 411
I TOR liENT-ft-roiim hou-c. all modern con-
venlenee , cast front , Kf > ; GrorfiUave. . ap
ply at Ucrjuun savings bank. 11J
S-UOOM house. .IVlandC'nmlni.jnjpernjonth.
a F. HurrlMn. till N. V. Life. * T9
POR KENT-1 louse. * rooms. SOCK ] laundry.
Inquire Itoht , l'urvls4th &st. Mary's ave.
fF YOU wish to rent a house or store see II.
LE. Cole , Continental block. 6S )
T7 < 0n KENT To responsible parties onlr.
-L1 those line new brick nnd stone houses on
Georgia avenue : fifteen rooms and alcoves ;
more conveniences and better flnMied than
any hoii o for rent In the city. H. 11 , Hender
son , 4001'.ixton block , city. wl
rr-HOOM houip with barn : uominal rout. C.
t r. IIarrlvon,011 X. V. Life. bT9
ITIOK ItKNT 0 room house , all rnoJern con-
J-1 venlences. Including acoodttable. Capitol
avenue , near tlxj lilch school ; rent moderate.
D. J. O'ltoiiuhoe , 1001 tfarmim st. J1
SEVEX-room hon < o. 18th and Vltiton. 213. J.
II. Johnson.510 I'axtonblooK C
1LATS.steam heated. 709 s. ICth. Thos. T.
Hall.311 1'axton blk. SS
T7\OH \ IIHNT 7-room cottages. Hath and nil
-C modern conveniences , ready In few days.
C.S , Elsuttei.407 First Nat'l Innk. .Mi
Fcrtattn , trnKt tnpof ftitt roliimn onilr
"ITlLTHNISIlEn or unfurnished mom with
JLHoard , 413S.SCth st. .MaOO-23'
r1\VO nicely furnished rooms , slnclo or en
J-suite , gas and bath ; terms reasonable.
172 I.eaen worth. MSGs-3 > '
pOK KENT NIcelv furnuhed room , all
JmiKlcrn conveniences , good board. 010 N.
iTth. . . sa-a
LARGE furnished room. C N . 1'Jth.SG7
FOK linNT-Kurnlslied rooms , suitable for
man and wife or two gentlemen. 1707 I.eav
NICELY furnished , heated rooms 717 South
l-th6t. ! -
T7M7HN1SHEI ) rooms , heat , bath and board ,
-C J5.50 per week. S12S Uaruey. S12V
"IJIDRNISII EDroomsfor r > > nt with board : ref-
J-1 crences required , 1G11 Douglas st , t7C4 *
1X3 DODGE ST. , law and small rooms
furnished and unfurnished , with su
perior board ; table board. 7VO-I1 *
TTIUUNISUEl ) rooms and board , 362 Chicago
-E st. 7l 7-2i'
TjlOU KENT KurnlshcMlparlorand bed room ;
JD Ho per month. Sfi J Franklin su 7UJ-21-
"T OIl IlENT-Itoom In urlvato family laay
JU or gentleman , lieferences. Address H 71.
Hee. 7TSI *
T710U 11ENT Tvto nicely furnKhed fiuth
-1- ; front rooms , sinde or in suite , suitable for
three or four gentlemen , gas , bath , etc.OWO
Karnatn st , 770-21 *
EOO51 andbonrdatC.OO per week at 2013
Hartley. TaVJS'
"VTICEIA" furnished room , all modern con-
- - venlenccs , with or without board. MIT
Loavennorthst , 7C72i
TTIimNISUEI ) rooms , ajullurney st. , o and
-t ! no per month 7KI25 *
OOM aim boardi also table boariT 201 S
25th avenue. Tffl-25'
T.ADY wishes roommate with board , also
JUother rooms 17--M Davenport st. 7Js 24 *
"I" OVELV rooms , excellent board , homo com-
-Uforts , ull convunleucw , references : 11 IIS'JO.
rANDSOMELY furnished room. ' .X ) Oi > dge.
L ' "
T710K ItENT-Elesantly furnished front bed
-L ? room , ulso back parlor for cenllcrncn only.
Steam heat. gns. bath. I)17' ) { S. 13th St. . second
lloor to right. Union flats. AI GiC-224
T7\OU \ HENT-Large south room , newly fur-
JD nlslivd. 21W Douglas sU JIC30 22 *
DKSIHAIILKrooms forthreeor four gentle
men , private sitting room Included. 1701
Capitol avo. 4M
"ppOIl HEXT-Kurnlshod roouii ; casbathand , 1519Howanl. 874
ST , CLAlREuropoanhoteLwIthdining room ,
dram huat In all rooms , nth and Dodge
Special rates bv week or month. 673
TCHR HENT-rurnlshed rooms , ICO ) Douglas.
Forrattt , rtc . KC trpot flnt corunm nn this ) > - .
rpUREE rooms for small family at'ccs N utu
JL _ S57-24J
UNKUItNISHEI ) roonit. < 34 K. ITtli
Jaokhon and Lt'a eiiwortlu
"V\7ANTEl > Two ladlesor man and wife to
> I take" unfurnished rooms. Add rts B 7 life.
SIC 21 *
"OOIl very comfortttblc winter Iiomtx see
-L ? thoM)3-n > om flats , S. W. Cor. ' . ' 1st and Nich
olas sts. Newly pai > cr l , city water and m > w-
erape. Flt > t flonr , F ) : second floor , M. Ilutts
Itentlng Agency. "ON mli&U 3M Ne *
O VEHHove store. Id Howard
TpOR HF.NT-Sulte of 4 unfurnished rooms
-L ? for housekeeping , to family without
children. I71C Webster st. 33J
For rate * , tte. , M fop of firti rtdumn mthtt yoge.
" ' '
AfAJSSACIE. Madam Delilcr , over eosJutu"
JaL M-ir-N-y
us. NANNIE v. WAUUEN , clairvoyant
trance , speakliij , writing aud reliable
builae&3iiiedfuin,4 year * loOtuaua. 1WJ . Htb
Forrafnt , tte Kttnpof first tulumn vnthla jiitf-
FOlt HENT-Ilrtrk warehouse. t o torlen
and basement. ? ; , OOO wunre fct. with lei
fectot double track on 1. I' , rullwuy. south
20th and I'lerte streets. Address U U k mp ,
Omaha , Xeb. t > J
TOllEiatTWS 16tb. ax 3 e cli , lirzeshow
windows , fteatn heat furnished , ThcM. K.
Hall , 311 I'axton block. KU
TT'Olt RENT The most desirable businesslo-
J ? cation In Orur.ha ( or dry goods store , cloth-
Inc. t > ootsand ho * , grwerle. * . hardware or
furniture. Kent * very reasonable. l' slon
given nt once , or Oeeombcrlst , The Fair's five
stores ; will rent separately or altogether. J.
L. llmndels < k Mils , Uth and Howard.
74 O M
IfWH HENT-.Metroi > olltan hall. 14th and
Jlodce.for balls , parties nnd weddings wither
or without supper room. Terms reasonable.
George lleyn. 313 S 15th st &V7-OJ1
T7 < OIt KENT The 4-story brick bulldlnr.wlth
J. or withoutpnwer , formerly ncoupled l > jr the
llee I'ulll liliu Co. . 910 Karnnnt St. The buildIng -
Ing has a fire-proof cement basementconiplcte
steam heating fixtures , water on all the floors ,
gas , etc. Apoly at the ofllce of The Heo. P15
I'Oll HL.NT-
Kor ratet , tfc. . Kt tnp of firtt ciduinri un
ron IlENT Hrlck wnrehoiise. twotorlos
1 high ; basement : hydraulic elevator : track
age ! best location lu the city. A. C. PowelL
329 nf
roil SALIFim.vrrmil - : UTC.
ForratKr. ttr. . Ht t } > of finl coiumn n thU pi7.
T710K SALE Handsome new furniture for S
-C roonis complete , at an Immense bargain.
Also for rent the houeuf S rooms , all con-
. enlerir > e , centrally located. II. B. Irey &
tiro. , 'XG * . Y. Life. 407
A LOT of heating and cooking stoves slightly
-i"\u ed.all in excellent condition , wo offer
very cheap. Call andnxamlne nnd do not miss
theopportunltv. Thcv must go. 1207 Douglas.
Otualin stove Kcpalr Works. &E-ZI
Ft'HXITL'Kt household goodsctc. Hhlipst
cush price. 1111 Farnam. S77
FOlt SALE-Cheip--Tho furniture in the No. HIS Douglas Street , for sale ,
and house for rent. Enquire on the premises.
GTloJl *
T710R SALE Fnrnlturc and business of 3-1-
JU room hotel In Lincoln , doing .rood piylns
business. He tof tt'iisonsforsplllnj , Terms
easy. SI.\V. Folsoin. Lincoln. Xeb. BIG
Fvrratcf. tte fee topof fint coJiiniu onfhfa
FOK SALE chcap-1 goixlwork or driving
horse , weight about 1200 : - feccoiul
hand wagons suitable forcorn liuskliifr ; I et
double barnot.V K. Potter. [ Drummond &
( , ' < i. ) 1st hand Harney. M5'i !
OUSALi- I.V.OOwnibuy the finest all-
round four-vear-olfl her e In Omaha
A pply to Davlcs llros. , J24 N IMli st.
st.M & 2J-2T.
POIt SALE- Family hore. ae evcn years ,
safe and sound , weight ) .n.V ) pound , , or
111 tnidc for carriage. Address S O.llee ofllce
S13 22-
FOR SALE-CaMi or tlme-2 peed heavy
work teams ; 1 blacksmith * hop and f ull set
oftrols : ! horse , bucgy and harness ; J nice
riding pony and saddle : 1 her e , harness and
e.\p " , s w.v.-oti ; 1 new sewing machine , nnd
Hume good household furniture. Inquire at
Gi | I'axton blk. 773
FOK SALE Cheap for cash , or will trade for
lot ami asMinie small inrumbrniicc , 2 hand
some ynung horses. Inquire of E. G. Merrill
42d and fassts. . 4S2-SI *
her e JV > .two hor-p wason RO.doublo
work , harness ! I5. Or will trade for a
good light sldo bar busgy. II. E. Cole , Contin
ental block s'O
HiOl'Il . JoO and up. II. E. Cole ,
iOl'Il teams , light muIc- > : one heavy ] . VX3-
pound hone. Itoom 13 , Hoard of Trade
Fl I OR PALE 2 good work teams. Inquire at
M3 I Paxtoiiblk. J.-
Forrate * , rtr tec f p of finl coJiimn tin this fjtije
JI'TCHER tools for sale. Apply A. Grilbp
JFortOrualu. .M.snJ' '
F OK SALE A flrst-class No. 2 .
lypenrltcr ; lutrst improvements. Ad-
-9th ami Jone- . - *
"V .W callsraph , price reasonable. R C3 , Heo
-i- office. 7
DON'T forget Jos. P. .SlcGeatb , 1OJ7 Karnatn
St. , when you want to buvrenter sell
typewriter. 77
F ; : OK SALE All kinds of thoroughbred dogs.
JamesKanzy. 14I3S. 2mb st. 27S
For rote * , tte , , Kt top of f.rtt rolumii nn thtvioe. \
An east front In Plalnvlew , clear ,
Ancast fronton taunders st , clear.
An south front , Hamilton near I/owe ave.
A south front on California nparKJ , clear.
A fine lot In La Vela IMice. clear.
An cast front la AVe t Cumin ? add , clear.
I'or peed revenue paying property or a good
sized corner for building. J. U. Evans. : * > S N
Y. Life. R-.1-H
rpllE Colorado Land Co. ( Inc. ) have some
J choice farms In Colorado , nlo nine west
ern lands thej w > ll exchange for merchan
dise ! will pay some cash when the trade wll We desire correspondence. A. A
Spabr. .secretary , Holyoke. Colorado , P13 21
\\71IO has somet hlng In clear or nearly clen
i i lotij or aero piuperty to trade for ai
equity of KJ.XXln ( ) good residence p
small encumbrance. H . " > ' . ' , lice olllco.
TTi.XCHAXGE-Ptockof millinery. 11.600. fo
JlrfOinaba or Council lllulTs lots. AV111 liiki
equities. Address 1172 , Itee TS-i-21
FOR r.XCHANGE-5OW stock hardware ,
WantgooUlowu farm. Itoi USC , Shenau-
doah , la. rat-Uj *
FIXE stock of fancy goods for sale at once.
Ilcst of reasons for selling. Would tradt
for good real estate. Mrs. McDonald 1'C-
IJouglas St , 741-23
rpo ENCHAXGE For clear farm , now 7
J- room house In llaker Place , full lot. In
quire of E. G. Merrill , 42d ami Cass sts. 483-21
rpo EXCHAXGE Iluslnpsa lot close to cor-
JL nerof 24th and M streets , South Omaha ,
clear and dra wing Sl7 rent , for a good residence )
In Omaha. Frank E. HartlganC13 X. V. Mfe
Y\JANTED A small stock of groceries In
IT exchange for unlnctimbered real estate.
Inquire nt room 3U7.1'iiMon block. M-lil-nU
\\7ANTED-A small stock of cigars and to
> > baccos In cxchanzo for clear ril estate ,
Inquire at room 3J7 , I'nxtou block. M1S1-X3
1Ott EXCllAXGfc.-F.lght mules for Omaha
real estate. R. 13 , Hoard of Trade. 43J
For rotes , etc , , tte too of rolnrnn on fhw
T\7ANIEI > Horses to winter J-3 with grain
> > and W without ! good care will bo takea
of them atCofimnn 1'ark farm. Lca > e orders
with II. SIcmory , 010 Xew York Life bldg.
Far rates , tte. , tte tap ofint column on I/it * page.
DIVORCES quietly ; adrlce free Address
Lawyer , box Cll. Chicago. Ill , SIS 21
SAVE fuel by covering your steam pipe ;
with I'ossll Meal Composition : the bes
non-conductor , absolutely fire proof.
tern agent. U. 0. McEwuu , 1011 Howard st.
TO Shoe Dealers When you patronize me
you know that I will not compete with you
by retailing rubber bootsshoes , irctlcs. san-
dalsetc. I am not running twelve or fifteen
retail shoe stores under various names. I sell
at wholecalc only and liavc no Interest In any
retail store. I am western agent for the XOH
Jersey rubber shoe company at Omaha , nm !
every shiVdealer ! knows there Hno better llni
of pxxls made. My ales this year sofararc
moru than double any other season up to this
time. M-nd forprlce lists and discounts. Jer
seys will bo extensively advertUed this sea
son. / . T. Llndiey. UB-nO
MAESAGEtreatinent , electro-thermal batbs.
tcalpand hair treatment , manicure and
chlropodijt. > lrs. 1'ost , U SU-21. Wltlinoll blk
For rate * , itc Mitupof flr tei < lumn onl/iti page ,
TOKAOK am Trackagc-UaTld Cole , b5- !
sli llonard st. 713
TOK.VOK ee us before storing roods of
J"1 * . ifcrlptlon. Omalti * Stove Kt-palr
Tel. ja. i > ii
rpltACKAUE storage at lowest rates.V.S1
JL Ilushnun. 1311 Lcavouwortb , RM
" TOHAOE llranon t Co. , 1211 Howard. a
> A \VNI1KOK hits.
tnrmter. tterttapat * nt column on Ci ( jvye.
PliF.D XOIILB loini money ondlaiuonind
watche Jewelryeto. , a.t.cor , KruiinArllth
for rat t * , tte. ite top of
ACHE Property- Aero property , well lo
cated , offers the firteit opportunity for an
Investment now nn the market. Call and see
the bargains t offer. \
Five acre * , close to Holt fifnr > railway . .I2..VX )
Thirty cro tract Ju t ont-'ilc limits. . . Jl.fO )
Ten acr tract , close to Hilt Line station 4,500
Ten acres , with house.barn , splendid
Rrovc . . , . 7-VX )
Five acrv , splendid irardeivspiit 2.2&D
Forty acres , nice fruit arid vegetable
garden 1P.WO
Splendid investinont , 2tr acre * , clv > o to
licit station , will make 1W nice lots
worth n'O each \t \ 10.000
lllcks , N. V. Llfcbulldjqj ; . KV. g
1710H SALE Several olos nt res.ldenc lots
In Hanscom 1'lacc. Thee lots aieon
streets , with sewerage , city water , gas , eleo-
trle motor , etc. ; splendid nelshtxirhood ! jti t
the place for \ beautiful home. For prlco ,
terms , etc. , call and coUeo. N. UlcKs. X. V.
Life Hldg. MS-a
I7X3H SAL > .
J-1 Tlnest corner In K. V. Smith's add. , MsUS
and2 houu's. onlj' ! s.0 ) .
P ast front on Lowe avc. near Davenport , a
snap. ! 2.lnO.
Several liand ome cottages In desirable lo
cations , on easy terms S.T.OW. n Xi. W.30U.
I-ot on Itrlstol near 24th , tit grnde.ll.OM.
East front. Evans1 addEd st. ! 1,200.
A line trackage lot bargain ,
r.lCt. WJ-acrc tracts In olty.
i-outri front In Evans' add , California su ,
Choice propertv throuilioutthe city.
J. 11. Evans , JOs New York Life. &T-02 !
J10K SALE-WelUecua-d claim worth fiOOO ,
T for S-'W cash. Inquire U. s. , I' . O. box IJ.
FOR SALE-A farm adlolnlns HIalr. Xeb , .
could bo plutted and sold for gartleti at
once. ll.W. MoHrldc. Hlilr. 707 nlJ'
\\TANTED-To sell a bulldlnis 12iS3 and 400
T i feet9 foot fencing all now. Address Vlgo ,
room 423 llee build Ing. M-SB-S *
FOH SALE at ' value House 10 rooms ,
batli and conservatory , city and cistern
water. M.iblo for six horses A bargain for
this week. Some trade , address S I' ' Hco.
& - > 923
$3200 buys one of the finest residence lots in
. Hanscom I'lace. Ulcks , N. Y. Life Uldg.
SPECIAL Bargains Two of those three
houses In Kountze 1'laci * . have been E-oId.
You can have the otiier for S5.5W on the
follottlng terms : fVK ) cash. fr : > per month
for ! years. J40 per month for 2 yuan * . 145
per mouth for a years. H.ilance 7 jears'
tlmo , 0 percent Interest on all deferred pay
ments. Al-o sninesplcndld homes Insame ad
dition to exchange for farmlands and city
How's this for a birgaln : 8 room modern
house. Caulwell street , 2l blocks west of
C4th street ; SI..VM worth H. . ' < , J750 cash ; JJ5)
peruiontli for2 yeirs. | J5 for I year , bnlance
. * years , 0 per cent Interest on all deferred pay-
0-roora house and full lot on Wlrt St. . ! C,5
f l.Vu cash. bal. to suit ,
Who lias a vacant lot worth from ! 1..V to
.vu. clear , to exchange for an elegant homo
In Koulitre place , worth ffi-DOO ?
.1. J. Gibson , sole agent Ivountzo Place , rtwm
3Crelghtonblock. 619
li3.200 buys one of the finest residence lots In
Pllanscom 1'la-e. with paed streets , sewer
age , city water , gas , civetrle motor line , etc. :
small cnsh payment , bat lou ? time , lllcks. N.
Y. Life Illdg. . W--'iJ
EF.ALESTATE Information. If you have
any real jstateto seller a hou e to rent
you should Investigate nnr nlan. It Is new ,
novel and sure to win. It s.-Ju the property.
Call and eo us. Doan & , 1'arrotte. room 17 ,
Chamber of Commerce. ' . . SOU 2
BAISGAIN-A splendid .liouso and lot near
Hanscom 1'ark. Thlshouse Is new andsub-
stantlallv built , with a.U modern Improve
ments. The lot Is In eleant shape with beau
tiful lawn. etc. Can otfcrtl-ls property for a
few days at a figure that makes ita p < clal
bargain. Tor price , terms , etc. . call and see
Geo. N. Hicks. New Vcrl < .Llfe bldg.
O IXE of the best lots'in'Orchard ' HIM , onli
* > CO. Stringer t Penny. Douglas block.
AFINEhomeln Krmnl7ol'lice : also cottage
on full lot. Callfornh and : Jd streets , at
a sacrifice , on easy puyri ) < ; iits If taken before
the ild lnt , , ns owner-Is leaving tliocitv
Apply to N. Shelton , or L. S. Skinner , 1U14
rarnanist. 705-22
FOIl SALE At a bargain , n desirable resi
dence. J.V5M ; ijTO doiju. balance on en < - \
terms. Ciill at Nebraska iteaui laundry , ICtl :
and Howard sts. ' ' 7CG
t aOOO will buy a houseun4 S lot opposite
5j > ICouti tie I'lace. t.S doivc anutij per montl
at 6 per cent Imeri-sj to Rood partv. A
horse and nugey to trade for lot. Ilutchmson
& \\'e \ ad , Kt'4 Douglas t. 742-21
T OANS Wo make farm loans within 100
JLJ miles of Omaha. Aeents wanted. Star
I and & Loan Co. . ICOtfH Farnam. 747-24
17 E loan M per cent of value on farm lands
' Agent * wanted. Star Land i Loan Co.
1COU1-Tarnatust. 747-24
FOR SALE At a bargain , fyjxl20 on Daven
port , near 17th. one block from now post-
ofllce. very cheap , i2yOJO ; iOxUJ corner 20tl
and Farnam , 8.JO.CKW. G. L. Green , room ' )
Uarker block C l
/1IIO1CE business corner on South 20th st-
Wonly S.WO : also Kllbj- Place lot. jl.090
Easy terms. Must bo sold. Sineaton k Allen
lftJ7 Farnam st. -M CGI-a
FOR PALE Splendid opportunity to cet n
beautiful new ID-room house In one of the
finest locations In Omaha. 2 blocks west of
Lowe a\eon Cassst. , high and sightly and on
grade , full lot , city ater , cistern
tower , bay window , porches , double floor , cel
lar , etc. . ull finished In hard wood and hnrc
oil and in first-class style ; Price 13,100. Term1
easy. Usual commission to agents. Inquire o
owner , K. G. Merrill. Ca and 41st st .
190 n3
TT10RSALE A bargain. Tine south front loC
-C VJxILN in Union square , J. D. Zlttle. 91
N. V. Life. M417
IT HOOM cottage , full lot , Hanscom Place
' east front and a great bargain for a few
day i. Small cash payment and balance on
longtime. F. K. Darling. Marker block. W4
T710U PALE MX cottages , ranging from 11.400
-t ? tnli&M each : 1100 to * 300 cash , balance
monthly or to suit. If you want a house we
can arrange terms to suit. Sineaton k Allen
] G07Karnam. KCJ-X 4
AM-foot east front lot on LOWQ avenue.onlj
11,503. Stringer i Peuuy , Djuglas block.
/"tOUNEU on Ixjwe avenue , south and east
V _ front , only ! . ' , 100. Un motor line , Stringer
& Penny , Douglas block. "li
FARNAM st. A flno corner close to court
house , &WO per front foot Stringer i.
Penny , Douglas block. 33
THE finest corner for residence on Tarnain
su For location , price and terms apply to
Stringer k Penny. Douglas block. Sfi ,
TNSIDE property to cost S15.000 , will rent for
-L f-KU a month. Stringer & I'enuy , Douglas
block. 15
FOK SALE Look at this ; New7-roora liouso
on lot 19 block ; 5. Baker place , splendli
view , south front , well , cellar , bay window
etc. ; iJM or more cash , balance of 11.200,115
per month. Inquire of owner , E. 0. Merrill
Cass and 41st sts. 197 n 3 *
FOR SALE Dr. Chamber * ' residence and
barn. cor. ICthand Iturdctt ; 10-mom house
furnace , cas. sewer , range and all conve
niences. Hurn 46x60 , brick. 0 box stalls and 1
single stalls , with water.iftyer , gas. . - rooms
forhelp. etc. Best equipped barn In Omaha
for veterinary or private use. D. V. Sholes
Co. , sole agents , 213 I'lratlNal'l bank. J1943
A SMALL payment dow.n and ! 15 pur month
will buy a 4-room lioute and lot on ICth ,
blocks from motor : first-class chance tn a (
quire a home on easy tuna * . Apply to 11. E
Cole , Continental block. ks3
f 1XCOLS Place lots ilJ-W to tl.MO. Ucuer
LL. . Thomas. u4 ;
OARGA1N Choice lot IrfJJrtcgs place , unln-
cumb < 'red. ll.'joo. Market price T-UOX .Need
money. Address Ed Pr > q-l a California st ,
Dcnter. Col. ' , K)7-o21' )
FOR SALE Cheap , on easy terms , a nice
cottasoln Lowe's Add. , ' < uid a 7-room brick
house , with all modern conveniences , onKtl
and Jackson sta. Room 11C4iamber Commerce
HOME.S-Sweet HomcJWEIegant Ilomes-I
am offering the best bargains iu Omaha o
in the world on West Farnaiu street.Six elegun
houses , all difTercnt , 8 toSrooini furnace , hot
android water , gas , gas fixtures , bath , wate
cloet , mantel , elegant brick : cellars , pavei
street and mortzage , J-OO tn tvoo. or more cash
nnd balance at' perccntto suit. D. V. Sholes ,
213 First National bank. JOS
T\7 AUOII i 'esterflcld.rcal estate.S.Omaha.
> > tAa
Tl' YOU have anythlnztu will or exchange
J-callatt _ _ Paiton block. lOi
"I710R SALE An elegant new rosldnnre , !
J- rooms Ch > rry and OJik Qnikh. largo KUble
and every wnvenlence for comfort ; location
the best In the city , price low. Terms easy
I ) . J , O'Donuhoe. 1001 Furnam ht Hi )
Varmiet , tte. , ft tap of fint eotumn on IAt
HH.UJEY i Hru.rentnl asent , W N.V.LIfe
C. Cole , rental ageitContlnental hlk.
T 1ST your house * to sell or rent with 0. F
JL/llarrison. 911 N. V. Lift. tM
Fvrrtitft , ete , . w top ttf f.rtt column en I7i U
$14,000 to lonn on desirable Omaha property
In sums of TOO and more ; ca < h on haoni no
delay. Co-operaUre Land and Lot Co. . 2M N.
IBtbst. M K > 7-a' !
KIM BALL , Champ * Hyan.
12iA Punmtn it ,
make loans on
real cstattt.ticrsonM
And collateral M curltr.
Notes and bonds bought ,
Hulldlng loans at
lowest rates. CO. . NU
T71IRSTmortgage loan on Improved and ttn-
Improted property. C. J. C * wll , io SrV.
Lite. M637 Nil
f HSKnrnarn. Hen , K. Marti , loans made on
JLdlamonds. watclu-s. jenelry.cto. Ml MH *
f \ HATTEL loans , low rate , 1519 Tarnatn st.
U 4'C-nll *
UI HIE ConinierclalSecutltr lan and Trust
Co. wants tcHxl short tlmo paper ! also can
landleftfew secured mortgaci. Hoorn % )7 ) ,
A 1ONEV to loan by II. F. Masters on chattel
-L' I and collateral securities forany tlmo froin
one to six months In auy aniouut to suit bor
Loans madoonhouohoM roods , pianos , or
gans. hor-es. mules , houses , leases. arehou o
receipts , me. , at the lowest possible rites.
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans a re so arranged that you can make
a payment of any amount at any time and.
mlucc > bold principle and Interest.
Ityouowu a balance on your property or
inve a loan you wish changed. 1 will piy It
off and carry It for you. If y > u find It more
convenient , call up telephone Nn 1C21 and
your business can f > e arrancod at home.
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates.
n.l * . Master * ,
Iloom ( AVltlmell Wk. , 15th and Harauy Jts ,
FARM Ixjans-Star Lund i Loan Co.
; 114 Si
/CHATTEL bank. 310 tf. th t. loans money
\Jou chattelsor collateral at reasonable rates
"TI1IRST t.secondraortsazes on vrteant A Im-
J-1 proved city prop County warrants l juzht
Money onhaud. 1' . M. Richard on.bli.V.Y. I.lfc
i'lONEY 1 , CO or OJ days on furniture.
-i-'l pianos , horses , liouscs.ctc. J. J. Wllkln on *
119 Pax ton block.
rrNC SI'A ' L.LY low rates
of Inten-st on first ninrtgagfs oflmprorcd
renl estate for the- next W days by the Kansas
City luvestimntCfl. Room 30 , Hoard of Trade.
J. II. Pease. luanaRcr. &J9
MONEY to lonn on any security
for short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on | > orsonaiproperty ;
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com
pany , room 400 , L'axton blk. 010
B t'lI DINGloansmadcat lowest rates.N. .
M. Harris room 3D , Trcnzur blk , , opp. P. O.
GIIEA1"eastern money
1'hlhdelphla Mortpaee and Trust Co-
always readv to loan and pav promptly ! first
niorteaccs wanted. George \v.I > . Coites. rop-
re-cntatlve , room 7. board of trade. 012
EEAIiKstntoIXJnns Cash on hand. Globe
Ioa n& Trust Co7 : S. ICth St. . Xo delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent , good Hsu
. . & . M. ASTHOXV , 3H X.V. Life bulH-
. Inc. lend money on f.irrns In choice coun
ties of Xebraskn and Iowa ; aUo on good
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; l > est
terras ; no delay : money ready. Titles and
values passed on here. OH
T EYSTONEUortzageCo. Loans of ! 10 to
JLV1,000 ; get our rates before borrowing and
save money : loan oti horses furniture or any-
approved security without publicity ; notps
bought , for new loa" cnowalof old and low
est rates , call K. 203 eely blk.,15th 4 : Howard.
V\f ANTEl > First dais Insldoloam. Lowest
VT rates. Call and see us. Mutual Iinest-
mcnt Co.lSM rariiiir" . 016
"TT'ASTEUN ' monc-y to loan on city property :
JL mortgagepaperbotight. H.B.lroy.X.V .Mfe.
/CHATTEL loans at lowest rates. Removed
VAo U24. N. Y. Life , bids. JUEmuilnscr. .
MONEY loaned at low rates on furniture.
her e' . .tc , without publlcltv. Hawkeye
InvDstmcntCo , Si IXiuslasbllc.Wth and Dodge.
"OUILiIINGloan5,6 ) to ? per cent ; no addl-
JJtlonal chrtrsert for comnilsmon or attornc v's
fees.V. . H. Slelkle , First National tank bldg.
Forratt * , etc. , itetitpof Jirtl ttHumn rmUil *
JE. SHE1MIF.KD , Irvlnzton , Nel > rasha. has
i two good farms for ealo In Douglas co.
ICOacresIn Union precinct , Iffl acres broke.
Uvo room house , burns , sheds , good Tell , also
running water : school house on the place ; JoO
per acre , SiX)0 ( cash , balance to suit purchaser.
Also a splendid t'lRhty in Jefferson proclnct ,
7I acres broke , house , barn , wells , cribs , etc. ;
82.600. MOO cash , balance to suit buyer. No
trade wanted. W - ! '
FOIl SALE Druj ; store , one of tlie nicest
and best payins drug stores , flneloeatlon
In the thrivingcltyof Seattle.Wash. WIlls > lI
at a bargain If taken oon. Rood reasons for
solllnc. Invoice about i'lSOO. Address Urug-,1214KTontst. . Seattle , \\asb. MTL'l1
T7\OK \ SALE The finest retiill grocery husl-
Jness In Omaha : locution best In the city :
coed reasons for selling. Address 1' . O. Box
7-7. M M3-27 *
T7IOH SALE On Monday November 17 at the
-L1 hour of twelve o'clock noon at the north
door of the court house In the cur of Oninhii ,
we will offer for sale to the highest bidder ,
five shares of stock In the Omaha hardware
company , fully paid up and non-assessable.
This stock Isa good Investment and should
re ehw the attention of close and con < icrva-
tlve Investors , ThlsMock Is offered to satisfy
: i claim , to secure Mhlchit was placed as col
lateral.V. \ . IJ. Taylor. 743-23
rpIIEIlEST dairy and milk route intheclty.
-L Enquire of E. S. Jester. 250iCiimlns St. , or
LV. \ . Wright , Florence , > 'eb. iC62-a ! ;
FOR SALE Cheap , an established drug busl-
nass. centrally located ; stock clean and
new ; will Invoice about $1,500 : peed reason for
selling. J. D.ZIttle. 014 N.Y. Life. M417
F OH SALE JIO.OOO choice stocK of general
merchandhe in one ot the best town ) In
Nebraska , To miles from Omaha. I'arty doing
nn excellent business , but has other business
demanding his attention. Address I'fvS.M133
POIISALE At a bargain , a coed store house
fitted up with shelve- , and counters , base
ment C rooms for dncllln ; . peed cistern nnd
well , will soil or trade fora No. I stock of jro-
eerlos. Address Kenl i Heel , C. O. J ) . grocers ,
K J X. 10th bt , O27
TTMNEoponlns for dry poods store. Large
JL1 corner room In brick block In county scat
town within SOmllesof Omaha.wlll be vacated
Nov. 1st Present occupmt havln ; made a
fortune In thedrj Rood business
bo rented or bought upon very favorable
terms. Address State Itink of Xebraslca.
tfovard. Xeb. ? 50o23
Formtct , tte ixe fop ot tint rnlmn onihii
F.I'OHF. buying a plann examine the now
soalo Klmball plauo. A.llospe , ljULoulas )
60 ?
GF.O. P. OELIEXI1ECK teacher of the bajo
with llospe.lSU Douglas. g
TIME Golden Monitor New and thoroujh
ha iid-book for piano and or ani a most
valuablohelpcraud culdo ; "nimbly endorsed ;
costs but a dollar ; may be found at Hospe's.
For rate * , ttt. , rrt top of fnl column on Ihu
BG. AVIIEEI.EIt. general ttenozraphcr and
niotary. Depositions and court work a
specialty. Tel. , fol.ltoom 10J2 > , V. Mfe. bids.
rpyPEWKlTEUS. all
-L changed , rcutod , J. I1. Moseitn. 1W7 1'ar-
natn strtet. b'M
rpYIiE' RITEKS for rent or lale. Stenos-
Jrapheri huppllea. J.P.Heeeatli,1607 Tarnam.
. , HI lou of tr l ( olumn rnthl * rant.
BfST llnelKilr goods In west ; hair drosslsn.
wigs , svrlt.-he * . bitus , halrlxhalni , etc. , a
hpoclalty. Uavles hair zooJs ind milliner
opposite po tolBee. Ill S.lJth st , Omaha' 1OJ
, tie. , ft tup ( / Jirt column \l\Uoiit. \ .
TJF.XSION'S The Cllnguian Pension Agencyi
X : i Trenzer block. Information free. 1W ;
c K < top ojjlnl column on lAfi j j/w
rpAKEMJP Ilrovrncowwltu whitenpot on
X fombetdibi'll cord rep around bead. E.
lS Mason tUo7llSlK *
Jmt rufuiirt < m till * J KV.
V < a AOKJft..VTs todo arrssnuicloi ' "in" f arat-
' 1 1 e bOlleltud. M : Sturdy. Mil ) lUrney vt.
HCLN13 *
rprniffjrte Ktloptt flntcolumn on ( hit txya.
f OST Catalogue of C. K , Adams' f urmshlnij
J-Jhouse. Kinder please notify P. llarrop ,
619 Howard street , and greatly oblige.
f 09T Sunday afternoon , creen csrrlazo
Ljrobo. plnkptl edees , on Uoorgln nve or
ackjou st , Kcturn to J. It. Campbell. lice
) aicf. S.C-2S
T OST Illack stud colt. ! years old ! return
-LJ ( o C. M. Monloy. slock yards.NiutbOmaha.
and receive n > ard. 7S7--M *
rtor mU * . rtfn pttupof ) lr l rntiinn on l/iti /
triOIS coed board , nlcn roonis , modern con-
L \cnlcnceH. rates and locut on. the rullnun
, 1310 Dudfe t. , cannot be excelled. Mrs.
lorn , prop. H57J
, flc. . rtt fop tt trt column on W ( .
" \ \ rANTKH liooin anil board In good
> ' borhood by mother and daughter. S it.
Ucc. M.S7S Zf
\\7ANTED ltooni and Iw.inl in private fam-
lly for gontlernan and rlfe. lirst of n-for-
ncefurnlsliol. Add re .i g. lu lice. M-OJ-a *
V\TAN TED To rent two or thro o tint ur-
' T nlslicd rooms suitable for light hou e
keeping. In central pirt of city : must bo on
f > cond lloor with all modurn conveniences.
\ddrcss I' . O. llox C3. clt.v. M 6UJ
\ \7E want 1W house. for customers. Unit
v i KO to JvO per month , tmeatou A Allen ,
GOTFarnam ht , KO-'M
FVr rnfw , rtt , rtt fop o' ft it roltitim on thin ixigt.
AT ESTfa w vcrs A RoTicilors. O "NV S ues &
Co. , Hco building Omaha. 4 years' experi
ence as examiners In U.S.pitentofllcr. llranch
oQico at Wushlngtoh , D. C. Consultatlou free
Fbr ratrr , tte. , fit f fp i > / frri tvlttmn nn ( / ] ( .
flK bath at Madam Smith's parlors ,
7 S 13th lljirkcr hotel. too 25'
A6S0E , iUdam Uclzlcr. overCIO sfiata
M-lJs-X- ' . "
ItlK . . ,1 lj.IIU.1.
. A joint resolution was adopted
) > the legislature of tlie ulato of ? ot > rasku.Ht
: liotvTenty-Brstscsilon thereof , and approved
March 30th. A. D. Is O , proposing an amend
ment to section two ( ! ] four41 and flrc [ 5 ] of
Artlelo sit [ ft ] of the constitution of aald state
and that ala section an amended shall read
as follows , to- wit ;
Section 1 That section two (21 of article sli
r ) of the constitution of the state of h'cbraaka
Do emended so us to read as follows :
"Sections : The supreme court shall can-
slstof fi\cS ( ) Juilres , a majority of whomfilull
t > e necpssnry to fortnnquorumortopronounco
a decision. ItMiall hivu orlKlnal jurisdiction
in cases rolatlnit to rcvenup. civil cases In
which the state shall be a party , rnandanus
quowarranto. habons corpus , and such appel
late jurisdiction as n'ay be provided by law
EectlonJ : That section four (4iof ( article < lx
( C.of ) the constitution of the state of Nebraska ,
bo amended so as to read as follows :
Section * : The judges of the euprerae court
shall bo elected by the electors of ihtiitato at
large , nnd their terms of offlce , except a1 *
hereinafter provided , shall be forapcrlodof
ttve(5 ( > years. "
Sections : That section five (3) ) of article sli
Oof the constitution of the state of Nebras
ka , be aintnded so a U read as follows :
Section 5 : "At thetlrat freneral election to
bu held In the year iMil , and after the adop
tion of this amendment to the constitution.
there shall bo elected three (3) ( ) judges of the
supreme court , one of whom shall be elected
for the term of one (1) ( ) year , one for the term
of three piyears and ono for the term of five
< * ) years , and at each central election there
after there shall bo ulected one judae of the
supreme court for the term of five ( j ) years.
I'rorlded , that the judges of the nupromo
court whoso terms have not expired at the
time of holding the general election of 1MI ,
shall continue to hold their otfico for the re
mainder of the terra for which they nero re-
pectlvely elected under the present consti
tution. "
Section 4 : That each person voting In favor
of this amendment shall hare written or
printed upon his ballot the folio ( ring :
"i'or the proposed amendment to thoconstl-
tut Ion relating to the numDer of supreme
. "
Therefore. I. John M. Thayer , Governor of
the state of Nebraska , do hereby pl\c notice
In accordance lth section one (1) ( ) article fif
teen ' 15) ) of the constitution , the nrovl ! ons of
the act entitled. "An act to prouilo the man
ner of proposing all amendments to the con
stitution and submitting the same to the elec
tors of the state. " Approved February 13th.
A. D. 1S77. thats&Id proposed amendment vlll
be presented to the qualified voters of the
slate for approval or rejection at the general
election to he held on the Uti day ot Novem
ber , A. D. 1MX ) .
In wltnc < jj whereof I have hereunto set ray
hand and caused to bo aflixi'd the ( treat seal
of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln
thlswth d.iyof July , A. L ) , 1500. and the twen
ty-fourth year of thegtat * . and of the Inde
pendence of th. United Statea the on ? nun
dred fifteenth.
By the Governor , JOHN M. T1IAVER
[ SEA i.l Secretary of Stst * .
&pu ti
MA'l IO.V.
WitEnnxs. A. joint resolution was adopted
by the legislature of the state of Nebraska , at
the twenty-first session thereof , and npproved
February 13th , A. 1) . lv-9. proposlne an amend
ment to the constitution of salu state , and
thutsald amendment shall read as follow * ,
to--wit :
Section It That at the general election to
be held on the Tue dav sueceeainz the first
Monday of November , A. n.lCJO.there shall by
surukUHi to the electors of tlila state for ap
proval or rejection an amendment to the con
stitution of this state In words as follows :
"Thcmiinuf actnre , sale and keeping for sale
of intoxlca tine liquors as a be vetapo are for
ever prohibited In this state , and tlm lealsla-
ture shall provide by law for the enforcement
of thU provision. " And there shall also at
said election be separately submitted to the
electors of this state for their approval or re
jection an amendment to the constitution of
the state In words as follows : "Tho manufac
ture , sale and keeping for sale of Intoxicating
liquors a * a beverage shall be licensed and
regulated by law. "
bee.At such election , on the ballot of
each elector votlnK for the proposed amend
ments to the constitution shall be written or
printed the words : "Tor proposed amend
ment to the constitution , prohibiting the
manufacture , sain and keeping for sale
of Intoxicating liquors a < a beverage , " or
Against the proposed amendment to the
constitution prohibiting the manufacture ,
sale and keeping for sale of Intoxicating
liquors as a beverage. "
There shall ulsobe written or printed on the
ballot of each elector > otlng for the proposed
amendment to the constitution , the words :
I'or proposed amendment tu the constitution
that the manufacture , sale and keeping for
ale of Intoxicating liquors ns a boverase In
nls ktnte shall bu licensed and regulated
by law , " or "Against oald proposed amend
ment to the constitution. Unit the manufac
ture , sale and keeping for sale of Intoxicating
liquors as a be\erape thall bo licensed and
regulating by law , "
Sec , 3 : It either of the said proposed
amendments shall be approved by a majority
of the elector * voting at the uld election ,
then It shall consltuto section twenty-tovcn
I'.T ] of article one [ Hot the constitution of thli
Therefore , I. John M. Thayer , Gox-ernor of
the state of Nebraska , do hercbr give notice
In accordance with section one [ I ] article [ U ]
of the constitution nnd the proUslonsof the
act entitled "an act to provide the manner of
proposing all amendments to the constitution
ana submit tin ; the Ramu to the electors of the
state. " Approved February 13th , A. I ) . IsT ? ,
that said proposed amendment will bo sub
mitted to the qualified voters of this state foi
approval or rejection at the general election
to De held on ttieUIi day of November , A. D.
In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand ,
anacauaetobe alllxeJ the great seal of the
state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this titb
day of July , A. 1) ) . lsOOaua tho24lb yearot the
state , and of the Independence of thaUnittd
States the one hundred Hftcentn.
Itythe Governor. JOHN M , TilAYEB.
[ SCAC , . ] Secretary of State.
August Id3to
The copartnership of Maton & Hourgeoli ,
architects , of Omaha. Neb- and Council
Illufls , la. , N this Uth day of October. 1' < J. dh-
s < ilveil by mutual consent , I * J. II , Ilourgcolt
retiring , and it Is furtlmr agreid tlmt the
business of nald firm hliall bo oontlnucd by S.
E. Maxon , towliom u | | accounts of Mild firm
arc to be pata and by * horn all debts of tlm
hnnarotobe paid , and in consideration of
certain claims earned and given to the hald
L.J. II. HourgcoUandaox'tptedbyhlm in tils in
terest , and In full for all demands by liltn , tlio
said I. . J , It. llourgfota has trankferred ,
assigned nnd released to me , S. K. Miuon. all
his rlihtH. lnu-rt" > t and claims to the prop
erty , business , good will and trudo of haid
Una , also all unfinished work nnd payments
on same to bo made to Mr. S. H. Mnxon.
Thanking the patron * of thl * office for past
favors andK > llcliliig their contluuauco with
thlsoflicc ,
I remain most respectfullv ,
Oct.21-d3t.M e. E.
rrlraarr , ttrondtrj or Tfrt.arr r nMnenllrcared
lnoia VO ( Jlji. V , t\ialc.t. < til | x > u > .i tiitm tb
r > t m ( to thai therarcu htvtr I * a return ef tb di >
m Inanjr Icrm. fartieiUA Ixlmlntit hou ( for
Ihoune I rice . . . „ . . . _ _ _ uidunilrrtht f
iui r > rui n y ra j i n B in tr < > , ci > ut witb
the hopr V f MM I I IVfrrtocom.
t rt > . will BJ I I Ii R I lOcontnrt to
rur tUia er * ' " " 'i'refend ' all
loonrr ml 147 entire rp nM of rotnlnf. r > ll > ouj f r
aa > l ttl Ulla. V'crballttur * tb ordfor ) cue wi
fin ill ran. Menlloa th < l' IT. Addr ,
COOK UEMKl > r CO , Omaha , Xtbnikcu
Offlc. St , Ciilrllotol Cor.nthanJUoJjtit
_ .
I/rarei cTfiCAt.ll , HL IUINufON"XJ (
Otoatit. I Dtpot 1Mb Una Matun nriK > ti
(30 ( p ra .Ctilcaco Eipreii R.O ) a IB
(4J a m 6.W p ta
flop a' ' Cblraco Kiprvii tam
I.Wo m , Cblrapa Ux-jtl , . , . sos m
TlL'lUl.SC.TU > r f MO lUVKIl. .Arrl * i
_ ' nJjU onHrBti. . '
. . . .Denier L sj KTf > n , 4 05 p m
10Hum D nrer Exprvii. . . . . . . . . C.I ) p m
40 p m . . . .D nm Nlctil Cxrren V a m
MS n ui , . . . _ . l.lnojln I/oral. 1 VOO p ro
ricnc i Am o ?
IXpot IQlb nod M on 'lro tl , Ornvhn.
" ' '
(31 R m j H T Eiprw'J . . . , . ! P'
D. tl V. _ I' Tr y till ra
- L'MoTTt'ACIFlC ' i ArrUo "
TXpot Unhand M reilreoti I Omnha.
. TiVerlanTrlyr ? . . . . . . . 9 05 p m
7JO P m . . . . riclftc Kipro > i . la il p m
ID. 'it a m . Dfor r Kiprcn. . . 4. . . S.M p m
ecu am . Kunui Ctt ; Cipreii .15(15 ( B tn
10.15 n tilrn > l4Kir > ( excvpfiun I. I 4 I ) p tn
'U-iiTvi T tlir < W,0. ft. I S. TJICIKIC TArlie " °
OaiahiL | U.J dcr > ot.lOth _ pd Mirer8ls. _ Outha.
" "
"t.10 pm . . . .r. . . . . "Miht KtpnMi . . 7 ! . . . 100S a m
0i n m ! . Allintlctiprii : . . ' < v.V p ca
IJO pmt.-i..i.V itlbul8 UmltfJ . IO.D R m
Omaha. U. 1' depoL IQih tnJ Mirer ? U
"t 16 n m ; . . . Sloui Ctly 1'asnrnicr .
JJO ptnj _ . . _ . . _ S't.l'sul EiprfM - 10 IJ c
enrii T glHl 5t fl'l i A i'Xlrt 1C. ArrlTOi"
" Omnlin1 1 If ) pot lilh and \\'ob tcr Stj. _ Ooi ha. _
6CU p n _ . . „ . t * Paul JJmtuJ. . . . . . ' J * _ m.
Oinaht. i V. V depot , loth anil M rcy ! ? t Jjn > U _
VU ml ttprei . | 6.JU P <
1-10 p m . UmltM . BM m
6.16 p Di10Hft | Accommodation ( Kic. 7.05 p m
10p mi . Eistern Hyer . ' 2.15 p m
I.ISp m | . . . Kji KJi'Jorn irprf . . . .t 8.05 * ra
7/enTcrirlilCAOO. Wrr 7 1t ST I'AlIu Afrffei"
Omaha. 'U ' I' , depot. IQtta n < l MircrMi. _ > OmihB. _
I6.CU p mi . Chlcuco Kiprnit . 15 a m
U p m I . . . . . . ( * > KtpreM . . . _ GJJ.p m
OmahaJ. . Pdov _ > ot 101H and W rcyt _ ! . Ora h . _
m < ' nnnn JIMI _ . _ , 12-Mp m
. K.A MO VAL.UY. [ AnifeT
P pot lim
tOO a mi llliick HUH Erpren , 6.1)pm
( DO a mi . .lUillnm Erp. ( Kr. Sunday ) . . J ) p ra
HO p ra WnbooALincoln I'M ( KiSundM 1OM ra
J.10 p m .York A .VorfoHuBr Sundnj ! 1OJO n r ? ±
Y.i > res"u. | SflC'Sf S U" , ArrTr r"
Cnmhn. I IVpot jitb anil\Veb it > r Bti ' Ping * .
lob n m .Vloux Cltr Accommodation i OCS p m
1.00 p m1 .bloux Cllf Eiprrn ( Kt Sun. ) . 1 JO p m
MO p m Stl'aul Umlt.Hl 9.3 a m
6.15 D m' ' IlancoflJUtSfiiitrrjKi Snnj I S.IS tn
"l-rnrei TM15SJU111 "I'AVHrc. Arrival" "
Oomhft. I F pot IMh Mid Wcbiter t * I Otmht
T 7-t ! XbuV "K C. Kiprm i 4 is p in
. . . .St. Ixjuli , t K C. KiiirHs . . . . R-B m
" CtllUA ( o , 1C 1 A I'M iVuT Arrtven" "
IJnton J ) poL Ponncti HtuSi. Transfvr
Isljht Kiproit 9J15 m
Atlnnlis Eipre ? ' 5JS p m
. . . . . , ve > Mbul UmlleJ _ „ 1U.
CllllAUO * NOllfll WEsi n.lN (
L'nlonpepot. ConncllJIlut * _ . Trsn Icr
.Chlc ifo Eipreii b.lU p m
. . . . . . . .Vcnlbule I.liuttfJ. . O.JU a m
EatternKlrer I = 0)P ) m
AtlantlcMnll ' 7JO & in
Iowa Acroamfxlatlon iKic. Soul
Transfer ! Union Dtnot. Council lllugi Transfer
( SO p m ! Chlo co Kipre i X.1S a m
IJO p m | . . . . . . . .CblcafO JIijireM . . C.Bp ( m
Transter ] Untoo DtpoU Council lllugi | Tr o f r
10K n ml .KimiaiCItT Iliy : ( I p m
101S p si ) hsruas ntr > 'ltbt Kipre- n.'JO a m
i * Teri ojiAiix A irrouis :
Irnniferj Colon Dtpot , Counll llluPi ITrtrnfor
Truntftrl Union IXpot , Council Illuni Tr r.ifer
Chlonco Kipreu. l'JO p in
ClilcftffO Eipr M , SKOa tu
t ton local. 11 .M n in
Cclon " lepotrounclljlluni rtnifcr
7.U V'ni..Sioux"Cltr Accommoilitlon. ' . ' .13 a m
6U5 p m . . . . .j..8t.I'ttal Eipruji. . . . . . . . 10.00 p m
i'lT soUitt fluiVic
Westward " 2.5
< r
limla s.m lp.m 'p ' m a.m
Webster ? t IS. tOiii. 7 Vi.W | o.lS 8. HO
0 > k Chithimi. . jl K fl S V I.O1.5.U X. 12.47
Druid I111I .01 l.0r > U.IXI X.S.Jl 1.00
Uke Street S.M 7 .oil .tr : 4.w B.03 B. i 1JTJ
Walnut Hill . . . CIU W3.oal4.ioin.M 8.M 1.03
Ponaee t'lace. . I VI 7.UJ&.11I4.I3 G.W P.M l.OS
Wn't ewe. C.Oj ,1'JS.15 ' I.IS Ci.lO S.A5 1.1CJ
I.IS 8.5D 1.14
M COt 1.50' . . . . ! B.W 1.17
Scriaour 1'ark. , R.S4 . . . ll.W 1.11
1'orlal , 4.R5 . . . . ll.WU 1.3U
iptu.p.m a.zn p.m. | l.4i.1.9.2) } )
beriuonr Park. . , 8.4,4 4.M..rn.W 1.44
Jli cot. . . . . . . . . . . I.W ! . . . . 0.3 ! 1.47
Lawn t W . . . . ' 9 Xi \.M \
Weit Slilc g.i..i.UJ . B.IJ . l.U
Dundee I'lKco . iltn Is 8.57 5.01 0.17 0 41 1.S7
Walnut Hill. . . . | 6.'JO l'7. ' . . t ; a 9.15 2.1X1
Jjke ytreet . '''.rja ' ' i.tsn 9.4 !
Druid 11111 . ica- . , T. , _ . i.l5ll ' 2.O5
Oil. Chatham. . . 7.SJK OS 5.1s a'.u 2.W
debater Street. . i 4U,7.45'J.aj , | ''u.u ' 10 OS Z.VU
A joint resolution was adopted
by tbelcRlslatureof theitntcof Nebraska , at
Ifie tweuiy-firbthtsslon thereof , und approved
MarchUmi. A. D. ly > 9. proposlnc an amend
ment to section Thirteen ( U ) of Article tlr ( &t
cf the constitution of said state ; that laid
section as amended shall read as follows , to
wit :
Section 1 : ThaUectlon thirteen (13) ( ) of itrtl-
clo six (61 ( of thocon > tltutlonof thustateof No-
braslcabe amended so as to read ns follows :
Section 13 : Thojudirtiof ttit'siiprcmocourt
nhull each receive a salary of thlrty-Uvo hun
dred dollars 1(3.500) ) per annum nnd the ludgut
of the dlitrlct court slinll ruoelvo a salary of
three thousand dollars ( H,000lr- annum , and
the ( alary ofoaohehallbe p a ) 11 bio quarterly.
Section 2 : Kaoh person votlue In favor of
thU nniendnn-nt shall have -writtenor printed
upon hl < h < illot the following :
Tor the proiio-.i'danicndiiipnt tothecon tl-
tutlon , relating totho siliirvo. judges of the
iupreine and district court.
Therefore , I , John M. Tnayor , povernorof
the state of .Sehraika , do liurobv K\\O \ notice ,
in accordance with section ono [ 1 ] article fif
teen [ 15 ] of the constitution , and tlio prm'l-
Flons of an act entitled : "An act to provide
the manner of proposing all nrnendinents to
thucons'i utlon and submlttlnR the snmo to
thoelecU rs of the state. " Approved I'ebru&ry
13th. A , D. 1677 , ttut Bald proposed nniftid-
inent will bo submitted to thoquallfled voters
of this state for approval or rejection , nttlm
general election to be licld on the 4th day of
November. A , U. 1I > * 1.
In wltniss whereof I h&vo hereunto set my
hunt andraused to ho affixed the groutteal
oftlu siuto of Nebraska. Pone at Lincoln.
thi | : thdaj-of July , A. U. 1SJO , and the twen-
ty-fonrth year of the stato. and of the Inde
pendence of the United State * tbe one hun
dred fifteenth.
lly the Governor. JOHN M. IB A VEll.
[ SK4L. ] Si-eretary of State.
August Id3m
Notice lo Fccil D-alern ,
Ssalcd proposals will fco received by tJicun-
dcrslKiiisl urttll C o'clock p. uOct. . 23 , IbiW.
fur feed a,4 follows : Lot 1 , (20) ( ) Ueiityi'an
bran on tnickat Omaliu. I.ot 2 , KJ > twenty
cars utilanii hay on track at Omniia , Ixjt a ,
oats , chop feed , oilcake , nipnl , buy anil bran ,
inquuntltlesto bull , to ho ddlvcird durlnu
the month of October. I'rlcei on IW-lh and
ton lots should be separate. Accrtlllfd cliceic
for ilOOmubt accompany eucli bid. Tlio asAO-
clatlon reserve the right to relcc-t any or all
Wdi. Lot-is LiTTi.rriEi.n.
I'realdont ' Milk Pealen' Association , I1. O.
Dox 72G , Urnaha , Neb.
The follotvlng permits were issned , by
nupcrintendcnt of buildings yesterday :
51. P. llojrs. two-btory frame resldenw.
Twenty.tir-st untl Jllnrioy streeu .
A , \Viilkerone-stnrv fratuo L-ottage.
Tweuty-bccond and Clark ttri-ct . . . . ( At
Same ,
II. II. Warner , ono and ono-quartcr-
Jtory frame residence , Third avenue
and Elm street . .
Two minor puruiltt
Total , 8.27.1
For burns , scalds , brulsca and all nalo end
soreness of the fltsh , the era nil household
remedy Is Dr. Thomas' Electric OH. Bo sure
you get the ecuuInc.
The following innrriago lloonsei were Is
sued by Judge Shields yejtenhy :
Name and address , Ago.
1 ClauiSafcu. Sarp ; county. Nebraska. . . 24
I Marxirtitli Mnsch , DoufU * county , Nub'r 21
iaforK MllllcanOiiiali8 21
j Halo Li. Klimer. Uinalit 19
I Jamei M. Iloycr. Omaha .21
1 Edna Jensen , Uniaba 23
j KremontC Prats. Omnha „ . . „ 2
i I'lorobceV Trench , Omaha . . 20
j I'utric J , Qiiealy Uoek Springs Ww > 23
( EmileQuculjr , Oniiha . 23