Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Bnt His Employers Discovered Ho Was
Bqtiaiidcrlng Their Monc/i
Koblnsoii family Itrnwl-A. Horne
'JL'lilclKnn to llartli A Jitll
Jirualirr llaptiireit Other
Lincoln Nevs.
Idvcotv , Is'cb. , Oct. SI. [ Spoolil to TUB
BEf.J Will Larmor , tlio sportive youiiK gro
cery rlcrk nho worked for Cooltfc .Toimson
andrnaniifcdto Iho like the son of of a mill-
iormlro , although 11s income was very small ,
, hns suddenly left the city , Ho wore diamonds
mends and drove n fast horse and dressed In
tholielKhtotfoshion. It Is reported tint his
employers finally set ntrap for him and they
caught lilni appropriation their tnonoy. They
were then satisfied as to what had caused the
mysterious leak IntlicirprotlU fora year and
a liilf ormorennd the ustpalntancoaof tbo
i young man now undoratmd how lie could en
joy so imtiy luxuries on n slender income.
When ho - as confronted by Ills employers
with the evidence of hiifjulU ho was com
. pletely pir.ilucd and confessed. 1'rcvlously
n warrant , had been fmorn out for hla arrest
on the uhnrKO of anbcrzloinont , but the
young dude pleaded with the inou lie hnd
been lobblnfinot lo hnvo him arrested IIo
hndstol u suvoral thousand dollars nnd nil
ho had to show for It , In addition to Ills flue
wnrdioljij , ww n splendid diamond pin nnd n
Bpinldnc horse and buggy. These ho turned
over to lili employers lid milting that those
articles had hcon bought with tielr inonoy ,
Tjlcssrs Ur.olt & Johnson are stilt over $ J)00 ( )
out that they know of , to sny nothlnnof tlio
' amountstuUcn o ( which they Invo no cog-
nlzanco Thft grocer-t Informed Larmei that
o. warrant had hoen issued ( or Itisnrroit and
that the best tiling ho could do would bo to
irnke hlnisolt scarce in Lincoln. Iloproin-
Incd to do so , but before hocould RCiaway
tliooftlicrs cnmo toarivit him. iho urouera
then itiriucd [ ) the pollioincn that the matter
had been settled , As soon as ho could ot
hlsclfcit-i toguthcrr tinncr Jumped oil n west
bound tiuln and Announced his Intention ot
goInK toHaiirrnnclsoo
TIIK llOll 9o f rAMti.r utiAwr , .
Kiifrrno Robinson \rmuuuDlo to pro\o that
tlio hoaryheadedVillhm \ Johnson hnl been
guiltj of trlmlnalonduet-vvlth Jlrs. Itobin-
eon at tillered , andthoold inuiM released
from J.ul totlar. Mrs Itoblnion , In In-
fllgnullnii at her husband's chsuges , hunted
up u liwycr nnd nndo nppliwHon for a
QuoivafininlSiiRcno on the Koiicral rhtirKO
otmeaimess IZupcneattoinptcdto git back
nth or by rcplevlnliiK the organ , cook sto\o
and other articles in the household. Con
stable Frank ICaufman was detailed tcscr\e
tlio pujicrs and was fiuoiniianlod bv Kobiti-
son to the hoiro at Second nnd J3 streets
Mrs Hoblnson locked the door In their fiiccs ,
ana theolllter had to liro.ikln. Mrs Hobiti-
eon Ain welshing , ntid hnd a holler lull of hot
xvoter on th08to\o j\s \ soon as she beheld
her Hr-ii ( ! lord she grabbed ndippcrand,0111iit , |
ftlih stminliiB water from the boiler ,
mndo a dash i t LIIKCIIO to scnld him , lie
dlscrctlly lied. 'Iho constable then polltoly
informed her that lie was sorry to trouble
her , butns nn ofllcor hovns forced to take
tlie urtidus rcnlovlnod The laily bowed to
tlioOhistorlloldian constable and told him
slid had nothing to say against tliolu\vor its
roprescntuthes , mid Rriinly watched ICiiult-
man .it he carried out the rid-hot stcne and
/ other iirtielcs 'Jho conit.ililo vv.nnot i.itls-
fled with the bond ? tint Itobortson ollerod
end N still holding thohouscholdcrrocts.
\V. T $ IDonnis , deputy sheriff ot Komalia
county.ICalisas , nsslstcd bj Deputy iSheril
Wcfuihnd of this county , succeeded todaj
In in testing a horse thief named Pliiliiis
about t o mlles west of Lincoln. I'lillips
Btolo t\\o \ horses from Mr. M. T. McCill of
Oncitln , Nonuliuionnti , JCunsas , about ton
dnjs uio. ; Jlr. ilclinfl started In pursuit ,
but buiiij ( n. poor man , was unable to stand
tlioexinnsoof followini ; the thlufundhad to
prUe Itup. Deputy SlicrllT CoiinU then took
tlio trull and It resulted la the capture men
tioned nbovo On arriving how the thief
Bold tliu stolen horses to Ben Glmlor.
The present Indications nro tint John II
Polln. who killodF. J Meteor for lending
rs. Polin. astray , vvlll bo pardoned after
aiifforlnif nearly seven joins lucarcerallon in
the penitentiary at haul labor. The persons
\\lio signed a special petition asUiuic for
Jolln'a pardon tno Hon , Stephen IJ. Pound ,
fcho distilct Judge of. Cess county who sen
tenced Polin to bo hung , nnd JC.Vattion ,
the proipcutliig 8ttoriicy vho succeeded In
Bccuriug Polla's conviction. In the petition
to the governor these Rentleinen say : "We
xvoultl most respectfully represent to your
excellency that tlioro i\cru clriuiiistnnccs
BurroundhiRthlscnso whiih aid not appear
upon the trial , but which v/o hnvo since
learned were true , concerning the seduction
otPolin's -\\lfo , aud uhlch in our opinion
Btrongl ) recommends this case to executive
clemency. It also npptars that Polln
lias itrved the full term for man
slaughter nud has , during nil
of this time , shova himself to boanohcdlont ,
dutiful nrifonor , fulling sushining the high
chai actcr his friends nnd relatives claimed
forhinion the trial. Ho had previously
born a good character , and bad lilted tlio
responsible position of deputy sheriff of Cass
comity and subsequently that of Jailer in nn
ncioptablo manner , wherefore \vo \ Join in
roioinmonding tint jour excellency grant
Ijlin 11 full and un'ondltionnlposltlonr"
In mlJltlonto this thcru is a petition signed
hy si\ty-six pi-oinhient citizens of Cass
county nslilng for l'oliii'8 pardon. Among ,
these nppcir the iinmo ofllirdCritchllold ,
ono of Iho grand jurats who Indicted Pol in ,
HSIrs. Murphy , ono of the -\ltiiOiisis \ nirainst
the prlionor , Shirlil llulcoiiuury and Dutrlct
Clcilc.Sliovv alter
r.\Mn :
Juilor r nngdon vvns astonished todaj when
Dctcclli o hlono , the shrewd sleuth hound
of the Lincoln police force , handed over to
Jihn John Cox , who broke Jail about a week
ngn. Malone had pot on tbo scent of the fol
low through lottcts sent hero nnd household
-poods Hint vore sent to him at Columbus by
Ills wlfo. Wnloue found Cox In a bawdy
liouso at that place nnd promptly artostcd
lilni. IIo still bore the scratches rccolv ed In
petting through the narrow place made hv
ailing- ono of the im-rt in two. In fact nil of
the pi Honors were badlv sciatchcd In getting
throuKh thosmall opoiilng , and It has since
Ixon learned that thoyuH slilppod to thusUIn
and rubbed soup all over their bodies to en
able themselves toshdo through easily ,
WRIIB ir.iro.tuv uinisTEiiun.
Roorgc Sellers , Henry Harrison mid James
Ten-oil , the three colored nidi who hn\abeen \
successfully eluding Iho ofllceM who were
attor thorn for roghtorlnjr falsely , wora
captured byDoputy tjlicrltuloxlo ycstorilny
nftctiioon. They wow each put under $ S ( > 0
Ijonds to appear before the district rouit ,
Harrison nnd Terrell cadi ga\o \ bond but
Pcllcrs wont to jail. William Jamison , the
fourtholTendor , Is still at largo. Tills after
noon Constable Crow o was nrrestoa bj' Deputy
Bborifllloxlo on tlio chnrguof obtain Ing f also
registration , Sellers claims thntCrono wiis
the iKiRton. nho put thorn up to committing
the crluio.
Prof Siinmol P. Bates of Mfadvillo , Pa ,
otato historian , nnophevvofUovcniorTlinycr ,
is visiting with his -\\ifo ut the governor's.
J'rof. llateahns written a history of all the
regiments and tlio buttlos in which they par-
tkipatcd which Punnsylvnula sent into the
war. Two hundred regiments and 5(15,000 (
men nro treated of , tnero Mug a sltetch of
cvory oftlocrand soldier , and a brief descrip
tion of ouch regiment and where it sorvcd.
/ Jho ork made five octavo volumes of 1,400
jiapei wch.
muMOM ) Ft'Hs'isiiKS miu
tMiailos Ilnmtnoiiil , the ecoumlrcl who
criminally assaulted his fourteen > e r old
dsunhtrr , iras released from jnillast. cveninf
on fuiulshlng K.'iOO bonds for lilsapptMnmeo ,
wlUmni V , Alnsworth nnd Louis J. Court-
\vrletitwouihU ball. It will bo remcmborod
that the daughter nssnultod bos been , spirited
nway and the oQIcors are still unable to lind
lier. U is rrobublo therefore tuuttho fiendish
fathc-r will escnre punishment.
Judge Brovvn las b n llsl < iilnjf today to
too testimony in tlio case of W. II. Bojer v
the city of LJiicoln and 0. 11 , UsyuoUU
the snrao Jcfcndint , lloth plaintiffs
nro handlers of Block and they object to the
pnjmcutof fc Tor the Inspection of live
atock. Kvch ( tic i the city to rocmror feet
pnld into the city treasury slnco Junurry 1 ,
iSM , ami which la each case amount ! to
about fl'jO. '
Oliver Mupjanl aiks the district court to
appoint , receiver for contain , property
ovncd liy William II. Sutllvnn , BO that unbts
nmountlnff tol"(700mnybo | satisfied. . „
pard sajs that63,000 ot this amount is duo
I nstusK. Brown and that that gentleman ,
. prior culm. The other S9.7W Is duo
oinl for twenty-four mules , sixteen
horses , twenty-one wngons , eight drays and
furniture vans aud other property.
piiicricu , tasuitAicE COSH-AMES.
Among thelntcst discoveries of Insurance )
companies supposed to be doing nn unauthor
ized business In the state , are the Mill Own-
on1 mutual insurance company of Iowa , the
Milter'smutml of Chicnso. and the People's
mutual llfo Insurance order of NashUUe ,
Tuin. Nonoof these have aright to trans
act business la Nebraska.
Tlio f ollowlnp nentlomen were admitted to
practice "W , W. Stoucll of Butler county ,
O.K. Holland of Sward county , \Yllllam M.
Clark ofUluycounty , \ { , K. llauorof Butler
county , \j. \V. \ JIorjna or Nance county ,
Austin A. Caiiil of Iowa
The following causes \\cuo \ argued nnd eub-
mltted : Hryant vsUarton , Toaruyvs Dodno
county , Dodfe'o county vs iCcmnltz , McDonald
vsMeVUllstoriNlckersonvs Needles , Upton
vs O'Donuhoe , First National bank fsMll-
tonborRcr , Central Nebraska National banlc
vsVildcr \ , rs'cb Loau etc. Co. vs Taylor , sub
mitted en motion.
btratton vs Oimhn k Republican Valley
railway company , continued. Cory vs Fre
mont , dismissed ; Gottschalk vs Becker ,
Older todoclict.
Court adjourned to Wednesday morning- ,
October Si.
Mrs. Mlnnlo Dulliifj his been granted ali
mony of $ K.'J per month Instead of $100 , as
asked for pending the oUoico asked f or froia
turhusbind ,
Atfnos Williams Aslcs for annllmony of f5O
for attorney's fees and J3 per week pending
thodivoroo sbo asks from horbusbind.
Abel 11. Kay files a cross petition against
his -wife chirging her with Infidelity to her
marrlugo vows ori a number of occasions
Arrangements liavo been mide by the re
publican state central committee with tbo
followins speakers !
lion. 0 M. Limliertson and ITon 0. t/ Hall
font ril Cllr , Iliurschy , Oitobcr 2U ; I.ouy
Oily , l < 'rhlayOctolorU4 , )
Uolourl T. J. Wnjors-Crcljliton , Monday ,
OcloburJT ; Mobrirn , Tuesday. Octobir ! M ;
Diinbiir , I'litiridav , October : u , Ttilnmtro I'rl-
dajr , oaobur Ul ; htella , baturday , Nmoni-
b < rl.
Hon. I.W. Linsln ? Sulton.ffeanesdaj.Oo-
tchor L"l
llov HyronIlo.ill-WabisOSiturday , Octo
bir si ;
ONetll SaturdayN'overaborlovonlnff.
lion , ( leorjn I ) MelKlfJohn and lion Henry
SI Hay-Uoyid. MonilnvOctober ? , ; bbcltoii ,
Tupsdny , Oulobor if ; Clupinan.odncsduy \ ,
OilotorW : bdvurrtirl ( ) < , Tlinrsday , Octnbur
3n I'latto Gtntre. Irlday , October Jl ; bcliuy-
Icr.H.iturdtiy , Noioinbcr 1.
lion. Oeorsc II. llustlius nnd lion. W S.
SiHiiiiiin liltlr , Monday , Uclobtr 7 : I'al-
tnyr.i.iMlnisday \ \ October 2 < J , Howard.Tliurs-
dny. Odobi'r n.
lion. ( \V.eoytnonr I and Ilfv , Byron Drill
Is'tllKli Motidiy , October ! ! ? : Viloiitlno , lues-
liy , Oitolor.8 ! : cinidion. Wulnuiday. OJto-
bcrj i."J ; Alllaiiw. 'llmnduy , October
: MI , lliuMbtir , Trlil ly. Ootohor at ;
A'nlnarilso. Sntiircluy , Novcmbor 1 ;
Hon. J. L. . Caldwoll-IIoldndKo. Mondiiv.
Oclobor ! ! 7s Hlwood , 'luestlay. October 1W ;
JMIndi'M Wodncsdiiy. Octoborffl ; Olay Ccntio.
Tim PS cl iv. October JO ; iNulson , Frldny , Uoto-
bortll ; I'.ili liurv , titnrday , ovolnllur 1
llon.MIko Moahcrry and lion. Norrls llrnwn
( Irooly Centie. lucsday. Octobir'Jtt ; llar-
iuli , Mulnonlay , October ! il ) Taylor. Tlmr-i-
< Uy. OcloborMJ loup City , 1'rlday , October
31 Arcadia. Saturday , Aovoinborl.
Hon. lioofco A. Adams and Hon 1. v. Col
lins O\foi < l , Tuesday , October ! S ) , IHnlde-
iinn. WoiliKHdny , Octutjcr SO : li'runkllii ,
'Ihurschy , OitoborS'l ; Clioatcr , l"rlduy , Octo
ber 91 : llllli > rt atiirdav. N'nviinbarl.
lion. I ; W.U Iiorn and lion A. II. Tjoiic
Tlikota Olty , Slonday , October 27 ; I'onrtt ' ,
Tiiesdaj. Oclobor 5S : M'lilcclldd. Metlncsd.iv.
Oaib irl."J ; HarlliiRton Tliun > dajr , October
oO , I'ondcr. Friday October ; il
lliiv. I ( ! . Tatfl Oinipbcll. Jlonrlny. October
27il oclCloud Tuesday , October a , iVsbland ,
'Mednt'sdtiy. Ootobur fflj C'rt'to , riuirsiliiy ,
OUoboriO : llentiot Krlihy. October III ; Au
rora. Hatuicliy. N'oioinbcr 1 : Culbertsoii , Mon
day , No\otiiljor ' .
Hon. J , U. Mrodo-Talniago , Saturday , Oato-
JuTlRoO. P , Mason Nebraska City , Trlday ,
October 11.
Hoii.llun. S nalicraivl Hon IT. II Ba'drego '
Ultio Spring * , hatuicliiy , October 2j.
Mrs. Lelpert , RIM La Sallo street , Chicago ,
III , wiltes totlio chlol of polled asking in
formation concorninB a little runaway boy
named I'jdward Harry , who Is reported as
beliif ? In this city.
Illunks nro bon ! ( * sent to the HJOhanki In
tlio state to bo llllcd out with a statement of
the exact flnanclnl condition of each Institu
Lastovonlnfj aliout fifty of the old soldier
frloiHls of Joe Teeter , \vith their wives ,
treated him to asurpilso party In honor ol
hli apiwtntrncnt to the position of recel\cr at
thouiiltod States had olHco In Lincoln.
JohuIluUcr , tlii hon thief , was released
from the penitentiary today , but \\na Imme
diately rcarrcsted on tlio charge of disposing
of tnortgaKcd property.
Mr. and Jlrs. James Mooney , who run n
rcstnurtnt ticar tlio depot , were arrested last
night on the charge of assaulting a waiter
named ICatlo IIolRhtvho bad the temerity
toaslc for her \vnccs.
A. E ICliiRpaid fl5 Into the school fund
today for boinjj found guilty of the charge at
f rciiuentluB a gambling Jen.
Cttfsfin o/0maiaal ? dome and aliioail
remeinbtr tliiiltlic itmalnlnu d < i/s | /
an Tliuniliiu , October 23 ; ZVIJau , Octubcr 31 ,
and Saturday , Nottmbcr I ,
IOVHT jtirj.ox's rxsir.
It CausuH n Great Deal of Speculation
inCnnnilu ,
OTTAWA , Ont. , Oct. 21 Special Telegram
to TiiKllut : . ! Count Dillon's vis it to dnadu
is attricting more tlnn ordinary interest.
a'lio 1'atrio of Woatreil declares Dillon Is
luno tnpropiro at a sjfo dlstauco another
lioulanglst strolco Count Dillon himself ro-
fuses to say anything eicopt that liols merely
exorcising- the ilflits and privileges of an
ordinary tourist , lie U cicditod , hovevor ,
\\lth sn\lnK \ that ho h In diily cominunk-a-
tion with the son of BoulaiiRer's millionatro
duchoas , who found tlio money to run the
I3oulaiiKlst machine. Munvbolieio that he
is In Canada to agitate anioutr the French
Canndlins the cstiblishmontof n Trench republic -
public In Caaadi , with lloulniittci- the
head. Several pipers profess to know that
the count's only object Is tbo acquisition of
lanJ forBoulanRcranU Boulanfrists in llrit-
ibh Columbia Oiio paper dctlaros ho liid a
confab with Morderboforo coming to Ottawa
on the subject of iHoinotiug immigration of
frenchman to Quebec with special pranti of
land anil other inducements , and that Mer-
clcrfclllultu the pi-oject. Another stuto-
inont Is that in pursuance of the scheme
cmimUlnjr from Monslgnor Uraudla and the
eeilo'.iastlcsof Quebec , and sanctioned , presumably -
sumably , by members of the fed oral cauiuot ,
hotinscnmo over In the interest of French
colonization In the northwest.
CKUdu o/0/iin/nat htiinti arul alnail
miicwilrr ( ftat the rmiiilnlii * ; diys ofQttrMfH \ \
are TAiirailav , October 23 ; rrttay , Octoltr 31 ,
, Koimliert ,
Tlio ClirlKtlaiiH ana the Turtts.
CossuN-riNorLt , Oct. 21.-Spccial [ Cable
gram to TimBrE ] The closing of the Greolt
churches byordcrofthoEcumeaical patriarch
nto in conseiiuonco of the porto's action to
ward tlio church was productive of no Inci
dent of note.
The governor of Armenia has stuttonod
troops In the Christian quarter of the tlty of
Hrliororum to protect the residents , who fear
that tlio Moslems ItitoniUo conduct an organ
ized pillage of the quarter. Six Moslems
liavo been arrested on suspicion of bclnjr im
plicated In a plot to rob the Christians.
Clttxtni of Ouiata at home ami alnail
rvneinl-d- Diet the ninalnlnadJiji ofrtaMratton
art Tlarnlay , October 23 ; Friday , Octoltr 31 ,
, Sownbert ,
The only rtillroftd train out of Omahn
run expressly for the uccoiumixlutioti of
Oiimlm , Council BlulTt ) . Dos ISloinos and
buslnesj IB the Rook Isluml vos-
tlbuloillltnltod , lonvlngOinalui tit 4:16 :
li. in. daily , Ticket omco < l002 Sixteenth
and Famum sta , Omaha.
Furnlraltlio , liend Who Acconiplislicii It ,
Arrested in Mississippi ,
1'jxrtlcmlnrs of tlio Most Bloody Crlmo
intlic Illmoryoi'Nobra lcnnntl How
ho I'crpelrator lilutlecl
Justice ,
A dispatch from Fullerton yesterday
stated that information hid been received
f ro in Klll\lllo \ , Miss , that Gcor o Furalval ,
\vhols suspected of the murdcrof fl\o \ per
sons on Horse creek , Kanco county , In the
fall of 1SSI , had been seen by Leo Goddard ,
a former resident ol Fullerton , and the
sheriff of the countyhad gouo niter lilin.
Sheriff William Mawhluncy of Konco
county passed through thl ? city yesterday
on Ms way to Mississippi with requisition
'or Furnlval. Ho called tipon United States
Innhal Slaughter during his stay In tbo
ty and stated tint the county com-
ilssloners and other ofllcow of Kanco county
ad received a largo number of communica-
ions , at short Internals slnco the murder ,
rein peojilo xvho claimed to have discovered
furnival , but novcr beforohad nnysuchnoMS
eenreculicd from nnor on whohaa ktiowi
urnlval Intlinitolyuurins his residence In
Tnnco county nnd who would boijualilied to
ivo reliable inforimtlou. He stated nlso
uitLeo Ooddord , from vhoin the inforim-
ion had been rciulvod , had known fiirulval
titlinatcly and had recently removed to MU-
ssippt to take up ills resideuco.
Tlw in formation furnished byOoddard , ac-
rdlnR to Sheriff Mawhlnnoy tothecf-
ecttliat ho liadsooiiFuriihiil , who had been
IvinR in Killsvlllo for flvojears. having been
unrrled tea vomaii of cnsy viiiuc , "who had
iorno him two children.
Sheriff Mawhlnncy felt confident that ha
1'ivs on tlio MKlit track and would soon ha\o \
.homuix3erer in Nebraska
ho crime for which Turnl\al is wanted
ivastho murder of fuo persons on Jloudny ,
Sontombcr aa , 1S I , ftt tlio head of llorso
jreck , iti Nance county , about t\volw miles
.vest of rullcrton. The murdered persons
, vcro English [ icopio who had settled ut this
> oint whcro they were etiganedln stock rais-
tig They wore rather inclined to bo "clnn-
ilsh , " ana bolng inaspnrsely settled region
vcre not of ten seen Those cotnpoiing the
ittiescttlemuntvcro Harry 1'ercnal , wlfo
nd child , a younp Ungllsh boy named BalrJ ,
Huuh Minor tinil Ocorgo rurni\al. \
Iho ciinio was not discoveicd until the
Thursday following , when Thomas Miller
Uoppecl at the house of 1'orchal ashuvas
) assliiKItoct'lvlnfno response to his knock
leoicnedtho tloor and entered the houso. The
sipht which met his pizo was tihoirlblo one ,
In the front bedroom of the house lay Mrs
Porcivalln bed with her joir-old child , and
.vithim arm tlirowii over the llttlo one , as
hough ondeavorlnp to shield It Awhile the
hastly rounds In thohoadshoved thomeans
by which the foul deed was accomplished.
search of the premises revelled the dcid
ody of lier husband , Harry Perclvnl , in tlio under a hiystack , partly oaten by hogs
ami coyotes.
Ilalf u mile distant from the "Pcrclval ranch
Hugh Major and George Turnival had been
running : a mrin In the house occupied by
them , on the second lloor , was found the body
of Miyer with the contents of o shotgun In
the base of the brain.
Oftholittlo colony thcro remained only
Purnlvalniid Dalrd , and suspicion rested upon
them as the mutdercr } .
Siturdiy evening , uo\wor , a seuchlng
paity discovered a body In the creek near
the sccno of the murder , which vis
supposed to bo that of LAtraival. It
was proven afterwards , however , to bo that
oC Diird Ho bail been shot behind the right
oar with n shot gun loaded vlth bird suet
and buckshot mixed
Shells containing the same sort of loads as
were found in the brains of both Bnlrd and
Major , were found in a gun belonging to
A prolonged search was made for the body
oE Furnlral , Lut no trace of It was our
'Jho commissioners of Nance county of
fered n rowardof ? I.OOO for the cajituro of
the murderer , and this was supplemented by
a reward of 81,003 , hyttio governor.
Js'o motive lor the crime has ever ten dls-
ccnercd. lilvcrythlnff of value about the
Pertlval homestead was taken , buo the mur
derer ohtatnedonly a small amount ofmoiicy
and some miscellaneous articles of no par
ticular valuo.
s.1 as MXK JTS wxrujuvxTAf , .
The J7rlsonor Claims Residence In
iili : vlllo Tor Over Six Years.
EILISMIT.E , Miss , Oct 21. [ SpecialTele
gram to Tnn BEKJ lp. D. D.ivuge , ho
has been a resident of this place for
about six years , was arrested several
dajs slnco by Dotcctlvo John Plyna and
lodged in jail as George F , Furnlval , charged
with a murder committed In Nance county ,
Nebraska , in September , 1834. The sheriff
of Nance county was telegraphed , and the
authorities sent Lee Goadard to Identify the
man. Mr. Goddard lias examined him
thoiouphly and says ho i3 Qcorgo
F. Fuiniual. It Is claimed hero
that Savage came to Elllsvillo In 1SS3 and
was here at the time the murder is said U >
ha ; e been committed ,
The cav young bicyclist lio's ' In his bed ,
Kot forhhn Is the spring sun shiiiintr ,
Ho his been Hung and Is sore in body and
head ,
Hut Salmtion Oil will inako blm smiling
"IVo pot it at last. " said the fellow who
founds hiscotih'h subdued by n bottle of Dr.
Bull's Cough
Cnniullnn ! ; : , ' inlCiicliitid
TOIIOMO , Out. , Oct. SI , [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bnu.J A special cahlo dispatch
dU > pitch from London to the Globe siijs :
"Tho Jlrst test consignment of Canadlui eggs
reached this market todaj la oxcoHentcoiidl-
tloa. Tlioyl lboar \ \ comparison Avlth Nor
mandy eggs. Sovenl small cases found buy
ers at 10 shillings ycrlOO. The top prices for
tlio best eggs on the marltot was II shillings.
If anything is to bo ( lone with this trade this
consignment should be followed up at once ,
as. prices will lo high from now uutil after
Christmas , " _
The great Dr. I3ocrhaa\o loftthrco dlrce-
tioiisforpiosorvliiytho health keep the foot
wann , the Ho.ul cool , and the bowuls open ,
Had he practiced in our day , liomih'ht ha\o \
added : and purify the blood with Aycr's ' Sar-
sainrllln ; for ho coitalnly would consider it
the best.
AVItli Ito1 > llut ) ; aJoi\elor \ ,
Levees , Oct. 21 An American named
\Vright and two \\omen named Condy and
lr\ine were arraigned In the police court to-
dnj on the cliargo of robolug a jcnclorln
Cheapsido of a diamond biooili valued at
JL'5V ) It Is bellovodthe prisoners nro Impli
cated In other Jovvclry rohborlos that have rc-
centlv occurred in London. They were re
manded for trial.
A Hur < ; lur'8 Moraine Call ,
The residence of "VV , G , Cook , 1213
Georgia avenue , was burglarized about
3:80 yesterday morning. The burglar
effected an entrance tnrougb a win.
dow , using a chair taiien from the porch
to got into the house. Ho ransacked the
lower lloor without finding anything
that suited him and thoiineat upstairs.
Hotoolc Mr. Cook's wntih. i\hlch ho de
tached from the chain , and also too lean arae-
tb st ring belonging to Mrs. Cook. AsHeht
nolso muJo bvtho burglar awakened Mrs ,
Cook and her husband wnsulso uwnlenedns
the \Ult r loft their room. They heard him
go Into their sou's room , adjoining thelrj ,
anil after listening for sono
time Mr. Cook called to his son ,
"J3crt , isthatjout" Tbcro was no a-aponso
and bo repeated the question , to which n.
mmi's volio ' 'Vcs "
replied , and then followed
the sound of sorno ono going rapidly down the
stairs. Mr , Cook jumped up and etrnclt a
light , buttho burglar hail lied through the
front door , which he had loft coimu lonlly
01X111 ,
Itwasfoundthat the burglar had removed
the pillow from under the jouugcr Cook
\vithout a\valceutng \ him , and had ho been , un-
dUturbed for a few minutes longer would
American Hand Sewed Shoe Co.
- : - OMA.HA. - : -
th.e Exclusive "Western Agents for the
* *
The largest mnnufadurora of rubber footwenr lu the worldVo \ cirrytho only complete stock ol fU'Sl'Clnis rubber
goodsla tlio city , Prices always the lowest. Correspondence solid toil ,
Cures all disorders oftliobtonmcli , Iii'xcr , Dowels ICldnejs , Illmlctcr.Nert-
oils DIsensoH. Imss ol A iipotl U' , llratlaclie , C'it Hll | > n.tloii , CosrUoncsH , Iiiillircu-
tlim , lll ! Ions ness , FeT r , I'llcs , I3tc. , < > .iul renders ttiosystoin less liable lo contract -
tract din cnsa. _ _
UADWAY'S niiLS are a euro for this coiiiplal lit , Tlioy tonoup the JutcriinUor rctloiisto
nciltliynctlon. restore strength totlio stomiioli iimlcniibli ) It tonorfflmi 1H ftinetloiis
l'rlcoli' ciibo > Soldby ulldruglstsor , iiullod by UADWAV & CO. . aaffariui btuct. 5 ow
Vorlc , on ruiclpt otprlco.
Invo hclocd himself to thit gentleman's
\\atchaud \ \ jiocketboolc.
Thowntchaud ring -were the only articles
taken. _
Ctttitns oJOmaliaat tonic an 1 aliroacl ehmtlcl
rcmcmlicr thai tlic icmatnlnu cfiiiu of ngtst > atl < tn
ere Thursday , October S3 , " FiUay , October 31 ,
and Sdtuidiy iNouruber t.
Cubans .Almost Heady to West tlio
iHlniul IVoiu Spanlsli J ule.
NKAV iToiiK , Oct. 31.-rSpcclal Telegram ,
to Tim BKE.I "It will require but a spirit
dropped among the patriotic people of Cuba
to kindle a flro of revolution nhichwlli wrest
the queen of the Antilles from the mother
country , " said a gonfleinan from Havana
today. Continuing tW Cubin said : 'Tho '
Island U now In the throes of a commercial
crisis , which may spread into a 10volution
involving the classes before it Is q.uletod.
For the past eight years the llnancinl missteps -
stops of Spain ha\o \ disastrously affected the
Industries of the Island until ruin and starva
tion threaten the lnha.bit.ints. They are just
now engaged in. adopting measures to frco
the colony from the burdens which oppress
thorn. The hopeless condition of the trades
men throughout the islind has impcllodthom
tostnrt a movement -vvbloh contemplates the
formation of a league designed to protect
thoitr Interests and the greatest iniportanco Is
attached to the venture. The Impending
shadow of socialnnd commcrulaldeconiposi-
lloii is cawed by the ofTensivoatidfchort-
sightcd legislation of Spain , which tbo
Cubans claim is far behind the enlightened
spirit of the ago. Ihoy demand the most
strlnRCnt reforms In the political and ndmin-
btrutho corruption that has Krovn with the
growth of the colony nnd Increased from
> oar to year. The board oC planters , a power
ful organization , held aincoting utlla\ana n
week ago to consider the perilous situation
of the Industries of the island and about all
the wealthy owners of plantations were in
attendance together with many prominent
merchants and manufacturers. In discussing
the grievances of tlio people it was shown
that dissatisfaction exists not nlone among
the liberal Creoles and native Cubans , but extends -
tends Into the ranks of the Spanish residents
as well. It was stated that the politicians iu
Madiid worry o cr the state of afEalrs in
Cuba , but adopt no suitable remedy for the
evils which ha\o long existed on the island.
Resolutions were adopted declaring it to be
the sense of tbo inciting1 that a petition bo
sent to the minister of coloniesnt Madrid
stating that Cuba favors reciprocity with the
United States , urges the abatement of the
Cuban budget , dcmaiidstho suspension of the
conversion Cuban bonds and the revolution
oftholaw ofmercantilorehitlons Spiln. "
Sliotnt the Cznr.
PATHS , Oct. 21 , [ Special Cablegram to
Tun UFI-Tho Evenmenb has advices from
St. I'ctcit.burg stating that \vhilo the c/av
nus tnvcllng on his return toSU Petersburg
fiom his huntinRtripm I'ohnd a shot was
llrod at the train from ttie railway station at
U rod no
Clttuns oJOmaluiat hmc mil uljroa < 1 tlumlil
rcmcinlicr tlial the rtmainlno'lays oficufuliall
oic ! / Aui8JdiOctolicr / 21 ; Friday , Octoliti 31 ,
anil Sulio day , Xunmber t.
Mr. AVyinaii "Will Ileriialu in Oiiintin. .
In reference to the report of TIIK Bi K'S
Washington coriMpoiiJcnt , who stated that
Hon. A. U. Wynnn of this city wculd proba
bly remove to Port U'oivnsuulViish. \ . , uoxt
sp'rinR , thoRcntlcinan A\as \ seen yesterday ixnd
sild : "I naio returned from Port 'loivii-
send and am very much ulcased with the
town , but hive no intention of romoMng
thoie. In fact , I ha Q no Intention otleav
ing Omatia , "
Miles' ' Ncrvo anil liiver Pills.
An Importtnt discovfry ! They act on the
liver , stomach and bowels through the
nerves .A. new principle. They speedily
cure biliousness , bid tastu , torpid livoL- , plies
and constlitio . Splendid for nienv women
nnd children , Smallest , mildest , surest IU )
doses for ! i5 cents Samples free at Kuhu &
Co.'s , 15th and Douglas ,
\VIII Si EH tti * Warrants.
Chairman Anderson 6f the county commis
sioner board hasltnallfj'takcn on the
matterof slgninethose .warranta for core
ner's juror fees nnd was yestorduy morning
found meekly bending to , the taslt
CitittnsofOtnaliaat hinie nml nlrtad ihoujc
ttmetnkr that tliertmaMnu iliys ojrtulrttmtot\ \
are Th\irt \ > la\i \ , October 23 ; Friday , Oitolxr 31 ,
auii SaturtuiKonmLer / I ,
Hoiv Severe Colds are Broken "Up In
Krom the Vlrainla City ( Monl ) 31aitlontan ,
When wo find a mallolne taow to jxjs.
scss ecnulnomortt , wo consider It a duty tine ]
wo take pleasure In telling" the public \vnat 11
Is. Such a medicine vo foundChimborlalii's
CoughKeraedy last winter , whoa la grippe
was prevailing.'o \ are satisfied that wo
warded off sevewl attacks that vcro threat
ening Dv theusoof this syrup , and wo have
since relieved , in a few hours , sc\oro \ colds ,
and In the course of two or three dnjs en
tirely broken them up by its use. DM have
several of our friends to whom AMha\orcc- )
otnmendod It , It U all that It is represontot
to bo by the rnutwfactjrors. If you liavo u
cough and want to slop It , Chamberlain's
Cough Keincdy will do thetvork. r'orsalo
by your dnigjfCst ,
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
Tt most widely anil fn.-vora.hlj know apt ( .
alliti la the United Hmtos. Tholr IODR en-
perlonoo.romarlmbloskllUnd iinl-rcnal sue-
; eai In the treatment and curiof Nervous ,
Ohronlo nnd SurRlcal Dlsoiscs , entitle thcsa
smlnont physicians to tlio full conUJenoeof
.heallllcipi ! ovorywhcro. TlioyKimrantoo :
thoawful effects of early vlco and tkwnumer-
ouacrllathat follawln Its train ,
speedily.completely and permanently cured.
OHDKKSjloldreadily to tholr iklUiul treat-
guaranteed cured without pain or detention
from buslnes * .
nontly nnd ucccssfully mrud la overr cue.
SV1MHUS. aoNOUIlHB/V / , GLEET , Spor-
aiatorrhea , Seminal Woaknnss. Lost tlanhood ,
Nliht Emissions , Decayed Faculties , Formlo
iVoilcnesi and all dollcato dlsordora peculiar
to either BOX positively cured , aa well ua all
functlonildlsordors that rosxilt from youth
ful follleior tlio excess of matiiro yean.
QTPIPTITRK Omranteod pennnnBntly
vJ lIVl l U l\b cured , removal con plete ,
without euttfnif , citxistlo ordllutatlon Cures
.erected at homo by patient without a mo
ment's pain or unnojranop
? PIlPpTho awful olTeots of
OUlXLiUJxneari ? vice which bringi
organic veakness. rtwtrojIiiK loth mind and
body , with all Its dreaded illi , pormauonty
DR UPTT's ' Address those wliohu'velm-
Ls l\o. ULi 1 1J pnlrpd thoniselrea by Im
proper IrdulRoneo nnd HOlltaryh iblts which
ruinbotlimlnil nnd Ixxly , unfittlnsthem lor
builnosastudyor _ nnrrliigc.
JMAKKlbU WKN or tlio o onterlnjon that
happy Ills , atraroof physical dolillityquickly
IB tased ipon ( aot . First Fr&otlont ezporl-
once ttecid Every cnsoIsHpcclallyitudltd ,
thus Btartlng tlRht Third Hsdlclnea are
prepared In our laboratory exaotly to suit
each case , thu olToctlug cures without tnj ur/ .
Drs. Belts & Belts ,
lor Improved nnd economics coo If cry use
for Hcof Ton , Four < Mul Ishi ) ! > s Snucos
( Griiiio , I'hli , 'ic ' ) . Aiilo | orllont lolly , K < > c |
foriuiy Ifii tlint time , iviul Is cheaper andof
lltifrlla\or tuaiuir.j'otlicrstock. '
-UIIF , AS ABOVE , IN IILUK. OlIB pound Of Kl-
triictot lleof cijual to forty poniulsof leui
tJUlf ,
Tilt In runt lieutllflimcnt in tlio
\\orll fortlie trcatrntni of Hair * ina , Mnltii.Varta ,
MiirrtlunuA Il&ir. Dlrtlimnikii ,
* Mwli. r rciilrr. VrlnXlei lt < ! ltu
llUfklirndi. llnrl'tr' ' Itch , Hriu ,
r uttitli. l'o dcr Mirk * . Ftclol lit-
velo.nifntfunkrnLlii-'eti . etc , Con-
toltntl na Iri-o i olllcf or by Inter 1"
nllikln ind icalp attctlomand Udr
itii'tlfil Io nr | .1lr lfcr lOcli.
JUIIV ir. < Mltlltl3KV. DermalnloBU'l '
a * . "WrH 4iMSt. . Nrmv Yi.rUdlv. .
WOlllU ) IJUV'M KVC.I.V1. M A 1'lur ttu
} VUln nml Mcnl | , q < fru ) fXn > r ty ITUH I. f > O fmli.
Cltlzemof Omalia alhomt and abroad
rtmmlierlhat tht rcmafnfujclajioregMratton /
are Tltunlav , Octolxr 23Vrt \ < l\\i \ \ , October 31 ,
and Saturday , Xoveinlier 1 ,
I -
Chairman Blrkhatiscr of tbo board of pub
lic works Monday Issued orders to C. G.
Squires to Include the following named
Btrcots In his present lroutsweeilnpr | con
tract : feovonth , from Plorco lo Jackson ;
Mmon , ( rom Tenth to Klocnth ; Plerio ,
from Sixth toKovcntli ; Sixth , from I'oclflo
to I'Icrco ; Twenty ninth , from Hickory to
.Tncksou and tbo KloventU street vluduft.
Tlionboio tiuined Btrcots w III Iw swept t lco
a month and tlio vimluct twlco to the \veok ,
S D. Durfoy , tnato of steamer Arizona , Imd
his foot badly lammed , ThomoH * ICIoctrlo
Oil cured , Kothlng equal to U for a
pain reliever.
Morolluui Ijyoart'cxporlciico In Iho ttentitifnt of
A curoKimnntoodln 3 tollro ilnjt wttliuut tlioluas
ofuti liour'H tlmu
I'crmnncntlvoured wllliotitrnln or liiMlrumonlii no
cuttliik' no illhtliiti 1'liu must Kiiuirkublu luiioily
know tito luodcrn Bclciico.rltufor \ clruilura
l > r aiairow trcnlmunt for thlilorrllilo bloolillv-
CMB lum bi-en pruiiounood tliu uumt powerful nnd
nuicostful remedy vcr Ulncuturtvl for Iliu aliioluto
cine oftlilM tllHimo Ills fuccois wltti thin < lla nu
lias never boon cqtiullcd. A ootuplolo cuti : OUAII-
ANTEKD Wille forclroulnri
nnd nil woiiknos1 * of tlio Koxual or fins , ncrvousno s ,
tliuldttyniHl doipftiidciicy nbnolulelf curid. Mhoru-
llef Is imincdtutu mil com pi tc
Catarrh rheumatism and all cllnroso < t tlio Hood
llrar , klilrioyBDiul bUJilcr i rni inntlr rnrud.
nml iicurnlKlfl nervou nostianlclhPi ( ( ; * tof tlidnlnin-
nth cured. Iho Dutor'n 'Homo TrtalliKint for
IndloK Isiironoiincoil by nil ho lii\\u uiotl It la li < 3
Ilieinci-tcoiiif cto unl convenient rouudy OTor < > t-
lirc'il ( or tlio treatment of fuinalu illwanva It U
truly a wonlirfiil romcd ? r > o liiHlrurnunti , no
pain. Houintoii MDiicsnioM ire - UM.V.
marvelous mincis lw won for lilin n reputation
[ bleu. Is triilr nntlonnl Inchurnclor , tin I hln uroitt
rniy of pntlciitH readies ( rom Iho Allantlo lo tlio
'nclllc I'lio Doctor h a fnidiiato of HKOllAlt"
iiMllclneimillmi hurt lon aml cnrcful oiperlinni In
lO'iilttilprncllitf , an ) IH clrood niuotiK UK ; huillnu
[ ) ( clull3t8 In modern eclenio Treatniont by corru-
lumilinu Hrlto for cliculura about laoh o ( tlio
dove diseases , riiKL
Office , 14-th and Farnatn Sts.
Entrance on either Mrcet.
TmnvOMAV'8 DOUCIIKirllljI olnlely remove
all Impurities \rcllatnllforoliin ( lei nltw L ; th
Mnplouio ( > f nrni water 'lli ini iKurallnir ncllnn
prutltiuil uiion tliu niticuuA niuinbrxiiiu preven
mil curm nlllliuso liara alnK dheiuut iu coiiiinuii
[ ow < impn
1O ritlCSHUVK iwrfoct health nnd nlco roni-
ploxlon wuHlicrery nluliL kluru retiring lo l < f | '
I.aillunli Talii In iltli uiaiot nUimt lu Lo nltli
on to lie blinilti , iliirnlilu nml rontcinlont uiulcr nil
circumstance unt tu ntij lulilrc H on ruuolpt of
Tlcfi. I1U1arrantcil \ n allc rtl ocl. < ir inotur ru-
iindoil Dr. IhiiKlianuut.lMl Djunlas St. . Omnhii ,
.Neb. Sulil byull luiiilliiKiiriii.k'1-iU
Lineii Cullum iid Cull * .
Correct Stylet.
f. Pcrlect Fllllna.
XO A T , f _ ,
y\T -
1302 Farnrvra
City Pasjanctor and Tlolcot Agon
SYPHILIS ! To rtlarrmanentlj |
cm > t | In At | o 90 day.
_ _ . _ _ > Vo tlliulu l all | l oi
from Ilia pyiteiu. BO thai tlivro cannevi rbon i rluni o :
the dlwasi * In any Mm. I'aitlei can Is trcitcil u
liomen wellai here , Cfortlis itamo price anil undu
Iho limn truaranln ) bill wltli ttiuso wlio imfcr f <
comakcre , n will ccutrattlo curt thntnor lu lurid at ;
money and par entire tnitnmj of corelnif. nllroi
Fit * jf far * tn
fftter Jull
to cure tlio most COM i , Wo rlialango th
worUtoracuo wewn iiutcuiu. Slnco Iho h I. lory o
moArmo ulruo ixtlilc for 8 } plillli Inn ken NtiKl
lor Mill iiovirlound until our Jloflo Itcmuly v dl
oovvrol. Isono otlior vunultio. rltu for n fiicnfu
VUI1K ItKVKin CD , , Omalm , . .Viu / .
OfflMSt.Clulr IlotolOor
ktkltklillrrntor d VkrlcotiUeanii r tli nl
locrajr , fill liTMILT-l Ik , 111 * l'ul"BUV , V.
F ffi'f ,