THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 22. 1890. 3 HIE SPECOtMIVE HARKETS. It was r Houilug Big Bull Uartet in Wheat. CORN THE STRONGEST ON THE FLOOR , Another Ut tie Flurry In Onti Iltitulf lti * > on AltcinptH to Kind a Vlutini -ConlIunctl ntlvlly Inlloj ; 1'rtxluutH. ' OiiK'Ar.o.Oct. SI , IPpcolal Telegram loTne IlKE.-'l'ln ) wheat niurkct stailril oil tills inoriilng nslt IhoiirleovrasKoliig loll.-jbi'forc night. Ituisn , rousing blf-l'ii" matIcotuntil there was. an advnncuirf lo mor the close last iilghtnliontliurc was nhuat enouub fors.-i.lo to cutisu a et back or ] ic , atnl at 11 o'clock the net K > il'i In prices for the ilar was ' , \vltli \ Decuinbor at ei/io'/i mid Jlay at Jl.W.'i or exactly the opening prices , December sold at II.OSJJ to ( .MCiUlo 8ll ! i to loj ? to .05j ! > May at J.OJi to JI.CWJj to ( I.IO'jto ei. )5i ) to II.W Sntllo'oloclc. Tliu fuattiruottlio early trail Ing in noted by the operators vni tlio cuvutlnK otaliLtge lliicof short wheat for St. J-oult tjnrllcM. Tlio hlK buylni ! omly by McCormlel ; & Co. , Aldrlch anil Vnticc and Iliitcliltifioii WiiMCMidltid to this hourco. Thoii ) was hiiyln by otbor shortsalso. There wm no CIHI < II | < : IIUIIH Bi'llltiK early , .Ml olltrlngs vuruqiili'Lly taken and the pilco ri'iiehcd ' tlio high pulnl huToro II o'clock , MeCormlck & Co. .sold a late block of llecember uftur tlio price got to JI.0.17.J. The turning of tlio market buck win duo to I liegoncra ! i-iall/ntloti < jl8ilrsaroiinJ : fl.C3 for lleccinlcr nnrt $1.10for Mny , nutl l tlio heavy Hi'llliiK supposed to be for llutclilnsoii Ihrciugli IIIIIIIIMOIIS liotiHt'ii , wlille his own Irukrrs k < iit | hu market- linn liy blddliife' . The iiewH was not upuclnlly MvoraMo to cither sUlo. AVIicat on ouan passngo ile- crunscd 848000 Ijushol.shut llussliinshlpmniits liiurviisud Iho pn t week to l'WOCCO ' lii hel , against lSWOOUbiiHhelstlio cuU befoic , In dia slilpiiu'i'tHoio ' viry light at , 131,000 bush- cN. Mvuii/uol cables uro H < 1ion 1 \ futures and 'id ' iiifin ] * hjiot atlho oin'iilntMiiul closlni ; cables lepiirtett astronRailvancc. Minneapo lis niul Diiliith Uijiutbcr Kol about bOO curs. Duliilh locelpthveru lIH.udOhtislicl.s andHhili- munis Icy.OOU. .Now Voik cleatvil no whuut ttnil Hultlniuro no laat und no Hour. Liver pool IIIIH ieee > hcd no Ainerlciin client for throe days. T lie receipts lieio wcro o\cv tlio cst linutc. The vhuiilmarket did nut uguln rally altir 1 o'clocU , In fact tlio low prices of the day \\ero \ touched at , H.o.'ii ! for lli'ccinher nnil 3I.O ! ) ! for iNlay and tlio close wan nt fl.OW anil II.UD.Vor (40 ( to JJC. over the closii jesterday. The range for October was given at SIM to Jl.ot ; , to II.0-JJi at the clow. Corn wjis pet-haps the strongest article on the door early. The receipts were a few esirs thnrtof tliosinnll estlmato iiiiido yesterday. 1 < Ivcrpoolcublcswutcttrongand Kd up for Hjiot anil fiitiiri-s. llutclilnsoii becanio n buyer. IJvorylndy ho was short aluishd wnnti'd to buy. ( JlU-rln s wuio modurate. Thtiprlecof May opeucil hut ? ic up at 1HV ) niul tlio udvtuivovnsqulukond Hliaru to.'iOUc , thu lilgh point. Later , Uio niuikL't bcuaino iltilctaiul.Muy nolil buck to , 'ij'jc , November wUHiiotid-,1 | ; < o to U'io under May. At 1 he cloHeln corn a well ported broker gave Itas bl opinionthiitllio country had bean ( nilId largely Intho trudo nil day buying otun ad vance : uul Helling : tter ( the turn. The liiMvy Luyln by 1'arKer early was croilllod to I Iiitclitnson and : il- tlioii''li his brokers sold laler huls siiiposcd | to liavo bough t innehnioro than hu sold to day. TIiu ma.ikct closed ? ; o over lustn Is'it ' and J4O oil from Iho top today ittfuiiu. Oo to- hot-was < | iiiti ) > < lniriUuiii JVJ c , C'loslng at'ili c ! No\pnibc'rat VJiu ! toi'Wo to KJ'iC to clo c ; DccnnlicrWicjto Kt'ic ' , uljslng atfi Jjc. Tlio prUllogfNon .May corn wore aLil..c tuMiic ; puts anil calls.M ! toM'e. In oats Ihci uKirlii't wunt threugh nuotlicr little Hurry this muinlim and nllhoiixh the bi'M priori did not hold tills cereal showed the bestxuIn of any for tlio day. lIuicMnson Inlying early as tliotiKh ho n'otiid miucczo Miiiiiiljody. This set tlio roinalnlnx nliorH to liuyliif. Counseliuan vas a buyer and Iliiriii'r a seller. Tliu iidvancu was rapid until May -\\cnt to 4e $ usalust 4C'i liiKt nlRlit. Dcccmbur sold at 4tic : ! uj ) to4IJic. Knrly months wcro ncsleoled , but ciuotod ? jc higher at He for October nnd No- voniljor nt the I'liwo December hold baclc to 444ciinrt ! May to47 ? c , TliU wuajuut Ic over lastnlRlit. Tlioautlvlty started In ho < products yeBter- day\vas \ continued today. The inarkutiipciicd at aftllRhtadvaiico over last nl H and under tliok'iid of corn Iho .situation hccamo ttrong andtlio marketlinuiil. Jnniiary bales uarlr wore ; Mess poik. 9l'itt to JL'.no to $ lS. Jt to ll'.Si'U : lard , W.73H to 80.771' . rlhs. Jj.07'/i tu Kl.O.V At llicso iirk. < : s there was afialn from Uiit nlKhtof 1-1i ! ( ! in pork and ribs , and lOoln litid , KoMlcr. llaldwln , Mllcboll , Dunham mul tlio nborts were lauding ; huyors. Diiuhaiu turned Hullerln ) iork atthu MTV top. Then the pack ers , Including Armourfc Co. , Anglo and Inter national and others , huuumo idlers of all products. Under jnssuro the prices gave way und before 1 o'clock ' the advance ) \vas more tlinti lost , with January pork oil' to HU. : , laid to * fl.W4 ! and ribs to fclii. The close In imrkns.r > c under last , iiiclit forall moiitlH , wlthagooil buying ; of January around jl'.Ti aml.Mtiy iirouiuliU.OO. l.uid ruco\eroda little Just at the l.'isl , closing at * ( l.70or ! io over liistnlg'il. Ullrt w ! iu firmly held atjj.03 for .lanuary and ttlD for.Mayor , Just JCoundcr thohest jirlcosof thcdtiy. KBIT YOIIK. Oct.'I. . [ Spajlal Telegram to Tim ItiE.l SroCKS-Oii the whole stocks opencil about i-lcady and fcattirelesa Sugar re fineries started at a decline , but at once moved tip ) purcont.to73i. Tncro was much liidllToixMi e regard Ing tlio goncral list. As usual , of late , the dullness Invited pressures from bears , and under frco olTorlngs for short account ] ) ilcon receded , unit not ouly were early gains wliicd out , but fractional losses wore sustained all over the list. Lackuwaima , dlspl.iyod o.vceptlonulcakrifss and from 144irutlreil ! tolW. The rest of the list , hew- over , showed losses of from ! B to J4 per cent Konerally , though Hurllniitou was dovu ? i per ooiit , There - \ > as a partial rally toward the end of tlio hour , but nt II o'clock tlio murlu't ' , while n ilct , was hardy steads nnd nciiernlly lit. until 1 fractions umlor the opening. Lotils- vlllo & Nashville , t. 1'mil. Luckiiwanna and Sugar \\crn tlio aetho stocks. It was near midday whim a fair rally look place throngli tlmllst. t < ugar , which had been carried down vrasiio weakening npto 1 o'clock , I > lMiatchos from Cldeago at tlio last hour reported an agreement among noilhwcstern roudi to ad vance rates. Thlii bad u very KCHHI utTcct and n genorid ralljr took place bufoiu the close , t ortht-rn rnolflu sleek led tnu ailvnnro and Hhiraocl a Eiiln of Jc for ctniiinon nnd l > ic ( or imfrrrvil , 'llionot. pains In the crangcr'groun wcro J to ? j' per cent , Lonlsvlllo was nil ? i iiiidlnitiistrlaUliarcs wuro up ! i , Sales wcro 170,000 , hlmros. Tlio folio wing we re llui closing ( ) uu > tallimi ; U. n,4 D'tiilnr 1 Notthurn 1'itoltlc. ' . . Mi U. . In coupon ISP lo | ir % ferrcil . . . _ U C. , l.V.V U.Mhi oiiitniu lur iln iirffurrcil. . . . I'ntlltuB.iot ' 05 til No Vurkl'untrii , . LVntml rnclllo Sllj ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' IS Clmito A Alton U'i Kc'itk' isln'iii ) ! , . . . . . , ISWi CIUOIIKO. llurllniton C..M. * t. I'aul. . . iw * ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ilo prolrrrttl . . , , I > 'u.k > V . . . . . . . . . . 1IIH St. I'niil A Oninlia. llllinjlaOntrul lOu'i ' tin proffrrcU . . . 1 B.A\V iTiiiuu ruciiiu " KnniAft ATcxiis , , . . . , ] i > H IV * , , 01. I * . , t. \ i * . . , , , ii" I.utt Shuro . . . .Ink BlIolilKnnl'ontral 9IU Wciloru I'ulon , . , i't Mlmourt I'qi'lllo " " - WON UY-Kusjr , 4(2:6 ( : per c nt. I'IIIMU ' MtucANTti.Kl'Ai'Bit 508 ! ; percent. KxciikvoK-UuhM , nut steady ; " UcnmnU , 11.83\ . Mining Slinres , TOIIK , OoUW , CSpuolul rolczruiu to . ! Tlmfollowliiff aw tlieinluliij ; quotutioni : AilmiiK 110 Kiirt'ku Cun ai ; Con. , Cnl. A. V 4UD Menu aiHO llorutillTrr : U3 MUinlar l HO Unldoiitiil I.V ) [ H utter Cm * liO Itodle UX ) t'/IJTCK-'O 1,1 VK SiTOCK , CHICAGO , Oct. SI. Special TcloKramto Tun EI ! , ] Ctrri..K-Tliu Inereano oJ O.liOO In tlio rtiuaa compared with lautwecV Is In-chilling to tell on prices , as loduj trmle ruled ulo\r \ from Oft n I UK ( ooloio and most of the bulri- niUHiiuilnl n JulStuitliUiltwn.urii ; ( | on eood iintlvopi , although nfow loads soM fully iipto ycntiTilnyVs prlcen. Native liulchort' stock aliQBolil stow mul lonrer. whllo Ti .xan and rainormhowt'd ' lltllo or no change , There w > i nolliluK now | n tin blacker und feeder Jlue , only a f VK coulug to tk tuutVot tnd onljf n. few Mnn named. The top price to- Uiijr wnsW.OO. oltlidiigh there were onttlo hero Hint Mirt bid for und refined. Oo < xl to nee to i.V jiintt.Crs. om . . cilliiin ) , f.'l.T.WI.r.'J. niul common J.l"VrQ--r' " | ° 5 xnim. t'.lon.'l..M. fho top prlco for ranger * mM.M | ntlicr * . ? 2. ( ai.w. : noon Th i market uponcd ncllvo and 5 to lOclilRlicr , tlivitront hulk soiling nt tliu nd- vnncu. Vint luttr on hrtilt was clear the ro- colpts voulil ovorruti tlio cfivltiintei 4.CXH to n.Oixi , tliiitN. linioailnf ; w,0 , tlio clianci-Hwcrn tlicro woultl liutll.WW nr iift.WM. Tlio Koncral jnutkot weakened , cknlnx rtithnr wcnk with t ic nilvnnvu of tlio niortiliiK lost. Puckers linM tl.l. > to Jl.a : nnd wliliipors II.BS to 11.50. hljlit soru SJ.1J to 1l.r. ami pls t3 totJ.W. Hit : AVonl Market. llosTOS.Oct.SI.--Special [ Tclesram to Tun lltr. ] There lias teen a good ( leinnnil for wool and screriu mimtitaotiirera a-o hero InkliiK good lines uf domestic and forclen Kriules. ihi ; market Is firm and transactions are at full prices. Olilo llceeuiliavobcon'ell- IrizntUAifiir X and : tlH < i llc for iX. while .Mlclilgiin X ii linn nt liOWIc. No. 1 lleeeci aio Indent nnd nt ; ; c forUblo anil Uo fur Mlelil- Kiin. CombltiK and ilelnlno llceees iiro quite uctlvn nnil llniint iirovlim * ) prices. Territory Instill M'lllii-'iiilto | ell , Including "no ntOOw ( Ui'.clonn llnoiiiedliini iitV/itGQi' , and medium alf VSjr 7c , Tcxim nnd California nroln boiler demand , with sides of L'linleu lonn staple at 2"l'u [ ( nnd Mhorl staple ntl7ii- ( . OreRon wools ar steady , with enstornsoll- IIIB iiio.lly nt I7IQ.-II' . Pulled wooliiuo liidi- iiiiiiid , chuluoMiuers sellliut sit 4.VQI7C , fulrto Rood Hiipisr at HV3IO ( ! nnd extra nt. 22'lOc. Kuiuly ii wools arc In doiiii.iul . und very llrin , The CufToa Market. Sr.w VOHK , Oct. SI. [ Special Tulczrnm to TUB Ut > : .1 UorrKK Option * ) steady , nn- olmtiKodto l.'polnti down. Sales lUtnubiiKs. ( Jotobor , Mh.lXitlN.15l ( IJeieiiibiT , JI7liKiitir.lU ! .Taniiit ry , lltj.rii I'oliruary , tir , . ! ) ® iri.i ! : > ; March. * l5revai.V70 ; Mav " , SI.V40. fiiot Hlo dull , steady ; fiilrcurguus. JJo"5J ; No. 7IIl < .Wi. 1'ieVltUvH Jl.l tcKKTN. CnirMdo , Oct. SI. Close Wheat Steady t mli , . fl.irj'iffsi.ra i Iiuccmbcr , H.OJl4loS.JBi May , timit'tel.vjti. t'orn Sli-uily ; cash , Mile ; Xox'oinber , 62'ici May. ; V > 'ie. ' steady ! caili , < lc ; December 41ioj ! Mny 47iO. ! Jfcss Cork l'nscltlcliraslitlO.S.ii ( , January , 61SAi ; May. il.lUO. l.ard-hleinlyi cash , 50.I2JJ : January , I0.70 | Mny. K.IO. llyu I'lrni alCTyfe. , ll.irlcy ! ' ! rm at 'KSsOc. Kln.x Ilasy ut * 1.4I. I'rliiiollinolliy ' Dull ntt.SJ31.23. ! tthslty-I.H ! riour-Klrnii winter wheat. } 2.2.VJt5,3oj spring lient. ( . ' .FOQASU : rj'i' . If 3.S3f r M . llnllc JluatsMi on Id ITS , * . ' ) . iii.T5 ) ! short clo'ir , % 'MniZif > \ short ribs , J. > .4'i. Iliittur Klrmur ; cruainury , lT51o ; dairy , 14'A'Mv. Ulieusc-Quli't ' ; full cream chodihirs. B'idi 8ic ? ; Iluti. Mijfflmi ? ; young Aincrluas , OhftlWc. KKKs-ririn ; , © ! * ! . ' . llldL'S-Uiieliiinm'il ; heavy green sailed , C'iq ' : light creen .saltud.Clic : Krooii.SJie ; wltuil bull Indus , fici ilryettlf , SitUoi iluiitinis , each. 2.x.1. Tiillow UiicUuiiKCdi No. J , 4J c | No.,4c ; Uceclpts. Shipments. I-'Innr. lbli ) . II.IKX ) 4,000 \Yhuiit.bu . rx',000 , 12,000 Com. Ill . 201,000 KI.HOO Oat , bu . . 1'Jl.OOO 100.WO Nn\v YoitK , Oct.YhcnlKpcolpts ! , 30,100 husliels , exports none ; spot closed easy ; No. i1 , SI.WU Inelovator ; H.10 alloat ; JI.OU-'uSl.llU f. o. b. [ option's ad vnnuvd l ! < BI'4e ' , reaoteil ,7 c , oloslnnliiirulyHtoily atf.o above yesterday i Ko. rod , Uutobcr , closing ut } l.imi. t'orti-ltecolpts , lliaOJo bii liela ! ox-ports , 49,101) ) InislieMsj spot hlghur. No. 2 , r > 'J > iQJOc ( lu elovatori WlWCOHo ullotit ; iin raded mixed , .WliJtiil'.je ' ; optlom advanced UiWl + a but iluclinucl 'i'S''sC , October closliiB at fi'JUe. ' Oats - Itccclpts. IT.'i.WJ bnOielH ! exports , fiMbiibliels ; spot hlsliors No. " , white , VJJi < 3 ; ft'l'io ' ; mixed vrostrrn.iritWo ; wlilto western , Sfcit5 ( < ie ! oiitlons stronger , October closing at Colico-Optlons sH-aily anil uneliniiRvilto IS Iiolntsdnwiii sulciil < V > OU DaKS Uclohor US' . 10 < HW.I5 ; llcc-vinbor , S17O.Vi6K.ll ) ; Bisot Kio , hlcailyi fal r I'arjiocs 5''i0. ) Sumir Uaw. dull' , llrni ; roilned , did , , rutrolcutii-l.'iiltcil closed for November at fide. steady ; ( rcsli , flrnii western , SKlWXte. I'ork-Klrnii moss IUr.12.30. . Lard-cncd ( | ) btiungeranil closed ; western slciini , t'i"t. ' ] : ! Butter Firm : western dairy , loai.lci cicuinvry. i-4e : ; Klein , L'JC. i ) Klrnii light skims. 4iSTJe. ! ( ! Oct. Sl.-About till thu wheat o ( No. Inortlierii iradoliclci at $1,00 , and the bulk of this crado rumanied unsold ; other urade.sriMiioii'd slowly , but beforu tlio clo.-o mum ! oiillo freely ul tlio ransjo of prices tjiiotod In Hales. lli'colpls--450eaiii shliincnt.i ) Ml curs. CloMiiK : Vo. 1 hard October , SI.OHi ; un track. il.u2 } $ < in.UJ ; No. 1 nortliorii , Octobur , lire ; Novuiulwr , ! )75e ) ! : on track , lWi32 ! > Uie ) ; No , 2 nortliorn , Ootobor , Ma ; De- cciubor.l'Jc ' ;'iUi on tracklH < 2'JHie. Sr. I.ouis. Out. 21. Wheat Higher ; cash , Oliic ; Mny. | lKiiQH : i. Com IllKhcr ; cash , 4'J'ici ' 3Iay , a.ic. Oats Hl laT ; cash , -HI'io ; May. tOie. ? I'ork-lllKliuratni.'KI. lurtl-lllKliorattl > .lf > . Whisky lllk'liL-i' al * 1.H. llnttcr Steady and tlriu ; creamery.21(220ic ( ! ; dairy , iffilUe. Liviiiti'OOl. , Oct. 21. Wheat Firm ; de mand liiipiovlnit ; liohlcMolVcrsptirliiglyi Uul- Hornla , No. 1 , 7s 7)id ) per cental ; red western fcirhiK | , 7s7cl7s Hdi rod western winter , 7s 4d Ws , r > cl per ci'nlal. ' Corii-l'lmi ; Uuuiand fair ; mixed western , 4s 7d HIT cental. MII.-WAUK.EE , Oct. 21.-\Vlieat Klrni ; No 2 uprliiKi cash , lbQUu ! ; December , WJiu ; No. 1 , Corn-Klrin ; No'I , cash , 5lc. Oiits-l'lrin ; No.SwIilli' , 4t5J4ffiI7c. I'rovlslons-Stou'Jy ' ; iiork , .lanuaiy , $ r.M5. KANSAS Cm" , Oct. 21. Wheat UlRhcr ; No. 2 hard , cash and Oulubor. tile ; Mo. ' ' red , cash , lllc bill. rorn-lllKlicr ; > 'o. 2 , cash , 50-iubld ; October , Uuiti-Stroncor ; N'o , 2cash,41iiJlHe. ( ( OINCINXA.TI , Oet. 21. Wheat Strom ; ; No. 2 ted , * l.tW61.0J'J. ' Uorn-illKhcr ; No.2 inUed , J5c. UaLH-Sirong ; Ko , 2 inKeilJ7e. Whiblty Sl.ll. . tiiOCll. OniCAno , Oct. 21. Cattle neeolpts , 11 , 000 ; market Hteady to lo cr ; steui-s , ti.OMto.Ofl : ; TUXILIIS , i2.WUt.0 ! rangurM. W.OO < 3i.V : ) . lloK8-lto .lelitsWOOOi | mar ki'l opened higher , hutulubod wen I ; : prime heavy : uM biitehcrs' ' wei ghts , tl.lia.4.40 ; lljjlit , W.li2-4.2J ; pics , iKI. . . Sliocp Kocclpts. 9.000 ! market steady , with fair ueniuml ; natlvuH , JI.2J34 1.1 ; westerns , lambs , $ l.tjjl.25. ) ST. Louis , Oct. 21. Cattlo-Ilccolpts , 4,000 ; shipments. 400 : market steady ; fulr to fancy natlvesleura , W.bOiCI.OO ; btockors und feeders , I'.oaiiJ.IO. IIOKS Heoolpls , 7,600 ; shlprnonts , 500 ; market Htrongor ; heavy. ll.'Mll'M ; mixed i lhht , W.10. 1CAM3A8 CITV , Oet , 21. Uuttlo Ucsolpts. 8,000 ; ililliiut'iits. ( .000 ; choiceslmidy ; othor.s lower ; stcors , } ; t. ' .VJ4.7. > ; cows , f l.iJii'-.OO ; stuukurn and feeders , * 2.XKiW.2."i ! HOKS Uoi'i'lnts , IT.fiOO : Milninonts , 830 ; mar- Lot steady ; all gradesW.I.VUI.lo , SiovxCiTV , la. , Oct. ; ' ! . IHpeolal Telegram tuTiiE HKK. ] llo.'s Hfcolpls. 2.0JO : market woalc , selling at JlHViCH UO ; bulk , tJ. ' . " > ay.o. ; OM.lll.t U.lAlliETS. Cut tic. Tuesday , Oct. 21. Estimated receipts ot ciittlo. 4WO , as com pared with 2,207 yt'Sterduy and 2,071 Tues day of last/week. I'lllly liult Of thO H'LMM JltS Bi'io weslurns. AIIIOII Iho niillvi'S wore jOino very Kiioil beef cattle. Tlio bo t sti'urs woru nmvoaiHl stron ; ; nthuis iiiichnii oil , Tlio brat butchur stock nctivu and lronicr ; olht'rx 8lo\v and vrak. l-Yodors iincliunged. tfoiuo line voru-ft'd btovr ! > suld ut il.uu. Estimated receipts uf lion(1,100 , ni coin- pared wltli4,4IS , j-floiday and S.S111 Tuesday ut last week. The tmirkut opt'iieiUtroiiK toSo hlKlu'r. All sold o-irly. The raimo ot prices < " * i ? ! W- : * - < I'.I'1'IK ' ' . - . M.l itl.10. Llxlit. The uvurugvof tlio jirlvcit paid il.Ul1 , ; as loniiJarou with W.W.J yesterday and WS7 Tuesday uf last wi > olc. Stieup. No receipt ! of succp. Tlie market remain * imcuungcd , Natives , ; ' .U.VS1.10 ; vcstoriib , fj.w Prcvnllini ; I'rlocH. The following U n talilo ot prices paid In this market for the gradu uf block mentioned : 1'rluu'stuors ' , 11100ti ) lUUOlbs fl.i5 : ( t4.8j ( lood doers , 12. * ) lo K.VIlba 4.00 it,4. : ( loodsteurs , 1UM ) l < > UJOlbs U.K'i del. 1.1 1'ulr , 1000 to ll.V ) Ibs Il.M U4.0J L'oiu 11100,800 to JKJO 1L..S 11,25 wi.u ] t'oniiiiunciuinerd. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.03 ( & 1.00 iirclliiary tofalr cawa 2.00 4Jt.i.w : 1'ulr to oed co\v , 2u : U2 U ( lood tu choice i-ows. . 2.7. > WI.W ( 'liolcoto fancy cona. -ir ; > ( t j.u : I'ttlr togood btilla , 1.75 tc2.C3 I'holvu to fancy bulls 2..V ) UJ.OJ M lithtOfktrs uiul feodors. . . . . . . . . 2.00 tt'.CO Veoders. KM to 1 lee Iba 2.23 h'nlr tocbulro llylit liogi U..V ) I'nlr toeholco heavy linjs . 3.SJ U4. ! { I'ulr toubolco luhed hogs . U.UO U4.13 DUpoaltlcni of Htoolc. Shovtlnir Iho nuialier of hoail of stock : on this innrkvt as roiortuilby | the the iitoclcyard ! , comiiuuy ; CATTLE. iwllti Co The neoriro 11. Hammond company . . . . . 44.S Tlio Arinonr-l'udiihy packing company , . 473 Oniaba iiaeklne company. 40 I.PO ItntWhllil 70 Hamilton .V Stephens 81 N I * * l * ) Mnrrls m Shippers and feeders DCS lion * ! . ArrnonnCntlahy packingcotnp.iny 1,515 Ouiulm packingcompany 2,24i ) SwIft-fcCo . 1.173 dooreo II , Ilaininoml packing company. . 010 .1. I1. Squires AUo : c."J Doiid 27.1 Shippers und feeders 1 SHEEP. Swift .tOo S13 KoproHpntatlvo Sales. BTKKIIS. No. Ar , . I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 10. . IKVI t.MK ) 2..1010 MfiO 20. . 1270 MM 2(1. ( IK- * ; i i.r Iti 117:1 : a HI ( W..142S 425 st. iota ; i -r , 4i..nm : i so 114. . 1254 445 ts..ioia j r > o ja..tlGH 3 K5 IW..12S8 450 ow COWS. w 8S 7ii ; l KS 22. . 1010 200 . . C8 l to S .Ilia 1 75 10. . 7K5 200 1..IO.V1 I 25 1. . 12.10 I 7S 2. . 122.200 2. . KM.- 1 2.'i IS 1005 I M ) 311. . MCI 20. , 1. . 111(1 ( 1 2. " , 15. . WO 1 SO ( i.1. . Itll 210 2. .1100 1 25 20. ItUU 1 IK ) 1" 10711 220 n. . iws l : i3 7. . SlW 1 IK ) 12..1(1 ( > > S 220 21 . 7 2 1 40 20. . 070 1 l j Si. . 01 $ 223 7. . KfJ 1 40 8TOCKKU3 AM ) FCCtinitS , 20. . 1 10 . . . t'f ' > 0 2 12. . 1 ICO 275 II. 40:1 : ! 10 21..1017 2 M H. . IN7 285 20. . IVCJ 1. . 1110 2 M ) ) . . 1107 2S5 ID. . Mr , 10. . ma 2 m S..KI.VJ 2 IK ) 11. . m. . DM 2 70 10. . 004 2UO nui.t.s. l 10 1..I.VX ) 1 05 S.-WM ) 103 i.i . .10.V ) i IX ) i..iaao i " 5 1..1500 240 i l.'ilO 1 U5 IIKIFEIH. 1. . 730 2 23 MII.KKI1S AND SI'ItlNdKIt ? . 1 eow and calf { ! l 50 1 eow nnd ealf 'M oo 1 milker in oo 1 bprlngcr. i 00 WESTEIIN CATTI.E. No. Av. I'r. nstcrrs , 8fo (2 15 S sti-ors 12110 2 IB 1 ulcer itjo 2 ( B f > steers llu-J 2 ( i5 b MOITS Iofc2 2 05 HlK Springs Cattle Co IBstofM 1177 2 CO \\yall \ Brothers 05 cows 617 1 03 Cbaiiiberlaln iVCoty HI cows 014 1 77i ! J. h , I.iuntroiu 1 cow S70 1 00 'J31 feeders 1010 2 15 Tc.sclicinucher it PHI. Cattle Co 14 cows till 1 SO 7 steers rae 2 00 K. Jl , Lund 2 bulls 1125 1 05 c si COM iui : 2 50 H. C. Majors 7 cows 043 1 PO 10 feeders 1U7 2 2j lleiij.'iiiiln & Weaver cows S77 1 .V , co HI IU5 1 Go F. Wolcotl & Co. 1 c < > w too 1 00 G cows 81)0 ) 1 55 4 feeders 11 J 223 T , I ; . Cokle 2 bulls JII35 1 CO : i feeders DIG 2 25 ID feede-S 1138 2 05 La ramie Klvorconipany 70 cows 028 1 85 G5 sleets lllli 2 75 H feeders 10 ! > 5 2 : v > 23 isteers IKK ) 2 7J Lindsay & S. 1 cow 830 1 CO 2 bulls I4 : i 1 III ) M feeders 1142 2 ( M 1 steer 1450 2 75 20 steers iiu ; 2 75 ICiinncily fi L ) . IGcowa BIO 1 25 HO cows S75 1 ( X ) : i feeders ( i ( 2 25 7 feeders 1101 2 25 0 feeders 1000 2 05 1C. 0,1 load- OS stuers , Tex 1000 1 00 U foiMlor-t 051 2 45 7J steers , Tex Ut > 2 2 00 nous. . No. . Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r. -.i ' . .181 210 ? a 60 M ) . . . 2711 2bO $ a 115 iSi' ; 03) ) a M r > j. . . . .271 a 05 17. . . .175 80 a 00 ( iO. . . , aio a 115 ' . ' 41 ISO a 115 62 ! 1UO a IB 80. 200 400 75 .237 200 400 75o .279 100 400 o ! . : e > 320 400 n . : JDO 400 7a. .205 400 74. .2j7 ( 200 400 ai. . 'M 240 400 .254 400 .80 CM ! ; .254 . 400 ins. .255 120 400 57. . ' 40 400 Kl .ait ICO 400 .275 2UO 400 2UOMO .26U MO 400 .270 4 05 . . 200 405 5U. . 80 405 ICO 405 . 410 CO. 40 410 : KJO 4 10 240 413 200 4 10 .271 80 4 10 80m .238 m 410 .2I. 410 415 .250 1GO 4 15 .IS ICO 4 15 . a 40 4 15 .ail 40 4 15 .aa 40M 4 17) ) .ysi M 4 1 ? W 4 20 bO 4 20 bOSO 420 SO 4 2JJ iso a PO pins AND SKIPS. 1. . . . .210 - 1 M 21. . . Kl 300 1. . . . .150 - 1 M 1. . . UO : KO 120. . . . IB 20 1 75 0. . .117 a oo 20. . . . .IS ! - 'JOO Kl. . .11:1 : : i 05 1. . . . .700 -2(10 ( 7H. . .l.4 a 23 . .MO - 2 11) f)2. . .110 a 25 . 78 - * -f U1 * Oil. . .1J3 200 54.ISO. . 73 - 33) ) 25 174 a io ISO. . Ot bO 2W 107. . .1112 240 a 40 10. . . . 70 - 250 7'J. . .158 100 a 40 SlltEl' . No. Av. I'r. 3 , .120 a oo 20U westerns , wotliers. . .101) ) a uj O.T/.4W.4 JI.tMtKEfH Groceries. DATF.s-l'eislan , U-1U box.Olic. TNVINKS Cotton twlno , "lllbb , " very fine , U- Ib bale- ! , Sic ; cotton twine. XX brand , U-lb bales , isei lien , ] ) twine , U-ll > bales , Ilia ; MI ! ' twine , 20u ; ennillovlul < , 22c ; 40-foot cottoi. clntlics line , S. > ctlO-fiiot ; eolton clothes lines } I.U" > ; CO-foot cotton lines , tl. 40 ; ( W-foot slsul lines , (1.75 ; UU-fool jute , 11.00 ; wool twines , 8lc. ! IlAisiNS London layers. California , perbox , J3.50 ; loo-o inuscutcls , California , 12.00 ; . > , eel less California , iS.00 ; California i-cetllcss snl tuns. In Huolcs , per Ib. ! ) cUiiliroriilii ; iiiusuatels , In sauks , 8io ! ; now Vuleiielas , 8ie ! ; on ilnra , layer" , now.O'tC ' , FAIIINACKOUS ( Joons Ilnrloy. .Tic ; farina , So ; nem. 21je ; oattnoal. bbK t3.75uu.iB ; hid ubls , j.oOJ.W : ; macaroni , Iirailc ; vunnlcclll , lailc ( : rice , uhiilco. 5i'iCe ( ; fancy , ( l > . ® 7e ; ) iead,7c ; sajjo and taplou-i , IHt7ej lliua beans , U'4o ; split pens. : ie ; hpuKliottl , lie. UAN.NKII ( : Tomatoes 3-llj extra .lS ; 3-lb stiuiilurd wc'slern Urands , $1,10 . A roller's stuiiilurd , Jl. 00. Corn Fines crown , II.WO ; Uale Ulty sininr corn , \ery line JI..V ) ; lilhniin , 2-lbs.iiitiircorn , il.'J ; 2-lb o.Mrti lleonier. J1.IU ; 2-lU standard WCSILTII brands. } | . (15. ( MnslirooniH l-lli I'Vi'iicb , extra line , 22 2.Xlll ; > Krenuh , tine. IWii'o ! 1-11) ) Frencli , or dliinry , ItX-ilw. 1'i'iis Tres line , poreiin , 25e denil-llno , per cuii , ItJo ; 2-lb sifted , JI.UJ ; 2-11 : early June , il.50 ; 2-lb marrow , staiulurt : braniU , JI.251 2-lhsoalied , 7.V. String IICIIIH 2-lb hlRh Krndo ICehiKce , tl.lM ; 2-lliUoldi ; : wax beans , fl.uu ; > lb btrliiK beans , bOc ; LIm _ beans-2-'bboaUcil , 85 , Huston baked beans ' . ' Hi Lewis , 11.03 ; Crown Brands , il.M. Hweut potatoBS a-lb New Jerioy , 11.81. 1'iiinpUlns 3-lb , 11.10. Ukru and tomatoes Jl.OSj okra ( l.iiO ; snecolasli , fl.-J. liuiKii 1'iiurrs Turkish prunes , less than lilids , IhSD. 7 ( 0 ; orlKlnal lilida ' u lt-isi Ilosnlu prune. ' , , ti-lb boxes , I'M ' to 1IU , 7 . ' ( _ ; upplos , evai > orulednoAY rlnit cbolee , 10c , evaporated , nivv rlni ; prime , 15o ; apricots , fanoy. In sacks. 20o ; blackberries , new. 10iu ! ; ruxiiberrles , 23 Ibs to box , lllc ; currants , now , SVi&Vic ; orig inal eusUi. Hu less ; Vusllzza currants , o.Mru , In boxes , O'if. NUTS Almonds , 18ci lirazlls , 17o ; fllbfrts , lHo ; pecans , ICe : walnuts , lie ; peanut cocks , 10'ic ; roasted , l-'ljc ; Tunneibco iieitnuts , He. WiiAi'i'iNO I'Ai'Kii Straw , per Ib , ? ® ? ; rac. aijc ; niaiilllii 11 , 4i(5o ; No. ] ,6o. MOI.ASSKS llbN. N.o. fancy , per pul , 53G.57o ; rholee , 4.vai7o ; KOOI ) . : 3t2c : ; L'tiba , buklng,2&i : ) ; black strap. 2i > 't22c. Hoiu IM.KS , liOlbs toboxfiycil < PBs,4o. ! { ViNEdAit-aonr. N. V. npplH older , lee ; D , S. elder , I2c ; while , wine , 13ei fancy , fruit , IHc. prlino wlilto , Uo ; I.V ) water white , ht. Hc ( ; 74 Kasollni' , I3o. grunuluteil , 2o ; In bbU , STOVE Pni.i8ii-l3.OOQ.Ytt per cross. 1"- * ' " , pcrlOO. 117.75 ! Lowlston per 100 , 1 - 'lit. common , bbl. $1,23. MKATg Corned beef , 1-lb , 11.20 ; corned bvtf , 2-bs | , tl.K ( ) ; lunoh tongues , , 12.00 ; luiicli tongues , 2-lbs , tl.75 ; brawn , 1-lb , fi.tX ) ; brawn , ' . ' -llw. t'.oo ; ox tonKUvn. li-lbs. ! li.CO ; ox tonBnt's.2-llw , W.l | ehlppen beof.m- Ibs , roiinil CUIIB , J2.a3 { roiibt bett , 2-lb round cans , 12.001 poltrd humlb ! , rouud caim , ( ic ; iiottcd haw , ! ( -lb , round uaua. tl.2Uj deviled Lam , Ji-lb , round caui , 65o | UovlleU ham , H-lb , round cani , II 20 | potted ox tonRUP , ij lo , round cans $1.20 ! enniprttssed ham , I Hi , Hiinnro cans'fJ.75rtrlno. 2 , Jbrnnnil cam , il.Mi inliioiMl ealoiii , 2 Hi rouinU'run. . IIVl V 'l'0t " w Ili' t H11 13.23j boneless V feet , 'J II ) ijtmrn 0(111 ( * . f J.53. .VlAi'i.K Pl'nAli 1'er llisV ) i'Tikes. M-lblioxei , 13c | lOccnk * . " ) , 'H-lb boil' . (12lC ! ! Mb bricks , UO Ibs In box , pure , lie. I'OFFKK lloastrd Arlonhi , 25'je : llunola , 2S'ii ' : ( ipniinn.&Vioi Dllnorth's ffii\ci MOD , not-j Mnllpoiicli , 2.'ic ' : fortloja , SJ'tcs ' Mocha , aoia-i o. . .iiivit.fiOc. , t'iiBK > ic I'rcMitmn ' I-VU , twin flats , per Ib , 10'ie ' ; Premium ! > ! , , OIHIK America , It c ; brink. iic : : domestic ( fwi * . " . U'SITo ; Edam , hi foil , each , fl.OOl I.liiilicKur. II4c. HitooMS jtlipsrltu , { .004-tle ; > $2.75 ; n-tlc , J2.r > ; : i.tlp. plain , tl.sS ) wurvhousr , JJ.OO toy. JI.S3 : whisk. ll.uui.u , * > . OMVM Qiinrl < i , per rtnz , ti.oo ; pints , per < lo/ . . J-.W ; bill k. per tnl , , l c. t'ouiMdC Manilla tiniu A sires from 7-10 to 1 In , l.'u ; Nlsiil rope , all hl7ui from 7-10 to t In , ll'ioi ' "new processes , " all sizes from 7-15 to 1 StrciAn I'er Ib-Cut loaf. ; sc ; cubes , 7Uoi slandaril iKiwdorcd. 7c ; X.\\X , po dered. 7'ic ; pranulated , standnrtl,01iict cotifoctlon- crs' A.fl'.dMlici wlilto.i-.Mra d. lirllllunt. 7je ! extra ( ' , royal. ( l'4ct central 0 , ft'i'c ; gulden C' , 6Ji i dark ( . ' ,4'c. . t'OTTO.N llOI'K ii-lllfll , ISC. foAi'-Castllp. mottled , per Ib OOlOiv do white1 , per II ) . lie. PICKI.KNMtMlluni , per libl.fil.OO ; small , $10.00 ! L'lierkliiH. (11.1X1 ; hup. 1)111 ) , ils.OO tfi-gal casks ) ; as-Kiil bbl. .fW.OO. CiiiKit-l'er blil , rennoil. ? n.M ; liatf bM , M.fiO ; hard elder , pure , per bbl , jd.i/o : orange elder. half bbl , : near elder , balf bbl , SAt'SAdK I'otlovrlimiiiiotntloiisiirn for lots of fit ) Ibs. andupwnrilsi lloleiinius In weasands fancy. 4te ( ! liuloiriiiiM , 4e ; pork saiisagi1 ; In link , Cc ; pork sausage , In hulk , 6'ie ; blood , Mio ; hcuf. bbls. JO.OO. IIONKVCOMII TKii'R-Half bbl , 80 Ibs each , J.I.W ; kits , l.'i Ibs each , NIc. I'lt'iSMJti Tilii'E Half bbl , SO Ibs each , $2.50 ; lilts. Kilbs each. We. I' ) PiosTKBT Half bbl , 60 Ibs each , $ ' ) . .W ; kits. 15 Ibs each. ftV. Oi.KOMAiKiAitt.sE 20-lb tubs , solid , 12ie ! ; 40- Ibtuhs , l-llinills Illc. liAini Tierces , Oiie ) pure audkottlo ren dered. I'lC. SIMCKII 1'ifls' To.vouis-Half : bbls , 410.00 ; 13- lli lilts } _ ' .U > . I'ICKI.KII HBBF To.Nnur.s-ilarrcls. SOO Ibs each , { 17.00 ; eighth bbls , V. > Ibs each.'I.M. . HBKF l-lb xiuaio cans , per do ? , JI.10 ; 11-11) ) siiuareeans , | ! ordo7. $ . UOASTOU lloiiKd llcr.p Mb round cans , per dotl.10 ; li-lh rciunil euns , per doz , $3.UO. Cinri'ii : > llunui HHKK 'i-Ib ' louiid cans , per do * . S1.2. , ; 1-lb lound enns , per doz , $2.10 , LUNCH TO.MIUM 1-lb round cans , per doz , Ji.Vl ; s-lb round cans , per do/ , $1.60. WHOM : Ox ToMiUBS-1'i-lb round cans , per do/ . ji.Ki ( ; : Mb round cans , jierdoz , JH.OO. DMVII.KII llAM-M-lb round cans , per do/ , OUe ; K-lb round cans , per do05u , Provision * ) . P.MOKF.n SlKATS-SiiKiir cured lluins , 14 to 10 Ibaverngc , lo'ioj hams 20 MS : IhiivuniKv , I0e ; iinm . IhnvcriiKU , lO'tc ' ; skinned hums , He ; shoulders , G'fo ' ; clour broiikfaM Imcon. 80 ; lionok'ss UicaUfust bacon lucks. 7'ie ; Call- ftiriilnor iilcnlc liuin. , ( > S4C ; boneless dam. 'A1 ' ; dried beef lmms ( ctH > , 7Jic ; drlcil bef oloili , li'ie ; sliorl splt'cd mils or ham rniilotto , Co ; hinoki'il beef totiguos ( HIT ( In/en ) , i..V ) . liiiv SALT MISATH Lous clears , ri'4'ci slinrt. cluiif.x , ( io ; short ribs , t > ' 4e ; sliniililurs. 54c ; ; cluiir bellies. 8'ici ' clunr buoks. ( i > ic. SMOKI-.II SlBATS-Drysalt cured Iliicon short ribs , tie ? ; bill-on short clisirs , ( iSc ; bacon Idiitf clears , ( lj e ! bacon cloiip backs , fi'ios Uaeou floar bclllt'S , 7' ' c ! bacon slmulilers , lit : . SwKirr I'icKi.Kii Mmrs lliuns , tierces. O'ic : shoulders ( N. V. cut ) , tli'rcra , Q'.ici Uallfornla hums , tli'rcps , SJic : beef liunif. Inn rols JI'-.UO. I'ICKI.KII IlKKK TONIR'KSHalf lllirrulx. 100 Ib-j. , JIO..V ) ; iiiirtor | : barrels , 50 ) bs , , JO.OO ; clclith bands , Slba.fl. : . SWKKT I'li'ici.KnSi'AiiK Kins Tlcrccs.IlOO Ibs. , \vt' : ; banuls , wn Ibs. , not weiKlit , J9.00 ; litilf liiirrels , lUOIbs. . net , weight , $ I.M. IjAitnConipoiiiul , per 11) ) , tierce basis , 5'icj pun ; leaf liinl. per 11) , tlrruo basis , fiUcs Kettle ri'iidurod leaf lard , peril ) , tleieo basN , 'l.ia. HAIIIIKI.KII I'OIIK AND HUBI- Muss pork ( new ) lierbbl , Jll.OO : fiiinllv porlf.flO.rK ) ; Hhnitulvnr cut i > orl < , ; l > iiiii > k'.ssilitporkfiiiicy | ( ) , < ii.Wlj : \tra iiif-s beef. Jii.OO ; plate hocf. * : > . ! ) ( ) ; extra pinto leefJ7.0ic.\trafatiilly ) ( ) liouf ( hunu- ii , $ (10 ( : mllcd bucf ( bonuluss ) , &J.30 ; rump . . i'io I'OUK llonclcss Uiirrnls , 200 Ibs eacb , } ii..Vl : ; imlf barrels. 100 Ibs cacli , $ r.'J.'i. SAiisAiins lluluyniiju ; siuukud sausage , Te : blooiLsuiisajo ' llvoi' hiusim' ; : , 4io ! ; heiui clieeso. 4"4c " ; frcsb iiork sausaie. ; llnus , Ce1 fresh pork siiiisiiut' , bulk , fi'jo ' ; sinoUcd pork saiisace , be ; Krankfiirl SUIISIIRC. 7c : smoked lieail cbei'se. Oc ; I'ollsb sausase , 7c ; kuob- laiioh siitisaco. "o ; tonguu sausage , be ; sum mer snusaiic. llo. ! Tbt ) ubuvii prices arc for lots of fifty pounds and upwards ; uless quantity He more. Fish. FIIKSII 1'cr Ib Perch , 7c ; hutTalo , dressed , 7c ; pickerel , ! ) u ; plko.Oo ; iniut.Ue ; whlto , lOc ; cropplc , lie ; cattish , lie ; cod steak 15ej tlouiuleirt , iiu : ; UreKoiiNaliiion. I'M ; black biss : , he ; lobsters lUe ; blue llsb , 15c. Street Produce. HUTTEII Creamery , e ; creamery , choice , ls.te ) ; country , cliolco , l.v&voc ; coun try , KOO < | , UiRlllo : country , fair , lli15e ; coun try. Inferior , r.'ifilOc. I'outTiiv Tliu market oncblckcns Is In very bail .shape. Unlv itn occasional fancy lot brines $2.50 , tin ) bulk of the noocl clilcliciis KnhiK at K'.tHKi"W.i" . Cbolco hens , pur doi. t2.5KitJ.7."i ( ; treed spring elilekcus , ( I'.WQ.IU1. ' ) ; iiiedlum , ( I.TJSi.Vo ; small , In some cases as low as J1.50. TullKiVH-Llvcpurlb , lOSItc. DUCKS Live , per doz. $2.r > 0j.fjO. : E ( JS The market shows no appreciable change , the price remaining steady utlSc. UAMI : Tim market Is about steady. L'ralrlo chickens , per < Ioz. f.7. . ' tt'l.0 J ; mallard ducks. teal oucks , JI.'JoQl..V ) ; mixed ducks. tl.U.Viil.nn ; jilover. ftOJIMe : Jack snipe , Sl.OO ® l.'j : > ; ( | ualltl.r > ( Kiil.75 ; jaclc rabbits , IKI.UO ; small rabbits. $1. Fresh Fruits. Niw VOUK GliAi'iis-Concords , 10 basket lots , Illc : Concoids , 5-10 basket lots , 4Hc ; catawhas , 103 hushutlots , 40c ; oattiwbas , 5-10 Imskot lots , 45o ; faloiiis 100 basket lots. 40e ; Snlcins , 5-10 basket lots,45o ; Nlaetira. 5 Ibs , 1110 basket lots , S5o ; Nlagnin. 5 It's. ' MO basket low. ; i5c ; Duhiwiire , 3Ibs , HO basket lots , 23c ; Dehi- waro,5 Ibs , 5-10 basket Iotsi5o ; ; aloms , 5 His , 100 basket lots , 25c ; galeuis , 5 Ibs , 5-10 basket Iols.i5c. : UAI.IFOIIMA I'liuiTS Crnpos , Tel < ny , crates , sltiiilupnckiipc , fl.50 : grapes. muscats , crates hliiKlo package' , * MI3 | peurs , Winter Nellies nnil olhcis , lioxos , MiiKlo puekage , ji.OO : ; Qnlnees. bovcs slnjiIopackuKO. $ ' . ' .7. " > . HA.NANAH Kaney hlnullolils. i ± 00 to J1.00 pur linncli ; Honduras. $1.50 lo tlM per bnneli. OUASOBS Juninluu oraiiKOs , J.VJS , blnglo loxi * . pur box , 11.09 ; 5 box lols. ti.7. : ' > . I.KMONS Now MaliL-i : ; lemons will be In the market , next week. They will probably htnrt nt J5.0oao.00 : fancy .Mulorl , IlOO.s and liUUs , per box. JIU.iKl ; MnlaKii , ncr bov. $ 'i.oOC.0.00 , Ai-i'i.KS 1'aney winter upples , per bbl , ta.25 ® :7'5' : , , , , , CiiAxnKiiuiKfi I'lincy dark Capo Cods , $9.00 ; fiiney dark Capo Cods , 5 barrel lots. Ji,50 ; fancy Hull k riiorry. S8.00 ; fancy llell k Ulicrry , 5 baud lots , (7.r ( > 0. Vciictnblcs. SWEET TOTATOES Jcrf = oys. $3.75(114.00. ( POTATOES Selling at boOOJc. Choice hloek U sellliiK mostly at OOe. OTIIKH VKOBTAIII.KS CnbbaRp , Mich. , per crate , JJ.TSi red , per bbl , t..25 , onions , per bill , M.50 : rutabauas , per bbl , } l.7. > ; wbltntiirnlps , per bbl , $1.75 ; eurrols , per .bbl. $2.25i parsnips , per bbl , 12.25 ! beets , per bbl , * 1.73 ; horse rad ish loots , per hbl , KOOj per Ib , lOc ; eulery roots , ( Our. ) PIT bbl , $ J.(10 ( ; jiur < lo5 < ) u ; choice ICalamazoo , 25QOc ; ) ; garlic , per double string , Hides , Tallow , Etc. HIDES. I'ui.TS AND TAU.OW ( Jreen salted hides , No. 1 , heavy , UVi&UHo ; No. 1 , llelit , O'o ' ; No. .Might. 4 ? Wo ; dry Hint hldis , ; ' ; S > o ; calf hides , 7iii'o ) ; damaged hides. Hie l -s ; sheep pelts , green , each , XdSf l.i : ; ; sheup pelt , dry. peril ) , lUfl.Hc. TAI.UIW-A No. I , < ! Jo ; No. ! , .liic ; grca&o white , : ii ! < 8lc ; yellow , 25ic ! : ; stearlnc. Oljc. HONKS Quotations are for delivery In ( 'hl- cage Dry buffalo , -nor ton , * IO.OO18.UO ; dry country , bleached. llU.tKXfuu.UO ; dry country , damp and mcuty , f.S.VWilO.OJ. Dry Guoilw. KINK HIIOWN COTTONS Atlantic LICe ; Au rora II , U > 4c ; Anrora'Il , 04'et Atlas. OX II , 7'ic ' ; cheese oliith , 4cj ( Ulliton Kl' , 5J4ej 1'upporell K , tliu ; LanRdon ( I II , K . Ilt.K > .ciiKii CoTTd.vs-rllorkoloy Cambric No. CO , li'ic : Itest Vet , OKf ! , Iluttorclutli XX , 4'ic ' ; Culxit , 7fie : First L'atl , ( I14e ; I'rilltof the Loom , fiy : IIIH Hcmptor Idonl , he ; Ilonwkeeper , K > io ; Lonsilalo , l ) ; I.onyiiilo ciniibrlo , lOlio ; Now Vork Mills , lloUalof ; > uvrns , 7c. WiOANM-Nut Thlitl . tl'ie ' : Hed Cross , 7c , Oiusn Slovens' 11,16 In. 5ic : Slovens' 1) ) , 18 In.ilSiO : Htevt'in'A.Jtln. 7Uc : Slovens' 1' , 18 In , Ho ; .Slovens .M , Iti Julta ; Stevens' N , 20 In , Oo ; Stevens NN , 22 In , 104' J < tuveii ( . ' SHT , 20 hi , I''o ; blonclicd , luoxtru. I'IIINTH I'aucluii Eddyslone , OUo ; Kteol Hirer , Oc : Kamnpo , 4'4c ; St. J.edgor , 5ie. ! ShlrtbiK Martini AViishlii'Xton , 4'ic ; Mrrrl- inaek , 4 c. Inrkoy Heds Koiintaln , 6io ! ; Uarner , 7e : l.'rcntloId.BHvi Uerlln , O'.i , llEAvr liuow.s COTTONS Atluntlo A , 7ie ! : Atlantic II , 7c ; Atlantic I ) , b c ; Atlnntlu 1' , Co ; Aurora O , 4't'u : llnck'n head , 7c : Uabol W , Oiio ; DiirlhiKton , fi c ; Fiinnois , ' No , 1 , t\ < & 4ic ! ; lioosliir hit'io ' ; liidiiin head , "Uo ; Luwreneohh , l oj llunrlctla I.Ij , 5'ie. HllKETINflS ANII I'lI.l.OW ( jAHNdri-ltrOWIl Not I'einieroll 45-u | , IDlic ; I'epDertill ' , 6-4 , IBo : 1'i'iinurell , 0-4 , 20oi IVpi.erell , 10-4 , IJtlca , 4S-hi , J5e ; Otjcu. 17 iu : Iltleii , 7Mn , 2Jo ; Utlca. M-ln , to ! ; I'tlcu , UO-ln. Wfit ? . lUcuolicil > et I't-ii- pcioll. 4Mn , 10c ! : 1'oppprell , 4iVlii , lSSci r < M > peroll , 0-4. isoi roiipurollL8-4 , SOoj oiUicrell.iM.ttHc : IVnticrolI , 10-4. Vtcj Utlcu , 6 - 4Uc \ : , ' 'fiei Utlcu , 10-4 , > < . i.sniiAWHAtno > .kuiK : , Ciu ) ; Amos I. cup ; dress , BVit > ; Hates , r.VicVar ; Ick ( In-ss , 'do ; I.iui- caster , C.'ic ; Olcimlrr , OSi'j ; Whrttenuon'dress , 8c. I'niNTH-Indlgo elite Not Martha Wash ington , ( Hie ; Amorluau , UUo ; Arnold , C ! c ; Ar nold H. IOIIK oloth. 1001 Htlfel A , IHio ; Merrl- uuc , 7-8. ivc ; Qold Loaf , 8Jic ; llanilUon , Allen rinksil'ici ' Allen Chnnibrny , Ooi Oloii- cciteril'ici llnrtol , r > ue. I'ot.oiiKii CAviniii's--Crown , ! 4CI { HPII Stnr , 4 < ie : Knlled Clover. So ; Viator , 5Vet high color ! " , lo extra. DKSIMS Nct-AmoskcaR. 9 or , lMi { | York camlet , l-oi KvvnUt. staiulard. 12iui ! liny- nmkor's , 7'tCl Old Vork , XX , iulicl l.uwrcncc , aw , l.TjC ! l.awronci' , 0 o15'iei fancy strides niul clicvks. It'll * . COTTON uir.s York Nankin , imc ( ; Kvcrott , So/ , ISO ) Lcvflstou , 10 M , HS'iC ' lie. HoAitti > No. 1 coin , $30.00 ; No. S coin , * 17.00 | No. : i I'liin. 1I.VW ) : No. 4 coin , tll.W. Snti'hAi'-No , 1 til it In , H and 10 Inch , TIS.CiO ! No. 2 plain , fund It ) Inch. $10.10 : No. : i ( iluln , 8 mid 10 Inch , tl.VlKl ! U. U. , 8 Inch , -\Vhlto \ IMiiii-No. 1. 4 untl ( I In , 12 ami U ft , flii.M ; No. .4 anil 0 in , r ' ami 14 ft , JH.OO ; No. U1. 4 and ( I In , 10 ft , 110.50) ) No. : i , < nnil Oln , till lenutliM. IM.K ( ) . stniMi A , . " . ' .uo ; ii.i.ros c , jic.00 : n , IIMO. I'l.ooiilMl-Wliltn IMnc Anml 11 , MJ.UO ; 1) ) , { 1.00 ; 0. ttW ( | K$17.SII. STOCK lloAiins No. looininon , 13 und 14 ft , I.UOO ! 10 ft. llti.00) ) No. a common , is mul 14 ft , JI8.00 : Uift.ll7.CH ) . Cmuxo No. t Hliltc , y-ln. MI.SOi No. I Imrd tilno. ? i-ln. tl.Vi ) No. 1 hard iilnu. i-Jn , fc'l.OOi No. I hard pine. Vln. J-'i.i'O. ' llATTKNS. WKI.ITt'IIINl. 1'ICKKTS ' O 0. lUtS ) , Si-ln.70o ! | 'ivIISIS ' , ILVl ! Mn wi'll tublnit. H. ' * ) l. anil llov.f UMj plukets , I ) , & II. llat , J.-.UO ; I ) . , V II. wi , hl.OO. STOCK llo.oitis-A nnil 11 , IMn , flJ.OO ) I ) , U- ln. ti7.UO. OiioiiVKt ) KooriNC No. 1 roininon whlto pint1 , li , 14 nnd 1(1 ( ft , fU.uOs No. 1 conimon i plno. 12 , 14 nnd 10f ( , moi. I'oiMAit I'l.nAit , 1-ln , all widths , &JI.OO ; clear ! i-ln. all wliltlm , J"J.50. 12 ft 14 ft ] ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 21 ft J\4.iri 00 | | S W ) } ! . " > tO Itll 00 $111 ( W $17 ft ) $18 00 a\o. . is w ) is tie is on in oo in oo is oo is ; io \\S. \ ! . ISK ( ) IS 00 IS ( H ) 1C , UO 111 ( Ml IS ( XI IS W 2x10. IS 00 ISO , ) li ! 00 10 00 1(1 ( 00 IS ( K ) 18 M 2.\12. 1000 1000 1000 1700 1700 ID CO ID W ) 4\4to h\8 15 00 1000 10 00 1700 ISO ) 1000 2000 Y. PINK ri.ooitixo Clear , 4 and (1 ( In , 21.00) ) star , 4 and flln , i..00 : rift HIUVOII , Jfl.W ) tivtra. KINISIIINIIVIIITB I'lNK lnl mid -d eloar , 1 In. t.V.o ) ; Pi. Hi mid a In. * .Vl.oOi M clear. 1 In' < tr > . ! XI ; 1'4 , 1' ' , 1111(12 In , Jlti.tH ) ; A soluct , 1 In , J42.00 ; l'4 > I't ' mill ' . ' In. J42.00 ; llst'lecl. 1 In tl4.Hl4 ) ; ! , l"i " und2 In , &KI.UO ; U boluct , I In , J.W.Oa ; I'.i , 1'ianil'J In.MI.OU. I'iMsiiiNd , YKI.UMV 1'iNK-Clear. 1 In , JiO.OO : 1'i. 1'i ' and 2 In , t'7.0ilj star , I In. JJ4.WI. SlU.vdl.KS. l.ATll K.xtrn , XAX , $ ' , ' .7.ri0stanil- ! ard. .XAX. J-MK ) ; 0 ln.f..2J ! 6 III. , t..OO ) No. 1 , 11.20 ; tVdiir. XAX , K.7S. I'OSTSVhlto veilnr-41 In. , 'JS. . 12ic ! : 0 In. , ft\r \ , , r.'e ; 5' ' , In. , ! iS. , Ilfi 8 In , , 1M ; 4 lo 5 In , , rounil , ii'ici ; ' oak , slltlo ) ) ) ; red ocilar. l.V. Sash , M peroent ; doors , 40 jiur cent ! bllnils , lOiiurrunt ; inoiilillnss , 40 per ci-nt ; lime , MV ; liair , 20CLi'iuout ; , American , il.M ; cuiiient. Ini- liortvd ) SI.M ) nlastor. ! , ' . : ( . " > ; straw bourit , tl.'JO ; larboard , JUV ) ; tar felt , ? -.4Q. lll.onc Tl.N Small pis. uOo per Ibj bur 30o [ icr llj. Coi' rinnl heil lioller sl/cs. IITlc per In : cold lolled. ; Wf per lljj shuutln , ' . 'to pur Ib ; pit and flats , : ilc PIT Hi. UAI.VANIZKII r-nmrr IitoN-Dlsooitnt M-10 per rent ; pat. jilnti. lion , Nos. 21 nnil 27 , A , 10ie ! ; II , li'ic. ' TIN 1'l.ATK-I.C. , 10.\S1 , J'.50I. ; X. , 10x14 , U83. TIN 1'l.ATK-Col.e. 14x50. 112. J0.75. STIIF.IVnti : NA1I.S--1IUM.1 , J2.73. SIIIIT.INC : : so. Hoon.Nd-Chaivoitl , I. C. , 14x20 , 112 , fC.00 ; 1. X. . * 7.25. SIIEKT lltos No. 2rt , $ .1.50 ; No. 27 , KI.CO , SOI.IIKH St Hotly half niul half , ISc. STIKI : , NAII.SHaso , f2.25. WIIIK Jiip. barb , I.2S ; sal , K1.S3. NcbriiHkn McOord , llriuly .V Co. have received Hie ( list carof the Grand Island beet sugar , and they expect four cars inoro to arrive very soon. Orders are coming In from all o\cr thu coun try for Nebraska beet sugar. In uiicarnnco | | It enniiDt bu dlnlliiKilIslii'd from the bent granulated siiKnr inndo fioin eane , und 11 Is pronounced a perfect .success. In Honor ol'Von MoltKc. BKIIMX , Oet. 21.Special [ Cablegram to TUB nii : : . ] The 1'otcs In honor of Count von Moltkc will include u torch light procession in which 10,000 persons will tnlto part , repre senting all the public bodies of Berlin. The emperor takes great interest in the prepara tions. Tie will allow the military bat.d to ns- sist in the fetes. It Is probable lhat the whole city will , bo illuminated. Tlio grunil dukes of llesso nnd lludcn mid all the com manding generals will take part in the mili tary ovation. t'yvu p ill' Fiffri , Produced from the Inxatlvo and nutritious Julco of California Jigs , combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to bo most beneficial to the human system , acts gently on the kidneys , liver and bowels , effectually cleansing the system , dispelling colds and headaches , and curing habitual constipation. The Teutonic Ahead. LONDON , Oct. 21. [ Special Cablegram lo Tnu BBC. ] The White Star line steamer Teutonic , Captain Irving , which cleared i' ' > o bar at New York nt 7:31 : a. m. , October 15 , bound for Liverpool , was signalled off Brow- bead nt 'J ' ' 25 oclock this morning. TUo Ininan line steamer City of Now York , Captain Wntkins , which sailed for Liverpool on the sumo day ns the Teutonic utul crossed the bar four minutes ahead of her , was signalled off the same point utt 11:39 : a. in. to-duy. Cleanse the scalp from scurf and daiulrun ; keep the Hair sott and of a niilunil color by Iho use of Hull's Vegetable Sicilian Hair He- newer. Armenia. COXSTANTIXOI'.I | : , Oct. Ul. [ Special Cable- grain to Tin : I3ui : . ] Brigandage is rife along the caravan ronto between Kivcrouin in Armenia und Trcbizond , 120 miles northwest of Erzeroum. A number of car.ivans have been attacked und plundered by brigands. The Ucv. Win. Stout , Wlarton , Ont.BtnlCH : After being ineffectually treated by .seven teen different doctors for scrofula mitt blood disease. 1 was cured by Burdock Blood Hit ters. Write him for proof. Will Hniiiiot ( | Nlslb Vctornn.H. CoxsTA.NTisopi.n , Oct. 31. [ Special Cable gram to TUB Bun. ] The sultan will give n , banquet to the veterans of the battle of Nlsib in honor of the nineteenth birthday of Count von Moltko. _ _ Van Houton's Cocoa Lsirgest sale in the world. THE HEAl/TV MA.HKI2T. TNSTUUMEN'M plueed on ruuorU Octo- JL bcr21. WAIIUANTV DEEDS. Albright land and lot company to M W llroekwny , lot 0 , blk IB , AlbrlKlit's Ulinlco 400 E A llniuken ut al to Korcst I < awn L'l'in- ctcry association , n ! J siv 2U , b ! J nw , o / sounds H ne : tO-10-it : 22,000 \\f.-t.\K \ \ lliickciKlalil to K Ol.'iiiinlnghain , lot 10 In lot : In sill ) in sw 2-ir-H. . . 740 Llzzlo lluela'iidahl to II Ot'iinnliiKhain , lot ! l In lotll Insnbsw 2-I.Vii ; 012 IlrllllanL safety oil company loS.I lltiw- ulletal.lot li | , blk7 , Kllliy Place 2,000 GoorKO lldlnicsainl wlfo toS U l.unU.lot hits 10 und 11. blk I , Cotter's add 5,000 J U Harris and wlfo to ( Jlnbn loan and trust company , lot 20 , bill U , Ilrurthorno add 1,500 Berth Johnson to K T Jolinton , n ' , , lot 6 , blk U , Marsh's add 530 R U Limn to HildKct and H J I'etor.son , lot < , blk 2. Corrlean's I'laci- 300 J A I'lummur to A K I'riiyn. lol 11 , blk 7 , Kendall's add 3tXKJ A J I'opplcton and wlfo to Anna M Vntcs , lots l.'i ami 10. blk 10 , I'oppli-ton pail ; . . . 1,400 , A K I'riiyiiand husband toWC'rlioinas , lot ! . IjiUuy'HSilli In UaKan's add 3OOQ John 1'nicliasliH and wlfo to 11 A Knm- crt , H27ft-et ot n ! i 't ' lot I , blk la. Im provement association add ; ,200 , D ( J Patterson and wlfu toHarah Itorn- stoln. lot U , blk 7 , and s > , loll ) , blk i > , PiitlurMin park too J II Itobortsoii to Park I'ostur , trustci > , lot I In necor f-1. > -ii ; Win Hlppln and wlf i lo Jacob Knwcctt , nnd ' . ' , lot 4 nnd n ! i lot 8 , 1)11 ; I''O , South Uniahti TM South Unmliti land company lo Jncob FuWi'olt ut al , lot 1,3 and ( i , blk I'M , South Omaha 1,1)50 ) toutli Uinaba land company to Matilda Aiidornoii , lot Kl , blk 131 , Ninth Omaha COO A I'Tiikcy et al to W W KovbiT , lot 7 , blk 12 , Clifton Hill 1,000 AT Tn hey to OM lllack , lot VJ , bile 'J , Ulltlon Kill 2,100 , A I' Tnkey to A E Gates , Jot SI , blk H , Clifton lllli 2..VW G II Tzsclmok to J W .McUonnld , w UK ) ft lotW , blk 15 , Hinirs2d B,000 , OL'IT CLAIM lliiS : : , Olof IIUIIHTI and wlfu to V O Kmilry , lot Iblkb2 , Klorencu 75 J F Ilovd. sbcrlff. toj Vltt'dlck.asopcr- ate truck In Iutini.Rlso'11 uild 1,200 ) U A 1'owlnr , Hiivclttluiliiiliiliiiriilurto > u- hraskti Savuug and KxeluiiiKo hank , Iot6 andll , hlk "F , " I.OWC'H Ihi add. . . I.HOO M V Boloinon el al In I'nhllo ' < lcdlcatlon of Mmotn and alloys ndj lots I lo A. 10 nnd 20. blk 1 , lot' ' . 'J , lu to lt . blk 4. lot 2,12 and 14. blk 5 , lot ! > , 13 and 14 , blk u , lot 7 , blk fc , Solomons add Total amount of transfers t C0.41S r.''///// ovn T.IKII- ' * ' . The MuKlnli'y ' lllli Will Hurt America M'or. c Thnii l n lnnil. LONDON , Oet , 81. [ Special CubloRram to TUB HKII : In a speech nt Newcastle I , enl llniuvlllo siUl ; that the torles pretended that they wcro contUlcnt of the result of appealing to the country , yet they delayed dissolving parliament a * long as possible. Referring to tlio now .American larlff ho snld : "KxnpRei-ated laiiKiiago has been used with i-ecnrii to the MelCIuley tn.ilff , wnlch will not injura us as much us was expected , H is certain to bo moro Injurious to Ameriiu herself , " Ilo added that the ini'.isuro would tell ngnlnst the AmcriiMii fnrmcrs nnd arti sans , nud eventually npiiust. American maun- fncturcrs. Ilo supposed that America still ilcslreil to export , butsho could only yet her exports paid for bv Imports , ilut forUatm- illiin proteetlvo duties It would bo linpossiblo to prevent \vholosalo smtiKRlltiK' The speaker salil ho wished lurtletilarlv to ex press the opinion that the new law wus not enacted out of hostility to KiiKlaiul. After generally conuiriiif ! the ravemment for Its policy towant Irel.iiul , no strongly coiuU'tiined tlio iiruellco of "shatlowtiiK , " from which ho said even n felon hi Unglaml \i \ exempted , Diphtheria. From , lrifi ( ) ! < m ( ittilie , Oet."W. < ! . .tCo.'s Rreat discovery and inamifae- turo of their diphtheria euro in this city has been ono of the Krcatost blesslucs over known , This romed.v lias proved to bo a sure euro nnd proven tivo In thousands of Itistancos. 1'lils city for years back has been subject to diphtheria , blncc this discovery ( two years iuo ) there has never been a cnio developed. Kvei-y family with children in tills oi'y Ims a bottle hi the bouse , uiulvliorover any symp toms nppear this remedy Is used. Not ono sliiRlo case has ever been lost under this treatment. UitfRit Co. have thousands of tes timonials from all over the United States tell- IiiK of the wonderful euros 11 hni made , Any cili/.cnof thlrt city , Alma , HU-lduun , WilbiT. Neb. , IJeeatur , 111. , Atkin , Minn. , llonvcrnud Oeoi-Rctown , Col. , nnd Silver City. New Mexico ice , will testify as to its merits. This remedy is for ulo by IJlaKe , lruco& ! Co. , Oiiuihu. Arroslcil for WAIIIKW , Oct. 21. ( Special to Tin : Hin. : ] A gicat .sensation has been caused hero by the trial of three nieivhnnts named Holtsbcrger , Klttonbei'Kcr und Kalian , on the chargeof long ( . ' 011111111011 smuggling of silks from Germany into Rus sia. H is understood that they smuggled la these goods to the amount of JEIKW ( yearly. You cannot accomplish tiny work or busi ness unless yon feel well. If you feel used up tired out take Dr. ,1. II. McLean's Sarsap- nrilla. H will glvo you health , strength and vitality. Will ijav Up Their Ships. LONDON , Oet. 21. The executive commit tee of the owners' ' federation ship , is organiz ing u scheme providing for the simultaneous laying up their ships at all ports as a Until re sort against the exactions of the seamen's aud dock laborers' unions. A I.lKttt in Uvcry Ilertli. To the Uhlcnjjo , Milwaukee & St. Pnul railway bolonjjs the credit of being the Ih'st in the country to rodtico the mutter of olecti-io lislitiiifj of trains to Kcluntillc nei'fection , Ono of tlio novel fcnturoa Intfoilueod in the Hleopint ; ears is u patent olet'trii ! rending lamp in eiioh KCC- lion. With this luxurious provision , rending nl night before anil after ro tir ing boeomua as comfortuhlo IIH by day , nnd when retiring the tollot may bo mndo in comfort and seclusion. The berth rending lamp in the Pullman sleeping- curs run on the Cnicngo , iMll- wuukce & St. Paul railway , between Omaha and Chicago , IH patented and cannot bo used by any otlior railway company. It is the greatest Improve ment of tlio ujjo. Try it nud bo con vinced. Sleeping oars leave the Union Pacific depot , , at 0:10 : p. m. dally , arriv ing ut Chicago at lHO ) : a. m. Secure tickets and sleeping car berths at Union Ticket olllee , 1601 Farnaiu street ( Barker block ) , Oinulw. J. K. PHICSTON , F. A. NASH , Pass. Agent. Gen'l Agent. Arrives In Jhiblln. DUIU.IN , Oct. 21. [ Special Cablegram to Tim BRI : . ] Bnlfour , chief secretary for Ire land , arrived in the city today. Johann Hoff's ' Malt Extract Tlio liosl Nnlrltlvo Tonln In nil I'IIHPI of livsi'KVsn , .MAI.MI- IIITIO.V 111 t'O.N't AI.KH- IKNCE , I'l'I.SIO.VAUV ' anil Thront trouble. _ _ Iml-riu'il liy nil I'lijul- cliiii8throniliouttlio ulvlllrcil worlil , Tin-re l nolli- lnn "Just n iool"wlion ! you cnn nbtntn llio Ki'imlno nrtlcle , which Ims tlio ( .iKimturo of ' JoiiA.VN on Uio neck of ovpry bottle , Eisner -Mumlclson Co. , Sole Agents , _ 0 Barclay Slruet , New Yorlt. "lEAUTIFflr Th clly oT Ifelenn In loontPil In tlinbcaiitlfut Prlvlilf I'eur Valley ; IseiibBtantlally tiullt of ntnnn and brlclc , with Knot ] hotolK , rhurchpn , oclioolii and all niodorn conveniences of llfo. U'hti society Ifl ez- ceptloniilly liluliclasii , liatltiumora than Uio aver- OBB nuuiliurof educated and Intelligent people. A u plaro itfrevtile net ; U l iiiu > fiitillul. It rnn be readied by luiurloun trnlnii dally , with through dlnlne mm , onthQlJreatNorllicrnunclNor- thorn I'aclllo Hnllwiiys from Ht. I'aiil nnd Mlnnn. nuolli , or from Kan an C'ltr , via Union 1'uclBo llntlrnad. Ima mle nmnd liiy Hcktla. MontanabaH tlozena uf liru'xl ' vullcyc BO fer tile with thodopo'lts ot BUDS that ( arincn 11 ml In them a piirailloouf uroducttvencsBaocluliomo m r- ke * . ( orallyloM. Orfnifitfifull ndvnntniesot MontanaIslho M omlorful cllnuilc. Tliu warm wlnrin o ( tlio I'.l- cltloOcoiin modify the temperature to the dceroo vrblch nrrorila thohlKlirst phynlcul comfort. Tliunlr Is KO full ot ozone uiid > o exhllomtlnit In Its offccts tlnit Iho continual exlttcnco of dlfcaao Ii au Impro bability. , Conatimptlvci find In the almoit constant wefts- tton of trtyht BUHihtny days and dry atmosphere rrm0- tiles which coaii drive iiwuy tholrvnril vymp * Innii , aiida quick Increase of appetite antljtcsh fritfi. nif ei an carlu return of health. For full InformationoiUlreM. L. G. PHELPS , Scc'y Citizens Committee , Helena , Montana. BOSTON , MASS. CAPITAL $400OOO SURPLUS 800,000 Accounts of Hunks , llankuri anil Corporation ! so licited. Ourfncllltlo.i for COM.KCTION3 ( ire oiccllentntnl wo ro-d Is count for banln ivlirn Imliuicoi nnrrnnt It , ItoJton Is a Hetnrvu City , ami balance ! nllli in from lianV" ( not locntcJ In otlu'r Uoicrvo CHlea ) count as aresurve. Wo draw our own oxeluintto on London AIM ! the Continent , anil mnka cablu triuisfon und | > lacoinonoy liy tck'Br.iiU | tltrougliout tliu United titatoi nnd Can- aila. Vehavo a market for prlino flrxt-clns1 ! Investment Becurltl6.t , nniJ liiTllii ( iropo ult from Ht.ilea , Cuun- tics nnil Cities when loulni ; tondi. We rte u general bunking business , and Invite cor- ropondence , ASA P. 1'OTTKi : , PUKSIDKNT. JOS. W. WOHIC , CA8I1USU. NEBRASKA National Bank U. B. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital. - - $ /iOOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O - 07.BOO Officer * and Dlrpclorfllenrr W , Yatn , Vrealdont ; lx > llS. Hiurt , Vlce-1'reiWcnt ; Jamti W. 8 Tii , W. V. ilorie. John 8. Uoillni , U. C. Cuililoj , J. H. H. 1'aUlok , W. Ii. H. lluitliti , catblar. THE IRON QA.NK. Corner 12th and Farn ra St . AOencrsJ Banklua Duilousi Transacted. Dmalia Jobbers , Artists' literals , Pianos anil Organs , lnt Street , Oiuiihn. Not' . Conl , C > ki , IKo. Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , B. K. Cor. loth niitlDoiiKtiN Strtrt * . Umnlm , Nob. NK11UASKA FUEIi CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 714 South mil Street. Onnlm. N'oh. I > i > y OooilH unit NotlniiH. M. * K. ' SMIT ll 5c Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions Corner lllli mul Howard BtrcfK ICILPATIUCK-KOCJI DKV ROODS CO. , " Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , Cents'l-'iiriiljhliii.'IlimiK Corn or lltli niul llnrnoi HlrtTto , Omnlm. Scli. [ 'uriiiliiro , DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Knrimm Street. Unmlm. Nebrn'kn , ( JJIAKLKS SlilVEKICK , Furniture , Oiimlm , Ne WcCOHD. I3HADY Js CO , Wholesale Grocers , 13th nn > l J.ciueimortti Streets , Oiimlm , Nvtirinkn. O. W. DOUGLAS fc CO. , Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , V nl IMON. irth St.,0nmlin , JOIIN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Hlc. , Ktc. bnporloit mul American I'nrtlnml Comi'iit. Statt ' ' ' " " "hvniikoo llcilrniilla Cement , uiul QiilnuyYlilto l.lmo. CHAS. II. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber. Wood cnr | > L'h niul | iiriiict : | lloorliix. IHIi Struels , Uninh.'i , Nuli FRED -\V. GREY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc. Corner Dili nnrt DoiiKln * flrepi < , Omaha. Ulillincry and Notions. I. ODEHFELDEH & : CO. , Importers and Jobbers In Millinery , 209 , 210 mid 312 Houth lllli Ktroet. Notions : J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 1121 Hartley Mrcot , Oinnlm , Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle cri'iisp , etc. , Onmli.i. A. H lllsliop , .MiimiKOr. I'ajicr. CAHPKNTEIt PAPER. CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Carry n nlro dock of printing , urrnppliiu niul writing linpor. Vjiuclnl uttunlluii given tu curil paper. , 1C to. A. L. DEANE k CO. , UcncnilKOnts for Halls' ' Safes , 821 anU 323 Soulli lOtll St. , Onmlm. TOJ-H , Kte. H. HARDY & CO. , Jit > licr.i of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , iirnlshlnK Hoods , Children' * Carriages. 1301 Furiiaiti Htrct't , Ouiulm , Nub. "Wilier U. S. WIND ENGINE it PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Hnllldnr wind mills. 1)18anil SCOJoi t. , Onmlin. ( I. F. Huns , Actlnu Munuticr. Iron \VorhH. PAXTON & VIERLINQ IRON WORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort , KtiKlncs , brniw work , KCnornl foundry , nmclilno and blnckxmltli work. Olllro nnil works , U. 1 * . lly. niul 17th ttruet , Oninlui. Omaha Manufacturers , Hoots and KIRKENDALL , JONES & CO. , Wholesale Manufacturers of lools& ) Shoes llnnton ItntiliorKlioc Co. , HO'.1 , 1101 and 1109 IIiirnt'7 Struct , Omaha , Nub. IlroworH. STOKZ & ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , l.Ml Ncrtli 18th Street , OiuulmNob. Cornice. EAQLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice Window enps nnd mt'UllcskyllKliU. Joint Kpuneter , rniirletor | lU aiul 1IU Soiith luth xltaet. CI/at-H. / DEAN , AKMSTIION& 4 : CO. , Wholesale Cigars , 4IB N. IWh Htreet. "Hello 1" 1439. Hiil'es. OMAHA SAFE U. IRON WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Vnulti , jnll work , Iron thuttcra niul tire dxciiiiei. ( i.AnOieca , | < ro | > 'r. Cur. lllli undJacUnuiiHtn. Nanli , DOOTH , 10to. M. A. DISBHOW ic CO. , Wliulcsiilo iiumiifaetururt uf Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings. llrnnch oltlCK , t'JIli mill Iiurcl itrt'otn , Oinaliu , Nob. Omalia , UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of South Omaha , Limited , FOR MEN ONLY AHCIP PIIKK * "r IMS'r ° ' FAILING M JliUilt UmCi Houlh Uenurul and H . . . . VOUS onillMTV. Woaknu-ss of llody and Mind ; KtrnutH of ICrrurs or oxeehsos In Did 01 Voun ; , ' . Itobtibt , Noble MANI10U1) fully ro- Ktoioil Wn Kiinrantt'i ) ovcry casn or monujr refiindod , Hatnplu couisti , IIvo dayh' truat- niDiil , $1 ; full coursR.K. Securely boalod from observation. Cook llumudy Uo. , Umahu , Neb Ofllce. Kl. ( 'lair llnlu ! . Cor , liltlmnil DodgoH | We Offer lor Sale. ' I'niirthousand Ions cholco Haled Hay , I'\O 11. cars , Mritr : , ' 's Hldlnt ; , hiiUm or Ifiirnlolt Htittloni , on U. M. ft. .St. 1 * . H. It. , In hits to sulk purchaser ! prices regulate ! by ilia mtirkek Call and si > o us. STRANGE BROS. . SIOUXJOITV. JOWAi IfSEPH GILLOTS' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PAF1I3 EXPOSITION , 1880. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. I