Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    . 2 THE OMAHA PAIUY ] 3Efr , WEDNESDAY , OOTOBEE 22 , 1890. t 1
Oharlos F. Ilfloy , tbo Oray Haired Trans
gressor , Recaptured at Fremout.
A llnpny Invent C'ulcbr-tiictt hjr a A'nn
ci'iibte 1'nlrand Their Descend-
iintN jVttcinptctl .lull Ocllv
cry nt Dakota City.
, 'Nob. , Got , 2l.-Speclnl [ Tclo-
prain to TUB Bni ; . ] Charles S. Ulffoy , the
farmer living in l'lcti nnt Valley township
who \vni nrrrsted for forgery nnd escaped
from tno custody otComtnblo Rmanucl , wns
nrrcstedtodnynt C'olunibus ' by City Mnrshtd
Tnylor and hroupht buck to Jforth Bend this
uftcrnoon. i'urthtr T > arllculara develop the
fact ttintDlfTcy recently hold a public sale
with the Intention of moving out of the coun
try. Ho toolt notes lit the sulo uml forged a
numberln nddltlon , which he mixed with the
genuine , Altogether there was about $ l'i' , > 0
of Iho spurious paper , but no succeeded In
disposing of onlySirO worth of It. DifTey is
uhout sixty years old , nnd was In rather
Btruitciicd circumstances. Ills forgeries were
bungling nirulrs.
Mnrrlcil Sixty Vcurs.
TRKMOXT , Nub. , Oct. SI. [ Special Tclo-
prain to TIIK HBK.J Mr. and Mra. .James
W. Nunauda this ntternoon celebrated their
Hixtloth weddinffanuivei'siiry at the residence
of their diiURliter , Mrs. Kd\vard \ Dlowclt.
Tliochlhlrcnof the n ed couple were present
from Iiiillnna to Calfornlu. One hundred
and twenty-llvo ot thdr Frcinoul friends
nasisted In 'honoring the event.
Attempted if nil Delivery.
DAKOTA Cnv , Neb. , Oct. ! il.-Spccial [ Tele
gram to Tim BHE.I The three prisoners
eonflned In the county jail hero made nn nt-
teinpt tn break out last night , and had It not
been for Iho vigilante otJnllcr Cnrney tlioy
would have succeeded. About 11 o'clock
Carney , hearing a slight noise , made nn in
vestigation nnd found that the prisoners
wcro sawing the bars of the steel cage. Ho
demanded tbo tools and they pivo up three
saws such us are used in sawing iron. Toilny
search wis made nnd 11 vo others of the same
kind were found. Sherlrt Ityaii says ho
knows the parlies who gave the prisoners
ihesawsand ho will tnako it warm for them
very soon. _
Jloimrcil Workmen.
CliiAKii THI.AXD , Neb. , Oct. SI. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Ilr.n.i-The third bionnlal
session ot the Select Knights of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen , Grand Legion of
Nebraska , closed hero tins evening by elect
ing the following grand clllccrs : George P.
IJcnii. C5 rand Island , coraaiandcr ; GcorgaP.
Aillhourn , Minden. vlco commander ; J , II.
Einmons , Omaha , lieutenant commander ; J.
K. Douglas , Lincoln , recorder ; "W , 11. Mo-
Alllstor , Grand Island , treasurer ; John Haw-
ley. North Platte , penernl workman ; Samuel
"Williams , Utluii , junior workman ; Carl
Schmidt , Lincoln , guard of the legion ; N.
M Kci-Ruson , York , trustee , six years ; R C.
JVttirtln , llastlnKS. triihtce. two yours ; jIt. .
A'anSiclile , Ilasthics , mcutcal examiner. The
dopree of pa tcrandco in tnandcr was conferred
upon CSrand Recorder W. S. Pnilllps and
'Grand Treasurer W. II. NTcj\llistcr , which
the rules of the order allow , they having
served .thrco surcessivo years. The grand
bull this evening is ono of the most brilliant
affairs ever held. In the city. The grand
inarch was composed of seventy-live couples ,
the gentlemen hi full uniform. All speak in
the highest praise ot the treatment received
by mombirs of legion number and the citi
zens generally. _
Custor ICcinainn . Unit.
CAI.I.AWA.V , N'ob.,0et. 21 [ Special to THE
BKK , | Tl\e \ second tournament of thii South
Loiip lladng association will bo held hero
next Wednesday and Thursday.
County division in Cusler county has re
ceived a probable black eye. The petitions
wcro in , the lines ot divUion decided upon ,
find a campaign began very qulot but de
termined. Last vrcelc , some of the citizens of
Broken HO.W , the county scat , procured iau
injunction restraining tbo county clerk from
issuing the cnll , It Is n , very cunning trick
and probably will prevent a vote upon the
question this year. Thedivlslonlstsaro hot ,
nnd uro now making efforts to get the In
junction dissolved. If tlu'y succeed the ro-
nctlon will bo In their favor and they stand n
Koodehnnco ot cMirying the long schemed
for project.
U'ho t'owlor elevator company is putting up
na elevator hero. It is understood that the
mala pi nut ivlll be put in now and Unit the
bahhre will bolofttlll spring.
Jtis decided Id build u now church. Epis
copal , in Callawny , Work \vlll- begin tbls
coining week. The Ladles' Guild have the
imiltor in ulmrgo nnd have progressed so far
thnt they announce it as an assured fact.
I-'nuixl a < iaii of
Hunt , Neb , , Oct. ai. [ Special to THE
But. ] .As was reported In SI'.NI > A.VS BKnin
regard to Nels Morgan being arrested for
brcaldngmto Arndt's ' cigar factory , it now
develops that Morgan Is not nlono in the
matter Morgan hns squealed on ono of the
others. Abe \Vnggert \ , another man working
in the collar factory , vas arrested yester
day , Waggertgot inadand comrnenced to
give the balance away and took the sheriit to
the place ivhero more stolen goods ivcro
hidden. They have now found llfty boxcsof
cigars , several -pipes , Uvo or thrco Jugs of
whisky , etc. It now loolo as If the sheriff
1ms struck n Jiest of thieves , as there liavo
been a number of burglaries in the town dur
ing the last year. Morgan has a family , but
has loft Iowa. Morgan served a term of
years In Jollot prison for stealing and AVag-
gcrtwoslctoutof the Nebraska penitentiary
about a year ngo. lloth meii are good work
men and will bo a good addition in the horse
collar department down at Lincoln. They
have not had their preliminary examination
yet , as there uro chances of other arrests to
Vorlcfnr Ailning TcnchorH.
, HARTrsns , Kcb. , Oct. 'Jl , [ Special to TUB
But.Tho ] Adams County Teachers' associ
ation will hold its regular meeting in the
high sclicol In tills city on Saturday , Octo
ber 25 , at 1 :30 : p. m. At this incctlnir two Im
portant papers will bo read , ono by J. H.
Wilkinson on "Pnicllcal Suggestions. " and
the other byV. \ . \Vcbitor , on "The Ne
braska 'J'cachers' Heading Circle , " to bo fol
lowed by discussions on tbo follnwine topics :
"Organization of the Uountv School"
"Classification of the County School , " and
questions 10 bo presented by'tnumben urcs-
cut L. II. I'almer ' of this city has boon
elected by the grand led go or Nebraska Inde
pendent Order of ( ! oed Templars as u ilclo-
gatc to the rlRnt worthy irratul lodges to beheld
held at ( Jhisgow , Scotland , next May.
Fremont AVantn a I'nutory.
FHCMOXT , Keb. , Oct. il. [ Si > eclal Tele-
gruin to TJIK DEC. ] A eommltteo of invostl-
gutorst appointed hy the Fremont board of
tradf retunicd this afternoon from Grand
Is imdvnero \ they went to ludixjot tlio
Oxuard Ix'et sugar factory. They came homo
enthusiastic for the establishment of a simi
lar project at I'roinont and a strong effort
will bo made to inttwst Mr. Oxnard here.
jV. 1'rolltablo Capture.
IIIIMOXT : , Nob. , Oct. 31. [ Special Telo-
crnm to TUB Bun-l-Shcrlft Nlallou returned
this" afternoon from Columbus near where ,
lant evening , , ho canturtM John Ernst , who
tulo a inaro nnd colt from C. 0. Puott , from
thnfkrin of Thomas Knooll , near this city.
CU tlOO reward for the capturo.
y Klro.
, r < et .t Oct. St. [ Spetdal
Vi fain ] \ r.r.Tlio \ Beatrice oat mil
/iK , < j l/y llrelo Iho cttent of
f/ftrxlui ) >
VfrniU dt
, * * ( * tfob. , Of.'VJI.Hi | > cdal Tclo-
V lf 'tunr \ \ ] - A lrol lit K < J\\\K \ \ \ cast
ontalning pnncipallr empty cars , was
vreckcd near the NIoliMra brtdvo , nbout
hreo miles cast of bore. It Is thought n
> ruko beam broke , causing n car to Jump Iho
rack , when ton cars wcro plied up in a bean.
Jo ono ww hurt , but the wreck cnused tlio
elay of the passcngnr some fifteen hours.
'ho tracks hnvo boon clenrcd and business Is
gain resumed , _
I" this War Horse * .
Iv'tAiiMtr , Neb. , Oct.21.-lsi > cciarrclegrnin
o Tint Hnn. ] This afternoon in Divldo
ovvnshin Congrt-ssman Dorsoy , Governor
Thayer nnd .rudje ( AVall of Loup City spoke
o a good crowd of farmers. It is thought
tint inronda wcro in ail o In the tilll-
inco ranks. Tonight the greatest re-
mblicaii rally of the campaign
vas held in Kearney t the
noilcl opera house. The Industrial school
> aiid furnished music bo fore and during tbo
nectlng General A. II. Connor presided over
ho meeting nnd introduced each ipeaker ,
vith eloquent words of eulogy , ot the virtues
f each. lion. L. D , Uichards was the llrst
pcaker. He outlined the prcsentpocullar
anpiilgn and diMiouncca the slanders of
huotiposltlon which sou uhl to mnko capital
> y inlsrcprcsentlng the state's condition , tin
bowed that the nlllnneo is but the tool of
ho democmts , Ha declared the various
> rogresslvo measures the republican party
vas pledged to and gave thoin his hearty
ndlvtdunl support. Congressman Dorsey
mule a speech ( all of solid fnrt-s as to the
good the last rongres * had done for the fanner
md for the worklitpinnn and Incidentally
nndo n good showing of his own record.
Governor Thnycr made n telling speech in
vhich ho brought out the good points of the
vnrlous candidates nnd struck some hard
ilows at the Independent movement. Colonel
'ora Majors appealed largely to the old
oldlers ntid showed how loyal the ropubllcan
mrty had over been to them. J. C. Allen
nd J. L , . ICoek , candidates for state senators ,
nude brief speeches. At the close , of the en
thusiastic meeting three cheers for the ticket
were roared out most heartily.
An Interesting Decision.
VAI.KNTIXK , Nob. , Oct. 21. fSpccinl Telo-
gran to TIIK DEB. ] A case has occupied the
[ strict court o' ' this county for the last thrco
days which has been of great Interest hero
and tlio outcome of vhich will no doubt be of
widespread interest throughout the state. In
September , 1SS" , the itock of A. O.Shaw ,
general merchandise , was attached , after
which It was turned over to U'ueker& Wil
son , attorneys for the creditors , .7. Folden-
iciincr had a ilrst lien upon the stock , and
the money to pay Ids claim as received from
ho proceeds of the sale was deposited in the
bank , " \Vhcu enough had been nc-
cumulated to pay Fcldenhelmor's claim ,
fOlOVllson , of the above llrm
got drafts on Omaha for enough to
> ny said claim after deducting sittorneys fees
mynblo to the order of Tticlt er and Wilson.
le then took the dratts without the knowl-
dgcof his partner Tucker , endorsed themover
o himself and went to I-.liicohi , where they
vcre cashed by the First national bank and
.hcndisappearcd. Onlcarnlngofhis duplicity
? uckcr had an indictment found against 'W li
on for embezzlement. On learning of his
vhcrcabouts , Quecusboro , Ky. , a requisition
vas Issued nnd Wilson was brought back
lerolust month for trial. Upon the evidence
ubmittcd the jury had nodllnculty in finding
lim guilty. Jndgo Klultald , however , set
isldo the verdict on the ground that
vhcn tbo money was deposited In the
) aiilt Tucker & Wilson had an agreed Inter-
crest of 10 per cent attorney fro and were
.bus in law to a certain extent the owiers of
hatmoney and on the further ground that
he money when deposited In the bank lost
U identity as Fcldenhoimer's money. The
tuto was represented hy Wostovcr of Lin-
oln , Harrington of O'NeillVhito , of tbo
Clkborn road and County Attorney Clark ,
he defendant by S. C. Johnson of Lincoln
and E. W. Hnrney of this place. The do-
ision says in effect that an attorney lu this
tnt cannot bo convicted of embezzling the
nonoya of his client unless said attorney hns
> eon paid his fcoin advance , since thousands
of dollars are dally collected by attornovn
vhoclve no bond. This decision is of no
mall interest to all classes of creditors.
Vo Chance Ihat Illrclmll's Sentence
Will Co Commuted.
OTTAWA , Ont , , Oct. 21. [ Special Tclo-
rram to Tun BKH. | There is no probabil-
ty whatever that the verdict in the 13irchnll
case will be disturbed by the state depart-
nent. Tbo action of Justice B. McMabon in
orwarulng the roles of evidence together
vith a report of the trial Is
simply n formality. In all capital cases in
.he dominion the minister of Justice reviews
ho evidence nnd verdict and thenrocoin-
mends to the government whether or not tlio
capital sentence shall bo carried into
iiTect. In tlio present case the judge
ms referred in very strong terms to
several pnssagcs'of the testimony which bear
very heavily against the accused , while ho
says nothing that would Indicate his belief
.hat the verdict was contrary to the law. It Is
: horefore safe to assume that Blrchall's fate
s scaled. A dispatch from London , Out. .
says that a petition to the governor general
raying that the sentence bo commuted to
mprisonnient for Ufois receiving numerous
signers. It Is not liltcly , liowovcr , to provo
of tbo slightest avail.
Killed the "Wroue Woman.
SAX ASTONIO , Tex. , Oct. iil.-A terrible
tragedy occurred bore this morning. Mrs.
August ftlchlin was walking down street
when Isaac "Weiss suddenly rushed up and
jlo\v her brains out with n revolver. Weiss
, tn mediately suicided with the same weapon ,
It is believed that , ho mistook Mrs. Mehliii
for his wife , as a note found in his pocket in-
Heated that ho Intended to kill bis wlfo and
sulcldo. Weiss was a deserter from the
United States army nnd his wife left him a
tow days ago.
Iteglntriitlim I < ruutln.
CIIICAOO , Oct. 21. On complaint of Harry
[ teobegnnand Morris Cobcn , representing
iho democratic campaign committee , about
twenty negroes were arrested this morning'
on warrants charging thermvith Illegal regis
tration. They were arraigned before Judge
1'reniiergiist in the county court this after
noon , Mnny inoro warrants of the same soit
are out.
Those arraigned iu the county court wcro
held lu bail for a future bearing- .
Construction Collide.
CIIICAOO , Oct. 31. A special from Jollct ,
111. , eays n collision occurred today on the
Klgln , Jollet & Eastern railroad between
freight nnd construction trains. Thomas
Lnwlcr , foreman of the construction gang ,
was killed and eight others were injured.
Two engines and a ao/en freight cars were
wrecked and tralllc on tbo Santa Fo as well
as the Klein , .loliot & Eastern road was sus-
ended for several hours.
Fast Ocean Time.
LONDON , Oct. 21. INow York Herald Cable
Special toTiiuIJEis.l English railway coin-
panics uro making strenuous efforts for the
rapid transportation of the American mails
from Queengtown to London via Kingston
and Holy head. They hope to reduce the entire -
tire time from Now Yorlc to London to sir
U'ho AVeathcr Korocnst.
For Oinabu and Viclnlty-lTo-ir ; stationary
ForNeuruska-'Wnrmer ; southerly winds ;
fair ; followed by showers in northern per
For Iowa Wanner ; southerly winds ; fair ,
followed by showers.
For South Dakota Warmer : southerly
winds ; rain ,
Fntlicr lUathow'ti Annivcrtmry.
PiiiL.uiri.nm , Oct. 31. The ono hundredth
anniversary of the birth of Father Matliow ,
the apostle of temperance , was celebrated at
the Academy of Music tonight under the uus-
pices of u local brunch of the Catholic Total
Abstinence union. ArohblsUop Hyan. Cardi
nal Gibbons , Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul
and other dignitaries wore pre&cut.
AiiHtrlnii Kotallntton.
VUXXA , Oct. 21. A proposal lias been sub-
mlttcd to tbo lower -Austrian diet to increase
thn duty on American weavers' spools lu re
taliation fortucMcKlnloy Law.
Promulgation of the Official Count in the
lirst District ,
liltlicr Secretary
cral Miller f > r < Tulge < ! reslmiuVII1
Succeed .Justice Mi Her
\ ; Tun OMUIIA. USB , )
r > 13 FoUHTKKSTit Srnnnr , >
WASIIIMITON- I ) . C. , Oct. .81. : j
The census ofllco today mndo public oltl-
dally the census of the First Soutb Dakota
district. By counties It Is as follows :
Tlio total population for the district is
201,800. In IhSO the population was 79,853. ,
increase211,917 , , ori.'OTi.l'J percent.
Secretary Noble's ' friends complain that his
enemies are circulating reports intended to
keep lilm out of the vacancy on the supreme
court bench. It lias boon reported that the
secretary ia sixty years old , -whereas ho is but
lifty-oight , nad that ho does , not live in n dis
trict entitled to the vacancy , while it is con
tended that St. Louis , his homo , is along the
circuit where au appointment should como
from. JudKO Grcshnm's ' friends are urging
the appointment of that Jurist so strongly
that the president may conclude it wise to extend -
tend him the promotion. The Impression in
administration circles is that Attorney Gen
eral Miller -will bo given the place , but it may
go to Clenoral Noble.
Senator Paddock is preparing an address
to the voters of Nebraska which will bo pro
mulgated within a few days. It will appear
inttioform of an open letter addressed to
Mr. Klchards , the republican candidate for
governor. It will becompletcd tomorrow and
will bo ono of tbo strongest republican docu
ments placed before the state in years. It
frill open with a brief roviuwof the circum
stances under which the republican party-
was organized and what it has douo in the
way ot building up the country , especlally
the great northwest , Nebraska particularly.
It will then enter upon a tcrso and Interest
ing epitome of the work of tbls congress oC
direct importance to the people of Nobras-ka.
pointing out what the republican congress
und administration have done for the state
in contrast with what the last democratic
administration and congress aid not da It
will bo a clinching argument from n republi
can standpoint , and if it docs not inukc votes
for the republican state ticket it will bo be
cause there are voters impervious to truth ,
tjratltndo and the right , and who are beyond
the influence of that which Is to their inter
ests. Senator Paddock hns been kept in
"Washington by public duties so long that ho
llnds himself without either the tlmo or the
strength to eater actively upon the campaign
in his state , und ho takes this method of talk
ing to his constituents. The senator will be
at his homo to vote and exorcise his personal
influence in support of the ticket , however.
JUSTICU Jiii.t.un iiin roon.
The publication of the fact that the late
.lustlce Miller loft to hit widow no property
but the residence In winch sbo resides , and
that she 1ms no means of support , has precip
itated nlloodot compliments upon the late
jurist's ability and honesty and calls atten
tion to the further fact that most of iho mem
bers of the supreme court live up to their
salary nnd at their death will hand down to
their families little that will contribute to a
livelihood. Although there are no social
obligations whatever resting ; upon tbo mem
bers of the supreme court , it Is the rule that
they and their families shall keep close pace
with fashionable circles , und they frequently
entertain so liberally that their salaries
( $ IU , ( > 00 a year ) are almost constantly ex
MiscF.r.r.Axnous ,
Assistant Secretary Chandler today af-
llrincd the decision of Commissioner Grolt In
ordering an Investigation of the contest of
] < \iuiklln Hubcr against the homestwd entry
of the heirs of 13dward L. Ilommam for the
southwest ' 4 of section 21 , township . ' ) north ,
raugo U'J west , McCoolc , Neb. , land district.
The assistant secretary reversed tbo de
cision in the case of James L. Shelter vs Liz-
zlo Smith , involving land in township 118 ,
3IusonS. D. Shelter will bo allowed to com
plete his entry.
President Imrrlson is going duck hunting.
Ho has enjoyed this pleasure on two or thrco
occasions since bo went Into the white house ,
but on each prior occasion ho has absented
himself from nls homo from motives of pref
erence. This time ho Is compelled bv the
ciruuinstances surrounding him. The decor
ators have torn the upper rooms of the execu
tive mansion nearly nil up and the disorder
and smell of fresh paint have conspired to
send him nwny fora few days. It Is probable
that ho will go gunulnR toward the last of this
week ana continue his absence till ho bus
visited Indianapolis and cost bis vote for the
republican ticket on November 4 , Great
changes tiavo been wrought In the Interior of
the executive mansion since the last con
tingent fund for that place -was rnado avail
able. I'aint and paper will irivo the entire In
terior a now appearance with the aid of
f uruituro men and upholsterers.
General Cyrus Jiusyoy , assistant secretary
of the Interior , has Just returned from New
York and says that the ropubllcan party In
that state is all right. "Things are not -what
they should bo In New York city , " bo ndded ,
"but that is nothing new. If the republican
party in the city would only \ > f u party , If it
would only nominate a ticket at every elec
tion ana stick to that ticket , It would grow
and bo something1 , but it is always ready to
sell outer trade off , and Tammany Is never
backward in accepting such chances. Tam
many is always willhiK to give up something-
to invest a llltlo that it may pain much. "
The United States district attorney here
has about decided not to prosecute Captain
" \Vhoat of Wisconsin for offonsus committed
\vbllo lie was postmaster of the house of rep
resentatives , The mutter has been jjlvra
some attention lu the district attorney's of-
llce. and It is thought proper not to take steps
in the direction of u prosecution unless di
rectly authorized or instructed to do so by
tno oHlrers of tno bouso of representatives ,
Captain U. 0. Phillips of Lincoln is bore
yet and says to an Interviewer for the Post :
"Tho prohibition amendment to tno constitu
tion \vlll bo beaten In Nebraska. Lincoln ,
I believe , was the llrst city in tbls
country to promulgate the high liccaso idea.
High license has boon a great success with
us and Is a long ways preferable , wo think ,
to a prohibitory law that would bo subject to
continual violation. Xubr.islta is nUvuys ro-
publlcaa. In the Firstdlstrlel Mr , Cornell
Is certain of being retu rued to couKrc&t , as U
JMr. Dorsoy in the Third , but In tiiiSocoud.
owing to a democratic alliance combination ,
the onloomo ' ' IA'I ' somewhat uncertain.
Henry T. OrtihW of ( Irand Island , the
well known bcbt War manufncturer , l in
tlioclty. Ito\var.L'ot , some information and
make some aiigntst'lons nbout the payment of
the sugar bounty to bo rnailo by the federal
government under the new tariff law.
J. M. ttoolwtfrtUM Omaha Is at tbo Shoro-
l nm- " ' , I'nuiiT. S. HEATH.
They Will llo 'hovHopcil l > y n Com
pany \Vlthl , ilKUQOI > , OOO Capltnl.
KANSAS CirryMo. . , Oct. iM.-ISpcclal
Telegram to T ; ; , ! } line. ] A special from
Gainesville , Tine. , i says ! 1'ho excitement
created In tlio Cpteainw nation a few days
ago on account of tno discovery of rich Ic.uls
of poltl and silver In the Arbucklo mountains
ia spreading all over Texas nnd Is growing In
intensity. It is settled by tbo latest reports
that the loads discovered ai-o of almost unpar
alleled riches , oven In the halcyon days of'4 !
in California. A company has been organ
ized already , with Senator Tutor of Colorado
at Its head , and the lu-st meeting will bo held
utTishcmlngonoxtSrtturduy. 1'hrstockwhleh ,
will bo pub on the market at once , amounts to
$100,000,00 ! ) , Thousands of strangers are
Hocking In , and Gainesville bears the appear
ance of a mining camp-outfitting town. Sen
ator Tabor has made a iKirsonnl minrautec
that $0.- , UOO,000 or the stock will bo taken at
once. U'ho peculiar feature of the situation
Is Unit the ( Jhlclcnsaws own tbo hind abso
lutely , nnd there can be no trespassing by
any 0110 save a company thnt pays for tbo
right. If the rush oiico starts , however ,
there will bo no regard for law or the rights
of tbo Indians.
A. KciilliiiNcciiuo oT "Old Unto lies , "
Famous Hula on the AVhcnt IMt.
CHICAGO , Oct. 21. [ Special Telegram to
THE linn , ] A reniiulscenco of the great
flurry In wheat in 13S8 , when "Old Hutch"
got posscHsIon of nearly all the grain there
was in tbo country , came up in court today.
Itoberthnvinoof ApploUivcr was hi that
deal. It was on the open board , liowovcr.
and ho plncod his business vith Louis [ >
Clingman , an old friend. Ho made nn ar
rangement , ho claims , whereby they were to
buy 5,000 bushels of wheat at each rise
of cent. The market went up
rapidly each day nnd they soon had
an Immense quantity on their hands , while
the price had Jumped over 10 cents from tbo
point they luul purchased most of it. Hero
was an assured profit of jaO.OOl ) , and Mr.
Irvlao wired Clliiginin :
"Sell that wheat. That is profit enough
for mo. "
JIo claims that ho got no response , nnd the
next day sent another dispatch of the sumo
tenor , finally this laconic reply cftir.o back :
" \Vo can't ' , wo'ro ' busted. " Mr. Irvine got
mad and sued Mr. Clinmnan for § -5,000 , , and
the trial began In .ludgo Clifford's ' court this
morning ; . Air. Irvine went so far as to nUcgo
thnt Clingman didn't buy anv wheat nt all.
The latter denies his country customer's alle
gations nnd charges that ho did not pay up
as bo should have dono.
That Cereal Turning Out Hotter ' 1 linn
at First U.vppctcd.
CIIICAOO , Oct. 2L. The Fanners' Uovlow
will say this weck'tllatu careful examination
of the estimates furnished by correspondents
reveals tbo fact Unit the corn crop is turning-
out somewhat better than expected. The
crop In XMichigau and Wisconsinis larger than
last year and IWnnesbta and Dakota almost
as largo. Other states , especially ICansai and
Nebrns lea , shown considerable shortage. In
several countics''of ICansw and Iv'ebrnska
corn ia nearly n total failure. ThcHeview
gix-cs estimates on the production in Illinois ,
Indiana , Ohio , Kentucky , Missouri , Kansas ,
Wisconsin , Michigan , Iowa , Nebraska , Min
nesota and the Ujlrotas , and says thnt after
deducting from the gross" product a largo per
centage of unmerchantable corn the estimate
of the total markotqblo in the states named is
825ir ' , ' _ > > ' bustjcls. 'Tlio ' condition of tbo
crop in tlioronialniri sUitcs not covered , by
the report is estimated atiibout 8- > par cent
of tbo average. . i
Iowa niml , Dulcnta I'.Uenta.
\VASIIINOTOX , Oct. 21. [ Special Telegram
to U'liu BKB.J Patents were issued today as
follows : Arthur Ji. Are , Spirit Lake , la. ,
gumocouatcr : Charles \V. Bowuo , Aliller , S.
D. , bill fllo ; linn-lot A. Curry , ( iroton , S. D. ,
adjustable pattern for drafting garments ;
Samuel \V. Docker' , Yerdon , Neb. , cultivator ;
John M. Harper , Fall-Hold , Ia. , strap coup
ling ; Axel Jorgcnsen , assignor of onohalf to
O. E , Penrson , Dos ilolncs , ana C. ( J. lief-
well. Davenport , Ia. , apparatus for mixing
liquids ; John Kcrby , Murcngo , Ja. , cultivator ;
Kuitolf H. ICuhrU , Gcrniantown , Neb. , latch ;
Ira J. Merrill , "Winthrap , ln.slcutoslinrpaiicr ;
Jacob Mueller , lcs ) Jlolncs , Ia , , sinouo con
sumer ; David J. Omstoiid , assignor of one-
half to L. F. .Lasallo , Beatrice , Neb. , means
for reversing tlio motion of funs ; Mac
Phelps , lied Oak , Ia. , combined platform
sculoand calculator ; Andrew Plattner , Hast
ings , Nob. , band cutting'ork ; Uarlislo St.
John , DCS Moiucs , Ia , lira" proof shutter on
door ,
- i
The Trial at Tippernry.
Tiri-r.mnr , Oct. 21 , The trial of the Irish
leaders charged with conspiracy , was re
sumed today. During the discussion between
the counsel , V. H. Dillon , of the counsel for
the defendants , said hu wished that the tri
bunal before which the case was being tried
was a superior i iisk-iul of a magistrate's
court , If such was the case do would charge
Dalfour with contempt of court for his re
cent utterances at Newcastle. Michael
O'Brien , ono of the defendants , aikcd that a
summons bo Issued ng.Unst Hal four , compel
ling him tn appear before the court and state
under oath whnt ho hail said nt Newcastle.
The court declined to Issue a summons , de
claring that It would not bo a medium for
uny thing Illegal or improper.
Oavld Sheehv , ono of the defendants , took
part In the discussion nnd inado remarks
which wcro construed by tbo magistrates as
a contempt of court. Ho was accordingly
committed to jail for a week ,
Tlio Xlvlnn Canton
BEUXK , Oct. 21. Hvidouco obtained In the
suit brought by Ticlno Cantonngalnst tbo
govcrnineat and Hits canton arising from the
embezzlement of of ' . ,000,000 , francs by tbo
treasurer of the canton shows that the em
bezzlement Is intimately connected with tbo
revolt last September , 'it iSHUid that Signer
Itesplni , head of the cantonal government ,
has documents compromising a number of in
fluential men In political Hfo.
Glilhloiio"IlcmrH ( lnttl.
Eumiuium , Ocfc.'BI , [ Special Cablegram
to THE BHK , ] Mr'aid , ) Mrs. Gladstone at
tended a concert , at- which Mmo. Pnttl sang.
Dense crowds 'wbVo'.jmcnibled ' . outside tbo
concert hnll , aiidus.ISIr , Gladstone's carriage
drove up ho was hpartlly cheered. Ho was
also cheered by Iho. concert audience. Alter
the concert Mr. Opidwtono had n long and
pleasant iutcrvlc\Y\\jp \ Almo. Patti.
Smith DaldtlaH'oiisiis Flgm-os.
"WASHINGTON , CJct. , 'jl. The census bureau
today announced , the population of Sioux
Fallsas 10,151 , nn nyfeaso of 7KK > , oriGy.2'J !
per cent. The nVjp latloii of tbo state of
South Dakota ki H87S4y , nn Increase of
l-J ploslon.
, Minii.j Oct. 21. The holler
of a portable onglno nciir I.ltchileld , Minn. ,
today exploded , and the Uvdvo-ycar-old son
of Dennis Kelly WHS killed nnd A , L , . Tempers -
pors , engineer , fatally Injured. AdozcnoUion
wuro more or less Injured.
Dcnmiulmliirk or
Di'HM.v , Oct. SI. JVnowd of farmers' laborers -
borers at Schull besieged tbo board of guard
ians today demanding worker bread on ac
count of the failure of tha pouito crop , The
board replied tlmt the l.iw does not permit
outdoor relief.
Pour AllnvrN Killed ,
SAW I.aKB CITV , Utah , Oct. 21 , Informa
tion was melvetltodaythatfour miners wcro
killed ut Colllnston last Thursday hy the p re-
mature explosion of a pnwdcr blast.
Mw. "Wluslow'M ' taoolhinjf Hyrun forChll
dron Teething relieves the child froin puln ,
S ccaU A bottle ,
Yesterdaj's ' Proceedings of the National Con
vention of the Christian Church ,
Grand linen inpmciit of Oddfellows nt
Molncn-Siiddcii Dentil of Her *
( emit Kttmvntcr nt I > uhiuuc
Tlio Supreme Court.
D MoiXF.3 , la. , Oct. 51. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HUE.1 The work of the na
tional convention ot tlio Clu-lstluii church
today consisted of u continuation of the busi
ness of the Christian women's board of mis
sions. Mrs , Uurgess , the vlco president , pro-
sliled , ntul Mrs. La Moore acted as secretary
In tbo absence ot Mrs. .Aimn I ) , Morrison ,
kept at homo by the death or herhusband. .
Tlio report of the corresponding secretary
shoved that more women mul moro ministers
iiro interested nudworking in behalf ot this
society than ever before. The work on this
side ot the Atlmitlc extends from the gulf on
the soutb to Novii Kcotlnon the north , and
entirely across the continent from cast to
west , Koports from orpunlrers In seven dif
fer-out states show cighty-flvo auxiliaries or-
pmi/cd , with Itil moinbors ; twenty-slit
auxiliaries reorganized , wllti yiS ) members ;
seventeen youngpoonte's missionary circles
organized , with 'il members ; scvaiity-ciglit
mission bnmts orennizcd , with Ho * members.
The report of "Young People and Children's
Work"vm given byMr . C. FV ICingof Al-
lephrny , 1'a. , and showed rcmurkablo Inter
est in this work. TliU society no\v has 4-1"
bands , wlthu membership ol several thou
sand ; 1457 now members have IRISH enlisted
this year. The report of the treasurer , Mrs.
MuryC. Cole of Indiana showed tlio total re
ceipts for the you1 to bo * : ! , . > Hi.SI. The la
dies have im endowment fund of over ? 1",0JO (
drawing interest. Numerous working com
mittees were appointed and other routine-
business transacted. This evening memorial
sen-ices were held In honor of Mrs , Surah JJ ,
Shoi-trldfjoof Indianapolis , hid. , former cor
responding secretary , wlio died in April last ,
President T. W. Phillips of Pennsylvania de
livered the annual address.
Iowa HapUnts it ) Session.
HKDOAK , la. , Oct. 21 , [ Special Telegram
to TIIK Br.n.1 The forty-ninth annual moat-
inp of the Iowa Ilaptist state coiivention will
bo held in Hed Oak on Wednesday and
Thursday of this wee ! : . Sessions ot the
auxiliary societies -were held today. The
pastors' ' conference was opened with a ser
mon by Kov. F.V. . Parsons of Glemvood ,
Kev. II. C. Nash of Deiiison ( javo an address
on the duty of l.iwa Ilnptists in education ,
mid llev. O. C. I'cclc \Vluterset read a
paper on I-hrisliaii experience. lev. ! .Antony
Jacobs oi'Sidney was elected president mid
Itov. 1' . AVilliams ot Ottniuwa secretary.
Kev. C. J. 1'opo ot Osags was
selected to preach the anuiml bornion
next yenr. The afternoon and evening was
occupied by tlio Iowa educational society ,
Kev. K. N. Htirrlsof Comicll I5U < fb deliver-
In ; ? the annual sermon. The report ot th c
secretary showed aid given to fourteen
young men studying for the ministry , the
total appropriation therefor bohm tfHO. The
rcceiiits for the year were $ l,0'iS , , Including a
lepucy ofbli. . There are thirty applicants
for aia the coining year , and it was
voted to raise $3,500 for the work.
Dr. E. C. Hewitt of Morgan
Park , 111. , gave an address on
theological education in the northwest. Itov.
V. AV. Parsons of Glen wood VMS elected
president. The vlco president 'selected are
Prof. AlonzoAbernotliyof OSIIKO , Mrs. J. I- ,
Sluvenson and liov. 1' . AV. Tildeu ot Dos
Moiiira , William L. fey of Sioux City , and
Kev. It. Gnrton ot Cedar Hsipids. Kov.,1 , W.
Alien of Boone ivas elected secretary , Jr. ) CJ ,
W. Garter of Marshulltowii treasurer , and
U N. Call of Webster City , Mrs. 1'lornltog-
ITS and Mrs. Surah Dickensoa of Dan JMoinos
additional members of the executive commit
tee. J , V. Jliac-hinan ot ( Jlewvood was chosen
dclogato to the Rational Uantist Educational
society , and K. Ji. Lo\vis of Sioux City alter
nate. The Women's ' Mssion society held its
amiunlmeeting inthoConprcgational church.
Ur. H , Ij. Stetson of Deslviumos gave an nd-
dress. Thoroportot' ofllccrs evidenced good
work done during the ywiv. Mrs. L. R. Hull
of Mason City ( jnvo an address on niission
bands and missionary mothers , and Miss Ella
Ilrainard of Chicago told ot work among the
Jreed mm in North Cnrollna. and AIlss Kniina
Parsons of work umotnr the Mormons. There
are thus far sonio two hundred delegates and
visitors in attendance , with nearly as mnny
more expected tomorrow.
I. O. O. F. KncmnpmcMt.
Dns Moi.N'F.s , la. , Oct. ttl , [ Special Telo-
gmm to ' 1'iiB 33EK. ] The grand encamp
ment of the lo\va \ Oddfellows bejian here
today. Tlioreportof tintnd Suribo Garrett
showed that there are now ISO eiicanipmonts
in lova , with a membership oT l.GO'.t. . The
annual receipts wore (10,510.03. Grand Pa
triarch LouisStulu and Grand lieprescnta-
tlvo S. U. U'ilton and . ! . T. .Abbott also made
extended reiwrts. Tliis afternoon the new
( 'mud oftieersvere Installed as follows
( iriind patriarcn , .f , C , ICoonz of 11 ur-
lintftonj pniud high priest , S. \ .
Winter of AVooil biiio ; grand senior
warden , O , L > . Bellamy of Kuoxvlllo ;
Brand scribe , William ( larrcttof Jlurliin-'ton ;
prand treasurer , J. Norwood Cltirk of Iowa
City ; grand Junior wardenS. P.Smith of
Jown r'alls ; grand representative , Herman
Jlloelc ot Davenuort. The cxeinplilication of
degree worlc foil owed , oecupyiiiK the remain
der of the attornoon. Tonight tlio Oauyhtors
of Uobecca held their pi'.md assetiiblraiidcx-
cniplllled the degree worlc.
The Supi-oini ! Court.
DCS MOISES la. , -Jl.-Speclal [ Tele
gram to 'J'nu CEB. ] The follovinfj cases
ivero decided by the supreme court today ;
( icorgo It. Newell & Co. vs Martin & , Wag
ner ot aland r'lrnt JTatloual bank of Hock
liaplds , gurnlshco , appellant ; Lyon district ;
\ \ ' . .lonnson vs .T , A. ISIcPhcrran , A. S.
Mcl'hcrran and Mary.I. Mcl'herran , nppol-
lants ; Tumndistrict ; afllrmed ,
n. W , Smith vs U. A. Hals and U.D. Ked o
& Co. . appellants ; Taylor district ; alllrmed.
\VillUui Dcaringit Co. vsOrnndy County
National banlc , Grandv district ; nnirinod ,
Davenport woolen mills company vs Charles
Tfcinstcdt , appellant ; Iflojd district ; af-
Hiimvutcr Jlropfl I > onil ,
la. , Oct. il ! , [ Si cIalTclcgrani
to THE UIE.I Sergeant Charles C. Klns-
ivatoi' of tlio Second United States In f antry ,
stationed nt Kort Omaha , nndon duty ntthu
regimental recruitluK1 rendezvous atUnbmiue ,
fell dejid in the recruiting ofllco at I o'clock
this afternoon. Ho wi talkluj , ' pleasantly
\vlth his friends in the olllto and started to
\vnllc into the iiujohiliic room , when ho sta ( > -
KOind and loll to the lloor and expired in
stantly. The remains will bo sent to lort
Oniahu for iutcrnieiit.
Tlio llllliiiKH Case.
Ixr > m.X ! > ixen : , la. . Oct. Ul.-Sixx'Ial'Mo- [
m-um toTimIlr.i-M.K. ] Hilling * wllUr-
rlvo in this city today and have a hearing be
fore .ludtfo K. Key tonljjht , when the state
oflleerswlll bo roqiicatcd to show rrasonwliy
ho should not ho dhcliurgiul Immodlatuly ,
Tlio .Slioolluu Toiirniuunnt.
The shooting tournament , under the aus-
jilcrw of l'H. . I'armaleo and AV. K. Xason ,
\vlll beliiilil at the ( air grounds , coiuincncln
this inornliiKund ronllinilnif tlnite days.
ArraiigcrneuUs have been complelcl for one
of the most successful shooting events over
held in the \veit.
Klllru mul slie l y Slcn ,
Hr. 1'Airi. , Minn. , Oct. 21.-Spedal [ Telu-
Krum Uil'iiK IlEis.J-I'ntlCiUcn of St. Paul
anil . .looSheehj- Hurley , WIs. , tonight
signed articles for alight to n llnlsh on .N'o-
vembern , Oiipoiubiiry rules , for fl.oooa
sldtf , 'J'ho vmmcrof tno mill will chnllenj ; "
J'oter Jnclthon oa his trip through tuo coun
try. _
I'lujrn-H * l < o Kiin
New YOIIK , Oct. 21-Tto Brotherhood
bao Iwll playoi-s , at n meeting this mornlnp ,
draw up a communication uodresscd to Ilia
i'lnyors" " lenguo directors , ojpressliiff conll
denco In whatever action that body might
tnko. The league , nt a meeting this nttor-
noon , returned a complimentary reply. Johnson -
son of Cleveland , dmtrmim of the eommltloo
im conference with ivpresoutatlvos oC
the National lenguo and Aincrlnm
nssoclatlon , imported that n number
of meetings had boon held , but
no flnal or positive agreement luul been
re.iched , cxceit | tli , > t each body had expressed
n wish to meet upon aotno cominon mid satis
fying ground lu onlor to prevent dinicultlcs
nnd oinbarruMinont In the national game. A
common nntno was agreed upon , he said. Unit
of "United Leacfiic. " This report wa ac
cepted and the committee instructed to con
tinue the conference If they docniod it ad
The Plnyors' lenmio added three Hrotbcr
liooil men , Invln , lliinlon and Ward , to thelt
committee. This may miiko trouble in the
union conference tomorrow , as tlio Nntlomi
longuo people have alwnys claimed that they
wmld never confer with players.
TJll ! til'KKIt JtlXG ,
Ky , , Oct. Sl.-Sunnnnry of
today's races i
Flvo furlongs Vcnny Uoynl won , Uavnion
second , Ono Ulmo third. Tinio 1 : OI.
Six : furlongs , heats 1'irat heat : Joslo M
\von , n.inlcl second , Mary Mac third , Time
1 ill ) . Second : Joslo M won , Wary second ,
"Daniel third. Tlino-l : l" .
Mile mid seventy yards Labrador won ,
13ugeiiU second , Jubllro third , Tinio-1 : lV < f.
Mile and one-sixteenth Knyotto von ,
Catalpa second , Dan Chief thira. Time
1 : iSi. ; .
Kive and one-halt furlongs -Hestxmso von ,
T aura Agnes second , Modjoska third , Time
1:10. :
Viva nnd one-half furlonps-Milt Voung
\von. Tom Alackln second , Ka Leonard third.
Time 1
iiHinuton ISnces.
WASHINGTON , . Summary of today's '
races :
Flvo furlongs Mabel won , Ballyhoo second
end , Loivlamlcr third. Time 1 :02. :
Three-fourths of a mile Lcontino von ,
Cornelia second , Sllenco third. Tiino
1 : ir > i < .
Five furlongs Cerebns won , Mrthwood
second , Adnir third. Time 1 ; t > < .
One mlle Hello O'Or ' won , Hellwood second
end , Tanner third. Timo143U. : .
Steeplechase , two miles Leo Christy von.
McICeiizio second , Elphin third. Time -1:05. :
Toilaya' Tips.
First r.ico Volunteer , Dr. Ilasbrouck.
Second raco-Lady Jane. Wilfred.
Third race Servitor , woodcutter.
Fourth race-Nevada , I ) . B. Million.
Fifth race Bush Bolt , ICetohum.
Sixth race Carnegie , Little Jim.
First race Lndy Iiivorcauld , Dosta ,
Second raco- Ireland , I'ulliiMii.
Third r.iee Swamp Fox , Hopeful.
Fourth race Mu.idovvbroolc , Bettlo Scl-
Fifth race Tenacity. JIaJor Tom.
Sixth race Semper Fidcle , .Mabello.
to Knjoln n. Store 1'roni 1 nil-
tut In i ; Another' I'irinanic. .
Injunction proceeding's of a novel nature
were commenced yesterday in the district
court by tlio Boston store company against
Charles A. Stonehlll. I'lalntiffaiiddeteiidant
arc rivals in the dry goods businesstheir
stores being- located 0,1 Soutb Sixteenth
street , between Douglas ana Dodge. Plaintiff
claims ' 'hat ' defendant is imitating tbo letter
heads , checks , drafts , circular. , advertise
ments , displays , etc. , nil of which plaintiff
claims is exclusively Its own. Plaintiff says
its store was located at its present place
long before defendant opened next
door and that Hie latter is trying In every
way possible to attract its tnido. Stonehill
has oven gone so far , plaintiff days , as to rail
bis establishment "Tho lion ton Store , " lu
order to mislead buyers and make them think
it Is "Tho Uo"ton Storo. " Jud c Doano
granted a temporary ordorrcstrainingdcfend-
ant from further iuiit'itiiig the Boston store ,
and set October " > , 10 a. m. , for neuritis tuo
Thu jurv in August Dormanvs PIrt .Ra
tional bnulc returned a verdict of S'-00 ! for do-
Peter J. Williams asks to bo divorced from
Mary Lily Williamson the ground of adul
'Iho city of Pawnco and Charles SchrocOor
are defendants in tv suit commenced by
B rowuell Ac Co. to recover $ S.0 ror a waterworks -
works boiler.
Frank Sondel : sues John Soadek and others
forU- a noto.
Jlehr Uros.&Co. sue .7 , S. Cameron log
? liTil.t-on ( ! notes.
'I1. C. U'ulny has sued Luke P. Sinlicy In
the district court to recover $1,100 on a note
Klvcn to the > O. R Davis company and after
wards assigned to tltoiilaliititT.
Ilannah L'1'caso has brought suit to recover -
cover S7.0 nnd forecloic a inortgagu executed
bylJeeboII. andCieoi'pe L. Donahue.
Depends on tinsalary. .
CnuYiixxi : , Wyo.,0ct. SI. [ Special Tele
gram to TiuBiK. : : ] C. N. Potter has declined
the place on the supreme bench inndovncnnt
by the resignation of Chief Justice Van do-
venter. It is probable thnt the appointment
will not now bo made until after the legisla
ture m oetsnn a llxes the bulury which goes
with the olllcc.
Ornnteil n I < "rnnolil4e.
SU.T L KI : , Utah , Oct. 'Jl. [ Spcelnl Telo-
grmn to Tin : Km.J : The city council tonight -
night passed an onlinanco gmutlni ; tlio Wyo
ming , Salt Lnlco & Callfonilsi road a franchise
through tlio cltjTho line c.xlonds from
KvaiiHtoii.Wyo. , to Deep Creole , Cal. , a , dis
tance of iWJ milw. Worlc will bo begun to
Iteal DuclH.
LONDONOct. . 21. At Posth yesterday in a
duel fought with sabres Lloutenant Laxnr ,
one of the combatants , had ono of his arms
severed from his body.
.An account of ft fatal duel comes from
Cronstudl. Count Alarcnzl , ono of the duel
ists , received a shot wound froiii which ho Is
A Kow UonsoiiH U'liy St. I'/itriclt's
1'Ills arn Popular.
I3ecauso they novordlsiippoiiit.
Bcvau so they produce a pl-'asant cntlmrtio
uiTcct. , , .
Because they not only physic , but cleauso
the whole syhtem uuu rcgulato the 1 Ivor and
Kor f ale nt S. cents per box by druggkls.
ilowisli Tornccntl ns In
OIHI-ISA , Oct. iil. In accordance with the
c/nr'D onforccnicnt of the aiitl-.Jcwish law nil
Jews in Kisiic'iiclt wore today ordered to
Itsavo thnt city , also the Jews In Alicrmmi ,
tlilrtv-oliht niilt'j from here , have been or.
derril to leave that town.
1002. Sixteenth mul furnnm streets is
the now HoiMe Ishuid Ut-kut olliw. Tick
ets lo till points cast nt luwoHt rates.
The Sleiiinc'i' Kproo Snl'n.
IS'KW y MK , Oct. a 1 , The now North Ger
man Lloyd's steamer Spree , about which
some iinnlety has btjeu felt , arrived safely
today. She had boon delayed by tremendous
storms on the .Atlantic nnd an nccldont to her
machinery , _ _
"Kit" lloynolcls ICIIInl.
( JI.OIIE , Ariz. , Oct. 21. This aflernoon IX
A. Key uolds , v-cll known throuBbout tbo
west us "Kit" Itcynolds , wa shot mul killed
bv Alexander Oraydon , a proinincnt cltl/.en.
'i lie mem bail quarreled frujuently.
'J'lin l ) Mitli Hull.
SAX FIUSCIII > , Oct. 21 , General J. O ,
Sulllviui. who commanded a division under
Itosccraus nnd who fought at tto batllo of
luka , dlod lu Oakland this afternoon.
Will ItoMiuiic Work ,
Vif.xsAOot. 21. The tramcar employes
who struck Kutiduy will rciuino work. The
intitilclpal council will compel the tramcar
tbe mlw.
Islliatfflipurlljrof the bloodwhich produces
uiiMghtly lums or nvolllngs In Ilio neck ;
\vlilcli ctiusca tunning sores on tlio inns ,
leg ) , or ( cot ; nlilcli dovolopi ulcers In Ilia
eyes , carJor note , ollcn causing blindness or
ilcilness ) whlchls Hio origin of i > lmplc9 ( cancerous
cereus Ktowlhj , or 'Mmmorjj" wlilch , fasten
ing upon tlio lung's causes consumption and
death. Ills tlio inoatanctcnt of oil diseases ,
and very few poisons are cnlltcly frco Ironi It.
lly taking Hood's BusapirlUn , which , Ij )
tlio romaikiiblo cures It lias accomplished ,
lias proven Uscll to to a potent and peculiar
medlclnofor tills disease. II yomufforlicmi
scrofula , try Hood's Harsaparllla.
" Every iprlng my utto and children luivo
been troubled with urofuli , my little boy ,
thrco years old , being a. terrible suflcrer ,
I.ait spring ho was one m.tss ot sores frntu
hc.idtofcct.Voall took Hood's Sarsaparir i ,
nil Jail Into been cured of tlio scroll'la. My
llttlo boy li entirely ( reo from sores , and . , i
four of iny children look bright andheallli ) . >
IV. D. ATIIKHTOX , Pauitlc City , N , J. * . % .
Hood's Sarsaparilla
SoUbyaltdtUKRltti , SliilxfurSJ. IVparcilouly
by C.I. 11001) A CO. , A | > othecarlo , lanell , ilait.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
Lindsay Eesorts to His Old-Tiino Tactics ntid
is Called Down.
llotli Men I'rotly liatlly Ilnniiiicrci
Up In Tmiit MfjIifH llnttlollu-
1'oro tlio Soulli Oinuhii
.Tinunlo Lindsay of this city and John
Willtcsof St. l oiilswent together last uigbt
In the South Omaha Athletic club rooms In a
fWit to a ilnlab.
In the sixth round tbo light was invardpil
to Willies on a foul.
The occasion \viis selected as the opening of
tlio club rooms , and vas to bo fora purse oC
f."iOO , the whole to go to Iho victor.
Two hundred members of tbo sporting
fraternity wcro present. Tlio usual
wrangling \vas avoided by the club
numbers selecting the roforce. The honor
was conform ! upon \V.II. Wilson , and .Frank
Johnson was made tlmo keeper.
Lindsay was .seconded by Billy Hnwloy
nnd .lames lllffbtowor , nnd.VHkisbv 1'rof. '
Jloonoy of St. L.ouls andJ. \Viillncu. \ .
The men wore In line condition and tlpuoil
the scales utliiilVjf pounds each.
' - enturultho atO-IOinul
'riioprini-lpals rintr : -
tbe 11 Kbt lasted twenty-ilvo uiiiuitcs. Knch
man indicated bis contidcncu lu his nullity to
win thollKlitbv iiiteliinjjSl.'iOiit tbo rcfo'roo
as they made their nppearaiico , to bo plucuil
on the result.
In tlio lirst round both m on wcro cautious
mid went to their corners without strikiiig a
In the second , after careful sparring1. Lind
say led with his right on his opponent's ' nock
nnd followed with his left , \\llkcs \ stopped
the Omaha boy vith a blow on the brwut.
Lindsay rushed tbollKlitliiK until tbo end of
tbo round , vhcn n blow in tbo nose gave llrst
blood to Willces.
\Vlicn tbo men came to the scratch the tblnl
tlmo they appeared to bo ready for blood .
Lindasy wan more cautious and the ilKbtlnir
was forced byVilkcs. . Tlie clover duckiiitf ;
ol Lindsay worried his opponent , \vlio fulled
ivrnatcdly to upper-cut bun.
In tlio fourth cries of "foul" wcro board
from both sides , and tbo claims \vero urged
with t > ome justice by tbo sci-onds of each.
In tlio liftb both principals wcro warned
nbout clinching , lloth fought desperately
and were severely punlshc-cl. In the lutlur
1 > , irt of the round \Vilkcs \ wius very short of
wind , but continued to bit his opponent with
considerable effect.
The sixth round coin nienced with furious
Jlphting on both sides. Biood was flowing
freely from the noses of caeh. In the luttor
part of the round Willies' head \vatcuuglib
wider Lindsay's arm , AVllkca' second
claimed a foul ami ttiorafcrco ullowcil the
claim , awarding tbo llRht to tbo til. Louis
man.President. . SnvnKO of the club thought the
light too hastily decided , nnd declared thnt
nil bets should bo held until another
could bo arranged ,
Thcro was miicli dissatisfaction , but
order prevailed.
'Mm Wny Mnilu Clnitr.
Ono of the most serious obslnules to suc
cess in tbo way of man Is j > luiUd ; right in
the nilddlo of tlio road to health , llo\v \ tore-
btoro nnd to maintain a regular habit of body
nnd digestion Is too often a source of needless
nnd , unhappily , of vain Inijulry. It in not
necessary to inveigh n .iinst drastic purga
tives. They who have used thorn continu
ously know the consequences , A remedy
vbicli unites the action ofn rcKiilutiiiL' inodl-
eine for the bowels with thnt of a tonic bolh
for tluno organs , tlio livoriind the .itomnch ,
is llostcttei-.s Stomach lilttei-.s , sanctioned by
the medical authority , and receiving
dally tbocnilor.soincnt of our fellow coiintrv-
inen. With this effectual , tboiiKh ( juntlo ,
laxnti vo nt hand , ills nossiblu to defy thosd
cliaiiK'-'s of tcmporaluru produvtlro ofcomti-
iMtlon , us well us constiUitional altnelcHof
nlllousiioss , whlt'h beset even people natur
ally he.illhy. Mnlailn , dy.siicpslii , ihouini-
tlsm andki'dney troublca ui-o rciucilied uml
prevented by the Hitters ,
Inspector d'lMir-nil Dniiiixit'M llnporl.
W.vsnixisTiiv , Oct. SI. Tli annual repuit
of Inspector ( ieneral Dumoiit of tlin steiiin-
boat inspect Ion servlco .shows Unit the total
11 umber of vessels Inspected during the year
xvai 7 , 'KM ; total net tomia.ije of vessels In-
upectcd , lJWlISli.r ! ! > ,1i total number of ofllceitv
ht'iiBud. IW.tiU Llnrliifj tbo year there wcro
tl accidents , rosultliiK In the loss of ! ! Ki
ivc , a decreases ofW ( x > inpnrud with tlm
scdhiK year. Of tlio accidents , 17 iVMU
'roin collision , mul 1W of the lives lost wvro
> y drowning. Of tbo nuinbor of lives lost ,
"i were piissengers and IbU olliccw or | xirs uin
jinploypd on sU'aincr.s , Fully r > u ( > , ii i
inssoiifn-rs worn carried on steam vessels
durlnp Ibo iiscal year.
To Xci'VDiif. Douilltatoil T > Iu\\ \ \ ,
If you will send us your addit ss wo will
tend you Dr. Dye's Colobmtcd Voltalo Hell
mil Appliances ou Irlnl. They will uuickly
eatoro you to vigor , manhood and health.
Jamphlct free , VOI.TAIU MELT Co. , ISIarshnll ,
I.O\MTM Ills Jlrcord ,
CiMiiuiitonC'iTV , Ind. , Ou-t. 81 , Tin ) ntal-
ion Nelson today lowered bis ivcord , making
n mile iu'JilOJ , .
\ .
Absolutely Pure.
Aorcamof tartar baUlnj powflfr.
r leivonlnf str iiRth-U. S , Govctniotnt