Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1890, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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Special ( Hearing Oat Sale Commencing
Monday ,
On Account of New llitililln * ; , Itcnr
\Vnll 31 list Conic OOMII and
Stock Must lie He-
< lucc < l.
Wo nro compelled to store our Inrno
Block or clooit out , as It is Impossible
for the workmen to proceed nt present.
" \Vo have concluded to sell sind liavo de
cided to cut tlio prices so low that every
thing will fjoHvoly.
35e Kiirah silk , In colors , reduced lo Iflo
a yard.
Host double wnrp surah si'k ' , worth 7"x !
nnd $1.1)0 ) , t-iitdown -ISonndOSe aytird.
85 pieces fully warranted colored gros-
Uraln silk , wns 91.00 , now -Vic a yard.
IM inches wliU , black gros-gruln silk ,
81,05 , reduced to $1.00 $ nyurd ; for beauty ,
llnlsh and wear you \vill llml no better ;
fully guaranteed.
10 p'icccs of K5-in. wide best mnko silk
warp hcnrietlii , which has been selling
nt $2.00 yd , reduced to $1.10 yd ;
31.00 yd till wool imported hemietta ,
in black , cut down to 75cvd ; 85c yd
tlio saino reduced to 05e vu ; 7oo the ,
eamo now > 5c , nndOoc grade now -17)0 )
yd. Those prices are awuy bolo\v \ tholr
20 pieces Imported broadcloth , 51 in ,
wide , bought to sell at $1,75 , iioiv you
can buy It atl)5o ) yard.
10 pieces of black andgrnv ostrachan.
C4ln. wide , reduced to S.'t.iO1.50 uiul
15.00 yd ; they are worth double what wo
nsk forthom. Ills impossible to men
tion nil tholurgalns which you will linil
in this deportment , us our stock Is too
largo , but every yard must go at corresponding -
responding prices.
20 pieces Imported plaids in fcllk and
wool was $1,50 on Monday , to bo closed
nt05c yd. , , ' ( o nieces 40 In. wide , all
wool plaids worth 8-jc , cut down lo eec ,
don't miss this bargain.
60 combination suits bought to soil for
110. 00 have been reduced to1.50 , $ o.75
nnd $7.00 , llrst choice will bo the best.
25 pieces of imported broadcloth reduced -
ducod from $1.50 to Doe yd. , they are very
finely finished , extra heavy and 54 in.
wide , 15 pieces of lady s cloth 51 in.
wide , made of the ilncst of wool , re
duced from $ ! . : { . ) to S8o yd. 10 plecesof
40in. llannel suiting will go on Monday
ntlOoyd. l0 ! pieces of all wool llnnnol
Buitini40 ; in. wide worth -I'm , reduced lo
25c yd.
100 pieces of double width hcnrietta
reduced from IJ.'c to 20e yard ; 50 pieces
of double width cashmere. WIVK ! h ! , now
to clo < o 12c { ; lo pieces black and white
Btripcd imported ihinnel suiting all wool
nt ii'e ynrd , worth 60c ; 'JlMnch wide
Armenian sei-go now lUlcyard ; cholco
of all our Clan Tartans on Monday llijc ;
05 pieces of new dark styles inllniinol-
ctto suitings reduced to lOo yard ; lOc
dress gingham reduced to oo yard ; KSc
dress giiij/liimis / now ll'lo yard ; 500
pieces of standard prints worth So , now
6c yard. Last chance to buy DlMnch
wide Imported dial lies tit oc yard.
10-4 white blankets 50c , "oo and $1 a
pair ; 10-4 all wool white blankets at $2.50
a pair ; 1 1-4 size , 6 Ib white wool blank
ets , worth $5 , reduced to $2.75 ; $ ; $ gray
blankets cut down to $1. 75 a pair ; 10-1
liver gray blankets cut Qown to OOo a
pair ; 10-4 black mixed blankets nt $1.40 ,
worth $ L'.i.'o ' ; 10-4 blue mixed blankets ,
no.w _ $1.85 a pair ; 10-4 sanitary gray
- bhui"kottU&25 & ; ' tv pair : 50 pair California.
blankets , jaciigunrd borders , reduced to
1(5. ( 50 a pair , worih"2H9 : . . . _ - -
"Wo carry a linndsoino line bl Califor
nia blankets ntW.7o , $5.00 , $5.00 , $0,50 ,
18.50 , $10.00 , $11,60 , 812.00 and $15.00 $ a
pair.Vo carry all the leading makes
of western blankets. Wo hnvo all the
popular makes of eastern blankets. Our
prices guaranteed to bo tlio lowest every
time , or money cheerfully refunded.
i reduced to Doc , OOc , 75c , $1.00 and SI , 25
each. Sateen covered comforts , wool
filling , reduced to $1 , 25 ea. Sateen cov
ered comforts , Turkey redlining , llllod
with clean white cotton , was -ilioO , re
duced to close to $1.75 , IJotter grades in
proportion.Vo had made for us an
extra largo Bi'/.o cliintzo comfoii which
measures 84 In. wiilo and 02 hi. long ,
filled with clean \vhlto cotton , weighs
about 10 Ibs. , Turkey redlining , reduced
to 82.05. This com fort is worth $5.00 to
anyone who wishes a largo comfort.
All wool Hnntiol skirt patterns now $1
each , 8-oz. skirting' llnnnul only 50c yard ,
razzlc-diizzlo llnnnals ISc yard , bllxznrd
flannels -Oc yard , gray nil.xed llannel lOc
yard , all wool rod twilled llnnnol 14c
yard , Lowell medicated pcarlct twilled
llaiinol ii'w yard , all wool red shaker
flannel 25e , UO-ln wldo grey Blinker -5c
yard , 40c navy blue twilled Hitimol LV5e ,
all wool plaid flannels iiio yard.
Thcso nro nil special low prices
nnd cannot bo duplicated In.
Omaha outside of Unydon's store ,
and Itayden LJros. would not sell them at
these money losing prices If it were not
on account of Iniildiiif ' , , tearing down the
rear wall , and being closed for a mjjiitlv
or \Vhitosbiikorllanncl5c5 .yard.
Kxtra heavy and wldovhito \ sliakor
llaimcl worth 18e , reduced to lOo yard.
Wool-mixed white fchakor llannel at25c ,
8c ( ) , ! )5c ) and -10e ynrd. Choice of all our
fancy all wool i'Vonch flannel C5c yard.
Eiderdown llnnnol In all colors , fancy
striped , jersey llnnnol , white and colored ,
silk embroidered llannels at prices to
A beautiful line of G-l cloaking just
ojicncd , lut they will have to ( jo as wo
are com polled to sell them 011 account of
Our stock of tosvolsls largo and prices
nro low. From lie and 5c upwards wo are
nil owing the best and largest towels for
the money which were over displayed In
Omaha. Fast colors warranted on
fringed turkey red cloths 7-1 atG-5c. 15-8
at 05o , 8-1 nt 75c , 1 2-1 at $1.10. 25c turkey -
key red dnmnsk now 15c ynrd , Goc cream
duinnsk no\v 45c , 50c cream damask now
85c , $1.50 damask now 75o yard , $1
fringed napkins now COo dozen , lOo
{ blonohod toweling1 now Oc , 20o white
checked dress goods now lOc y.ird.
Now is the tiino to Imv your llnon's , for
linens are going to bo higher. Thesoaro
plain facts , 11 you holiuvoln protection
s now Is the time to protect yourself and
2 titlio ad vantage of this sale , for next
J month our roar wall comes down and
etorowillbo closed nnd you will bo look
ing for bargains , but will not llnd thorn.
Now is your chance and llaj'don Uro3.
your place to do your trading.
Dry Goods and Carpots.
Croat llnrj nliis In IMnnos.
Ono Decker Bros. $10' > ; t\vo Lyon fs
Hoaly's , $100 nnd $200 , Muo'ller &
Bcluuoller. 107 S. IGth st.
'Remember Mrs. Davies , the milliner , .
109nnd 111 So. lothst. , opposite P. O. ,
solicits vour orders on rotrliniuing old
huts anu bonnets.
Mrs. Samuel Burns nnd Miss Nolllo
have been "dolii11" Now England and
Ohio slnco the Intter's return from
Europe , mid nro e.xncctcd home Sunday
morning ,
Friedman's ' Council Bluffs Stock Creates a
Fine ntid New Stock la Now Being
nt I'rlecH U'ny Hc-
low Anything Wo Kver
Bold Cheap Goods at.
Never before did wo have such a well
lenscd crowd nntl so many Indies who
were so enthusiastic as to the nrlces nt
which they wore nblo to got the best
grade of goods tliclr eyes over beheld.
ITlio stock Isso largo that it IB Impossi
ble foi'us todcscrlbo niul name tlio prlco
of every article , but the following will
o you a fair idea of what wo will do
foi1 you tomorrow !
The cntlro Friedman's Council Bluffs
stock of line high cost dress goods ,
plushes and novelty silks Imvo been di
vided In lots to bo sold at 12Je , lOe , 25c ,
S'Jtf ' , oOc , 75c , $1.25 and $2. $ Some of thcso
jiovulty silks lYlediuan sold as high
as $9.
Friedman's nilllnery stock was the
( Inest of any purchased by nny millinery
liouso In the west. It was all the exactly
Draper thing for this season's trade , hav
ing just been received a few days before
ho failed.
Tomorrow we sell untrimmed hats at
lOo and 25e worth up to $2 nnd $ il.
Finest grades of trimmed hats at $2 ,
worth up to $0.
His best grades of trimmed hats , most
of them copied from his own Importa
tions of French pattern huts , marked up
to $0 , all go at Si
His entire stock , imnorted direct by
Friedman and marked by him to sell nil
the way up to $25 , your cholco at 15.
Ills stock of jackets wns simply Im
mense. They are all new and just the
thing you want for this time of the year
and at the following prices they are not
too e.xponsivo for anybody , us you can
buy nice jersey jackets , tailor made ,
at $2.
liouml all wool beaver jackets nt $ .3.50.
His finest all \\ool \ black cloth , silk
lined , walking jackets at $ > ,
Infants' line all wool cashmere silk
embroidered cloaks , all grand goods ,
worth from $4 to $25 , go tomorrow at $1 ,
$1.50 ; 12.50 , $ . ' { , $ ,1,75 , ai and 5.
All the children's and misses' due
zephyr knit , Saxony natural wool , real
camel's hair , cashmere , scarlet and
wool white underwear at ! ) c , 15c , 25e , I)5e )
and -1'Jc. ' Wo guarantee every item in
this lot to bo worth about four times the
All the ladles' underwear ( bear In
mind that Friedman carried only the
very finest grade of goods ) , consisting of
real sanitary natural wool , camel's hair ,
all wool jersey ribbed , imported scarlet
cushmore , at 'J5e , 40c , 75c mid OSe. You
will bo surprised at the grade of these
The finest lines , the greatest variety
of colors , over 0,000 pounds in all , ail
the llnost Imported starlight , Saxony
and imported zephyrs will bo sold at ljc !
a lap or lOc an ounce. The regular
price Is 2oc an ounce.
In this Friedman stock Is the finest
line of hose wo over laid eyes on. It
seems as if there was nothing too good
for him to handle , and wo realize that
to sell thorn fast , wo must soil them
jJiOfippn&d wojvant to sell them cheap ,
; 'orwo ' can alToiU'tO.- .
Tomorrow wo sell thetn'at 5c , lOc , 15c ,
25c , ! ! oo and 49c.
CAUTION Wo would respectfully
warn such of our customers as are mis
led by the llivinlng signs and cards of
.mpnneiplcd merchants who try to bene
fit liy our fortunate purchase of Mr.
Friedman's Council HlulTs stock that the
entrance to our store Is at the door
nearest the alley and that door only.
Furthernioro nny merchant who tells
you that ho has on sale any of this bank
rupt slock deliberately tells an untruth ,
us is unquestionably proven by the fol
lowing , the orrljriml of which can bo
seen at our store by those who desire :
OMAHA , Neb. , Oct. 10.
To Iho Publin :
Having this day sold my entire stock
to The IJoston store , Omaha , nnd not
oven so much as ono dollar's worth to
any one else , I make this statement in
justice to The Boston store , as having
bought till of the stock they are cer
tainly entitled to all of the credit of this
purchase. C. FiUKijr.\ ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Be sure you nro in
114 S. 10th St.
Hero wo tire with prices for the coin
ing week.
G. L. sugar , 14 Ibsfor $1.00.
Pine extra 0,15 lln for $1.00.
Cholco C , 10 Ibsfor 81.00.
Medium C , 18 Ibs for $1 00.
Ground colTco , 20o to 2oe per Ib.
Roasted collee , 25c , ! 30o to 40o per Ib.
Choice golden rio green cofi'oo , 27 } c
per Ib.
Navy beans , 5c pcrdb.
o boxes mustard sardines , 25c.
Deviled haiu , 4c per Ib.
Boneless ham , Oc per Ib ,
lObarsO. O. D. soap , 2oc.
0 ono-pound bars Favorite soap , 25c.
3 cans California fruit , oOc.
y whisk brooms for fie.
A good broom for lOc ; better 15e , 20c
and 25c.
Flour 7oc , $1.25 , $1.35 nnd $1.50.
Choice maple syrup , 85o per gal.
Prleo's Mb baking powder , -lOc.
Saratoga chip potatoes , 25c.
Choice vegetables bought fresh every
morning' .
0. O. D. Grocers , 522 N. 10th.
Won't Itiiin Your Kycrflght.
The Connecticut lamp for $2.50 gives
a light equal to the Incandescent electric
light. Try ono and bo convinced.
MOODY'S ' GUINEA Ssoni : .
302 N. loth st.
The World I > o More.
And so do the * elegantly appointed
trains oftlio Burlington route. By this
favorite line , selected by the U. S. jjov-
eminent to carry the fast mail , you have
the cholco of three dally trains for
Chicago and the east ; two for Kansas
City and the south ; two for Denver and
the west.
The Hurlington No. 2 Fast Express ,
vostlbuled throughout , equipped with
elegant Pullman cars furnished with
woU selected libraries , reclining' chair
cars ( scats free ) , and dining ear loaves
Omaha ! ; ! ! ( ) p. in. , arrives Chicago 80 ,
in. , serving breakfast before arrival.
No. 0 , the fast mail , leaves Omaha
9:10 p. in. , arrives Chicago 1 p. m. , equip
ment and dining car service up to the
highest standard. Ticket oflleo , 1223
Farnamst. W. F. Vuill agent
lie fore
A pinno examine the now male Klin
ball piano. A. Uosuo , 1513 Douglas.
It You. Want a I'luuo Cheap ,
Cash or time , see the bargnlu'at ' 107 N ,
10th uU Meiuborff , agent.
Immense Snlo llcforo Wo Take the
Wall Out Tlio Oixuls Must
Ito Hold.
8-pound can tomatoes Oc , other dealers
ask 15o for { roods not as good.
2-pound can best sugar corn Oc. others
ask 15c , 2-pound can blackberries 12jc.
D2-pound can gooseberries 12jc , oil sar
dines 6c , mustard sardines lOo , salmon
Ilccks self-rising buckwheat flour 6Jc ,
King's eolf-rlslng buckwheat Hour 6Jc
nnd Aunt Jemima's pancake Hour 5c.
pure buckwheat flour ! ) o per pound ,
Crackers , best soda crackers flc , oyster
crackers Go , 3-lb etono jars of till kinds
of jams elOc. Nono-such mlnco
meat 12Jc , 8 bars of best laundry
soap 2oc , gold dust washing
powder < ? ic , soaplno washing powder
3ie , pcarlino washing powder iljc , picnic
hams 7c , boneless ham lOc , sugar cured
hams 12- , dried beef 12Jc , breakfast
bacon lOc , California apricots 17Je , Cali
fornia egg plums 17ic , California Sam
son plums 17ic , cranberries , very best ,
8S per quart , very best superlative
Hour $1.33.
Wo must have room and In order to
got it will quote prices on crockery ,
ehina , glassware , tinware , wooden ware
and everything else that is in the base
ment which wo think will glvo us tlio
desired space. Wash bowls and pitchers ,
! 5Ge } each ; plates , 3jo each ; tumblers ,
2jc each ; line stem goblets , Go
each ; decorated cups and sau
cers , 4jc each. Complete lamp
15c each. Soap dishes 3a each. Flower
pots from lo up. Hanging lamps from
$1.08 up. Piano lamps in solid brass ,
silk Irmgo shade , not a cheap gilt lamp ,
but a regular $12 lamp for $4.01) ) . ' SO-
inch high banquet lamps , solid nntlquo
brass $1.07 , worth $15. Fancy cups and
saucers from lee up. Over iOOOditTor-
cut kinds of scrub brushes 5c. Largo
milk pans oc. .Milk crocks oe.
6 packages stove polish Cc. 0
dozen clothes pins c. Finest
washboard inado 15e. All kinds of
lump chimneys , oc ; towel and liat rack ,
oc ; rolling-pins , fie ; potato mashers and
steak poundors , oc ; stove lifter , 5e ; stove
pokers , 5c ; steel and iron frying1 pans ,
2oc ; mouse traps , le cnch ; buggy whips ,
from " ) C up ; cuspidors , from fie up ; steve
dustern , lOc ; dish mops , MC ; dish pans , *
15c ; . ' ! knives and ! ? forks for 2oc , worth ,
"oc ; 0 packages of tacks , fie ; door scran-
crs , Cc ; iron soap dishes , ! > c\ \ tin cups , 2o !
each ; children's A , B , C plates , Sound lOo
each. The Umpire wringer , thccnslest
turning wringer made , needs no oiling'
nnd has brass bushing , $4.1)3 ) ; sold every
where for $0 50 and S7. The Daisy
wringer $1.75. In pur drug department
wo can save you half. Warners $1.2" )
Safe Cure for 0/ie / , Wrights Sarsaparillu
Compound 05c , regular price $1. Lydia
Pinkhain's vegutablu compound 75e ,
why pay $1 for it. Swift's S. S. S $ ! . " > ,
sold elsewhere for $1.75. And so on
throughout our whole drug department.
Drv goods nnd drugs.
Tills department i.s crowded with now
goods of tlio best makes , bought for our
winter trade.
O n account of toariiuf out the wall to
join our now building wo must sell them
tit a , giiurillco to make room for tlio work
men. Read our prices now Is your
Ladies' fine dongola button shoos , 2Jto
8 , 81.50 , worth $2.
Ladles' line dongola opera button
shoes , 2i to 8 , $2 , worth $2.50
w Ladles' French dongola patent tip but
ton shoes , 2 } to 7 , $ Ii , worth $4.
Ladies' line fancy Into patent tip shoes ,
2i to 7 , $ H.50 , worth $4.50.
Men's congrobs London tip shoos , 0 to
10 , $1,50.
Men's fine congress and Inco tip shoes ,
flto 11 , $2.50 worth-$3.00.
Men's line hand \volt cull congress
shoes , 83.60 : shoo dealers will ask you
Men's hand-sewed kangaroo shoes , $ o ;
others ask $0
Children's goat tip spring heel shoes ,
4 to 7 } , 75e.
Children's solar tip spring school
shoes , 8 to 12 , 8c ; worth 3U5.
Misses' fcolid grain solar tip shoes , 12
to 2 , $1.25.
Misses' dongola , kid heel and spring
lace shoes , iSl.iK , worth $1.00.
Youth's calf button shoes , $1.25 and
Boys' calf button shoes , $1.45 and $1.75.
Dry goods and shoes.
Morse's Upholstery Department ,
Our stock of drapery fabrics is all now
and as wo sell only the best grades of
merchandise in our line it will unques
tionably lie profitable for you to call and
examine this department.
Remember that the newest styles cost
no moro than old goods , and nro much
cheaper in that they stay in fashion
longer. Everything wo show is now.
We show the latest colorings in SATIN
PLUSHES , &c , for artistic drapery
\Vo also furnish original sketches for
special orders la artistic drapery and
assure you that we have the talent to
design and skill to execute as flno drap
eries as nny house in America.
25 dozen DOWN PILLOWS ] just
opened , snmo nslastlot,181nchcspquaro ,
filled with downwind highly pcfumcd , at
$1.50 each.
AVlndow shades , IWc , 40c , COc , 75c ,
ready to hang.'o make the best
shades in the city.
10,000 yards imitation China silk. All
now patterns. From lOc to 20c per yard.
800 pair all chonlllo curtains , plain
tops , with hnndsomo dado's , $5 per
pair. All colors.
150 hnndsomo chenlllo table spreads
i yard square , $1.73 each.
Fine carriages , Seaman's repository.
nulUliiif ; !
Wanted on cholco city property. Sums
of $5,000 and upwards preferred , Klin-
ball , Champ & Ryan , 120o Farnain st.
Mmlc for Ilia Million , lOo
a copy ntMoinborg's music store , 107 N.
10th st. , opp. now p. o. site.
The best stock of optical goods , gold
spectacles and eye glasses In the city.
N. M. Huddy , practical optician , 15th
st. , next Boyd's opera liouso.
The funeral services of Mrs. Thomas
Davis will bo hold at the residence of
Mr , Herman Kountze ; Forest Hill , on
Sunday , October 10 , at ono o'clock p. m.
Interment at Forest Lawn cemetery.
Carriages will bo at the residence for
friends of the family ,
1G02. Slxtcontn ana Farnam streets Is
the now Rock Island ticket ofllco. Tick-
otg to all points east tit lowest rates.
Jewolpy Iot ) nrtment.
Special ring pile for Monday.
1,500 best i rolled plate rings , plain
bands , chnscdrbnnds and with real stone
Botfl , either Indies' or gents , worth from
7rx ) to 81.50 , onmalo at U5u each. Hivby
solid gold rinuB 15c , solid silver friend
ship rings with bangles. $10c.
The opera tfhiss sale is still on. Just
think of It. Klegant oriental pearl ncro-
matlc glassesTegular , beauties , in line
morocco leather cases" , $3.60 , positively
worth $10.
RDurlng thlanalo wo will iriatch any
price on standard and highest grade
wntches for llfly cents on the dollar.
Finest nickel alarm clocks , 75 .
Rogers' silver knives and forks , $1.25
This great sale is nownt its holghth.
Never in the history of the cloak trade-
has there been such a sucrlllco sale on
high grade , stylish and tailor-made gar
ments. The variety is beyond compari
son. - >
Is especially well stocked in every
thing that pertains to the highest grade
in the latest novelties of foreign and do
mestic manufactures. See for yourself
and got our prices.IIAYDKN
Dry Goods and Jewelry.
If people know the provocation for
this sale It would bo easy to understand
why such sacrillccH are made. The
changes now making'mn.v compel us to
close our store over thirty days.
Standard ingrain carpets at USc , 29c ,
35c , 40c , 45c , oUc ; bold everywhere at oOc
to 75c.
Government standard extra super
wool carpets In tlio latest nnd most ar
tistic pattern : * , at o.Jc , GOc , OSc and 75c ;
why pay 7 < 5c up to $1.25.
This department Is showing a splendid
line of tapestries , body brussels , mo-
qnetts , volvets.A.xmlnstors . and royalWil-
Special sale of luce curtains , china
silks , pongee silks , imitation silk draper
ies , portieres and shades. It will surely
pay to keep ported on our low prices.
Prices lower than ever. Spring mat- i
tresses $ ! . / > ( ) , worth $2. The best cotton
toj ) inattrosseH made , only $2.50 , worth $4.
0-feot extension table $ . ' { .45 , worth $5.
Elegant assortment of chairs and rock
ers at surprihlngly low prices.
Our grand trunk and valise snlo has
never had an equal either in quality , va
riety or real value.
On account of the uncertainty of being
open during the holidays , wo have de
cided to closeout our entire stock of
dolls and Christmas goods.
These goods were all purchased on the
old tariff basis , and our present prices
are less than half what these goods can
bo sold at during the holidays.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
Special Announcement.
Having just received two car loads of
parlor furniture , consisting of elegant
parlor suits , plush rockers , sofas ,
lounges , etc. , which is crowding us for
room , wo will commence tomorrow
morning a special sale to continue for
ono week only.
All parlor furniture will bo quoted at
about one-half former prices.
Those conUnnplutlng purchasing bo
sure to calLnt/onro. / .
013 , (515 ( , 017 and 019 North 10th st. , be
tween California and Webster.
Open evenings until 0 p. m.
Attend Mrs. McDonald's closing out
sale of fancy goods. 1522 Douglas st.
Steve mountings ronlcklcd,1114 Dodge
lOc a copy , at Meinborg's music store , 107
N. IGth bt. , opp. now p. o. site.
Spectacle wearers who have to wear
dllToront glasses for near and distant
sight will llnd our now btylo bifocal spec
tacles or eye glasses most convenient.
One pair does for both. N. M. lluddy ,
optician , next Boyd's opera house.
Don't forgot to go to Davles' millinery
store opposite the potitolllco and BOO the
pretty hats. You can save from 40 to CO
per cent. Why not make some money
in buying your hats.
The largest stock of zithers at S.
Banks , 607 N. 10th.
The now oflicos of the great Rock
Island route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Ftirmiui
streets , Omaha , are the llnost in the city.
Call and see thorn. Tickets to all points
east at lowest rates.
A. Max Ilol/.hcimor k Co.
Fine watch repairing ,
1413 Douglas st.
Chns. Shlvorick &Co. , 1203 , 1203 and
1210 Farnam St.
" . "
"Ship jack.
Seaman's carriages best and cheapest.
AVns Count Leo TolHtnl Mad ?
To write a tale so extremely bad
That one , a maker of clothes ;
( Notfrom Cincinnati ! )
Should decree that through tlio P. 0.
You can not got Kreutxer Sonata ;
As much so as the man , vho does
not acknowledge that
Robertson Bros , sell only
the finest cigars at 210 So. 15th St.
Vodicka.TA'ILOI'moved to U. S. Nut'l
Lank bldg. Now fall and whiter cloths.
Go to F. M , Schndoll fe Co. for hats
nnd bonnets. 1522 Douglas.
Mrs. Moreotvmanietiro : , 401 Bee bldg
The Nebraska Furniture Co. , 520 N.
10th St. , carrytho largcbt line of base
burners in Omaha. Tnko your cholco
out of the following lines :
Red Cross Ii'urnaec ,
Radiant Home ,
Royal Argund ,
Red Cross IJbo and Lohlch.
To those wliodcsiro-wo soil on install
" . "
"Tlio SlnunlXor of tlio Innocents. "
Letting your children dlo with diph
theria. Dr. JelToritj'proventlvo and euro
Is infallible. Twonty-livo years' trial
has proven it. Price $ U.00. Address Dr.
Thou. JelTeris , box 057 , Omaha , Nob.
Keel Cross Furnace Stoves
Ai o tlio best in the world , only steve
that does the work of a furnace. Ne
braska Furniture Co. , 620 N. 10th street ,
Bole agents.
Seaman's phaetons best and cheapest.
To Iho I'liDllu ,
On and after October IS nil opera nnd
and party calls will bo $2. Funerals
( Including Sunday ) $3 , and all other
calls In proportion. All orders' left
with any hnckman will bo promptly at
tended to. The lluckmun'si union.
Something Entirely New on Snlo at Stone-
A $ IOOOO Unnkrupt Stock of Dry
Goods nntl Millinery , Also ij -
dlca * MIsfiCN and Chll-
tlrcu'ti Flno Hltocs.
Owing to scarcity of tlmo wo will only
mention prices ( of this wonderful sale ) ,
on ladies' , misses'and children's shoes ,
tlio reason of this Is that wo do not carry
shoes , but were compelled to buy thorn
with the great purchase of
dry goods. In consequence wo
will place them on sale
" for only -I days. Monday , Tuesday ,
"Wednesday aiurTliursday. What Is loft
wo will sell to any reliable shoo dealer
In the city for a mere trllle. "Wo do not
want the slioo merchants to fool hard
towards us as wo wlil lire every shoo
that is left , out of our store Friday morn
This stock consists of such popular
makes as Rovnolds Bro . , E. P. Heed it
Co. , Geo. "NV. Ludlow , P. Cox , John
Kelly , A. F. Smith , &c. , &c.
Think of thcso prices.
Lot 1. Ladles' genuine dongola and
morocco button shoes hand turn and
McICtiy sowed , original price $ -.50 and
$ : > .75. My price $1.4o.
Lot U. Ladles' genuine dongola button
shoos , patent leather tips or plain too ,
original price $ : t. My price $1.75.
Lot ; t. Ladies' line dongola and Rio
Hatch button shoes , all styles , original
price $ ; i.50. My price $1.03.
Lot 4. Ladies' line Toulon kid button
shoes , all styles , original price $1 lo $5 ,
My price for this sale , $2.45.
Lot 5. Ladles' French and line Toulon
kid hand turn button shoes , all styles ,
original prlco $0. My price this sale
$ : i.U5.
LotO. Misses' dongola and pebble mo
rocco spring heel shoes , slues 11 to 2 ,
original price $ l.iJO. ! For this sale my
price $1.45.
Lot 7. Minos' shoes , sixes 11 to 13 ,
Reynold Bros , and 1' . Cox's original
price $ , ' ! . I\Iy price this sale S1.-I5.
Lot 8. Mibsos' guiiuino pebble button
shoes , sizes II to 2 , original price $1.75.
My price this sale $1.
Lack of tiino and space prevents my
mentioning more of these bargains. This
is the opportunity of n lifetime. Don't
miss it. STONKHILL'S ,
111)and ) 118 10th st.
for the
Mrs. H. II. Divvies. Ill S lothst. , op
posite postolllcc. has the most stylish
hats in the city of Omaha.
She employs only Ilrt-clas9 help , and
you can ca-ily nutica by her trimmed
hats that only experienced help can do
this work.
The only millinery house in the city
that has three trimmers.
And her styles are artistic as well as
cheap for tlio quality.
ShewantHyou lo call and see her now
imported saleslady , and bho is line ; she
can tell you immediately what is becom
ing to you.
it will pay every ladv in Omalin to call
and see her"display before buying.
Remember opposite postolllce.
Milliner ,
111 S 15th st.
Free to Indies On 'Wednesday and
Friday of this coining week wo will trim
bangs , curl and dress hair iroe of charge ,
in order to briny our hair drc.sscr before
the notice of ladies. Mrs. Davies , milli
ner , 111 S. loth st. , opposite postotlieo.
\Ve have as nice an assortment of millinery -
inory as you can llnd inOmnhnnml you'll
llnd us ahVays ready to show our goods.
Davies , milliner , opposite postolllce , 15th
Sociable under the auspices of Golden
Link Ilobcccu Degree Lodge , No. 'i8 , I.
0. O. F. , at Forest Hall , Otli and Pierce
sts. , Wednesday evening , October 22 ,
1800. Admission 25c.
Through coaclies Pullman palace
sleepers , dining cars , free reclining chair
cars to Chicago and intervening point
via the great Rock Island route. Ticko
ofllco 100:2 , Sixteenth and Farnam.
The Nebraska Furniture Co. , 520 N.
IGth st , , carry the largest line of base
burners in Omaha. Take your choice
of the following lines :
Red Cross Furnace ,
Radiant Home ,
Royal Argand ,
R jd Cross Uco and Luhigh.
To those who desire wo sell on install
The only railroad train out of Omaha
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Bluffs , Dos Mollies and
Chicago business is the Rock Island
vestibulcd limited , leaving Omaha at
4:15 : p. m. dally. Ticket oilleo 1002 , Six
teenth and Farnam sts. Omaha.
Curtains and IIrapery.
Dewey & Stone Furniture Co.
Seaman's wagons best and cheapest.
Try tlio White- Front market.
"Slap jack. "
O.OOO Plcocs I'opuliir MiiHlo lOo
a copy at Meinberg's music store , 107 N.
IGth bt. , opp. now p. o. site.
Davlcs , the milliner , has several now
trimmers wo imported them for the oc
casion. They're the most accomplished
trimmers In the city. It's iv fact Unit wo
defy competition. Our millinery is till
now and the styles wo got out nro ex
clusive JUViKS ,
Milliner ,
111 S. 15th st.
Special sale of ladles' footwear of all
kinds. French kid and dongola kid , till
blues and widths. Tlio best in the city
nt 20o oil on tlio dollar for ono week
only. PHIL. LANG ,
1320 Farnam bt.
Dent buy a mandolin before getting
price of S. Bank , 507 N. 10th st.
Not SI itch Uno Ad vcrtlsliijj.
Except for the bcnollt of strangers ,
because everyone living in Omaha
knows the great Chicago & Northwest
ern runs four passenger trains every
clay to Chicago , and that the 40 : ! ! M. m.
and 0:10 : p. m , accelerated vestibule
trains with now sleepers and free parlor
chair cars run direct from the U. P.
depot , Omaha , thus avoiding the annoy
ing change of cars nt Council Ululls.
Safe , sure , sumptuous , spcedv , satisfac
tory. The city ticket ollico 'is at 1401
Farnam St. Baggage checked from
residences. Sleeping berths reserved
to Chicago nnd all jiolnts beyond on all
linos. R. 11. Hrrc'iliK ,
G. F. WKST. General Agent.
City 1'uss. Agt.
" '
"Slnp'jaek. "
Tickets at lowest rates and superior
.accommodations via the great Rock
Island route. Ticket ollluu , 1002 Six-
tccmh and Farnum streets , Omaha
Special Priccn to Bring You Out Tomorrow ,
If You Want tlio Ilciicflt < r Home of
the Most , Kvtraortlhmry Mm-
( 'atns You Will Visit Our
Store Monday *
1 case all wool red twill ilnnncl 25c
yard , reduced from -KV.
German pink mixed llaimol lee yard ,
ebon p at 25o.
German wide Indigo blue prints Oc
100 largo PKO ! comforters Mondny at
$1.75 each that you cannot match nny-
where else less than $2.25.Vowill glvo
you a bonollt Monday.
\Vo have nbout 50 line down comforters
that sold from $12 up to $20 each. You
can have your choice Mondny nt S7.08
Do you nrcd a blanket ? If so , don't
delay.Vo will sell you blankets now at
less than they can bo bought wholesale.
Prices range from $1.00 up to * 15,00 pair.
M pieces line blonahcd table damasks
slaughtered Monday. 00 inch wide at
51K.1 , 05c , 7oc yard , worth 75e , 800 and
Wo will keep on knocking the prices
on carpets , curtains , etc.
Wo will sell you Monday a handsome
chenlllo pnrtioro curtain { n all the now
shades at $5.00 pair , would DO cheap at
150 pairs Nottingham lace curtains , . ' ! }
yards long , taped till around at $2.60
pair , just half price , worth 85.00.
Wo will also sell you lloor oil cloth nt
2oL , J0c ! , ; 55c yard.
Best opaque curtain shades made up
on best spring flxtures at Illio each.
Great sale of dross goods , fancy paids
nt 25o , 5 c , 7oc , $1.00 and fcl.oU yard.
All special prices.
A uood dress llaimcl , till wool , 25c
50 pieces blade goods to close out
quick at f > 0i' , ( ioc , 75c yard.
Wo are solo agents in Omaha for
lirooks' six cord spool cotton , which wo
place on tale Monday at 2c a spool , in
black and while , warranted us good as
any thread on the market.
A gigantic wile of cloaks Monday , also
muslin underwear and corsets.
Como and see ti . Winter is coming.
Choc-tow Indians liavo a Unique AVay
of Harvest inn tlio Pinny Trihc.
The Clioctaws and all the Indian
tribes of the southwest liavo a way of
catching llsh without waiting for bites.
Their last great "catch'1 took place ut.
Antlers , a bintill town in the Indian ter
The evening hcforo the day ? ot for the
short forty or forty-live Indian men wont
to the river at its most shallow point
md carried several great logs into the
water , which were laid across the
ilrciiin , making a strong and high dam ,
blocking the river from bank to bank.
A chant or roon was then hung to in
sure good luck for the next day and the
company liroko up. says the New Yo.ik
Morning Journal. Marly in the fore
noon of the day following the entire
company proceeded to the river side.
There were seventy or eighty people in
all , including Indians and whiles , men ,
women and children , most of whom
traveled la wagons to the scene of ac
tion , it being borne distance from the
little town. The men all carried bows
ind arrows.
Arrived at the dam , twenty or thirty
of the men proceeded to cut up tlio bait.
This is a strange , hard substance , called
liy the Indians "devil's shoestring , "
and which had to bo cut into pieces with
axes. Tills done the devil's shoestring
was thrown in the water and the llsh ,
hundreds of which had accumulated
during the night , came to the surface
after it.
It was not long until it was plain that
the devil was in it sure enough. It was
not long until shoals of fish came to the
surface and floated listlessly about on
the water. They appeared to be entire
ly unconscious. The Indians explained
that the "devil's "
shoestring" had made
them drunk , and that it was time to be
gin the slaughter.
Shooting with bows and arrows began ,
and for a time the arrows How fco thick
that ono was reminded of the scene of
pioneer warfare. As fast us the fish
were shot and brought to shore they
were carried to the camp , where the In
dian women and the white women who
had been invited , cleaned and fried
them. About 1 o'clock a grand llbh din
ner was spread.
AH the afternoon , until 0 or 7 o'clock ,
the sport continued. Sometimes there
would be twenty or thirty Chootaws in
the water at once. About 1,000 llsh
were caught. Four or llvo of thcbo
"fries" occur at Antlers every year.
ICcil Cross l''ni'iiuo ; Sloven
Are the best Jn the world , only steve
that does the work of a furnace. Ne
braska Furniture Co. , 520 N. llith btrcot ,
solo .
_ _
Dr. Birnoy , nose and throat , Dee bldg.
Practice OiitHtrips Theory.
It has been stated that the unique po
sition in which electrical science stands ,
through having first been developed tea
a very considerable oxtonlby the mathe
matician before any practical applica
tions of it were made , should give It a
firm foundation , on which progress may
bo made with a confidence that no other
branch of engineering can enjoy. This
is so palpably true that a case whore
practice outrunt theory becomes all the
moro striking. Such n case now exists
in the electrical tanning met hod , which
has been very generally described in
scientific journals. A visitor to the tan
nery in England , whore electric tanning
is now being carried on on a largo scale ,
was received mid shown every courtesy
by tin nblo chemist , who talked very in
telligently about the ofloots of the pro
cess , but was utterly unable to oiler any
theoretical hypothesis as to the action of
the current on the liquor or the hides.
Dr. Birnoy , nose and throat , Bee bldg.
Canadian liny Otmiuto
Following the shipment of eggs which
have been inmlo to England during the
past week comes the announcement of
an exportation of 100 tons of hay this
week , for which McICinloy demands SI
per ton duty on quantities going into the
states , snys the Montreal ( Canada ) Wit
iiCKS. This cannot bo called a now ox1
pertinent. There have been previous
shipments to Liverpool , but not on a
largo seulo. Now that the tnrill Interferes -
fores with the exportation to the states ,
it Is expected that the exportation to
UrltlHh markets will bo grout. The do
maud in England and Scotland Is imllm
ited , and with Canada's reputation for
producing the best hay In tlio world , It
is confidently expected that a largo
trade will bo built up. Hay is rather u
nice kind of freight to handle , although
bulky and taking up considerable space
on iMiard a htcamor. Still , no objection
is likely to bo made by the steamship
agents on the hitler score. They will
take- all they can got.
Dr. Blniey , nose and throat , I3co bldg.
S. A. OltOllAUII'B NUW Hl-OltlJ ,
Ho Has Added Viiriilturo with Ilif
Cnrpots and Drnportcn.
S. A. Orchard is tigaln ready for liusl *
ness. After aomo dela.v the workmen
liavo completed their labor tuUl loft the
building. Everything Is now In order
and without it shadow of a doubt Mr.
Orchard MOW has not only | ho llnost
bulldiiifi west of Now York ci'ty dovot'
to his line of business but also the 111.
selected stock of carpets , draperies
' Furniture is a now department which
has boon added by Mr. Orchard slnco
going intohls now building on Douu'lns
street just eiibt of Fifteenth nl root and
his now stock is In keeping with his
other lines In which ho has bcVn so suc
cessful. Parties deMroini of purchasing
cither furniture , draperies or carpets
will find this house curries a full assort-
incut , unexcelled'1 ;
srovi'j ' HAM : .
Three Car Ijoad.s ol' Stoves ilust Ar
During the coming week we intoml to
have n grand steve sale. .y
Wo have just received three cur loads ,
which is crowding us for room.
Stoves will go nt about ono linli
former prices. Nothing resoned.
The line includes ologaitt base burn
ers , soft coal heaters , Round Oaks , Can
non stoves , parlor cooks , etc.
All prices guaranteed far below any
other liouso in the city , If you need u
steve bo sure and call.
Kemembor the place and make no mis *
013 , 015 , G17 , Oil ) North 10th st. , between -
tweon California and \Vebstor. -
Opja evenings until 0 p. m.
Samuel Hums Is making n specialty
of lumps this month , KocheMor purlotf
lamps $5 , formerly $10. Piano Iniupa
: md umbrella shade { U , formerly $12. fcicu
his front window.
S. Hank bus just received an im porttW"
tion of musical boxes. 607 N. lUlh ht. '
Improving tin ; Dynamo.
It is n very remarkable fact , that In
less than u score of years tliod\uamo ,
should have reached so lilghtisiato of
development that so far as oIllciiMicy in
concerned there is little loft to bo done ,
says the Electrical World. Tinbisl dynamos
names today actually return nscli-clrlcivl
energy more than DO per cent , of the
power used in driving them. Much
beyond this wo cannot hope to go , for wo
liavo no materlalof inllnltu conductivity ,
no insulator against magnetism , and no
perfect lubricator. Kven now. blight in-
: rcnso in elllciency is often gained at too
high a cost in material and labor. But
the dynamo is bv no means perfect yet ,
nnd it behooves Inventors not to wit down
nnd wait for the much rumored and
never seen methods of obtaining etoo-
Iriolly direct from heat , but to sharpen
their wits and go to work. And tirst oj
ill , let them turn their efforts against
that root of nil electrical evil , the com
mutator. It has no virtues to npoak of ,
and is a most fruitful source of trouble.
Wp already have alternating dynamos
quite free from its malign inline nro , tf.
it is high time wo had u continuous cur
rent machine of a similar sort. ThO
problem isdilllcult , it is true , hut there
is no reason to think it impossible , and
we commend It to the attention of the
inventors who now fritter away their
talents devising cruel and unusual forms
of Hold magnets. The commutator
muht go.
Special sale of ladies footwear of all
unds. French kid and dongola kid , all
sixes and widths. The best in the city
at 20e oil on the dollar for ono wcou
only. PHIL. LANG ,
1U20 Farnam st.
Curs ? No.
Among the many exigencies of mo ra
travel there is ono requirement whlohis
always popultir and always in demand ,
and that is "a through service. " Llfp
is too short to "change cars" every fax *
hundred miles , and the traveling public
liavo very protiorly rebelled against nil
biich old-fashioned railroading. The
thorough equipment of the I'lilon Pat
cilic , "Tho Original Overland Routo,1' '
provides for a through car service for alj
points | west from the Missouri river.
Seaman's buggies uest aud cheapest.
The value of glasses depends on the
skill of Iho optician. N. .M. Ruddy ,
practical optician , 211 S. 15th tit , , flu
spectacles accurately.
lOloctrlo IJnlli-oadH nnd tlie Guide.
The inlluenco of olcctric railroads
upon transatlantic telegraphy is a ntios-
tion of not a little importance , and an
article which has just been written on
the subject by Mr. Charles CuUrin , the
electrician of the Commercial cable
company , is likely to lead to considera
ble discussion , says the Now York Sun ,
Ono end of the cable of tlia Commercial
cable company lands at Coney island ,
and comiectlun is made by an under
ground cable through Ocean uvt-niio and
lirooklyn with the terminus in Wall
street. Sumo few months ago divisional
kicks on the receiving iiihtrumont were
experienced , but as they might be causer
bv thunderstorms or other atmo.sjilior !
disturbance they were not regariled
of special moment. It was ncitlcedju ;
over , when testing the cable , thai the
movements of the mirror , * which was
very utiHtqudy , were of such lu'litiractei'
as ty indicate a near location of the dis
turbance. It occurred to Air. I'nltrisa
that the newly established ok'i'ti-ic rail
road , running from I'rosnoct park ,
lirooklyn , to Coney Island , might bo the
source of the trouble. lie urgucil that
ocean cables are opurated by fi rccordlnR
instrument of such spnsltivunob that u
current of one-thousandth of a mil-
limnporo will produce a distinct
working signal , and that therefore
the disturbances recprdod. might bo
caused by the starling and running ot
the cars , notwithhtandlng thu fact thai
the electric road does not In any part of
its roulo approach tlio undt < rgrouml
cables of thn company nearer than about
half a mile. A toU > | iiiOno was thereupon
connected between the cable and Its return - ' ,
turn eartli , and the movement of tTifi r
curs was distinctly heard , The telephone -
phone was then connected to the 1'iiblo
and to the water pines , when tlutoiiiidft
no increased In loiKlnots that ( liny could
ho hoard with the toloiihonoa short dis
tance from the oar. Mr. CuUi-i-s ask's
thoque&tion : "Jf the dlsturlHini'c Is to.
Hovrn-o with the railroad at a dihtaiico of
half a inllo , or 2,010 feet , what would bo
the olFcct on the rompnuy'H property if
at some time an electric , road ' " "
projected down Ocmm nvonuo.whwu ! * k A
rails would , In all probability , bo withiiiy *
four or five fcot of the cable for a mlnU 1"r :
mum illstnnco of five and a- half inllcsV"
It IH ] iolntcd out that , allhough tlio
question whether the oltectH connected
with this phenomenon are attributable
to conduction through the earth and
water , or to Induction , the fact remains
that with the Increase of electric roads
In the vicinity ot telegraph lines the
disturbances on Iho hitter will bt > curi
ously Increased , and the only remedy at
present bcems to ho thu adoption by tht
1- o ( ( l jouuio trolley by stem.