Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1890, Part Two, Page 14, Image 14

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Bomo Intercstirg Gossip Abjut a Brilliant
and Beautiful Woman ,
HovrllcrllunlnmU Fclllii n. Drankcn
Bleep nt n. KtJito Dliinnr Kissed
by I'rosldnm Mil coin llio
J rcncli Count.
[ Copi/ifflW 7W ( > / Fmnie (7 ( , Carwntr.r. ]
\VAMIINOIOX , Oct. 15. ( Special to THE
nEi'.J-ThoBulcldo of Willlo Spraguc , the
Bnuiilion of Sniraoii 1 * . Cliaso , ntScnttlo n
few days HRO , li bringing forth a number of
nmv storlw alwut tlio clifirnctcrs In tlio
( Jtinsu-Siiruguo-Conlcllni ; scandal , Hero at
Waililnjftcn KutoChiMOhasaKvays bccncoa-
nldoreil csliiivhnf betn inoio sinned against
thanslniiliK , ' . Sprnguo wivsa very rich man
nt tliotlmoof Ills marriage , nnd his money
ami position ovcnhndowcd his real ch.irac -
tor. Ills ililnkliiiJtcudcnclciwcronot known
anil ho acted In such n manner soon after tha
marriage Knto C'haso , who wns In In-
tlmnte connoetlon with the ( ? rcat st minds of
her day , lost nil respect for him. Hho tried
tlino to conceal her disgust and
she kept Mm nun ) ' times from public tils-
prate. J liairil last ulirht of a state dinner
nt the whlto homo whlih gives n faint idea of
the Indignities she had to undergo. This
dinner win given Dy President Lincoln to
Chief Justice Chaio In honor of Ms nppolnt-
niontns henil of tlio siiprciiw court. It was n
swell affair. The Justices of the supreme
couiUnd lho lilKhestoflloUls veru present
with their wives , and Mrs J a' ' ° Chiwe
Mproguo nnd her hus bind \vcro among1 Ihern.
She was the center of ail miration , and she
nat on Mrs. Lincoln's loft Ind , opposite her
father , who had the scut on the light of the
president's wlfo ni the guest of honor ,
tiprnguo vns then In the IJnltctlHtntcs sen-
nto. ami liohnil taken ono of the other Indies
out to dinner nnd had a scat on tlio other slilc
of the table soulo distance from his wife. Ho
evidently hail tiikcn several drlnlts before ho
came to the whlto house , and nt the third
course his eyes beoanio glassy and his voice
thick , At the end of the fourth course he
fttmkbnclc In his chair hi n deep sleep. Mrs.
Sprcguo knowing his condition had kept
fiomowutvhof lihn , mid as she saw tuii her
face turned pale , but sne did not give any
othcrludlcatlon of liortrouble. She nt last
managed tocntchlier father's ' eye , and ho at
once saw Hint she wns In agony. She looked
at her hmband , and the chief justice then
said to Mi's , Lincoln : "I sco that
sr.N'ATOii arutnui : is ii.i.
Will yon not Jliavo your butler take him out
auictly to the cloak room11 ! MM. Lincoln
gave the directions nnd two waiters carried
him , this husband of ttio then brightest
woman In Washington , out nnd laid him on
the lounyo , where he slum bored until dinner
was over. Then the chief justice superin
tended put him Into his carrlu o and ho wns
taken homo , Mrs. Spraguowiis nlmostdying
wltli mortification , but throughout thut long
dinner she gave no signs of her pain. She
wns us bright In her repartees as cvor and she
listened vllh asmllo to the complliacntary
Bpecchcs nnd congratulatory remarks that
\vcro given to her father , This happened
early In her married life. Is it any \vonder
that her disgust grew us time ent on nnd
suehoxeesses bccnino frequent ?
Kato Chaso-Sprnguc was only twenty-four
when she was married , but tier life had been
such that she know nioro of men and things
than the grnyest-hnhvil lady among her
guests on that occasion. She was her father's
confidential secictary. She had presided over
his homo In Columbus while ho was governor
of Ohio nmi .sho wns his chief lieutenant
nnd most ardent worker In his cnmpaijrn
for the presidency of the United States. It
may bo tliat her ambition to have her father
In the whlto house muilo her mnrry Governor
Bprnguo. for Chase , though ho had been sen
ator of the United States and had had a long
public career , was far from wealthy , and ho
tiadno money ' 'to put where it xvould Uo the
most good , " Spniguewas the richest man in
Hhodo Island , and ho was thought to lw sev
eral times n millionaire. Ho mot Kate Chase
when her father was governor of Ohio nnd
when ha MM governor of Itliodo Island. It
was ( it Clovoluiul , where Kuto CUaso was
visiting. The wetldlng took place hero in
Washington , virile Salmon P. Clmso was
secretary of thotieasury. His house wns on
Sixth street nonr tlio patent ofllco. n place
that Is now far out In tlio fashionable part of
the city , it was In the ilnys of President
Lincoln one of the lltitst houses hero , and the
hriilal uhnmhor. tlio library und parlor which
the young couple were to occupy were
whidi wealth and good tnsto could supply.
Mui'blo inniitols were imimrtcu frora Italy ,
onoiital rugs covered the Jloors , and the par
lor wns luxuriously furnished. 1'ho wedding
was a grand one , nuil President Lincoln was
among the guests , llorenclieJ thohousojiist
nftcrtho ceiomony hud been performed , and
ho gnvo tliobridoii heaity Idss when ho came
in. Ho was told that the redding was over
nntl icpllcd Unit lie rcgruttcM it hut if it wns
BO lie had to sulimit , anil added , "I suppose
you cim't Durn that gunpowder twice for
oven a president. "
Mrs. Chase Is now living on her farm ,
Kdionrood , near \ViishliiKton. It wns the
country homo of her father during his last
days , and Iho city has gradually crawled up
to It until Ills now worth n fortune. Jt contains -
tains llfty acres , and Mi-s. Chase's ' farm Is so
that she makes money outof It , and that is
doing inorc than most fanners do about
WashiiiRton. bho innnngcs everything und
Koinctlmcs even follows the ploughman to see
that ho does his work properly , She buys
eyerjUdng that goes lutotho faun und is a
poodtlnnmlor mid u good manager. It was
tbosamo when she was the wife of Governor
Spraguo. She controlled her household and
her servants with un Iron luuid encased in
gloves of velvet , She had a big retimio of
Borvants , and her French cook got $11)0 $ ) a
month. In her use of servants sliowonld not
tolcrnto impudence or disobedience and us an
instance of her methods of dealing with
them , she euro asked onoof her coachmen
to do something In the house. The man ob
jected aiuUaiit that ho had been hired to at
tend to the horses umlthut his only plnco of
duty was on the box of the canlago and in
thostiiblo , "All right , " said Mrs. Spraguo.
And she thereupon ordered out the carriage
nnd kept the coachman
As his place was n goodono lio.submitted
rather than throw up his job , hut henover
refused to do Anything that -Mrs , Sprague
nslced thereafter.
Kato Clmso Is still a very fine looking
woman. She looks ten years younger than
she really U and she works as hard us any
woman In Washington , Shots \vrltinga llfo
of her father and her worlt will to full of un
written history , In addition to her wonder
ful reminiscences , gnthoroildurine a period ,
covering a quarter of n centurv , In which she
wns in the closest confidential relations with
the greatest statesmen and genemls of her
day , she has bushels of letters inndonp of
the private correspondences of puollo mem
uiulsliolias her father's diary nnd letters.
Not long ago she Mild that she considered
this diary one of the most historical papei-s
In existence. She keeps it in n 11 reproof
vault and she will cpjoto from itveryfieely
In her work. Salmon 1' . Chase kept n dairy
throughout tils whole mibllo carver , lie had \
it in his bedroom anil lie jotted down his
memoranda in It of the oivurcnccs of the
dav every night before ho retired. It is prob
ably as valuable ns the diary of John ( Julncy
It Is hardly probable that Salmon P.
Chase's llrst love will bo Included In this
biography , but the truth Is that thochluf
Justice xvas married three times before ho
was forty and ho illil not get the gli 1 lie 11 rat
i mid his attentions to. U'hlswas n Miss
C a boll whom ho met how In Washington ,
Ho came hero while Iris undo wassenator to
got n place In the dcpnrtnictiU , I3ut his
undo told him that howouldglvu him a dollar
to buy n spade to dig with , but
that he would not help 1dm to the living
iuugcou ol u Kovciuiuout depart
ment. The result wts thnt young Chase had
tc goto teaching school ntidlio studied law at
the same tlmo under William \Vlrt , vtho was
tbo father of one of his pupils. It was hero
that ho met MIM Cnbell xvho was visiting at
the Wins. Ilnfell deeply In love with her.
wrote verses ubout her and the story Is that
ho finally propofctl. Slio was. hov.-cver. of
onoof tbo lint families of Virginia nnd
thought herself too peed for a young school
tcncher llko jounR Salmon Chnso. What
finally became of hcrl never heard , hut If she
lived to sco her rejected lover become the
nioit noted jurist in the United States Itmust
have been a source of hitter reprct to her.
'Ihcy tell a funny story out In the country
near ( ioUitnbus , O. , about Salmon P. Chase's
boyhood. Ho spent a part of It with his un
cle ] , IlishopChtse , who believed In the young
mnn earning his snltfor the boardand school
ing which ho gavohlm mid who expected
hlrato attend to nil the dutlesnbout nlsfnrin.
One nay In the fall us the bishop wns start
ing nwnv to rlilo the clrcultof his congrega
tion , ho told Salmon to quit school nt noon
nnd come homo utul kill and dress n pig ,
Young Chase liail never seen n first class hog
k but ho thought ho could do it. Ho
It that the flrst ( hint ? ho must do was to
catch : thoplg which ho finally did after great
trouble ntul killed It , The dying hog , now-
over , did not look anything llkothosoho had
seen dressed in the butcher shop and It puz
zled him as to how ho vns crolnf to get the
hair off. Ho had heard , however , that the
farmers usually scalded hogs to looicn the
bristles. So ho honied an apple butter ket
tle full of water , poured It Into a barrel nnd
tlii TUB
In It , Now In order to get tlio bristles out of
iio plglt issidd Unit 3011 must leavcit in wuter
onlyashort timo. .At any rate , whether this
tills Is true or not. "Whether
tlio pl | ? was left in too longer
or whether the water was too hot tha result
was that the bristles woto llrmly set and
\vouldnotcoiiiooutatull , Young Salmon
tlu K away with his flnpcrs until they were
ru\v. He scraped with n knlfo and pullednt
them one by one but nil to uo effect. Itvas
getting fur Into the night nnd lie was In de
spair when he thought of the bishop's ra/.ors
and getting them ho shaved the pip from
nosoto tall. It was n beautiful Job nnd ho
was congratulated upon hi ? success. The
bishop did not try toshavountil ho went to
weich I ono day and then his temper by no
means : improved his sermon ,
Mrs. Kato Clmso has practically dionped
outof society since sbo t-nmo back from
Fr.inco. She has hcroxvn fi-iendi who go to
see her nut she does not seem to talto much
interest In society. She lias tasted the best
of It and found tUat It is like tin apples of
Sodom ,
niAL'Tirut : * .
Shortly nftor she left Governor Spruguo
for good aho was not In tlio best of circum
stances and I saw once In an old antiquarian
store in Kcw "York a hoautlful watov pltolicr
of solid silver whlcti tlio antiquary said he-
longed to ICatoClia-seSpraguo ami bad been
left there to bo sold , Tills wns years ago ,
however , nnd the rise of Washington real es
tate If nothing else , must have placed her in
much bolter circumstances. Kugewood itself
must bo worth at least $1.10,000 , und she prob
ably has other sources of Income.
-A striking difference is seen between the
treatment which the Comto do Varis is re
ceiving from the United States government
in a comparison with the entertainment fur
nished tlie prince of Wales \vlion he visited
Washington just tblrto years ago. There is
of course a difference-in the positions of the
two men , hut hoth are of royal blood , and ,
though the count comes as u private gen tle-
innntotlio United States , there wns a time
when his chances of becoming tlio king of
Franco were decidedly good. The prince of
Wales was thoguost of the president and ho
stopped at tbo whlto house. The Comto do
IJnris has heen entertained at the Arlington
hotel and he has not vet seen the president ,
A diplomatic breakfast wns given to the
prince of Wales. The count received a dinner
from his old friend , General Scholleld , but
the French legation hus nsyot paid no atten
tion to him. M'ho prince ofVnlc3 was given
a llg feed and taken to Mount Tcrnon oil the
revenue cutter Harriet Lano. nnd the Comto
do Paris has had bis trip to Mount Vernonon
tliomivnl steamer Dispatch. The expenses
of this trip of the prince of Wiiles were paid
by Howell CoMi , secretary of the ticasury ,
outof his own pocket , and It now remains to
be seen whether Secretary Ti-.icy
of the Count's trip on the Dispatch. Howell
Cohb hnd no Idea of paying for the trip when
he got up the excursion. IIo expected the
bill to bo footed by the department , and ho
invited the president , the foreign legations
nnd a number of other distinguished guests
to take n sail with him down the Potomac.
Ho did not s.iy anything to Presiitcnt
Buchanan about It , : ind when Buch
anan round that the revenue cutter
was to bo used ho was very angry ,
lie-sent for Jero IJlack , and when Black
catuoin ho said , "Black , are you goliiRto
this blanked frolic ? I want to know what
you think of Cohb using the public property
for private uses ! " " 1 don't know. " replied
tlio attorney general. "Cobb has started
the affair : has sent his Invitations to the
prince of Wales and has the steamer already
packed full of provisions. I don't ' see how ho
can bucic out if ho tries , and i proposcjto go
along with him nnd see how ho comes out.1' '
" \Vell , I won't go , " replied Buchanan. "It
will bo n blot on my administration nnd 1 am
going to stop It , " Judso Blnck then said
that all the English would laugh nt him
Cobb would bo humiliated , ami It would bo
better for him to defray the expenses him
self than to stop it. .Buchanan grasped nt
this solution of the matter , and said lie would
The excursion went off and the president
and Jliss Harriet Lnuo were a part of it. At
thollrst cabinet mcctliif ? after the prince of
Wales leit , Buchanan said to Cobb : " Ir.
secretary , Iwant an Itemized bill of that
priuco of Wales trip down the liver. I want
a detailed account of everything the coal
consumed , the salary of the ofllcers , the expense -
penso ol the dinner and overruling clso
down to the siiullest Item. " Cobb ndiil not
understand wliat to male ; ot this , Imt said ,
"Certainly , Mr , President. " As he went
away from thowhito house with Joroniack ,
Uo burst out : i"\Vhit In thunder did tlio old
bqulro mean about that Mt. Vernoa trlpi"
After much urging BUcktold him or llucban-
an's Intention to pay the bill. Howell Cohb
gave a long whistle and answered ; "So
that's what old I3iuk Is unto , Is Itl Well ,
1'llseo if Icsui'tsurpiiso ' him. " IIo did not
see the president until the next cabinet dav ,
and ho ciimo to the white house the happiest
man of the council , Now Buchanan fully
appreciated tha vuluo of the dollar. Ho had
not gotten tno bill as\ot and bo was waiting
anxiously for it. IIo looked glum and asked
Cobb to lemalu after tlio other members of
the cabinet had gone. As tlio coat-tails of
the last ono of them vanished through the
door , ho snid : "Well , Mr. sccretarv , whcro
is that bill I" Cobb assumed an Innocent air
and answered : "What bill do you mean ,
Mr , President ! " "You know very well what
bill I mean. " replied liuchaiian , sternly. "I
mean thathlU for tliooxpenscs for the prince
of Wnlos1 trip to Mount Veiuon , " " 01
that bill. " said Cobb. "I've got it some
where about mo , ' and hovent through
poikot after pocket until ho llually drew out
a long piece of of crumbled paper , which ho
handed to tlio president. Mr. Buchanan
took It and hisfaco was n study of disgust as
ho rend thu items nnd the exorbitant prices
ullked to them , His face grow darker and
darker as ho vent on , until ho touched the
end , when ho jumped to Ins foot nnd ex-
hlulmed : " Why this bill Is paid-It's paid In
full by Jkwollliobu , "
"And who hi thunder should hnvo paid It
but Howell Cohbf" broke hi Cobb. looking
thopleturoof injuredInnoconee. , 'Vnsti'tlt
my frolic , who but mo could have paid
"Sure enough , sure enough , "was all tliat
Buchanan said und thniinkle3 cumo out of
his forehead. Ids face brightened and for the
rest of the day ho was tlio happiest man In
Washinton. FA.M
Jlrs. Jlorccr , manicure , 401 Bee bUlg ,
Iho quality of the blood depends much
upon good or tad digestion and. assimilation.
To mulco the blood rich in Ufa ami strength-
giving constituents use Dr. J. H , McLean's
Sarsapaillla. It will nourish the properties
of blood , from which the elements of vitality
are drawn ,
Dr. Blrnov euros catarrh , Hoe bhljj.
It WiMa Strai\-herry lee.
ChlcagoTrlUuno : Anxious Jlother ( to her
five-year-old daughter Just back from a chil
dren's party ) iVliy , Hester , my child ,
wlui's the mutter ! Haven't ' you hadaulco
"I eoo-eoo-cculun't cat nuy 1-Mco cro-cre
boo-hoo 1-cro-rreani , "
"Wouldn't they glvo you any , precious ? "
"Thoy ga-gnvo in-in-mo 1,01110 , , b-but it was
so rare that 1-1 was , 'Iraki ' toeatlt. 13 o-hool"
Dr. Diruoy , uoso ami throat , Bco bldg.
Some Strata Gleaned from tha World's '
Hnrrost of Wit and Humor ,
Mkc .Vcpaicr "Work Why He
"Wns Cro N--Aii Jrmtrnotlvo Ml-
tlcTnlc-IIoJiint Killed
( ho Hill.
A Poet Appraclntctli
Harper's Il.izar : "Veil , Hint young poet
certainly \\-rltes an nRrccntilo latter , " snid the
cilltor of an obscure weekly , laying down the
note that accompanied the poem. <
"Wliatdocs lie say } " nskctltho editor's ' ns-
slstnnt , as lie borrowed the editor's ' scissors.
"Ho makes tlio request thnthfo mnnnscrlpt
bo not consigned tothawustc-baaltot , Ilonc-
tuully Innifrlncs this pnpcr is rich enough to
own a\wstc-basl ct. "
\Vliy lie Called.
Washington Post : "I culled to sco your
father this afternoon , " rcmarlcud , Charlie , ns
be took a scat in the parlor.
Heater fluttered visiblv. Recovering her
self with nnappatmt effort , sbo sakl , simply :
' 'Yes , " replied Chnrllo. "Ho 1ms been
owlngour Jlrm a little bill for so me 11 mo , "
rvlutlei'M Improvements.
EH 1'erkins : 1 was trying to explain to
little Ethel sonwlhiiiR nbout Wendell I'hll-
llps' Krcnb lecture on "The Tjmt Arts. "
"Why , Ethel. " ! said , "Mr. I'll llllps proved
that the ancients have over ) thing wo have.
They had steam engines In Egypt , the I'hn-
ulclnus made beautiful glassware nnd used
the telephone , and - "
"But , pajHi.1 broke In Ifthclvo \ surely
have inado Improvements In some things.
There's ' bceu a gieat linprovcinent in
prayers. "
"Why , my child , what do you meant"
"Why , I can say the Loril'i ' prayer In the
blblo In two minutes , nnd KUicr'Smltrcr's
prayer this morning1 was why , It was ten
minutes long I"
lie Jelled tlioIUH.
San IVanclsco Call : She wns young and
pretty and had Tjccn wiltliip nearly nn hour
m the waiting-room at the ferry , evidently
looking for sotuo one. Presently u pre
sumptuous youiiR fellow -who hail been In
tently watching' her movements for some
tlino valued up to her and said :
"Pardon me , miss , 3011 seem to ho disap
pointed. Probably I might take the plnco of
jour absent companion ! "
"Votiaro very kind , sir , " the young lady
remarked. "I think jou will answer admir
ably. My pet monkey has strayed away
nuil a policeman Is looking for him. If he
don't appear before the next boat leaves I'll
take you. "
Forget tine * Icr
Chicago Tribune : The milkman's
daughter had returned home from school in
the middle of the afternoon and told her
"What had you been doing ! " ho asked.
"Nothing b-but wh-whispcring a little , "
she sobbed.
"And ho flogged you for thatl" exclaimed
the indignant father. "I'll break every bono
in his body 1 The brutal scoundrel 1 Stand
over that inllU-can , Zouise , , concaru you , if
you're going to weep any inoro. "
Civil Service Rclorin ,
Capo Cod Item : "You have what Is called
civil service reform iroyour country , " said
an Englishman to an American.
"Wo havo. '
"What Is meant by HI"
"Well , when a party that has l > ccn out of
power gets Into powurlt immediately pro
ceeds to reform tno civil service by discharg
ing everybody belonging to the other party
from ofllco and Jilting their places froci Its
own ranks Sco S"
His IjlHt.
Ex change : For the third tlrao little Tommy
Flprp had asked bisfather wliat was the cause
of the desert of Sahara ,
Finally the old man laid down his paper
and answered : "I reckon itwas formed
when tbo Israelites lost their simd. And if
jou don't quit asking mo so many questions ,
I'll see that your mother puts you to bed before -
fore 1 cet homo Hereafter. "
"Butpa\vhowcau , you sea her put mo to
bed if bhoputs mo to bed before you get
homo ! "
And that question \vat Tommy's ' last- for
that evening.
the Case , " '
Philadelphia Times : The doctor found
the patient raving In n paroxysm of incipient
"Did your husband receive any bad news ,
any great shock , just before Lo was at
tacked I"
"Xo , the only thing ho got \vns \ a gas bill. "
"Ah , yes. " snid the physician , with n
supernatural intelligence , "a case of bil-lous
fover. "
American Music.
Hoosler : American Citlon"Ol say ,
Doochy , cud yo not play something besoids
y'r ' Uootch chimes } Don't ye know ony
American chunesl"
Leader Street Hand-"Yah. "
American Citizen "Thin give us'Weariii'
of th' ( Jrane,1 , or 'St. Patrick's D.iy in the
ItistriK'tlvo Iit tic Talc.
Chicago Tribune. : Once upon a Time a
Showman toolc a Sick Klepmnt to the House
of a Veterinary Surgeon and asked him If ho
would not trcut the poor animal.
"I will doctor the Beast , " answered tbo
Veterinary Surgeon , "if .voulouvoii Deposit
with rac. You urea Total Stranger. "
So the Showman deposited the Elephant
wltti lilin , and the Elephant ate him out of
House and Homo In about .Four Days.
IIitliby'H Ijost Memory.
BurlingtonFreoPross ! Mrs , Youngthlng
I used to think Gcorgu had a wonderful mem
ory , but I dobellcvothcpoorfollowls loosing
it all.
Mrs , Cottagelove What makes you
think so ?
Mrs. Yougthlng Why , I told him three or
four weeks ago. thnt If lie could think to
bring to bring me home a cook-book. I would
try to lighten the cook's ' labors a little , hut ,
strangely enough , ho has forgotten it right
along oery ; duy since.
Import ! UK on Iho Yon Hi ,
Chicago Inter-Ocean t "Tommy , " said Mr.
ICeedick to his ofllco boy , "what Is the dlf-
ferenro between n $ . * iulll anil n lamp poiti"
"I'msurol don't ' know , sir , " replied the
boy ; "I'm not good at guessing conun
drums. "
"If you don't know the difference between
a $ . " > bill and a lamp-post I shall have to got
another boy , because U wouldn't bo safe to
scud you to get ubill changed , "
Lowell MallMiibclWlut a perfectly
exquisite now bonnet , dearest.
Kthol O I'm ' so glad you llko It. I was
afraid jou wouldn't. .Are you buro you llko
Maliel Sure ? 0 perfectly I 1 always did
adore that shape. Why , 1 had thrco Justlilco
It when It was in tasldon.
A. Chicago Conversation.
Drake's Magazine. : Mrs. Lakor I amsur-
piiscil that Sue Llvowayt has sued fora di
vorce , tiho told mo that she loved herlius-
band everlastingly ,
Mr. Laker Yesj her's seems to be anov-
cr-lustlttg love.
llln Hn > tticr-iii'lm\v.
San Francisco Call : lleacciict Say , Mark-
Icy , leml mo a live on the strength of our re
Markloy Get out ; you're no relative of
Henealct Vou'ro wrontr Ihero , My wlfo
said she once promised to bo a sister to you ,
ko 1 must bo your hrothe-ln-law.
A. SulcntUlo I > | < II > IIOHK
Judge : Tan Doodcnboclier ( in front of
monkey's cage ntCcntrol Park ) Say.C'huwp-
] > ij , I don't ' taku any stock in this ( wash
s imo of those beastly oM scientists In vented
ubout owetuws being our gwand-
fathiiws , do you I
( ijazlug vacantly nt the intense
faces of their mottWishlpiXnw. ) . thiuvtl
don't ; toodoni'it ' inurtoxtiwesslon fora gou-
tit-man's gwandfnttuw , don't olicw know.
Uko NovvHpapur U'orlt.
Smith , ( Iray k Cq.'s ' Alouthlyi Farmer-
Yon went over IHU"ground last week with
thoplow , didn't ' voxi *
Hired Man vep. , , .
1'aniiorV"cll , today you can look after
tha harrowing details. '
Driven to U.
ChicagoTrlbunotulHuiilwln ( of the firm of
Baldwin it HainboMKambo. ) when thin Me-
Klnley ! tarllT goes Into operation , what effect
will It have on the aulfnr tmdel
"I don't ' know hojvTlt will affect the tradn
In general , Baldwin , All I know U that I
shrill have to buy cheaper cigars that's ' all. "
"Cheaper than you stnoko nowl"
"A thundering sight cheaper. "
( With an effort ) "Utunbo , what will you
give mo for mylutorcn in this business ! "
They Are Smnll People.
Drake's Magazine ! Mrs. Fanglc Here's '
nn account of ati A. f rlcan of wlileh the
adults grow no tailor than tour fcot.
l-'anglo-You might almost call that a pony
race ,
It Made Him Ill-Tempered.
"Drake's Mnga7lneVlfc ! Wliat nialfei
votiso bnd tempered tonight , John !
-Architect I don't know , unless It Is bo-
'cause. I AVas drawing some cross-sections tltU
afternoon ,
Drowning , King & Co.'s Monthly ! Lady
Biner Hus thohnrso any bad habits !
lie.der-Xouo at nil , ma'am ' , none nt all ;
'ccpt that he's the shlcjt animal I ever
Laily Iluyer-ril take him. I do so love n
modest horse.
.Among the many articlesncccptablcas gifts
none is more appropriate than cutglnss. Dor-
ningor'H Amerieun cut gin"1 * Is uy far the
best. Their tuuloinaric lubol Is on every
Iilcce. Your dealer should bo able to show It
to jou.
Attended Tea Thousand I'rnycr Mod-
Tlio Ihlvty-third annlvoraury of tlio
Fulton street daily noon praver mooting
wnsuololii'iitcd Iti'tho vluipol at ] I5 ! Ful
ton Btreot. .1. L. Ltimluro } ) , the fottndci *
of the niKotlngs was proHcnt recently.
So were some thirty otliern who hiul
attendedtho iiieotliifrtJ i the winter of
IS" ) " , wioti they were oi'ganixed , One
innn said he liiul been present tit 10,000
of tlio incotings in tliirtythi'oo yours.
It Is sweet to live , but 0 , now hitter to bo
troubled with a cough day nnd night. Dr.
Bull's ' Cough Syrup , however , Is a sure rem
edy. 125 cents.
"I cannot sing tonlpht. My throat Is sore. "
"Of course you haven't tiled Salvation Oill"
"No. " "Then get It and you will slug like
the birds. "
_ _
Dr. Birnoy cures ciitarrh. Boo blilg :
A Thcotlolltc Without A Tripoli.
Anew theodolite has just Ijoon in
troduced bya well-known instrument
milker , which presents several improve-
incntu , In the pluco , it can bo uscil
without the tripod bttincl miy , on the
top of u wall or other building and the
frail cross-lines of spider's web 01Hhro
of the objective nro replaced by jliitl-
num-iridiutn wires , which can bo
donned by a camel-hair pencil , and do
not rust. Moreover , adjusl'iblo points
for measuring distances are fitted to the
Dr. Birnoy. nose and throat , I3oo hldg
Pbfsiciaos , Surgeons and Specialists ,
The most wlrtoly and favorably know * spec
ialist * In the United States. Tholr Ions ox-
perlouoe , roinnrktiblo skill uud unlreml sue-
eesi In the treatment and cure of Nervoui ,
Otironlo nnd Diseases , entitle thcsn
eminent physicians ( o tlio full eonfldencout
thenflllcfan everywhero. Tlioy Kunrnntoo :
thoawfulclTocts of early vlco and the numer
ous evils that follow In ttstruln ,
spoollljr.coinilotnly ( ami perinnnent-ly ourod.
OHDFaiS ylold readily to tbolr Bkillful trout-
" '
Kuarantecd cured without pain or detention
from liiHlnos9.
nently und ucccssfully cured In every cuno.
ninlorrhca , BonnalVuuknoss ! \ , Lost Alanhood ,
Nlh'ht emissions. Decayed Kuuultlca , Kuninli )
" .YeuluiesiHiul nil clulloitto dlsordors pooullar
to clthor tex positively curi'il , a > well as all
functional cllsordura tfiat icsult from youth
ful follleiior tlio excess of mature yean.
Oiwranteod pprmane ntly
oiirod , removal con ulote ,
without cutting , caustlo nr dilatation. Ouroj
affected at tinme by patient ulthout a mo-
ui ont's pain o r annoyanco.
ACITPl ? PHPT7T110 awful ofToots of
OUKll LU Kb early vlco which brings
orpnnlc irenkness. deUroyliiB both tulnd und
body , wltli all Its dreaded Ilia , permanent ?
n HI TIPTTQ Address those who hare 1m-
iJl\J. ULtl Impaired thotuselves by Im
proper Indulgence and solitary hnbltt , which
ruin both mind und body , unfitting them for
business , study or marrliiRO.
WAKKIED WEN or those enlerlnson that
happy life , a ware of physIcaldebllity.quloUl/
Is based pen facts : First 1'raotlo * ! exporl-
once. Hocoad Evooy , case U specially itud led ,
thus starting right. Third Medicine * nra
prepared In our 'laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thus n e < liKeuros without Injury ,
Drs. Bptts & Belts ,
We Offer for Sale.
Foiirtliousind ( OIIH , choice llnlcd Hay , P. 0
U. oars , uXHliilni ? . Iiuton "r llnrnlok
statlotH. on O. M. & St. 1' . It. It. . In lots to unit
imrdmsorj prlcos j-W'il ' tel by tha nuifk.ot
Utillnnil koo us. * WsI
Arc Ugtiis and Motors.
Snmll r.lcotrlc Light plants for storf. fac
tories , liotnlB. etc. , n s | ) 'piilly. | C'oiri'Hpond-
cncoRonoltcxI. 11. II. IllJ.MI'iriiKV. ( . cntrad-
liiKiiiul Cotibiiltlnir Engineer , 10 43N. V. l.Ko
II iilldln ; , ' , Omaha. Ncli.
Trv ono bottle and
vou will use no other
polish for your Shoes.
Only Shoo Drcfslnu
wet * awarded u silver
ASOMKTIll.Nd NiV11,00 ; \ , mi hour UUH | y
nmiloliy Airi-nts , iniiloDr ( < > innli' ' . Han-
liloniul fiilliuirtloiiliirdfivo. CJUAa. U , M.AII
Loskporti , N' . V.
Moline , MilbUrn 1 Stoddard Co , ,
Special Sale During Next Thirty 'Days.
Plamey and /3th Streets * and Ninth and Pacific Street
TIIK : " 0.
The figure 0 III our Unti-s will make a lane ; it&y.
No mnn or nomnn now living nlll over dnto a
document without using tha fl urc 0. It MinJj
In the third place in 1000 , where It will remain ten
jcnrs nnd then more up to KCCOIK ! placa In 1000 ,
where It will rest tot ono hundred yenn ,
There is another " 8" which luis also come to stay.
Ills unlike the figure 9 i n our dutes Intho respect.
that it hail already move J up to first place , when
It will permanently remain. IthcnllcJ tlio"N'o.
B" High Ann Wheeler i Wilson Sewing Machine.
The "No. V" was endorsed for first i > hc.o by tha
txpcrtiol Europe nttho Paris Imposition of 18S9 ,
where , aftcrnicvvreconlcit with the leading ma
chines of tbo uorU , it uns nwnnUvl tlio only
Grand 1'rlzo given to family saulug machines , nil
ctherion exhibit Imvinj ; receiud loner awards
( f gold medals , etc. The French Government
else recognized Its tuperlnrlty b ) thodceorntlon of
Mr. Nathaniel Winder , I'resldeutof Iho company ,
with the Cross of the Legion of Honor.
Tbo "No. 9" Is not nn old michlno Improved
upon , but is an entirely nu\v irmchino , uud ( he
Grand Prize tt 1'arls wns awarded it ns the grand
est advance In svivlne machine mcchnnhin of the
ago. Those vho buy It c.m rv t ansurud , there
( ore , of having the very latest uud beet.
185 and 167 Wuboah Ave. , Chicsgo
220 North Sixteenth Street.
Jas. Morton & Son ,
1511 Dodge St ,
WHY. T. Wood & Go's
Ice Tools.
Prescott Sliding Door
Washbtirn & Moen
M'f'g ' Co.'s Wire
Yale & Towne M'f'g.
Co.'s Fine Locks.
TIIK WOMAN'S nOUCIIKwIll ab olntely remove
nil InlIHirltlrn ni null ai nil forclim ilcpmlu ! > ) ' tlio
flmplu u o of nurni water. Tim InvlKorntlnt : notion
rrciiliict'il ni > on the mucout mcrobrano prt-u'nti
unit ctirui all tliuau lmru Bliiu < ll i.Mtes to cuuimun
to women.
TO 1'IIKSKUVK perfect lipnlth nnrt nice rom-
| ile.xli n , wnilmory nlk'ht Luforu ittlrlnxtu nU'cp
I.aillL's who vnltiu heiiltlt catinot nfTord to bo Mlth-
otitone. Mtni'le ' , ilurnUlo ami coiivcnliMit iiiulcr all
clrciiniilnnci-ii. "cnt to any luldre ! on roeolpt o (
prlcu.fJSU. Warrnnli'il us mlvprtlniMl , < ir inunnjr lu-
funileil. Dr. llniiKlinnmit , W.I DoiiKlni St. , Oiunlm ,
Kel ) . Sold liv nil It'iiillniMlriiitRl'itt.
Dr. K. C. "Werner's
Arolilphly rocommondotl after seven
years o { suiiccssfnl oxporlonco by the
Bolo iiianufnotui'crs ,
Kopp , Dreibus&Co. ,
no6FarnamSt. , Omaha , Neb.
Sold everywhere , Co per p\oUio. ; \ ; ( ;
Sent ! for enmnloa.
ON THR r.UUOl'K.VN ' 1'l.AN.
Itoom * Itcntcil t ; tlio IMy. AVock or. Mont Ii ,
18O8 , 1310 and 1812 Cass Street ,
Ilvtwccii 13th mid lltli streets ,
OMA1M , . . . . . NKU ,
Tclepliono , IKfiS
A PO ITIVE indptrm n nt CURE lor all
whertothortreatmenttails.Full directions with each
bottle. Prlci , one dollar. See ilgnaluroot E , U
STAHL. For 8alo By All Druggloto.
Eye and Kar ,
UarkerU lock. 16tb taa I'arnaui. TcIetUono ( M.
None too early to adver
tise Calendars and Diaries
for 1891. All sorts and sizes.
Complete assortment ' 91
Desk Memorandums. Drop
in. CIIASK & EDDY , Booksellers -
sellers and Stationers , En
gravers and Printers , 113
South i6th Street.
A "WONDERFUL INVENTION for those compelled to wear
artificial teeth. No mora feeling thnt your mouth Is too full , or
being embarrassed while talking OP singing on account of o thicli
clumsy plate.
We tire now making a vulcanite plate known to the dentnl pro
fession as the MORRIS' THIN ELASTIC DENTAL PLATE , ns thin
as paper , elastic as whalebone , nnd tough ns leather , of uniform
thickness all over the roof of the plate , the ridges or irregularities oi
the roof of the mouth appearing on the tongue side of the plata ,
making a natural feeling to the tongue. You can talk as well with
such a plate as if your natural teeth were all in. Just what public
speakers and singers should have. The cost of making these plates
is but a trifle more than the usual rubber plateg. Call on
Dr. Bailey , The Dentist ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omalia , Neb.
FeTontccn jonrs' czpcrlrncc. A repulnr crnclnnte In meillrlne , m < llilonmi | tliotr. In Mllloitlrlnr nlth
Iho Rrent9tnucce < 9 nil > eiToui.Chronluiinil Private illsea'oi. A iiorminontcuro iiuarnniijl forU.itirrli
Epprnmtorrliii-a , T/ost Mnnhood , Seminal \Vo.ikncss , Mnlit Lrmoi , Impnlcnoj , H/plillH , Stricture , an I nl
( II CMOS of Iho Illonil , Skin anil Urlnnrj Organs. N. II. 1 ii'iaraiitoo ' f.WJtor ovcrf c.n 1 nalartik ) in I fit
to cure. C'on'iil'jitloii fruj. liouk iMl .crloj of Life ) sent free. Olllcobouri 9 lu m. to U p. in. 3 uulnf
10 a in' , to 12 in.
/ lluvo Removed to 1 07 Douglas St. , Opposite Millnrd Ilotol.
toveS Repairs for 1,500 Different Stoves , Ranges and Furnaca
Water Attachment filled and Connected Gasollno nnd Gas Htovos Kupulroil. TuluplioiioOJ
A mnpniflcont display of cvorytliinp useful niul ornamental In the furuitun
milker's art at reasonable prices. ,
If so call nnd exnmino OUP fine Una of nrt goods , comprising
Locks Knobs Escutcheons nnd Hinges , in oil finishes nnd designs
14O5 Douglas St. , Omaha.
UC.ltn , I Tcniaiuro Ulil AH ? , itokt rciuifvi. . i.u r * ji i n > iur
Inolllier MI , Involuntnrj l.niic > , > inl Bifnn |
oauie < l tjy oTur-oxertlo u ( the brain. relr. buKO or
duisrjnca. t cU lx > ronolnn one nmnt L' > treat.
m nt. 1 al.n . or > lx for 81. itnt lijr mill | > rrHit < i.
With mcti ordur lur nx hoirH , will uml imrrbanr
Kiinrintua to rcfiinil raricy If the Iroatmi'iit [ liU ( XI
cure , U uaranUtt * Inui'd ami uuuuinu mlU unly L
JllOKurnumfcitrcet. Oumlm. Neb ,
XtnllttiluwtuH linpoleiicy ,
Feart. ft ll llii > iiglitH , Vnrfco.-i-l. ' . I.OMM ,
Mlavcry to mimuiily prafllirs , > ervnu ni-sa ,
Hlirnnkoii Oryani.- UIIMnr fiimfc/i"
i u li'lhllir nlor ) .Mnllnl
I nilR NFW RflDK I ' ' ' ' "r u " "or > "llle <
| UUtl nlTI DUUIX j M0 , | | , | , „ „ , , , /one ,
, Iliiirnlii , N. V , You
ww b inkMitri.Mwf 'ia '
h Hh folly ruloriii V rl oc lic r < J. P rti nUi d ,
ltr < othiui4. N wHom Tntlnnntlril n4inUd.
BccrV.y , I'ror. II.H. III'IIN ' ITI rulmn i t- , " " _ _
IMiil.Aiitm ( ) .Mv--lir l 'iliici ivrloilleil I'lll ?
llio Frcni-li on llio iiiciiilrinil jr wm uniJ
= = s = QMAI I A.
ni in '
bill ( IIIII MIII 511/111 / nn
Coraor Oth and Harnoy Btrouts ,
Chronic Diseases and Deformities ,
DR. A. T. MCLAUGHLIN , President
Founded by Dr. J. Vf. MoMtmamy. \
G. A. Lindquest
Merchant : - : Tailoring
business and Invltc.s | IH | nlil frli'iiilH mill piit.
ions , us well us tliu xuriunil pulililn cull uu < l
lnsii'ct | hlsnow lo'ikof lniiiiUs'l | cd duni stlg
woulcns. llvurythliiK HrritcluHs.ini
ESTABLISHED 1874. 316 S , I5TH S ?