Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1890, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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A bo taken until 12.30 p.m. . for tht droning
edition mil until 8:3) : ) p. m * tor the morales
dltlonind 8UKUAT HEE
TJATKS AdTortlntmcnlion thlftpa | wlllbfl
Jlchnrrod forat Iho ratoof tit o ntper word
< or tlioflrxL Intortlon and leant \ > ct word for
ich fUbKecuient Insertion. and II.SO per Una
tier month. No advertisement tnkon for
fnii than 21 cent * for tlm first Insertion.
fN'ITIAUJ. ( lurci.iynilioU , vio. , count e&ch
J-nn one word.
rPHEFF ; nd rttsernonti must run eonnecu-
JLtlvrljr find under no circumstances will
llicy tjotakenor dlscontlnu < l by telephone.
TJARTIE8 dvertl lns ; In tiir column * nil
J. hayloft their aniwern uddri-Ksod to "num-
lertcl Htnr"lncnreof TIIK UEBwIll rocrlro
* numbered chock to Pliable tlictn to got their
ffttem Aniwornwlll 1m delivered only on
jireso ntatlon of tliltclicrk. Enclose answers
In envi'lopcH properly addre od ,
inlrrrtlsorarnti under the hend of
AIAj Kotlei's" nro published In both the
worn Iniiniidrvenltiij edition * of Timllr.B.tlio
circulation o ( which agiirecntp" nioro thai
SIXX ) , > pipondnlly , and uUos thp advertiser
the Ix-ncHt nol only of tlm Inr e circulation of
5 HP. Urn In Onmhnbut also in Council IIlntTs ,
tlnooln anil oilier cities anil town * Intho wit
AclvfrtlHlnsfnr thcso columni will bo tnVcn
en tlioaborocondltlon * . uttliofollowlrit bull-
( ss houii'K who are utliorlroiUotnk < ineclM
notice * , at tlio name rntci us can lull ut the
main olflco.
SOUTH Street , Ulster lllock.
TOHN W. BELL , 1'liarmaoUt ' , 630 South Tenth
v street.
A : EDDY , Btatlonors and Prlnttra ,
liaflauthllith Btrcat.
Tl"I'AH SWOKTIl , I'liarmaelst , 2115 Cum-
§ i Ing street. _ _ _ _
J. HUGHES , Pharmacist(24 ( North 18th
. ( trout ,
1EO. W. TAim , I'harmaclst ' , 1718 LoaTen-
I worth street.
TUGIIKS'I'llAHMACY.iilth and 1'arnam.
lor raid , etc. , ur titpoiuritiiniion'i ( ( ' < i i fl' .
\l7"ASri5I-l osIIIin ( liy n yoiiriR inun 2t
ynnrs of nito. with four yeiiM oxpcrloncil
vllh oldllnnllfo insurance coiiipuiiy , Olllcu
liroferred. l ) x 703. 70.V20 *
"IXTANTRD-Posltlon tuloctil tcpresonlntlvo
IT ortravclliiK Hiilesiunn forsonioROdd con
cern l > ya mini of 12 yoarV otiicrlrnco. A 1
Tifcrcnecs furnished. AdclrussKC2. Ilo .
71(1-20' (
WANTRIl-lly nn active. Intollltient yoiliiK
lii'in. n Munition v , lib Kii i linn ho can
tayvltli foryeurs , AddrcssSSI I'InUnpysU
NTRn-I'osltlon ns Indv hroltlfooper.
Kovcrnl years cxporlenco , A 1 references.
J\ddro' \ K 57 , b > o. CHI 10"
" \\7 ANTKD-l'osltlnn ns strnoKrnplinr and
IT t.vpinvrllir byyniinuiniitiof cowl halilts ,
Rood rifurciiccs. Address lo\2S4 ! , Crete. Neb.
B 20 *
Fvrtatn , ctc.ttc tnpn } Jint rnlwnn
" \\7 ASTRD-jStciiogrniilict for wliolesilo
ii IKIIKO. Nnno but first-class man wanted.
Apply" ! ' . " -'ION , lith at. _ f 8 1-21
* \ \7 ANTRD-A good solicitor for speolal ad-
7T Address H 1 lice. 7M-I9 *
TT br.isliii. . Send Btmnp for reply. Jot. V.
, Uinalia. 778
WANTRO-A man to tnl.n nn ofllco and
ri'prrscnta iiianiifiictnruri $ . " 0 per week :
uniull cnpltiilroiiulreU. Address , with Htntnp ,
Jlunufacturer , box 70 , West Acton , Muss.
A STJl'nillOUsfilcsmaii ' wanted who Is ac-
Ji ciistoiiied In ( list-class tnnle : tonnsonln-
lervlows position pcrtiinnent. ( 'nil Tuc-sdiiv.
] 0to ma.m. . Uooni 12OrelKhton Hlook , 774-10 *
" \\TANTIJD Hal "sni ( > ii on salary or coiiimls-
ii slon toliuncllo the nuw p.itoiitclitinleal !
ink : muling poncll , Thu ru.itfst Kollln
iiovpltycverprodueed. Kr.iseilnk thoronulily ,
In twosu'oiidsi nonbrnsloti of papor. 200 to
oiit iiriiflt. Ono iit'ont.'si. lies .1111011 ntod
nsIx iliys ; nnotlicr ? : tJ In two liours.
want oiitu'tiorKctln m > iit'riil ncoiit for each
Pla in nnil torrltory. Biinpln ; nymn.ll 35 cents.
J'nr ti-rniH rind full particulars , nil dress Iho
IoiiiooKra.scrMfKCo. , Jm Oroise , AVIs.
_ _ _
ll ' " -4.OE.NTt * vniited totmiko farm loans. Star
ax liim < L& I/iaii Co. , IGOil'J ' I'linmni bt. 717-21
. . . TRD-An ' 'fxpjsrlenocrt bookkeeper
IT who en naive good i"C.'t' rence. AddrusHlt.
Cl.Hooollh-o. - 750-19'
A OI3XTS JHoIOpor ilay collecting "inall
JVplcjturi'S foruti toeopy und onlnrqe. Satis
faction cunranteed ana a $1 ontttt frco. A.
] ) unna&Co.liA Ilcado st..Ne\v York. 'iM 10 *
Si.x round and sK sqiinro can
Arinoiir-Ciidnliv racking Co ,
toutli OniKlin. 740-'J1
WANTICD-Oood sausaRo maker , Op.mian ,
Kood wanes. Apply \Vestphsilcn IJros. ,
Allaiitlc , Iowa , 7a7-.2'
$ f > > a nionth-Opportiinlty of a century to
men of otporlonco and ability. Lar uox-
t'liislvo territory gh-on solicitors capable of
lumdllntt acents. Now and pjpnlar plans ;
tittrarthe features ! liberal contracts. Ad-
tJress llov2070NowYork. 7C1-1 *
AYOITK own business at homo. Plonvsint
. I'roll table. No capital. Wrlto for In-
Klrnct Ions. Homo Chemical Co , , 3K > N. I.ii7ollu
el , , toliiinliii , U. 754-llr >
2 shoielersJI.7.r : soiirlck yard hands $1.75 ; 10
tentnstorn J3.YOO. Keith's emploviiieut
olllco. .IW H. IHIi st. Tel. IVS. 11-71 t-M *
"M7"ANTED-A flrstchus drnpory salesman
TT who can furnish best of references as to
nblllty , character and hnhlts. None other
need apply. Address It Ki. lloo onico. M70 ! ) lil
. . . . . Mil Halt take City. Utah , two
Rood pi limbers and ono steam litter. Wpor
day niidH bour.s. will allow halt the faro. Ail-
dress J. W. Farrell & , Co. , Uox Ml , Salt Ijako
City. Utah. 071 a
TITAJJTKD-EvenliiR work nt bookkcoplnir
TT U.yexperienced young litdy. Address 1C
Hjjteo. 0'1.-li ' )
"YI7 AXTRD-An experienced packer for
TT crockery and glassware. None ether need
npply. M. II , 111 Us , HID Viiniain. GR8 1'J
'AUKNTS wanted wno aio not nfrahl to
JVrustle. Apply at room IP , Wlthnell l > Iock ,
cor. 151luitul Hartley slH. UU ! 21 *
"YXTANTHD-Eiiornotlo mechaiilo with peed
TT reference to handle and put nn patent
itcnthrr strip , on commission. A.S. l'"nnk ,
OrKwold. in. JN1 CCD-lu
\\7ANTEO-Iniiiioillately , HI tinners ; none
TT but llrst-f lass mechanics need npply : will
tmy ( rood men SJ.75 per day of 0 hours and
puaraitteo slrndy cinplovniDiit until spring.
Jlolloy , llusoii , Marks & Co. , Spokane Kails ,
iViimi. C14 21
TVTANTKP-A lite , oncrectlo party In every
TT iilaeo to Introduce our ROWS , no have a
new line thtit will toll at every liousu and
ii2ent.sian reap u harvest between , now nnd
llio bollilays , Will pay a salary of 175 per
month If preferred nnd furnish a team frco.
Address at unco. Standard Sllvorwaro Co. ,
llostoiiMiiss. M ftfj-I ) 15'
rpICAVIM.l > 0 agentn vIMthiz Renoral iner-
-Ichnndlso nnd crockery stores can secure
coed llttlo Hide article. Smiotlilnciicw niidno
< * neunihrhiK samplesrequlroil. Apply Ilruti-
lioff. KlndlurA Co. . Chicago.111. t > iO-'J.IJ
n rA" . T. DuWlTT TAhMAOK'S I.lfo of
JI ( JlirUt , entitled "FromMnnsortoTlironc , "
Jncludlni ; description nf Dr. TahmiTO's Jour-
jiey. " 'lo.TluoUKh.aml Kroni the Christ-land , "
nnil a "I'aiioramaof Jerusalem on Day uf
'riiulflilan.10 foct In li-nirtlt and printed In
U colors. 'NVondcrful i > elHim book , Wrlto
< iulck fortorius anil oxeluslvoterritory.V. \ .
1)Coiidtt ) S. Co , Den Molnes , Town. 473-19
\\7ANTED-Moii to travel for our Canadian
T iniraerlesHtoiieAi\VollliiKtoiiMadison.Wls
ANTKH-MX ) laborers for sloiin ami erailo
TT work. Apply to P. II , Johnson , Union
: depot , , Omaha. 8TJ
W ANTKIJ Actl > i < men -with reforonco.
Metropolltuu Mfg. Co. , KOU Ilownril st ,
17ANTED-AKonts--ny the Kqultablo llfo
TT Insurance company of Iowa , UIKKI tcr-
llory , favorable contracts and nbsoluto se
curity to iiollcy holdt'i-s are Indueninrnts
olTorod , I. T Martin , an purlutcndont of IIKI'II-
clcs. Pea Molnts. la. il CS1 O i4 ! *
\\7 A NT EU-1,000 men for now railroad work
M liiOroKon and tt'ashlncton Tcr , Work
ill last two fount jrood wncei Riiaranteed.
.alior Atrvuey. IKO ! ornain st. JU.X )
\ > 'ANaii : )
J'orufw , etc. , Kt top cfflrtt column tin Mt jxija
fjirnST-OI..AS8 laundress wants day work In
JL1 families ; Mao tno good eooka ; nKo nleo
Iris for general work ; also chambermaid ;
H\tD \ Eiillsliliiulus | [ miild ; nlun two oxperl-
enccd Loiisoki'opon. The Now Knit ) . Au'cy ,
38th and Dodge. 775-11) ) *
VVTANTnil-OIrl wanted for BO n oral houso-
II work In family of thrre. Kasy work-
nnd nermuueut lol ) . Mrs. It. r.Wllllams. 2103
* tinL it , 731.W
/'or / rain tie. , tff tntinf Jint t-olimm anMitt
rpWOjtlrlstliat iindorsliuifltii work on pa snt
J undone apprentice. ilU H , Uftli. 7-t.v-A ) *
\YANTKD-Olrl for general homework. 305
\\TANTEH-A jooil girl , AW. cor. rath ami
IT California M. TiliM *
\\7 AN-n
IT cst wiues jiild. Mudiiiuo Vullnop , IM'J
llowurd st. 7JVI9
ANTKII-A first ( .Mass Kf | | , 257HInrney.
77J-1 _ _
"IVTANTEII Dining-room Rlrlsi cook for
T > htiteli Rlrli fur wencrnl work. The Now
I'MIII. Aponcy , Union Nat. Hank bids , ir.ih
Dixluc. 7TO-1IC
WANTKII A cowl , ulroiiKitlrl.
old , for Unlit liuttsuxvuik , ZlldHonsus at ,
- ' '
\\rANTEIl-Glrl for frpnotal HISDVtOlUl
IT good liiiiucj SOodWUBcS SOJOEnilnCt Ht.
\\rANTRII-Olrlfor eenuralliousow ( rk ! 2 In
> V. family. 1S.IN. 2.1th. TW-2U *
COJII'IITEXT clrl wnntoil forKCiicrul hnn-sc
work utIISS K.lOttiit. llll--M
\\rANTKIl-Cltl lu private fnmlly. 410 S.
VV nth. tj7ii JO'
\\rANTED Atonco.Rlrl for general house-
work. Appiyr.ur > aattim , so
\\f ANTED Momlny , one l.uly inlililloAKod ,
* two youiig nidi , ncolvo iiistructloni utid
l < ocp books. J. Il.Stnltli , MO Now 1'orVc I.lfo.
_ ( MM 19 *
\TTAN'I'KI ) A peed jlrl for concral linuso-
> T work. Inquire ggci Howard Ht , Offrl
V\TANTEn-A youuz nurse plrl. Inquire
VV a > a HnnnrUst. r a iu
G llllwitnli'd for gcuurul housework. 2701
\Yuol\vnrtli a\a. MCCa-19 *
ANTKD-Flnt-clau lailv liooltkeopcr
vlth A I references. Address U 4.r > , Bee
M MtO-2l
WANTED-rirst-olas * lady bookkeeper
with A1 refcruucca. Addruss It 4. " > . Hoe.
M WtO-21 *
ANTKO Cuok , retercnces rcnulroil. 10.M
UoilglM , ild'.IS 13 *
I WILL pay Indies a salary of ? IU per week
to work fa * me In their locality atliotnr ,
llRbtwork.good pay forpirt ; time , write with
stampMrs. 11. ! , I arrln ton , boxTtW <
YVTAN'TTvtl Girl for ceneral lioiisoviorlc. I
TV In family. Apply 818 H. ! l3th n re. , half
bloultfrotu west , ' Louvenworlh motor lino.
IKO 20 *
BKI01IT young Inilyranlod to zct sub
scrlbers for the Oinalinnxvcltlor ; Bl per
cent commission , Apply lUJBUlth st. Mlt'3
For ratef , elti , tf. l | > f > / fr t ttilumti on Iliti pnat ,
jnrONDIiincl typoiltois. . J.I' . Mc-acath ,
1007 l''arnaiii si. , Uinalia. 772
W'ANTT ? ! ) Ooml seconil-Laiicl Safety for
lov 13 , anotlicr for boy 10. .Addrutisll t > ] ,
IlucOlllco. 7J4-24
IXTANT1 ? ! ! For oustomcr , a No. 1 farm.
TT Will pay half cash and bal. Rood rent lit :
properly. Must be within15tulles of Omaha ,
> . _ U.MohlsJ0-J ! Mieoly IHk. T-'l-IW
WANTED To liuv a line chamber suite
and watdrolic forcasb. Address K CO. hue
olllce. > i ( , ' . > 7 \ < t *
WANTICII To buy shiRle yotitiK ( Irlvnis
burst ; not ovorl.UuO pounds , I loom 811 Now
York Life building. C-II'JJ
S icONI7'IIANI ) books boiiclit for spol cash
at the Antliniarlaii bookstore , lit. ) K.imain ,
r > l.r > nil *
WANTKD To buy an cizht or twelve
horse upright L'tiKlno and holler. AddroM
Y No'JU South lltli st,0mtili.i. 06WO
TyANTED-Horso and liu y.V. \ . J.l'aul ,
VV ism I-urnain 3IS
\VANTI20-'J'O \ ICUM' .
For rafM , etc. , fte lop of tnt ctlunui MI tlits
WANTKD Uflom und two meiils In strictly
private fatnlly. Uniiuestlonable refer
ences. Address W , Ii. , euro 1'axton ' & ( lallu-
ri"HVO well furnished uoimectlnt ; rooms
i. lieatcdjfoldlni ; beds Hrst elms location.
1'ilvnto family prufcrrcd. Addrt > s It 70 , Uc-e
olllce. 7-1-4-ia *
WANTKD To lentbuKeovon. Address JI
Cl , Hoc. 7e.-li : )
\ArANTI5II To rent two or three unfurl -
l T iil.ihcil rooms Hiiltalilu for ll hb house
KccipliiRj pail of ily | ; must bo on
si-cond lloor \ % Ith all modem convetilcncos.
Address P.O. IlovOai. city. J1CDO
Furnlslieil room with board In
private family ; suburbs preferred ; fo
l.uly . and i iiitloiiiun. Keforencus cveliiuiKCil.
Address 1H7. Itooolllcc. M 585-1'J *
want ! houses for customers. Kent
WE 0 to f.l'i per month. Smoatun & Allen ,
1C07 Barnaul st. KTO-L'li
For rfllw. ftt. , sec top of frat coltim'i on ihlt jxrr/a
! ! DOllOK SI' . , largo and umill looms
fnrnlslud and iirdiriiMied , with su
perior boards tnMo board. 7i-24 ) *
UKNISIIKD roams and Ijoird , 1523 Chicago
st. 7UT-n *
POU KK > 'T FurnUbed parlor and bed room ;
$10 per month. G ! rrrtiiMlii st , 7W-ai *
TI1OKHKJST Room In Drl ate fainlly-laily
J-J orxcntleinuii , KoftTiMices. Address U 71 ,
lice. 7J8-21 *
KENT Two nicely furnished noiitli
front riwiiis. sliiKloor eri nulto.bultnlilo for
three or four Bcutlcinen. BUS , balli , etc. , iTJOO
rarnani Ht. 770- ! . ' ! *
ITIUHN'ISIIKl ) for light hoiiKokooplnc , 0110
J-J room , US pur montli. 410 ; . 19th St. 75.1-10"
TJIUllNISIIEn rooiu nnd board , 55 per week ,
U utSOOl ) llnrnvy , 731-1S *
ROOM and board at 10.00 per -wcolc nt 21113
llarnoy. ra5-'i *
VTIDELVfurnished room , all modern con-
ll vciilcni'es , with or without board. 2017
Iioavrnwoith st. 7ti""i *
_ rooms,201 Ilaruey St. , H and
sflOper inontli 70.12V
ROOM and board ; also tahlo bowl. 201 S
25th ruonuo , 702-K *
E1OK HUNT Ono front room , furnlsbcd ,
suitable for man and ulo or two Ken"
IIIOH. 1'rico f 10 per month. WiJ Douglas st
71D-IK *
wMios roornmato ffltli bonrd. also
LAUV rooms 1731 Davenport st. 7S85I *
HANDSOMKr V Furnished front room , all
) iioU'riiL'in\C'iiloiices , inprlMito fnnilly
Add IMS K.SC , Itce. M 706-lD *
171UUNIS1IKD room , with KIIS iiiicllicnt , for 3
J2 Runtloincn , with board. 1:10 Uudce st.
M 710-20 *
SU1TK front rooms , fttrnUlied orunfurnlnh-
e < I , KilUl'upltol avc , ( WU 19'
LOYELV rooms , excellent board , homo com
forts , all cnii enlenccs , riferuuccs : 11JH 20.
C.S2 SI *
HANDSO&IEL.Yfurnished & room. 2XQ
123-2 ! *
FOK UK T Klenaiitly furnished front bcil
loom , also back parlor for pout Ionian only.
Stcu in beat , KIIS. balli. UI7i ! S. l tli Ht. . ceconil
Hoer to rlKht. Union lUts. M KM-S *
" 171OU KKM' F nrRo touth room , nnwly fur-
-1 ? nlshcd. ' 'lot ) DouKlmst. HKIO g *
Oil HK Hooms with board , 1J2 nDodgo
st. Rr.7-aiJ
E\VM' furnished rooms for rrnt iitTIU So.
lCthst..ttutl. MW4-W *
FUltN'lSHKI ) rooms , hot inul cold bath uiul
heat. M1JS llarnoy. 617-1 ! ) *
TTIUltNISllED room for rent.
DKblKAllLH rnoins forthrroor four
incn , , prlvutobitting room Included. 1701
Capitol avu.
TflOll HKrsT KiiruUhed rooms. ! fas.balhuiiil
H steam , 1510 llowaid. m
ST. OhAlIinuroM | > nnhotelwith cliiilnsrroom ,
stvam beat In all rooms. I It band llodRO ,
Special rates bv week or month. k7 %
TpOIt HEM' LAirnlbhcU rooms. 1CW Doujlus ,
Fnr rat' * , rtf.tec to ) ) oT jlr t column wi
" " '
( ! uufumh.hed rowa nt ff
17th st. 7U1-SO *
FOUK uiifornUhed rwimsfor rentnt IMU N ,
llTthuvo. ln < iulro utu. L , KrlukMin.'JWl N.
ICth st. TM--.V
A UKrUK.NISllIU ) rooms. CHS. lltUbetwi-on
'JJuckjoii and Liavuiiwortb. W2W *
171OK very comfortublo winter homes s * > o
J tl o o U-nx > ni Hats , S.V. \ . Cor. " 1st nnil Nich
ems sts. Newly paiiored , city water and ew
craze. First lloor , f'J ; secoiid floor , is. llutta
Hunting Agency , WJb. Mth Bt , asi W
OVKUsto\o \ btorc , Itai Howard
( II
FOIt ItK 'T Suite of 4 unfnrnhhod rooms
for housekeeping , to ( amliy without
children , 17W Wcbnor n. BU
Toil 1111XT IIOUSKS.
Fnr ratneicKt ttipof Jlnl fJitunii rmltil *
TjXU IlKNT-Twoliand'onio'-rootii hnui > o <
.IJon tliocurnrrof I'lirUand : tub K. . > 'owly
pnlutfclaiid puportd. llotit pr luvr for thv
winter tun K" ( l tenant , Kniiulro onthoprr-m-
Ne . 7KWU *
IlKNT-Klrnant 2 floor house , nil
modern Impromni'iiU , cor. SMandCht-
cnjosts Apply ut Itou rnrnutiiMt. 752-W
CiOlt IIRNT New 0-room house , * U per
month , ; tlt and l llowurd , Iiijiilro next
loor. 7T > .VSO'
Ml ltKN'7-O-rojm liouto on alloy. 1317
Chicago st. 717-M'
5-rooiu , HM.
ItUNT-Cheap. - eoltnso
UT Rt9niullcottaio | S.W. cor. " thnnd
it. Apply Treil Christiansen , tl'o !
Barker st. 7-7 '
KHNT-ti-rooin cottaRC , 2G10 Davenport
M 707-.V
1IHNT-A ulnc-rtiniii liouto alJt-Wrnr-
iBt. , vilth modern liiiwovcmi'iits nlul
> nrd roiitn. Inuulruof \ . U.Doitno , f > lD
N , Y. Ulfo hullillni ; , M TOO-'JO
tlllOtlSI'S. unu O-rootnniul uiiu ( room , ono
bluckfroniuiilondutHjt. I mint roll 07 H. IOth
st. 673 IS *
-I < 10K IinNT-S8-rooin houses nt S133 nntl Z\
JUCalilnpIl , t , iilcoly pnpuii'd. liavInKtnod-
orncoinpiiloncos at.u liarnsi to rtliable par-
tic * until spring $25pur luontli. J. ll.Jolmsoti ,
MDl'iixloii block. CT9
FOH UKNT-SoM'ti-riwin coltnpe , cor. 28lh
avo.imd C'np. ' : i\e.liitilro | ft)18 ) Italic. M-UOQ
) H 1IRNT Itonso mid larn. t rooms. In
l renalr ; cornoriif lillistnnd Ierir-
lowront. Inqiilroof John llnnillu ,
( U ? South llltli St. , Milton block , M.UV >
11 10K KKNT-A cottiiKCof riMJiw , ji well ,
cistern mid Rood bam. NO. K4S. ! atli ;
Apply at KJ7 J. Eatli st. JI COO-il'
Itr.NT-Kloxant brlok house In llani-
i 1'lucivall ' tiipdoriiL'onM'iiIoiiccs. pavucl
Blrect , stou < iall i < , et , , ulectrlo motor sor-
vlce. spleiidldniilahbor-Iidod. Tor lorin , ote. ,
scolllcks , tlrst lloorN. V. Mfeblds , I Tl1) )
O-HOOM house for rent , &XI I'arit avi1 , ln-
Ociulrcfiipurliitcnilent Hoc liulldlnit , M ( SB-Si *
| ? OK linNT-24-ritnm hoimo. sultablo for n
-L fanners' hotel or Urge boardlns house ;
largo Int. city water , nlliiow and modern. Kn-
( jttlre of M inn RURh < fe I'ltc'liott , real estoto
iiscnti.Cor. of Uoiurd and 15th sts , WU 'JI
liNT-5-rootn ! : house. ll'J S.Ntb ft.
nu't Nil *
IJlOU linNT-Soeond lumso west 8. W , Cor ,
! d and Divenport. H rofltns , city valor ,
tW Ceo. II. HOSTKS , 1403 rariiani st , 88 2 l
"irtOR RENT-Ab Iho . w. corner of 10th and
-1. t'allfornliists. C bvimtlful : i story brlclc
and stone residences , all east f routs , every
iiindornconvmloiice , rooms flnlsbeil In hard
wiioU. Possession can bo given fov. 1st.
These liotisoscan 1 had at very moderate
rents by first class tcniitits. llreiinan & Co. ,
IS Chamuer of Commorce. 5G5-23
njlIIISER-rooin cottaKO , 17th and ClarU. lii-
JL milrolBWCutnlnK. fll-548-a >
jF.SlliAHI.K ( Ivdlhiasall parts of thoclty.
> V Allen , KWrariam s t. rc"8'il'J ]
house for runt , 20J8St. Mary's
T710H R13NT-2 coUnftc1 ! , ( I and 7 rooms , newlv
A palnlcd nnd ptipcrcclirontrcduied. Corner
ISIh und ( ' J48
I 10R KKNT-An Ironinlionso with alliuod-
ein bnprinomc'nts , hc.ited by hot vater ,
l.'iiiS 'JCih st.4 blocks east of Haiiscom I'urlc ,
lniUli-c400 | llui bulldlii ! . ' , 411
TTjIOH lIKNT-Cottaso. 411 S. ' . ' 4th avenue.
J-1 Enquire 35J3 Juckson , W
"IjlOH ItKNI'-D-rooiii liousi" . nil modern con-
- - veil Icnci-s , east front , KUXt Georgia ave , np-
plyut Cicrnum SavhiKS lunU. 1IJ
Q-ROOM house. X'Handriiinln .fX" > purriiotith.
Op. V. llarrlson. OIIN. Y.LIfe. htl )
" 1710H KnNT-llouso.S riKims , peed laundry.
JL' Inquire Itobt. rurvlsith , iSt. JIary'siive.
' VOU wlfrh to rent a house or store see ir.
i ! . Pole , Continental liloclc. Rvl
TTIOH ItHXT To responsible parlies only ,
-I-thoseIIno now hrlckand stone houses on
GcorRln avrnuo ; fifteen rooms r.iul alcoves ;
more conveniences and hotter finished tliaii
tiny hn USD for runt la tboclty , 11. 11 , llendor-
boii , 4U01'iiMou block , city. til
' 7-ROOHliniisa with birn : nominal rent. O.
HarrisonOil , & . Y. life. Si ! )
FOR W'.NT ! l loom houso. all modern con
veniences , Including a good stable. Cnpltol
iiAoinHMioiirtlie blb schoolrenb moderate.
U.J. O'Donalioe. 1C01 I'lirtiam st. Ml
nVE.V-room houso. ISth and Vlnton , 310. J.
II. Johnsonnil ) 1'axtoit ' block. C30
fjlhATS , steam heat od. " 700 S. IGtli. Tims. F.
-13l | llau , Uivtonbllf. M
T710H inNT-7-roitn : cottages It nth and all
JL' modern convenlcncoi , roudy Itifow days.
C.g. KliilUil,407 ! I'lrst ISat'l limk. lift
Fo > rate > , etc. , tec lopoii t cohmm
TVKSK room for rent In a flno Ktounn floor
JL/olllceon 1'urnniiibt. near Utli at , Aildrets
It ) . ' , Hoe , Kit Ii )
TDIOK linNT-UasciiH'rit store room , cor , Kith
JL' anil Jackson sta. linjuho .Mrd. J.anKO.Cr. ! S
] ; ilhst. au19
"C1tU UENT-BrlcIc warehouse. t o stories
JL1 unlbn.semeitt,27OOO ( , snuato feet , with 103
fcotof double track on U. I1 , railway , " .outli
M\\\ \ \ \ and 1'lon.o Bttccts. Address U O.sli
Om.iliu.Kub. 00
STOllKS attOO S 18th. SOxiK ) eneh. larcosluuv
wliidows.fctoain beat furnished Tlina. F.
I lall. : tll I'attoii block. Blti
T710H lIRNT-Thomostdcslrablo linsliicislo-
JL'cation lu Omaha for dry uonds store , cloth-
IIIR , boots and shoes , Rroeorlci , hardxvjiro or
fnrnltUK. Hcuts xery reasonable. 1'osmsslon
Kbon iitoncoor IJeeoniberlst , ThoI'ulrMlvo
stores ; will rent sepanitely or iiltoitothor. J.
E > . llrandois A Sons , lUtu and Howard ,
TG10U KENT Metropolitan hall , 14tli and
JL'nodje , for balls , parties and woddlnvs wither
or without supper room. Terms irnHomblo.
GioriolIeyiiJlUSI5th Ht li'iT-OJl
TilOU TIKNT-Tlio-story ( brick bulldlnawlth
JL'or without power , formerly occutilcd by the
lieo L'ul.lNliln . , ' < ; r > . . 'JIC ' 1'iiniiiiiiKt. The uulld-
lnihnsatlio-roofcoiiientbiseiiientcoiiipletu | ) :
stt',1111 , hcatiiillxtnrcs , water on all the Hours ,
fjas , etc. Aptily n-ttlio olllcu oITholloe. lll ! >
Vm iota , etrtce trtfofjlitl column < m
TOK liHNT-Ilrlck wnrehouso , two-stories
JL'hlclijbast'montbyIratillcolovalor ! ; track-
use ; bust locution la thoclty. A. ( J , I'osvoll.
ICO n7
Fnrrntrt , etc. , i < c top of Jlnt column m tMa yauc.
ft 13.IKEVillrorental agcnts.aiON.Y.LIfo
n. DOI
"tl E. Uolu , rental ugcut.Contlncnttit l > lk.
IST your house * to sell orrontwlthO.
Harrison. Hit N. V. Lite. 18J
, . K tnyof flnl column OIU/I'H pt'/ .
TLiDK SAljl'utnlturo and fixtures of 'M
JUiooiii" , all routed and paying well. Add -
d rcss Ii . K i-e o HI oe. 70S 20 *
SAIjIT llandsonio new fiirnlturo for8
; looms complete , at an Immense bargain.
Also for rout the liousoof H rooms , nil con
veniences , unitrallr located. II. U. Jrey Sc
lira , UtMIS. V.Ufo. J97
A I.OTof hoatlnsandcooklnestovts slightly
CAimoiltill In excellent I'oiidltlon , wo olTor
very cheap. Cdl niulovninlnoanil clonotmlss
the opportunity. Thny inii-it yo.
Oniahti Move llepnlr Works.
llJKNITUHK. household goods.oU Hlchnst ,
cusliprlco. lllU'arnaiii. " ( *
TCIOU bAI.E Ohojp--Tlio fiirnltnro in the
X : house. No , ISIS liouplas Strcot , for salo.
and house torrent. Enquire on the premises.
TOOK SAljB-r'nrnlturo and business of tfj-
JL1 room hot ul In Lincoln , dolnitOR ! jiaylus
biDlneis , lientof reasons forunlllnTerms
easy. AI , W. 1'olsoin. Mnooln. Kolv. C1Q
Fcrratei , ttc uc topnf jlnl coJimin oathfci pauc.
OOK SAMJ-Casli or tlmo-2 FTIKX ! beavy
J- work team ) ! 1 llaoksinltli shop nnd fullsnC
of tools ; 1 liori > , lu ) y and harness ; I nlco
riilln imiy and saddle : 1 bone , burners and
express wnKon ; 1 now scwliii ! iniii'lilnc. nnd
somn Kaxl household furniture. Imuilro at
U1S I'a 'oi' bllf. _ . _ _ 7'H
TI10U SAMv-Uheui | for cash , or will t ratio for
AJ lot und assume snuill tncuinbrancc , - liaud-
homo yooiiR liorsosJ. Inquire of K. U , Moirlll.
' ati. 4'l ' *
\ \7OrtK horse Jflo.two lior.ovasoti | -M , < loublo
I work , linniesH 115. Or will trade for it
gofkl llKlit side bur buKKJ , U.K. Cole , Contln-
eiilil block. _ SM
ILIOUSES (0Uiil ( up. HE. Cole.
* OOUKtoami , light mules ; ona heavy IWO-
A ? pouiiil her o. llooni 13. IJoard of T"ll ° -
T70K HM.H- > oj work teams. Inquire nC
J3na I'ntoubiic. ts
KOlt SALK-ni3At < 1MTATI3.
rpOsotasturtln life o\ery \ ono .should buy
-Lrenl cstnio' Sorrn-tcuths of the rich men
In the country inadctholr money out of ri'iil
i"ttatOHiuiMtlnllgfM | Ten ( JIO ) ilollars Isfull
tinjiniMit for a lot free from tuorlttiiRO In
Uinahii'slatostalUdtldn. Abstract of tltloand
pint Klven with lot , Kvcry lotdry level and
wnrrantid n MilITlliui lot. Hale now In pro-
Rresn at3l 8o.jivstr | ( U I1. Huujamln. folo
agent. ! 1 10 Ho. ndVij. ; : .7-ll ) '
Al'IXF.Iiornoln UniiiitioIMaco : also cottaRo
on full l < itCaliamlintul ( Il-Ul street * , at
a snerllhe , oticasr paymcnta If taken biforo
the Ski Insr. , h niriior I" IfavltiiMlio iltr.
Apply to N. rfioljon , or It. 8. Skinner. IUH
1-iiriiiim si. * 7Vi-a (
TJWK SALn-'i nul ll-icro tracts directly
U westof UieWty.O miles from the I' . U. ,
$ JOO per acre. 1.U5 fc'nrna in. 743-11)
TTWIl SAhK At a bargain , n dcslrablo rcsl-
-t ? deuce , M.SJOi JMW down , balanue on fasy
ternis. c.dl utNobraskjistcain luundry , Ifitii
und Howard sis. WO
TlfR will solUho followliiB uroporlpit ruin-
i ousprohlliltlon prices on which i tu 50
pcrcentciin Iw inudo : ,
Ahcaiitlfullot in I'lnlnvlovf for K > 00 less
thnn vnliie.
An eleitaia so. front lothi I'litrlcU'i add. at
a low lljjuri1.
A so. front lot near Dundee IM28 , notinlly
KtTiOlcsstliiiii Miluo. Must bo sold li ov , 1.
llcautirul lotlu llrunor's tuld. on lowe ave ,
f2.0 : oiijotirown terms.
Acliolco lotlu Mnyno I'laco. A snip.
A lot In Portland Plnoo for only SUM.
An ca t f rout Huuscuiu I'laco for extrowoly
loTTprleeof * I,8H ( ) .
lint In Orelgbton Heights only 5WOvorth
Just Llilnk of u lot on Hartley st. nearlUh
foronly I1.UO ( ,
lOehoIco lotson Tlensnntanil.Mayiio sta 1000
cnrh. Adoolded borciiln , , , . ,
Iheso and many nioroat prices that will
surprlseynu. I'rlcesarobouiidtoBOUp nftcr
election , Invest now nnd make CO per cent
011 vour Investment In a. few dnys. Don't nalu
until after election If vou want low prices.
Star Land & Loan Co. , ICWii Famtuiist.
7-10-11) )
fUJjOon will buy a house niul } i lot opposite
IP Knunlto IMace. l.5 down nndtil per month
at 15 pir cent Interest to Rood party , A
horse undDUKity to trade for lot. llutublnsoii
& Wetnl.lKUDoushsst. T4L'-M
TRN ( $10) ) dollars Is full pnymcnt for a lot
( roe from niortitago. ( Abstract and plat
„ with eiich lot ) ' Every lot wnrmntul a
biillilliiftlot dry andlevelon main line of mil
road nunrtn Oniahnand fioiith ( Jmnha vork ,
acldltlonjimt platted and will l > ear Investiga
tion. These lots lave a good future. Taxes
pild and everythhiKclean. If you iiro a vork-
lii iniii , speculator , or trader It will pay you
to buy these lots. Mo now In progress nfUIO
South inth st. L'harlcs 1 * . Ilenjamln , sole tiircnt ,
310 So. IJtb st , 7JU-1U'
TTOANS-Wo make farm loans within 100
-LJ miles of Unialn.Annuls wnnlcd. Star
Iinnil & Loan Co. , lODJ-J Farnani. 747-54
R loin M ) per cent of valiiuon fnrtii lands.
Aiscnts wanted. Star Land & Lonii Co. ,
b'umain st. 717-24
$000 , $10onsh.IO Tier month , 7 nor cent , inter-
cat , ate thotoi-iiis f or Sheridan plnuo lots.
1 r. 1) ) . Uocd , room : t Hoard Trade. 733-ai
TTWIl SAI < E At abirsnln , C.Otia ) on Dauui-
JL1 port , near I7tli , ono block from now post-
olllco , very c hciip. $ JJ,000 ! roxlB corner 2Jth
and Knrnam , { , XJ.O > J. O. L. Ureuii. room ; > U ,
Harkcr bloclc cat
llOICIIbnslnoshCorneron Eouth SOtli st.
only , r 00 ! also Kllhy I'laeo lot , SIOJO.
Knsy torms. Must bo sold. SinuatnnXc Allen ,
1U)7 ( barium st.
Hit. UEKIrouiul3 ) Uoard Trade.sellslots
i 2'i miles fiimi uostolllre , Ihe blo-ks
Lotveiivorlh st. motor. ItMO , J10 eabb. 810per
month , 7per cent. , leic-it. 7-T --0
TTIUK SALn-Silendld ) upportunlty to Kct n
-L. boantlful now It-room liunso In one of the
finest locations in Omaha , - blocks \\oitof
Lone a\oon C'assBUhlKh un < l sightly ami on
Krado , full lot , elty u-ator. cistern ,
tower. V > ay window.porohes. double floor , eol-
laretc..all fiiiHlu'i ! la hard wood and liiid
oil and Inllrst-cla sstylell ! > rIi.o.l.4iX ) . Terms
easy. UMtiil ( nuiinl'wloii ' to agents. Imiulroof
owner , E.G. Murrill , Uussnnd41st sts.
ion n : i'
SPHOIAL I1artfn.lnV-i : houses , 8. ! ) und 10
rooiiisoucliprlcoj * > . .r)00to $0,500 , , Inlvountzc
I'l.-icc * , all modernWJ ; cash.
S-l'ipor month for SJyeara.
SWpur month for Jh-oars ,
St'ijiormontltfor'Jyoars. Bahnoo 7 yeirs *
time , 0 per ecnt hitl'reston ulldtiforrccl jny-
moiits. Also Koinusnil iidid homes liis.imend-
lUtlon to uxulunftufor f rm.lauds and city
property , . ,
0-room house and full lot onVIrt \ St. , 5 ,500. ,
Jl.fiOOcasli , bal. to suit.
Mho lias a Miwirxlot worth from SI,509 to
$ . ' , 11X1 , clear. U ) oxclidrico foriinolcKiat liomo
In K'ount/o plncovrortb O.DOO ?
.1. J. i : ibion , aolo ue'cnt-K'ouiilzo Place , room
3.CrolKhton block. fifl6
Klro bloc Is from Tjenrenworth st.electrlo
motor. Lots &IXt oadollars cnili and tendol-
lais a month : 7 per cent , lutorest. II. L ) .
Itccd , loom Kt Hoard Trade. 7'J. > -"y
T710U SALE A bargain. 1'Iuo south frontlet
-K Mvia4 In Tnlon sniiatf , J. 1 > . Zlttle,014
N. V. Life. M417
17KOO51 cottiuo. full lot , Uanscom 1'hco ,
east front utid a great barKiiln for n. tow
rtajs. Small cash piynicnt nnd baliucoon
lomtlmc. IMC. Darling , llarlief block. 3M
FOR S AUK MX colt ajtes , raiifc'InK from SI.400
toi.rvX ) each : 8100 to WOO easli , balance
monthly or to suit. Ifj-ou want a house wo
Ciinarranso terms to suit. Smeaton.fe Allen ,
IGOirarnani. gai-H *
AfiO-foot east fro nt lot nn LOMO avenue , only
tl.DOO , Stilugori Penny , Douglas block.
on Lowe avcnuo , doutli and cast
< front , onlytMOO. On motor lino. Stringer
ft I'cnny , Douijliis llock. li
FARNAM st , A flno comer close to court
bouse , $500 per front foot , StrhiKcr &
Penny , lioiiRl as block. ' 3"i
TIIK flitost cornur for residence on Karnani
su 1'or location , price and lernis apply to
Stringer & I'onny. Doiiglns block. _ ' > .
I KSIl > E property toeost Wt.ocu , will rotit for
00 a month , blrlngcr & Penny , Douglas
block. _ gas
ONE of the best lot In Orchard Hill , only
$1,000. Stringer & Penny , Douglas bloek.
TTIOIJ SAhK Look at this ; N'cw7-room house
JL1 on lot 10 block 5 , Itakor plucii. splendid
vlon , south front , well , cellar , bay window.
etc.00 ; or nioro casb. balance of JI.-OO , $ ! . "
per iiion tli. Inquire of owner , H. O. Mi-irlll.
Oass nnd list sts. 10 ? 11 : i *
"IT10U SAhK-Dr. Chaiiibors' residence and
Jj bamcor. 10th and liiinlntr ; 10-ronin house ,
fiunace , vs\ < * . sewer , range and : ill como-
nfences. Ilarn4ix00l ( > rlcu , < ! l ix stalls and 11
slii'lo | stalls , -with water , sewer , pas. i rooms
forholp.etc. Host equipped btrn In Omaha
forvcterlmirvor prlvato uso. O. V. Slioles
Co.solo , aROiits , gla 1'lrst Nat'l banlr. MWS
A SMALL paymontdown ami JI5 per month
nlll buy a 4-rooin hotue anil lot on 10th , ti
blocks fnmi motor ; llrst-class chance touo-
tjnlro a boino on cnsy terms. Apply to II. E.
Cole , Continental block. 883
I.1NCOLX I'laco lou Jl , 30 toJI.WO. DoUcr
JL , Tlioinus. KH
SAbE A farm adjolnln ? Ulalr. 3Nob. ,
stocked , cheap. II , WSIoUrlde , Illalr.
707 nia
BARGAIN t'holcelot Inltilggs place , unln-
ctimbored , II..DO , Market price fc-MWi. Need
money. Address Kdl'rlcc.lKJd . ( Jail torn last. ,
Denver , Col. , 0'J7-o21' '
POU PAKE Cheap1-nn ! easy terms , a nlco
rotta&o In Lowo'-mdd. , nnd a7-room hrlok
honsi ) , with till modern conveniences on 35th
iiutUuclison BK Kotml 11 , Cliarnbur Commerce
f 04.1
HOMES-Swcet Hotnes-Kleiiant llomes-I
nm offering thoilieBt bargain * hi Omaha erIn
In llm world onWufrtl'iiriiani streot-SlxeloRiut
honsus , all ( lltTeriititi ! ) OIDOIIU f
nniliold waterRas. , Ras fixtures , bntli , water
closet , imntol , eldsitlt brick collars , pared
street nnd morliii\TeK100 tof.'iOO , or more cash ,
mid haliince ut7 pufcfmt lo suit. 1) . V. bhnles ,
Sia 1'lrsc National IwiBt. a
\WAUOH & Voste dld.rcal ojtate.S.Otnnba.
TV YOU have nnytUiln to sell or exchange
J oalt ateis I'oxtou. . ck , 1E.M
S\Ln An - ItiKHiit no - residence. 0
roomscherry and akllnlsli , Inrpo Htablu
aiiili'Vi-ry ' coiivi'iiloinrj ( orcoiiifort ; location ,
the best In the clti.'prlce low , Terms easy.
1) . J , U'Ponulmo. inofrariuin st. KU
i.o.s'i' .
I'orrattf , ttc , , veto pot fii-Acnllimn on I'lNnitfU. '
T OST SpooIUcatloit * for A. II Plater's re I-
J-Jdeuco. II ronardfor return tu Kceollli'c ,
771-3) ) '
T OST lllnokslud colt. 3 years old ) return
JLJto O. M.Monloy. ktDukjariU.bouthOninha ,
nnd leculio reward. 7h.-2l'
For rate * , etc. . tee top nf rol | na on
7AN7KO A irood fiirm t4 > rent : iiiusl ! , , > o
ncarmurU'U fa.H. Nlelds..V'Micely Illk.
\\AN'riotllllud ( atonce. Tide. l.TOO yards
> T or more. W. SI. Ilurrls. Ituuiu Wl I lemor
hloik. opp. P. 0 , M5QO 11) ) ' _
rTSo lilCASK A new , dil oluss roller Brlst-
-I- mill , co-barrel capacity. AdU res * A. II.
Smith , Uraworll , Mncoln.Nob. CM'J
rorni ( < vt. 'If. , ftttof ) a ! flrnt tolntM i > n ( All
[ 10,000 to loan on drslrablo Omaha property
I'lntuniiKif Kvnniiclinuroi cash 011 band ! no
clny , Co-oporatlve Land and Lot C'oaViN ! ,
ntbiit. MC.7--J2 *
K1 15I11ALI , ,
rjixirnrnnni nt. ,
rral estntc , persoinu
nnd collateral securltr.
Notri and bonds bought.
lliilldlng loniis at _
lowest rates. CA Nil
PIHST inortRago loans on Improved nnd mi-
ItnproMHl property , O. J. Oaswoll. did N. Y.
Mfc , M M7N _ 14
' . lien , 1' ' , Mnrtl , loins made on
dliiuonils. watches , Jowilry , etc. fifll Niv :
loans , low Rite , 1510 Fnrnatn st ,
jo nllt
rOlllj Commercial feeurltv l.onii and Trust
JL Co. wants Rood sliort tlmo pa per : ulso can
lituiillo a tew sicurod mortgages. ICooni IW ,
1'a.xtou block. ailiiO-NJ _
MONKYto loin by II. V , Master * on chattel
and collateral securities for nny tlmn from
onotosi.Miiimths la any amount to suit bor
Loinsimdoonhoiisehold poods , plnnos. or-
Kanshories , mules , houses , leases , warchouio
receipts , tc. , nt the lowest possible r'ltes ,
without publlulty or removal of property.
Myloansnre soarratiRodthat jou unit miiko
a payment of any mount at nny tlmo und
reduce both prlticljiloand Interest.
If you o o a li.ilnnco on your property or
have a loin you wish changed , I will pay It
oil nud carry U foryou. If yjiillndlt nioro
comciilcMit , eall up telephone No. 1K1 ana
your business cim bo arraniod nt home.
Money nlwayson hand. No delay. No pub
licity , Lowest rates.
n. I' . Masters ,
Room O'lthucll blV , , loth and llarney sts ,
( WJ
I71AUM Loans-Star Lund A Loan Co.
> \ llA.TTKt < blink. 'H9 S. 10th St. , loutii money
ton chattels orcollatoral at rousonuulo ratci
PIIIST Xfocoiultnortsuitos on rucant& 1m-
lirnvcdolty prop. ( ! iiuiity liomrht
Moucy oiihana.r. iM.UIchnnlsoii.SlS N.V.ilh. .
IK ) . " )
MONKY-i , 00 or 1)0 days on furniture.
pliinoi , hnnn'9 , houses.etc. J , J. Wilkinson' '
018 Vnxtoa block. OJfl
TTNIISIlAljl/Ylovr ritui
U otlntciTRt on llrstinorlanot of linproveil
nilstate : ( for llm ncxtlK ) < l.iy liy the Idintu
JltylnvivtinoiitCo. KooniDO , lloird ,
ONE Y to loan on any security
forshort tlnioat low
rnlcs. Lowest rates
on persona Improperly
The Henderson MorlRafie Investment Coin-
puny , room 400,1'nxloii nlk. 010
B HIT/DING loins tnado at lowest rates. W ,
41. Harris , room SO , Krantur blk , , opp. P. 0.
OIIEAt'east ( > rn nionev
1'hlladolplila MorlsaRe and Trust Co ,
always roidy to loan and piv nromiitly ; rtrst
OeorKe \ . 1' . Uoutef. rup-
le.sotitntlM1. room 7 linira of tuide.
Rl'Afj'Kstiiti * Ixiniis-Cnsli oil h.inil.
loan A'l'rustCo. . J07 S. Illth st. . No ( tola- ) ,
no extra eharsea. Houses lor rout , KUOI ! lUt.
o.K. . & C , M. ANTIIOXY. .IB N.Y. Llfebutll-
. liiir , Ic'iid incmi-y on farms Incholvo coun
ties of KehrasU and Iowa : alio on jrood
3innlia ruslitoiii'i'propi'rty ; lowest rates ; best
tornisi no dulny : money le.idy. Titles und
values pushed onlicjri ) . _ ( HI _
KH'sroXK NortiiiwCo-I/oans of $ o to
JI.OOO ; pot our rates before uorrcmlti' * un < l
savonioiicy ; loans on horses , furnltiiruor any
npprnverl security without publicity ! notes
nought , for now Ion enowal of old and low-
cut rated , cull H.US coly Wlc..lJth St. llowurtl.
WANTED "First chss Imldo loans. Lowest
rates. Callaud.seu us. Mutual Invust-
mentL'o. . not li'iiriinii' ' . Did
EASTEIIN money to loan on flty yroni'rtyi
inortBngo paper bought. 11.11. IroyM\.Mro ,
atlowest ratca. Ueniovcd
to 034. N. Y. Life , Wdg. J. II , Eimnlinjcr.
MOXEYloaned at low rates on furniture ,
horse1 ! , &c , , without iJiibllclty , llnwkovo
IiivubtiucntUo. ItJDou lus Uk.lOth andDoclgo.
BIHLniNG loins. ( Ho 7 per cent ; no addi
tional charRcnfor loin mission or attorney's
fees. W. II. Mcllilc , first Niitlonal bank hltlg.
Forralef , etc. , * cctop of fust coin inn nn tills page.
F SALE Half Interest In best slock of
- liaidwnro In I lnculn. Nob. , ijst ahllsbrd
business , peed location , low rent , A splonilld
ciJH'niiiK. Cull on or 'idilross , Helm & Hi'c'd.1 \ '
N. lltb St. , Lincoln , Neb. T'tt-20 ' *
$ SfiOtrlll buy Vt Interest Incvoluslvo nnnfac-
turliiK bnstnibs with position at } J. > per
wcolt , Address A 3. Ileo olllce. SOO-IO *
FOK SALE On Monday Novcnihor lattlio ?
liotir of twoUe o'clock noon at the north
iloorof thovoiirthoiiso In Ibu city of Oiniilia ,
wo will offer for Mile to the hlcnest bldilcr ,
IIro shares of stock In the Oinalio , htinhvaiu
ponipany. fully pah ! up und non-assessable.
Tills stix'k Is ii Kood Invnitmont niitl should
rerolio thoiittonllon of oloso and coii'orv.i-
tlvo Investors. This < lock IsofTend to satisfy
a olnlin , tosecino which It was placed ni col
lateral. W. . Tuylor. 741-25
BTLLlAIiDhnllforsalp. cost,8l.roo. for S400 ,
consist Ing of ono llrunswluk lilllhird table ,
onu llniiisttlclc romblnation billiard nnd pool
tableonoli-pocliot Itiuiisxvlek iiool ttiblo and
ono JlaruliO-pockot pool table. Also all cues ,
cue r.icUnballs.cliiLlrs , stove , mirror , cluar
ciiso.vraturtiiiik.rufilgcriiinr nnd all other
articles common to a bllll.ird ball. Party
wlsliln ; ? Uimll took property in cancellation
of uliattol loan und will soil lit * hs ! ilttitio If
sold at once and for cash. XOCK box G7fl ,
Vork.Noh 7M-10 *
FOU SALE Cheap for cash or clear Onmlu
property , the business , and fhturi'S
of niiOninha hotel. A roalsiuii ) . W. A. Spen
cer. U. 7 chamber commerce. Mifilli )
lEHEbT dairy and milk route In the city ,
Ivninilro of K. B. Jestor. 2303 ( Jimiliik'st. , or
- \V , Wrlijlit , Florence , Nol ) . JI IM-'M *
POU SALE Half Interest In llsht maim-
facturlne business p-iylni : iiood profit.Y111
bear Investigation. Address H 44 , Ueo ofllce.
04 11)
WANTED 1'nrtnor from J.1,000 to } " > ,000 , In
business In Omaha. pirliiR 80 ] icr cent
niofll. AddressII 4i. : lleo onion. ( HI 10
FOH SALE Acroekqiy store dohiKaBood
lusliii-ss , Htoilc $1,09) , fors.ilo or trade. Kn-
( | ulroinn : 1'a mam. _ CIO 10
ItKMT Or sale ab discount , IE-room
liotel. newly furnished , with peed barn
and Ims , in K.XX ! live iflunty scattonni rail-
roiuk 1 terminiis , by Cruin &Illshnp , U. M
Hoard of 'Inulo. Oiiialui , or T. J , Hrownllold ,
lirandlHland. Neb. 01010
rrOUSAM ! Cheap , an established drugbusl-
J-1 ness. ccnU-ally locatedi stock clem a ml
now ; will Invoice about S-LWiflj ( 'ood ronion for
iulllng. .1.1) ) . Kittle , Dll N. V. Mfo. tlU7
T7IOHSAM' $10,000 choice stocK of Renoral
JC incrolinndlse in onoof the best towns In
Nubrasku , ? miles from Oiiuhu. 1'artydolnit
nn excellent business , but has ether business
demniidliulil.s ut entlon. Address I' 53.M
M 183
POIiSAIR At a biiruain.aKOodstorobouso
lilted up wit hsholvi'S and conntors , baso-
nioiito rooms for dwelllii : ; , seed cistern nnd
well , will sell ortruclufor ii.No. 3 stocUol Kro-
corlus. Address Ueol A Keel , U. O , D. grocers ,
PISE opening for dry piwuls Btoro.
corner rixim In brick block In conn' 7 s nt
town within 80 miles olOmaha.wlllbo vaulted
N'ov. 1st. I'ruscnt occupant linvlnic inadu a
fortune in the cir ) Ilulldln ; < 'aii
ho rented or boticht upon very favorable
turnu Addro-iS Stuto Hanlc of Nulimsku ,
( ovnitl. Kcb. T.'iOoiA
For rate * , tic. , fcf lu of frsl tiitumnan I
fuel by covtrliiK your stouin pipes
SAVE 1'omll Jlwal Comimsltloni the best
non-condiiclor. b olutely llrn pioof. \ \ ev
ternnijent.I ) . O.McICwan , 1011 HonurcUI.
'I IOSIioo Doiilt'N When you p.itronho nio
L you know that I will notmmpctu with you
by rilallliu ruliher biHits , shoeirctlct. . HII n-
diilri.etc. I am not rimnlnztw oho or fifteen
retalUhoostor Miinlrr various iiitnes. I neil
ut vliolealoonly nndhavouo Interest In any
rutallston' , I inn wmteni aitcntfor tlm ISuw
.lursey rubber nlioo company at Omaha , and
iivori suoodoulurkiiOMH thorn IH no butter Unu
of Kiiod.s ni.ide. . Jly sales this year sofaruto
iiioiutliniidouuleanyollieifiouson ui to tills
tlmo. Send for prleo lists und discounts , Jer-
Miyr lll l i o > cteiihlvcly advertUoU tliU Una-
son. / . T. Llndscy.
. , : ( ami matlrcssos re.
nuvatfd , i : . 1'otomon. 1TON Ibth st.MIW21
MIW-21 *
, - > rmulbjtri9 ,
gculpnnd hair trtatincnt , nunlcuro and
liodUt Mriil'ostU 1M-21 , Wthnell blk.
Kor tKlrt , flf , fts.lot > offrxl fiiliimnoii
( w PUOM A
. fo.Mco building Omaba. I years' i ; | H-rl-
euro as oxanilnonilii US. patent olllcc llriini'li
olllcuut Waililustoh. U , O. Consiiltutloufrise
. . - . . . . . . , . . . . ! , , . , , , Ilouso niiil e7irnor lotoif
Hamilton jt. ID rooms , bath and conserva
tory , city attdcUtrra water , lurn fnrtl liursr- *
nnd omrltiues. Will trndo for 5 or Orooni cot-
t KO. Address Ut ; ; , lli-c. 77.-10
OI KAK loU for pin no. lOOne-ren land and
otish tof unvorlcH. lot ul Albright Km.
lntoll ! > 7'N ? 7S ICIlby * l.un.Yaat horse anil
bugsy , \Vaterinau , I'axton , 770.1'J ' *
"IjlOIlHAIjKnr IKichanzc lru ) sloro ilohiR
Jood buslnoss. tt J. Caswcll , 810 N. V. Life.
. _ 78U-I' ' . ) *
nnXCIIANOK Stock of mllllnory , fl.r.00 , for
J'JOninlia ort'ouncll Ultitrs lots.111 \ take.
citiltles | , Address It 72. lice. 78'J-n
slock hardware.
J-1 wnttt jrood Iowa farm , Hot USfl , Shcimn-
iloih. la. rjl-i'6'
lilINKstooltof fancy ROD-IS for Hnloat once.
Ilesmf roisoni for solllnf. Would trade
for irotxl rial estate. Mrs. MeDoiiald IV !
Don Bias St. 7 l-gi
ANTKl-\Vlld ) land In eastern Nebraska
forKood brtek buvlnoss block on Itnud-
w.iy. CouncilIIlutTi ! wollrouted , a. It. Nlclils ,
auShcfly Hlk. _
WANTKD-A Rood iftt acres , Imumvscl , for
nloocottaRO nnil IX ) foot lot In Omaha ; a
beautiful homo 8 , It. Nlold ,3US , ShcolylllW.
. _ Til-li ) '
" \Y7IIATha\oyoutooxchunite ; call or wrlto
i' me full partlcultiM , Alex. Mmiro , JI01
Shoe ly bloc It , _ Clfl ID *
"IjlOHTltADK Anciulty ofUOOO In 'i food
JhTvuse and lot for ticro property , Address
115'.1 llceotllie. OTid
M1O KXdllANGlT'or chmr farm , now 7-
L roam boutn In linker I'lucc , full lot. lu-
( Hilro uf R. O.Me mil , 4Sd and Oass sis. 4S3-1
" \\7 ANTEll-rnrms forzoixl Oninhaiiropor-
J > _ l-y , S. H.NIulln.M)3Slnioly ( ) lUk. 7'J-J-la' _
rPO llXOUANOK-Hiislnesq loTuhiso to cor-
1 tirrof 21th tind M tt routs. South Omaha.
clear and drawing H * rent , foraRoodrosUlenco
InUniulia. 1'r.uiki ; . lluttlgan , tilJ X. V. l.lfo.
NTKIl A small .Mode of proccrles In
cu'linnijo fortinliii'umbereil real ostiite.
riiBin au7 , 1'axtoii block. M-181-nU
WANTI5D-A small nlnclc ol cli uMand to-
bnceos Ini'vchniije ) for clear roil oblate.
Iniutrnikt room 'Ml , I'axton hlo'k. MlSl-XI
T71OH EXCllANCJL-KlBlit miilcs for Onmliii
J. ' roiilestjiti' . It. IT , Hotrd of I'riide , 4Ifi
. ttc.KC topnf Jlnt column imllitu fiaye
1j1OlVs\'lr-An Alasha hoaVjiiolu'l , Astia-
J cluti trlmmudMi , bust ; very ubeiip. Ad
dress sa Hue. TfiS-W
"IflOR SAI.T3-A lIM-class No , 2 Kcmliigtou
-L tynowrllcr : latest Improvements. Ad
dress LouoUsDili , and Jones. 7US-'l *
"VrKU'callgraph , price reasontble. U C5. Ilcu
J. > olllce. ra
"nON'T forjtct Jos , P. AleOoiilb , IfW Ifnrimm
J st. , when you \Miut to bii3-rentor sell u
tjpowilter. 7J3
KOP 1 . unlfiirin , complete , f 10. t'lilluwph
Typo\vrllor. ihcaii. Address It. tVlllce
olllce. 7(0-111' (
IjlOli SAMM'iToioiifilihii-d .St.Ilernai-d pup- , .
J. ' Addtess J. It. 1'redirlck , button , Net ) .
POH AIjT-tlOO tons biled liny at I'acllle
JunctioniJ. iuqulrcitJlli : : : ! a IJlli.
cm to *
"I UMihloodpiiK "doR for Hale.1 , i . KW (
J.Vuliitor st. fourth lloor. 111-11) ) '
"TOOK SALK-AlTldiiils ofthnrouBlibrcil do < s.
J'James Kany , 14UB. Lttli at. yT8
rurrata , ftL.ire tnyot _ ftift cxlitmii nnllilHwie \
"MEW house new nnd liandsomoly furnished
- 1with iood botirl ; inoilprn cciiiAenliMicrs ;
strictly llrit-chiHs prlv.-ito family ; teims rea
sonable. SiSU Davenport lit rcut , TMH-Ill *
PUT VAT n f.unUy nlcoly situated In modern
iei.ldeni'0 will aceommoilitc few uentlo-
nien botrders. Ttrnta re.isoiublo. SIIIO llar-
Jioy. _ M-l.-21 ?
" \\7 A jiriD-lay hoarders. iiio"Dodco st.
> > M 701-3) ) *
_ _
A KKW more boarders can boaccoinnuxlnti'd
-I Vat the youtiK % voiuuii'8 home , 10 ! ) S. 17th.
Utefuroiieu ioUlreil. ( | _ Ml ! 111'
1'iirratct , etatrt tap nt mint ntlirm ( inl/if.i / juv/ / ' .
"OEFOItR liiliiK ) a plnuo oMiiiIno the new
JJscaloICInibill plino. A.llosjic , l..y Douxlas
8'J7 '
_ _
OKO. V. OKLhENIIEOKtuiichor of the bijo
\vltlillospe.l.r >
Golden Monitor Now and thorough
band-book forplaiio and ornaii ; a most
viiliinblo helper and Kiililo ; highly onilortuil ;
costs but a dollar ; may bo found lit Ho-tjie'a.
l'orratttetc.ttct < ipof tini column on l/ito /
ana Trackao I Jald Cole. 813-
kJiil7 llo\viirdst. \ 7ii :
STO11AOK ' co its before storhiK goods nf
any description. Omnhu Steve lioiulr
"Korku. I.'Q7 DjUKlas , Tol.i.iO. ) . BOJ
nWACKAOK Rtor.iRo . nt lowest rates. W.JI.
Jltushniiii. : . Kill licavomurt Ii , 6DI
OTOItAOE llruiich & < Jo , 1311
J'orratei , etc. . tcr tnpaf flfl rolnmii o i l/n / jxw .
f ) G.WHlELHIt.ien : Ml stiMiu rnphor and
JJ notary. Doiiosllloiis nud court work a
specialty. Tcl.ltiUl.ltooinlOJ3 ft. Y. Llfo bldg.
_ | _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ | 1X19 n - " , >
rnV'l KWUt7nitS. all niiikos.lwujiht.sold. cx-
J-chaiik'ed , rented , J. 1" , MoKeath , 1007 l'ir-
nani streot. _ 81H )
niVl'KWKlTKKS for rout or mle.
J-riiliers : siiiiillos. | J.
fvrratu , etc. , ire input fl > it rnfnmii niilM * txiyt. IsirlvliiK best MicccKsof any
-ilLfoftiinu teller In tbeclty. bho ilncs not
dial In any fraud. Her tirms are the lowest.
40JN. JOlli ht..lil . llonr. H071 '
TITASSAUi : . Madam Uulilor. over (110S. ( nth
1 > L M-U7-.V- ' . "
T\IUS. NANNIK \VAUIIK.N , elnltvoynnt
JLUtruiicc , sjic.iUIiu1. wilting and rcltaltlu
buslnessinedluiii.l years In Omaha. JlON.lbth ,
Jftirmtet.tlc. , irr tnyof / ( mtiimu nnUil *
T\rA HAM K SMITH , most nuocrvtf u I miissaBo
luiady In the city , Unllancl wo bur , Hours
from U a.m. to 10 p. in. I'lirlors 007 S. Illli. nest
ItuUff liotel. SI5- *
_ _
. Dol/lor. meriilOS. Klta.
- ' -
I'nr rat tt , etc . ttc t i > of firflcnlitim imtMn paw ,
) A Jj-IjinIlM ami sen tlcmendusl rlnij
1)KKSOJ at anv pint of the U.S.
aildressincKii'iu ' ; Ntnmp for full particulars
National Corresponding Ulub , KUIISIK Ulty ,
Mo. no-Ill'
i'A\V MIKOK Ii , JlS.
/ ur rat e > , etc. , o t ( pof ftnilfolitinn on ( ) i ( < ) wyr ,
fjlHICn MOIILK loinsinnney oiidhiinoiuiiul
X' watehes.jowelry.otc , , h.ll.eor , l > 'rnatiuScl llh
f. GC30IISVIGS \ , K'10.
Fcrratntc. . ve iniof Prt'tolunn '
"IJr'.ST line lulr K < x > ds In west ;
J ' Itches , luinisi , Iitilrj3cliuliii , etca
specialty. Davli.-a lulr and uiilllnoi-
oiuidiltii iHiytulllce. Ill S. lilli st . Umaliu' W )
_ _
/ "irrnf'J , ttc , . ue ti > j > vf ttrtl tnlumn on I'l '
-he ClIiiKinim I'onslon Anoticy ,
rKNS un/er hlot-k. Information fri'i' , > UJJ
/ 'urrii.etc. . . M tuyvf fl'd rolmim unlltl * tmie.
T NOAIM- liNTH iodo dn-ssmakiiis'lii fiiiiil-
Jl/llcs / MllulUd. ? ! . Murdy. SGin llarioyit.
Tlio follou-lnif penults \\oro \ Issued by Iho
sui > crlnteiidcntof bulldlrw yesterday.
Vogul lirotheis. twd-Klory frnmo box
fictory , Hoiilh 'Iwitnti-HlMh und
irnrro . - , . , ; ;
J. II. MIIMIII. oiin und oiie-half-story
Minob.irii.l i iMiilHlieui. . . . jw
1'our ni'iior ' permits _ _
Total . . . !
Irftnm I l IllOAi.O , IllIluTl NOTON A < J. ) ArrlTOI
UnithL I IMpot luih nmlHr ' immro u. t Oinalm
1.30pm , . , , , Chlcsuo Kxpmt. . . . , , . . . . tn n n
fMaiml ttilcajfo Rrpmi ' tN P n
V.lOpm . . „ Uilciigo Kxpmi ' W n in
8.50pm | Ihlnipi U > r l I JOi n ra
I * ntci niUULIMiirON k MO lUVKIl.i
'lit. I Dt'iHJt IQtli MilMmointreoH . . . . . L > ntor to
ID IS urn .nrnvor III ) p in
8.40 p m . LVunior Nljht Kinross , , UJi n m
8.13 ni W p n
Lontej r Tf.T. , rfTJ. A.HB. vUMvoff
Otmlin. I I ) | > ot IMi anJ\ln onitroctl Omnlin.
B.SS 1 m' ' . .KantMTllr liny 'Kiprvst . . i ( .10 l > in
. pmlK.t' . Might KII , Tin U 1V. Trtiw I 611 a ni
"TNTONVAT'lUO. I Arilro *
_ lnppt Hill _ anlMn I ( linnInt.
iOrrrUml Kljcr ii ) t n
T.30 p m r cinoK | > rc < i 13U | . m
lo.'A ) K ni . IKuiver KH > TOM ' V,5 , p in
It ( ) t in . . , . .K nm OKf Kxir | | UIU a in
10.1ft in . FnlrtlcM Kxu , | oxttit (
, 11 I A VALHk-U1
OitiAlia. . iOth Him MnrcySt" lliunha.
6.1O p m NlulitK\ | M lUIV'i it in
tf.US ( l tn I . . . . ll.tutliiKUptco 6U | > rn pm . . . . . . Vtitlbulfl I. luillml. . . . 1041 a in
l * > ittu < i sIoUX C'l f 'A _ _ .
* UniilM. I Ul'jtlopol , luihjitul Murey Sin. ' I Omilin
T.1fitmj . .Blnut Cltfl'n icnuer . . ,
_ 4JUiil | , . . . _ . .SI Paul Kxprc" llOMan
"lonra I " ( flOu.V Ul'l I A LVilthlU i tllnn
_ Oimh .J _ JH'PptlJtbnmUVolnti-r Mil. I ( liiiulm.
0 OO p m L. . . . U PJ II | l.linllnil. . . . ! 'Jti nm
I Arriroi
Unnihn. | U 1' , U | t , 10th niul I Umihn
0.15 n m " , ihWiso I . . . 6li p in
4 .CO p m Vcitlblil * l.tillllc.1 U ' 0 n tn
8.15 pm Iowa Arcouunoilntliin ( Ktc Sun ) 703 p in
* 1U p m KAatom Klycr. , ! i U p in
J-15 p in. . . .1'ithl Kiuiorn i\i > n SOi n in
. . . . A. At iMliUI Arrlrtu
IDtli nnil Marcy SK. I Om lii\ .
' ' * '
. 'p m ' . . ( hlcnuo tit : > ri'i . . . , . . I JI1 im
I24.r > | ini ) . Mi | > ru
lAinTti i o.VAli/C.xsi1. iotia. " i
_ pninli . | O J1 , iloiKit , lotli niut Marcv Pis. I
I.U ) p ml. . . _ } ? t. Jxnitn ( niiiiiinjliiili
i.ei\tei i hT'K'rsnrv.nx'Bvr I"Arrlv. i
Omnhii ! _ | ) ppotIUh _ n.nJ\V. tiitor Sti I Oniht
. IllMk Ullli Kxpro . S3U P in
OlO ni . . .llnvtliiKi . Kxp ( Kr. Suiulny ) . 6 * ) p m
6IO \VMinoALIncwlnrn-i < Kv.8u ibl r I ! JO.M u in
6.10 pm1 lork ANorfolUKxCnnilnr ) ' 1II2U n >
1-vuvci , c'.rSr""I'.M AU I .Atrl
Omnhn | ! \ > | > nl bill nnilVulntcr Sti I Onihi
.UOtiii. . houx Cltr AOiiiiiiinintiitUin I VV'ni in
1.00 pin' ' .Sioux ( lljr ICtprpni ( Ki Sun ) . . I I.W | i ni
S.OUpm , M I'Miil l.liniti'J f ' .I ii n i n
5.1& t ) in ( Ki Sinil ) HIJii in
I.CIIM ) ! I Ml SUUltl I'A l It'll" . Arrlvut
Omnlm ' PupotlMli iiiiUV iliilor Sti Onuli i
IDJDnill. . H. I lliU A K C. Kl | > ro-l . . 4 19 p Ml
U.1S pm' ' . St I iuls A K C. Kiirt's | . ( i U n ni
LeitTOI I Cllll AMI , 1C. I A l'A < ; ilMl
Trnnsfin * ' JJnloti Ijeiiut Hmni-M llluffi
O.aOpiiil . . . . . . . . : Kipron i n in
V.3T ) urn | Atli\nLl3Kxirr I 65J p ni
BOU pni' ' Vi'.HIiiilo ' l.lmHoil llUJUniii
1 'ntci 'ClUfcAl.d.t ' NOIl'l'llUlvi h.ltNrrlvo -
TrHnifcrl _ Unlon Honot. Council lljult ) ITrnniiur
1 > .4U nnii 7 . Clili'iiuo . . . . Ft . . | < tiui.r.7. . . . . . bWp in
f..WJ pm . . .Vfltbuls l.lnilliHl . . .iliu
. . . . . hiiitumKlyi-r . . .
l.apni : Atljintlo Mull 7nil in
li.-iO ji in low * AoniiiuiKiilitloti Ilitp. Sim ) illOp in
I.CBAOI IMlK'AllO , MIL. A. M' . I'AUi l Arrlvo *
Trniufcn InUui Jicoot. ( jiniii'll Ulun _ iTrinifur
6 oO p m . . . . .f lilpiitro KMiren I tl | ll in
l.'Uim | . . . . ( lilenito t'irin | I ( > IUp m
Lornot l If ft , ST. JDhC X'U. It. " I XrrlTi- .
Trimeter Union | ) viu > t. ( otiucll IllntTi | l'niistt r
10 m urn . .KnnnM I'lly liny Ktpruss . . . I "Till p in
111.25 | i m . Knnim City NUIil Kiprpti . ' ( IWn m
l , r\voi 1)M\IIVAST r.OUIS. | Amru *
Union Depot , tnniirll lllll Hi
Ii U ) | i 111 I . 7 .St | jiul ( IIIIOM hull.
TrmnftT nliui IH | > ot , ( nnnrll llliilN
1U ( > a in i Oilcntfo Hvpr" 8 ' < > JUJ |
10 ( K ) p ri' ' Chicago K\ir | < * ' 1HI ) n
7.UO p ui . . _ . . Uu'ton U > CM | ' I 11.II n
HlOUJUnTVH I'-Alini ) . i Arrive
TrnnifiT1 Union liepot. Council Illnlli [ Trunt
7.45 m'TT.SIoui ' : Cltr AcroinmoJatlon . .I SMIn
ll.U. pml dl 1'aiilKtpren , . _ . . . . . J lo Jj >
sussouiit rAiuiil' suJi/ittiAN TUAINS
Notice nfthn SlnliiK"'tho City Coun
cil as a Itnnnl ol'IC < jtialisnlloii.
To alllaApnyor.s . _ and . owncisof . , . . property i . . _ nnil . . .
all mrtlesltituicitecl In uuMtluti lu thoclty
of ( ) mahii :
You arc licrchynot Illcil thai the city coun
cil of Omaha will , us tmivlilcd and ieciilicd ]
bv section M ( if Iho chart ir of nnliopolltini
tit los , hold a session us a botril of i > ( | iiill/.L- :
lldn of not less Hum live < lnys , < > niiiiiijncln
\VodncsIayOitoljcryjdls)3. ( , ! fiirth < Mini'loie of
ciiiiiill/linr the itsses > .iiieit of all puipeilv
wlthlntbc elty ofOmiiln as-es ed for Konrial
luxation foi eity liiMisfiir I Imyuiii H'H. '
Suohslttnu' will ho held at ihe olllco of Iho
city clerk of bald ill r at the Douglas county
court house In tlie city of Om.ihii.eninnieiic-
ini.'altioVIwl ; n. m. nnd coniiniiliix until r
o'clo 'Icp. in , daII )
Anilyou and fiu'li of jou tnio lieiuby noti
fied 1'ilto ' nud aimar | | licforo suiil lio.-iid of
eiiinllratloiiul | tin * tune amipliicouiuiu'il ' , to
nialveaiiy coin plaint ni objrctlon vou inuv
li.ivu tdsiihlasscMinoiit , or : in > - ptrt : thereof
as by statute prutldod.
CoiiiphiliiKIn 'NvrlttiiK nitiyho flhd with llm
cltv cleric ninny tlmc durin ? 11 ID SPSS Ion of
s-itd board. JOHN' OHOVIX < Hlv UU-il , .
Out , n d bl
Taken Up.
Dark Imvnmrc' ! hind fcetwlilte. Kr.-ink.r
Illni-k , MeArdtc imcliicl , OlS-m-SO-NS-li *
Tlf 15 ItKAl/rY StARlCDT.
TrNSTBUMKNTcfplajoa on rooirit Octo-
1 borlD.
WT Allan nnd wlfnto KM
UitMilU MIOKWS& II1IU add * rooo
fW ] Ames tol'iitil Kosack , lots fi. IIand
7. Amos' tuld to Illllsdiilo
OE Itiirkernnd wlfotoCIl Ii'lcnihiilot
t ) , blU. Onhiirdlllll
Omnt llcoDoKI M\V \ Hull , lots I nnd 2 ,
hllc 1 < U , IMiiuluo I'lnci *
II fi C'l.irU ' and wife to JI r Dctlnu. lot l > ,
KU'-wnit I'liCf
S.I OliainlHMS nnd wife to 1CI CoinUh ,
lot : tblU l.l'.uldoelc ' | ilice ,
0\V C'lmhVldnml lfo lo MIMI ! InM'st- '
inonl company. elU'D fci-t of lots lOaiid
II. blkH. Ilnnsrom 1'lnie
IVtor l'iinnliiihaiii nnil wlfo toV \ T > '
Alli-n , lot (1,1)1 ( , k ! > , IJosrusit IIIII'H nild. .
Dl' KMIIIS nnil hiihb.iud lo \VMctiiaw ,
lot lO.r.vnns' add
F.iniucl rerjrueoii nnd ulto to I A Toner.
r acres In HW tuiO. | * > -ii :
0\V Jlalcli etui to\Vl \ Hawkslot , Jbile ! )
10 , llanscom I'lnce
JM t lan-lton In Mi'il lii\t'Htiiiciit. unii-
nanj1 , w 01 feet of lots 10 and II , hlk K ,
llumcom 1'luoo '
MA Hall todraiit lli'fbi' , lots I and 3 ,
lilook KfJ. lluiidif I'ltu'O '
II E . .leniilsoiiandlfeto \ \ \\f \V \ KOJMII- ,
lot lbloul4 , Hawthorne ndd
OO rjobi'uU.cxeciilnr. In I'ctir O'Dono- > , fi , li nnd K ) , Mill-shall anilLo-
HT I < ) nn aiidhiisli.inrl D.Mrs I II Tur
ner , lots 7 nnd H. blooUr , . SoOiniihi .
JI. Miles tolrlllluinslots \ ) , blink I ,
Uruhaid lllll
D.Ivldilni'Asliin nnil wife l < > A Knlillii ,
4'-i ' iicii'H In lot 0 , MncAsliuf ; , Hilh In
sw iv-il-ii | .
Tied Jl.iusH.ind . wlfnto.111 llnlsoy. lot
n. bliu'k IH , second ndd to llcdfoid
iilKMieO'NelU : 't ill loUCUotuii'l'diiiVts
I iiinU' . bloclc . ( ) 'Nelirhiib
I'M I'hlllcoaiid liu.lmiidlo I' 0 Smith. U1
lot I'.block I. Dfliii'1'Ui'ii'bii.ililto Wal- - 1
\ \ II Spfliiiniinnilwlfutnl' A.Miiiniiian.
lot : i , Mnrsinnn I'.irU ' . .
A I' Tnki v ctiil tn f .1 llcorje , lot 10 ,
blo.'U''C'llflon lllll
LKVeiUs teA IM-nuisi-i. ullw l'J. finl.
lot 7 , bhwkJ , Ordmrrl lllll. snfinilll A
fi > ut nof ii line ofh'ild lol
P. A lliMiRon , IriMco. In < * mvpnt of
Mercy. Iilillnirs M. lust lilU land .ri nd
nlloj In llk I uiidA ItciiHiin
Mlltou llcndrlx nnd lfc to AninsL
\Viilleiibii er , Inf.1 liUli > . I'loriinrn. .
MT llrnth anil wto ( In L .1 doldtsnlot ,
11 , Ari'lmr plii2 . ,
II T l.lly nt.dwlfetoV II SjK'Iinun , hit
; i. Mamnuii puik . . . - . - , , . , -
M. .Milliiviolu.l II Van Clohtcr , lotW ,
HOPS nlauo . . . , : . -
\VTItlcliiirdK. . iHslance. loViu . - lipli-
ons Jr. lol H ! . \ . | i. U ) . MuiKl mid 'i I i.
7. Orlfllu AIsaao'H add , lot 3 Isivw A :
finllln's ndd
Total aiiiounu of trumfers
Ur. [ Ui-iicy ctiioa cutarrli , Duo bide ,