8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , i SATURDAY , OCTOBER 18. 1800. THE CITY , Born To Mr- , mid Mrs. Uriah Baker , n eon. The lather IB the driver of No , 0 hoBo cnrt. W. S. Dlckoy filed suit ycstordny morn ing in Juallco WoiTiion'fl court iifjnlnet Ilnubcns , Sholtoiut Co. , to recover 3111 on a promissory note. The llttlo dtmghlor of Kufjono Fair of the Union 1'aclflo died of dipthorln lit the family residence , 70'J South Six teenth street , yesterday. The llttlo ono wan taken down with the dread disease lout Sunday. The residents of Druid nillnromnldnp another move toecotiro the extension of vralur mains Into thutlouullly. A large ly Hlgnctl petition nsldiitf for this will bo presented to the city council at the meeting next Tuesday night. Economy : " 100 doses for one dollar. " Merit "Peculiar to Itself. " 1'urlty : Hood's Sarsanarllla , A WIIISTOIIKI ) WOMAN. Dtsertcil tiylfcrlltiNlmml BlieU Cared for ly Ht rmijjers. A nnd rase of desertion and destitution has been brought to light at 514 < ; South Eleventh street. It was reported to the authorities , nnd Sergeant Ormsby Investigated It. It seems that a strange woman applied at the place mentioned Wednesday evening for lodging , which was furnished by the laud- lady , Mrs. O'Neill. The woman said that she was penniless and wanted a placotostny until she could find work. At ! o'clock yesterday morning she gava premature birth tonchild. Nophyslcinn was called , und the woman was unattended. 'Jho neighbors knew nothing of the case until yesterday forenoon , when they noti- iled the police and city physician. The wonmn was found in bed in n poorly furnished room on the second floor of n wretched story-nnd-a-half house , the only entrance to wlueh wan up a rickety outside stairway. The unfortunate patient lacked clothing nnd was very poorly provided for. She snld that her name was Mrs. Catharine Durton and that she cumo hero a year ago from Hoxle , ICan. , where bur parents reside. Her husband deserted her lust June , and since that thno she has been trying to earn , her living In tbls city. Tno inlant , which was uenu , was wrapped In an old apron nnd lay on u chair on the op posite side of the room. Tliowoimn stren uously denied that there was anything crim inal In connection with the case , but the. matter will bo funuer investigated , and in the inaintimo the county physician will take charge of the case , Building Loans Wanted on cholco city property. Sums of $5,000 and upwards preferred. Kitn- Imll , Champ & , Kyun , 1205 Furr.nra st. Pulillo Work * . The board of public works held a session yesterday afternoon. The council resolution , providing for the removal ot the buildings on Twenty-fourth street , between Cuming and Burt. was taken up , und after some discussion Kd Pnelan , who has the contract for grading the street , was ordered to put the buildings out of the street nnd charge the expense to the grading dis trict on Twenty-fourth street. The following estimates wore allowed : The Burner asphnlt company , paving Davenport street from Thirty-first street to Thirty-second nveiuio , $15 2.1)1 ) ; paving Chicago cage street from Thirtieth street to n point 1,1'J feet east of thowest line of Hillside addition , JI.S5-U9 ; pav ing Thirty-first street from Cass to Davenport. tflOl.SO ; 0. F. Hamann & Co. , sewer on Thirty-second street from Burt to n connection with the llumis pond sewer on Thirty-second street and Lincoln boulevard , iJ81.au ; Hugh Murphy , curbing Thirty-first fltreot from Ponmotou avenue to Pacific street , fT'JS.GO. Mrs. Mercer , minlcuro , 431 Bao bldg A S'-5OOl ) Diuiiairj Suit. Mnthow W. Clali- has brought n suit in the district court by which ho proposes to become - como rich at ono foil swoop. On the 21th day of last December Clalr was at the inter section of Fourteenth and Uodgo streets , and ns ho was crossing Fourteenth street ho was knocked down by a motor. For several mo ments ho remained on the ground In : in un conscious condition , after which ho staggered to his feet , Just in time to bo strucK by an other train coining from an opposite direction. This collision bruised and wounded him to such an extent that ho was coiitlncd to tbo house for six mouths. In the petition filed yesterday Clnlr alleges that now ho is a crip ple for life and that a judgment for $ ! .rOUO against the Omaha street railway company is the only thine that will afford the relief sought. _ AXXOVXVEJXEVTJi. Today nt 0 o'clock scats will bo put on ealo for the engagement of Uoso Coghlim nt Uoyd's ' opera house , which opens Monday evening next In Charles Hondo's comedy "Peg Wofllngton.1 Miss Coghlnn has boon seen licro before In this play and It is known to boone ono of her best. "Peg Wellington" will bo the bill on Monday and Tuesday evenings , ami on Wednesday evening Sllss Cophlau will appear In u grand double bill "Old Love Loiters" and "London Assurance. " On Thursday , ITiiday and Saturday of next week ' -The World's Fair , " a spectacular burlesque , written by E. K. Rico and Paul Potter , curry ing about sixty people , will bo the attraction at the Doyd. The engagement of tlio Strawss orchestra , which opens nt the Coliseum with n niatinco today , promises to ho the greatest musical event that has occurred in Omaha for several years. An immense advance sale in dicates that the big hull will actually bo crowded at all thcso concerts , Kduard Strauss , the conductor of this great orches tra , conies from n family ot four of the great est composers Europe has known , and when n men ) lad ho assumed the directorship of tlio great orchestra founded by Ills father sixty- BOVOII years ago. Since 1S71 Strauss has been the musical director of the royal court ball ot the emperor ami Iting of Austria. This position of distinction which ho holds lu Austila was the greatest ob- Btndo to bo overcome uy Manager Mlnlccly in bringing the great "waltz king" across the ocean. Another obstacle was the objection of certain New York musical unions to the landing ot Strauss nnd his musicians In Atncilca. It was proposed to keep the great musicians out of the country by the operation of the alien labor contract , law. which prohib its the importation ot skilled U borers nnd mechanics but exempts nrtlsts. The artistic ubilitlcs of the orchestra were brought into question and interest was aroused through out the world. Universal sympathy was with Strauss and ngalnst his detractors nnd the collector of the port of Now York admitted the orchestra' ns artists , such as they truly nro. Strauss made his American debut at the lloston Muslo hall on May 14 , and slnco that time ho has given concerts in all the principal cities of the east. That ho has been romarkabaly successful is evidenced by the universal pr.iuo bestowed upon him by press and public throughout the country. Strauss' western tour is turning out to boone ono continual round of ovations. In every city ho bus been greeted by audiences limited only by the seating capacity ot the theaters and bo seldom gets through an oveuiug with out having his programme moro than doubled by encores. It Is n matter of general regret that the great waltz klnir visits so few west ern cities , Davenport , Minneapolis , Omaha , DcsMolues , Kansas City anil St. Louis bolng his only stands west ot the Mississippi. The demand for return dates from the big eastern cities were so pressing that Manager lllakely was compelled to limit the western trip to four WCCK3. f 'Tho EdcnMuSeo lias a very credible attrac tion on its boards this week. Black art as portravcd by 7.anzc , the master mind of inaslo and mystery , It a feature seldom seen atamusco. This superb mystery , wltn its Incantations and sorcciy.ls . vrlprd and pur- illns ! and brings the audience , in the prescnco the supernatural. The Now Orleans of In tlicr juLilco slngcra are without parallel their men are making lit These young > " - * _ , . * w AliiUi V\/wtn t\lc \ * i i. ii it A \ / i * \ AM \ \ a of the best ever praacatcd , TnrklMi llnlh * 75 Cent * At the Nnlntorlum. Ladles , 8 iv. in. to 1 p.m. Gentlemen 1:30 : lo 312 p. m. Sun- dtiyp , gentlemen 8n. ui , to 2 p. m , Try them. _ HAVING TIIK WUIE. U. I' . Trnlns llcrcnftcr to Curry Mnny Official Cuiniiitinluntloiif ) . President Charles FrancU Adams of the Union Pacific has gone to Denver and other western points , IIo was accompanied only hy Ills sons and Chief of Construction Cameron of the Union Pacific. Mr. Adams will lo absent abolition days mid will remain In Omaha several days on his return before going hack to lloston. A'lco President Ilolcoinbo ot the Union Pa cific-Is out on the St. Joe and Grand Island division. Holias Issued an order nffectlng the trans mission of tiMttcra pertaining to railway business by trie-graph. The order states tliattelcsrainshavo been sent In such num bers and of such length as to burden the wires anil Impair the effectiveness of the ser vice , llerealtcr all matters , cxrcpt the most important und urgent , will bo forwarded by trt in , Arthur n. Smith , assistant general passen- per aeent of the 13. & JL , passed throuirh tha city yesterday en route to Denver. He was accompanied by his bride , and will re turn to Omuua next week , Won't Report llur\ot Tickets. There Is another row In the western pas senger association's affairs. Chairman 1'ln- Icy's request that all of the lines should render him an account of harvest excursion ticket sales , was refused by the Hoclc Island and other roads followed suit. This knocks the bottom out of Mr. Flnloy's plans to pre vent excursion ticket * from ( 'cUtuB Into scalpers' hand , and the fun goes on. On top ot this trouble comes the announce ment that the roads running east from St. Louis arc cutting rates , and the Chicago- Missouri river roads are whetting their knives for war unless these low rates nro withdrawn. Notes and Personals. G. D. McDlll of Chadron has been ap pointed chief clerk to General Superintend ent Hughes of the Klkhorn , succeeding C. S. Shenvln who has gone to St. Louis to bo chief clerk to E. T. Horn of the Missouri Pacific. BTA3UM.VG OUT II3I2.\8E. The Work of the Hoard of Health He- gltinliiK to be Noticed. The city physician ropoits that the dlpbthcrctlc eases in the city arc being kept well in hand and the spread of the disease prevented to a largo extent. The inspectors arc Instructed to keep a close watch over all houses in their several districts where the disease is prevalent and prevent other members of the family from visiting neighbors and thus spreading the disease. The physicians of the city , the doctor stated , are becoming moro careful in their treatment of cases and objorving the rules of the board of health. Before a placard Is removed from a house the Attending physician , is required to sign a ccrtlllcate setting forth that all danger has passed and the house und surroundings pro perly fumigated. Only three eases were reported to therlty physician's olllce yesterday morning , namely , diptheretio croup at 1011 Center street , measles at UO'J Davenport and typhoid fever at 1410 Williams. "Tho bmiiRhtcmr the Innocents. " Lotting1 your children die with diph theria. Dr. JotTeris' preventive and cure is Infallible. Twenty-live years' trial Iui3 proven it. Price $3.00. Address Dr. Thoa. Jefforls , box 057 , Onrnuu , Nob. BOHEMIAN KEMOCHAT8. The Second " \Vuril Club Indulges in a Torchlight Parade. The Second ward democratic clubs en gaged in a torchlight parade last evening. About llfty members of the Bohemian Second ward club assembled at the .quarters of tno organi/ation at the Thirteenth street hall of MetBros. ; . , und headed by a brass Dand marched up Williams street to Sixteenth and returned with n few members of the Knglish Second ward dub. The procession ended at the hall und the par ticipants went insldo to listen to several speakers who had been provided for the occa sion. AV. J. Bryan , Thomas Copek , W. S. Shoemaker , AV. Wnppceh , Frank Morrissey - sey and A. M. Lynomnn addressed the meet ing. Judge Holmes presided. Tha members of the club were ur < ? ed to stand by the party to the lust. Thomas Capuk interspcrccu his remarks with snatches of lioHemlnn and German for the benefit of the few representatives of those nationalities who were present. All mem bers of clubs were instructed to see that their friends registered. THE FtiOKENOK SALOON WAH. FOHV Warrant * AgntiiNt Suiulny Imw Violators Issued Yesterday. The war t Florence has broken out anew , Yesterday , at the request of some of the citi zens of the burg , LawyerTownsond appeared before Judge Wyntt , the town Justice , and asked for wan-ants of arrest for the four sa loon men , charging that they had boon violating lating the Sunday law. The justice refused , stating that ho would require bonds from the state and the payment of his fees in advance , This mode of procedure was objected to by Townsend , and. returning to this city , ho ap peared before Justlco Hart , who issued the warrants and sent a deputy sheriff out to ar rest the Florentines. Mrs. Celeste Fj-fleld. Mrs. Cclcsto Fyfield , an old resident of Douglas county , having located on the Elk- born with her husband , Captain Fyfleld , died nt Fremont and will ho bulled at that place Sunilny afternoon. A number of the old set tlers of this city \vlll attend. Mrs. Fyticld eamo to tbls country in 1835 nnd is said to have been tbo llrst woman to take up a residence on the lower waters of the stream mentioned. In ! S5iJ her husband IMII a ferry at ElUhorn upon which II. P. Beobo crossed the river the first tlmo when ho was hunting a location in the valloy. The deceased was well known by many of the old settlers and is spoken of us having been n woman of superior mental faculties , n genial , sochil disposition and possessing great courage. Some of her old acquaint ances tell an incident concern * ing her. Ono day in early times three or tour big Indians entered her cabin or dugout. They found Mrs. Fyfleld alone , and taking her by the hair threatened to scalp her If she did not quickly provide them with something to cat. She feigned to comply , but when she was out of reach of their clutches she seized a small rillo and , leveling it at the leader , made the rod skins skulk away , At ouo time Mrs. F. was a teacher in the schools at Columbus. CHEAH IU t ( rtor ro IUno proren ID llllno ofbomM for inert Ituvn n quitter of * centurr. U U ui O ° ' the Uolt a Btaui Qortrnment. Kn4ori4 br atada of thi r at unHiriHUi ti tt _ 8trODreii . , ruraaland oi HilthtuL Df. PrIW ; Cr in Bak. Powder d ea not conUtnammonli , Urn * or aiuik lM B1HKO rOWD .OOtlia. 8 * IHUtU ! , The remaining days of registration nro : Thursday , October 23. Friday , October 31 , Saturday , November 1. Cnller.i. William Dallcy was before Juilgo Hclsloy on tlinold chargoof abusing Ills family , nnd the court promptly inado nrrrtngomciits that guarantee pcacuiuid qulot for the family for the next llftccn dnvs Sam Ui-ott WHS lined $20 nnd costa for cnr- rvlng concealed weapons and threatening to shoot everybody In the vicinity of his home. Boiton Orcen was given ( Ivodays In the city jjll In which to rcuovci' from his uuduo lulntlty. Mrs. Mlnnlo Parmcr writes from Bloux City statlnir that .she Is on her deathbed nnd wants her husband , Charles Parmor , to como homo at once. Kho says lie Is canipiui ; some where near this city with a lot of horses. About Posts. The Don Carlos lumber company , through Its attorneys , is cnde.ivorliiR to scuuroa Judg ment In Justlco Slmw'3 court ugalnst the Missouri Pacific rallw.iy for $1CU. The plaintiff alleges that the defendant npproDflutcd n ear of fence-posts about August 'JO , to which the lumber company lind a elcar title. Norman II. Brown also wants a Judgment against the Gould company for the alleged wrongful appropriation of a car of posts. The railway company denies thut It used the propcity of the plaintiff. Claiupltt Tlio Jury in the ease of the state npnlnst John Cltunpitt came in yesterday after noon after being out twenty-four hours. The verdict was "not guilty , " and Clampltt was ntonco discharged. Thomas Grocov , ono of the Jury , % % MS taken sick Thursday night and It became neces sary to summon ; i physician for him. Ho had been contlned to his bed for some time with Inflammation uf the bowels nnd hud been out of tlio house only a few days when bo was placed on the Jury. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , L409 DOUQLkAS STHB.ET OMAHA , N12B. The mo < t widely nnd fiivora'hly know * apec- lalhti In the United .States. Tliolr Ionic ox- perlonco , roinarlcable skill nnd tinlTenal BUO- 0051 In the treatment nnd cure of Nervous , Ohronlo and titirKlcal Dlsunscs , entitle thosn eminent pbysluliin * to tlio full confidence of tlio atlllcied i verywliorc. They Biinruntoe : A UKUTAIN AND POSITIVE OUIIE for the awful effects of early vlco and the numer ous CTlls that ( ollou In its train. 1MUVATK , 111.001) AND SKIN DISEASES speedtljr , eoinulotoly and portntinuntly cured. NERVOUS IE1)IUTV ) AND SEXUAL 1)13- OHDEIta yield roaillly totholr skillful treat ment. PILES , FISTULA AND RECTAL ULCERS guaranteed cured without pain or detention from business. liyUHOOELG AND VAKICOOELE perma nently nnd successfully cured In every case. SYIM1IU9. OONOItHIlEA. OLEET , Hper- niatorrhoi , Bemlnal Weakness , LostManliood. Night EmlssUins , Decayed I'm'tiltlci , Female "tVcukneij and all dcllcato dtsordora peculiar to rlther BOX positively curad. as neil us all functional dlsordori that icsult from youth ful follies or tlio excess of mature yean. < sTP.irTITIl < Guaranteed portranently O 1 AlV l U i\l curou , removal con nloto. without cutting , cnustlo or dilatation. Guroi affected nt lumio by patient without amo- nient'fl pain or nnnoyanoi } , TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MhN. AQIIPP rilPKThe awful effects of OUKli L-UJXC ellriy vice which brings organic woakncss. destroying both mind and body , with all Its dreaded ills , pormauenty cured. cured.P.TTFr's ' Address those who haveIm- . UL/1 IO paired themselves by Im proper Indulgence and solitary hablta , which ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for business , study or marrl.iRC. HAKKIEU HEN or those fntorlnj on that happy Ufa , aware of physloal debility , quickly ilialstod. OUR STJOOH33 Is baaed apon faoti. First Praotloal experi ence. Second Every case Is wpeclally studied , thus itartlng right. TUlrd-Madlolnes are prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit ach case , thus effectlngcureswlthout Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , M09 DOUGLAS STRFET , OMAHA. IF YOU HAVE IMMi , HICK HEADACUK. DlJJf n AOCR. CON- 1'IVF. imWKI.N , NOVK HTOMAC1I and Inillato ud you linvo uoai > iCtltc will euro then troubles. Try < bemi you liHtonutliliiff lolone.bntttlll H-atu Tlcorout body , rrlcc , 6H < i. per bux. SOLD I'orlmproicd and economlo cookery u o l.iebig COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. for Reef Tea , Soups , Mailn DIblieH. Entices ( Game , I'lsh , A.e.1. Aspic or Meat Jelly. Keeps for any length of time , and Is eihcuper and of liner flavor ttiun uny other htoek , GENUINE oxr.v WITH J. VON I.iKnia's TUIIK , AS AUOVK , IN lll.UE. OllO pound o ( trautot Uct ( equul to forty pounds o ( luuu beef. DR. BAlLliY , GRADUATE DENTIST A. 1'ull Pet of Teeth on H\ililor , for _ _ _ _ _ VIVE DoLLAita. A perfect fit Riiaranteed. Tcotli extracted wlUiotitpulii or danser , ami wltlout anaes thetics. Gold ami fcllver (111 ( iiK t lowest rates. IlrldnotxiidOrown Work. Tooth with out plntoi. All worlc wnrniiitoil. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Kntrar.co , ICth street elevator. Open evenings - ings until S u'olouW. K NEW TRILOR I bavo opened with a flno line of woolens and solicit tlio Utio trade. N. P. 1SGKSTROM. ; | Merchant Tailor-- : Fhcfly Block. It. SOC. formerly ( if Chicago. "FRENCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE mdpirminint CURE ( or all * lMa i5fh.URNARY ( | ORGANS. CUMJ h r oth rtre tm MUIIi.Fulldiraclloiiiwl heich bottle. Prlct , on * < ell r. Se ilgntlurcol E. L > TAHH , | For tilt By All Druggist * , Each iSeason Has Its own pocuiUr mnliuly ; lint \vlili Uia blood iiwIiitAliitdilliAstntcof utilforni vigor niul purlly , liythenvof Ajcr'.i ninpnrllb. ( lie system rtniiiyjilipts ! | Itself to clmngoU conilltlons. CUIIIK | ( 'I | of tlio licsUKcrr.tlU'a niul tonics , aiuniolpg highly concvntrntcd. Ajcr'a Kaisan.itllla litlio must cflecttve ntiil ccciioinlc.il of nil blood mc < tlclncs. "For some jeais t the return ot spring , I liad scrlutis tniiillc with my kidneys. I \vn3 tinabto to slotp nlghls , niul stiltctcU prt'.ttly Avllh jialns.Iu . tlie small vf my back. I \us also nllllctoil with headache , loss of nppctltcnnd Inillpcflloii. Thr.so sj mntoms \\tte luticli wouc hut aprliiK. especially the trouble vltlt my back , A dlcnil iicrsiindcil me to USB Ajcr's S.irsnrarllln. I lepan taking It.nml my tumbles nil dls.iupoaied. " Mrs. Uenu\ra llcl.ingcr4 llrhlye st. . iI , Muss. Ayer'sSarsaparilla I'llKI'AllKU II V DE , J. 0. AYEK & GO , Lowell , MIXBB. Bold by DruKcIiti. * lili $ \Vorth $5iluttlt ! . AMUSEMENTS. Four Nights nnd Saturday Matlneo. CU.MJIINCIN-O : T1-1U11S13A.Y. THOSE ADMIKAIU. BARRY & FAY In tliulr moiry play , After a run of 175 nights In Xw York. The largest comedy company tiiivellnj. YOU WILL LAUGH ! YOU CANT HELP IT ! "Vimrsfomor , MAIIV KI.I.KN KVAN. " llox shouts open Wodnt'sdiiy ut ieinlnr prices THREE NIGHTS ONLY. COMMENCING In tlio following IU'i > er- tulru : Monday , Oct. 20 Monday and Tuesday The favorite Aitre-n , Peg } Voffington Wednesday Kvcnlnj ! . ROSEO ( ( iruaL Double Hill ) OldLovcLcttcrs WrIIU'll by llrmi nii How- iinl.iiutlinrnf "Ilie llcn- rlcttn , " "Slionniiiliinli , " etc. , to ti dillowiM by Diem llouclcatilt'.i chiirm- Inuconiudr London I'niler tlio miinnjomoiit Assurance of AiiKUstus I'itiiu. llox Phcct opens at D o'clock Sntuiduy inorn- Ing at i D ime WILL li.VWMMJ. MANAGEH. CORNER I1TH AND FARNAM ST6 , OMAH\ \VIKIC : OF nor. 1:1. : Abdul Allllt'V , 1'crslim Sorcery In lilai'k Art. I.IUIuAiinloNi'Noii.Jlltlni'tSoiiliri't. .1)-lllj ) il I'oinecly C'o. - L'UT.wunty t-tar Aitlsts-Dolicr- Iv 1'antoinlim1. Duponl , t ho Honi'l i > s Wonder. 1'owcts ' und Pinorsun , SoiiKim I Hant'o Artist Last \\eoknf Urn thrw-hendcd f-oiirstiu ! s. O.Ni : DIME ADMl'I'ti TO AM > . THEDUEBER FACTORIES HAMPDEN LARGEST WATCHES IN THE THE BEST. WORLD. SEND FOR THE DUEBCR OUR BOOK , WATCH CASE "FRAUDS MFG. CO. , WWATCHEtt,11 CANTON , OHIO. _ DIE. IIOIID'S lTTlE VEGETABLE PHIS CURE Will free , jfa'Pi'lio nbovo and at her disor ders. Tliey.ii. , .iiKurroutciMo not ( irlpr , wry mllcuir to ttikr , purely tract * * Me , I'driK compound- * of vi'KQtal''e8 ' In- lous to California I linn. 45 pill * In , v.v. . /lal. it absolutely cured by 'Or. Hots LlllleVegttable Pills , llrcn ( A vlnll 8 for 05 ccnt _ . j forl. KurialoUjdruguiiij , f or by nmll. AUdrcus . . . MEDICINE M. , rROrS. Stl IRAICISCa Ml , FOIt SALK IS OMAHA , NKH. . UV i At'o. , Cor. 15th 4. tiiuul.u Wncts. J. A. Fuller & Co , Cor. lltli it I > ousla Streets. A. IJ. rwtvr ! L Co. , Council Illutta , Io n. UNO PRINCIPAL DRUCOIBTU IVCRYWHtne. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1878. vv. JIAKE'R & co.'s Ji nlitolntelu mire and It Is aolttblc. No Chemicals are i.nJ In III Iircnurillon. It hti lian lir > < tlutti iki itrtinii * ot Oiroa inlxtiwllh Slirch , Arruwru.it or Saj r , and.ll tlicrcfjre far more cconoinlctl. touvtf ( < i * titan em cent a tup. It U delicuui. nourl < hlnf , itrtiixthriiluit , Ki- eit.YilJtaKSTr.u , and adiulribly tdirtcd for niialid ii ill ip rioni la lui'th. ' Hold bjrGrocori etcrjnlicrc. W. BAKEB & CO. . Dorchester. Mass. DR. KENSINGTON. Eyenl Ear Surgeon 1310 Dodge Streat. Spectacles accurately fitted. LYON & HEALY of B.iia l itnlt l u. Unihrim 1 fcaolpm.ali. FloillIuitnlWnl JaalUol CTiry riltU t.qulnj br Iten'i Vnm ft lutloitnl IUp il l WUr nnim.n U % C.iulu 1o tractWa ( of ( AniUiir Halt , Fi L > ! S l i , ( It mll ' , 1il ll tr-l . " S l l.a LI. I cf U n4 MuU. \\T A MTTTT Ajtenls to soil lli Plnloss \VAiN 1 JiU oioiims Mno : the only line over In vented that liulds tlio clothes with out pins : a perfect success ; imtent recently Issued ; sola only uy agents , to whom llio e.\- cluslvurlstitUKl > en ; on receipt of.'iOcents wu \\lllbendiihamplcllnoby mall : uUo clrou- Inis ; prlco list itnd terms to iiKOiitsj sccjiro vnur ton-limy nt OIIPP. Aildress THh I'l > - l.r.SS CI.UTIIRS I-1NU CO. , 17 Herman bt. , AVurcoslor , Mass. . .u Slh month , vili. lii * Thirly inlnutei from llroail HI. btallan. 1'lilla. Under car at ftleinln. Full culleco courien furl > otl | > uxa > luidln to clsml- t-nl , Kniilneerloir , Bdtritinc , and l.ltorarjr c1erfo Hcaltlilul locitlun. extenilvu urouuiK bullilln . machine iliopi , laboratorloi , and libraries t ut lull Dtrtloulin aildrnn Wil. U. AlTLETOX.rb.D. , ActlBZl'rcilJint. OVERCOATS Are already a necessity. In ( lie medium weights we never had such a variety as we arc showing this season , There is not a store in Omaha or anywhere else in the west that occupies the floor space or lias anywhere near the room that \ve \ have. The assortment of overcoats we display on our second ami third floors , is greater than any two large stores combined can show you , AYe make a specialty HI' overcoats , and our prices cannot be touched by other houses. One glance at our prices and at the quality and make of the garments , will convince you that you would be doing an injustice to yourself if you buy an overcoat outside of our house. Our variety is iin inensc ; we have all grades and can suit the rich and the poor. Our lower priced garments are all of durable material and substantially made , We want it distinctly understood that we handle no sati- nctt or shoddy goods of any kind. In boys' overcoats we also show a larger assortment than you can find elsewhere , and at no time were such low prices put on them. We are determined to make our boys' department the busiest place in town. The quantity of boys'suits we have sold already this season , is simply amazing ; and wo want to sell as many overcoats. At our prices everybody can afford to dress his boys neat and warm. To judge from the way our Men's Suits arc selling1 , they must be very attracti\fe , and peo- " pie must find them cheap. We have never done a heavier business in our suit department than we did so far this season. We arc already getting in duplicates of lots sold out , and everyday we open up new shipments. The advantage of coining tons for your fall suit is , that beside getting it so much cheaper than you can buy it elsewhere , you will find in our store every day something new in pattern and style. Samples anil catalogue sent on application and goods sent by express with privilege o ( examining. If not satisfactory in every way you need not take them. Open until 8 p. m. Saturday , 10 p. m. Nebraska Clothing Co.- Corner 14th and Douglas Streets. Sewed Shoe Co. ' - : - OMAHA - : - Are the Exclusive "Western Agents for the fwnsockot ail Tholnrpost tnanufacturors otrubbor footwear in tno world. Wo carry the only complete stoclc of llrat-oliiss rubbef goods in the city. Prices always the lowest. Correspondence solicited. TRY OUR LBRTHBR SOLED RUBBER BOOTS , THE BEST MADE AMERICAN HAND SEWED SHOE CO. , OMAHA - NE.B. WE HAVE Till. Just what you are looking ; for. Black Cheviot Suits , made in single and double- breasted sacks and three- button cutaways , all at popular prices. We would [ also call your notice spec ially to the fact that \ve have a very large assortment cf Black Clay Worsteds in coats and vests for semi- dress wear. These goods are made and trimmed n the best manner , and a per- ect fit guaranteed. GRATEFUL COMFORTING EPPS'S ' GOGOK BREAKFAST. "llr n tlioroiiKh knonl-iilue of the nnturnl lam nlilchcovem tlio operations ot cllxt'ttloa unil until- tlon , and by a rorcful iipjllcntlnn nf the tine proiicr- tle o ( well eclucieJ Coroit. .Mr. Bpps lm prorlitdl ourlireakfaittnblci wltUnl < * ll < uteljr lluvurfil bevcr- nk-o wlilcll umr sale UH maiir lieary cljctor'i blllt. U li bjf Iho Judlcloui tin' ( jfnuo'i article * of illet Ihutu tonitllutlon may bo uriuluully built up until 'Juii to rc Ut every loniU'ncr to dliunic , Hun dreds of aubtlo ni.iluillin are tlontliiK urntinil UK rrudj- tu nllack wherever tliere U a weak point.Vuniar OBCniiO mnnr a fatal slinlt bjr kocpliu our clve cll fortlBo 1 wllli piiru blood , uiul a i > ruierljr | nuurlslictl frnmc. " Civil Sorvlc-H ( inietto , .Mailo ilinply trlth bolllnn wnler or milk , buhl only In litlf puunil Itni , by Kri > * ' < Ts , Iklelvcl UIUHI P I'l'PI ' XH Hoimooiialhlo Chemists CiO LI 1 O LVJ , , London , JIuijIuiKl. Owing to the large number of requests that the splendid offer made by us of the Encyclo paedia and Daily Bee should not be withdrawn , . we have decided to accept orders for a short time longer. The full set , ten volumes is now complete and we will consequently make a slight change in our terms. o o OUR PROPOSITION THE OMAHA BEE offers a year's sub- cription of the daily paper including the Sun clay issues delivered at your address -and complete set THE AMERICANIZED EN CYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA for $2.50 per month. The ten volumes delivered on pay ment of $5.00 and the balance payable $2.50 per month. ALL OUR PRESENT SUBSCRIB ERS are entitled to all the advantages of thfg * * ' ' great offer. Peopleliving * outside of Omaha can avail hcmsclvcs of the above liberal offer by having the monthly payments guaranteed by some responsible \ ; j sponsible banker or merchant in their town. Send for descriptive circular. THE BEE PUBLISHING GO OMAHA , NEB.