THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SATURDAY , OCTOBER 18 , 1800. MOM THE CAPITAL CITY , Laborers Fall Victims to an Unscrapnloin Contractor , THE QUESTION OF A FELON'S IDENTITY , KTroublo Over n Saloon Who Wooil'fi ' Acent ? Datcn ArrnnjcU ( fiir Kcptiblloan Orators Lincoln Nutcs. Neb , , Oct. 17. [ Special to Trie ] Slxty-flvo disconsolate laborers , all Jtallons , havolingered about thodepot today , nil painfully realizing that the ways of the labor contractor are sometimes dark and vain. The fellows had been engaged at Pittatiurg , 1'a. , by ono F. 0. Christian to go to Illinois to cngnqo In the work of con ntructlng a railroad. On arriving In Galena , 711. , Christian told them that they would Jiave to no on to Lincoln , Neb. , the western terminus of the proposed lino. To this they ngrecd and turned over to him the checks to their trunks nnd other baggage. Last night the company of laborers arrived in Lincoln nnd the contractor told them that ho would liave to take them to New Castle , Wyo. This causcu the fellows to believe that they wore ljclng Imposed on and they rose en masse aad refused to go , Christian , however , cunningly caused nil their baggage to bo shipped to New Castle , M ho held their checks for the same. 'Jho laborers learned of this too Into , but going to Christian demanded the checks for their bajpngo. Thcso ho refused to pivo up. They thea called on two policemen and stated their case to them. The coppers ex < jwstuluted , with the fellow , but in vain About a dozen of ttiem then repaired to JuJf.'o Coehran's court and asked if they could not get Justice la thlt city , but the Judfro sorrowfully informed them that ho could not do any thing for them. At latest accounts the democrats were endeavoring to provide for tbclr maintenance uatil after election day. x QUESTION or inENTitr. 1'olico Magistrate Houston has been sitting In Judgment , today upon the case of John Vf. Hafer , and the diametrically opposite tes' tlmony of the witnesses for anil npiinst th < prisoner Is taxing the Judge's powers. Hufe Is charged with being the fellow who , undo the nllns of J. L. Lambertson , secured ( y-J.'i from Dr. J. W. Bowman by qlvlnc a IK > RU nortKiii-o on property he dliln't own. Hnfe nets , talks and looks like Lnrabertson , am the fuel that the right band of each inillvld \ialis missinc makes the identification seen complete , Both Dr. Bowman nnd II. S Mullen , who ucgotlutcd the loan , swear posl lively that Hafer and Lambertion nro on nnd the same person. The money was loanei October'J I , ISS'J ' , nnd yet the father of llaio : swears that on that Uuto his son John was a' ' Jiomo on the form nearShenaudoah , . .help ing him In his fall work , and that be was there for several weeks before nud after that date. A fellov named Cary , who lives In the same neigh borhood nnd who la a blacksmith by day am n local preacher by night , swears to the sntn effect. Ho declares that ho was couductiuj n series of religious meetlngt at that tlm and that Hafer was there every night. O course Ilafer's testimony agrees with that o two witnesses ho brought so far. Notwltn etandl ng this Ilafor was held to the dlstric court. STILT , AtTEa TOUMT. The Western Investment company Is still otter Tommy Nooiian , the saloonkeeper. Tommy had bought some lots from that com pany , and believing tbnt ho had paid too much for them and never could sell them for the price paid , ho stopped making payments. Instead of foreclosing the mortgage tno mem bers of the company were resolved not to let such a irood bargain slip. Accordingly they got u dellclcncy judgment against him and an attachment -was issued against Noonan's sa loon. Yesterday Tommy replovlned the stock nnd attended Uitho wants of the thirsty the same na usual. This afternoon the com pany caused the issuance of an execution upon every drop of liquor and other article in the saloon andDoputy Sheriff Hoxlo served it. KCIT THE roWDKR HOX. Dora Wlllnrd , a frail creature of the demi monde , boa had some trouble with Mrs. C. M. Easterday over a perfect love of a hat. As n result Mrs. Kasterauy has seized nil of Dora's effects and is holding the samo. Today Dora vent before Justice Foxworthy nnd caused the Issuance of u writ of replevin for 1IOTII CLAIMED TO HR AOEXTS. Plorsoa & Mulvihlll were In Justlco Coch- rau's court today telling Uow ono \V. E. Fields had pollen $50 out of thorn. Pierson says that ho nnd bis partner had rented n vacant lot on North Twenty-seventh "street scar the street car barn for the purpose of sub-renting the same for show purposes. They mid the rent for the same to C. E. Lootms , the agent for Thomas Woods , the owner. On Juno 13 ! Piorson & Mulvihlll rented the grounds to Sells Brothers , the circus men. to give their exhibi tion. W. E. Fields then appeared on the sccno and claiming to bo the agent for "Woods demanded $ , ' 00 rental for the use of the ground. It was of course refused and Fields sued Sells Brothers for that amount. To avoid the delay of litigation the showmen paid Fields S3) ) and deducted that amount from tlio money duo Pierson & Mulvlhill from them. Now Pierson & Mulvihlll sue to recover this ? oO from Fields. nil. Ainu' Tno will of the Into J. C. Aycr , the million- nlro mnnufncturor of patent medicines nt Loxvell , Mass , , was filed today in the county court of Lancaster county for probate. The reason for this Is that the deceased owned realty In Lincoln. The will shows n liberal scattering of wealth amonpr all the relatives , sot only the wlfo nnd children heitij ; loft Splendid fortunes , but also his brother Fred- crick and half brother William A. Parko nro remembered , Frederick receiving $100,000 nnd Purko foO.OOO. . iiui'unucAN wAimions. Arrnncements have been made for republi can speeches as follows : nnptaln J. II. Stleklo and Hon. O.K. Clionoy , T iiirMUtiy. Ootolor Ui : at 7:3) : ) p. m. ; Su perior , IrUlay.Oetobor''l nt 7:3) p. ui. ; Ked Oloiid , Sjtiirilay , October SV , at 2 n ; m. ' > " . ? y.llarlnu and Captain J. II. Stickle J Imlrii. Saturday. Uctobur IS nt 7:30 : 11. in. Hon. . M. > pttluton nnti Hon. Janios 0 , Mc- Xteny Ilouiibllcau C'lly. 1'rlUuy , October 17 " ut"n ; ; ) p. in. lion. 1) ) , M. Ncttloton and Hon. n. O. Oylcr Iliintloy , Saiurduy , October IS nt a u in ltniiu > , H\turilav : , October is nt 7:30 : n. m. Hun. N' . V. llarlau unit D. M. Nuttlcton Ptroinsliiir . Monday. Oou'lier 1W at a n. in. ; Ojeeolti. Monday , Octobur 20 at 7'JO : n. in. : W" ! * ' . .1. ' T"esil ! y' : ? tobcr 21 at 2 p. m. ; in. ) l-'rlund. Thursday , October 3 at TUO p. m. ; Greto. Friday , October 21 nt 'J p. m. : Wllber , f I'rlduy , OjtoberSI at 7:30 : p. m. ; Tobias , Satur- f bvr : > 0 utTUO : p. m.j IHIcu , Friday , October Ul at S p. in. Hun. II. M. Nettletonand Hon. T. K. fedg wlok Jlllfonl , Friday , Octotn-rUt ut2 p. in. lion. N , V. llnrlan and lion. K. A. Gilbert 1 Sowunl , Krldajr. Octutwir 31 at7 : : p. m. 1H lion. N. V. Harlan and lion. I > . M. Nottloton H Hebron , Saturday , .Novoinbor 1 at 7:30 p. m.j 8ullon , Monday , Isovemb < raut3p. m. Coneral U W , Oolhv Wymoro , Saturday , OoloborlS ; I'awr.eo City. Tiu-iday. Octotior'JI ; Liberty.Saturday. October ! : Holmeivllle , Nniulay , October87 : Htprllne. Wwlncstlay , Oc- tolior W. Nt > bra ku Oily , trliliiy. October 31. lion.V , M. Itoburtson and llonN. U.Juek- oiiiiMiott. . Bntiirdny. October 23 aftor- mwn ) ; Tlldeu , Tuosduy , October 23 ; Stuart , Vtf < liu uluy , Octobertltf. Hon. .Norrls Hruwn and Hon. W. II. Condor Oraut , fat urnay , October 2.V lion. IV. I . Osbori ; unil Hon. J.W. Tucker Ilattlo Ureuk. Tnpbday. October 21 ; Lonu I'lne , Muduu day , October aj Hay Sprtuss , Ttmr - rtny , October 2JI Antniwortli , Friday , October SlirVrlbncr , Pnliirdny.OctolKirar. . lion. Mlko M.Hnorry and linn. I ) . A. Ilnlmtn .North llcnd. Wednesday. October 2S ; lllnlr. ThurMlnr , Octobers ; ! ! Cralic , Krlday , October 24 : Iiyntis ? nt rday. Octol > < T25. lion. 11,0. IttiMoll and Hon. John Iloopor. .Monday , October iTIovonlnRt ; hlfln ( , Tnpidnv , October 2S lorcnlu ? ) : Cloarwutor , Wcdnosday. October JJ ( ovcnlnzl ) Atkinson , Tlitiruluy , O.-tobcr 30 ( ovcnlnat ) txmit I'lno , Friday , October 31 ( ernnlng ) ; O'Kelll. Satur- Uay , November 1 ( ovonliiB ) . AT TIIR 8TATU HOUSE. The Nebraska construction company Is the latest corporation orfranlzed In Oinalin. The Incorporatora are John A. McShane. John II. Dumont , OCOFKO O. Barnum , WUltara L , . Adams nnd J. K. Ebcrsolo. The cortKiratlon Is tor the purpose ot constracUnB for nnd constructing nnd completing railway nnd wnffon bridges , the approaches thereto , or other Internal Improvements. The capital stock is fWO.OOO. Thn Colomao-N'obraskn land and canal com pany has liletl articles of Incorporation. The purix o of the organization Is to construct nnd operate Irrigating canals for domestic , nulling nnd intmufaeturlnfT purposes. The wa'cr ' Is to bo taken from tlio Plntto river at a -point In section 13 of township 14 of Lin- coin county , and the canal Is to bo extended cast terminating In section 13 , township 14. The capital stock Is SiOO.OOO. The incorporutora are Isaac Dillon , Tlmddeus ,1. Foley , Joseph Studley , James P. Benedict , GeorRO II. West and Joel K. Davis. North Platte Is to bo the headquarters of the com pany. The Ashlund land and live stock company has tiled articles of incorporation. The capital stock Is tlOO.UOO. The Incorporators are Kdirnrd Larkln , J. U. Johnson aadT. J. Koblnson The Manc.hp.stcr fire assurance company of Manchester. England , has tnken preliminary steps toward applying for permission to do business in Nebraska. The German Insur ance nnd savings Institution of Qulncy. III. , has nnulo application to transact its business In this state. D. J. Foster , secretary of the Illinois Ma sonic nnd I'ythlan Benevolent society , called at the auditor's oftlco this morning and mndo arrangements to apply for permission to transact the business of his company In this state. onns AND nxns. Mrs. Laura E. Gilbert , who Is suing for dlvorco from her husband , 11 led an additional petition in the district court today asking thntsho bo allowed alimony also. A man from Ithaca named "Wagner , who clerks In William Smith's store , arrived in thucitv today and identified the knives , boots nnd other articles found In Crystal Springs addition as being the property of his cm plover. Gambler Glcason , who was held to the dls trict court in the sum of $300 nnd jumped his bond , was arraigned before the district cour' this afternoon to explain himself. Messrs. Shears & MurkcU of Omaha , who hnvo secured the lease of the Lincoln hotel , pay $10,000 per annum for that privilege , nnd in addition 15 per cent of nil receipts eve StOO.UUO. The best euro for rheutnntUm or neuralgia Is Salvation Oil used according to directions So cents. The news from the seat of war Is constant ly contradictory ; but not so from Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ; every report concerting It proves it to bo the best Cough Syrup known. Oiily iio coats a bottle. SOVTJl OJ/.l/f.l. Thrown Offn Car and Scalped , D. M. Ferguson , ono of the stockyards braUeuicn , was badly injured whlloswitchlng cars at the packing houses of Swift & Co. yesterday afternoon. Mr , Ferguson was on the rear car of a string being run down on tbo Ice switch , and thinking ho had passed under the awnlug rose up lust in tlmo to strike the lost crossbar. Mr. Ferguson was almost scalped when his head hit the timber. lie was knocked back over the end of the car , falling head fiast on tbo track below , nnd badly bralsiiipr his back and shoulders. A surgeon was called and put In twenty-nlno stitches. Mr. Ferguson's wounds are very painful , but nro not considered fatal. Ho was taken to bis boarding house , No. 2018 N street. The Pastoral Itcccption. The auditorium and lecture rooms of the Methodist Episcopal church wore filled with members of thocongregatlonnnd friends from Omaha ntul of this city Thursday night nt the recaption tendered the pastor , llov. Mr. C. N. Dawson and family. After tbo choir had sung a selection , Mr. .Tunics M. Grauthous delivered a neat address of welcome , to which Uov. Mr. Dawson made n feeling response. A song by the choir followed. The coinmlttco on In troduction took churgo of the now friends and guests and succeeded in making all com fortably at home. Elegant refreshments were served. Personal nights League. At n meeting of the personal rights league held In Blum's opera house Thursday [ n reso lution was passed to attend the mass meeting to bo hold in Uurlleld hall , Omaha , Monday evening. A moss meeting will bo held In Blum's opera house Friday evening , October 30. Km in cut speakers will bo present from abroad to make addresses. A special meeting will bo hold In the same place Monday evening , November 3 , to dis tribute tickets. Notes About the City. James Bellow will remove to Fremont and cngago in business. Itcscuo hose No. 1 will glvo a ball Thurs day evening , November 11) . Klchanl Sonry of the Omaha packing force is sick with malarial lever. James H. VanDusea injured his foot yes terday by letting a lump of iron fall on it. Edward Fulton of the Armour-Cudahy packing force , was accidentally cut on the loft wrist Thursday afternoon by a fellow workman. A dnuRhter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Gideon. This is the twelfth child born unto members of the Stockman force withlu n twelvemonth. Edward F. Bowen of Dahlgren Post. No. K5 , Grand Army of the Republic , Papillion , has lost his long morocca leather fxickct book with r. lot of papers. Including two discharges and a pension certificate. J'rof. M. J. Mooney of the Missouri gym nasium , St. Louis , Mo. , tins arrived to take charge of John Wilks , now In training at Pickard'sparlc for a light with James Lind- sey in orliear this city the latter part-of this mouth. A largo delegation of St. Louismns will be hero to witness the light. About People. Robert T , Maxwell has returned from Chi cago. Courtney A. Horlno nnd bride , formerly Miss May Tlmmcns of Chicago , returned yesterday. Misses Florence Smith and Lottlo Bratten of Cleveland , O. , nro the guests of Mr. nud Mrs. Isaao A. Brayton. "William L. Gregson of the clerical force at the packing houses of Smyth & Co. , has gene to Chicago on n business trip for the house. John Leobald , forman of the O. II. Hammond mend packing nouses , under Chief Engineer Thomas W. Whlttlesoy , has returned from Council Bluffs nnd , to the surprise of his friends at the house , did not bring a bride along , A fact that nil men with gray and many shaded whiskers should know : that Buck ingham Dye always colors an oven brawn or black at will. Charles Sumner died suddenly Thursday night at hU grocery store , 2021 Leavonworth street. The deceased had complained for several days of pains In the region of the heart , from which It Is supposed death re sulted. Tno remains will bo forwarded to Atlantic , la. , for interment. Tbo deceased had resided In Omaha several years , removing to this city from Atlantic. Army Notes , TUB BEE Is In receipt of the new roster of troops serving la the department of the Platte , containing all the changes made In the several posts up to October 1. The depart ment of notes Is especially full and Interest ing , showing the movements of all troops at tending ritta practice and competition , state encampments of national guards as also tbo transfer from ouo fort to another which , dur ing the past three months , have been ol fre quent occurrence. THE HEAVY CABLE BROKE , Thrilling Experience In the Union PaciGo Headquarters' Elevator , THE PYTHIAN GRAND LODGE ADJOURNS , No Insurance Company SctT-Stj-lcd "I'jthlan" to llolCncourngcil or 1'atronlzccl by Blomhers of the Order. A frightful a ecident was averted nt the Union Paclllc headquarters Thursday after noon by the effectiveness of the elevator afety appliances. At the ( ii'mng ' hour la the tftcrnoon , six clerks , three ladies nnd .hrce gentlemen , took the elevator at the 'ourth Hoer for the descent. "With the first turn of the lover , the sup porting ropca broke and the elevator started n what oppcarcd to bo an awful drop to the ground floor. Before the occupants had time to fully realize their peril the safety appliances of tbo elevator had performed their duty nnd io carringo came to a sudden stop i few fuel below the third floor , having fallen but one story. The occupants crawled out uninjured , but all badly frightened , and the break -was soon repaired. The I'ylhlati Grand M Thursday evening's session of the Pythian grand ledge the subject of cgUlating against the admission of saloonkeepers into tbo order came up in the shape of n resolution to refer the amendment to the constitution ( passed by the grand ledge two years ago at Fremont , making H unlawful to admit dealers in intox eating beverages to the order , ) to the supreme < promo chancellor for approval. This was declared out of order and an appeal was taken from the decision of the chair , result ing in tbo decision being sustained. The matter was not brought up again. The recommendation of the committee on laws that the oQlce of grand lecturer bo created was defeated after a prolonged dis cussion. H was decided to hold tbo next session of the grand ledge at Lincoln. A resolution was adopted approving of the decision of the supreme ledge to the effect that it is unlawful for a knight to use the name of the lodge in connection with nuy scheme intended to insure the life of members. The resolution also voiced the opinion of the lodge that no life insurance company , bearing the name o Pythian , save that sustained by the supreme premo lodge , should bo patronized by knights unless first deprived of any title which might lead people to believe tba it was in some manner connected with thi Pythian organization. * It was decided that hereafter no lodge shal bo established ia a town where there are two lodges without tbc consent of both. In cities where there are moro than two lodges , the consent of t majority of these lodges roust bo secured be fore a new one muy be organized. In regard to the amendment providing fo : a fee for withdrawn ! cards , the amount was fixed at 50 cents each. The law was amended fixing the bonds o the grand kecperof records and seals nt ) , OOC nnd of the grand master of oxchecquer a' $12,000. At 3:80 : a , m. , the grand ledge adjourned. Change of life , backache , monthly irregu laritles , hot ( lashes are cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Free samples ut Kukn & Co. , 15th and Douglas. _ EFFECTS OP PUOUIB1TION. Mr. O. A. Wolcott , Candidate for Com mission rr , Speaks Upon Them , Mr. O. A. Wolcott of Elk City , republican candidate for county commissioner in tbo Fifth district , came Into town yesterday and was met by a number of farmers from his dis trict who congratulated him upon his nomina tion and pledged him their hearty support. More than that , they promised to "take off their coats" and stand at the polls and work for him on the day of election. For the purpose of silencing the tongue of an enemy of Mr. Wai- cott , who has been charging that the latter is a prohibitionist , n UKK reporter asked the gentleman for an expression of his opinion on mat important question. repiywas us follows : "I feel that thoengraf ting of the prohibition amendment into the constitution of our young state with of citizens so many our foreign-born zens as also so many of our native Americans opposed to it , would bo very deleterious. I thluK it would amount to exactly the same thing as local option and , where the senti ment of the people was opposed to it , tbo law would bo a dead letter , and it would re sult in a great amount of useless la wing in the courts. "I am positively and tetotally opposed to th Is prohibition amendmeat. I have been a resi dent of this state for the last twenty-live years , nnd I believe that in everything relating to the prosperity of the state I am the peer of any citizen in it. I carao here in a prairie schooner with astovo and two babies. My wealth consisted in n span of horses , a lumper wagon and a head full of enthusiasm for the west. I settled in Douglas county and have resided hero ever since. I am the owner of C50 acres of land which is well stocked with cattle , horses and hogs. If prohibition should obtain I should feel that that property would seriously be de preciated and that the greater part of'my life work would have gene almost for nothing , simply to satisfy a misdirected sentiment. "I am a temperance man in the sense that I do not like drinking to excess nnd take n drink myself whenever I feel like it us my neighbors may and will cheerfully bear witness. I despise drunkenness , but I know of no better means to reguhte it than the high license law now in force in this state , which Is not only supported by the best and most Interested citizens , but has nlso been adopted by several other states in the union. " GREAT UEPUIUaCAX JtAfjIjY. Preparations Tor Thousands at tlio Coliseum Monday Night. On next Monday night ono of tbo grandest political demonstratioas over hold la thUclty will taka place la the Coliseum. Prepara- tlons on nnelaborate scale are being made so that all who attend will boablo to find ac commodation. Tbo great auditorium will bo brilliantly Illuminated with a dozen electric lights and hundred of gas Jets. The great stage will bo beautifully decorated and filled with chairs. Every republican ward club in the city has sign ! Jert its willingness to attend and will been on hand wltn flying banners and bauds of musln. There will bo accommodations forS.OOO pee ple. Every husband is requested to brine his wife nud every young republican his sweetheart. Excursions are to be run on all lines lead' O- OO A woman with a cancerous ulcerof years' standing and five inches in di- amotcr has been entirely relieved by six bottles of Swift's ' Specific. I con sider its effects wonderful , almost mi raculous. EKV. J.1I. CAMPBELL , Columbus , Gx Will Cure A young man near this town had an catinff cancer on his face , which had destroyed his nose- and waa eatlntf to wards his eyes. An a last resort I put him on Swift's Specific , and It has cured him entirely sound and well. Du. IF. F. CHUMI.EY , Oglethorpe , Ga. SkinCancer Treatise on Cancer mailed free. Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Qu 8 REASONS. 1309" "WHY WESUCCEED IN OUR ENTERPRISE. 1. Because we do as we advertise. 2. Because we sell goods at less than the cost of material. 3. Because we guarantee a genuine tailor-made suit at ready-made prices 4. Becausewe guarantee a perfect fit , 8. Because we alter goods to fit the purchaser free of charge. 6. Because we give thepurchaser more tnan he anticipates for his money 7. Because'we have the confidence of the public. 8. Because we never allow a garment to be misrepresented. ALL ALTERATIONS DONE FREE OF CHARGE TO INSURE A PERFECT FIT , WHAT YOU OAN SAVE. SUITS. FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS , PANTS. $70 custom ntmlc suit for $ .12.SO $05 custom made orcrcoat Tor $11:2.00 : $10 custom made pants for SfS.25 900 custom made suit for $ ! IO.OO $00 custom nnulc orcrcoat for..if'28.50 $15 custom made nanU for $7,50 $ . " > custom made Milt Tor $27.50 § 50 custom made ovcrcont for $24.50 $ lil custom malic luuiN for $11,50 $50 custom mndo suit for $25.00 $45 custom made orcrcoat for $20.00 $12 custom made punts for . $0.00 $ lo custom made suit for $20.00 $40 custom nmilo orcrcoat Tor $17.50 $10 custom made pants for , $5,00 $10 custom made suit Tor $18.30 $35 custom made orcrcoat for $14.00 $ 8 custom made pants for $1,50 $5)5 ) custom madu suit for $15.00 $29 custom made orcrcaat for $12.25 $ 7 custom mndo pants for FULL DRESS SUITS FOR SALE OR HIRE. Open evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturday evenings until 10 o'clock. ORIGINAL CLOTHING PABLORS , 1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309 lag to Omaha , and only half faro vrlll bo sbarged. The following will bo the orators of tlio occasion ; Hon. L , D. Richards , republican candidate for povernor ; Hon. Tom Majors , candidate for lleuteuuut governor , und Hern. John M , Thurston. The music will bo supplied with a great band of forty pieces. Co ntral Committee Democrats. A meeting' of tbo Douglas county demo cratic central committee has boon called to meet nt the Samoset cluh rooms , over 1321 Douglas street , Omaha , today at 2 p. m. , sbarp. A full attendance of candidates and members la desired. Fifth Ward Democrats. A rally will bo held at the Fifth ward dora- cratlo club rooms this craning , nt Six teenth nnd Nicholas. Addresses will bo de livered by J. O. Shea , li. C. Miller and Wil liam Wappicb. Saconcl Ward Republicans. The Second ward republican club will meet at Knspor's hall , South Thirteenth street , this evening. Central Committee UcpuMlcnns. The republican county central committee Is hereby called to meet at the Mlllard hotel Saturday , October 18 , at 2 o'clock saarp. P.O'BiiiKNChairman. . Fourth " \Vuhl Democrats. There will bo a racctinp of the Fourth ward democratic club this evening at 7:30 : o'clock nt Washington hall. Business of Im portance will bo transacted. 1602. Sixteenth , ana Farnam streets U the now Rock Island ticket offlco. Tick ets to all points oust at lowest ratoi To Attend Justine Miller's Funeral. Elmer Frank , clerk of the United States circuit court , received the following telegram yesterday fromKeokuif , la. : "Yourself nnd officers of tbo court and members of the bar are cordially invited to bo present or have a representative at the funeral services of Justlco Samuel P. Miller , in this city , Saturday , October IS. A. J. Me- Crary , committee. " .District Court. The case of the state against Mrs. Dora ICnowles for adultery was taken up in Judge Clarkson's court yesterday , but the prose cution announced that the witnesses for the state were not present. The case was then indeflnitelr postponed. Judge Clarkson adjourned court for the day. _ Hon. GcorgoW. Ambrose was a passenger for Chicago yesterday afternoon. CAIN ' ONE POUND WaUff-ll * iitauz-w A Day. A GAIN OF A TOUND A BAY IX THE CASE OF A MAN WHO HAS BECOME "ALL. RUN DOWN , " AND HAS BEGUN TO TAKE THAT REMARKABLE FLESH I'RODUCER , SCOTT'S FMOLSIQN OF PURE COD LIVER OIL WITH Hypophosphitcs of Lirno & Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. THIS FEAT HAS TEEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVER . . . . . _ AGAIN. PAT.A.TAIII.R AS vn i.Fw DORSEDnv PHYSICIANS. SOLD BY ALL , DRUGOISTS. AVOID SUBSTITUTIONS AND IMITATIONS. GRA-Tf'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. tn- " " < THE Q ni AT i fc ENGLISH IUM- EUAnunfMl - Ina core for Sem inal Worxkneis , Rpermatorrbiem Impotency. n < l ill dhosies that folio * ai t > e > quenco ot Sclf- abuiid ; AS I/is Fain In the Hack , Dlmncis of Yliloo. Preimtnrfl Oil Ac' , and many other dbemo ! that lead to Insanity orcnmumpttonnnd n premn'.uro trrate. | T Kull partlcalars In oar pamphlet , which wo do- Klreto rtn < \ freflbjr mnllto every one. rPfTho Spe cific Medicine Ixold nt 11 per packgne. or > li pack. rtgoi for 13 , orwill bo sent f roe by mail on receipt o ! th9 money , by nddrexlnj THE GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 PAIINAM STREET , OMAHA , On account of counterfeits ire hira adopted till ydlow mapper , tbo only ucnulno. fwhvftlvj" 3lH only lit B.tHii G * 3T PIINIrtRROAAHGANES& \ ? ivt'n't ? 0. B. MOORE & CO. , Accurs. FEMALE BEANS Ab olut lr reliable , perfectly fe , most powerful fcmali regulatorrnowai norer fall t AJaoox.puAtpaldtcne boi R&lclect. Addmn LION Ilftt'O CO. . Mrt lo , . Y. boM b7 QOODSUN imflQ CO. HEADY RELIff * FORPA1M s'f CURES AND FREVEVTS Colds Sore Throat Bronchitis Rheumatism , , , , Neuralgia , Inflammation of the I.unsn , Kidneys and Dowels. Sdatlca , Chilblains , Frost Dues , Toothache , Headache , I'alnjln tkollack , Cheat and I-lmbj , and all tbo usual CONSEQUENCES OF TAKING GOLD. The application or RAIHVAVS HKADV HKMKK , to the pnrt.i affcc'el. will Instantly rcllove anil soon euro the Htiffcrer Internally In doses of from thirty to slxtr drops , In halts tumbler will cure In a few momenta. Cramps , Spasms , Sour Btomncli , Colic , Flatulence , Hoarlburn , Diarrhoea , Sick llomlacho , Nnujfn. Vomltlntr , Cold Clilll , Nervomnois , aieM ( > lo irio , ua all Intorail palm. CO centi a bottlo. Fur alont Druggists. ltAU\VAY \ 4 Co. , 91 Warren Bt. , N. V. The Famous Cocoa of Europe. The Coming One of America. Van Houten'shasy 'jVr cent more of the flesh-forming elements of cocoa than is obtained by the best processes of , other manufacturers , VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " Doctors and analysts of the highest standing all over the world , certify to this immense saving , and by VAN HOU t TEN'S special process only can this be attained. W-VAS HOOTEX'S COCOA ( "cnc tried , alwar < u § J" ) posseuoithn srreat adrantace of lonlai no Injurious effects on tha nerroai lyitein. No nonJer , therefore , that ( n ill parti 2 J. c ( the world , tbli famtbr'i Cocoa Is reoninmenilrdby Rieillenlmrn , Initend of leu > | nniIcuTeB ( rolhercoeoaiar choeolulei , fur dally n o by clilltlreu urudulli , ! } J | hale and ilcU.rlcU nnd poor. Aikfar ViX HotrrEK's andMA < nootA'r. { 1 > + * r * + + + * wv + ' * + + + ftrtfftwf * * + + NO OUR.R ! MO DrDOWN 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb , Feicntwn yean * experience. A regular enduatoln mdlclno , o > diplomat ihow. U tllloattrlnj with tno rrcntot ucc n all .NurToui.riironlo and I'rlvnloilUunui. Apormtactit euro ir man I set fjrCmrrli BpcrmalorrLiPo. Loit Manhood , Sumlm ! Woakno . MgUt l.mei , IriiDJUmcr. bjptillH , Slrlctilcu. n 1 ul UUraiei of Ihe Iilcxxl. Hkln and Urlnarr Ortcam. N. IL I entrants IM ) ( OP a r err oaial an JerUka itil fsl < o con ) . Couuluiloa tut. Uooi ( MjriierletorUIt ( . . . . , ) teat no. OJttc l > our - a. out d y. to. lu a a. to li m. DR.McGrREW THE SPECIALIST. Moro than IS ycnrs'experience In the treatment of PRIVATE DISEASES. AcuroRiiarantceJInStoato clnjs without the loss of an hour's time. STRICTURE Pcrnmncntlr cured without rnln or Instruments ; no ruttlnm no illhtlnn. Thu nmst ri'innrkublu remedy known to modern actonco. Wrlto for circulars. SYPHILIS CURED IN 3O TO BO DAYS. Dr. 2McJrew' treatment for thisIcrrtlilo blood clls- case 1m been pronounced the iwwerfulnml fuccessful remedy otrrdl.ieOTcrod for Iho absolute euro ofthli dlscnso. Ills success with this dwnao lias norer been equalled. A coiuflcto ci'UE ot'Aii- A.NTIEUD. Wrllo for circulars. LOST MANHOOD and nil weakness of the poxual organs , ncrvoufnc.n , timidity and despondency nbnoluteljr cured. 'J'ne ro- llef Is Immediate undcurupleto. SKIN DISEASES , Catarrh , rheumatism , and nil dlsrmp of the blood Ilrer , kidneys nnd bladder pcrrainrntlr cured. FEMALE DISEASES and nouralnln , nerrouness nnd disrates of the ttom- ncli cured. ' 1'liw Doctor's "Homo Treatment" for ladles li pronounced by nil who have u Pd It , to bo tlic most com | ) 'cto nnd convenient remedy ever of fered for the treatment of fetualo diseases. It Is truly a wonderful remedy. K" Instruments ; no pain , llouiis 1011 l.uu-i ruou 1 TO 4 OXI.Y. DR. McGREW'S marvclou * aucccss has vron for Mm ft reputation which Is truly national In character , nnd his great army of patients reaches from the Atlantic to ttio racllic. Tlio Doctor ls n Bradiinto of "IIEdt'LAU" incillclnenni ] lim Imd lunirnml careful ciporlcncn In hospital practice * nnd Is classed oniony tlio lending ftpcclallstn In modern science. Treatment by corre spondence. Wrlto for circulars about each of the above diseases , rilEE. Office , I4th and Farnam Sts. Kntrance on either street- PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH - * T 13O2 Farnam Straat. HARRY P. DEUEL , City Pacseucror and Tlokat Agent Medical ami Siirol Institute Corner OthandHarnoj Streets , Omaha. FOR THE TREATMENT Or ALL Chronic Diseases and Deformities. DR. A. T. MCLAUGHLIN , Prosidont. Founded by Dr. J. W. McMonamy. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. Swelflo for Hi > terln.Plttln ( irtiKwinlila. Wtkfr luliioii , Wontol iJeprmlon. hoftenlOKot tlio luliliii ; lu ln nltjr jl le/wllnir to mlirrj dwav aril Oeilh. Prcnutura Olil Atq , Jiarrcnncu. l.wior 1'owwr Inulthortei. InfnlunUrjr L.OUO , mid Hvx.-ratto'-il.cra c us xl br eiTir < i < erlloA of the trim , irhu > e or CTerlndul7n < . r.achbox cotiiolniononionit'tf treat ment. II atxit , or ill for li. tentlij lnilirrtull | | , With e U order tor lit bom , vrlll > oiM | .urr-b ir ( TJirant-o lu rcfun.l nrnrr K the trtnl mint fai an l irenuico K.U1 dntybi GOODMAN DRUG CO. , lllOParnuni Street. - - Oniubx. Neb. 1 II _ AT'fc ' ' I T/iir Wnrphlim llulilt JCT JlL aJ JjS/Jl.tar.dlnlotoSiximTi Nop rtlUc.r.d.DK.J.tIEI'UtHBI..Uiioo 0. Best Quality , Correct Stylo. Perfect Filling. Best Unen. ASK FOR THEM. DIAMONDS. Wnlclic.1 nnd Olnmomlt ( liven Avnjr with Tea nnrt CoflVo A Norel Way or Intruilitct ng Goods. The upmc > 9 of all persons rocolvltijf din- in ends' , wiit olios , etc. , nro mldcd to this Untiluilv. 1'ho Ovorlnnil toi ; company of. Sixu Francisco have ranted the atom , ISOoFiirimin. next to' * clolhlnir house , nmlinorder to introduce tliolr poods this company will present for sixty days souvenirs with every can of tea nml coiieo BoUl , such ns solid pold , sllvor nml nickel witclios , nlso gomiino dhmoiuls lit solid Rolil pollings , silver tnblowaro , nlso money ntul many other nrtleles of loss value. Uvory purchaser will rooulvo a souvenir. Tlio coIToo , cnn mid contents welph about three pounds , the ten , can ntul contents weigh about 0110 anil n lialf pounds. This expensive nnd novel wny of mlvorlisltiffwiflbo discontinued nftor sixty days aim these renlly choice food * will bo sold strictly on their merits , but without the souvenir. Of course every purchaser mut : not expect to Ret a ilia- nond or watch. This cotnpnny claim hat they hnvo just as peed a right to pivo away watch us , diamonds or jewelry ixnd moncy'Txs their competitors fuivo to pivo away glassware , ehronios , etc. (3ot ( up n elub. Those who pot up a club rdor most always pot n hnmlsomo pres- nt. Orders by mull promptly forwarded o all parts of the United States on ro- joipt of cash or postofllco order. Terms : Single can , 31 ; six for S5 ; thirteen for ? 10 , nnd twenty-seven for $1W. Address Overland Tea companv , Omaha , Is'ob. Store open from 8 o clock a. m. to i ) 'clock D. in. and Saturdays till 10 o'clock ; ) . in. jew ? noon. C. W. Smith , Greenwood , N'ofo. , Indies' uniting niso pold wuteh in tea ; A. Lnr- en , St. Mary's avo. , diamnnd ring in : -a and silver gold-lined cnp ; IJora Jlodgolt , 21st st , , silver pickle stand ; 1. J. Enilo , conductor , C. M. & St. P. K. H. , Cent's hunting CHSO gold watch In ea ; It. T. Alton. Jones St. , silver pickle stand ; C. S. Ilishop , 8. Omaha , Kent's ' 'muting case pold watch , silver pickle stand and silver pold-llnod cnp ; Jacob iVrmbrust , Jlillard precinct , diamond inj , ' ' , Mrs. Johana Heal , 21st and Oak , silver llvo-bottlo caster ; Philip I , . Samlburn , S. 2 thS201n cold coin ; NE. . I'hllllpps , mail order , .Mln- ilon , cluster diamond ring1 in tea ; Petur Koeliora , 2olh and Cuminu , diamond ring in tea ; Sophie Swnrtz , mail order , IToldreyo , Neb. , 811) ) In gold coin ; Amelia Dewitt , S. 19th st , boltairo dlniuond shirt stud in tea ; Mildred Duryofj , S. tli st. , silver butter dish ; Frank L. . .1. Gallngor , Council DlutTs , elegant sil ver tea service , live pieces ; A. K. Crof- fett. S. 10th St. , silver cake stand ; K Miller. N. 20th st , diiummd rin-r in tea ; Mrs , Ella Ilaydoii , Capitol avc. , la dies' hunting case fjold watch In tea ; Paul Stein , jr. , S. 13th , diamond ring in tea , and silver five bottle caster ; Henry Sontiur , S. 30th Ht.S10In gold coin In tea ; Mrs. Borbaek , N. IIth , silver uugur bowl ; Thomns Wright , Maple mul Hist , silver cold-lined cup ; Q. M. IJluck , Clif ton mil , silver live bottle ouster ; Otto Hanson , 23d st. , silver gold-lined cup ; .Terry MeNinnara , U. P. R. K. , gent's ' hunting CHMJ gold watch in tea ; Hubert Engnrt , Girnoy st. , cluster dhimoml ring-In tea ; Julia Thomas , S. Omaha , coin silver ulmtte- laino watch in tea ; Mabel Uurbunk , S. 10th st. , silver sugar bowl ; Frank Lar son , S. 18th st. , sliver butterdish ; A. E. Steiner , Council niufTs , $40 In sold coin in tea ; G. N. Grillis , mail order , York , Neb. , 820 in gold coin ; Goo. Folder , Far- nam st. , silver eako stand ; B. II. Dun can , S. 10th st. , Bilvcr water pitcher ; C. K. Goodman , Arbor st. . diamond ring in tea ; Mrs. C. A. Johnson , S. 10th , silver pickle stand ; P. E. Gornhart , Ne braska City , silvur sugar bowl : Louis Garvin , California St. , { rent's hunting case gold watoh , in tea ; I Ilss L Bosol- inan , Capitol avo. , silver pickle stand ; Charles ( iants , Douglns Co , , silver live- bottle castor ; J. K. Graham , S. Omaha , 820 in gold coin , in tea ; I. S. Lozlor , N. 22d st. , silver pickle stand ; W. ! > . Clarzo , Missouri Valley , diamond ring , in tea ; F. R. Pearloy , mail order , Lin coln , Neb.coin silver clmtlclnino watch , in tea ; G. II. Hrady , Council Bluffs , cluster diamond scarf ring , in ton ; O. P. Watson. S. 21st st.S6in gold coin in tea ; D. S. Clarence , Douglas st. , elegant silver tea service tivo pieces ; R. E. Landriim , S. 15th st. , silver sugar bowl ; Belle Dunham , S. 20th st. , combi nation diamond , ruby and sapphire ring in tea ; H. H. Walters , Farnam St. , clo- gant gold lace pin , diamond setting ; ' . S. P. Hattonburg , S. 10th st. , silver pickle stand ; L. N. Parker , S. 10th st. , silver cake stand ; M. S. Savor , S. 20th St. , hunting cnso gold watch iti tea ; Ella McCarthy , Capitol nvo. , silver rtvc-bottlo castor ; It. L. Gates , S. 10th st. , diamond ring-In tea ; T. El. Winter. Council Bluffs , diamond ring In tea ; Hugh Li. Donovan , mail order , Hastings , Nob. , gent's hunting case jjold witch in tea ; R. Jones , S. loth st. , sliver castor ; Ollio Reynolds , S. 20th st. silver water pitcher in tea ; II. J. Waters , South Omaha , 820 in gold coin in tea ; E. O. Merrill , 42d nnd CURS , silver pickle stand ; Miss Jennie L. Cottrell , mail order , David C'itv. ' Nob. , silver Tiloklo MissGracoYnlthor , mall orderSutton , Neb , , solid gold band ring in teaV. ; . W. Montffomor , mail order , Red Oak , Nob. , silver gold lined cup ; Win. Myers , Charles St. , silver flve-hottlo caster ; Miss Anna Larson , S. 18th , silver sugar bowl ; n. lFox , Savannah , III. , diamond mend ring in tea ; Mrs. Hobt Hunt , MorisoysU , silver cluster ; Jdrs. M. JA- zarurf , LJoiifj'las st. , silver pickle stand ; Grace Colling , mailorder , North Pintle , Neb. , hunting case gold watch in tea ; E. W. "Wright , David City Nob. , silver pickle stand ; L. Hanson. So. 18th st. , diamond ring in tea ; C. Dilborn , So. 13th St. , silver five-bottle castor ; N. J. Larson , 15th fit. , silver eako stand ; W. II. Vannoy , Pop- plcton Avo. , hunting case gold watch in tea ; Fanny Shorimn , N. 20th St. . silver cake stand , and Oscar Parsons , So. IGth St. , combination diamond and sapphire ring in ten ; "W. Markloy , i'ort Omaha , hilver cake stand ; H. P. Flood 2Sth avo. , diamond ring in ten ; Jennie Wol- olT , Walnut Hill , $10.00 In gold coin In tea ; Fritz Fisher , Klnri st. , silver llvo- bottle ca tor ; W. E. King , Chicago bt. , silver eako stand ; Mrs. John J2 | > ont ter , Walnut Hill , htnnd sugar howl ; Ella Ilaydcn , Ca ] > itol live , , diamond mend ring and sil\or sugar bowl ; Henry Harry , Clark st. . $20 in gold coin in tea ; Kmina Tlnloy , N. l th st , silver caatcr ; Huttie Driefus.s , Cnsa St. , silver sugar bowl ; Sirs. W. Schwarwli'k , Ham ilton St. , diamond ring in tea : C ! . K. Walters , Council HlufTs , diamond sing in tea ; Mrs. J. Frank , Howard st. , silver sugar bowl ; Mrs. Cook , Council Bluffs , diamond ring in tea ; Dr. J. W. Sioverling , diamond ring In tea ; Ella Robertson , coin silver clint- U'lalnu watch In tea ; Clarence Potter - tor , Sherman avo. , silver sugar bowl ; J. I. Elgin , S. 22d St. , diamongringin tea ; Mrs. Pike , S. 17th St. , silver hugar bowl ; J. IL Horst , S. Omaha , dlumond ring in lea ; Loulwi Crov/dis , Council Blnlls , ! J50 in gold coin In tea ; tedw. Mc- Nnlly. with Adams express , Bilvcr live- bottle castor ; W. Xang , S. 13th , silver llvo-bottlo castor ; Mrs. L. D. Flodln , Izard ht. , silver trold-tincd cup ; C , Fit/- go raid , Council UlulTs , diamond ring in tea ; Th OH. Ilolbran , California st. , bilvor llve-bottlo cubtor ; S. , T. Warren , S. 1'Jth ' Ht. , gouts' hunting WIHO gold watch In tea ; L. 13 , Ilooton , S. 4th t. , diamond ring In tea ; II. Miller , S. 1-tli Bt. , boltairo diamond bhirt btud in tua *