r 1 TEDG OMAHA BAIL" ? BEE1 , SiLtUUDAY , OCTCXBElt , 18 , ISiKX vni * ntitf > tti t TUMI " uni'PT'P 1I1L SFFXEATIVL MARKETS , ffheat Under the Accumulating Ball In fluences of the Past Three Dajs. LITTLE INDEPENDENT STRENGTH IN CORN , fitiort Hii'lng Gives Oln Another r.111 Homo Quiet Utiyitignf I'rodttoo by I'nckcrs Ijlro StooVc mill I'ltianclal. CIUCAOO Oct. I" . [ Special TclcKratnto THE Hi.n.1-Tli bull Influences wliloli have bcun in fit-lit ( or Ilirco ilny- pint had tliclr cflcct today and tlio nhcat market wis lifted In a way that siirprl-cd those who wcro playliij ? for a brouk Tlio foreign situation must con trol ulces from now on. Tlio .Amcrlcm crop h mostly taken circ ( if , nnil whether tlio tot il yield tic a few million tomlicls more or less mulcts llttlo dllTcrcncc. rhero It Rrcat Miorl- ape and little tonpa.ro afttr ull liomo wants are supplied. 1'arly In tliown-k caliles ua\c tlio key-null ) totlio prcscntcoiiilltlotiof tlilnRs liy Klvliiw the dcoreiso. In wlicit or oecim jmsstuo anil ttio decrease In Iliisslan KI | | > - liioriK A mid on thf market by llutdiliison , mul Ilnidslteeti flsurcs Riving a hrgo In crease In the a villnbln supplies oust of tlio mountain * , coining nt the sumo hour , caused the only sillmckof Importance. Tlilidld not brlntlowrcnllco. ! ) 11or pool was hlKher jcs- terclny after the break hero Into Wednesday , nml loth \orpool and London ere still lilitlicr toihy , following the half-hearted mar ket of yesterday. Cables wire tlio mainspring of lilRher prices mid the loiiiint ) market. Them wriHiio tnarilpulitlonln It. Tlio powers wlilcli iiMiilly manipulate were ajjiilnst tlio ndvniicc. Our miirkitanot aldiio In Its advance ; Now ork wan strong and hlnher nnd repiirtid buyliij-by countryby uportcrs mul by loeil shorts. Nlditlng-ilo Is nn record us saInt ; that ( orolnnors must hu\o wliciit from tills sldu Uforo Christmas , bo the prluo hlKlier or lower , A prlltd culjlu to Diinli nn A. Co , sa > Ins t Int nornbiuh estimates a do- crunwof 4,0 0,000bushels In the flouting hiip- pllcs wnsporlinps tlia best bull card of the ilny. Tlio buying licro was o ( a chnraotcr that loft tin doubt about Ilio support of the nmrli't.lllliim \ Dunn fcCollllani \ Young A. Co , I.oj ! in fc Co , Diiiiluiiii A ; Co. , llrosscau , Mitchell , t'omstooU. nnd atonu tlinu Mini and Uml.ihy , wore ull prominent bnyiM. IliiUcr was reported as sclllnziOUOO buslicls of No. 2 spring nt IMiffalo ut 3ioo\er the Oicomler price Into. Ltxcrpool cables worn lil up on spot wheat < > nrly and closing cables vi ro 'iftld up alluroiiml I.nn- ( loii ciblc's ncroiy/UKiier ipiartcr lilsher Re ceipts In the tinrthucst nero but inodcrite , I'oiislderlnit tlio elcir weather Mlnne.ipolls Kll curs , lliilut li'.W. These two point" , with Unlcigo nnd Milwaukee , fur tlvo ( luys of tlio week , rcoelxcU " > ,0.rj curs , air.nlnst 4 . ' 15 lust week untl fiKU thu sumo ilns last ycir. At- Iniitli' ports cleired In whcit and flour iilnrnt 7 < MHXbuslicls ) Tlni rcceliits here aio ! U curs nnil foi SituuUy ! ) cars ; mit-impcotloii , 7JOOO biiihelH , mostly No 2 Mirln ; * The action of thoinmket was : llcceiiilieropitHMlntil.O'l'i ' , mihlitraUlit iiutoJIWi In 101 tofl.04 ! , to H.OIU to JlOIWtoJI.OI1. tofl.04tollill'i it 1 o'clciik ; Jhv. JIOTV Inil.o ; ' , tollWMo JIW'i to INS ( to 410-'i to * IW ( co flOi" , . The stron th lnwlit.it wasgre.itcst attlioclo-o. le- ) ci-iiilicr , iifli-r selllnirliuukto f IDt'i. mo\i > dii | > to JIO'i and cliwil iitil 04\f41.U'i ; Ma ) toiuhod fl O1 ! , arul wus ( iiiotodnt Jl OO'ji-irly to JIOJ'4 nt tlio I'losi1. Vhllo tint a < hiiULO for tlio day ttiiHl'c ! ii DeciMiibiu * , 11 w.is but ! < In Mn > , a niirrnuliu premium Tlicro WHS plenty of wli < itofTiri'd t loiitlcuris. Tlic corn market mil % ory little Independent Rtruiutli today , 'Ihoi'iirl ) aibanoo was duo r.ttlar to % cry light-oirerliiKs und t host length Inni'iit , and oils. May npcneil at rc nnil sold Ui toM\cat onco. Aftcr'i slU'lit roaellon on a quiet inirketbi'foremlddiy tnuru vas bonio good general buying , nncl tlio prlco moved up to "vl' c anil he-Id at Ulc at 1 oMnck. October corn was quotid at Oi'ie ' , noiulinl , < urly , mul 5lc at tlinclo t > ; No\iiiibur , & 0'.iCtor l'ic ' at thu close , Ueeonilicr , a)1 ) Jo to . ' > l' ' < e. Muy hold StCIldllV lit tllO ClO > 0 lit M3C , "tO OMTllSt nltrht. hllo other months nerouiilftirmly 'Jo cu jr the close yesterday. Hecel | > tncro \ Filthily OMT thu estlniutoii tTUIcurs Hutch- luson uiisn biijur alUlayln tills market. Of- win ) lit no time lii'nvy. nay mm pi I vIloKos bold ut .VJ'ic ' for puts und 51'io for culR Tlio short Intorrstln oais Is not nil covered yet , nnil buying liv lielatcil shorts Ka\o thu iniirkct nnntlivr lift today , Hiisliii'-s ooiitln- iii-sto lie nlniost untlruly In May. Hucilpts V.L-I-O llbiral nt ? ) t-ius anil thu tlr-t j > rlu > s \ioioat nducllno { mm ln tnljlit with Outoln-r iiunilntil t 4l'io nnd Miy at 44 VTlipru vrasnqiilok buleo totno far May and a brink to 4Vc before iKKin , and on ht r btiltto tlio prloo went to Wia nndclosiil at4l5o , with Outnbur nt42 ? c uiid Dvceinbcr lit 4c. Drltur. Kovlur , Itosi'iiliuuiul and lliitelilLMinuru nunii'd nifruobu ) ors to oovor , Baldwin nnd Fiirniiiii lioiiElit early. It was cliilmuil tlmb Bclmait ? DuiH'U sola linlf a million at onn tlinoln reillrliiR. I < lcht Mock and light w eight outs botliiukl to tlio uneasiness. It l clalinoil that HILTC was Mtno quiet buy- liiKOf ho ? products l > y picko'J todiy. Ills certain tliut Mltolicll bon lit pork freely nt tlinos , anil tlio Anglo roninny ] lird. btrciiKtliwus mostly slioirn thollrstliitlf hour wlit'ii nil the uiUancoTIIS niado. January Bales wore : Miort ribs. 15,75 to K .K ) to WTT'J at the oliwo : Inrd. MUiito'MU ; nii"s perU , * ll 7i ! tofll.fi ; ' ; attlm close. Uctolor tiork. 10.71 , May , $12U' ' } . Kiln olosod study , lard Siioup nnil pork 5c to 7' Jclil > cliir. till 1C tUU L.JW tiTO UK. Ciltcvr.o , Oct 17. ISpoihl Telcsnm toTiiB lU-t ] OATrr.r-Tlitro H.IS llttlo or notlilnff now In thu trnilo tol.iy. The iluinuid Is ( air anil prhn are stt.uly at tlio idvanco previ ously not oil. As hits liicn tlio ciso for tuo months ptst , coininon and orillniiry mtl\o steers woio slow and uolil at utisatlsfautory prlcus , Tcxaus nolil a Hliuilii Inucr and raiiKPrsaRli.iilulilKlit'r. A few loiils of stocki'rs and frdlcrs olinnneil lianils from day to ilny. but there U notlilnp of intuiiHt Kolnir on In tlio inirkut , riflci-n car loads of HIXM ! toiirlino stL-tr > sohl at J'iWT& f > .VO ; iiiivlliini nt t4..r' C4.7.nnd unimiim at iJUO ( : i75. Must D [ thu Texans onsilu nuroeous. sollliis at tl.-WVt tr : a fuvr steers so Id at J.M ( > .r& 2.41. Nntlvo biitchers' Mukrll.7lxa.'K ( ) . Thu top price for misuri was J-J. J ; otlurs , i.'bO ® u.iS lloos Thc ro wnsaslinrp ilown turn ofSto lOann heivy itnd 10 to He on Mclit , but ut tlio dccllno liushussvu actho and iiliont o\ery- ( onuil buyers. .Ml\e < liinil tuuk- hold at ( .1 IUVJ4 'JO , InrRoly nt H.KXtl 15 ; prlino lietvy und tmtolirr uolk'lits , ll.-.Viil 4" > : n fowlMilliulclDliliM nt M.VKftltt ; llxht sorti. H. . ) to)40 ) for llrst class , tin ; uutsiilo for since Bert : soconil class. H.00 < 84 10 ; plgt , , tltx > aJ75. NKVT Yonic , Oct. 17. [ Spoelal TelcBram to Tur llKtl PTOCkS-Tho action In stools up to noon vfivs tlm bCMtslnco priecs hn o been nt the lowist points. The action of tlio govern ors In IctrhiKtnu Innk rate In London umlls- turbcd was aeourecof iiiitoh Improved confl- dencc. It wns also disco\ore < l ufior lionrs jfsterilay Unit the buying wan well coneen- tr.itcd \\ltliitaiKltho early londoti jcstenlay , Mlilch was put down at 20,000 shares , fully half bolnj St , Paul. Oiicnliii ; prices were about on a par with tlio cloio Itiat nlKlit , with a few of thu moro buoyant shans < i to ij up. Tlio ntluinoc.is from tlio flrst nionicnt to midday M , Itli scnrculy a sign of reaction. HurllnKtnn lul tliondvanco for prini ors , Iiiito02 acalnstai at the close jesturilay : n H l' ' vant . at it ain to leltt . Mull rt > sou point. Ixmls- vlllo wai up ' 4 tOiM * . ami Jersey Centril opened l' | upultli no spiclal trucllng. Trust ntooksVIMO lililu r but not lo.nl- Ing thu nil vu tice , I'lillinan rose nearly 7 points at once on the annual reinrt. The sleek wtikeiml a llttlo litforoloVlnck. but tlio re turn ol strength later frlffhtcncd short .s nnd prln's wire put up one\oi > lknt buj Ini ro- linrillessof eiirreut news , ClilciiKo Uns uo > ed steady and SiiKar 1'i ' up In rallroud sh allclusves tti-robtronvrt loitlsvllto eloscd at'OU : Nortliern I'acltlo profirred , H , up at 7.1V after toin.hliiK'41. : Atchlson. 1 hlslitrat Hook Iilund 1 Filsher at 77 : llnrllnitton rose to 10 nnil closed l { up at tC'V ; st , Paul , with a i > or sliouliuof eirnlncs rose tow1 and Missouri Piicltlo ai up U ! Lnckawann nnil ItoadlnB were strong , Saks rtacliuil SUI : 2W harn. Iho followlns were thociosins quotations : U. H < nmilar ! * * u > rliiurn 1'utlilc. . . , V. H 4 cvupoit , : : : : do preferred. . . - - - ! ? 4 CAN. W .107 ? < . - : ( toirefvrml . . . .1311 I'MClttCIUOf 'IXi | 1 ] Hew Vuik Cunlrnl. . . ,104 Central IMclflc X ) I' , I ) , AK 17 Cliwiiio Altcin . . . . ] ! 5 lluck lilitnd 77 Ctuciik'o. Murllnntoii | UM.st. . r > ut no sul'nuli Ouilti'a" ! ' ' * ' I'nloii i'tclHo , , , 1 , Knniin A riVm . . | > \ . SUU A 1' , lu Iwtte Mioro do iircferrnl ' 'IV * \\e-tacn \ \ Uulon MlMourll aoIHe 1'iiiui MniiCA.NXiLk ; i percent. STCIMISO rxcitANor.-Qtilet. but Heady ; llxty-dny bills , 1l o < | donnnd. 1180. The UofTcc Market. NnwVoiiK , Oct. -tSpcclal Telofim ; to TUB Ilr.K.l-l'ofrco options opened < * toi'ly anl unchanged At 10 potntMlovrnanu' closed steady find uncliaiiKcd to 10 down. Halts , 22. VX ) bags , ncltullni * October at IKlOillS.SJ ) No'cmber , I7.fc5 | December , tlT.IVifelT Jo ; Jtiniiary , lid' " tlBWi IVbrii iry. fifllu/ttlir * : Miircli , 115 Witt . .CO : April , t ' > .7VaiVM ! May , | 1.170"tl180. ( Spnt lo dull and stt'jdy ; fair cargoes , I-V.73 | No. 7. 1 .Tf.lK/C KTS. Cnic no , Oct , 17-Clo < o 'Nhoritllrm : ( nsli. (1.05 ( ; December , tl.04 ai.a'i | Mny , il.09 < i Corn rirnij cash , Olcj December , Iny.Wac. Out * Pinner ; casli , 42JiCt December 43' ' { * May I'c. 'lye rirrnat ( VJ'iOfUo. ' lltirley 1'lriii nt7Vl79c. ( Prime tlmotliy-yulct atH.2 > QI20. l'i t-Kii-y ut Jl.4&2l.4V ( , > U > Votk Slcailyi cruh , O.S71' : Janunry , 111.57' ' ; Mil } ' , tlSW'i. Lard < ti idyi ensli , tfl.a ; Janimry , t < i 52'i ' ® Kloui bteudy'and imchanjed : winterwlirit , 22.Vjt5.23 _ ; sprfiij wheit , KUOSyiMj rye. US ; Hulk Melts -'houldors. IS C2'iil3.73 ' ! short eli > iir.Kl.7.ii5HU-hurt ! | rlbi , ( .1.40. . Mutter -I'lichangidj creamery , KVIiSlc ; dairy , ! 2l"u. Chceso rnclian e < l | full croiim clioddnr , i'ie ; Hats , H'liiMUcjouiiK ; Americas , UftO'ie. KHIII t'nchaiiued : freshISttl'A1 , -"Jnt'lialipedheavy-rooiisaltedG'lc ; | ; jihtsrcons illul , Uiic ; Krcen,5'c ( ; salted bull IdusOc ; drv c.ilf , WIJJo ; ilcacoiu. each 25" , Tallow L'ncbaiigud ; No 1 , l'ic ' ) No. 2,4c ; cake , 4iic. " Uecelpti Slilpments. rioiir.bbl' . . . . . S.two 0000 Whoit. bit 77,000 11:1000 : Corn , bu ? . iKWfOO Outsbll JJJ.Oi ) ) 291,030 , NKW VoiiK.Oct 17.-Whcit liccplpli. 2JMO : , p\l > orts7,00 ! not closed lpiuli No 2 ml. iHJ7'lii lc\utor ; aiO-vitlOJU alloati l OSUffi 110 f i ) b ! ojitlons iidvtncotl I'sSI'jinut ' roucliol iiffi. closing llrwi No 2 nil , Octo- b r. closing at 11.02 V Corn Kicolpts , : rMOO bunlirls ; exports , 45s50liisliclt ) : stnt oliwcil firm : No. a , I'y'BVo In cIcMitor ; J'JtiTl.VJUo ntloati unirrndiu mixed , 571tBt > Oc ! options closed llrm ; Novem ber closliignt rvS'ic. Outs Uuclpti , fiflOOO bushel * : export * . 1,550 buslicls : mlvud uustrrn. liaiOe , wnlto western. 4T6-Vxj | oiitlons stronger ; October closing ut 47' c. Suitir lliiw. Ilrnii rcdnod , quid. I'etrolouni riniiiMj united tlosccl at 81'ic ' for Nu\pmbir. I' UH Kltm , flcstorn , S2'j&23c ' I'ork - tntiiK , mess ! ll.r.naH2.3 . ! Ijiinl Klriiicii WL'stirn sluuiii , II 50. Butler 1 Iriin wpstorn diilty. 103bc ; reamer * * , 1 lai'lo ; Ulsln. HV Uliicse K.ithcr o islcr ; llsht skims , 53T 4c. ST. Lout * . Oct. 17-\Vhcat lllglurs cash , i.c , May. l.0f'i. ' ( orn-lllitlier ! c.isli , 4te ; MnyWS < * . Oat * llt/liert c.isli. t'l'Sc ! May , 447a 5c. 1'otk Hittur jtri'J5. Liinl Klrniurat JOOOGC.O. ) . lluttur linn but unchanged ; creamery. 21 Q25odiiiry ; , K i , Oct. 17. Whcnt-Pemancl for No. Imirtlipraory ictlvo mill eholco No 2 and low Rrides went well , Hoeclpti , wheat , V.1) ) cars : slilpiiunts , 150 cars Uloslnx I * " J InirdDotobor , tlOO ; on track , $ l01 < aii8 : > I liorthorn , l > ) 'ic , on trark , OtilitlWc1 ! No J northern. October. Kc ! ; December. UIHcon ; track , ! lo . Oct. \\lieat-Ptrong \ ; rto- maiid f.ilr , lioltlers otTer sparliif-Iyj Cill fornla , No 1. 7-t 7il per coiitil : red wot- U'iil ' : icd w esterii wlnttr , 7s. J'jd ' fern strong ! demand yootl ; inKed western , ' .s ( i'id per uuiitnl. K \\s\s Ptr , OcM. 17.licat \ S trim a ; N'o. 2 li.ml , I'.iili , IWe : No 2 red. cali. Ujoi-ikcd. Corn Firmer , No.ic.isli , 473. c : Outober. 4Se. O.its Muidy , No. ; , casbUO4e , bid j October , M'icbld. iiirKh , Oot 17. Vlicnt-rinn : No 2 spring , oaili , 'I7a'ici No.lnortheiii.H.OO. C'oru I'lriu ; No. 3. 5lc. Outs Klrnii N 2 white , 4" o. I'rovlsiloiis I'lrin : pork , January , 1II.&J. CICINTI , Oi't. 17 Wheat-Steady ; o. 2 red , fl.dO. Corn MroiiRcr : NnSmhocl. Onts lllichui ; No. . ' ial\ccl , 45o Wlnskj-fl U _ LIVESTOCK. Cmoino , Oct. l7.-C.ittlo Rocoluts , in,000 : market ilr.tdy , sto < rs , JJ.'ioa ' > .2J , Toxins. 1145 I8.l.ij : ; mtlvo butchers' stock , I70&'SO ; r.mxers , i. ' MtflMS. llujs Jecol ! ! | > t < i , 20000 ; market active and lower ; n-.Ked nnd packers , KIUKT54.S ) ; prime hoavv and butcbers' hts , SI " .vailo ; light , f4.COiiM.40. plK . U.OOft.i.75. Slicep iteculpts. 7,000 ; market actho nnd steady ; natives , * 4 ivar W ; vfutorns , 8300 ® 4 SO , block Utnbs , KiUXai.TJ PT. Louis. Oct. 17 Untile Receipts. 1,500 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market steady ; fair to fancy natltesteers. ( JS5QI05 ; Mockers and feeders , tJ OOiW.OO Hogs Iteei'lpts , 3,700 ; shipments , 4)00 ) ; mar ket steady : 1 in ivy. il.2o3l.45 ; mixed , Kwa 4.30 ; llsht , l,15a 1.2V ' K s-s\.sOiTY.Oct. 17. Cittlo-Hoeclpts. 7300 ; sblpnieiits 4.OJO : market strong ; Mcnr * . Cl 40 < a4.l , ; cows , SI 003.203 ; stookers and feeders , * , ' 60O.1.25 Hogs Keeelpts. 11,7V ) : shlmncnts , 3,650 , ; nrnr- ketluwor ; all gradesJ2J34,25. Sinux CITV. la . Oct IT.-lSpccl-il TolCRnm to Tin : IltK 1-Ilops-Het'ilpts , 1.700 ; market Utilet ; billing , H8."V3I 10 ; bulk , < J.033I.O' > . OJllIf.I .Jl.iltKETJi , Catt Ic. Trldny , Oct. 17. Kstlmaled receipts of cattle .t.OV ) , as com- p.ncd with 2,401 > o tenl.iy uiulJ.'JOUrrlil.ij of laMneek. The best ir.nlcs of steers were iie- .oaiKl jitronior , others stouly. llutclicrs * stock win uiich.uisul. The List srulciaro autlto und unchanged , iioorerones slow and low. Kstlinated rrcolpls of boss , 0,101 , as comp - p ircd with O.Vi1) ) yesterday nml i > .7IO 1'rlday of list \Mi'l < . Tin ) in 11 left opened lower , best. shlppltiK lio-isste idy lo TKJ lower , puckers' liiv stu.idy tint lOo li ) - 'r , tlio hulk So lower. Tliciatiseof jirlooswas tl'iOTilJO. tlio liilk at J.I.S IlW. Tlio miirket closed eak , I.lclit. W.antl.10 , hemy. * ISi)2il > J : mixed , J.IWBI03. Tlio a\ur igo of tlm prices paid was M.H ! ) ' , as conipar 'd wltliM.U7yesUrct.iy aud JIOO'j 1'rl- dny of last hlioep. Fitlinntnl reoelptsof sheep 10 : n sen in pa red H itli ? Jjyi"Uunliiy. fhu inirkotls iinchaueed. Nutliua , { . ' .JSaiOJ ; westerns , $ . ' The followliiuls a t.iblo of price * paid In this market for the gradt ) of stock mentioned : I'rlmo HtuTS. inOtolCOO \ \ . 54.fi ( itISJ Coodstecrs. H < 0 to 14V ) ILl . 4.00 ft IT ) fJooil steers. 100 to U)0 Ib3 . 383 I'ulr , lOOOto 115) ) Ibs : ) W Common.800 to 1200 Ids : ) .A CoinniDiiciuincrs 10) ) 4CIOO Ordinary to fair cows 200 2JO l"ilr tooml COINS 2k ) SCJG3 ( Jood to iliolcocows " 'i ( ftlOO fhnlco tofancj co 3 - ft.1 15 Knlr to Rood Dulls. 1.71 JJ5 Clinleo to fancy bull * ' 'V ) fffi.10 ] IjluhtHtuckunanil ficdors . "JOO Ketdi'rs.U30 ttilllM UN "iH Pair to cholcolUht boss : IW 4 10 Pair to choice linn vy li : ' 8I Pair to cbolc mKed U.SO QI05 Disposition of Stock : . Shrmtng the number of hoacl of stock piircliu-.nl on this niarkot yenerdiy as ro- portc < d by thu wel hmastCM of the block-yards eoinpuio. 110(29. Armour-Cudahy packuiR company s.r.m Oindia iiioUIiigcoimuny . , . . . . . . 1,558 Swift A. Co 1HO Cioortro II Hammond packing company 575 .1. I' ' t-nulres AUo . . . . C20 " ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i-pirry % \ Humes . . . . . . . 'I . . . . . . . . . . . 321 banders ICJ SUE hi' , Swift JE Co ST. TlieArinour-L'iidiiliy packing company. . ou lleircntivtUu | Snlon , STLKIIJ , No , Av. I'r. No , Av. 1'r. ' No. Av. Pr. sr. lisa COWS. 3. 870 100 3S K20 23 fOS IRQ ! 8.V. 11X1 701 7. 7110 1K5 - ' . 11K5 100 . 1 1000 IKS 7. OCX I 10 21.II . 012 170 a torn lrV5 21 724 125 II mil 70 a i ia III. t IHO 125 I. tv 75 35. 1004 UK ) U. V tvV)5 ) 75 is. 1010 HO ) . 7flt I 115 H KM 7-i 21 1T77 200 1. I ICO 1 40 1 1170 75 10 100 2 DO S. IHX ) 1 A ) U..I070 1 W ) 2 1)70 t 1012 1 U ) 107:1 : NJ 2 1010 200 1ft b71 ICO I. i-HX ) 80 22. Oil 200 1SJ. B.15 1 00 " . b77 bO 5..UOJ 210 BTOCKKIIS 300 10 ( WS 235 11. Ptt ) 2 GO I . 470 200 IK U20 ' 'M 22 KM 2 GO 11. , MO 'JOO 2i . 007 S 50 W 8 > 0 275 a. . ( > oi J 10 2S , 707 2 50 ' 285 11. li-J 8 VO 110 U.M S M 1)40 2 > 5 : ) , tire 225 7 771 tta 7. 1047 205 8 Kin 8 25 It ) , 810 255 101.I002 ' ! . , 844 BITMA IN 1..U30 175 I..1X0 t 1.TO 10) ) I 1270 1 71 J 1410 1 7. . 1 100) ) 1 J 122) ) 1 7.1 I , 15 XI 1 77. S 1335 1 73 3 15VS 1 7J 1 1200 1 M 4 ns ; i no il is ) a w . 210 nee 0 24) ) 273 J . 310 3 OO 1 130 3 W 8. . W ( 2 SO InilUcr . IH 00 Imllkcr . W 00 HKirctis. 37 5IJ 1 33 1 . 7oO S 00 oxev. I IBS ) 2 3) ) STAGS. J 1400 1 M WLSTEIWCATTIE. No. Ar. Pr. P.O. tloodhuc- KKtciri . HID J2 33 1. C. Mlllir 13co s . 1181 1 S3 OMfpr < ! . 1 U 2 i-o Wntson i Jolmson- nhalfcrs . KA 1 SO .Oliolfers . Ml 1 SO WhOfors . Wl ISO V T. Caltlu company ' . " > cos . ml 1 70 51 strcr * . talllnn . 118) 2 10 Mstters . \r , 2 7.1 1 steer . 1S 2 75 UiinwocpCa.ttlo company II feeders. . . . . . . . . .W. 270 2 f > tilits . inn 270 10 fcciltirs . IMI 270 10 foulf-rs . 1WI 270 167 fecilurs . HXM 270 5 sticrs . 11M 2 IK ) 2stccrs . 11V ) 3 in 1 star . 1010 2 t > 0 1 sKcr . 11 * ) 2 l 0 20VU . 1310 1 S3 J.U.Coy- ScniincTs . DM 1 00 1 CIIIIIILT . 8JO 100 1 cow . 10.Y ) I no GcO'.H . IC1 1 fiO Icoif . MO 1(50 ( 1 bull . IW 103 2 cows . lOii ) 1 80 Scows . 10H ISO 2coiVH. . UA ISO lloo . 111. ISO 2COWH . Sill 1 l 0 12stccrs . 1K 2 GO 3 steers . 1011 250 4 sticrs . Ul" 250 r stccis . fit 255 5 btccrs . SOU 255 BIICKP , No. Av. I'r. 191 westerns , wethers . 103 $ J Do noa . No. Av. Sh. 1'r. No. Av. Sli I'r. 77 . IRS IJOMM Cl . .219 liOflOO Of . . 174 1.1)i'lT ) , 20 . . .M 0 HIM w . . ir,7 w : IM t > 5 . . sti 20 nee 10) ) > > 0 : iCO 157 . . .S > 7 120 3 HO 1S1 JM IIU ) 01 . . .2il 2N ) HIM ) i"S : ira r.ti . . . .i t 120 3oo UliJ'J 72 . .2iO 80 3IX ) t9 . JUS 010 an 74 . . M 120 81 . , 1117 Id ) a ( A G7 . . .VN ) 120 305 OS . . IK ) 80 a S3 70 . . .I'll ' ICO 31 tr.1 . 202 320 a a. 02 . . .211 a 115 io7 . . 172 so : IK > ra . . . .ai so am is . ! ! 255 ciio lir 72 .Yjo ino a 113 7 . . 3J1 120 a 71 SO . . . 210 IN ) 3 U5 77 . . 212 1.-0 II75 71 . . .2JI 200 305 * . .210 a75 Tf .ITi KO II10 ? J . . 270 ni\ 131 . . . .2T7 120 3 IM 71 . . 223 80jn 81 H 200 305 II . . .124 IM ) 375 Gl . . .MI M 307'i ' j . . , y > 5 37 > ai . .aa M ai)7ii 107 . 22 ! ) TO 37" 7S . . 2T4 120 4 CM ) 0) ) . . 11W CW 37-1 W . . . .ill 40 400 5s . 270 J80 3M ) 77 . . . .S 240 4 OO . . 2r2 : ice aw ai . . . . ' > J 200 400 . ) . .417 360 34 . S71 - 4 OO M . 207 ! JO 38J til . . . . 'ill 40 400 71 . 229 I'-O ' 350 75 . . . ' 'I. ' 100 4 OO M . 178 40 3K ) 47 . . . JIO 1W 400 M..2ir. M ) 360 IX ) . .1U 4OO . 'is WO IM ) 3.15 S3 . liJ IliO 4 ( H ) Groceries. Persian , 0-lbbov , 9.jC. ! TwiSBS-Cotton twine , "IlUjb , " > ery lino. ' 4- Ib bales , 2V : cotton twine , XX brand , ' 4-lb bales , ISc : hemp twine , Mb biles , lc ? ; sail twine,20oj eanfllu vMck. i'o ; 40-foot cotton clothts lines. 8. > c , CO-foot cotton clotlici lines , ll.MSj CO-foot cotton lines , II,40 , CO-foot sisal lues , 11.7. ) , 60-foot Jute , tt.OQ ; wool twines , 8'tc. UAisiNS-Loiidon lajors , Cillfornla. Illy , per bov.t-.73'hoiscshoc , " $2.00 ; loose rnincatcls , California Illy.40 $ ; horseshoe , l-.ar ! "star , " loose muscatoU.M ; stedlcsa California , J.OOj Callfornl.tseedlcss sultan' , In sacks , per ib , 81" California muscatels , In sacks. S'jo ; now Valuncla < , D c ; ondiira , lajer , new , 10'tc. ' 'JIIIIN 4.cious Goons Hurley , 3'c ; ; farina , 5o : teas. S'io : oitmcd. ljbl , 357 > UO:5 ; Inlf bbli MWX81.S5 ; iiiae.ironl. 10llc ; vinnlcelll lOttlle ; rite , vim Ice , O QO1 ; fancy. 6l7c ; , hoa < l,7a ; SIRO anil t iploua , IVQ17C ; liimboitns , 0Jil split peas.tc ; Kiuzuttl , lie. \Viui'i ia 1'u'i.is stran , per Ib. I'tSl'.c ; nn.J'iC : man till II. ViTM-.biy. j.Sc. MOL\ssn-Hbis , N.I ) , fancy , per Kal.WftVc ; choice. 4.X47c ! ; good.Tixa.C.'c ; Uuba , baking , ' . * ! QUO * . ! Dlatk strap , 'joai-'c. SOIH I'kijs , ( iDlbs to box,5' ckess,4ljC. VIM.QAII > U ) gr , N. V , apple older. Itle ; U.S. elder , 1-c ; white wliic , 15u ; fine } , fin It , ISo. Olts I.'ilprliim white , lie : 1'iOwutt'r white. He ; huadllght , H'ic ; 74Kisollne , llu -HbU , 1'ot'i itramilutidciln bbls , i-K roilsn-$2OOJ" ( .s5pi > r sross HADAm. . per lUOtl7.75 , LxwMon , per 100 , 7.7 ; Union s < iu ire. I ) percent on * list , SALT Pilry , io Ibs In bhl , hulk , JfJlO JCit craile , 00 5s. JJ.30 , be&t crude , 100 U. $ J U ; lust crude. 1810s JJJ5 ; rook salt , crushed , JI.DJ ; common , bhl. 3125. U.tNtM ) MK.AH Corned beef , 1 Ib , $120 ; corned beef , -Ibs. * I'JO ' ; lunch tongues , 1 Ib , fc-MiO , lunch tonjuei. 2 Ibs , (1.75 ; br.iwn 1 ID , fw'.fJO ; brawn , ttllw. J.'OO ; ox tongues 1'i llu. J5.OO , ox tongais 2 lls , $3.0) ) , clilppctl beef , I1. Ibs , roundc.iasfju : > ; roust belt , 2-lb round cans , J2 00 , polled Iinm , Ib , round cans. G * > c : pot ted ham , till ) , round cans , (1.20 ( ; iluvikii liuiii4 Ib rou ml oil us , ( > 5o : dovlleil ham , \ Ib , round cans , 41. ' ) ; pottml ox tonitiif , ii Ib , rmiml cuns , $12) ; compressed IIILIII , 1 Ib , square cans , J2.71 ; tilpo , 3 Ib round cans , $1 H ) ; minced calous.Slb , ruiind c.iiis. l.20 ; boneless pics'feut.Mb. snua re cans U.2o. C'/VNKn VICILT\III.M Toinatoe * 3-lb extra , tl.1531.2O ; J-Ib itiin < \vFsturnbtunds. . 11,10 ; gallons , Arciior's Mtamlard , tJ 00. Corn-I'lnest crown , il.CO ; Oito Ulty sns'ir corn , * cry fine , 11.50 , Ull num. 2-lh suar com , $1'.M ; 2-lb extra Hoemer. II10 ; Mil sliinrtanl western bra nils , ll.OX Mtiihrooius 1-11) Krencb. extra line , 23 ® 25oMb IriMiclilineNi , * ! c ! 1-lb Kiincli. or dinary , ICffilSc. 1'eai-Tres din' , per cm , 2 , : denil'tlne per cin , llic ; 2-lb slflcd , SICO ; 2-lb early June. JlW : 'Mb marron , stiindnril brands , SI 25 ; 2-lb so iked , 75 , ! . HrhiR bonus 2-lu litKb crude , Itofucco , M.OO , 2-11) ) Gnlden waxbeans il.w-llisti ) IIIK lioans , 8V ] I.lnm beans 2-lb soaked , ivV ; . Iloslou-baked bc-ani 2-lb LcvK Jl.M ; < " "roin llrmilsfl.IU. bwect potatoes J-lt > Now Jcr-oy , Jl.'iO. I'aiiipUlns t-11) , J1.10 Okri and tonutoes-fl.tu , okra , Jl ni ; sueeolash , 11.20 M.U'i.v : irnAiirerlb.cakes , 30-lb bo\es. Ilk : ; lOo ciikcs , 30-Ib Iwxes , U' ' e ; 1-lb brleksJO Ibs In box , inin. lie. Con-fcE-Koasted - > ln , 25'ic ' ; Iluanh , 25'4e : tK > rni.ui.i > Hc , IIl\Mirtir ) 25'1ic : Ulon , 5Jc ; nallpouclii1/ie : ; Uorcluoa. 2Jiciloc'ha ! , yovic ; O. 0 Java , : tuo. UitlKii liiunj Turkish prunes , less tlmn hbcls , lP-9,7'ic : Dilwlnil lihils 'ioless ; Ilo nla prunes. C-lb | H\I ) > S , UX ) to no. " c : tipples , evaporated. no rln i'liolce , liicj evnpoiated , no\vrlnt" prlinoU'ioi uprloots. fancy. In sacU , 20c ; blaokl ) rrlcs , ue . JO'ic ; raspberries 25 Ibs to liox.Jlc ; ouriants. ntw , 5'iQ.'iVic' ' ; orli- Imil casks Uc less ; Vostlzza currants , c\.tri , In boxes.O'ie. CiiEFsu-l'rtMiiluni F. C. , l ln flals , per Ib , lOKi'i 1'rein I u in 1' . P. , Ysiinc Amorlei , ll'io ; lirick , l.k ! | domestic bVTSs , 14iT617c ; > daiu , In folI.eacli.d.OO ; Minbcrc r , l.'V e , NITS AlinoiuU , IKHruzlls ; , 17c ; filberts , 13o ; pi-cans. H5ci walnuts. lc ; peanut cock * . 10ie ! roaMiMl , l.'Jic ' : Tenrusseo iicaiuils , Uc. HiioOMS-5-tIeparlur. $ . )004-tlo ) ; ; $ . ' 75 ; It-tie , liiUJ-tlc , plain , II.Wj warehouse * , 8J.03 ; toy , H.-JJi whisk. fl.WxaH.2J. OiivKQimrts , per doz , (4.00 ; pints , per doz , 12 50 , Uul k , per gal. . Ux : , I'oiii\.or Manilla rnpo A sires from 7-lfito 1 InI5o ; ulial rope , all sUesfrora7-10to 1 In. lll c ; "acw processes , " all sizes from 710 to , fc-lOAii-per Ib-Cutloiif , 7 'c : Cubes , 7'4Ci ' ntiindartl jMiwdered , 7o ; \ \ . .Xpowdo red 7Tntiranulatiil , standardise : confectioners' A , b'i'itO'Hv ' : hlte , ultra O , brilliant , 7'.io ; ex- L3oTTc > .Nlloi.i-i-nch. | lie. Sou- Castile , mutt od , per Ib , I > 3l0c : do while , per Ib. lie. I'll ki.KS-Mctliuin.DPr hlil , tJ.OOBinilltlO | 00 ; 5'C'al'bbl ] ' i'W"11 IU1 'w'03lu'Bal'CU8l" ' > ! CIIIKII I'lirbbl' , r > nnei1KJ ; half bbl..KlM | hard older , pure , purbtil. , M.tw ; oranie elder , lialbtil..MJU ! ; pear elder. hnlf tbt. , MS ) . iaAU8 ] e-rolowliii ] ( nuolatloni urofor lots of Mlbs.atid upwiirds : lioloiriiuslneasandii , fancy , 4ijc ; tolotna 4o ; pnrknausaueJn link , Co ; porlc iuuhafo , in bulk , & } icj blood , 4c } , ; Ihrr , 4'ot ' ( lieiul chet" ( y. * { BmnVcd hoatl choose , ftnelncrot ' : Irank/art / , tc : 1'olUh n , solid 13MC150- lbttili , l > nildl3liCl411)tm , ) sMb rolK Ik' . I/\itt-Tlerccs. Mrlctly , pure , C'ie ' ; kettle pcndcreJ. tlenes , iHi4. Tiiii-r-Hallbbb fO llnracliJ2.r fl. PiCKim l'in < f KKTHUf libl . ouch $3M. -llidf bbls liooo. uacli17.00 , SMOKED Jlrtrt llnniMiiirnr cured , 12 lo 14 llavi ) riue , ll'0 ' { ! > o. 1 lnms.iusar ciirdl , 15 tolO Ibavcrazi1. IQ' ( < ! , Iso I hams , sujir cured. 33lb a\craKC , lOc : No. 1 liain' , mmr cured. 20lb aurtiKC.IOc : iklnntil hums , wtc : .No. 2 linns' , stictir euroil , Vo ; boneless hiitn , ciin- vn seclor plain. 8'(0 ( ! sriouldcM , sumr cured , ll'io ' ; brcikfast bacon , fancy bonolcs , ; dried beef Inni" , sitRur cureil , < * n < ) \ biooii sliorb clears , CUe ; bacon cloir bncit" , u'iej btcon clear bclllco , fancy MKliI , Tc ; bacon iliortltlbs , O'ie ' ; btcf tonzties , imokcl , 10 < HusAnns llolonims , In vcasands , fancy , 4'ic ' ; liokvnas. smoked , 4c : pork nusnsi1 , In link. Gel pork tuusieu. In Imlk , o'lc ' ; Hood , 4'io ' : llvor , 4'ic ' ; lie.ul cbi'usc. 4Me : sniokoU liiid cliri-so , Co : \ > lncr l or I rankftirt 7o : Idiolilauoli siusase , 7cl 1'ollih sausage , 7c ; to , Tlio above prices are forlotiof fllty pounds anil upvircls-ii Icssquiiitttjrjjo inorp. Diiv SALT MKAW Sluirt dears ix.- ; Innjj clcir < 4 , fi'ic ; short ribs , .V c ; bellies , t' e ; clear bu-ks , Cc. I'OIIK Axn HKnr-Mi' pork , bMs. J1IOO ; fatnll v or back pork , bbls , 1115) ; uttra mess bier , libK MW. llo.vMCOMuTiitrr Ililf bM , SO Ibs cacli. SIV ) ; kits , nlbsi-a-li. hJi. I'tCKitpa'iili'i : Half bbl , BOlbs oich , . ' .V ) : Wt < , nibs each ( Vic I'tCKlEt ) I'KH' t'rbT Half bill , 30 Ibs etch , $1V ) ; Ut. ( l1lbso.ich.UV. Ol.KOKHOtlllVI-A-lbtUb3,1oU < l , 12'C | 40- Ib tub1lb rolls. He. I/Aitii-TIrict , O'ic ' : pure nnd kcttlo rcn- Ocrod. 7' ' o. si-icm Pins' Tovntms-IIall bbls , MO.OO , 13- UiMts.iJ.lO. I'ICKIFK HEBP To.srur * Ilirroh 200 Ibs cwh. J17.00 : elshtlibbls , ii Ibscacli.ttSO. t'oit ' > Ei > Jlrt.r Mb square can , per doz , 8110 ; u.lb ciiuocins. | pprdot , JiaO ) . lie VST on Hoi tin llEfcF Mb rouiulcins. pir di)7l.lOi-lbwuiiilraim per ilofoOO. . UIIIIMFP Diiikii HKi-i-'j-llj round cms. per do7H.2.i , l-lliloitniU'iiiis per do$210. . lt'vuiToMHJi-i-l-lb MUinl en n , per ( lor , S.'V ) ; L'-lb round cms. tirdozH. . " > 0 \VnoiEOxTN"tB' \ ( ' l'i ' Ib round cans , per doz. j. > UOI-lbround ! cans per doz , i',9) . 1)1. ) vill I ) 1UM'iIb ' roiinil cam , per iloz , TiOt ; W-lb round .MIIS. pcrilo ? , 03c. rihli. 1'iiBMil'orll > I'crcli. 7o : bufT.ilo , dre sed , 7c : plokcrol.lH : ; pike. Ho ! trout Do ; Iilt < .iOe ; oropple. lloi e.itlNh , lie : cod Mo.ik , ISc ; Ilimiidirs , ii'Oroon : s , iimon 15c ; lilucKbfs , 18c ; lobstoiri.ltx ; ; blue iMi. l.V Street i'roiluee. rorss-Tlie market SID ! S no npprpchblo cliiiict , the price roinalnlim sleidyit 18e HiTTiHi t re.iiniry. f iinrv , J'XW.Ioiireamcry. choice , Ms ® 'He ; eountri eliolu1 , 1'nJJtle ; loun- try , Kool. 1431iio : country , fair , ICMtlJc ; loun- try. Interior , VSt c UAME TlioiniiiVct Is about stcidy I'ralrlo rhlckiMis. pcrilo en , JJ.Tifl-l > J , mallard dueks , JV)7fc-liO ( : tt-alducKs. ? IJp'iil.l. inlxcil iluekn aiiV5f.1V ) ; plox IT. 'lOaoOi' , Jiub Hulpe. IIOO < { t i : > : iiiull. * IV200 ; Jack rabbit * , WOO : small . . . I'outTiiv ' lln > nurkft on chickens con- tlnuosKcaUunil stocks tixi 1 nrw tinl ) IIIIIKCII- hlonal lot is ) ! oed t iiiiiislili ) Iiiliu.fJ'Ki thi'bullc at thu good clilokciH Riiln iitt.'OOci..1" . Clioloe Inns , iiirdoz 1"it ' - ' . " ; , choice niltcd. tW ! ; iTOsti 92 itltg.X' liu > sptlns chlckons , S.'KTMM ' : incdluiii. tl.Tja.'SS.ginull.lii tonio CM US as low HH sl.iK. TUIIKLV Iho.pcr Ib ) ( > illle. OKKSE I. he , pur doz , jr OJJJ.OO ; dressed , 11 Ql.'c. Di-'CKS Ll\o , per do ? , ! J. % " 3.1.00. I'tcsli I'rnlts. N i\vVouK Git vrr > fnnconls. ioba < lcetlot < , : ilc ; foncord * 5-Ubasl.el lots 40o | etitanhas , 100 b.i-ket lots , 4De ; e.itanbas. 't-lll bas ket lots 4 - ; iih-ins HO ba ot lot1- , 4X1 ; S.ilcins , i 10 bisKut lot4.V ; Xla iM. " ' lb < . 100basl.it lot" 2. " > o , N'hiKirn. 1 Ibs10 biski'tlots , Jie : Hcl.nvan' , "i Ibs , 100 bukot 1 ts , nv , lcli ) aicri Ibs "i-MlbisUit lots-L'iv ; bileini 5 Ibs 100 basket lots , lie : Salenis.Slbs , 5-10 basket lots : Ki .noiiNlA I'liiir firapes , ToKiy , rntes , < lnilopiek..iie ! , SIU ; npt . miiseits , cnto- . , slnulopielvie , Jl ti : intirs Winter r > illlos nnd otbeis boxes. lnKli' p.iolipc , UOO ; Vnlncis. boxes , slnslopu-kaso , * . ' 75. HANANAS 1'ancj IJUullolds J'.ooto ? 'JOO per bunch , Honduras $ l.r > ( ) tn2. ' per liniicli lu.\\nKs J.inialea oriinKi" . - > 0- , single bove- . , per box. ? 4 00 ; . " > box lots i ) .7i hKMO\s Now Malairaluin > IH 111 be In the iimkotnuNtncok TJicy v 111 prolikbly st.irt ! it"i.lH@liOO , fancj Muloil. ails and .503s per bov. sflOlO ; Mil.iKi pel bcHOOf3W)0. , ) . Ai'i'LEs lancy fflnttrupplc" , pet bill , H 2r < 3 37 > . ( JicAMiBitiiirs Vanoydarkripu Cods , ! ! ) .00j fincy dirK Capo Codi a banel Iot ; ix so ; finey llell A. Ulici ry. tJ.OO , fancy llcll A. tlii'rrj,5 barrel lots. rT.'i ) . SWEET POUTO j 3 Jerseys , U7. > BI CO per Ibb. I'oTiions'ollliii ; In car lots at toffiOOc. Choice stook Is sc.llinj mostly at IMc Drum VroKtABi.i : * I'abliise , Midi. , per crite , l.7. > ; rod , jier bbl , } i.- " > , onions , pirlibl , ( lr > 0 : iutabii.is. ? pir bbl , J2.2"i , wliliu cnrnlps , ptr bill , Jl 7i , carrots , per bbl. iJ. ; parsnips per bbl , SJ.-i , been , per bbl , tl.7.i ; liorsciaU- Wi loots , per 1)1)1 ) ) Ss.fl ] , p r Ib. lOe ; cilery roots , IGer.lpor bbl , tlOO : ptr do7,50c ; iMji" > -ilLc.iiilllli\u'r ) ; , fancv. ) ) irdo/ , ; garlic. | ur double sti Ing , 73c. Dry PiNrllHOWNCorro > 4 AthntioMj. Cc ; An- rora II , Gl4cA.urori K.IJ'AC : Atl.isO N 11,7'jc , diet-so cloth , 4u : Clinton 1-T , 5 > * , i I'cpperell It , G > ic , Langdoiid H. id ltihiciiiii I'OTTONS-HorWey Cambric Xo 00 , UJ.it ! Host Vet , ( ivc , lluttorclotli X.\4 i < j , Cabot I'tCillrstL'ill. b'iC ' , 1 rult nf the loom He : Hill r-e nipter Idem , 8u : llins ) < > kceifr , S'jo , ivniK I mill' eumiini ; . iuc' IJUIKIIIIII o ii.u'-f , lonsthU' . ! k ; liOnsdalo cambric , 10' t , No\\ \orkMUN , lie ; Oik t.-iwns. 7e. Wimvs Net Tliiitlc.O-iC , UodTros" 7c. L'liAMi Stevens' H. 1(1 ( In. V-c ; steviiis * T ) W In. U1 ; SttUMiV A , Kiln , 7c ; Stu\enV IMS In , 7'4e ; blo\ens' M. ' * In d'tcMovuis' ' N. .1) ) In D'.e ' ; Meoils' N > ,22 ln.ti'aC' ! btoiens iltT , i-M In. ll'ii ' ; blcieheil , lo t'Uia. I'IUNTS lanolcs rddystonc. f'jc ; ste l Hlvt-r , Gc ; Itiiiiinuo. 4' ' e ; > ( . ledger , 5' c Milrtlnz Martini W.isliliiKloii , 4'ic ' : MPII-I. muck , i\c. Turkey HeiK-Count ila , b'jc'i Uariiip , 7o ; Crciilic'ltf , b'ltr ' ; llirlln , C'lf. MK V 1 KOA - < 'orros > * Atlanllo A , 7'oj Atliintle ll,7c ; Atlantic Jl.bUo ; Atlantic I' , Cc1 ; Aumra t' ' , 43ai ! Ilink's hi id. 7c ; < 'allotV , C'te ' ; Diirlliigton.fi'ic : larmirs1 Xo 1.4'nffil'sCl llooler Jjli.'i'ic ' : IiKlltn liuad , 7iiC | i.avrcncv M. . rc ; Hem loth 1,1 , ' > lto. Net I'eppoa1 ! ! . 4i-ln. W' ' e : Tepperell , f-4 Iboj IVpptrell , 0-4 , L1)t. I'cptieroll , ll-4 ) , 'Jt- ' ; I tioa , 4S-ln.lic : Ullcn. M-ln. 17'c : irtloii , 7--ln , 24c. lItIeas4-ln.Me : Utlea.W-lii , 2s\ic Hloaeheil ll'jc ' ; I'oppcroll. M. IV ; 1'ipperill. M-4 20c ; 1'oppirell. U4. SS'ic : I'ejiDCicll. 10-4 Ale ; Ut lea , 8-4 , L'4C ! Utlci. 0-4 , 'O-j ; ( Itlua,10-4 , > f. Gi > niiAMS-AniOil.o.w , \nunkeaKilioss , 8' ' c ; Hates , O'aC ) Wnrwluk iln > ss,7 > > c ; htm. caster , bUci Gleiulru. b'tu ' ; lilttcndondiess , i'niMS TmllsoMue Xot Mart Iii \Va > ldn ton , ii'ie ' ; Anierlciin , C'ic ' : Arnolil , 0'iC , SPr- Hold llloiin'eltli , lUu ; MlfclA. ll'io ; Mcn-1- mac , 7-S , lOc ; llolil I < eaf,8Sv ! Hamilton . 'jci Allen I'liiks.r..c ; Allen Uhambi ay , txj ; blon ccster,5'5ci llarlcl. SUi' . Cor.oitKDL'iMiiiitCh--Crowii,4Mc ) ! Keil Star , 4'ie ' ; Itollod Clover , 5ci Slater , G cj high col ors , loevtri IJKMMrt Net Amoskc.iK. 0 07 , liHcork ; Cdinltt , 12cj l.virott. stiiiidard , l.He : Haymakers - makers , 7liC ! Old Vork , XX , lOHei Lawiencc , SO. la'ie ' : tiwroncc. Uoz , 15'iu ' ; fancy strlpos and clicks.ll'iO ( CoTro > A.HES ork Nankin , 10'jo ; n\erott 8-07 , l o ; L , ( . lston , 10o2'J2'iciVorkliigniins , Ho. _ Hlilcs , Xal ! < ' , Kt.c. HIDE' . VFI.TS IM > 'TAt.i.ow ' Green nltoil hldos.So. I , lu ) . . ) .0IJttJ < o No , I , I Is lit , il1 tQ > MtO. .No. . Usht.ariScf dry Mint hides 7' * < i { tc ; c.ilf hides , 79i ! ; damaKtd hlilcs. Pides- , , Rheoppclt. ureoii , u.icli , : C > o2l.ti5 ! , sheoi ) pult , dry , tier Ib , lOSHlc , TAIIOW A No 1 , 4' ' c ; Xo. 2 , 3Uc ; wlilt ' , J'ilc ' ! jellow-S'lBiJc ' : sti-arlne. lie > rs Ouotatlons aio fordolhorjInL'hl - Dry uutlalo , p ( r ton lli > . 00il8.no ( , dry country , l > ! i iclitd. JnoiTolJOO ; dry country , damp und meaty , ts.ooqio l J. Ho suns No. 1 emu , JfXOJj N'o. 2 coin , 117.00 ! No. acorn. | | i.OO ; No 4c6ni. II2.5O. Mi IP LiAi'-Np. I plain , 8 and 10 Inch , 118. 00 ; No. 2pUlii,8andli ) Inch. 41 uj .No. : i pldii. 8 and 10111011,111.00 , O. 0 , Inch. If/llDo. rKMl.NO-Whlte I'ltio-Xo I. 4 and fl In , 1 ! and Kft.SlOV ) ; N'o. ,4 iinilf , In. i ; audit , fl m.COj Xo. 2,4 unda In , 10 ft.IO.V | ) ! .Vo : i,4 and 6ln , nil lengths. 111 no/ HIDIVO A.K-.O ) ! II. rs.50 : C. * 1(100 ( ; 7)JiaOl. Ki.ooiiiNO-Whlto Pine A and II. frKJOO ; 1) ) , KI.OOjU , * S7005 J17.SO STOCK HOAHDS-NO. | common , 12 and 14 ft , I.UOO ! in ft , II ! ) 00 ; No , 2 common , is and 14 ft , IIS ! lijft , * I700. GKIIIMI No. 1 white , 't-ln ( 'II. .M ) ; No.lhard Pino. 'l.lnll3.'io.Vo. , , Ihardplne , S-inKI.UO | o. 1 hard pine , Vln. W,00. It VITI.Nrf , \ \ KL.1 , tVHIMl. 1'ICKKTS-O 0 , b.lts , ! 'i-ln ' 70c ! J x.fc &IS , iVs : J-ln well tnbliii ; I ) , fc M , and Itov. Z100 ; pickets , I ) . & U. Hut | i.00j I ) . All. ftii.t-M.OO STOCK Itouius-tV .indll , l-ln , JUOO ; I ) , IS OiionvKDllooriNO common nh Ite pine , ] . ' , U and 10ft. M'JW ; > u. 1 common V pluu , 1. ' , II iinilld ft.HH.lXl , I'onui Cr.KAit l-lnall widths , 131.00 ; olear wMthnJ.ur , U ft II ft 10 ft H f t M f t 22 ft 24 ft 2x4 .115 00 | li IX ) 111 IV ) III ) CM lift DO (17 ( SO MM DO 'xO . 15 01) 15 01) 15 00 10 00 10 00 180) ) 18 M 2\H . 15 03 00 P. 00 10 00 10 ( X ) 18 00 18 .10 2x10. IS 00 15 00 lr 00 10 00 Hi CO IS 00 Ib M Sxl'J. 10 00 10 10 18 00 17 OO 17 l 1'J (10 1'J DO Il4to n\s ii oo 10 oo 10 01 17 oo is 00 10 00 eo CQ Y. I'ISK ' HouiilM ] Ut'ar.i nnd 0 In , IJI.OO ) Itur. undo In. t..MK ) : rift sawed , MOO ultra. * L'uiHuuiO , WUIIE 1'IMJ lu uuii lid clear , 1 In. V.oo ) : | i { . iMnml 3 in , IVIOO ; MclonM In , W.VCOI I HI m nml Sin. unoj AselecM in , W . ( ! IN. IS nnd 3 In. l00 ! ; II select , 1 In , KU.OJI 1 > 4.I)1 ) and2 In ( . ) U select , 1 In , K CO ! 1 ,1'i ' and2 in.Ml.OO. I'lvtsiino. VrirowPisE-Clpar , ! In. , W.OOI IKt'i ' n i IIn. . , 1.7.00 ! Hir : , I In. , i.'l ( K > . HillNt.rs ATii-K.-niri. A\X , | ! 75 ; nUncl- nr lXAAf. oilln.K ) ! : Mil. . I-'OO ; > i ) . 1 , fl at Ocdnr. XA73. . L'HTSliltoioiler.fl \ \ In. , US. . 13lSo | 0 In , nr.l.'o ( ] , : 'i'i ' In. , 'iS. ' . Ho : 8 In , Del 4 to 5 la. , round ; 1'1'jc ' : ciak , split , t > c : red ccunr , l.V. Saih.Oper cent ! iloors , 40 per cent ; lillniN , 40 pcrevntl inoillilltiK ,40 ptreottll lime. No ) | halr.'Oc : ccincnl , American , II. NJsioinonl , tin- lH > rlcd. .IV ) | nhstcr. ! . ' . : tlrnw board , U.aO | larboard ll.OOi titr fell , t-.U. ntocK. Tiv Sraall plj , aoo per Ib ; Ijar , 3Oo perlb. Cori'KH-nanNlieil oollor < l7c . Xte co id roll od , : Uc ) per ll ) | slieethiB. VJO pec lb | pit tiiilllntsllc % pi rib. _ . . . . _ . i ncr cciill pat , plan Iron , N'os.il iiacl.T , A , 10'c | 'Ti i-tJiiE i , o. , io24 , tr.Ms t , x. . io.\n , f i > * n nTil Pr.ATK Coke. 11x20. 112 M.73. STSKI. VIIIK JIAII.S Have. I.1 K ) . , llopFiJso-CliareoaU. O. , 14x20 , 112 , NOO ; I , " ' SIIEKT'IBOV No. 20.1.150 : So. 27.M.G3. SiamKii-iUrlctly Imf and half , ISc. STIRI. "SAII. * Base , ( J.25. "A ME Jap. barb , tJ < ; gal , 13 S3 , The now oflicos of the great Hock Iblimu routo. 1002 , Sixteenth and Furnatn strcots , Omaln , arotho llnost In tlio city. Cull and see thorn. Tickets toaUpointd costut lowest i atoa A nloxv at Koolnllmn. Btut.iN , Oct 17. [ Special Cablegram to THE BKE ] The Franfurtcr Xcltung says that the government contemplates abolishing ledutlcson .Austro-IIungarinn cattle , The 'osslcho Xcltungr velcoincs tlio nc\\s \ nuil a s that the nbolltionot these duties would > e another blow nt the socialist movement , holendcM of which admit that the party iwcsa viut irci)0i-tioii ) of iUnillietentsto the irtlllc-inl duamcss of the nccessirles of life , I'hc KrolzCeitutiR Uoea not object to tlio pro- Ica.lltitr DrnmjlHts and Oroucrs. Sell n > celslorSpriniroMoA\atcrs ; altvoys old in bottles - noor in hulk. Disputants Cannot A-jrce. 13IUN * : , Oct. IT. [ Spoclil Cablej-nni to "in Bcij Tlio conferciico arranged bj the oUcwl council for tlio purpose of urr.inuliig ho differences between the palltic.il patties tlio c.uiton of TUlno opoacel ycstciilny , Huhonnet , picskleiit of tlio teptiblio , pro- Ided "IhoUollberatlons filled to cstiblisb ii entente between the disputants Ills ex- > eitcil tint the feclenl assembly will bo con- eiieel in rxtiiionUuury se > siou to consider hosltuutlou. Tiy the Imperial Clnnipaijtie. it's bouquet s delicious ; His pcrfectlj pure , A bottle vithjour dinner will Imlgonito you for a a ay. r Dillon nncl O'Ur Ion's 1'lau . PAUIOct. , . 1" . [ Special CJlbleRrm to Tin. BID ] The Sleclo publishes a sort of naulfcsto from Messrs. Dillon and OUrlcu n -\blchthcy desoribo tbclr flight from Ire- und , tltotnothcs for their action , etc. They ia * , tlmtnliGiithcv airivo In j\meiici tboj , vill sepirate , Dillon visltlni * the ) pilticip.il cities and towns in the north , and O Brlen olnp ; ovci the \\estera and southern sttitcs "Will Help I'unlsh Nutlruo. /"tvztiHii , Oct -Special [ OiblegtaTi to Tiir Birilmiiul : ] Fncmantlc , ns com- iiandcr of the Dutish fleet here , his bed In- strutted to detail a foice to co-oporatowitli thoUcrntan expedition which -\ill basent to Vitu to punish the native ) for the recent mibsacroof Gernmnsin tint territory. . .u = . AYInblon's Soothitip SMUD forctiil- Ircn teethlnp rests , the child and comforts the mother. 2"c a Iwttle. llctpcct Ocinaiided for Opponents BLIII.IN , Oct 17. [ Special Ciiblcswtn to TnrBii I Ameoting oE socialists \va ° held borol.istniirhtathleh a resolution wai adopted demanding that thosociullst conpcrcss now in sessloiitteatthe mcniocwof the Ber lin opposition with respect , and protesting against , their being1 called a clique. "N'ot all is goto that cl ittero" Is a trua say inii ? it is equally t mot tint all isnot sirsapv HI la that Is so labelled If jououlcl bo sure of the fjcnu'uo nrtlclo , ask fovAj'er.s Satsaparllla , and take no other , Health Is lee precious to bo tiilleclith. . The Irish LOVDON , Oct 17. Tbo Paris correspondent of the Times interviewed the Irish fugitives yc'terdav. MM. O'Brionn ' ill goto .America with her husband but will not s > pealc. Dillon expects to raise JtllOO.OOO in America nncl expects a year's Imprisonment \\hen ho leturns. To Nervous Dpiiilltntoil Men , If you will send us your address \vo will send you Dr Dje's Celebrited Voltalo Belt undApplnueosoii tilal. They will quickly restore jou to viyor , m.uihood and health. I'iiinphlitfreo. Voiutc BELT Co , .Marshall , Mich. Ilritish Ship \rooKcil. I.nsi oOct. . 17-lSpccial Ciblceatn to Tin Bnr ] ThoBrithh ship Unie C Troop , Cuntntti To\vncs , lias been \vioc-lted .it Lee Choohlle on ti % oyuiofrom N'u asikl lor I'liifct Sound and > Iclbouino. A portion of hcroioM was saved. When the hair show * sipns of falling1 , ho pin ut oiico to use Ajor's Hair Vljjor This piepiiration strengthens the hcalp , promotes thciroutli ; of new Inir , ivstorcs the natural color to gray anil faded hair , nucl icimcrs It soft , pliant and glossy. filailstoiic for Scotch Home Ftnlc. ION'I > OOct 17. [ SiMicial Oiblegratn to Tin Biil In a letter to his facotch corre spondents. Gladstone promises that In tbo si > eecheslie makes duiiuejtho comlup tour in Midlothian ho will in for to tlio question of homo rule for Scotland. The only railroad train out of Omnln runoxpiebhlyfor the accommodsttlon of Omaha , Council JilufTs , Dos Moln" ? nnil Clilcueo business Is the liook Island Ycstlbuled limited , leaving Omaha at 4:15p. : m. dally. Ticket oillio 1(302 ( , Six teenth and i'anium btg. Omaha. Snotnllsts Kupiiort t lie Qmcrii incut. Dnii.iv , Oet 17. [ Special Cablegram to TUB Brr ] The tlanibuig sroup of socialist wotkmcn whofollou , Lasallo lia ) decided to issue u manifesto culling upon the \\orkincn of ( iernvmy to assist the govoinmeiitin cat 1-3 Ing out its soclnl > IIIcn' Nerve and Iiivcr Pills , An Important discovery Thcj acton the liter , stomach anil bowels through the nones. Amw pilneiplo They speedily cure biliousness , bad tuste , torpid liver , piles and constipation. Splendid for men , women anil children. Smallest. , mildest , sumt. 30 doses fet i" > cents. Samplci free ut Kuhn 4. Co 's , 15th und Douglas. Helping Out .Hot her-nf.I'carl , Vin.VM , Oil 17.-Sie [ ) < ial Cablegram to THE BEK.I A mother-of pearlexhihllloij Is projected to eneourigu the homo trade The countess of Taifo leads the fashion invear IngoruamcnUof iiiotlier-of.pcail , Itiit os Haul , The Ohio it Mississippi rallivti Is now bellliifj tickets from hi. .Loulh to C'in- cinnatinnd icturnut the low rate of il , good forrotuin until Oot. 10 Inclnsne ; also one \\MJ to "jwlnts tuintd ns follovi ; Dajton.O. , $ J.lo ; C'oluiabu , O.$4. 15 ; Clovolanil , 0 , , JJS ; Pittbhuitf , 1'a. , ijb , \Yiwhinffton , I ) . C , , 910.2 j ; Haltltnoic , Mil , SIO. ; I'hllntloljililn , I'n. , $11.0) ) ; Noiv York , 8)3 ) ; Ucnton , MIIHS10 , Tkkots at above mtuH will continue on Bnlo until Oct , 10 inelublvo. Addio.ss A J. Llttlo , pen'lvtsturn niibbcn ern unt , KliN. Ilfoudmiy , and union dojiot , St. Louis , Mo. _ _ Stopped 011 tlm " \\i\y. ] [ ov. John F. Coinoll.of . Christ cliui-ih , New Ycrlfhllo cu i-outo to the cast from Don\er , topped off Intho illy Tliursdnynlnlit nni' ' nttcndcxl the services of the Society of FrlcndH nt Unity oliapc'l. On nn linlmtlon from an number of old friends Ititho ( otiKro * pntloti tliesetitlfinan aildrwed the iiiectlnit in mi In formal manner on the Hubjcct of tlio "AVest nnj Iti Mnnelou * Growth.1 Tlio Bcntlciunn continued his journey yestcnluy Hortfonl'H M'M I'hoftphato For IndlKcstlon. , and diseases Incident thcwto. Miir-drrcdoii tlio Ilo.nl. ltiu.i.Oot. ) . -Spcclal | Cablegnun to Tun BKE. ] Tbo. body of a man named Thomas \viufouiiilonthoroflilncnr Cnstlo . Bar ttxtiiy. Nolan's ikull wns frnc- turcd and his thigh , Jnw-bonctind cvornl ribs wcro broken. It \\as evident thnt lie hud been munlciod. A Sorn Thrortt or Condi , If suffered to proBrcs of ten results inanlncur.ibluthront or lutiK1 trotiblo. "Diowii's ' Bwncblal Tro ches" gholustant relief. Olrntnnrcnrltie Mo Dii.t'Tit , Minn , Oct. U , An Important case will coma before tlio United SUiUM court hero this session. A , P. Christian , in iiuitrcr of Armour ! t Co. , has been ar rested nnd placed under bonds for dlsposlni : of cleomnrijariiio to n firm in Two Harbors , without poisesslnjr a stnto license. Ihe company will ilcfcnil the cmoou the ( ircund that thitr llcdisc from tlio fetlcml government Is suflUlent to co\cr tlm snloof the article unjwhcra in the United States. _ _ Sleeplewica * . nervous prostration , nervous ilyspepsla , dtillnoss. bliiea , euroil by 13r , Milc"i' Is'ervino bimplcn free at ICunn & Co. ' , 18th and DouclH. Spain's Kliumc'ial A.rfulr ? . Lovnov , Oct 17. [ SpecUl CnbleKnm to TIIF Bir : ) The Midrid correspondent of the Daily Xewssaj's it is rtnnoicil that tlio reinaIniii2s.,000OOQ | ; of the Cuban coti > crslon lonnwill bo Issued in December. The Thres' Madrid correspondent says lie ! > not surprised at tliosuccess of the issue for the couuition of the tvoitlilcss billets do nucira. In regard to the reinnindei of tbo loan ho siys the protcrntncnt ulll inn tlio risk of the treasury t > oli\R \ sitlousli em- baiiassod If tlio bondholders should uci't to bopild In cold c.isli lather than accept tbo 5 per cent bonds .MiDiiiD. Oct. -Spcdn.1 [ Cnbloftitm to TnrBip ] The ne i.ssue of Cuban ft per cent tnorlpiKO bonds , amounting to 1T,000XW ) ( pesetas , was subscribed for to tbrco times tbo amount of the loan Through coaches I'ullrmn pnlnco sleepers , lining cats , free reollniii'oliair } , cars to Chicago and intorvenlng1 point via the ( jioi't Hock Isltiiul route. Tioko olllco 100. , Sixteentli and Fumnm. The x l K "Salute's Natural Carlsbad Sprudel Salt. . ( Henry IV ) This silt ( In powder form ) | j ltilncl ) liy ' \aoratloii | ) otthc i-imuU'lbiii liik-nt I'lrlshnd iMiroonsllpiitlonittMiipoiarj or ilitoiiU ) , 1)111- OIIMICSS , obesity ( Ivipciiilailiiunk ciittrili of tliostnnni'li , rlii'iirmtlo nr Ronly ailcctlmi anil all ( lc > raiiKeintnt ot the ston'ieli : ltl n inoris nonilurdil ruiniily tlinu any tilliui In nature or in itcrl.i iiicdle.i. Knot u mere purgative' , II Is an altcrutl\i ) amlcoii'.titutlo ul remedy There Is notliln ; juntas KIWI ! when you can nt > laln tin1 cunu- Inulniporled nrtlcu1 Ho not IK ; lin | oscd upon by uiisoriiniiloiMiiuiittr * . . llie Kiniilnei iniisl Inuo thoMKiiotiirusof nUnci nnd M % ndelson CD tolo ARCIIII , Vow Voi-K on iry liolt'c PROSPEROUS Helena , Montana. Tbo proiporttr of Montana Ii not inbjoct to the of tucceasor Inllurcof crope. toaroutb orlood.to Onnnclal etrlnuunilrs or punlcl. Ilrr crop of precloui motali It lifted out cl thofround wilB bourlr rcBtilirity iud Increaf Inn bulk. Iniurlnj builness opportunities based upoa toucdatloni ol itabllltj jmdenduriinco. 'Iho tnlpr * now opened produce onnonlly InOultl , Nllvcr , Copper untl I.tnil , * , - OOO.OAO , nlnn ; percent , of wtiicli IB dliburspd Intho Bute. Tlirro arelliouianrtimoi-requn.111 ai promlBlns , antltlct capital for developmooi. There is Iron , Coal , Building Stone , Clay and Timber In Abundance. Inveatmenli In Cattle , Horsct and iheep , Mlth eooU tnttnitKcmont , avcrnjie a profit of more than Jortj per cent , a jear. ahevnntbiiideuf etock roam tnrouKtiomtho eiillroysar , In ciccllent condi tion supported b ; the cured gratses on tlio ground , UhebUHlncsB Is roaiiiifcil by noclHtions in men a ninner tint ovcrr p rmn's pone Bloni nreoa sale on the range anlfoonflned t < i an Inclined paltiire The clly ofllelenata the political , tlnanclol , social , railroad , busli.ces . , and educational couur ot thu cnllro Btito. ror full Informatlcc , address , t. G. PHELPS , Sec'y Citizens Commlllee , Helena , Montana. I BOSTON , MASS. CAPITA-L $4OOOOO SURPLUS 8OO.OOO Accountof llanlcs , Hankers and Corporallona to- llillod. Our fnollltle for rOLI.KCTION'S are excellent , nnd wore-tllsioiint forliankj wlien balance ) warrant ! ! . lloston Ii n Ko urvo City , anil balances with us from liank" ( not locutoJ la other Hcsurvo C'ltlcj ) count n aro'crvo \\o \ ilrnw our oirn cirhunso on London anil the Contliiontnnd. make cable trnnsfern iml plnconionc ; ' bjrUleicraiib tliruufbouttlie UnltcU btatoa and Can. udi 1\chare \ a rnnrkct for prlino trst-clai * InTPitnjcnt SecurltUinnd Intlto proponalj from btato , Coun ties nnd titles when Insulnx bonds. \\c \ \ do ancncnlbunking builnu 3an , < t Invltocor- rcipondencc. ASA P. POTTER. JOS. SV.VOUK , FOR SEVLRE COUGHS OR COLD Dr. F. C. Werner's COUGH DROPS Arc highly recommended nftor seven years o ( successful experience by the solo innnufacturorj , Kopp , Dreibus& Co. , STCAM CONFKCTIONEllS , 1106 FarnamSt. , Omaha , Neb. Sold ovorjwhere , 5o per packtige. Send for forWe We Offer for Sale. 1'nnr tlioiis'inil toni oliolre Haled Ilav V 0 1) ) cars , jtr.insn'H Sldliii : hiiton or llornlck stitloiH , nn C M. AhU 1' . U K. , In lotj to riiilt : prices ic ulutel by tlia mirlcot STRANGE BROS , , UX CITV. IOWA _ BRACE UP ! \\inik \ \ men , milibrn'n ' , nortei nmt ti'xntl lni.alreil.iiill | tlmliiii aliMiluttriiru In St IIM ll XMi 'I her ninieold nun rmati , ultollruinil v.gnrto n , liauitt iljoiitli. ilu itlollu' [ Jo ; fl iierbox poiitpalit I'unuililiKrfU .NKIt\K KAS ro III' ! Kill ) , .NM noia l r ( ii > ilm nlruKtV > . 1110 Karnmn r-t Omnlm HE DID -HE DIDN'TJ 1 l\cyp riaij Uth ionhtoar dtici. We run ull WEAK HIHEB t DISEiltB OF HEN \ % lOURHEV/BOOKj / lllin nil Ilaudtlce II Vital ttf . Ili.n'lTrllli.nllU IMiriiiiKl I'.I , < > . , llulfiilu. N. 1. Don't HEED OUR TVORDS ! Omaha Manufacturers , Bootfl * tul 8tioc , KluKEND/LLL , JONES It CO , Wholesale Manufacturers of Hoots A Shoe ! JL. mUfoilipitcnUiibt > rBt > u < ( < o , 1101 , UOUnilllOt llnrnry SI red , Oniitm , Mb. BTOHZ tc 1LKR , Laicr ! Beer Brewers , IMl Ncilh ISth Street , O Corn I cn , EAOZ.E COKNICE WORKS , Maotifacturcis of Calvanlrcd lion Cornice Window c t > mid met ll k Mhl Jibn Kr IU8 unit 110 aiutti IQlh utrw > ruterlul , A. H03PE , Jr. , iitists' ' Mattrials , Pianos aoj Oigans , IMS I > ouUo Slteet , Omnhn , .Sfb. 1 Coal , Coke , Kto. _ " OMAJ1A COAL , COKE ANt > LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard aod Soft Coal , I. B. Cor leib > nd 13ougla glreots , Uun , X.UJI9 rRONC > * CO. , Wholesale Cigars , OTN.Itlh Street. Hello 1" 1119. Dry floods nnd Notions. - - Dry Goods , Fornisblng Coeds and Notion ) Corner llth nnd Uowtrd Htrtets K1UPATUICK-ICOCII DRY GOODS CO. , ( Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , O uU' i irnlihlMUooiln Corner lltti and llarnei Blreuts.Oiunhs , Nob. Kurnlturo. "STONE , Wtolcsalc Dealers in Furniture , Ttrnnm Street , OnmM Nobrnikiw CHAKLES 8HIVERICK , Furniture. Otnikhii , NolitUJkn Grocer lea. McCOHD , DHADVT fe. CO , Wolesale Grocers , IilhandL av aworth fltrccti Oninhi , Nobrnikit. Lumber , Kto. O. "W. DOUOLA3 fc CO , Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , Yard 1310 .N ictli Sl.Oattht. JOHN A. WAKEF1EM3 , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , , Etc , putted nd Amerlcin lotll nil temnnt Btalf ftnttor MllwnukL-ellrilrtullo Ctmant , ud Qulncjtthllollrao. CHAS R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Woclo lpoU nnc1. J'irquft Hoorlni ; fth andDouclU btreet * , Omnhn , .Scttraskt " " fllEDW. GHEV , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Elc. OornorOtliimct DouBlnsStrociH.Oranli * . _ _ Millinery anil Notions. I. ODEUFKLDKR Jc CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , JW , 210 nd 211 Bouth llth itrcet. , PM j Notion ) : Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods. 1121 llarncr itrcet , Omnhk. _ OUa. _ . _ _ _ , . . . _ _ . _ CONBOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , AiUcrtua , toOti ] > ti& . A II. Illihop , Manager. Paper. _ _ CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Ctrrr > : tccl' ' or prlntlnn wrapping and wrttlo ) pa ( > r , Bpeclnl attention glicn to card paper. 8afC8 , JBt. CO , Bcneral AKODU ror Halls' Safes , 1 ajidS J South I Oth St. . Omatl * . Toya , Etc. H. HARDY it CO. , Jobber * of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Farcy Goods , non § ITgrntihlni Oondi , Children' ! firrl&ii. 1301 Ijarnniu itreeu Omaha. Xeb. Water . SupplleH. _ _ _ V. 8. WIND ENGINE & FUMF CO. . Steam and Water Supplies , nlnd mill * . 018 and 910 Jonoi ik , Omaba , O. I Itosi , Actini Manniier. = 3 Iron Works. PAXTON & VIEIILINQ IRON ' WongM anil Cast Iron Building Work , Engines , brain work , jenornl foundry mnchlno ua" blactiviUhwork UHlcennd irorka , U. i1. ItT ana 17th ilreet , Orutba. OMAHA SATE &c IRON WORKS , Manf'rs of Fire and Burglar Prool Safes , Vaults. Jail work , Iron ihutteri anil tire U. Andre nproi , > 'r Cor. llth > ntJacksonSts. ! , Doors , Etc , II. A. DISBKOW & CO. , Wooleiale manufacturer ! of Sasli , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings. Branch offlo llth and Iiard itre U , Omaha , Nab. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , Of South Omaha. Limited , NEBRASKA National Bank U. B. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital. - - S'VOO.OOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 189O - C7.OOO OOlceriand Director ! -Hcnrr W. Tit > , "rentdentl l wltH Keocl , VicePrcildenl , JamilV Ba rnar , w ( V Morn John 8 C < ) lln , H C. Cuialoa . j. M. a ratrloJtW. U. B iludiei , caibler. TME IliOW OAMK. Corner Hit ) And Taraara lit. A Otnurul Uankluc CuilneaiTraniaotod X3R. ELECTRIC BELT wrniiranMiBHV , run \ , toFC > r , ! Ui r > ltf H k fii , | l > lnirrfrl7 , MII4 ( K ( k. Iii , C4inli < ii > lirmU or rumkliT ikroniB ill WUC HtlTH rillorUlh n > ttHltTHli < TIIOklll 7RKMIlC ll irl < lurrnl rill l > iu Ur. " w < frliu SOU ) la aul , HII.T iJ HaifMiurr C * . l l IS. a nll , larMl ID thr t noniki HAltl rtHpbltl t r * . " \NBEN ELIOTIUOCO , . HIU tll.iL , CHICAaO.I THIS PAPER IS PRINTED TROM MOU inB Great Western Typo Foundry , 11J4 Howard St. OMAHAj