Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1890, Image 1

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Greit Republican Enthusiasm IkingIkni -
fttted Throughout the Bute.
Add rei psnn Im
mense Audience nt Tekairmh
Melklejolm nml Major * Bpcalc
at Cambridge ,
IUrn.tOS ! % Neb. , Oct. 17. [ Sp cM to
THE nir. ] The great debate today between
Ccnnell and Bryan drew the largest attend-
ance'af any political meeting ever held la the
county. The cninmo'llous hall ivai packed to
overflowing nnd many were turned away.
"W , J , Cooncll was met at the train with a
> > rw band and a Iniya delegation. In the
dehatc Connellheld the fort , ivhllo Uryan
bombarded it from all sides without ratttur-
Ing It. Sarpy countr is the homo of the
democrat1 ! , but Hon.f. \ . J , Council will run
ahead of bis ticket.
.Mr. Dorscy nt Telcninnli.
TEKAMIII , ICeb. , Oct. , 1" . [ SpecialTele-
KramtoTiii : Dec.-Thereis avast thron ?
pothered here In the opera house to greet the
Hon. GT.V. \ . E.lorsey. F'ully twelve bund red
people turned out to hear George Wlltzc ,
G. W. B. iorscy ) nnd Captain Hayes
discuss living issues. Hundreds were
turnc-d nnay because the house is too small
to hold the multitudes. DoriVs meeting last
night bears the same relation to this In size
thuta dcllardoctto thchtndwucelof nwagon ,
undiu enthusiasm that a nickel docs to the
equator , Bands nnd bonfires greeted Dorsey
on his arrival here. ThU meeting It just
such n cue as has greeted Ujrscy all over the
big Third. Hewill bo returned to congress
by an old-timo majority. Captain Hayes
made a rattling speech.
IMciklrJolin nixt Miijorunt Caiiibrlclxre.
CAMiniu > Gr , Neb. , Oct , 17. fSpecW Tele
BTam to Tin : Dcn.l-Hons. George D. Meikle-
John and Thomas Majors addressed n largo
and enthusiastic meeting here this afternoon.
I IeikleJohn's presentation of the tariff qucs-
tlon ivas peed and unanswerable. All pres
ent were pleased wltn his peech. Tom
Wajors was in one of his happiest
moods and held the audience for nn
hour. He showed that the republican
was still the only it-liable party for the people
ple to support. J. C. Allen , candidate for
secretary of state , was present and made a
Jew well-timed remarks. The ix-publicaas
mo sure of a victory In November.
-Antelope County All
KCI.IGII , Neb. , Oct. IT [ Special to THE
Urn. ] Antelope county has been oneof the
stroiiROtalliance counties in tbe state , hut
ns some of the leaders of the organization
ivho are old time republicans find that the
ollianccl * t > c'liijj used as a tall to the demo
cratic kite , and that their favorite , Hon.
Charles Van \Vyck , has been shamefully
snubbed nnd mist rcatod , the scales are begin
ning to full from their eyes. The alliance
people here do not waul Bojd , neither are
they so anxious for Kern as to elect Thomp
son. A strong undercurrent is noivnt work
In the alliance for Hlcnnrds andrjoisoy , and
the old soldiers of AnU'lopu county pioposo to
stand bv thrir comrades. Old time majori
ties on the republican ticket miy be looked
for in Antelope county.
Campaign Work at , Illntr.
BI.AIR , Neb. , Oct. 17 , [ Special to lap.
BEE. ! Hon. James E. Boy ds poke hero to
night. The bourbons now boast that every
democrat belonging to the alliance ivlll
finally vote tbo straight democratic ticket ,
while the republican alliance men will be
foolish enough to vote for the alliance candi
dates and floor the republican party.
The republicans have a rally here tomor
row nlcht. Hon. G.V E. Uorsey. Captain
J. 11. Hayes nnd H , H.Haldridge will address
tbo ineetincHon. . John L. "Webster Is billed
for Tuesday evening , October'\ , ii pos
sible , the republicans want Hon. U. Rosewater
water to speak at the same time ivith "SVeb-
Alliance nn l Prohibition at Crete ,
CKETE , Xcb. , Oct 17. [ Special Ttlccram
to THE BKF.IV. . A. JlcICeighan spoke to-
fore a meeting of the Fanners' alliance ia the
opera house this afternoon. The meeting
was opened by Hon. Kdward Arnold , candi
date for float representative.
Mrs. Eugenia St. John addressed an audi
ence in tlie opera house this evening on the
amendment. Shoclaimed the organic license
law to be a airectresult of liritish and Ger
man schemes , and attempted to arouse nrbi-
trury American sentiments. She paid tbe
orthodox prohibition respects to THE 131:1 : .
Knttiiislast-lu Mt-elincat Sidney ,
Sin\nr , Neb. , Oct. 17. [ Special Telegram
to THE Br.E.1 A largo and enthusiastic
meeting of the republicans of Cheyenne
county was held here tonight , formed by the
Cheyenne county republicans league club.
Stirring addresses were delivered by Judge
Georpo W , Heist , Hon. Henry St. Kuyncr
mid others. Mr. St. Kuyucr was elected
president and L. I ) , Curev secretary ,
Kepublicans ure fully alive and determined
to make a ilgorous campaign. Uraud prepa
rations are being inado for u rally October ! M ,
at Mhlch George \V. E. Korsev , Governor
Thajeraud Ike Larsingi ibe \ \ prominent
Democratic Ti lk at Oakland.
OAKLVti.Veb. , . , Oct , 17. [ Si > eclal to THE
Jtnc.l-Thc democratic cnmpiignwas form
ally opened hero yesterday afternoon. The
day being perfect then ) was agoodcroivd In
attendance. Hon. James E. Doydstated his
tiews on the tariff and "tho prohib
itory amendment. Ho ivas followed in.
an address on the tariff by Hon.V. .
R Swltiler , who had to cut short
his aillresson account of having to take a G
o'clock train to till another engugemcau
llui-well Krpultlk'nus.
BVRWEI.I. , Kelt , Oct 17. [ Special to Tun
Ben ] The republicans of this violnlty met
at the court house In Burwcll last night and
organized republican club. E. L. i'enfield
was chosen president and Hev. A.V. . Con-
nftt lecreUrjA largo membership ivas en
rolled und rousing speeches were made by
Messrs. Newman , Pentield and Connctt.
The republicans are nwako in Garflcld county
and will make an aggressive campa'gn ' during
the remaining three week.
Jtinlntn Koitulilienn Club.
JvxtATji , Keb. , Oct 17. [ Special to THE
Bnr , ] A. republican club of > eventy-uvo
members was organized lost night , with W.
H. Stephens as president , AJ. llogers , secretary -
retary , ondT. II. lUekle , treisurcr , The re
publicans In this vicinity are more deter
mined than ever before ! The dark cloud
said to bo McICcIghan's record Is driving the
independents back to the republican party.
Speeches at Klin Oc-clc.
Kt CnttK , Otb. , OcU 17-Sr < vlal Tele
gram to TUB DKE.-Tho ] first republican
roocllng of the caiipalgn was held nt tbe
school nouse tonight. I. L. Keck , senatorial
candidate , and Ira D. Marston , candidate for
county attorney , discussed the political is-
uesof the campaign to the satisfaction of
ever ) body present.
rinlljr at Otccola.
OscrouNeb , Oct. 17.-Spedal [ to Tns
BEr.l The republicans of this city had a
crnnd rally at the court house last night.
TheUsuciof the campaign wt-ro ably dis
cussed by Hon. V. Vf , ColllM of. Unccln and
X > r , U. Prwson ,
TlieHnst and North Jllvcn Get Very
Ktw Vomr , Oct. 17.-Ncvcr txforo In tne
memory cf the oldestaiariner along the water
f rent have the Hast and Xcrth rivers been so
datgcrotis aud boistsrous. At 9 o'clock this
morning- , when the lido was about nt , its
height , the river about tbe Battery nnd Day
as far as the oj'o could see ffis at fierce and
choppy many stormy sea ever witnessed
along the coast The wind was blowing forty
miles an hour from the north-northwest ,
Only tholargost and stanche t vessels ven
tured otit Later the wind moderated.
At Pnttcrson Scott Nixon , a brakeroan on
tbe Lac-Vaivanna railroad , while on the roof
of a freight car passing down near Getty nvc-
ntic , was carried off by thowindand seriously
The tralo in the bav , nlital hythestrong
ebbtide , caused a collision this afternoon be-
t-vvecn the big tugboat , James A. GarHeld ,
and a freight boat , AmosC. Barstow , of the
Stonington stcam hlo company. The Garfield -
field went to the bottom JobnSteelc and
John Lyons xvero drownexl , while sevenother
men on the tug were rescued by the Haratotv
crew nnd the crews of other tug * . Captain
Henderson of the Garfielil had his am und
jaw broken.
Alone t'io N rtv England Coa t. '
Bosro.v , Mass. , Oct. 1" . .Advices from
various points along the New England coast
report the most violent gale of the season
raging. Several ytssels , are Iu precarious
position ! and considerable loss to shipping is
Two JMIsHotirl Young Mrn Settle ft
Dispute vtltti ICnivoi.
Nnv\nA , Mo , Oct. 17. [ Special Telegram
toTiiu BEE.-JohnLynn and Gullet ICim-
berlain quarrelled this moniing about their
sweetheart , a pretty girl camcdSiinpson , and
resolved to settle it with knives , The strug
gle was a fearful andblooiy one , resulting in
thefatahvoundingof Lvnn. Ho haduo less
than thirty slashes on him. Klmberlain Is
also badly cut up.
iirotncrhooii or St. Anuretr.
Pnn.iDEi.rnu , Oct. 17-Thoconvention of
the Brotherhood of St. Andrew today dis
cussed the subject ot "Laymen In the Com
munity. " Many delegates spoke. In bring
ing his address to a termination Father .Hall
of Xeiv York said : " .Be laymen I Don't '
put on a religious habit. Don't put on a
white tie. You want to bo as free as possible
from any suspicion' that your work is * promoted -
meted by charity. Havintr thrown off
all sernblcnceof clerical guisebrethren,5 you
must KO Into your worlt with a hearty Im
pulse , diffusing a thoroughly healthy religious
An amendment to tbe constitution , strik
ing out tbe section ia which Chicago Is named
as the permanent headquarters , was adopted.
IManagcr Tlce in A < itcr5tr.
MiNXEArou , Mnn , , Oct , 17. ( Special
Telegram toTuc BEE. ] E. E.lllce's World's
Fair company has struck a financial storm
here. An attachment was issued jcsterJay
and a biggr one is looked for tomorrow.
Then , too , Me Rico's best people are leaving
him. Musical Director yuistleftMonday night
tomorrow night -"ho petite and spirituelle
George Fortcscue vlll"paclc his 2ft ) pounds
avoirdupois and hie Uim to 'ew York , and
Comedian Jo > epb\V. \ Herbert has accepted
au offer from Dufl and will start for Sew
Yorlc after the present engagement. In this
connection there is an interesting piece of
gossip to the effect that "Adonis' " Dixie and
Idee i\Ul kiss and make up with a view to
] > oolln ; their Issues again.
Honors to Hal four.
LOXDO x , Oct. 15. [ Special Cablegram to
TUB BEE. I A mcetlngof the Northern con
servative union was held at tcivcastle today
and -was attended by4OuO persons. Among
those present wasBalford , chief secretary
for Ireland , who was presented with a
number of addresses. Ho was given an
enthusiastic welcome by the mcctlnp. A
resolution ivas adopted by tbe union welcom
ing Balfour and declaring that his ability and
untiring energy had saved the union between
(5real ( Britain and Ireland. The duke of
Korthhumbuland delivered an address in
which he praised Balfour's services in the
course of law , justice nnd order ,
\VillXot I'eilerats.
PITTMIUKO , Oct. 17. The- international
brotherhood of loccmotlve engineers resumed
their session this morning. The meeting was
held with closed doors. The monilnp'session
was taken up with the Introduction of reso
lutions and their reference to the proper
committees. Ail ofticial of the organization
stated this afternoln thai the engi
neers ivould not federate. The grand
ofllccrs will be Instructed , however , to confer
with the officials of the federation aud rejiort
some method wbereby the organizations may
work , if possible , in conjunction In case of
trouble. The officers will report at the next
Justice Miller's Ttcmnin .
PiTTSiirito , Pa .Oct. 17. The train bearing-
the remains of Justice Miller arrived
in this city en route from Washington to
ICooiuk , Iu. , this morning , and after u brief
stop proceeded westward. In the funeral
party were Chief Justice Kuller , Justice
Brewer , Attorney General Miller.
Major WricW , marshal of the
supreme court , Jlr. MoICcnny , clerk of the
supreme court , I'rof. AVIlson of tbe Smith
sonian institute , J \Voolwortbof \ Omaha ,
Frederick Faust and family aud personal
friends of the deceased. Tbe funeral party
will reach Keokuk tomorrow morning.
The liKlj I'uKillvcs.
Oct. 17.-f Special Cablepram to Tun
The Irish fugitives passed the day
visits. They called at the offices of
several papers , nherethoy related the Inci
dents of their voyage and explained the posi
tion of affairs In Ireland. Mr. O'Brien re
mains at the res'dcnco ' of his father-in-law.
He is averse to further interview.
The Fire Hecord.
Tcnn. , Oct. 17. The entire
plant of the Cherry - lorroiv manufacturing
company , iltuated within the walls of the
state penitentiary , ivas burned tonight ,
There were no convicts in that part ef the
prison arid there was no panic. The origin
of the tire is unknown. The losses aggre
gate ( -'OO.UOO.
Clinrgcil "Wltli imt : > ctzclcnietit.
ST. Lou ? , Oct. 17. - First Lieuten
ant G. M. Turner , oft he Eigh
teenth United States infantrv at
Ft. Clarke has been , arrested charged with
embezzling $ .00 belonging to his regimental
band which ho was treasurer of. He Mill bo
tried by court martial at Samntoaio.
Arapatioc Lands ,
DIUI.ISOTO.V , I , T. , Oct. 17. Up to this
evening WlCbcycnueand Arapahoe Indians
hod signed the contract for the sale of their
lands 3,0X1,000 acres to the government
Three hundred and twenty-five constitute a
majority. _ _
The Prussian Diet.
Itnuix , Oct. 17. [ Special Cablegram to
Tut BEE. ] The Prussian straatbith has de
cided to summon the diet to meet In Novem
ber to discuss changes In tie tariff and ro-
forxs ia provincial and communal regula
tions ,
HOME , OcU 1V papal encyclical to tb
Italian bishops strongly protests against the
governments violating tbe liberty and right !
of the papacy and Catbolldim ,
Original Pachge Saloons Not Affected by
the. Wilson Bill.
The FVrtcriil Court ntTojickn. Drops n
Bomb in the Camp of the 1'ro-
S J UllRC StOllC *
Topnut , Kan. , Oct. 17. A decision was
rendered In the United States circuit court In
this city this inornmg , that haulroppod llko
n bombshell and created consternation among
the friends of prohibition in ICansas. The
decision in question allows the re-opening
of orijilnal packapn houses in this state and
in effect declares that tbo Wilson hill recently
enacted by congress does not restore the
power of the Kansas prohibitory law as
npalnstthc original package saloons ,
The state gave notice of appeal to the su
preme court.
< lude Stoneman's Itnling.
CEDiiiK.iiH9 , la , Oct. 17. [ Special Telo-
pram toTiiEBen-J-Judge Stoneraan of the
superior court of this city today rendered a
decision in three liquor cases. The situation
is as follows :
Lost June the Anhcuser-Duscn brewing
company of St. Louis opened an original pack
age house at Marion and appointed Joseph
Coencn as their agent , who sold becriu
original packages only. il. H. A brims , pas
tor of one of the churches , instituted search
proceedings , and the liquors were seized.
The Anheuscr-Buih company began proceed
ings to en Join A brains from seizing the goods ,
and also commenced action in replevin to re
cover the pools already seized. The defend
ant demurred to the petition , holding that
under the state lairs a wit la replevin would
tot lie to recover beer in the state of Iowa ,
Judge Stoneman , after hearing the facts In
the case , overruled the demurrer of the dc-
fendnnt , holding tbatan action in replevin
would lie to recover under an uncon
stitutional statute , quoting Cooley against
Divls. 24 Iowa , 12S , in 'Mhlch the law-
Is declarecl unconstitutional as to tnc injunc
tion proceedings instituted by plaintiff. The
court held that the act of congress , approved
IS'.K ) , known as tne Wilson bill , was not retro
spective in 1U operation , but it U simply
Iicrmissivo to the several states to legislate in
the eiercise of the state police powers on a
subject matter , and declarinc that since the
courthad subsequent to the passage of the
Wilson bill decided the Iowa law as regards
the sale of liquors In original packages null
and void , therefore the law is still null and
void. He therefore granted a perpetual in-
iunctlon to restrain Ahrams from further in
terfering with the business of the plaintiff in
selling liquors in original packages.
The judge has had t to case In consideration
since September 29.
Inwar.iid the tt'orlil's Fair.
DusMoixrs , la , Oct. 17. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] A special meeting ol the Iowa world's
fair commission was held la this city , at
which all the memrxirswere present. The
committee on rules and regulations
made recommendations which were
adopted. Among ; them are the fol
lowing : The commission to proceed
to business without tleUy , but no member to
incur individual liability ia any respect ;
regular meetings to beheld the nrst Wednes
days In February , June and October at the
capitol in this city ; special meetings to be
called at cthe discretion of too president , or
upon request of any three members ; se-en
members to constitute a quorum ; present
officers to hold -until February , ISM ; no mem
ber to receive anv other compensation than
that fixed by tbo law : the auditing commit
tee to consist ef Wilson , Stivers ana Crosby ;
executive committee to consist of Mallory ,
Jarnapin and Dnncombo. A committee com
posed of Jleisrs. Chase , Stivers and Crosby
was appointed to prepare an address to the
poop'.eol ' the state setting forth , the import
ance of the wort of the commission and ask
ing throuch the press of thostate Iheir hearty
. . Mr. of the federal
co-orr.tion. | King com
mission was present nnd made many valuable
suggestions. Mr. Buchanan was unabloto be
present , bat sent a letter , lie hoped every-
thine would be done to make the Iowa eihibTit
memorable and creditable tothe state , lie
had received a letter from Director General
Davis ncknowlodgincr the receipt of the appli
cation for two acres for an Iowa building and
space in the main hall for an Iowa cihibit ,
and felt sure Iowa would get very near what
It wanted in the way pf location , the appl" ca
tion being the second that had ben made
Mr. Buchanan also urged tbe necessity of
awakening public attention to the Importance
of a state appropriation sufficiently largo for
the purpose of a creaita/ble / exhibit. Prow
conversations with members of the national
commission nc was satisfied that sit least
three or four states ould appropriate
KX > 0,000 , for state buildings.
If on. John Van V lkenhurjj' Funeral.
Four Mtni ov , la. , Oct. 18. The funeral
of the late Hon. John Van Valkenburg , past
supreme chancellor of the KnlghU of Pythias ,
will occur Sunday afternoon , Octoher I'J ,
under the auspices of the Knights af Pjthias ,
assisted by Odd fellows. Telegrams of con
dolence are being received from all over tbo
United States. Mrs. Van Valkenhurg Is
dangerously ill , recognizing neither family
nor friends. Hon. Howard Douglass of
Ohio , General James R. Cosnahan of Indiana ,
Hon. George B.Shaw of Wisconsin , Dr. 11
L. C. White of Tennessee , General E. L.
Brand of Chicago , and. other prominent
be present.
Death of .7mltrc Adams.
la. , Oct. 17. Judge Austin
Adams , formerly chief justice of the supreme
court of Iowa , died at an early hour this
morning , after an illness of one year , be
lieved to be cancer of the stomach. He ivas
a native of Vermont and graduated from
Dartmouth college ) in ISIS. He was elected
justice of the supreme court In 3475 , and
served twelve years. He ivas a man of
scholarly and literary tastes , and took much
interest in educational affairs. He was many
years regent of the state university and for
ten years professor in Its department ,
Missouri Vulfcy Ne\\s.
JIissooi VJHJ.ET , la. , Oct. 17. [ Special to
THE BEK.J Last night twohighwaymen held
up T A- Brown , a farmer living thrc miles
west of here , ivhilo drfvin ? homo. Ho put
the whip to his hones and escaped. The
ruffians fired two shots at him , but without
AV , J. MlddJeton of this city has teen ap
pointed Kcneral fuel agent for the Missouri
Pacific railway company , with headquarters
at St. Louis , -where be will shortly remove ,
Ttieltlvcr Liuml Cases.
FOKT DODOE , In. . Oct. 17. [ Special Telc-
grtm to THE 33tE. ] Assurance comes from
Attorney G cncral Miller that the case brought
by the "United States to settle the question of
tbe ownership of the famous river lands tvlll
be passed upon by the United States supreme
court at the. January session if possible. This
will be very welcoms news to the settlers ,
whoso nouies are hanging In too balance , as
m&nv of them have been fearing the case
would not bo reached for years yet.
Gnrnlslieed for Campaign Oratory ,
Des MOINES , la , , Oct. 17. [ Special Telegram
gram to TUB BtE.l A. new feature la Iowa
jvolltlcs was presented today by garaishee
proceedings against tbe democratic state ccn *
tral conmitU * for the collection of on old
debt against Leonard Drown , one of the cam
paign speakers , v bo hai recently boon made
prominent Dy his extensive political corre-
upondence ulth ci-Klrst Assistant Postmaster
General Cl arks on.
Store" , to Ks Keiipened.
Dna Mom , U , Oct. 17f Special Tele-
grain to TIID HEE.J The orisrinal packapr *
men are proposing lo reoponla DcsMolncsin
consequence of the decision in the United
States circuit court at Tovekn , Kan. , today ,
The Iowa cacs , covering the sane points In
volved in the Kansas decision , were to bo
submitted to Judge Caldwcllat Llttlo Ilock
by Judge Cole of this city today. Mrs. Ellen
Foster , w ho Is a successful lawyer as well as
an ardent prohibitionist , said today upon
hearing of the Kansas decision , t
"The la-vv will stand , It is neb claimed that
an act of congress canreviTCor make consti
tutional a state sUtuta otherwise unconstitu
tional , hut It is an uncohtvstcd principle of
Unit * ! States law that Coasress can rtgulate
commerce between tbe states. The Wlson
bill does this by saying that national inter
state legislation shall not Interfere with , tbo
operation of polios law ! In the state. "
The Supreme Court.
Dr.s MOI.NCS , la. , Oct. 1 ? . fSpoclal Tele
gram to Tnn Btc.1 The supreme court ad-
Jourtea this morning until 2 o'clock Monday ,
upon news of the death cf Judgts Miller and
Adams. Judges Rotliwck and Granger will
attend Mr. Adams' funeral In Dubuque , and
Judges Bock , Given and Kobicson will be
present at the fuueralof Mr. Miller In Keo-
kulc. The following decisions were fllcd
today :
U. Codes , appellant , vs UlmlaJ. Ha son ,
administratrix , Jackson district ; reversed.
William 0. Ptt vsMntildi J. I'eet , api el-
lant , Jones district ; aWrmod.
State vs Margaret S. Troup , appellant ;
Poll ! district ; affirmed.
Lawrence t Bird , appellants , vs John
Hoivrik etalVoodbury ; district ; aftirmea.
1 . A. Comfort \ " LD. Kettle , appellant ;
superior court Council Blufls ; affirmed ;
Beck dissenting ,
J. B. Eyerly vs supervisors of Jasper
county etal. appellants ; reversed.
Ellen S. WintcrmuU1 , appellant , vs B. P.
Henley , executor ; Moscaliue district ; re
versed. _
The AV. O. T. D.
DM Moixns , In. , Oct. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BcE.l The state convention of
the Wonun's Christian Temperance union
closed today. The netv president , Mrs. Mat-
tie M. Bailey , occupied taechair. A commu
nication was real from theOhlonon-partisan
Woman'sChriitlan Tcmneranco union , send
ing greetings and congratulations upon the
work done by the Iowa unoa. | A letter from
ex-overnor ! William Larrabee was also read ,
an done from Ir. l > auehtj.ey , upon the nonpartisan -
partisan action , and atolcvram of like Import
from Mrs. Phinney , presidentcf the National
Non-partisan union , was heard ; also a com
munication from Iter. Ooorco Majoun of
HailroadConmiKsloner Campbell spoke at
considerable length , congrratulatlnK tne ladies
upon the stand taken by the 3own union , m
which the heart's of Iowa's people are ivlth
them. His speech was received ivith many
cheers and great enthusinsia.
Nrs. E. C. Rlaey of Charles City was chosen
recording secretary and 3Mrs. OvinBton treas
urer Delegates to the national convention in
Goorcia next month were appointed. Mrs.
Fester , with Mrs. Oviagton alternate , and
Mrs. FIorencoMiller rviCbSIahla as alternate ,
were named. Mrs. Bailey , Mrs. Ovlncton ,
Mrs. Aldrich and Mrs. Macy arc delegates ex-
o HcIo.
liesolutlons were adoprtod commending the
original package --sromislnp aid in the
passage of a prohiMtcryilaiv In Nebraska ,
coimnendlnK tbe antl-litwry liw and favor
ing the passacaof a laict.rahi.tlni ; tolastruc-
Uons in narcotics.
The seceders or partisan branch held a
meeting this morning with eight.v-flvo dele-
Kates present. The folLowinf ? oflJocH ivere
elected : President , M.r . it. II. Dunham of
Burlington : corresponding secretary , .Mrs.
"William Blair ; recording secretarr , Sirs.
Mary E. Mc31illan , treasurer , Mrs. Carhart.
An lova Saloon Jlan's Suit.
Lirri.t ROCK , Ark , , Oct. 17. A petition for
a ivrlt of habeas corpus by 2C. M. Tan " \11et
ivas argued before Circuit Judge Caldwell
this morning. The argument was made by
Judge Cole of DesM&lnes , la. The defend
ant , \vho was convicted in a state
court of Iowa and sentenced to
jail for violation of the state law
in selling ori ginal pickaces after tne passage
by congress of tbe Wilsoa bill , claims thnt
his imprisonment ivas illegal. The attorney
pencralof Iowa hasnofc ret arrived , but is
exacted tomorrow. *
Worlil's CIiampiiuiHtilp Series.
LOUISVILLK , Ivy. , Oct. 17. In the first game
of tne world's championship scries today tbe
score ivas : Jrooljlyn 9 , Louisville 0.
Arraignment of tlie Men Charged
ivitli Complicity in Them.
Cnif oo , Oct. 17. Last eveninp Nicholas
Sennett was brought leforo Commissioner
Hoyne charged 11 ith subornation of perjury-
Scnsetthus teen ia charge with the demo
cratic central , of naturalization ,
matters , He Is charged ivlth taring in
duced John Murray and John Cal-
Inghan to falsely take out their
naturalization papers. Ho ivas released on
bail. David Lynch INTIS also arrested and
held on bail onthocharge of fraudulent nat
uralization. Sennett's case was called before
Commissioner Hoyne today and was con
tinued until tomorrow. The cases of Shcehau
and Callahan , previously arrested , were put
on trial ,
Sol Tan Prapff. candidate for state senator ,
for whom a warrant wai out , came Into court
this moroiuK&nd tlgned bonds in the sum of
* " > ,000 , and the hearing was set for this after
A Horrible Tragedy in One or the
Suburbs of IJerllii.
BERUX , Oct 17. A terrible tragedy oc
curred tod-ay at Rcinitendorf , asuburb of
this city. A builder named Schaff , who at
onetime was wealthy but who test bis money
nnd is now heavily In dcbtj attacked his wife
and five children ivitb a > hatchet and hacked
their beads in a ttrribla manner. Three of
the children have died from their injuries
and Frau Schaff and tW remaining two chil
dren are dying. The manlercr has flod.
The XlpperkrjTrial. .
TirrtRAKT , Oct , 17. Special Cablegram
to Tut BEI. ] The trkl of the defendants
ho are charged with conspiracy was con
tinued before tbe ma brates' court today.
Two witnesses testified Ibat they were pres
ent at the tlmo tbe explosion occurred at the
rent oMce of Mrs. SroltU- Barry in Septem-
bcr. 1SS9 , on which occa-Ion the building was
set on fire and dcstrojod , together with all
the private papers it cottaiued. Tbero was
a crowd Fit the fire but they absolutely re
fused to lend their assistance in quenching
the flames.
A tenant named Quintan testified that he
lived en a farm belonging to Smith Uarry.
which had been occupied by his father and
after hli death by himself , the total period of
their tenancy beingninety - years. Neither
he nor his neighbors , be said , had ever been
molested until last Dvveinber , after he had
paid his rent ; then four shots were fired Into
his house , striking the wall above the ser
vant's bed.
Admiral Porter 3lucli Improved.
Wjuiiixotox , Oct. 17. Tie condition of
Admiral Porter who tu been suffering for
tome months with an affection ot thi heart
Incident to old ace. Is much improved to-
nlRhtand Dr , Wales of the navy reports hltn
better than when beleft Newport Monday ,
Today bo took I suflldeucy of Bouriitmciit
and is altogcber improved.
TMin fr UTrMtTTTiin rp if *
Wkj it Will Bo Necejsar7 to Olnnge the
Present Laws.
Custom House Hecclpts for September
Expected to Show Heavy Im
ports of Tumi I'roiluu 11
-31 ncellanoous.
WxvntXGTOV D. C. . OcU IT.
It having been discovered at the treasury
department that twice as many seals are
killed in Alaskan waters by poachers as are
taken hy authorized apents. It i altogether
probable that at the approaching session of
congress measures will ho taken to change
our present laws relating to the American
seal fisheries ,
Senator Peltlgrwsnjs it ivould bo greatly
to the advantage of the United States to
offer a bounty , as does tbe state of
Elaine , for the killing of seals , so as
to bring about tbo early extinction
of tbo animal and direct attention
tothe progagatlonof tbo cod fisheries , which
can bo easily established on the coast of
.Alaslea Hesnys they wouM ho much more
profitable and would furnisb work to seaman
and would Rive employment to an Immense
numbcrof private citizens.
At the treasury department It is expected
that the custom house receipts for the month
of September ivill show cxtrAordinarily
heavy Imports of farm products , e.peeially of
barl ° y and wheat from Canada In an
ticipation of the adoption of the McKlnley
tariff bill. The receipts at the custom house
at Port Huron , Mich. , are usually from
$ XOCKta ) ) $ i'iOOO ayeur During the tnontb
cf August they aggregated nearly ? 10.1K ( > O.
Most of this was collected from barley. Ko
stron per argument could bo made from the
farmers' standpoint In favor of the new tariff
than this statement , in view of the short
crops of this season no one could calculate the
amount of imports there ivould have been of
farm produce had the duty upon these arti
cles been increased. Without the resulting
Increa o of prices there -would surely have
been aflnancial panic among tbe farmers.
LASU 1 > K1 1O\ < .
The secretary or the Interior has ordered
that a rehearing be had in tbo disc of Henry
Albert vs Phllena H. Woods , involving land
township S ? , DCS.MoiiiM. In , land district.
AisUlant Secretary Chandler today re
versed the decision of the commissioner of
the general land oMce , wherein be denied tbe
proof upon the pre-emption homestead entry
of Alexander Brewer , Alice Klavin trans
feree , for laud In section 3S , township . " ,
Deadwood , S , U.
The assistant secretary ordered that the
case ofJobnB. Duclasvs Samuel J. H ari
sen , the former Mntestlng the lattcr'a timber
culture for the southwest quarter of section
16 , townbhlp HO north , ran -otlS ivest , Ynnl-
ton , S. D. , bo remanded to the local ofllcers
for further examination.
There is great activity at the headquarten
of the republican congressional committee ,
and ills confidently beiloyedtnattbo present
control or tna nouse TIIII continueuunnp tne
Fifty-second congress. Chairman Beldcn
has returned to his duties and is hard at work
witUtno manocement. Tolay he told Tm
Bnc correspondent that the demand for TC-
pubhi-an arguments seemed to increase with
the closing hours of the campaign. ' 'One of
the most satisfactory and pleasautest things
In connection -with the campaign , " said Air.
Del den , "is the largo num&er of let
ters we are receiving from speak
ers In various states in regard to the
feelitc oE the people. This Is the true way
to judge the pulse of the country. Tic
letters conio to us every day in. greater num
bers than ever tcforo in a campaign and nil
tell us of the confidence-yes , that is the
word they use-the confidence felt la the
repuolican party. vVben you have tbe confi
dence of the people you have their votes , too.
Speaker Heed has written us letters to the
same effect , and , like the rest , he tells us of
the great crowds attending all the republican
meetings and tbe enthusiasm expressed
everywhere for the grand old party. "
There Is one thin ? Mr. IJelden desired
particularly stated , and stated as emphatically
as possible , nnd that was the situation of the
national republican congressional committee
and the civil service law In regard to col-
lectinp money. Xotasinglo cent has been
taken hy the national congressional commit
tee from anv ofliclal or clerk. In fact , thou
sands of dollars have boon refused. "Why , "
said.Mr. Belden , "clciks and ofllcials have
come to me with money und offered it to us.
but we have told them that we cannot and
will not tano their contributions and violate
the civil service law. Wo have received
money through the mail from postmasters
and other ofllcers , butevery cent has been re
turned. "
General Kcttleton and Colonel Hayes , both
of the agricultural department , who M-IH
have charge of the artesian well experiments
In t.hft . IrT-iirat ion of t hfi "Dalfntjiti-wn t rn "No.
broska and ICansa ? . will leave for the west
tomorrownlgbt. GeneralNettleton will go
to South I.ikota nnd Colonel Hayes to Ne
braska. Colonel Hayes Is autbonzed to cn-
gape the services of I'rof. IlicKs if possible
to aid in the preliminary Investigations and
It is altogether probable that John E. Diamond
mend of Drooklngs , S. E ) , will tomorrow be
appointed national ban"h examiner for Ills
state on the recommendation of Senator Pct-
tigrciv. Diamond is hero now really to take
the office
United States Treasurer Huston came cut
in on Intfrvleiv today , which will l > widely
published , and predicted that Indiana , his
native state , will elect tbo republican ticket
nest month by an increased majority , and in
the same connection tie argues that the presi
dent can only expect a renomitiatlou by the
success of the democratic ticket in In-
diasa. Mr. Huston was chairman of
the Indiana republican staw central commit
tee In ISsO and ISss and says that ( Jeneral
Harrison was nominated to carry a doubtful
state and that If he Is renominatcd it will bo
for the same purpose. This is ail his simple
prediction that the president will not bo ro-
nomlnatcd. The interview is in detail and Is
attracting much atuatlon , coming as It does
fromoneof the president's ' most prominent
officers and one of the most influential In-
alana. republicans. Tbo reverse Is considered
true by other Indiana republicans. They say
that If their state is carried by their party
this year It tntures 1'res.iJcnt Harrison's ro-
uoinmatioD. Pcum S. HEATII ,
Nebraska , ami lown Pcn iom.
" \\ASUI\OTOX \ , Oct , 17. [ Spedm Telegram
to THE Ben. ] Pensions were granted today
to the following Xehraskans- Increase
Charles \ . Rlchman , Bloomiugton : John S.
Bojd , Salem. Orijrinal widows Henriette ,
widow of Christian Heaselln , Tails City.
Iowa : Increase Daniel Kennedy , LeanJo ;
William C. Menctt , Moutezuma ; John \V. \
Elder , finish : John RobKonVirt ; Peter
Price. Dos Molnes ; Carroll Lane. Blooinfleld.
Reissue and increase L.eonldat II. Doll , Os-
kaloosa. * Original widows , etc. Martha J. ,
widow of "William A. Gallagher , Hot-ton ;
Samautha Hlndman , former ivldoxv of John
Bacus , Sidney ; Sondre , fuherof Knud S.
kelson , Cresco ,
Tlie Wcatb r I'orceasc ,
For Omaha and Vicinity Fair ; stationary
Tor Nebraali Fair eiccpt la eastern [ or-
tion , followed by colder by Sunday morning ;
northwesterly windi.
For Iowa Pair , followed by inowcrs ;
winds shifting to northwesterly ; cooler hy
Sunday morning.
For South lUkoU Fair e > : apt showers in
eastrrn ; colder ; northwesterly winds ,
Ct ncour o in Attcnilrncd - -
One ot Ills Anmultm Shot.
XtwOnt.K 1I aOct. ) 17. The body o. "
thelato Chief of 1'Dllco Hennossy lay In
state at tbo city hall today and wa viewed
by thousands of jxxiple. The funeral was
largely attend ol and Cunal street ivas lined
by an immense crowd for wiles.
Tom Duffy , a cowln ol the nriz < figlilcr ,
who hai bocn in the habit cf going
to the parish prison to sees a
friend ipcarccrate.l there for a misdemeanor
meaner , went thens today and asVed to see
Anlonlo Hcaflldc' . one cf the a swsius of
Chief of 1'olli-e Henne < s < y , ostensibly fortlio
cf Identifying him.Ylieu the prls
oncranpeitvd DurTy pulled out a pistol and
shot htm , Intlidlnir a fatal wound.
Dtiffv v.vs linmcillatelv arrested. Ho said
to the oftlcers that if the Italian died ho nits
willing to hang He only wished that there
were about seventy-five wore men like tlin
self to do a similar Jeed. The wounded man
was taken to the hospital , where ho asserted
th at ho had nl ways been a friend of Chief
Hecncssy. He cannot live.
More than Jifty turrets have l > een made of
parties believed to bo implicated In the as *
sasdiiation of llcnnessy , and today another
Italian , Pedro N'utal , was Identified as one of
the men seen running aivay from the tee no
of the murder ,
Judge Springer * Declares lUinsclf in
No Uncertain Tones.
nCinc oo , OcU 17 fSpecial Telepram to
Tin Bnr.j Tbe Atchlson inanagcmcnt con
cluded today to offlcially answer the number
less charges -which have bcen ; made against
it cf lato. The last straw wni put upon the
management at yesterday's meeting of the
Southwestern association of the Missouri
river lines whea tbe Alton reiterated a state
ment previously rnaJo that the demoraliza
tion In tbo west nils owing chiefly to the
Judge Springer , asslstint to thes president
of tbe Atchison , ivas present at the meeting
ing and soid : "While we do not profess to and most righteous of all the
lines , it doc * not lie In tlieinou'ti ' oltho Alton
to reflect upon us. The Alton is mainly re
sponsible for tbe present condition of things ,
hy reason of iu claims for an undue proportion
tion of trafilcand its practiced seourinethe
same. The most demoralizing act provoca
the present situation was the inalmip
of contracts with the largo dressed beef and
pa.-king establish merits at Kansas. City , run-
nine fora term of lire years. These contracts
were secured by malcing a large reduction in
the then existing lates. "
Today Judjre Hpniigcrsni'l' ' "The Atchison -
son has been for some weclis the subject of
apparently prearranging attacks. Tnc'-o
attacks have assumed urious form's , some
being directed apnlnst the tinanoial manage
ment , at other times against the traflic
management , and it still other times apainst
the management generally , it can easily bo
proved that the Atchlson has nut hitherto
carried inoic than its proportion of trafllc.
\Vith allno toCblcngo , another to St. Louis
with a total milcase of VtOO : miles , of which
at least eight thousand lie west of the
rvlls : ouri river ; with over three thousand
miles in the slate of Kansas alone and leach-
iiijr nearly every Imporlant point m Kansas ,
Colorado , NV\v > Iexico , Arizona , California
and the [ tiilian territory , besides lines
iiiTcvas and tbe republic of Mexico , it Is ap-
pirentthat the other southwestern lines uo
not stand upon any equality with it. It can
not be successfully refuted that If the pro
ducts of thodressei beef and packing houses
at Kansas City were not tie-d up Iv long con
tracts obtained by illegitimate . bscqucnt
reduction of rnics antocedentlr promised ,
they ivould jro largely totheAtcbwn invieiv
of the fictJhat the live Ktxxk entering into
their production tothe extent of at least fiO
twr cent was bronchi thither by the Atchi
son lines. Kindred advantages furnished by
the Atchison might be multiplied Indelinitely.
The Atchlsoa is in the field to stay and its
competitors mav as well understand it first
as hist"
DIED irMH. .W.tKIA < ; A. bl'EECfl.
AVhilc Addressing the Socialist Congress -
gross a Delesale K\plre .
HAT-IF , Oct. IT , t-Spccial Cablegum to
TUB BEE. ] Much excitement was caused
among the delegates to the socialist congress
today by the sudden death of one of their
members. Tno congress was engaged In dis
cussing means to Improve the position of the
socialist press. Hcrr Baumgartcu , one of
the delegates from Hanbuve , was takinp part
inthedchate. He was iu the midst of an
arjrunicnt , in presenting nhicbhe bad txv
come very cxcitcil , when ho was seen to
stagger. Tnose close to him rushed to bis
aid. but before they could rt-acb him he fell
to the floor dead. The cause of his death is
not known , but it was probably duo to either
heart disease or api > ODlcxy.
After the body of Baurnparten was taken
from the hall and the excitement bad sub
sided the debate was resumed.V resolution
vas finally adopted declaring that a socialist
paper cannot fulfill Its mission unless its
means of cilstenco are assured , and urging
the members of the party to pi emote the cir
culation of the chief socialist organ and the
non-periodical literature of the party , The
first und chief duty of the press , the resolu
tion declares is to enilfihten workiugincn and
to inspire them ivlth confidence in themselves
a ; a class.
I'nirour ' on Ireland ,
oxOct. . 1" . . \ meeting of the north
ern conservative union ivas leld at New
castle today and was attended by 4,000 per
sons. Among those present ivas Ealfour ,
chief secretary for Ireland , who was given
an enthusiastic welcome. A resolution was
adopted by the union vu-lcominp Balfour and
declaring that bis ability and untiring energy
had saved the union between Great IIritain
and Ireland. llulfonr , in his spoocb , said
that the condition of Ireland was improving ,
prosperity increasing and icspectfor tbe law
widening , though the opposition had IMJCII
unable to distruise the satisfaction ivlth
which thev regarded anything approaching
failure of the action of tao government.
A Gang of ltohher > s Tlouted.
Lira , O. , Oct. -About 3 o'clock tils
morning a gang of robbers was detected at
worli on a safe in Ohio City. An alarm -was
given and the citizens turned out to capture
them. Tbe robbers opened lire and a battle
ensued , during which tvo of the citizens
were seriously and tyo slightly wounded and
one of the robbers killed. Ho has not been
identified. Theotben escaped.
Xhn Oklalinuui Cattltiil I/otmllon .
Guinutr , Oklahoma , Oct , 17.-Thc excite
ment over the discussion of the Ivlncflibcr
capital bill continued until 1 o'clock this
morning , when the bill was allowed to bo
placed upon pa agoaml defeated 12 toll.
Today a motion to reconsider renewed the
trouble. At B o'clock the discussion ivas
still going on and another all night exciting
session is In prospect ,
Accident to the 1'aM Mall ,
G.ansnuG , 111. , Oct. 17. Some section
men this morning- left a switch open near the
Monmouth pottery -work and the Buillngton
fast mail left the main line andplungod Into
a lotof Jrciubt cars. The engine crew Jumped
and escaped , but three employes of the
I > ott rywho vvcreonono of the cars , -were
seriously bruised. One Mill Hliciy die.
Took tlio Case Untlcr A h ihemcnt.
HELEXi.Moat. , Oct. IT. The urgutncnU
in the supreme court In the apiieai of Henry
llootonoof the tieirs of millionaire A. J.
Davis , from the decision of the district court
wore concluded today ana the court took tbo
matter under advisement ,
PtniB , OcU IT , Sloele says it will , If neces
sary , publish details proving that the Italian
premier recently Indirectly offered to give
Franco full liberty cf action In Tunis if the
would a tin don her Interests in Tripoli.
Stanislaus Church iu Chicago tie Sctnt
of a Wild Stampede.
j > y Killed , Two Fntntly Injured
and Twenty Others scrlouvly
Hurt Caused by n 1'rcn *
ilcil Womnii.
CniCAOO , Oct. 17. | Spe > cIal Telegram to
Bnis. ] A small blare In St. Stanislaus Polish
hurch , atNobloand Hradloy streets , this
morning , caused a piuic among tlio school
children assembled for early inass , which ro-
ultod In tbo ( loath of Prank D/iewlcksl ,
eight years old , the fatal Injuring of John
* rcwtkowskl , eight yciiw old , and Frantt
Urban , nine year * old , and the serious Injury
of eighteen or twenty other children.
It was almost S o'clock. The children of
the St. Stanislaus school were assembling at
ho church , and many hundreds of llltlo
'aces were uplifted toward the Imngo of the
Holy Virgin. awaiting the morning bencdle-
ion. father IJnrzynskl stood , crucifix in
hand , in readiness for the early mass and the
candles flamed with brightness. The llttlo
servitor with his torch lllttea about the altr.r
Suildeuly as a loosened curtain Mvunp
against the burning candlus n startled cry
was heard and hi nn instaut the draperies of
Uio altiir were in flames.
"Pence , children , nothing shall harm you , ' *
shouted the priest as ho tore the curtains
from their hangings , and tie little one * ,
accustomed to obey Implicitly the command *
of the holv father , sat with terror-
stricken faces , watching the efforts of the
Driest and his servitors , who were rapidly
stamping out the llamcs. The danger was
almost p.issod . and the last burnitii ; drapery
jad been torn from its place when an old
woman came running down the steps into the
chapel , shrieking in polish-
"Fire1 Fire' ' Kuu , my children1 Hunfor
your lives ! "
In aii Instant the orderly congregation be
came a struggling mass of desperate , be
wildered children. Toward the door they
rushed , madly indifferent to the injuries they
were rettivirig and Inlllctlng , iina as the en
trance ivas reached a wild struggle for the )
open air ensued. To make matters worses
several classes of children wore Just enter
ing the church under the euro of their teach
ers , and they were caught In the human
maelstrom and added to the horror
The scene which ensued was frightful.
None of the children were over eleven > cnrs
of age , and the greater part of thorn younger.
Their Wror was complete. In the rush for
the door the bovs outstripped the girls , and
thus it was thst noie of the latter were seri
ously Injured The entrance Immediately be
came packed with the llttlo struggling forms
as those behind pushed over and past those
in front. Tbo screams of the little ones as
they fell and were trampled upon by their
companions soon brought nn excited ,
frightened crowd to the spot , but noono
seemed to bo able : to render the children any
assistance. An alarm of lire was turned In
und soon the clanging , clashing engines and
rattling patrol wagons surrounded the place ;
seemingly only serving for a tiino to add to
the terror of'tho scene. The mothers and
friends of the struggling children began to
appear. The factories and workshops
poured out the fathers and brothers
of the little ones and heartrending were the
scenes as the frightened parents rushed
screaming-through the crowd in their agon *
izcd search for missing children. Soon the
police and firemen pained some control over
the frightened crowd and while men entered
the church by a rear door and prevented
Che children from crowding to the Iront ,
others succeeded in relieving tue jam and the
t > aiiic vas over
Then the work of removing the Injured and
dying bepun , As forin after form was borne
tenderly down the steps mothers nished frotn
the groups of their friends and attempted to
wrest tbo bruised little bodies fnvn the offi
cers' hands. One jioor woman , as her little
son ivas laid on the sidewalk , threw herself
frantically on the prostrate , bleeding ; form ,
shrieking as she kissed utraln and uiraiu the
braced face. A. policeman compelled
ber to rise anil she was led away weeping ,
covorcd with blood from the chile's wounds ,
vvhilo ho was carried across the stiect to the
drug store. The crowd , almost every one of
which was related to era friend of sorneof the
children , was frantic and it was the createst
diniculty to keep It away from the injured.
FatherBarzynski savs there would have
been no panic hud it not been for the \\oinan
raising the cry of fire. So far bo has been
unable to learn who she was.
The SyrnciiKa Hoti'l Victim * .
Sxiuci't-n , X. Y. , Oct. 17. Following is
corrected list of the victims of the hotel fire :
W.M.L. HAHIIOP , of Elizabeth , .V J.
BRIDGET Dovi.t , of Martcllus ,
Mary Doyle and Mary 1'addcn , servants ,
nremiUineand it is supposed they perished.
Treasury Department ISMICR a Circu
lar to Cunt < mis Ollifors.
WASHINGTONOct. . 1" . The treasury de
partment issued a circular to customs , officers
on the subject of the importation of meat cut
tle. In pursuance with the meat insiioction
act it suspends tbo designation of customs
ports and districts named ns quarnntinoJ
stations hy the secretary of agriculture By
virtue of section 20 of the tariff bill it sus
pends the prohlbltioti of the importation of
meat cattle into the United States from any
part of the world ; provided , however , that
the Importation of such cattle must
bo subject to and inado In accord
ance with the regulations prescribed by the
secretary of agriculture for the quurrantino
of meat cattle arriving In the United States.
By virtue of the same authority the prohibi
tion of the Importation of the hide * of incut
cattle from North , Central and South Amer
ica Is suspended , meat cattle fromthosc coun
tries being at present free from contagious
disease. The hide * of meat cattle from Eu
ropean contrles la which the secretary of
agriculture stated that contagious diseases of
different kinds are known to exist more cr
less are prohibited unless the iuipcrt'-rs shall
produce proofs of clearing showing that the
hides were thoroughly disinfected prior to
leaving the foreign county nnd thnt they are
free fiom infection of any kind.
the OfJIrc.
\Vyo. , Oct. 17 ( Ki rial Tele
gram to Tuc UCK. ] Wills Vtnidcvanur ,
lately elected chief Justice , has resigned the
tiositlon and Joined a law partnership with
his brother-in-law has also been chief
Justice of the territory. The governor Is t-m-
jxwered to fill tno vacancy and CtiarJeb N.
J'ottcr will probably bo given the iK > sltlon.
The Cheyenne A Northern.
CfiETCNVi ! , AVyo. , Oct. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hue.l It Is expected that
track-laying on the Cheyenne t Northern
will bo completed to a connection with lee
Northern by November 1.
'Jho Sultnn ot'/uiizlbnr'fl Bonus.
Ztxziiuii , Oct. 17. The sultan has surren
dered to Germany for 4,000,00 } marks hit
sovereign rights over that portion of the Em
African coast leased to tbo Herman East
African company.
Admiral Cawc's Son Drowned.
PnoviDEXCR , H. I. , Oct. -Augjstu }
Case , son of Admiral J. LudlcmCu c of the
United States navy , was drowned off Bristol