Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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THE OMAHA DAffiY BEE : MtlDAY , OCTOBER 17 , 1800.
_ A : DVKHTIBEMENTS for those colunn will
Jtxbot&kon until 12:30 p. in. , for theorenlnf
dlllon nml nntll 8yn : p.m. , for th tuornlnj
dltlon nnd eono r TIKI
In advance. i ' . i ,
AdrcrtUomcnlaon th ! r ge will t > $
RATEP for lit Iho rate of 1M cent per word
for tlio HrM Insertion und 1 cent per wnrd for
ich nb'.cqucnt ln. orllon. nd ll.W per lln *
per month. No ndvcrtlnement taken tot
Itm tlinn 21 eenU for tliu flrst Insertion.
TNITIAI.Hflgurcssywlido.count \ \ each
XnH uno word.
ilKSE ndvcrtliiomcntfl must run consocu-
lively nnd unOor no clrcurmtnncrft will
j Ixi taUcnordlsrontlnuod by telephone.
PAIITIF.S ndvertUliiK In thrsa columns nnd
hnvliu ; tholr nnnweri nddrcMcd to a ' 'nutn-
ter il Icttflr" In care of TUB Hic will rcculva
ft numbered clicck to cnabln tliom to Ret Uirjr
Uttnn. Aniworii will 1m delivered only on
presentation of thlschmk. Enclose answcri
In envelopes properly aildrcswd.
ndviTtlsemont'i tniricr the licarl of
A-"biiccinVNotTei's"'aro jn'iiilishVii In imtli the
tnornlnjj and oTcnltie cdltlonf of TUB HUE. tlio
circulation of which iiKXrescates nioro thai
20,000 pJirx'ri dnllf , nnil Klves the ailvertlnc ;
the Ijoni'tlt not only of tlio Inrse clrculdtlon of
Tin : HUE InUmaha , bntiiUoln Council IllulTft ,
Lincoln nnd other cities IUK ! towns In tlio weit
Advertising for these columns will be taken
- on the above conditions , atthofollowlrn busl-
pesH houses who arc authorised to take sppclnl
cotlcen. at the aniu rates as can had at the
main ollli-o. .
> J ggl N Street , Lister llloclc.
OIINV. . BELL , 1'hurinaolst , 830 South Tenth
GtlASR A EDDY , Stationer * nnd PrinUri ,
11.1 South 10th street. _ _
Slf."KAliNSWOUTH , I'iinruiaclst , 211S Cum-
i ing street.
J.lIUailESPharmacistC24 North loth
GKO , w7l'Ann , Pharmacist. 1718 Leaven-
worth street.
TH UOHES' rilAHMAOY. 21th nnd Farnom.
For tatit , tic. , tee. tnp nf fint column on tlits
WArsTl'D Itespectablo younn Inrty would
like u position nnrlna for furnlshrd rooms
or house. AdurcssHKl. HeHOlUce. M Mt-17 *
\\7ANTTI > lly n , man with 8 years expert
T > rii'iico In real estate business , a position
In a real i-stuto olllc-o In clty.wlll work for rea-
noiinhle salary : refnrenco-4 irlvpn on applica
tion. Address box ttaO'Neill. Neb. (2117' (
TilT ANTED I'oill Ion by leslstcrcd pharnia-
V > cist. Address U 48 Ucoofllce. W 10 *
TATANTIID Homes for sludonts. male nnd
TT female , who will work for tholr board
flail on or address Standard Huslness College ,
N. Y LlfollldR. M.Wi 17 *
Fnrintcs , tic. , tee fop of flrst mfimm on l/i / s page.
WANTTJ ) KnorKotlc mcchanlo with Rood
icft'ri'iico to handlis and put on patent
weather strip , on commission. A.S. I'unk.
Ur'&Hiild , la. M OO'J-IU
< JKNT to introdueo n first-class cloolrlo
spccinlty. Illij money to onorROtlo man.
Addiesb Carl II. 1'ark , general doltvcrv.KO
KO 10 *
TYTANTUD Youiijj mnn to make himself
iiMif ill \ | e elry house ; htato
HKU nnd salary uxiieclfd ; must furnish A 1
rofuienei ; . K 51 , Itcuolllee. BI 640-17
17ANTIH ) Jlan that ennbiiKo beans. Ail-
T ilu-MsltM , lice. JI U7-17
INVIHII to meet an electrician who will ile-
voln paitor all of his time to introducing a
flrst-cliiss payliij ; specialty Addiess Oarl HI
1'aiK. Ki'iieial ilcllvury. 010 10
\\7ANTnD-rrlday , man to receive Instruc-
V > Moil and take eliui'KO of double entry
booKs. J. II. Siulth , 010 Now York Life.CM
CM W *
WANTHr * Immediately , 25 tliinors ; none
but flrst-cla smechiinles need apply will
pay Rood men f.1.75 per day of U bom's and
puiir.iiitui ) steady employment until snrliiR.
Jlolley , AIii&ou , Mm Kg & Co. , Spokane Kails ,
Wunli. Cll''l
WANTHP \ news agents with security.
Apply In person to It. It. Nona Co. . Lln-
icoln , Neb * Oil 17
WANTDI1 Tliroi ) coopers to hoop tubs.
Creamery Packugo und ai'f'g ( o. , Fre
mont , Neb. GM-10
WA7s"Pii : ) A live , cnorjretlo iiarty In every
place to Introdiicn our KOOUS.Vo anew
now llnu that will Hell ut every house nnd
agents ( mi roan a harvest between now and
the liolld.iyH. Will pay n salary of 175 per
mouth If preferred nud furnish a team free.
Address at once. Standard Silverware Co. ,
liuHliin Mass. M rcr.-l ) 15'
TT/ANTl'D Ten Kcntlenien or ladles to rep-
\Y losentus In Omaha and vicinity , address
It 40 Hue ollico. O.'l ir.
" \\7ANTKn Twenty each , collar nnd liar-
ness makers. Kood xrngus paid , 'at n , U ,
Holmlns A Co. . Milwaukee. Wla. MO-JU
rpHAVKIilNQngonts visitIIIK ueneral mer-
JL oliunilKi and crockery stores can secure
Rood lit tlu side article. Something now nml no
imnuinhrinK samples iciiuhod. Apply Itrua-
holV , ICIndlerit Co. , CliliMso , III. M(5-2,1J (
nn'il n "I'anornma ot Jeiusalem ou Day of
Cruelllxlon. " 10 feet In length and piluted lu
12 color * ! . Wonderful Milling book. Write
ulek forterrns nnd exclusive territory. W.
? ) . Condit .t Co. , Doa Molnes , Tona. 47-19 ; :
\V JANTI' ! ) Jlen totinvel for our C.inn < ll.'iu
nuiberles. StoneiVWellliitonMaillsiu.WIs )
WANTKP 200 laborers forstono nnd erado
work , Apply to 1' . 11. Johnson , Union
r depot , Omaha , 873
CITY salesman. Omuhu shirt factory. 11)14 )
I'ur am : iltt
\"S7ANTII ! > Actlvn ini'ii with refoiiMico.
V > Metiopolltuu Mfg. Co. , Ji'iOO Howard st.
raw o 24 *
T\7ANTin-Aronts-Iy : ( ! tbo Kiiultahlo llfo
VT Insurance company of Iowa. Good ter-
Horv , fu\orablo contraets and absolute bo-
ourity to imlley holders are Inducements
olTcied. I. T Martin , supeitntemlentof aeen-
cles , le Molncs la. ai 081 O24 *
" \\7ANTKl ) 1,000 men for ubwriillrqad work
TT lu OrcRon nnd Washington Tor. Work
will hint two years ; coed wages KUaranteed.
Albright Labor Apcnuy , 11VO Karnam st. JU'JO
, etc. , fee top of ftist column on i/iti /
G1R1tnitod ; for general housn\\nrlf.
\Voolw orth avu. M 008-10 *
WANTED A good cook ut & 10 1'imiiuii st.
M-C70-la *
\\fANTED A nurse Rlrl under 13 years of
TT use. Apply to Mrs. Eddy , 2003 Sherman
nve. C41 17'
V\7ANTiO-GIrl ; , 2 In family ; good waftcs.
T > 111- , 111 til St. U53
\\rANTKD-Olrl.plain cooking. Oallfornla
T > hotel , 1024 DoiiKlas. WJ-18'
I'lrst-clasa lady bookkeeper
with A1 references. Address U 4'i. lloo
M axi.21'
\X7ANTrD-aood general Ctrl , Apply Mrs
T \ lowrit' , 2112 Emmet St. , Kountzo plnpu.
\VANTI.D-nrrand girl at Mlw Toi rill's ,
> 210 ! ) Douglas st. aiKIl 17 *
\A/ANTiO : Olrl for Kdioral housuwork , 4
T Mn family. Apply SH H. Mth uvo. . half
bloelvfroui west Loaveuworth motor line.
"WANT ! " . ! ) Qlrl for general liou&onorlc. 2JIO
T > Kintiiut st , HW 10
"l\rANTii : > Uood plrl Ki'iioral housework ;
VY fumlly three. Knuulro 1221 So."Jlh st.
tiiitl 17 *
_ _
Af'IlAMIJEHMAlDat once at City Motel ,
cor , 10th and llnrney sts. N > 7-K > J
" ! / ANTKD Ladles and gentlemen to take
TT light , pleasant I'liiploytnent at tliolr own
homos ; distance no objoetlon ; work gout hv
mull ; * - ! to * " aday can bu iniletly iniide ; no
eanvasslni ; . 1'lease ' uil dress at ouce Itolluble
> MfR Co. , rulladelplila , I'u. , box U12. ir.lab-
rllslud KViO. & 7S-I7J
_ _
B1II01IT young lady wanted to got nib
scrlberrt for the Omaha Excelsior ; M per
com commission. Apply 1IJS liith Ht. Mlta
For ratal , flc. , Kt tapuf Jiltt rulumn nnthta l v .
tssTUvt : Is gtvlna -
fortmio U'llor fn thu city. She does not
deal In uny fraud. Her terms are the lowest.
40flN.lUtli t. . M lloor. _ HB71 U *
MAbSAUU Uidura Dolilcr , over UIOS. Ilth
' *
TV1HS. NANNIK V. WAHUEN , clairvoyant
JTltrunci ! , pei klnif , writing and reliable
btiil'ii biuoafuiii,4 years lu Uuiahu. 119M. lith.
f'cr raltt , ett. , Kt tnpnf fnt column on Uito
1OU KKNT-ScTcn-room cnttage. cor.
'jyvo. nnd Cap. ntc.Inqulro S)18 ! ) Dixlgu , M-OCfl
I1O11 KENT Homo nnd burn. 6 roomi , In
good repair ; corner of 11th Ht. nnd Li-av.
onwortlil low rent. Iiuiulronf John Iliunltii ,
017 South lath st. . Llnton block. M-M5
ioTTuErTT-A cotlaRoof 8 rooms , u well ,
cistern and coed barn. No. CJ4 S. 27th at ,
Apply at 807 S. SSlli st , M 003.5.1 *
T OIl ItKNT-EIeirnnt hrlclt housn in Hans-
JL1 com IMace.all modern conveniences. p'ivod
Htieets , stone walk" , isleelectrlo motor ser >
vice , splendid nc'lzhborhmxl. Tor tornn , etc. ,
see HIcK ll rst lloor N.V. I.lfobldi ? . 0571'J '
Q-KOOM hnuso for rent , SCI I'ark nve. In-
Oqulresuperintendent Ho building. Mftjj-'J.
HOUSE for rent and furniture for sale-
House of 10 room * In dedrablo location ,
furniture now and first-class , hyery room
rented to Hrst-clns * roomeis mid boanlers.
Price of furnlturo J700. Inquire room HIM , N. \ ,
fjlOH ItENT-24-room house miltftble for a
farmers' hotel or largo boarding house ;
large lot. city water , nil now and modern. 1-n-
inilre of JlumailKh A i'ltchott. rual estpto
iiKonts , Cor. of Howard and 15th sK 002 21
JJ10U KENT-5-rooni house. UU S. EStli st.
T71OK IIENT Second houio west S. \ \ . Cor.
JlSiil and Davenport , H rooms , city water.
JO Oco. II. Ilonns , 1408 1'arnam st. CIS 21) )
- house , 2 blocks west of V. O. , furnl
turu cost Ing J 1.200 forf < ViO. * 30 eash , b.ilanco
easy. Co.Opor.itlvo Land & Lot Co..20."iN.K > th.
OK KENT At the s , w. corner of 19th and
California sts. 0 beautiful ' ! story brick
and Htono residence' " , all cist fronts , ovcry
modern ronvcnlonec , rooms llnlslied In hard
wood. 1'osscsslon enn bo given Nov. 1st.
These houses ean bo had nt very moderate
rents bv first class temnts. Ilrcnnnn .t Cof
J Cliunibor of Comiiiorce. tiOj-a )
rp WOrt ut , all modern conveniences , for runt
Jcheap. . KiKiulroatlOliahermaii a\c.
Ki'J-10) )
IJOSITIVnijY the flnostSroom modern brick
J house In Omnha. for rent to yearly tenant ,
$25 month. 2427 Lake at. , take 10thst motor.
rnilllRE-rooin cottnue. 17th and ClnrK. In-
Jmilro | yj8 Oumlng , M-548-2Q *
ESIH.VIII.E clBoUlngs all parts of the cltv
Sincuton & Allen , 1107 Pumam st. oa-nl3
FURXISHED house for rent , 2018 St. Mary's '
uvc. 4 5-ia'
FOlt KENT 3 cottages , 0 and Trooms.newly
painted and papered ; rent reduced. Corner
19th and Olileuiro. 413
FOltHENT An8roomnouso with all mod
orn Improvements , heated l > y hot water ,
IV i82iilh tt. 4 blocks cast of Hanscom I'ark.
r.uqulru 400 Iteo building. 441
FOU KENT Cottage. 441 S. 21th aven uo.
Enqillio I.ISI Jackson. iff
FOU KENT 0-room house , all mmlern con-
venli'iiccs. east front , lltotl Georgia a\u. . ap
ply at ( ierinan Savings bank. 113
8-HOOM house.tkl ; andCiimlng.W. ) permoiith.
O. I' . 11 unison , 1)11 ) N , Y. Life b7U
171OU HKNT IIon ' .8 rooms , pooil laundiy.
-L1 Iniiulio Hobt. t'urvls,24th&St. Jlary'sa > e.
! ' YOU wish to rout a house or store see II.
E. Cole , Continental block. bS3
FOn HKNT To responsible parties only ,
those line now brick and stone houses on
Georgia avenue ; llttien rooms e.nd alcoves ;
niori ) conveniences and better finished than
my house for rent In the ulty. 11. H , Hender
son , 100 1'uxton block , city. SH4
rr-HOOM house with barn ; nominal lent. 0.
i V. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life , 870
71OU HEN 1' 0 room house , all modern eon-
venli'iices. Including a good stable. Capitol
nvenuo. near the high school ; rent moderate.
I ) . J. O'Donahoc , 1C01 I'arnam st. 101
SEVI'.N-room house , 19th nnd Vlnton , tl&
7-room house , ffith and MlnmlJ12.
8-room nnd Oaldwoll $25.
7-room house. IlOrli nnd Gnrllch.llU.
6-room house , Lincoln place , S1U.
J. II , Johnson , 519 1'axton bloc lc.
FLATS. Htean heated. 709 S. 10th. Thos. T.
Hall , aill'tixton blk. ft
Ills NT 7-roorn cottnRCS. until nun an
modern coin enlences , ready In few days.
1. B. KlgntlOi. 407 Klrst Nat'l bank. 5tJ
THOU HEN I' House. Sflth and Caldwell , J10.
1 ? 'Kird ami Jones , f 10. 25U Davenpoit. $ a ) .
W. L.trOlby.ii. : lid Trado. 4:15 :
l-'Oll ItlJNT KUOAIS J-'UKNlSIIlil ) .
For rate , * , etc. . tec top of ftvt ( olurnn on thtr
FOH HKNT I'lirnlshcd rooms with hoard. and batb. 203 N. 17th.S ( 1C *
l-TANDSOSIELY f mulshed room. 2209 Podge.
rp\VO largo south rooms , with board ; ground
X lloor ; all conveniences. Special Induce
ments to table boarders. The Hillside. N. W
cor. 13th mid Dodge at. MM IS *
OR HKNT Elriruntly furnished front bed
room , also back parlor for ccntlamcn only.
Momnhodt , K.-is , bath. O17'i S. 1'Mt st. . second
lloorlo light. Llnton flats. M U10-22 *
"ITlOIt KENT Ii'irso south room , newly fur-
J3 nlshed. 210l DoiiKlas Rt. MO.I022 *
FIJtST-CLASS mom and hoard cheap for two
irentlonien. 1811 Oodse. tifll 17 *
FOH HEM' Suite of very pleasant moms In
private house , bebt location In tins city. .110
N. 20th St. M BMM7
FOH KENT Itoomswltb board , 17S3oP
st. SiT-S
XTKWLY fuinlslicd looms for rental 712 So.
IN 16th St. . Hat 1. M 511-20 *
FUHNISIinn rooms , hot and cold Inth and
heat. iliW Harnoy , r > 17-10 *
PDUNIS11ED room for rent. 1011
fill 10 *
DESIKAHLK rooms forthreo or four
men , private Hitting room Included. 1701
Caplloni\Sv -W4
N'EWIA' furnished rooms , with board and
bath. aiOtl I'nrnam st. M1JO-17 *
FOlt KEXT I'lcasnnt rooms with or with
out tio.ird. i iso. anii. : ic'j 10 *
TJIOIl KENT 1'urnlshed rooms ; gas.bath and
J sleiim. 1510 llovvaid. B74
ST. OLA lit European hotel , with din Inj : room ,
hteam beat In all rooms. 1'tthand Dodge.
Special rales hvveok or nuintli. h5
HKNT rnrulbhod rooms 1 Doimlas.
fr'arratf * , tte. , fee top ot f > st cclunin tilts rxliw ,
IJNrUItNIPllEI ) rootiis.'KM sTlTthbetween
Jackson and Leavotiworlh. ( H2 19 *
POK HKNT , cheap-Store room J714 Hurt
street , suitable for any kind of shop. In-
qutrnatirrON'-Stli avc. Bi01
FOU very comfortable winter homes fee
the o Il-room llata S. W. Cor. Slst and Nich
olas sts. Newly papered , city water and suw-
orji c. KlNt lloor. W : seoond lloor , &i. Hulls
ItentlnR Agency'J20 S. 15th st. . y."xl Ns *
store , 1021 Howard
POU HENT Sulto of 4 unfurnished rooms
for housekeeping , to family without
children. 1703 Webster st , air.
For rate * , tie , , etc tup uf Jlrtt culiiinii on thl prise.
WANTED To buy single young driving
horse not over J.fcO pounds , ItooniKU Now
York Idfe building. t3 a
ECON1MIAND books Itonght for spot cash
ut the Antiquarian bookstore , 14KI I'nrnam ,
"l\7ANTii : ) To buy an olgbt or twelve
> T hooouprltrht enslno and holler. Address
V No , HU south 14th st , Omalia. 6SJ-W
ANTr.U Horsu and buigy , W.J. Piuil ,
icm rariiam. ills
\ VAN'l'Bil'0 ilS it.
Forratfs , rtr. , rre Joj ) nf flrxl cotiini'i on thU
WANTED I'urnlshed nxiiuwlth hoanl In
private family ; nuhurbs preferred ; to
lady and gentleman. Kufcrenccs exchiuiireil.
Address It 47 , lice ofllcc. 1 f S-l'j' '
\\7K want 'JO houses for oustomen. Kent
T > UO to W3 per month. Smouton & Alli-u ,
1007 Farnam st , 6.10-20
Kor nittr , tte. , ttt fop efftrnt rolumn on thti1W [
KlINT Ilrlok warehouse , two-stories
hlKh : basement : liydruullcolevator ; trnelc-
ugu ; bust locution lu tlio city. A. O. I'owelL
i JU n7
Vcrrat'4. etc. . Kttop if Jlrft r
The ClIiiBman Pension Agonoy ,
211'renrer blyct. Informullon frve. 1000
Fvrratet , tie. , tte fop of jint column on IhU i we-
Tf"\E."K ruorn for rent Inn fine grouna floor
.Ivolllceon 1'urnain st , ncnr 16th st , Addrets
U tl , Ikf. M II )
17KU ItKNT-Hnorinrntmorn room , cor. nth
Ju nnd JucliMti ) sta. Iniitilru Mra , LUIIK > , 01) S
iiih : st.
TflOH KENT-Urlck warcliouso. two stories
Jt3 nnrt Imminent , 27,000 witinro f et. with 107
feet of double track on U. I' , railway , south
iXUb and I'lerco streets. Address 0 Oskanip ,
Omaha , Nob. MO
TORES at 701 S Iflth. SOtBO each , larco dhow
windows , iteain heat furnished , Thos. ! ' .
Hall , illl 1'axlon block. HK.
Ijioll HENT-Tho most desirable buslnosilo-
JL1 cation In Onir.ha for dry goods store , cloth-
Inif , boots and shoes , Kruccrlcs , hordwnro or
furniture , llents very reasonable. Possession
plven atoncoor Ucoombcrlst , Thol'alr's llvo
stores ; will rent separately or altogether. J.
L. llraiidels \ Sons , UtU und Howuiil ,
7S4 O 20
T7IOII IlKNT-Mctropolltan ball. Ilth and
JU podge , for balls , parties nnd weddhiKS with
nr without supper room. Turms reasomblo ,
OcorKolleyii,313Sl.tli st. & 'i7-OJl
T OK lnNT-Tho4-story ! brick buildlntr.wlth
-L1 or without power , formerly occupied by the
lice t'ublMilnif Co. , ll ( rnrnntn Rt. The build
ing has a lire-proof cement bn > ietiieiiteoinplcte
Hti'.un heatlnif fixtures , u.itcron all the floors ,
gas. etc. Apply at the ofllco of The Him. 015
For rater , etc. , KC top of f.itt column on ( Ma pave.
" \V71IAT have you to exchange : call or wrlto
> T me full partlcultim , Alot. Moore , 'Ml
Shocly block. M5 111 *
ITIOltTltADK Anoiiulty of 13,000 In n pod
J liiumo nnd lot for aero property , Address
ll ! ! llceolllce. OViO
Wl LL trade olonaut Improved brick resl-
dcnco property and cholco btislnt > ss > prop-
cry In Omaha for clear Nebraska land. J. Ij.
luce , Ji X. V. Mfo. 670 1GJ
WI Ll i trade clear lot near Dundee I'lano '
horse and carriage. J. L. Ulcc , VS N. Y.
Life. fi74 1C *
Clio EXOIIANGK for Omaha property , two
J. houses anil lots , clear , in good town. ( ' . J.
Ciwwell.SItt X. Y. Mfo. 4G8-ll *
0 nXOHANGR-Honpo and lotonllamll-
ton street for vacant lot. 0. J. Caswell , 810
N. Y. Lift ) . 4C8-1G'
riiu u.\i7iiAn ( > -ror clear riirni , new v-
JL room house In Ual er Place , full lot. In
quire of K 0. Merrill , 4''d and Oass sts. 4S3-21 *
T71OII HXCllANdR Sot oral clear Nebraska
-U farms for equities In good Omaha proper
ty and will pay some cash dllloroncoIJ 1101:03- :
s.iry. Hlugeri Uradluy , 1510 Farimm.
441 17 *
OU3F.S TOR TltAnn-Wlll oxeh-inuo wefT
broken roadsters and naddlo horses.
suitable for livery stable and express waioim ,
for lands and city property , or will HO | | on
tlmo to responsible parties. Address . llox
rpO EXCHANGE Huslness lot elmo to cor-
JL ncrof 21th and M .streets , South Omaha ,
clear and drawlncfl' rent. f ) raKoodrosldenuo
InOmaha. 1'rankE. llurtlgan , UKJ N. Y. Life.
WANTEO-A small stock of groceries In
exchange fur iinlnciinilwrod leal eitali * .
Inquire at room IWT , l'a\loii block. M-lSl-n ! !
WANTHD-A small stock of cigars and to
baccos In Q\clmno for clear t-slato.
Inquire at room U)7 , 1'iixtou blook. 511S1-NJ
171OU EXCHANGK KUlit mules for Omaha
J-1 real estate. It. 1:1 : , Hoard of Trade. 4K
I'vr lain , etc , , ttt tup of fist cuiumii on f/iti _ | > vy.
VTE\Y nnd complete bedroom suit for salo.
i > 171K Webster HI. 62.1-K , *
TTIOUSALK-Ilandsomo now furniture for 8
X' looms complete , at an lmiiieu o bargain.
ANo for rent the house of 8 rooms , all con-
M-nleni'i's. centrally located. II , H. Irey &
llro. , a M. Y. Life. 407
Al.OTof lieatlnKandcooklnK stoves Hllglitly
used , nil In excellent condition , wo on"ei'
> cry cheap. Call nnd ox.imlno and do ttot miss
the opportunity. Thovmustgo. 107 Douglas.
Omaha Stove Itepalr Work ; , . 'M2-M
jlURNITUHE , houseliold goods.eto. Hlithust
cash price. llllKuruain. 877
FOHSALi ; AAVest Point base burner , me
dium sl/e. 10'M Wlrb st. IlTd 10 *
"TTlOIl SALi--Ohoit : ) Tlio furnlturo in tlio
-L houjo. No. 1S1H Douglns Street , for S.ilo ,
and hoiibo for rent. LJiiqulro ou the promises.
071o3l *
F OH S A LD Furnlturo nurl business of ni-
room hotel In Lincoln , doing oed
business. Hest of reasons for sollluff. Terms
easy. M. AY , 1'olsom. Lincoln. NeU 610
For rata. etc. , tee top ofrut column on thtu page.
FOUSALtt-Cheap for cash , or will trade for
lotnnd assume small incunibrnncc , - hand
some young horses. Inquire of K. 0. Merrill ,
4-M nnd Cubs sts. 4iJ-21 *
WOHIC horse $ G.1tnn . horse watjon tJO.doublo
work , harness J15. Or will trade for a
peed Hcht side bur buggy. 11. K. Cole , Contin
ental blook. H'JO '
I roi&ns K3 and up. H. E. Cole ,
IjlOUU teams , light mules ; wio heavy l.fiTO-
J pound horse. Hoom IU , Hoard of Trade.
1)01 )
FOHSAIjE Scood work teams. Inquire nt
U18 Paxtonblk. 4
For ratti , etc , , tee tnp of first column on thli pays
l { SALEiOO tor i baled hay at PaclUo
Junction , M. Enquire nt314 i SlJtli.
( ill ! 19 *
SQUAHn piano In Rood condition , for sale
_ cheap for cast : or will trade for horse and
cqrtlago. J , L. Itleo. U2JN. Y. Llfo. 57I-10J
"T71OH SALE A flrst-class No. 2 Kcmlngtori
" typewriter ; latest Improvements. Address
LoucKs , Olh and Jones , WX1-IS *
FULL blood pug dog for sale. W. S. 1702
\Vuhsterbt. . fourth lloor. 131-19 *
OH SAM ! All kinds nf thoroughbred dogs.
James Fanzy. Ilia a. auh BU CT
ror rates , etc tee top ot first cnlinn on thli jiat/f.
T > HOr. Oh.irles Peterson Plano.vlolln.zlthor
i. and vouul Instruction. Btudlo50.'iHheely blk
47u-o-18 *
T > ErOUR hiivliiK a piano examine the now
J&ealo IClmball piano. A.Hospo , 131J Douglas
89 ?
GEO. P. Gr.LLKNIlKCIC teacher of the bnjo
with Hospc. 1513 Douglas. '
Golden Monitor Now and thorough
band-book for piano and orirun : a jnoat
valuable helper and Kuhlo ; highly onilorsed ;
costs but a dollar ; may bo found at Hmpo's ,
/ 'or rattt. etc. , we tnp nf fmt cnliunji on tlili jxio
A FEW more boirdoisoanboaccommodated
at the young women's home , 100 S. 17th.
Heforeneo lornilrcd. 040 19 *
forrnUf , tt\ , tee tup of first column ou M | j jinge.
STOUAGP. See us before storing goods of
any description. Omaha Stove Itepalr
Works. 1207 Douslas. Tel. OGO. fcw
rpKAClCACIE storage at lowest rates. W. M
JL llUihiiuui , 1U11 Leux'cnworth. fell
' TOltAGE-llranch &Co. , 1211 Howard.
8 < B
STOUAGK Kormorclmndlso and furniture ,
cold stOr.iL-o und freezing ; ! trackage. D.ivld
Cole. S11-M7 Howard st b J
FOrratn , rtr , , tee top of first column on
BO , WHEEL-EK. Konoral stenosraplior and
notary. Depositions nnd court work a
Bueolalty. Tol. , ItMl.Koom WtlH. V. Llfelildg.
rpVl-EWIUTCHS. all iuulo < , bouKht , Rold. ex-
-LchaiiRed , routed , J , P. Mogoath , 1G07 I''ar-
street. f'JO '
for rent or sale. StenOs-
JraphoM supplies. J.lMletreuth.lCOT I'urnaiu.
etc. , tet top of flnt column on tMi pofl
ID K HSO N A I/-7U' not hln from "S0' ' tn
J date , lath lu "S. K. V , " since suw you , Will
bo hero until SSd. Sent "SO'1 three mcssaBes.
The. lust In "T. M , IV Why don't you write
that I may know how to arrange my busi
ness ? Will ' 'Ii N. " see Helen soon ? Hope you
arcnotalok. "l""Q""MJ. "
. y. &BJI6
lf\ir ratet , fit. , te tnp of flnt column OH Cifi iMUf.
T NOAOKMKNTH todocru 3nmduK ! In fuml-
JiJlies hollcltud. Mss Stuidy , SUto Harney st.
I'or mtt * . ,
CHOICE tuislno" com rn South SOIh st.
eely $ . ' ,300 ; also Kin y Place lot ,
Easy terms. Must bo sold. . Bmeatnn A Alton ,
1G07Tnrimm st. , " n , SI Ofll-it
FOU SAI/R Good ino-1l r furm In Lonp Co. ,
Neb. ; GOnorrbrokeniKl fulrImprovements.
1'rlce J < < 00. one-half casbiA bargain. Oeo. W.
Allonil'olo.111 _ . i M CC7-I7 *
v iuii 16th if , outhof .fen"rr ion niunr
4ltic.'on : Howard llj'W ' feet Just Bold.
Fnriiiun St. , beautiful'lot cast of Loweavc. ,
W..VW. , it i i
Il-room cottage and \ > f\\t \ lot. 27lli and Dong-
IBB , JJ.oiXl. } WO cash , balance monthly.
Very nice 7-room liouify , full lotjustcast of
Hanscoinpiirk. { . ( .AOO. ' ,
Uiitclilnson & We ml. 1M4 DOIIRIM. 612 17
Foil SAliB Splendid opportunity to pet a
bc.iutlftll now 10-rooin hnuso in oneof thn
finest locations In Unmlia , a blocltn west of
Lowoaveon Uussst.hlBli and Rightly and on
Kniilc. full lot , city water , cistern ,
tower , bay window , porohoi. double floor , cel
lar , etc. . till finished In h.ird wood nml hard
oil nnd In first-class slylo : | l'rlcoH,400. TortiH
easy. Umml eomniHilon toasunK Itumlro of
owner , K , U. Alerrlll. Oas and4l t sts ,
1U(1 ( n rr
OHOICKbarjaln ? HT tool front on I'urnum
st. , Kradi-d ; cli-cunt rusldonco property. J ,
h. lllco. tr"J N. Y. Lite. 5TJ W
SI'ECIAIj llnntiiln'-'l IIOUSOM , 8 , 0 and 10
roonis each , prloo $ VriOO to U.500 , In Kountzo
IMnee , all modern ; JoOO cash.
Ml per month for 3 years.
WO per month for 2 years.
$ l3pi-r monthfor'Jye.UM. ftatanoo 7 years'
tlnie , 0 per cunt Interest on nil deferred pay-
monts. Alsosntnosplciidlil honu > s In same nil-
dltlon to cxclmngo for farm lands und city
property ,
0-room house and full lot on Wlrt st. , $ < Jr 00 ,
tl.fluucanh , bal.tosiilt.
Who has a vacant lot worth from JI.SOO t < )
K.MK ) , clear , to oxcUanao for an clcKuut homo
In Knuntzo plnce , worth ( IftW ?
I. J. Gibson , solo agcntKount70 1'lace. room
3Crolgliton block. 650
FOR SALB A barunln. 1'lno hoilth front lot
Mxl''l Iu Union square , J. 1) . Kittle. Ull
N. Y. Life , M417
7 KOOM oottauo. full lot , HUIHCOIU 1'laco ,
' oust front and a ureat barRiilu for a few
days. Small cash iiiymcnt and balnnco ou
longtime , lK , Darling. Hirkcrblock. Wi4
"I710H SAI/R At a bargain , fifiviso on Duven-
J3 port , near 17th , ono block from new post-
ollico. vcryi heap. Wi.000 ; Wxtt : ! corner IMth
and I'nrn.iin , J.W.OOO ; pony and phaeton , mtiit
bo told at once , flOO. U , L. Green , room id ) ,
llarKer block JIStM
P > AUGAIN EleRiint house and lot In Hans-
Ocom 1'laco. House now and substantially
) iilltwlthnll modern Improvements. Aspeolal
iiirsalii If sold this nook. Hicks , N. Y. Ufo
UulldliiR. KG 17
"I710U SAM- SIx cottaKes , ranpInK from $1,400
-I ? to.r > no each : * 100 to J500 cash , balance
monthly or to suit. If you want a house wo
ean nrramio terms to stilt. Smoaton Sc Alien ,
lC07rnrnnrii. Wl-N 4
A M-foot east front lot. on Lowe avenue , only
(1,000. Stringer i. Penny , Douglas blook.
/"lOKNEI ! on Lowe avenue , south nnd cast
V ' fiont , only I.MOO. On motor lino. Stringer
& I'cmiy , Dou laa block. 13
FARNAM st A flno corner close to court
house , WOO linr front foot. Htrincor &
1'cnny , DoiiRlas block , an
rpHK finest corner for rcsldonco on Taruam
L sc. I'or location , price nnd terms apply to
Stringer& . Penny. UoiiRlas block. an.
TN5IDE property to cost ; $ r > ,000 , will rent for
K'OU u mouth. Strlujsor & I'cmiy , Douglas
block. ' an
O NR of the host lot-jjin Ore-hard Hill , only
11,000. Stringer & . Penny , Douglas block.
FOR SALE Look at IhU ; New"-room house
on lot 19 block I > . It/iLer pluco. hplendld
view. Bouth front , well , cellar , bay window.
etc. ; &UO or inoro c.ish , balance of JI.-MI. $15
PIM month. Inquire of owner , H. O. Merrill ,
( 'nss and 41st Ms. ' J 1U7 n a *
FO SAIjK Dr. Chambers' residence and
barn. cor. JBth and lliu.dott : 10- room house ,
fiunace , ens , sewer , ranzo und all conve
niences. ] larn4fl\fiO , brick , 0 box stalls nnd 11
stnirlo stalls , with water , sewer , pas. 2 rooms
for help , etc. Hest equipped barn In Omaha
forvotorlnarvor pilvato use. 1) . Y. Sholcs
Co. , solo airoiits , 213 First Nat'l bank. M045
A SMALL payment dovyu and JI5 per month
will buy u 4-room and lot on IGth , -
blocks from motor ; llHt-class chance to an-
rpilroa homo on onsy o-r/ns. / Apply to II. K.
t'olo. Continental block. ' 883
LINCOLN 1'l.ieo lots * V3 ! > tofl.8 . Do.Mer
I , Tliotnas. i-r4.-
FOR PALE A farm ndjolnluz Illalr. Neb , ,
stocked , cheap. II. W McUrTdc , Hlalr.
V07 nl.'l *
BARGAIN Choice lot in HrlRKS plnce. uuln-
cnmbeiod , H.-TO. Market price J..OOJ. Need
money. Address M Price , 18J8 California st , ,
Denver. L'ol. 5U7-oSl *
T710R SALE Cheap , on easy terms , a nice
i ? ' Add. and brick
eottnjro In 1/owe's / , a 7-room
house , -with all modern conveniences , ou DHh
und Jackson sts. Room 11 , Chamber Commerce
HOMER Sweet Homes niosant Homes I
am offering the best bargains In Omaha erIn
In the world on West Pnrnnm street.SlxoloKnnt
bonnes , all differentOto IIrooms furnace , hot
and cold water , sas , gas fixtures , bath , water
closet , mantel , uloxant brick cellars , paved
btreet and mortitaso , fciOO to$500 , or more cash ,
and balance ut 7 percent to suit. D. V.faholes ,
SKI first National bank. U03
TV AUOII & Weaterflold.rcal ost.Ue.S.Omaho.
II'YOU have anything to seller exchange
call atOlS I'avton bloulc. 0211
T710H SALE An elegant now residence , 9
JL : rooms , cherry nnd 0:1 U finish , largo Htaulo
nnd every convenience for comfort ; location ,
the best In the city , price low. Terms oasy.
It. J. O' Donahoo. 1U01 Farium st. l < )
Forratct , etc. , ice top of first column on this
FOH PAbE Nenrlv 55 cost , line hard coal
ba'-e burner stoves cost $48 , used only 00
days.ilrs. : E. A.Ulemun .itrd lloor , 412 N .lilt h iti
( MS 18 *
SAVE fuel by cmorlng your steam pipes
with I'ossll Jlcal Composition : Iho best
non-conductor , absolutely lire pi oof. Wes
tern a cnt. I ) . U. Mc'Kuun , 1011 Howard st.
iva-iil. !
r1OShoo Dealers When you pitronlri ) mo
JLyou know that I will not eompctu with you
hy ruUilllmr rubber boots , shoes , -iretlcs. s'ui-
< lali. otc. 1 : im not runnlni ; twelve or Uftcen
retail ulioo htoies under various named. I sell
at wholcialo only and IKOO no Interest In any
retail store. I am wcstorn asent for tlio New
Jersey rubber shoo contpiny at ( Jinaha. and
every shoo dealer UIIOHR there Is no better line
of goods made , MysalrsthU year sofaraio
moio thnn double any other season up to this
time. Send ( or price lists and discounts , .ler-
sojswlll bo oitenslvely advertised this sea
son. Z. T. Llndsoy. "iiM-nn
U l'IIOISTiniNO : and mattresses re
novated. : E. L'eter&ou , 1138 N 18th st.
st.M.IIO21 *
MASSAGE trcatnu'iit.olentro-thorinal baths ,
scalp and hair treatment , mnnkuro.and
chltopoUlsU llrs. Tost. It 80-21 , Wlthuoll blk.
Ferrate * , etc. , tte t pnf fliil column on
TOST nngllsh polutUV , white and brown
Aliots ton month'plil , do tag number
2 7.l. Return to Gen'lf llrook , 24th and bt.
Mary's a\e. and receive reward. GM"1 *
TOST At.Stonelilir.s.hlll < umbrella niniK'cd
JUl.v. . Martin. I'luastfVcdirn to 1011 Uouelus
a nd get rowiiuj. _ J _ CI8 1G _ * _
IOST On JIason berivnen : th and Illat
Streets , ehatlulnobafl containing pur = oand
gold gla'seIf pcntlvi'Mii ' who picked It up
wlllretuin to 101B So.plst st. ho will icoelvo
reward _ _ . ' _ QUO 1C *
SlOrowanl for my pugulrv ; ; was lust scon on
Tue- * < lay , Sept. .10. nonr Iho Jltisoe , Ilth and
I urnarn ; had on collar wth ] small lock. Homy
HountrceAlbrlght'iilaboragoiicyl20rai ! > nain
street. _ I" ! _ M .VJ7-17 *
LOST-Fome llttln time ngo , hunch of keys
on round ring , nlsn Mils' pin. 1'lnder will
leave at my ofllco und wlvo rowaul. M. A
Uptoiu _ , , _ BIO 17
For' ratti , etc. , tee tiniof'tnlnmn on tint ) i 8
VTANT lot lllTed at once , Take l.m yiirds
orinoro. W. JI. Harris , Itoom0.1'lenzor
block , opp. I'.O. M.VJO ID *
rpC ) rKASE A now , rtrst class roller cilst-
JL millGO-bairel capacity. Address A. II.
Smith. Drawer 1. Lincoln. Neb. 477-10
Fur rntri , etc. , tie tap nf fint ' > finni ( n Iftfn
TlfADAME SMITH , n > o&t successful mans so
J-illady In tboelty. Call and see her. Hours
from U a.m. to 10 i > . DI. I'arloraCOT b. 13th. next
Marker hotel. 615.10 *
" [ \rASSAQE , Madum Uolilcr , overtllQB. 13ta ,
IU ' *
Forrntei.etc. , ite inofjlrsl \ rolumii anthls
BEST line hnlr goods In west ; hair dresslgn ,
wigs , switches , luims , halrjoclmlns , etc. , a
bpcclalty , Uavlut hair coodi and milliner
opposite potfloftlco , 111 S.Uth st , Ouiuua. ' DUO
Fbr mirf , etc. , tro tnp of jlrrtcotumnnnthln
ilCOiXlolonnoii ) df < lrntilo Omit ha property
Pin sunn of IM and morel cn U on hundt no
delay. L'o-oporatUe Land uiul Lot Co. . SSX1 N.
ICthat. M 027-22 *
KIMIIALL , Champ & Uynn.
12.U rarniim et. ,
inaVo loans on
real .estate , personal
nnd collateral opurltr.
Notes nnd bonds bought.
JIulIdliiK loans at
lowest rates. 805 N14
"TTHKST inortgncr.0 loans on Improved and un-
J.1 Improved property. 0. J. Caswoll.Slfl N. V.
Llfo. M W7 N II
IIIOFarnam , lion , F. Marti , loans made on
diamonds , watches , jewelry , etc. Ml N13 *
"TiMKST and second gilt edso niortBiino pnper
JLA for snle , ( Hi und 8 per coat. J. JItlce. . ir ± - '
N.V. Lllo. WJ-10J
CHATTEL loans , low rale , 1319 Farnam Bt.
rPII13 OonitncrolnlSoourltv Ixian nnd Trust
JLCo. wants jrood short time piper ; also can
liandloa few beuurcd mortgages. Itoom W7 ,
Pax ton blo k , M 1SO-NJ
"XfONKV to loan by H. 1' . Mtutors on ehnttel
AUand collateral securities forany llinu from
ono to six months In nny amount to suit bor
Loansmadoon household goods , phnos , or-
Kfins. linr t 4 , muU's , homes. lca ci , warehouse
receipts , etc. . nt the lowest possible rites ,
without publicity or removal of property.
Jly lo'ins are t < o nrranuod that you can inako
apayiiieut of nny amount at any time and
reiliieo both prlnclplo and Interest.
If you owe a balinco on your property or
Irivo a loan you wish clmimod , 1 will pay It
oft" and carry It for yon , If yju find It inoro
convenient , call up telephone No. WJl and
your butlnesscan ho iirrinzid at hoiiu * .
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates.
P. F. Masters ,
IloomOVlthncUblk. , 13th and Harnoy sts ,
plAUM Loans Star Lund St Loan Co.
/"Ill ATFEL bank. 319 S. IStli st. , loans money
VAm ehatteljor eollatorat at reasonable rates
riHST.Vsoeond mortgages on vacant A Im
proved city prop County warrants bought
Money on hund. K. JI. lticlmrdsoii,81S N.Y. Llfo.
.10 , 00 or 00 days on furniture *
J'l pianos , horses , huuses.etc. J. J. Wilkinson'
018 rii.\ton block. IKXI
TTNUPtlAMiY low rates
Uof Interest on first mortscases of Improved
real estate for the next 1)0 ) days by the Kansas
City Inu'SttnentCo , KoomUG , Hoard of Trade ,
J , II. 1'easo , manager. UJ9
"i\rONEY to loan on any security
-l'-L for Bhort time at low
rates. Lowest rates
on pnisonallproperty
The ncndoison MortRiiRO Investment Com
pany , room 400 , I'.ixton blk. 010
T > UtImNO loans made at lowest r.Ues.V. .
JJM. Harris , room 20 , Trouper blk , , opp. P. O.
OIIEAPcastern money--
1'hlladolplila Mortvnice and Trust Co. ,
nlwavn ready to loin and pay promptly ; first
inortfrnKos wanted. George \V.V. Co.iles. rop-
ics.cntatlve , room 7. board of tr.idc. Mi
KKAI/Hstnlo Loans Cish on hand. Globe
Loan & Trust Co. 307 S , Ifith St. . No delay ,
no e.\In charges. Houses for rent , good list.
GE. fc O. 51. ANTHONY. HIS N. Y. Mfo bull'l-
. Inc , lend innncy on farms In choice coun
ties of Nebraska , and Inwn ; aKo ou pixid
Omaha realdcnco property ; lowest r.ites ; best
terms ; no delay : money ready. Titles and
alliesp.isscdou hero. ! M4
KRYSTONr.MortsraKO Co. Loans of J10 to
81,000 ; ( jel our r.ites before borrowing and
s.ivo inonpy ; loans ou horses , furnltnro or any
npprmcd security without publicity ; notes
Doiinht , for new loa"enowalof old and low
est ratescall 11.203. ccly bllt..l5th llow.irrt.
WANTED-Flrst class Insliloloans. Lowest
rates. Call and see us. Mutual linest-
mcnt Co , IMI Karnan > . H1H
EASTCKN money to loan on city property ;
mortgnBopapcrbouglit , ll.II.Iioy.N.i .Ufe.
HATPEL loans at lowest rates. Homoved
0 to Ki. N. Y. Life , bids. J. IJ. Kmmlniter.
1)13 )
MONEY" lo'ined at iow rates on furniture ,
horsi" ) . & . -without publicity. Iluwkeyo
InvestmeutCo , UI1 Douglas blk.lOth and Deilgo.
BUILDING loans , B to7 per cent ; no addi
tional chaise ! ) for commission orattornoy's
fees. W. It. Melkle , Klrst National bank hl
t 0
/1I1EAP loans ou city property & collections
v/promnt attention. A.O.Larson.ti. ! : ! N'.Y. Life
Forratu , etc. , ecctopof Jlrst column ontliLi page.
FOH BALK-iOheap for cash or clear Omaha
property , the bunt ness , lease and futures
of an Oinah.i hotel A rcnl snap. W.A. Spen
cer , It , 7 chnmbcr commerce. M-fiGl-iD
riill KIIEST dairy an-1 milk route In the city.
-L Kuniilro of K.S , Jester. 2305Cumins ; si , , or
IW. . WrlKht , Floience , Nob. MUU-IW *
FOK SAIiU-IInlf Interest In llRht tnntiu-
faoturlnu business pnylus ; coed profit. Will
bear linestlgatlon. Addicbslt44 , Ileo ollico.
01 10
"TJIOi : SALT ) Established Rroeory business In
J Lincoln. Nob. ; low rent , best location In
city , peed reasons fur sclllu ? . Anyone wlsh-
InB a first class opening this will closest
InvostlRiitioiii C.ill on or nddre&s Helm &
liecd , real oslato and loan broKers. 122 N. Ilth
St. . Lincoln. Neb. M K19-17 *
\\7ANTEI-l'artnor ) from $3,000 to $ T , OOOIn
TT business In Omaha paying 60 per cent
profit , Address III ! , Dee , o nice. 01419
rOKSALH Ulicksmlth shop and buslnoss ,
only shop In town. J. P. Dunlap. Dwlght ,
Nob. C2."l 17 >
Foil HALK A crockery store OoliiR ngood
Imslnesx , slock Jl.OUJ , for sale or trade. Eu-
qulro KI8 ) I'liinani. CIO 19
Foil UI : T Or Milo at discount , 33-rooin
hotel , newly furnished , with Rood barn
and bus. In good llvo county seat town , 2rall-
rontlK. 1 teimlnus , by Oriun & M
Hoard of Tiado. Oinuba , or T. J. llrownflold ,
tiranil Island , Nob. 1110 19
GUANI ) Opportunity Stock and business
forbalo ; store to rent ; best reasons for
Rollins. Call at 310 North letb , between 7 and
Up. m. J1J91-17 *
FOIl PALK-Lcaso aim furniture ot n 2.r -
room hotel. Address J. S.Jordan , Council
Illulls , In. 500-18
FOISATjE-.T ! bnriel full roller steam flour-
luxmlll , now runnlni ; nnil In complete
order In norlhe.islorn Nebi.iskn , will hear
closest Investigation. Hlngor & Uiadloy , 1510
rnriiiiin. 44.i 17 *
TjOltSALE Cheap , anestabllshod drusbusl-
-L1 ness , centrally located ; stock clean nnd
now ; will Invoice about ( .I.fiOO ; good ronson for
selling , J. D. Kittle , 014 N. V. Mfo. M4I7
FOIl SALT ! $10,000 choice stoctc of penoral
merchandise in ono nt thn best towns In
Nebraska , 7) miles f lorn Omaha. Party clolnc
mi excellent business , but has other business
demanding his attention. Address P M.Mill
FOHSA lift At a bara.iln , npood store hotiso
fitted up with shelves and counters. ha ) > e-
niontl ) rooms for dwelling , coed cistern and
well , will sell or tr.ulo for .1 No. 1 htoek of cro-
cerles. Address Iteol & Itcol , 0. O. I ) , grocers ,
522 N. 10th st. l
T71INKopening for dry poods storo. l/arwo
J.1 corner room In brick block In county teat
town within W miles of Omaha.wlll ho vacatou
Nov. lit. Present occupant having mndo u
fiirtune In the dry good business. Ilulldln can
bo rented or bou/ht upon very favorable
terms. Address btato Hunk of Nebraska ,
bowanl. Neb , ToUtiil
FOIl SALE A dyolnj ? establishment , c\ery-
thln ? complete In a lively western town ,
or would take as a partner a man under
stands Iho buslucbi. Address , O III , Hee.
For _ nitot , tlc.trclop nfjirtt column onthiiiao' .
pATHN'Fla vyers'fc"iwTloltori O. W"BueV &
X Co , Ileo bnlldliu Om&ha. I years' nxporl-
enco uioxamlnnisln U.S.patentofllce. Ilraneh
nlllco ut Wushlngloli. 1) , C. Consultation fieo.
I or rrtJM. e > e.teti > pofist calumn nn tMi page ,
TJlKr.I ) M01ILK loam money on diamonds ,
J-1 wulchesJowolryutc.S.E.cor.KurnamAllth. ,
Fur ratif. etc. , ncto\i \ of flrst column on tifj page.
HlUItEY & Ilro.rcnlal nsctits.5iM N.Y.LIfe
. Wl
HE. Cole , rental aaent , Continental blk.
_ bAI
T ISTyour bonnes to soil or rent with 0 , V.
J-JUairlsouUH N , V. Llta.
WntnBXd , A joint rfsohtllon wat ndopt d
) y tboloehlatureof thostalo ot Noorrv knut
Iho twonty-fltiitiesKlonthoreof , nnd approved
March Doth. A , I ) , 1S89 , proposlitK "n nmeml-
ment to neetloii two [ 2fourl ] | ] niidOvo ] of
Article MX 10 ] of Hie constitution of Bnlil itnto
and thnt said section as aniendod ihall ro d
ii follow * , to-will
Section i That section two (3) ) of article . . . „
( ft ) of the constitution of tliantnio of Nebraska
bo amended so unto rend as fallow" :
"Section ! ! ! Tlimuprrinn court shall con
sist of flvoJJuiUos ( ) , amalorlty of whomMiall
bo nccessnrjr to formanuoriimortoproiiouuco
u decision. It shall have original jurisdiction
in ca os relating to revenue , ci
which thoMixtosnail bo a
quo warrtinlo. habeas corpm.nni
Into Jurisdiction ni may be > provided by law.
SoctlonSt Thnt sec-lion four (4) ( of article six
(0)of ( ) fliocnimtltutlonofthofttntoofNubrask.i ,
bo amended so nuto read : is follows :
Section 41 Thojudueiof Iho nupramocourt
hall bo elected by tlio electors of the state at
large , and tholr terms of oQluo , \cvptns
hereinafter provided , shall bo fora period of
nvp(5)ycars. ( ) "
Section ni That section five (5) ( ) of nrtlclo six
(6) ( ) of the ronstlttitlonof thoMateof Nebras
ka , bo amended nous to rend as follow HI
Section 51 "At the llrtt general election to
bo bold In the year 1st ) ! , and after the adop
tion of thl * amendment to thu constitution ,
there shall be elected three fJ ) Judwes of tliu
lupicmo court , ono of whom shall bo elected
for the tormof one ( I ) yenr.ono for the term
of three (3)yearn ( ) and ono for the term of llvu
15) ) years , and at each general election there-
aftorthoroshall bu elected one judge of the
supreme court for the term nf me O ) yearn.
Provided , that tlio judges of the supreme
court whew toriim have not expired at the
tliiio of boldliiK the olootlonof IHII ,
shall continue to hold their otllee for thn re
mainder of the term for which they were re-
peotlvoly elected under the present consti
tution. "
Section 4 ! That each person voting In favor
of this amendment shall have written or
printed upon his ballot the following :
"For tint proposed amendment to I liu consti
tution relating to the number ot uuprcmo
Judges. "
Therefore , I. .Tnlin JI Thiyer , Oovornorol
the state of Nebraska , do hereby give not Ice
In nceordunco with section ono ( I ) article llf-
toon'15) ' ) of the constitution , the provisions if
the not entitled ! "An act toprovldo thoninu-
nor ot proposing all amendments to thoeoti-
Rtltutliin nnd submitting the same to thoolou-
tors of the state" Approved February 13th.
A. V , b77. that said proposed amendment will
tie presented to thu qualified voters of thn
state for approval or rejection at thuitoneral
election to ho held ou thu 4th day of Novem
ber , A. O. 190.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
lianil and caused to bo afllxcd the seal
of the state of Nebraska. Done nt Lincoln
tbN Jiith day of July. A. U. 18HO. nnd the twen
ty-fourth year of tlio state , nnd of the Indo *
pendeneo of tit'- Dulled Status the one hurt
drod fifteenth.
By the Governor. JOHN M. Til A.YEB.
HK.IJAMIN It. Oovrnenr ,
( HKAi.1 bocretnry ot Stats.
Auiu t id3m
. A joint resolution was adopted
by the legislature of the stale of Nebraska , nt
the twonty-tlrst tesslon thereof , and approved
1'obrimry 13th , A , 1 > . 19. propoalimnn amend
ment to tlio constitution of said ntutc , and
thntnald amendment ahull road as follows ,
Seetl'on ll Thnt at the Renoral election to
bo held on the Tuesday succorilinK the tlrst
Monday of November , A , . D.WKMhcro shall by
Biiinltted to the electors of this ntnto for up-
proval or rejootlon an ninendnii'iit to thn con
stitution of tliU state in words : IH follows !
"Tho mumifaeture , sale and keupliiK forHitlu
of intoxicating llauois IIB a bovei.ipo are for-
uverprolilblteil In this state , and the legisla
ture shall provide by law foi the enforcement
of thla pfovlslon. " And there khall also nt
suldelection bo f > opnratolv utibtnlttcd to the
oleclors of tliN stuto for their upprovnl or ro-
ji-otlon ( itintnuiiilinont to the constitution of
tin * state In words us follows : "Tho maimfuo-
turosalo and kcoplnpfor silo of Intoxliritlns
lliiiors | us a ho\erago shall bo licensed and
ri'Rulatedbylnw. " . , , . .
bee.At sue'i ' election , on the ballot of
eh elector voting for thn proposed iitnond-
enu to the constitution shall b written or
printed tlio words : "I'or proposed amend
ment to the constitution , prohibiting the
manufacture , sale and Uooplnft for sale
of Intoxicating liquors ns a licvoraue , " or
"Aitalnst tlio prouost'd amendment to the
constitution prohibiting the inanufactiire ,
sale and lii'oplni ; for uilu : of Intoxicating
llnuors asiibevernRe. "
'I'heio shall also be written or printed on the
ballot of each ulcclor voting for the pioposed
amendment to the constitution , the words :
'I'or proposed amendment to the constitution
thattlio manufacturi1. sale and koopinit ferule
ulo of IntoxIciitlnK liquors as a bovcraRO In
nK stMte sluill bo licensed and remilated
by law , " or "ARalnst cald proposed umend-
mont to the eo'istltutlon ' that the mannfac-
tnre , sale and UccpliiK for s lie of Intoxicating
liquors as a buveuine shall bo licensed unu
roKUlntliiKby Inw. "
Sue. 3 : If either of the said proposed
amendments shull bo upprotcd byu majority
of the elcctori votlni ? ut the said election ,
then It shall consltuto section twenty-soven
1 7 ] of artltlo ono [ llof the coiiHtltution of this
Therefore. T , John M. Ttnyer , Governor of
thostato of hereby Biro notice
In accordance with nectlonono [ I ] article [ 15 ]
of the constitution nnd the provlsionsof tlio
act entitled "an aet to proi ido the manner of
proposing all amendments to the constitution
anusubiiilltlnfjtlioHiimo to the elcctonof the
state. " Approved February 13th , A. I ) . 1877 ,
tlint Bald proposed amendment will bo sub
mitted totlioriuallflud voters of thli state for
approval or rejection at the cenoral election
to uo held on the4th day of November , A. I ) .
Ib'Ki. '
In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand ,
and canoe to bo atllved the itraal soul of the
state of Nebraska. Done ut Lincoln tlila 20th
day of July , A. I ) . ISW.iina the 24th yoarof the
state , and of the independence of the United
States the ono hundred llftcentn.
Hy the Governor. JOHN 61. THAYER.
[ tJKAi. . ] Bccratary of State.
August Id3m
, A joint resolution was adopted
by the leglslatutu of the stale of Nebraska , at
tno twenty-first session thereof , mid approved
March : tuth , A. I ) . Ibs'J , propaslne an amend
ment to i-ectlon Thirteen ( ll ) ot Artlolo blxfi ( )
of the constitution of said state ; that Bald
section us amended shall road as follows , to <
wit :
Section 1 : Thatscctlon thirteen (13) ) of arti
cle six (0) ( ) of the constitution of the state of Ne
braska be amondcd so as to read as follows :
Section 1.1 : The judye ? of the supreme court
dhall each rccolto a salary of thirty-live In.'n-
drod dollars ( KI.WO ) per annum and the judges
of the district court shall receive a salary of
three thousand dollars ( f.i,000) ) par immiin , and
tlioiatnry of each uhnll bo puyahlo quarterly ,
Section 2 : Knoh penon Mitlnz In favor of
th Is amendment shall IMVO written or printed
upon his Inllot the following :
"Tor the proposed amendment to thoconstl-
lutlon , rclatiin \ to the n.ilnr/ ! Judges ot the
Kiipreino and dhlrlet court.
Therefore , l , John It. Thuyor , povernor of
tliost.iteof N'ebniska , do horobyelvo notice ,
In accordance with section ono [ 1 ] article 11 f-
loen [ ITiJ of the constitution , ami the proi'l-
Klom of an act entitled : "An net to provlrto
the manner of proposing all iiinoiidnieiitM to
the constitution and submitting thnsamnto
thooloctoH of the state. " Approved I'obruury
lUtli. A. I ) . 1877 , that s.ild proposed unuMid-
ment will bo submitted to the qualified voters or rejection , at the
noneral election to bo held on -Ithdayof
November , A. D.lHUn.
In wltnm whereof I have hereunto sot my
hanC and cause I to bo affixed the great seal
of tlu state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln ,
this iGth day of July , A. D.1MO , andthotvfen-
ty-fourthyearof tne stale , and of tholndo-
pcndencoof the United States the one hun
dred fifteenth.
lly the Governor. JOHN M.THAVEB.
BENJAMIN It. Co\vi \ > Knv ,
[ HRAM Booretary of Stato.
Aueustl < 13rn
Not Ice ol * Halo of Honda.
Notlco Is hereby RUMI | Hint on the 19th ilay
of October , IBIW , at IU o'clock a. in , at the north
door of the Douglas county court house on
Kiiiiiiim street , In tlmclty of Omaha , NchrasUa ,
tliounderslKiii'd will oiler for snlo to thi-hlKh-
est cash bidder , W ) bonds ot rVrles II of the
Kansas City Mining company of Kaus'is
Ulty , Kansas , numbered 301 to Uouliic'lnslve , nil
of $ M each. iiKereKutliiK the MI mot Jl.Vt.OOO. all
dun November 1st , 11)0.1 ) , nnd drn lns lutt'rest
at7lier cent per annum ! Inti'ri'rft piyahlo
Neiui-annu illy on tno 1st diys : of May and No
vember. of each yeni.
All tlio > oliiten'Stcd In the purcliasoof such
Peeurltli's am lespoet fully rciincsted to bo
present unit hid upon the
Dated Omaha , Nobr.iska , UclobcrUiul. IH'M
Pilmaiy , heconaaiy or
1ft 11 a ry j inniu-ntly
CMIPI ! In fd to HO Uayn ,
I Atofiimlnntu nil poison
fi ( m tlio fj > ttm , no thru tliin rauntnir lie a uttnn of
t ho ill.rase ! ii any foiiu. r.utlis can bo titnti't ut
lionvjns ni ) | as licru , ( forllie iamo jiUo ami umlcr
ttiu lAinti ( cuarniitfo. ) 1mt vllli tl o > , c who pofcrto
coino here , vovtll contract to turd tlifiii or rtfuixl all
iiioiu-y amt pay entlru expvjtw of coming , railroad
faioaiul li'it ' * ' ! IdlU.
tacnro ttm inmt obitlnMe riuii. Vo i hnlwiiiu tlu )
wui'l 1 for Actue o tan nut cuiv. Rlnco the history if
mud cinu atnui fpicltlc for K ) phllU lum bt-ra roucht
for Hut nuci round until uiir Jhirlu lltniwly wa illt.
cuvtrfl. Keno other Lfcnulno. Write for rcreieiiKi ,
C'flOK ltKMKltCO. . , tlintilin , . .Vfiiiifl/ .
Offlce.St. Olutr Hotel.Cor 11th and Ijdso9t )
ulisenco for ono month li.w boon
crantod KlrHtLloutcnnntKilwatd II. Ht-ooko ,
THeiity-flrst infantry , Fort Sidney.
Private * Jiiuios O. Brown , troop E , Ninlh
cavnlrj" . " " < ' John II. Lcltor , company A ,
SovcnteenMi Infantry , will ho illscluirged the
horvlce , tholntloron November 15 , 1SW , mid
the former on February 13 , 1691 ,
, Imckacnc , inonthlv lrrniu
Lirltlc * , Lot Itinho-i ai'o cured > > y Ur. Mil as1
Nervlno. Frcosumplea at ICuliu ft Co. , 10th
uiiil Douglas ,
I I'll li < Alii ) . IIHIIMNliruN At ) , i AtrlToT
' it. I P polIOlhi nJMV i > ni > lra lt. ' _ limah . _
.SO p in Chlcnjo Kiprois. . . . . . . . Id ) ix m
9.43 m . . . .Oilcruio Ktprt'is. ' IW p n
W.lOp m Chlcneo Kxpreis I DM K m
O.JOp in Chloiin lAicnl t J K m
l * tp. illllltUNilTotf AMO lllVKIi. ,
- | l ) potUltl nmlMaviimrotty I i
I0.1J m
10.15 i ni . . . . Penvrr KrrrfM
6.40 t > in . . .IXnter Mjht * l'ro ' s , , . .
8.Ui > in . , . . .Uncvlil Ixnal
1 > T > l * kVT , . 81' . J.U II.
Oniftha. | _ p > | iot 10th nnilMa iii lrn < li.
9.1S m . . .KnniMlMlf l > ny Kit > r i , . .
.4J i > mK , I' NUht Kiii.vU II. P. Twin.
Tx. ic. . . i UNION I'AL'IHC. -
Onulm. PapoUOIIj nnd Mnrtr tre < ti.
"zjflp m . . . . . . . .u'rvrlnnil l-'ljor , . . . ] UOV p ra
7.30 p m . . . . . . . .I'nrl.Tt'Kipro" Mil ) p m
| m IVnrcr Ktiirois | IU p m
KM ik ni . . . .KnninnCllr K > | < rt t jlllU n m
lO.IJn in KnlrflcM K n. ( > * et'ipt Sun. ) . . [ l i > m
( iMIICAfO. H. I. A I'AlM Hft I ArlTos'
, U I1. jlriKit , UUh nml MnrcjrStv Oiunhn _
6.10pm NI taK\pri'ii .lOIV'tn ni
U.U3 n nil . , . . Atl.inllo Kri'rei ' ' 90 p ID
4.'V p ni | Vc'Uliulo limlti > tt 1015 n m
Lrt-nti'i i HlOlK t'll'V.x I'Arib'u , , ArrlroT
Oiunhv uT P. < 1fpot , 10th itnil Mnrojf Pis fjiuialit
' " "
" .ISnm , . .Sioux Cllr ri ionior . . ,
4..i ) p ml . . . Sl. I'nul Kxprr" ' 1010 n ra
"Ix' t | rfluT/X" < 'Vli . * { 'Ai'MX' ' , i rritoi *
Onidliiv. | lt ) > | tvtll > th unitWelntcr _ Mil I tmnlin. _
liUI p Jii * t.Tnul l.lnillixl. . . . . .1 UW nm
Ix-nto" lOirit AllO A KOlll'rihWSTKllN lArriroi"
Umnhn. 'U. ' I1. il < | Hit. 10th nml Mnrcy Sts. I On ilit
OUiilu t'hTcnuo KimM . . . ( Ui p m
4.1) ) ] > in I Vostlbulu UmltiM. li W a in
M5 p in loira Accominiivliitlmi Sun ) Till p ra
9.11)1' ) Knstcm Klicr. SI * p ra
MS p in . . .l'n l Kn l rn K < pr > s 80 > n m
, _ Mil. , A ST. l'AIU | Amvoi
Umnhn. it ) I * , ili'init , lOlli nnil Mnrcy ft * , i Omnlin.
( B.OOpml ,1'hlonco ICxprun | IT , n , m
12 ISji nij _ . . . . . . .Chlonno Krj iri' s. . . . , .v' ' M'up m
lx > nTei T iJMAlTA tWr. ijOljiM i Arrives
Umitlm. [ It , P. ilrpnt. HHIioml Mnrcr ? t Onmlin.
r. ; < U p nil . .hi Uiuls ( nniinn IIM.I [ . . . | 18 ! J | m
j.critos T r , "i ; V"Mfr VAL17K V I Jrrliror
Dunlin. I DniMitlUhjinl WuliUorj t _ _ _ J Oinnlin
. . . .Illicit Illlli Kipra * * . . , . . . ( kW r > m
UlUn in' ' IliullnKi Kii ) ( K . Sundiij ) . ! W P m
6 10 p in nlioo.ll.lncolnl'nH ( Kx.Snlul'r ) MO W a m
_ 6.10p m | York A Norfolk ( Kt. HunJnj ) . J IOSO a ra
Ix-nvuj i u"Sr.T. M , * 0. I .TrrTvoi
Oinnlm. I DopotlMh Mil WobUBr St1 | ( Hi liv _
T.CMa m Hlolil City Acooiumoilntlon. .1 90j f > m
1 00 P m SlouiClty Klir | < imKr. ( Sun. ) . . I I U p m
5Dip in t-t. Pnul Uiiiltn.l . VU a in
" DISH m llnncittPiis oiiirrKr. _ ( ) . . ) [ a m
"r.fnres 1 WlSSoUfir l TTPnT" TArrU-oi"
Onubn. I IloiwllMli 5,111 , ! Webilur SH I Oinnru _
JO'Wnml ' St. Ixiuli A' Kxprc9 . . . I ( .V.I p m
U.15 p ml .Si. lxml Jk.K.U.Kiprou. . . . l f. . U a m
nnro I ClilUATluT 1C I. A I'AClhU. { /
Trnniifnr Union ! > 0nnL PnnniH Hlllff4. ( 'I
O.oUp m Nlk'M Kxirot I D.15 n m
SJO a m AtUnllo Kxiircss \t \ > Ki p lu
600 p m | . .j . , .Vo ttliil Umltiul ! llW ) ! i m
res i01IHAlO ( * NOIlTHWKsiMIS. i Arrtrri
nfur Union Depot , Council luns rirmistcr
H.W n m rhlcncu Kxprt'is ( IIU p m
fi.n ) p in . . . . VemlhulB l.lnilleil 91U a m
10JJO p nil KnntiTii Klror 2UU p m
- l.m ' | > ni . . . . . . Atlantic Mull. . . . . . . . . . . 7 .U n in
II. Wp m'liitrn ' Aroniiiinihlnllon Illir. Sunt II IU p in
ll'illCAliO ' , AllU .t HP. I'Alfi Arrive
Trmmfer1 Union Ppuot Council lllnlls. 'Trnnvfor '
" 0' ) p m Chlcniio TTxinMs I 105 n m
1.30 n m . _ . . . . .Chlrniro Kxjtn' s , _ . , ii. _ . _ . I (100 ( p m
J , < mros T K ( ' . riT.JiiK \ It. II. Arrival
Transfer ! Union Depot , I'ounoll Ulufls Tm us for
10W u m | .Knniiii Cllr Oiiy Kiprc'M . flip m
1U25 | > nil Ki n n < * Jltf NlKlil Kiriro | DM a m\oj l OMAIlAA 8'r. UtUlH. i ArnviM
TrnnsfiTi Union l ) ( iot , Cnnnrjl MluRi iTmiiifof
fi.OOpin' ' . "I IrfiuK fniinn HnU IIJI5 J )
U-nVBs fCllK'AliO. UUlll/N A QUINCY I Arrlvoi
Tr nsfi rl t'nlim Depot , Council lutfs. _ | l'mn fcr
lltuix in Chlcniio Kxprots li'.IJ p m
10UUP m1 ChlcnifO K\priss I 1UD n ni
7.30 p ni'-M ' : _ --llri''l < " 1 l-oonl. . i II SO a m
" - "
"Heaves I 8IOU.V tJlTtf . \ I'At'lKIC | Arrlvm"
Transfer ! Union Dupot , Council lllnlti. | 'I rant for
7.45 n m T.SIouiCltT Accoiuinodatluii. . . I 1141) ) n 111
IJO'ipni . . . . _ flt.l\iul _ Kxprcis . . , , . „ 'W00i ' > jo
- L--VIV1 ( , ( jfjuumiAj , TIIAI.VS.
Wcbutcr St
Onk ClmthiMi
DruM Hill
l.ulo Htri'f !
Wuliutt Hill
Duiulou 1'
\Ve t
I'orUl. . . . .
Wit Hldo
Duniloo 1'laee. .
Walnut lllll. . .
Ijiko Btront. . . .
Drill.1 . Hill
Dak Clintlmm. . .
NVebslorhtroet. | C
[ -NSTKUMKN'M placed on ruoord Goto-
L her 10.
wAiiiH.vrv nnnns.
AS Adnns and wlfolo n W Illalno , lot
4 , M IKlobhi'ssub 8 800
ET Cannon nnd hiNund In E 51 ( Jra-
ham , lot ( i , rruyn'hsnl ) In Milliard ,1
( " add . . 3,503
O W I ) DnrhuymiU lfo to Anton ICas-
p.u.lotlO , blK ft. Jluylie'sailtl MO
T A Dillon and wlfelo M V lliuiiinond ,
und Vi lot II. blk : i , IVest Omaha , and
lot 4 , Cuneo'8Mil > 8,000
" \V i : Gration nnd wife to 0 I * fctcbbliii ,
lot ll. blk 1. llawthorno S.W )
Mi ; llnmmoiid and husband to C V
Thomson , lot 19 , blk 1'i. lledford Place , 1.0IW
M K llnmmonil nnil husband tnTA Dil
lon. lotK. blk-S , IConiitxiil'liieo 12 , : >
K M and It 1 > Mills to Daiild ICanlis , lot
til. blkll. ! Walnut Illll ; j.1fH )
James Itlchuids and wife to C ! I Le-
\olllf , lots 4 nnd 5 , blk "JI , " South
Omaha nUtl r > ,0)0 )
J M \vetiiam and wife to J A bw.inson ,
lotS , hlk I , In lllth st itilil to South
Oninha ; no
Bouth Omnhii hind conip.iiiy to John
flocty , lots C uiid 7 , block " > l , South
Omaha ' , VO
South Omaha land rompany to Thonm
rit/Ki > ialllot2. ( blk.'Ut. SniitliUmiiliii , W )
A I'Tukey etalto Mil WJIcIloiy , loll ,
blk U. Clifton Hill 2O
A 1' Wood , tiustco. to.Iutiies Mc.Mlchnel ,
blk IS , Howling Uieon J.7S )
Total amountof transfers t 45,001) )
When the liair shown sisns of fiillinp , bo
pin at once to use Ajur'sllivlr Vlifor This
) iiep < ir tliii btrciiKthens the scalp , pi'oiuotoi
tlioKrowth of new lialr , restores the iiaturil
color to pray and faded hair , and raiders it
soft , pliant und glossy.
The following permits ere Issued by ttm
sui > oriiitcndentof buUilItiffs yt-steruay :
It. . ( . Oraut , ono story fr.imo euttn'e ,
Tlitrty-olKhtliHtrcctniiilAiiicsavoniiu ) MM
Ono minor penult
Two penults , agsri-Kallng J
The only railroad triun out of Omaha
run oxprosHly for the accommodation of
Oinuhri , Council DlulTs , JDoa Moiivjs und
Chicago biiBlno.s3 is the I took Inland
Tcstlbulod lliultocl , loavlni ; Omaha ut
4:15 : p. m. daily. Ticket oillco 1(10. ( , Six
teenth and Fariuun 8td. Onuhu.
A Nebraska Trilinnn
Fordlnnnd Schuaako , for t > otno tlmo past
thn editor of the Tscbr.islm Tribune , lias sov-
crcd his connection with that paper. Ho ulll
devote himself to special corroipoiuicnco nml
ether lines of business , Ills successors lu
tliu editorial chair of tlio will lu
Otto I.iiidor and Joseph Wcitliolio. 'J'llu
local force uiwii the 'Prluunu has hcou In-
cieusfd , so that Mr. Llnilcr c-.m act as city
editor nnd do somucditoilal work an well.
In Holltmd , Mich. , C. .7. Dnosbury puh-
llshcs the News , und In Its voluiiint Htmiii/ ; !
rtTOiiiiiicntlH Dr. Tliomai' Klectrlc Oil for
couuhs , culds , Bora throat , catiirrh und iistli-
Tim K-IJJO Tor Ainntunr I'linto rnphy.
It i next to impossible to ( , 'ot ; i pluturo
from tlio iiliototfniphlo pilntorj undi'f
HX ! weeks , w ) utterly unprcuudcntuil lias
bcim tliu descent of ninuteum niiou tlio
liriutcre with the no 'iitivoswhl
sunt tlinlf vaciition jilioto niiiinu
the Boston Trnnscript. Thoru
never boon ho iniiuy iiinntuiir photo-
1'nipliorH ubroad la tliu liuul us ut tliu
pi'cuont hciison ; nndiui , uf courno , only a
few of this immense lu-iny of photo-
fniphurH ; print f nun tliolrown nogutlvca ,
thu printing 1ms to bo done uftor tlioy
eoino back to town , und tiioy nil want ft
done nt once ,
The now oflicm o ( the proat Iloclc
Ihhuid foulo , 100:2 : , Sixtcieuthiind I'lt
falrcots , Omaha , aru the li 110.4 lu the oily.
Call anil HOU thorn , Tlckots to all polnU
cast ut lowest i-utoi.