Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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    TJEE CM AH A. DJXLY BEE. OCTOBER 17 , 1890 , 5
A Cruize to bo Made in Search of MLialou-
arj Ondney.
JDcTclopincntfl In Iho Turner Will Case
\ OnniMcrVlio lines IIH Sninrt-
nesi Ijeclicr HlchanVn Fllglit
Lincoln Notes.
LIXCOI.V , Ucb. , Oct , IB. [ Special to TIIE
] A. R. Henry , a prominent member of
thcAdvcntlst's ' colony , was seen by a repre-
ecntutlvoof TUB But ! this morning , and gave
eoino additional fncU rclatlvo to the disap
pearance of Klder A. J. Cudnoy. Ho state *
thnttboclder left Lincoln in the spring of
18W , nnd the objective point of his party was
the I'ltcalrn Islands. Thopopulatlonof these
Islands U between one hundred and two hun
dred lotions , nnd something over three years
Blnco they embraced the AdvontUt faith.
'Xhc inhabitants arc the descendants of the
tnullnocnot the British man-of-war Bounty ,
Who sought rofuKo there ) over a hundred
years ago. Cider Gucinoy , who was one of
the lejuling ministers , w.w sent In 1331 by
Iho general conference to do missionary work
there and In adjoining Ulands. The last
heard of the elder was In July , 1SS3 , when ho
chartered the Phebo Chapman nt Honolulu ,
and sailed with lib crow , expecting to com
plete the voyage In three months.
Funds have been appropriated fora relief
expedition , nnd a vessel , appropriately named
the Pitcalrn , built at San Francisco , will sail
next Monday from that point , In charge of
Elder K. II. Gates of Denver , nnd a long
crulso In the South Paclilc will ba maUo In
search of the missing missionary , expecting
to touch nt all the Islands -whore ho could
possibly have been shipwrecked. If lioi-.m-
not bo found Elder Gates will stay nt 1'lt-
balrn to carry out * ho work assigned to Kldor
minkc JUT.
John Cox , a somewhat noted tough , who
was sentenced about three weeks ago by
Judge Held to thirty days In the county Jail ,
O3ea | > ed from that Institution some time Tues
day night nnd Is still nt largo , COY It a serb
of partner of the notorious Squint O'Connor ,
and with him was Implicated In the theft of a
gold watch from Eva Eusworth , u member of
the dcmlinoniio.
Cox hat IMXHI confined In the big room on
the second door by himself , a numberof other
prisoners being confined In the largo capo ad
joining. By some means Cox obtained posses
sion of n pair of shears , the points of which
had been broken off , lenUnc only short stubs ,
llo ul'jo secured the big Iron hasp of a door ,
Both of tncso Instruments show signs of re
cent use In prying. Tbo ceiling of the room
Is composed ola sheet of heavy tin or thin
galvanized Iron. Above tills aru inch boards
and a common tin roof. Cox bored and pried
through these , and after ho reached the roof
It was cosy work to knot his bedclothingaud
swing himself to the ground.
A. O I-iungdon. the Jailor , is naturally much
chagrined over Cox's unceremonious disap
pearance , but It Is one of these things which
could not bo guarded against. Mr. Langdon
has been in charge of the Jail for sit years ,
and this is the lirst. tlmo any one escaped
rom the place although dozens have at
tempted to get out. The authorities are not
Very nnxlous to recapture Cox , as he was
simply an expense to the county and his tlmo
nearly out. It Is probably a good thing for
thocouuty as Cox will undoubtedly keep out
of It. There Is a charge of hoe stealing in
Cass county against Cox and O'Connor , but
the evidence against Cox Is very slim.
It is said that Squint O'Connor , Cox's part
ner , attempted to set out through the satno
hole , but ho was too large , and got nothing
but bis head out.
noiiTixo TIIK unini.
The Interested persons doubting the truth
fulness of the stories told by Uobert and
"William Turner concerning the disappear
ance of their father's will have fllod another
petition In the county court. The document
Is signed by William Clark , XathuinS. Scott ,
the board of missions for frooJinon and the
I'nMoytetinn board of foreign missions. The
petitioners declare that Job nJ. Turnci'lmd
actually made awill , but that it hud been
cither stolen or lost , A copy of the will was
presontea which the petitioners said , -uhllo
not an exact representation in language ,
preserved the purport nnd Intention of the
original document. They assert that In the
will left by the deceased $4,500 was
bcqucuthca to the missions for f roounmn and
$3.7UO for the Presbyterian board of foreign
missions. Kcrrcn Hootuan , the old housc-
lcce | > er , Is to have the use of the double house
on North Twelfth street , near the university
tbo remainder of her natural life. Oh
her death It Is to go to the sous.
The son , H. M. Turner , Is to have the house
and furniture where the father died , while
nlltluit William gets is his father's medical
outtlt nnd accounts. Tbo reason for this Is
that the old gentleman started the former son
In the grain buslnua } and guve tbe latter a
Bplenaid drug store.
U is claimed that the will was made some
tlmo in IsWS and was witnessed by Oeorgo A.
Hutronslck nnd Fred Smith.
The story told by the sons Is that some bur
glars entered the house , stealing nothing but
the satchel , and , after cutting It open , taking
the will.
Frank \Villlams , the tin-horn gambler , re
grets the- day he got smurt nnd had himself
released from serving n thirty-five days * scti-
tonco in the county jail through a writ of
habeas corpus.VlllhuiHcliilmedthat there
was n mistake In the indictment , under which
ho was sentenced , as It had merely charged
him with belli ) ; a gambler. Although he had
pleaded guilty to the charge , still the upper
court acknowledged that the lack of n inoro
specIHoclwrgo was vital and Williams was
released. Detective Malone , however , was
not discouraged nnd ho rvarrcsted the fellow
on the charge of having on September 2.1 run
a roulette wheel in the gambling den over the
Ivy I-onf saloon. This morning Williams
was tried for violating the state statutes
ngnlnst gambling , was found guilty and held
under fix ) bonds to appear before the district
court. In default ho went to Jail. Williams
deeply regrets now that ho did not keep still
and tinUh his previous sentence of only
-ttlrty-flvo days.
nicKtnn TAKES niBNcn I.KXVE.
The bondsmen of W. H. Hlckard atDoWltt
ire bocomint ! very much alarmed at his sud
den disappearance nnd the fact that the
deputy sheriffs cannot get any clue to Ills
AVheroabouts makes thorn believe that bo has
taken French leave acd gone to a more con
genial place. Eversiiifollttlo
old Maud Uoss , his latest victim , attempted
to follow In the suicidal footsteps of Molllo
Itlorford , an earlier victim of his sensuality ,
public sentiment has again risen against blni
wnd the fear oftwo consecutive terms In tha
penitentiary Is supposed to ha-o prompted
Llui to Itxivo bis boudsmon In the lurch.
The long drawn out case of Edward Cerf vs
.Aaron Slay , In an action brought to recover
f 11,000 on uti account which May claimed was
outlawed , was ended this afternoou In the
district court ana resulted In a victory fortho
defendant , May. Corf's claim that it was
not outlawed was based on the fact that he
had gene to Hastings when ) May was in
buslnes.1 and had font about $ ci5 worth of
poods to his Lincoln stow towards liquidat
ing the ilubt and claimed that this credit
made the account a running one and thorc-
lore did not como under the statute of limita
tions. May has never dented tbo debt und
consequently Is $11,000 ahead.
Between II and 13 o'clock last night , as the
jnemtx-ia of tbo cltr council , wearied wltb
the cans and squabbles of statesmanship ,
Trero on the point ot adjourning , they wore
suddenly revivified by an unexpected [ voli
tion from tbo Lincoln street railway asking
permission to use electricity on all its Hues
fn the dty. The petition created an out
burst of enthusiasm , o.s the commercial im
portance of such a move dawned upon them.
and tbo rnlcj wore suspended and tbo ordi
nance asltod for passed , with the undorstand-
ln K that the proposed substitution of electric
ity for mule power is to bo made itisldo of six
tn onths.
TbU. unexpected nwnkonlug In the street
t allway eoni | > any developed the fact thut the
took of the compinv hud inj n liicnmsed by
iha addition of 81,000,000 , from eastern capl-
tallsu , and It la partly due to this that Iho
promoted chance in to bo xntuic. la
addition to this the enlarged company hru
been making arrangements to lib-sort ) nil th
other street railway * In the city and already
bold options on miwt of thorn.
The change from horse to electrical locomo
tion Is to bo most radicM. Kven all the old
rails nro to bo discarded and forty-pound
rails to be put down , As teen as the
new stockholders from the east arrive ar
rangements will bo made Immediately fortho
proposed change.
Mr. 0. J. Ernst , who has so capably filled
the jiosltlon of sujwrlntcndent of tbe road ,
will still retain stock In the company , but
has resigned his position , to take effect the
first of next month. At that tlmo ho will
enter Into the inoro desirable position oflocul
land commissioner for the H. it M. I lo owes
hl appointment to Mr , W.V. . Baldwin , re
cently local commissioner for the road at
Burlington , but now promoted to the position
of general land commissioner for the IJ. tc M.
Mrl Emit was previously engaged In tha
business and Is thorouglhy conversant with
It. The importance olhls new position will
Ixs understood from the fact that there re
mains yet W.OOO acres to be sold , besldo sev
eral hundred account ) to be closed ,
Some of the voters of Ltincastcr county are
very anxious to know If the county U not en
titled Immediately to flvo countr commis
sioners instead of three. Accord Ing to the
report of Census Supervisor Cooke the
county has over soventy-rtvc thousand Inhab
itants and consequently is entitled to tivo
commissioners. This morning two petitions
were handed to the county commissioner !
signed with 115 names , requesting the county
legislators to ask Superintendent Porter for
the ofllcial report of the population of Lan
caster county , so as to satisfv the numerous
questions asked by voters of tuo county con
cerning the number of commissioners to
which the county is entitled.
Thoi > eoplo of Lincoln nro surprised to
learn that Malamo Weber , n singer of con
siderable local reputation , hat gene on the
stage. Slio made her debut with the An
drews opera company at Beatrice Tuosdav
evening and tbo newspapers credit her with
scoring a brilliant success. Mrs.Vobcrmado \
her appearance as Josephine In "i'iuafore. "
Daniel Caioy , the Butler county farmer
who shot and killed Mrs. Klordan and was
acquitted at David City yesterday alter n
trial lusting two weeks , Immediately after
his release took the train and catne to Lin
coln last night. Fears of his safety Is said to
have caused his coming here.
ODDS ASD cxns.
The will of Joel N. Converse- was read In
the county court yestcraay. The deceased
bequeathed all his mining Interests In Cali
fornia to his xvito and children. His wife
also gets a valuable lot , a fliio f.irm , flvo
horses , live cows , a buggv , and nil thojewals
and household effects left by the deceased ,
Mrs. Ann of Chicago gets tl.OOO.
Two grandsons divide with the daughters
of the deceased several quarter sections of
Some thief sneaked Into Otto Nichols'room
nt 113S I * street yesterday and stole a full
suitor clothes , Including an overcoat and
palrof gaiters. Bert Nickaous room , four
doors away , was also catered and $30 worth
of clothes taken.
Frank A Garlockclaims that Fr.inklvauff-
man U wroutrfully keeping In his possession
three milch cows which the former claims be-
loncstohlm. Today he caused the issuance
of a replevin in Justice Cochran's court for
the recovery of the cattle.
Xotarlal commissions were Issued today by
GovernorThayer to the foltowinggontlraien ;
James P. Holland , Omaha ; H. L Williams.
Omaha ; A N" . Matthowson , Lincoln ; John
Sherrill. Crete.
Miss Kflio L.CCSO , daughter of the attorney
general , left , this afternoou lor a visit with
friends at Soward.
A inad dog was discovered at 19H P street
this morning , but was dispatched with a
bullet from Officer Barnes revolver before ba
could do any harm.
William Woods and Ixswis Webber , tfc3
silk thloves who wore sentenced to the peni
tentiary for live and three j cars respectively
wore taken to their future homo this morning
by County Jailor Langilon.
Mr. II. "G. Clarke of Oinaha was In the city
today and discredits the rumor about the Lin
coln hotel being leased to Messrs. Shears it
Markell of the Gate City. The proprietors
of the hotel have not yet decided to which of
the numerous applicants the betel Is to bo
Burglars broke Into C. Zackrison's house
at 2-130 South Eighteenth street lost night
and wore moan enough to steal Mrs. Zackrl-
son's wedding ring , -which she had left on the
The suit of Mrs. Elizabeth Cox against the
city for Slr > 00 diimngcs on account of tha
deep cut made In grading before her premises ,
has resulted In only n partial victory as she
was granted only $230.
Arrangements have been mad o for speeches
by the following republican orators at tbo
places mentioned : General L. W. Colby at
\Wmoro , Saturday , October IS ; I'awnco
Ulty , Tuesday , October 25 ; Liberty , Satur
day , October 2o ; Holmesvlllo , Monday , Oc
tober 137 ; Sterling , Wednesday , October S29 ;
Nebraska City , Friday , October 31.
Hon.V. . M. Robertson and Hon. N. B.
Jackson at Burtlett , Saturday , October " > ,
afternoon ; Tildcn , Tuesday , October 28 ;
Stuart , Wednesday , October 29.
Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous
dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured by Dr.
Miles' Nervine. Samples free at ICuhn &
Co.'s , 13th and Douglas.
A. Brier Hxprosston of Ills Views on
the New Tariff Ijuw.
Senator w. I ) . Allison ana Congressman
J. R Ueed of Iowa , accompanied by Hon.
T. J. Kvuns nuu Col. D. B. Dalloy of Council
DlutTsconstituted n genial party which drove
over from the IllufTs yesterday morning , and
visited SOU19 of the principal points of Inter
est In this city.
They inspected THE EEC building from
top to bottom , and took a birdVcyo view of
the city from tnoroof. It was n uMt replete
with Interest for the distinguished senator ,
who complimented tbo structure very hlfihly.
Their stay in Omaha was cut short , a * the
senator had an engagement to lunch with
Hon.V. . H. M. I'udey , ex-congressman from
the Bluffs.
Senator Allison was seen by a Ben reporter
yesterday afternoon In Council IllufTs Just as
lie was about to take the train for Shenandoah -
doah , where ho was to deliver a politicil
address last evening.
'Mlow about the tariff and the McKinley
bill ! " asked the reporter.
"Tho Uinff will bo satisfactorily adjusted ,
and the .McKinley bill Is practically nil right.
Wo had to change It a great deal , and it would
bo hard to recognize much of the original bill
In It as It stands now. I am In favor of it as
It passed. It possibly will need seine more
changes yet , but that can be told better after
wo have tried it a while and know what its
deficiencies nnd weak features nre. Ills im
possible to draft n bill that will cover the
whole ground nnd satisfy everybody from tbo
"I am devoting most of ray time to dis
cussing the tariff , although I also review the
work of the last congress , the silver colna n
question , etc. Hut tha tariff is tuo princi
pal thing. Our bill wlllivlu In the end , and
the people will say so , for the principle of it
is right.
" 1 am sneaking everyday , and there nro
but two days before election that I am not
booked fora speech. I am feelinj very well ,
nnd am not suffering became of It.
"Tho outlook Is very good in Iowa. I think
wo will curry every district but the Second.
That Is Judge Hayes' district , nnd takes In
Davenport. It U made up largely of demo
cratic counties. It looks to mo as If Judge
liecd would go back from bore. He Is an
tiblo man and represents his district
well. Ho Isn't much of n poll-
tieian , but ho has many of the
representative men of tha district as his
warm friends , and ha will make a ban ) tight ,
This district is rather close anyway , at least
the republican majority Is nothing to boast
of , yet I behove Ueed will defeat Bowrnau ,
Bowman Is a pretty sharp sort of a fellow ,
bright and a good worker , but I don't think
he will inako It , from what I can see.
"It Is two years slneo I was In the Bluffs
before , und It hai chanced greatly la that
time , The building of that motor line was a
great tb Ing , and It has made- Omaha help
tbe Ulufts. That is great city on tbe other
side of the river , and I bnvo great fulth In Its
future. Its strides of the past few years al
most surpass belief , and I can truly wonder
at its growth. "
_ _ _
A Pure nnd Reliable Medlclno A com
pound fluid extract of roots , leaves , barks and
berries Is Burdock IJlood B liters. They
euro all disease * of the blood , liver and kJJ-
A Daring Raid on a Oar Load of Missouri
Pacific Posseng-en.
Tlio Ralilcri Ar at Iicnfcth Driven OT
at the I'olntof ( lie Ilcrolrcr
In Courageous
Hands ,
Passengers who arrived In Omaha yester
day morning at 0:30 on the Sllssourl PiK-lflc
express from Kansas City , wcro prepared to
relate nstorvof their experiences with n dar-
tnggutigof thieves , ThcafTuiroccurred lutho
suburb * \Vyondotto. .
Shortly aCur the train left Kansas City
Wednesday evening n small boy passed
through the Omuba chair car with papers for
sale. It was noticed t nut those passengers
who exhibited woll-fllleJ pockctbocks In pay-
in ? for papers were- immediately addressed
bya man who followed the boy and requested
to take the rear coach , If on rente for Omaha.
Supposing the fellow to bo eonneited with
tlie train crew , a number of passengers
started for the coach deslftnatod. AVhon
they reached the nlatforin a ganf ?
of flva rotiRhly dressed men who
vrero la readiness sprang forward
and began to snatcb baptfago , watches ,
pocketbooks and anything they could catch.
nolil of ,
The train was moving slowly nud the
nolso ol the strupglis on the Dlatforn unerased
the paswufrcrs la the coieh.
J. W.Ualbsy , superintendent of terminals
o ( the Missouri Pacltlc at Kansas fiity , was
aboard , ana taking In the situation Instantly ,
drew u revolver and rushed on the thieves.
Charles M. Hall of Caucus , Knn.ono of the
px cnfrera caught In tbo tnip , also succeeded
indniuinp bis gun , and the thieves observ
ing the weapons , jumped from the train be
fore a shot could ball red ,
Wnentho passengers examined their pock
ets .T. A , Howard , an old pentleman en route
tolilair. missed a pocketbook containing 25.
Ho hn 1 &JOO mow on his person which the
thieves failed to secure.
L. L , . Combi of Nebraska lost $30 nml n
watch , whllosoveral passengers lost numer
ous pieces of baggage.
The newsboy is supposed to have br > en em
ployed by tuo In order to discover those
pxsscngcrsvlio had money \vhllo purchasing
papers , He sprang from the train after the
thloves escaped.
Conductor Welch was In charge ot the train
and assisted In putting- the thieves to llb/UU
Go ivherooyou will , you will find people
using Dr. Bull's Coiigh Syrup and unanimous
ij Its praise.
I suffered most severely from rheumatism
during winter. After usin ? Salvation Oil
two days the pain entirely subsided , and now
lam a well man.
To the Pen for Ilorso-Stcilln .
About two months agoGeorgo L , Smith of
David City came to ttiia city with flre In his
eye and a revolver la his hand , and meeting
John Blinchner on the street , leveled Ills re
volver at nls head and made him throw up
his hands. Mr. Smith had a team of fine
liorses stolen by Blanchuer , and
the sheriff of Butler countv cams and
took the horse thief back for trial. Wednes
day Ulancbnor plcadol guilty in the dis
trict court at David City and was sentenced
to the penitentiary for two years.
Injured by ( lie Cars.
Charles Elklna , a switchman on stockyards
engine No. 3 , while at work yesterday
in the upper yards , \vos struck by a car
and tnrown upon the cinders aloni * the track ,
cuttingnnd bruising his face and shoulder.
A train of cars was being pushed in the yard
and in attempting to ran around the front
end Elkios met with bis accident.
Two Days' Heelstrntion.
The registration for the November election
is as follows ;
First ward 3.V )
Second ward. . . . . . , ! EU
Third ward. 183
Fourth ward -0
Total 893
About 1'eople.
Robert T. Maxivell is In Chicago ,
The Uov. W. D. Luther has removed to
E. S. Healcy , of Chicago , is the guest of
Dr. Kelley.
Mrs. S. W , Francis has ijone to Elgin , III. ,
on a visit with friends.
Misses Jessto and L'l' ' ' . Ti Savaeo have ,
gone to Council Bluffs to enter St. Francis *
Henry Carpenter , of Chane's Crossing , O. ,
is visiting his brother , B. P. Carpenter , of
the Exchange.
Mrs. Martha Luddington and Mrs. Mary
Baldwin of Davenport , la. , are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Lyinan Carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs.V. . B" . Wyman of Albright
have retnrncd after n trip to St. Louis ,
Chicago and intermediate points.
Notes About the City.
A daughter has been born unto Mr , and
Irs. George W. Shawgo.
A. "Yawger has accepted a position in How-
land & Bradford's oDlce.
James Murphy Is sicfc and Charles Foster
is down with typhoid fever.
H. A. Mertiman Is building a residence on
Twenty-third between I and J streets.
Mrs. Sloanovifo of Mayor "William G.
Sloane , Is much bettor and is recovering from
tier illness.
About thirty Omaha Masons came down
" \Vcdnesdayeveiiingto meet with IJeo Hive
lodge , No. 254.
A houseful of friends pave > Irs. W. M.
Post of Albright a pleasant birthday surprise
"Wednesday evening.
Hisev B. Brlggs , ageil fifteen years , daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs , It. Uriggs , Thirty-second
nnd K streets , died yesterday tnoniiug
and will bo burled In Laural Hill cemetery at
3 o'clock this afternoon.
Mr. John ICenrnoy and Miss Josephine
Glasgow , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Glasgow , were married Wednesday morning
at 3:1C o'clock In St. Agnes church , theKev ,
Father D.V. . MorUrty oftlciatlugr.
Union Pacltlo Extension.
The Union Pacillc is building or planning
the construction of a great deal of work in
the west. Speaking on this subject Chief
Engineer V. 0. Bogue said :
' 'Tuo Union Pacific has made surveys Int o
both northern and southern California , but so
far as I xnow extensions into the state have
not been decided upon. If an } thing has been
done since the surveys I am not aware of it.
The surveys into nor them California , were
comolctod some mouths ago , but
these Into southern California , vrero made
but a short time uso. Tnreo surveys
were made all from 1'ioche , Ner. , south.
One runs to Homer and another to Ludlow
points on the Atlantic & 1'adtio road , and
the third runs to the Soutnern Pacific road.
These surveys were madeto furnish the di
rectors of the company Information about th o
' The company Is building about flvo
hundred and llfty-flve mllei of new roads.
One piece is an extension from. Milford to
1'locue , a distance of 115 miles , and v * 111 bo
completed by February 1 , next , Another
new road is the line from Portland to Seat
tle.Vo have : iOOU , men at work on the Hue
now , ana couUl furnish work for nearly 03
many more.
' \vearo also building a branch of twenty
miles In Oregon , between La Grande
nnd filin | ; also an extension In AVyomlng to
our Cheyenne & Northern road for a distance
of thirty miles. It will go as far as rishar
where a connection will bo made with the
Chicago it Northwestern.
"A short extension in Idaho is also being
mndo and onoln New Mojcico , penning from
Trinidad and running flltoen miles through
the Maxwell land grant. "
O. D. McDUl of Chadron has been ap
pointed chief clerk to General Superintend.
out Hughes of tboEllchorn , succeeding C. S ,
Shurwln who has gone to St. Louis to be
chief cleric to E. T. Horn of th Missouri
American Hand Sewed Shoe Co.
e " the Exclusive "Western Agents for the
The largest manufacturers of rubuor footwear In tlio world. Wo carry the only complete stock ot first-class rubber
goods in the city , Prices always the lowoat. Correspondences solicited.
I'rcparntlons for Ihntts.inda at the
Coliseum Monday N'lj lit.
On next Monday night one ot the grandest
political demonstrations ever held la thlsclty
will take place In the Coliseum. Prepara
tions on nn elaborate scale arc being made so
that all who attend will bo able to find ac
commodation. The auditorium will bo
brilliantly Illuminated with R dozen electric
lights nni.1 hundred of gas jets. The great
stage will bo beautifully decorated and filled
with chairs.
Every republican ward club In the city has
slgnldol -uUllngncss to attend nnd will bo
onhandwitn flying banners nnd bands of
There will bo accommodations forS.OOO peo-
. Every husband Is requested to brine
Elo. wife and every young republican his
Excursions are to bo run on all lines lead
ing to Omaha , and oidy half faro will bo
The following will lit the orators of the
occasion :
Hon. L. D. lU hi 1' r'p-iMlcari candidate
for governor ; HOT T > n Majors , candidate
for lieutenant , mid Hou. John M.
The music will bi supplied with a great
band of forty pieces.
Second AVarcl
The Second ward "democratic club will
meet this evening at 8 o'clock at Mies'
ball corner of Sixteenth and \Villiams for
the purpose of holding a torchlight parade
through the ward , meelintr delegations from
the other -wards en route , and proceeding
back to the club hetjcliiuartors , where ad
dresses will be made by Hon. J. E. Boyd and
Hon. W , J. Bryan , candidates for governor
and congressman fropitjio First district All
of the democratic clnbs In the city nro In
vited to attend and participate in the parade
that will bo made Immediately after the
speeches arc concluded.
Seventh "Ward. Republicans.
A meeting of the Seventh ward republican
club will ho held at Ko. 1213 Park avenues ,
this evening , at 8 , o'clock , to ar-
rungo to attend the republican rally on
October SO , at the Coliseum building.
Will Attend In n.Bocjr ,
The Seventh ward rcpn oilcan club will
attend the rally , to be held at the Coliseum
Monday night , In a body. A meeting was
held last night for the purpose of effecting
definite arrangements for the occasion ,
Chairman Leo was Instructed to engage the
services of the Seventh ward band to nccom-
pany the club and secure the flajf of tno or
ganization. All republicans of the ward arc
requested to bo present at the club's quarters
at 7 o'clock Monday ovcningr to take part in
the parade to the scene of the rally. Car
riages vUl be In readiness to convoy all there
who desire to attend.
A fact that all man with pray and many
shaded whiskers should know : that Buck
ingham Dye always colors un even brown or
black at will _
DistrictCourt. .
"When court openedyosterdny morning1 Judge
Clarkson announced that ho wouldhold court
inSarpycountv for ttvo weeks , beginning
Monday next.
John Cherrctt of South Oraaba was nr-
ralgned on the charge of stcnlingStjin money
and a pold watch valued at $ il. llo pleaded
not guilty and was released on ball pending
trial.Tne case of the state against Larry Kinney -
noy of the Casino wrden was commenced before -
fore Judge Clarkson yesterday afternoon. Kinney -
ney is charged -with having ejected W. It.
Gamble , a colored citizen , from the Casino on
July 23.
Tbo case of Sarah J. Solden against
thocltyof Omabn.n suit brought to recover
$1,500 damages , nlleeed to iiavo resulted from
nn overflow caused by the gradlnfjof Leaven-
worth street near Thirty-fifth , came to n sud
den termination In Judge Doano's court yes
terday afternoon. After the plaintiff had In
troduced all her testimony the city attorney
moved for n dismissal of the case , on tbo
frround that there was no cause of action.
The motion was cranted nnd the Jury In
structed to return a verdict lor the defend
ant.The trial of the cass of E. R. Overall
against the city wa < begun in JudgeDoane's
court yesterday afternoon. Overall owns
some property on West Hamilton street and
alleges that two years ago , on account of the
grade and the Improper construction of a cul
vert , his premises wore flooded and damaged
to tbe extent of { 1,500. , Ho brings suit for
this amount. _
J , E. Eaton , awell known carpen
ter , died at his residence , 1015 Emmet
street , at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. Tbo
remains will bo Interred at Forest Lawn
cemetery nt 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon.
Some weeks ago Mr. . Eaton made a trip to
tbo mountains , and vvhllo their contracted
mountain fever , whibh.developed into ty
phoid , causing death. " The deceased was
forty-live years of agt' , * and leaves a wife and
ono child.
. . Is ItCoitipnnj Property ?
County Commissioner O'Keoffo received a
telegram yesterday froin W , G. Whitmort )
What would you give tor a Friend
w7to tvonld take liaJfyour Jiard ivcrJt off i/oitr / sTioulders
and do It without a murmur ? -WlKit would you give to
find an assistant Injour / JionscworJ : t7mt ivonltl Itccpyou r
floors and walls cleanf find- your hlicJien "bright , and yet
never grow overtlieinatteroflia.vdicorU'f Stt2 > olfo *
is Justsicch a friend and C < IH > lie boiifflit at all
of Valley to the effect that the Union Pacific
railway company was fencing iu the county
road in that neighborhood.
Jlr. O'ICeeilo was of the opinion that the
railroad at the point in question ran through
n school section , inwhich , case , under a
recent ruling of tna supreme court , tbe rail
way company was entitled to a right-of-way
of XX ) feet v Ido through the section. This
would include the county road and It would
bo neccssnry to do the same as bad boon
done in a similar case , namely , rent the
ground from the railroad company at a nomi
nal rent.
Jlr. O'Kecfto started for the scene of ac
tion nt noon to take whatever steps might bo
necessary. _
A Light In Every Berth.
To tlio Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
rallwav belongs the credit of being the
first ia the country to reduce the matter
of electric Ughtinff of trains to scientific
perfection. One of the novolfoaturos
introduced In tlio nlooping cars is a
patent olectrio rending lamp in each ,
section. "With this luxurious orovislon.
reading at night before and after 'retir
ing becomes as comfortable as by day ,
and when retiring the toilet may bo
made in comfort and seclusion. Tlio
berth reading lamp In the Pullman.
sleeping cars run on the Chicago , Mil-
waukoo& St. Paul railway , botvoon
Oinaha and Chicago , is patented , nnd
cannot be used 1y any other railroad
company. It is the greatest improve
ment o ! the ago. Try it and bo con
Sleeping cars Icavo the Union Pacific
depot , Omaha , at 6:10 p. m daily , arriv
ing at Chicago at 0:30 : a. m. Secure
tickets imd sleeping car berths at Union
Ticket oQlce , 15O1 Fa main street ( Barker
Block ) , Omaha.
jr. E. FBESTON , F. A. IS'A.811 ,
Pass , coat Con ' 1 Agent.
Through coacaos Pullman palace
eloopors , dining cars , free reclining chair
cars to Chicago and Intervening point
via the grout Rock Island routo. Ticko
ofllco 1G02 , Sixteenth and Parnata.
Commission Bfen and Grocers An
noyed by Petty Thieves.
Commission men ana wholesale merchants
\vhohandlo potatoes In Oraaba have been
troubled a great deal ot late by petty thieves
about tlio wagons and the cars while tbo
vegetables are In the railroad [ yards or lelnij
hauled to tlie storehouses. Some of these
petty pilferers have a unique method ot
Rcttuiff possession of the potatoes. Tbey slip
along between the cars In the f rclpht yard
nnd punch out a potatoo hero and there , or
raako a grab In an open car door for afow
largo ones. Usually they do not attempt to
carry them , axvaj at tlio time , but simply
rake them out upon the ground.Afterwards
they como along with a basket nnd gather
them up.
But they have better success even Ingot-
ting the potatoes out of wagons as they are
bauled away from tuo cars. The boys and
women who are engaged In this sort of busi
ness have long sticks with nails driven
through them near ono end. They follow behind -
hind the wagons , and when tbo drivers are
Dot looking they strike at the load , drivlnp
thonuUluto a potato or two and then deftly
Jerk thorn out of the wagon. These are
dropped on tlio ground and the Jnbblnt ; pro
cess is rei > eatcd as manytlmes as possible be
fore tbouriver notices tbo thief , Passim ?
over the route with n basket or bucket they
can gather up the booty ,
Bates k Co , bad a woman and tivo 0053 ar
rested yesterday foratoallnp potatoes In this
manner , The positive prool was confined ,
however , to the taking of only three potatoes ,
and Judge Hclsley discharged the prisoners
with n little wholesome advice , A Bohemian
lad who lives down near tbe Union Paclilc
bridge said that his folks bad filled tivo larpo
boxes i > lth potatoes In the list vectc , and
they were beginning to nil the \vusb tubs.
Ho said they "swiped" them from the cars
and the wakens.
'has ken established in London IOO YEAF8 both as.
a COMPLEXION and as a SHAVING SOAP , has obtained 19
INTERNATIONAL AWARDS , and is now sold in every city of the world.
It is the purestt cleanest , finest ,
yiie most ccononiicaty and tJicrefore
The best ( Did moat popular of all soaps
for CE.VZRAI. TOILET TURPOSKS ; and for use in the NURSEKV it Is recom
mended by thousands of intelligent moihtrs throughout the civilized world ,
because while serving as a cleanser and detergent , its emollient properties
prevent the chafingr and discomforts to vhich in/ants are so liable ,
1M3AJRS' SOAP can now be had of nearly all Druggists in the United
Stales , Birr HZSUKITHAT YOU OETTHE GIHUWE , as therearewerihlessirnifations ,
Dr. MeGrev
More than 15 years' eiporlf noi-ln iho trrMmpnlof
A euro criarniitccd In 3to live da j-s without tholosa
Pernancntlr cu red wltlmat p ln or lnitmment.ino :
cutting , nod latlnj , Tlio tuoit rennrkiiblc rcim'Jr
known to modern nclenro. Write forclrenlira.
Dr , McGrcw'8 treatment for this terrible blood dis
ease hs been pronounced the moil poirerfaHnU
suocMiri lreme < l7eTerilscoTtreU ( for theibnoluto
curufor thlidlseue. Ills unccessnltli tlili dlrxiea
lion never tea 3 eiunlled. A complete CUBE OUAU-
AX7IIO. Wrlto for circulars.
nnd nil wcalinevsof tliofexualnrcnnt , neuounnon.
tlmlilttr aDdclo poncienc ; nbnolute IT cured There *
lief lilmnmllaloiuU complete ,
Cnturrh. rleumnllini , nnd all (1l ( oiw or the blood
liver , kldncjs nii < l bladder p rmim-ntlr cured.
sudneiirn' la. norton.inrss nnrlcil.-e < pi < oftho toni-
ncli cured. TJio Doctor' * "llonio Treatment" for
ladlti la pronounced by all -who lime uaiillt. toho
thoniont coraploto rtntl convenient rcttiedjuveror-
fer M tor tbo treUment of femulo ( li"enits. U li
trulr n wonderful rorueily. No Instruments : no
pain. JIoi'RS roiiIjAuiErt riiuM a Tui OM.V
martelom nccen linn won for lilm n roptitntlon
which In purely national In character , nml tils went
nrnuof patients ronriiM from tlio Atlantic lo the
I'nclltc. The Doctor Is a KnulunUi of "KKSUI.ATI"
medicine arn ! liai bad lonz nml rn re fill prrirli-ncc In
hoxiillnl practlrv , and In classed nuiimu tlm loudlnz
B | > etlnllsi.i In modern ftclmco. Truatniunt br curro-
pponrlence Wrtto for circulars about cacti of the
Office , 1 4th and Farnarn Sts.
Kntrimco on either Mrcrt.
. . .
for HT. , . . .
fulmu. ttental D pr ! Uo , aofUnloKof th.
. * 1 bor. or fix for ) , lent \f \ tnallprrpall.
Vriu ciicti order l ! > r t > U Uoiui , will tend parclIoKr
KHAriDt e to rufitnd mtney If Iho trpUrocntr&tlaUJ
HlOFrtrnam Street , - Oraaba. Neb ,
IVII ml 11 jffHFor LOST or TilLXKO BCAlfHOODi
" | 3 norlusd HtBVODS l ) BlLlTV |
eakxu of Body and Mini , Eff cU
I HOMB TUKAlIltYr Iiocati la < JiiI
iOIUt i 4lr rrliCvatri . Ifrlt * thaa.
l > BMk , tBlaaftUti B 4 | rf
Ifailtiif ri-mhly fntall tbe
unnatural dlitctmrgps aol
prlvntell 4wiioltiien. A
certalncurrlor Ititdf hill.
Utlng weukni-as ( ccullir
lu omf n.
I" rcrnrnmendlD ; It 19
ll iiitTrrtm.
Nuld t.y llrii Uti.
i ; si.oo.
PINUIU ' " Ortatn to a iliy ot montjr r
funJ'il. lljr mall | 3. Bfcurtlr teiled from ob-
COOK U.KUKUCO.Om.biNti. \ ' .
OXLT nr , l.eilnc1 * Perlcxtlcal IMlV
the trenchreinfdr.act on the menstrual ; itotu and
cur iuppretilon fruiu irlinuvur c : iia , 1'ro U'lto '
menitruatlon. Tbcie | > llli bouM notbi ttkon dur-
nit prennancy. A\z. \ IMIto. , lUjrallj I'rofi. Hp n-
c r.CUr Co , la. Uenulimby German -McCoiincll ,
Dodoit .near I'.U.Oiulia : C. - \ - ilelclier , Hoith
Umalit ; M.I' . Kllu. Council lilutl * . U or J for li
Lliiuu Collarn und. Cufl'N ,
Cornet Stjlet.
But Quilltf. Perfect Fitting.
A ml IMainoiuli Glrotvvny
with Ten nud CoiToo iV Noinl Way
Thonnmes olnll porcon * rocclvinif Jin-
motid' , wntehtM. otc , , iifcndtlcd to thli
lUt dtllv. The Ovcrlixtid IOA company
of Sun Francisco hnvo rcntctl the ton ) .
1S05 F.irnntn. next toIIetliimnV clnlhinit
housitf , nml In order to Introduce tholr
goods this co mptiny will present for sixty
days souvenirs with ovary can of ton und
cotT < os > oUl , such a * solid jrold , silver und
nickel wtitchos , nlso ( jonuluo dl amomlj
In sollil g < A& ollnR ( < , sllvor tublanraro.
nlso luonoj' mid nuiiiy other nrtlcloa o
le rt Millie. Every tiurchwor will rocolxo
11 souvenir , Tlio collets , can nnil contcriU
\\cipjhnljout \ Lliroo | xunil < , Lho t-cn , cut !
nnd contents vvcl h about uno audit half
pounds. Tills oxnon lvo nnd novel \viiy
of udvortljlnpwltl lie illscoiitlnuod after
sixty dnys and these really clioico tfoodi
will 1)0 ) sold strictly ou tlioir morils , but
without the souvenir. Of coursoovory
| iurclin erinustnotoxpcet to ( jotadln.
moiulor watclt This com puny claim
Hint they Irwo just ns peed a right to
give a\viy watches , diamonds or jowcliy
und money iu ) tlioir coniiKJtitora liavo lo
Blvo i vij' ( rlasswarc , cliromoj , otc. Cot
up n club. Those who pot up ft club
order most al ways pot n IwnJsomo prc < -
cut. Onlew by nuiil promptly forwarded
to nil parti of tlio United States on 10-
colptof cash or poslolllco order. Torim :
Slnglo can , SI ; six for Jo ; thirtcon for
$10 $ , and two nty-to veil forSiHl. .AiUlr "u
Overland Ton comiKitiv , Oinaha , Is't'b.
Store oiwn from 8 oclot'k n. in. tel )
o clock i > . m. u nd Snturunys till 10 ocloclc
p. ra. Now oucn.
1 * . Miller , NliOthst , diamond ring : In
tea ; Mr * , llllullaydon. C'tipitol avc. , la
dies' htintlnp cases gold watch In te.i ;
1'aul Stein , jr. , S. lath , diamond , rlnc : in
tea , and silver livotottlo castor ; Henry
Soiitair , a. ROthBt.$10 In goltl coin In
tea ; Mrs. Horbaclc , N. lllh , silver Bu nr
bowl ; Thomas Wright , Muplo and ! Hst ,
filvor frold-llncd cup ; O , M. lllncli , Clif
ton Hill , sihor llvo bottle owtcr ;
Otto Hnnscn , 2iJd st. , Hll\er
Rold-llneil cup ; Jerry McNainain ,
U.1J. . It. H. , gout's hunting cns-o groltl
watch In ten ; Robert Enyart , Olrney
St. , cluster diamond ringin ton ; Julliv
Thomas , S. Ouinhn , coin Hilvofchutto-
laino watch in tea ; RTubel Ittirbank , S.
10th St. , tilvorsucrai1 bowl ; r'rniik Lar
son , S. IStli st. sihor butter iliah : A. 15.
Steiner , Council DliifTH , & 10 In jrolil coin
In tea ; O. N. Oriflls , mail order , Voik ,
Nob. , ! J20 In gold coin ; ( ! eo. Voider , l-'ar-
iianist. , silver caliu stand ; B. II J > un-
can , S. 10th Bt. , bllvor % vitor pitohrr ;
C. E. Cioodnnn , Arbor ttt. . dlamoiul
rin ln tea ; Mrs. C. A. Johnson , S. lUth ,
silver pieklo stand ; 1 \ 11 Gcrnhart , Ne
braska City , silver HUgar bowl ; Louis
Garvlu , California St. , pcnfs liuiitiiij ;
case gold watdi , in ton ; AIUs TJ. B > el-
innii , C'tipitol live. , sll\or \ jilcUlc bland ;
Charles Oauts , Doiifjhn Co. , silver tho-
bottle castor ; J. E. Graham , H. Ouiiiluv ,
$20 in fjold coin , in Ion. ; I. S. Lolor. N.
22d st. , silver pieklo stand ; W. I ) .
Clane , Missouri Valley , diamond ring ,
in tea ; F , R. I'carloy , mail order , "Lin
coln , Nol ) . , coin sil\or ohattclainovatrh \ ,
In tea ; G , R llrady , Council
Bluffs , cluster diamond scarf riuj ; . In
tea ; O. P. Watwin , S. 21st nt , &o In
pold coin In tea ; D. S. Clafianco , Douglas
st. , cle nnt silver tea Bcrx'ico five pieces ;
R. II , Ivandruin , S. 15th et. , sllvor sujjar
bowl ; Belle Dunham , S. 29th fit. , combi
nation diamond , ruby and sapphire rinfj
In tea ; II. H. Walters , Furn&m st. , elo-
fjiintfiold lace pin , diamond setting ; S.
1 * . liattonburg , S. 10th 8t. , diver pluklo
stand ; L. N. Pnrker , S , IGth st. , Bil or
cake stand ; M. S. Stiver , S. ' ) th St. ,
hunting- capo gold watch In tea ;
Ella MuCurthv , Capitol avo. , bihor
a ve-bottlo castor ; 11. Jj. Gates , S. 10th
at. , diamond rin < f Jn ton ; T. II. Winter.
Council Hlufls diamond rinpr in tea ;
IJufih TJ. Donovan , mailorder , flastinijs ,
Neb. , Cent's liunting1 ca o gold vatch In
tea ; It. Jones , S. loth st. , silver castor ;
Oil io Reynolds , y. 20th St. , silver \s-ator
pitcher in tea : IF. J. Waters , South
Omnhn , $20 $ in pold coin in ton ; E. 0.
Mprilll , 'ICdaiidUiM , silver pIckloHtaiul ;
MitrS Jonuio L. Cottioll , mail order ,
David City , Nob. , silver pieklo ntund ;
MissGracoValthcr , mall order , Sutton ,
Neb. , solid pold band rinjj In tea ; W.
\V. Montgomcr , mull order , Rod Oalc ,
Nob. , silver gold lined cup ; Win. Myers ,
Oharles st. , silver flvo-bottlo castor ;
Miss Anna Larson , S. 38th , silver su ar
bowl ; H. P. Fox , Savnnnah , III. , diamond
mend ring In ten ; Mrs. Ilobt. Hunt ,
Morlsoy st. , silver ciister ; Jvlra. M. l a-
zarus , Oouglna st , , silver pieklo stand ;
Grace Coiling , mailorder , .North Plutto ,
Nob. , hunting case gold watch in
tea ; E , W. Vriplit , Da\ld
City Nob. , silver pickle stand ;
L. Ilansen , So. 16th st. , diamond finpr
In tea ; C. Dilborn , So. lath St. , sllVur
ii ve-bottlo carter ; N. J. Larscn , 15th tt , ,
silver cake stand ; W. II. Van noy , Pop-
pleton Ave. . limiting ciise cold watch In
tea ; Fanny Sliermnn , N , liUth sfc. . sil\er
cake stand , and Oscar 1'arsons , So. lOlli
si. , combination diamond and sapphii-o
rinjfln tea ; \V. Markloy , Tort Omaha ,
silver cake stand ; 1) ) . P. Flood 2fith avc. ,
diamond ring ' in tea ; Jennie Wol-
olT , Walnut Hill , $10.00 in gold coin in
tea ; Fritz Fisher , Klin 8t. , nilver ti\u- \
bottle caster ; \\r. K King- , Chicago ht ,
( .liver . caKe stand ; Mrs. John KjiBtiolor ,
Walnut Ilill , hLind sujjar bo l ;
Klla Uayden , Cajitol avo. , diamond
mend ring and silm ; _ sugar bo l ;
Wrs. AV. Sdiwarwick , Tiim-
ilton st. , diamond Vinj ; in tea ; ( . ' . 1' .
Walters , Council lilulTs , diamond sing In
tea ; Mrs. J. Frank , Howard st. , hil\er
sug-ar bo\\l \ ; h-s. Cook , Council Bluffs ,
diamond rlnj ; in tea ; Dr. J. AV.
Sioverlinff , diamond ring In tea ;
Kiln Roburtson , coin silver cliut-
tolalno watch In teu ; Clarence Potter -
tor , Shorimui ave , , sllvor sugar bowl ;
J. I , Elgin , S. 22dHt.diainongmiK'ii !
tea ; Mrs. I'iko , S. 17th st. , sllvor sugar
bowl.T. ; II. IJorst , S. Omaha , diamond
rin in lea ; Louba Crowdla , Council
Uluirn , $50 in cold coin In tea ; I2dw. N < -
Nally , with Auams express , silver fho-
lxttlo cjistorT. . XangS. . ISth , silver
llve-bottlo caalor ; Mrs. L. D. Tlodlti ,
Izard st.silver trold-linod cup ; 0 , Vii/ '
( fornld , Council BlulTs , diamond ringin
tea ; Thos. Holbran , Calllornlti t. , sil er
( Ivo-bottlocaster ; S. J. Warren , S. I'Jth
St. , gents'huntlnfrraHO gold watch In
tea ; L. B. Uooton , S. 4th . ,
diamond ring In , toi ; II , Miller , H. 12th
St. , soltalro diamond elilrt stud in tea ;
H. Lir > en , South Omaha , silver i U > r ;
John Gordon , Davenport st. , silver onko
stand ; Hufh ( A vary , mail order , Lin
coln , Neb. , 820 in gold coin In tea ;
William II. Klrkondahl , Mayfleld add ,
silver castor ; Mrs. M. .A. Voung1 , South
0innha , ellvormiprar bowl ; Tcna Ander
son , Oak st. , fcllvercako stitnd ; Mrs. J.
Krnst , South Oinaha , silver sugar bowl ;
AloxGrimtloy , S. 21st , cluster diamoiul
ring In tea ; Iluby IlAvrsor , mall order ,
Misiourl Valley , In. , $10 in gold coin ;
Fred "Wagner. So. 10th at. . sil\or
butterdish ; C. Bloonil > crfr , K 31 t i\o ,
silver buttordlsli ; Thomas Shea , IBiin-
croft st. , silver butterdish ; Jncob LuU ,
S. 0th , diamond ring in tea ; Henry
GriHln , California st. . .iSOln gold coin In
tea.I. RendlsS. IStli , sliver gold-lined
cup.MruS. ; U. Madison , Tabor. In. , sil
ver pieklo land ; "W. II. Welch , .Mlt-sourl
Valley. la. , bllvur flvo-bottlti esiHtur ;
John McCllntock , Dodge bl. , Bihrr
sufiiir howl ; Walter StclnmoU , H.
13th , diamond ring1 ia tea ; Men.
Drizzl , Bo , 20th , slbor eugur bowU