Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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A Inrpo Invoice of curpctB from Eiig-
Intnl for Orolmril passed through the
custom house.
Great qunntitlcp of baled liny nnil
straw nro beinp received In the city from
tlio territory tributary to the Klkhorn.
The Albright. Innd nnd lot company'
broiii'lit Hull in the county court yester
day to recover $500 duo on n promissory
note fe'l ; en liy J. P. Hay.
"Major Wonder , " tlio pacing horse ,
ccord 2M. : was shipped Sunday night 1 > y
the "SVullB I-'urgo & CO.'H express to pac-
ties in IJonvor who recently paid So,000
for him.
Kd Olcfon was tried In police court
vcBtanluy foe robbing his roominuto ,
'I'om ' 1'edcrton , at the 1'nulflu hotel , and
WHH found guilty and bound over to the
district court under bonds of $500.
Mrs. KrmiPPH Moeller. tlio we'll known
contralto ot Trinity cathedral quartette ,
\\IIH \ the recipient , of a Immlsomu as-
triichtm coat last Saturd-iy. ilio glftof
the cliolr and several Indies of the
church , in recognition of her olllclent ,
services In the choir.
An address will bo pivcn this after
noon nt : i o'clock nt All Salnta' church ,
corner of Twenty-sixth and Howard
streets , by Miss Adams of Uotroit. on
"Woman's Work in the Church. " A
ficnoral and coidlal invitation is given to
all to he present at this meeting.
A special squad of police wore put to
work yc&tcrday , under tlio supervision
of Scrgernt Graves , notifying property
owners and others to clean up the streets
nnd alloyH. They will also keen an eye
out for fjarbapo and prohibited matter
that should bo hauled up to the city
Yes'erday ' , wlillo Kathleen , the five-
vcar-old diiufjhtor of Postmaster and
Airs. Gallagher , was playing before an
open grate , her clothes took llru. The
child ran to her mother , who extin
guished the ( lames before llio child was
Eoriously burned. Urs. Gallagher was
considerably burned about the hands nnd
wrists in her efforts to smother the
( lames.
AVIiy It IH Popular.
Because It hni proven Us absolute merit
over ami over again , becuuso it has an un-
r < iuulk'l record of euros , because its business
Is conducted in a thoroughly lionest manner.
mill because It combines economy nnd
strength , being the only medicine of which
" 100 Doses One Dollar" Is true thuso stiong
points Imvo iiuulo Hood's Snrsnparillu the
most successful tncdiciao of the clay.
iSmittru by Oina'lm.
As nn Instance of the manner In which
Iho delegates to tlio late convention of the
International Funeral Directors' association
which was recently held in this city , were
Impressed with Omnlm , the following' , but
ono of many extracts which might bo pro
duced , Is presented. It is taken from the
Press of London , Out. :
"Air. and Mrs , John Ferguson have re
turned from Omaha , Neb. , where tlio former
lias been attending the annual comontion of
the United States Funeral Directors' msoci-
ation. Air. Ferguson ( .peaks in high terms
of the wonderful growth and substantial
clmni'itcr ' of Omaha , and is loud in his
praisci of tlio wiinn-licartcdnoss of the pco-
Elo there. 'It ' Is a niagnillcent place , ' said
e , 'simply ' grand ; and they are splendid
iicoplo .lust think of it , ' ho continued , as
ho warmed with his subject. 'Thirty-six
years ago thcro wasn't a house there , while
today yon see a eity of M3OUO inhabitants ,
containing some ot the most magnificent
buildings I over saw , nnd eighty miles of
street railway , with cable cars.Vliilo tliero
Mr. Ferguson met a number of former Lon
doners , ull of whom are doing well. Among
themwero Messrs. Charles Murray , Jaaies
R. Dewnr , Dixon ( who many years ago ran a
a Hour and feed store In the Market laao ) ,
George Leslie , Small and Miss lioftus. "
"Wilson Terrace is now on record ana
the lots will boofforcdforsalo this morn
ing at the ollico of D. J. Hutchinson &
Co. , G17 Broadway.
Mrs. Mci-cor , manicure , 401 Boo hldg
A Star 1'laycr.
Hub Collins , tlio second baseman of the
Brooklyn team , winners of the National
league pennant , is in thnrlty > foiling the
family of Mr. 11. Ilnrtmaa nnd Ills mother
unit brother , Gcorgo Collins , of Hartman &
Collins , manufacturers' ' agents.
The Brooklyiispiuynt Kansas CUy today
and then go to Louisville "for a
contest wtth the champions of tlio American
association. Mr. Collins predicts a consolida
tion of the Brotherhood and National league.
Secure a homo in "Wilson Terrace" at
once , as everybody wants a lot in this
beautiful terrace. For bale by D. J.
Hutchison & Co. , 017 Broadway.
"The Slaughter of tlio Innocents. "
Letting your children die with diph
theria. Dr. JolToris' preventive to cure
IH infallible. Twenty-live years' trial
has proven it. Price $3.00. Address to
Thos. Jolleris , bos C57 , Omaha , Nob.
IJCMV Hates JSast.
The Ohio & Mississippi railway is now
spiling tickets from St. Louis to Cin
cinnati and return at the low rate of S3 ,
good for return until Oct. 11) Inclusive ;
ulbo one way to points mimed ns follows :
Dayton , 0. , $ l.lf ; Columbus , O. , $1.15 ;
( Cleveland , O. , S-S ; Pittsburg , Pa. , $8 :
Washington , D. O. , S10.W ; Baltimore
Md , S10.2.V I'hiladolphla , Pa. , $11.05 ;
New York , $13 ; Boston , Mass. , ? 10.
Tickets ntMibovo rates will continue on
bale until Oet. 19 inelubivc. Address A.
.T. Little , gen'l western passenger agent ,
105 N. Broadway , and Union depot , St.
Louis , Mo.
"Wilson Terrace , " the ilnost addition
to Council BlulTs , on sale this mornin"
ut 017 Broadway.
33crt II. Gondcn , press agent of tlioStrauss
orchcbtra , is la the city. Ho tells' ot the
preat success of Strauss nnd his band in other
cities nnil says the tour has so far been aeon-
tlnuous ovation. Strauss made his American
debut nt the Boston music hall on May 11 ,
nuil afterwards played n season of 100 nights
nt the big Mndlson Square garden in Now
Yonc. Every ono has read of his great suc
cess in the e.vst and It will bo pleasing to
luiow that the people of the west Imvo taken
to Strauss equally as cordial. In Minneapolis
the Strauss engagement was spoken of by
the daily papers as the greatest musical sue-
coas lu the history of the northwest. Over
00,000 people attended the seven concerts
given in that city. Direct from Jllnno.
upolls the great Strauss went to Mil.
waukeo-tho city of Germans , and
inuslo lovers. In the CrcnmCltv ho mctwith
n perfect ovation , the now Davidson theater
being too small to hold the crowds. At all of
the four conceits people were turned away.
Then Strauss returned to Chicago. \ > luno a
prior visit had served as the best kind of nn
advertisement , nnd drew all the people the
capacious Auditorium would hold. Not only
has the Strums tour been an immense finan
cial success , but an absolute nrtistlo triumph ,
The best testimonial of the artistic merits of
the orchestra Is the fact that the programme
bus been more than doubled by encores at
every concert given In this countiy.
ilr. Chnrloa R. llacon , the well-known
representative , is In the city , lloso Cogulnn.
which is the attraction ho represents , will
uiipcar at the lloyit on the llrst three evenings
of next \\eok , In the following repcitoiros
Monday and Tuesday evening , "I'oa Wof.
Hilton , " Wednesday evening , u double bill ,
Old Love Letters , " anil "London Assur
ance. " _ _
r Hurry & Pny will iflvo n flno performance
of the roaring Iriih comedy , "Meivcnaa's
Flirtation , " at the BoyO , couuucncluK Thurs
day evening
, „ „ Ilclsloy Materially Increases
.tho Koruo ofVngrimt Workers.
Under the skillful mnnlpulatlon of Judge
Helslcy the Moiu'ny morning police grist ma-
tcrlnlly Increased the size of the street gnug.
Since the general eleanlng-up order was
promulgated tlio force ot alley scrapers has
been altogether too small , and his honor at
once set about remedying the dlfllculty. In-
send of sending the evil-doors to the county
Jail-ho Inflicted fines anil required the cul
prits to work them out on the street.
Pat Dallcy , otherwise known as "Scr-
gonnt , " and William McAndrews , were each
given llvo days for disturbing the peace.
Pat Sullivan will shovel mud until lie has
liquidated n line of " > und costs.
Hello Brandon nnd Krnnklo Kilts , two deni
zens of the burnt district , were each fined 5
nnd costs for lighting , but will not assist in
the cleanliiK-up process ,
Pat Lnhoy wui given a ten days' dose for
drunkenness ,
J-'low Aubrev , nllas Omaha .Tnck , got Into
n row with n culler who gave the iiaino of
Tom llogera , und proceeded to mop up Iho
lloor with him. lloth were arrested , but tlio
hearing of the case was continued.
Fred Miller , u suspicious character , was
given thirty minutes to leave the city under
a suspcudc'd sentence of thirty days. Ho said
ho was down on Ninth street looking for
work , nnd wis suiprlscJ whoa the court sat
down on him with the remark that Ninth
street workers were not wanted in
.lames Gordon , a saddle-colored Individual
with gold-bowed spectacles. was also given
tbirty days and the sentence was BUS-
pendi'd ,
William Smith was charged with larceny.
He is accused of stealing $ -21 from under O.
1 ! . Lewis' pillow nt the Occidental hoUil last
Thursday night. Ho was uncsted by Detec
tive Kills. The case was continued until
Thursday morning ,
Ills Sympathetic Nature ami Ills I3iirly
Those wlio saw much of Abraham Lincoln
during the later years of Ills life were greatly
Impressed with the expression of profound
melancholy his face always were In repose.
Mr. Lincoln was of a peculiarly sympa
thetic and kindly nature. These strong
characteristics influenced , very happily , as
It nrovcd , his entire political career. They
would not seem , at llrst planco. to bo efllelant
aids to political success ; but In tlio peculiar
emergency uhieh Lincoln , in the providence
of God , was called to meet , no vessel of com
mon clay could possibly ha\o become the
"chosen of the Lord. "
Those acquainted with him from boyhood
knew that early griefs tingcil his whole life
with sadness. Ills paitner In the grocery
business nt Salem was "Undo" Billy Ciieoa
of Tiilluln , 111. , who used at night , when tno
customers were few , to hold the grammar
while Lincoln recited his lessons.
It was to his symnathelic car Lincoln told
the story of his love forsweot Ann Kutlldge :
and he , in return , offered -what comfort ho
could when poor Ann died , and Lincoln's
gicat heart nearly broke.
"After Ann died , " .says "Uncle" Billy , "oa
stormy nights , when the wind blew the rain
against the roof , Abe would bet thar in the
grocery , his elbows on his knees , his face In
his hands , tind the tears runnln' through his
lingers. I tinted to seohim feel bad , an I'd
sav , 'Abo ' don't cry' ; an' ' ho'd look up an'
say , 'I can t help It , Bill , the rain's a fnllin'
n her. ' "
There are many who can sympathize with
tills overpowering grief , as tlioy think of a
lost loved one , when "tho rain's ' a fallin' on
her. " What adds poignancy to tlio grief
some times is the thought that tlio lost one
might have boon saved ,
Fortunate , indeed , is William Johnson of
Cornna , L. I. , a builder , who writes June 28 ,
IS'JO : "Lust February , on returning1 from
church ono night , my daughter complained
of having n paia in her ankle. The pain
gradually extended until her entire limb was
swollen and very painful to the touch. We
called a plisioian. who uftcr careful exami
nation urouounccd it disease of the kidneys
of long standing. All wo could do did not
bcem to bcuellt her until wo tried Winner's
Safe Cure ; from the llrst she commenced to
Improve. Wlicn she commenced taking it
she could not turn over in bed , and eould
Just move her hands a little , hut today she is
as well as she ever was. I believe I owe the
recovery of my daughter to Its use. "
How the Ijaw IH Not Rclni ; Knruicctl
In Dubiiqnc.
John Power , the well known master cooper
ivho resides at 50 ! Center street , lias returned
'ronin week's visit to Diibuquo and states
lint his experience there satisfied him that
prohibition was a failure. Every saloon was
, vide open , day and night , and M liberally
mtronized ns the owners could doairo. There
viisno sne.iklngieq.uirod to surreptitiously
procure a drink. All ono had to do was to
tush back the lattice door in the front
inU tlio visitor found himself in
saloon frequently filleil with
people who scorned qblivoua ) of the fact that
such u thing as prohibition over existed.
lie also learned that there was a number of
. .roccry stores which had a saloon'attachcd in
the rear , and that these also did a lively bust-
less , mainly of the "growler" order. In a
lumber of Instances the can was "rushed"
by children. Ho also noticed a number of
cases , in which the city and county ofllcors
themselves violated the law , and with the
same impunity that citizens of private life
Mr. Power took a trip about tea miles in
the country surrounding the eity. On ono
road ho found sovcn saloons c.ich with u largo
sign setting forth the nature of the business.
In all of these beer and whisky were to bo
procured but no light drinks , such as ginger
alp , which Mr. 1'oworuses exclusively , could
bo obtained. On another road ho found live
saloons which were but a counterpart of
those ulrcaJy described.
To the Trainmen' Convention.
A party of delegates to the convention of
thobrothcitioodof railroad trainmen , which
Is to bo held at Los Angeles , on the 22d
hist , , passed through the city about noon ,
These in the party were S. B. Wilkinson ,
Gnlcsbure , 111. , grand master of the brother
hood , accompanied by his wife ; George W.
Claric and wife , Chicago : J. P. Cailahan ,
Worcester , Mass. ; A. F. Duffy , .T. II , Mc-
Cann and A. F. Miller , Ser.inton , Pa. ; Wil
liam Swcncy , Ashley , Pa , ; James f. .Marloy >
Wilkesbarro , IM.
The ladies in the party , Mesdiunos Wilkin
son and Clark , nro delegates to the Ladies'
Auxiliary , a branch of the order.
llio ClnmpittTrial ,
The trial of the case 'of the state against
John II. Clampltt was commenced in Judge
Clnrkson's court yesterday afternoon. Dlam-
pltt is charged with having shot Charley
Paul nt Klkhorn ono year ago this month ,
Thu shooter had his preliminary examination
nnd was held to the illstrict court , but before
the trial ho Jumped his bail nnd fled to Balti
more , his old homo , where ho was afterward
arrested by Dctccttvo Vaughn nnd broughl
back to this city n few mouths later.
Itunpirlor excellenceprorcnIn mllltoni ofhorari
rot murotlun n quarter of n c nturj. U U uiea l > >
lue Untl4 htatei Gotornnnnl. Kmlor e < l by tbi
Uead of tlio vtnl unlTenlllci a < fie BtrODgeit ,
Turctt nnil moil Healthful. Dr. I'rlce'i Cream Dak >
Ini I'owilt'r duei not conUln amiuonli , lm | ot aluu.
Boil onlr In cam.
a niAi)3 TO imoi' .
President Adnms' VJHltniul Uluitlt In
Hnld to Moniii
President Charles FrnncU Adams o ( the
Union I'nclflc hnso'no ( to St. Paul on n sliort
trip. Ho will return on Wednesday nnd will
cumin hero several days preparatory to Ink-
ng ntrlp over the road , on which bo will bo
accompanied by the oflldnls.
Thcro will bo some now heads of depart-
menti who will mnko the trip , ncoordtnR to
lie reports of these v llO nro well Informed on
ho plans of the magnates. Ono of
lieso will ho a now innu who. it
s said , Is to succeed Mr. Harr
ns sujicrlntcndentof the Nubraslta ilU'lslon.
It is scml-oniuinlly announced that Mr. Jlnrr's
roblRnntlon hns huen nslieil for to tuko effect
on October IB , anil that his successor will bo
nppolntcd when Mr. Adnnis returns from St.
The road has suffered heavily during the
last few months from wrcolM mainly In the
, vcstern putt , for which thcro seems to Imvo
icon no ronsotmblo excuse , nnil fioin which
he recovery was Inexcusably slow. This has
cdto an investigation by thohiKlionicliils of
and It Is thoiiKht that nchnngo will bo niiulu
still furthrr IUOIIR the roiul ,
Gcnonil Fiviftht AKcnt Whitney hns re-
.timed from ICnnsiis City , whcru hu ntU'iidod
the rncctlnt'Of the trnnsUssouri freight us-
The last homo seekers' excursion of the
season KOCS west today.
President Adams visited the nc\v union
depot site and wont carefully over the
grounds nnd inspected tlio plans for the
structure. Ho expressed hliiiaclf us pleased
with everything hi connection with the un
dertaking. _ _ _ _ _ _
The yards of the Missouri Pacific railroad
are undergoing n general cleaning up pro-
prltory for the advent of cold weather.
Union Pacillo passenfior No. 0 nearly
two hours late In leaving yesterday morning.
The delay was occasioned by a wet track
heavy- travel and a stiong head wind.
General Manager E , W. Winters of the
Chleuro , St. I'nul. MlnncaiioUs .t Oinulin
will arrive in the city today by specinl
train on n tour of Inspection of tlio Nolmiska
lines of that company. Superintendent li.
S. .Inynos went to Sioux Cltv lust night to
moot Mr. Winters. It is believed in local
railway circles thsit tlio visit of the chief
ofllcial will have seine bearing on the ques
tion of proper depot facilities for the com
Kcports were received by the roadmastcr
of tlio Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Omaha concerning a severe storm aloiiff tlio
Knndolph brunch of the company. Thcioud-
tied was damaged in a number of places and
trafllc was suspended for several hours. The
electrical display was so fierce us to cause the
operators to abandon the station buildings
and seek safety In the open air. At Wiyno
the damage was sufficient to stop the Union
Pacillo trains for several hours.
He Qualifies lit- fore Un I toil StatoH Com-
The ofllcial oath was administered to Post
master Clarkdon und his assistant , James S ,
\Voodard , late Siturday afternoon , by Justice
Anderson. The bond of Jiulgo Clurkson , in
Iho sum. of $200,000 , was signed hy Major
Paddock , I-1. II. Davis , J. H. Ilutigato and S ,
H. Sunnier of Sehuylcr.
The new olllclal will take jiossesslon as
soon as the postmaster general shall have ap
proved of the qualification.
As United Stiites Commissioner Justice
Anderson has sworn into oflico every post-
muster of Omaha during the pat > t sixteen
years. _
Ncliraska In the AVorlil's Pair.
At the real estate exchange meeting i'rcsi
dent Hartman nppolntcd tlio following gen
tlemen as a committee to confer with like
committees to bo appointed from different
parts of the state for the purpose of looking
after the Interests of Nebraska exhibits at
the world's ' fair-
"W. B. Taylor , Ernstus Benson , U. S. Ber
lin , N. N. Crary , John IJ. Evans , \V. A.
Gardner , ( jooriroV. . Holbrook , Thco. Olson ,
S. S. Curtis , \V. G. Shrivor.
Itlr. Taylor lias received a letter from
George I { , Davis of Chicago , director gcncrul
of the world's fair , in which ho says that
Nebraska's claim for u good position In the
exhibit has been illed and will bj favorably
considered , as it was ono of the llrat re
"Look Here
The results of Own THOUSAND
mercury , oven DOM.AJIS Will bo
In the hands of n paid to any com
skillfull physi petent chemist
cian , are to bo who will find , on
dreaded. In the aiulybis , a part
hands of the icle of Mercury ,
populace It becomes - Potash , or otlior
comes exceed polbons , In Shift's
ingly dangerous ; Specific. It is
and when com puiely vegetable ,
pounded Into and never pro
nostrums by Ig duces bad effects. !
norant hands It
becomes fatal.
Book on Blood and Skin diseases fiee. )
Swift.Kiuirirtn C.n AtlantA. ( Ja.
Hypophosphites of Limo & Soda
"llr a Ihorouch knowloili/o of tlio nntnrnl Innri
wlikli govern tlioopuratluiM of cllimitloii ami nutri
tion , nml by u Direful n | > | illcntlcn nf tlio line proper-
tlcsof well rolecteit C'ucon. Mr , Kppi hns pro vide'I
our bronkfimt tubk't wltlia ilullcutoly tlnvoreil bover-
Hue which may ! > 3T nsinnnr heavy doctor's WIN. It
U t > r llio Juillcloui UNO of uiich nrtlcln of diet that a
comtllutlun iiinrboin-niluiilljr built up until Btronu
onoiiKh torttilat every leiuloncy to Ulnonio. Hun
dreds of lulitlo maladies nro floatlnu around us rumlf
tonllnclcnlicrover tlicroU n we.iW point.Vo niir
e e poiuany a fatal ihnft bjr kooDlnnourscUoi well
fortified with intro lilood , nnil a properly nourlaliol
rr tno.--ClTll fervlco ( larotto.
Mncto ( Imply \ \ Ith bolllnic waiter or milk. Sold enl ;
In Imlf pound tint , by crown , Inlicli-J tluu :
JAMES EPPS& CO. Jloimvoptithlp London , Chemist ,
i U lit CTJIiau'll Ihl. Nl
Cfergymen ,
actors , cuil public s'oikcu | : 1150
dyer's Uicrry I'retarnl. It Is tlic favorite
roinutlyfor lioarwuwi imJ nil affcctloni ol
the vocal ortaiisiUitont , nnd lungs. As un
Aiimlyno nnd CKtxjitorant , tlio PiTects oj
this preparation araj > roniptly realized ,
"Ajer's Cherry ittturallinsilono me great
good. It U a splendid remedy for nil ilia-
cases ot the thront nnd lungs , ami I luivo
much pleasure In testifying to Its moills. " .
( lev. ! ) C.N. NlclioliNo. Tlsbury , Mass.
"In my profcss-tdn ot an auctioneer , any
nftectlon ot the volet or throat Is a soilom
nutter , but , ateaclltttnck , I been re.
llcu'd by t\ few doses of Ajer's Cherry
1'cctoral. This icincily , wltli ordinary WHO ,
lus worked such a inaglcalcfTccttlint I have
sulteicilcry little Incomcnloiicc. I have
tilso used It In my family , with > ery excel.
lent icsnlts , liicounhs , colds , &c. " M'm. II.
tjuartlj , Mlnlaton , So. Austuilla.
Ayer's ' Cherry PectoraS ,
,1'HKrAItKl ) IIV
DR. J. 0. AYEIl & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
( jolJ by all Drugging. 1'rl'co f 1 ; eli bottlci , * 5.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
The most widely nnil favorably knowa spec-
allsts In tlio United Ht tcs. Tlinlr lonxcx-
pcrleneo , roin.irkablo skill nnd universal suo-
iess In the trfiitinpiit nnd cure of Nervous ,
Ihionlonnd bur lonl 11 Nouses , on tltlo thoan
itnlnunt plivslclaiiH to fie full cnnfldoiicoof
the allllctcil cvoryxvhcro. Tlioy Kiiar.intPO !
the awful effoets of early v'oo ' and tlio numer
ous evils that follow In its train.
1'KIVATK. ' 111.001) ) AM ) SKIN DISEASR9
speedily , comiilotnlr and purinanoiitljr cured.
NKUVOUd IiitIl.lTY ) : ANDSKXtlAIi niS-
) HliiSyluli ) roadliy tothulr ulclllful trcnt-
" '
Riiaratitecd cured without pain or detention
'roin bvislncsi
nontly nd aiicocuslitllv enroll In ovcry case.
SYPHILIS. GONUKllllEA. OljEKP , t-ior- |
matorrhca , Bctr.lnnl Wtiakno < > s , host Man liood ,
Sljit | | Emissions , Deeayttl Kntiiltlui , Kumnlo
"iVu.ikness und ull ilolluato disorders peculiar
loultlior flex positively ctiriid , na wull as all
functional disorders that losult from youth
ful follies or the excess of mature yc.ira.
CTDirTII 3J | Utmrantoea pprninna ntl y
O llxLVjL u l\U oiirod , roniovttl con plcto ,
wlthoutcuttlns. oaustloor dilatation. Ouroa
affected at homo by patient without a mo *
iiient's lain or unnoyance.
A QlTttl ? niPRTho awful cIToots off
OUKli VjUlMl eat-ly vleo which brlllK <
orpanlo wcaVncsH. < lostro > lnK loth mind anil
body , with nil Ha dreaded ilia , pormauonty
' RTJTT's ' AcliUcm those who havolrn-
vO. Ulj 1 1 vj jjaiiocl thctiisolvi-s by lin-
prnpor Indulgence and Military habits , which
ruin both mind nnd ibody , unuttliig thoiiifor
business , sttitlv or mirrrlitge.
MAUKIDI ) HKN or thee < * ntcrlnj on that
hnppy Ufa , aware of physical debility , quickly
IB based upon f net ? . First Vrnotloal experi
ence. tioconcJ-Evrry caao Is specially studied.
thus starting right. Tlilrcl-Medldnea are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each cis3 : , thun olTectliigcurcswIthout Injury. .
Drs. Betts & Bet'ts ,
Tllii PIGU1U2 ' ! ) .
The figure 0 In out dates will mike a long ( tny ,
No man or Moman now llvlnr ; will ever date a
Joctuncntvllhout tislufllio figure 0. It stands
In the third place in 1800 , whore U will remain ten
> cnrs and then move up to i-ecoud place 111 1000 ,
where It will rest for ono hundred years.
There U another " 9" which liasnlsocorao to stay.
Ills unlike the figure 0 Incur elates iiilhorotpcct
tlat It lus already moved up to first place , vhcrt
It will permanently remain. It U called the "Xo
9" IIIcli Arm Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine.
The "No. 9" was endorccd for first jihco by the
espertaol nuropc nttho 1'urls Kiposilion of 16&0 ,
whoreafter nscvercconlcEtitlitho lendiuemp. '
clilnea of the world , it nns av/ardcd the onlj
Grand Prize given to family sculug innchlncs , all
tthcraon e.vhlblt ImvliiK recehid lower awcrds
tf gold mcdais , etc TI'O French Government
sl50 recognized Its rupcrlorlty bj Ihodccorution of
Mr. NathanlclWhulir , I'rcslduiitof Ihocompony ,
with the Crosi of the Legion uf Honor ,
Tbo "Ho. 9" Is not nu old machine Improved
lon. t t is nn entirely now mtchini ) , and the
Grand 1'iiis c.t Purls nua amirOul It as tlio grand
est advance In ( uWIDE mnchlno mccliuin m of the
age. These who buy It can red assured , there ,
fore , of having the very latest und boit.
180 und 187 V/nbnah / Avc. , Chicago ,
220 North Sixteenth Street.
nn. nonu's
, Will free
, lliomti'in
f Ull til 3
, itioru ' and
, othoi
, din. T.- . . . . .
nliffRr ruitlt
nut.Urlprery .
vcgrtu *
'enVof Vtfcrtdtiltl In *
'jllKinuus to CullfnrnU.
, fry Ihrnu 16 ullU la
, eacli i Ul.
Sick , Headache
1 < BbKilutely torcil Ljr
Or Jotb's little VijetablePilfj.
nU a visit ft for CI > rcnt (
i. .
_ i ll. AiWre
> HOWS KiDicmt BO. , nors. uu rimisco wu
Ku n & Co. , Cor. 15th A. HiiiKl ttrceli
J. A. Kuller * Co , Cor. lltti & Jlgiiclus Etrccll.
A. U. Fouler & C'o. . Council UliiHi , Irt a.
AND PBINCIPAI QRUCttisra tveniwHenr.
U known 1 If you Imvo Kvll lirrami. I.imes ,
are linjiotfiit. full of Kenr , Uniievrlopnl or
bttintcJ , Victim ol KJCCSH or Uoatijloua Ills-
case , you ran eieaiie nil ( \ > mr < iueneti by our
J-'Trlui/rc / anil Auereiifut jlltthoilt for Jloine
I OUR NEW BOOK | , . . . . „ . , „ . , < _ v , Hlll
Is crowded with new goods for the fall , and notwithstanding the steadily advancing price of leather
we arc in a position to offer our fall goods at same moderate prices that have made our Shoo
Department so popular in so short a time , Our stock fertile fall \vaa ordered very carty , befoir.
the manufacturer's thought of advancing prices ; the material was selected with care and tlip
Shoes were made and finished in the best workmanlike manner , and we are now offerin not
only the largest assortment , but also the best made Shoes for jMcn and Boys , honest gees ( { imo \
mo arc not afraid to buck with our guarantee.
To signalize the opening of the Fall Season in this Department place on sale to-day ,
2OOO pair fine Calf Shoes , Congress and Lace , warrante Goodyear \Velt \ at , < 2. 50. This
is the same quality and make which \vc sold last season as a great bargain at $2,75. Shoes
made with Goodyear Welt , arcfully as good for wear and elasticity as Hand-sewed Shoes. Tlio
.ibove are an extraordinary \VeknowShocStores\vouldchargeatleast $3.50 or $ j.
for like goods. I
Our "Workingmnn's" shoes for $1.25 , of which wescll thousands of pairs every season , are
turning out better than ever this fall. "We have placed early orders for enormous quantities and
the manufacturer has greatly improved upon the make of them , No more honest shoe was
ever ofTered for sale at such a low price. It is solid leather throughout , and the make and finish
is perfect. Nothing short of $2.00 will buy such a shoe elsewhere.
In the finer grades we show an exceptionally large assortment , all styles of toes , and all
kinds of lasts , shoes to fit any foot.
All our other departments arc loaded wi th new goods. In every line \ve have put in a big stodi
anticipating an increased trade.
Open until S p. m. Saturday , 1O p. rn.
Corner 14th and. Douglas Streets.
Are the Exclusive Western Agents for tlie
The larRCSt manufacturers of rubber footwear in the world. AVe carry the only complete stock of first-class rubier
goods in the city. Prices always the lowest. Corrcspondonco solicited.
Just -what you are looking
for. Black Cheviot Suits ,
made in single and double-
brcastecl sacks and three-
button cutaways , all at
popular prices. We would
also call your notice spec
ially to the fact that \ve have
a very large assortment of
Black Clay Worsteds in
coats and vests for semi-
dress Avear. These goods
are made and trimined in
the best manner , and a per
fect fit guaranteed.
A 1'ull Fet of Teeth ,
on Ittibbor , fur
> _ - _ - I'lVB llOM.Ut.S ,
Anorfrct ( It Kimrantecd. Tooth cutrticled
wlthotitpiln or dnnzor. ftii'J ' wilt out mines-
thctlos. Ould and silver , UllngHiit lim-st
riitoa. llrldpoiind Crown Work. Teeth wltli-
onliiliitci. AlH > orl ( wurruntcd ,
Kntrucco , ICtli tit rout oluvator. Open oun-
InssunlllH o'cloolc.
Eye and Ear Supgcon
ODodso Street , Sp tacUa accurately
Owing to the large number of requests that
the splendid offer made by us of the Encyclo
paedia and Daily Bee should not be withdrawn , <
we have decided to accept orders for a short
time longer , The full set , ten volumes is now
complete and \ve will consequently make a
slight chanee in our terms.
THE OMAHA BEE offers a year's ' sub
scription of the daily paper including1 the Sun
day issues delivered at your address---and
per month. The ten volumes delivered on pay
ment of $5.00 and the balance payable $2.50
per month.
ERS are entitled to all the advantages of this
.grcat . offer.
People living outside of Omaha can avail
themselves of the above liberal offer hy having
the monthly payments guaranteed by some
sponsiblc banker or merchant in their town ,
Send for descriptive circular.