I THE OMAHA DAILY EEE , TUESDAY , OOTOBEE 14 , 1890. SPE01RL NOTICES. "A UVEUTISEMENTS for thno columi will /xbo taken until 13 p. m. . for the even ni dltlon ami until 8 jn p m , for Ihn mornlnit ( dltlon and SuxUAT HKK mint MS Csih In adranco. , , , T > ATE. ' AdTcrtlscmCTitson till p ( te will b llchnrired for t thoratoof 1H cent per word for the tint Insertion nnd 1 coot per word for itch nuhftoqucnt Insertion , and 11 0 per Una r r month. No ndTprlliTnent taken for IMS than 21 ccntn for the. tlrct Insertion. TN1TIA 1.9. figures , symbol * , ctfl , couat e&ch JLan ono word , rilHESE advertisements mnst runconsecn- , * -lively and under no circumstances will they bo tukin or discontinued by telephone. T > AUTIit ? ndvortttlnic In these columns and 9. ImvliiK their answers addressed ton "num- icr d tutor" In care of-TitB DEB will rccclro * nutuburod check to onnblo them to fd their letters Answers will bo Ollrcred only on prrsentntlonof this chock. rneloso answers Jo envelopes properly addressed. nilvcrttsomonts nndor the lientl of A " .Special Notlis" nm publlslii * ! In both the morning and evening editions of TUB HUE , the circulation of which nititroxatcs mnro tlmn SM.OOO pipers dally , and Rlvcs the advertiser the bi nollt not only of thn large circulation of Tiir. llrK In Omaha , but also Jn Cou ncll Bluffs. Lincoln nndothcrcltlesaiid towns Inthu 'iBR ' AN CH ArtTnrt1stnf ( for these columns will be taken on thoabovoconditionstttthofollowlru busi ness | ious < -swho are authorized to tnko special notlcd. nttho same rates as can had ut the main ofllco. . SOUTH OMAHA liKANOU OFKIOE-No. aWI N BtrcuU Lister lllock JOHN . HELL , l'hurmacl tK 3outh Tenth ttriet. ' U A H B A EDDY , Htatloncrs and Prlnt r , in South 10th street. SI ! , rAIlNSWOKTII , 1'harmaolst ' , 2115 Cum- Ing street. WJ. HUGHESPharmacist(34 ( North 18th street. / ir.O W. I'Ann , I'harmnclst , 1718 Leaven- worth street. UOIIES' I'llAHMACy. 2Uh and r'arnam. H fal'I UATIOXHVA.NTI.O. . For tain , tic. , tee top of fitt < y > ! nr/m onthtu OOI > cook nnd laundress wants plnco In G prlv ate family , 512S 14th Bt. M517-10 * GSITt SITt ATION vvnnted aseook In private fam ily \VelIrecommendcd. Apply 172lrS. lllh ANT HP Situation by lidy as house keeper or assist In i-dtic-itlng children Good references. Apply 17 1 S llth. M' VIfi * \\7 ANTED Llftht work in n resnoctiblo * " film Ily. by younc lady , for board this winter Address II 1(7 ( , lice. fiU-ll * OITIC'E work , shorthand nnd tvnovvrltlng by a < ( impotent and experienced lady. , Ad- dre' lt 'H. llee. fill-lV \\7i\NTI' ! ) 1'osltlon by KoiitlPimn of nhll- VT Hy a ml business experience. Would lllto a xlliiatlon In wholesale liouso as cnrrospond- ent or In some business requiring both olllco and outdoor work Can furnish best rufer- nncrs and bond or diposltlf required Ad dress 'll.270t C'umlnga. & - * > - . . ' _ WANTHI > Hy a nlco. sober. ln < lustrlous inloicd rnnit , a plnco In prUato family who Is an uxccllent hand to t iKo euro of stock and flue ooichnrin ; alv , tys willing anil plons- ant. Atldtcss Kill , llee tUTt-IO * _ V/VrANl'KI ) Ily elderly lady with rcfor- Vl luces home In . ' . unlly for wlntor to do d rcsxiiiaUInjiind sowing at J. per week. Address dross K ; ni lice. fi.'l-14j Situation by a youns man as TT hleim.-rapher anil tyiiewrltor ; bolt of ief- orcneo AddressG. W. HiOO t.athropst. 40414 W ANTED Younjr Indy dcslios wrlthus or copying to do lit home. Address U 20. HeeAN experienced I uly. stenographpr and tjpovvrller dcslies position Uood rcfoi- encts AddiossKST , llee. 431-14 * WANTEP A position by a younff man who Is a Rood accouutnnt and oxpctlonccd In Imrdwirullno ; gx > d refi'ionccs. Address H licoollU'e. Coiiiu'll HlnlTa 40Q U Foriata , tie. , rector ) ofrut column MANAOEItS wnntid ovcryvvhcro to take chntxoofour business. Ailvirtlsc , dls- trlbuhi circular * ami unjiloy help \ \ iipcs * . " > to Jl.'l ' poi month. Kxpcnsosadvanccd. btato oxpciletuo. WiiRCHu\iuct.d | , also yourprof- orenco for homo work or trivellne. bio in A Oo . Manufacturers Uoorgo St. , Cincinnati Ohio. * _ rpIir.Callfornli Mutml Ilcncllt society , Sin - iI'ninelsco , Onl. Incorporated. l'a > s $10 per week In cannot sIcLni-ss ; trt t fi'i pcrvvcek In case of accident ; ST5 funeral benefits. Dues 81 per mouth. Membership fee $ J. No other expciisp. Representatives wanted In every town and city. Correspondence solicited. K50-I5 * /ANTED A baker at 110 North llth street. Jl Ml-15 * 1717ANTKI ) A flrst-cl.iss male stcnosr.iphor V ) for about SmontlH. oboalnnl'rs "K , 210 .N. nth st. air io-in "VArANTHD Twenty cnoh , collar and liar- vt ness miikera. Kooil vvngts paid , nt II , irII. Helming A. Co. , Milwaukee , Wls. 510-10 A I.OUAI. URent vv.intod for Oinahii ; rcfor- Xiinco required. Knqulro room IS , Wlthnoll bloclt , cor. 15thand llurnoy sts. , Ute 12 a m Km II * "ITirANTBD " 3 coat makers at once , good f > prlci3. E. Mumb. , Atlantic , Io n. "V\rAJ TKD A first rate man to handle T nurnts for the "fclockmnn'sllulldlivand 1,0111 Union ; " also slvsolicitors. Apply to 0 II Moody , U Exchange llldg , fatockyards. 474-14 * $ | Ml will secure li Interest In now and profit- ahlubusiness. AddictM Immediately Kill lice olllco. 4'i HI" Ill.TT "VA7AN1TD Salesmen on salary or cornmls- Tl von | to hiindlothe now patcntehcnilc.il InK Erasing 1'onoll The greatest bolllns iiov pity ever produci d Erases Ink thorough If. ! In two si'i'omlsi no nbraslon of piper. 'M > ti COO pin cent profit. Ono ngent's sales amounted : to foJU In six daysj another M3 tn two hours Wo want ono energetln gnneral iiRCnt for each tiiti nnrt territory , b implo by mail IViconts Vnrterms and full pirtlenlai-s. address Tin Monioo I.nihor Mfs Co , I..ICrosae , WIs ; rilUAVKLlNO ngonts visiting ccnoral mer JLdiiiinlUo find crockery stores can seuim goul llttlo sldonrtlcle , bomrthlnirnuvvandni onciimbrlug samples n-iiiilrod. Apply llrun- lipir Kl [ idler V Co. , Chicago , 111. MO-'JIJ Tnv T. PBWITT TALMAOIVS i.ifo o JLi Chi Ut , entitled ' Troin Mnnstirto Tlirono , Ijicludtn a description nf Dr. TulmuKO's Jour lii'.v."To , Through , nnd Trom the Christ-land,1 iiml a "I'unorama of Jems ilem on Day o Cruclllxlon , " 10 feet In Icniith and printed 12 eolois Wonderful soiling book. Wrlti mdcU forterms andoxcluslvo tetrltory. AY P.ronditA. Co.Dos ilolncs , TOVM. 4"1-10 \V ANTED-Mnn toi-ell linn of cigars ; fOOpei TI mouth and expenses pild. Addnsswltl Etitlnp. ( Hobo Cigar Cn , M. Louis , Mo. U" U'l rANTI.1) 20 Rraillns teams , Dodeo lieu SKlceiithrcarof llaUen's. 4JU1J * \\rANTKD Men for compiiiywork In Wy onilnsAlbrlBht'u labor agency , 1IJO Tar mini. 111 - lV"ANTr.IMen for work oa II. .t M H. 1 TT good wages and good job. Albrights la liot agency , lliO raniam. 111 ) Men tot lav el for our Cmadli I \VU \ \ r ANTED 200 laborers forstnno and grnd work. Apply to 1' . 11. Johnson , Unlo itngor doiKit. Oninh.i. S7i : * /"llTYsilosiwin. Omaha shirt factory. Ill ] P1- \J r rnim : na \ \ LTAM'ED Active men with rofoninci TI Metropolitan .Ml ; Co.lWJ Howard st. run o it- 111 liisurniieucompiny of Iowa , UOIHI ter- Itory. favorable contracts and absolute KI curity to policy holders are InduruiiMjiii oiTori'd. I. T Martin , siipirlutvndont of ucci : eh * . IK'S Mollies. In. JIOI UJ ! _ \ \ TANTnilOcXmen fur now r.illrtt.ul 'ork ' > In Oregon und vVaxlilnKton Tor. Woi vrlll last tvv oj cars ! ( rood waics guarantee Albright Labor Ajriney , IIW riirnam et. . \1I.U \ > \ir ralti etc , , ire top of Jlnt colirtnilun tMt _ "pltlYAlK hospital for MOIUOII throiiKh zon- JL llnemunt. llest of oiiru. Ur , Hannah i Ma'nhan.tU'N , L-4thbt. MASHAGU I'.ATHS KTO. , ttc. . tie lop / jinl column on Hit * 1x15 MADAM R SMITH , most successful iniisaa : lady In the city , Cull und no bor. HUM from U H m. to 10 p. m. 1'urlor * 007 S. Ulh. IClt : lUrker hotel. 615-l'.i ' TVrASSAOE , Mudutu Uohlar. ovcrUlOS. Utn. JJl M-IA-.N-- IVAXTID let ralu. ttc.K tt > pofJlntcttumHon IMl page ANTKII-Oood girl to do general house work nt 1SW South llth it. M. A. Orocloy. ji r 2-n * G1 i for general housework , WMS 18th st. 5J5-U * irANTF.I-A ) ultl for gcnrril housework In ' afiiinllyof three , 1W ( S Ji th avenue. 621 li * G OOD slrl wanted for general liousowork , 10-il St. Miry's m e. M fVB-15 * WA > TEI-A good girl for general house- viurk. Ixinnon Doneor. llohrmlnn pro- fcrrod , 7JO South Ski at. , > . W , cor. Ix > iven worth M 'M \\TANTiD-A : good girl forisononil house- IT work at onco. Apply 17U8 N. irith st. ull-14 l.ADV with sorno business tact , vanteil liumedlitoly , for a rather arduous posi tion ; must ho well acquainted with city , salary H wcolvlvi city reference required Apply after uJO : Monday. A. N Shldelcr , ruotn li Uroljhtou block 13th and Douglis. WANTED-ARhl to do housework nt 2719 Juckson st. 471-14t " \\7ANTKD-A ( ilrl , German , to cook for res- V l tan runt , 1012 Shermuii nvuiHU' , 4-B-ll * UMOIIT youns Indy wanted to set sub scrlbors for the Omaha Excelsior ; M . per _ cent commission. Apply 113 Sloth st. MIt,3 \\7ANTEl-GlrI ; ) at once , CJJ N. 19th M300 21 . T\7ANTKII-SUIrt : flnlshnrsit onco. Jl idanio VV Wallace , 1519liownrd st. ' -TJ rate * , ttt. , KtlupoJ flrft coltimimn Uitt pnot. rjTf JquIiolWSUumlnK. . D rSIHAlILn dwellings nil parts of the city , 'uneaten A. Allen , 10U7 rarn.iin st. tYM-nl' ! TTIOIl KENT 10-room house. No 1721 Dodge. JL1 Inquire 1J18 rarnuiu st. , Sum'l Burns T71OK HENT 2 houses , 3 and 4 rooms , at 110 JJ each. A pply at O-'l N. lUth st , or on premi ses , 71.'Center at. 41U14 * I. house for rent , Mils St Mary's ave. 4 < Clb * C HOICK ten-room brluk dwelling , corner , with nil conveniences , close to business center. hiuu.itou & Allen , 1C07 Kurnatn st. J TTlOH KENT femoral now houses on Mth nnd JL Ilarncysts. Inspect tlicm and miiliomo an offer Win J I'nul , lOOi ) r.ira.un 4J3-1I * Foil Itl'.NT Nino-room house In good re pairs. ii' > per month. 3. > ll ) I'lerco st. 400-13' iriOtt UI'.NT A 5-room bouse. Inqulro 112 JJ bo. aitli St. 4S4-1I' I7MR ) HliXT--2 cottages , Oand "rooms , newly , JL' pilnledand pipored ; rent reduced Corner - ISthand Chicago. 4IS FOIl IirVL'--An 8 room House with nil mod - ern Improvement. " hcntul by hot water. ires S seth st 4 blocks i-istot Iluibcom 1'nrk. - Enquire 400 Hoc building. 411 - lirXT S-rooni house. 30 S.Gth st. , fS near rarnn.ni Inquire next door. 4U-lri FOIt Hr.VT W > , hlx-room stcim-lntod Hit ; all conveniences ; rofciemes required. , Nethcrton Hall , 1M ) fa 13th St. , second lloor. , 18.113 - OU IM'AT Ootta.-e. 411 S 21th avonuo. I nqulro iS'jnJnckson. < t-i - HH ) KENT B-room lint , KM a month. In- - qulro .it The Pair , llth und Howard . ' ! 0a-ia OK KENT 9-room hoti'.e all modern con- venlrMici'H , east front , 1 ! 0fl Georgia ave. . ap - ply at Herman Savings bank. 11- * 8-UOOSI house and nnd Omnlng.tJS permonth. 0. 1' . llarilbon , 1)11 ) N Y , Llfo. tffi ) . T710U IlKNT Housc.8 rooms , good laundry. JL ? Inqulro llobt. L'urv is-Uh A : bt. Mary's nvo. - "ITlOUIinST A six-room house near business J- editor , } 0. Mead Invostniiiit cCo . lice building. 631 T VOTJ w Ish to rent n house or store see II. S -I' Cole , Contlnontnl block. 63.1 FOH HENT To responsible parties only. those line new brick nnd stone houses on Georgln avenue ; fifteen looms nml nlcovcs ; inoro conveniences and better finished than nny house for rent In the city. 11. II , Hender- HOII. 100 I'axtoablock , city. SI - _ 0 rr-ltOOM house with barn ; nominal rent. C. r.IiarrNon.OllN.Y. Mfe. 870 - , iW" IlKNT 9 room house , n.11 modern con- , JL ? Ycnlences , Including a need stable. C.ipltol a > enue. near the blub school ; rent moderate. I ) . J O'Doimhoe , 1&J1 Pni-nim st. fflt SKVEN-roomhouse , Istbnnd Vlnton , $ ia -J'-room house , 25th and Miami , 81'J. B-rooinhouse"fitli.uid Caldwell S25. 7-rooin house. : ! 0rh and lliirllch , J1U. C-rooni house , Lincoln place. 111 ! . J. II. Johnson , 510 1'axton block. < 5C ! TTII.ATa , stan lionlf , . ! . TntlS4.IAt.li. . . Tlins l\ . JC Hall.311 I'nUonhlk. 5S3 "ITIOII IlKNT 7-room cottiges. Hath and all " JL1 modern conveniences , ready In few diys. C. S Elguttor. 407 l-'lrst Nat'l banlc. 61. OU IlKN r-IIouse , Mth and Calducll , 110. - IHril and Tones. $10. &ll Davenport. C-\ ) . , W L. feolby. 1.1. ltd Trade. 415 - FOR HUNT liOORIS KUUNISHIID. /"or icitci , etc. , rte tnp of flrtt column on thtr pngc , riWO bedrooms and parlor. sultnr lo for four JL gentlemen. 70JSo. 1Mb st.llat "il. " M 511-15 * "JSJEWLY furnished rooms for rent nt 712So. JHUli St. . Hut 1. M 514-a ) ' ( T7IUU.NIS11EI ) roomt , hot and cold bath and 0. J-1 heat. SHU'S Harnoy. 517-10 * T7IUUNIS11EU room for rent , 1611 Douglas. - JL ! Ml l , T710H HKNT rurnlshcd rooms. 1311 Davon- JP port 8U fi.7 15 * - "T71OH HKNT To gent omploycd during the JL1 diivan ulcgnnt furnished front room , . , " 11- per month. Inqulro 033 Howard. ' to W2-14' Ft I OH lir.NT rurnlshed fl.it , also rooms fur- . , nlsh'Ml or unfurnished : modern couvcnl- onclc > ser will sell furniture on tlmo. . Capitol avo. rp\VO nicely furnished front rooms , In suite , -L siiltihln for 1 ! gentlemen , heat and bith , SJO , 705 , IGth St. 401-13 * rp\VO larpo front rooms , pronnd floor , south no 4 and eist front : each suitable for two with - bo ml. AH modcrb cotiMidouies ; steim bc.it ; olnso to business ceutie. special Induiciiicnts totabln bonrdon > . Homo comforts of " tccd. The Hillside , N. W. cor 18th i. Dmlgo r- " ENOACiI. furnished rooms with sto.im heat , of M to15 , Miithornovposuro Ml S. Kithst. In Hat U. 4JI5-H * _ . T7O U HUNT Very choip. two elpgant rooms J.1 vvlll furnish to suit renter. Convenient to motor , Kiiqiilre at Uli S7th 8t. 4J.V1J * TvnSIltAHLE rooms forthreoor four ccutlo- IJ men , private slttlnK room Included. 1701 Capitol nvo. 4t4 _ "VTEWIiY fiirnlsbed rooms , with boar l nnd l > bath SloarariMiAit. M 4.M-17 * . _ - ItiNT-rurnl = hed rooms with binrd. Hofircncus. 2-ll ! rarnim. J1J70-10 * ELEGANT south rooms ; also table board. 1S2 Uhlcu.'o .fll-l'i * 171OH ItENT-l'leas int rooms with or with- in JJoutbo.ud 115 h.gQtb. 3C'j 10 * TTANDsOMKLVfurnUhed room. iWJ Dodge. KOOMs rurnlshed or unfurnished , with board. ( Jentlcmon profernd. llcfoi-onces J14 ' . ' 10 N. Mnoticnth st. M.UM. % * "VTEWLY f urnlshe < l moms with board Ilath , X > gas and furnace. 8.V ) so loth st , M.1IS-I4 * ItENT-rurnlshcd rooms ! B.isbathiind 1 Mteqin , 1519 Hovtunl. b7l terQT OLAlHKuropennhotel.wlthdlnliijr room , , _ pstcam ho.it In nil rooms , llth und Dodgo. lltM Special rates bv weol or month. 673 cn- ! itEXT-VurnIsliod rooms , lorj Donslas. ro n iu.xr--uooais uxruitxis 1 1 K i > . . lot rattt , etc. , are tep ot fnt column im WOK tHNTcieiStorcrooin K14 ut J. strvet. suitable for any kind of hop In- qulro at 70 N-Sth avo. 6-iu lfl "ITIOU very tomfortable winter lionies see - J.1 tlioso y.n nn Hats , S.V. \ . Cor1st and Nich olas Hts Nonly pinered , city water and bovr- omge. Klrsl lloor , W ; gei-ond lloor , In. Units ItpntinE Agency. . 1Mb st. df > fib * T71O11 UENT-a nxim . unfumlshed.BIO N , 13th , J , ' su , price tl2 Vj ) will rent to colored people. Apply to M. 1' . aiurtln , ; c > 4 h , 17th eu tt.'i OYiiibto\o : store , 1IZ.1 Howard ( II FOU UFNT riulto of 4 unfurnished rooms for IiouKuUeupIng , to family without children. 17Ui Webster sU 913 FOU 1II2NT--STOIIUS ANI > Ol-TICKS. Fvrratrl , ttc. , tee top ofnt column on'/il'xi ' | < 7& TjlOIl HENT-Deslrabloroomfor jloroorof- JL1 IIco , .wis.inth St. , near Knrnnni | tenant can hnvo possession on short notice. Object of spiling lease present temnt doslrcsto chiitmo olllco : Apply ul once tu Ernest lllall > v Co. . & ) S. 16th st. 475-IJ * 171011 UHNT- lore room , 1310 Howard street , JU I.H Dir month. 4W-1.1 * HENT Itrlclc store nnd flat together or JL1 RC nn ratal r < with ull miHlern ronvenlences. I3.V ) North -'Ulh street. Apply , Windsor. Kemp & Co.M N. Y. Llfo bld'R. 4(2-H ( ! fTIOll HI'NT Htoro room nnd buemont nt JL No. ll > Soulh Klo\cntli street. ( Jood locu tion fur coininlsslon liousn , 1' . J. fcutollITii , 311 I'lrst National llankbuluUnfr KENT Itnsement stern room , cor. 1.1th and Jackson uts. Inqulru Mrs. Lanuc. ( H2 a Ulh st. -VJ-10 _ TTIOU HKNT Itrlclc warehouse , two stories JL' and basement , 1T7.000 squire fcot. with HU footof double track on U. 1' . railway , south mil nnd IMcrco streets Address 0 Oskamp , Omaha , Neb , 630 STOHKSatTOO S 10th , M\W ) each , larceshow ' - - wlndov , 6tcam heat 1 urnUhid , Thos. 1' , llall.illll'iuton block. IV ! lilOU UHNl'-Store , 1B1' ( I arnam. JJ ( CM t , - 171OU KENT The most desirable business lo- J . cation In Omaha for dry Roods store , cloth- Inz , boots and sboei , groceries , hardware or furniture. Konts very roasonablo. 1'osscsslon en nt once or December 1st , The 1'alr's lUp stores , will runt sep tritely or altogether. J , L. LirantlcISiV tons , Uth und Howard. 020 171011 IlKXT Metropolitan hall. 14th and JDoclRo. . fur balls parties and weddings wither or without supper room Terms ri'asouablo , , JUS 15th st. G. 7-UI1 ITIOHUnNT The 4-story brick hulldlny.wllh JL' or without power , formerly occupied by the lleo 1'iibllsliliiK Oo. 1)1(1 ) ( rurnntn st. Tliobttlld- Ing has a lire-proof comentb tscinentconiplcto bte.itu heating Hxlurus , water oif all the floors , Ras. etc. Apuly at the olllco of The llee 013 POlt UXCIIA.VGK , Ferrate * , tie. , fee top nf frvt column on ri O KXOIIANOK for Omaha property , two J- houses ind lots , ulear , in good town C. J. Casncll. 810 N. Y. Llfo 4 -li/ q-H > EXOIIANOH House and lot on llamll- J tonstrcet forvacant lot. U. J. Caswoll. 810 tV. V. Life. 46S.lb rpo EXCHANGE 1'or ck-ir fiirm , now 7- JL room IIOUMI In linker Plnco , full lot. In quire of li ( J. Merrill , 4.'d and Cuss Hts 4s3--'l * Wo have several houses nnd lots and vacant lots to ntchnngo for lands. horsi , etc Oeorgo I'aul , 1C03 Karnaiii. 470-U POK FAIiE On monthly payments , houses nnd lots of 4 to 8 rooms each , on { - > to IX ) cash und bilanec easy monthly pnmonts. Call for phis. George ) J. I'aul , 10U9 tfarnnni. 47S-13 rpUADE AN SALi-About 9. 000 slock of JL boots , shoes , hats trunks nnd gents fur nishing goods In lust business locality In Oinuli i. 'i cash , bal city property. II It. Iroy A. Itro.SUO.N. Y. Lite. 490-13 _ $1D.OO ) stock otRcner.il merch.indlso In Oma ha for Imlf cash and balance Omiihi prop erty , rent lo.moniblc Also an H.OOOstoukof furiiitiiro In cltj , Jl."iO ) cash and balance cltv property , Uo-optratlvo Loan and Lot Co. , 2U3 X. ICthst. 47l14 _ Oil K.XrilANOn-Scnerilcloir Nebraska farms for equities In good Omaha proper ty and \vlll p ly some casli dlllercnco If neces sary. Itlngcr & Uradley , 131U farnam. /1LEAN stockof drygoodsnndKonoril indso. v.\\lll take "i real ost.ito and balunco cash. lloffi , I'-i .ink fort. Iiid J-15 * _ OUSE3 roil TltADR Will oxohnngo well broken roidsters nnd siddlo horses , suitable for livery stable and oxnress wasons , for I mils ( nullity property , or will sell on tlmo to responsible parties Address W. Itox CO. ! . L'40-13 rpo nxcHANOi : lluslncss lot close to cor- JL nor of " 4th and M streets. South Omaha , clear and drawing S.lTront.for a cooil residence In Omaha. Frank E. Ilurtlgtiu , OU N. Y. Life. WANTTD A small stock of groceries In oxchnngo for unlncuinbored real estate. Inriulre atrooniJUT. 1'atton block. JI-181-nJ WANTED A small stock ot clears and to baccos In o\chan'o for clear leal nstato. Inquire at roo.ni.U7 , I'.ixtonblock. JMlSl-NJ WANTED Jlcrcliindlso In cvchango f6r rc.il estate , part cash. Jcaso Gaudy. Itrohtn now. Nob. lit 15 * POU EXOlIANOfc , Eight mules for Omaha reil est ito. It. 13 , Ito ml ot Tr.idn. 4 FOH SAIjlO HOUSES WAGONS ETC. For rate * , etc. . tee top of first column on Uit pagt T71OR SALE Cheap for cish. or will trade for JL1 lot and assume bin ill incunibrancc , 2 liand- sonioyouns horses. Iniiulroof K. G. Merrill , 4-'d and Ca.s ! sts. 48--iilt FOIl PALK Cheap , a good side bar biiRgy. M't Hurt st. , Omaha. SOO-13' FOK SALE llnndsomo horse , strong , good traveler and \ ory guntlo ; sultablo for lady to drive or for business ; guaranteed sound. Address 003 llco olllco. M 2)0 ) WORK horso$03two horse vvaon tM.doublo work , harness } ! " > . Or vvlll trade for a good light side bar buggy. II. K. Cole , Contin ental block. SOU H IOHSEbiW and up. II. E. Colo. 883 FOUU teims , light mules ; one heavy l.WO- pound horso. Koom 13 , lioard of Trido. 1)01 FOR SALT ) 2cood work teams. Inquire at MS I'nxton blk. 4S I'OK BAIjU rUKMTUKB UTO. rorratr * . etc , , ret tojtnf first column on IMi ptj. NHW nnd complete bedroom suit for sale. 170- ' Webster st. Kl-lii * _ TjlOK SALE Handsnmo now furniture for 8 JL } rooms complete , at nn Immense bargain. Also for runt the house of 8 rooms , all con venience1" , centrally located. II. II. Ircy & . llro , 200 N. Y. Life. 497 A LOT of hontlnK nnd cooUhiR stoves slightly used , all In excellent condition , vvo otter very chcip. Call nitd examine and do not miss thoopportunltv. Thov must go , 1207 Dotulas. Omaha blov o liepqlrVorl > s. i.W- 1 E , household good3ctc. Hltrhnst cash price. 1111 1'arnam. fa77 FOIt SALT : A West I'olntbabo Uttrnor , mo- d I u in bUo. UJO Wlrt st. ' "IT10U SALn--Choan--Tlio fiirnlturo In tbo JL ; house , No. IS 1 8 liouKlus Street , for sale. and house for rent. Kiuiulro on the promises. 071 o2l' _ _ _ T710K SALB I'nrnlturo and business of 32- Jw riMim hotel In Lincoln , ( loin1 , ' oed paying buslncvs. Host of reasons for soiling , Terms easy. M , W. I olsoni , Lincoln. Nob. CIO roil SALE- . Fcrmtcs , ttc , , tte top nfIr t column onMiU jutija TT10H bALE A. flrst-clnss No 2 liemlngtou L typovvilter ; latest iniprovuilicuts. Address LOUCKS , 9lh and Jones. 500-1C WANTEl > lluyerforiihundsomohabycar- rliik'O , almost brind now ; will neil utsnc- rlflco ; this Is u bargain. Uull at 707 9.1fith. Jrd lloor. 351 IS * TpI'LIjblood pug dog for sale. W. S. 1702 JJ \ \ obstor bt. fourth lloor. 131-11) ) * TTlOIl SALE All kinds of thoroughbred dogs. JL ; James I'anzy , 11I3S. XMlh st , ya T7IOII SALE Lot of base burner stoves. St. JL ? UlairKuropeau hotel , Uth and Dodge. MU&10 AUT AM ) frANGUAGU. Forratct , tte'iee top of flint talmn onthls ( Jliarles 1'cterson I'lnnoviolin.rlther uud vocal Instruction. Studio503 Sbooly blk 476-o-lS * BEPOKR biiylnjt A piano oxiimlue tbo now iO.UolChub.ill piano. A.Uospo , IM Uouilus G HO. V GiLLENIIEOKtoachoraf the b.ijo with IIospe,1513 DougliH. -U rilHK Onlden Monitor Now and thorough ; JL hand-book forpLmn andor un ; a most- viiluabloliolporand guldo ; hlijhly endorsed ; coits but a dollar ; may be found nt Hospe's. MDiO-OJU I1A111 GOODS-XVIGS. J TC. Furr-atcfclc..i < ; topo/flnt column onlhl * jmue. * | 3KbTlino Imlr Roods In westj halrdrosalgn. wl ssltUie.s , banes , ImUJJolinhis , etc. , u specialty , Davlcs hair gofxla and milliner opposite povtotllcc , 111 S.15th st . Omaha. UOO hOST. For rattt , itc.trelovof Jlnt column on tJit ixipe. IOHT-Somti llttlo tlmo ago , hunch of keys Am round ring , ul o Elks' pin , 1'lnder ulll leave ut my oQIcu and receive reward. M. A Upton. SID 17 KOlt SAMS llHATj IMTATK. For mfcii. f ( . if e for ° f ftjJT'1" * ' " ' c" "l litf * 171011 SALH-71 norcs ill ! Hurt countr. Nob. , JL1 under cultivation ! fjyuo toHwcdlsh Meth od IU church nt Oaluind Mob , Apply to Joliann Nid.Hon. 721 .S. Ig iat. KM jr Sl'ECIAIj lUrgnlns-y/flioii / | p < , 8 , 9 ami 10 roomseaohprlcp5 r > 'lo (1,503 , In Kouutze I'laco , all modern ; I.W3 cash. KB per month for2yoi M. 140 per month for8yn"m. H5 per month for 3 ye m. lUlance 7 yeirV time , 0 per cent InteregLtln all deferred pay ments. Also soinospIonflM honips In sntno ad dition to e.xchango for filriu lands und city It-room honso and full Itft on Wlrt St. , 10"Wo , tl NX ) cnsh , bnl. to suit , 8-room hou o and biun , lot rOxKK , near cor ner lllth and Uobstcr , to exchange for Kountro \Miohis u vacant lot worth from f 1.509 to 8VH ) , clear , to exchanco for nnolignnt homo In Ivountro place , worth tOKOO ? J. J. ( Jlbson. solo agent Kouutzo 1'lace , room O.CrolKhton block. 451 TTIOIlLKA bargain. 1'lno south front lot JJTOxl.'l lu Union square , J. D..Ittlc. . 1U4 M , V. Llfo. MII7 1J1OU SALE-I'or ! 1,700 cash Loton Lowe JL1 avenuu. between California and Hurt slrcoUf , Ufty feet eist front. T J , Sutcllffe. ail I'lrst antlonal H.mk building. SM-H * rr HOOM cottage , full lot , llanscom 1'laco , loastfrontandagrc.it bargain for a few days. Small cashpiymcnt nnd balance on long tlmo. 1' . K. Jlnrling , Ilarkor block. UCl TTIORSAI/E-At abarnaln , C0\120 on D.ivcii- J-port , near 17th , onn block from now post- office , verys heap , JJO.OuO ; noxl.B corner ! Mth and Kamiiiii.UO.uKl ; pony and plniutou , must hot-old at once , 1100. u L. Orecu. room 30 , Iliirkur block iM.'JJ es , ringlnc from tl,400 each ; 1100 to Jr > oo cash , lulanco monthly or tosult. If you vrint a house wo can arrange terms to suit. Kinunton & . Allen , 1CQ7 rnniaiiij - N 4 A MJ-footcist front loton Lo\vo nvenue.only J-- ? 1,300. fctrlngor A. 1'inuy , Douglas block. SlTi /"lOUSnit on Txiwo nvonuo , soulh anil east w front , only $ . ! , loo. On motor line , btrlnger A , Penny , Douglas block. SB T710UU good lots In Walnut Hill for S-.OOO J' cash. Stringer i Penny. Douglas block. SXB FAIIXAM st , A flno corner close to court hoilso. $ .00 per front foot. Stringer A , Penny , Douglas block. SK finest corner for rosldenco on rurnnm Jst. . Tor location , price nnd toruis npply to Stringer & I'enny. Douglas block. 'M. TNSIDK property to cost nOOO. will rent for JL fcSJO a month btrlnger i. Penny , Douglas block. ' ONE of the best loll In Ore-hard Hill , only $1,000. , Stringer & Penny , Douglas block. . 13 FOIt SALE Look at this ; Now7-rootn house on lot 111 block 5. linker plan1 , hpk'tidlcl vlevv.Mnith front , well , collar , biv window , itc. ; { JOO or moro oash. b-danceof $1 'JOO , S15 per month. Inquire of ovtnor , K. O. Morrltl , Cass and 41st sts 1U7 n : r Foil bAM/ Splendid opportunity U > getii be nit If ill now 10-room house lu ono of tbo finest locutions In Omaha , 2 blocks west of I/owe ave onC.issst. , high nnd slxhtly .ind on Kr.idc , full lot , city ivitcr , bath room , cistern , lower , bay window , porches double lloor , eel- hr , olc' . . all llnlshed In haul wood ntul hard oil and In llrst-ohss style ; 1101 or moro cash balance of 1,700 , 83.1 per month. Inquire of owner , E. 0 Merrill. Cass and list st- , FOIt SAI/H Dr Clnmbors' ro ldcuco and bun. cor.IGthnndllurdelt ; 10-rooinhouse , furnace , pas , son or , range and all conve niences. Him 4CO ( , brick , fi IK > X stalls nnd II single stalls , with water , MMHT , pis. a rooms for help , etc. Host ( unripped bain In Omaha \Ltoilnuv or private' uso. 1) V. bholcs Co. , solo agents , 21.1 rirt-t Nat'l bunk. JKVlo ASMALLpaymentddwn and $15 per month vylll buy a 4-room lldiiRe mil lot on Ifitb , S blocks from motor ; flrst-cliss chance to ne- qulro.i homo on easy ( grins. Apply to II. E. Colo. Coiitlnent.il block. 6st INCOLX Plnco lots $ ! . ) to Jl iOO. Dexter L. Thomas. 024 FOIt SALE A farm adjoining Illalr , Neb , stocked , choap. II. ilcllrldc , Itlalr. 707 nil * BARGAIN" Choice lotln Itrlggs place , unln- cuinboiod , Jl.llK ) . Mirk.ctprlcoSJ.OOi ) . Need money. Addressed 1'rlce , 1833 California st , Homer. Col. LV > 7-o2l * T71OU SALE ChGip. Jon cisy tenns , a nlco JU cotlagoln Lowo's-Aild-uiind a,7irjx > m brick liou.so , with all modem , conveniences , on U'llh and Jackbonsts. UoonillChamber Commerce HOMES Sweet Ilomea Elegant Homes I am ofTcrlnK the best bargains In Omaha erIn In the world on West rarnnnistrcot.Hl\clogant/ houses , alldllTcrent , 6toO rooms furnace , hot and cold water , gas , BIS fixtures , bith , water closet , mantel , elegant brick cell irs , p.ived street and mortgage , J.IOO toKHX ) . or more c.ish , and biilnneo at 7 per cent to suit. D. V. bholos , ! 1 J First National bank. SOS TS7 AUG H Wostei field , real cstate.S.Onmha. IP YOU have anythln ? to seller exchange call at 013 1'axton block. IttO OU SALE An elegant now residence , 0 rooms , cherry and oik finish , largo stable nnd ov ory convenience for comfort ; locution , the best In tbo city , price low. Terms easy. D. J. O'Donahoc , 1W11'arnam st KSO MISOK till ANKO US. For rate * , etc. , tec top of fret column on this jvigt. rlOSboe Dealers When you pitronl/n mo J-you know tint I will not compete with you by lotalllnc rubber boots , bhocs , irctlcs. san dals , etc. I am not running t-welvo or flftttn retail shoo stoics under various names t sell at wholonilo only anil have no. Interest In nny retail store. I am western agent for the New Jersey rubber shoo compiny at Omaha , nud ovorj shoo denier knows there Is no better line of poods made. My Biles this j ear so far arc moro than double any other season up to this time. Send forprleo lists and discounts. Jcr- boysvvlll bo extensively advertised this sei- hon. / . T , LlndiOy. OH-nl ) s : mountings rcnlcldod at 1114 Doilgo st. 4J7-U * SI. JIOUIJISON has moved his plumbhiR shop to U13 N. IJIli , exposition milldlni ; nstlmntcson plumblnff and gns llttlnsRiven nnd Jobbing promptly attended to. MO K > * TTl'IIOLSTKBINO iuid mattr < > s > es rev U novatcd. U.l'otursou , 1130N 13lh M. Jl I1Q.21 * MASSAOEtrcitment.oleetro-thcrmal baths , scalp ami hair fro itinent , manlturo and chiropodist. Jlrs. 1'ost , K 20-21 , Wltbnell Wk. t-04 STOU.VOK. Ferrate * , ttc. , rrrtnj ) nf first tolumnmitMipage _ , STOKAOH See us before storliiR goods of any di'scrlptlon Omiha blovo Kopalr Works , law Douglas. Tel. DuU. HiXl rpRAOKAOB 8toniKOutlovvostra.tOj M JL linshiiiaii , 1311 Leavcnvortb. BJl QTOKAGE llranch & Co , 1211 Howard. STOKAOE lor merch.indlso and furniture , cold htorairo nnd fruuzlug ; trackage. David Cole , 813-817 Howard st MM rorinst , c. . K0 ( jiitr'/tit column on thfxpaa WANTED The acTcfrnss of Charles Todd. recently of Oraild MOtel orchustr.i. Jlac- Ulnae Island Ad ( Iron. Omaha K < M > , No. J17 Cliumbor of Commcriic , jChlcugo , 111. ALAPV fallltiR t" Iirocuro employment through liorowii c'llorls , desires anslstnuco ofhonoiablu middle nirud Kentlcmtin In ob- ulnlii ! ; same. Adarc'-u'iV'H5 Oumlng at. IW. A M. TRAVIS Urns returned to the citv. Anyone wishing to boo mo call at 000 h Will st. . _ . 'Wi-ia * rnrralc , itc , nc top of ftrit column nn [ lit * H . HE. Cole , rental afcf'nl.Contlnoutal blk , . bSl I .1STyour house" to mil or rent with 0 I' Jllarrlson. Ull N. Y. Life. ItW . . .v.- TO Uli.Vl. tFor ratm , etc. , tec top ( if tint column on Hits V\7E want 30 houses for customers , licnt V i t JO tui.Sper month , bmuaton > V Allun , 1C07 1'ariiiun fat. 6.jO--1i \VANTnU to rent-rurnlshed cottngo for > > theiwlnter or longer , not too fiiroutand well located. K. N , lliudluy , 13W I'-inian : . WANTS. For mtet , ttc. , tee top of column on this j o \\7ANTKI > Rooms for light bousoU-opIng TT with or without furniture ) give particu lars. Add res * H IB , llco. U'-1.1' ri O I.EAHK-A new , lln.t clnss roller crist- JL nillLW-barrel tinuolty. Address A , 11. Smith , Drawer J3 , Lincoln. Nob. 473-19 MONEY TO LOAN. formO * . ttc , , rte top o * yiirt ctdumn 011 thlt BAItOAIN Klecnnt house and lot In Ilans- com I'lnco. Hou o new nnd substantially butlUwlthnll motlcrnliiipruvoiiinntfl. A siMxilnl bargain If sold this neck. Hicks , N. Y. Llfo lllilldlng. 533 17 _ BEN 1' . Miirll , 7 yean with 1'rcd Mohle. lonns made on diamonds , watches Jcwolrv and articles of value. 1110 I'ltrimm > U tilBOU * C IIATTKIj loans , low rate , 1519 Fnrnnm st. 4M-nll Commercial Fcourltr l ian nud Trust t'o. wanttt Rood short tlmopipor : also can hnnillpnfpvv secured iiiortKii. ca. Koom .W7 , I'nxton block. M IsO-XJ _ \rONKYto loin by II. V Masters on chnttol 1'land collateral securities fornny tlmo from ono to six months tn any amount to suit bor- 1/ontismadoon household goods , pianos , or- patu , horses , mules , houses , lease" , vvatehoiiso receipts , oto. , nt tlio lowest possible rites without publicity or removal of property , Aly lo.ins aroRonrrancoil that you enn mnlto n payment of iinv nmount at nny tlmo and reduce both prlnclplo nud Interest. Ifyouovvo n bnl.inco on your properly or hive a loan you wish changed , I will piy It off and carry It for > on. If yju find It tnoro convenient , call up telcphono No. 1G"-1 unit your business can bo arrunci'd at home. Money ul ays on hand. No ilolny. No pub licity. Lowest rates. II P. Masters , Koom iWltlincll blk. , Nth und Hatney sts , T71AIIM Loans Star Land ft Loan Co. JJ 114X1 0 111 ATtnij bank. .110 S. 15th St. . loins money 'on ' cbattolsor eollator.il nt rcasoiriblo r itea HOI TjjIIKST tsecond tnortKiios ? on vacant A. Im- JL1 proicd city prop County uarruntH lioneht Money on htuiJ.F SI. Ulchardson.SlJ.N.V. I.Ifo. I'A' 30. GO or DO dnys on furniture , tino" , liorsoshouscs.etu. J. J. Wilkinson' 013 iViton block. UJO TTNUSUALIA * low rates Uof Intoroston first mortgages oflmnrovod roil estate for the novtlXI dnjsby the Kiinsas < jtv | InvestmintCo Koom : j , Hoard of Tradu , J , II. _ > en < > c , ni intiBcr. 000 ] \r \ ONIA * tolo.m on any security for short tlniontlovr rates Lowest rites on pcrsonnllnropcrty The Henderson MortRogo Investment Com pany , room 400 , I'-ixtonhlk. 910 JUILDINO loans mndo at lowest rates W ) J1 , Harris , room SO , Trcuzi-r blk , , opp P O 0HEAP eastern money 1'hlladolphla Mortgigo and Trust Co. . always ready to lo in and pay promptly ; first mortgages wanted Georco W. 1' . Coates ro rcscntatlve , room ? board of trade U12 jnutate Loans C'ish on hand. Glebe . Loan & Trust Co.IWTS. 10th St. . No dohiy , no extra charges. Houses for rent , good list. . . Gn..vasi . Inc.lond money on farms In choice coun ties of iNobr.isUn and lownj also on good Omaha residence , property ; lowest rates ; best terms ; no delay ; money ready. Titles and Milues passed on here fill KEYSTONE MortsiiRO Co.-Lo-.ns of ilO to JI.OOO ; get our rates before borrowing and s.ivomonevjlo ins on horses , fitrnltnro or any approved scciulty without publicity : notes bouulit , fornowloi"cnovviilof old nnd low est rates , cull H. 203 cely blk.ir ti ! < S.lIowiid. ! 915 " \I7"ANTEP 1'lrst clnss Inside-loans. Lowest rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest ment Co , 1. > OI rarnati' . Din EASTERN money to loin on rlty pronnrty ; mottgngcpapcrbought. 11 .IioyN.\.I < lfe 017 /"IHATTIUj loans at lowest rates Removed \Jlo 031. N. Y. Life , bldg. J. H. Emiulngor ITUI.ST mortcnRO loans on Improved and un- J-1 Improved property. Charles W. Hulney.JlJ Omaha National bink building b8j MONEY Joined nt iow rates on futnlturc , horses , ic. , without publicity , llawlteyo huestmcntCo , X ) Douglas blk.lOth and Dodge BUILDING lonns , Oto7 per centno addl- tlonil oh irRciifor commission ornttornev's fees. W. II. Mclulc , Tlrst National bank bldg. EASTI.UN money to loan ; lowest rates ; no delay ; largo loans a specialty ; short time piper boupht. Omaha niorlgago Co , ground iloor.Chamberof Commerce. 021 TrONBY to lonn nt all times on desirable -I'JLlmprovcil property In Omaha. The money Is hero and them are 110 delays , as we cxamlnu the pioperty arid tltlo oui-solves. Dates , Smith A. Co. . 100rarnatn ! Bt. 350 oU / IHKAl' lo-ms on city property A. collections v/prompt attention. A O.iurbon.WJ N.Y. Life 440o 17 * BUSINESS OIANOES. For rates , etc. , eec ( op of flist ruliimn on tltti FORSAIjE Lease nntt furniture of aW - room hotel. Address J. S. Jordan , Council lllulls , In. MW-1S AltAKC ehanco A first-class restaurant forsale. Address It40 , lite. O.W 13 * 13AnTNl.Il With SOO , to help Mart business L that will double Investment before tlio holidays. Audiiss Itai , Hec 4 : > 7-Ul * FOUSATjK : i5 barrel full roller steam flour- Ing mill , now ninnlng and In complete order In northeastern Nebraska , will bear closest in\citlgutlon. Illnger & lUadley , tsi'J ' rnrnnm. 4I > 17 * n'OIlSAI.K Cheap , nnestablished clrincbusl- JL1 ness , centrally locited ; stock clean und now ; will Invoice about S1.500 ; goo < l renson for soiling. J. 1 > . Xlttle. 014 N. Y. Life. 11417 POIlSATiK J10000 choice stocK of Renoral niercliiindlsG mono of the best towns In Nebraska , 7" miles from Onnha. Tarty doing an excellent business , but has other business demanding his attention. Address I' K KM1S3 FOH8ALE At a bargain , ngood store house fitted up with shelves and counters , base ment 0 rooms for dwellln-r , Rood cistern nnd well , will sell or tr.ulo for u No. 1 stookof jrro- corlos. Address Ueol & Heel , 0. O. I ) , grocers , &SN.10th.Bt. ttt7 PINKoponltiB for dry poods store , Large corner room In brick block in county scat tow n within 80 miles of Omahawill bo v acatcU Nov. 1st. 1'ioscnt occnp.int having mido u fortnno In the dry good business. Dulldlir om bo rented or bought upon very fnvor.iblo forms. Address State IJatilc of Nnbr.islcu , fcov ard. Nob. 7jOo'i * > FOU BALE A dyeing establlshmont , ov ory- thine complete In a Iholy western town , or would tike nsa partner n man that under stands the business. Address. O Jl , Itee. WANTI-W TO BUV. For rates , cte. , tee fnp of flntcrjlumn on this page. WANTED To buy the complete f iirnlturo of hoven room house. Write with descrip tion and inlci toK.M. lleo. 4fiO-ir > * WANTED To buy Rood vacant land or un improved farms In eastern or central > e- brnska. Land must bo Rood nnd not more thun2M3 t n I If from Omaha Address , Btatlng full pirtlculars , Includlni ; price and amount of Incuinbrnnc. ' , 11U. McUcc , 200 Main St. , Council HlutTs , la. M 410-14 TOfAyrEn-Hoi-so and buggy. W.J.Pnul. _ IbOO riirnain OliAlllVOVANT. Forratet , rte. , teett > ) > of Jlnt rolnmii on this vaQ' KHb STliVKUURlilnic best successofany fort uno teller in the city , bho docs not deal In an ) fraud. Her terms uro tholowcst. 400 N. lot list , : id lloor. .MlUll' rASHAGK , Sladiun UoUfir , over UIOH. 13th L M-U7-N-2 * MHS NANNIE V. WAHIUN : , clairvoyant trance , Hpe.ik-liig , vvrlllm ; and rollnblu busings-medium,4ycars InUinaliu. 11UN. HJth , 1'K.NSIOX AOIJNCV. FnrratHt , tie , , sectop t'ftrt ' tolumn on tlilip 171 PENSIONS Tbo riltiKninn Pension Agency , 21 Frenznr bloak. Infiirmntlon free. 100J bliOHTHANU AXD TV'l'UXVlllXING. 7'orrufc * . tte. , rtctnp of frt column on 1/iu / jKi'js , BO , WllKIUiEIC. general stenographer and notary. Oe | < osltlotH nnd mint work u specialty. Tel. , iOOLHoom 1002 . V. Life l rpVrK\VIUTiit : . nil niakns.tiouEht , sold , ux- JUchanRid , runted , J. I" . Mc eath , 16)7 I'ar- nam uroct. 61)0 ) rpYl'B\CltITKIIS for n-nt or sale , t-tono - X r.ipbori supplies. J.l'.SUgcatliliX/7 rarniim. PATENT SOMCITOHS. Fur rnfM , ( ' < . fft top of first rotumn on thti PATENT lavtycrs A solicitors. O. AV Sues ft Co , llpabullcllng Omulm. 4 jours' uxperl- encaas examiner * In U.S. iiatontolllce. llranch olllco \Yushlngtoh , D. ( J , Consultation free. ron for rat ( , fie. , rte ( op ofjlrtt colitmn on IM j > age 1JIOK ItlINT llrlok wnrehomo , Iwo lorlM JhUlii ImMMiicut : lirilrmillaulovnton truck- gel best location In ilio city. A. U. I'onHI , KOUNI ) . 11AKI.N 111 Ily Mrs. Thomas Koncb , rlor - enco. Neb . red , spotted row , white on foro- lead , hind lugs nnd breast ) about 4 , v ears old. rpAKKN Ul'-ltoO ixnd whiternn-on 1'lcrro JL st , but oonlJlli uiul 41st HU 1V1U ( Iralioil- kl. ME071I IMXVMIllOlvKltS. l"nrTattt. tte. , tt > fop offtril fotttnili on this T711ti ! : ) MOIlliK lonns iiinnuy on dliitiioiiils JLvutolinJu ? clryete.y.r.cor.riiriiuiii , lllh 1'llOUIjAMATIOV. s. A Joint roioltlllon wni 4y tlioli'Ulslaturoof the Mate of Natirntlin Ht thatwonly-lliat section tliert-of , nnd approved Miircli 30111. A 1 > . iwt. vmposInB ivn nmcnil- tiioiit to section two I" ] four [ 41 und live [ ' > ] at Artlclohlx in ] of the const Itut Ion nf nnlil atftto nndtlintanuHcctloii as aiuunilod thull rend a * follows , to-wlt : beat Ion 1 Tlmt section two ( ! ) of nrtlcloutt ( U ) of the constitution of thontntoof Nobrnska bu ainonut'd so us to road it * ; follunn : "Hcotloni ! : TMo stiproino rourt slmll CDD- slstof fl > o ( t ) JudROH , innjorltyof whonisliill bunecossiry to formaquoritinorto pronounce u dccla Idii. It linlllia\oorltfliiiil jurlsdlctlun in cases relating to nm'iiue , civil casts In which tliostrvtoiliallbo u partr , mnnd.iiuas quo v * nrrnnto , lialic i corpui , and Btich nppol- late Jurisdiction ns tray bo prorldod by lu\r \ Sections : Tliat section four ( II of nrtlottxlx ( C.of ) the conttlt lit Ion of tliost aloof Nobrask.i , bo itnnntlud sous to read as follows : bccllonl : Tim JutlRos "f tlio Bitprenin court all boi'li'Ctcd by the electors of tlioslato at larjtr , and tliolr tprinsi of ofllco , except us lioreltmdur lirovldcil , slutll bo for a period of flvp(5)ycnrs ( ) " 8cotloii3 : Tint section flvo (5) ( ) of nrllcloilx ( Bof ) the constitution of the stito of Nobros- kn , bo nun-tided so at to rnil as follows- bcotlon&i "At thullrst Rnnvr.il olcotlonto bo liold In the ) far l Jl. nnd after the adop tion of this amendment , to thn constitution. tliirosli ill hotlcctcd thruo ( JI Jiulvis of the supreme court , ono of whom shall bo elected for the tnrm of ono (1) ( ) ycnr , ono fur the ti'rin of tlircoWyoanamlonu for thoturtnof ll > o (5) ( ) years , and nt each Kcnornl election thcro- nftor thcroslnll bo oluctid one Jud o of the supreme court for the term of ( IveO ) icars 1'rovlduil , thut the judges nf the siipruino. court \\lio4o terms liavo not expired nt thu tlmn of holding the coiu-ril election of 1991 , shall continue ) to hold their ofllro for there- mnliiilerof thetorm for which they weroro- poctl voly elected under thu present consti tution. " bectlonJ : Thatoaoh person votlnit In fa\or of thin nmcmlniont Miall ha\o written or printed upon his ballot the following : "For the proposed amendment to the consti tution relating to thu mtmuot of tuiiiromo juilics ' Thorcforo. I , John M Thayer , Qoiornorof the state of Nebraska , do hereby chenotlro Inucconlnnco with Rootlon ono (1) ( attlclo llf- tocti MR ) of the constitution , the provisions of thonot entltltdAn act , to provlclotho in in ner of proposlnit till : uiicmlmuits to the con stitution and subiiuttiUK the siiinu to the elec tors of the state. " Appro * ed Fehru try 13th , A 1) . 1S77. that bald proposed amendment will bo presented to the ( iualllle.il voters of the state tor approval or ruloctlon lit the comral election to bo held on thu 4th clay of Novem ber. A. D lst)0 ) In witness whereof I have hereunto sot my hand mid caused to bo it lilted the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done nt I/Imoln tills Stltlidny of July , A. II. Isoo , and the twen ty-fourth year of the stiit o. and of the Indo- ppiidpncn nf tin. United States the ouuhuu dred llfloonth. Ily the Governor , JOHN M. T1IAYEB. IlMIAMIN It. lSKAi 1 Secretary of State. Auauitid3m 1MCOOLA.M/V1 ION. WIIKIIFAS. A Joint resolution was adopted by the legislature of the state of Nebraska , at the twenty-first session theicof , and appro * ed Kebruary llth , A. 1) lftt-9 , proposing an amend ment to the constitution of siild state , und that said amendment shall rend as follows , to-wlt : Section 1 : That nt the general election to beheld on the Tuesday succeeding the first Mondu ) of November. A. O.lsW.thero shall by Bitmltttd to the electors of this st-ito for ap pro * nl orrojeotlonau amendment to the con stitution of thin state In words M follows : "The iiiunuf actiiTp , sale und keeping for snlo of intoileatlnitlhiuors as a bovetaio iirofor- over prohibited In this slate , and the legisla ture shill provide by law for the enforcement of thU provision. " And there shall also at a ild election bo separately xuumlttud to the electors of this state for tholr approval or re jection an amendment to the constitution of the state In words as. follows : "Thomanufac ture , ualo and keeping for sale of Intoxicating Illinois us n beverage shall bo licensed and legulntedbylaw. " hoc. Si At BIIO'I election , on the ballot of each elector voting for tli proposed amend ments to thoconalltutlon shull bo written or printed the words : 'Tor proposed nincnd- niLUt to the constitution , prohibiting the iiianuinuiuru , sain unu HUVPIMH < ur aaiu of Intoxicating liquors ns a beverage , " or Auilnst the proposed iimendinont to the constitution prohibiting the manufacture , Bile und keeping for salu of inturlcatlng liquors as ti bovongo " 1 horosh.ill ulsobe written or prlntoil on the billet of each elector voting for the proposed amendment to the constitution , the words : 'I or proposed amendment to the constitution Unit the manufacture. sIo and keeping ferule ulo of Intoxicating llquoisas a beverage In his Btite shall bo licensed und regulated bylaw , " or "AKaln t mid proposed atnend- nicnt to the constitution that the manufac ture , a do and kecpln.i for silo of Intoxicating liquors as a hoverape shull bo licensed and regulating by law. " See. Ji If either of the said proposed amendmentssh.ill bo approved by u mulorlty of the olcctora voting at the said election , then It shall consltuto section twenty-seven l.T ] of artlblo one [ Hot the constitution of this Therefore , I , John M. Thayer , Governor of thostnto of Nobnslcn , do hereby Kirn notlco In accordance with section one [ I ] artlolo [ 15 ] of the constitution and the provision * of tlio net entitled'an nit to provide the uuinnnr of proposing all amendments to the constitution unu submitting tbusamo to tbu electors of t ha state. " Approved Tobruary 13th , A. I ) . la77 , that said iiroposid amondniont will bo sub mitted to the qualified voters of till * st.ite for approvul or rejection at the qenornl election to be held on the 4th day of November , A. L ) . In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand , and c.iuso to bo utllxed the eroat Be.il of the state of Nebraska. Done ut Lincoln thlsSllth aay of July , A. 1) ) . IS'W.antl the 21th your of the state , and of the Independence of the United Elates the ono hundred ( If teentn. Uy the Gorernor. JOHN M. TUAYEB. BEVJAMIN U. OOVMIKUT , [ dbAt. . ] bi-crotiiry of State. August Id3m 1'KOCbAMA.TlON. WIIFPIFAB , A joint resolution wns adopted by tholoRlHlnturoof thostatoof Nebraska , at the twenty-Ural session tlitmof , nnd approved March JUth , A. D. 1649 , proposing nn amend ment to boctlon Thirteen (1 ( II of Artlolo blx (111 ( of the constitution ( if sild xtntoi that said section as amended slnll read as follows , to > wit : Section 1 : Thatspotlon thirteen (11) ( ) of artl- do. six (0) ( ) ofthocnnitltutlonot tlio.stuteof Ne braska bo amnnded HO an to road as follows : Section 1.1 ; ThoJudRoi of tliosuprcmucoiirt shall c.ieh rccolvo a salary of tblrty-tl vo hi-n- drod dollars < A5CO ) per inniini nn.l the Judges of the district court nhall rucolvo a Hillary of three thousind dollarriM,000)psr ( ) annum , and tin ) Hilary of each shall be pivnblo quarterly hcctlon'J : r.aoli person volltlK In favor of this amendment shall Imvo written or printed upon Ids bnllot the follovrliu : Tor I ho pioposcd amendment to tlmconstl * tullon , relalln , : to the 3 ilary o jtulKta of tbu siipromo und district court. " Therefore , I , John M. Thuycr. governor of. thoHtitoof Nebraska , do hereby Klvu notice In accordance with section ono [ I ] artlolo llf tcon [ 15 ] of the constitution , ami the pro < " ! slons of an not entitled : "An net to provide the manner of proposing nil amendments to tlio constitution and submlttltiK thn sunn to thnolectnrsof thostatc" Approved I'ebruary llth. A. O. 1877. that mid proposed nmeiid- mentwlll bo submitted to the qualified votcirn of tills state for approval or rojcotlon , lit thn Kener.il election to bo held on the 4th day ol November. A. U.1S1K ) . In wltiissswhortof I have horeiintosot mj IrnnC nnd caused to bo nfllxed the grcitsea of tlu state of Nebraska. Done nt Lincoln tbU ICth day of Jut v. A. I ) IS * ) , and tlio twen ty-fourth year of the state , and of tlio Inde pendence of the UnltoU Statethu ) oiiohun Ily the Qove'rnor. JOHN M. TH AVER. HKNJAMIN It. [ Srr.,1Secretary of Stato. Aucimt l(13m ( For Salt1 Hontls. $7,000 Water bonds city ( if Aurora , Hamil ton county , Neb , twenty ye irs. flvoyoiMop tlon. ( I per cent bcml-annunllv. January am July. N. V. J S UAS.siiI : , . o''dlltm Mayor. Aurtoa. THe following mafriago llrcusos were Is sued by Judge Shields yesterday ; Name and address. AKO I.IaniftA Mlnohnn , Oinalin . ' > I 1'iirllieiiu Alcorn , Iowa. . I Daniel C. IllcUrord , C'ouiicll IllniH ; . . 4' ' I Tbeouy Hwlug , Council llliitTtt . 4 "Not all Is gold that gllttor ? " h a tf uo sny Ing ; It Is equally true that all Isnot arsap.i rillu Hint Is EO labelled. If > ou would bu suroof tlio gcnulno article , ii.sk for Ai era SarsapariUn , und tiiKO no other. Health 1 too irt " 'ous ' to bo trilled with. RHILWHY TIMEGHRD ' t'llll AOII. lltMUTlNuroN Ay. I Arrttoi _ JJP > l loin atiilMmon ir < M > ( Oiualia. ( S ) p ni ( hlrniro Kxpnwi . . n.i. ' OUJ n ra P Ion m . . . . . . . .rhlcnico KipirH. . . . . . . . . CM p n 9 10 p ro' ' . . . . . . . .ClilcnKv ) Kxpreu . . , . . .I DM ) ra t.tOp m Uiliano U'tAl . . I O > a ra Learn .llimUNillO.V . .t MO lUVHU. ) AtrUwi"4 JOMaha I IVixit Ulhjinil\tii ) injilrp t _ | Om lin. _ Fof&am . . . , IH < ntpr l\r Ktfrt . . , . ' ( M p in 1015 am Dcnrcr KxnrcM . . . . . . . i Mi p m 640 p ni . . .t'elitpr Mslit SHiiross. , . 9M a ra 815 n m | I Inc.iln 1.0-ftl . . . . . | 1U J p m I * TPI 1 KTiX , 3T J , V ( ' . II. | Arrlrwi * Uiualin | IXpol IQlh nndMit on strottt I thnihit. PM am * . .KatmiuCUy Dnj l'.iirt < M . . UO p ra 841 pin K f Muni Kip rlit' l > Trim * flli n m lcavei 1 " " V.SloNTl'ACIHO. ' . Atrlwj Omaha. I luili anil Marcr Jlrooli Z 50 p m -TTTOTprlnml Myer. . . . , 005 p m 7 SO p ni 1'Aclllat iprrM 11 M p m 10 a ) a m IVnror Kiprons I J.5.S p til ( tU it til . .KniK-MCIIr Kxpri > s 11 a' , a m 10 li a m . hnlrilcMKxii ( pxupl riun I. , | l p n\ \ I-OAtn i ' riliOAUO , H l.A I'vOlHK , itriroi" Unmhn. P I' , ilrpni. loth nml Mjrcj ts ' Omivlin 4 (110 ( p in . . , Mcht KTprosi I100.V R m 1'UJnni ' , Ml.mtlc Kxprixi. I 6.1) p m I H ) pin ) \cUlbulD l.linlKvt ilOll it Hi i nvn j mOlJV iTl'V'.v I'AI fPlU Arrnrtfi * Umnhft ItlJ Hi-put , loth nml Murey Sts I Oinnli ' 7.IA n m T .Hlmix Cltt rnssonitor . i 4 JO p m1 t. 1'iul I'.iprt- " . < , . | | ) * "Lonvci I SIOiA' l'1'l i A I'ALlrlti i ArrlVo " " Oninln 1 jHnmt lithnnJWatntar Ht I Oinnlii. "n.KI put . . . st I'nul l.lnillivl I Oil nn { "Ii-nrei rprnrAiitiftNOU'l'IiNOWl'fcUN ' iSrrivoi' Omnln lU 1' iUi | ) t , 10th nml Mnrcr fts.l Onihn 815 n m , . . . 6.JU p m 410 pin. . . . . Vfitlbulo l.lmllol. CM a m 615 ji m Iowa Acc innioilatliinK ( > c. Sun ) 7l p ra DID p ml . . . . Kn'tern Hrpr. > < j p m 1 15 p ml , .Kn < ( ii torn | . .xpro i 8.IW K m lx > nri lOITiCMiiO , Miu , A HI1 1'AtiU Arnrui ) nmliii I I'jU'pot. loth jiml Mnrcj t < t Oiimlin. iS.00 pin' ' ( lilcnuo Kxprcsa . 1M > m 1''L' > p in . . ( lilcnt'ii Kxnre < I I..15. ) > ra FAIIVTOI I OMAllA.tSl TiDlaM | Atrivoi Oinnln. | U I' ilopilt , lOlh nmt Vlnrcy Sis | Omaliii HI p ni . M Umli million llnlF . li W | > in Arrlroi Otnnlia I loH | > tltli mil Wetiitor SM UUam' ( ' . liTnck iTOu Kxpnm. * " 6 a ) p tn 0 On in1 , llnstlnm Kip ( Kiindnj ) 5M p ra 610 | i niiWiiliuuAlilnculnl'nn | l.v.Miiiir > 10 3J a m &lUim | llrk A Norfolk ilx Similar ) KIM n MI Umui i c.rsr.T.M so i \rrlrdi Unmlin I JKipoJJSlh nml Wobilor SH I Oniiln 7 ( XI nml Hltiux City AreummiKtntloa ! (10.1 ( p in lOUpni .Sioux ( Itr liiro | nKx ( Sun. ) I SO | > m SCI ) p m' ' . M I'nul Limited . Urt m 6 15 11 ml IhncMft l' oiiicor ( Kr Sun ) I 8 li i in "l.cruoj f .MlSSDUlii i ArrUui ( nnnlin. I It ) | > ot l5tlij mrvVoblur _ ! < H ' Ouiilit ro7 nm' ' St I/ill ) A 1C C. hxpren i 4 5J p in Vl&pnil St 1/iuH A K. C. hxprc 1 It I ) n ni 'ixnrot I CIllfAUO. H 1 A I'XLiriU . ArrTroi Transfer I UiiUin lli' | > ot. Con nun Ilium iTrnnifcr cSOpuil . , . FTl l.t Kxjirc' 91i n m .I M ) sin I Atlnnlla Kxprrss. . . . tiK v m 600 | i in ! . . .Voillliulo I.llnlli'd 10'W n m LonTM .OIIttAdOA , NOliriltt US lMt Vrrlvei Irnniforl " Union l ppot rouncll JHuITi 'IrniKtcr ' "tMTTsTn , . . i hlrnxo Kxiiri'tn . 1.11) ) p m Ml ) pin . . . .Vc iH > iiIii l.liiillcHl ( l 3) ) n m 10.UO p m rn Klyor 200 p ra 1. p ni Allantlo Mull 7..VI n in n ffl pju Io n Aioiiininoilitlrin ( I'tr Mm ) f 10 p in „ lOiiirAdo , MIL , x d'r. ir"Ui Irnnnferl I'nlon Dmol Council MluH 'IrninfiT C'STpm ] . . .thlcngo Ktpn > . 'l 15 n ni 1 oU p m ( lilcaeo Krpret fill ) v m Lca 1 ICT73TJOB t < ' II I Arrlvm 1rnnierlUnion ( _ Depot fouiicll.lllnJt ITrnn-ifor intn n ml Kiinsns C\lj \ lny ) hxprim f. U p m IDUpni' ' Knn m ( "ItyNlulit K\pro < l , U n ra lrfuyo P OMAHA A HP lOUK Arruci 'lrnnirc-rlUnli _ > n IKipot , Couiiilt lllulti 51 0i \ ml . t l itilti i nnun llnll iuis p m iarnm reilUTAU ) MllUI/N 4 QL'INCT ' ArrRu Trnn < ( iT | Union Depot , Council Jllultn linniftr l ) 40 ft til . . . . Chicago Kxpn a 0 'J ) p in IDliOp n . . . Chlcnp ) ixpro a. . 9 to n ra 7 JO p m I region Inicnl II JO n in Tonfca I SldUVCin A. l'AIHtArrlroi" Trnmlcrl Union Depot Council llliilli , lrnn ft'f 7.45 nTf 7slouirity Accommodntlon nil ) inn 0Hip in ! . . . BU I'aul Kxiirm _ . latMum _ _ 1 AU1KIC SU1IUIIHAN TUAINS. TN3TKUMENM pliooil on reoord Ucto- JL ber 13. VVAIIUANTV IlKhDS , 'rank I-linoro to A J I'otter. lot 11 , bile 51 , So Omaha . * 2,000 n l ; Knyi-tt and wife to I J Ilowell.lot : i.l > lk"K , s.iiinaiii A n . . . , i O L Hurt and wife to Holla MiCafio , lot M Hurl's hull In blk. ! . I'urlc IMiico 1 , " > ) J ! . K LocKwood mill linsband to JIUIIOH Kldstonc , lot 10 , bll < - . luiiollnii View Tcrrnce nnd lots .1 to S. hlk .17. llouson 2,0)0 ) ; OMondlmbcrnnd wlfo to Mary Ijams , lot 4 , 1)11'I ) , Olovord do TOO Omulm It H & . T Cole Mary Hams , lots Ute IT , bllv S , fcuunduis & II 3 Hlgli- lunil I'.irk 1,100 A Ostcrstrom and wlfo tnUtto Nel on , loin ] ! und 1) ) , blk I , bliiriiinn Av ontio l'.irU . . . . . . 1,100 John KuHot alto 1 rank lUiuoio , lot II , blU 51. bo Omaha 2,003 O I1. Hcnrovv nnd who to D I. K'nlnlit 4 l.li ft lot 4 , Cliollimin's udd In llydo I'irk. . 700 A I1 Tither ot ni to J 0 Green , lot 15 , blk T. Ullnlon Hill tDO I. 1' Weeks nnd wife to H M Wttbstur , ull ( if lot 7 , blk . . Orchard Hill soutbof ttittor line of private alloy 7,100 OIIIT ( I.AIM I1UKH3. Lewis Ilrush to.I M Mnrston otnl , s ' { of s'i ' of lot" . blK T , Milim's 1st luhl 1 riioinus lliirku to llunoJa Alien , und /J of lotsTnnilS , blk 7 , Kendall's add. . 1 S U Dnlrjmpln to J lines 1' Dillon , lot ! ! . .loesten'H snb . . .1 T A Mnrphv to Itallu Mi-Oabu , lotJ3 , IhifKbiih Inblk-.l'arl. IMuce I J Lltlcuand wife to. ) II Curtis lot Gand Hi , of lot ft. Andiuvvsllllnm > % T's sub 1 Total amount of transfers . 920,107 IIorsrord'H Acid riiosplinto For Indigestion. Dyspepsia , und diseases incident thereto. A HUNDUKD itii.'i.Mun.s. : NehriiRkn Cnn Accoiiimoilnto that Number ol'SuuJir Hcllni-i ICH. I'rosiacnt H. T Oxnard of tlio Grana Island beet augur factory , is nt tliol'axton. " \Vo are Just getting Into shape , " saitl Mr. Oxniml , "and In fovv days v\o will bo turn ing out 80,000 pounds of hi'liest ( cl.iss 10- llncil sugar dally \\lllboontlioinatliot hero in u fuw iluys. Itulll bo the s.uno ptlcu as other grnnulatod bu ai-s nndIllboJust like tlicm. "Tho Industry Is certain to IxjasucoMs , anil I expect to see Nebraska the greatest sugar producitiK st-ito In the union Tliero Is room In the state fora hundred factories nnd many of tbo cities are planning to build them. " \Vooinploy200monat Gr.uul Island anil will iIstributo3HK)0 ! ( ) , ( ) or moioto tlio farmers of the vicinity for besets. " The ISvnnlfllor HiiruiBH , Bio. , WJIIPPH. As n tonlo In upbuild hit ; the worn nnd debilitated S > stem , they bavo no c/juul Hud. Some of the omployos of Courtney , tliojro / - ccrnt Twenty-fifth nnd Davuiport Bttocts , found a llttlo boy In tbo store Sun day inornliitr , worUInt ? nt the till , Ho v.is iletalncd till the proprietor anlvcd when it was asi i tallied thatno wns thn son of rcspocublo parents icaidln lntlut vicinity. Ho WHS questioned nnd admitted thiit ho nncl aovcral other companions had previously brokc.'ii into Cutler's meat nmrket , but had not sccurtd any money Mr. Couitnoy contented himself with informing the puronti of the lads. _ _ _ lliilldlni ; J'uriinis. The following pjrniln were Isiuol by the suporintenduit of buildings jcstorday. llnuh McCnlTiny , two-Hlory lirlck stable , TltlrU-llrbt ami I'jiionvrorlbhtreoU. . 5,000 Tbrco minor permits . KZi Tot-l The now ofhcos of the proat Jlock Ihhtiul route , HW2 , Slxtoonlh ttnd Fnniuui btteots , Oinuhii , iii-o UioIInost in the city. Call and see thuni. TiokoU to ull poluU eiwt ut lowest ru to i