Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' ! ' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "
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JW the Board of Health Hopes to Stamp
Oat Diphtheria ,
Itnlofl Adopted for the Govern
ment of Physicians anil Oilier *
in Clinrno of A filleted
a The members of tlio bcnrd of health held u
Cpcvinl meeting at the flro and police cotnmU-
felon rooms yesterday morning.
t City 1'hyslclan Oapcn Informal the board
filial of the eight Inspectors nppolutcd , seven
Jad reported and been set to worn.
. The men will flrst canvass the city and as-
jfrcrtain the location of nil cases of diphtheria
pnd typhoid prevailing during September nod
October. They will vlilt , the houses , llnd out
( ho condition of the various cases and report
jo the city physician dally. In addition to
Jlbls they will report the sanitary condition of
, the premises.
I It wns decided to have 30,000 copies or the
rules of the board printed , 4,000 in German ,
$ ,000 , In Bohemian , . ' 1,00) ) in Scandinavian and
Jhe balance In English. Thi-so will bo loft
at the places visited.
The tallowing cases of diphtheria wcro re
torted jcstcrduy mornliitf : Twentieth street ,
fouth of Vinton ; Southeast corner of
Eighteenth nnd Costcllar : 1010 Chicago ; 1 HI )
J'lorcoi 70 * . ! North Twenty-eighth ; UU ! North
Txvttiity-siith ; 2120 South Sixteenth ;
Kortlicii-Ht corner of Fifteenth and
Lnthrop , Ontario and Seventeenth ; ! SUO
Hickory ; Ml North Thirty-second : 8104
Motile : Koartccnth street , between Pacific
nnu Williams ; iKOS Scwartl.
Ctilef Scavoy suited that ho hod given
Eorscmit , Graves authority to look into the
cuis.inco matter and had authorized him to
call ai many men as might bo needed to sco
tliut tlio ordinances were enforced ,
The inspectors appointed are J. W. How-
man , I ) . It. Stout , II. L. . Steward , 1 . Me-
LiuiKhlln.'W. , J. W. Holmes , J. II.
Trit ? , W. H. Plainer.
Tlio chief thought the men sent out should
liavecopicsof the ordinances pcrtiunlug to
the nubile health with them. The other
members were of the same opinion und 5,000
copies , of such ordinances wcro ordered
It was decided that the city physician
should order all premises quarantined when
men nrtionshull bo deemed advisable.
Chief Scavey stated that diphtheria had
been reported nt " 19 North Eleventh street
nnd at the northeast corner of fifteenth and
A lice streets.
That physicians may know the ordinances
With roierenco to contagious diseases , copies
of thn same will bo mailed to practitioners in
tlio city.
The next meeting of the board will be hold
at 10 o'clock Thursday morning.
The rules and regulations relating to con
tagious diseases ubovo referred to arc as fol
Tlio phrase "contagious disease" shall beheld
held to include all persona sick or nfilleted or
attacked by or of a disease of infectious ,
contagious or pestilential nature.
The diseases referred to in the Drccodinf
flection shall include cholera , yellow fever ,
typhus fever , typhoid favor , ccrebro-spinnl
meningitis , dipnlheria , scarlet fever , small
pox , tuberculosis , measles , whoopingcouirh ,
chicken-pox , croup , nnd. tiny otherdUciise
publicly declared by tlio board of health
aanRorous to public health.
It shall bo the duty ot every person know-
IIIR of nny Individual in said city sick of any
contagious disease , nnd of any physician
healing of such sick person whom ho has
reason to think requires the attention of the
boaid of health to at once report the facts to
the secretary of the said board of health In
regard to the disease , condition md dwelling
plucoof such sick person. And no person
hall Interfere with or obstruct the entrance ,
Inspection or examination of any buildings
or bouse by any Inspector or ofllcer of tbo
board of health wlicn there has been reported
a case of contagious dlseuso therein.
"Whenever there Is a case of smallpox , diph
theria , scarlet fever or membranous croup in
any house , the secretary of tbo board of health
shall cuuso to bo placed upon such house u
card bearing thonamo of thodlscaso there ex-
Istinp , and such card shall not bo removed , ex
cept by yormisilon of the secretary of said
Upon tlio death of any person affected or
sick with nny disease named or provided for
In section 2 of these regulations , the following
precautions must bo observed : Tbo remains
of saiu person mustbo thoroughly disinfected
and exposed to the view of no ono except
those absolutely necessary in preparing the
body for burial , nnd bo placed In a hcarso
but in no other vehicle ) , which must not bo
accompanied by more than two vehicles , and
shall bo Ukeii to tno place of burial.
Where funeral obsequies ore desired In any
death from any contagious or Infectious dis
ease , the secretary of tlio board of health shall
Kraut a permit for the same , subject to the
f following conditions : That the body beplacca
n In ( ynetallio casket , which shall be hcrmeti-
' " cally scaled at once and shall not bo opened
afterwards ; that the room containing the
same shall bo fumigated with sulphur for nt
least six hours before the funeral takes place
nnd disinfected with approved disinfectants ,
fiuch us arc not injurious to furniture or wear
ing apparel. That this shall bo done under
the personal supervision of un oftlccr of the
board of health , who shall bo detailed for that
[ lurposo by the secretary of tbo board of
he'I'luit nnd whosu directions shall boobcvod.
'I'luit upon the death or convalescence of
nny pei-sou affected or sick with nny of the
diseases named or provided for In section 2 of
this ordinance , the rooms used by anil thcso
In tlio immediate vicinity of said person or
persons , together with the contents of said
room , shall bo thoroughly disinfected ,
cleansed and fuinlugitcd and such other precaution -
caution taken as that the city physician may
deem necessary In order to prevent thesnreaii
of the disease , oven in uxtrcmo cases of de
stroying the contents of said rooms. Tills to
bo done at the expense of ttio owner if ho or
she is ablu and when not , then at the expense
Of the city.
That no person quarantined shall bo al
lowed to leave such quarantine without the
permission of the city phjsicinn.
That no child , minor or person from any
liouso whore nny person or persons are sicker
or affected with any of the diseases named
shall attend any public , privnto or sectarian
school in this city until the recovery or death
of suid sick pcn > on or persons , and until the
house has been properly fumigated nnd dlsln-
No person living In a. liouso whore there is
scarlet fever shall attend school until ftvo
weeks from the bcginnlisRof the last case and
until the house has been properly fumigated
and disinfected.
No pcisou living In n house where there Is
a case of diphtheria shall bo permitted to at
tend school until ono week after the recovery
of the patient , nnd until the house has been
properly fumigated and disinfected.
No persons with measles , weeping conch.
Plumps or chicken pox shall attend school
Until complete recovery.
A ccrtitlcato fi-om the attending physician
stating that the required tluie has elumeU
and that the fumigation , cleansing und disin
fection 1ms been properly done must bo re
quired by the teacher before the persons re-
xerrcd to in the foregoing sections shall bo
admitted to school.
A fact that all men with ( tray aud manj
Bhadcd whiskers should know : that Duck
Inghaiu Dye always colors un even brown or
black at will.
TlioFlylnc Mall VIUIH.
Postmaster Gallagher stated that the fas
driving of the mall wagons over the viaduc
\ras by his order , so that a test case might bo
ciiulo lu order to decide the right of the city
to stop it.
As the contract between the dopartraen
nnd the owners of the mnll wngons now
etand * , the latter are given just time enough
to reach the depot on 11 smart trot , and it was
necessary to have some good grounds 01
which to base a request for aa extension o
that time.
This request must bo made to the depart
ment at Washington und is something ever
uhlch the local ottlco hai 110 control.
Through coaches Pullman palace
lloopors , dining earn , free reclining chair
cars to Chicago nnd intervening point
Via tlio grout Rook Island route. Tlcko
Olllco 1G02 , Sixteenth and Furnam.
Tlicy AVniit Utah Admitted m a Stnto
to HIiow Tliclr I'owcr.
Judge L. T. Edholm of Morgan City , Utah ,
onnerly a prominent member of the Mor-
non church , is visiting his son lien ] a tula at
"ftjfl Charles street.
Judge Edholra has resided in Utah during
lie past twenty-nine years nnd U familiar
with o very phase of Mormonlsm. Whllo In
conversation yesterday the gentleman talked
reclyof his experience with the church nnd
ils llfo among HrlRham Young's faithful.
"I renounced the Mormon faith twenty
years ago. " observed the gentleman , "when
ho church was n power in the territory , The
OM of the cause since that time can
carcely bo .estimated except by those
vhowere affected by the change.
Pho power of the church Is threatened more
jy the Inability of the leaders to continue
ho collection of tithes , & .i of old , than by the
rigid measures ndoptcu by the government
against tlo practice of polygamy. Twenty
ears ago the failure to contribute one-tenth
of one's income was Instantly rebuked with
expulsion from the church. 3Jut tlio COM-
inual diverting of the people's moan * into
his channel Impoverished the masses to such
a dcprco that the faithful grew to fear the
vratu of the church less than grim want
"Uho organi/atiou of the church was no
xjrfcct that the exact Income of oil its mem-
Kjrs was known , The system by which this
condition was nscertalncd is similar to the
nt-ans used by the government
in collecting taxes , with the pos
sible exception of the manner In which the
agents of the church pried into all family
matters , however sacred , with nvlcw of per
mitting no source ? of revenue to escape. The
dissatisfaction Increased when it was noticed
that the luiuicdlato olliccrs of the church
{ row immensely wealthy while the masses
jecamo poor.
"Tho reports In circulation concerning the
mention of the church to remove lu mem
bers to some other country , where they can
jractlco the teachings of their religion with
out the Interference of civil authorities , Is
scarcely to bo credited. Gentile government
s , of course , repugnant to Mormon leaders ,
jut they hope to secure things more to
tnelr llkliift when tbo territory is
admitted Into the union. Then they hope to
elect state oftlcials in nccord with their ideas
mil bo enabled to practice the teachings of
the church as of old.
"Tho announcement of "President Woodruff
recently published , to the effect that the
church had abolished polygamy nnd advising
the members to observe the law , I have every
reason in the world tobeliovo Is false. While
the president publlsncd this notice to tbo
world in language not to be misconstrued , it
means altogether n different thing to the
faithful members of the church. Polvgamy is
and xvlll continue to bo sanctioned
by the church In secret. This
announcement is made with a
view of securing early admittance as a state ,
and then by supporting oitner political party
from which favors can bo gained in the In
terest of the church , tbo Mormons expect to
prosper as their prophets have predicted.
"The recruits to the faith at present are
received from the south and from Europe.
Asa rule , these now members are densely
Ignorant ana have no conception of the true
object for which they nro brought to Utah ,
This is ono of the deplorable features of the
situation. The coming generation of Mor
mons Is much more liberal on
the subject of polygamy than the
past , and if the practice is
over completely abolished by the church it
may bo accredited to this Influence.
"I knew Brighnm Youngquito well during
his lifetime nnd my observation is that ho
had more love for the almighty dollar and bis
individual iu tores La that all of Mortnondom. "
Change of life , backache , monthly irrogu'
laritics , hot flashes are cured by Dr. Miles' '
Nervine. Free samples at Kuhn & Co. , 15th
and Douglas.
CrawforcTs Pirc.
Francis C. Grablo has returned from a trip
to Crawford , bringing -with him the charred
and blackened contents of the vault of the
SUto bank of that place , of which ho is vice
The bank building burned last -week in a
conflagration that swept off a largo portion of
tha business portion of Crawford , nnd
although the vault had been ordered built
according to the plan of a reputable archi
tect and stood after the fire without a cract ,
yet when opened all of the books and notes
taken for money loaned wcro found to bo un
decipherable hy the nnked eye. Whether
the microscope can bring nny results out of
the ashes remains to bo determined.
Mr. Grablo thinks their loss Is attributable
to the wooden shelving inside the vault nnd
to the intense heat produced by the burning
of the three carloads of hams , lard and Hour
in the basement of the wholesale grocery ad-
jolug their banking room. There was no
water in the town , nnd the vault kept getting
hotteu from the burning mass for twelve
hours after the buildings wcro consumed.
The money in the safe was blackened but its
value was not impaired. No other papers
wcro in the safe as the cashier -was iu the
habit of working at night after the safe was
locked with a time lock. The men whoso
notes were burned are coming forward
promptly and giving now ones , over f.30,000
having thus been replaced in two days after
the bank reopened.
Mr. Grablo suggests that Crawford's ex
perience ought to encourage all towns of nny
importance to adopt a system of waterworks.
Mr. I. A. Isaacs , dealer in printers' , book
binders' andelectrotvpers' machinery , 30 and
M Beckmnn street , New York , called upon
They art Asueinbllnc at tlio Grand
Ijodfto oCPythlnii * .
Tha grand ledge of Knights of Pythias will
meet this morning. Tbo sessions will
bo held in the largo hall in Masonlo block ,
comer of Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue -
nue , and will open at 10 a. m.
An address of welcome wilt bo delivered hy
Mayor Gushing with a response by ono ot the
visiting delegates.
There will bo about two hundred delegates
in attendance besides a largo number of in
terested members from nil over the statn.
The committee on credentials will Vave its
report ready for presentation in the
morning. This committee is composed
of J. W. Percival of Lincoln ; J. O. Uosg ,
Hellenic ; II. K. Gnpen. Sidney ; Carl Kra
mer , Columbus , and 0. K. Carrier. Omaha.
Several Important matters will coino up
for the consideration of the grand lodge , one
of the most important being the question of
adopting what is known 03 the "Ohio sys
tem" ot electing nil the ofilcers of the grand
lodge. Hy this system thu names of candi
dates for offices nro scat to each lodpo and
each pint chancellor is given the right to
vote. The result of the veto in each ledge Is
sent to the designated place nnd announced
when thu grand ledge meets. The latter
body has no voice in the election unless there
should bo a tie vote.
Another question for legislation will bo the
proposed extending the thuo for which the
grand keeper of records aud seal is elected ,
making It four years.
There Is also some talk of Incrcslng the
salary of the grand chancellor.
The session of the grand ledge will prob
ably continue three days.
The followiug are tno officers of the grand
ledge :
J. M. McFnrlandOmahagrand chancellor ;
M.H. Christie , Sterling , grand vice chancel
lor ; W. A. Howard , Hastings , grand prelate ;
C. G. "Alton , Alnsworth , grand master of ex
chequer ; H. M. Dushncll. .Lincoln , grand
keeper of records ana seal ; H. 11. Weber ,
Omaha , grand master-at-arms ; K.V. . Hojt ,
Long Pine , grand inner guard ; Jnmes H.
Green , liebrou , grand outside guard.
MV wiio nas ueen a suiierer lor some time
with pain In the back ; Salvation Oil -was
freely used and 1 am glad to say my wife to
day suffers no pain.
W. B. COUNCIL , Baltimore , Md.
In colds of great obstinacy and hacking
chronic coughs use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ,
the favorite.
Pacific Street Pcopleto Kxperlcnco Us
The paving on North Twenty-fourth street ,
nt a point south of Mandrson , was torn up
yesterday morning nnd travel on that
street car line was seriously inter
fered with. Several cars were
stalled , owing to the settling of the tracks ,
nnd the company will nt once put in a switch
track south of the torn up portion of the
street in order that the line may ho kept in
operation. This will temporarily shorten the
linn about half a mile.
The street railway company received
ofllcial notification yesterday of the action
of the council granting it permission to con
tinue work on the Pacific street extension of
the Sixteenth street line. Work on the ex
tension will bo pushed nnd the road will bo
in operation before snow flies. The
Sixteenth street sen-ice will bo di
vided nt Pnriflc nnd Twenty-ninth avenue
the cars running alternately to the present
terminus and over the now extension. It
will give a ten minute service south of that
The change that was to have gene into ef
fect 3-esterday , by which school children
could bo transferred to the cable from all
other lines in the city , in order to take them
to the high school , did not take place ,
owing to a mistake in the
printing of the transfer checks ,
which necessitates the printing of an entirely
new lot. This will be done as soon as possi
ble and the change" will probably bo made the
latter part of the week.
Superintendent Smith left Sunday evening
for Buffalo to attend the convention of the
American street railway association , This Is
ono of the strongest associations in the coun
try nnd represents an enormous amount of
capital. lie will be nbscnt about a week.
A Sore Throat or Couch , if suffered
to progress.oftcn results Iu an incurable throat
or lung trouble. "Brown's Bronchial Tro
ches" give instant relief.
Nnbhcil Him on Sight.
Detective Ellis made an important capture
yesterday. IIo arrested J. E. Bradley , a
professional thief , at thecorncr of Thirteenth
and . Douglas. Whoa searched at the
station the officers found on
him two flno diamond pins ,
an elegant gold watch. $30 In cash nnd a flno
ebony handled revolver bearing tbo name
"S. W. Brown. "
Bradley has just been released from jnllin
Kloux City , where ho was held for robbery.
The ofllcer saw him there last week and ap
prehended Win as soon as ho struck Omaha.
It is not known who owns the property
found on Bradley , but the pollco are satisfied
that It was stolen.
Whom Will They Support ?
The state central committee of the personal
rights' league moots in Lincoln this
evening , at which time It will bo decided
what candidates on the various
tickets will be endorsed by the league.
According to tha constitution of the league
its candidates will bo required to pledge
themselves as earnest antl-prohlbltionlsts ,
and nonowlllho supported who rcfuso to
pledge themselves.
The United States Mutual
Accident Association , .
A larger amount than was ever
paid in a whole year by any other mut
ual accident association doing business.
Its policies are cheaper at $15
per annum than those of any $12 mutual
accideat association would "be at $7.50
on basis of claims paid.
No other Accident Policies so
free frornrtechnicalities , so liberally con
strued in settlement of claims , as those
issued by the United States Mutual
Accident Association.
$100,000 , Emergency Fund deposited with the Atlantic
Trust Company of New York.
Over $2,000,000 , paid in losses since organization.
Nos. 320 , 322 and 324 Broadway , New York.
JAMES R. PITCHER , Secretary.
Cms. D. PEET , President.
Room W Bee Building , Omaha , Neb
8 REASONS. 1309
1 , Because we do as we advertise.
2 , Because \ve sell goods at lessthan the cost of material.
3 , Because -we guarantee a genuine tailol'-rnade suit at ready-made prices
4 , Because\ve , guarantee a perfect fit
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6. Because we give the purchaser more tnan he anticipates for'liis money
7. Because Xve have the confidence of the public.
8. Because we never allow a garment to be misrepresented.
< ? 70 cmtnm mmlc suit for J.12.50 $05 cnUontmndcorcrcoat for $ ; i2,0f ) JIG custom nindc pnnls for
cmloiu mmlo suit fur ; il.00 ) $00 custom nindc overcoat for. . . , $2S.iO ! $ ! * " custom iiimlc pnuls for.
custom made Milt fur $27.50 $50 customnmilcovcrcont for. . . . $ - ! ,50 custom made pnnts for
$50 custom mnilosuit fur $25.00 $15 ciisloninmQcorcrcont for. . , . $20.00 2 custom nindc pnnU for. . oo
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custom made suit for $18.50 $35 custom nmilc overcoat for. . . ,81-1.00 S custom inndo ] > nnts for $1.50 $
custom miulusiiit for $15.01) ) $28 custommndcovercoat for. . . . $12.25 7 custom madp pints for .ftJ. 75
Open eveniiig-s untilt > o'clock. Saturday evr.nings until 10 o'clock.
1309 Famam Street Omaha , Neb. 1309
Tlio MnsBciiclior Korincil to Foster It
in Omaha.
Tlio Omaha Masscncbor has , at longtli ,
been organized. It U composed of the Uer-
man singing societies of this city M follows :
The Concordla , the Licderkranz , the Jlen-
ncrchor , the Swiss gesangvercin , the
Turner ciuartctto and the vocal
organization of tbo I'luttJcutscbor
verein. At the meeting1 , Saturday
night , the committee on constitution ana by
laws reported n gathering of singers , number
ing about sixty. A fo\v unimportant changes
were made In the documents , after \voicb
they were adopted.
The orgnnlzatton proposes to meet once a
month , nad to rehcaso in unison under one di
rector , who will bo elected on next Tuesday
night , by the executive committee. This
committee is composed of two delegates
from each of the societies above named.
The association will also make arrange
ments for the grand sacnRcrfesfc of the No-
braslca saenRerhund which is to bo held in
this city in Juno of next year.
The olliccrs for the ensuing-year areas
follows :
Gco. Strntman of the Concord ia. president ;
J. Kopp , of the Liederltranz , vice-president ;
Otto Stein of thoTumarouartotte.secrctary ;
Henry Anderson of the 1'lattdeutscher
voroin. treasurer.
Sunday afternoon there was a moctincr
of the committees havinp in charge ttie Ute
German day festivity "lor the purpose of clos
ing up the affair. All the parties interested
were not prepared to report. An adjourn
ment was consequently taken till next Sun
day , when reports will be expected.
Pears' soap secures a beautiful complexion.
Clmrlcs L. Wnmlt to no Tried Tor It
on Weilnesflny.
Charles L. Wundt , the agent of the Paully
vault and jail company of St. Louis , arrived
in the city yesterday and will have his
trial In the district court on Wednesday on.
the charge of attempting to bribe Commis
sioners O'ICccffo and Mount , la connection ,
with enlarging and refitting the county jail
nnd district clerk's vault.
There are two Indictments against htm , the
first charging that ho attempted to bribe
Commissioner Mount by ofleriughlmopor
cent of the total cost of the Joh , tuo commis
sion amounting to 81,509.
The second indictment charges that " \Vundt
attempted to bribe Commissioner O'iCeoffo ' by
offering him the same amount as was offered
to Mount , and afterwards offering Mr.
O'lvceffo the sum of SSJO In money.
Jndgo Doano was engaged yesterday in
hearing the case of Barker Bros. vs. Chris
tiansen for f 190 alleged to bo duo as rent lor
the stern room on Sixteenth street on tlio
alley between Famam nnd Harnoy. This
case was tried at the last term of court , the
verdict set aside , anew trial boinp granted.
In Judge Clarkson's court Barney Smith
was placed on trial for shooting at Anton
Bornckor , a South Omaha saloon keeper , with
Intent to kill. The shooting occurred on
August 80 , at Bernokcr's hall , while a colored
clauco was In progress.
Tickets at lowest rates and superior
accommodations via the great Rock
Island route. Ticket otlleo , 1C02 Six
teenth nnd Farnum streets , Omaha
The Specialist ,
Iinnsurpusodln tlio treat-
luent of all forma ot 1'ltl-
liood. STUlcnUUK , or pnln
In relelTlns the tilnikler.
VriIIU3 cored In 30 to 50
iliT . fcklii Diseases , Cntnrrh
ana nil DUscain of tlio
lllnod. Heart anil 1.1 Tor. Fu-
mnlol > hen escuro < l without
ln trumenu or "local treat
ment. " Ijidles frum J to i
only. Wtlta for clrou-
InrsglTloK pnrtlcu Inr § about
cachofthB nboro OlBeiuoi ,
anil showlnx many ot tha
most lomnrkublo curet. Of-
Be , N. K. Cor. ItUi Mid Karnain SU , outrtneo on
elUiernlruet , Omabt Neb
Bpedflo for Hystortt , Uenrnlela7aJ
lulnen , Mental Iwpr63sionBortenliiif o ( tbo Drain ,
suiting In InB&nlw&iiil UicHnffto mtie
deAth. Prtfmaturo Old ABI. It&rrennc'ss. Low of Tower
In either fci. Involuntur/ Lone , ntl Sptrina torrbcEO
CAaitti br oYer-eiflrtlori 'or ' the tinxjn , peirbu < o or
over Indulgence. L h boTcomalnioneinontb'itreat.
merit glabor. or alx ( or 5 , tent lir nmlli.rfl . > nlit.
with each order ( Or li boxei , will rend purrbo5 w
Riiuanteo to refund raeseT , Htho ro lmnitlillj to
curt. Uurante l uHlaiHlKenuin i ttolduuljbr
1110 Furnam Street. - > Omaha. Neb ,
Llucu Cullam nnd Culls. ;
Correct Stjltt.
Beit Qualltj. Perfect Fitting
G. A. Lindquest
Merchant : - : Tailoring
builnpuftnd Inrtteshls old friends and
rons , aswoll as thonnriural pub ) Ui rail unit
InspeotblHiiowiitockof lniMrtoJ | led '
woolens. Everrthlnz first
ESTABLISH ED 187-t. 316 S. I5TH ST
* | l-mbyte true whod-somre men s&y ,
Seep olio.-
is e solid caK'e ofcourin
. ,
Cc'rn T
Tor many years SAPOLIO lias stood as the finest and
best article of this kind in the world. It knows no equal ,
and , although it costs a trifle more its durability makes it
outlast two cakes of cheap makes , It is therefore the
cheapest in the end. Any grocer will supply it at a
reasonable price.
Rich. Digestible. Stimulating. Nourishing.
Having a peculiarly delicious flavor a food and drink
combined at a half cent a cup and Jit for a Jrinct.
IIOUTKN'S COCOA , ( "onco tried , ixlvnyi. nicd ' ) nas laritnUdtnd
I tentcdnn < ] liniiide In llullnnd. It Is acknowledged by ths moil eminent doctors
end aml/sts thit bjrthe ii > ccim treatment Vi HonEN'B COCON. hat undtrconi , the
olublllty of tlio fleBli-furintOij c n ttiicut It liicreiiBod flftypet * cent * ,
while the wlioU of the ftbras are cottoned anil rendered moro palattUo anj dlceiliblo.
MT , rgiit sals la tb world. " AaV lor ViX lIorrEN'aimil tuke no otli r. CT
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Net ) .
. raedlcJns , . In itlllo.ittrlnir with
fevenlren rc r * experience. A. rcfulnnrndusteln ni tllplomniiliow.
hacrcntciliinccen nll.Ncrvoui.Clironlc anj l'rlv lertlso < oa. A porminontciironimrantjert forCatirrli
( perinntorrhirii. Unt Mnnhood , Seminal \Vo knos , Nlslit bo io , Inip.itoncy , Syplllts. Slrtoturo , anUl
tll8pa < u ofllio lllouil. skin and Urlnnrr Or ns. . 11. I irunrHntco K < Jlfiir ororr " I unlortaka nn.llil
tocurc. Consul'atlon Ires. Hook Cilj > ' . < -Tlsi or Ilfo ) sontrroc. OUlcalioun- to i p. in. SunUr
1U a DI. to 13 in.
Chronic , Nerroui , Illrvot nnil Snnclcal Dlicaioi nnl
Ulicaacs Ot the Era , K.v , Koil , Throat andChoit.
fcjpeolnl Attention to Disnnoo * ofVo
men anil Children.
Thn doctor" l > 8 had jr < * ari of oiptrlenco In th
hoipltnliof llrooklrn on ! No * Fork , and nrenmooi
thoraost luccoaiful anj wlUul/ known specialist ! to
To You tic nnil Mlddlc-Acod Men.
I/nt Manhood , S'onroui Debility. Sporimtjrrlinia ,
Seminal I-ossot , 1'lirnlcal l > e < ar. arUInu from tmlli.
crftkm. rroiiuclnj locplc sni'i ? , ( IciponHencr , pin-
plci on toe ftice , aronlon to loclotr , eiullydlscour *
fed , Inckof rontlilencodull , unlit forutudror buil-
ncn , and Und ! Ufa a burden , sarclf , porminomlr
anil ipeedllr cured.
Itlond nn < l Skin Diqrasei.
SrpliU'i , a tUwmo most dreadful In Iti roiulti ,
complete ! ; eradicated.
( Jenllo-Urlnnrjr Surirnry ,
Oononhr , Gleet. Stphltls , Hjrilmceln , Varlrocele ,
and Stricture , radically and lafaif cured wit-out
pain or detention from butlneis. All Beiu&l ! >
Jcrmltlei ntl Impedimenta to marriage uccoisfullr
All Hectal dlienoi afoly and permnnontlr curgl
Hours , n. m.till 8 p.m. fcotidnji , 10 tillII.
N. II. remoniunnbloto Tint UH mar bo Iron to I it
tbelr homes br correipondtnco. ile.llctneiandla >
( Iniotlnnmnnttir axproti. Consultation froo.
Bend IcenU liiBluuipi to Injure rcplr
1218 Fifteenth St. , Oppnilte Boyil's
Opem House , Omalm , Nob.
A POSITIVE mdpemianentCURE'orill '
IlietiiioTltn U R IN ARY O RG ANS7 Cure *
hereolhertreitmgntlills.fulTditctlonmllh Jch
bottle. Price , ono dollar. Sea signatured E , L ,
STAHL ForBaloByAII Druggists.
U.w * u.fiai.ll.HJj.
dlt TAIL.
13O2 Parnatn Straot.
City PaEaencror and Ticket
Corner OthanclHarney Streets , Omahx
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DR. A. T. MCLAUGHLIN , Trosidont
Founded by Dr. J. W. MoMcnaray ,
tVfltnltetunil ninmotuli Olyoti A.\v r
vrltli 'Jen nnd CWco-iV > 'ovelVnj '
of Introducing Rood * .
Tim mmosof nil persons receiving din-
nomltf. TOtolics. etc. , nro added to this
lutiliiilv. ITho Ovorlaiul tea company
of S : n Prim cisco linvo rented the store ,
.SQJt''Xtto Ilellinim's clothing
louse , nntl In order to Intnxiuco thclt *
poods this compnny will present for sixty
lavs souvenirs wltn every can of Ion miil
coifoo sold , such as solid pold , silver anil
lickol witclios , nlso genuine diamonds
in solid RoUlsotUnpj , silver tnUowuro ,
ilso money nml many other articles of
Lew value , livery pmvluisor will rccolvo
a souvenir. The t'ofleo , caiinnil content *
wclffli about three pounds , the tea , eim
and contents weigh about ono anJ n Imlf
pounds , This oxnoiiHivo ami novel vray
of lulvtirllsiuff will bo discontinued rxltor
sixty days anil tlioso really choioo jjooils
will bofold strictly on their merits , but
without the souvenir. Of couiso o very
piirchiKer must not expect to gel n. dlu-
moiul or milch. This company claim
tlmttlioy hnvo hist asgood n rlprht to
glvo uvrny vatc-pca , diamond ? or jowclry
nml money ns their competitors auvo to
glvo avny gloss wire , chromes , do. ( ! ot
ujiaclub. Thee who jrot up a club
order most always pet a hnnclsumo pres
ent. Onlcnby umll prouiptly forwuiilod
to nil parts of the Utiltod Stutos on re
ceipt of fash or yostotlleo ordor. Tonna :
Sliifjlocan , } ! ; yilx for $ o ; thirti'on for
S10 , and twonty-seven for SIM. Address
Overhuul Tea com tuny , Omnlui , ICcb.
Slnre open from 8 o clock n , in. ti ' >
o'clocltp * ui.aaclSnturdnystlll lOo'cloclc
TI. in. Now open.
L. Ilitiifon. So. IStlist. , dliinioutl rliifr
intonlUllborn ; , So. lUth si. , silver
fl\o-bottlo \ castor ; N. J. L.irson , lotli at. ,
silver Rika stand ; \V. II. Viuinoy , l'ot > -
tea ; b'lintiy ShornumN. i2Uth s-t. . silver
cake stand , mul Oscar Lemons , So. lOlli
st , , combination diamond nnd sapphire
ring in ton ; W. Markloy , Tort Omaha ,
silver cuke stand ; B. 1' . Flood ISth avo. ,
dliiiiioiid ring in tea" , Jonnlo Wol-
\YnlniitlLIll , S10.00 In gold coin i n
tea ; Fritz Fisher , Klin st , , nilvor llvo-
Twttlo carter ; " \V , K. King , Chicago st. ,
silver Hilcostnxiil ; Mrs. John Kponctor ,
" \Vnlnut \ Illll , uttind sugar liowl ;
lllla Ilajdon , Capitol me. , diamond
mend ring anil silver sugar bowl ;
llunry Harry , Clark st. , $20 iti gold coin
ill tori ; Emma Tinloy , N. liithsU , silver
caster ; Usittlo Driof usi , Cass st. , silver
su ar bowl ; Mrs , \ \ . Schwnrwlck , llnin-
ilton st. , dlnmond ling In tea ; C , K.
" \Vnlters \ , Council BlulTs , dlnmond sing1 in
Ion ; Jlr . .1. Frank , Howard st. , sllvor
sugar bowl ; Mrs. C'ook , Council Blulta ,
diamond ring in tea ; Dr. J. W.
Sioverling , diamond ting iu tea ;
I'.lla Hobertson , coin silver clmt-
telalno watch in tea ; ( 'larenco 1'ot-
Icr , Shorinan avo. , silver sugar bowl ;
J. I. Klgin , S. 22 < 1 si. , diamoni * ring1 in
tea ; Mrs. I'ilvO ' , S. 17th St. , silver sugar
bo\vlJ. II. Hoist , S , Omaha , dinmond
riiiRIn tea ; Louisa Ctwdis , Council
lllulT SoOlii gold coin in tcaldw ; ! Mc-
NullysItli Adams ox press , silver fivo-
bottlocastor ; Vf..nng , S. lath , silver
li\c-l ttlocaster ; Iw. L. 1) ) . Flwliii ,
Iznrdst. , silver cold-lined cuji ; C. Pit -
gcrald , Council Bluffo , diamond ri.ii ? in
tea ; Thos. Hollran , Cull lorn last. , savor
flvo-ljottlociister ; S.J.Vnrron , S. lOUi
st. , gents'him tin pr case gold watch In
tea ; L. B. Ilooton , S. 4tli st. ,
diamond ringin tea ; H. Miller , S. 12lh
st. , soltairo diamond shirt stud in tea ;
II LarsonSouth Omaha , silver castor ;
John Gordon , Davenport St. , sllvercako
stand ; Hugh j\vori' , mnll order , Lin
coln , Ncli. , $20 in gold coin in tea ;
William II. Kirkondahl , Mnjflold add ,
sllvor coster ISlrs. M. A. Younj , South
Omaha , Hilroi * sugar bowl ; Tcna Aniloi--
son , Oak st. , silver cake stand ; Mrs. .T
I'fiist , South Omaha , silver sugar bowl ;
AloxGranllcy , S. 21st , cluster diamond
ringin tea ; 1-Juby lliiwser , mail order ,
Missouri Valley , la. , $1O In. gold coin ;
Fred \Viiijnor , So. 30th st. , silver
buttcnlisliG. ; Hloombcrg , N. 31st u\.e ,
silver butterdish ; Thomas Shan , Bun-
croft st. , sllvor butterdish ; Jacob Lut-/ ,
S. 20th , diamond riiiKin tea ; 3Ionry
GrUlln , California at. , $50in gold coin in
tea ; J. Rondis , S. lath , silver gold-lined
cup ; Mrs. S. TJ. Maillson , Tabor. Ia. , sil-
\or pickle stand ; \ V.II.Velcli \ , Missouri
Valley , Ia. , silver fivo-boLtlo castor ;
Joh n MoCllntock , Doilgost. . silver suffer
bowl ; Wullor Stoinmotz , S. Wth. ilia-
mend riiig in tea ; Mrs. llrixxi , So.
20th , silver sugar bovl ; Alex
Kdhoff , S. 19th St. , gents' hunt
ing case gold watch , in tea ; Kiln
Simpson , mull order , Nobrasku City ,
hunting case gold , wntch and diamond
rinpin null club order ; Mrs. Anton ia
IToulh , ] 0th , plain silver , llve-bottlo
caster ; George Gerard , Sovitli Omaha ,
silver carter ; ilrs. 11. AI. Hponcor , Coun
cil DlulTs , silver pickle stand ; T. C ,
nollFarnam St. , diamond ring in tea ;
J. .T. Minick , S. ISthsU , gont's hunting
case gold watch in tea ; .Tames I'otor-
son.S. 19lh st , silver gold lined cuji ;
JuliaMannortS. 13th M. , S10 in gold
coin In tea ; Mrs. General Dennis , llodgo
st. , silver butter dish ; Henry rotors ,
Park Forrest , silver , live-bottlo castc-r ;
I'otcT I'ctortion , Uurt st. . liuttor dish ;
Mrs. . McKonxio , Lnlco M. , silver pickle
bland ; Mrs. Xellio HangsW , moreNo , ! ) . ,
mail order , diamond ring in tea ; It. L.
Wilson , rariiam stS-0 gold coin in tea ;
Mrs. K. Hiclts , Mlllorton , Nob. , silver
fiugar bowl ; G.V. . Kctchnm , IWd and
\Vulnut , bilror flvo-bottio castor ;
Olias. A. Sunimor , Hllvcr pickle stand ;
M rs. T. 1' . * Black , Ponder , Nub. , silver
gold-lined cup.T. ; Schneider , mall or
der , Millnrd , Neb , , solid gold chased
band ring ; J. W. Munti , l.'Jtli and Far-
nani , wllver pickle stand ; A. A. Harnoy st. , diamond
ring ; Mamio Kasnick , * S. 4th ,
silver cake eland ; M us C. Parser , St ,
Mary's nvo. , solid gold band rhifflii tea ;
S. H. Sanhon , S. Omaha , cluster diamond
mend ring in tea ; A. N , Lanon , Council
Blurts , fjcnt'rt hunting case gold watch In
tea ; Mrs. Julius l-'ostnor , S. 37lh st. ,
dinmond ring and siMer plcklo stand
In tea ; .Mrs. II. Bnrbaclc , N. ll'li st. , hil-
vorcukoBttind ; PeiryVilliuiaH.Walnut \
Hill , Killer ilvo-bottlo castor ; MM. An-
dreir Jakloy , Clark Bt. , silver ilvo-bottlo
caster ; Mrs. nail , t'uimnjj at. , Hllvor
] ) ickle stand ; Kmil Peterson , N. IStli ,
diamond ring in tea ; Annlo Claris ,
Mrs. Hugh Lngaii.uiail order , Seward ,
JCoh. , silver gold-lined goblet In tea ;
Mrs. D. L. IIolTman , mall order , Vull ,
la. , diamond rin In to ; Krnost Evcrs ,
Council HlulTs , silver fivo-hottlncaster.
C.V. . IBuol , Leavotiwoith St. , dlnmond
ring , castor and silver * old-linod eui ) ;
ICdwurdTroinblay , South Otnulia , $10 $
in gold coin ; Mrn. J , Btilluy , Walnut
Hill , silver Iwtter dish ; F.V. . Jtoilp , S.
12th St. , silver fivo-boltlo carter ; Mrs.
W. KlumotVnlioo , Nob. , mall order ,
diamond ring in tea ; MNs C , Hauks , Ko-
braska City , dilvercakoHtand ; Mrs. .Folia
TtcitS. . 14th , Kllvur five-hottlofiiator ;
D. Wolloy , S. 19thHt.oloKant ullver tea
service lli\o nieces ) with tea ; A.
Tlau , J/iavcnworth fct. , silver sugar
bowl : S , NT. Hank , mull ordor. Llnonln ,
Neb. , { jcnt.H'huntintr ca o gold wutcli In
tea ; Charles Sherman , Nicholas Ht. , sil
ver butter dish ; MPB. M. Oil kins , flnst-
ings. Neb. , silver ) > lclilo stand ; Koda
Pliolpn , California Ht. , coin silverchiito-
laluo watch in tea ; Chris Kuohl , 7tU and
IJancrotl , silver flvo Ixittlo caster ; ( ice
Ij. Donnlrf , H , liOth , silver [ ileklo stnud
Charles St. , coin silver cliatchilno
watch In tea ; II , 12 , White. 31th und
Parkorsilver cake stand ; F. SVIlliniiH ,
DeciiUir t..diamond ringIn ton ; MI-H.
J W. Vaughn , PaulHt.,8llv rlult'r
dish ; .1. B. Komiwtor , Franklin st. , Kll-
vor butter dish ; II. A. IJraUiMinil or
der , Kcarnoy , Nob. , $1U in gold coin.