I THE OMAHA DAILY J3E15 : TUESDAY , OCTOBER 14 , 1890. fin' tiarTiit fr-nm 11 1 "iilf fTP IE hPECOLAllU MEETS , What Activt ) and Strong with Advances Orcr Saturday's ' Price ? . A NARHOW TRADE IN CORN ALL DAY , HiiHliiCHH In Oats nt I'roviHlons Slov An- oilier Jl.iy of I > I < nppolntmeiit mil Saw I'ricvfl iti .Stocjks. OiiCAflo. Ocl. in.-Pi | ) l.il TclOKrim toTiiK llit.1 Only tlioso Mhoujportid a soft market In tthciitiiro dlianpolntul. 7lio lowest price uf the < liy tiiito I o'clock wis 'ic t vet the clove Saturday , anil the advance up tothat hour wmeloioto Ic , wlthDecenibersollliitr at tl.W'J ' nml May nt H.OOS. Tno l ° w iljiires wire toiiehed just after the op 'iiliiK. ivlieri IJiccmljtr noli ! a til. 02 , off toH.Ut'i.iiml.May ii.tll.ix ; > ! , to IOO. The first rally \ > iu to 11.02'i forDoccmnorat llo'elock , anil il.Oij'i ' forMny. Krotn tlill tlirro vns u second Blljht iltpres- hlon to { 1.02 for Dooeinbir anil tl.OC'i ' for.May. Tlic Tally to tin * hist prices quoted was short ly before 1 o'cloi'k.wbcn llio market sliowud tlio most aetlUty ot tlio sesilon. This , too , was after tlmilsllilo supply report MIS posted , slmwluit nn Inerinso ot CWO.OOO bushels era a km t iloublv tliu laptihr estimate , nltli'iir-sli tlic Increase a yonr aso wail.OOO.OX ) l u < licls. I IIRO HCIIIH In tlio Inrreuso woio thoViT.,000 bmlH'lsat llntraloainlC.M,0'JObiisliels atMln- nenpolM. Six pi linnry markets sliowoda do- oicisoof nenrly OW,000 bushels. Theyweic : U'oledo'in'l.ccO : > iw Yoru ! ! K > .000aiiil , lliltl- more , W.COO. . Hulll'ili ' points were lighter ro- eilpts In the imitliWi'M tlian tli ostliu.ito . JMInniMipolls 710 cars , Huliitli 270 ears , later rnNed t 'Ml can. intiklni ? n little overl.OOO cam at the two inside tHiprevnllliiKlioavyialin olei tliu noitliwost , eansliiK a uspeiiloii of tlnushliiK and country thlpUliiK ! tbo clhposl. tlou of Xow Voile anil the northwest ti ) buy litre on bleaks ; llio csllmatu of xnrjilils In tJallfornla of Ill.r 'i0,000 bushels wbcro former Inures ern S0.r01,000. Thu lehUni report , KMiiK lii'i Lnsluls to tliu aero and atoLsil i'lcld ' of 2i.W,000 : ) Imslids Ind nospeehl In- Iliionce. Ftwks In country plovatots In the north wist Increased 7H"W ) bushels toI.'SI.OU . ' ) liiHhuk New York cleared no wheat : De troit ripoitid 40,000 bushels sold to polo tlio f.caboatil. The early Ijnj Insjivas led tiylhtii- linn AC'o. , lloytlfii t Co. and Comstotk , and Itwas didtned tliat Iliitulilnson wast.iKlnj client Tlioulieit market showed consider- alle stubborn st renRtlitoward tlio eloso and tliorts Ilioiiiiht It safest to net Ilielrvhoat \ liiic'W. Jlnyln for this pnriioiu KI\O tlm mar- Vet it lift Just bo fore tliu oloso wlicu sales fur tlio tiicnth touched ? l.05 , Di-ceiiibor itM't and Jlay II tWi , ClosliiK prlct's ' w eic : Oolober , Wie : I'euLMiibor.ll.o- ' ; May. llOfiUCJI.or.V Ono liour utter tlioclosciirlilluK < ! ion Decetii- tier wliiut vcro Mllliigabl.irJi ! for puts ami llo : 5for calls. Tlioro WHS a nirran corn market all day The oxtrenicniiio for May , the leiullns fu ture. w s n. trill o loss tlniti 'Jo ' from ni o to K'i < 3.Wit ! Tlio market ojicncil nt r > 5c and sold nt oticc nt tlio low ll ine , nml tlirn rallied und liulil around tliu oponliiK prk'u inostuf tliu iliy. Utliir inniitlis wuiu even iinriowir 'lliu ft was lltlli ) fcalino to t liutraclc Tlio com iniirlict olo-od ulth a llltlu show of Mronilli txc.uivo.Mr. Iliitcliliison vvlio liuil n lot ofi'orn "put , " to lilni uiounil , Uc tlicotlicr diy. iilltto lin\o "dills" ciilleil toiliy. On this tlm i > rpo | or May went tn .VJ\o : mil closed 'lit KS > Kf s > tt. U'ldswas ,0 Kal n for tliu il ay , unit nil oilier iiumUii slionud tlio sumo ml- Miiico-Uclnbci' to 43'4i' ' , NovouiLur to -l\c ) nnil Hcei-iiilicr tolO Cciit tlioiiluM1. Alny pi-It- lii-scsin c-urn ut Sm : p. in. uortat S'J'jSJ.-1 for puts : iiiil.Vaii8"x5ofor ! e.ills. . Oats , lIUo corn , ni.ulo nsllxlitnilvnnco for tin1 < liy on a moiluiMlu .sort of inarkut and with llltli > nu\vs or initslclo trailliiR. At the Close Outolicr and rCtnuiulior ere upHo osicn ut 40o , iintlllccc'iiibui : attt'io ; May operated nt JUV. sold at J o ti'id iiroiuid tint jiilco limit of tliuilay.iiiiil closed oil u llttlo upturn lit il'ic-ui Von p. Tluio viis u . < cililnB | tnnrkct In IIOK pro- ( liKMHvlun Hiiro MIIS nny market at nil. A f torn v > ry iinriotv ran o In prices all pio- ducts ulo-cil ni about t-atnnuy'h lluuu'S. Jiiiiiinry : hiiloM \ vcicKlbs. : . t5.UT'i ' toJ'i.7 S to riti7WS"7O at tlm eloso ; i.inl . , W.I7H off to Kl.4 'i , clovhiK ! iH1.4."ifoi' ( sellers pork ; , l.T-Jli to ill. 135 to ? ll.r > , oloslns CUIC.HH * 1.IVV N TOC'J { . CHICAGOOet , n.Speelil [ llti-OATri.K-l'isliiiss ] ) was ioiitonliuir"ln- terrupteOdnr 11 ; tlicc.irl hoitrsat tlicdayby 11 eonllnvied and heavy ( lairnvtour of rain , jot cvoijthliiKin the sticr lltiewasMld atbtendy prices. I\atlvo \ butchers' btoclc , Including cows , hoi fcr.s nnd bulls , agn In sold down to low-water mark , Toxuns anil rancors selling about like at the close of last wcok. Thetols nothing olnotr Bolii ? on In tlio atocker and feeder line. Top sales of native steers vero utifH ) . l > iit tlicro wire lotsof peed slcors told litS WQllfiO and iiiidlnni at fl.00 < 3l33 , Mltlt eotiiinon at.l.7JCyi.r > 1. A few loads ofstoejlicrs in ado $2.1082.Ui : Texas steers , $2.ri2.W ; To\as co\\s. SI\V7jl.oO ) ! native cows , 8IOO < 3i,1ij largely } LWI0. ! The best sales ot ranpo htccrsuoiu at $1.01 aiulnthorsnt S10D. 'llio htod. of rancorsconslbteillarKCly of co\\s th.it Bold lit SIVKcixVpO. lions Dcinnml fair with tlio hull , of the fitoeksollhiK about Ilko titthu ( lose > .itnrday. thocunural markethowuor , iloslui ! lodny 11 hhiiilit nt iiuicor , In home eases ri to 10c hl licr. 1'niki'f paid JiTiXiC.11 ! ! ) forsiualllots of roncli iiiidrotiiiiiini anil JfKHKIt ! r > for fair lo KCi l : HhliiiHM-siiiId II.2.VQI40 for prime lieavy nnd Inihliui-H weights ; lirst-i'l.iss . lU'lit , ' .nit. W.Hi ( suivad Uass lljtlit , ISnv Yoiuc. Oct. 11. iSpoirlil ToU'sTain to Tur. Uit.l : . StoCKS-Aiiotlicr day of ills.ip- lontiiioiit ! and low prices In s-tooks. Th dc- liriaslon of this morn ns Is full all tliu nioio bcc.iusuof good suiiort ) | ami Kllnlit yield In values vliuu the ndver o bank II gurus wuio K'M'II ' out bolero the cline S.iltinlay. 'Ihls win taken as otlduneo tli.it vo.ik lonss wore oiiluncl stocUslii ctcellcnt hiimlsi cspucl'illy rtlillt aiipoar that thorn lud bicn K < oilinH'St- _ nn'nt buyliiB at tlio ru llnu lo\t \ llguros'of lust week. Jfim * conies anotlier day of noaXnoss ami hi iliatUin , Nearly all .standard slurus oixncil nt HlUlit ilrdliics and show u tllRhL rally atllie end of llio Ili'st hour , only to droj ) mill lover bofoio noon. Suiinr wassolil down luoiu tliau two points to Tl'l aiidroeotcrod oulj toll's. ' Chicago Oisviia un cxeuntloti and was tu to U. I.oulivlllo started n. frae- tluiibotli'r atfcO'i. but UroUo to 60 , wlillo Now Knilaiiil ; sold Jj lilKlur early ut 4ifi ! and oil to j.'Ji. I.iniVawaiin.i Mas an oxcop- aUo nnil ro-o to lll'J. It IMIS in tin ) Grantor urouii that tliu most M iiiul Irn-miliirlty wan AteliKiinli- . ! ' ' nml i t Kt , r > i'i ' " " ' ' " " patty ilria urouiid & < . The foat'u'iu"of "tlio ulusliiK hou rlu stocks \\iis thoiirossiiru against tlinshiuls liil.iii'lfawnniiii , bj nhlvh thuprlco \vnsriiniiptol-lit.fioiiitlii ) opciilni ; at ll.l'i , am ) clo-oil ntl45' > . Sumir wniotr u point und Lonlsvlllu Vi. In iM-stiTii sloolts there was fulr roiovt'rj ami AtuliKon c-loioil vlth u ( mo tion m'tirulin Iturllngtoii. Nirtli\MMcrM IIIK ! Mls-ourl I'm'llloU'uly ; , und Hook island , St. I'uiil und Union I'.iclllot.ioh i utr fiuui fcutiir- Uatr. Uatr.llio followlns ere tliocloslnB quotations : U H. tf riKiilur Nurtlirrii I'mllle. . . . ' . 27VS U , H. 4n million . l. ' ' ' XJ. . C..V W1v.1.J. ! ! 107 U H. ilo proforrcil . . . 110 Now Turk C on ! rut. . 10-11 Central t'liclllc . 3 I1. . I.4K ChlCIIKOjt Altlill . Doric Itliintl CtnoiiKO. HiirllnKton I' . , .M.irtt. Paul . . , \ gulnrny . ' ' ' ' ' " 3) ) | j. .k W . II St. I'nil'l A. Oiu'diii' . ' } . llllnolslVntrul . 8.1 1.11. .tW . . , 8t.I. . .t I' 1UA * tlo i > reforroil. . . . MlolilmnConlral . Ullt , IVunttm Union. . . sDiul I'uelllo . . . . . tm * Mosrv Kaiy utal'i per font. I'lii.MK Miiu'ANTli.i : I'Ai'Kit-i'iOi'j ' iioreeat , STKHIIMI r.xriiiNnii-Aullvii nml i-uU | sllty-day lllls , * l M ) 4 ; doiuancl , SI Bi1 < 3l.b5j , VMosrv Klmri'H. VOHK , Oel. J3.-Speel.il [ Telcjiraiu to Ittc luotatlons IHi : , " ] : ThufolluvvlasartJtlio iiiliihis stoisk Mej jew llornHlvpr . ; „ Dwllo ITU OcvlUinlnl . IHCI Hit .viii'iiiicr STU Ontario . I 3JJ ll lo xNuroniii rs ) favnvo . . . . . .VO Uloilunli , ll.lt. . . . I us Mimll Ho | > vi. , . . . , , , IU ) \ > ii. , l' l. .N.U ( CM blcrra Novalj. . . , , , 310 HDWU I'uinl va uci c'rot'k . 11-J J.urokoon ,875 IliiluuCnti . S.-4J U-lloir Jnol . KXI llio Co tree Mnrkct. NKvVoiu , Oct. 13-tHixjclal TeleBum to THE U K. ] CutTvo optlous cvoucditcady anil unolmnzrxllo 1) ) points up ) olowi stomlr al r H.-iKlnn nn. H.iIn .irii bi : " < . InrliuflnK Oi-t ) lier. 8Ki.3Ka ) ! Scncnibcr" HT.7Ml7.8ll Dec-ember , f l7.8VM7.nii January , f in.fiwlfi.70 ! " i fuiuiry ' , * m.lO/ l1.2 ; i ! tfiarcn. tlG.OVitlfl.lS ! Airll. | tlll.w ) ! Mni' , II. .S3lllJ.OI. ? Spit rlu tlrtiil [ ulrilt'iimnd ; faireiergocsl.0.75No. ' ; | 7,11 ,8'J'i ' llio Vlulbln Supply. CIIICAOO , Oct , 12. The \lalblo supply for the uoek ending Octoher ll.aicomplteil by the secretary of the Chicago board of tradoli as follows ! Whi-.it. . . . . nmri.cot : ) . j.uoo,0(0 ( . OI7.0JO Iliiiley . 1,100,000 J'lt ff It Ml ! MA It K HTM . , Oet. tiCUMioat : - rinn : ra li. $ l. < wai.ou1il Dcceiiilicr , fUttf.'i .May , ( i-nrn Plead i'l oa * > li , 49 1C ! is'otem'bcr , 40140 ; Muy.VJ' ' < e. * I Innj I cash. 9) ) ? ci Uccenibor. i < , Kyn Stead v nt n-i' Tlniotliy-yulct iitjl.2S3l.S9. Mix Vaiv at II 1. . Miss riirk llalli canli , 0.r.0il0. i Junil- ary.Jll.ni'iWtlTO ' : May , isS7 ifll..W. fjinlHetitlji cash , WJO ! Jnntiitry , JOI- ' " ! M iiy , SO.hV t-'foiir - tcndyaiitl unelinnsorltwliitfrwlipit' tt.i Ct5.5.l ! | irliij wlieit , UiOOariM : rje. W.i''cJ : t.r > o , llullc Moat * MionMors ? " . .t > i'a5. ; . * ! sliort elnr. ? . " .BVrW.7ii , ! short iltj-i } . "i.iO : , llnltor-lCaslerj creiiiutry , 15ft2io : ! dairy. ISClHc- . < 'liei-so-Quloti full ercnn elioOilirs. O'J Hats , b'lifttiV ' : ioni'B ' Aniuilws , 'JD ' > 'K.-s IVosli , 17" " j < GH' , ' 7. lllili'H-t'iiPhincedilioavv RMcnifilteil.n'Sc ' : llulit izricn Htillcil. O'io ' ; KIMMI , n'ictsallrd ' Imll liiili .5vilrv I'llf ' , bt" ! ' ! deiu'on" . oucli. - " < ' . InlliMt-UiHli.injicd . ; > 'o 1 , I'icNo. ' . 'J.lc ; cuke. 4 He. Itirol pt . Slilinirnls. | rinur , lWn . H.W ) 21000 win-lit , bit . . : w.nio : ninixi Cimi. bu . IO.OX ) I7.i0a ! Oats , bit . . . . . . . 2Mm 2-l ,000 , Nfw YoiiK.Oet. ia.-Wlic.it lleer-Iiits. 100,100 luiilu-lsi sniit lil' licr ; > 'o. 2 ri'il. tLO".1 ! In i-lcditriii il.th'i , , ullrnt ! tl.0n(5ll. ( < ) > 'i f. o I ) . oiilloiiH eo ! < t il Hi in ' © ! ucltitieuon fiiliiv wintlii'r i"-t.iiul iirnlnil ) ! } lilnilmticelo niirtv- iiii-nt of siipiitlm ; sliorts covorlnK and loadliiR otieiatiiM bu \ liiirNo. . " red October cluslna ntJi.r. ( = ( . Co i ii ItceulpN. 1K1.MO linsliels ; c\portsfiOOj spot loni-i' , rliislnsti-udlcr : Nn. S , Ri' o In iMcMitori.M"1 if.Wji ) iilloutj iiiisraclcd inueil , Wl'ifft'iTi'i ' ' options weak mill IOWC-TI Ocitober cloiliic nt Me O.itsKnc'elpt' ) . IIB.OOO baslipl : exports , 2."l l > ot , Hi mil ! Xo t ! . vhltf. JiPiQilTe ; i l\e'i \\e lnrii , 4 1(8 liiu ; wliltn wivtern , 44Jle. oiilliitis III inn ; UilnlieielnshiKiit 4l'ic. ' foil LMi-Ujit Inns cliHL-il steady , r.'RI'i ' Dolnti up ! s'ile . itl.'iVI ' liu's ; Octolior , 'SliLVrcH-'O ! Noii'inlir. } ! " . . . vjjl'vj ; sjiot Itlo llrin : ( air i-iro ! ( s M ) 7V fcusar-Uav llrni ! tnoli es ugar , 69 test , . - > : : Hiicllmil , it mi. fulily uetltc. I 'ut ' roll u ni Mixincor. l'tft-j-riiiier ] ; vistoin , SiS' ' 'ic. I'ork - ' ti'sulv. Iiifl-\Vi-iil.iiKliliill \ ; western stcim , M.40. Iliittrt riim : western iluliy. lOJUdo ; vcst- cincroiinii'i-j , rttWiv ; nisln.SISl'JI'je. ' CheesettroiiK : Unlit , ! ® ? . MCNMAPOIH , Oil. 13.-\VhiMt-Ppot vlioat slroiinly lii'lilut ( list , biitlnti-rwItlisDinoi.'eii cial ooiieossliiiiM tlieio vat better innvunipiit. > o. 1 mnt In ru vent more cislly thiin No ynortlipni nnil armies below. Keeeliils fortwo iliys. ' lOc'iiisi'.lilpnii'nts , Hucirs. Closing : No. Ill ml < ) i'to > HT , llVe ( : outrach.Dn'sviltl.nOiNo. 1 inn tlictii.OctubiM , HItt'i Xoeni bur , IQ'ic , Do- cimlici , ! )7'Be ) ! on liaeli.ViiSci No. i northern , Ot'lobi'i ' ) ' , , DciTiiibcr , Ulei Mai' , tl.oiU : ; on trnek. ) ' © > 'Je. * Sr. IjOi'i" . Oft . 1) ) Wheat. Irregular ; cusli. Ut'liJliy. ' : . mii'j. ( 01 ii 1 1 1 esnln ri easb , < ? Uci 51 uy , 10 d ( lats-IiiiMiiliir : oasliJ7j , ci May , < 3c. I'orU-QuIitat * HUO WlifsKyJl.l.l llnttei I'lnn and steady ; creamery. 202Coi ilahy , USlho. _ Mit.vtviciK , Oct. IlJ.-Whent Firm : No 2 tprlnp , caslip'ivruiuci ' No 1 northern , it. UO , Corn KU'insNo. I5)o. ) Oats-Klrin : No.2 white , 41(342c. ! ( Itarlev Quirt ; Xo. ' . ' . ( j7c. liyu-l'linii No. I. ( fl1 Jp , t : pork , January , tll.Oi'i. ' Cirv , Oct. ia.-\Vhcat Tisy ; No. 2 hard , eusli. 8Su 1)1(1 ) ( ; October , S3ui No. 2 reel , cash. ! c bid. Corii-Ptu.idy ; Ko.ScnMi.-KHc ; Oilobpi , 5 * c. OatiSteailv ; No.L' , easb. UJiio bid ; October , tlii. _ Livnii'oor , Oct. 13 AVlicat Pteail.v , cle- m.uul . poor , holders olTer inoUeratcly ; Ualir < iriiln. No. 1.71411 iier ecntal. Corn-Quiet tmtsteaily.ileiuanil pool ; mixed western , -Isld uer cental. _ GINCIVNATI , Oct. 13. Wheat Lower ; No. 2 red , OSlip. Corn r.oncr ; No. 2 inlxnl.SI'/iWI'iC. ' OiitH Kinlci : r\o. 2 mixed , 4.sQIu. ! ! ! WlnsLy il.l'J. _ rYE STOCK. Cnicmo , Oct. U. CattltHo"clit8. | . ROOD ; maiKct steiuly ; bti-ois , t2Xtcr > .lli stockois , . ' .lKi.3-i ( ; fexiH eattlo , Jl.r > 3..50 ; ran c. $ i. : ( K&i.or > . Ilon's-Kccelpts , 2i',000 ' : ninrlcet sti-aily to a sliiidclilKliei ; pacli'isl.7. > il 15 ; prlmolicavy nnd Imtehcr wvU-bts , Jl.25 4,40 ; light tl.'JWi itr. ; ; pigs. * , ' .7r > ® : iriO. Sheep KtcolpK 0,000 : tnirkitt nctlto nnd lilirberi stiielc luiiil- " . S 1 .Mxaa 75 ; westerns , Iii4.2.-iiatl\es. ! 3- IC.VhSAS ClTV , Oct. llJ.-Ollttlo slillJinents , MUD , inailict stroutr nml hlKlier : Meuii , j.l.W24.0i ! ( , eows , tl..r > 03..55stoeUcrs ; and fc'inlcrs , WiOQ. ' : . ! ) ! ) . Ilo/i Ui'u'lpt'l.70Oisli Inincnts , 1,100 ; mailtct loweri nil gt.ulusM.r > U3l.l5. Pr. T.ODH , Oct , ii.-Unttlo : Rceolpti , 3,100 ; klilpinc'iils - ! niurkot loitnr ; lair to fancy nut lu-stoi'M , Wi'itftl.y ) ! btuckursiuid lecdcrs , . U' , Keeol | > t < , 2,000 : slil pmeiits , 1.40J : mar ket hmurj lii'utr. tir > Tfct.2Ji uil\uil gradis , U7O3I.10 ; lljlitl.llXil.20. ! Sint'X Pur. Fii.Oot. IX [ 'poehl Tflcjrram toTliB HlKl llops lli'i' lpls , T30 | light and uii.Mil. 4.i.Dja4.t : iioaiy. wa'i. lct M.IUH.JKTN. Cattle. Monday. Oet. 1.1 , Intimated roeelpts of cnltlo. IOM ) . ns com- parid with l. . " > UJstitiiiilay and U.'W Jloiulaiof liistHei-k. Tlioinarlti't ooened slow mid un- ubaiiEt'd < m oerj llilin ; except bulehoiV stock , uhHh Is loner. Tlio ( cmlurniarKt Irf Hat. Estimated riwltyts of lioss. 2.ROD , as com pared with 0,1117 Satinda.v anil l.stc ! Mond.iv . of lust , wiek.Utli thn liolilo'rs thcro weio noarlv-Wloii ( ( 3 ilu. Tin ) ninrU't was slow wlthlio.i j steady and light "m hliuir. Tlio ransc of prices was W.50ii4.lt ) , the bulk at M.S.VfeJ.D.'i. Theiivor.uo of the snlcs wu.s SJ.N.'t as compared with &IS5 yestord.iy and 84.1J5J Monday of lasUveel. . Slac | ) . Slieop ItoziMpK < ! ) ! > : market unchanged. Nullies , l..IijiitOO ' : vestorns , W.WtW.'JO. I'rcvailliiij I'rlccs. Tlio follimliul ii table of prices paid In tlil.sinarl.ct forlhe xiado ot Block nirntlotied : I'rlrno steers. UK ) to line Iln ? . : C64.W iomUtiMis , 1'J'Hlto UVIlba 4.1W ( it.B ( Joodhtc'lH. IIMto Lljaibd IIKI C6I.IJ Kulr , KMOIutCU Itx ,7:1. : W .OJ 1.0) ) Ordinary to fair ctnvi tw Pair to 4ood L-IIHS 3.M ! ( lood to ilioleocow-J 3.71 ( Ttl.OO t'hulei ) tofiiiio } eo\v3 , , , , 3.i'i (3-t. 11 I'ulr to Kooil bulls 1.71 tip' M Clinlvu tofiiiio ) bill In ' . ' .riO ( iti.OJ . I.l ht stoi'Kersimd feeders 3.1W © 'J.ffl KtMilofs , WU to HIM IlH 3.'J1 < iU.M Knlrto cliulei' lUht hogs il.50 ft4M I'jilrto clnilco hem v lie s ILfi ] Qi-410 Kills to cholfo mlxi'dliOHS y.50 c34,10 lliiireHi > iiuiti > o Sains. tmius. : : No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. ' N'o. Av. Vr. Zi. I01U W SO 3el. liBSUlO S7..uy Wt)3 ) rows , 12. r > o 100 i..wio no 2..1000 i ; 35 IXW 100 12. . 8 1 110 SI. . Nfi 1J > j. ino io < ) 30. . uu no in .OT 175 20. MKJ lUO 1..1UO 1JU 1U .OH 173 12. K.V ) 110 1..U.O IM 1 . US ) 17 1 , IW ) J 15 1..S.V ) 150 O..lfti5 175 l . 8sS I 15 1..7-JO | M 1 IIU ) 175 S. 7.M ) 115 10. . MM IW f > .10.V1 175 Clt KM ) 130 II HIS 153 Z't .MM IK ) 1 KW 135 7..W.VJ IU ) 10..107(1 ( IW 1 740 135 1..IO.V ) 1BO 1' ' 1010 1(0 ( yi : 014 1 ' . ' .I 2S. . Ih7 H5 37. . 1W7 HO fi 3ta 1 3.1 fi..Ntl IM 1 . ft * ) UK ) 1. b'X ) I 35 10 .lOlS 1TO 1 .1140 SCO y. 477 iu : 1..IUO 170 SrOCKKIlS AN I ) IKKDKIIS. 1 50(1 SCO 10..4.YS Sin J8..8I5 270 3 .IWiO 2 to 1. 71K ) 2.V ) 4' . ' . .078 275 M. , NH 200 W. WU } 50 6l..t l 275 5. , 830 235 4.I1W JM 34..U70 2K5 31,1110 235 : t.i | ! SM 31. . U75 8S5 1,4111 235 35. 1KX ) 'U ) 1..10110 i'hj ' I . Tv-4) 235 IW. , 017 2 W 17..1018 2GO B , u" * sn : 33. , wi S'o UJ..MOI 300 10 . 077 2 U HULLS. 1 1870 135 3..II40 175 S..K15 SCO a.4UU ! 1 M 3VM \ 175 4. , 810 t 00 31. , G& 'i 19 vi > MIIXF.U ; . Icorrand calf . (3 ? 00 CA ir.s. \ . I. . 110 3 00 ' t. . 1.1 10 1 73 Xo. Av. Pr. Hmt Hninptonlatnl andcattlo cotiipiuiy- 1UJ fpcilaro . . . . . I14'J 2 U3 Uuiilliilucattlocoiniiaiiy- U eos. . . . . . . . . . . ( OS 1 M Hrnih Innd undcittllu eonipaiiy W ftocrs . 1137 200 P. Walrotl .t t'o 51 i'o\n \ . 603 1 S3 K.TIlllson- M I'ont . VM 1 73 Carlisle cattle company 10 com . . . . . . 87 ! ) 1 53 bundardeatllo comiiuj- | : M steers , corn-fed . 12TT 4 10 CO SUIT * , cofii-ful . 1218 4 JO J.V. \ . lljiiiiauntl 10'2 ' eows . 8fi7 1 TO 3 I-O H . 10.W 1 IM Western Union boiti'oiiipiiny- LVJ steers . , . lltl 221 M Ktcers. To Mi in . 1117 2 IM 07 Hteers. TeMtm . 1007 2 " 0 Bnan 1 mid and eatlle company M steers . I2I. 27,1 1 ulcer . l.fJO ! l SI 2T > cows . OSS 1 IK ) SI L-DHS . ( .It 1 a ) 8 eims . K17 1'i 70 sk"rs . 1208 2 73 0 fiction . 1200 240 4 steers . 1077 270 .I..M. Uiilvert- n fiwluM . 170 2-10 4 sleers . 12 JT 270 Jlc.ulorllios.- 0 Ticilers . HOT 240 II feeders . 1137 2 I ) 1 fu'ili-r . 1ISO 250 H II. llciinutt 2 feeders . OV1 210 10 ncders . ll-'S 2 JO feeders . 1(171 ( 2 .TO b7 feeders . 1207 2 3 II McU.iuloy- 1 Ijull . . . . 1IIIO 1 M 1 liill . IVjo 1 71 : i cowi . . 111:1 : l ' > 14 fiuiun . i.'iw 2:0 : 10 feediTS 3 Vi lleiny Koelilot 2 Imlls II.- . ' , 1 t,1 I ) cows 1171 1 9) ) 17 t'ow s , .1UIJ 1 IW ' ' -4 feedeis ' IIS fiodon . , liov' 15 fccdcra Av. Tr. 10J J.J DO Av. .Sh. 1'r. . .ftB JIO $1H 1.213 S'lu IjUl 13 S 0 : ii7i 17 ! ! 0 : i IM 201 lo ) ami 25:3 : see : ioo ,205 , Kl ) 4'U ' lee : iK"s 247 1MJ : i'IJ.2 ' } " : o : nr > ,2V1 83 ri'fi ' 'S ' no iiw'i 2K1 ! bOI CO Il''i ! 4 00 350 210 40.1 378 M 4lrt 7I ! 'J.7 1 0 983 W IUI fcO 40.1 si . . .H I iu ) : i w w a 4io bU' LMJ 107 a R" ' I'lOSANIJ SKIPS. ] KM 150 K IK. 40 ,1CO 1 11T.O 200 1) ll)7 ) 'ICO a r.a i ! : r si iw yoo bi (4 ( s'S : r > . . . . lu aw ni TO 2:0 : w . . . itr. nee i . . . . 141 a : > o iv. . . n.-i aoa iu. . . . i-jo 2 OT IM . IKI : iai : im ID in : > o ; > . . . : : o3 w > : i 71) 141 ll > 0 S t,0 , 80. . . 1SI S8J : i40 G. . If ) S bO UU IXI 200 IIWS G IU UbT 01. . . 1US bO 34. . : t > . . . . HI ! J b. . 9J 11.4 I)0 ( 345 ! i" . . . . 121 : t 00 67. . . . 17b 120 U50 18. . . .Ill ) 00 1f3lAXI.l IMHfUSUAL * : 31.tKKJLTS Groceries. JUTKS-Pershn , C-lb box , 9'je. TWINES Cotton twine151 hb , " very- fine , ' 4- ] lbales-1 ; cotton twine. XX brand , 'i-lb ' bales , IFc ! hemp twlno , > i-ll ) bales , 18ci sail tvlne , 30cf cniidlo wick , 33e ; 40-foot cotton clothes lliics.Mc ; CO-foot cotton clothes lines , 51,65 ; MMoot cotton lines $ HO ; CD-foot sisal lines , 41,1 * ) ; ( > 0-foot Jute , jl.OO : wool twlnesS'ie. , KUSINS London layers , Cjillfornl.i lily , per box , $2.73 ; "horseslioe , " } JCO ; lee o muscatels , $2.10 hoiseshoe $3.33 " " Callforulii lily , ; , : "star , looio muscatels , i..30 ' ; boccllcss O.illfoinla , ? 300 ; California sculless suit ins. In sucks , per Ib.fc ; California muscatels , In sacks. 8'jc ; new Viilenelas Oi-jc ; oniliirn. layer , new , 10'ic. rtniMCiois UOOHS lint ley. : tc : farina. 5c ; lii'Sis , 33je ! oatmeal , Iiblsj5.7.ViU.25 ( ; li.ilf bbls , jatlXiJ.l.S5 ; niiiciiroiil. llXJllceitnlculli , lOSlle ; rice , cholee. fiVLZGe ; fancy , t > l47c ; head , 7csaKO ; and tapioca. 0147e ; lima licins , oy : split peus. L'uispaKcttl ' , lie. U'HAiTiMJ I'At'Ht Straw , per Ib , 15a@15.ic ; rair. IIMc ; iiinnllla II , .VQ.V ; No. 1 , 8c. MofcA'WS ' llbls , X. O. fancy.pcr irul , GJ"i7u ! olicilce4Va47e ! soud. 3OfHt.'c ; Cuba , baking , "S " .iOej ; Dlaek strap , 2iX2i 2e. t > ( ) iiA-lMss,00 His to lot , ! > \ < s : keirs , 4'4c. ViNi.Hlt ( .IlKr. N. V. apple elder , lOe ; 1) . S. elder , lie : > vhltewine , Ife ; fancy , fiult , l u. U.ij--I.V ) tirlino whltc.lle : IV ) water white , lie ; hoBilllgM. 14ic ( ; 7 * pahollni' . iac. SAI.SJODA lluls , l'ic ; sranulated,2c , ; Inbhls , .ST'OVB POMSII K 0vai'i.fi5 ( per gross ltAJS Am per 100 , fclT.'ri ; Liiwlston , per 100 , 317.75 ; Union MIU inc. 40 pi > r unit oil list. iAi/r-Dalry , 3oO IbIn bbl , bulk , 3.Wlost ; Kradc0(1 ( r > s. t. ' . : ) ' ) ; hcst grade , 100 It- , . { 3.40 ; beht xr.ido , IS IOs , 82.3'i ; toek salt , crushed , $1.80 ; common , bll , * l.i'i. ! OAN.MO JltATS-Corned lieof , I Ib. M.20 ; corned beef , 3 Ibs , fl.H ) : lunch tdiiKiies , ! II ) , U.'W ' , liiaeli tDiipues. 2lbs. } I75 ; hr.iwn I lu , ifiM ) ; hiaw 11 , 3 Ills , f3.ro ; ox toniiui's. l > 't Ibs , * > .00 ; otonitiics. . 21bs. Jl.OO : ehli [ id ( beef , I' , Ibs , loiind IMIIS , ii 15 ; rii.ist beef. 2-lb round cans. $ ; ilO ; potted ham , 'i Ib , loiind cans. ( I5cj willed limn , 'j ' Hi , toiinil cans , SI..H ) ; deviled Ii.nn , Ml ) , roiincl cans. Wo ; < loHod ham , ' 111 , lonnil cans , Jl.ai ; poltud ox toneim , ' 11) ) , luuiiil c-ans , ft.'i ; c'iinpres-.ed ham , 1 Hi , square cans , (3.75 ; liipc , 3 lbioniideatisll.bn ; iiiliifodcalinis 3 Ib , loiind cans , f'J'JJ ; bonolcss lilsV feet , ti II ) , sipiuie cans , J.'i. CANNBD A'iKTMii. : s-Toiiiiitoes-n-lbe\tra , JIl.VQirJO ; : i-lb stjindatd L"-lfin lir.uulst-1 10 ; gallons , Areliei'bbtaiidard. (103. ( t'oi n I Inuit uiu\\ n$1.H ( ) ; tiatoOltysusiir iornirj line' , Jl.r,0 ; Ulliiiini , 3-lhsnsnr corn , $1.20 ; 2lbextra lleoiiier , $1.10 ; 3-lb Ht.iiiiliinlvvMmt bianils , tl.05. Mii&liioonis 1-lb l'i isncli , uxtri line , 33 ® lilc ; 1-lb Kreneh , line , I < 33c ; 1-lb 1'ieneli , or- dlnary , KiQlJC. 1'cas Ties line , per emu 3.'ic ; deinl-lliie. per can , I do ; 3-lh Hlfteil , tl J * ; 3-lb eatly Jiuir , fl.W ; ' . | l ) mat row , stnndiiid liianeK , fl.33 ; S-llisoaUcd , 75e. btrlin : be.ins S-lb lilK'h crado , li-f ! im-oc , 11.00 ; 2-lb Oiililcn n.ix lie.ins.il.UO2-ll ) htilnK beans , 80c ; I-lnia beans-3-ll)8 ) ( aked , ST e. lloslon-bilu-U binins --llI.owl8tl.iW ; CIOIMI Urands , < l.i5. ; Sweet potatoes y-lb Xcw Jcr-oy. JIOO. I'unipklns- .l-lb . , (1.10. ( Ulcr.i and toinatoes-U.03 ; okra , fMl | ; sui'cotiish.JI.30. .MAi'iK SidAit-I'er Ib. SocakG ftO-lbboxct , lie ; lOooakis. IW-lb boves , 12'ic ; Mb bilcks , * o Ibs in liov , lime. tic. Cot IKK Ito.iHtedAinslii , S-l'/ic ; lluiiulii , 25He ! ( JiTinan , 3V c ; Dllworth's , 25' o ; I.Uin , Me ; ilal I pouch , 21'4c ; C'ui-duva. 2Jio ! ; Mucln , J0'f,0. G Jiiva , ; i > . Dltim l-'utTiTsi Turkish iirutiis , loss than hlidwIbV.l. 7'i ' ) ; orlKltnl blius'icloss ; llosnla piittus , 0-lb bii\L's , 1UO 10 110. 7 0 : apphs , evaporated , new riiiR choice , 10c ; uvuiiorati'd , now rliiK pilnie. H'ic ' ; upi loots , fancy. In hacks , 20c ; blnekbei tlvs , now , 10'te ; iMsibt | > rrlo25 Ilis tobov. He : diiiiints , new , S'jiei.l' c ; orU- lual easUs > ie InVostlzzu ; cuinintsextra , In CIIHSK Premium 1C , , twin flats , per Ib , 10'iui I'romluin P. K , YimiB Amorli'i , ll o ; brick , Klo ; domestic Mvls , IKQklTc ; IJIain. In ( nil. each. I.OO : MinlH'vur.U'io. NUTS Almonds , IM-J lli-.ulls , I7c ; fllboils , llcj pccam , Hie ? ; walnuts , ISo ; peanut cocks. 10'jOt roaMid , 12'ic ' ; 'rinnuiiou in1. inn In , lie. llnooM--5-tli' , parlor. tJ.K4-tloi ( ) ; $ i."V : i-tle. lj. l . - > ; : i-tleiiluliil. . " > ; u'tirelioiise , iJ.00 ; tuy , . ' . ) . . Ui.lt KS- Quails , per doz , ? 4.00j pints , per ilo/ti. : > 0 ; bulk , imp gal. . l .V. Couiiof.Maiilllii. . lope A sl os from 7-10 to 1 In. , IVj ; hlsal rope , all sins from 7-10 to 1 In. UHcj "now processes , " all iilzos. ( mm 7-10 to , StJiuii I'erll ) . Owtloaf , 7"ici Ctilx'S , 7'io ; Stnnil.iril powdered , Tc ; \ XX.puwdond. . 7' c ; Kraiiiilatod.Htaiidard.b'nc : cunfeetloiii'M1 A , liMtH'mCj wtilte , oAlni C , brilliant , 7.C ? ! ex tra ( ' , loyal , ( il < ci central U , OJtu ; goldcnU , .ea. . ' ISe. Uorros Koi'K-li-lneh , SotiSattlle , inottud , per Ib , , OCBlOo ; do , white , peril ) . , lie. I'JCKi.Ks-Mcjilliim , peril bl , tO.OOhmnllflO | 00 ; churklns.tll.ou ; Imp. 1)111 ) , W.OOiulBiisk ( ( ) ; i-Kal lbl. , * lO.iW. UIIIEH I'erbbl , refined , M.30 ; half lilil.W.10s hard clilor , pure , p r bhl. , H.H > ) ; oruniio elder , liulf bll.Hr > ( ) ; pour elder , half tbl , , * 1 J. fAt'h\ni 1'ollowlm ( iiiotiitloin arc for lots of Mlbs. und iipwanN : Jtolosiitiilnveisuiuls , fancy , 4'tc ; bolo niis,4u ; pork uuusaize.ln lliik , bo ; perU haisa , < e. In bulk , 5icj ! blooil , 4'ic ' : llvor , 4'ic'j head cliitse , I'ie ' ; miiolud head cheese. oX'i wvlnur of 1'ranUf url , 7c | 1'ollsh satisiRc , 7c ; toiicuo siiisuge.bc. OlLOMAIiaAKl.XE 20-11) tubs , Sollll , 15'Jtj ; W- Ib tubs , holld , I'isio ; 4)-llj ) tubs , Mb rolls , Klc , Liiiii ) Tli-riMi , htrlctly purv , Ciici Uotllo roiidered , tierces , 7 * e , Tiiii-K Half bbls. eOlhs each. K.'pO. 1'HK.i.Kii I'ins' KUET-H iil ( hbls , ouch W.50. Hi'icti > I'KIS' ' To.sai'B Half btu , jiuio lltlls. eacUlli X } . SJIruetl'roiluoc , EOGS Tlio market slio s no apprcolahlo oluin < ; e. the price remaining Ht < iuly utlHo. lii'rrEii-Tlm wurlct ia uctt\o uud the tlo- > * of llio rtfrftMA , All nlco s cet nit plc-Ued onlkilBlt'il. ' I'rpniiii'ry , _ , sik'i eiciiuor ; . choice. , fl Me-i oinitry , choice , I" > ft7nci | counlry , tonil , I.Vriv 38c ; countryfair , lowtitci caiintry. Inferior , S ( lAME-1'rulrlo chloltniij , tyx clozcn , JIT.V ! SIM : inalhird cluck * . . K/WfTLiiOi teal tlnek . 9l.Vt.5)t ) inleil dlioks R ( 01.10 ; plover. fO © Mo ) ; jiok snipe. Il.0tll25i quail. ILMHSiOO ; Jnek raliblto.M.OOiiiiialltiiblills , $ l.WT.I..V I'otrt.Titv ' Tlio nwrki'ton i-lilekcns It venlc nml ttocki are aeolliniil'idng , Only n few pio-io and ilucks jirc arrlunjt. \ . fotv tutkpys aru arrliInland clllncqiilturcndlly , Cliolco hen * , per dot. . ? 2."ii > ? W.7. ichoice ! mhcd. { . ' .50 ; tiiosti-rs , Ki.iV38.Mj hirno nrlitR rltlcicti' * . i''ia 'M ; ineilltiin , J-.tt'a.1. ; atuall , $ I.75Q ( } 3 ft ) . I I TUUKEVS Live , per IKwaiOe'l ilressed , 10 ® . ( IKISSE Lite , per doK OOSS.OO ; dressed , 11 < SI2c. DUCKS Utc , pcriloMJ oiMoo. FMi , I'ltR * ! ! fcrlb 1'crcli , "c ; buffalo , drp'srd , 7cj plrkcrdl.Oo ; pike. Uci troiitl c : whlto.ioo . ; oropiile , llci PHtllsh , U" cod flunk. 12i ? ; llountters iici ; Oiciion siilinoii.lSci bhickbiiMs , He ; lobsters , lOc ; bliio IWi , i.v , Halt anil plclcled dullish , extra Oporcos , new , fl1 ! ? ; Rrnml bink. now 4'cj ' ( silver , 2-Ib blocks , O'if j snowtthltc,2-lbbrlcl < s , new.S'io ; turuuy mil , lorso nilddlo lirlck < < , DO ; snow whites , orutcs. 12-5 Hi IIOXOH SJ4c ; iniMlltiiii sc'iili'd lierrhiKiSk1 ; No. t tcalcd liur- rliiK , 'Oc ; iloniistli ! llollixml hiirln , 40c ; lliiiiliirKcr ! plccd horrln . txvi Itiisslim sar dines , spicedipflu ! Kilssljn snrdincs , plain , We : Imported IInllntiil hcrrhiR , < 'nmu brand , 80c ; do fiiney inllkoi-MJl.OO ; Mufkrrol. No. 1 Mioro. bait bbls , fli.M ; hlonlits , lnlf bbK JI .OOj wliltollsh. half bbls. to 75 : iron t , half bbK tV.V ) ; family \tbltu llsh. M.i-i ; salnioit , K.V ) per li.ilf libl ; S-lb lirolli-tl mackerul. i..l'iD ; ,1-11) ) In iniivlaid. iiiV ) ; ,1-1 b. In tomato f.iiico , fj.(0i ( fi-ib Mavo inosi iiinokcrol , fl.OO ; i-lh liinok tr.nit. ) ! > : 3-11) ) brook trout , t-/ri ; Ml .aiiinni , } ! . - > ! 2-lbwlilt llshVJ.i ; 1-lb vhlto lisli. fl.H ; ti-lt ) lobsters * .I.MI : 1-11) ) lobstirs JJ.I'l ' ; L'-lli oj-iti-is.'OA ] H.tdi 1-lh uystfrs , f > o.tl.lSi2-lbiivstoi , 10 oJMOi 1-lb ojstois , r > o3ir > ; --n > ' oiect. Uoz. } J.yr ! Mb llnratiula , li ) o/ . ! . ' " > : il-lb llaratarln. fl o ? . 11.0) ; ralriuont , I ti/.fl.OV I'alrmout , 8 07 , J..OO ; I-lb clai'is. llttlo iiivksl.i3 : : 'Mo el.nns , llttk-iiucks l.7.-ii-lbclini ! : clwwdcr.JS.GOjl-ll ) ciabs , Ji.2.-'MI ; > eiabs'V } ) . I'l-ult. m Pall nii'l ' u InliT apli | ) ) < s. R-VKtll 73. inniiKs I'linc-y ilat-U Capo Cods per b.irpcl , iD.OOi Dell and Cherry , per liu-iel , fS.OO. OIUXOKS-Iainalc.i. per box , 5J 00. IJMONS 1 iinc-y Mulorl , IlOO'sper bo.x , SW.OO. O.Mifoit.MV I'"nt'tT ISec'elpis llKlit , ilcniand BOO 1. I'enr" , Winter Nell's , Vicar and nthor Mirlclles , jiei boi.UWMMri : qiilinc * . pirbox , U.oo ; peaches , per liox. if..OUi pluni . perbox , il.3jil.'oo ( ' : Rracs ) ) Tokiv. pir b > \ , 81..53J 0 Oj Hi uies , M iiH'at. per box , il. . > 031.7. > . UA\\N vs-rancy. p 'r bunch , jU.t033.00 ! Hon duras per bunoli , ? ! . . " > < 8i. " > o. ONIONS Tlio deiuand Is mostlr In niniall way ut S1.0@l.t ; . " > per liusliei ; bpiinlsh unions per crate , II V ) . HIAM ; < holi'oliancl picked navy , ? " 3.75. 1'oTAnna Good stock Is guuurally bcllliii ! at lHe. ) SWIBT I'OTATons Pupply fairs Jersey stocli , per libl , S-tw. ( JTiiiiit VrnnTtiii.KS-l'utabairas per 1)1)1 ) , t2.Mj ) white turnips , ptr ll.MKciiriiK ' ) ; ) pel bbl , Jiii ; iiiii-snlps. per libl , SJ.'Jo ; boots , per libl.t.'UO : cclory/iii'WOci orlery roots ( German eelury ) . PIT do/ , " > tic ; caiillflowor , fiincy.pcr iloi , J..0KJli ( ; . " > ; garlic , per double stt-lni ; . 7. > c' ' { lioi-seiaclMi roots , per bbl , t * 00 ; botso r.idlsh toots , per Ib , lOc. Dry ( < ii > ds , Vi\r. IlnnwN COTTOVS Mlint.lcLI/ ; An- nil-all. 0 4Ci Au ir.i 11 , 15 Uo , Atlas O N II , TKi'l clioiMi clolli. 4ci t'llnton 1 11 , Ti'iC ! 1'opport'li H. fi > tv ; IjiiiiKdonU H.Sc- . IlH'ACitbii ( 'oiroNd-lloiklt-y Cainlirlc No G'l ' , ll'iu ' ; Ucst Yet , O'JC ! Itiillupr > lotli X.4'xjes Cabot , " ei rii tCalli'icrriiitnf ( ; tliohonm , Oe : Illll bcinptor Idoin , be : llnuMkuonei , M-io ; K'lncl'hlllp cambric , lOe. Unndon ( ' II , i "sc ; l.oiiiilulo , Do ; Uinsiulp laiiibrle , 10Cj } Now YoikMUK Ilt-iOak lawns. ; c- . \VilANS--Net-Thistle ( , r.V" Hcil Cross , 7c. t'KAsii bteens' II , Hi In , .Vte ! StOM'ns' 1) ) , IS In , lie ; Slovens' A , 10 In , in , itc\ons \ * I' , 18 In ; 7\ci Stotens" M. 18 lnti' t'i t-totens' > . ' . ' 0 In , 8'zO ! Stevens' NX. i In , D'f ' ; btc\uiisbUTai In. ll'Sc ' ; blc'iK'bcd , luextrii I'niN'rs I'liiielcs Kdili'itoiie , fl'iei Ptiel IllMr , ( ic : Kuinauo. 4'H'I b > t. I.edKtr , 5"e , Shlitltif Murllu 'ashlinlon , 4'4c ' ; .Mcril- niiiclf , 434C. Tuikcy Heds roniitiiln , CJicj ( Jarnor , 7ei Crunflulcf.D'ji'i ll < 5rlln , ( i'ic lltAVV ItllOMN COTTO.Vh-Atllllltlo A , 75JC ! Atlintlc 11 , 7cj Atliintlu DtlJ c , Atlantli- , Cc ; Auroiii C , 4'4c : lluck's lieiul. 7e ; t'uhoL tf , Oiac : Un plliiKton , G ic.rapincrs' ' No. 1. 4 > iQ4Hci lloo'tler M , , .r > Vic ; Iiiill'in lic.id , 7'tc ' ; J-awrente hUfi'.iu ; lleniletta liU5 > tc. fc-in.iTisis ( AMI PIM.OVV OASINOS Hrown- Nut-l'cvpuicll , 43-1 n , lli'iUslVppcioll.M. ISe ; I'epperoll , 0-l.Mc ; t'eppcrcll , 10K'ic ) ! Utlia , 48-ln , i : > eiUtlc.i,5H-ln , 17'Jc : Utlcu , 7J-ln. t'tc : Utlca , M-ln , 20c : Utlc.i. IW-ln. Se'ie. ' llloaolied > el I'eppoull , 4'J-ln. lOUc ; 1'eppoiell , 4ln ( , HHc ; I'cppjrt'll , G-4 , Iju ; IVppiri'll. 8-4 , Stle ; 1'uppeioll , t-4.s."Jo ) ; I'onpcrell. 13-4.i.c ; UtUo , & -4a4c ; Utlca , 9-4 , ' e ! L'tlcn. lu-l.L'Kc. S . \nios keiK , Glj ; Aii.oske IR dress , 8'4c ! Hntcs , ( i'ic ' ; A\.in\kk \ dress , 7'ic ; Lan caster , O'iC ' ; Glcnalie , O'aCiWlilttenUon drtss , i'litxra-Tndlitobliic Net Martha AVashlnu ton , 3'jCj Aineiican , G'ttx Arnold , GUc- : Ar nold II , loin ; cloth. IDC ; Stlfel A.im ? ; Morrl- ni ne , 7-8 , llc ) ; ( lold l.iaf , h'ic ' ; Hamilton. 5'e ; Allen rinks , ( i'lc ' ; Alltsn CluiuliMy , Wi Gloii cester. r > ' , c ; llartol.l'ic. t'oi.oiiniMiiairsCro ( n , 4'ic ; lied Star , 4'-jC ! Uollcd Clovei.Sc ; Slater , i'tc ; high col ors , Ic uMra. 1IFNIMS Nct-Ainoskeae , 0 oz , I.1 ! * ; York camlet. 12c ; KturiMI , standard , l ' c ; Huy- ninkur'siic ) ; Old Yoik , .XX , I0'e ' ; J.HVIUIKC , ttJU , l.tVie ; hiiuiuncc , i ) o , IJ'/ic ; fancy utrlpcs und chocks. 111,0 ConosuiKs-Yoik Nnnkln , W'jo ; Kveittt , S-oz. Ito ; Luulstou. ID-o/ , ' . " 'Ijc ; fforkiiiinufrt : , 14 C. , TallimI3to. . , . -.M ) TAltow-rccn salted hides. > o. 1. hei > v.fi'i ' © ! > 4c r\n , I , ll.-ht , d'i ' © ( JVi No 2 , llsht , .V3.Vtc ; diy Hint hides , 7'ito ' So ) cu If hides , 75i'Jc ! ( I n mused lililos , l'ao lt ° s ; shiop pill , K'neii. each , JJcfl'i.i ; bhcou pelt , diy , pui Ib , loaue. TAI.MIW A Xo. I , 4'JC ! No.2 , IPjc ! lto.H't&li * ; jell . -l3'l < . % : ste.ulne , ( ) 'se lliiM-s-U notations are tor dollvory in Chl- CIIKO Dry buiralo , PIT ton. SliIOJQIs.OO ; dry country , bloaeheil. HO.OKJIXOI ) ; drycountry , damp and meaty. SfiOOftlOW. laiinbcr. IIOAiins No. 1 com , f JO.OJ ; > 'o. 2 com , $17.10 ; No. a com , $13(0 ( ; > 'o. 4 com , Sl'JSa. MmiMi' .No. 1 plain. 8 and 10 Inch , S1SOO : No.2 plain. Sand lulnoli. tlli.tHl ; Xo J plain , H and 10 Inch , til 00 ; 0. O. . Hindi , IfiOl'V. ' Ir.xiiNBluto \ I'lne No l , 4 nml 0 In , 12 and 14 fl.SUUiO ; No , . 4 and ( iln , 12 and lift. ill.iO : No. S. . and nln. l ft , ilOW ; No 3 , land 0 In , allluiiKth" . Jl.ldO. StlilNfl A , t..OO ' ; II , tiO.Vi C , JIG 00 ; t ) . SI300. ri.oouiMl Uhlto I'lue-A and It , JCJ.UO : D , KIOJ ; O.it-'r.OO ; H , tIT.SO. brocK IIOAinis .No. 1 common , 12 and H ft , ? JODO ; W ft , iW.OO ; Xo. - ' coniinon , lianil lift , SH ! 10ft , $17.00. CEIMMI No. 1 white.In ( , $ .11.50 ; No. 1 hard 1'lno. VIn. 4115 ! ) : o. l h ml pine , 51-ln , S21.UO ; No. 1 hind pine , 7 -ln , f2 ,00. IIATTBNSnTt 'IflllMl , 1'lCkKTS-O G , l)1t , S'rlii. ' TOc ; 'iX'lc ' SH. ! a' ; : i-ln w oil tubing , D..M.und Ilov. tam- pickets , U. , t H. ll.it. S.'iOO ; 1) ) . II. MI , it.'I.OO. ' lloAinis Aanil U , 12-ln , $1200 ; D , 18- . vr.i ) RnoriNO N ol common Kliltoplnc. 15 , 14 and IG ft , JIU.Wi No. I common V pine , 12 , Hand Hi ft , JKOO. I'oi'i.ut CiKAic.I-ln , nil widths , SJI.OO ; clear i-ln. all widths , W30 , DIM I\MOMI : lift- lift IU ft lift Wft ? i ft 24 ft 2x4 . $1100 81100 31103 $1000 till 00 JI7 .TO ilS ( HI 2\0. . 1300 1500 11 OJ II ! 00 W ( K ) IS 00 Is M 2\8 . H OJ 11 00 11 00 ] § 00 111 00 H ( ) ( IIS SO 2\IO. 1500 1500 15 00 MO 00 11100 18 OH Ih 50 2\U. 10 CO 16 CO 1(1 ( 00 ITtX ) 17 00 19 00 19 00 4\ltO 8\h 10 00 1000 MOD 'I ! 00 1300 10 00 W OO \ " . I'I.NK I.-IOIIUMI t'lear. 4 und ( iln , S.'I.OO ; star. 4and Gin , J2200 : rft ) saved. Paoo e.-vtru. ri.vi8iiiN i , WHITI : l't > t istiind : 'il ' clear. 1 In , f.10.00 ; 14 , Hi and 2 111 , fc.UOO ; rtdele.ir , 1 In. taoOl'i. ' l'i IUKI2 in. SluH ( ) ; AfeliCMl , lu. SI..OO ; l'i. l'i ' anil 2 InJl'J.tl ) : H reluct , I in , H.OilU , I'iiindS In. Dii.uo ; U bcltct , 1 hi , Jll.dO ; l'i ' , l'i mill 2 In , PisisiiiNd. VKt.unv I'LVE Clear. Iln. , JJO.OO ; ] i4. 1'inndSln. . S.TiM ; ( iir. , , * ; ( ) . hiliM.KK. I.ATii-K.xt inXAX , , * ! ? . "i ; htimd- ard. AAX , J..no ; Oln. , f2"J ' : 3 In. , i'JUO ; .No. 1 , JI20 ; Cedar , VAX , $ -.7.1. I'OSTij Whlto fidor Uliij , ijS. , ! 2lJo ; 0 In. Kir , . U'c ' ; 5 > iln. . 'iS. , llc | ; > In , lie ; 4 to 5 In. , round ; liliic ; onk , tpllt , o ; rcdcudar. 15e. Sasli , W ) pu'ccntdoM-iO ! per cint ; lillnds. 40 percent ; inoiildliiKS l'Vj ' orcunt i llnu > , t-Oc ; h.ilriJc : eoiiKsnt , Ainorlqaii , Jl.WJ ; cement. 1m- poitc'd.ll.noi plaster , ar..rtr siraw board , I1.UO ; lar board. JI.U ) ; tnr fell , } -.40 , ni.ocKTiX"Sniallpl8 , aoo per Ib ; bar , 'Wo per II ) , L'oi'i'Kii I'lnnislied tioller sizes. , 'Elo per Ibs cold rolled.Uie pcrlb ; theutlng. 3ftopcr Ibi pit and tints , : ilo per Ib. UAI.VANI/IO SIIIKT "Inox Discount f > 0-IO per cent ; pat. plan. Iron , .Nos. Slancl 27 , A , ID'ic ; TUNl'LATE-I. 0. , 10i54 , 87.5) ; I , X. , 10.\1J , TIN I > iA.Tt-Coko. : 14\50 , 112 K1.73 , STKn\Vini : NAII.S Hasc. JibJ. .UoiiriNci-Uhurcual. I.C. , 1K30 , 112 , J100 ; I , ' ' ' Hm'iTr'lllON JJn.20 , tt.50 ; > 'o. 27. M.OJ. HouiiKit Mrlclly bait and half , bo. hTKfl. N'AII.S Iliffe. I.'S3. Willt Jup. barb , JJ. > \ Kal. , t3.b5 , Tito XcliraHlcn Ai > plo Crop. If report ? are to bo bcllovcil tlio anplo crop Is short In most pcctloiu of the country this ictison. "Uiuler such , circumstances it Is very gratlfyiiiK to learn that in some counties of Nebraska tliero Is a very fair crop or apples Of fulr Duality. Cass county tispeclallj- ero\\n \ n pooil mnny npplc . Ono flrtnat PluttMiiouth , White t IHiu'V , hnvcputtip H.OOO barrels of sucli choloo vnrlctlcn as tlio .Icnlton , llca D.irlt , Tompklaa , County ICtnp , iTohnathaa. otc. They hnvo Uwctl the build- IIIK formerly uwl IM a rannlni ; factory und ntxs usltiR It for packing nml f * tor ! UK such ap ples as they do not sell at once. so vrn OJMJM A i : irs. St. Acnes Scliool Itoll of Honor. At the close of the first month oC St. Antics pnrochlal school , tlio Slst"rs of 1'rovl- tloiico nnnottncoSOS pupils cnrcllcil , carotl for by six teachers. The roll o honor conslstsof Misses Kmmcllna Hitplic < , Mary UnlToily , ICatlo Jluloaby , Murtlis Mikulstl , Anna Hcncr , ICIU Dcacy , Ocrtruclo Moagnolo uiul Anna Ocml. 3n Christian doctrine , Miutcrs .Tosenh FltjpiUvkk tvcclveil 100 , Walter Mtirphy. 1X ( ) | Joseph Carroll , W ) ; 1'rnnk Mulr , W. nml Misses IJbbloDwycr anil ARIICS Klchols , 09 each. Itnnvii HUH .Vot Upon Here , * Jacob llrown , whoso dlsajipeaninco Jroin his homo TJI5 Korth UlglitccHth street , Oimlin , last l-'rltlaysnyinif ho ivas coming to thlscltyto collect it # tl bill front 1CUarcl \ Bi'osnitiaii , has not been in this city as for as inn bo ascertained. Mr. DroMillinii says that ho formerly boarded with .Mr IJtoivn amlycL owes hlni ft ) borrowed money , but tluit Mr. Brow n IIIM not been to sco him nor does ho know that Mr. Brown lias Lccu in the city lately. _ Mi ml on trie 1'applo. " \Vhiloa \ patty \\as liuiitltignctir SteKti * island Sunday Ilarilwnreimn Jk'Danlcls oC lids city ilrovo his horse In the I'.ipplo . to wnlor. The nnitnal got inlt-cil in the qtilek- snnd und would IMVO ilfowned hail It not been for the timely arrival ot Herman. ICo- bortof this city , who hltchcil Ins horse to thetail of the bcmlrcduninul und huulcil him out. At tlic I'olnt ul'a Hevolx-r. Sunday night nn unknown mnn prosing along Tucntyllfth street tnlhtooU the conver sation between Jolin .T. O'Brien and Edward H. PolLuil asrofcirlnjr to him , nml becoming itucnscd , dreivu levolvcr nml atteinptcJ to shoot tuo latter , who w.w the neatest ono to him. I'ortunatoly the tfim did nototploJo. Notes Alioitt tlio Oily. A son has been born uuto Mrs , Frank J. Shelany , U' . RSiiRols much better and has been removed to his residence Q unit Twenty-sixth streets. Mrs. Benjamin will deliver a temperance Icituroln Llio Muhoilist Knlscoiul "clmrch Tlmrsd.iy ovcnhiK. I'reaiJent. .laslt nick iiiinouiiros nmeotliiK of the personal ilcrhtsloasjuo in Bloom's opera hoiibo Ihursdiy cveniiij } . The lloheinl.in doniocnitloclub held nn im portutit incclliiB Sunday afternoon and ur- rangeilto huic all cligiblo J3ohctnlans to bo naturullzcd. .VIout II. B. Lee has returned to Manning , la. William C IJuckloy lias gene to Chicago. ( J. NY. Da\ls has returned fiotnChiUicothe , Io. U'illlam JCcicp of Folsotnla. , \lslting his iiaelo , Joseph New comb. MNsCnrrla Evcre of Independence , la , is visiting her brother , John P Kvcn. Oloro Williams , son of Major W. L. Wil liams , aftcx'im ubscneo till summer , has re turned , Mr. and JM. ! OorgcW. Murrott-and Mr. nnd > Irs. J ohu AVhito have returned from Sioux City. Miss Anna Ilumpal of Atkinson is visiting her sister mid brother-in-law , Mr. and Mrs IVanHJ. Slielnny , Mr. young of Miadcn \lsitliii ? hU son , .l.icob-1' . Vounjr , nmt daughter and bon-ln- liuv , Wr. and Mrs. Gcergo II Brewer. MevlamesJ. T Vatulorpoolof Hay Springs nnd J. I\ Morris of Culc.uro are vlsitiiiirtlmir parents , Air. nndMrs. rnuicis McJJride A. II Lee , representing the Union stock- jnrdscomiiauy in Iowa , Minnesota and Mil- souri , nna J. It. Witiiiovv , in the Nebiaskn , Knnsns and South Dakota , nro at the ji\rd . Cook's ' Extra Dry Imperial ChampaKiio is better , healthier and purer than the imported article. It has adelifhtfulboauet. "CASIl'AIC.MXC CROOK. " An ldltor ! Causes Suspension of tlic I'nIilU a i MI so Entitled. "CnmpalRning1 with Ciook , " a volutno writtea by ( Juntiiin Kinj ; , U. S. A. , and published by lltirpet' Urothowonly afcw months itgo , hsw been called in by tlio publisher ? , at tlio dcnmml of Hnelwn 13. Davenport , editor of thoMurnliiK' Jfews of tills city , SHJS a Now Yoik di8iatch [ to tlio Globe-Democnxt. Mr. Dnvciipoit says that certain portions of the boolt are llbolous , nnd ho has notified tlio pub- llhhcts that ho proposes to luke stops to imnish the author nnd publisher. The local newsdealers hiivo suspended tlio sale of tlio publication at the request of Harper Urothers. The portion that Mr , Ihivenpoit declares lo bo libelous is in the twonh-flfth eh.ipter , In this chsvp- tor Captain King refers to JMitor Dav enport : , who accompanied General Crook uscorrosnondoutof tlio Now Yoik Iler.ild , us one of tlio mo t unhappy n-retchoson the fate of the globe. Kinjp & : iys that Davenport first sip- ] ) omcd sis a w.ir oorrcsiiondent in Colonel nel Dodge's exploring expedition to the Black IIIlls , and soon ilovclopeil traits of chiiriutor that m.ido . him boma'ulmt of a nuisance. Captaia King- says Davcn- poft was woefully green and n dospornto coward. Ono day the olllcors fotind him taking notes of their conversation , and nlfeO detected him prying Into matters tluitwot'oin a naliu'Q uonlldcntlnl. Ono night , to pay himoll for hisinriuisituo- ncss , they nearly frightened him to death by preparations ofdefensoaaJ the announcetnont that the cooing- mil woo ing1 of an army of wood doves \\era the dontli chants of the liuinlrcds of squti\\s , us the warriors woio &U'ipnlng for the combat. The only railroad train out of Otnahn , rtinoxpressly for tlio accommodation of Omaha , Council llluffs , Dos Moincs and GhicaffO business is the Hook Island vobtlbulcd lliaitoil , leaving Omnha at 4:15p. in. daily. Ticket oillco 1CO.J , Six teenth and Furnain sts. Omiha. for n J > iHlr > uati > ( l NcoVc. The jury in tlio case of Leonard Mnt- thcws stgiiinbt thoC'hiciigOit Alton rail road returned a verdict in favor of Mat- the 's ami allowed him ? 10,000 damages , bixjs a. Illooinlng'ton , 111. , bpm-inl to the GlobeDemocrat. . Matthews bucdtoie- coMjr diimngcb lota di&locuted neck. Last spiinjr hovas n freight bralceman on the Chicago Ic Alton rail road , and wtts stvui'k 1)y a "bridgont Joliet , knocked off and claimed that his neck vaa dislo cated. Ho claims that the inilway coin- piiny was llnblo bocatbo it wsisusinj , ' a special car , ono that was four foot liiyhoi1 than the standard cur , nnd that the bridge was not of a stillieiont hoitflit to admit of the use of oars of this height , Matthews claims that his neck was dislocated and that a part of the veite- br.o presses against the spinal cord and is liable to cntibo his death at any time. Ho wears a casing ofiron and strap's which holds his head stationary. Ilo tnied for $20,000 , and recovered half that bum. The niho will bo appealed to the fauproino court. nnil Ijl\cr I'llN. An Importnnt discovery. They act on the liur , btoiniich nnd lovveh tliiouih tlio nerves. A new princiiilu. They speedily euro biliousness , biil , taste , toipiil liver , piled and constipation. Splendid for men , women nnd children , Snnllest , mildest , burost , JJO doses for 45 cents , Samples free ut ICtflin & Co.'s , 16th nnd Douglas , Joliii Ward I'uvDi's John MoiitgomorVard , president of tlio lirotherliood , biiidtliU ovciiinglhat liohad full fnlth in tliu fntuio of the Brotherhood , but at tlio HIUIIU tinio ho \\ab heartily in fuvor of u coinpi-omlt'o GENUINE IMPORTED , .jnilipition Aid ) Digestion . Correct } Acidity .Naturcjtwr ) Remedy- BEWABt OF IMITATATIONS 7-\ GRAY'S SPECIFIC Pnlnlnlho Puck , Iilmnos or Vlilon. rrfmnttirc OM AE < . Ml minf otlirr < II'0 ! C3 that Irml to Inmnity ( , r Cftnnitnptlon nnd a premature Krnvo , tr hill vatllcului In our immplilut , nlilrli we do- Ire ( n icmlfK-o liimnll topvcrrono. | f TlicSpt - clilc McillrtnoH olJ at ft per iiaoknuo , or ( * lti'nek ' "io fcr t.V , cr will bo sr > nl Jrco bf mn'.l on reufpt of luo aionef. bj ndOroMtiK TUE GOODMAN DRUG CO. , llto PAIWAM SniKivr , OMAHA , N'icn. Ontccount tif countortflt * wo Imvo ailojitoJ tu Ttlloir vrrut'i'Or ' , tuoonly eomilno IM SrA'EllB CCL'CHS OH COLDS DiF. . C. Werner's ' COUGH DROPS Are highly recommended after seven years of UK-cessful experience by the Dreibus & Co. Kopp , > . , STIAM : UOUFHUTIO KUS , 1 1 06 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Sold everywhere , oo per packitgo , Send WEAK WOMEN S.\\o Voitf-cho' ' . > or\o llcaiis nlllcnro virnk bulk , l.it > o n ny tluit eUiuiny tlinl fi'Cllnit , tiitnimrviiiMii3cliiiiii < lloii pu * n ) i < Ih jr ur clH-cks , lirltlitoii vuur ou' KlVMUii lion-life 111111,1 tlonaiipolllt1. inaku > iu luri'ol.l . UHIO uttt.ii tlvo A1 > ! iiiliilil > liirlnli" : " < . Min * tl n lov. | w lpi 11 rrtii'lilotfroi' ' .NKItVl ! IIKAN Ci BurTiilo V r Niltl Iiv ( looilm in IH'iiH I'n IIIO l'iiriiiiu - ( Ouinln , * * * * * S2 $ SeSs DiurttijUric5 ( ° lv nt- 0. B MOORE A CO. . ACEMS /T\L "TdSTTTTT ' " rplilun llntill fl B Jlr jL t J JM/Lcur.dlnl ( > to2lll j-i \ Jr Hopiytlllcaroil DS. J 8 with the National losiyiio people , iiyh a Chicago ( lisitL'h ) tothoGlobo-Ooinoofji1. "I can lull ion notliln-j ot the prob.i bilities for a cotnprotniso at present , ' snid ho , "but some eH'orl with th.tt end inIov will bo made. " "What do jou bivy about a ne\v tialionnl ttgreomciit ? ' ' "I am In favor of one conltiininjr pro- viblonuvhich \ woulil piotccttho jiiaycrs ofcauhof the or ani/.allons from all tliu other ot'giini/iitiot ) ' ' ; a uniform code of rules ; an interchange of jjames , and , in deed , any number of things that would provo for the benolit of the plnyers and thocallalibt ] ) < < . \roultl I lil < o to eobOlllo bitllsfautory ditufto Ihcro in which would meioly cover the much tlUptttcd qucv tion of tlio v oriel's championship nt , the end of the regular placing b Mrs. Winslo\v's SootliiiiK S\rui \ > lor olill- ilren toctliiuj ; rests tlio child and oiuforls the mother. 23c u bottle. One Thousand Itlf ; The Ohicafjo Tribune recently gave the number of families InQuebec jn'ox-inco then entitled to the hundred nercti of rown hind \\hiulitho \ Quebec government presented to every family coinpiibingu tlo/.un or mora olillilren. The Hst ia no - eomplcto , and it appears tluit no fewer than 1,000 heads of families luivu sent in certificates to the effect th.it they lia\o at least twelve children , and will consequently quently enter into possessian of not IOSB than 100,000 acres of the provincial da man. The 1,000 fiimilies represent a pop ulation of ir > ,000 , and botne of the claims sent to the dopaitincntat Quobee , sio\v \ that fcoveral families are. composed of twenty-two living children , and others of fourteen , si.xton and twenty , The lipads of the families themselves will not take up thiH land , whii'h is for the most part loculQil in the Lake St. John district , but the lots will probably bo given to younger members iti'i'luulturul tastes. 1002. Sixteontn anu Farnam streets Is the now Ltock Islnud ticket ollleo. Tick ets to all points east at lowest rates. Tried toSnurllluc Her Infant Son. Mrs , Nancy Sullivan , a member of llio North Sitlo 1'rosbyterian cnapel , recently cently baoamo unusually doumt , says a Springfield , O. , Hpeehil to the Chicago Tribune tSlio has been sitting up nearly all night reading the bible and logins blcop doHpito the expostulations of rela tives. This morning she developed into a ravliif , ' maniac and placed her little slx-niontlis-old son on a rude altar to s.ierillco . him after tlio style of Abraham and Jsaae. While she wan hunting for a butcher knife relatives opportunely en tered the room and overpowcted lior. She deelarcd she had been commanded to inako the sacrillce and said she \\antcd to wash bur hands in the bltiod of the lamb. She was adjudged iiiMino this afternoon and will betaken to tlio Dayton insane asylum , When the hnir shows sipns of fulling , be- gln iitonco to use Ajcr's llnlr Vlpor. This IiropiuationstiviiKthcus the scalp , promotes llio Kiwvthof new lialr , restores the natural color to gray ami failed hair , and rcnucis it Buft , pliant and glossy. ; HniolicloHs Coal In t'auaila. The tests of the smokeless coul of the C'anmoro mine , Northwest Torritoryure loportcd by tiiotwar ship Amphion , now In port , perfectly withfactory , says a ( VancouvorB. C. ) special to the Chicago Tribune. An admit ally ollleor Is now on his ; \ay lioro with a view of making Vancouver a naval coaling Ktatlon , which me.ins also the removal lieio of the naval yards now at A M lil 111 I'.vcry lloitli. To the Chic if'o , Mllwa-ilcoo - k St. Paul railway belong the credit of buinjj llio first In tlio country to reduce the imitlor of electric litfhtlny of trains to buluntlllo norfeelion. Ono of tliu novel features introduocd in the bleeping c.irn Is a patent electric reading lamp in each section. With this luxurious nroviblon reading at night before and after retir ing1 becomes as comfortable as by day , andwhon retiring the toilet may bo made in comfort and seclusion. 'The berth reading lamp in the Pullman Bleeping cai-ri run on the Chicago , Mil- wauKco A ; St. Paul railway , l > otweon Omaha and Chicatjo , Is pa'tented , and cannot bo used by any other railroad company. It IH tliu gicutosl improve ment of the nfo. | Try It and bo con vinced. Sleeping cars leave the Union 1'aclflo dwpot , Omaha , at (1:10 : p. in. dully , arriv ing ut Chicago at : : iOa. in. Scuura tickets and Hloaiiing ear ho r tin at Union Ticket ollleo , loOl Farnam at root ( H.irkor Block ) , Omalia. J. I ! . PitiihTO.v , R A. NAHII , Pubs. Agent Gcn'l ' ArouU ( Omaha Manufacturer Ilootn nml Shoos. IHIIKENDALL , JONES A CO. , Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoe ] Acenti for notionllnhbrr Chno Co , ltd , 1101 unit Uty llr\ru r bitcd , Onmlin , Neb. STORZ l ILKH , Lager Beet Brewers , 1MI Ncrth ISth Btrrct , Umntin , .Veh. Coriiloe. EAQL.E COHNICK WOHKS , Mannfacliircrs of Gilvanl/cil / Iron Corniq Window ci > p nnil nictnlliUkjrlUliK John iiu : proi'tlotor. IU8 mnlllOHouUi IQlh tnvl ArtlHtH' MntcrlulN. A , HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 15H DoiiRlnji Street , Onishn , Nob. Cofil , Coke , OMAHA COAL. , COKE AND LIMK CO , , Jobbers of Hard and Soil Coal , ft. B. Cor 16th and Douslas Slrrcts , Omnhn , Nch. BKAN , AHMSntONa it CO. , Wholesale cigars , CTN. IflliVtrpel "llcllol" II1B. Dry Goods itiul NotluiiH. M. E. SMITH If CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Hoods and Notion * Corner II III nmt Huwnnt Street' KILPATKIC1WCOOH DHY GOODS CO./ Importers and Jobbers in Dry ( loortS ) Ucnti1 l'urnl rjln ( Joe < l < Corner lllti nna Iturue ) Mlrecti , Umnlin , Kct > . Furniture. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , rirnuin Street , Omnlin , Noliriuka. CIIAHI/E3 8HIVEHTC1C , Finiiitiire. Oinnlin , Grooi'Hei. MoCOnD , nilADY ic CO , Wholesale Grocers , Ijlli nndLonvi > nw rtti 8tri-i'l Omntm , Nobrnikn , lltU. Q. "W. DOUGLAS & CO. , Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , Yard 1310 N lull St. , Omnlix JOHN A. WAKUFIKM5 , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , lite. loportail anil Anivrlran Pnrllnml Cuinent Bt t tfentfor MlUiiiikiw lt > .liiiullo Coiuent , > nd Qiilncr vlillo l.lmo. CIIAS. U. LKE , Dealer In Hardwood Lumber. Wood oarnola nnrt 1'nrqunt lloorlna 9th Onmlm , Nobrnikn. FRED W OR EY Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Corner ! > lh nml Don Klin Street" , Onuhn. Millinery nml Notions. I. OHEUFKLDEIl & CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , M3 , 210 and 212 South It tb itreot. Notions : J. T. nOHINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 1121 Unrlicjr ulrrnt , Onnha. OIlH. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle ireajio , etc. , Onnlm. A II Illihop , Mannccr. 1'npor. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Ctrrr a D ) : etock ot inlntlnK. wrnpplnx and writing r. Hpcclul nttcnttun glron to card paper. SnfeH , Kto. A. L. DEANE &c CO. , Uoncnil AKcnn zor Halls' Safes , t31 und 321 Bou th lUlh St. , Omnha. lays , lite. U. HAUDY E CO. , Jobber ! of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Gopfls , Iloune l"urnlll"B ( louds. ChlMrcn't C rrl > 8oa. 1300 tnrniiiii street , Omaha , Neb. Wnter Supplies. U. 8. WIND ENGINE ft PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , nhul inllli 018 ind KOJones ik , Oinal * U K Hos , Actliilt Iron " \Vorks. PAXTON & VIEULINO IRON WORK3. Wronght and Cast Iron Building Vforfc , Engines , linus work , nonernl { ouinlry. lunclilnouuj tlackamltli work Olllco nmlvnrki , U. i' . Itf nlidlTt'.i slruct , Uui.illil. OMAHA SAFE It IRON WORKS , Mani'rs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Vuulti , jail work , Iron ilmttors and lira o'rnpcs. U. Androcni > rop'r. Cor lull .vidJacliion Bti. , Doors , Etc. M. xnisBnow & co. , Wboleialu manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Bruch offlco , IZttmnd Iiard streets , Cnmtm , Nob. Qoxit.li UNION STOCK YAHD3 CO. , 01 South Omalia. Limited. NEBRASKA. National Bank U. B. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital. - - - - $4OOOOO SurptusJan. 1st , 1800 - B7.5OO ODIcor nnd lllrcctorc-Itonrj'W. Valri , Vreildentj L liS llMil , Vlci-I'r < ; > li1oiif JnmeiW HuTJtfov , V. Mono. John 8. Culllni , U. U. Cuibliu , J , N. 9 , 1'Btrlok , W. 11. B. ilunUei , oojlilcr. THIS IRON BANK. Corner 12lli and Faroam SH. A General ll.iDkliii ; Uualueas Trunnuetod. AVe Offer for Sale. Four tlioimnd tons cluilco llalnl IIuv F 0 ll.enrx , blniiixn'x Billing , diitoii or llninloll Htntlom , nn O. M. & HI. 1' . It. It. , lu lot * lu Hall imrclmscri prlcos regulatol by tlu niirkjf ( Jullaiul HOD us. STRANGE BROS , , SIOUX OITV IOWA. IniS Kot-cH IbfRlfdLu l FKOU THR Great Western Type Foundry , Howard St. OMAHA , TO'WEAK"DMEN BultrrlnK fmtn Uio ftrc'cu ut yuulliful i rrorn , rtrlr 4er > y. wntlnit xrnUnru , lotl IIIMIIIK | | , do ,1 will EriKl n TOlunuli ) Iri'tttlw ( lu-ntiill ivmlnllilns full rurllculnri fur home cur * . Fit I ! I ! of rliun" . A. Iili ml | i | nmllral wiirki ihuuia IM trad l > y rierjr nun vrltn It ncTTniin ami lUtillltAtnl , Xildrvu. Vtof. I'.C. JL'OWLKU.iUouduc.C'ouu *